BCC Minutes 01/17/1984 W ~ ¡--:-1 :--l -------- --- ---- ---- -- ---- - -- -- - --- - - ---- :Ir,pl(!s, Florio,', Jðnu<.lry 17, 19!!4 LET IT bE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioner" in and for the County of Collier met In WORKSHOP SESSION at th~ Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, lit 2:21 P.M. on this date with the following members pres(!nt: CIIAIRMM/: DII V I 0 C. R r own John A. f'lstor f'rcùpr I ck J. V05S I\lJS ¡:NT: Vice Ch.,1 rm.1n Ilo11,ln" ~nry-~r~nccs Kruse AL:W I'HE:>¡:NT: Elinor M. :;klnnur, DupULy Cler}q 'ferry Vlrt{t, Acting County M.Jn'''Jcr; ...no Actln'.J AssIDtnnt Count.y i1dn,1y"r Norton. AGDi::JA Prcaontdtlon by "epr~sontatlvcs of the Stntc of F lor I d d II c .J! t tl Ml r "" tl:. b I I It" ti 0 n :; c r \' I e l' s con c o! r n- Ing tholr proyrnm nno services INTRODUCTION OF STATE HRS REPR[~ENT^TIVES /,cting Assistant County '~"n,'qcr :Iorton Introduced MS. Mary Lou fogle, Direct :';crvlcc ~;upcrvl:ior, Flurid.. 1I""ltl1 .1nd ;whilbllltDtlon S"rvlces. Ms. Fogle expl.1InL'ù th.lt sh" :.>upurvl:ic5 t./l'J loedl IIR~ office, ill1 chllaren Derv!ces progrdms "nd adult Gcrvlecs. She said that Mr. lIugh Gilmore supcrvls~s the unit of people who provide survlcc!ò to ddul ts n tile comlllun 1 ty. She 5<.110 hp would address demographic data. :';ho \Jxplaln"ò thdt Mrs. H"lon Fðl1crt work!! In the CdpAcity of Progrüm SupervIsor for thu ^glnq .,ntl Adult Serviccs for D is t r let ¡¡ w! ':. h t II \J II H ~ Pro g r <.1m () f [ ! <.: L' sou t 0 f t h Po D 1 s t r1 c tin Fo r t M ye r s, Fl 0 rid a. She sdid Mrs. fJll\Jrt would ~p~ðk to authorization and monltorln~ the fðcll!ti~s. REPR~SENT^TIVES' PRESENTATIONS Ms. ~'o'Jlc s,lld thdt thu ¡::urpose of this .....orkstloµ i:.> to describe the types of programs available for alternate living arrðngements for adul ts. She explained these refer to the v~rious types of placement Û~PAG[ 721 &OO( i'lIlJe 1 - -- - ------ ---- ---- -~--.-- ----- ~-_..- -.-. -- - _.- --- -- ----- ---",- ...--.-------- ----- . -,~·1..i;a.1~~~-...-~ ----c-'~ r~ (1It~¡"'" ~.-r: .<·1-&'. --.- . Py...¡.. -----------------------------------------~ ,gD~ . 079 PACt 722 Janua ry 17, 1984 .ervic.. that aro available to adults. She s~id that placement reCer. to actual rolocation in the various type. of setting. She .aid that the adult. are eligible by either age and/or disability and that the primary 90al of the program is to provent institutionalizing parsons wherever possible. She said the program, olso, de-institutionalizes persons who may have recouperated In order to re-enter a community, rather than remain in an institution. She said that the objectives of the program are to IIssist clients who are living independently in a comlllunlty, to re-Iocate to a need Cor a particular setting for theml to prevent the need for nursing hot:lt' care or stÐte institutionalization by appropri a t.e placcment in alternatives, to facilit~t. moving clients from nursing home. to their own homc~, whcrover possible, and