BCC Minutes 01/31/1984 W
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Haple., Flo~lda, January 31, 1984
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners In
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as tho Board of Zoning
Appeal. and as the 90vernlnq board(s) of such apecl.l districta .s h.ve
. ,.~
been'created .ccordlnq to law and having conducted buslne.. herein, mot
on this d.te at 9100 A.M. in Workshop Se..ion in Building "r" of the
Courthou.e Complex, East Haples, Florida, with the following members
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David C. Brown
C. C. "Red" Holland
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'*"f1.'}.:·"~Ls·o PRESEHTI Wllli.m J. Rug<'ln, Clerk,
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},,';Clerk, Terry Vi rta,
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~;'~Attorn~y' Heil Dorrll1, Public Satety Mmlnistrator, Sam Co~dlng,
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. i.Property Appral.or, Cuy Carlton, Tax Colloetor, Mary Morgan, Supervisor
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:';~, of Election., .nd Deputy Chlet Ray DoHnett, Sher1!f's Departlunt.
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~ Cener.l d1scu..lon of .pace .11ocðtlon for Courthou.. Co.plex
John A. Plator
rr.de rick 'J. . Voss
Mary-Frane.s .~ru..
Maur..n Kenyon, Doputy
Actinq County Manðqer, 8urt Saunders, C~~nty
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Public S.fsty Admlniatrator Dorrill stated thAt Staff's direction
..,..... re.ult of the last lIIutinc;¡ wa. t.o provide additional space
.~,\ .
three constitutIonal offices, Supervisor of ElectIons, property
~:. "Ppralser and Tal( Collector, who ware not afforded space a. a resul~
~ , . '
the JustIce Center. He stat~d that the Property Appraiser and the Tax
Collector were to share Bulldlnqs "C" and "0" respectively and the
~ ~, .
,current occupants of BuIlding "D", beIng the PublIc Works DIvisIon
. ,\
alonq with ~r. VIrta's people In CommunIty Development Involvad wIth
Plan Implementation ond BuildIng Code Compliance, were to be relocated
,. Into Buildinq -," with recognItion that these people h"ve high public
traffIc and the ground floor sItuatIon should be maIntained. He noted
th.t Mrs. ~rqan was to have additional space whIch involved her moving
into currently what 10 the fInance Depart~ent as FInance Deportment
:..;. .
will be movin9 to the fourth floor of BuildIng -r".
He IndIcated that lit the request of BuildIng "A" oeeupanta, he hal
sl19htly redeai9ned the fIrst floor of BuildIng "A" which currently
,house. the Sheri!f's Depnrtment, addin9 that BuildInq -^" wIll entirely
housa courtrooa and courthouso-type facilities on both floors. He
")~" .
stated that the only ehanqes that the Judges made Is th.t all court
. .
related county courtb. on ono floor and all court rel.ted cIrcuit
court be on another floor. HO stated that the local County Bar
Aasocl.tlon has requeated addItIonal space Cor the County Law LIbr.ry
which is ownod and operated by the local bar aSlloeiatIon. lie reported
that another request 1. for additIonal space for the County Manager and
the County Attorney, adding that he wIll need addItional direction on
thes. matters. He stated that since the l.st ~eeting, he received.
request froM the Cargiulo Truat who own the land that 1. adjacent to
paqe 2
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J4nuIHY Jl, 1984
the co~plex, questioning if the County now or at any time In the future
would hive an intereat In aharing wh~t Is going to be a private
development adjacent to thia aite. H~ refer rod to a Shopping list tor
these ite~s notlnq that the co~pletion of the interior finish of the
8th floor would coat $250,000, the 6500 square foot warehou.e services
building would coat $250,0001 the remodoling of Buildings "C" and -D"
to house two Constitutional Officers will cost $200,000 which also
I,includes relocAting their data processing equipment trom the f1!th
-i~ floor of Building "F" to one of those two buildinqsl revisions to
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:~t\ 8ulldinq "A" will cost $100,000 for the first floor and some
,\.. ~
l::considerations for courthouse securities. He stated that he has Ilso
Included a buffer for a contlngeney for additional professional
, "
I ~.serviees which ~ill total approximately $900,000 for the above costs.
