BCC Minutes 05/01/1984 R - ¡¡¡;; -----------~~--~--~-------------------~~- -!- . ..- LET iT 81 REMEMBERED,. th.t th Boerd of County Comllli..ioneu In and for the tounty of Coll.lr, .nd .1.0 acting a. the Appeal. and .. the 90vern!n9 bo.rd(a) of auch .pecial been cre.ted accorð~n9 to l.v and having conduct.d bu.in... herein, on thi. date at 9100 A.M. in R.gular S...ion In Building ·F· of the Courthou.. Compl.x, E..t Napl.., rlorida, with tho following m~mbor. pre..ntl CHAIRMAN, David C. Brown VICE CH^IRH"N' C. C. ·R~d· lIoUand rr.d.rick J. Vo.. Hary-Franc.. Kru.e Ab.ent' John A. PI.tor "LBO PRESENT I William J. ~.agan, Clerk, J.m.. C. Gll.., Filcal Officer, Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk, Durt L, S.under., County "ttorney, Donald LUlk, County Manager, Donald Norton, "cting "..i.tent County "'In.ger, Terry Vlrt., Community Development Adminl.tr.tor, Willi.. Blanken.hip, Admini.trat!v. Service. Admlnl.trator, Knute Hartman, Publlo Work. Adølniacr.tor, Lae Layno, Zoning Dlroct~r, Irving Berzon, Utilitle. Manager, Crace Underwood, Ad.ini.tratlve Aide to the Board, and Doputy Chief Raymond 8arnett, Sheriff'. Departm.n~. ,. .OK 08I,m420 ....g.. 1 , --------------------------------------- _,.._~..,,"',......,'''_____..A . "__._,_,~_...'_._"...'..._Æ.~.' ,",,,,..~.,,,,,,,, ,,' ,......".,...-"'..".,. __'_' '.'0""'- IiãiiI alii ~ .~---------------------------------------_. May I, 1984 'fa~ 11 It.. 11 AOnDA - U'ROVlD AS .....t'W.2!J! Ch.lr.an Kru.e ~Y.d, .econded by Co..I..loner Vo.. .nd c.rrled 4/0,' Indic.tlnlJ ab.ence of Co_l..ioner 'lator, that the .gen~a b. .pproved vlth the follovlnlJ ...nd.entl' I. 2. E.ploye. of the Month Award - Continued to 5/8/84. Ite. 131. - Di.cu..ion re Baretoot Beach acquiaition, added at Co..tl.toner Vo..' reque.t. Ite. !C - proola.ation deaignat1n9 Hay a. Poppy Day Month, added. Item 5D - proclamation de.ignating "'ay 6 through 12, 1984 a. National Goodwill Week, added. Stetement on computer., added at Com~i..ioner Brown'. request (Not dhcu...d). 1,'''' 3. 4. 5. It.. 12 MINUTES or APRIL l7, 1984 - APPROVED Co_i..ioner Kru.e .oved, .econded by Co_i..ioner vo.. .nd carried 4/0, that the .inut.. of April 17, 1'84, be approved. Ite. U DOIIATIOM or $2,000 TO TIlE YOUTH GUID.'.NCE VOLUNTEER PROGRAM BY .1R. JOSEPH IIRCANY, NAPLES AUCTION 01.LLERIES - ACCEPTED Hr. Jo.peh Sirgany ot the Naple. Auction Calleri.. pr...nted a check for '2,000 to Chatrman Brown a. a donation to the Youth Ouidanc. Volunteer Program. Chairman Brown expro...d the appreciation of the Board for Hr. Sir9any" genero.ity. It.. 14 PROCLAMATION OESICN1.TINO THE MONTH or MAY AS 'OPPY DAY HONTR - ADOPTED Aft.r r..ding the procla..tion, Co..t..toner Rolland ~ved, ..conded by Co_i..loner Kru.e and carried 4/0, that the procla..tion de.ign.tint Nay a. Poppy D.y Month be adopted. .OGe 081 PACt 424 pa9~ 2 ---------------------------------------.....-- ~__,. ......._""'""""'".,,~._..__,,·~",··,·..;~~'",;.c.,;_"._......,""_"..._...-~~.,.. "1 ¡¡¡¡¡ Ie iBii " ..---....-....------------------------------- May 1, 1984 ~ J..... I It.. IS ,ROCLAMA'1'rOW DE.rONA'fSI, ,ê, After r.adlnt the proo1a..tton, Co..I..ionet Roll.nd .oV.d~'~\ '" ",(f .econded by eo..t..lonet Iru.. and oarried 4/0, that the pro~~~~a~, ~g~~~~n9 May , through 12, 1"4 .. Ooodvlll Week be .doped. .' '., 'f< ;:r ¡ I '¡.. .{ ~ " .,. I" { ~;.¡ ~ " '~' ¡ ~" ¡', ~. ~ -:< ~ ,., ;t; I; .~ 1; ~ t 7 J .oae 081 'AC[ 426 ---------------------------------------- " .l i; .t. , '¡~ f ~ .",~ /I < . .. -- &iiiJ ~ ..---------------------------------------- May l, 1984 Ite. It ~ESOLUTIOM 14-11 1'1 PINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL POR RIGCS ROAD - 1.00PTED Le9al notice having be.n publl.hed in the NapleA Daily Nlw. on April 15 .nd 22, 1984, a. .vid.nced by Affidavit of publication fil.d vith the Clerk, pUblic h.arlng wa. opened to con.ider the final a.....- ~ent roll for Rigg. Road. Public WOrk. Admini.trator Hartman explained that tho con.truction co.t i. $16.56 per front toot a..