BCC Minutes 06/05/1984 R .--"----~.'-, _.....~.>_.,',.,~.,.~"..._,~._",'- .".'''_.'..,_..''',.._.....~...,~..- ~ IiiiiW ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ June 5, 1984 .--....-.....---....---....-...------......---.....-------------... '~~:c:~ "ap. 11 Ite. U AaEKDA - APPROVED AS AMENDED Co..I..loner ~ru.e ~ved, .econded by Coe.I..loner PI.tor and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the agenda be approved with the following chang... A. 9C(2) - Transter ot leave and seniority policy - Withdrawn tor later presentation. 8. 16A - Public 'etltion by Mr. Slasky ra Saagato - Continued to Juna 12, 1984. C. 168 - ^ddition ot discussion re Avatar/County Agraamant at Commissionar Vo.s' requost. D. 138 - Discusaion re Immokalea park slta, addad at Commi..ionar Holland's raquast. E. l3C - Personnel matter at Comm.sioner Holland'. request. ne. 12 MINUTES or HAY 22, 1984 - APPROVED Co..issioner Kruse .oved, secondo6 by Co.-issioner Pistor and carried unonimou.ly, that the .inute. of May 22, 1984 be approved. ne. 13 EMPLOYEE or THE MONTH AWARD - PRESENTED TO RHONDA SNELL (PERSONNEL) Chairman 8rovn presontod tho Employo. of the Month Award tor June to Rhonda Snell of tho Porsonnol Department. ne. 14 ORDIKANCE 84-38 RI PET. R-84-3I, KENNETH KEMP, RI REZONING fROM RMr-. TO C-4 rOR A USED CAR LOT LOCATED ON N.E. CORNER O~ MAIN STRIET AND NORTH 5TH STREET, IMKOKALE! - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Lagal notico having boan pUblished in the Nap1e. Daily News on May 4, 198., as ovidenced by Affidavit of Publication filod with tho Clerk, public hoaring was oponod to consider Petition R-84-3I, filed by Konneth Komp, roquosting rezoning from RMr-6 to C-4 with provi.ional Use -9- for a u.od car lot located on the NE corner of Main Str..t (SR-29) and North 5th Str.ot, Saction'4, T47S, R29E, in 1maokal... Plannor Ober roforrod to tho Exocutive Cum..ry and explained this potition i. recoQAended for approval by stAff and County agenci.. .\.It':ìoct to stipulations on the Executive SUlllllðry. m; 08I ri~f ß19 'a"e:Z "'¡'J' "":í~:~~ '1 --- --- -- - -- - - --- ----------------------....-... .. ._. _.._._~ --~_... _......."._....."'"·'<M'''...','._.'''''''''-..._... ". -,."'--"'''-.....,"'''-"."'',._'''''''''",,.,.."..,','..<,~.,,"~,_......"''''"'''''"""'''''''--.-------.,....."..-., .'.-."..--"-..;.....'''..,....,..,...,..".;,''''''".,...,,,.;..,,..,,,¡,...""..,."'~.,..,~,.,,,...,,.....,,..,,.,,.",...,.--'..,,""....,.,,. ....._---,~,;-'..;...""""'~.."." ,.._"..;"",..;"""~",.._.,~",;~."".;",'--"",--_.__,, ......"'''.....,N.' ·_.~"_...___,'__"~.b'.'__"".."'~".,,....,.p,.',.,'..'..e"_.."'"...'....;"".".~~~,._......, ".-... '~,_~,_," _~,___~·"_,"'~._o,' ."'''~_ ,·,·"""""...."''''......"'.,¡...;''m_...;.''_,,..___....._..___,~,.._"' ....... ¡o- K'" " Ii< ·tiIIII"""'_'___~'''. -''"'------~,.;,,,..,~'''''..,",._~''','_.,,"'~'"'.,'' ,...',"....~,-~~""',.,..".~",'"'<" -, -~---- _.