BCC Minutes 03/27/1984 R ,.,........,...,'"~.""".._....."",,,.",,.""'..-'Æ"_.....'"".."""""',...IN''''''''·....,.'..n'''.··.,,,"·,·,·, ."~'~.."";".''''''''~'''_'''...'''_''' :r rv ..........,......_,. ,.^".;,,"_'4-''''%~_''''''>O'''''__''".'''"~_.'_'''''''''_--"'·4,.,'-'.'.',""".," ,." """";""'"__~"_'"'é""'""""""''''''_'_''"_'''''"¡_,,,,____..._...__,......_.__"'___«~,__,.__'..,,-"""'."""""_"·',...."',.M"",'."'·.... .._~_.._-'"'-- Harch 27, 1984 agencle. have I.vlewed the petition and recommend approval lubject the .tipulatio'. found in the Executive Summary dated 3/9/84. She' that the CAPC held thelr public hearing on 3/1/84, and recommended approval .ubject to Staff .tipulations, adding that one person Ipoke favor and one letter wal received from the Racquot Club in favor of the petition. She laId, lIne. that ~e.ting, on. letter ha. been rec.ived objectinq to .ultifamily in a aingle family area. Hr. Jame. Ven.el, repre.entinq Doltona Corporation, said that thl. parcel of property wa. not orlglnålly owned by Deltona at the time the original plan wa. developed In 1964. He aald the property i. part of the replat of the .outhern portion which include. the community park. lie referred to a developunt phn on an overhead board and explained that the plan inclOO.. two-.tory buildings, adding that the plan complJeD with the Coun~y requir.ment. of draJnage nnd parkJng. He laid thero wJll be a con.iderable amount of qreen open Ipa~e on the lite. He lubmmltted an .ndoraement letter from the ho.pital qroup on Marco Illand. Respondinq to Commllsioner plstor, Hr. Vensel laid that clustering the buildJnqs .nd providing parkJng on the extorior will furthor let the buildillgl from the .urrounding at.roetl. He laid DlltonA Corporation i. I.n.itive to the needs to qJve a good appearance of a low-density residential project to be compatlblo with tho sur- round 1 nq .arc:a. lie noted the loca t ion 0 f the proposed hosp I tal and sa id that one of the Jntentl i. to be .ble to provJ~e .1 low COlt housing on MArco Illand a. can bo dono, at the present time. The following perlon. .poke in favor of the petJtion. Mr. TOIII She. Mr. Robert Staklch Mr. Ira E. Evans lpoke in opposition to the petition. Mr. Phil JOlberger luggested that the petition b. deferred until Dlltona Corporation can bring Jt before the Marco Illand CivJc AI.oclatJon lODe 081,act 07 "'-"""~_''''''~''''''-''"M'''.'',_''~'_''_'''''''___''''"'·_''''·''''''-=-,,,-,,,,.,.-, ,,,,,~",,,_,~",,,,,-,,,,,,,,,",~,,,,,_,;_,,,,,..._..___.......__,,,,,,_,'-" ",-.w","_""~'_'~"""""'""""~"'~''''~'''' "" ,,,,.,.._.--",--"- '-"^'" """""',",,,Ai""~"",""''''''.''''''"''''''''''''"''-''''''''_~.'''''''''''_'4'___'_''''''",,,,........",,,...', ..'_.'0.'_....__....._..______·'·_..." ,-, ".."""~,"',..,__"......,..";.-">,."M";.;,..'__".,,''''_......~'..._,,..'.......-,_..'"",,_ .__~,"--. . '_O...,...~~"."".._",_.. ~I'" '" _.«..",''",...""',.,.._"....,,,,'''"''..... o'''......M.'~"'<--,".·,,'''"'.,., ."","',""''''''''..._-_....--,---",''''.,'*""'''''"....."'--''''''''.,-~''''_..,'.,''.''- ", ""''-'"'0''' .-".-.,,,,,.,.-,,,...'.',' ".....-,,~"''',O.'4,'''''..__,...,__..,,'_-......._-''''',''..,~·_--""''''_·· ~'...---..""._-;,,--_. ~ "",~_.,'"~""'"="-"',.d..,,,,,,,,,~..t....,,,,,,,..,..,,;,*,-¡,,_,~,,,,,,",,-_,,~-",,,,____¥,.-..,_.''"',-.~'''-"~'' ."-."-,""-----,,,,,.....",,.'..'«.'" .,...__...._~""_"~~,,,..,'_;__~.."'~",,....,"__,,,...,'__','~,..'_..o, '. ¡?,-,'_....-"-','"'."'_.,,'~ -,""_.,,~---_.,---,... ..... _""H.""~,.v",_"""._""~"."",.,,,.,,,_,~,,,,__""""'_"""",,"iH,",__,__'~';I" ~"t "h"_'"~""'"''-''''''' '. _"' ¥~""'''',II''''__''''''_,_"",",_'___'''=''"'-'-''''''~'~''''''''''';''''<''~'-'''',,,,~.,,,,_""""""M,"""""" , "'_".,_V",i,"""'_""..."__#__,"__";,..,~__""M -"..,,·.·__........