BCC Minutes 03/27/1984 W _.;.,'....""..."__'N'''"''......,.;..~".,,,......,.>'^,. ", ",' """"".""',,,",,,,_,,,,,_,,,._ ". ,·"'"·,""'·,,·..;··""..·,-''''·-....·__~·_,,~.._"·'·'''._i_',......__....__;t<.",,..,. , "H........_____..."...-...,_.~.,,~...... __.___ ____._,.____».. ..___."'. 4·..··_ ," ~il';¡......r,l,~~.."'lt¡"~.. . . ..:.~~:.:r'1i'):.':":'. ........ .-.. ~.. '.' .. , ." "~' . ',,'.' j' " , .."~ Much 27, 1ge~ . . -------------------------------------~-~~. :' \ rag. 2 ,. I, ~ i~>;~... \ 4 ,., ,~\ ---------~-----------------------------~~~dl: ·'~7,<·.... Jf<:? ''1' !"';" ¡.. . " ) .1 lOOK 081,m 96 are outlawed in t~~ public ..ctor. A. explain.d that the population of! W..hington County i, approxiaately 72,000, with tha City of 8ri.tol'. , populaUon being approdaate1y 47,000.. Rupondinq to COlllli.-ioner ~ru.e, Hr. Spark. .tatad that Wa.hin9ton County'. budget i. approxi- .at.ly '27,000,000 with tha School Board taking about eo, of that aaount. 'na .aid thara i. a Board of Rupervieor. con.ieting of eev.n . , .eaber., alecte~ by voter. within the di.trict. in which they r..id.. na explainad that the chairman i. alee tad fro. tha ae.ber.hip for a ter. thct i. ueually on. year. R. .aid that there are approxiaat.ly 277 ..play.... H. al\id that in Virginia the County Ad.inhtrator h tha Clerk of tha Board and there are fiva conetitutional offlcere. Reeponding to COII.ie.ioner Voee, Hr. Spark. .aid that typically the organizational etruclur. i. that .e.bare of tha governln9 body ara elect.d by dietrlct to repr.e.nt the el.ctorat. and that tho Board i. the policy ..tUng ßoard' He laid that it h the COunty H~.:ager'. re.pon.ibility to carry out that policy and directive. and to eee that the variou. codee and ordinance. are enforced. R. .aid the County Kanager..hould be re.ponaible for the p.r.onn.l function. bacau.. it h. 1 1. to ... that policy im carried out he ha. to have the cooperation and ~ .upport of the e~ployeea. H. eaid if the County Manager doe. not have control .0.. ..ployee. do not ea. . need to h.v. any allegiance or allianc. to the County Manager and that can underain. hia. Hr. Spark. .aid if h. wa. .eloct.d he could report in approxi-: .at.ly thr.e we.k.. R.eponding to Co..i.eioner Vo.e, h. etat.d h. . would be willing to taka a phy.ical exa~ination with a confidential r.port tv bo .ent to the County H.alth Director. R..pondlnq to Coa.hlioner Holland, Hr. Spark. .aid h. had not .pok.n with any of the Co..ieaion.re prior to co.inq to Napl... ~ t::::] t::::] ',';: ..~ ',; --"'"'".._-"""-,......._--."-.,...~,-"....~...,... .'~-------_." .. .' ., ~~_m-"_"".."..."....~,..,.",..,,,..~,·.",,,,,~..._,,,,,.,o>_.,,,,,,,,,,, ,'" ,.'," ·'~_""~"'=''''_''''""","i''''''''';''''''"''''_."__-",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"~·,,..,~·.·..,,·___ .~ __...."..___,"'...."""'.~'"__,""",,,.. '.. " .:""~~~~~,.,="""'~~." . ' "." í ~t~~~~~~,;> "~'.' ,....-...-..-.--......"..,. - ..'............'.- ,I,:. --- -,------------------------~---...,-.