, ,
He stated that the'Soard haa also decided to us. so~e of the ðdditlonal
saving. from the Justice Center for the creation of the asbestos
rem~vIl program, the purchase of the telecommunications system, and
so~e additional debt aervlce requirements in the event the sales tax
revenues did not ",eet expectations. fie noted that the total of all
possible or identified additions to this Justice Center project are
.pproxi.ately $l.8 .Illlon and still provides a reasonable buffer
between what Is currently under budget, which ia $2.1 million. lie
stated that he needs some direction In providing additional apace at no
real detriment to the current Justice Center project.
Mr. Dorrlll introduced Mr. Ken Riehy who is with the Ehrenkrantz
qroup, the architectural side of the joint venture from New York, Ind
Ma. Suzanne Kle.ch who Is tho project ~anager on this job.
Public Safety Ad~inistrator Dorrlll stated that the warehouse
buildinq would be located in the ,Sherlf!'s Confiscated Property Yard
and the Confiscated Property Yard would be relocated to .. larger and
P.c¡¡ e 3
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the relocation 0' Ixlltinq departmtntl within the Complex.
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MI. Klesch stated that sh. wa. aak_d to layout spaces concerning '~,
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the posllbility of putting Building and Zoning on the first tloor of
Building "r" wal discussed. She sta~ed that tho layout showl that
Zoninq Is ~o be in the oxlsting Maintenanco Department with the
Ad~inlltration and lIcensing on the other 11de with the Insp.etlons
Dept. In the back area. She noted that the five year program with the
Iquare tootaqe works out relatively wøll in this situation.
Publio Safety Aðministrator Dorrlll utated that the orea that has
, ,
b.en the rinance Department has two options, adding that it could be
I, used for: BuIlding In.ptction or Cor the El.etions Supervilor, noting
that either Department could fit Into this area for the five year
Ms. Kleaeh stot.d that she was askod to put Admlniatrat!on of
Personnel on the I.vunth floor, adding that the five year plan for
Personnel calls for l300 Iquare tett and the IIIOlt that can be obtaln.d
Is l,OSO square fe.t which presents I problelD to begin with. She noted
that on the eight floor, there will bo PublIc Works and Engineering
with only l,630 square Ceet left which would not be b19 enough to put
" Purchoslnq on the 8th Cloor.
it.' .
, "
" Mr. Dorrill Itlted that the seventh floor is now designated for
the Public Dof.ndtr area and the court reporters, adding thlt a portion
of the seventh Cloor WIS origln~lly reserved Cor the State Attorney
~long with the sixth floor of Building -'".
MI. Klesch stated that the only way the l,630 .quare fe.t could bo
utIlized tor Purchaaing la if ð satellite p.rlon could be ~alntalned on
the eighth floor and the rest of Purehosinq In a satellite bulldlnq
ell.whore. She Itated that In Oulldlng C she was asked to include the
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January Jl, 19B4
Tax Division and the Elections into this partIcular buIlding, adding
th.t in qeneral, It was very clolft to the five y.ar plan except for In
the election ..chine storage which does not have to be hous.d within
this building.
Public Safety Administrator DorrIll stated that under this plan It
show. the Tax Colloetor r.mainlng in BuIlding RC·, moving tho Elections
Office Into this building, and the Property Appraiser moving from
Bulldlnq "C· to BuildIng "D". He stated that all the .xisting trailers
will be relocated to ~ho rear of tho site near tho now parking lot and
cr.ate a .mall traller park at the rear of tho sit..
,; Ka. U.sch stat.d that in Bu il d i nq "D" , the Property Appralsor and
the five y..r plan work out well.
Mr. Dorrill .tat.d that in reference to the redesign of Du Il ding
, .
