BCC Minutes 04/03/1984 R _.~,-"._-_... ..... oJ,:·' I' '," , " -:---1.- ¡.~oK. 081;'Gt122 ¡' .r \", Apr 11 ~'.. ~~B4. "Tap.: U ;..... :.,.1;" '.:~ , .:;'.~~' ": ;II;:::...to.1 ... ,. ., ':,w . \. \ t:' AOENDA - APPROVED AS AMINDED " "'~J: ". .....' . ..~.' . : \ "'~~/~;~' . ~~lImlaa1oner Vou requutoc2 ..that 171.-1 bo removed from tho Consent ~Wf,·~g!.nda"and .pla~ed, under lJC. ~Comm!.ul0r:'er piator uid he had received ~~1, aoverai call. pertaining to Item 9C-J and requeate~ that the general "~,\(¡,.\. .': ' . ' t1;,:11.%,:,:~ue'~e':k"i..~,¡.~ahveereiunppoUnt,. regarding thia it~~ and that it be continued for 2 .....::h~,~\;t·. ~h w w Co_ial.lioner Rolland moved that IU" 9C-J be deterred ,;\ ~ ..~,.k ,./.-... . . . : ."~·...."jV ,', '''until April 17th. COII.inioner plator uconded the lIIotion ffhlch , >,::.' :J;:; . .. ;~¡ f::~;~rr1ed 5/0., Co_inioner Holland moved, ..conded by COJlllduloner, .;;.~{~ "~lGn~' )tru.e and carr led 5/0 tha t the agenda bo approved .. amended. . . .i¡¡ ~~..\ .t.'~,>_ "'. i..t'~,t· .. "/I, . :. ..' :i!I. . It~."2·., ..".;~t.7¡1:.. ~:, PROC'~TIO" DESIGNATING ....PRIL 8-U, 1984 ....S -PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK- . :"?-f>l~ ~..." ADOPTED ',rft.l'; ~..1~~~~<.. COlUllln1oner Plator read a proclamation dulgnotlng April 8-14,:}i1~:' ,~r~ ·..·,!.¡;:: '1984 oa -Pr1vote Property Week- and lIoved tor ita aðr·')t1on, ..conded by "'~\i~f 'V . "\".:':'-$ "~·V" . 1." : Cou1aaioner p;ruse and carried 5/0. Meura. Paul Sprowls and To. ,..;\:~~1· i'" . ,'....: .'. ~'"!.:~. : i~~~~luur fro. tho Naplu Aru Board of ~e,al~ora accepted the~<:'}, .-;. -.,. . '" . It...·;, prochut1on and qave a brief o~erv1ew of actlvltl.. planned for i¡.~" t . ~'... pr 1vate Property Week. t;!....· ' -). :'..~ .:~~'¡' ¡:w. 1 ,;,}.... r!' ~':'i'" .~I-:'S~..~.· . 'I',~ ;' . ~;. " ------ '1' . , . ,:;y.~ ""', ... , , f.'i' .'::\" ,.. .... ,0 t·...::,." , ,'. ",. " .'~", . "'/;" , ... '., ...t . ¡, ',~':'.. ~ ~,.~,.,~): 'ì .... , .'--' ...7-' " I~ .. I~ ''''.,10, ',:~¡'7 ~ ~~' '. . I.. ~':; . ,.,' ~~-, .,'.... " ,', t" ".' ... . ¡'\'-- " . '~~ì .,.\~i.Ù ..' ·4.-iJ' .... ; ...": . ::::.~':"~¡ .. , ··....·:'.·ß~· . .. -, . ',' ',1· I .. \~i".,.: ...~ .. i'~f:<~';~'il~;"l' ,:. .: 'í;\~ t:: '. .:" .:t " '"" ' ~'. , ~ . . . .. .... ,,' .......,......"'"'--- -_.~-._--------- - - --------- . I'¡.'. ~ . . . oj :~ "',..':.~f J ";"~"" ~~~~ .~, I ,." ..,..:",i(\.'r'" \.....·,~t"1"'....·)otftlt..,.f ~~~\ .\,"., ,- " ,--. '~"'þ' Ii, ....~" W ");.' - '. ~ 1-'~ A{.,'" "" 'I~ 'n ....1II'J! .j' ~;» , ',~ . ,àI,:" ... ..".,....~, :.';.'/i.+.';", . '} I, I .,.tto( ~ . ",..,,"-"''''''".,.....,..''¡....._~,_.~-_!I>".._''''_.._..''''''_"-.''._- -,..,,,~- .....".,..,..,,,.."~-~-,,-,..,-'",..,.'"",." ; ~ ~~"'Ã. ·"iW··~.· . '.I.. 4,~~. .J .Þ," ·...;1. . . 3 ' '.1.1~~: h4\. .J~...;'~ ---_-----.: ,,~......~-< .,, '~rj ....:-r ' .t'-:, ~~"''''I' '1i..r:I;"!.·;~j,"'·<'~"""'-:h" . ~ ~. .', ~"'~:.:Þ4"'...w,.,",~.¡........~~.~.....,.................. ~..~.. '....,. ~ :--..~~·J..I~"'Ii,îIt·~t' .#"'~.i 1 J~: ":. ~W:~.,,,>·,·.;· ~-,,'.:. .'~\ ' . ;'~':: ;,.::':...'...~..:: ,'; ." ."~'. " 'J' ;'}-.." .f. ~!.;3 ;..,. . 'rt:-'~_¡t ·l~~).· "', . ....~;; I . _____________________________ )~~.:;..-::-;:;-;-~ ~r.,- ", ~ . I' . ;OK' 08f,¡ç[124> .' '. .a.prll 3, 1984 It.. U'··'~\I.,~..¡> . '- t!Ä~~;DA~:··~~~~~LLY n':~C;X;NIZr:D ....s EMPLOYEE or THE MONTH FOR Io.PRIL, 1984 ~ f.~'~'~(r"Chaîrm·a~ Ð~Own read a loÙer of appreciation and pruent.d Dovid ¡,- .,:S... ..,4,' .~ ~*:~,; Connelly with a plaque, hOMdng hili as the Employ.. of the Month '$.:' ~i¡f~·r.·April, 1984. ,of¡' p't:r~IJ'~~¡'t' "1. 1'" " " Ite. 14 ' .j, 1'... ....,:., ' ' , iJ.~~I·F%TITIO" %0-84-1 TO ....M&HD S&CTION 13.5 R! PROVISIONAL USES - DENIED ~{W~ ·:':'·' L.gal notice having been published in the Naples 'Daily News on ;,.::';.If··..;·' ..' ''', ' . a;., ...rch 1'5, 1984, as evidonced by Affidavit of PublicatIon. filed with the . ~. . , Clerk, public hearing wa. opened to consider Petition %0-84-1, ~;. r.questing an amendment to Section 13.5, provi.lon.l U..s, by requiring ··I§!.'j. '" ;~~'~~ard.ot Zoning Appe.ls approval prior to major chang.s or addition. to .' .".:.:-or...... .: r,(" O~lglna: provisional uses, which was r.quest.d by Commissioner plstor. ~"\~~' Zohlng D~rcctor Lðyne .aid .t th, pr.sent tille an applicant mu.t ~"com. i~ for aite plan approval If he i. ~xp.nding the provisional u.. .'U- t~ within th~ approved l.nd area .nd, ..s long a. the .xpansion Is for the ~Wl' .. f+i. provi.ional u.. approved or for accessory structures ther.to, no ~:....d"lt~~nal .pproval, other than that ot the .ite .plan, la need.d. She !.:. said that "., the proposed amendment would require .ny lIajor ch.nge or If... Ik~"ddltions to a provisional u..e to be r.vl.wed by the P!.nnlng ( . .~... .f:, Comml.sion .nd Board of %onlnc¡¡ Þ.ppe.ls, even though they hll under the .t:}~ ' , ", . .';. confin.s ot the orlc¡¡lnal approval. ·fI· tf~ Planning Comlli.sion and the Immok.lee Are. Planning Commi.sion r",þ.