Minutes 03/12/2018 MINUTES OF MEETING
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Cedar Hammock Community Development
District was held on Monday, March 12, 2018 at 3:00 PM at Cedar Hammock Clubhouse, 8660 Cedar
Hammock Boulevard,Naples,Florida.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
Thomas Cook Chairman
Gary McClellan Vice Chairman
Norman Day Assistant Secretary
Quentin Greeley Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
Justin Faircloth District Manager
Sam Marshall District Engineer
Ralph Verrastro Bridging Solutions
Tom Read Cedar Hammock Golf&Country Club
The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the March 12, 2018 Cedar
Hammock Board of Supervisors meeting.
Mr.Cook called the meeting to order and Mr.Faircloth called the roll.
o Mr. Faircloth added under Old Business, Consideration of Resolution 2018-05, setting the budget
public hearing.
On MOTION by Mr. Greeley seconded by Mr. McClellan with all in favor
the amended agenda was approved.
o John Kawa thanked the CDD Board for getting the information out about the meeting and supporting
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Acceptance of Resignation
o Mr. Cook noted since the prior Board meeting, Mr. Minamyer resigned from the Board of
Supervisors and sent a letter of resignation.
March 12,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
Mr. McClellan MOVED to accept Mr. Minamyer's letter of resignation and
Mr.Greeley seconded the motion.
o Mr.Minamyer was thanked for his time on the Board and for all his efforts.
On VOICE vote with all in favor the prior motion passed.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Presentation by Vinyl Bulkhead Company and
Norman Day
A. Hole#16 Probing Results
o Mr. Steve Culp of Everlast Walls, a partner with Everlast Synthetic Products, introduced
himself and gave a presentation on vinyl wall products.
o Mr. Culp spoke about Mr. Carl Hazenberg, Engineer, designs for the Navy, cities, for
governmental agencies;he is licensed in 14 states.
Let the record reflect,Mr. Culp left the meeting.
A. Bridges Report
o Mr. Cook noted at the last meeting Mr. Ralph Verrastro of Bridging Solutions, submitted a
report which included some safety items which we felt needed to have done as soon as
possible. Then we will talk about other work that had to be done within one to two years.
o Mr.Verrastro provided plans on replacing all deck boards, including specifications of all the
o He noted the bridges here are only good for 2 tons. The standard design are usually 5 tons,
but these are only good for 2 tons. He recommends replacement of the bridges.
o If we pull all decking off and all rails off,we should put in all new stringers.
o The bridges are salvageable for ten years. If we rebuild the bridges with new stringers and
decking now,we would get 20 years out of them.
o Target date for completion would be 2028.
o Mr.Faircloth noted before we give Mr. Verrastro directions,because we are paying him one
time for this,and if we have to come back and do something again,there will be another fee
for that. Right now, we paid for him to design plans and he has 90%plans designed. The
next portion of that plan, is for him to provide specifications and do bidding. If we are
planning to change anything,now would be the time to discuss that. Once we get bids now
and the bids come back,we will act on those bids.
o It will be one bid with two options.
March 12,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
o Mr. Faircloth clarified that Mr. Verrastro will go back with the plans he has and get bids for
repairing all the bridges and the decking at 40% of the stringers and then also alternative
price of 100%of the stringers,utilizing the ice and water shield as well as another design and
specification. You anticipate bringing this back at the April meeting.
o Mr.Verrastro noted we usually give the contractor three weeks.
o Mr.Verrastro noted Mr. Todd Legan has worked with Travis Pritchard of Artistic Structures
before on bridges at another property. He would like to make sure they are included in the
o In the summer of next year,there will be a six-week shutdown. Maybe the bridge work can
be performed during that shutdown. It starts June 10 through July 15th of 2019. If necessary,
because of rains,the date could be moved to May of 2019.
o The Board decided they want to get the bids in time for the May 21st meeting.
Immediate Safety Repairs
ii. Other Repairs Required
Not Applicble.
Let the record reflect,the Board took a five-minute break.
The meeting reconvened.
