BCC Minutes 06/12/1984 R --------.....- ^','~"'.,".._~""- ,¥,~"""....'''_,..''''',_,_'''.,__,"''_¡_....'"_'"''..__..''"'. .".-~..._'..__"._,"-";.-.'-"."'~"'01"'<-..",_''''"<" ..t,_""__~"_,,,"__~__ .;" 082 mt 08 "I~ U It.. 11 AGENDA - APPROVED AS AMENDED Jun. 12, 15184 ------------------------------------------".. Co..I..loner Krua~ ~Yed, ..conded carri.d unlni.ou.ly, thl~ the Ig.nda b. I..nd..nta, A. 9D(5) - Budg.t Amendment r. Cold.n Cat. CoIf Cours. f.asl- bility atudy - Added by County Manag.r Lusk. 9E1(d) - Acceptanc. of a.w.r and wat.r facl1lti.a for roxflre Subdiviaion - Add.d by County Manager Luak. by Co..i.sloner Vo.. and approv.d with the following B. C. 9F(3) - Status r.port on contract .xtenslons for Justic. Cent.r .xpansion - Added by County Manager Lusk. D. 9r(4) - Consent Ag.nda approval during BCC vacation - Added by County Manager Lusk. E. 9C(G - Satistaction ot mortgago for De1tona Corp. - Added by County Attorney Saund.rs. F. 12C - ~eso1ution r. .xpenses of Tourist Developm.nt Council members - Added by County Attorney Saunder.. EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS (PERSONNEL) Chairman Brown pr.sented the following Cary Scott Mackoy - Engineering *Mary Kilburn - Buildinq Department Tracie Vann - Engine~rin9 *Willi l1li liudephol - Road' Bridge *John Pumpor - Utilitie. Employe. Service Awards, 10 yea r. 5 5 5 5 ·Absent 13 ORDI.AWeE 84-41 RE PETITIO. R-84-9C, DELTONA CORP. RSP-3Sr fO RSP-~ POR PROPERTY LOCATED ALONO BARFIELD BAY - ADOPTED, ORDINANCE 84-42 RE PET. R-84-7C, DELTONA CORP. RI rUD KNOWN AS MARCO SHORES rOR UNITS 24 AND 30, ISLI or CAPRI C~ERCIAL AREA, JOHN STEVENS CRIEX, BARrIELD BAY, HORR'S ISLAkD AND GOODLAND KARINA - ADOPTED, DRI-84-3 RI PST. DRt-B4-1C, DELTON^ CORP. FOR MARCO SHORES - ADOPTED WITH TWO EXCEPTIONS L.gal notic.. having been publishod in tho Napl.. Daily Hews on Mðy 11, 1984, and in the Marco Island Eagle on May 16, 1984 .. .videneed by Aftidav1ta of Publ1cationf11ed with the Clerk, public h.arin; was opened to con.ider Petitions R-84-9C, requesting rezoning lro. RSF-3ST to RSF-3 for proporty located along Barfield Bay and R-84-7C, fil~d by Deltona Corporation r.questln; r.zonin; fro. varioua zon.. to PUD known .. Marco Shor.s for Unit. 24 and 30, Ial. of Capri PIgo 2 -..-. -- -_... - - - - - - - - - - -- - -------------- --- - - - ,_ _">,_.'"_,"'"'_'"""·",·"'".t~__,_;_,,,...".;;"";·"'...,__,"~,,__,,;"'-~~-'-~--.-. .-....".,_...~.-"',.-._--,,..{,--,~.._........_..." ..-.-......-.-,-...,.,..-",,'.....----" .. &;¡1 r::::J ___________________________________e..-____ Jun. 12, 1984 Co..,rclal Ar.a, John Stev~n. Cr..k multi-family, Barfield Bay Multi-family, Horr'. Island .nd Coodland Marina, filed by D.ltona Corpor.tion. L.gal notic. having b..n publi.hed in the Naples Daily News on April 12, 198~, and in the Marco Ieland Eagl. on April 18, 198~, as evidenced by Alfid.vita of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing WIS opened for petition DRI-84-lC, filed by Celtona corporation requesting approval of a Oevelopment Order of R.gional Impact for Marco Shores. Pl.nner Ob.r explained that the objective of petition R-84-~C 1. to move the -ST- line to correspond to the Settlement ^gr.ement. She stated th.t St.tt .nd .11 County agencies rev1ewvd th1. petition and reco..end.d .pproval subject to the recommendation. in the County Environm.ntal1st's memo dated 5/15/84, Pages 36 through 39 as included in the £xecutive Summary dated 6/4/84. She .aid that the CAPe h.ld their public h..ring on 6/7/84 .nd forwarded the petition with the recommend.tion of .pproval subject to the County Environment.list'. recommendationa. M.. Ober explained that the objective of Petition R-84-7C i. to rezone the various araas consisting of 2133.11 acres to PUD for 12,~40 dwelling unit. at a density of 5.78/acre and provide commercial, r.cre.tiona1 and community facilities. She stated that Staff and all County agencift~ r.viewed this petition and r.commended .pproval subjoct to a.endment of the PUD document contained in the Staff report in the Executive Summary d.ted 6/4/84. She s.1d that the CAPe h.ld their public h..r1ng on Juno 7, 1984 and recommended approval, voting on the four .reas individually. Ma. Ober exp1.ined th.t the objective of Petition DRI-84-1C is to approve the Development Order for Marco Shores. She stated that the Southwest Florida Regional Plðnning Council recommended that the proposed project be .pproved aubject to condition. for the following issues as outlined in th.ir official r.commendat1onst 1. Ener9Y 2. Hurric.ne Evacuation J. Tr.n.portation 4. Cener.l Co.ni.sioner Voss asked what change. are 1nvolv.d with PUD .pplication and Ms. Ob.r sold the area of land h.s been and th.t the commercial zoning has now been spread into the UnIt. 24 and 30. the pr..ent d.cr....d propos.d &OOK 082 PA"t 09 paq. 3 -----------------------------------------~ ~__'_"_k_-~_'_"._~._,,"___.. _>_~-_,_",o_,,-,'_,"_''''''_.._ ____,_"""'...,__""...._"".,""_-_·'.e_"_'· ""~-"'---'"-~.."..,,.. ---------------------------------- --------- 082,,.~J. 10 Jun. 12, 1984 Hr. James Vensel, repre.enting Dllton. corporation, .xplalned that the density in Units 24 and 30 1. higher than it wa. originAlly. H. aaid that the lower amour,· of development aua that has been lnclud.d ha. re.ult.d In a sub.tant~al chang' with much l,.s .ingl. family lot. and gr.at.r amount of multi-family lot.. Hr. Ven.el made his prosentation which covered the hi.torical background of this project which was originally approved by the Stat. and County, noting that in 1976 the Corps of Engineers denied the p.rmits for the planned undertøking. He said that this project represents the final development by Deltona Corporation on Marco Island. He explained that the Settl.m.nt Agr.ement that wa. entered into after the denial by the Corps represent. the relocation of the 14,500 dwelling units which were previou.ly approved, toward le.s s.nsitive upland property. If. explain.d that tho Settlement Agru"lnt recognized that. the 14,500 dwelling units were ve.t.d. He said that the Settl~ment Agreement included deliberations with many environmental groups such as the Florida Audubon Society and the Conservency, who are signatories to the Agreement, a. well a. the Board of County Commissioners and StDle and Fed~ral agencies. He stated that Dlltona Corporation ha. worked in good faith and believes that the Agreement i. in the public interest and i. a proper culmination of the development of MIl rco Island ths t wa. begun long ago. lie .a1d tha t the dove1".,Ift.nt line. which were used as the boundar1.. for the presentation that haa been mad. to the Staff and in this application are tho.. which defin. the ownership line between Dlltona and the State of Florida. He .aid that everything out.ide those development arcas will be d.dicated to the State of Floriùð. He naid that Dlltona Corporation ha. committ.d to dedicate some of the land to the County for widening of the right-of-way for S.R. 951. Hr. Vensel .aid that the un1quene.s of the relocation of the units has r.sulted in some of the ar.,. requiring Dlv.lopment of R.gional Impact review and .omo do not. He .,1d that the criteria in the Settlement Agr.ement wa. that those area. which would b. d.velop.d which wore not part of the previously platted v..t.d unit, like Unit 24 or the Barfield Bay area, would be subj.ct to DRI r.view. He said three geographic Ireas fell into this category which were the nev lands purchasod by Dlltona Corporation, repre.ented by the Unit 30 area, In a deliberate effort to be able to move the development landward, the I.le of Capri commercial area, a small 11nd area It the inter.ection of 'ag. 4 ------------------------------------------ I!!!J I!!!!!! I!!!I - c= Q -----------------------------------------~ June 12, 19114 Islts of Capri Road and ~.R. 951 and Horr's Island. H. .ald non. of tho.. three areas had previou.ly be.n platted. He said the romaind.r of the dev.lopm.nt ar.as are replot. to a l.ssor numb.r of dwellin9 units. Hr. Vensel said Deltona corporation will provide all the nec.ssary facilities .imilar to what has b.en done on Harco Island, originally, like school sitol, community facility sit.., recreational arta., bikopaths and an elaborate water management system will be includod In the project. lie said, in edd1t1on, there are several areas of particu- lar Intereat. lie said that five remotely locat.d community faoll1ty .1te. have been provided in the Unit. 24 and 30 plan which are ded1- c~t.d to the County for use as a fire station .1te, police .tatlon and emergency medical service. facilities. He explained that the discus- - sion. have been held with the tast Naple. Fir. Control Di.trict and two of the .ites have been .t1pu1ated to be dedicated directly to the East Naple. Fire District~ He .aid that the remaining three sites will b. dedicated to Collier County and will be used for the above purpo.e.. lie said that polling places will be provided in recreational, tenni. centers, schools and community faciliti.s. Hr. Vensel said that he work.d clo.e1y with Hr. Berzon and Co~mi.