~..... - . '"'"'-"- . ----------------------------------------- ,;oc US1 """ 658 June 5, 19B4 It.. II ORDIKANCI 84-40 RI PETI';~tON R-84-6C, SUBURBAN BST"'TES, RI REZONING FROM NtI'-12 TO PUD ON GOLDIN GATE P"'RKW"'Y - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS, " PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT ACCEPTED Legal notic. having b.on published in the Naple. Daily News on May 4, 1984, as .videnced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing wal opened to con.lder Petiti~n R-B4-6C, filed by Suburban Estate. reque.ting rezoning from RMF-12 to PUD on Colden Gate Pa rkway. Planner Ob.r explained this is a request to provide entry l.vel r.ntal &par~.nts on 16 units per acres or 288 units in accordance with Section 7.27 f.G. of the Zoning Ordinance. She said Staff and County agenci.. recomm.nd approval. Mr. Jamas Venael, r.pre.enting the petitionor, said this i. a request to utlliz. entry level housing. Mr. Jo. Crimm, President of tho Colden Cote Civic Association, spoko In oppoaition of the pwtitlon citing over-taxing of the Avatar s.wag. trealmont plant as the r.ason. Mr. Vens.l sold discus. ions have been held between tho petitioner and Avatar and an agroem.nt hal been r.ached whereby only 185 u~lts will be built at firlt. H. responded to Commluioner Voss' quelltion by stating that a letter pledging this has been Included in tho back-up. Co..i..ioner Kru.. .oved, s.cond.d by Co..lssioner Plstor and carried unanl.ously, that tho public hearing b. c10.ed. Co..issioner Pistor MOved, second.d by Co..ission.r Kruse and carried unanl.ous1y, that the ordlnanc. as numb.r.d and .ntit1ed below be adopted, subject to stipulations, and en~er.d into Ordinanc. Book No; 1. and tho P.titioner'. ...gr....nt be accepted. (See P~e~Y") ORDINANCE 84-40 .... ORDIKAHCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA or COLLIER COUNTY, rLORIDo\ IY AMENDING TUE ZONINa ATLAS MAP NUMBER 49-26-6 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIrIC"'TION or THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM MF-12 TO -PUD- PLANHED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR PROPBRTY LOCATED ON GOLDEN GATI PARKWAY, EAST or THI COMMUNITY CEHTER AND PROVIDING AN ErrECTIVE DATE RESOLUTION 84-103 RI PETITION AV-84-007, WI1.KINSON-MErrERT CONSTRUCTION CO., RI VACATION or 6' SIDE IASEMENTS ON LOTS' THROUGH 13, GOLDIN CATI CITY, UNIT 2 - ADOPTED Logal notlc. having b.en pub1ish.d in tho Napl.ø Daily News .. IIØ ~..,..~.-.,.,_...."~~'~-"~'_._-,.~.._-,;~,;._..'_._,-"--_.,- '__,·_......,,,.~_w -~_.,",.._--~~,.._........'..,..""...-_.._.,_-.,,.. ..~-_..,""'.._"-,"'~ '-·-'~'''··~'''--'''_''",·,..","^·ro'·"'·''''.'.'''' '''~'''-''''''''''''''-,""~"",,-,~,,-------,,,~".,,- ~""-"""'-=""""-.'--;-_..;"'.".....",..."~,..."-,,.. ",-_.........".~,~'...,.""''''-"....."".,.~» - "'--_",".."..,,,-;._-,,;~.,_..,,..,,,~.> -"~""'--"""~-'-~-~----"""" '-g.....-.---,-,-"~._..."'~-,...,,"'..",._=~,,..--...,"-....~-,~-_...~_..".., .".,,·....,·..."';'"~."'...."".4~".....'....'._..__..__._,.._.......__.....'"~,,,.,,...," 4"'- lot.. ______~~., .., .... ...______"__,....,......._,;,...",,;;,.,,"'''" -"""'-......._-.~,,~~_..,,~'""",~,,~," """".' ,,~, "",............,-" "'.<...."'"'''~;"'"^''''''-"'."''..._.,.''''''.._-~,.._._~-,--"''''''-,._..-~"._'"'. ··..--....'__·n '... "",,,,",.""