__11 =.1 ~ ¡¡¡:¡ March 27, 1984 -, a911ed with Staff's Intlrprltation of the ordinance. Ru~""ndin9 to COlDllliulonlr Pistor, HI. Layne pointed out that this , , pltltion ie an appeal of a lection of the ordinance that does not relate only to Goddard's Gal Crilla and that if the BCC oyer-r idu the . Staff'. dlci.ion, anyone can come in and lAY he has acce.lory propanl and fIll a recreational vehicll anywhere in the County. Hr. Saunders said it would bl difficult to limit the type of retail salea and to enforce that limitation. Ke. Layne stated her department hal had two othlr complaintl about plopll lelling propanl gas which have been Itopped. Attorney John Emerlon, representing the petitionlr, lubmitted three pictures, marked Petitioner'. Exhibits A, Ð, and C, for the rlcord, Ihowing the tank and property in queltion. Ms. Laynl clarll11d that the salt of rropane qas il not listed as a principlo pelmittld use In the C-4 Zoning District, therefore, the Staff considers it prohibi- ted. Hr. Emerlon laid hi ha. read the pertinont zoning classifications and could find no roferencl to the retail lall of LP gas, lither allow- inq it or disallowing it, adding that the other record he can find In any of the zoning ordinance. is that allowance in the Industrially zoned area for bulk Itoragl. He laid he could .ee no difference in the retail I.le of propane gas either in C-4, C-5 or Light Industrial diltricts. Tape 13 ~r. Emerlon Itated that a plrmit WAS i..ued to Mr. ~oddard lor tho erlction of thl tanka and there are no conditionl on the permit and that the install.tion was built at a great deal of expenditure of money by the petitioner. lie said Mr. Goddard would not havo made that expenditure only to tIll tankl, .. a court..y, that ho had sold. ~r. Ji. Goddard, ownor of JTC Cal Company, related thl dilcussions 10D( 081 ~ACt 23 Page -------------- ~-.,..._,_.~"'..---"...'""....,.';'_."'_.."""""""'-,,-"".,,""..,. _."...,""..,_""_..'....._,-"'~..._---_....._""~..,.,,'"-> ,""~'" .' ,,,,,,~..,,..,,,,...-.._._-,...._..._,-¡,-~,,--p ,- , . .t~",- , :~~j~ ----------------------------------------~i ".arch 27, 1984 ';)~ ,~~.~ H~ /¡~:; . ',!lc ._~;..¡;~ <. ·'i;J.;' 't'"...' ".., ,,', , .. ;¡¡¡; ~ Zoning Director Layn. .tated this item was continued from 3/13 and 3/20/84. She IIi,', the continu<'lnce was recommended becau.e FP'L had called St.ff .tating they had problems with the petition. She said wh.n the petitioner first submitted the drawings to Staff no e.sement was .hown on the property and that St.ff found no .asemont on the Tax ^..e..or'. map or the plat map. She r.ported that Staff finally found, in small print, on the plat map the statement that there is a 10 foot easement on the back edge of the property. She laid that Staff would have to r.comm.nd denial baaed on the additional information that the variance would go into a utility easement. H.. Pam Howard, repre.enting Bracken Pools, statad that l~llowin9 the 3/20/84 BCC.llleeting,,/:Ir. Lonqshore indicated to her that the peti- tioner must be 10 feet from the overhead line to the wator line and' that th.re must be a hori~ontal distance from the top of th. .craen .nclosur. of 18 feet. She .aid that the pool was redesi~n.d to meet that crlt.ria and that the original pins wore locat.d, which gave the p.tition.r more room. She .xplained th.t, now, FP,L i. saying that the petitioner 1. not allowed on the utility ea.ement. Mr. Bill Longshore, representing FP'L, said there is a 30 foot drainage right-of-way on the rear of the lots in thl. area which has .hortened the depth of the property in que.tion from 135 f~et to 127 f..t. He .aid that the clear.ncel, according to the National Electric Ccde, of 10 fe.t horizontal frolll the edge of the pool to . point directly under the FP,L line has be.n m.t and th~t the clearance fro. the top .dge of the screen enclosur. to the n.are.t conductor can al.o be m.t, how.ver, it still l.av.. the .cr..n enclosure inside the ...~m.nt, to which FP'L would object. H. explained that the rear of the lots is a canel which qlve. the company no acc..s from the north .ide .nd; th.rofore, the 10 foot .a.c:ment on the rear of the lot. would aoo« 081 ~AÇ[ 25 Pag. ------------------- . -...........-- ~. --'-'.- '~:; -.' ,...,.;~:. ,'.... ,..,.' ' ...~. ...~...:.~~ ,.,.,. 1'1>..,.,..tt.,;."~"',;.".:~~,.~ ,._..~,~ . .'. ..-........,.... ,-- ,.....__,__..-..-._..'_,"'_~.._".'...'v"c<__',""""'"'''.' ,",^"",op,__,"",,,",'", "_.,'.;,.~_',_,,..""..._._!I>< "', --401" _ . ,~.....'. L,,_I71>'1"1'" "'c..W..o..:.t'!~Wi,'i m:'~ ..~j..,i'~" ~ Of. ~ 'aJ.¢·~ # ',",,,~~fl:.;~' :",~:~~~,"',~~,~~~'~~;""".., ..v, _; ',~' c¡~~~ ..~~.t.\.,~: '. '~.....:.."~."".,....~....t... ..;'.,...,"... ,,-.,..,,'Î""h ~+- .':lil-'''v''~/''' .".'"t:.