- sioner Voss in trying to formulate a way to provide .ewage treatment into this area which will not only provide for the development ot the project but will form a nucleus of a .ewer district for the aroa in the near future. He .aid Deltona Corporation, in their p.rmits from State and rederal agenc1e., has received 0 permit for effluent percolation in the southeastern corner of the site. lie uid he originally proposld that Deltona would provide sewer focil1tie. in that area which would bt available to surrounding developers as a regional sewer plant sit.. H. explained that following d1.cussion. with County representatives it became obvious it might be better to move this aewer plant location to a more centrally located area that could be put on the Oran Tract, a County-owned parcel of property more centrally located, which could serve the De1tona property and other developer. euch a. Ea9lo Cr.ek and Woodfield Lakes. He .aid in developing a new lower .y.tem Dolton. 1. proposing a return irrigation water .ystem, which the County I. enthusia.t1c about. He said in the beginning of th1. year the DER provided additional regulations that allowed a more complete final treatment of sewer effluent which liberalized their restrictions on spray irrigation of landscaped areas with tho effluent. He said that lOOK 082 r~'·t 11 Page 5 ._---------------------------------------~. ..-----µ'~- ------------------------------------------ 082/w.! 12 June 12, 1904 Dl1ton. has propo.ed the concept that the r.giona1 sy.t.m in the ar.a be designed with the thought In mind that the return irrigation water ayatem would be provided and required to b. received back by the daveloper. who ti. into the ayatem. He said that Deltona'eraw water fi.ld ..y be able to au~~ly the raw blending water and there will be less de.and on the County water aystom becauae people will not be aprinkling lawna with County potable water and the County water ayst.. plants will not hay. to be built aa large and a aignf1cant conservation of drinking water will be achiev.d by reusing as much water ae po..lble aa an irrigation .yatem. Mr. Vensel .aid that Horr'. Ialand has been recognized a. 1 unique geographical area and De1to~a Corporation has treated it uniquoly in it. application by not trying to definitively locate roads along the narrow hilly .p1ne and subject it to .ignificant additional review. and aurvey. prior to final development being adopted. Tape . 2 Mr. V.n.ft~ .aid Deltona has worked closely with Dr. B.nedict in arr1vinc¡ at rea.onable fl1rth.r in.urances as to the way development would be approached in this area. ne .aid that Deltona has been in contact, recently, with the State agencies that formulate plana for purcha.lng environmental lands. Ho said that the State and rederal agencies recognized, when the Settlement Agr.ement was entered into, that Horr's Island and possibly Unit 24 might be the subject tor purcha.e by the State a. environmentally endangored lands. H. Aÿid that there are apecif1c agreement. with the State to continue n.gotia- tion cn Horr'a Island and Dr. Cis.endanner, Executiv.-Director of the DNR, atated, .evera1 week. IgO, that the State 1. currvntly rezoning a piece of land in Dade County from agricultural to 1ndu.tr1al, aa Morr'e Island is being rezoned from agricultural to a low density development, ao that the.e two lands could be .wapped on an .qual for equal ba.1. .0 con.umpt1on of State C.^.R.L funds would not be nece.lary for tho State to a~~ulre Horr's I.land. He explained that in the Settlement ^9re.ment the number of dwelling unit. planned Zor Horr'. Ia1and ha. . b.en reduc.d from 1,400 to 300. Mr. Vensel .a1d that De1tona had not had any di.cu..ion. with r.aidents from Goodland prior to the CAPC meeting when they appear.d and exhibitad a concern over the Goodland Marina and Ita impact on the ar.l. He said the proviaions for the marina includ~ five boat launch- ing ramp. and 140 trailer parking .pace., 100 w.t .torage apaces 'ac¡ . , -------------------------------------------- I!!!!I I!!!!I I!I!I c::a ~ ~ ------------------------------------------ June 12, 1984 located in a wsy that w"uld r.su1t in mllximum pu..rvat1on of mangrov.. and dry .torage in .nclo..d .tructure. for Ipproximately 240 boat., with a total of approximatelY 480 bOlts. He said that D.1tona fe.l. that the bOlt traffic has been subltantially r.duced by tho Settlement Agreement. He reviewed the hi.tory of the 1978 pllln .ubmitt.d by De1tona to propose relocation of 14,500 dwelling units which included a large marina proposal in the Bear Point area which would have utilized the .xlsting channel east of S.R. 951 and would have consumed a con.iderabl. amount of mangrovos to the east of the channel. He .aid th1. proposal wa. diamis.od by the Settlement Agreement participant. a. b.ing too con.umptiv. ot wotlands. H. .a1d a .econd location con.id- .red was north of the S.R. 951 bridge where there is currently a smftll marina and the 16 acre. which would have been dedicated to a marina would have all neen man9rov~s and would have required dredging of an entrðnce channel into it through tho small bay. He said because of the dredging and because. It waa a mangrove area thia loclltion was 111.0 d1smlss~d by the Settlement ^greem~nt participants liS being unsuitable. He stated that the suitable location proposed in the preaent location is /I 16 acre site immedlðtely adjacent to and west of the sout~western tip of CooJlðnd. He said this waa an old garbage dump used by ':;o(·dland for a period of time and much of the wetland. in that area had been committed to non-mangrove areas so the consumption of 16 acres of wetlands was not all mangroves. He explained that tho site's adjacency to Blue Hill Creek Chðnnel which has a deep, navigable depth indicated that no unnecessary drodg1ng would be nece.sary to provide boat dock- ing. He said that an inturnðl chðnnel i. proposed to gain access to the boat launching ramp but a minimum of 100 wet storage docks was stlpulðted and the current plðn Is an exact dupllcat. of the plan included in the Settlement ^guement. lie lIIid also included Is a modification of the connecting road of the Coodland Road to S.R. 92 in the area and that Deltona haa committed to provide a much safer 1nter- s.ct1on than the current acute angle which would b. dang.rous lor car. with tu1lers. He said that the plallned marina will not provide the equitable booting recreation acce.s that 14,500 dwelling unit. need, however, it will provide a meager amount of boat launching area, trailer boat storage and dry storage with a minimum ot wet storage. Hr. V.n.el .ftid thftt the DRl process was conducted in the three previously mentioned development areas and the Statt recommondat1on included s.veral traft1c recommendations which have been reviewed by IIItIK 082 r~'·r l~l PI.)e 7 ------------------------------------------ .. ·Þ··· .~... . ..".. ..', ." "o¡.,' '.i', ':;.". ,I¡..; . _..,.,_"""0',"-.,----_.,-0-",'"-----'_._-- ------------------------------------------ 082Ð7. 