-...ment which i. $1.50 more than the preli.inary e.tlmat. due to .0dlfJcatlon. to an axl.ting water lin., incre..Jng tho road length 330 f.ot and rai.ing the road .lev.tion from 5.50' to 6.50' in order to minimize flooding. Mr. Jame. Code, Rigg. Road resident, .aid that the road i. not one foot higher th.n U.S. 41, that the road J. wor.e then when it was r.p.ir.d, that the road h.. not be.n .xtended and that the r..ident. .hould not PlY for the water Un.. He .aid that the fill for t~" road wa. taken fro. hi. property and moved to ^uto Ranch Road. Hr. "artm.n .aid that the new road i. .t .l.vation 6.5' ðnd that U.S. 41 i. at 6.95' which mIke. Rigg. Road approximately .ix inch.. lower where it m.et. U.S. 41. H. .aid thet the 330' .xton.lon I. the difference betwe.n wh.t wa. approved at the proliminary a.....m.nt hearing and the length of tha road a. built. He .eld whon the road wa. approved at the pr.liminary ......m.nt h.aring the roed only went to Mr. Cod.'. drJvow.y and It wa. extended to the Section lin. north of him which brought In two more parcel. to b. Included in the ......m.nt , roll for two farmer. who ar. being e......d tor ~60 feet of frontage ~ and their actual frontage i. GO fo.t, the width of the right-of-way. ! Mr. Code .aid that the fill w.. tiven to the contractor to put on Rigg. Road but he did not do th.t and, In.tead, h. put it In . ditch and later dug the ditch two or thr.. fe.t below what w.. th.re in the lDOIt 081 rACt 428 Page 4 .- - -- - - - -- - - -..- - - -- - - - - - --- - - --- --- - - - - ---- __"..""""'~n"'>"""._"".,~.~,..~,~""""..,~". .,~_ . _N"" _______ __________________ - ------------,~:r_ --- May 1, 1984 beginning and mov.d It on hi. prop.rty on Auto Ranch Road. R..ponding to Chalr.an Brown, Mr. ;'ode .lId h. 18 buying the property froll &.-0 D'Angelo, Jr. .nd that h. ha. the po~r of Attorn.y to adðr... thil .a tt. r. Mr. Dougla. Ri~'1 .aid th.t t~ere 1. .till water .tanding on Rlgg. Ro.d wh.never there il a h.avy downf.ll anð the culv.rts are not .uffici.nt to carry the w.ter avay. He ..id th.t two culvort. w.r. dug under the road .fter it was completed and the ro.d .ag.. H. cont.nd.d that the road wa. not rai.ed. H. ..k.d how the re.ldent. are .......d? rhoal Offic.r Oil.. explain.d that the ,.....me..t will b. int.r..t free from the d.y of adoption for 60 day. and from that date the int.r..t rat. i. 9\ for 7 ye.rs and the resid.nts will receive a bill within a week of thi. ~eetin9 if the a.se.,ment roll i. adopted. Re.ponding to Co~mi..ioner Voss, Mr. Hartm.n ..Id that th.re h.. be.n .ome ..ttlement wh.r. the cro., drein. were In.tall.d, but it i. not .uffioient, at this tim., to fill in. H. .xpl.ined it wil) be fill.d in, wh.n nec....ry, at no additional cost to the re.ld.nt.. Mr.. Lois Rime. .aid that the .wal.. have not be.n ..eded and .h. a.k.d what the wat.r line i., .inee .he do.a not h.ve city w.t.r. Mr. Hartman .aid that Staff did not know the water lin. exi.ted but It com.. from the I.I.. of Capri wat.r plant and w.. In.talled b.fore the 1.1.. of Capri v.ter plant was purcha.ad by Collier County. He said that the workman broka it at th~ inter.ectlon of U.S. 41 and Rigg. Ro,d, nec...itating a r.p.ir. Mr.. Ri.e. obj.cted to paying for the water line bec.u.e .h. receive. no benefit from It. 1.ttorney Saund.r. .aid that the repair I. part of the co.t of the con.tructlon. Mr. Harta.n explain.d that th.r. h.ve b..n probl.m. vlth the ...dlng, .dding that the swal.. hive been ...ded and ~ulch.d twic. but .fter the l..t r.iny ....on there VI. w.ter in the .wales .0 no gra.. P.g e 5 ------------------------------------------ - - .. "",·"..,..,.....,"~.,.,"_'''.'..M...~"·,,''''__,~'_,..''''......'"·'',~ ..,-,.....--".. _._-_._..~...,~,...,~"""~._.'",.,...".~_.,~.._.'"....,-_.. IiiiiiiiiI (iiiJ ¡¡¡;;:¡ --------------------------------------- Hay l, 19U ha. 9rown. He .aid that gradu~lly the .wale. vlll be re-.eeded. Hr. Bruoe Heath .aid that orl91nally Ri991 Road va. a doad-end ro.d vlth no involveeent with anyone other than r..ident. of Ri99· Road. He ..ked how il it ju.tifi.ble to make Ri9g. Road a public road and deplet. the r..ident.' .ecurity, adding that the ...e..m.nt .hould b. to the total County taxpay.rs rather than just the residants. Commi..ioner Kru.e ..id that once Rigg. Road i. accepted, repairs will be paid by every tlxpayer in the County. He ..1~ that thero will bo heavy haulin9 by truck. on the ro.d and he asked whore the .afety i. for the .chool children who are waitin9 for the .chool bu.e.? Chairman Brown a.ked Deputy Chief Barnett to look into the mett.r of the lafety of the children at the end of Ri99S Road for the school bus pick-up. 