- aOOK (f8-r;;- 98 March 27, 1984 "0 ' " CountYf' South Clrol1ntl, which 1. one of the larc¡e',t counUe. in the ... Ea.tern UII~~,,,d State.. R. .tated that the priaary oconQII)' of Hory 0' County i. touri.. with the ..cond lev.l of .conoll)' b.ing lIanufacturing ~ 1 .. and a9ricu~tur.. ne referred to the Orand Strand area, the Myrtle Beach ar.a,~ of South Carolina and .aid that annually the area will gen.rate '10,000,000,000 in touri.. dollar.. Re .aid that the population during the p.ak .ummer ~onth. i. nearly 1/2 ~illion peopl. and in the winter ~onth. the population is between 150,000 to 250,000. Re .aid that the area i. bec¡inning to attract people for yoar around r..idency, and the area i. 9rowinq at a fa.t rate. H. de.crib.d the con.truction currently beinc¡ experienced by the aroa. H. .xplained that the Orand Strand area i. environmentally .ensitiv.. Mr. Hatchell .aid, in 1976, that the State of South Carolina pa..ed a Ho.erule Rill which allowed local count i.. and lIunicipaliti.. to pa.. their own budget. and run their own affair., which hað provi- ou.ly been co~ducted by tho General ^.fto~bly of th., State L8c¡i.latur.. He .xplained, .ince that ti.e, .ervice. have co.e i~ a .hort period of ti.. re.ultlng ln c¡rowing pain. for the count i... H. de.orib.d th... ..rvice. of code enforce.ent reqardinc¡ building inapecting, planninc¡, .nc¡in.erinc¡, and envlron.ental aapect. of the coast. He eaid there i. an e..rc¡ancy .edical .ervice which i. one a.pact of . ¡arg. public aaf.ty .ervlc. proqraa that include. the County Police, the County ¡ Sh.riff'. Depart~.nt, County Fir. Depart.ent and Civil Det.n.. Depart- ..nt. He explainad that the.e ..rvlce., with .xception of the fir.~ ..rvlc., are providod to tha unincorporated and incorporat.d araa of the county, and added that the County Polica and Sheriff'. Depart.ent. have a clo.e llai.on relation.hip with the eitie. that have police depart.ont.. He .xplainad the lone¡ range buildinc¡ proqra. being conduct.d in Hory County and d..cri~ð the aanner in which the County Pa9. 4 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '- -- --- 'il;:': ~".".' .. ·.H ~_. ....' "~.' , ;,~W",;" '¡',J! ~ ::=rJ c::::1 L ---., _,"",,,,_,-,.H"~'"·." ..".^'..,.....,__. <""....._;,~,....."...~"<';.",,. >.....,,..._..._;""..._.."'.,,..."'''''''_,,.,,,......_.__ IS:1 ~ ~ <;, ------------------------------------------- .. . ., .." . ~.. . March 27, 19134 or nin~ aonth lev.l. H. .aid th.t he .p.nd. approximately half hi. ti.. with d.part~'ntal e~ploye.., ~..ponding to Co..ie.io~'r Drown, Mr. Hatchell .xplain.d hie experience with agricultur., adding that the Cl.m.on Univer.ity I.gricultur. Exten.ion project i. fund.d out of Coullty re.ourcee. ne .a1d that bid. are currently b.ing òp.ned for the conetru~tion of an agriculture proce.. plant, .inee the .tat. i. trying to .ak. a con- v.r.ion fro. tobacco to produce. He .dd.d that h. qrew up on a far.. ···RECESS. 2.50 P.M. - RECONVE~D, 3.35 P.H.··· .,' Pollowing the r.ce.., Chairman Drown r.port.d that Mr. ~anc. Lead.r. had withdrawn hie name a. a candidat~ for the County Manag.r polition. ~. DONALD LUSK Hr. Blankenehip introduced Mr. Donald Lu.k, the City ~~nager of Pin.lla. Park, Plorida. Hr. Lu.k .xplained that Pinella. Park i. the fa.to.~ growing city in Pin.ll.. county. H. .tated h. ha. be.n Clty Hanag.r for thr.. year. and in govern..nt approximatoly thirte.n year.. H. revi.wed hie r..ume previou.ly eub.itted to the Co~.I.