¡recOlllmenðed denial,.s doe. the staft. ,,'c'. '. ' i' Commis.ioner Pistor said th.t it is absurd to give a bl.nket She .aId that the Coastal Ar.a provi.ional u.e on . piece of property, adding t'l.t it the per.on doe. not know wh.t he is c¡¡olng to do when he ge' J the provisional u.e It '~r:~ .. ;,. .hould ~~, , ....',i 0: .~oul d '..~ ~~~.. . .r (",.:-. , ;~'t . ,.,..~~.. .~""'¡''''''' .'."'..,..'. ~ ..". ,.. come back b.fore the proper zoning p.opl.. ..intain control of the provisional u.... He .aid that the BCC' Co~i..ion.r Vo.. Page '- -------- , , w,I,.tJ~ ". 'CII:I ~.. . . .. . :.'1: .,16.'J,:. ,; ".... ,....~.'"\i.., .......:... ~. '·.::" ~lI.'t~, .' ~ .,; '. ;'.-, ~~...:..~, ·.~.A.~·~IJt+' L.. ." .. ." ~./:.~ , " ", ".' ~ ,: ,.,:, ., . "1, :,,'1./, ..'.' (... ~ J I.... ·t,· ,. :.]-. . ;.::¡': ';"',,'~.~:' . ,;...;!jl';:' , . f~' f ··4~~ "I ~ '.. ~fj,¡ :.....,..~,; '1 ",:: ,If'A ~ : ~1.M.. . "'.'-\ ,'.'\, ~, J'}'''' I , " , ' I" ¡., ~ ~ :'" .I"";;',';:"':;.' '. . .' ¡:1.' """r. .\', ,', ;.':.~./,~ , . ~ " -""-_...'_..~_..~,- .,.""..~ .__..=,..',".,~".-."...~'.'"""",,"'.. ..-...,.,._.....,,~o<.....,,·o..___·,_,__..__ --'.'"" """"",._''''"''''__..~'_''.,.,~w'''_._'"..,,....,'',..··,>,"',·'" , ..."",..._._"--,~-,-.~.,",---,~~.^.,,,,""'--"~- . , I~~~~~~-r-----~-----------------~-~~·~~~ ;¡ 08f,ml26 i ^pril 3, 1984 " '.~ !'.~:!~lnn~n9 C~~~lls1~n r.commend. approv.l .ubj.ct to the above J~.tlpulatlon. . . ..tt ~ _ t# \ 1. ~~~:C: , County ...ttorney Saunders polnt.,d out that a couple of weeks ego ~#.;t.h. 8o'ard p....d a resolution that elll111n.ted the point .ystem in thl.,::'t ~:i,¡,· .., '.' A ~~:;,type of plan. He noted that th.y are t~1king today about the point " '.',1; ~~~;'·~~·;t.1I in'the Zonlng Ordinance rath.r than the Comprehen.lve Plðn. ' /~::'. ::i\!':'t':'Jj , .. ,.'..~ :p!.~~~\/ Dr: Neno Sp.gn., repruentln\ the petitioner, noted that Attorn.y .. ......,.¡;'J. :.~.;L,., '. ,\ " .." 'j"~ " ~"1~'';.ff MoIInz and Hr. R1aher vere .lao pr'uent.- He said ·that they have /II.t~:/'1 ~¡.\I. ~.:'l'....~:-~;.. .~. . ";..-.',~ .G,,!" ,all of'th. requlrem.nt. .et forth for the reque.t.d rezone.- , Comlllla.loner Vo.. aeked Mrw Risher if h. vas going to be in the ~d, .tore or if he was going to ..11 the property? Mr. Ri.her aaid that h. , '~.Ih". ,. "Þ' ,. .~\~I, fully, int.nd. to build the /ltore. ~. N .. ~~":''': . COllmisslon.r lIolland expr...ec1 concorn about the hour. of ~.",' . . ~~P.,.tIO:. notln. tho ....01t. .nd ,0bb.'I.. In oonv.nl.no. .to,.. In f.P:~·th. p..t few year. Mr. Rl.her .ald that he plan. to operate from 6100 ,~'... n. to 10 .0. p.n.: po 1 ntln. oot thot <h. p.oph nood tho .. .vl.. In t~ the early hour. and that the.e are the hour. the re.ident. have ¡·~~r.quested. Commissioner Holland .ald th.t he feela the .tore i. . \ " , It",',' . ':. :';ì:;'~ ',' ,if:.} " '\·'iijJ~ '..¡: .:.:"~'. .I'~" .. '~~:~'~"'" . (-.... . ':;,; ,~ '··W' , ,;t, ,,;,~'~,i. ,I.-\" j I ju.tlfied In the aroal however, h. would like to ... the etore hour. ,) ·f}.C:~ro/ll 6100 ....1'1. to 8:00 P.M .nd Mr. Rhher said that h. would consid.r.:J 't.~¡~; thi.. Replying to Commluloner Pl.tor, Mr. Rleher said th.t h. would .:·,:,'·r~\ , '4', ',:,.., definit.ly take prec.utlon. to .void con.umption-on-pr.mi.... Acting :.....,... County Manager Virta pointed out that the petition i. for C-2 zoning and if Mr. Rl.her a9rews to limit hi. hour. it 1. on a voluntary ba.i.. Attorney Jeff Mðnz decllnod to .pe.k unle.. there were .ny que.tlon. of hill. COII.i..loner Plator .ove~, ..conded by Comllli..lon.r Va a and carried 5/0, that the public he.ring be clo.ed. COIL.i..loòler PiUor .oved, aeconded by Co~i..ioner Yo.. and carried 4/1, Co~i..ioner 'ag. 5 ------------ ,,~.,.t..,/;,. 'l-"f . .,_...¡.~.... "'#>' '>{Ii,'_..t.'~ . ,tr---\ 11' ".,.,t¡.,... ~~~~~~~.. ..,&l;--:~'t-;.~I,.)~.¡¡..··~. ,\ol,;.~ ~ "."',.-"h".',"""'.".."'''''''''''''',..__'.__'''...."..~....,'_';,·'"~'' --~-- ..... ·t~ '., ,. ,", ", ,~ , ,1,"011., ; .;.;; , ~.~{:; , , ~Jo. .' ~! "',". ''':. .·.......1 .:.,'''' ',' :. "'1J,' . ,-'... þ ~ Jij"'\, .'~.. ¥,~,._,"'.-_,.'~k>-" """~",'-",.".'__~,......,.'____,~'_~"~~"" <"~,"~",....,,,,,,,,_,__~,,, .IVR ^'<...,.,,"',.._--"''''''''--,.'''~,~-------~~.'" '"-"'''''','''''"'-'...,,'""'''''~.,''''' ~,~",'m',,"~"_'_.~~~" "",_.....___'n_""'_IO>'_"""'""',·,-" " ~ ~-.--.------------' ~ ~~",. , ". .' 1 mi. .081rAGt132 ~ rIte. II ,~ t, ~f"~tÏ) 169' ·...."·~:I\DED TO J(ELLY TRACTOR FOR ONE COMPACTOR AND ONE BULLOOZER ~ ~.~I"'t"... 'ieg'al noti'~'~ having been published in the Naples Daily New. on ìf g~;";~'brU~ry' I~ 1984, .. evidenced by A¡Udavit of publication tiled with '1: ~,i:'J"ì.'¡' ' '1, t¡,;':'·.f~:.: ~~~rk~J bl~s were received until 2130 P...., February 29, 1984 ~,,~ 1~ndfl1l dozer and 1 landfill compactor. »-;:"';:\o'r ,~' t"Jf~~>1J; publ1~ Works Mminiatrator Hartman rec.lled that in the budget ~' f,' thia yoar they asked that they be .ble to collect enolJ<, h money to ·----·:------~pr~-;:-~~------:;~';,Zí!f,Ç " 14;: <;~,:' ".qy" ~,,~;:. .,' Pp -. ~'¡It-~ '.....,. 1"_;, ,; for 1 i , , .,' t:··l , . .. :. ~ 4,:; for" ,\.. .: repllce ao~e old equipment at the landfill. '..,\ , . He aald that they now have bid. for a new compactor and bulldozer .nd would like Board approval to award the contrllcta to Xelly Tractor for one compactor 1$182,000 and one ~~lldozer '$189,000. . ,....,.'