~, "" ,.,..-~--.;....~.._.;;._---:..~...~._.. _, ,,"..._~.~_" J. ___,__....._,........ '..-'I.... ------ ~.~ ,~'.. 081mt 26 March 27, 1984 ff#~'~b~" n..·~ed a. it i. the only access to an exi.ting power line. ~> ~:;' Responding to Comml..h.ltH Kruse, Mr. Lonqshore suted that the :-i:" Co.plny knew where the corner. of the lot ",er. when the hou.. wa. built, how.ver, . lot of the property corners get knocked out in construction. H. said that the petitioner had been using a fence line In the back as the probable property line and it wa. established on 3/26/84, thet the fence i. actually 2-112 feet in on the prop.rty, so the original drawings were based on the fence line, which was not the property lin.. Responding to Commissioner VOBS, Mr. Longshore laid that the screen enclosure. would one roach approximately 1-1/2 feet on the ....m.nt, leaving 8-1/2 fe.t for the Company to come through with their trucks. He .xplained that fences with r..movable s.ctions are allowed. Co.-is.ioner Vo.. .ov.d, seconded by Co.-l..ioner Pi.tor and c.rried unani.ously, that the public hearing be closed. Respondinq to Commissioner Krus., County ^ttorn.y Saund.rs .xplaln.d that the 8CC has the right to grant a variance that will be In conflict with an easement, however, FP'L could take 1.g11 action to prohibit the constructinn, adding that he had not s.en the ea..ment in question. : Co.-is.loner Vo.. .ov.d, .econded by Com.I..ioner Kolland and c.rrled unan1.ously, that Petition V-84-JC b. denied. CBAHCE ORDER NO. 2 TO ZIP COMSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR MODIFICATIONS TO WEIRS IN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES INTERIM ACTION PROGRAM - APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,891.15 PublJc Work. AdminJstrator /lartman referred to the executive SUDmary datod 3/12/84, which .xplalned that the contract to Dodlfy the five weirs in the Golden Gate Estat.s Canal System was l.t in April 1982. He· said th.re has bun one chang. in this contract at the pag e 15 , ,: ~----------------------~----------------. œliL) G'~(>'~ ~¡¡'*~ ~;"'i.;..,i«~~t'~';I~'~;¡:~'~f:~~>? . , ",~1t;~~ï,~i.'", ';3e:!t~~:p~::;~~MF,ni;:,'~:r~tE;, ~'''',."''''-",'~,~''',~<...-''''''''''',.....'-,,=-_."._~--_.._----,.'''<.'. .,--",....._--'"""'~""'"...,..,-,.,-"..,'"',-,"',".,""<'¡ .' ."',~.,","c_~,"'.".-.."..,,~',..__""' .,",~.,,"_,P," __',_,_""~_' ,,"...~"--_..- ____.....,'æ>'.~'~,_''',.__',__,_,..''W_._'_.'. ,.. ,~."",-",,-,,,-,,,,¡".,,,,,,,,,,,.__,,,,_",,,_.~".t__'''-''''_'''",'''''''~'J!'''"''''__''·''> "~,, ·", -',"-"---";-'~----"-"""'"'.''''''''~<''' ","",..,,"'~'" .......-",""'"....""'.. . ,,,,,_~,_",~,~,,,,,,.~_~~,-o...,,,,,,_,,~.,,~...þ·_,,·~··· Harch 27, 1984 Ite. 113 UTILIZATIOM or THE BELL 47-0 HELICOPTER UNDER THE JURISDICTION or THE SHERI", THROUGH THB Bce - APPROVED" HELICOPTER OPERATIONS RETURNED TO CENERAL FUND, STArr EXPLORATION or TRADE or EXISTING HELICOPTER FOR MOR! ECONOMICAL AIRCRAFT - APPROVED' Public Saf.ty Administrator Dorrlll said that he and the Sheriff are r.questing that the rosponsibility for the second, and smallest h.licopt.r' und.r BCC jurisdiction, be transferred to the Sheriff'. D.par~.nt. H. explained that analysis undertaken by his department In~lcat.d that the Sh.riff and his pilot are the primary users of this aircraft. Ho laid that he and the Sheriff see the need to continue to utilize the .xist~nq aircraft to the b.st interest of both of th.ir departments. H. said that the Sheriff has concerns regarding routine patrol activity as well as emergency EMS flights and medivac-typo procedur.s given the size of the County. He recommended that the Sheriff have responsibility for the aircr&ft to use as he .... fit. Mr. Dorrill explalnc:d that the B.II 47-C helico~:'er was acquir.d under a federal surplus property program. Ho stat.d, since the aircraft ls fedoral excess property, the federal gov.rnment will continue to hold tl~l. l~ tho aircraft, which is not the case (or the other aircraft that Is the uole property of the County. H. said that 'J hJ. office i. proceeding to try and have the f.d.ral gov~rn~ent declar~ the b.ll 47-C helicopter surplus and to have the title transferred to the BCC, so that its dJsposition