to Increas. community placemcnt from statu Instlt.utlons. She said an attempt In made to match tho individual client to the type of setting and sponsor or represcntative who runs the program, with regard to the clients'. ability and age. She explained the following Cour types of alternate care posslbllitlCts: Home Cðre for tho! Elderly, Adult Congregate Living Facility; Adult fost~r Home and Institutional Care Prog r ÐI\I. Home Care for tho Elderly: Ms. Fogle explained this is a situation where a person may not have to move because they are already residing with Camily members, and it allows the person to stay in th. family situation among the contacts and friends they have In the community. She said t~CrQ is Ð range oC p~ymQnt8 offered to subsidize the family for caring for the individual, from a minimum of $86.00 to a ~axlmum of $362.00 par ~~nth. She said there is an element of support payment. to holp pay for sorvices not covered by other medical insurance. which could rango from nothing to $134.~O.pcr month . " depending on the Individual'. .ituation. .. .:~. I Page 2 ---------------- .... CZD r:II9 Ell _.>,·,_..,.._;___·_"'~''',.._......__.'·.''.N..''"''»·'''_»>,·_"·~·r'-. . ~, . r-i Ji'~\~~~'~ . ::.~~,~"r.f.~" :,,~... ~Io "'(~. I) ..., j : . ''f':' ',',' ~~J. r . ~:. ',- W," i";~~J;';~: ~ ,~..~~~~/ .Ji\.;'.~-':.~,!..,ri~.. :'~~ f~~¡~~, ..,.,~ '~·W:'~·.. ' . , . : 1.~lt;::Î:"""·':<~· ,¡~ (~A;,~t ~ ..J., ".~<.r-·t ; ",...,,. "'.. ít(....- r '!fP.' ~I '. n__--. I',f:~f,!~"" tJ.. ,'II~ , . '." .... ,".'; 1 o(~, --- _ t~ ''I ...... '\'" ~ ,., ., '.'"." , . ... .,. )¥;. ~,t . . January 17, 1984 ..', . c' '" ,H~~ ~. 't~:~':~J¡~~ìtr!:t'''r HO~e;"~ "~.:~~~9·1:''':XPhlne~·-'':~~1~·;acl;·;tY Sa ~':~t~;e1~~,8 ;J;. "î ..-:W....~,.......'t ~..;~.Vb~t~Y. ..~ü~.i.oqate'·ì,411.l1Y' \..f~r a client who don, be lIa lnt.l~~t."'1~~~h1t.~~, '·.Jõ,;4~fit'«t "~-r_J" .~i'~ ~ '~". ./"1 . ",'.. . '. . ;;'t . ....1· ,", ~' ~·~·..ld·.~~1a1 '.tt-.ltng, 'but' who 'lIay not have family'of his own"within ta ,·,.t.'¡ ( :, .~' } . -\ ·~~'.·è~~~ni~Y with whom to r..id~~, She uid it is designed to r..embl~ the ..' ",~ t"'\', ~.~: .~ " '" 1 . ".. I fa.ily llving sltuation and li~its the number of residents to three. She .lIid that the residents must be 65 yeðrs old or 11 disabled adult, 18 years old or older. She sllid that placemont must be agreeable to the sponsor and client being p1ace4. She said :hllt a physician's .tate~ent is needed from the client's doctor indicntinq that It this type ot care was not available the person may be hospitalized or institutionallxed. She .lIid that the client's Incomo is added to an optional atate suppl(!mentation which would yield $)52.00 per month to care for roo~ and board requirements IInd 038.00 per month to cover the clIent'. personal needs. Adult Congregðte Living 'acility: Ms. fog Ie Bðid this fllcility .trlves to create a home-like environment, however, there are a larger number of residents than In a private fostor Home. She said the eligibility