"A", th.re i. a desire to take County court and its necessary r.lated
4qencl.. and reloc/ltc it to the existing first. f1 00 r. He noted tha t
th.re is a proposed jury waiting area on the !1 rst !l 00 r, lidding that
th.re Is currently no such w/lltln9 IHlla. He Indlear;ed that the second
floor would reaaIn ....ntl.lly ths way it is thl. date, adding that
non. of the courtroolll would chan']e. 110 .toted that asld. from minor
d.vlatIons to the second floor, the only proble. Is the LlIW Library
which I. houaod on the .econd floor. H. stat.d that under tho
red.siqn.d plan that floor .pae. of JOO øquar. feet ha. b.en tripled to
900 square foet, adding that If there Is a n..d for additional space a
wall could be rc.ov.d and an additional ))~ .quar. t.et could b.
obtain.d. He .tated that an area for a visiting Circuit Court Judgo
would have to b. taken Into consldorlltion If the additional JJ~ square
teet 1. u.ed for the law library.
Co~.ls.lon.r ~ruse qu.stion.d if the flgurol that ver. provId.d to
her for employ... and square footage vera the current ones or as
nO( 080 ".~E 80
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&ODe -ostrmt 81 JDnuary 3l, 1984
projected with the c.istinq e.pan.Ion?
Public Safety Ad~inlstrator Dorrill stated that the existing
""expansion is the JustIc. Center .s he refer. to 1 t, addln9 that tho
fi9ure. that were pre.ented are for ~qencios that are Included In the
Justice Center and will be their new allocations.
CommIs.ioner Xru.e .tated that the States Attorney Is the only one
that the fiqure. include. what they are to get In the expansion, adding
that she aøked for the number of employoe., the square footllqe for
those ..ployees and the square footllge per employoe. She stated that
.llowln9 for areas that have to USQ ~achInes, the figures were a little
atartlinq. She noted that the noard of County Commis.ioners with lBO
..ployee. ha. an averaqe of 71 square feet per employee and it ranges
up to the States Attorney with 310 square feet per employee, adding
that this i. quite a sprvlld.
Commissioner Vo.. queøtioned If the e.tlmate for remodelin9
Buildinq ·C" and "0" incl~es the relocation of the data proees.lnq
equipnent? Mr. Dorrlll replied ðttlr~ðtlvely, addin9 that it would
co.t approximately $lOO,OOO for the creation of that data proee.sin9.
He noted th.t there will remaIn a data proc..sin9 division in 8ulldInq,
"'", adding that there are three data proees.ing owners, the Sheriff,
the Proporty AppraIser and Tax Collector, and the Clerk of Court.
..int.ins the other _ysteln. lie statod that the Clork of Courts will
r...In on the fIfth floor and the Tax Collector and Property
to be vacated wIll be left for expansion of computer equlpDent, ðddIn9
ApprI1..r'a equipment will b. I\oved. tie stated that the ar'l that 1. ~~:~f'
that there is II crucial space proble~ there now.
Clerk Roaqan stated thAt the room was deslqned for three
co.put.rs, Adding that It ha. five _eplIrate .ystem. in there now. ne
.t.ted that tho computer rooa is not aafe' and if there wa_ serious
PAqe 6
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J.nu.ry 3l, 1984
da.,ge to the equipm.nt, th.re m'y be problom. In coll.ctlnq on the
malnten.nce of it due to the crowded are. .nd the air conditioning
power inside the room. H. noted that the computor room I. well b.low
.inlmum stðnd.rd..
Tape U
Mr. Dorrill .tated th~t the computer room on the 'Ifth floor has
around 3,000 squ.r. f..t .nd the n..d. Ir. quit. speelallzod.
He not.d
'" :-
;i,r, that e.ch Con.tltutlon.l OfCicer, tho Lðw .....ociatlon, and the St.te
'I "~ '!
\;ÒÍ,'Attorn.y .hould Indicate If their need. have boen m.t.
,~. .