14 Jun. 12, 1984 the County and .ubstant1ally .xpanded upon. He .aid that the County, by rule of the Regional Planning Council, i. required to .ubmit to the County Commi.sion a Deve1o~.nt Order with only tho.e recommendation. Included in it that the Regio~al Planning Council approved. He .xplained that D.ltona ha. prepar.d an alternative cevelopm.nt Ord.r to b. accepted and .ubstituted for the other one which deviates in two aspects. He said the first aspect is traffic. He stated that the DRI reviow specified traffic provision. to be committed to by De1t~"a in relation particularly to Unit 30, Horr'. Island and the I.le of Capri area. HQ said the Development Order C.ltona proposed encompasse. all ot the County recommended development review and commitments including refer.nces to the County Impact F.e Ordinance, when that i. reviewed, and the.e are more comprehensive and agreed on by the County. He .Aid thAt Dv1tona proposes that the total of the traffic recommendation. be inc1udod in the Developmont Ordor instead of the Abbreviated list thAt wa. included as a result of a part.ial DRI development. Hr. Vensel .aid thAt there were comments that Dlltona accepted at the DRI heArings but which the Company indicated it did not agree with, pArticularly in relation to hurricane eVAcuation. He .aid that the Regional Planning Council sevvral years ago hod a study prepared for them by the Hurricane Canter which applied a formula to torecast .torm- water olevations as a result of a hurricane. He explained, in the application of this formula to the southwest FlorIda area, that Delto~a detected sever. flaws in the numbers gan'rAt~d as design water height, which presumed category three storms At being approximately tive teet higher than the 100 yeAr storm el~vation which is tho present County law. He .a1d that in the most severe storm a water elevation of 28 foet above sea level is forecast in Immokaleo. lie said that Dlltona believe. that some of the difficulties resulted in overlooking Avail- able statist1c~1 data on Hurricane OonnA, which wos chosen as being the .torm by which the £ormula was cAlibratod. He said that .everal piece. o .0£ information, p~rticuldrly in the Unit 30 area, were totally ignored in that calibration model. He .aid he has had meetings with the Hurricane Centor and they are pursuing a revision of the formula to represent the real conditions in the .outhern Collier County area. He .a1d the negiona1 Planning Council staff made recommendAtJons, even though DeltonA Is building at or Above 100 year flood .torm elevations which I. required by County ordinance, that DeltonA put in all of the deeds that anybody living on the second tloor would grant the right tor Pag. 8 -----------------------------~----------- I!!!!I ~ I!!!I ____,.__...~,...ô"'<,.., ~,_., ",.~"...._"-~~7_~...._...._,,__.....~__ c::I r;:;J ........,.., ~ ------ -.- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ---- - ---- June 12, 1984 anybody living on the firs~ floor to livo with them during a ator~ and other recolIlII.ndations. He IU ·.d that Coltona has devised a more abbrevI- ated aot of DR I r.comm.ndations concernin9 hurrican. .vacuatlon which Celtona ha. agre.d upo~ with the County Staff and he proposed that the alternative Dev.10pment Order include those alternotives. R..pond1ng to Commis.ioner pistor, Mr. Vensel laid that there I. an agr..ment with Deltona that the need.d right-of-way for S.R. 951 for the other two lane. will be donated in that area and the two lones will go through the commercial area and approximately 30 acrea hove be.n excluded from the land. deeded to the State located where the currently right-of-way plans are indicated on the east and west aido of S.R. 951 and Celtona i. comm1ttod that those acres be dedicAted at no cost to the County. Commissioner Kruse said that last week .he ask.d the County M.nager to talk with the firm which 1. currently under negotiation for doing the regional p~ann1n9 to look at the wording on utilities and County Manager Lusk said that was done, howevor, he did not know the result,¡. Mr. Jamos r1a9ler, coordinator, through the Conservancy, of all the environmental qroups In Collier County, spoke in opposition to :he three p~t1t1ons, and entered into the record a letter, dated 4/16/83, trom DNR Executive Director Elton Cissendanner to Commissioner Kruse and a Final C.A.R.L. Priority List, dated 6/7/84, and gove each Co~mllsioner a copy of the list. Mr. Flagler said that the Settlement Agreement is a political document, is a compromise and wa. created out . ot complete and utter frustration to dismiss over nine lawsuits brought by the Deltona Corporation against tho State of Florida and that the idea of a land swamp was an attellpt to resolve tho .1tuat1on. Ho read from the Settl.ment Agreement tho part that atates that nothing in the Agreement ahall be construed as advance approval by Collier County of the developnent contemplated thereby. He related his attempt. to talk with Governor Graham ðnd Mr. Cissendanner regarding these petitions and the C.^.R.L. Priority List and he said he was only able to .p.ak with assistant. of thoso peop10 He said ho asked what Collier County could do to .ncourag~ acquisition of the land in question and wa. told by tho Covernor'. aide that the.. otfices want.d Colll.r County'. cooperation in the matter. ···Co..ia.ioner Hollanð out 9,45 A.M. to 9,52 A.M.··· Tap. ''I &OOK 082 rACE 15 Pag. 9 ._------------~---------------------------- ~_"'_W_ ___,_.".,~___,_..'''~.,'''H,_'''',__»_''.. _______ ------------------------------------------ ';DK 082,r.~r.t 16 . "un. 12, 1984 Mr. Flagler expres.od hi. conc.rn about Unit 24, stres.ed the I.portanc. of saving Horr'. Is1.nd and .aid th.t bonds have not been I.su.d to buy the lana, a. has b..n don. for prop.rty in other countie.. He .aid that in 198~ the C.A.R.L. Co~mitt.. has $2~,000,000 to .p.nd on l.nd and th~t $19,000,000 h.s already been committ.d. He said ,he found out fro. Lit Property Appral..r'. offic. that In 1960 Horr'. I.l.nd w.. valued .t $46,~OO .nd remained .t that amount until 1975 wh.n -ST- ~on1ng d.cr....d the v.lue. H. .aid In 19B3 the v.lu. wa. Incr....d to $l,~OO,OOO and If the petltiona .r. approved the value could go higher. Commla.loner Pi.tor .tated that Hr. Flag.r talked with him on 6/11/84, .nd .. a result of that converaation he talked with Hr. Moore in Cov.rnor Craham'. off1ce who a..ur.d him that Covernor Craham i. w.11 awar. of this zoning roqu..t, however, the zoning ia a local matter and the re.pons1bility of the Commi..ioners. Commla.ioner PI.tor aa1d h. .poke with Dr. Ci..endanner who .aid that the afore.en- tloned letter was a form letter .ent to all people owning land that wa. b.ing con.idered and that Dr. Ci.aend.nner told him the letter .hould not have been .ent, n.ce.sar1ly, and that the DNR doe. not consider the KOning chango. a. critic.1 changes. Commis.loner ~rus. .a1d that she was a Commi..loner when the S.ttl.ment Agr.ement w.s signed by the existing Comml.sion Chairman, the Covornor and repr..entatives of are. .gencie.. She .ald th.t .he b.li.v.. In continuity of gov.rnmental operation and approprla~~ .ction but that S.ttlem.nt Agre.ment does not control the zoning, at this t1m., .dj1nq that the question of zoning is the 1.sue before the Commi..1on this d.te. ·.·RECESS, 10115 A.M. RECOMVENED, 10,2~ A.H.··· Hr. Lloyd S.rty, repr.sent1ng the Cons.rv.ncy, pointed out that Hr. Flagler's views wore not tho.e of the Conservancy who.. repre..nta- tlve ha. .1gned the Sett1em.nt Agre.ment. Tape '4 H.. Harion defore.t, r.pre.entlng the Colli.r County Leagu. of Women Voter., .poke in opposition to the thr.. petitions. Hr. Arthur R. Lee, Dlr.ctor of 50uth We.t rlorida Archaeological Soci.ty, who .poke In opposition to the dev.10pment of Horr'a I.land. Th. following per.on. .poke In oppo.ltlon to the Coodland M.rlna, P.g. 10 -.. - --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ,-- -- - - -- - - ---- --- ---- !!!L! !I!!J I!!!I ----..--..--"--- .. ¡¡¡) c::::J - ____ _ ___ ___ _ ___ ______ ___a-___ _____________ Jun. 12, 1984 Raymond BI.., reprellntinC) COOdland, Inc. Bob Ci~aka., ~ember of Coodland, Inc. Larry Cro.., Cood1and r..ldent. Betty J. 5runo, C~odland re.ldent. R1chud Renick, Cod land ru1dent. Xatherin. ~irk, Co~Jland resident. Coll..n Nuccio, Marco I.land resident. Ir.ne "aber.eh1, Coodland r.s1dent. Willia. ,. Barclay, Jr., Ooodlsnd re.id.nt. Th. tollawinC) person. spoke In tavor or the p.titlon., M~. James Stackpoole, Deltona representative. Mr. Frank Mlckl., Ill, pr.sident of D.ltona Corporation. Mr. ~usk read a written .tatement tor the record rrom Mr. Jefr ~bbott, who had to leave the meeting .arly, in opposition to the petition.. .·RECIS5, l1105 - 11,15 A.M. Co..is.iDn.r Holland .oved, s.cond.d by Co.~i.aloner Voas and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the public b.arings b. clo.ed. Co..i..ion.r Brown .ov.d, second.d by Commissioner Kru.e and carried unanimou.1y,_ that the ordinanc. a. numb.r.d and entitl.d below be adopted and ent.red into Ordinanc. Book No. 18, ORDINANCE 84-41 ~N ORDINANCE AMEHDINC ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREH~NSIVI ZONINO RIQULATIONS POR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONINC ATLAS MAP NUMBR Ml-6 AND MI-' BY CHAMCINa THE ZOKING CLASSIFICATION or THE HEREIN Dr-SCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED ALONO BARPIELD BAY PROM RSr-3ST TO RS,-3, AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN EPFECTIVE DATE. Co..i..ioner Brown .oved, s.conded by Commi..ioner Voss and carri.d unanimou.ly, thet the rezoning regarding Unit 24 and Unit 30 be approved. Tap. .5 Co..i..loner Brown mov.d, .econdod by Coma10.10n.r Piator and csrried unan1mou.ly, that the rezoning regarding the 1.1. of Capri Co..ercial ar.a be approved. Co..i..ion.r Brown mov.d, s.cond.d by Comai..ionor Vo.. and carr1.d unani.ou.ly, that the r.zon. tor John Stevena Cr..k multl-fe.ily, Barfield Bay multi-family and P.orr's Island be approvld. Co..i..loner Drown .ov.d, s.conded by Co.