BCC Minutes 03/06/1984 R it ,~ ~ ." ~ ~~ ï: l' Ìi- j; 6"" Iiiiiii1 &11 . IiiIiI -- --~ . Haples, Florida, March 6, 1984 LIT IT 8E REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commis.ioners In and for the County of Collier, and allo acting a. the Board of zoning t App..l. end .s the 90v.rning board(.) of such .pecial district. a. have b..n cr.atod according to law and having conducted bu.ines. herein, on this date at 9100 A.M. in Regular S..sion in Building -P- of the Courthou»o Complex, Ea.t Naples, Florida, with the 'ollowing members present I \ CHAIHMAHI David C. Drown VICE CHAIRMAN I C. C. -Red- Holland John A. Pfstor Frederick J. VOIS Mary-Franc.s Krule ALSO PRESENT I William J. neagan, Clerk, Jama. C. Cilel, Filcal Officer, Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk, Burt L. Saunders, County' Attorney, Torry Virta, ^cting County MDnager, Donald Norton, Acting Allistant County Manager, Irving Berzon, Utilitiel M~na9or, Heil Dorrill, Public Safety Administrator, Loe Layne, Zoning Director, Ann Ober, Planner, Knuto tlartman, Public Work. ~dmin1atratoq Chri. lIolluy, Acting Admini.trative Servicel Administrator, Crace Undorwood, Admini- .trative Afde to the Board, and Deputy Chiaf Raymond Barnett, Sherfff'. Deparbrrent. me 080 P.~t 405 t.....""..._._ ,.""'""""'_."'n..'_"'_·,·...._"~,;...,...«,..,..."';___"..,'f_".."."...""""",_...._,~.'_",....___~_........"""'''""_,__,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,_< " """_'"''''''''''·''',.-ft~h''''_''''' ",.'''-'''.. ,.., ''''''_'"~_'"'~~''''''''''''H''',_';:<'''"''''<___''"'"''''''''' ''''!_ _..-.,. ~, nl' ...,.....""__...""'".,".~"_~."..."'~."'."...~.,'"'..,,,.,,...",.,, <"'·'"'~'''''''_'''''''''"N''''''''__'_·'''''''''_''''_'''''_~'~.""""",~~"".";¡O;.._I.,...."_";I..~__"'."'...UI".._~_,_"",;,...____....".._""'d'''...."'""'.,....._,"',..;",_".'^.-...."-.."",.'"~..,_,"".,, "'""'""-"'"'-"~~'-""'~",--"---,--"",---,--~""",-",-,,,""'"'~-,."._...",.....-.,_..,.,.--,...,,---_....._""""~~ '..---'-..........----"',--... -·····"....·""·,-,·-·......,,,....._·...,·_____'0i..~..."'_1..__..._' .'.'-'"~------.~~--"--"".""",";..-"",-,,,,,~- """""""-''''';~'''''''''''.'__''''' "_""'m" ......_.,,"',.""...._,..,-_."""..._'"'~,..,",.."'~.,,'"'_..._..,,";-_..._.._.~""'-_._-""".-....-.._--...."--~~..--..,--~~."''',.."'~-,..~..._'''"_.'.,",'~~'""'" ---------------------------------------~~~ 080 mt 418 March 6, 1984 In the area and that the varianco will not Bot a precedent becau.. the other properti.s are developed. He _aid that tho average denslty in the area is approximately 29.4 unitl per acre and that the requested density i. below the existlng den.ity. Commllaioner tlollancl laid it wa. hll underltanding that the reason for the requolted increa.e in the numbor of units is to allow the ownor to build a more palatable appearing building in the area, to which Hr. Pickworth agreod. Responding to Commissioner PlItor, Mr. Pickworth uid that th1l 11 an area where all tho other propcrty ownors hav~ double the density that his client hes ftnd he added that it is difficult to compo to oconomically when everyone el~e can build twice as many units on tho .ame amount of land. County Attorney ~aunoorl Boid that in 0 varlance .ituation the economic hardship argument il not sufficient justification for granting the varianco, if the ~CC finds that tho variance is not in the public interelt. Acting County Mðnager Virta »a1d, although tho area is developed, ~t some point in time the Planning Departm~nt will be looking at redevelopment of that area and, at that point, the people could argue that they ore in need of additional density becauao of the way the property i. dovelopod. lie said that the sole criteria lor 9r.ntin9 the variance ia hardship and that tho burden of proof of hardship is on tho pefitioner. He lald it il the position of the Staff that hardship han not been proven. Co..issioner Kru.e moved, seconded by Comm'..ioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Co..is.ioner Holland moved, seconded by co..issloner Kruse and carried 3/2, Co.