.. .. ....'J: '" ~ ~,; lea. downtlme. " . ,_T!pe '2 .. . ,I' (- ii, ' ," Com_l.s10ner Voas questioned if they ha~e looked at the idea of . . ',~~ ,.' :.~~;. 04 rubber tires and Hr. Hartman rePorted that they do not hold up in that' ,,'{/,,? environment. Co~mlss1oner VOla s.ld th.t he believes there would be :,' .;.~~~: fIr less IIIlinten.nce. Mr. Bart~an laid that they W1Cpect to have. lot 'i:.t~f. , .... ",,1:,. ""',~ . ' ~ ;'" ~..,.,. ... ,~< ~r' .. ,,:. ....J:: "t- ".(,,1', . -,;,' ,~('..,' Commlsaioner Holland queatloned if the tr.de-ln equipment 1. " ",J oper.ble, and .skod if it i. wise to tra~e them in or use them as ~ )." ;,,:',' I W1". " ;i>' ,;,~ ;1·': ,~,~t(~~· . . '0 , backup? Mr. Hartman .ald that the purch..e 1. being financed fro. the ~ Capital I~prove~ent Fund and the rest i. being taken from fee. chargedJ ; He .ald thore would b. a ditference of $172,000 If the equIpment J. not . /" . ~ , .:'~ , "..~~.:. - '..t,.... .;,' traded In: ComØllulo/'ler Holland asked if the new equipment fa .11 there 1. on the job and Mr. I~rt~.n replied afflrØl.tivlly. Co..i..ioner Vo.. moved, .econded by Coamls.loner Piator an4 carried 5/0, that Bid '696 be awarde4 to ~el1y Tractor ( r one Caterpillar 826-C Co~pactor at the bid pr1c, of $182,0~~ with tra4e In of . Caterpillar 816 Co.pactor (Serial No. 57U4J0) and one Caterplllar , ~::\~,;~,\ : \~';,:"::~,~, P.ge ---------- ----- . '. .. ' '" . ~~..,¡;"",:..~.r~' ,":*¡,,* ."'.~' -1>", J, ~ '~', '·"·'~Jk"Íi:;l. e!'," - ' ~ ~~,,,,,r]~t.U¡i'«-""M,.f;.,,,,.: , ,.,~!j":" .1:..'\., .', ~,,,,,,,"..,,<,,,,,,,~...,",,,,"..,......~, ",..",.,..,-...--- ___...";~,__.._..__...",, _"',';-"'""_~~d',",""___"__'__"··""'''''''''·''~ -----...---.- ,_^'''"....,..."''¡...."''"_'''',''''~.....,,_,,....'''';'''...'''-...,...,..'~.;,..,',....."'.....".."M.'. ,..,...."'-""-"..~-,........."""---- . '..... ....... ..--.....,,.,......."'.,;-,,....,--'....,""". ~ 1',:::~-----------------------~P'~~~;':-----~ RECOMMIHDATIO~ RI MAMDATOny SOLID WASTE COLLECTION ORDINANCES DErERRED TO 4/17'84 Thi. lte~ w.. deferred at t~. beglnninq of the meeting to 4/17/84 by IIOtlon of CO.lllasioner HoUr ,d, .econded by Comml.ioner p1.tor .n~ carried 5/0. Ite.,ll , LETTER or AGREEMENT WITH WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PEEK, INC. to PROVIDE PROr&SSIONAL SERVICES AS PART OF ~RUSE/COUNTY AGREEMENT - ....PPROVED ,',r?: : Public Works Administrator said that this is a request to approve contr.ct with Wilson, Miller, Darton, Soll , Peek for $4,000 in ,~ ': ':~:'.", compliance with the ter/llll of the I<ruslt/County Agreement of July 12, " 19B3 and in conjunction with the plannod County Raglonal Wellfleld. /'Ir. Hartm.n aa~d that the first, thing the 'englnoers have to dltterm1ho if a different pump coulð be put Into tho existing well. He s.ld that /'Iis.lmer Assocl.tes did a study to determine the Impact of the County wells on the Kruse'. wellw Commissioner Voss said that they should know wh.t the present pump will do and asked for the terms of the agreement. Mr. Hartman roplled that the BCC Is to make their well operable. COlunlslloner VOIS I.ld that 1! the County wellfleld dr.ws down the water he bel1~ves the Board should replace the pump but, unles. they know If that will happen he does not think th.t the Bo.rd should replace, the pump. Mr. Hartman ..id that the MI.slmer repor~ s.id th.t the imp.ct.. of the CClunty'. wells on the Kruse's ",.11 would r~duce the:groundwater at her wol1slte under certain condition.. Commls.loner Vo.. que.t.loned wh.t conditions and Mr. Hartman replied during the dry season of the ye.r. Commissioner Vo.. .sked If It i. no~ an operable well .nd producing what It Is supposed to produce? /'Ir. HarUlan ..ld th.t It i. IIIðrginal. Commi..loner Voss su~gested p.ylng the difference between the pre.ent pump. Mr. Hartm.n .ald that am 081rrn 135 Peg e 11 -----.----------------------- . ,., , , \ ') I ,..,.:.. .i'..\;~) "....;t' ! , . . ,..,JoA ... ... ._~..........................""I'tl . , "¡;"''.:J:.:C,Ll1':~~:· ....~..1f..:î/...\_"' ~/~~'~':.:" ~ t· A~ 1 ~c _1).14"'" .. ,."',...'''--,~~'''',',.,'',.--_",."...~,,~,~...,,~-,...__.. ~ ,- """"....".,'<._-,,,._,,,;._~"..,,~"'~.'..'.'" <".'-" ,-.'-"," .....~~,_.',..,"",-,~,--"'--~- - ; 081nçrl36 ; '~'ih~"exi.~i~9 pump oper.tu marginally and it may be the pump'. fault {~t~;~d he doe~ Io"t know about the maintenance condition. ~·.f ~ "f:: ; (:';,;,;,..:, ."Co_laioner Plator left ~he muting at 9140 A.M.e.. ~::"~~" ."", ¡',?'",:;,'I,' ).., ' ~~" only o~lig.tion of the County is to p.y the difference between the cost, ,:;::;~ of a new pump and the existing one that will do the job. :'~..,~.'..... ".1 t '. ~(.:;.;;;';':;:": count~ Attorney s.under~. advi..d that the agreement atatu that .... ¡;:.