Let the record reflect,Mr.Marshall and Mr. Verrastro left the meeting.
B. Review of Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2019
o Mr. Cook stated this budget is holding the non-ad valorem assessment at the current level at
o Discussion ensued regarding the process of either leaving the assessments the same or
increasing the assessment.
o Mr.Day stated the District has major expenses coming up and suggested having an increase.
o Further discussion ensued regarding the budget as it relates to the projects that needs to be
done within the community.
o Mr. Faircloth informed the Board by June 15, 2018 the budget must be submitted to the
County and by September 15,2018 a final budget must be adopted.
o Discussion ensued regarding the process for the assessment increase.
o Currently, the Board felt they do not have enough information to make a reasonable
judgement about increasing assessments at this moment in time.
o The Board has to be prepared to have a final budget in May.
March 12,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
o Discussion ensued regarding the bulkheads.
On MOTION by Mr.Greeley seconded by Mr.McClellan with Mr.Greeley,
Mr. McClellan and Mr. Cook voting aye and Mr. Day voting nay, the
proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2019 was accepted as presented.
C. Consideration of Resolution 2018-05 Setting the Budget Public Hearing
On MOTION by Mr. Greeley seconded by Mr. McClellan with all in favor
Resolution 2018-05 approving the Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 and setting
the setting the public hearing was adopted.
A. Consideration of Resolution 2018-03 Confirming the District's Use of the Collier County
Supervisor of Election to Continue Conducting the District's Election of Supervisors
o Mr. Faircloth informed the Board this resolution states Collier County will continue
conducting the District's Election of Supervisors.
On MOTION by Mr. Greeley seconded by Mr. Day with all in favor
Resolution 2018-03 confirming the District's Use of the Collier County
Supervisor of Elections to Continue Conducting the District's Election of
Supervisors in Conjunction with the General Election,was adopted.
B. Organizational Matters
i. Appointment of Supervisor(Seat 4)—Letters from Residents
ii. Oath of Office Newly Appointed Supervisor
iii. Resolution 2018-04,Designating Officers
o Mr.McClellan noted he would not be running for re-election.
o Three seats come up in the General Election in November; his seat, Mr. Cook's and Mr.
o Discussion ensued regarding the process for applying in the general election.
o There were three applicants for the Board, Mr. David Schmudde, Mr. Straub and Mr. Rupe.
The voting results were:Mr.McClellan and Mr.Day voted for Mr.David Schmudde and Mr.
Cook and Mr. Greeley voted for Mr.Jack Rupe. Since there was a tie,the Board resubmitted
their votes, with the same results. Mr. Schmudde withdrew his application. The Board
resubmitted their votes and the results were in favor for Mr.Rupe.
On MOTION by Mr. Cook seconded by Mr. McClellan with all in favor,
Mr. Jack Rupe was appointed to serve in Seat 4 for the unexpired term of
March 12,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
o Discussion ensued regarding the bulkheads.
On MOTION by Mr. Greeley seconded by Mr.McClellan with Mr.Greeley,
Mr. McClellan and Mr. Cook voting aye and Mr. Day voting nay, the
proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2019 was accepted as presented.
C. Consideration of Resolution 2018-05 Setting the Budget Public Hearing
On MOTION by Mr. Greeley seconded by Mr. McClellan with all in favor
Resolution 2018-05 approving the Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 and setting
the setting the public hearing was adopted.
A. Consideration of Resolution 2018-03 Confirming the District's Use of the Collier County
Supervisor of Election to Continue Conducting the District's Election of Supervisors
o Mr. Faircloth informed the Board this resolution states Collier County will continue
conducting the District's Election of Supervisors.
On MOTION by Mr. Greeley seconded by Mr. Day with all in favor
Resolution 2018-03 confirming the District's Use of the Collier County
Supervisor of Elections to Continue Conducting the District's Election of
Supervisors in Conjunction with the General Election,was adopted.
