BCC Minutes 03/28/1984 W
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March 28, 1984
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Company. ,He provided oxample. of the budget and :related document. that
~', ..,nagera:" Duluth have cOllplhd In tho pa.t. two year.. He explained a
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", difference between Duluth'. budgQt and Collier County'. budget and
pointed out that. in Duluth the number of .~ploy... Are ll.ted along
with perfór~ance indicat.or.. He .ald thl. Information I. tied Intó the
local government finance sy.teN to which Collier County I. in the
proce.. of converting. He .aid one of t.he module. within that unit I. i:
perfor~ance indicator. which, he said, Clerk Reagan told him will be
attempted to be put on line In the budget document In Collier County In
the next year or two, which will allow th~ BCC to keep track of .uch
thJng. a. ~he numbor of Shorlf!'s Deputies to the number of per.on.'
workJng on .treot craws. He .ald that In Duluth the computerized:
financial .ystem has been used to do the budget, which ha. elimin.ted a
lot of the handa-on Qxpvrionco.
Mr. Ive. aald he attonded the ¡'CC meeting of 3/27/84, and reviewed
newspaper. of the post. YOllr and It was hi. Jmprea...\on that t.he ¡'CC ha.
a concern a. !Dr a" Implemontation and ma king aure that decision. are
carrJed out. lie exp1ðlned hi. experience of .ltting down with the
Council and finding out what the Council wants to acco~pll.h over the
next year and doing the same thing wJth the Management .taff. He .aid
~he work program for the next year has been developed fro. tho.e t~
11.t. o! ia.ua., that. eAch manaqer i. re.pon.ible for carrying out
those activltios and that h. has .valuated their perfor~Anc., ba.ed on
theJr .ucce.. In comploting the toeka. Ho left. document relating to
thl. ~att.r for the Com~l.sioner.' JnCor~atlon. Mr. Ive. said In
Duluth three ~.nage~.nt analysts review the automated finance report.,
and he pointed out that the Arthur Young and Company Monegement Audit
ha. recommended that somebody at the ~anagement level should look at
the information ~~at is generated by the department. and put In 0
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March 28, 1984
...aECESSr 9150 A.M.
Mr. Blankenship Introduced Mr. Richard Bennett from Scituate,
Mr. Bennett reviewed hi. resume .ubmitted to the Commisslonor.,
and .aid he hal been an appointed and contracted administrator In local
government for approximately .Ixteen years, in Massachusotts, Ohio and
IHchigan. 1111 explained that, presently, ho 1. contracted to Plymouth
\;::',county, /'I4saachuutts, to operate their hospital as a Change Agent, and
:~j;that plior to that he was the Town Administrator of Scituate.
I.,; ,~
:ð1 Re.ponding to Commlasioner Kruse, he explained that he haa been
, operating hi. own bUline.. under contract to government, therefore, he
never really left government contact. He said he prefers to r...maln in
locsl government.
., .
Rospondlng to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Bennatt said ~. , has spent the
pa.t two day. becoming f ami 11 a r with the area, adding that he lik.. the
area. He .ald the community where he lives i~ coastal, and he would
like to come to Collier County in order to remain in :ocal government
and to fJnd ~n appointment equal to his b~ckground and ability. He
explained h~~ philosophy of the relatlonshJp of County M~na~.r and the
Bce by .tating that tho Managar operates from a po~~tlon that i" n
focal ,point between the BCC and the .talf, Jmplementlng the BCC'.
deci.lon. and relating staff recommendations to tho Board. He .ald It
1. appropriate for the County Manager to use the skill. of hi. staff a.
well as hi. to compliment the needs of the ~ec. He said It has been
hi. experience that the .ystem work. best whon the relationship. of the
BCC, County Manager and staff are clear and responsible. He aald he
could report early in /'I4y if he wore .elected. He agreed to take a
physical exa~lnat.lon with a confidential report sent t.o the Count.y
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081 111 March 28, 1984
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the de.ire for Hr. Blankenship to check t.he reference., In depth, on
the candiG.~~.. Mr. Blanken.hip .aid he would conduct a more thorough
background check on thø candidate. by telephone. Commis.ioner Kru.e
.uggested that the newlpaper file. In the varlou. cities be checked for
,pertinent information, to which Mr. Ðlankenship agreed.
Co.-I..loner Holland .oved, .econded by Comml.sloner ~ru.e and
carried unani.ously, that Admlnl.trator of Ad.lni.tratlve Service.
Blanken.hlp be directed to check the reference. of the five candidate.
and co.pile the informltJon to be given to the Co..II.ion on April 2,
1984 .
CommIssioner VOla requested clariflcatior., and Hr. Blankenship
.ald he would Investigato, with discretion, contacts other than the
reference. given by the candidates. Mr. Saunders requQsted that Mr.
Blankenship place the lelection Item on the agenda for the BCC meeting
of ^prll 3, 1984.
Commissioner Pistor stated the Commissioners ha~e received litera-
ture c~ncerning the default of Harry C. rartridge, Jr. on the Just.lce
Center expansion project. He requested more information regarding
. ame.
Public Safety Administrator Dorrill stated that this company ha.
been defaulted and the BCC has authorized the Staff to rota In a Special
Counsel on the subject and a meetlnq is established with tho bonding
company of Mr. PArtrIdge's firm. He said he would be happy to place
thIs Item on the agend. for AprIl 3, 1984, and qIve a status and
Commi~sloner Holland .tated that three pJece. of Information he
and t.he other Commi..loner. have receive~ are contradictory to what the
,CommI..ion ha. bsen led to belJeve.