~¡~:t~. ,County :wl11 replace the pUlllp. Acting County ManÃtJer Virta recalled that th'e Mi..imer report atated th.t the pump operated 25' '¡bove the April 3, 1984 C~mmis.ioner Voss .al~ that It ~eems that, without a ~oubt, the expected cap.clty, therefore, It is n~t marginal. Mr. lI.rtman ..ld that.wh.t he ls asking tor i. l~e Board to ,., ,. ...:,I.approve an IIgreement for an IInlllysi. of the operation. Commlss1oner Holland questioned If this was brought about by the .', County having their wells in close position to the Kruse well and asked " r...:~. A .' if there was not some talk as to where the County wells were that were causing .o~e of this problem? Mr. Hartman said thal when this callie up I out'l . the; they took a look at the other wella in the vicinity end he polnted tbe Kruse.' have the only Agriculture ~ll In the vicinity òf ï.,", 'County wellCleld. ...Co_issioner Pi.tor returned at 9145 AwH.··· \, " Mr. Hartmon advised that the County welHield will lower the r: Kruse'. well. Commissioner Holl.nd questioned If the Board could hold the engineering company that loc.ted the County well responsible? County ^ttorney Saunders s.ld he would like to take a look at the agreemsnt and report back to the Board. He .ald that hi. Initial feel ng i. that they would not h.ve to pay Anythlng. COllunls.loner Plator voiced, the opinion that since the wll has not been u.ed .nd they do not know if they .e 9~in9 to have any affect on the wll And If the present pump is operatable he doe. not know why the PAge ,~ -....----.------------------------- ~, - ~, ..' Ii," ~" ,...., , ,,'~,., , f"""~ '. ',' ,'. .. ........ 'it"......... . '''¡.~, ,,.r.,¡.;:-.t : : \~. Wlt;' ,-. . .; .. , ,A # IIiiiìiíiìiI ,h..-;·,........ly;J ~,f\.', ,...~ .' ,..., .¡,:...":Þ.. , ,~, . '"'.."'~""¡-""''"''''''_.".-,,'~,~.'''..'_...,,......,_..... ~,.'''','.''' I " " 1 2;';,; . , '''y,' , ,;,..~,:~..., , " "j ..'t" . , '- '~}, , " ,. 'A/J~ ; '.,... " ,,':../,,~; ,. -./.,~ ,", "'! ..." fl';t~'·· , ,II".. , ':. 1~ ,'.;~ }~ ," ~ .. " ' ,rn~~.:r,,')' ":' ,~";;: ~; ~ ~~.~~.. -."\ ~ ·i'1",?;~:. ~"'., of '~')""'~~~ ,", .,' :'; r:;::¡ ..I': .... ~., ~, , '" ~ .' ------------------------~-----~ ~;,~:f... . ": April 3, 1984..t,,'~t ,~~~, ' County ahould b. expect.d to pay an unknown amount of JI1on.y and he -'-. i;~~~~ 1~~': believe. tha\.. th.re ahoulð be . 111\it on th1. bee"usI they do not even' , ."~;\' know if the Cr.unty'. w.lls .re going to caus. a problom. Mr. liar' un add that u a condition (If the South Florida Wat.r Han.qel1c,nt p.rmit it saya that the Board must mltlg.te any circumstance. that it ~AY cause. Chairman Brown pointed out thftt the Kruse well was there first with an agriculture permit. Mr. Win.ton Barger, Colden Cate Estates usldent, qu.stion.d if the eo4Ird waa going to be generous with the p.ople who live across th. canal? ,~r. Harbnan said that in the process of obtaining a South Florida Water Han.geJl1ent permit they looked through who has permits for well. in the area that might be affected by the new wells .nd then they wrote to those individuals ~nd told them that the new wellfleld is up for consideration. Mr. Hannan Ve r r.t t, Colden C.te Estates resident, said that h. , ¡ t' live. appro~im.tely 300 feet from the County we lla and when they were 1 what would: " putting them In his we 11 was a 1 rudy there .nd he questioned . . .; . ',,.,' happen if something happened to his well? He said that Mrs. Kruse hAS a unlqu. situation bec.us. she lives right on the cAnal and said that there w.s no reAson to drill a well. He sAid thAt If Mrs. Kruse has Tap. 13 probl.m. it is only þ.cause she h.. a sh.llow well to begin with.. Co..i..ion.r Voa. said that although th.re ar. a lot of queationa, under the .gr....nt th.r. i. no other way but to .pprov. the contract with Wil.on, "iller, Barton, SolI' P..k to IlAke the atudy and he ao ~ .ov.d, ..cdnded by Comai..loner Holland and carried 3/1, CON.i..loner i Pistor di.sentlng and COM.l.slon.r Krú.. out of the roo.. .... &oDt( 081mt 137 Page , ' ----~-------- , ~·.I . ,.~:~ " .,t. .~..,., ,;;,....;......... ,... " ~'1r.L1'." , , .IOW. I.'" ~-r~,.""~."'" .., ,"'~""'"','"""''''~------_..'''.''--'.^.>^ ".,......><1*___"....... .._,...",....."',."..._'./,,,""",,"""." ,'..,.-è<,'_.....',...,,· ,," ,.."" ,~,,-,.......,'-,._--,~.- C-:l , .::~,~; ,,~i. 'iroit "'< '"I' ; \"..~" --------......-.... "'---- -:,. "'1ïÞ ,,~. ~ r.'b "."'/:', -:......... .. .,'í,Ite. 112 : .J.,~~': "~BAMC~ OlmER h£OUEST rOR EXPANSION - APPROVED April 3, 1984 SHERIFr'S COMPUTER ROOM, JUSTICE CENTBR ,{,t, " Co..i.aioner Pl.tor .oved to approve the ataff recolllllendatlon, a. " , outli~~d in the Executive Summary dated 3/23/84, to provide a ,#.i co.prebenaive and .ecure area to houa. law enforcement computer ""'~"" actlvltle. in the allount not to exceed $99,210 for the Sheriff'. '(<1:,< Departaont. '~1' 'tH; .13'14; ,¡......~ SPACB ....LLOCATIONS R£VIEWED - PUBLIC SAFETY ....DMINISTR....TOR TO MEET WITH STATES ....TTORNEY AND REPORT BACK TO BCC 4/10/84 RECESSI 10105 .....M. - 10125 .....M. r "., ,Ite. ,~ ) .,'. ,Commissioner Holland said that he ha. been told that one of the :.