'fa~ . 2 Mr.. Charlott. Bogdan .aid that the r..i~ent. .hould not heve to pay for the break in the water line. Commi..ion.r Holland .aid that the r..id.nts should not b. charg~d for repairing a water 11ne fro. which they receiv. no service. tIe .dd if the water line wa. not mðrked, .omeone wa. ne91igent in his opinion. 1.ttorn.y Saunder. .aid that the wat.r line can be paid through a....Im.nt or the Staff can find another .ource of fund.. Hr. Alan E. Bogdan .tat.d the frontage for hi. prop.rty i. inac- curate and he e.ked who he would talk to about thi., to which Mr. Hartman ..id he .hould discu.s the matt.r with the County .urveyor. "'r. Bogdan .aid, when h. built hi. house, he wa. told the culverts .ntering the driveway. were .uppo..d to have concrete .nd cepe and he lI.ked why the COIJnty culvert. did not have concrete end cap.? Mr. Hartman .aid that the policy did not cpme into effect until Rig9. Road vIa don.. Hr. Bogdln .aid that he built hi. hou.e b.fore the road v.. put in. ;; 08I'1ct~3[J Page , ..------------------------------------- ".-....,...,..._,,~."'- ~_.._.,,;.,....._,_..- .. ...-....--"'..-,..''''.' --,.......-- ---,.",""""'".............,'...,,--,,'",... ----------------------------- --------- 081 rACt ~31 May I, 1914 ~. .' ". :,.."l ,',~~ ·,~·;::i~~ . t~i.tr" . ,;,,:.,J::~. --------------------------------------~~.~ ';:c·\:\t 'ijf Commi..loner Holland .aid that the cro.. drain. .hould have put in when the ro.d v.. ~ullt. Mr. A. R. ~o.p.on pre..nted pl~ture. ll.ted .. Exhibit. '1 through 'II .hovin9 exi.ting condition. .long the .ide of Riggs Road .nd he ..k.d wh.n the road would be flnl.h.d? He .aid th.t the vater- line va. .uppo..d to have be.n taken care of and thet the re.ident. .hould not pay for it. Re.pondin9 to Chairman 8rown, ri.cal Officer Cile. .aid If the Board d..ire. he ha. no problem charging the .xp.n.e of the wat.r line to the Road .nd Bridge Fund. Chair.an Brown ask.d Mr. H.rtman to re-compute the ........nt with the co.t of the w.ter line r.moved. Later in the .eeting, Mr. Hartm.n r.ported th.t the tot.l co.t for the repair of the water lin. I. $825 and If that i. removed the ......- .ent for the resident. would be $16.50 p.r front foot instead of $16.56. Co..i..ioner Kru.e .ov.d, .econd.d by Co..i..loner Vo.. .nd c.rrled 4/0, th.t the publio hearln9 b. clo.ed. Co..i..ioner Vo.. aov.d, ..conded by Co..i..loner Brown, th.t R.50lution 84-88 re fin.l ........nt roll for Ri99. Ro.d b. .dopted b..ed on .IS.50 per front foot with. peyb.ck period of 7 ye.r. at .n Intere.t r.te of ". Ch.lrman Brown call.d for . Roll Call vote. Co..i..ion.r Yo.. Ye. Co.-I..loner 8rown Ye. Co..i..loner Kru.. Ye. Co..I..lon.r Holland No rorE: ~-mt!- l'eeehed-"-offiƓ.-of.-G1:e8-of.-the--Boei!d-ee--of..IJtI4f3/+. NOTE: Re.olut10D__ r.ceived in offfice of Clerk of the Board May 8, 1984, See Paal I;t /J J.. 'ag. 7 .. .. ,.,~^,"""'-"----...,""'".,"''''_..,,~_.;",....,....,-~_..''' Iiiiiñi1 1iII,; riiij;¡1 ." I~Y~}~ l --------------------------------------~--- .... 11 M.y 1. 19" . i~~ ¡ 'E'fI1'IOIf "-14-3e, AIQUr:STIIfO PINAL PLAT APPROVAL 'OR PRO'SR," LOCATED :·\Æ~~ ^T THE PORT or ~RI ISLANDS - APPROVED ,~.¿~ zoning Director Layne explaln.d thia la a r.quelt fer final pl.t approval for Port of the I.land.. She .aid that the Engine.ring D.partm.nt ha. co~pl.t.d th.lr review of the con.truction drawing. .pecificatlon. and final plat for Port of the Illand. and that the document. are in compliance with the county Subdivision Reguletion. and r.s. l77. Bh. .tated all appliceble fee. havo b..n paid and that Staff recom..nd. aproval of p.tition rp-B4-3C. Co..I..loner Kru.. .ov.d, ..cond.d by Comml..lon.r Rolland .nd carried 4/0, that P.tltion PP-84-3C re final plat approval for Port of the I.land. be approv.d. It.. II RECORDSD DRAnlAGE U,SlMEHT rROf'I 1.RI.O INVESTHENT N. V. RS SH!MANDOAH ESTATES (EXHIBIT -D-) TO CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ACREEMEN" - APPROVED County 1.ttorney Saunder. .tat.d that hi. office ha. reviewed all document. pertaining to the draineg. .a.OMont for Shenandoah Estato. and everything i. in ord.r. MI. Mlryle. KI...I, Vic.