~¥~-,, ,....,.".._.,~ . d"~"''''''~''''~'''''''''''_''''''<__''_''___''''''''''oM_''''''''''''"'''''''''''_ r;;;;:;¡ w ~ j1; ._---------~----------------------------~._. June 5, 1984 ae. 114 PETITION A-84-2, APPEAL RE FIRESTONE TIRE STORE - WITHDRAWN Co..I..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Kru.. and carried unani.ously, that Petition A-84-2, appeal of ad.lnl.tratlv. d.oi.ion r. a tire .tQre not co.parabl. in nature to oth.r u.e. In C-3 District be withdrawn, a. r.qu..ted by .taff. a.. 115 PETITION A-84-3, APPEAL OF W. W. GILMAN - WITHDRAWN Co..iaaion.r Pi.tor mov.d, aecond.d by Co..i..ion.r Holland and carri.d unani.oualy, that P.titlon A-84-3, appeal of ad.lni.tratlye d.claion that prohibita construction of a 12 story .tructure be with- drawn, aa requ.st.d by Attorney Donald Pickworth. Ite. 116 ALLOCATION or CAS TAX RevENUES TO CAPITAL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - APPROVED. STArr TO DETERMINE THE FEASIBILITY or IMPLEMENTING AN ADDITIONAL TNO-CEKT OPTION CAS TAX, COUMTY ATTORNEY TO NEGOTIATE WITH CITY AMD IRING BACK ITE" TO BCe AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Tran.portatlon Director Archibald r.ferred to tho Ex.cutl".' SUlllmary dat.d 5/29/84 and raque.ted that tho Board of County COllunln- .ioner. approve the allocation of 9a. tax revenues to capital road improvem.nts as outlined thorein. He explained th~t additional r.v.nu.s ar. need.d to ~..t conl~ru~tlon requirements. He r.qu.sted that the Soard conaid.r an ordlnanc. to adopt an additional 2 c.nt. for thi. purpoa.. Re.pondlng to Commia.loner PIstor, Mr. Archibald said that th. rights-of-way have been obtained for S.R. 951. II. aald that tho rights-ol-way for K.lly Road hav. b..n obtained with two exc.ption. of p.raon. out of tho country. Co..I..loner Holland mov.d, ..cond.d by Co.-i.. loner Kru.., that tho allocation of ga. tax r.v.nu.. to capital road I.prove..nt., a. outlin.d, be approv.d and that the County Attorney n.goti.te with the City of Naple. and bring back tho 2 c.nt ga. tax it.., a. .~on a. poasible. Mr. Mike Zewalk .poke in opposition of an additional gas tax citing already burd.ned taxpayers. County A~torn.y Saunders aald h. would bring back an Inter10cal Agr....nt a. vall as a r.solution a. to the int.nt to 1.vy a third ga. tax and incorporate same In an ordinance on Jun. 12, 1904. lOOK OS1 fi'.! 671 Page 11 ---------------------------------------~7...!.,I~~ .!Y- ' .,'. . t2! .,~ - ..-.--- 'J' 1 ,~~ ,~.t ~~......".--~.,,-,.,.."~....-. ,,·,..··..·..·....,........._..,,~"."..,~__·""..'",..m_~"q"_, ""_ """''','..''''...,'.'''...._......._..__....,,___,.. ~... "" ~"-~...._-'...~...,'"-^...... -..--' "·'"ft' .,,_:'1~~'1¡ :¡: i1 ::é~ ---- --- ---- ----- -- --- -- ------ -----------....:.1 . ..":Jij - 081::~.. IIoh''', r.prm.tI.. tho Ch"b.::;·C:;'~::: of ..p1.., ",,'\; '-~~; .pok. in favor of the roqu..t.,,~"1' . !'t;' Upon call for the qu..tlon, the aotlon carried unani~ou.ly. "~ It.. 11 7 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS COORDINATOR POSITION RECLASSIrIED TO EMERGENCY MANAOEMENT DIRECTOR WITH SALARY INCREASE TO PAY ORADE 17 Co..l.slon.r ,i.tor ~Yed, ..conded by Co~.I..!on.r Xru.. and c.rri.d unanl.ou.ly, th.t