BCC Minutes 02/21/1984 R r;;;a ~ _4 - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - --.--- --_._-~ -.- --- - - - - - - - --- , 1.1 r> 1 (' S, F lor I r1 tI, ¡.- c b r u" r y ;' 1, 1 9 11 I LZT IT lIE: rtLMEMߣfU;C, thnt ~.ho lIo/H-1 of County Commissioners In 'Ind tor the Count.y of Colll!!r, ,\nd 111110 .,ctlnr¡ ....3 thl: Bonrd oC Zoninc¡ Appotllu and JS tho governing boord(6) of uuch special districts ns have I.)t:~n erotltceJ .ìccordlllY to 1...... ,Ino hllvlnq ~onductcc1 business ht!rcln, mot on ~his onte ~t ry:UO A.M. In Regular Session In uulld!nq "f" of the t:ourthoU:HI Ccr.-.pleK, c,,~t :L.['1e:5. llori:.., >JIlt; the follo....1n'J r.lcmbcrs present: CIIArnMMJ: D.'''' I ,1 C. Bro...n John ^. plstor fr(!rlcr I ci< J. Voss M,] ry-rrllne"'s KeusQ .~..-..,....--- -- ~... ·\BSENT: C. C. "[¡ed" Ilollilnn l\l..jU ' u:::a:tlT: ¡'llll,ìm.J. r'''¡''1t1n. cl"rk¡ J.Jm"'lI C. Clll.':I, l"I~¡c.,l ottlc"r¡ t.:llnor M. Skinner, Doputy Clcrlo;¡ Torry IIlrt,', Actin') Cnunty ,"IdnIlY'H; liurt L. ~duntlor5, County Attorney; von...hl Norton, '\etlr.r; .\slIl:Hùnt County ,.,,,n"9,,r; L.:d Luync. ¿onin" Director; P(nulo 1i"rtm,1n, Publ1c...or"'s Adrnlnlstr.Jtor; Chris /lollvy, Actlnr¡ ',dmlnl:nr<ltl",c ~otevlctJs ^,jr:\lnu¡teiltor; Nodl Oorrll1. PUhllc :;i fitty '\dmlnllòtrdlor; Irving Herzon, Utilities ~~nðqur; Grðce Uncterwood, Adm¡nI3tr~tlve Aide to tho BOllen; ~nct DQPuty chlof "~ymond H~rnutt. ......,......-................. &OO~ 080 Plr,[ 319 Pllqe 1 ..__. ---- ---- - _.- --~- -- -- ---- ---.- ---- --_. ----- '..tI(~',..-,.:·:1....)I'...t· -'-"-'''-~'''~~'''-'''''"'''.'"''''''''~"'''''''..' '~,",-- rJiiiil ........ ""--' ............., ~ --------- -- - --- ------ - - - - - ---.------ - - ----- Fcllruðry 21, 1934 T ð pe II Item .1 AGENDA - APPROV~D WITH CHANGES Co~issioner Kruse moved, secondod by Commis.ioner Piator and carried 4/0, (IndlclIted by the lIbsence of Comllllssloner lIolll.lnd) that tho I.Iqendll be epproyed with the Collowlng changes I A. Item ~C(l) r.! bid ,'~',Hé (or Inter1::>r llr.i~nO;:!I for .Ju:nlcv Ct~nr.cr - l\f.~l1lJd. d. Ltcm SF(l) co appointment ot ^dm1nI9tr~t1v!! ~crVlceS Ad~1nlstrator - wlthdrø....n. Itelll '2 MINUTES OF 2/7/84 - APPROVED ~ --- Cow.t..lon.r-Kru.. .oved, seconded by Cornllllssioner Va.. end cerrlud 4/0, that the ~inutoA of 2/7/84 be ðpproved. I t.ea 13 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING rEDRUARY 27, 1984, AS "GENE SARAZEN DAY· - ,'DOPTED Commissioner PIstor lIIoyed, seconded hy Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, thDt the Proclalll4tion designating rebruary 27, 1984, a. ·r.ene Sarllzen DIIY· be adopted. . ' ,oo~ 080 W,( 323 !'age 2 - - - - - --- - --- -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- ---- , ........ -.,..'''¡'',.. , . , . ~ '. .~ ,~......,.,.t~ !. of' ;'i- -·".I',',..~·..·.,,·...~,,-,,-~._-.;~,..,,·_._,,·._....._..~'·· _...."-,-_~.___ '" -,,, _......,~",._;.__......"'~.,_,_.,....~,,·.'''.''·e.~~....,.~.....·..,.'~"'...._" .'..-_ r~.~l '_~l -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- ...- .- .- - .- .-- --- . - - -- - - -- -- _. _. fcbruory ~l, 1904 Ite.. 14 RESOLUTION 64-32 Rt PET. AV-83-034. MICUA~L J. VOLPE, REQUESTING VAChTION ON FIVE fOOT UTILIT~ EASEMENT AND TEN rOOT PRIVATE EASEMENT ON LÖT 1 OF PLAT OF NORTH NAPLES INDUSTRIAL PARK - ADOPTED Le<Jal notlco having be~n publ1shud in th.) Nllploòn 1;.,11'1 ;,,'WII I')n fcbru.HY ~ ,lnd 1:':, :'.J04. "5 C'vltiunel'lJ I)y !,ffld.wlr (')t ruhlIL"::.ion fll"rj ,dth the Clcrk, punli<: hC,Hln'l llil:\ (')!'cn·!(j to ....on'1\(1cr ¡',)tit~an .\V-UJ-O:¡4 lllud by ~1c.:hð"l .J. 'Jol¡JtJ, r')o. lJIIDtlnq v/H:o'Itlon ot ~,h¡) (Iv': LoOt Ullllt'l u.HHlmcnt lnd ton (oat prlv.)t<: IJII51)"",nt nn Lot 1 'JI. thu pL..t, at norcn : iqJJC~ ¡n(jlJ~trl:d f'l1rk 1;(') (/Hlt tl,e jlr:tltlon(Jr r,1/JY bettcr utilize th<.! lot.. rt:....-...._~ .,._......... .... ~, ...... , . PULJlle ''''orkr; ¡\drnlnl:;tr.'tor !1,1etm"n '.'J!p1.11n('d t:¡;.t t~:1: In(1UGtrl.:Jl r.:Hk i:; 10e.JtoHJ "U 01<1 u.~. '~l ne/IC UIC rrdlhc.,o. ¡:u :;/JiU thl1t :~l;¡ff It:\'':U'''IU~nu~ dV¡.Jrov(1J üL r.lll~ vi'~/Jtlon. !fearing that no one was rel)lstcred to $peak, Commissioner Kruse noved, seconded by Com.ission.r PI~tor ðnd carried 4/0, th~t tho public hearing b. closed. ~omml..ioner Kru~e moved, soconded by Commissioner P!stor ^nd carried 4/0, that Resolution 04-32 ro Petition AV-83-034 bo ^dopted. m( 080 W,¡ 325 I'aq_ :'I -- - - -- - - --- - - '---"- -- - - - - ._- -~- .- -- - ----- -- -- - -- ---- ..~' r- - ~.~~4..:~~~j,.".I.a."~ L "%'~""""'_';"""""'"'""~''''''''''''''_____.'''__''''___'''!Ao''''~_'''''_'''''''__''_'~'-.'...--.._ , '. \'" ~'\ r::I c:::J ,--..._1 ... - --- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - --- - - - .- - - -... - - - -- ,,'brudry ~J, !',,:/, Item '5 RESOLUTION 84-)) Rt PET. AV-R4-00I, ASHLEY FINANCIl\L CORPORATION, REQUt:!ìTING VACl\TION OF :>IX FOOT SIDE £h5EMENTS ON LOTS 9 711HOUCII 15, BLOCK 22, C.G. CITY, UNIT? - hDOPTED I.cqlll notice hd'llnl) been publl:¡hco In the Nðples Colli'; n>!WII on "lltHuèlry 5 ,10,J 12, 1'j8~, ,II'; "'''!(:l:ncc,cJ !)y ¡'.((iJ,1\Iit \Jt I'uult(.'