-I.aion.r Vo.s and carri.d un~ni.ou.ly, that the rezoning regardin9 Coodland Marina be approv.d, whereupon tho ordinano. a. n~ber.d and entitled below wa. adopted and enterod into Ordinano. Book No. 18, IOD~ 082 r~~! 17 paCJe 11 ------------------------------------------- '<1"''''__'''''"'''. .._"'_......~~_ ,..__......--o...__._"=C ______ ~~_'_'-"""""","__M'''''''''_''''"''''___'''_J__''''''~;_,'''''_r-''~-"' ->.~--,-",____.."... ---~_-..."",.,.- .. I:] ¡¡¡] ...----------------------------------------...... . .~~ ;.~ "'¡I!~ ,,' :" ¡ ';'~} '~. ". . ,~~t:' '; ~~\:, i,," i'~ Jun. 12, 1984 It.. IS ORDIKANCK 14-43 AMIHDUIO 11-53 TO PROVIDE THAT COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR1'MD'1' I~SPICTORS ^AI IMPOWIRED TO ISSUE NOTICES or VIOLATION AND TO TAKI . LSQAL ACTION TO ENFORCE THS REVISIONS or ORDINANCE NO. 81-53 - ADOPTED Leg.l notice having been publi.hed in tho Naples Dally News on May 23, 1~~', as evidenced by Af~idavit of Publication fllod with the Cl.rk, public h.aring waa opened to consider an ordinance am.nding Ordinance 81-53 to provide that all County Zoning Inspector., Building Inspectors and Health Department personnel are empowered to J.'Ue Notices ot Violation and to take 119al action to enforce the revisions of Ordinance No. 81-53. County Attorney Saundor. oxplainod a requested moditication to thl proposed ordinance. II, said that the ordinance, as dufted, provid.. that the Building and Zoning Inspector. or representatives of the lIea1th Depar tment can issu. Notice. of Violation to Ord1nanc. No. 81-53. lie u1d the .the Building and Zoning Depðrtments have reque.ted that their Inspectors be deleted from th1. ordinance, thereforo th1. it.m is an amendment to give the Hoalth Department the authority to entorce the ordlnanco. R.spondlng to Commissioner Vou, Community Devolopment Adm.l\i- strator Vlrt. explained thðt the Building and Zoning Inspoctors aro not in the position to enforco thh type of re9ulation. II, add the In.pectors are trained In thoir areas of specialty and he would not l1ku to dilute those "Horts. lie ..id thllt tho Zoning Inspectors have been given additional dut1e., over the years, which have tllken away fro. their ability to .pend time on zoning onforcemont and, in light of th1., he requested that thl additional burden not be put on these Inspectors. Dr. Polkowski, Health Dlpart.ent Director, .('ok, in fa'/H of the amendment citing the need for more individuals who can 1ssu~ Notice. of Violation to those porsons violating this ordinance. She deø~ribed the adv.rse effects of secondhand smoke on individuals who choose not to amok. and reported that the Health Department has roceived numerous complaints from area rosident. that the ordinance, which provid.. for ar.as to be set asid. for non-Mmokers in public placos, has be.n violated in area restaurants. She urged the Commiss1onors to adopt tho ord1nanco. Ruponding to Building Inspector Commissioner Voss, Mr. Virta explained that. is in a building prior to completion of construction aool( 082 W·E 83 Paql 14 -------------------------------------------. W~_I,"y'_.'__..."" '''-_______..__,..,. L _... "" ...."""''"''''''''''-~''"..._,',,-."''~''-~ -~,~",--,-,,,,,,,~,,>,.,.,,,,,-~-,,,,,-.--~,,, .,,_," "."'__^..._...__._w_ ------------------------------------------ 082 'A~t 84 Jun. 12, 1984 and u.ually doe. not go back, whereas the Health Departm.nt Inap.ctora ar. there a. a .att.r of their routine job. and would be in.a po.ition to ¡..u. the Notice. of V.~latlon. when they occur. COlllml..ioner Holhnd f.¡id h. was not in favor of allowing the . .ntlre Health Depart.ent personnel to have the ability to luu. Notic..? of Violations if they have not received some type of training to do .0. Commillioner I<ruse IUCj gested that Hoalth Inspectors be 91ven ·th. reque.t.d authority and that the Building and Zoning Inlp.ctor. b. re=oved from the propo.od ordinance, to which the Commi..ioners agr.ed. Mr. Sh.1don Rog.r. and Mr. John M. Czimbal .pok. in favor of the ordinance. Co..I..loner KruI. ~y.d, ..cond.d by Comais.ioner VO.. and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the public hearing be closed. Co..I..ion.r Pi.tor .ov.d, ø.cond.d by Comai..ion.r Vo.. and carried unanl.onaly, that the ordinance aa number.d and .ntlt1.d b.10w b. adopt.d and .nt.red into Ord1nanc. Book No. 181 ORDINANCE 84-43 AM ORDINANCE AMENDINO ORDINANCI NO. 81-53 TO 'ROVIDI DEPAR~ENT INSPECTORS ARE EMPOWERED TO ISSUE NOTICES ^HD TO TAXE LEGAL ACTION TO EN'ORCI THE PROVISIONS NO. 81-53, PROVIDIHC AN E'r~CTIVE DATE. THAT HEALTH OF VIOLATION OP ORDINAHCE ORDINA.cI 84-44 RI RESPONSIBLITIES or TOE BOARD AND THE COUNTY "ANAaER - ADOPTED Legal notice h~Yinq beon published in the Napl.ø Daily New. on May 23, 198~, IS evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public haaring was opened to consider an ordinance to øet forth respon.ib1l1ties of tho Board of County Commissioners and the County Manager for administering the lawful dut10s of the Board, providing a d.finit1on of the oft1ce of County Manager and responsibilities and ropeal1ng Ordinance No. 80-77. Comm1.sioner Voss explained that he originally was in 'avor of the type ot ordinance a. pre.unted thil date, however, he tlas haó second thought.. He explained that he had di.cus.ed tho matter with County Manager Lusk and, since he has a contract with the County, a 4/1 vote to diamie. tho County Manager without caus. is not neces.ary and, in his opinion, would defeat the whole intent of the ordinance. Chairman Brown .aid it was hi. understanding th~t the Bo~rd wanted a strong County Manager. Commis.ioner Holland said .veryone with whom Page 15 ----------------------------------------~¡. III:!! I!!I!PJ II!I ,."~"'"-"""""_.."..""""--_.....,"-"'-,.'-----'_.<".."' '"_..,,-~,.._,--, .. c:I iWù .----------------------------------------.... June 12, 1984 h. had dlscus.ed the mattor w~s In fövor of the Hoard 1.avln9 the running of the daily actlviti.. of the County government to the County Manager. Commissioner Krule noted that the proposed ordinance hi' two pro- vislonl, namely that a County Manager could be dlscharged with caus. by a 3/Sth. vote and without caus. by a 4/5thl vote and that she waa In favor of this ordlnanca becau.e it contains both pos.lb1lltie.. Co..i..1oner P1stor aoved, a.conded by COmMIs.ioner Holland and carried unani.oully, that the public h.arlnq be closed. Co..l..10ner Kru.. .oved, .eoond.d by Com.i..lon.r PIstor and carri.d 4/1, by the following roll call vote a. r.quested by Chair.an Irown, that the ordinance a. nuaber.d and ontitl.d below be adopt.d and ent.red into Ordinance Book No. 18, Co..1..1oner Kruse Aye Co.~1..10ner P1.tor Aye Co~I..1on'r VOl. Nay Co..i.sioner Holland Aye Co..i..ion.r Brown Ay. ORDINANCE 84-44 AM ORDINMtCI TO SET rORTH TilE RESPONSIBILITIES or THE DOARL' or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE COUNTY MANACER FOR ADKIMISTIRINO THE LAWrUL DUTIES OF THI BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, PROVIDING AUTHORITY, DUTIES AND RISPONSIBILITIIS or THE COUNTY "ANACER, PROVIDwa rOR APPOINTMENT AND ADMINISTRATION or COUNTY PERSONNEL, PROVIDINO PROCEDURE rOR APPOINTMENT AND DISMISSAL or TilE COUNTY ftAHACER, PROVIDING DErINITION or DUTIES OF COUNTY MANAGER, PROVIDIHG FOR AMENDMENT AND REPEAL or THIS ORDIN~NCE, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 80-77, AS AMENDED, PROVIDINO AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ite. 17 RESOLUTIOM 84-111 AUTßORIZINC THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTJlCI,. (TY or LEON COUNTY, FLORIDA TO OPERATE WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF CO~.I.1L·\\ MID AUTHORIZING THE BFA OF COLLIER COUNTY TO ENTER INTO AGR~tM~:17~ WITH THE HFA or LEON COUNTY - ADOPTED Tape 16 Attorney Donald Pickworth explained that Mr. Gary ~ers, of Southeast Municipal ~ondl and Mr. Van Sayler, of Wllli~m R. Hough and Company, were present to 4nswer questions regarding this it.m which I. a request that tho Board adopt a propo.ed resolution which would authorize the Collier County Hou.in9 Authority to entor Into an Interlocal Agreelllent with the LIon County lIousln/) Aut.horlty. Mr. Pickworth .xple1ned that the Houslnq F1nanc. Authority law allow. .ach '* 082 pm 85 Pac¡e 16 -------------------------------------------~ ..._,,_._"'.~~,~.,_ ~'" _"""",·,_."..",_,-.,e_'"".. -.,,--'._"~--'~--"-- --,...........