~,' ,constltution.l of!1cars has asked if It "ould be posible to have a one ,~.. w.ek 1r~formatlonal period for the constitutional officers before .ction if; Is taken reg.rdlng space al1oc.tlon or asked if It ·:.uld create a 1.1; hordshlp? Public Safety Administrator Corrl11 said that It would not ~, create,a hardship. ''''I COlllllllsslonor Voss noted that In lookfng at the report thore is not enough lIIoney to du 1111 of the things proposed or' else It is very close.' '. 1 . He s.I1 th.t ther. are outfits that do nothing but spac~ plans and he .~ ~ said thllt In view of tho tightness of the money the Board should f.ce the f.ct thllt they noed an outside spac. planner to ,:/0 ovor .11 of ,the .. need. for ¿his County and comeback "lth a recommendation that i. not ~ subjected to the political pressures of the staff. COlllmlssioner Pistor sold that he is concerned with the timing but he agreed "lth Commissioner Voss' Idea. Mr. Do'rrill sold that the 6th .nd 7th floors are currently re.chlng substantial completion. He s.ld th.t there .re slll4l1 issues th.t need to be done but, "ithin a week to 10 days, they should reach .' .. .-1 ,,', '. -' .'0( 081 W.[ 153 ~ \',' Poge 14. ,,7':;:: ,I,'~t, ... ·',t~,.....,·'~~', ; ......:\~ --__---:-;-__ __ - -- -_ __ __.- -- ....-..--...--e--- --- --- -~- -~'--:",~,~'" . .'... i\,'..... . ,"-\.., , ~ ~ . ''', :,~: >..,~ ·~;·'·~0·';;~'- -'~.' "..,'~', ,,' -, ",.;iJtj I·" '1'-' ..,.t.·..·~ I ~ . ; -- ----~."~_.~,,' "4 ~~',' ... .. . ~ t.,~.. completion., r..~'t·;:: Ch.irm'an "rown said that h. could not vote for another f'> ~ecause the County 1£1 short of money, and the people are . ,;~'i#. .;:&'...~ , !,':"!"I! ø' ~/' ", 'f' '( ,I,' ~ f'''' "i #~'~~'/~~;I consul Unt '.:~ ' ,'''-'~~l~~.-'i . short of space. .~:~~~. f./ " ,:¡"~U\~,~J;.¡,;: Commi.sloner Holland ,said that it has been brought to his " <i¡,~:~Wt attention that they are looking at putting the Bullding and zoning': , '/"'"11''' , " :"!/~~~:':~ I '. ,t.. ..~~~ departJnents on the 1st floor, which he believ.. is wise and fusib1...';. .J..i"P.,,;;;~ He ..ke~ Mr. Dorrill if he could look at putting a couple of other; :~:'i;"~:~¡~~i\ , . í' >,."r í¡ml~ department. in Buildings "C· , "D- because he has be;~ told that t~e~~I~,:.I')~ :i~~t; . ~,. 'I < f-:'I", i" sufficient room? Mr. Dorrill said thðt the Mounts of sp.ce :~~. .: »?":~.:!' available exceed thlt five year projoctlon and if the BOllrd would l~k~~\:-~16:;f::' them to rOBtudy what other. departments could fit Into Bulldings -C· 'a~d'~·,~I~~~~ , ' "t. '{' '.~",J~~ _.'.~D- it could be done. Co_l.sioner Holland Jloved th.t Mr. Dorrill Uke, ,j.,.!iÌ'<tt, a, look at the possibility of plac1nq other d,pllrtments, namely, ',,::.'.'~' ~;~'1i1~;: Per.onnel and Purch.sIng, in Buildings -C- and "D-. Com.issioner ,J "~~" .~~ ;·::·~~,.jl~! , "',-./,. ";, "'t.'.' Mr. Dorrill pointed out that they are tryIng to make up lB 111l1lion"" · r ' ''1". ( dollllrs difforence and the ßOllrd has uBed 2 million dollars for £, :"~'1¡~I',tID;.., , . ._'i~ . ~ E ,.. 1· ,t ..:1.."',1 ¡',\I ..... :-'- elephone .nd the aabestoB program as well as so,,,. for Bp.cial counse . .....~~ . ; ('..: ¡:,t.~~.? In addition, he said that thl!Y h.d other expenditures that the BO~,~d" '1'~::t'ltt. t k t I 1 ,,- b h t d d 1 1 1",',,, 1- t ¡L' 00 ac o~ on n """cem er t a accommo ate some con at tut o~a ,<t Ij:·~·' ·~r?' ~. officers th.t did not benefit Croll the Justice Cent.r project. Re aai "'C!~'~' . , ' ". ',~ '!!!'J.... . ' ,\' . ~ '*- ¥" that all a result of tho Be decisions It did displace persona in Bul1dlng ""\'iì~~ . , :..;1 't:,'4.,,., -D-. He said thot the building inspectors only .pend about an hou~~\.,',, ~,:Ftì}1· day in the bulldlng and they are In . trailer and they do not warrant:,~:\,}~. '. :~~è~'I, ::~ J;~"""~' ^pril 3, 1984; I, , Pietor seconded the ~otion. .~. ' being on the ground floor. He said that this County l.cks warehousing and sl~r.g. spac. for ~mðll stores, recordR retention, building .. ,)o"~' Mr. Dorr1l1 s.ld t.hat thore were sOllie rel.ted la.u.s ...,~I ,.. ~; J;¡1)~ .. 'I\'.1í..!; ,It"~""" ~:j1l PA~~ ~I;~.~;,' ....\'f, " ~ ' . '.. T\'.......· ¡ ,~Intenanc., et.c. conc.rnlng the St.tes Attorn.y allocation and the problem nov involve. the Public Works Division, the County Manager and County Attorney. --------., ------ 15,,' '.~ ~ 't' ' R . ~.,. ~ ~ ~'. , '. t ., ,L(t ": .~ft'r .it:,""'.,.l~t , ~"","¡,~ , ...,~'1'. ,,4 .... . . . f\_ , ;~:~ c::::3 -- - ,¡.,...c~"""''''~ .~~'.."',.""~,",""-_... ~ ._,.."_.."~""~"~""...>,,.~,._..,,,..,,,,,.,.....~,,-" ìf~~~:r';~ ';, · ...¡;v...,...' ~ f.....'~i..., . ...~.{v , .' . '1.' ~.~. ~J . .-, ---~~-------~~--~~~~--------~------~~ '. j '~4~ :"; ~~~ '. ..' ,\"'~'..t ,~," ,,;. _."',.:..r,....;...~,~,;,...::.~..". ,.... ;:,t¡-4¡;;IÎ:j¡À¡~#r . · -,--- --..--- ~~':' April 3, 1984 ~4\:,: Mr. Dorr1l1 uid th.t,ther. are one of two option. which would ~tf,·~lnvolv. aovinc¡ the P'~~l1c Work. Dlvi.ion to the 8th floor and, in I ,,,;t:o " . addition, U the Board choo... to have .xpllnd.d facilitl.. for the Man.g.r an~ the Attorn.y, it i. obviou. that th.y cannot be k.pt on the ; A~ .. aam. floor with the Clerk of the Board. H. .ald that it would apP.llr that .lth.r the Public Work. Dlvi.lon, p.rsonn.l and purcha.lng Dep.rtment or the Board movo to II new loclltion, noting that the Board, ,in an .1.ctlon y.ar, mllY not w.nt to provide themselves a n.w office on . ;~. anoth.r floor. Mr. Dorrill .ai~ that there h.ve boen a number of r.de.igns at the ~ r.qu..t of ,Clerk Reagan and the Judge.. He noted thllt Clerk Reagan' a <.1¡. I' ~ .,,:,' activiti.. 