. I'
prop.rty ^ppr.iøer Colding stated th.t he doe. not have any
qu.rrel with b.ln? moved to Buildln? "D", adding that It would meet hi.
current n..d..
Comml.sioner ~ru.e stat~d th~t the Proporty Appr.lsor ha. 108
.qu.r. 'eet per employee Ind the Tax Collector has llO square fe.t per
Tax Coll.ctor Carlton stated that the extra bit of spae. would be
consum.d in p.perwork, .dding that ir tho dot. proeeasing and hardw.ro
Ind p.rsonnel is broU1ht Into Buildin? "CO, h. would just meet his five
y..r projection. He .tlt.d that he ha. had a 21' incre.se in the TIX
Coll.etor'. offie. since h. took orflce, but there has been no iner....
in personnel Ind only the addition of a trailer. It. st.ted th.t he h.s
hid to cut blek on some or hi. services b.eauøe of spae., .dding th.t
one file th.t used to be .olntalned has bcen turned ovør to the
Sheri"'s Dopartl1lent for hi. uso. lie .tat.d that he ho~1t the Board
would lOOk It this sp.c. not .s an enhancement but .. . nec..sity.
COII.Issloner ~ru8. st.t.d th.t thq SupervIsor of Elections has llS
squ.r. fe.t p.r .mploye..
Sup.rvisor of El.etions Morgan stated that this figure is
è,lcu1lted on the perman.nt .mploy..., adding th.t durin? the election
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She stated that she loft the ~eetlng in
year additional help 1. added.
~ 'r;
Decelllber with the impres&1on that she was going to be put into the area 'of.
A that is presently occupied by flnaneÐ, adding that she would have no
proble. with that. She not~d thet she hðs been advised that thore is a
po.slbility that she would be moved to Building 'C', adding that she
definitely has a problem with that, In th~t all the data processing
needs are .upplied by Clerk Reagan. She Indicated that she has been
previously tied In with the property Appraiser and anytime there was a
She notod that this Is a
lightning storm, the system would go down.
bi9 election year and she does not want to take the risk of being put
in Bulldinq "C" and have the system go down. She concluded thllt she
would like to be left In Building ~F~, so that she does not encounter
this problem. Mrs. Morgan stated that since hor election, there has
been a 65\ increase In voter registration, adding that she needa the
space In the Finance Dopertment.
Com~lasloner Piator statod that he Ceels strongly that part of the
aulldlng Department and the £leetlons office ~hould be on the first
rloor. He st. tad that the lawyera under the Board shoul~ have more
space a. ~ll as . conference roo~ and could pos.ibly move into the
Clerk of the Board's office.
,,~. ',"
Hr. Dill Hiller, Executive Director Cor the State ~ttorney'.
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office, stated th.t they used to have only one p.rt-tlme State ~ttorney
and one investigator serving Collier County, adding that fro. that tlllle
until now, lhe State Attorney has six ~.slltant State Attorneys and, as
of ~rch l, two additional ~sslstant State ~ttorneys will be hired. Ke
stated that In their budqet request for 1984-85, he his .sked the
Leglallture to .dd additional help, adding that if thia 1. approved,
two Ittornoys, two investigators, two Information process operators,
one plraleqal and one secretary III would be hired. He stated that due
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JlInuary 31, 1984
to the type of work the State Attorney's office docs, there is a need
for wiretap rooms, armory, and evidence control room..
Commissioner Kruse stated that the Board Is trying to meet
everyone'. need, adding that when evorybody'S needs have been met,
thore will be nothing loft Cor the 180 e~ployee. under thø Board.
Com_i.sioner Voss quostioned what size office is neoded for an
Aaslstant State Attorney, to which Mr. Miller stated l20 squaro Ceet.