---- .. t:::J ¡¡¡ .------------------------------------------ June 12, 1984 It.. II ORDIN~I AMENDINC ORDINA.CE KO. 79-95 RILATING TO THI COLLIER COUNTY II£ALTII rACILITIr:3 AUTlIORITY - WI':'HDRAWN Co.-i..ioner Vo.. ~Yed, ..c~nded by Coeal..ion.r ,i.tor end carrl.d unanl.ou.ly, that the ordinanc. e~.nding Ordlnanc. No. 79-95 r.latin9 to the Colli.r County n.alth racilltie. Authority be wIth- drawn, a. r.qu..t.d by Attorney Donald 'ir.kworth. It.. U R180LUTION 84-112 RI PETITION AV-84-010 CAROL DICKENS, REQUESTINO ~ATION AND ABANDONMINT or A TWENTY rOOT ALLEY LOCATED BETWEEN COLDEN GATE PARKWAY, 23RD PLACE S.W., 41ST STREET, S.W. AND 42ND T&RRACI S.W. - ADOPTED Logal notice having boen publ1shod in the Naples Daily News on Hay 27 and Jun. 3, 1904, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication fil.d with the Clerk, public hoaring was openod to consider Petition AV-84-0l0 tiled by Carl úIc.'lens requesting vacllt10n and abandonment of a twenty foot alley located between Cold.n Cllte Parkway, 23rd Place S.W., 41st Street, S~W. and 42nd T~rrace S.W. Acting Public Works Admlnistrðtor Kuck explained that this item was received from the residents surround1n; an unimproved alley in Block 6 Colden Cðt~. He said tho purpose of tho request for vacating was to remove the harassment the petition~rs claim is resulting from the alley baing public. Ha said that the Engineering, Community Development and Water Honagement Departments have reviewed the petition end have no objection and the alley will remain a utility ea.ement, if It is vacated. He said thAt Staff is recommending approval of the petition. Mr. CharleM Slevons and Mr. Willlöm Coe spoke in favor of approval of the petition citing excessive noise late at night and du.t being raised due to peoplo running ATACts and motor bikes in the alley as late as 1130 A.M. Mr. Stevens sold that letters have b~en recelvod from the utilities that thoy do not obJect to this vacation. Mr. Coe aSked that he bo allowed access to the alley because he has a garag. with a driveway located on tho alloy. County Attorney Saunders .aid that the Board is not pormitted to vacate an easement unless there are assurances that there would b. an acces. to the property. Mr. Kuck said that the resolution state. that the alley would remain as a utility easement and private Ingre../Igres. .asement. aOÐ( 082 rJ'o1 93' pag. 18 ------------------------------------------- <->.o_._.."___"'_._~.'"'.._..#___ __"_~"..__,__...-_"'.-__._..."...,_'''"".,,'''c '~t J (: .1IIí" (C4t(.~:I- oI¡,''f.'' ,.\'i~". '~:1~' ··Î)\!: '."'"~' ...~.~..:.'~.' '; '·¡:;~î~; ,.}:~' iJ . ,.,:, '"__,_.~""_'",..........~''''m.._~~_~_.''''_"_".,,-____ , ' '.\;.;::,, '''';;{::. . . ,~tfi'?1:"~'~~~ --no~-, -, _9" -------------------------------:-",:-::=.0-.-",Z 10" UO~Wi! !:t' ,'" ',.j!~ .:June l2, 1984 ";; ~~,:>";; Co_l..toner !Cru.. aovld, 'Icondld by Co_lutonlr Holland and ~~:~{^.; carried unanl.ously, that. the publla, b.arlng be cloud. CouJasloner Rolland .ovec:l,..condld by Coululon.r Krus. carried unant.ou.1y, thAt. P,=olutlon 84-112 be adopt_d. '19' 19 ----------------------------------- ms I!IIJ - _."'-"'''-''-,~..._--''',..._._"-,-'''''-,_...._."..... ~ ,~__",..»."~_~__._. _ ...__._____,-......,""""".'0.....,.......'''"'' ".". . ~-""-"<-.-......._-,-"....,,,,-,,-,,;~,,,-",",,,,,,..,---_..,.-,,",~-""'--'""'~""'~'--'~"""",'."''-.' - .- --_._""'",.,"'-",......-,,«~..."'..-_"''''';-,,~'"~...,-'"-,.,".,-' - r:::::J Ell -----------------------------------------... Jun. 12, 1984 ..... Co..i..loner Holland enter.d the roo. at 1,45 P.M. ..... Ite. 111 RESOLUTION 84-114 RI PETITION rDPO-84-V-5 BY PARK PLAZA HOMES, INC. REQUESTING A VARIANCE PROM MINIMUM BASE FLOOD ELEVATION REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPERTY AT 365 NORTH COLLIER BLVD. - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naplos r~i1y News on May 27, 1984, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider petition rDPO-84-V-5 fil.d by Park Plaza Home., Inc. requesting approval of a variance from the minimum ba.e tlood elevation roquired by the Flood eamage prevention Ordinance on property described as 365 North Collier 80ulevard, Lot 4, Block 22~, U~1t 6, Marco Seach Subdivision. Planner McDanio1 staled that the objective of th1. petition is to grant a varlance for a mo~al home at an el~vation of 10 feet NGVD 1nstud ot 12.0 fut :,.CVD as required by the fDPO. He .tated that In ca.e. where a homQ rs surrounded by and cont1guou. to grade level home., FEMA has indicated that this ls consldored a hardship And ha. been recommended for approval. He .tated that in this cas. there 1. . home on one .1de of the proposed home, but vacant lots on the .,ther side, adding that there i. no hardship. He stated that this is tu b. a model home ~nd it should comply with the flood ordinance, addlng that Staff is, therefore, recommending denial. Comm1asionor pistor questioned how high tho house i. on the .ide of the proposed home, to which Mr. McDan10l atatad that the home to the north i. 8.5' and the home behind it is 8.59'. Commi..1oner Pi.tor stated that many of the hOllies in this area havo been models and they are at the 8.5' elovation and to change it now and build a houso at a 12 foot elevation would not look good. Community Development Administrator Virta .tated that this type of variance i. one th~t could cause problems by F&MA if the County ia audited. Commis.1oner Holland stated that ho agrees with Commissioner Pistor and the variance, if not granted, would cau.e a hard.hip on the ro.t of the home. in the ar.. from flooding, Comm1.s1oner Kruse stated that if thl. on. is granted the next two in the row will a1.0 be in for variances when they ar. ready to build. Mr. V1rta stated that in reeding the ordinance, this home do.s not me.t the criteria of fEMA'. requirements. r.g. 21 ., , .__________ tOftW nOI)~r.1 !'" . ._ _ _ _ -.! !J"..D -'lDc...~·r_..--À.I::I.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - ----- ......_-~---"',"~-".-----_..-"..,"'-,. "",---~,-,-,,-"',;"".."'..__..-,,'- .._~..'-""'-- 1;:0-- -~~_~__-"'-.-". 'IV .....,__...,...,____,,--_,_,,~...._'"...,_'..^"^ '~-';_·_'"'~''''''''_;''_''¡'U,"",__;''"';,!I>""","''___'''''_~"''~~~'''-,,-, ."'..._.~._____,;,~""'_;~,. <J>t"_''''_'&''''''''_''''''''''''''"''''_'_.'-''""'_' '''''"~~''-,,----- ;;;I G:J ~.' ~ ------------------------------------------ June 12, 1984 Ite. 112 RISOLUTION 84-115 RI PET. A-84-4 CONFORMINC TO THE ORIGINAL 1979 SlTI ,LAN FOR WICCINS PASS CLUB ^ND APPROVINC THE M~INLAND PORTION TO ALLOW 210 MOTEL/HOTEL UNITS - ADOPTED. Legal notice having been pUblished in the Naples Daily New. on Hay 2B, 1984, as ev1donced by ^f£idav1t of PublicAtion tiled with tho Clerk, public hearing was oponed to consider Petition A-84-4, an app.al of an administrative decision that prohibits construction of the total number of unit. ðS shown on the site plan as approved in 1979 for Wiggins pa.. Club. Community Development AdministrAtor Virta stated that this relates to the Wiggins Pas. Club which W3S submitted to Staff in 1979 for a development of either 440 condo units or JOO condo units plus 210 hotel/motel unit.. 'He noted that under current zoning, JOO condo units plus 112 conùo units or 102 hotel/motel units are allowed. He said thAt the petitioner states that Staff Is in error in applying the current zoning ordinance to this mo1tter inatend of relying on the ",it.. plan that was submitted In 1979. A.a1.tant County Attorney Cuyl~r statvù that he agrees with Staff recommendations and what would be allowed to be built under tho current zoning regulation as far as the mainland ~ortlon is concerned. Comm1s.1oner Kruse sto1ted that this is the project that paid the impact fees for wat~r upon Is.uanco of the building permits and within so many day., according to tho ordinance, they had to start paying a maintenance rate. Tape '7 Attorney PicktlOrth,' representing W19gins Pas., Inc., stated that in 1979 a site plan was submitted to the County which showed a total of 300 condo unit. and 210 motel unIts, adding that the zoning at all times haa been RT. He stated that the only difference is that the allowable density under the new ord1nanco is lower than the old ord1nanco. He notod that in 1981, aftllr Wiggins Palu Club had acquired the property, the decision was made to go from four 7S unit buildings to three 100 unit bui1d1nqs and a revised site plan was sub~1tt.d, adding that the .ite plan dealt only with the i.land portion of the property. He .tated that perhaps an error was made by not also ahowlnq the motel unit. on that .1te plan, adding that there wa. no thought at that time that Wiggins Pas. Club was giving up the density, but this wa. the initial interpretation that was taced. He noted that the not 082 mt 103 Pag. 23 ._---------------------------------------~- --'"~....,""".."".