B. Organizational Matters
i. Appointment of Supervisor(Seat 4)—Letters from Residents
ii. Oath of Office Newly Appointed Supervisor
iii. Resolution 2018-04,Designating Officers
o Mr.McClellan noted he would not be running for re-election.
o Three seats come up in the General Election in November; his seat, Mr. Cook's and Mr.
o Discussion ensued regarding the process for applying in the general election.
o There were three applicants for the Board,Mr. David Schmudde, Mr. Straub and Mr.Rupe.
The voting results were:Mr.McClellan and Mr.Day voted for Mr.David Schmudde and Mr.
Cook and Mr.Greeley voted for Mr.Jack Rupe. Since there was a tie,the Board resubmitted
their votes, with the same results. Mr. Schmudde withdrew his application. The Board
resubmitted their votes and the results were in favor for Mr.Rupe.
On MOTION by Mr. Cook seconded by Mr. McClellan with all in favor,
Mr. Jack Rupe was appointed to serve in Seat 4 for the unexpired term of
March 12,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
o Mr.Rupe not being in attendance today,will be sworn in at the April meeting.
o Mr.Cook thanked Mr. Schmudde and Mr.Straub for submitting their applications.
C. Bridges and Bulkheads Presentation Package for March 19,2018
o Mr. Cook had put together information which follows with what Mr.McClellan had done for
the last meeting. Since this is an agenda item later in the meeting, they will vote for a
continuation of this meeting and reconvene at 2:00 p.m. one week from today an hour before
the Master Board. At that time, they will present this information at the continued meeting
for anyone interested in attending and finish before the Master Board needs the room.
o Mr. Faircloth stated in order to have a continuation of a meeting,you have to have a motion
to continue which states the date, time and place the meeting will continue and in order to
meet you have to have someone who is going to take minutes since he has been asked not to
attend this meeting. If they choose to record the meeting they become part of the record.
o Mr. Cook pointed out he knows information regarding vinyl siding was coming and he
wanted to make the following statement:
> The CDD will continue to look at all the options for bulkheads and be ready to modify
plans as conditions and new information become available.
o This is clearly a work in progress on the bulkheads.
o Mr.Cook discussed the Bridges and Bulkhead Package.
o The first available period is June 1, 2019 when there will be a six week shut down. This is
the only practical first window.
o There will be a continuation meeting March 19,2018 at 2:00 p.m.
o Mr. Faircloth noted there is no difference between a continuation meeting and a regular
meeting. However, you cannot add anything new to the agenda that is not currently on this
agenda today.
o Mr.Faircloth discussed two Change Orders from Bridging Solutions. At this time,the Board
wanted to hold off approving those.
A. Approval of the Minutes of the February 12,2018 Meeting with Exhibit A
o Several corrections were made to the minutes and they will be incorporated.
o The tape will be listened to again in order to hear exactly what was stated.
o The minutes will be approved at the continued meeting.
B. Financial Report
o The financials were reviewed.
March 12,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
o Mr.Day asked about the outstanding funds in the financials related to the paving projects. Only one
HOA was outstanding and the latest check received would be reflected in the next set of financials.
o Mr. Greeley noted the Board should get notices of advertised meetings. The Board requested Mr.
Read provide such information.
On MOTION by Mr. Greeley seconded by Mr. Day with all in favor to
make available to the Cedar Hammock general membership the approved
minutes of meetings once approved by the CDD Board as well as the
agendas for upcoming meetings and request that Mr. Tom Read's office
send them out.
C. Follow Up Items
o Mr. Faircloth discussed water testing. He received proposals from CPH and Cardno and gave
comments from Community Environmental Services.
o Mr.Faircloth will follow up with Mr.Marshall and ask him for recommendations
o Mr.Faircloth gave an update on FEMA application.
o The Board discussed bulkhead repair proposals.
o Mr. Day described a bid from Benton & Sons Construction Co. This company can install tieback
rods with Manta Ray for Hole#4 at a cost of$1,850.
o Discussion ensued on bulkhead repairs.
Mr. Cook MOVED to contract with Benton & Sons Construction Co. to
perform the repairs on Hole #4 as described in items #2 and #3 in their
quote and Mr.McClellan seconded the motion.
o The Board discussed the above including permits and a Certificate of Insurance.