will b. up to the Board, as opposed to the fed.ral government. Mr. Dorrill rer~rted that the Zoning and Public Works Department. have previously used the smaller helicopter in th.ir routine inspoc- tions. He said that the Sheriff has initially aqre.d to the concept, wh.n his pilot i. on a routin~ law enforcement patrol, that th.se departm.nt personnel can fly with him for the purpose of looking for illegal dump sites, zonlnç violations, as well as doing aerial Page ---------------------------------~~-~~--~~ c:::::J c=::1 " <'¡'- ¡;;¡¡;¡¡¡¡; ,*~'" '.H., 1'Iarch 27, 1984 -, photography for aecondary roads projecta. He atated that the and tho.e two depl~t.enta, hJstorically, have been the second and fourth largest uaera of the syatem, combined with the fact that up to 80' of all money involved with this allocat10n come. from the Coneral Fund. He recommended that the hel~coPter actJvJties be tunaforred back into the General Fund and that the necessary budget amendment. be ",'C" prepared to take oxisting money from these departments and put Jt back into Ceneral Fund ContJngencJea, to alao include the EMS Department. Hr. Dorrill laid that the exiatJng County helJcopters have a fair ~arket value of approxJmately $300,00n for which the County ha. inveated $5,000 each. He aaid, for operational purposes, that helJ- copter. in the future will playa major role In Collier County. He aaJd that the exJating helicopter. are from the Korean and VJetNam Wsr " era. and aU9ge.ted that th_ ace consider optlona of trading the helJcopters In on newer .nd smaller aircraft. Re.ponding to Commissioner VOl., Mr. Dorrill said that there Ja a joJnt venture relationship with tho Sheriff's Department, and if hi. pilot Ja out of town, the Cou"ty'a pilot will routinely back-up the Sherlff'a pilot. Coaai.atoner Kru.e .oved, .econded by Com.iaaJonor Vo.a, that the utiliz~tJon of the Bell 47-0 helicopter under the jurJadiction of the Sheriff, through the BCC, be approved, t~at the nelicopter Operations be returned to the General Pund and anticipated u.er dapar~ent pay- .ent. returned to the Ceneral Fund with additional flights In exce.. of current allocation charged directly, and that Statf explore the trade of the eXisting helicopter for a .ore econo~ical alrcratt whil. the aark.t value of the current craft r...!na high. ···Comal.aioner Krus. left the roo. at 10150 A.M. and returned at 10155 A.M.... A dhcusa10n followed during which ComIllJ.a1oner lIolland referred a;; 081"~t 35 'age ------- -- . . . ..... ~...4~,.__. ..-.....-,.-- --"'-"'~'~--""""'""""'''..''' ~~.,,~-~.' '.'~'¡;;:;'I;i.:""_ ~~:;.;" ~,..r. ;~'r ~ A _~2____________________________~_______~~~ ~ ~ ",,' . . March 27, 1984 -, recommended that the e.timate b. incr....d not to .xce.d $8,500 or ø total of $19,000 :' H hJ. oftJCf: to pursue adding the 3rd floor to the em.rgency 9.nerator. R..pondlng to Commll.loner PJstor, Hr. Dorrill .aJd there are no chango. propo.ed to the generator, and that the COlt would be for .wJtch1nq, el.ctrJcal panel .nd circuit breaker .ystems in the main electrical mechanical room on the ground floor of Building .p.. èO..I.aion.r PJator .oved, aeconded by Co~l.sioner VOII and carrJed unani.ou.ly, that the conn.ction of the 3rd floor .nd the 2nd elevator to the e..rqency generltor to aupply b.ck~p electricll lupply capability during times of e.erqency b. approved JI\ the amount of " ". $19,000. Ite. 115 ·SKIp· CAMP, EMS OPERATIO»S SUPERVISOR, TEMPORARILY REASSIGNED TO THE PUBLIC SAPETY ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE AT A 15' PAY INCREASE POR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 6 MONTHS Public Safety Administrator DorrJll referred to the Exocutlv. Summary d.ted 3/l6/84, which IJlts t.n it~ms that h.ve been added to hi. responsJbllitles over the cours. of the last two to three months. He .ald that those items, combJned wJth the current budget proc.s., have placed a strain on hi. adm1nJ.tratlv. office to "andle the r..pon.ibilJtles that ho currently ha.. lie said hi. only internal adminJ.trative support com.. from a ..cretary who work. half-tJm. for hJ. offJce end half-tJ~e for Hr. Wagner'. offJ~e. H. reque.ted the temporary rea.signment of ·Sklp· Camp, the current EMS Operations Suporvi.or, to his offJce to a..i.t primarily wJth the JustJc. Center relat.d actlvJti.. that have been added ov.r the pa.t ..veral ~onth.. H. reque.ted that Mr. Camp be r....lgn.d for. period not to exc..d sJx ~onth., with a t.mporlry 15' pay Jncrea.e, for assuming work of a high.r cla.sJfic~tion, after whJch Mr. Camp would b. returned to hJs lOOK 081 rA~t 37 pag. ------ ~... \~, -¡ ~. \,. ~,),;" , tl'tk .,,:,0., " .. , " t" '". " '..