-i.sioner. Voss and PI.tor oppo.ed, that Re.olutlon '4-42 re Petition V-84-2C, be adopted. Page 8 -------------------- - - - ,-,~_._---~, - .--.---,.... .... ·"".·,....,...·.__·.-."·.,u..".'_"'''',,o·,,_''',...·.-~...",'__,__''*......,:___..? If~ ~",..'....-..-----,-..""'...."'..,---..-- ,.,._,"'."'~~..;."""'".................._.......,.'"'...._----_.._".- "".._......"..;,..'"..~""-"";".',.......-"...,.,..~.,",,.. '....._-'''"..,~., ~""'''''_._..."""","......~.,_.._-_.",~,_.,..",-,_.,.,.- """.*~."-",,,",....._.,..._..,,,,,,"_.,",,,,,,;-.,."",".....,;,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..___________"'·___...,......''''0''.'"", '-,;-'...-,..... ,'.....","...,'~..,...._,"'."".....'..._"'.~>,~.,,_ -, ~> ,. ",._.....><.._~_'r._,..'..."...,....,;'"'_,...;_, .'_doc. _,......,.-"__.-.-...~_...'_,,. _, ...., b ""~'-'_'''__'''''''.__,fI''_'''''~IU_,''''''''~ ..... .._--,--_.._--,----,',.,..,.,,'_..,..~,.." 8] I&J ~ -- -- -'" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -. - - - - - - - - - - ----- March G, 19B4 mended that a ba.e rate ot t~o for tMS lervice. would be a rcasonablo rate that would enable tho County to maint3in the billing dopartment and to encourago II higher collection rat.. Commissioner Pistor maid that his discussions with hospital personnel have resulted in their exprcssion of th~ fOAr that people will use tho ombulðnc~ as ~ tÞxi, if the chdrgc is for ~~o ~nd th~ in.urance companies pay it, ond that the hospital ~mergency Dopartment will be unable to tako care of 1111 tho people. 110 said th.\t the parsons with whom ho has discUSBOd the situ~tion would like the County bale rate to be $60 or $70 so th~t Qvoryboøy will havo to pay a tee for ambulance use, oven though the insurance pays most of the ulll. ~r. Dorrill said that the ßee ~ill have to adopt an ordinance if the referendum is approved and tho district i» created. He said that Gtaff is currently working with Dr. Tober on a new systom using thQ existing radios ln tho hospital Emergoncy Room, so a paramedic ~ay consult with an Emergency Room physicion ofter an onalysis has been made ot a particular case in the tiel~. 110 soid that ~he physician will be able to authorize the paramedic to rofuso a transport that does not appoar to be fully warranted to tha dxtent that a County ambulance il noces- s/lry. lie .aid that this system would romove a majority of borderline CDse. where the par~mudic may choose to send somoono to the hospital in his or her privato vehicle. Ue lIIaid th4lt the t.MSAC has u'ceoivod t-..o petitions during tho pa.t year from privato, non-emergency transport companie. desIring to come to this area to do bu.In.... tie laid tho.e companies could piCk up the non-em,rgency call and would b. able to oft.r a more reasonable l~vel of service to people who need non-emer- gency transvort b.tween a nursing home And the hospital or between 'their home And a privAte doctor's office. He said these two .y.toms would drastic~lly r.duce thu total numbor of runu that the County EMS lODe 080 "~r 435 pag. 14 -----------------------.-------------- 080 PA~t 436 Ma rch G, 1984 -----.------------------------------.... --------------------------------------~~~I~· <·J;~:;'rrt..· ,. t . .' "'..... :c. '.......,'.. ", ·r . ¡ ..~'..:I;i,.¡ . ·~:.:~,~r will experience durinq a year ~nd the County unit. will bo availablo for only thoae call. that warrant the £~6 attontJon. Co.