Assistant Stlte Þ.ttornoy Polleehi" stated that years ago hi.
office was approached to coma up with a fivo year plðn for their needs,
.dding that this was done and the entire ~i.de~eanor proqram was to bo
housed on the seventh floor. 110 indicoted that their office has not
even moved in and everyone 1. tryin7 to cut them bock on space. Ho'
stated thlt tho Stato Attornoy'. office Is a unique operation, adding
that the County I. mandated by law to provide space for the State
Attorney and there is a Stato law that says an Aasiotant State Attorney
will occupy 120 squaro feot and a suporvl"or will occupy l60 square
feet Ind the Countlo. are a.ked to build the building. lie statert that
they have planned to occupy certain offieos on the sixth floor and the
~i~emeanor division on the seventh floor. He stated that when they
left tho trailer Ind moved onto tho fourth floor of Building "f·, thoy
had empty space which was to .eet tho need. until 1982. lie .tated that
~inee that time they hive remodeled threo times to accom~odate qrowth.
Ho statod that the problem with the three floors on top of Building "r"
i. that these walls are per~anent, adding that they are not flexible
wills, they are studded out walls and, therefore, the office. cannot be
changod around to make them largor or amaller. He statod that he needs
aoro tl.. to ÐOke a study Ind a presentation to the Board in order to
...ist the Board in the planning doeisione Cor the future.
Comml.sloner VOla statod that more time 11 needed, addinq that in
tooc 080 rA,,[ 84
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aODK 080 PAGE 85 January 3l, 1984 :.<}~.;.
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"~11 tho plannlnq there has not been any space creatid for the County
Manlger or the County ^ttorney and they are going to have to have
additIonal space to ~eet their needs.
Clerk Reaqan stAtod that when th.is project orI91nally started it
via to b. for $42 ~lll10n which was far too expensive so the plan was
dropped to $39 million, then $35 million and now the County i. In the
,strIp down plan of $23 million. He noted that oIl the oftices, the
Mlnager, the Attorney and overyone had their five, ten and flftoen year
plan laid out. He Indicated that the problem w~s that there was not
enoUlh money to do It, and the County was under a court order lor the
jlil, so the Co~missioners mado a decision to build only the Criminal
Justice area expansion and only the five year plan.' He stated that the
five year plan Is ~inlmua requiroments for normal office use.
It was the general consensus that the St^te Attorney have two
week. to prepare a study and prusentatLon to the ßoard reqarding thoir
space need..
Mr. Jerry Berry, Chairman of the ~aw ~Lbrary, steted that he needs
addltioDal space for the ~aw ~Ibrary. He reported that Hr. Oorrlll
atat.d that the ~ibrary presontly has 300 square foet, adding that this
Is incorrect as the ~.w Library pro.~ntly hat 600 square feet. He
stated that the proposed space will give the Library approxiMately 900
aqulre feet. He said that under the present situation there are books
atacked on the floors, on top of the shelves, in the County ~naqer's
office which havo to be removed, and In the wltneas management prograD
office. He atated at one time there wvre booka acatt~red through the
hallways of the fifth floor and when the rains ea.e a couple of months t ~
ago, those book. wvre destroyed and thrown out which were vllued at
$lO,OOO. He statod that he spoke with Daryl Beile. reqardlnq
paqe lO
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January 31, 19B4
space for the Library and it was agreed that on the first floor of
Building "^", there would be space available for the Law Library. He
atlted that this spice would not have been totally adequate under ð
five year plan, but it was bettor than what tho Library now has, so
they were goinq to be content with that area. tie noted that he
received a cðll fro~ Jud~o Turner indicating that the Law Library h~d
been completely taken out of the plans, adding that the space that was
to bo thelra had been turn..d over to the Judge. to make into a venlrie
room for ~h. Jury. He Itateð that they waro pro~iaed some additional
space where Judge Hayes and Judge Turner's offices are, adding that
this WIS not adequate but there Is I 11ttlo more apace than there 1.
now. He statod thðt that thore was a visiting Judge's of!lee that was
needed and a secretary for that Judge, as well as a Court
Administrator's office and a bailiff's room, which puts the Law Library
back to its 900 square feet which will not be adequðto space al books
will have to be put in the hallway. lie stated that one o! his blg9Ç1t
objections Is that tho allocation of Ipace has been turned over to the
Comml..loner vo.. questioned It the State. Attorney uses the Law
Library, to which Mr. Miller indicated that they have their own Library
but they do uso tho Law Library at times. Mr. Berry st~tod that the
local 04r ~soeiatlon use. It as well as tho Judgo.. Public Works
Aù.ini.trator Hlr~an stated that he uaos It as well as I lo: of hi.