~ _...._ '__ _, ',_ , "..4 1~~,.,.. . ". ..... '" ,t' , ".. .J..' , j; .' ,~, .,','~ "----,,,~.,".,'-""'--,-".,','->,,','"-._"'-'-"'-',.,,,'..,.._,,._--,-"''''_...'-'"'',.....-"'".,'',~'''.....,,,,.''-'...,'''..'-,--''> -.....-..""'''''',--.-.''''"','.,^,''',,-.'''...''''-.''" ØI:!I ¡;;.;¡; March 27, 1984 23, 1984, a. evJd.nced by Aflldavl~ of publcatlon filed with -- the Clerk, bida ~re rec( ~ved for BJd 1719, for modifJcatJon. to H.nder.on Cre.k weir, until 2130 P.M., ~arch 14, 1984. Co.-Ja.Joner PJ.tor moved, .econded by r.omml..10ner Vo.. and carried 4/1, CommJ..ioner lru.e oppo.ed, that Bid '719 re the ~odlfi- catlon. to the Hender.on Creek weir b. Awarded to Coa.tal Marine Con.truotion, Tampa, FlorJda, in the .mount ol $13,729.00, a. r.co.- ..nded by the Pur~ha.lng Director to be the lowest reapon.lble bid In the be.t Jnt~re.t. of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to .1gn and tÞ. Clerk to attest the ro.ultin9 a9reem.nt. Re.ponding to Comm1ssioner pJstor, PublJc Work. Administrator Hartman .aid that this projoct .hould be fInI.hed in thirty days and that the Staff have sot In motion the bondIng and insurance requJro- .ent. with' the company ao that the Not1ce to Proceed can be qiven within a week. Ite. 118 REVISION IN A PORTION OF THE JTrA PLAN, RETAINING COLLIER COUNTY BCe AS THE JTPA GRANT RECIPIENT AND PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR, PENDING PIC ACTION, WITH ecc (4-COUNTY) CONCURRENCE TO.CHANGE SAME - APPROVED ActJng AssJstant County Kanagor Norton explained this Jtem Is a .tatus report on the Job TrainIng Partnership Act Program (JTPA). ne .aid that the PrIvate Industry Council (PIC) at its February meeting voted to take on additional responsibility, which would have to be approved by the BCC, as well as by the BCC from three other countle.. He ftaJd, after a month, the PIC decIded they did not want to take on that much responsibIlity, at this time, but would rather -ease into it-, and another vote wa~ taken at the March moeting. He explained that the PIC is request1ng that the BCC contJnue to act a. it ha. for the pa.t six months, whIch would mean 'that the CollJer County Bce would remain as the grant reclplent the money would flow to CollJer County, Nee 081...~ 39 Page 24 ------------ - .. ~_"......_,~__.._',_"~ __" ,c_.. "',',.,,,..-'..,",',"',,..~,,..-~,,,,',.,"'.-,',.-.-.,,.."'."",,",.,,",'h_'''' ,'".... '11'11"~ ~~~!~~~.::~J~= . ,-"". ,..~~'JØ\~....;~' ., ~'''I,M-~''''M''.'.o:-t:~.,·.. ..,.,_..,.-,. . : .. ...... ..'. ...,.,1' ,·.o:A~ ~~, .'~ , , "". - .... . ,..,,"-'1,.- .. , ,,'. Ã,JI' " '1~,;: , "~~,. ..- 44 March 27, 1984 -.....--------- ------:0-------------------- -------~ ",OS Ite. 120 PRISEMTATIOM BY JO~=PB GRIM" R£ OPERATIONS or THE BUILDING DEPARTMtHT NO ACTION TAUN " ArchiteGt Jo.eph Crimm strelled' the Jmportance of minimum requirem.nt. for th~ quðlificationn of the BuildJng Department . offlcial, becau.e competent performance in that job is e.sential to \ ~rotect th~ public'. safety, health and w.lfare. He referred to , Ordinanc. 83-13 which adopt!! the Standard Building Code and read PAragraph 10l.2 dealing Io'Jth the operation. of the BuildJng Department. He li.ted the various codes with which the Building Official mu.t deal and .tatod that the Building Coda pre.cribes mJnimum requJrement. for varJous ordinðry typo. o! construction. He read Paragraph 103.6 I dealing wJth alternate materJals and method. of con.tructJon not / IpecifJcally prescribed by the Building Cod., and stating that the BuildJng OffJcial .hall approve those altern It.., provJding that he finds the proposed design is satisfactory and complJe. wJth the provi.ion of Chapter 7, which deal. with tire protection, and that the proposed materJal, method or work offered i. at least equivalent of that prescrib~d