-pr..id.nt and S.cretary of Shenandoah Estat.., explain.d that .he wa. present to r.spond to que.tions regarding this ite~. Co..i..ion.r Vo.. mov.d, .econded by Com.i..ioner Kru.. and carri.d 4/0, that the r.cord.d dralnag. ......nt fro. Arlo Inv..tm.nt N.V. re Sh.nandoah Estate. (Exhibit -0-) to Construction and Rllntenanc. A9r....nt b. approved. .' .,: It·,::: iõõi 08I rar.t '432 Page · :,,¡: ".:~ ._--------------~----~-----------------~~~ " i,"-"éi'\>oi', .,..... +.."~....''',......,."._,, '._"""',."'_.__O;..,~........._._~"",.. ~ 4ý~' ~\..kil;~ . ~. ..: : ì;~ 'W. ~ ¡,~:~(-~ . . ;~j:.:j-~=-----~------:~~:~------- . ~:I':' 1·" It.. It. ....\J1I> . .'. ", '!'U.IaIn. or "5,000 rROM annAL "1IID CON1'IIfOEMCIIS '1"0 '1'111 PIROtIC! ~~~~DICAL IIRVICIS INTIRPRI81 rUND - AP'ROVED · ,,~,:)"Publlc Safety Mllinhtrator DorrUl explaln.d thh lUll relet.. to ~;..t... \:~ / the .nt.rprl.. or bualn..a nature of the Emergency Medical Service. ~ ~ t ,. " 1 fund. H. .aid in 1980 the fund wa. e.tablish.d and the rat. .tructure . and percentage baaia b.tween ad valor.. aupport veraua u.er f... we. · "'!"' ~ ...i ~ _~~e~~~~l\.hed for the fund. r ''!'~W,I,~h ..,parate accountlnga for accullulated deprechtlon and other - accaaul'ated expena.. .uch a. dck leave end vacation tim. that the fund , ,'J))i)~, j." ..u.t .upport. He explained when the fund waa crelted th.r. wa. no If' . ~. ", larg. a.ount of working ca.h provid.d for the fund. H. .aid that the f'~ ,I ."fund appear. to be healthy and he r.ferred to the late.t, complete ...". -' 'fin.ncial .tate.ent attached to the Ex.cutivo Summary dated 4/23/84, ø. .aid ..parate book. .r. kept on thl. fund . . · ~ , that ahow. a net incollle of $32,000 on approximately 1/4 of a 1111l11on :.;.ï' ~: dollar. worth of operating rev.nue. He .aid an Iccounting diacrepancy !,)t't., ' .". ' ba. been point.d out to Btaff by the Proprietary Accountant. He ..id . ".:. ~ " "It takea over $100,000 a lIonth to run the EMS Fund and that the actual '. 'ê~Î" '>, caah on hand can run .hort at any given time. He ..ld he ha. worked '\ \ ~. . '; ~ vlth fiacal Officer '~l1e. and Mr. Cook to prepare III budg.t tranater ,~;,~ 'i . . , ' that would IIIOV. funda fro. the Gen.ral Fund to the EHS Fund to .nabla . ....... .,. the IM8 Department to , ca.h-on-hand po.ition f hav. the nec.asary working cash .0 that the , do.. not .hov a negativ. balanc.. Mi¡. Dorrill elect.d to l.a.e I order t.o protect explained, in order to pres.rve the lIIoney, the Board rath.r than purcha.. the lat. at ..bulance. He aaid In the lIoney h. 1. aaklng to be tranaferred into the EMS Fund, that Staff i. propo.ing a r.vi.ed EMS budget for the r....ind.r of 1984 to transfer additional [unda from the EMS Op.rating Account into the EHS Re.erv. Account in order to guarantee the aaf.ty of the lIon.y. ...... , ;':::í'~ '. ;, - '......, ~ :.I? , 081 446 '-:,;:',,;,'~ lOOK 'AC[ . ">:1:' -," pag.' .', .: . . ' .. , .' ';'..:';¡ -...-......._---------------------------------'----~ . '¡,¡ J.Þ:"þ..y..tr . . ,'(\ ~.'''Y''J_ ~~~ Re~ponding to Comøi..ioner Holland, Mr. Gile. aaid he v.. cc.~or- ~:,I;~ , . - - ' ,,' . /' --- "-",,,_.,-,-,.<-,,. "',' .,,,.,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,-.~,,,,,,,,,~..,,..,",,. ,"""",,,.".___,_n", ~_,_,_" --------. i ~.c.~.~:,t .' ."~....'