BCC Minutes 05/22/1984 R -_._............._-~---,--- ".,....""."'.........,"',.........;"~'.'....^"'".,,"'.,.."'..,'_...,,.,'--~...~,~'"','"',....,-_._..",""''''',.,''''',,,...,.,,~~,, '--~.,.._"",...;-,--,'''',..;,..,"._".."''-''''<._~ .. ~,.."',~,.._,-,-",' ·"·'~···'·";·~-'''''''''''''_'''''.'''''''''_'''__''''.H_'''''_~_·· .. '"""~'","''''''''",.",_...",_.._" .,"_.~ _....'''...".,..",___..._"._.~.-..,''',.,..'".,<"...,",~'''''."...;_",".,."..._,.,.."'._......,.,.~>"....."".'""__"'" ~ ~;~,i~~;~:.~., ~ :,' ',. .,." "'.,' ." '" ',,' ~~ -.," ::~~i~,¿,;j;,*", '(,\·¡t"''; ~~~,~f¿~, "~;' to .. ..~. r~" . ~/:~~ ;, ·I~·! ~h; :,:~i>:.I' . :..... ~~~1 'iV.·..1~'" ',~~; ~t 'J'lt~t"'" , ."" ,am ,'081 ~~ 555 . ':)\' .": ." ',r.' .... ! '¡!t~'...,;. ~..: C~", '~!":'. " ,..~... ",",RI;~,,::¿~''-'~,.;:,'.-: ;r?l;I%~,'S~....A ..':;,~{ :."~,, " 0;11. J', ! ';' ;, '," ..' '#', ì~ ~:;:,~.:.y ~ ~- ter.I!:X (:I .naœ 3, 1984, 1.1 "N1I.'rraW, I.\JZ Þ.ma .~~'.';. r':~ .'AIXPrID' ',' ;v'.. "-:'.',:¡,:fè";'~',~M~~ ".t~; 'oj ¡<':,~-":";i-/~ :l tþ:in reIId.tng of thI procJ.astia\ an4 ~t.ing ... to a..-l&..nIof..__ . .Q)ut Q.ard Aux1J.J.arieø, Q:nmiaaiawr Piator ftMd, tI8Cm&d by ~~, . and carried \I'IaIilircualy, that: the Proclanat:J.a¡ deltitplating the WMk ot ~'3;',Ûe4 .. "Nat.ia\al Safe BoaUnq Week" bllIð.:Jpteð.", ,.~',:',/..( ;"'j "" , hgiI 3 '¡,,"j" " .....,~¡{1:'~ ---,.".."'-'_..............,.....--,-"'-...-._,--,~.<,~.,"',"--,"""",....~....,~ ......,",---..--,."',,..;"""..,----,.,..,,-,"",,,. ~.,'.."".....".....,",,"""'--_....._,-- '-"'.....,.''''',~'_.."'_.,''-''''--,-''''_...,£~-...,_..,-''''-"''"'''''',..,,'"' '_'=__"~".~m,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,.,. ~,'., "."",~,...,_,.. "_."."""~"""'" '''.~.,. '""", "...¥<-,..,.,,,,, ;,,,;'" .... ~ ,,-. """~j.""."",. ._"""""'",-, . -~'''""'''-'''''''''''''''.''''''~'''-''';'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'''''''';"~''' --,~.~...._",_....._..",.~""",,-~ ',,'"...,."'....,,"""'-,,"-'"""""'~.,. <......,., ."..... ,,~.,".... 'OD~ 081 ~m 559 May 22, 1984 ltan .7 œDIlWa: 84-37 ŒSIQ:\TIOO ~ ro J::Ð:LARE: A tmI.'Œ Œ' ~ IN '11Œ EVEm' Œ' DISIIS'ŒR OR 'mE DMINF.Nl' 'l'HRFAT 'niERÐ)F - 1\IXPI'm lA!IC¡al ootioe hav.1nq been publiahed in the Napl_ Daily NewII at Mm::h .29, 1984, aa evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerlc, publio hearing wa continued fran May 8, 1984 to c:cn.sider an ordinance designating the 0Ia.i.tmm of the ÐCC or the Vice 01aime.n or CbIrIty Mana9Ør aa the official with autbority to deoJ..uw a State of ÐnIIJ:gency in the CMIrIt of a natural or I1WTaIIde diaaøter or the 1rrmi.nent threat thereof. AuÙltant ~ty Misnager torrill stated that this ordinance will, in timu of an emergency, pre-auth:lrize œrt:ain county officials to declare a state of emergency and imoke a nUTtxlr of lawB. He noted that this IoOUld be a before-the-fact: type situatior'l. He stated that he has addressed the CO'ICems of the Clerk and the lhariff, adding that there was also a cx:mrent by