tho DI.ast.r Pr.paredn... Coordln.tor po.ltlon be r.cl...lfi.d to Emerg.ncy Manag...nt Dir.ctor with ..l.ry Incr.... to 'ay Or.de 17, .. r.qu.st.d by Ad.ini.tr.tlv. S.rvlc. Ad.inl.trato~ B1.nk.n.hip. It.. .18 POLICY ON TRAMsrER or LEAVE ~D SENIORITY BENErITS BETWEEN EMPLOYEES or VARIOUS COUNTY CONSTITUTIONAL orrICERS AND THE BCC - WITHDRAWN rOR LATER PRESINTATION At tho r.que.t of County Attorn.y Saund.rs, Co..i.aion.r Kru.. .oyed, .econd.d by Com.l.sionar Vo.. .nd c.rrl.d unanl.ou.1y, that the policy on tr.nsfer of 1eev. and seniority benefit. between ..pl~ye4. of varioua County Constitutional Officer. .nd the Board be withdrawn for l.t.r pr..ent.tion. It.. 11 t AOREEMENT WITH JOKM A. PULLING rOR ACQUISITION or NORTH NAPLES PARK SITE - CONTINUED TO JUNE 12, 1984 Co..is.ion.r Piator .oved, ..cond.d by Co.-i..lon.r Xrua. and carri.d unani.ously, that the .gr....nt with John A. Pulling for .cqui8itlon of North Napl.. park .it. be continu.d to June 12, 1'84. It.. 120 COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM SUPPLEMENTAL WATER MAINS, lAST NAPLES _ ANARDID TO WAYSON UNDERCROUND UTILITIES or NAPLES, IN THE AMOUNT or ~25,042.701 CRANCE ORDER NO. 1 - APPROVED Aa.I.tnnt County Manager Dorrll1 explain.d thl. it.. i. to loop water ..in. along the west.rly portion. of tho County R.gional Water Syat.. betwe.n Kinga Lake .nd Boc. Clega Villag. .nd Boca Ci.g. Manor and Nap1e. South. Co..I..ioner Holl.nd .oved, .econd.d by Co..I..lon.r ,i.tor and carried unani.oua1y, th.t . contract for tho County R.gion.l W.ter Sy.t.. .upple.ental water ..In., Ia.t N.pl.., b. award.d to W.y.on Und.rground Utllitl.. of N.pl.., In the ..ount of '25,042.10 and that Change Ord.r No. I be execut.d to ell.lnat. the quantltl.. of ..ed, .~",> '.g. 12\~: , .."'.~ ------ --- - -- -- -- - - -.. -- - - --- - - - -------~-..... .. mil .. ---_._'"..,-,~.,...._,--~""'.,........""''''''''-"'"',.,'"''---".,,"'.._, ",.,.-"",,,,-." ----_..."..._,~..~...-..~-...,_. .....,_"..._.....__"""'·_"..."''"''..c,......·_.. '--"'-""'--"'--""""<""'~~""~""-~"-'-;'"""'''''''''''''''''''""~'''" .-.",...",,;~~-,-_.",,---""~- ¡¡¡¡¡;¡¡¡¡;¡ ¡¡;¡;; ~ IIiIiIIIrIiW '. :j;~' ..;#;1 ---_._-----------------------------------~~ ';~·I;:\'· ,;">"'¡ ., ,'"t· . "';;':;;1" ' ¡,~"i, '. '.\.,J. ,,'-;', ·.j,fI· , . .,.... .~ '. ~ ¡:tj.':¡ " '~'1iØ ^;'?:¡;f June 5, 1984 It.. 123 ADDITIOHAL SURVEY WOM rCK NASTZWAUR TREATMENT PLANT, PONDS AMD ENTRANCE ROADWAY - APPROVED rOR EXISTINa CONSULTING ENGINEERS, POS~, IUCKLCY SCHUH ^ND JCRNIOAN IN THI TOTAL AMOUNT or .11,880 AI.i.tant County Man.gor Dorrill .aid thi. it.. involve. addi- tional ..rvic. work .t the North Naple. Sewage Tr.atment Plant. Tape 13 Mr.' Dorr1l1 explained the problem I that have occurred with the percolation ponds and roquelted additional work be allowed on tho.. a. well a. the .ntrance roadway to the area. Commi..lon.r Kruse asked that Staff try and retrieve money alreadY paid to po.t, buckley, Schuh and Jernigan for work done In this arel. , She asked that the amil gate. be checked to e1iminat. chlnce of flood- ing in the area. Co..i.sioner Kruse .oved, s.conded by Com.i..ion.r Pi'tor and carried unani.ou.1y, th.t additional .urvey work lor wast.water treat- m.nt plant, pond. and entrance roadw.y b. approved with exi.ting consulting engin.er. in the total .mount of $11,880. ···RECESS. 