- ..-..-,~,-"',""...."''''._"-~..,,,-''..,."-''.--'-''' ._.-..".,',,'".~"'_._-"'"-_...... ....""""...-"..'-'~<~~._-~----- . .. r;¡¡:¡ ¡¡¡¡¡] -~--------------------------------------~7 . "",. June 12, 1984::? Ite. 113 5\ INCREASE FOR KOLEN BUTLER DUI TO HIS APPOINTMENT AS BUILDING CODI COMPLI~NCE SUPERVISOR - APPROVED As requestred by Community Development Administrfttor Virta, Co..i..ion.r Xru.e aoved, .econded by Co~i..loner Pistor and carried unanlaou.ly, that a 5\ Increas. for Nol.n Butler due to hi. appointment a. Building Cod. Comp1ianc. Sup.rvisor b. approved. It.. 114 ESTABLISBK~T or A CLERK III POSITION IN THE BUILDINO CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT - APPROVED As r.quested by Community Development ^dminiøtrator Virta, Coaai.aioner PIstor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carrl.d unanimously, that the .stabl1sh.ent of a Clerk III po.it1on In the Building Code Co.p11ance Department in lieu of currently vacant Plans Coap1lanc. Speclall.t po.ition be approv~d. ..... Coa.1..loner Holland left the rooa at 2130 P.M. and r.turned at 2140 P.M. at vh1ch time Com.1s.ioner Xru.. left the rOOM and returned at 2147 P.M. ..... Ita. 115 MOTION FOR COUNTY MANAGER TO CHECK INTO ALTERNATE BOARDWALK LOCATION AT PELICAN BAY IF PELICAN BAY AGREES - DENIED Attorncy J~mes S1e.ky stated that ho is representing the Se.gate Homeowners As.oc1ation, notinq that tho acccss to Pelican Bay facility beach park has and will create some significant problems for tho pcopl. in Soagate. lie stilted that there is an intrusion into the people of Seagate, adding that the PUD required a buffer zone but the parking lot will intrude into that "buffor zone. He reported that where the boardwalk is proposed to be is extremely close to the Sea~ate subdivision and a buffer zone will not b. able to bo located in that ar.a. He st~ted that the boardwalk, the ferry, and the boat landing tacility will invade the rights of the people that live on the water, it will impede tho n~vigatlon, and will obstruct the view of the waterways. II. .tðted that there is also the exiatenco of a bald eagl. nelt in that areft and it should bo protected as it is in the way of the proposed boardwalk. H. questioned if it is noce.sary to have a board."alk and a ferry? lie noted that th.re is an alternative placement for the boardwalk which would not be harmful to the County or Pelican lOOK 082 rA~t 105 Page 25 ._------------------------------------_._-~ '.,' ,.."...~"",.,'~_.,~..""..,"",....,..."-'''''..'",..~-,,._~-- ., ---- -- --- --- - -- -- - -- --- -- ---------------~,. 082mtl06 June 12, 1984 Bay and would be helpful to the people of s..c¡¡ate. H. .ut.d that he I. requeatin9 that the BCC ask the County KlnaCj1.r to Inve.tigate the alt.rnat. placem.nt of the boardwalk and 'boat landlnc¡¡ facility and to r.port back to the BCC with a written r.port and to .u.p.nd any per.ittlng or conatructlon plana until the r.port haa be.n rec.ived and con.idered. He not.d that aft.r the report ha. b.en con.lder.d, he would .U9geat thst ao~. modifications neqotiationø of the beach ' facility acc.sa 19r.elllen . be .ntered Into wHh Can-American, B.a;ate and W.atinghoua. Communitl... Commia.ion.r ~ru., qu.ationed wh.r. all the.. Sea9at. people ver. wh.n all the hearin9. were held on thl. matter, adding that the perlllltt1n9 proc... la now golnc¡¡ through and money has be.n apent on all a1dea. She .tat.d that ahe do.. not und.ratand why the Comm1saion i, now b.ing aaked to .top this matter. Mr. Siv.ky .tat.d lhat the funds have not be.n expended to .uch a d.gr..s that the mon.y is wa.tod, ado1n9 that it ha. b.en primarily for the .n;in.oring f.es and can still b. used without any 10.. of mon.y to the Commi.aion and with an insignificant lo.s to Can-Am.rican. Comm1s.1~ner Voaa .tated that at the time this was discu.~.d, the alternate boardwalk wan also di.cus.ed, adding that this ait. was not aval1ablo for a varioty of r~asons. Commissioner Voss .tated that this matt.r could be discus.ed with We.tinghouse, but he did not want to stop any p.rm1ttln9 proc.... Mr. Ed McMahon, repr.sentln9 Old Naples As.ociatlon, atated that all avai1abl. acce.s to the buach i. ne.ded and should b. k.pt public and a apechl Interest group .hould not be allowed to protect \..~e1r Int.r.st. to the detriment of the r..t of the County. Mr. Leonard Colwell, representing Seagate Property OWner. Association, stated that h. 18 not against acc.ss to the tasch or thl boardwalk, but not in their backyard a. it will depreciate the value of their property. H. present.d picture. to the Comml..ion showIng wildlife In the area that would be damaged due to the Boarowalk. (EIChiblt -A- . Tap. 19 Mr.. MIl ry Lou Itouston, rctpre.ontinCJ S.agate Proporty OWner., .tat.d that the plan that waa approved in 1977 wa. a good plan and prot.cted the r.sidonts. She not.d that the current plan. to move the public parkin9 lot into the buff.r z~n. upseta the r..identa becau.. of the noi.. and nulaanc.. Sh. atatad that .h. ia concerned about the Pa9' 25 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ~_ .__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _4 __ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ____ !!Z:3 Œ:I IE!! -~-~,.._--_..,-.-,_.. _'_-M'i>-...._'''~...._..___,,,..._~"'""-=·,··,'-,',,'''''''' ,--" -~_.-._- ~____""_'_"''''''''''''-''~ l' - nr -"..._'--<"-~..-".,--_.. .'....""'_."~~"",,,...-- ..~,-~;-".,.~.,~-,-.._----,-_. rat ~ ~ ---- --- - - -- - - - -- - --- - --- - - - -- - --- - - - ---- --..... JUI'l' 12, 1984 It.. 119 RES. 84-116 EXPRESSING INTENT TO LEVY FOUR-CENT LOCAL OPTION CAS TAX AND ORD. 84-45 IMPOSINO SAMI - ADOPTED. COUNTY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE INTIRLOCAL AQREEM~T BETWEEN CITY OF NAPLES, IVEROLADES, AND COLLIER CNTY., DETERMINE PERCENTAGE SHARE, AND NEGOTIATE WITH CITY RE APPROPRIATE FIGURES. Transportatlol'l Director Archibald stdt~d that the option gas tax atill remains the most feasible approach for the secondary road program to both offset the shortfall in fUl'lds and to keep up with the long t.rm needs. He stated that an omergency ordinance is nuces.ary to extend the four cent gas tax for a period of five years and will allow the County to meet the immodiate obligations and a180 meet the July 15, 1984, statutory deadl1no. lie stated that there is a need to negotiato al'l intorlocal agreement. He said that thin is a reasonable tax to fund the road program, adding that it is 4 u~er s tax ~nd avoids utilizing ad valorem taxes to build future roads. County Attorney Saunders st4t~d that the resolution expresses the intent to pass or levy the local option gas tax, adding that the next item ia the emergency ordinance. He statod that because of the emergency situation, notice CAn be waived al'ld the public heøring C4h b. held this day on the emerg~ncy ordinance. He stated that the rosolut1on needs to be consioered first and then an emergency doclared .rod the public hearing held on the omorgency ordinance. 110 stated that due to a s~ortf4ll in the funding and certain time conatraints, it is necosaary to hold the public hearing to adopt an emergency ordinance this dat~. He stated that if the ~rdinance iu approved, there is also a proposed interlocal agreement that n~eds to be discussed. Co~i..1oner Pi.tor .oved, aeconded by Com.1aaloner Xrus. and carried unanl.ously, that an emerg.ncy b. declared bas.d on the fact that th.r. i. a ahortfal1 In funding and tiNe constraint. ar. Involv.d. Tap. 11 0 Th. following people spoke ogainat thu additional two c.nt local option 9as t4X citing increased gas prices, increased tax.., and temporary taxes that turn into permanent taxesl Henry Maxunt, r~pr~senting Pine Ridge Civic Association Collier County Civic Federation, Naplos Park Association, and local taxpayers. Joe Grimm, 5310 4th Avenue S. W. The tollowing people spoko in favor of the additional two cent 101( 082 fJr.! 115 Pag. 29 .-----------------------------------------. ,.","",- -,-- ....._.."_...,,._""",.""-.__....;.._.,.