one of the independent fire control districts. He noted that there was &are 1oIOrdinc¡ within the ordinance that ~ for curfews ¡ èJ confiøcation of equiprent and property, stat.ing that he has added to the ordinance that it shall exclude all encrgency vehicles and peraonnel1o'ho 'tM'J be c:ondu::t.ing their Mine... He stated that at tho Clerk'. request, there has been IIat'Ø ad:litional 1oIOrdinc¡ put into the ordinance that ~ indicate that tiny county expenditure '-'OUJ.d haw to n-eet with the noDMl two signa:.re prooeu that appears at all county c:hecks. He stated that at the Sheriff'. request, he has derined exactly M1at an 8'ÆlJ:'9CIr1QI or disaater is CXJ'I8idered to be. He stated that the agreement that has been reached regarding an enm-genc:y or disaater and the final oopy that the alAiJ:l!l!ln will be aaked to execute will incl\Üt the fol1c:iw1n; lAn9uagel "An errergonc:y or threat thereof Wú.c:h causea, or'tM'J cau., IrI.åtantiAl injw:y or haIm to the populAtion or subetMtial daiMge to or loes of property._ He stated that this ðefWtion appears in Florida Statute 01apt.er 252. lie oonoluded by stat.ing that he is reoc:mrend.inq approval of this ordinance with the aI::IoY8- referenced c:hant;¡ea. Mr. Henry Maxant, a Carmiuiatar of the North Napl_ Fire Centrol Diltrict:, stated that he aqrees with the prcpoøec1 ordinance and the new c::hanqu pre8Clted by Mr. torrill. Mr. 0II0rge t<ellor, Pruident of Q:)llier O:MIty Civic I'edIIntJ.cn, stat:.s that the Q)llier Q)unty Civic FederatJ.cn is in favor of the p1~ onUnanoe with the new~. 0:mni..1œer Pistor 1IOV8d, IItIOOIIðed by CbmIissiatar KruIe and c:arried I.I'Ianirrcualy, that the pÐlio hearing be cI.o.ed. - O::Imû.8aiMar Pistor 1IOV8d, IItIOOIIðed by CbmIissiMar Xn.I and oarri.ed \WIrÚJIcUaly, thet the Ord.i.nanoe as rnJItJered and entitled below be Idopted ani! ~5 . mEJ IB.I - """-^""~"""'''~''''-;'--''''''-''''''''-'''''''-- -,_."._,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,_..,",,;«,,,,.,,,. ."._,..""..-...,,,'....,",.;"'""'.,,.,~ ,.,.".,..u">~._____..._""'.,"""""_,_ "~-""'- ~ iiiia I&iiM May 22, 1984 . ItAn '9 Æ:SOW1'IQI 84-98 æ I'&A'mQl V-84-6C, Il+D<AIl:E :1m, ~ A V'ARIAIa m::M 'mB SALE or 1J..CX:HLIC ~ FOR cx:NSt.Wl'IQl Ql PREMISES - 1IIXP1'I!:D, 8œJEC'r '10 STIPUtATICNS Leqal notiOll having been publahed in the Naples Daily News CI1 May 6, 1984, u evidenced by Mfiðavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hoarinq wu opened to CCI'IIIide.r PetitiCl1 V-B4-6C, I.rmckalee Im, requesting a varianOll fran the aale of al<Xlholic beverA9Øs for CXX18UTpt.iaI on premiaes. ZOni.nc¡ Director I.ayne stated that aect.iat 8.11 of the :r.oning ordinanat requúwa that no bJainees serving al<Xlholic beverages for CIaUI1.IIptiCl1 CI1 pnrniaes can bt located within 500' of a church, IIChool, park or playgroux! measured fran lot: line to lot: line. She noted that the proposed restaurant is located within 130' ot thI lot: line oJf the church across the street, adding that the petitialer ha.I