requirements are the same as the Foster Home and the room and board rates allows the aponsor to be paid $400 per month Cor room and board and costs. Institutional ClIre Progrllm: Ms. fogle said thi~ is the nursing ho~e placement. She explllinod thðt th(! eligibility to receive govern- 1 ~·.ent oaslatði,ce would requiro the sum of $800.06 or less s month and .':,. ..' that the person's resources not exceed a maximum oC $1,500. She said that a physician's statement Is definitely required indicating that this type of care is what is necesslIry. Ms. fogle said that the Individual must participate In their planning and placements in IIny of these situations. She explained that ' .....the exception 16 in the event that a guardian is appointed due to a . ., :. . .' . "~ aOOK 019 PAG£ 723' Page 3· t. ,. ';'!i,": --.".......-------------~- -_. -- .-- ------ -- - ---- ..,', .,,~':; -', 1-".'ó·r1 I .~::.(j.J.~ . .~ . r '. .,~'~q ,.-;4V. ;·fj.;~:ì~~ ~ ;::;;~~h ....: ;,:', ...... l.:;'·:~. . t . "; ."'~' .""'1;""'''' ,.:1.~J~.' ,Il\ ,. .~.. .' .""If.,'..,. ... , i '~ ~ 'II . . '. ,f .', (.. I' ~ I.., ~ ~þ~ It Þ.""'. ," r .. ..' , .' >.t(J... r"~ ....\(.t..·y..",r· t'~ "'')~ """. '~'~.~..:~j", ,'" .", ~.' · . "¡,; .,-.(.. ., .¡¡~~'¿'''~1h-~,t.I'tJQ~,&¡¡¡;~-:.\' .1" .;. ..:~,~.:.."",;,:. ...... . ...- --.--; -:-;- -:~j .--;::$.-;,? ~ ...~..,.;t.... . ,<.: .....~... I"~.:"""¡;,,,, .,.,.",... ~r--':':""11 ' ··b.~;......,~\'~t.JfIt~·~.P~'? .~. L w,'~..-__.._____·_ --_...--_...-_._'--_.~' ,....~...~' ':' ;}~1~:t '-+i.J..~, . .tI',' '" .J.' ,~~, ;)t) .1;"_ !~~_ ~ . .. . ~"':"FÚ",.oor;'>~·,,:,,"" , ,,~~.:.. ' :;.-. ....., '., ' ~:. .-.. ',,"r.,~ ~'i't'" ~ . .~!~ t. rt', \1. '>. ~. ~. .~ '. ':'lU. ~~~~. :.:!..···~~·¡·ti:.:.:ð&i_,{ I'~ . '," .,_ '" ,', ", :..-: ..~...:: :-:~;~:::', ,:,," ~/~ ':..:.~.~ -:;.: --"'-;0:-- -.~ - -----:---"-.--~._-.------.-~- - ----- - ---- - - --:--~----_._~-- ~" &O·~~ ,07Q.mt 724 . . ,. '. " ~. J an u a r y 1 7, 1984 it 'colllpetency ruling. She slIid for those instances nur¡;ing home f placemen'ts would probðbly be made. " . ~~. Mr. Gilmore expl~ined he WIIS present to talk about the -greying of .I.lIIer ic a-. lie slIid thllt Florida will continuo to be the crucible that the r(!ßt of the United Stlltes will continuo to watch because of the population shifts. lie reviewed demographics which included the projection from Senator MIInn, three weeks IIgO, that 6,000 people will move into the Stllte of Floridll on a weckly basis. lie referred to a Fort Myers Ncwß Press article that Indicated by the year 2000 one in every Cive citizens In Florida will be 65 IInd older. He 3aid this fact will not be true in the Unitcd StðtC9 until the yellr 2050. He slIid thðt the IIrtic1e indicated that 1(3 of the population In the west coast counties is 65 yeðrs old or ~bove. H., sðid this section of the populð- tion Dwelled by ovcr 70\ during the last decllde IInd thllt the population of plH:Jons 85 yeèHs /lnd over, 104'" He said figures Indlcðte that in 1980 thcre were 1.8 million