~ion.ra. He .aid h. achIeved a D.S Degr.. fro. the Univ.r.ity of Tenne..ee. He reviewed hi. .ix y.ar.' .xperi.nc. worklnq for the City of Chattanooga. T.nno..... "e explain.d hi. budg.t experience, adding that ia the k.y t~ hi. back- ground. H. eaid that there are approximat.ly 3~0 e.ploy... in Pinella. ~ I Park. H. p?int.d out that h. graduated from Broward Junior Coll.ge and I i. fa.ilia~,with South Plorida. Hr. LÚ.k .xrlain.d hi. .xperi.nc. with coaprehen.iv. planning and &o~inq, adding that Pin.lla. Park i. currently bringing the zoning in confor.lty with tho coppr.h.n.ive plan: H. .aid Pinell.. Park ha. . population of approxiaately 40,000 which ha. grown rapidly in the pe.t Page 7 . .; . ^ ',.-~~~, '¡ ~ . . ~~<~ ~~;\ttf ----______________________.__________......t-__p aoo~ 081 rACE 101 ....,'...".. -,. . .- ................._-".....__._...~ :¡"'....O/,.. ,··.r~.~~~r.. '..~ .., '".-'~~.....;<!',~" -,,;,'.--_..._-_..,-',' ,."~"--'~ - .. . '...- -- ...:....----------------------------------... , " I~O~' 081 'Ar.t 102 March 27, 1984 . . ,t -! "I. i" . I . __-.M__ ____ __ ___._______ _ ___ _____________ y.ar.. . .. Re.pondir, to eoamiacionar Vo.., Mr. Lu.k eaid that Collier Co~nty , offer. hi. the Qvportunity to live in an area that h. ha. wanted to, liv. in and'to advance hi. car.er in a larg.r cOII~unity. He .xplain.d hi. philoeophy that the Commi..ion ..t. policy and the County Manag.r carrie. ou~ that ..tabli.heð policy. He eaid he requ..te the oppor- , tunity to have input b.for. the policy i. .atabli.hed. H. Baid if the ! County Manager carri.. out the eo~ml..ion policy there will never be . , qu..tion of' Com.inion int.rhr.nc. with the Staff. II. expr....d the opinion that the d.part~ent head. .hould carry out the function of hirin~ and firing peopl., adding that according to the Charter he hir.. and fir.. all e~ploy.e. in Pinella. Park. How.v.r, he said h. expecte hi. depart..nt h.ad. to cArry out that function correctly. H. .aid he would have to A.~ the Councl1 wh.n th.y want.d to r.l.... hi., it h. wa. cho..n for thi. poaitlon, howev.r, h. could probably r.port her. in . approxi.at.ly thr.e or four week.. H. aqT...d to h.v. " phy.ical .xamination with a confidontial r.port to b. ..nt to the County Health Dir.ctor. Reaponding to Commi..ioner Holland, Hr. Lu.k compared eervin~ on a City Council and a County Coeai..ion and .xpr....d hi. philo.ophy concerning manag.m.nt. H. ..id, it a long ter. .mployee i. not .bl. to , do . job, he would .xplore the po..ibility of that p~r.on bein9 plec.d  , ¡ in another poaition, and h. cited an example of a .itu.tion in Pinella. : Park which culminated in po.itiv. re.ult.. He .aid he would be able to fire an ..ploy.. if th.re wa. no alternativ.. He .eid that the turn- ov.r perc.nt wa. 35' wh.n he b.gan .. City Manag.r and that pre.ently it i. 23' He .aid that h. ha. not .po~.n with any of the Com~i..ion.r. prior to thi. date. '. Responding to Com~i'lion.r Piator, Hr. Luak explain.d tho aannor s' Page .~ ~ ~ c::::1 .~".,~-"~""<.""~----,._."._----_.."...",,,,,..'. ,.,,, ","'......'"..,",.~...,-'".'"'."""'...."..,;~"'~."... .