.;,tloo tlltJCJ with the Cl...rk, public tH!ilrlnq \tllll O¡]t-ncl ~o <.:onsl..Jur petition i\v-~i\-nnl, Cilll<1 by ¡".hl,·y l'lndnclðllQl'pordtlon, t,-,;ulJ5tln') .....,c,¡tlon o( six Coat sld~ cl:Il>"mcnt:> on Lot:> '.I l:'rO\lqtJ 15. .~l,)c" ;:2, Col(~cn G<1tc C:i tv, Uni t ?. Public harKS ^cJmlnl:;;trlltor ¡1"rtm<1n ~.1Íd thIJt t;li! prOI"Hty tn question Iß seyorlll lots near tho cornwr at ~unshinø Boulev.rd and Å..l ~.... -..-.... - :; u n !J Q t ¡o " d j nth II nor t ~" ,H. l 'I U u cJ r .J n tor ::; 0 1 ,~ t; n r. '" tee 1 t Y ,¡ n (I tt"Jt r. h c ~~titioncr duslrQs to b~ttor utllt~c tJiu lot to build multl(amlJy h 0 U sin q .... hie his t tJ ~ cur r en t ¡: ') n In,] (') f ~ he,) r ': {J . I: (' ~..o1 d t.~, /I t ~ t " ( E recommends approval. lIearIng thllt thore Io/IIS no ono roqlatereJ to sp!!ðk, Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commlsoloner PIstor ~nd carried ~/O, that the public hearing ue closed. Commissioner Kruse movðò, seconded by Commissioner Plator And carried 4/0, thAt ResolutIon 34-)3 rll Petition AV-ß4-001 bo IIdopted. ðDD~ 080 W,[ 327 rtlq.. 'I ----------- ------ - - - - - --- -- ----------- ------- ~. . ..' - ...-,-.,o-:...~ ¿..J'.""r r ..."'- '. .... ",.__~""'.."._."',..."."""""~.~."".,._'"',,.,._~,_""....._.~""'_,.,.""'"'e"'~ r"::j",-"I c:1 .- '--' ~..........."".,.1 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - .- - - - -- f'-'bruary 21, 1':184 Ite. . G RESOLUTION RE PET. AV-8J-OJS, PHILIP M. FRANCOKUR, REQUESTING VACATION OP ALLEY LYING E^STERLY OF WESTERLY LOT LINE~ OF LOTS 6 AND 1J, IN PLAT 01" T,\MIMII JlEICHTS SUBDIVISION - ADOP1'ED, MOTION TO RECONSIDER TillS PETITION AT A ~TER DATE - APPROVED Leqc1l notlc£! h"vir.q ~)c~n ¡',llbli::;hc{J in :'11<: N.lplf.'~ C.dly ::~w~ 0:1 fubrllðry 5 ,1nd I:, 1')131\, ,~:I {'yldunccd DY .;UI(lavlt n( l'ubll':ó1t!on filttd ..!Itl\ the ClerK. puoJic h~"t!n' W,l:=; QP(~nL'lJ to r:on:;ic1er P<1tl::ll1n AII-(l)-035 (11~ù by PhllifJ .1. "1,1ncoeur rt~qu'.'stl:1'l v"c.ltlon ot HI.dl...y 1 Y I n q C /I S t c r 1 y 0 L t II C' w'l! f. t c r 1 y 10 L l! n l: r. 11 1 Lr, t:; " (I n <:1 i:;, d:l ,,110 wn i r. thll plo1t ot Tðmlarnl Ileiyht:J :¡ubdlvl:llon. .... ....... !,.~~ltc ,O\o,[k:> Ioumini:>tro1tor lIo1rtmdn 50.I1d thðt 'l'ðml..ml Ueiqhto 5 ubd 1 v 1 !; 1 0 n 1 s 10 C.., t t.~ c~ 0 t f ( . ~. ·1) l,) chi n (1 t t Il~ n ~ w ','It! n (j y ':j j~ r:- ~ t 11 U r.1 n t otf Pulton ~lrcet. ,III Sð Id th.,t :.,tll (L r"cor.::11enÙ:i .Jp¡;rovðl L",e.1u!:lc It ¡r.ðy raducc! ti,e! 1\l"nD"r l,f .,w..iìill.!'j ¡" th~' "I"" .Inc) , LIII~[c[orr.. ¡¡",it UJe numb..r ol 'Jrlvcwðys .Intl 1'0" lJcncllt to ttl~ r;uf:Jcllvl:;ion. "'r. il"r t~Dn :;111<1 th,1t tIll~ ,I<:velupur ',,¡ 11 :)U L 1:: ú~ thO ot :.I·lh 10l:.i .JfHJ Inst"'/ld 01 uSing the t'J5"mt'nt ":¡.:In alley ~I1I1Y ...,1)1 !lIpe !:h~ ,¡itch ,'lnd not dt!velop the lot.. on l/¡e norl~ ::IIdt!'. Hearing no one WIIS rcqistered to speak, Commisslon"r Kruse moved, 3dconded by Co~mlssioner Vas. d~d carried 4/0, that the public hearing be c10sud. Commissioner Kruse .oved, .econded by Commlosloner Va.. and carried 4/0, that ð resolution ro Petition ^V-OJ-OOI be adopted. ~.,>",. Later In the rnwdting, Actlny County Man~ger Virta uxplllinea that there were two [).1[30n3 who rteslrt'c to ~p"ðk In opposition to this petition, l1o...evt'.'r, they 'wern not ,.w"ro ,1l U1V :>lr¡n-lJp requircment:;. County Attorney ~.und~r5 unid Lhðt lhc ~CC ç~n r~consiaur it~ms and hr SLJqgt13ted thllt, Jtter l1stcnlny to thf' '1IscUS5Icn:¡ ot t~tI pcr:;ons, It would be possible Cor" Commissioner to rndk.: " mOtlon to reconsider the Item lit /lnother public heðrlnq when tho petitioner Is rrf':Jent. eoo~ 080 rlr,t 329 PlIC O S ---- - --- - - --".- --- - - -~-- -.--. -' --------- - ---- ..~, '. ..~ ;' '."....... ... -, nil r' ~-~~11- --...·l 1111 LIllW4.J(§~lGl"WMB~~ l2" .' ,,,."'.<"""""',.."'_._,.__,........._...~¡;¡-J""__,_"_,,....._....__.__......~...".__.__.__ _._..__..__._.J...."''',.,.*...,'-''._.._.<.-..''''......". ------------- ~,...;.'t~;~~¥~~~(A""'-..,.....'..-:~~ J~~ ....." --. m~ 080.ry,~1~ fDbruðry 21, 19D4 HlIrrlt., 25!:J:) MonorCll l,y~nu~, residant next to th,' propcr~y under discussion, 9pok~ in opposition to the v~catlon. She øðld ch.. would not bo IIble lo gain ðCCCtS(; to her property fror.l t.hllt. cðsumenl If the V~catlon lL approv"~. Shu GdlJ thcr~ ðrp only nin91D fðr.llly home~ In the ~rc~ and shu objccled to a duplex being built as it would deYðlu~' th., i][tI.... Zonln~ Director Layn£! anid that thO! arun 10 currently zoned RMf-6 lInd th/lt the d imen.lon!! of thct lots'beinq 94 "tert wldC' and 290 feet aeep would mt>ðn thllt four dwellings c::rc all lhnl could tJ,~ bulJL on tn" four lot:;. ~:t. IllIrtmlln b/lld thnt th~ I!r~tI will rem,;in it Ie' Loot drl1lr,.'g(' c It:c.d, line. thilt ltJv illlt'~' tH:5lqnlltlon \dl~ disapP"/H IIC. ,1 ICfòult of. t!lt' µr"viou:¡ dCr ðctlor¡ ðnd vf':hlclt: trllf!1c ~Ill not D~ allowv~. Following continued diseusr.lon, Co~miasloner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, that Petition AV-03-035 be rtlconsldered. I"',r. :'.Junuc.¡;¡ !i,!Jt, tll,)t J.lur:;u...r,t tv 0rc;¡n.lnct" (¡i-8ft thD County l"K'\nll':jcr ....111 ð' vcrtl:¡., tor ;,r.oth~r pl¡l,lic ¡Iuilri",; ùn<.; lIds ¡.