.J-i thi. reco...ndatl"n, May 1, 1984 there i. a 9.P between the tl.. He said , , ,~," Iru.. ~ved, .econðed by Co..i..loner vo.. and carri.d 4/0, that the tran.fer of $45,000 fro. General Fund i Contlngenol.. to the E.ergency "edlcal Service. Ent.rprl.. rund be~ .pproved. .t~~~ '\ t, _, It.. no ,'" .' L·~II.I.f\ ;. PROPOSAL ~ ReCLASSIfY 1MB UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUN1'S TO IN1.CTIVI ArTER TWO ¡~~~d' YEARS AIID AUTBORIIATIOII TO Rl1'URM 1'HEU ACCOUNTS TO THI COUNTY rOR '~~:1~; rURTHER COLLECTION EfrORTS - APPROVED r· " " h H' t: ~r' ......; "'." r~ \, ~. It' t~~~;~~ I Publl.o Safety Ad.in1atrator Dorr111 ..Id currently there h'i ,;;:..,,:~\~f)-,::' $775,000 in account. receivable. due the EMS Fund. Re .aid that the , .. EMS Fund ha. one of the finer collection rate. in the State, however, 1 of the amount in receivable. there i_ ~pproxi.ately $250,000 that i. determined to be uncollectible. He .aid at the end of the 90 day cYcle, Staff is obligated to turn that money over to a profe..ional collection agency. He .tated that the agency recently indicated that " .o.e ~f the account. are over three year. old and thlt it ha. b.c~.~i an'" t " . H. reque.ted, fO~: ~? . ... ~ ' financial purpose., that Staff b. allowed to account for the.. account. 1 .eparately. He .aid if Staff I. able to track down. for.er u.er of undue burden on the. to handle the account.. . ,~ ,~, . ' ~. . the .yste. the account would be moved to an active .tatu.. Co..i.sioner Voe. .aid if the account. are uncollectible they: . .hould not be .hown e. account. receivable and should be t.ken off the ,., ,~< .~' ,,:. book.. County Attorney Slunder. .ald that Staff is a.king for .uthoria.- . tion to .dvertise the propos.d ordinance for a pUblic hearin9 so it can b. con.idered by the Board. ri.cal Officer eile. .U9gested that the receiveble. over two <",'vJ~,·" t\';I, .'."" :'~~~<;~ , '. ,..~:?t. .. .~ ' " ~~ .. ~ ~------------------~--~ 't.~ r"'::J ,~~ j' ..-.-,...;.- ^' ""."~,..,..,,,,,-,,,...,,,.,,~..,,,,..,,_...._-~"~.,,,,,,,--<~ ... !.. phr'~~ May l, 1984 " .. Inactive and that St.ff ..gregat. th.. on " f í' ¥ ~\;. f ~. t' ~ 1, i ". '. " old .hould be recluslfhd ~~'ii:'l"l "' .1.(. ..1,;",,'. J" ~th.·~ .nc. .heet. and .uthorlr~ the return of the .ccount. to the ...!#'~. ·t·1',:.:.....jl. ,.. .. ,: .County for further collection efforts, \. ,..i:'t:-=·'·~¡' . "'.,:' ..1"':'1" Co_issloner Holland IIOved, ..conded by Co_l..loner Kru.. and ,: :\'#.1.. ;carried 4/0, that the propo.II to recla..ify I"S uncollectible account. , ,,,*~..,,.. " ' ':!'", to Inactive after two yura and authorhation to return the.. .ccount. , ¡,.ijol' " "to",th. County for further collectIon effort. be approved. 'r, 'fa,.", 3 t.. '11 'f ¡ B&..! PROGRAM MAXAaE"EMT AUTBORIZED TO PERFORM EXTRA WORK RE THE HARRY e. PARTRIDGI, .JR. AlII) 8011. CONTRACT WITH COUNTY ATTORNEY AMD PUBLIC IAI'KTY AØtIIII81'MATOIt DIRECTED TO NEGOTIATE AJlD BRING BACK THI MOUNT TO 'fll acc OM 5/1/14. DISCUSSION OF AN EXTENSION or lEERY PROGRAM ~NACEMENT'8 CONTRACT - CONTINU!D TO 5/22/84 ~r", Public Safety 1,d",inhtrator Dorrill reterred to his 1111110 dated -. . t·" 24/84 regarding the extra lIervices portion of the Ju.tIce Center ,,- . :;i " " l ~ ':' .' ) ì ~~Iion project r.lated to t~~ detault proceeding. againlt the Harry <~,partrldge, Jr. and Bon. contrAct. ''-~'~'~1~ Mr. "ichul F. Neuchurleln, Spedel Coun..l of Carlton Fidd., ~,'~ ~~~ £ø.anuel, Saith and Cutler, P.A" said that Heery progrea Mlnlge- ~ .ent I. .ntltl.d to be paid fur extre servIc.. nece..ary a. . r..ult of ~·1 .~~~\the'defaUlt of the Harry C. Partridge, Jr. and Son. contract. .~~ . County Attorney Blundera explained that 1.rtIch 4 of the contract , " ~ ~Ith Heery progra. Klnagement, Inc. does specificallY .tate that ~~~er~ice. .Ide nece..ary by the detault of a contractor are considered ;~t extra .ervIce. for which Heery Program Mðnðge.ent, Inc. i. entitled to ..~ " . . co.pen.ation for their till' and extra cost for travel. H. .aid that . :~ i¡ { 1 Staff ~oe. not have an exact number tor those .ervice. and he a.ked the Board to con.ider a re.olution to approve in principle the pay..nt for extra .ervice. under Section 6,1,7 'o~ the cOlt and ti.. a..oclated with the default of Harry C. Partridge and Son., Ina. for the p.rlod of March' throu;h May 7, 1914. He .ald on Hay 8, 198C, Staff v!ll return ... \ """:'"" 1"'· '.....~.,i'r..,.... c,j: '\i'. ~ ',1 ,.. ,4 " :4 .i; '''\1 :} "~~.,""--,_..""'---- ~'-"''''''-'''''''''''''''-''~'''''''''--""."_.",.._...,.~~.,,~,,.., --"',,---- ,i:¡ ,.",,,,",.~,.,.,,,"."