Staf! Me~berl. County Attorney Saunders indicated that either he or
lomeone fro~ his office uses tho Law Library on a daily basis a01 they
have found It to be very Inadequate r~gardin9 space.
Com~issioner Holland queltionp.d what tho visiting judge is needed
for, to which Hr. Berry stated that dutin~ his time II a prosecutor
there wal only one time that a judge was brought in to replace lo.eono
;õ; 080 pa',t 86
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t .. el~e which only lasted lor t'-'O d,:¡ys. He stated that undar the new " '
~,; ,~~~:ti
proposal each Judge is gotting a now hearing room and a viaiting judge
could u.o one of those rooms as an office.
~r. Berry stated that he would ~Ike to be able to get the original
aquare footaqe that he was promised In the beginning which is to take
back the space that has beon allocated as the jury venirle room. Ho
atated that he has spoken with Mr. Bell and the Jury Clerk and they
hive no objections. He statod that thø jury vonirl0 roon would move up
to where the Law Library Is.
Clerk Reogan stated that if the Judges do not want a venlrie room,
h. doe. not want It. He stated that If the venirie room I. to be
upstairs, JIIaybe there should not be one. lie stated that Judc;¡e Carlton
Is the one that wanted nnd needed the room, adding that there is no
sense in having a small venirie room.
Courts Ad.lnlstrator Dell stated that when Judge Hayes vacates his
office and the space Is Inerealed, the jury venirie room could go
Clark Reagan statod that the Law Library decision should be
postponed for two weeks and the Arch! ~,eet di reeted to find out the
aquare footage and tho numbor of seats thl~ a jury venirie room can and
should handle. Commilsioner Brown directed that this ~tter be taken
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care or.
COJIIJIIIssloner PIstor stated that the County has to provide the Law
Library with the proper space and tools for the needs of the lawyers or
there will be longer delays in getting work accomplished.
COIII.issloner Kruse stated that there are five law libraries
involved in the eomplexl the County Attorney'., the Stat.s Attorney's,
the Public Defender's, the Courtroon, and the Sherif!'s.
,~,. .;'
Court. Ad.lniltrator ~ell stAted that the plana that he his seen
I ~
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for the
January 3l, 1904
court use ore not adequate but they are acceptable. He stated
that In reforence to court security, he Is going to proceod to create a
.ecurity system which will not have any bearing on the structural needs
of the courts.
Commissioner Voss stated that in regards to the eommentn of the
Supervisor of Elections, the Elections office should bo kept in
Building "r-, adding that the need for additional space for the County
Attorney i. apparent and that the County Manager does need a conference
room. He'stated that Public Safety Administrator Dorrill should also
have two ~eks to work on this matter.
Mr. Porrlll stated that he would like to got as much direction a.
possible from the Board to Illeviate some of the problems. lie stated
that he will assume that the Property Appraiser will relocate his
activities in Duild\JIg "D" currently housed by Mr, H.utman and Mr.
Virta's people and that the Tax Collector will stay and expand in
Building "C· where he currently his, and the Data processing will also
be housed in Building "C", He statod that the computer room remains an
issue and it will cost approximately SlOO,OOO to accommodate the
Tax Collector Carlton stated that the square footago that would be
required in Building "C" to house tho Property ^ppraiser and Tax
Collector's data processing equipment hardware and staff would then be
less than the five year projected needs.
Commissioner Pistor stated that when the Tax Collector and the
Property Appraiser's equipment Is moved from the fifth floor, it will
alloviate tho space problem for the rest ~f the data processing
equipment that will be under tho Clerk of Courts.