carmitt:ed to the following stipulatioos it the variance is approved, that there will be no ð:>o.rway except a kitchen exit facing the church and the only alcohol to be IIeJ:Wd will be in a dining roan with no lounge or pðCkage store located CI1 the site. She reported that a let+-..er has been received fran tile church offering no objection to the restaurant being located within 500' of the church. She conc:llX3ed by stat.i.nq that Stalf ia I'eO..IIII.,..d!ng approval s1bjcct to the above-referenoed atipulatia1a. O::mniasia1er Piltor questicroed 00w far it is fran the froot doo~ ,=,f the rutaurant to the front door of the church, to...nich Mr. Mark 'lhc:msa, an 0I0I1er of the I.rmckalee Im, atated that it illID.t'e t.hàñ 400', adding that the entrance of the J:eetaurant .u CI1 Hi9btay 29. O:mniuioner Kruse 1I'OYed, øeoo..de.d by O:mni..iCI1er Holland and carried IWIninoualy, that the public hearing be closed. O:mnisaic:r.er Kruse 1TCYOd, BeCa'lded by O:mniasioner Hol.l4nd and carried 4/1, CO:mniuioner Piator oppoøed), that Resolution 84-98 re Petitia'l V-84-6C, ImroIcA1ee Im, requestinq a variance fran the sale of a1c:oholic bIrvvagea for 0CII'\B\.IIpt:. CI1 premises be ~, Blbjoct to tt. atipulatia1a that there be no doontey, Dœpt a kitchen exit, facin9 the O1urch, and that a1c:ohol be aerwd in a c1i.ning roan only, with 110 10ln; e or package aton 10œted CI1 aite. lOOK 081 'A',t 56f Page 7 -_.._--,--_.""",..,..,,,..._,..,"~~-,, ^.-..--"......'"'.,..--.,... >O_""_~'__""".,,,,,,,,,,,,,"_",,-..,..~.,,~_..-"_,....._,,<_«,,,___..,.,~ ·,,"'_·""-"""__......._."__H.._'^~·__,.. -. ..~.."""_..,,_......_..___.'" .. 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"""~",^","_'-----"'"""""-'-'''''~-"'' ..".-.._,_........,"'..,_._"'.._'~."._..., ,,,.,",.-.~^.,...",."'.^."..,,..-......,--..,~~,,..,.""._,,.'""., "..",~~.",",.~;."",,~...."__....,_..t...__~-""'__'_"'-"_~''''___- _k"~"-'''''__'__.''''''_ ---~--..."",,,,,,",,,,,,,^.,,"-"."", ,....,.._....,,_,.''''_....,"'',w.·......__,__·___ ........,',.~.,.."..--_._."'.""-,.._,...,.....-...--......._,.,._^'-'<,.."'.. _.._-,--------"-~-~,.....,-_.~--_....--,.,.''''''',.~,.,- '.'M..""·"'."...,.-..__.....-..__~,,_,_,,·...,..,..<; ~·..,.......""·_~_..-""'-,.... ~~ .... - ~"''' .. ..-""".-."'..... .--- "'~;.,.-.,"'......_--_.""',-"--"''''>,~.".",.,-',,..~"._-'''"'.....,.''-,",.."" '~'"'""'''~'~-'^'"'''''''''' .,..--.---' c;¡¡;;¡ c;;;:;J ~ May 22, 1984 ,greement ma]œa ~ frail the oriq1na1 PU> ðocI.rnDnt, but it was dale, to his Imc:Mleðt;le, w1t:rout A p..ablic ~-.r.!.ng. He sLAted that this wa aI t:.'1o AgCn1a but not listed All A p..abliC hlJari:.;,¡, addin:¡ that the State Statutes would require that ICI118 ef the c::hangea made by the Beaå\ Facility kX:eSIl .l\qreell'tllnt IIhould haw bes\ acocrrpl1aœc1 through an GlIII!lhðl"Oht through the PtD for Pelican Bay. He noted that ICI118 ef the chanqeII would .inclø the boardwalk and the dock-boat-dock facility. He noted that his undontard.!.ng ef the oriqinall"UD authorized A