>ctltion will n p pu.. r 0 n tn" II! 1,,",1 J d lJ to ';1,' t 1 e" J I Y . I"\:.i. l..C,.IU ¡'r.n CnicKl"rin~J' :!:}~'ri ""ünorctl ^Vcrlu~, oh)c=tt::: to :ni:¡ Yðclllion. -.. .......-.....-.. - J. C.olllt:\I:J:>ion,:r I;rufh' !,olnt"'J au:, tn;Jt U1t: fJetltlon.:r (',111 bull,: duplex(.'s wltrlOU~ tll(' "pprov",l 01 ttll' ",aellllo... Itell1 17 PHOCLIIMATIOH DEGIGN^TING Tllf. WEt:K OF fEBRUARY 20-2G, 1984, Af, -NATIONAL t:NGINEERB WEEK" - ADOPTED Comml&sloner Voas moved, seconded by Commløsloner Plctor and carrlad 4/0, thAt th~ Proclft~t1tlon d.sl~nl!tin9 tho w~ek or Februðry 20-2G, 1984, lI5 -NlItionðl lnginft~rß Week- bo adopted. ~'.r. 1MII t1rUndAc", i!ç'r.ept"~! t:II' I'ror.lnn\,ltion "Itl, thllnk:;. P"91' : - ...- - - - .-. _. - _... -- - ._- -- --- - .-- - - .-- - ~-- ___ --- ._- - _.. _'_-<0 _ _ _.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~'··1 '-.- =:J i...--i l2I,,' ~~....,~~~tiJloß~H¡,""'~-1,·~-:n:'n'(_4.~1,~~,~;V;;.'t!:,f~·-;~· . .r: ,... _ ,.. "".'; , . '", '. '. , . t¢;.~'!".~",'to -,,..... . "'" '~~ '.~""'L .,- -'. ------------------------------------~----- 'OOK 080 p~cr 3'32 FllbrulIry :1, 1984 It.. 18 PETITION V-53-l4C, øoa TAYLOR, AMC-JEEP-RENAULT, INC., REQUESTINC VARIANCE POR CLASS -B- FREE-STANDING SIGN - CONTINUED PENDING FULL BOARD PARTICIPATION Legal notice hðving been pu~IIGhed In the Nðplog Dülly NOWG on ...... January 29, 198~, ðS evidenced by Affidavit of Publlcðtion filed with the Clerk, public hearing wan opened lo consider Petition V-8J-14C, .....,...-....... _................. Ciled by Bob Taylor, ^MC-Jucp-H~nl\ult, Inc.. requefltlng It v!lr!ðnce from tho mlnl~u~ 150 toot fronlogc for ð Class "8" fre~-r.tendlng sign for pro ¡>e r l y lac II t (! (j C II In 0 f be h 1'.:1 Y lor C h (' v r 0] c t " l 1 ~I ~ 1 ~iI Ii t T Q m I IH:1l Tro 11. Zoning Dlr(!ctor Luyn(' explained ::hc)L lhe Zonln<¡ UrcJin/lnc.. lIllow::: II Class ·U· 100 54uilrp foot rn~xlmum slqn to be plllccd on lotH with 150 foet or morc Irontd~L. :.tH si,lr. tl,,'t t:,,' ^MC-J~CI) loll:. only ç,~,":~ f~pt in width wh\rfl tjn,.;" not (~1'4'.1ffy for ^ frfllr-stllnding p;1yn. She .ald th.:lt lh.. p«';llt1on<:r fòl"L,,:: trio'!' DddlLionlll !ronL<'IqC' 11'L not ayallable IInd lhðl thl~ corporation require::: him to hnv~ Q froe-Slðnding ~Ign. ~hp said thðt ~lð!! r~commendR rlcnlð] of thr potltlon baKed on lhl' CluldL'lll\c-:¡ th...t UII! board o( Zoning ^ppe.11:; ... -...... -, ~ ......~........-4T ¡;a 11 L ~ "'r. I<obcrt T..ylol, ~'re:l1dcnt of !Job Tllylor, 1'\"1C-J~ep-R'Jnðult, Inc., flKploined ttl/\t tllC µrop£!rty I:; 100 feet wldt, ...no thllt th", corportlLlon If¡ " st-p(lr,1L., c-orpor"t.on nnd nOL i, !I\Jb!\ld::,r,' or Hot> T,:¡ylor Chevrol(.'L. /It' s,de! tiltH A~'IC-.1cl.'p-l<cnllult rt>qulrc:; thllt tncr(' b(' ð corfJor"t<: l(j',ntity fJro',II,,'" .:( 1111 tlll'lr ot!dlcr::tdplo which i¡; th,' reason tor tnl. re4u.~t. tic .:x¡,1I'dn<:;1 tnllt h.. removed ,i for:n('r sign on the proprrry an;: thuL h'_' couJ d r,'¡VL :.utJ:;t I tUl' ,; iJl'nelfò In that r.lgn /1n;. lelt It standlny. lie sold ne cn06.' tn t.,Io.~ t.hðL [;1gn down a:> it W,)II on . yo II 0 r I. . tic s/det Lt'''t Lh" slgr.. oU,,', lt101r. lt1f' (oat"'],, r('quest, ~'111 conform wilt. ,,11 regulremcntl. lOI 1;I<Jr", ~'Ittdn thl: Count,'. l'ð'J C· ., ---------.---.-..------..-.---. - - --_. - -- --_._-_.~- ----...---.-----..---..... .:-~J -- ..........J ~ 1,-1 ,L···· " ~ r:::::J ~-=:¡ .---------- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -....-- ¡:'~bru" ry 21, l')r\~ KeBpondln~ to Comml~5ion~r KruGP, M5. Lbyna ~ðld thot th~ 01~ h~rn :¡Iqn '0/.15 d non-':on(Qrl:tlng :;i,)n "nel that l:"uld hûv" ro:n/JÏn('tJ "it" ,Ir. Taylor ehllnqlnq tho WQrulnq an It. Shl) ¡¡did lhllt ::Ince :'1r. r,'ylor tOOl( do~n th~ non-confor~¡ny :;I~n ~. ~ould not rut uo ~ nnn-c:ontorMin~ ~lnn. Hllllpondlnq to L:or.lI~Lb:!lo(ll![ Vn5~, ¡;n~ ,,<lId ttl<Jt ~¡ v/lrlùnee In qrllntf!( (or In:Jlvld\J..d ;'!op~rtlr::¡ ,nd ",)(:11 l'rofir)1 r'Y':1uld h"VI! La rPlIua:o:t !d~ own V,)rI.1nCtJ. Mr. T,'Yl0r r·xplalnud :h~t ! (~ ~1q~I":(: I];) .-,H tth..' ;.:'1C-.J~t.'p-;\..~n.)ult: c! II ð It' r í 1'\ J ul 'I l '!I ,1 , '" n e n n I' [) nun h t the pro fJ () r t y, .:: n., U1i1 t h () 1,.,:5 !orcoeJ to huy the ~ '¡n "$ .1 requirement In lei:; :;el11n<} "'9rll"mont. :le --Jãt!f"Hïfri~rg"not th'u tYPl! of :¡Ir¡n thllt c.,n bl" p!,.ccd on tt1t' bulldln". ¡;"..ponelln') to Comml:¡Hloner VOt.:'!, "r. 'jùyIor '1/u0 hr, '~Io not know I( h~ ""0 ul d 1 0 ~ c h 1 tl (r It n (- r. t ~,.. t ( h n .... t rl ,.", t ,,, t ~ t h.. ..~ t .... '"' Com~lsaloner Kruso moved, s.condad by Commlßslonør Valis and ~ðrrlod 4/0, that th~ public hoarln9 be closo~. COØl.llIIIs10ner PI.tor moved, secondod by Comll'tlsllloner \:05&, that Petition AV-63-14C be denied. The vote we. 2/2, Commissioners Krus~ and Brown opposod. County ^ltO[n~y ~dunuurD uKpl...!nuo thnt ~ 2/2 vOla Innle~tcs no ~ctlon WlI& t~l(~n. Commløøloner KrusQ moved, Gecondod hy r.om~lssloner PIstor and carried 4/0, that Petition AV-ß3-1t,C be continued pendlnq tull Board participatIon. CommissIoner PIslor aSked ~r. Taylor to Inv~stl~ðtð wh~thor tho rU4u1rcm.nt for tlu. fr.e-lIlj)ndlng :.;H¡n ¡~ dbsoluto /!na Mr. Taylor snld hI! 10'0 ul u con t.:lC t AI'\C~o e P-Ih' n/1 ul t, ¡ t1C. Tape 12 1 tern 19 COUNTY ATTORNEY MolD GTArF DIRECTED TO RENECOTI^TE TII£ AVALON SCIIOOL LUSE A~E£ I ENT WITH COLLI!R COUNTY ::;CIiOOL BOARD Rt TUt TEHM OF ACREEMENT AND COMMITMENT or THE BCC Rr. rACILITIES &OOK 080 Plr,( 333 r/!9. '1 ---------------....