10.10 A.M. RECONVENEDI 10.20 A.M.... Ite. 124 EXTENSION or EXISTING CONTRACTS WITH ROSS EHRENKRANTZ AND HEERY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT R! JUSTICE CEWTER EXPANSION - A'PROVED A.sil'ant County Manager Dorri11 explained this item is in respon.e to the Board request for a delay an.lysi. relating to the expanaion program at the Justice Center. He stated that the reason for undertaking thl. p~oject was to determine it the Program Manager or Architect were In any way responsible for the dalay of this proj.ct. ,Mr. Joe Ballis, of Wa9ner, Hohne. and Ing1i., .xplained hi. company undertook an .xtenslve roview of the .ituation and, with the aid of diagrams, he explained the company's findings as they relate to the tormination of Harry C. Partridge, Jr. and Son., and to Heery Program Managomont a. well a. the architect of the project. Mr. Balsis itemized the delay on the project a. follow.. Bid Pack '6 - 71 day. due to Boran, Craig and Schreck, 18 days delay attributable to the architect, 227 day. totl1 delay, aid Pick 17 - 28 day. delay attributable to 8 and I Mechanical, 28 days attributable to Boran, Craig and Schreck and 110 days attributable to Harry C. ,:'}fl. Partridge Jr. Ind Sons, Bid Pack 19 - 110 days attributable to Harry C. ',i'~ , .. 08 ;1I:t ________________~~_J~?,6TI__________~~~~~J~ .........--'...--..-------.. ............."_,.·"'.'~"_4."''''''''''...'''_.,,,..,,......_¥,..._,._''''''.. ~"~.".......,,',,...._...,...._'...'''".~..,.~,.,~. .~"."~""_.._.'"__"",,',...~'"'___~, -'_"'...........T_...""""'·"'.."''''','''~'",,.; ,.. 081,A'jt 678 June 5, Partridge, Jr. and Son., 18 d~~. delay attributable to 128 day. total delay. Co~.!..ioner Holland questioned Mr. B41si. extensively.. to the dolay that might b. attributable to Heery Program MAnagement and the architect at the beginning of the project due to undue delay In obtain- Ing a building permit. Mr. Ba1sis said he had not investigated that aspect specifically but did not think this wa. a factor in the Partridge delay. Mr. Ba1si. said that when Harry C. Partridge, Jr. and Son. wa. terminated on March 13, 1984, the firm's contract wa. only 47' complete and it was supposed to be lOOt. He .aid he did not conclude there wa. undue turn-around time tor shop drawing. from the architect. Tape U A discussion was held regarding the time .chedule as set forth at the beginning of tho job by Heery Program Management and Mr. Ba1si. .aid that he did not investigate the feasibility of such a sChedule, however, it seemod possible to achieve the schedule as devi.ed. Mr. Balsis SU9gested that further inve.tigation might be in order in the event tho County llnds themselves In litigation over the project. ***Commisaioner 8rown lelt the room at 11106 A.M. and returned at 11112 A.M.