_',,,,,,,,"._,,,,,,.,,,,_,,,__ ~ ~,... ""_~....,;_,,...,"u . ~ g¡¡¡¡¡, ~ , ~¡;,¡¡, '.a-~:.,,':, "" ":I~'~"'\l\' ~lPJt'·- ':-j..t~ \~' ~ ,¡,"~ .1,' """~., ,. ", ~t<:.~'":;.,:, ,:,~,j~,.~..,~, _.:,~ ,'r,_',' 'J......., . ,.,.' l:¡I! " .,' ..,,,,\,,, -E' ;~:~---~~~---------------------~--:~~t , , ~ ,:: 1'¡,f,ll , ' May l, 1114 \ ,£;;:,,1'1,: \....' Ù " ~1Iti....,. :' ' "~'~ ',' ~'!pr~~~~....;by th~ loud. ~ , ';,i' ~f. Mr. Oaorge It.ller, repruent: 119 the CoUler County Clvlo ,"'/~ t:~\;"~~~ratll~n, uked if the Partrldg. Una 1. currently working for the :';:'~ , . - ~. ~ ";", '. ",. County ~and Mr. Sa under. ..id that the County 11 deaUng vlth the .;,' " \ bondlnt eo.pany vho i. dealing with Mr. Partridge. H. .aid that the ~',artrldge Ur. hu not been on the 'job .ince March " 1984. 'lm".f" , ,1~~\tìCo..I..loner Vo.. .oved, .econded by Co..I..loner Itru.e and . .~. . ¡ó.rrled 4/0, that øeery progr.. Man.ge.ent, Ino. be authorized to $~ .,.." parlor. extra, work r. the Harry C. 'artrldg., ~r. .nd Ion. contract .nd " {' ,:', . ;' \tiuit the County Attorn"y and the Publlo Satety Ad.inlatrator be '"1"'''''"1 " directed to negotlat. and brin9 back the aaount to the aoard on 5/8/84. : '\." j 'v'¡'-t, Co_la.lon.r vo.. ~"ed, .econded by co_hdoner Kru.e and "... ,I , carrle~ 4/0, that the di.cu..ion re the exten.ion of Beery 'roqra. " . ·.;'lIIna,9....nt.. contract be continued to 5/2~/84. .... ',..o' : ".RICISSI 10120 A.M. RICONVENEDI 10135 A.M.·.. It.. 112 I'UOLUTIOII U-Bt RI IT,.,' LOOItlIlO IIITO "HITHER THE.I ARI POUGS rUNDS A~ILABLI rOR AN ASSOCIATE MEDIC1.L EXAMINER AND A MEDICAL EXAMINER'S rACILITY - ADOPTED. TO BE DISCUSSED AT THE 8UDGET SESSIONS Public Safety Ad.lni.trator Dorrll1 .xplained thl. I. . reque.t by 1 Dletrict 20 M.dlcal Exa.lner, Dr. Schmid, to obtain direction conc.rn- \ Ing hi. continuing contractual relation.hip to provide ~edical .xa~iner .ervice. to Collier County. Re referred to the Executive Su...ry dated 4/26/84 containing .tatl.tical Infor~atlon concerning Dr. Sch.id'. pre.ent work related activity and Infor~atlon on how Collier County ranke .tate-wlde In ter.. of paying for ~edical ex..lner .ervlc... Medical Ixa.iner Dr. Schmid explained hi. reque.t. for .n a..oclate ..dical exa.lner and a ~.dical exaMiner'. facility. H. cOllpared hla .ethod of operation with 'thlt of lIedlcal .u.inera In , , .' other araa.. Øe ju.tlUed hi. raque.t for an auociaU .edical :..:]-4 , ..! , . .~,:';~fi , . ' ";,",...~'O'ir.~ , lOOK 081rAct450 'age 13 '/'~':~~7' " ' .., '" ,1<'1'6 " , . . ...-........"..~~ ~~--------------------------------~~~~ . .,·,··tfit.t.; ',7,'1" j I I., f. t'! II r t r ! \ 1 f. I, I ¡ \ ¡ 1 " -,"..._,,,,,,~.,,,,,,,,,...._.,,,,_..,,.,.~,,,,, .....".-...,."._.._.,-'''«-''''"~..--_.". ,-...,"...~",."",,,..,,,...',,...._,,,~--..~~,.".,.,. ...__.........-,..~.,~.~........_"'_." .........."..." l "."...._,,--...._----,-''''''',.~~.._.'--'''''',.,,',''..',._,-'',.'',,,..,.....,',~. "··"'~,_....._.I"',._'__·),""___·~ .w. ---,.;........""'."..,..........,;"''"''''''''.'....,''''''''.....'''...''''.'.. ._-----------~-------------------------- 'ÔOK 081,m 455 May 1, 1984 It.. 11" rlSCAL OrrICER OlLIS AND COUNTY ATTORNEY SAUNDERS DIRECTED TO WORK ON TIE PURCHASE or THE MARCO ISLAND RACQUET CLUB AND RETURN TO THE BCC WITH THE DOCUMeNTS ON 5/8/84 1.cting ,...i.tant County Manager Norton r.ferred to the r.port he di.tribut.d to the Commis.ion.r. regarding the feasibility study for the Marco I.I.nd Racqu.t Club. He stated that the owner has reque.ted an enDwor regarding this matter by 5/8/84. Mr. Charles Spears, Vice-Pre.ident and Generel Manager of Revenue Con.ultant., Inc., oxplainod that the purpo.e of the study w.. to determine the teasibility of the tee. and charges producing adequate rev.nue to pay all oporetln9 costs of the Racquet Club of Marco Island In the ev.nt thet the property i. purchas.d by Collier County. H. said, pre..ntly, th~re are two tennis courts on Marco X.land that are available to the general public and .tated there i. a d.finlte need for .dditional public court.. He .Iid that Colli.r County's standard. for tennis court. are four tor each I,OOO persons and there are 8,684 full-time re.idents and approximately 