-._- ~-_.- --------.----..-"""I!-..----- - -___ _._,"'..._"_..............,.._.____'''''.._.-..M..._ :-:1 ~~.~~.¡.,~,.?~.:....~~.'1rt~..j'J~~-"-~ f\\1,"~. ¡."'~~~~~ --- --- --- -------- ",¡~ , ---------------- -- ---.-.----. \oo~ 080p~Gt334 1964 t'ebruory 21, Acting M&latanl County MlInagar Norton sale.: thlc is b recommcndð- tlOf! to IIpprove the Ay,don ~c:hool lellBt' ðCJrecmc'nt for use with tht: t:lIst NlIple9 Community PDrk, the sevcn acre pllrc~l ndjðccnt to lhe Avtllon ~c:tloo1. He cx~loint:u therr are three minor cn~ngus to th~ agreement thal the BCC ~pproveCJ on ~~nuQry 17, 1904 and that LlllCf recoØ\Ø\onds approval of the ogrecment. ". _' ............L Commi33joncr Kruse s~id thl6 agreement slntes thllt the ~CC Is committed lo bul1dln~ the facilities and thDl if the Bee docs not commenc~ con~trUC:llon of lhou. 1~c:I]ILl~~ by H e~rtðln datv that tht le/HIC I.!xpi ret;. :'11" Hid:, sr.( 1'1\:. conc"rncd IIbout using park (unr15 to build t,1::11Itic:; until tll., nce r.no....:; cx"ctJ~· WI1.1t pðrt, fund:. re;nQir.. C;ount.y Attorney :""un~;.:r~. u,'I,; trl"l tt1l' or Iqin,.} orntt ol th-:: nqr~cm..n·. loft lnilt iLt.·;" Uex!~l( dl1J tn.Jt, unuc:r ttdL agredl:lent, it conGtzuctlon is not ÞI:CJun oy Jllnuary, l~~G tn~ aqrnement Ib tarmln~tt:d. (:0""'.1 ¡;- Sloncr r.rUât.: tj,J!(! !":tlt cOLd¡:~ not vot0 tor ttlf.' bqr'~('menl ,1:-:; ntt1tcr. ..:n:1 thlJt tll~r(' Iooul,; n!IV<: tu D.' VL:rl)"·~,, ltlo't [uno:; woul(~ l)~' ...lloeðlea to ..------,. ....... ,_.......~, '. I" ",U1 '-I.t.."'...... .."tt: :;,,, Iv 1 \.. .a b not f"lr to .:cr:;r.',l' tun',!.> UJ on. ¡,,,,rr., üt tt.l::; point, for construction off., c ill t ! ~ :. . _ ~_""""''''''L l1li T..... ~ _~ (;omml~:;!onl'r P1Glor ::;"IJ ttlDt tll' Wð:. conc<:rnc,: nbout lh~ tcrm of l h (, 1 ells" b L: i n lJ r (' due (' ,~ t. r 0 r, !, (\ yo" r~; w tI. ... 1 [1 y(''' r r en (: WiI 1 0 ~ t. Ion t (\ :! 20 yeoJ! l~'¡¡s'. ~: ~"und 'r:, eL::ri!I,,\1 t~..)" tilL lò:flSL' ....ill exµlrt.: ir. 20 y~"r1o ,-,ne" 1: tn" l"':H~., lr. net r.'nc'10li.,te-,':, the fnelllllel>, other tnlHI rcnIOV."Jt.J!,· 1ttJi.I:.... "j II rtr\'crt t:J trlt' ~)::t o~l bO~lt.. I,,' :O'::¡ld tlw or I:pn¡,l lell~' provÜ,e lli.ll til.. uce ...'ould hi'lvC' 1101(' c.:lncrctlon IIn(1 WOu.¡~ d(~t'.:rt:\lr,'. WiJl.:trlfll to.. {..~;;·1 J 1 ~jt~:-¡ (.JL·~t.:r llH~{j 111 tll\' ~.)r..ter rl,,~ would l),' con/;tru::t..·( on tn., 1 ""'!I(1(; IJlopc-rty. Hcsponu 1 nq to CI1"l rmðn l~row:: , :JcJl.on.;..1t'r:, !'.:.i{~ nl' \ot"':'Jul l: Þ'. ;,C Lua 1 h(,) ,', r '.: .....·OU] oJ r('Opcf. ,', þt' , ! n¥gol1:Jtionr.. ('):1 ttlJ.~~ lc,1~l·. Pólq" f') ------...- ---~------~._-_._~-~. -. - -- --.-- ------_._--~- ------- ,..,."...-.-.., ---.l ---, , ' -' ~ - L" II] .. - Q ~ ¡,i! r:;;.Q !::::J ::=l T-' ., "'.1' o:..;a.T·" ØI'I"1~~f5<t- "'illI~"ro"~'ø''''*~ .~ - - - - -..--- - - - - - - - - ---- --------------------- [\,loru.try ;:1, l'Jß4 COMmissioner Kruse moved, aecondeo by Commissioner Voss ~nd carried 4/0, that the County Attorney Dnd ~tlltf bo directed to renec otlate tho Avolon School LeODO AqrCftment with Collier County School Board ro tho term oC the Ð~rcemont nnd commitment of tho ace re the fðc1l1 tlulI. Item 110 NtGOTIATION OF DID PACK tlO. 11, JUf.iTICC CENTER, WITH DORAN, CHAW, ArID SCHRECK - APPROVED Public ~,1(l'!ty i,(~I,llr\l&lrcltor ;)orrl11 "JleJ tlh1t tnlt> i:; I1n Itl'm dddcd to the ""}ùnU,1 ,./'i "n "fT"'r'1~nc'l !t<!~,. II 'J !,.} 1(1 :; h" t 1.1 ß t II" C K :.; t i1 ! f oponød bid:! on thc int<Hlnr C!nlt,¡IiC::5, IIIr1 l'~cJo.. :'0.11, C<)r thlt ,1uDtlce LJ 1. wq r~. _. "" ' Ccnto!r. II ù :; ,} I d t ~ iJ t "n 1 '/ 0 n c I; J c: ...11 S fee ~ 1 V" (1 (r ::¡ m ,.>t) r .1 n, ç r,' i q :. n rJ :'chrUCK, ...1:0 I,.IV.' I.....n rr", I.rl~ ' contr,'Clors on t J,1t c)lI!Jùlnq. ill~ :h' 1 d that th1s b!d h,10 !lcyer.,1 ,<u,11lfJcðUonc ,)tt,1cn~d to it, MI' result of Staff l.\lkln·l to lIllr. ~onLr..<.:tor .n,1 t'NU nt/wI COnlr¡,C"toI5 trom ...hom 5tðff lJntlclp.1t<'u 1)1:1:;. ile ~,^1,: Uw t\.~ <Jlh',r ':onlr"<:tor~ "l.!ct'HJ !',ot to bid ..nd tl1u rellson tor ti,e ,1P,)! "llen:¡ Lon d¡JIJrdr" to i.)e ,J~ II re£ul t of conct!rn:J ....1 tll tht! ,HJ¡J~nJ,) ti,.lt the ,1 rch i teet ,Jut :1U t. 'It! !I" I¡; that tho: b1J recu1v,,( "'ppedr:.; t\J :)'': within tt¡,,! County"; ~)U;Jql)l pO!JltJon for lll~ !>I\Ck No. 11, howc:v'~r, ,;11 ., rrl:1ult o( th. yu¡,llflc,¡tlons MId "xception:J tðken to tlH! !}Lð. th.Jt ;¡t"tt .,.lnl.:I t<J 1:1""t \11th l.or,~n, <':r,\lq ,'na Schreck dnd, tram dn own'1r's ¡1erSl'eCllvu, dLt'.:mpt to µrovidt.- tllo Intor- mðtlon ~nu cl~rlfle~t1on thðt tnu contr~<.:tor ncuda. Respondln'} to Comml!1s1oncr I\ruGa, ,'Ir. üorrll1 I!xpldlncd tt',ðt th!'l -...............,---..... ~.... Initlðl blc1 pllln!l ,1ncJ specs w~rQ annt out :1I.