*** Mr. Con Barber, of Boran, Craig and Schreck Construction Company, .aid a Program Manager is needed and stated, in hi. opinion, a contract .h~u1d be renegotiated with Heery 'rogram Management. Mr. Mike Neichterloin, of Carlton Fields, the County's Special Counsel, said that ultimately the queationa will have to be ansW9red by an expert who digests all the Inlormation that has been presented. He said that .ome responaibility for delay may be attributable to Heery Progrðll Management. Commissioner Kruse asked what the County should do now to ensure that the conatruction project proceeds and Mr. Barber recommended that the Program Manager be retained through Sept..ber. He .uggest~J that the County retain a former employee of Heery 'rogra. MAnageeent, Mr. Bill Kysar, to be the County's representative for the project. Commis.ioner Holland .aid he had no argument with Mr. Barber'. .ugge.- tlon about renewing the architect'. and Program Manager's contract, however, he did not agree that a former e.ployee of Heery .hould be the ----------------------------~~-------~ eæœ .. --,.p".'""---,~~.~.".,"'-'''''',..,''''',.,.,',...._'''.".,'''-",..-, -,..~".._~,...,..._'''''....;,~·....;",;...,'"'''"'.,"_u.".,. Iiiiiiiia ¡¡¡¡¡¡ fiiii; t,:;, '·:1 '"\') ,~~ ----------------------------------------~~ " . ~'7'i£! ;,.~~ '.'~...' ~;;I. "",' 'f4 ;,,,,*'8: ",,,;,1], '...."'.~...... <," ..~'¡ '_:10(.: , ~i: i~ ..~ ",~ . ','1: t "...;~, \~'<;¡. June 5, 1984 County" r.pr..entative. Co..is.ioner ~ru.e ao~~d, ..conded by Co~i..lon.r Pi.tor and carried unanl.ously, that t~~ exi.ting contracts b. extend.d through 'eptellber. Co..i.sloner Rolland aoved that the County find .oe.boðy other than Mr. Ky.ar to r.pres.nt the County on the Ju.tlc. Cent.r project. ø. sub.equ.ntly withdrew hi. action. Co..ls.ion.r Kru.. .ov.d, ..conded by COII.i..ioner PI.tor end carried 4/1, Co..I.sloner Holland oppo.ed, that Mr. 8ill Ky.ar be hired a. County r.pr...ntatlve on tho Ju.tlc. C.nt.r Expansion proj.ct. Ite. '25 -SHORT LIST- APPROVED AND AUTHORIZATION TO NECOTIATE A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH INTERARCH DES ION, INC. - A'PROVED Assistant County Man.ger Dorri11 .xplain.d approximately on. and on.-half months ago tho Board r.que.ted that the County Manag.r hire spac. plann.rs. H. r.f.rr.d to tho Ex.cutive Summ8ry listing tho -Short List- of spec. plann.r. int.rviewed for this position. Co..i.sion.r Holland ~v.d, .econd.d by Co..issioner Pi.tor and earri.d unani.ously, that the -Short Li.t- be approv.d and that author- ization to n.gotiate a contractual agr....nt with Int.rarch D..tgn. Inc. of Ta.pa, Florida. Ite. '26 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED 'OR 'AYMENT Pur.uant to R..o1ution 81-150, the following checks were ISlu.d through Jun. 1, 1984, in paym.nt of routine bill.. CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. ~ V.ndor 111554 - 112131 $1,996,305.76 BCC Payroll 80619 - 81165 $ 229,869.27 It.. 127 BUDGET AMEWDMIMTS 84-447, 84-449/452, 84-454, 84-456/459, 84-462, 84-465, 84-468/472, AND 84-474/475 - ADOPTED Co..ls.ionlr Holland aov.d, .econded by Co..i..ioner Pi.tor and carried unanl.ou.ly, that 8udget AII.ndll.nt. 84-447, 84-449/452, 84-454, 84-456/459, 84-462, 84-465, 84-468/472, and 84-474/475 be adopted. It.. 128 SUPPORT 'OR MITROPOLITAII FORT MYERS CIlAl'fBER or COMMIRCI rOR SOARD IMDORS~ENT or EFFORTS TO EXPAND PORT or ENTRY STATUS TO INCLUDE SOUTHWEST rLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT - APPROVED aDO( 081,~r,! 