On VOICE vote with all in favor the prior motion passed.
o Mr. Day discussed Everlast Synthetic Products. He asked them to give design specs for the walls
with the soundings.
o It was noted the Engineer from Engenium,Inc.will be in the District in about one week to a week and
a half, as well as Steve Culp, the Sales Representative. He would like a proposal for doing
engineering for Holes#4,#5,#16 and#17.
March 12,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
On MOTION by Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Greeley with all in favor
to complete a water quality test was approved.
There not being any,the next item followed.
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Communication to Master Board
There not being any,the next item followed.
TWELTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audit Committee Meeting
There not being any,the next item followed.
There not being any,the next item followed.
There being no further business,
On MOTION by Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Day with all in favor the
meeting was continued to March 19,2018 at 2:00 p.m.
Ju� Faircloth Tom Cook
S cretary Chairman
The continued session of the regular meeting of March 12, 2018 of
the Board of Supervisors of the Cedar Hammock Community Development
District was held on Monday, March 19, 2018 at 3:00 PM at Cedar
Hammock Clubhouse, 8660 Cedar Hammock Boulevard, Naples, Florida.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
Thomas Cook Chairman
Gary McClellan Vice Chairman
Norman Day Assistant Secretary
Quentin Greeley Assistant Secretary
Tom Read Cedar Hammock Golf& Country Club
The following is a summary of the discussions and actions
taken at the continued session of March 12, 2018.
Item #1...Call Meeting to Order
Mr. Cook called the meeting to order, noting that Mr. Greeley would
act as Secretary to take the minutes of the Meeting.
Item #2...Roll Call
Mr. Cook called the roll.
Item #3...Minutes of February 12, 2018
On MOTION of Mr. Day seconded by Mr. McClellan with all in favor
the minutes of the February 12, 2018 meeting were approved.
Item #4...Bridges and Bulkheads Status Report
Mr. Cook proceeded with the presentation on "Bridges and
Bulkheads" incorporating in his presentation the materials previously
reviewed with the CDD Board including (i) the January 15, 2018 letter from
the CDD to the Master Board of Cedar Hammock Golf & Country Club; (ii)
short description of Florida's Sunshine Law; (iii) information about
Bulkheads & current plans; (iv) status report on Bridges. The foregoing
materials as presented are attached to these minutes as Exhibit A.
Mr. Cook invited comments and questions from the audience of
residents in attendance:
An audience member inquired as to the time frame it would take to
install a bulkhead. Mr. Day responded that it would depend on the type of
material used e.g. on hole# 16 if timber or block were used it could take from
1 to 2 months for the work and the tee box, fairway & green would have to
be reconstructed which would mean a 5 month shutdown for that hole. In
addition he noted that a bulkhead using vinyl could be done totally from the
water without disturbing the course and the best estimate for timing would
be approximately 1 month with respect to the wall on #16 with a length of
375', during which time play could continue. On hole #4 and # 5 both walls
of which are over 900' in length, the time to construct would be longer given
the length, but in his opinion if a vinyl wall was selected, play on #4 could
continue once the installation on the front portion of the hole was completed
and likewise with #5.
An audience member stated as to when a final decision would be made
as to which methodology will be used to replace the bulkheads. Mr. Day
responded that the lead engineer from the vinyl wall company from Georgia
is coming in this week and will be looking at the conditions around holes
#4,5,16 & 17 for feasibility of using vinyl material to replace existing
bulkheads on those holes. The engineer will be in a better position as to how
long it would take to do each wall. This company is expected to give the
Board a bid $# for his firm to do the engineering. Ultimately, the Board must
decide when we go ahead, and which type of material will be used.