'ar. minimal and involve .om. int.rnal partition chong.. and ...., ,'.' . the judges would relocate .11 County court .ctivltles from Building ~- !~ ~jto the ground floor He said that the circuit court, judge.' chðmber., ~ii"~ourt adl1inlstr.tor, low library and jury venire room would romaln on ".,.J ,\, ":~·:fth. 2nd floor, noting thilt a comproml.. would b. to luv., the jury \1'!~1'" r~~:waitin9 room on the ground floor. "\ H. ..ld that the law library ha. ita own need. and can ~.ke a r~.Bonable case for needing additional spac.. II. .aid that they would occupy .n empty room that ha. been re.erved for a vi.ltlng judge. . ' Mr. Dorrill r.port.d that the only other IIctivltle. th.y hllv. not talk.d about i8 the Helllth Dept. .nd that h.s come about b.cøu.e the County h.. a new h..lth officer. He sllid that they havlI a curr.nt' cr,ltic.l ne.d for .p'ace .. of tod.y of approxlmlltely 2,000 .quar. f..t, adding th.t new he.lth car. programs would cr..te an additional burd.n. Comml..loner Pl.tor que.tloned Clerk Reagan .bout the Incr....d siz. of the judicial sy.tem. Mr. R.agan advls.d that when there ar. aor. judg.., thore Ir. more jury trial.. Clerk Reaglln reclllled that two year. ~go the no4Ird adopt.d and .pproved a plan .nd everyone kn.w ..... Pig. 16" alO( 081....r,r 155 . ',': ,,OJ . ,.,",: , ,~,., , ~"_~~~..,,,1,. ",.;"";...,,.,-,......--...,----,,,,..-..---'-. _,,,,,._...__,~.~_...~.,.,......w___'~·___ they'werft going. Also, he said that they ,adopted a III.J they all .r,¡reed to It. He .aid th.t tucking the ... ,,'r'," . f,Jt~:' Clerk'.. offic. in .ome far off diata'nc. ia cheating the public ø,nd the ,iJ','K:' ..,. . ~ìi Board lIIinute. and records -should be ea.ily acce.slble to the public .nd ~~~:'í ~h"~ 'la IIO~ t conv.n1en t fo r the pUbitc .hould be con.ide red. AlIo, h, ' '~"'''''.'~'. -", ' . ~ . /.';, referr.d to the additional $15,000 for redoaign and said that it waa r..::·: : ~':f,,:hl. impruslon that the architect w.s comln~ back, t~_.~o some interior, de.lgn~. He .aid that he has never checked off on the pl.n,. He ssld that he haa a trQmemdou~ amount of work, 125 people and 35,000 active court. ca.... He .ald If the Board does not .tart watching out how the r.cords are kept .nd retained the Stat. Attorney 1. not going to mov~ .,....'...... '.. becaùse everything that the State Attorney does, comes through the Cl.rk'. office. He .lIld that the .rchitects Croll! New York that ar~. ...~! familhr with criminal justic. plllnning clime in IInd determined what l~r $~~':. what wa. beat for the judges, Clerk, Stilt.. Attorney, p,'bl1c Defender f .nd court repo~ter. Ho ..ld that i. what the 23 million 'dollar. if ~~~~~or. Clerk Re~gan rec.ll.d th.t the Board,got,a l.tt.r from the f.', Govern~r a yellr ago saying no~ to .pend the money unless it was for ¡..~. ,'. cr iminal justice agencies. He sa Id that a 1.tter wa. received from the \ 1\. ....'. {f', State Legislature urging the UIU thing. He uid that they are und.r ~ ;; court order to build. jail. Mr. Reagan notcd that h. wa. supp~s.d to move in October, 1983 and, said th.t he has h.d to delay a large Kodak order, which the Board ! IIpproved, bec.use of the del.y. He .ald that the Board should go with the or1ginal criminal justice pIan. He noted that they are trying to do loo many things, such a. t~~ing 1 million dollar. and cram It full with 18 million doll.rs wort~ of need.. Commi.slon.r Holland questionod if Mr. Reagan w.nt. to go bllck to the origin.l plan "B"? Clerk R.agen .aid h, believ.. that i. the one Peg. .<:' ---- --- ,.';' ... ~·"II'fI. .. ,. I~ ~ ~ ~ ¡·.t.....·· ,"...,"",~.. -.' .'·It)..'.·' ~ I ' ~~ m.~. ,.,.... .". A,.t..~: ' ,:,'; ~'."'.' "".4" ..~~ L , ~,. ,I¡ , ' 'iJ.."i'r" :ÚI'I. ..,.~\~,., ~ \ ¡. . ,~If;~t ' ~f,fJ..~'trI.· . ':'1.4 ~ '~., , "... ',1,:..., , f,~j;r:: "fdk ":;<".-" " 't.. ' .::.i; ;.~ ¡if, :·'1..', ',:1', ¡o¡. ;"J, ".( J " 'O¡t.,#> ',,' , , " ,+,': "'~;'~',', " .\.'I ,~ ' . , ..~ ""'"'"""""_~''''''_''''"''''_'''''''_'_>'''..~',..""..".,...",...'"".",",.,..""',_ f_...._~"'___-,._~ -'........_..,.,,,,,....,,,,,,,,.-',,-)".....,,..''''..,''",- "-'....>,.,,.~,.,"~_.,-"~~~.......-,.,--,..._'_.-"-~_.- '~ ~' . ,:'j.'.\;",: i;·,"1~f..:" . . ~~".i.~ ~~Ä : ' ~ ,\~..~. ",''''. , , ',I¡.- 'too"'.....' :1' . . ,.,' ~"~.:...,:...,,...'~..I'""' .;".~...,,:#'.:...' ' " . . ~f.4~'" ': ' , ' :. --~_._--.-----------_.._------------------ t'~''''''h . . . ~ " ", .,'1..' !.~, 0811'A~í158 April 3, 19Si ':'~.' ~~a.d'dltlon, . t,he States Attorney has advl.ed the Board that they have' .ollle ?~)'" particular" h'~Ur1ty concerns' "t th.y felt that they had addre..d' and :/'1,,£..,' , ' " ¡; they were not In the contract and, if they are going to accommodate the concerns, the ßoard should he.r from Mr. Pellechl. and then give hilll t SOIll. direction. , ,', Mr. Don Pellechla s.ld '. ;".