in the Code In quality, .trenqth, effectivenes., tire-resl.tence, durability and safety, and that sufficient evJdence b. submitted to substantiate claim. made regarding its use. Mr. Crlmm stres.ed the need for the BuildJng OffJcial to po..... adequate technical knowledqe about all trades and Jndu.tries within the Jndu.try, and recommended that the BCC adopt, a. a minimum requlr..ent for the auildi~g Official, a Bachelor'. Deqro. in Building Con.truc- tion, Civil EngineerJng, or Architectur. from a profo..ionally acredJ- ted college or university, plus ten years' experJence within the construction related profe..ion. or the construction Jndu.try. lie .sked that con.JderatJon be gIven to the need for the BuJlding OfficJal to have working knowledgo of con.tructJon law and Florida Statute. , Page 25 --------~------------- r:::J ~. ' .' .' " j.'jl," '¡"'. .,' ~~ ... c¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡;:j - " ;' " :..;. "'1:' ..' ---------- -------- .'Ji ,'It " /'larch 27, 1984 " ~hich aft.ct con.truction activity. H. r.commend.d that con.tructJv. input could be received, r.garding th... matter., from local construction industry as.ociation.. \t.. '21 DISCUSSION RI CONTRACTORS LICENSING ~D COMPETENCY EXAM, COUNTY ATTORMEY DIRECTED TO PROCEED WITH ALTERATION or PERTINENT ORDINANCB AS EXPEDITIOUSLY AS POSSI8LE Mr. Leon Well. explainod that he has b.en IJcensed In Palm Biach and ~roward County tor 16 y.ar. to ..rvJc. swJmming pools. ".pe '5 Mr. Well. .tat.d that In 1980-81 h. hod an occupatJonal lic.n.e In CollJ.r County, but h. wa. living in Broward County and dJd not u.e the licen.e. lie .xplaine~ h. has mov.d permanently to Collier County and th.t he i. drivJng 2~0 mJles a day taking car. of hJ. busine.. In Palm B.ach County. H. .aid h. hat a man to take ovcr hJ. bu.in.ss in that area, ho~ever, he cannot turn hi. bu.in.s. ov.r to him until h,' J. abl. to work In'Collier County. H. .aid he ha. customers In Collier County waiting for hlm, and that he does not intend to build swimmJng pool., but to .ervlce and repair th~m. R..pondlnq to Chairman Drown, Mr. Well. .aJd that the comp.tency exam Js a problem for him to have the tJme to .tudy it. He soid he took the exam, years ago in Broward County, but the rocords w.ro mov.d and his test records cannot b~ found. A lengthy dJøcu..lon .n.ued, durJng ~hJch Commis.Joner Holland Itated that it would take approximat.ly 60 days for Mr. Well. to get b.fore the ExamJning Board. Commis.ion.r Xruse poJntod out, if Hr. Well.' Broward County llcen.. was acc.pt.d in IJ.u of being lic.n8ed in CollJ.r County, the 8CC would have to do the .ame for .verybody. Co..Js.lon.r Holland .xpr....d hJ. dis.atJ.faction wJth the curr.nt comp.ntency card and occupatJonal IJc.n.e operation In CollJ.r ~1OIt 081 ~Ar·t 45 Page 27, .........- '.' ~.- ,"- "- ~""""~',"',4',',',""","',"",",' ""',i"'-' ,', ' '<' ' " . . . ,: , ,t.,.... ,'., .,....~j. .~_f:r!!j,~t:~i~~~~~~i:~Î'~ it, :4'f" '::;:';r::J/fi,,~' ,.¡{.~:";J.~'~ ~,.,:~ ~~"~}~"'E,f;._'~ ,,;~·tt.t~~li;, :~ . .. ",' ':~--!\,I(.{!o~tí..t-: " ,;l(::i.'.:~~~. ":,..,V:,'f'/ ¡r-'<; ~'.";':' j '," ".;:;,;-;;j~";.;~1~~.{, .~,p,.,,,;,, ~'~~'\'''''''JZ1~_' , '-, ,-w<.·.Ai;.,.;,...."', ';'l!I.'-- i\i''<;'' ,.,.,'T, ,",,"~,'_'_',.J .J)} .,'~.i~\~.t¡" .' '.~:~:,~:(,~~'(;. ~··'.~:~t\:!~~:',~;~~(:~i~,;:~T-?Rr:E;,(·",,;,'. '/', .~..'~'~ - (','/ .''<'~'; \ "W'""",,,,,,,,.~~,.,.,,,,,,,,~.,,,,,,__..._,__._,___,____"___.,"",__ _~.~~'l~';"'': L..... . 4u~"·r, . ...--4~ 'i:..~J-'~~. &I' . ......" ...,..,..................-..I IIi\.... ........,.- ..., -. , . . --.'- . -...... - , _.4J . , -rl".. ., ~ .. ¡~~;~.t~~ ' . .... .' .p...._-" --,.p-".," ....