·vt'r,ll ¡nontl1s ^<l0 ,)ncJ thc Conutruction ~""n,,< ur heltl 1\ liadota of prll-\1!.J conCeroncoa with prospective t)ldd..r:;. ,I <J ~"l r~ 1 f d I! II I r¡ n ,. t l! r p r " t " t Ion 0 r (u r the r Jocumenls 4rc r~4ulruu, Jot1l11cd akclchcß ~ru ~rovJded lIä ~ctdend" dnd are sent out prior to the cJ"Y ,,{ bid op"nln<1. 'r. Dorr111 :11\1c1 hI' ...tlS trying to ~vold . rot-bid situation ðnd thðt ~t.ff Is requestlnq aoo~ 080 N:'( 3'35 rag. 10 . __ __ ______ _____..._ __ _ _ _w _ __.._ __ __ .__ _______~_ "......,u .'. ..·..'10 ' ----------------------------- -------...-. 080 r.r,t3'36 Feuru~ry 21, 1984 parml..lon lO negoLløto and bring bðC~ ~ ruduc~d prlcv to thO ace. HÐ .~id that St~fC ftlno rucommcndø, 1£ D satisfactory price CAnnot be n"gotleted ....Ittl borbn, Crlli') ðnd Sehreck, lhnt they try Dnd nec:¡otløte a ftimllclr prlcu for bid ,,"c;.. i.o. 11 wi ttl thl' two other contrftctorc th.~t had uho~1 ðn interesL nnd corn~ ulIck to th~ ACe with r~comm~ndðLionß for an IIward. H~ aold hln r005011 for appeoring this dðtc In to 511Y~ the County threr or lour wueks by trying to resolye the 8ituation. Commissioner Kru.. moved, .econded by Commiaaioner Voss and carried ~/O, that Stat! negotiate a prico for Bid Pack No. II with boran, Craig, and Schreck. ancl, II thllt Is not fJucce..ful, thðt Stnff negotiate thin bid with the t~o other contractors and return to the BCe with an a....Ard recommendation. ~I:. ~¿¡UI\C1Cr,; :¡..I~ lhb:' tll~' bllj 1.'111 hè!YO to 1Jf.' rl.!turncC: lo th~ lice, In lhc fUlure, tor tIlt: 1:<.:<: to t.lkl. formlll "':tlon to r('jccl .1lJ bids, purllutlnt to tl1<' blcJC11!1; ~q'''::lflC'':'llon:.. It.., t 11 ;'ì..>'. ..... I\ÞÞi:.:. rUb Ht.:MUVA L - APrnOVED I !JTM'f DIRECTED TO NEGOTI- ATE A CONTRACT WITH 60UTH~RN ENCINEERING COMPANY AND RETURN SAME TO BCC Actln'J Þ,rJminif¡trr.tlv,· :)~rvlc(!!. '\GI~.lnlf¡tr.Jtor lIolh'Y cxµlc.lnccJ thl!t thili lten, rcprcsvnt:; :;t^ft'!¡ efton tIJ recommend IIn iJrehllect lO ,..-....- .....,.~..........."..... _- A _ß.h.... 14 porform th~ ~pccl(icutlon pr~¡.>nrtlllon5 IInd contrnct I!dmlnlstrllllon tor tho 48beuto:; remov~l. lie soli,: thE.L l\o'O proposal!:; \o'er., rl'!cl'!lvccl .::Ind tt'ðt !JoLt, cilnrllc1/1tc.:, Wcrt tnl.·rvj"....' ~ "..!I!c:h rt'r.u! t...,: 1:'\ ~:t.:l[r'¡, rccommendlllion to nL" o~I!lL.' ., cont.r.,et ....ILI, :;outncrn t:nglne!!rln<) ComµÞn}' or ('L'or'II", /.t j,'nt." ("'CJt,~ ". ~II. uru¡:.. I:olly :'I'IJ'(I' III 0fJPo~lt.lon to this rvcommcndtltlon on th,: groundr. th,:¡t LI110.. j!. " Ilon-L'xl~;t.lr,. 11t,Zhr:, tin;; h" rcquc:;tcr. tll,~t th., Itcm be reconlild~re¡; bccaut;, 01 LI.. nUtl.,y of public fund:>. lJurln', lll.. cn:';Uln,¡ dlt<cul¡:,¡or., C'\"lr~I"n Brown :1,,1;: lh::.r th,' tÍt,¡)lt~: JJe¡..t:r trn/)nt .10vllo"" lilt· ~CC tu r ""'011" l L' I.llibcl!tOfJ. Itt: /¡iuIJqesteC: the1\. .'iI?C' 11 - -.---. .-- _....- -.... - - -~ -- -- ----.- -. -- -.-.- -- -.----------...- -----..---...---- !:!D æ:::::J ['.':::,;\:\~ -----.. '. ·0' ... .."~" " r,;;:;] r=J CoN..::! -- ---- -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ---- -- -- - - - --- -' - - -- - - - - --- .-- - - - - ._- - - - - - - -...';~ -0:."'", ......~',.,...................'..... .iì"Tu,"r'" -""'-T~~_~I r -r -r '-'.' - ·1.1f.Þ_ljn~~ Fcbrui!r'l 21, l~H~ Nr. folly ru"d tho rr.port on t:he liubjcct. Commiauioner PIstor moy.û, ~.cond.d by Commissioner Voss ðnd carried 4/0, that the "Ghort LiBt· for tho ^Bbestos removal be ðpproved tlnd that Staff be directed to nugoti~to ~ contrAct with Southern Engine.rlng Compllny and roturn same to tho UCC. Item 012 STAFP DIRECTED TO DELAY ^CTION rF.RT^INING TO TAX DEED SALt PROCEDURES AND RErORT BACK TO Bee IN ^PPROXIMATELY ONE YE^n ON THE SUBJECT !,ctlnq "'Jmlnl!itr.Jtlvp. ~~r'JI(;,,¡¡ /\tJIOJnu;trJttJr Jiol11.'Y rl~t.;¡rrc(1 to thll I::xrcutlvu :';Ulnm,]ry :1i1ted 2/7/Uf, which [Upro:scnlG Stðt!':¡¡ .!ffortl! of __SA....c.çn.1n9,.¡J¡Jropr1.t."proC.dur.. and Sr:ate Statut.. aosoclated with the tilIC uccrJ .lpplle,ltlon ¡,r,)c('fdl. ::0 :;¡¡Id '~,h'h yonr the 1"'x Col1<.:ctor notltll.'!: till' hCC o[ 1..x CvrL1Llc.Jt<!h ttldL /¡"Vt' r',vl:rL..,J ~o U1t. -':OUflLY':; olom"r¡¡hlp '1!tcr t\.'O YI'.Jr!> of ."JI.'. Ii.: :J.lld ¡h.lt ':1)( CC'rtJ(lc.::tea prIor to I:JUO ....re purchoJlhH1 by ~tl<l lorr.lcr ¡,'K Colh'ctol, t1lJt ';',x C~IJ"clor C~[Llon uo~n not ~o th~t. I:" ::.lld th,)t U',tJ noli.:c of ::r,.: l':'CD ,Inti 1<;51 r.,x Curt I! IC"l"s h.,v~ burn 5l'nl to the I~CC. Ij,~ :.,,1<.: tl."t Count.y iltlorru.·y ~.1unCJ<lrs' :>taLi h,lve rtllwtJrched r:h~ ~t/1tUtC3 nnd, .,lthouqh Mr. :j,)unocr¡¡ .llIvi:;.,,, th<1t thu ;;t.Jtut,,:¡ !lll)t~ ttHIt t.llt: County "r,.:111 ,~ppl\l on ,111 C"rt1!¡c~tor. l/wr., in Ip",w"y J\:5 t,)r.;¡~ '::h.. tll"e!r.:.mc In ...hlch the ·.'"unty :¡hould ,;µply. ,'ir. Ilolluy :JIII, h... r'H",,,rCn.,{ :,..v.'r,'i (\t the: T"IC CurtlflClIlcs IInd through ~ eomµutl.'r run ot '::hc TdX Co11"cto[ ~pprolCl- ¡"ðtvly 1JO Ceru!lcAtuII ....ern dent!!I!!