<~,,- ---,~----- ~-Õ82~lf6--------------------------------- Jun. 12, 1984 local option ga. taK citing the n..d for itl lIub.rt Howard' Chuck Mohlk., Naples Area Chamber of Comm.rce Bl11 Harp.r, Presidont of Economic Development Council County Manager Lu.k atat.d th.t Mr. Ed R....r of Marco I.land Taxp.y.rs ~aoclation ~eft . at.t.m.nt that 1ndicat.d he would like the lIIon.y .pent on Ma rco Isl·1nd road.. cOalllts.loner Holland .ov.d, .eaonded by Coaal.sion.r Vo.. and carried unanl.oua1y, that the publtc hesrlng be closed. County ^ttorn.y S.under. .tat.d that the item. ne.d.d to be cons1d.r.d In this ordlnanc. is whether it will bo a threo cent tax or a four c.nt tax .nd whether it will be for five y.ars or ten y.ar.. H. st.ted th.t the ordinance that is in plac. for the two c.nt t.x will be r.pea1ed If this ordin.nce i. p....d .nd b.come. effective on Septembor 1, 1984. He noted that the next it.. to be con.id.red Is the R..o1ution .nd then the .gr....nt between the City of Everglades .nd the City of M.p1e.. He .tat.d that h. has left b1.nk. in the .9r.~ent for the duration ot the agr.ement and the amount of the t.x .. wall as the percent.ge split. H. .t.t.d that hi. under.tanding frolll the City of Naples i. that they will agree to the dur.tion of the ordln.nce .. 10n9 .s the percentages do not change. He noted that the Statute provides a formula for tho percentðge split if the BCC doe. not desire to continue with the percentage ~pl1t that 1. now in effect. Flecal Officer C1l.. stated that the expenditures could be reviewed .ach year ov~r a five year poriod instead of locking ',to the five year period. Co.-lsslon.r Voss .eved, ..cond.d by Co.-1.sioner Krus. and c.rrl.d un.nlaou.1y, that Re.olutlon 84-116 expressln9 Int.nt to l.vy a four-c.nt local option 9.' t.x for fly. y.ar. ba .dopt.d. Co..l.sion.r Vo.a aov.d, seconded by COalllls.ion.r Jrus. and carrl.d un.nlaou.1y, that the Ordln.nce as nUlllber.d and .ntltl.d below be adopted .nd .ntered into Ordinanc. Book No. 181 ORDINANCE 84-45 ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO SECTION 336.025, FLORIDA STATUTES, PROVIDINO rOR THE IMPOSITION or THE POUR CENT LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX UPON EVERY GALLON OF MOTOR FUEL AND SPECIAL rUEL SOLD IN COLLIER COUNTY AND TAXED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 206, FLORIDA STATUTES, ,ROVIDINC TI~T SAID TAX SHALL BE EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1984, FOR A 'ERIOD NOT TO EXCEED PIVE YEARS, PROVIDINC FOR COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION or THE TAX AKD PROVIDINO POR USI OF REVENUES, REPEALINC ORDINANCE 83-26, PROVIDINC SEVERABILITY, PROVIDINC FOR EMERCENCY ENACTMENT AND EPrECTIVE DATE. pag e 30 - - -- .-~ - .-. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- --. LZZ':] ~ I!!!Ð ,-.--....-........--......- tal ~ ii.a :;/- -~ :'~~ ---------------------------~:~~~~~----~~~i , .~'~, County Attorney Saunder. stated thftt the only 1sau. ro~aining i. the percentage split between the citio. and the County in the propo.ed Interloc.l agreemont. Co..i..loner VO.. .ovod, second.d by Xru.. and carried unanl.ou.1y, that the propo.ed Interlocal agreement b.tw.en the City of Napl.., the City of Everglade.. and Collier County b. approved on the b..1. that the p.rcentag. be d.ter.ined according to the for~ula out1ln.d In the Florida Statut.. and be r.viewed annually, it l.gal. County Attorney Saundors stated that Mr. Wooá was obtained to do the audit last year and would be willing to do it ~gain, adding that as long as the Coard is going to be on VAcation, he could negotiate with Mr. ~~od and the City And come back on July 17, 1904, with a proposal if he was so authorized. Clerk Reagan s~at.d that County Attornoy Saunders is trying to keep things going while the Board is on vac~tion and Fiscal Oft1cer Cilos is trying to save the County some money, adding that if negotiations are necessary, he does not hove any problem with that. Co..i..ioner Vo.. Jloved, seconded by Comllis.ion.r Kruse ai'" carri.d unani.ously, that the County Attorney and the County Mannger be authorlz.d to negotiate with the City and in the .vent that th.y are unab1. to como up with appropriate figuros, then they can use Mr. Wood. IDO ( 082 rm 117 Page 31 ------------------------------------------ --""'---""''''~ ""-~,---,.,.._.;"'."'"''"')-,,~._.._~.~' ~~-'........... 1-"_, ::i: ;;~ ,.>;:i;~~{ ':,I:::'tt ,~_____________________~________________S~ '~\~" . ,:/£ ' .tJí'fr' June 12, 1984 <,,/'/1;:: .' ! - Giiæ íiii1 120 USOWTIOII 84-117 APPROVI~ A CONTRACT WITH THI STATI or FLORIDA EPARTHENT 0' TRAHSPORTATI~. 'OR THE DISPOSAL or SOLID WASTES - ADOPT Co..I..loner ,l.tor ~y.d, ..cond.d by Co.-l..loner Kru.. .nd carrl.d unanl.ou.ly, that R.solutlon 84-117 approving. contractual service. .gr....nt for aolld waste dl.po.al with the Stat. of Florid." DIpart..nt of Tranaportatlon b. adopt.d. " ,-\" .Î ····~~i , ·~\ti'. , ,;;i~~ ~I me 082r1~t 11.9 Page 32 '~;,~~ ________~_______________________________i~ .-""..-......_,,,,_.,......'--...,.,_.._"'-, ...'-~,~." ,_._~".~.'--..,_''''-...'''",''',..'_._,-""',.."..--,''''~,.,,,-''....~''"'....... '""---""."'""".-'"'.,....~,~..."'--~----- ~ ,.";;~', .. fiiiI '~i :~:~:~~ ':T,,,t:~~,' ;'" 1"1," >~1:~ 'J~ j~it~ ---------------------------------------~~~ ~' .~.' '> . It.. 121 Jun. 12, 1;~·+,~~i\ RlIhlURSABLI BIellN"Y COaISTRUCTIOM "CR!IMDlT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY MID' WHISPERING 'IKI8, INC. rOR TURN LANa IMPROVEMENTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH ~ELLY ROAD rOUR LANING - APPROVED co_lnioner Phtor .ov.d, s.conded by COlllllhaion.r Yo.. and' i"<: carrl.d unan1.oualy, that the rei.bursabl. h1qhwsy construction a9r..III.nt between Collier County and Whlap.rlng Pines, Ino. tor turn lane S.prov.menta In conjunction with Kelly Road four lanln9 be approved and the Chairman be authorized to execute aa.e In dupllcat.. ._ .."\t~ . 'oo~ 082 rA~! 123 Pa9' , 3 3 :i:.1~~~ __~...:. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __'_..:.::1~ __"<_.,,'"'"';,,,........__,_~__"""",""'""'."'M_.~-"""_ "-,-~-"~,--,,,,".,-.-.,,,,-,,,.,,,",.-#-,_._,.-,,,,,,~,,.,,,,-",-~..,,"-..--.--..-.."""",",,,,......,.. "-,""--""--",,,,"-~--,-.,,-,.._----",,,,,,,,, -;,---....;"'--'''''''.....'-,'"''....~~,,~-,_._- a;;:a ætJ ~ ---------- - --- - ---- ----- --- - - -- - -- ----------- June 12, 1984 . It.. 123 MARCO ISLAKD RACQUET CLUD - COUNTY MANAGER AUTHORIZED TO HIRE TEMPORARY HILPS AXD SET UP AN DOURLY rEE SCHEDULE FOR THI SUMMER, AND TO COM! BACX WITH BIDS RI COST FOR TUE COUNTY TO OPERATE VERSUS A PRIVATE INDUSTRY - APPROVED Public Services AdministrAtor Norton st3ted that the Items to\ create a full time tennis pro manager, two full timø and one part time recreation program/tennis aides and a four month budget for the operation of the ~rco Racquot Club are all related and they could all be voted on at the S3me time. lie stated that he Is asking for approval of a budget for the remainder of the year to operate the Marco Island ßlcquet Club and in order to do this, he i. asking tor 3-1/2 .taff positions. Commlssloner Holland stated that he would like to .ee a leas. arrangement checked into before anything is done as far as putting anyone on County payroll. Commissioner P1stor stated that he felt the foe schedule for the courts .hould be checked into further. Commissioner Holland stated thet nothing should be done at this time until the whole matter is studied, adding that the facil1t' should be closed until maintenance work Is done as wall AS a full inøpection. Commissioner Vo.s statod that the facility should not be closed as the court. are not in that bad of shape and maintonance could be handled by clo.1ng one court at a t1mo. County Manager Lusk statud that it would be a mi.take to close, adding that maybe some part-time summ~r help could be hired with a fee schedule set up that could be used for the Bummer and by September something could be done pormanently. Co..1asioner Voa. moved, .econded by Com.is.loner 'Iator and carried 4/0, (Co..ias1on.r Kruse out of the roo.), that three part-tl.e t..porary people be hired and the fe. .chodul., other thsn the hourly reea, be approved and staff to com. back with specific bids for aomeon. to operate it aa well aa the coat for the County to operate the MArco I.land Racqu.t Club. Tape '11 It.. 124 ACQUISITION or NORTH NAPLES PARK SITE - DENIED. CONTINUED TO 7/17/84 Public Services ^dminløtrator Norton stated that this i. a recommendation to approve an agreement for the North Naples Park a1te. am 082 rA~\ 12.9 Page 35 ._---------------------------------------~- .""-",,"""------_...---,. .. <"~"'-,---,-_....