679 pag. ------------------------------------ -'~,.-"'",..,.,.."...-"."-""'~"..".~".".....,__,,,.. ,.....<c,._".._..~..". ".....,...."_'.'."M""___'''',...'''''''',,·_.,~~",.,..._~_.'~_''''-''''''".....~_"~,___,__ .-.^".,.,_"".____;,>.~'"..,...,"...,....._'4 --"····__"·,"....."..,._,,.>""·,,,,.·,_~,,.ri·""",·,,·..,...,""',."'.~ , ';;11 -::~ln~6æ-----------------Ju:~-=:------:~~j Adainhtutlve Secretary I.rao1son explained that t.mporary '''1'' I arrangu.nt. with Tamp. and C/lnadhn Airline. have bun ruch.d with ./.~,~~ the Southwe.t Florida Rogiona:' AI rport and that tho Fort Myers Chamber '/";~.'.. 1 of Comlaarce is roquuting Colllor County support to expand Port. of "'I Entry Statu. to inc1ud. the Southwest Florida Rogional Airport. i-l Co_l..loner Kru.. ~v.d, ..conded by COllJli..ion.r Phtor and .. oarrl.d unanl.ou.ly, that the Board .upport the Metropolitan rort "y.r. Chaaber of Co_.rce eHorta to expand Port of El1try .tatu. to Include louthwe.t rlorlda R.gional Airport. Ite. . 2t SPECIAL acc MEETING SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 12, 1984, AT 6100 P.M. "0 DISCUSS IMMOKALEE PARK SITE Commls.ioner Holland .aid that due to tho controver.y that ha. .temla.d fro. tho r.c.nt action regarding tho Immokal.. Park ait. .e1ection another meoting i. in ord.r for discu..ion of tho Item. Co..i..ioner Holland .ov.d, .econded by Co.mi..lon.r Pi.tor and carrl.d uneni.ously, that a public h.aring be sch.dul.d for Jun. 12, 1914, at 6.00 P.M. for dl.cu.sion of tho I_okalee Park .It.. Co..is.ion.r Holland aoved, ..conded by Com.is.ion.r Pistor and carri.d unanl.ou.ly, that tho Board authorla. adv.rtising this ...ti~v a. a Sp.clal M.etin~. It.. 130 lOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION VOTE OF CONFIDENCI PLUS 2' PAY INCREASI rOR COUNTY ATTORNEY AND STArr - AP'ROVED Commissioner Holland stated it is his Intention to put a stop to rocent rumors circulating regarding tho 80ard .nd tho County Attorney'. p«for.ance. Co..i..lon.r Bolland aGved, ..cond.d by Co..i..ion.r ~ru.. and carrl.d unanl.ou.1y, that a Vota of Confid.nc. b. giv.n by the Board of County Co..i..ion.r. for the County Attorn.y and thst a 2' pay Increa.. b. authoriaed for the County Attorn.y and hi. ataff. n.. 131 DISCUSSION RE NOVEMBIR 15, 1'83, AORIEMINT BETWEEN AVATAR AWD COLLIER COUNTY TO II HILD AS SOON AS POSSIILI Hr. ~lane Billington askod that the loard con.ld.r certain irregu- lariti.. he contend.d ar. pre..nt with tho November IS, 1'83, .gr....nt betweon Avatar .nd Colli.r County. H. ask.d th.t the County ren.goti- at. this .gr....nt a. Soon a. pos.ibl.. Commil.loner VOl. report.d h. ha. investigat.d tho aituation since Page 17 ------------------------------------- IIID I&!I .k'.-',.~"..ø.,.~,'"'._,...,"_...,_'""~".._._...,,_,.......~_ '--""--"'~"'"~''''''''''''''''~''^"'''",~."",~-__..,^_._.,~, ~",,",'"__,.,_." ,.. ., _..>O,..·.^"""~,.~',.~,_..""""".....'.._,,,.-,R..,__'···,,_..'=_.._I_;~...,,,._*,__,,.,"'"__.... 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