He .aId that three of Partridge
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, Company'. ~ajor suppliers have 1ndlcat~ It would be best to try and
March 28, 1984
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wor~ out the ~ffference with Mr. Partridge.
He requested
Commissioner Kru.e said she was uncomfortable discussing this
situation without the benefit of the pr..onc~ of the general counsel
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who has boen retained.
Mr. Saunders said that the Staff Is In tho process of working out
arrangements with the subcontractors as suppliers directly to Collier
County and he said that the lettsrs urging the BCC to deal wJt.h the
Partridge Company were written b~caus. Hr. Partridge has spoken with
the subcontractors and, in an effort to stay on this job, has encour-
aged tham to do this. He said he was advi.ed this ~ornlng that one of
the ~ajor suppliers Is ready to ship ~aterial .. long .s the County. can
aut.horize payment dJrectly to that .upplier. He said he advlsed Hr.
Pico, of Heery Program Managoment, that the County would authorize
that, adding, since th, subject has been raised, that ~e needed direc-
tlon from the BCC.
Commissioner Holland said he would not given authorization for
anybody to pay anything without discussion. Mr. Saunders said \t is
the decisJon of the ace wh~ther the County Is going t.o deal' with the
Partridge Company or deal with the supplier. Commissioner Holland said
he would like to see the Special Counsel and Mr. Partridge In the
, meeting on April said
Soardrooll at the BCC 3, 1984. Commissioner Voss
I ~..
he would like to have the Counsel pre.ent, however, let the Staff
handle the situstlon. Chairman Brown agreed.
Mr. Saunders said that he was ready to authorize payment of
'200,000 to a supplier, but that he has been advised by one Board
.ember that It is not the wish.s of the acc .nd he will not authorize
the payment of that amount of money on his own. He said it wa. his
toOK 081 r.~t 112
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March 28, 1984
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",.~,. under.tanding that when Harry e; par.trldge,
i.Œ~St~Ú wa:. ~'~thorized to do everything that
~.. ··~l· . '..,...
~~~ JUltlce C.n~er expansion
Jr. wa. defaulted that
was necessary to get the
deal with the suppliers.
project finished, and that part of that was to
He ..i~ that it 1a the Staff'. opinion that II,
considerable amount of ~oney can be saved Jf the County act. quickly,
however, he saJd he could not authorize Mr. Fico to purchase the
.upplles or recommend to Mr. Dorrill that he authorize Mr. Fico to
purchase those supplies, in 'light of the di.cussion that has taken
place this date.
During the ênsuing discussion, Hr. Saunders said, if the 8CC deal. ~
directly with the supplier and the BCC decides that the default was ':,'
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improper, the co~nty can make arrangement. with Mr. Partridge to reim-
burse hi. for any loss of profits and cost that h~ incurred bocause of
the default. He said it would not make it any easier to deal directly
with Mr. Partridge if the County is dealing directly with the sup-
pliers. tIe "aid that hi. direction from tho Boar,. has been to get the
jo~ finished and ~hat is what he is endeavoring to do. Re.pondlnq to
Commissioner Vos., Mr. Saunders .aid that it 1. his and the Special
Counsel'. opinion thDt there is a provision In the contract with Mr.
Partridge that says, in the event of termination of those contract. by
Collier County, that the Count.y can deal directly with the suppliers.
He said that tho contract .ay. that all the contracts between the
Partridge Company and the subcontractors are automatically assigned to
Collier County. He said that each of the attorneys repre.enting the
supplier., with who~ he has .poken, has agreed with that decision,
however, t.he problem that has Ari.en is that Mr. Partridge has advised
each supplier that he Is working directly with the Individual BCe
member. and that he ha. the situation worked out.
Commissioner Voss pointed out that Heery Program Manage~ent was
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081,Ar,[115' March 28, 1984
'without caule. He explained there 1. . penalty provision in the Heery
contract that If they al~ dismi.sed ~Ithout cause the County ~uat pay
the. lOt of what ha. already been póld. During continued dl.cus.lon,
Hr. Saunder. clarified, after meeting with the architect., that Staff
felt there was more cooperation. Commi..loner Holland said it would be.
In the County's interelt to have the Special Coun.el at the next BCC
..eetin9 .
Commissioner Vo.s aqreed with Commi~sloner Kruse. He asked what
proble. would occur if the County waited until Tuesday or Wednesday to
act reqardJnQ payinq the subcontractor, to which Mr. Saunders said this
would result in another week'. do lay in the project. He said the other
aspect of the problem i. once a contractor I. defaulted, th~ County ha.
an obligation to mitigate tho County'. loase. and reduce delay damage."
Responding to Commissioner Holl~nd, Mr. Saunders explained that
the man who is already on the job doing the Installation work ',. C , C.'
He explained that C , C worked as a subcontractor for Partridge Com-
pany. Responding to Commiseioner Bolland, Mr. Dorrlll .aid that C , C
ha. indJcated to the St.aff that he has a contractor'. license. He .aid
he instructed the COlutruction Manager to verify that and let him know
If the .ituation i. anything other than what. C , C ha. told Staff.
CommissJoner Holland said that Haery wa. not. on the acene at the
beginning of thla contract, adding that Mr. Polizzi wa. and it wa. hJs
background on which the firm was hired. Re.ponding to Comml..ioner
Vo.s, Mr. Saunders atated that the Heery contract expire. on July 7,
Co..i..loner Kru.e .oved, .econded by Co~.I..loner Pi.tor, that
the County Attorney and Staff be In.tructed to continue a. they are re
Harry C. Partridge Co. default on Ju.tice Center expansion project, and
that Include. l.aving H.ery progra. Manag...nt In charge and la.u1n9
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