An audience member noted if the Board follows the maintenance repair
plan for bulkheads in place now in the interim and waits until the re-grassing
of the course in 2028 to replace the bulkheads, where will the money come
from. Mr. Cook responded that we have significant reserves currently
available of over $700,000 and over the next 10 years are expected to
increase those reserves to the point of coming close to covering the total
estimated costs for the replacement of the bridges and as well as the
bulkheads in 2028. Depending on inflation and where prices come in, there
could be a shortfall, which could be handled by a bank loan, bond, or
assessment. Mr. Cook also indicated that the Board has a healthy budget in
place right now. Mr. McClellan noted that the source of funds for the CDD
comes from the Non-Ad Valorem portion of the real estate tax bills of each
of the 799 owners at Cedar Hammock. An audience member questioned if
there were unexpected failures of the bulkheads in the interim, what would
be the source of funds? Mr. Cook responded, first would be reserves, then a
bank loan if necessary and increase the Non-Ad Valorem tax if necessary
depending on the amount(s) needed. The current annual Non-Ad Valorem
tax rate for Cedar Hammock is $475 per door.
An audience member asked about whether course could still be played if one
bulkhead failed. Mr. Cook noted that play could continue on the remaining
17 holes while 1 bulkhead was being fixed because of any drastic failure.
Mr. Cook also noted in response to a question from the audience that there
is an ongoing monitoring of the condition of the bulkheads through the golf
course staff almost on a daily basis, under the auspices of Mr. Read. He also
noted that we have a comprehensive bridge condition report and repair plan
in place for those bridges needing repairs which are expected to be
completed within a year.
Item #5...Hurricane Irma debris removal from preserve area.
Mr. Cook reported that he has been advised that the South Florida Water
Management District(SFWMD) is willing to consider applications for removal
of Hurricane Irma debris from the first 30' in the preserve areas to minimize
future fire risk. A general discussion ensued and upon motion by Mr.
McClellan, seconded by Mr. Greeley it was unanimously voted to authorize
Banks Engineering on behalf of the CDD to make application to the SFWMD
for authorization to remove and dispose of Hurricane Irma debris from the
first 30' of the preserves. Mr. Cook is to talk with Tom Read about golf course
staff assisting with the removal, after hours.
Item #6...Supervisors' Comments
Mr. Day inquired whether if we get positive information from the vinyl wall
company whether we could proceed sooner with replacement of the
bulkhead on hole #16 in 2019 during the shutdown rather than waiting until
2028. Mr. Cook reiterated that the current plan unanimously voted by the
Board was to maintain/repair bulkheads until 2028 when re-grassing of the
course is planned and then implement small block new buiheads at that time.
Item # 7..., Motion to continue the Meeting to March 26, 2018.
Mr. Cook suggested that this Meeting be continued until March 26, 2018 and
that the Supervisors meet at hole#4 to continue the discussions and review
conditions of the bulkheads and bridges on site. Mr. Cook noted that he had
received an opinion from counsel that such a continuation is appropriate.
Upon motion by Mr. Greeley, seconded by Mr. McClellan the Board voted
unanimously to continue the Meeting at hole#4 on the golf course at 3 p.m.
on Monday, March 6, 2018.
Quentin Greeley — Tom Cook
Asst. Secretary Chairman
The continued session of the regular meeting of March 12, 2018 of
the Board of Supervisors of the Cedar Hammock Community Development
District was held on Monday, March 26, 2018 at 3:00 PM at Holes# 4 & 5
at Cedar Hammock Golf Course, Naples, Florida.
Present and constituting a quorum were the following Supervisors:
Thomas Cook Chairman
Gary McClellan Vice Chairman
Norman Day Assistant Secretary
Quentin Greeley Assistant Secretary
Jack Rupe (CDD Supervisor designee)
Also, in attendance:
Jake Jacobsen Chairman, Master Board CHG&CC
Brook Lawrence Director, Master Board of CHG&CC
Norm Heavey Director, Master Board of CHG&CC
Mike Zitzow Director, Master Board of CHG&CC
Representatives from Everlast Synthetic Products (ESP) including
Steve Culp, salesperson & Carl Hazenberg, P.E. from ESP who is also the
design engineer.
The following is a summary of the discussions and actions
taken at the continued session of March 26, 2018.