-l..ioner Voss moved, .econded by Commi.sioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the ba.. rate of $50 b. ..tabU.hed for EMS .ervice.. Hr. Carri!1 asked if it wal the d.sire of the ~CC to freeze the beao rate for a period of time? Comai.sion.r Holland ~ov.d that the ba.e rat. of $50 be froz.n for a period of thr.e years. The ~otion died for lack of a .econd. County ^ttorney Saunder» advhed that the BCC could adopt a policy to freaze the baa. rðte for 0 period of tim~, but that policy could bo chenqed by thla SCC or ony subuq,,','.t ace by the pas8ðqo of a re.olu- tion. Co.-J..lon.r Holland ~oved that the BCC ..tabli.h a policy that the ba.. rat. of $50 not be incr.as.d for any r.ason unle.. there is a 4/5th. vote of approval by the SCC. Thi. motion dJ.d for lack of a .econd. A .hort diøcu.alon followvd durJng which Mr. Saunder. advised that Staff be dlrected to prepare a reloJutlon to state the baao rat. policy, which would not have to be brought back to the BCC. Co.-i.sioner Holland moved, s.cond.d by Co~.ission.r Kru.. and carried unanimously, that Resolution 84-45 eltablilhing the policy that the base rate of $50 for EMS .ervice. not be incr....d for any rea.on, unle.. th.re i. a .i.pie majority approval by the BCC, be adopt.d. Commilaionor PiGtor said that the public should bo mado aware that if the referer.dum ~aD... hotels and motel~ will bo contributing toward the ambulance lervice coat throUClh ad vlIlorOft1 taxo., whicll would al- levlllte the concern tI,~t telllporary residents of Collier County would not b. paying for ambulance service. NOTE I DOCUMENT NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK'S OFFICE AS or HARCH 12. 1984 pag_ 15 - .. - __<_________,_~·~·....'._~-e.~_."~"'"'"...,,..."...._·,......,.., ..'.,.'"".._---"';...,-,,."._'''''"~.-_-_...-.._...'_...._-- h__...'_.....___~..·'>""'.....X~;_·~"_..."'_.·,·,,~,~·__'·m._ ~"',',......-"">,,"',."....,,'"''''.""..-,_~.....,''''........,',.....'''...,,"....~",;i; .."." ,~'""_'''_''W·. .~ ,..""_,~.-,.C'""'''_''''''·''''''''"""".,__I"O,'''';'¡'."..__....__",..."...,,,,,,,'__"'"~"""."""' 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Mr. Hartman said there lire several avenueS such as the 9as tax, however, that tho current policy is to apply that rovenue to capital improvemonta. He .aid that some ~d vlllor~m tax ia devoted, generally, to maintenance and that d good ahar~ of r~venuo sharing is obtained from the State, the sales tax mOTloy, for this purposo. Commissioner Kruse '/lid that the County is aprllading liS much road money a. posøible to as many roads liS possible, to which Mr. lIartman agreed. Sho pointed out ie any money is spont on an alluy then the money is not available for "road. HOlponding to Commllsioner Kruse, Mr. Hartman said there are many alleys in Colden Cate City. Chairman Brown said that the a....amont process would be the only manner that the County could afford to use to pùvo IIll~ys, to which Mr. Hartman agreed. Hr. Hartman said that one sid. of the alley in question is residential and one sido il comlnercial. Mr. Savolidi. said that the opposito .ldo of the alley i. zonod re.identlal, however, thore IIrG no re.idences built in that area, pre.ently. He pointlld out that he is 'trying to avert accidont. happen- ing in the area by putting the parkin? in the back of tho propo.ed lùundromat lInd that hu ùoell not c'!dvocllto a chanqlt for all tho ÐUey. in 080 A page 31;-0£;, IOOC mr'i65 .i;;:' ._-------------------------------------~~ ..,_____..._...,M..,_"....."~',~;"',."_.~_",...,.,,............_,'...',-'_.....,>_~_"'....~__..___~""'··_; <..._...IIJIi_""'..'"_II___......;..._~"'''_i,'_'''"·'......,.\...,...,""..._-""'......,"',....._-......._,-""""-_."""""..,,..,,.,.-,,,,'-',' ""__""""'_~ôi/._~_,.,,,,",..;.,,.......,.,.,..,....,,,,,,,_.....,.,,,_,,-=,-" ,~...."_,,,,,,,,"..__·~,.~,,,.......,.,,,,,w,.,,,,.,,.,·.·..,,,,, '_T~"c"",..,.,,,,~____....._,,,,,_..___.""rt'''''',-,,,,,,,,,,,_._,,",-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,·,,,,"""""''"''1,.._....01''''-''_' ,~._...,..,........",-...,,,,,,.,,,,,..",",,,,,,,,,....,-"<>=..,..,.,.' "·_.".,~",,.",·,;,<-<'''..m''· "",'"