~.' .... ~,~'________ _ _ __ _.. ___ _ __ _ __ _ __ _______,__....J_ ____ ~. Ò811'i'X '46 March 27, 1984 ;~~~tounty, .t~tlng that it ha. never .erved the purpose for which It wa. p,¡:',"'#" , ~'. created. HI.! .tated ';hat he has asked the County Attorney to brJng an ;"",~~,' . ~. .. ordinance amendment to the occupational licon.,e And competency cArd that will put it In line with the State. He said the current system is not fair for the working peo'ple in the aua. CommJasloner Kruse agreed that the ordinance noed. revJsion. CoaaJ..ioner Holland aoved, .econded by Coa~i..ioner Brovn, that. . . thlt BCe abollsh every competency card with the exception of tho.e apecL!lað by the State. A discussJon ensued durJnq whJch AlsJatant County Attorney Cuyler .aid that he J. working on an amendment that would limit the categori~. to the State categories. Hit sllid that the only way that the BCC could .: proceed would be to pas. the ordinance repealing the previous ordinance and that thl. action could not be done through a motion. He said hit ... ,\ wJIl have the first draft of the ordinance completed by the end of the,:' week. Commissioner Holland said that he did not IJke to havL people kapt from pursuing their livelihood due to the current ordinance. Durin~ continued discussion, County Attorn.y Sa under. advised the BCC that the ordinance does not permit a procedure wh.reby the BCe could waJve the requiroments. Mr. Cuyler .aid CollJer County ha. reciprocal aqre.ments with some counti.s, however, Broward County does' not accept Block Exams And Certificates of Competency from CollJer County. Hr. Saunders said that an ordinance abolJ.hing the current ordlnance has to be advc:rtJ.ed. Co..JaaJoner Brovn wJthdrew hi. .econd. Co.-l..ioner Holland aoved that the BCC allow Hr. Well. to apply for an occupational licen.e in Collier County. The motion died for lack of a .econd. Reaponding to Commi.sioner Piator, Mr. Cuyler said that Collier County ha. a raciprocal agreement wJth Lea County. PointJng out that '. Page 28 ------------ ~ ~."Ll3 ,'..}.. ~.>I:~ c:::::3 ~,. , - ~' tïü; ...' . I, ~ -------------------~~~,1984-----~',i ':t ¡to ~..~ Mr. Welll did have an occupational lice';,.e for CollJ.r County frolD 1980;..<;....¡oc.4f.,:~ throU'j h 1962, ~0.uD1..10n.r .PS.tor uk.d if I tClllpoury lic.nll could b. . "'~l8. granted? Hr. CUyler .xp1aln.d why Collier County cannot c¡unt I}¡~ te~porary IJcens. .xc.pt In lome Instance. concvrninq a speciality contractor, which i. not the ca.e with Mr. Well.. Mrs. Leon W.ll. a.ked if Collior County has a recJprocal agreement with Pal. B.ach, to which Hr. Saunders said that Mr. Cuyler J. checkinq thJ. factor. Mr. CUyler pointed out that tho JnabJlity of Mr. Well. to produce the te.t Icor. of Broward County meanl h. doel.not meet the r.quJr'lIIent. to obtaJn a Compet.ncy Card in Colli.r County. It wa. the con.ensu. or the Com~J.sJoners that tho current ordl- nanc. n.ed. to be changod and Hr. Saun~cr. r.iteratod tha~ no exceptJon could b. !nade, l.qal1y, for Mr. Wells. Tape 16 COIIIIIIJ..Joner Vo.. .oved, lecond.d by Co~il.Joner Holland and carried unanll11ou.ly, that the County Attorn.y be dJr.~ted to proceed wlth the .It.ratJon or the occupational 1icen.. ordinance al expeditloully .. poøaibl.. Italll '22 INTERLOCAL ACREEMEHT FOR WATER CONNECTION WITH ~ELICAN BAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - APPROVED Co..J..lon.r Pi.tor lIIov.d, ..cond.d by Co..i..ion.r Kru.e that the Interlocal Agr....nt for water conn~ction with the p.lican Bay Improve..nt Diltrlct be .pprov.d. Utilitle. Manaqer 8.rzon .tat.d ror the r.cord that the Pelican Bay IlIIprov...nt Diltrict ask.d hJ. to advi.e the BCC that, although the Ag ree.ent i. wJth w. B. John.on Propertie., In c. who will actually bulld the fac:111 ty, they would IJk. the Agre'!nent to be in the nallle of the RJtz Clrlton, the name of the hotel facJlity. Upon call for the qu..tion, the lIIotlon carried unanll11ou.ly. . Ute 081,A,-t 47 '1\1. 29~ ----------------------------------------...-......--- .·:t~4~1:~~~~ ;' ..... .,--,-,,,..':.."..,"_",,',..'..,_,_,"""'.',',,,;"",""~,,..__''''',...'...'......'U_M,¡."_..........."..,,,,,"'...¥,..',,..·..,,·""' ,..,__.,."'..,,'_,',....'_..,_,.~, -.--......-----.....-.., -... ."";':'':'''!' '~~jt~~~I" , . " :' ~ ., ....,.. ¡ '., ''''~~~~:t ' '1',. . 1'::""." ,-t, . . . . .'"." I", ',~ " . .~.'-. _._.'.,#, . ." . f ~" . "'~'... :,. ~. 