Call Meeting to Order
Mr. Cook called the meeting to order, noting that Mr. Greeley would
act as Secretary to take the minutes of the Meeting. Mr. Cook introduced
Jack Rupe, who has been voted to fill the vacancy resulting from Mr.
Minamyer's recent resignation. Mr. Rupe will be sworn in as a Supervisor at
the next meeting of the Board on April 9, 2018.
Mr. Day then introduced Carl Hazenberg, P.E. from ESP and noted that he
had the chance earlier, to view the bulkheads on Holes #16, 17, & partially
on #5 and is familiar with the design & method of installation on the existing
bulkheads at Cedar Hammock. The group then proceeded to the green on
Hole # 4 to view the conditions. Mr. Day noted that when the "cap boards"
were pulled up to be replaced many of the ends of the horizontal whalers
were rotted out and almost ready to "kick out" beyond the posts; not in
every area, but in many areas. Mr. Hazenberg noted that once the posts
"kick out", the tongue & groove boards would start to open, and the earth
would start to shift out between the boards. In the area the group was
inspecting, Mr. Day noted that current work is scheduled to dig out earth
from the greenside and bring the vertical support post back to horizontal
and install a new anchor. A "manta ray" anchor will be used for the new
support, not a cable. The work will be done at the end of May 2018, when
the course is shut down for 10 days for planned aeration. The group then
proceeded to the other side of the green to inspect a similar problem area
in one of the bunkers on the back right side of the green where the same
conditions appear to exist. It was also noted that only the "cap boards"
which presented a safety hazard have been replaced, whereas, the other
"cap boards" on bulkheads throughout the course, are in a similar
condition. Should the ESP vinyl wall method be selected for the bulkheads,
Mr. Hazenberg thought the anchors could be "shot" between the trees to
avoid having to remove any trees on Green #4. Once the anchors are
installed, they are "load tested" to makes sure they are installed properly.
The group then headed over to the tee box on Hole#5 to inspect the
condition of the bulkheads located there. Mr. Hazenberg noted that it
appears from the original installation of the bulkheads, that the optimal
design was negated, but the fact that they have lasted for approximately
20+ years, they have stood the test of time. In his opinion, we're right at the
cusp of time when the bulkheads will start to fail. Mr. Hazenberg noted that
the most vulnerable time is when the water level is so low and then you
start to get heavy rains and the water builds up on top and you get a
"bathtub effect" or "differential water" and that's when the loads on the walls
are the highest and failures may start to occur. The optimal time from a
contractor's standpoint is to be able to do the work when the water is at its
lowest, even if a small barge were needed. A general discussion ensued
among the group as to the existing condition of our bulkheads and the
methodology of installation of the vinyl wall type of system and the
challenges facing the actual design and installation of such a system,
including hitting bedrock at different depths and how you might deal with
that. Mr. Hazenberg recommended that a soil engineer first assign a
strength parameter to the soil on top to be able create a design. In addition,
you need to have a profile of the rock underneath the ground as well to
know what you would face depending on where and how deep any rock is.
The boring on the top 4' to 6' of earth by the soil engineer is important as
he would assign a strength parameter to hold the sheet of vinyl in place.
Mr. Hazenberg expects that the process of installation of the vinyl bulkhead
would involve "phasing" with driving the anchors as the 1st stage, then
hanging sheets of vinyl & driving piles. He noted that the work could be
staged over a long or short period of time depending on what the
community wants to do. Right now, contractors are at least one year out
now although you could probably develop a pretty good plan within less
than a year. Permitting and governing regulatory bodies would have to be
coordinated as to required permissions etc. Mr. Hazenberg would be willing
as a P.E. to provide a letter supporting the need and exigency for the work
to proceed. He could prepare an engineering bid for all the walls based on
parameters he's observed at Cedar Hammock and once that's executed he
would be able to give a preliminary design for both the "Z" shaped as well
as "U" shaped panels with an estimate of cost and the CDD could then
make a decision as to what the final design would be. He could get an
engineering cost proposal put together for all walls to us for the April 9,
2018 meeting of the CDD.
The Meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
Quentin Greeley r To Cook
Asst. Secretary Chairman