people 60 years old and ove~ In Floridð IInd I: the projection for 2000 indlcðte thcre wil bð a population of 3.4 " million. I, I ? I {, ,. t· , r; I t' I' 1 ¡;\. I.. I i I ~ I }' I þ", ¡ t' ~ '+ Mr. Gilmore said there will be an increðD~d demand for the aforemen~ioned servlc9s. He slIid that the best estimates is thðt 4\ of \ any population, 65 years old or above, will neðd some tYPð of t alternative living ðrrangement. He explained his projections using the 1980 cðnsus figures for Collier, Lee IInd Chðrlotte Counties. He 8a id if all the availðble beds in thesð counties are combined ðnJ 4\ of the above 65 years of age in each of the counties are juxtaposed , ' , -; . ~ " . beside the number o! ðvailllble bed~, the result ·,~,:t '." l' for and in Lee ..,".....f· ~.'" .-w1 t. "... \".~ ''f'.. ------....----- , . ':'of.~":': ,',\\'" ,1t!:I;".. ,..}!$~~ ",~~¡~~;.:"~~....,"'.-....i\:, \i¡.~~~~",~;:';"\ , .-r; ".\ ~";\"':¡ir" ,:y¡,.. i~ -,,'. ..,'1~ ,~~\~ """""..,; ,I' .,.:' " ..""1(,.. _~ ,.......~. .,.?.. øft\~~~'\4 ':':;\1,0" -.,. ~'.. ............ '. .....' .\. . .,-~I..rM~..·.;¡..W,¡.\i-..:,.. , ,..iT· ....1 .-,. .., L -_..._--'_.~----- --,-,.,- Januaiy 17, 1984 . . I.,.., . ~.'~ ~ .~..;; f "'~t fte uid that the concern i~.for the YU'~"~?!.?";r~~~:~'."':" of pr...ure that will bo brought to bear on the 'Stat. ~"'~:.. . . . " ..... ,'t, ..."f '.' f, \... .,,·f ...... ' Fallert explained thllt she is tho Program Supervisor for t.h..·· ',J P' r--1 '~f ~t:~ . " I.' ........ J¡~~~ .'~ ~ rill... .. --- I f " .1. ~ ·1~.¡':';>~~~ ....; J J.: ". " :,:~":;::~~~. ., 'f .,. .~~........ ..'''t,'.'. :,~.~ I..' t·.i " t.V, ... .1~:'. .' .. ';\~~" M\l.<·."""'~~· "'.~'"'' '. " .j. ------ ,.\'.{~.' . , " '\ .," '. ,. ~ .' ~, . ~ '.: . ~~\J'.., ~ , '~";~. " . ':"" ". ,', ' co~munitles t.O ~e.t the needs. Adult 6ervices for District 8, that encompasses seven , " counties Including Collier County. She stressed that this presentation is discussing fllclllties not just for HRS clients but for all older people who ~ay need a typo of. living .srrangement. Sho exp1.1ined the ~anner in which the HRS Department approaches thesc kinds of facilltios '. ~': and the regulatory proces8 with each 8ituation. She I1lIid the Home Care ..;~:> and the Adult FOllter Home facilities lire not governed by II Statute. 6he said that anybody who IIpp1iu9 to oppr~te II foster Home or to receive a subsidy, under Home CIne for the Elderly, goes through an approval proces8 tó~etermine the eligibility or that tho adequate, appropriate care can be provided. She said that IIRS personncl are in those facilities regularly for monitoring ðnd that a routine annual approv1l1 is done. She said, in the (!vcnl of II complaint, tho HRS personnel immediately go to the facility. Mrs. Fallert said that the Adult Congregate Living FlIcillty (ACLF) will come to thQ attention of the BCC more th...n the oth(!r fllcilities, because people will come beforo the Board to request zoning changes In , ord-r t.o 'dev(!lop these facilities. She