16,000 resident. during tourl.t ....on on Marco I.land and there i. a need tor thirty-four tennis court. by accepted standard. if only full-time re.id.nt. are con- .idared. He .aid thet, currently, there ar. four racquetball court. on M.rco I.land. Mr. Speer. .xplained that the pre.ant financial condition of the Marco I.land Racquot Club has en operating lo.. of $64,666 for a thr.e year period of 1980 through 1982. He explained the projected rate .tructure and .aid if all court. were u.ed all of the time it would be po..lbl. to realize $201 a doy for the t.nni. fa~!Jity .nd $180 for the racquetball facility or . total pot.ntial daily court f.e of '381. He ..id, ba.ed upon charted u.e. of the pre..nt owner. and u.e. of t~cllitie. in oth.r Park. and Recreation Departaent., . percentage of .. --_.",.,',.,.,...,.., >....___~__b4....O; ....,~,_._-,_._-~~- c¡¡¡; .. aiiW ---------------------------------------- May 1, 1984 u.. for the lIIonth of January, 31 day. time. .381 time. 40' us., would ruult In ..,724.40. II. sUt"d thet the projected court fau are .44,538.90. He .aid that if the County retain. 20' of the le..on f..., the allount would be '800. H. ..id that the project.d vending" rev.nu. I. approxlmat.ly $500 with a total proj.cted r.venu. b.ing $45,838.90. Mr. Spear. .aid that the projected operating expen... are approxl- utely 139,800. 'fap. . 5 Mr. Sp.ar. .aid these !igure. would Ihow thet Collier County would have a net operating profit of $6,038.90. H. stated that the conclu- .ion i. that th.re would be adequato rev.nue to pay all oporating COlt of the Marco I.land Racquet Club if the Collier County Commi.slon acquire. the facility, adding that the r.v.nu. e.timate. are con.erva- cive and the exp.nses are liberel ba.ed on the past operetion of oth.r tenni. facilitie.. Ha said that other po.sibl. r.v.nue. luch .. r.n~al of the lounge above the tennis .hop and merchandis. from the tennis shop heve been left out for purpol'. of being conservative. Mr. Spear. seid, if the d.cision i. made to acquire the Marco I.lend Racquet Club, serious conlideratlon should be given to adding three tennis court., lighting thr.e exi.ting court., and adding throe new tennis court. and two racquetbell courts. He .ald the.. eddition. would not only complete the facility but would Allow for greeter revenue production than corre.ponding .xp.n.... II. r.f.rred to Page 8 of the r.port lilting the e.timated con.truction co.ts, e.timat.d revenu. and op.rating expense. which would re.ult in an oetlmlted net profit of $27,068 if the club is expanded. He laid that the pre.ent worth of the court facilities I. $209,000. He .aid that the f.cility I. in excell.nt condition. Re.ponding to Commi..loner Krule, FIscel Officor Cil.s .aid that ,'oõï 081 mt 456 Page 17 . .. ., ---------------------------------------~~ ,,;; . .:;¡¡ ,.._..,'~'.~_..,.._---~--- '"-"..""""""~_..._.""'""""','~"_....... .. ~.~~.".....,_._~""'"...,__,,"^w~..~~"'''"'.,',.~".~ ,,', ,~..~".._...~<_...·__.....~M~_"........'_""_·_" I; ._--------------------------------------~ May l, 1984 the County A~~orney n..d. to !nvetti9ato ...umin9 the Ind.bt.dn.... County Attorney Saunders .a!d that it va. hi. und.r.tandlng th.re would b. no co.t a..ociat.d w!th ...umlng the ~ortga90, adding that he had not r.vlovld any docum.nt., at thi~ tlm.. Mr. Norton .ald that the r.port .tate. tho facility would be .elf-.u.taining from an operational .tandpoint. He .xplain.d thore i. an exlstin9 mortgage of approxi- ..t.ly $3,280.00 per month. H. .aid that the mortgage ha. a three year balloon with two years remalninq. III ..id that tho report state. that the COlt of purcha.ing the facility would bo approx!matelV $33,000 a y.ar, the appraised value of the land iK $165,OOO, and Staff recomm.nds that the facility be purcha.ed. Mr. Slunder. .aid that Staff needs to return to tho BCC with the figure. of what the co.t of acquisition will be end wh.re the money vill be obtained for the purchase. Mr. Norton pointed out that tho ownerl. deadline i. 5/0/84. He said that the Park. and Recreation Advi.ory Board ha. .aid they would .upport the purcha.. of the facil!ty but they hive