..... Recess. lO.30 A.", - Reconvenedl lOl45 A.M. .....
Tape 14
uoe 080 mE 88'
Page lJ
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Chat rman Brown stated that he feels that the Supervisor of "
Elections should remain on the first floor of Building Or".
Commissioner Kruse stated that it makes sonse to keep Elections
within Building "F", but the decision could be made in two weeks after
the various departments have had a e~a~co to study their situations and
return to the BCC with their findings.
Commissioner Brown indicated that it is the consensus that the
Supervisor of Elections is to remain in Building "F".
Mr. Dorrill stated that he needs to know if he should relocate and
çreat~ a new data processing area in Building "C" for the Propftrty
Appra,'~r and the Tax Collector, to which Clerk of Courts Rea~an stated
that there is not really any choice, it has to be expanded.
Commissioner Brown stated that this is the direction of the Board.
Public Safety Administrator Dorrill stated that In terms of
Buildin9 "F", he will as~ume that the Supervisor of Elections will move
into the space eurrontly occupied by the Finance Department and in
addition, he will assume that the existing Building Inspection
Department should also be on the ground floor of Buildinq."r" to
accommodate permitting. He indicated that he could not accommodate
both the Supervisor of Elections and the Zoning Department, addinq that
the Zoning Department would have to go on either the seventh or the
eight floor.
Acting County Manager Virta stated that it might be possible to
split th. Zoning Department and the Building Departmont from the
~tandpoint of different functions, adding that the administrative
function i. what generates the walk-in trade and the investigative and
\ ,
inspection function does not have to be on the first floor.
Commissioner Brown stated that this could be worked out bet~een Mr.
Dorrill and Mr. Virta.
paq. 14
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January 31, 1904
Public Safety Adøinistrator Dorrill stated that he will pursue the
.re. on the ..venth floor for County UBO until he hoars dl(ferently
from the State. Attorney.
Assl.tant Statos Attorney P~llQchia stated that one of tho things
that he ~ill need by way of direction in order to assist the County in
thelr planninq ls to Indicate that the County will remodel the slxth
and/or seventh floor before thoy move into them in order to give up
, '","'; .
'¡.:,'oertlin space.
'/~Pi~!:, Hr."Qo~rll~ stated that the floors that aro completed upstairs
. .' ~J~ " , . .
have IluølnUIII stud 'walls with shoot rock and the cost analysls ls that
it wal less expensive in the lonq run as aluminu. partitions can be
reused to a eertlin extent. lie stilted that ðnothor option that was
looked at was using.wide open spðecR with modular-typo furniture, which
Is very expenslve.
Asslstant atates Attorney Pellochla statod that in L.e County they
havo demountable walls wlth pod setups and a lot less space ls used
because all stcretarlal, clerical IInd investigators are in tho pod
Commissioner Kruse questioned if the Statas Attorney could be
plaeod on the .ight floor with the ~odulðr concept and i( the oxistlng
walls on the (ourth (loor could be utlllzed for somethlnq else.
Aa.istant States Attorney poll.ehia stated that thoy could also
utilize all of the fourth floor if that was remodeled, adding thðt he
will look at all of the alternatives within the next two ~ek..
Public Safety Administrator Dcrrill stated that he Ilso noeds some
quidanee related to the Public Works D~vision, the County Attorney and
the County Kanagor. He stated that tho problvm Is that the Boftrd 1s
901n9 to have to Instruet him to cut back on lomebody'. previously
approved five year plan, addlng that the Stðte. Attorney 11 one area.
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080 'A~£ 91
Jllnuary 31, 1984
He noted that the Clerk to tho Board could be rclocated In order to
expand the County Attorney into that area, adding that it Is going to
be difficult with these people to ask them to 9ive up something when he
1. not in a position as a stllff per san to do thllt, but tho BOllrd Is
~01n9 to have to 91ve some direction in t8r~s of those area..
Com_issioner Brown stated thðt he wants the riseal Officer on the
.ame floor as the 6oard.