expl~incd these facilities are licensed by the HRS Department under Stlltute lind, until 1/13/84, it was her officc's responsibility for thðt license. ~he polntod out the function now rests with the HRS Office of Licen~ure and Certification, the same office thllt licenses nursing homps. Sho explained the sct of rules that governs the liconsing procüss that rango from the quality of car. an individual would rcceive to the type of sink and fire ext.in- 9ulaher that are necessary. She said the rules are to provide :/1~r" . 1... aOOK 079 ~AGt 725 . Page 5" .v·.;·~·:' .' '....~ ... './",'" '." '..' : '- .v,.,. {. .., . , ... ..-...... ' -~----------------------_-..-.---~~ , . :j.: . . . ~ ~ : ' .~:~ ."~ I.t.........· ,', ~ .;0.... '. .. . 1Jif,'tJ.·~'ft.:r:·.',\ ' ",' "'~'L-....... ~._--_.- _ _~,J:,~..,.'~~)\r.:'~ -.... t....'"..' ". ~;, , ' ,'. ~ . ¡ - '.... "';, '"'~ ,''¡' " L ao~. not-for-proflt. .......~~. ....;..;.¡;N"...·7,,·'·,..· ... '. r" .,"" 'J. ..1',.......... .,,;:':~.·._...t¡~.:·.··,·..t,...,2.·,~,.;. ',' _ .,.,. ..~~ . ._-~'.tt-~~.~::i.>.;',:,.·.'··~ ..... '..~ ", '.', ~.... ._ . "'... J10r .,,'~~=?'..-._~.-;~*._~~:- '.0.;;1" . -,~J . :' -: -I,'!""",;"'ï t- t-,' , :1 '~. . . ~;..~:> ~.,..;.. ' .' . . \ .. ": {,.,o. .. -.. . f~L' ~R'f". . , ',~\I', ' þ.~~-"----- ---- ---. -- -_.- --- - _..- -'--- n' --- -....-.- -..' ---- ;ì~.;~~'·- ~~ 079 ~A~t 726 JlInUI!fY 17, 1984 ,.I·t~'~~; I ~~~·.~~.urð~c'; thðt ~n individual going into these facilities will rcceive\. . ;;. ~,~OOd and slife ClIre, which is the HRS Dcpðrtment's mlljor conc(!rn. She .ðid these facilities lire licensed annudlly ðnd monitored between .....JI o" . t'llcenølng. (. She aaid any type of complaint Is investigated Immediately, .,. . .;. to ensure there Is no ðbusc of individual or inadequacy of care. t~, . ~. She ~mphasized that the ACLF are private business, somc for profit and ,! ., '..' '~ ~ 'Þ\., ..' r., She said thllt thoy ~crve people othor thlln HRS ':f/.·i¡': ~.~ ) " .. ,~ ", , . ¡. c II e n t s, and h tH ma j 0 r r ole is reg u 1 a t! 0 n . ,1' .. '1'..... "'" ~"1~·1'~ , ^ discussion wa3 held rogarding the projected numbcr of beds In Collier County ðnd CommlBslon~r plstor requ<,~tod c1arlficbtion. He referr~d to future fllcillties, such as Luly PlIlms, which will be II rcntal fDclllty with a nursing home atLlched dnd IIsked if the figures are conaldcred II part of congrogato living for pcop1e ovcr 65 years of age. Mr. Gi1moro s...ld thðt [lIcilit!(!s such dB Moorings P"rk are considored lit. Cðre facllitlos where a porson purchases or rents ð unl.. 'He sdid theDe dre fnr different than the ACLP ðrrangement discussod. lie slIid it is his impression that Moorings Park should not b. considered an ACLP, as it currently is, since it involves ownership. He said when he WðS doing his statistical bna1ysis, he oliminated Ilf. ., I (. care centers in overy county. Commissioner Plstor reforr(!d to his " I I pertlclpðtlon on the lIelllth and Mcntal Health Council IInd tho il\pression thðt he recoivcd that Collier Cour,ty had moro nursing home. beds than w~re required. He 611id he did not agree wlth thllt sentiment. '. Ha reforred to an example of ð situllt!on where a person Is hesitatlng to apply for a Certificate of Noed for a ACLf because of the ~ \ ~..' .