indicated they did not want to .pend money out of tho park. bond is.uo, Mr. Chris Blunt, owner, affirmed that the deadline is 5/8/84. At Clerk neagan's suggestion, Chairman Brown appointed Hr. Saunders and Mr. Cile. to work on the purcha.e of the Marco Island Racquet Club and return to tho BCC with the documonts on 5/8/84. Mr. Norton .aid he vould work with them on the projoct. It.. 114A, ftlRINa or REVINUE CONSULTANTS, INC. TO MAXI A STUDY or THE COUNTY ACQUIRING THE COLDEN CATE COLF AND COUNTRY CLUB - A,'PROVED Assistant County Manager Norton asked for direction regardinq the purcha.e of the Colden Cate Golf and Country Club. He .aid that Staff anticipated u.ing Rev.nue Con.ultant., Inc. for the fea.ibility .tudy and that the firm has indicated tho co.t of the .tudy would be 111,000, Page 111 -------_._------------------------------~ - .. -.....-","".".."..."'.., '--- ., .. fiiij¡; ríiiiiiiI ~---------------------------------- May 1, 1984·;'·" pluI tr.vel exp.n..., and th.t the tl~efr.me wo~ld b. fro. two Co..i..ioner Vo.. .oved, ..conded by Com.I..lon.r Holl.nd and carried 4/0, th.t the hlrlnt of Revenu. Con.ultant., Inc. to ..ke a .tudy of the County acquiring the Golden Cate Colf and b..ed on tho co.t e.tlaate and timefra.e, be .pproved. !t.. IlS 30 ~y IXTElIIOM ADDENDUM TO TIGER1'AIL SZACB CONCESS!ONAIRI ACREEMEN'f - APPROVED Ae.i.tant County Manager Norton .aid that Staff i. currently working on the Tigertail Conce..ionaire Aqroement and recommend. that a 30 day oxtonsion addendum to the Aqreement be epproved. Co..i..ioner Kruse .oved, .econded by COMmi..loner Rolland and carried 4/0, that. 30 day exten.ion addendum to Tiqertall Seach Conce..ionaire A9r.e~ent be approved. me 081rAGt458 Pag. "',;",. --------------------------------------..... "'_"".-.""__.-...~_..__1,'"_...'"o/",,__ -"",..........-,.----. ,.~.~",.,_,,,_,,,-".~"""_.__"""'.i>''''''''_'''j_'''-'-' ,. '_~""O~______ ~ i8IJ i&1 !'lay 1, 1984 definitive propoeal. Co..I..ioner ~ru~~ reque.ted that Statf return to the Bee vith the ~ " ' co.t for AUS participation, a. .oon .. po..lbl.. aerzon .ald that AUS wa. reque.ted to .ondation, la.t weok, adding that tho co.t will bo reasonable. "'r. 8erlon reforred to tho current dry period and .aid that the .mount of lawn .prinkling ha. becomo exces.lve. He reque.ted that the pUblic temper the emount of lawn .prinkling to elternate deys of the week. Tape 14 Ite. 120 T~rIR or SI50,OOO TO THE CLERK'S D1.T1. 'ROCESSINC ENTERPRISE rUND fOR THI PURPOSI or UPGRADING EXISTING COMPUTER HARDWARE - APPROVED CI.rk Reagan reterred to an error In a new.paper article which .tated that he proce..e. the Tax Collector'. bill., edding ho doe. not do that. He refe/red to tho data processing report, adding that he cona1der. thi. a joint venturo between hi. office and tho Board. lie .aid the .y.te. neod. to bo upgradod and that It wa. deslqned to bo upgraded in 1980. Ho said that the report recommend. that the data proco..ing system bo upgraded to a larger sy.to. that will allow for growing roolll at a cost of $350,000. 110 explalnod that 11200,000 has boen put away and that $150,000 is neoded to be borrowed fro. the Cenoral Fund which he plans to repay In Ie.. than twelve .onth. fro. the .alo of tho exi.ting equipment, He .aid that legi.latlve change. place a great burden upon the data proce.slng work. Co..i..loner Holland ~vod, .econded by Co..i..lonor Kru.. and carried 4/0, that the tran.fer of S150,000 to the Clerk'. Dat. 'roco..lng Enterprl.. rund for the purpo.e of upgrading oxl.tlng :~,~~JI IODC 081,m462 ' Pag. 2l r,H~~~ --------------------------------------~~~ ,;,:t:':k\~' ¡ ",: ;:J'~' "Y t-t 'j '~~i.~ coaputer hardvare be approved. ,_.,_,...'"""""',.,.__.__,........"_~."...·"M·..'....."'" ,_' ~"",,,,,_,,;,,,,,,,,,,,",,_~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,___"",,_""'''''>1_'''''''_..'''''"'''''''' ·"'_111111 ~,-""""-~""""""....,,,,"-"'"'''''--'''''~"'~¥''' -,-,"~~----._--'--"- :~;~~rtt ~"'_..........-----,..-"._~'~ 0<. .~,,,. "~...,....;o-".."'''_"_,,...~.......-..... ,.,,-.....,----. "V'",·I._·_····..·..,,"'" ~ . ...,._......______...."'~,..."..;,..,'~._..~".·o"~......·~