/j In lhtt Hlq Cypress dro.... 110 Ut1ld.,thllt Mr. Carlton lòtAtUtJ that tho.. Cllrtlflc.t.1I ....ould b. rede.llled by whoovC!r 1:1 dequlrlnq thl! proport¡·, :lUch ,11" thu f'cderDl Government 1n tho ß1q Cypr~lIs art!" or tho :>tatc ut florJCJ~ in the r...hkahlltche.. ~trdne, , :lna they \o'oul,~ 11,lVtI to 1'.1Y triO! t.'AI1S duo: on U103C CurtlflclJt/!s. 11. explaJn,," lhnt hl5 rueommond.1tlon to "prHopri.,tc ,I ,;um of monoy to proc..d with tho Jlpp11cAtlon proc"nll In b.JGcd on hJa anDlysi5 of the :Jto1tutoa. tOOK 080 W,[ 337 rllq. 12 - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..- - - - - -- - - -.--- m~ 080 rm 338 County Attornuy bðundara .aid that the Statute i8 mandatory and February 21, 1984 the DCC must apply 011 ðll tne TIIX CortlflcAlCG, hO....Qyer, hv ha5 dotermlned th.::lt there 1:-; D period of, Beven YCIH:I In which to m..,fu- the, applictltlon. II.. s..I, thùl "ppurcnt1)' there will bo,; lary(' numbcCl; o[ Certificates that nrti not worth Invcstlng any money in and the DCC 10'11] have to make II decision ....hether to acquire any of these or wait the sllven yeao¡. IIc ¡¡Did that the State Lcc;islaturc is, hopefully, going ....,.~.. to IImend thf" 5tlJtulc:.) dCbllnC) ....ith Tax Deed 5/11f!5 ano this ml\Y give the BCC marc (lcxlbillty. IH' ""dd tlll\t It woulc, bl' f-'ossiblf' (or th(' OCC to ....ei t tI couµl.. oj yv,Jr:, unti J tllOl;e ch/1nqe:.; ,~rl' nllHJc. keß Jondín'] to Comm!¡¡!:ilont'r Vot.ô:;. "i!. :>.Jund(·r~; [;<11'1 tt,ilt CI. thv end oj ßcv('n yo...r:l, if there II> no en,HHj" ¡r, U" ~t.¡tut..,:., t,l' would '¡live to "'l'Ikt! ;1 ¡\acJslor. whether lilt· ~·ti1t\Jt.., I é; n\l,ncl,'tor'l "" till i'c:poJr tmf'nt of fwvcnup line vl:lrlou:; otl...r orn"IIl;:,'tlon~. ¡"J\'l' in:JicuLl!u. Mr. HollIJY :JùlcJ thllt th~' cost of tn., "fJr-11L'.:\tlon:; ¡or III' l')"r: 'j{,1( (;('rt1flclItc¡; would DC ðpproxlm.Jtt:ly :,~:',Ul'{) \oo'llle/, rl'IJrc¡;t'~t~ tll( :.1Ll(' ¡HUlrel, worl.. Con,r.d:-.- ¡¡loner VOSH 1\,,10 tilt IJC(~ rJlloul,: "'.:lIt seven Yf"orll /lnd octermlnC' thf!n If the j,...... nl'lr. Of'~rl ";!lfln ~\~I..:. l'r. ~·h)UnClcrJ ~ 'a1~; ltl¿'t.,)~ .soon 11t; the' lit., 1:; chllnge:J he I.IIJ aj-iJrlse till' Bce: 01 the: nrH d~vl!lopmrnt:.;. .......".....~.. .."~tI'."""",,,"'''II I ... I~ - .... Commissioner Pi&tor moved, øeconded by Commlaøioner Voe~ and carriud ~/O, thnt thr Stoff be directed to delay action pertain1ng to Tax Deed Sole µrocedurea and r~port bncl<. to the DCC in approxlmate]y one year on the nubj~Cl. Item 113 COHSIDtR^TION OF ACQUISITION or ~XE TRAffORD MARINA IN IMMOXALEE _ CONTINUtD TO 2/~B184 Comml.~loner Plator moveú, .econded by Commi..ioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that considoration o[ thr acquisition of Lake Tratford M~rina in ImmoKal~c be contInued to 2/20/84. l>.lq'l 1:1 --- -_.._. - -~- -.-----.--.--..---- _ -- -. - _ -- -...-- ------.--..----- c:.:::::J c:::D F,,~"?j , p",.~,,. ~"",\>;I, t ----- r;;;;;J ~ ::::J .-------------------- _. -.-------- ------- - - .----... ;'oturu.'ry 21, 1'J¡¡~ Iteal 114 RESOLUTION 84-34 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF TilE ACREEMENT ßETWEEN Tnt COUNTY AND TOPPINO COMPANY, INC. Rt OERM IN SEWER SERVICE AREA "^~ AND AROITRATION TO DETERMINE COST or REPAIR TO COUNTY - ~DOPTED U~111t11.!ß M",n.J9"r ßtlrzon '~xpl~ir"\d thðt lh!:¡ Item Is " t71lItcor t:hllt ~tlß prc JnCl;d ,]11 .1 rUl1ul t ot ncqot.i.,tlona hutwtlun U1f-: Count.y I\ttorney' c offlco ilnd Topplno ComptJny, Inc. he :Jnld th" t.<jrf!(:m€'nt dfl" 11\ '.1 th rCI",lrlnr¡ ::11" 'ff,H¡hl:u VU~ ¡;ort1on nf ~J¡,) nol¡,;lnq pnll11 .:it the ::orUõ Nðplo>i ~;ew"r i'l,:¡nt. lie !iiJld that il iz oJ rQ.J¡¡on,Iblc f.grCt:mant :,nd, if i'o¡; Jino <:omp¡¡ny ciJrrlclJ oUl thcir portion In \jOO(1 r.,lth bOlh p~rtl(,n ...111 be IZurvc(J w~ll. , (~ "xpL.lnc<J thiJt (o11o...ln'l the ((,pnlr thore ...111 be dn opportunity to a"t"rmln~ whðt duyrce of rc~ronslbil ty, IC ¡¡ny, ..... .... L1 1. 1 '.A-"" """ .....~._...-*.... ....... Topplno Company hdil (vr lh.: L",11ure to i,..v., oc~urrl:<':. il.! ruc:ommended thoJt thu bCC oJut;!\Orl;:c tld~ ;\'JrcL'm',nt. (,ounty I\ttorn"y ::'"unU'H:¡ ,,0 lilted otJ t, 1 L LI,,, ÙCC ,¡pprovftö the I\qroumunt, tt\cro: i¡¡ oJ ¡1I"ßo¡ut¡on (or I.hl< Ch.ilrrltln',\ nlqniltllre. lIt! (¡/lid tt1.'t thi::: I\qrcuml:nt pllr::11tr¡ t~o! County tc"J ¡:-roceclJ ...It.h tI,,~ berm rL'p.:¡lr .1nrt to (\Qt~rr.1lne throu< h ,',n Informal .Hbltrr.tlon proc')(1IJre who ...nu ,It f.Jult in tl1.:: r.,11ur,: 'It UH,l.h!Cr:. ';1: "J(fJl.dnl"~ Ll1Jt Topµino compllny will con:,¡truct tt\l! berm <It lhtdr ';o~t i.n':, It It ID "',H"rf"llf1l"( -h.,t thoy wer~ ~O% Involved In th~ fniluru, tn~t thl.' county would ~nly PdY 51H of tne [<.'p.lir ,I,'HJ It tile COo11p"ny i:; IO(J\ "t (;lull, '.J:L! County would not ¡::.::Jy ,lnythlnfl. iiI! s.::Jlè I ( I t Is tI"t..rmlnlJd, throlJCjh the: .HtJltrùtlon, that !3omltbody ,,1~1'I ......5 .It [,'ul t the County c.Jn proceed dg.::Jinct thtJt ptlrty. Comallasloner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Plator and carried 4/0, that Aesolution 84-34, ðuthorl%lng execution of the Agreement between the Coun~y IInd Topplno Company, Inc. re berm repair in Sewer Serylce Area "A- and arbitration to determine coat ot repair to the County, b. adopted. (Note: Agreement not received in Clerk's office aA of 2/24/84,) . ~...'" ".d At - 3... ~ {......""1',.J..-) aODK 080 rl~.t 3'39 Þ(C- paq It 14 - - - - - --- - -- - - - - .- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- .-,.. ~··1 ~L"'''''''-'''~''.-'-~'_'''' ~·vtll~~·:"~u. lit -~.¡4111ßìi.~ ""( '~."'1\ ~U~';":¡"',""'t"~:'" \ ~. . " '.~ ~~ . '...,(~ r¡;¡¡¡jI ¡¡¡;;¡;¡ ~ .---------.- -.---- - ----- -....-- ---- - -- ----- .. ... . P"gl) 1 !I - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. - .-- - - - - - - - - - - -- ~obruary 21, 1984 It.. 115 ROUTINE BILLG - APPROVED Fon P^YMENT I'ur:.uant to Hesolutlon 81-150, t.hu [ollowlng ChOCKS w,!co J:H;UtlcJ through fubrunry 17, 1~')4, In ¡Jayn"nt. o( r<:)uc1nu 1;111::.: CItI::CK )t::.;crlJ P'l' I ON CIIf.CX ì;O:¡. M-:OUI.JT V8nnor lor;~¡jl¡ - lUlj7ïn ') 1 , :: ~ ~ , ¡; (J 'J . 1 :: Itet. 116 BUDGET AMENDMENTS ~4-261/2G2 - ^DOPTtD Commissionor Krus. movðù, neconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that ßudgot Amendments U4-2Gl/2G2 bet adopted. ~ l.. _ ............ ..,--- .".__......",. "' .....,.....- _.~ --- &001( 080 PAr.t 3'41 .............I¡"oj:.,............ .. -. > . 'IIi ...,. .¿ -{ "rlllllilÎílillt-- ¿~ Twr ~ln JlŒ~~ "il A-t,ArI"I._ ''''~''!''~",~~~'w,.."..;.~'t'' ,":'-" ~, ':¡ ,'.i'·I.';~~··"';·~" ,i' ,",r'f \.';'~" "'I <1' ""_,__'..._______",_._·_...,_.,........___".",,"''''''''"''k''',.,'''_..._.._".,..._...."......,,,."""',.,..,""",,,,'",,. ,.~ ., .... ~OOK 080p~Gta44 rebruDry 21, 1984 ---------- -----------~ ----------------- COMMISEHONER VOSS APPOINTED TO SUBSTITUTE FOR CHAIRMAN BROWN ON COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD Chtllrmlln IJrolo'n In¡Jlcl!L~d th4L hI' would b(' un,1blc to sprv,: on lh... CAnY4Ss1ng Honrd nnd hc roquested thllt Dnother Commls~ioner be appointod to serve. Co.-issioner Pistor ~ved, seconded by Commissioner ~rus. and'· carried 4/0, that Co.miasioner Voss be appointed to substitute for Chalr~an Drown to serve on the County ClInvassing BOArd. It.1II U U USE OF COUNTY-OWNED PROPERTY IN GOLDEN G^TE CITY FOR A l'OUFI-WfJEEL DRIVt: TRUCK SHOW ON MARCil 10 AND 11, 1984, In' GOLDEN GATE EAGLE - APPIWVED ALONG WITH THt: HOLD H^RMLESS ^GflHMI:NT Co~ml.sloner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Vasa nnd carried 4/0, thøt thu uso of lho County-o....ned property located In Tract 115, Unit 4, Goldon Gote City, for ð four-whoal drlye truck nhow on MlIrch 10 and 11, 19B~, sponsored by the Goldan Gate Eag)e, be aPFroyeð along with tho Hold HllrmJess ^greemltnt. Item 119 PUBLIC WORK~ ADMINISTRATOR l~nTM^N DIr:t:CTED TO EXPLORE TilE POSSIBrLIT\' OP RIGGS ROAD B~INO USED ^~ ^ HAUL ROAD fOR FARM USE ^NO REPORT TO BCe ........ .....~.. ....-.....-- . I'uullc horkh MmlnIGL¡II!.or /t.\rtmtln ex¡;Ji)lnt:d th,H th(' m.Jjorlty of trAffic on 1119']:1 ko,),~ com~:. tron. th( rC!lIr1~nts nJon(j tho'lt rOil:;. HI' Baid ~ncr.. t¡I1VI tJ"~1\ oceù!.il0nl: ....01"n tll<: tl!rmer~. ,H till' nortll end of th.. rOlld 114V~ UIiIIH': th., rOd~ ten hdllllnl.j cqul pmcr,t. tic rofcrrL'rJ to hie: m,'mo dllt( d 2/17/f.,~ 1~1 tilt; k.xccutlv(' ..unHMIY rcqnrdlr,,) tIlt' !.illtJj(:CL In ~'hlel. h~ polntu~ out tnðt Lhcrc IS an uðst/weul dlku bn~ ditch along the north cne: ot till rO,H 1o'1¡Jcll r:¡nkCLi It ül[Llcu!t (or rl~l ul.H tr,lfflC" between tnotlc lotc. 11.' !',.it! th/.L ~l.J(f will requcst UCC: ðPfHOV.1J of the flnl11 DI>SeBsmcnt rulJ tor Id<Jq:¡ HO(lr. ~'ltllln lhl' next frw we~k!J tlno In thllL DSPlOUSmcnt roU 10'111 lJL' th.' tw<> L/HI11 propcrlles tit lhp nort!' I'ðqt' 1(, - - - - - --.. - - --. -. .- -~ - - ..- - - .~~j - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --...., i - ....~,,-'_. .....,.......,""'-"!" -, r;;¡;¡ c.;;¡;:) c:::;::] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ - 0- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ":';,' ij r (: b r U /I r y ::: 1, 1 ~ H 4 '" ,../. r~ enn o( tho rO(l(1. II~ said \.hdt, currnntly, the ::;tl1f[ ::O( ::I not :,now the f~rmdr~' plQn~ to Uß~ Lha road alld he rnyuc3tc~ the nµportunlty to Inyestlgðte whethQr thd tarmoro' Intend to u:se the ro~d. Top. '3 Mr. .¡ameu Cony, rl.'lIirJunc ,)no rropfHt.y own<'r on /ll'i'J!I "')"", ::;1'01<8 i n 0 p po II i t Ion 0 ( t h f! U:J ,! 0 t ! il (J q:J ¡, 0 n c1 ¡J:J d h:. u 1 r 0 iJ d ~)'; 1.1,'1 r oJ r Iõ1 C! r ::; ,1 t tne nortll "nc! 01 tl\u r<h":. IIC' :wHi t~1<1t UHI rOi,d it; not \,:on:Jl.ruc:ro,j to wllhstand h~ðVY truckin~. H~ rnquo:Jtud that no trucl<.~ h~ulln~ proc1ucc b<t ,0110....O:-d r)n 1<1'1(' :'; Ho.'J. Commlu~lon"r PI~tor ~¡Jl~ I( ~uCI\ ~ r"~trlctjon i~ ~l~ceo on Rlgga (¡oild tho [l1rm"ra <:oul~ not. be ù:J:SUII£iecJ (or Improv':mwnt. ot thot rOlln I1n~ ......~_..- ._......... ~,t'¡s would Incr",H'" tt1~ <:o.';r, to f, ,~ l':HI'.JI'nt5. ,'1r. Cody !J,' I (! thr.t t.hero 10'''11 nl!vt.'r ~UppOIlf]U lO JU ..ny ,1¡¡l1(H'Dme:nt t.o till' r"rm. :-1r. tl3rtr.1an liðlrJ tn.,t ,;ti1f t ':0"5 not knolo' ""n,'t lll(: ("rrr,,,r Intendll to Ullu tt1v rO~d (or or wllelher tlll're lu ~ wwl~ht limit tlldt could bn clqCt.'UO IJpon. ¡Iu :Jt1ld ~IC ~/ouln 1ll<.<:' p..r~,I::;t¡lon to fir,I' out t.h.~ .,nsWl.1ra to thellt! '-juust 10nD ,1neJ caine u.JCI<, at d l.Jt'Jr do tu ""I t.h o1n "Pl'ropr I/ltc r "cOmtnt>nLJðt Ian. .':r. CoLJy ::1111(1 lIt! L¡:Okc will' t 1" nU¡.i~'rvì:ior at tlH:: :.,rl:1 .1ncJ W.HI told that th~ !