~ ,. Clerk Reaqan .tltlld that he .iqned off on tho plans after 2-1/2
years of designinq and redesigning, adding that a day later someone
from Staff says that the Clerk of the Board's office mðy be moved to
the fourth floor. He noted that he il not ðgainst starting allover
and reviewing all of Oullding -r-, but to lay that the State. Attorney
Ind the Clerk's Office h~s to eu~ back and everyone el.e qets to keep
what they hðve i. not fair to the entire County.
Commissioner Holland questioned if everyone should be told to
reduce their are", by 2\, to which Clerk Reagan stated that this would
be a fair way, adding that he wAnts all olliees to ~ome.~nder the same
critoria of square footage requiremonts.
Coalllli.sioner Holland atatod that each depðrtment could cut a
certain percentAge and evorybody would have to suffer a little, but it
would not crelte a hardship on one and not on the other.
Cl~rk Roagan staled thAt unfortunately there wore no provisions
..de by the architect in any of the contracts to allow conduit to run
for the data proeeGslnq equipment and the expense of stringing the
wires. He stated that soma consideration hes to be _ode for this
expense. lie stilted that aceordinq to thcr budget there Is I couple
hundred thousend dollars lelt and some provisions have to be mode for
the Dati Processing Center in the stringing of wires and there will be
additionll expenses for broftklnq down and moving power files which is
pag e 16
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January 31, 1984
very expensive.
Commissioner ~ruse quostioncd If eloctrleol wIring was ineludod
why WIS computor wiring not included?
Public Safety Administrator Dorrill atatod that tho mechanics of
thl. bulldlng has provided for computor eablos to be ovailablo and
stubbed out on each floor. He stated that to randomly prowire each
olllcs or wall on all the remodeled f100ra and tho new floors would be
too expensive.
. ,
Clerk Reagan read a letter he receIved from Mr. 8ill ~isor of
Pol1zzi/lleery which Indicated that in order to comply with code,
conduit ~ust be run Ind no plans have been made for circuItry and no
construction funda have been olloeltod for that purpo'~.
Ms. Kleah stated that on the new floors thore is conduIt for
co~puter use brought to tho area that Is being runovated, but to take
the conduIt to an IndIvIdual room Is eomethlng diCeeront, which will
requIre chanqe orders. She indicated that in order to meot the code
lor the State oe Florida, It must be In enclosed In conduit, adding
that It Is possIbl~ that flex conduit could be used Instoad of rigid
PublIc Safoty ~mlnlstrator Dorrlll statod that ho WQuld usa his
discretIon concerning what oxtra services aro neod.d to rethink the
layout of each floor and of Buildings "C" and "0-.
He stated that
. ,
r.gardle.s of what Is dona the warohouse facility is going to be needed
for maintenance, purchasing, small storas, and records. He indicated
that he would do the b..t that ho can and the Justice Conter ts
on-goIng, addIng that the money that Is boIng usod is the .oney that
has been savod to date from tho Justtco Centor. He stated that he ho.
.lao received a letter from Mr. VOq4 regarding the Carglulo Trust
'indicating that they are a.king the Board to Indicate to the~ whether
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,~, the Board now or In the future would like to' occupy
January Jl,
private devolopment adjacent to the Complex site.
"ctinq County Manager Virta Indicated that Mr. Dorrlll needs to
know the feelings of the Board for púrsuing that potentiality sometime
in the future.
Commiesionor Holland stated that the County has been approached on
this ~tter previously, adding that this should be looked at for
sometime in the futuro. Comm1ssioner Brown stated that this could be
decided at the next meoting.
Clerk Reagon questioned if Mr. Dorr1ll is going to talk with the
architect and re-evaluate tho ~ntiro plana, to which Mr. Dorrill
replied Ifflrmatively, with the exception of the jail and the Sheriff's
i. Cepa r tmen t.
'1'; lIIeeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Timel
f t:
There being no furthnr bunlnnsa for the good of the County, the
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