boardwalk for pedestrian p..u:poøs and minor 1Mint.enanee vehicle II , addin:¡ that the boardwalk that was eventually approwd was ooe that would permit ernergenc:y vehicles. He stated that the original PUD docI.mmt permitted II non-a:mrercial !:aI.t launch facility, add1nq that there was no IIUthorizatia\ for II boat dock. He stated that this type ef c:hancJe that has baøn acocrrplillheð. b in violatia\ ef bJth the spirit and intent ef the County'lI regu1atiooll. County AtWrney SaurœrB stated that if these iteml!l that have been OCI'IIIidered by the Board and either approved lOr denied in the past, it is lIiJrply that if the IMjority cf the Board wanta to permit the public ,petition to be heard, it can be voted to be heard øc:rrotilre in the tuture. CCmni..ionl!'r !(ruse questionod if all the~iteml!l are illeqal, wcu1dn't it be rrore appropriate to plt tro80 iteml!l into writinq and present it to t:hII County Attorney before tI-o 00: hears tI-o IMttor? Attorney Sieaky stated that trore are alae concomø reqardi.n9 the parlunq. CatmJnity DewlopTCnt Mministrllt.or Virta stated that tn. IIOUllten, frail the SeaqAte Civic Aaø:x:illtioo, has raised the sme issues in II letter, add1nq that he is in the prooe8l!1 ef reøeArChin;¡ the IMtter and will report to C"ounty Attorney . Saurders. Attorney Sieøky stated that he ill aaIdnq fer permiaaion to be hMrd 00 thia IMtter. Cl:Q\ty Attorney SaurY3eI'1l stated that All far All t:hII alleqatiall, Hr. Virt.a is chøcItinq into t:hII IMtter, aðdiJIq that if the Board wanta to hear the speaIcerI and the petitioo, the çpropr:iate procedure would be for the Board to pua A reaolutia\ sayinq tMt the irdividuall will be permitted to speak en th1tI itall, å1i.n9 that if thil a done, a heari.n9 W[7.Üd be 8ChedulA!d in the tuture tþr theM iMivi,ðuII18 to be heard. He noted that W1en A p..ablic petitia\ ia permitted, the put approval or denial is not. being reconaiðered, merrœn cf the public are ørely be1Jlq aJ.lo,.¡ec1 to IIp8Ak o.iUch NY lead to ICI118 other act.ia1 at . later date, but the qrant:inq ef a petitia\ in th1tI _ttinq ia not A r:ehearin'1, it is cnly an ~ty for t:hII p1blic to BpeAk. en ac::rnBth1nq that has been çranto:1 by the Board. looe 081 'Acr 632 Page 18 ..."..--,..... ...- ..~--_.........-,,-_..~.,,"'...,.- ..." ... -~--~-~_....-~--- .,~,,,__..,w,-,,,,~,...*,,,.,.,,,,,,,-,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,.......·.·_'''''_·'' ..""'--......,..,..,..- . -^'~_....~---~.-""..."""""-~,-_.,."..-_..."...._-_.......... _"~",...,"""þ;,;.."'.~",.._. --""~"_~">'''''-'''''''''_''''''''''_""..~~.,..,..,,.M_-",_''_.__''·__"'_ I' ~__,.........,~,_.~...- _",,-.,.._,'''''_''''''''''''' '~4".''-,'-.'. <>",.,. ,.,.,.,.""~-,..,-.......-_.,,~,.._.._,~_........_- ~._...~.,<.... ___<'c"'''~'~'<__'_=''''''_'''''_'_'''';''''''_''''''_''''''''''''''''''''.."," <. ..... ._..... . _._.,_.-....___.._ø._._ -,._~~...-- ~.m_'''''_ r ,--,~.~..._",.,,,..",..,,"_.,,_..,,.,.,..;;~.,,.,,,".,,,,_.,,....._._._,....".~,~~_..,._-"--,