081n'X 72 Har:ch 27, 1984 -----------------------------------~-----~ Hr. Saun~ers requested clarJfJcatJon of whethar the BCC retaJned Southeastern Mur,lcJpal Bonds, Inc. In joint vvnture wJth Fischer, John.on, "'Hen and Burke at the 3/20'/84, BCC meeting. Coami.sioner ~ruse moved, .econded by CommJ.sJonar VO.. And I carried unani.ously, that 11scher, Johnson, "'llen and Burke/- Southeo.tern Huncipal Bonds, Inc. be approved a. financial advi.or. for the Lely/Deltona/Sewer Di.trlct ·C· project. I te. 127 COK~ISSIONIR PISTOR AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND N"'CO PUBLIC LANDS STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING IN M"'Y Co..i.sioner,Kruse moved, .econded by Commissioner Voss and carr led unonimously, that Co..issioner Pistor be authorJzed to attend tha NACo P4blic Land. Steering Com.ltt.. ~~etlng In May. Commissioner pJstor stated, for the record, that he attended the N"'Co PublJc Lands Steering Commit.e meeting on Karch 17-18, 1984, In WashJngton, D.C. H. reported that a small group was ablo to put off a final decJslon on what thv National ....soclation of County CommissJoners were going to r.commend. He referred to his memo dated 3/19/84, and said that sume big stale~ are getting the majorJty of paymont-in-lieu-, of-taxe. money and do not want to change the .ystem. He saJd that IJscal Officer Gile. ha. reported to hJm that, in 1982-83, CollJer County received $908,651 of whJch $358,000 went to the School Board. He stated he di.cu.sed wlth Property Þ.ppraiser Colding one proposal, offered at the aforementioned meetJng, of the local appraiser settJng the value of the land and the Cederal government havJng to pay the counties the going tax.s. Ue saJd Mr. ColdJnq estimates the differ- ence, under this program, would result In CollJer County receiving $2,250,000. Commissioner Pistor added this would be money not aff.cted by ProposJtJon One. Page 32 ----- t:::::] ~."'" ~ ;;III ':. ,.........",-~_.'......",""--,'.....";"..---.....,,..--""',.... ","",',....,_"',_,......:_____ IV. ,g, _,:",_"" 1/ '~""W""''''''''''r'''''''''"''~''''~'''''''_''';'''''''_''''_''''''';;*',',_.~..,.,_ '''''_.,...n''~~'''',.."""",_".",,,",,, .." ,,"""....."',,""_,"'"~,"~,"..'__....-.._,""""""',,"",,; '.. " ","'...""''''';''''''',''~'';,."'.-,,'''"-,,'"''"'"....'~,''''-~...__.."_t..,...,, ,'~~_'_;,_,,~',"".""..',,~,,;...,,',,<" ~~''¡', ..aa'D>,';" ";i1~'" ':... t'J..... ~:..;L:,:,:;,,:;,¡";,;;;L:;;.-.~{¡rM'.. ~, '.. --~.::::'..: ::"~'''~:."..:::':~~~:~~....~.~....'' ,p ~,~:~,,:~~.\,' , . March 27, 1984 ---------------- EXTRA (¡Al~' TIME 'OR INMATE NOS. 41359, 184611, 43843, AND 39939 Ite. 135 LAn mrrORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEEDS 372 AND 385 See paqe s 93-9¢ It.. 136 MISCELLANEOUS CORRtSPOND!NCE - 'ILED AND/OR REFERRED Ther. being no objoctJön, the Chair directed that the followJng corre.pondence be fil.d and/or referred to the varJous departmonts a. indJcated I 1. Letter dAted 3/14/84, from Otto M. Bundy, PresJdont, _ Horticultural Syst.m, Inc., indJcating diffJculty in meeting terms of Bid 1714 proposal. xc Mr. Virta. Filed. 2. DJg Corkscrew I.land FIre Control and Re.cue DJstrict rJnan- clal Statements as of Soptember 30, 1983, preparod by Holcher, Taylor' Company, P.A. Filed. 3. Letter dated 2/26/84, from John H. DeCrove, Dept. of Comm. Affairs, Jnformlng Collier County of r'proval of Comm. Dev. Block Grant Progr~m Houslng A?plication for $666,100. rJled. 4. Letter dated 12/29/63, from Atty. ~drew J. Lubrano, to County Atty. Saunders .ncloslng stock certificate 182 of Conners Vanderbilt Beach Estates, Inc., Issued to Collier County in the amount of 15.96 share. of stock, In accordance with Resolution 83-228. Filed. 5. Solid Waste Department Report, February, 1984. riled. 6. Memorandum dated 3/9/84, Irom David Worley, Program AdmJnistrator, Office of CoaDtal Managem&nt, DER, re HotJce of o.termination of RoutJn. Program Implementation ActJon. to the Florida Coastal Managom~nt Program. xc Mr. Vlrta, Dr. Benedict. FUed. 7. 'Letter dat.d 2/27/61¡,·frofA Carlos R. Clrrero, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal EngJneerlng and Regulation, DHR, to Bruce Groen and As.ociates, Inc. trAnsmlttlnq a copy of notifica- tJon of approval of modlfication of permit for permit Ho. CO-37M, Robert E. ~c, III, Trustee. xc Dr. BenedJct. riled. 8. Copies of mlnutes,rec.ived and filedl A. Colden Cata Comm. Center Advisory Committee, 1/31/84. 8. Oc:hopee Fire Control District, 377/84. C. Contractors' Lic. Board, 3/15/84. 9. Letter dat"d 3/5/84, from M. Wayne Wisehart, Pal..er page 35 ", -----------------------------------------~ ~ ~ L