\ ' :' ~,,::~~dicatin'iJ 'certaln ar... of .... .;''..:'' October, 1981 and uld that ',I, . that Mr. D'Alles.ndro wrote a letter concern that had been di.cussed a. e.rly a. , ¡~ he ~uld like to communicAte with the staff and re.olve the Itoms so that th.y can movew Co~missioner Holland ~oved that Mr. Dorrill ~.et with Mr. Pellechla and come up with figure. needed and cOllie b.ck to the Bo.rd next Tu.sday. Commissioner Pi.tor ~' ,~econd.d the lIotion which carrl.d 4/0, Co~~issloner ~ruse absent. Commissioner Voss said tha~ It will t.k. a lot of monoy to move and esked Mr. Dorrl11 If that has been budg.ted? He responded affirmatiyely, adding that there are lufficient fundsl however, th.lr r i~ t:":'1I10ney to int.ntlon Is to uso the County building ~intenance .taff and sOllie Truste.. to do the actual physlc.l move. He said that th.re i. no put this out for profe.slonal bld~ Commissioner Holland , quftried If confiscated monoy could be us.d for socurlty and .vld.nce ttr protection and Mr. P.llachla said that this con,.. under the Forf.lture ~:.:;. . ~~~ Statute and the money com.s Into the County and c.n be utlllz.d by the Sheriff for InvestigatIve purpo.... Deputy Chief Barn.tt advheò that confiscated funds cannot b. used to supplement a budget, it h.. to be . , invest Ig. t 1'..e . of an nature. t 4 Dr. Polkow.ltl, lIealth Dlr.ctor, said tha t they have an Imllled 1 a te spac. problem and an acute nevd for space, adding th.t one or t~ trall.rs ~uld tompnrarlly help. Mr. Dorrill sai that they will have five or .lx tr.ll.rs available .t the co~pllltlol, of the Justice Center and thàt none of the tr.ll.rl, with the exception of the court t Page l' ,,' , ';~/.,.. ~' '~,.;,. '~~<" . ...... 'iJí.. ........ . .J~.J"." , . '.'1;= .~ /,~, '\ ' ~. ..¥' -:... .,~, .11:.,- ' ":,'_,,..,"..",,...._,,,,.""""~_...__...__w."__""~.,. - ~,,:, . ".':, ~~:! ~ 'J "',.'1" ,.\".,;. . .(, r ,.... ,; , ' ..... , . . .~, , . ,;' ~ ·~t ,~.~ ,~.( ',."~ þ' :., ':1";' .....'.. ... ~; ..: ., ....., /~ : " ;~~a -, '" '~':'~. ia.:·/~ . ,+~ , , 1'",.- /:::; ·,....'ì _....';-~----'"' ~~J, ' ' ''t''. ;.c~~ ''''':.'\ ijJl¡f.'"o',\"" d ¡., . '.", ..,...;1.....:,.." ~ "A~' .. ~~'..\. ,~.I. "" . '.... ,':,-, ,t..,/ I. '" ',f' ~ ¡;;;;:;;;a '. -- ~~~epo;terla trailer, will be available within the nextA:::1d:~s~98:e ;!~,:~ ~:¡, add thllt the Shedff haa J 'dlcatad . need for the court reporter'a ~tf' trailer an"; concluded by stating that there are no trailer. available today. ***Comai..ioner Vo.. lIoved to take up it'lI 13... at this time. '~Jmmi.- a10ner Piator aecoï,ded the lIotion which carded 4/0, ComJl\lsr:loner ~rua.. out of the rooll··' '.'Co.lll..loner ~ruse returned at 11105 ....M.··· Ite. 114 DONALD LUSK SELECTED AS COUNTY MANAGER Administrator of Adminl.tratlve Services Blankenship reported that , , he ha. conducted in-depth reference check~ on all of the candidnte. for County ~nager and that the Board h.. had the benefit of those refer- ence checks. Commissioner Kruse suggestod that each Commissioner choose their top c.ndldate, write It down, .nd pass it to the ri.cal Officer. ~ounty Attorney Saunders advised that the Board should , '1 . deterlllne the amount of votes needed before they rote. Commissioner ," Voss said that if the vote Is 3/2, and h. Is one of the 2, h. will .witch his vote to the lIajorlty because he bel1~vea that the new M.n.ger should h.ve 100' support of the Board. The County "'ttorney .dvlsed the Commissioners to write their ~umber.one choico and sign the b.llot and said thðt If one c.ndldate geta three votes or more th.t person will be the County Manager. It was pointed out by th, Chairman th.t the s.larÿ I. negotiable .nd would have to be made after the :' selection. Mr. Blankenship said that It needs to be est.blished with whom the selectee will negotiate, and C~.irman Brown s.ld th.t he would neqotl.te the salary. Fiscal Officer Cl1es called the votes as fol10wal COJllmlalsonor Plstor - Hr. Hatchell Commissioner Holland - Mr. Lur.k Commissioner Brown - Mr. tusk Commissioner Voss - ..rw Hatchell Ho( 081 'A~¡ 159 P4I\ile ------------------------------- "',:.; ~"",>--,t~ ......... .1'" .., , . ".', '.:,-~'" ., , :4~,,~ "-_'....... ,t:" -. " . .-, '. ,'~'i ::, '."'~ ~ ~~:~ 20 ,..'./Ioi! ". >~'? ;...~ - . ::'¡> Á,.-_,_,..,,"',~<..~_.._.__.,__---- ,. <N,~,'''''''''''''__'''''''_"''·"''_~;'''''·'·~~''''·''''''''' ---.---.... April 3, 1984 "r. Lusk , ~ Pistor end Voss changed their vote to Hr. Luak and he wa. a. the COlJht~' Manager. to Hr. vlrta for hi. " ...Collal..10ner ~ruse left the aeeting at 11115 ........... It.. 115 ' GRANT APPLICATION Coa.i..ioner I . conttnued funding RE COIU1UNITY CARl FOR THE ELDERLY PROORA" - APPROVED ," Pi.tor lIoved to approve a grant applicatiQn for the of the Co_unity Care for the Elderly prograa,' and ,:.:,:p, . ft j . that the Chairman be authorized to .ign the application, co_l~.nt of " ", '.:,.i, .J;.' ca.h .atch and other comaitaent and a.surance. forms. Comai.- ·'·.ion.r Holland .econded the aotlon which carried 4/0, Co.