~rm~r (ntendo to ~lJCC ~ lJ or ~~ Inch ~ulv~rt "cross t.ho» rOJld on hie :;\,," ot U¡\.' ¡'fo¡'urt)'. JI~ cll:¡trl:"utl~LJ ,.. ~ll(utCf1 OL the ,Jr'UI stlowlnl) whoSt r.~ C\)l\l( neJr; tho f"r~~r "",'nt:J to ,jo with thf' rOilLJII In the ¿¡rell. -.......~.._..... - Commi..ioner Vo.. ~oY.d, .econded by Comml..ion.r Pi.tor and carri.d 4/0, th..t Public Works Adlllni.triltor lJartllan be directed to explore the po.elbllity of RI99S Road beinC} used as /I haul road for farm us. and to report back to the BCe on the matter. ..... Com.lealoner KruaQ moved, ..conded by Comlllsaloner Plator and carried 4/0, thllt tho tollowlnq It.ma be adopt.d and/or approv.d under tho con.ent a9.nd.1 ***** &OOIt 080 PAf,t345 PDC}1t 17 ---- - - ----- ..-- -- -- - -- - - - - - - - --.- -- --- ------ _. ~~' . ·....·Wl1l11 ,.......-.,¡'W· .., T~."~èff_~. <~,\.,\,. ì~ '.'\.: .,'j,.::'~; ~~","" ,..."..... ",;;',>(,1.t; ,-.J,";¡,,~'~, i" 71.";'1:' ,:.¡;'.:>~,: ),'fil. " · .~ '.;c. . "",J" ----------_._----------------------------- eDD~ 080 PACt 3'4ô It.. 120 CnA AUDIT RESOLUTION IN TilE AMOUNT or $29S.00 t'obrUiHY :'1,19/14 Item 121 RESOLUTION 84-35 REAPPOINTING MR. RALPH E. CARTER TO THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR A FOUR YE^R TERM, WHICII EXPIRES ON 2/26/88 s.. P.9~ 3'/P It.. 122 CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO TAX ROLLS PRESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER ] 979 TAX ROLL (;1:7 Uf1/Hf, ~f.r: T,...:-: rWLL ::'f.,: ?-/(¡/Iil, 1 '.'i, J TAX HOLt. \J~...-(,1., ¿/tj-'2./7/f." 1 n~ ') Tf,~; kCLL I ~¡:; J T'", 1(:)1..l. (,t.j-(,:,r. I/JJ-2/7/¡;,: 2~S.-21~1 I/J1-2/7/R<: T¡,;.':It:t.:; I'I:f¡:;ONfd. PHOPI:k1'ì' l~CJ-:'~l·J:, 2/2-2/ì/G4 It.1I 123 EXTRA C^IN TIME tUH INMAT~ NO~. 1 ]400, 36577, AND 43200 Itell 124 RESICNATION FR~' MH. ~. GLENN TUCKER OF r^RKS , Rr.CREATION ADVISORY 80ARD ACCEltTtD; APPROPHI^TL LETT1:n OF ACCEPTANCE TO BE SENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE fon VACANCY .. '.~. . ....-................... 1 ~_ LAKE TRAFFOHD CtMr.TERì' Dt.:¡;O NO. 374 It... 12(, I>oe Pllq~ :3 ~ 'Î MISCELLANEOUf> CORREsrONor.NCf - FILED AND/OR nEFf-RRtD 1r"'r.' t¡~II':: no (':}I'~rtl"". UI' C/¡,,11 (J rr:Ctf!d lh.Jt trll' 10Ilowlr\<j correarJonucnc.. l.. (II,,; "n\1/"r fl'll:rl'" ~o lIl': v.,r(oIIH dep..rtrnr:nt~; al. lnt11elllr¡! '',,In..: J. lJu j rt"":nt.l ''''., )It.. r..C¡:lv('.: "nd (11,'" train: &1. ~OC1~,) ..lc:rVl~r.:.. llC'cCr.1bt:r, 19B~.. u. 'Jnlpf..tn:-.. :-)l:r\'1C""\~:" ~It'nu....:-''' IfJL'~. ... 1.0 t tl· r eLl t r ~ 11 ~ 7 / L: ~ I r 01. L>c µ L. 0 tIn I' u r II n c t: ¡, ,. r ~ .'1. U r c r, D I v . of Hl&., M.:In,h cm',¡¡L tllIvl:.!n'l UltH JC1r1r, I;. IIlsl<'r cltlim ,lq.,lnst 1>41'.1'" J r ----.. - -'- --... _. -_.- .-- -- -. -. - -- _.. -- - - .'- -- -- ---------------- :-:--'." ;, . ',' ...--:'""-,. i..;.......;;..: ~..,....._.'j ".~f· r 11 .' ra;a r;;;;) ;:::::J - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.~ - - -.. - - _.- - - - - -- - - - - - - ,"OIH¡ul to <':<Jntro 1 hils I)f!'un I' 11ud. Cl::¡trlct, filud. ,obrullr'! ;:1, l~!\¡; ~~: I~aqulto ~cntro1 ). Lutt~r J~toa 1/2'/8~ fcom ~drt. nt IncurDn~~ ~ Trunuurur, Lly. of Hlllk M"nnqrment ,1t.I'Jlr.ln1 r.h.1t l.uclc ¡;ic1l1¡¡no <:lùl.11 t"1" b~'un '(lIed. .(CI "'r. ;¡"un~er¡;, Filed. ·1. i"Hi()UrC'~ r, ~rl H~'tr:rr,ll from U~I1, C,1&e ICO';S,ì ;!I'Jqlnq in n,Jn,;rnve ;¡re. .donr¡ hourI! :'~'. xc: Fll ed. rr,<')i1r<: Inq l.:r. .,~nt~ul~~t, ~. I.')tlcr 11,lt,.d l/~"/?~ (rorn t:ovt'rr.or Cr,lh,m nutI :/1;/1'1 ,-rtLcrl.l ~t t.t¡C Governor' ~ DUG l'ln ,'\wr\r(~:J rraqr...11!) ..if"':: rl'~ìuè~tint~ p.:¡rtlclp.:¡tloll 111 l:J~4 pro'Jr"rr.. ;.C('; "Ir. VlrtD, 1"11.:<:. í.. ,':Inutcs ot ~'cne,¡¡u" lIre <':~ntrol ,ill;t. r,,1vlnory <.:omm, ¡/2/C4, ,'ntJ City 01 :I,1pl"H, ¡/:(;¡r~t,. YoI:: ;'11"'1. 7. - ~-4 1;;: l<.:ttr:r:¡ rQccl\·~'tI in o!,p03ltlon to tJI~ p.¡rf;, P"tltlun /i-',¡J-~:JC, I'rlneuJJJ Pi.!r~.. ..,wi·.lJ..d .,_.", . prop05~d xe: ~\r . ~r.".ul>,,"m('nt vi r ::',1, ~. LL'ttcr 'J,Hcd 1/2t,/:~4 ¡ r<,r.1 fUq: "5 ::heil:c Club ::lJpportlnl:; ~w.lmp lIu':)yy l'lY~ ,lpp11cdtlon Ce,r r'::.:on.... K~: ,':r. Vlrtil, ['jlHd. ..... - . . . ......... ----- .,.,..... ~~.....II "UV...·I.\. 1\. '11J!...J~l prOtcDtln'1 r....tc (ncrellscs ,1l1o.....rJ \'.Hd Ileo:ì. fronl ¡')!J() t.o l~BJ. ;.:e: ,"r. V I r t!1, f1r. II.. r t ~.1r\ , 1 I 1" (I . Itell! '27 WICCINS ~AY - AGREEMENTS Site PðqCS 350 - 3..S'f- . . . . . . TtHHC uelnQ no l urtl,or bUl:ilnllt>o [ó:)r ~,t"J lJood at ~tJl: County, thl! mVCltlnc¡ w...a ,Hljouln<!ü by Urdur of Uw "::,,1Ir - Tlnl!!: lOtl:'¡ I\..~. UOAIID IJf ClJUN1'\' COI1,"\I~5IO: EHS/¡)oMW Of ZONING APPEI\L~/rX UFFICIO GOII~RNING üO^HO(~) Of ~PEC1^L DISTHICT~ UNDEH IT~ CONTIW .~"''''~.'''I''- -, . ~- I I " ì,'1'h...;,~lnut. M:jlppr d " ',,·Jf~~\.1 .'Ã.__..__ '. "'r.l.nt.a / ~ or " by tho UCC on ~ ;:<¿1"?,Py .J1i "I corroctL'd " . ' BOOK 080 rl',t 347 raC . 19 ------ ------ ---.---- ---- ---.-..-..--..-...- , , " ...,........"'.,...~ ~. .::", , "P-·~·~V-~"t'_TI· ~1Ith , " .. ..,.~.,'"...:,.,¡íf~;;~~.i/:!t';,,~....! , ".)"·/';",'<'¿·-..:.l:h,~~t'~~).:,...) Î;·"·'~~.I'~' " ___ .,~..".._,.,_._"._,__,.-...,._.,...,.~_,...._",_",..;._______"__.......____ "1"