~; 1 . ..' .\\\, ", Yt'~: of Ne~: ;>rocess IInd a person who ~,ò,.t:~~ ,', t·~~·~ facility may do ~o it tho requirement. ðr~ lD~t. ""'~' ' :~r~' ..\:\;.:~;. .~' 1 ....,,, . ';1:~" ~t~~. A ,-'\ì.,~~(. paCj ., S,t;. .,...,J.:".Î. '. ,.:.. ..;~~h that the reguest will te denied. Mrs. Fallert soid that home does not hðva to be part.,?! an .a.CL1". I,J· ,. 'I"" r " 'J ',..,\ 4 ~ L~) , . ¡·1 '~~ ,,~. ,. I " .' i-.!i'", L .. ¡"- , .' ,'l·~'A~t....A : ... fJ ~1....}..·"a~~4~ 't . ~ ~'.:>.,~u .( ·,t'I...~....., '." ~"~'i' I ~ ~_.'.... ,..."\,. r-- ~ "I"'r~ ". '''''''..' - .. ....þ.. ''I.,.~ø.'!W.-,..(~ ~ ".. ' ."'f. ~.If"~:'~·A 11 .' ,;.' ,!\',' --- i':- l~':¡'" K" "-'¡ ',I. J ,.:'. . -.. . '''I.,., , ,:T:. ' . "~\, ',"'" ~. J~, .'.. . ~'í~'~":" f~}"~" ~.. " '11..." ~'. :\"'>.'._..~,-t ..,~~~.", (...._.f~". ',.,.;'~:~1..~" . ,"IT ,~ I"':--~'; ..'~\"''' ,,~~~' .;. . 0t) (..}~~ \ . ,'\'. ,/p, ...... , J""~~, ¡Î , ~.J.A './5:: ':1 .: ...., ---, ')" ~~ ~~" '\ "" . -c't ------------- 'I~'~( . 1'> ~.~.' : J , ". ',',1:,\ ,: ,( l" January 17,1984 . ,~/f . ~~ ........:,' . I, ' ",. ¡lid In "'CLF . d.!1ned by law a. any facility thllt provides room ·~h1t~.1l·'~¡~~ per.onal care for I twent.y-four hour period for four or lIIod. ~~~\~",{~l<' '1': -., ,'...., ~unr.lat.d Individual.. She aald the facilities range from t.ho.e t.hllt ·,\\t~. ">' ~provide 'care for four perlons to facilities thllt hllve 300 or 400 beds. . ',-. ' She pointed OUt tha't. .ome fllcUtl.. have apartments and noted that Moorings Pork is at one end of the spectrum. Sh(! said the~e IIr. all expected t.o ~eet the sam. regulat.ions whic~ somotimes crelltos problems. Tape '9 Mrs. f1l1lert exploin(!d that, by la~, IIn ACLF cannot provide .killed nursing c~r~ or administer medIclItions and thllt they may .upervise the taking of mr.dication. ~he said th~t II nursing home is the only facility that can do 80 and that a Certificate of Need is required for a license. Acting County Kðnager Virta pointed out that there ~re two provislonöl use petitIons before the ßCC for ADCL facilities, recently". lie Di11d onc WdB In Golden GlIte Estlltes, for four people, and one off Kelly ROðd. Thcro being no furthcr bUHIncB8 to come be[ore tho: Board, tho Workshop was adjourned lit .3: 15 P.M. ~OD' 079 mt 727 Pag e 7 ---- ----------- - ------------- ---- ---------- ~~ _:". ' If...., , ~.;;;. ~~~)~.... ! ' ,..".......~- ..~~i, I ·1f.ì,/~!., ~ ~"'..;:_··ii';~_'''-'~·:· ' i;~' :ð' . 'A" ," .. . .... ,~."'~._J"'.' f' . . or" . .....,,:"'..,..ç,........... , . ,þt1tÞt ~ '. . . .:. 'r.': ~...:...; . ,.I.;., ..:.'~ :~ I ---- _~ ~_ . . ____ ~_,;...ji~~'.....·':t,¿.f_;.!;. C! ~i 'I ,~. .l~~~~,:./: '..~ ~;¡.~:~~~.~.f±, r:.~ '0'-- ~.. . -.:¡ -...- .~ -~~-.: ._- --_.-. ._-----~._.._- L