~l.sioner Kru.e out of the room. " ; ';':.' ..Notel Complete appllcatJon eppears on file in office of Clerk of the ,~- .I:, L;,' JI',' 1'" I', f;..:~~ ~' ,:': {'" f Boa rd . ~'/~'f~~" I. ,~~"..' v"'ï'. :,~~;~~\ ": ;ì1! · ., .~,,-t:~( 'f'" Page ,;~~' :-. ""~~.~~.~;~; 21,;'" ,;~i; , ""'~:~;-/'$' '41:" " . t'" ----------- ~. \ . . , ~. .... ;. 'f ,.' . .."~,.. . . ' . /'t-., ,.'~':' ,", ~;':-·...,\1:.· __ ..~.~.. 'I."', 'A~~lè.,MJ.,~, .'!Îtr .., f'l¡ ::'.\ ,''';'.,..;.;.t. t:- \ ~ ,.\'(, ../- , .,...., , '; .'¡' : f' , . '-,',., " . ',' ~~~ ~ , . "! ~~ _.,-_."-"""'...",.,~" ".,.,,,,,_..,",,..,,,,,,_,,...,_...",._.;,,,,,...,-~.,,,..a__"'''..,, _..____ .,'~ f:"'.. r=3' ... , '~,',:,'j,;~¡{~.",:~~,~ ~,~\ '..~""' ,~(j.,~',\".J..i ..' -,--'.-',-",..._,....'".....,.,............ _..."....".",--,',~q-,<,--......_-"..-''"''''~,',....._.'''....._--_._----~". _....,~.._,_.,"..o;,"~u...,,,..~..,~""'''''''>"' . .'""'.",..__."',.._,_____4',.._ .;."",~.~ :,>~'f"",I: ',"' , " .'~:¡.... \ ." r.:::::::::::I " .- .~... ·....r··' " ~7-'~ ~i;~\.· ,,;.., I" ..'Q" .. '¡ ,,,,I' -;~!:.;---.;;--~----------- - -- -----"pr~-3~ 19~----~~j ~~/~i~: ~.,. :>.- "~:;'wlth the exception that the .ubdfo.,I.10n 1. aqreelng to turn over their J" ~ ' ... .t""culto...r. In lUngs LaKI) .1 well a. Yoxfire, which Is a st.p In the '~~, . ',,'...." direction of develo¡ ;ng ut1l1tlu in the County. .J': . 'f,":' Co_ha1on.~ Phtor .oved to .ccept the vater and s.wer facilities ,": " in the roxUre 'lJbdllflalon, lubject to the finding by the County ...ttorney tl.at all of the document. are legally sufficient and that the . d.v.loper agree. to conc1ud. a Sever Service ...gr....nt ba.ed on the \11" . , 'condition. de.cribed in "'rticle 7 of the Executiv. SUllllAry dated ,3/22/'4 and that the ,- forc. ..ain in roxflre located on Lot. 34 and 35 'v 111 be relocated to a d,d lcated ......nt and ,th.n be d..ded to the I . " ','." County W~t.r-S.v.r Dhtrict. Co..l.a1oner Voss ..conded the .otlon ::.. ·IJ..·' . "whlch carried 4/0, COII.I.sloner Kru.. not pr..ent. \ "',' ¡ "-" ....' ~ I , ), ., ,., aooc 081rml63 Pag. 23 '. ------- ---------------- ", .., . .;. ' ~,', .' , : i~\~7~!. ,',·~...>j..~·1~.~..) ;.·r~·' , ' ,.' ~ ~'···ir1~~'::~~03'n· ~¡J;;~J.i.,.~~ .>'"'''''''-''''''"._;,-_..,.'...,'';,...,."''''"..-..".,,;#,--'..._~"'..._-,.._-'....~_......._,- .,,,."""._,..,""",..;,","',,.,,.,~'''"...~.,.''',..,,;~'''..'' ",' "",~,..~,,.,.-----,.,--~--- ---.-..<----',-~~--,...-..,~.....-",....., ""'_....."',"',"~",.""",',"..,"',._,,,*""",""'...~---------'----.-,-.-..""",,""-....--..-------,.. -,---~~._.,~' ""..,'.,""".",_..,--,...,------ ,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,"",",-..,-,,,,-,,,,--,;~-,-,-,,,,,,~......,,,,, .. t:::.1 w-:1 ---- - --- - - -- - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- Apr 11 3, 19ò4 Ite. 124 19B3 AUDIT AND r, .:.'ICIAL REPORT - RECEIVED fiscal Officer Giles ref~rred to the 1963 Audit ~nd rinanclal Report, copies of which he had diøtributed to the Commissioners ilpproxll'\Jltely one week ago. lie introduced r1r. Ron '(Iood, of Hogers. Wood, 11111, ~tarman , GlIstJlSOn, who 15 tho ~1anðging C.P.A. of this audit. lie explained that the first fifty pages of the Hcport are the General Purpose Statements whl~h summ~rlze the activitlcs of Coll!~r County followcd by an accounting for the Individual funds showing how Information Is combined to result In the final statcmcnt. He pointed out there Is a lettcr ot tr~n3mlttal from Clerk Reagan to the acc ilnd a letter from him to Mr. Roayan which summarizes the broad financial activities for the 1982-83 YOJlr. Mr. \-Iood stated this Is a vp.ry gOOd Re¡:ort and he con\p1imcnted the Staff for their work. HI!' cxplalned that Mr. lIeagan hall Indicated thllt this Report will be submitted for ,.nnulII Certlfic,He of Co¡..~orm/ nce, which would put the Rcport n the 10. o~ thO! 011 to Roports ~n the country. lie pointed out thllt the entlr" [¡cport WilS prepared on County data proceslllng equl¡;",,!nt ,1nd said he w~s vcry hilppy Idth the result. He said, in hill opinion, Collier County Is vory sound from a financial stdndpoint and pointed ,""It that thoro W.H! .:In Increllse of /Jpproxlmately $3a,ODO,OOO In tnc total balances from the yc~r ended Sopt~mber 30, 1902 to September 30, 191!J. fie s.31d that revenues arc up 20\ and thera are still ðduquato roserves on hand. At Co~misslonor VODS' roquesL, ~r. Wood expl~lned that a Financial Report is submitted to the Municipal t'lnancc Officers' Association in Chlcolgo, Illinois, who 'Jradas the Report ~nd, If It moets the bllsic requirements o( all tho disclosures ond 1( th~ funus are In proper tannlnology, (\ Certlfic.Jtc of Conform"nco Is Issued. lie noted thllt, In lOOK 081 rlr.[ 187 rllqo 29 ..--------------------------------------- .~,"","'.'.,'.'O^<_,____,'__'...._ _,,_..A '''~...,,,.,','-,.~._._......__.....-._.- --,,".~,,".,~,,_..."-,-,,,"",,,<, ~".-."-~.,-,..,...._-,""""--- ,._.~""''''''''~'''--~--'''- .."".,---,_..._.-.....,,--_.-"",""."',...,..,",., ~,...,"'~--"...-"--,_......_-'".._-,- -_..?"--'..~''''''''- ---.-.--'.,' __"....rl""'..."'"'~·,._·''''~"~,,"~'''''';.,~''···" ,~,.,"'-"'-,..-