--- -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - -- -- - - - ---------, 082,~~t130 Jun. 12, 1984 ß. not~d that on June 6, 1984, Westlnghou.. Communi tie. of Napl~s wrote . letter thAt withdrew their furth.r park .it. consideration. and dl.cussion., therefore, this is no long.r a part of this 1s.u,. He not.d tha~ Staff i. a.king for approval of the agr..m.nt to-purcha.. the park .ite In North Nap1... Ho no~ed that the acce.. road from David C. Drown Highway into the park .1t., which I. approximately 1/4 .il., would cost about $52,000, adding that the cost of the b.rm to .eparat. the .ewer plant and the property immed1at.ly to the .outh of the park would co.t approximately $2,000 which could po.sibly b. .p1lt b.tween the parks bond money and the Utilities Department. He r.port.d that the .ngineering cost for drainage would be approximately $156,000, adding that this site t.nds to be a fairly well drained .ite. H. noted that the actual cost of the park site would be $820,000 for over forty acre.. Com~issioner Kruse stated that she would not voto for any more .oney out of the parks bond until the di.position com.. from the Court. regarding the injunction. Co.-1..loner Vo.. moved, ..cond.d by co..i..lon.r pi.tor that the 40 acr.. for the North Naples Park .ite b. purch...d at $20,000/.cr.. Comml.s1on.r Holland statod that he has .erlous reservation. about the location of this sito and, since rolican Bay ha. withdrawn their offer, there is a question as to whether this total acreage Is needed. ~r. Henry Mðxant, ruprescntlng Pine Ridge Civic Association, atated that ho would like to see ~ summer check of odor on the treatment plant before this property is purcha.ed. Mr. Winston Barger, of 8th Avenue S.E., stated t~.t he to know what the IS acros of Polican Bay is to be used for? Services Admin1.trator Norton stated that the 15 acres will be u.ed for a park, but a very pass Iv. park. Mr. Joe Grim~, Pre.1dent of the Golden Cate Area Taxpayers Association, stated that he thinks tho removal of the sludge should b. taken into consideration. would like Public eventually Mr. Lyle Richardson stated that tho sludge is being treated to eliminate tho odor before it Is taken out and di.po.ed ot. Upon call for the que.tlon, the øotion failed 1/4, (Co.al..ioners Brown, Holland, ~ruse, and pistor opposed). Co.-i..loner Xru.e mov.d, s.cond.d by Com.is.ion.r Pi.tor and carried unanl.ou.ly, to contlnu. the North Napl.a Park site It.. until July 17, !!IB4. Pag' 36 ----_._---_._------------------------------~ ~.'-. ~ IIZ1 I'm ~.".,"_'O~.......~.,_""'"_~"._,_~"_~__....._,_ _..-,_'..""..-.,__."',_..",'"".._'"_"."_"....."',,., ,,__.,..""""."'"~____.._..._,.._...._;;"""";'el..._;,j..._'___'""'~" .........,__,,,~;'._M...;""_,"O"'-'".._,,,..,.""'___.,,""~"__'O."'_."m_" ,- _-,,,,_ "__,;",~_,,,,-,,,~,.,,,,,,,,",",.._.,_,,,....",___,,,...__,,.m"'_'''''.''_,_,.""._~ ...,~~_..".;__".__.,,,r._,__.,,,__"" ,»,.___.______............,_.'.'_"...."¥''",-.'_._,,,_....> <,,",_Ò''''''''.,<o ,,"," ,-,-' œ¡¡; 1:&3 IiiII ,....--- - -- - -- - - - - - - ---- -- - - - --- - - - - -- --- Jun. 12, 1984 ,; lU. 130 ;F ' SINER FACILITII8 FOR ft~'TREAT SUBDIVISION, 'STIPULATION . Co..i..ion.r ,I.tor ~ved, ..cond.d by Com.is.loner Vo..an4 . " carried 4/0, (Co..I..loner Krus. out of the roo.>' that the ..ver.... facilitie. con.tructed to ..rve Lot 15 within Retr.at Subdivision for ownership, operation and .aint.nance b. acc.pted and that the llgal docu.ent. be record.d in the Official Records, pursuant to the .tlpulatlon that 411 leq41 document. aubmitt.d are found to b. 1.gally sufflcl.nt for the County to accept. pag' 39 ,Y¡;;¡¡ . "t~~; ._-----------------------------------~~-~~ am 082w,t145 ,.._.._......,,""," ,"';o,..__""""..-"'...-",.."__.o;!,..w.,,.""',".,~_._..""~ ~- , ,_..._",'"._.__"'.-_~., _,"','__',"""'"i......' ,,__,_p_'" ,-.~",..."",_...'~_' ".~,_'"""'_,___,._'W"^"'''',,'''_...._.''''........;,,;_"...-.'',.'',.··.·~ ..""""..., ,.-,~-.....-.,". '..-. a¡¡¡; Iiiiiiiil iiiI .;~i~'~ . ~ø ._-------------------------------------~-~ Jun. 12, 1984 a.. 131 llWER AND WATER rACILITIII lOR rOXrIRI SUBDIVISION, UNIT 1, ULTI-rAMILY TRACT 2 - ACCEPTED WITH STIPULATIONS Co..i..lon.r ,lstor aov.d, .eoonded by Comal..loner Vo.. and carried 4/0, (Co..i..ion.r Kru.. out of the roo.), that the ..ver water faciliti.. within roxtlr. Subdlvi8ion Unit 1, rox.oor "ultl-fa.i1y Tract 2 b. .ccept.d .nd that the Ch.lr~an b. authorixed .xecut. the 1.... provld.d that all l.gal document. are found to be l.gally .utficlent by the County Attorney and that U. B. Hom. Corpor.tion agf'" to conclud. a .ew.r .erv1ce .gr....nt ba..d on the condition. d..cribed In Article 7 of the Executive Bum=ary dated June 12, 1984. . ,:':1~ ..;~~: .,1::/ 8m 082rm151 Pag' 40 .",&~: ---------------________________________2~~ _"'''_"'__.''''''_'''.-'''''_'''''''''''''''''_'''__'''''''____'>1',-___,,,,--_''"-,- ~,,,___~_.,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,~_____,,,""_",,;_-,,,,,,'",,,,,,_;_,,,,«,_,",",...,_<,~"''''_c',,''' """--"-<'~'-"--''''-'--~-''--- · ",.",."__._,,,,._,.,,_;_,,_.~,,,....,,,_..,,___,,,,,,,,,,,,,._;.u"·,-_,"',-.-,.,"''',""."...."','_.,..''''.,~,"'''".....''.. ..,--,_.",."'-""---""---_-..-_-"...~"""'~."';_...-...,..,"-"",""-"~""'"'''"'''--' 11m w¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡;¡ ..~ ----------------------------------------~~ ',.~'·I··I.:~.'~I::. ,,;,' ~.~. j~, .; " "I ~J ~,,~) I" ~;,¡~I~;. ~:~(~~~; June 12, 1984 It.. '33 10' INCREASI rOR PLAWKING AND INCIHEERINC AND FISCAL AND ADMINISTRATIVI DEPARTMENT HEADS WITHIN UTILITIES - APPROVED Assistant County Manager Dorrill stat.d that this roquest is duo to the reorganization within the Utilities Division to Increase the respons1biliths of two people up to Deparlment Head status. lie stated that he is recommending a 10\ increase for the Planning and Engineering person as well as the Fiscal and Adminlatr~tiya person. Co.-is.loner PIstor aoved, aeconded by Commi..1oner Vo.. and carried 4/0, (Co.-1sslon.r Krua. out of the room), th.t. 10' Incr.... for the Planning and Eng1n..ring and riscsl and ^d~in1stratlv. Departaent H.ad. within the Utilltie. Division b. approved. IU. 134 STATUS REPORT ON JUSTICE CENTER CONTRACT EXTENSION - NO ACTION T^~EN Alsistant County Man~ger Dorrill gave a report rolat1ng to contract extonsions for both the architect and the construct1or. nanoger on the Justice Center. He stated thot the amount tor the construction managor for eJch of the aubsequent months through the end of the fi.cal yoar would be $30,789 a month. He stated that hi. recommendation is that this be a lump sum for the full-time people assigned to the job, but on an as incurred basis in an amount not to exceed $30,000 per month for various reimbursables or part-time veople assigned. He stated that the amount for the architect was ~7,OSl per month and at the same time, it i. his intent to pay th~m for some ?reviou.ly incurred costs that he had been holding pendin~ a succeslful negoti^t1on of the extension, adding that he int.nd. to pay thom for both their routine and extra sorvices back until January. Tape 112 It.. 135 COMSIXT AGEKDA DURING BCC'S ~CATION - APPROVED WITH EXCEPTION or BUDGETED BIDS, STREIT NAMES, AND LEASE RENEWALS --- As.1stant County Manager Dorri1l stated that this item I. in reference to tho consent agenda, lidding that in 1982 the Board adopted A resolution which was an attompt to streamlin. the .genda. He st.tod that this is the !1rlt year that there will be a consont agenda while the Board is on vacation and ho is asking that the items address.d in aoo~ 082r~'.r 175 Pag. 42 -----------------------------------------~ "'-,-"'-''''_."..'"---''''';."."'¡.,."...'^'...--,'..,.,.,,--'''''----,,...~_.-.~"-,-,>-. ·-,_·'~_'..___,_,"'_"''f..r'il ~ -_.._-,..."""--"'.._,,,.,''''-----'~,, --, ·,:1,~~ -~;-~2;r176----------------~:~~~~~:----~~;~ Ruolutlon 82-77 continue to be approved by the County Managor whU., ·····1·· ~.. ;¡"t the Board 11 on vacation. H. stated that this would only b. tor the' '. 'l'.-'. typu of Items that appur on the normal con.ont agenda. ·;'.'·~~IE<~~ County Atl:.orney S.undns stated that h. 11 not faml1hr with the :"::'}::(~ "';I ltelllS that are contained In the ruolutlon .and would uk that the Board " .,. b. Informed of sam.. Alsist.nt County Manager Dorril1 stat.d that tho it.m. .pec 1 fically .ddru. acceptance of r1qht-o f-w.y and .ubd ivia10n Improv..ents, uti1itie., .xcavation p.rmits, routine and budget.d bid award., trav.l authorizAtion, te~porary tr.iler re.idence., conce.led weapons permits, .0c1al aervices cas.s, JTPA grant modifications snd contract., lea.. r.newal., naming of .tr.ets, building permit tlm. .xt.n.ion., and routine porsonnel .ction.. County Attorney Sa under. atated that he has a problem with budgeted bid awards, lease r.new~ls, and atre.t n.me.. County Manager Lusk stat.d that he would aU9g.st th.t the three items referred to by County Attorn.y Saund.r. be doloted from the list. Co..l..10ner Vo.. .oved, seconded by Comm1saion.r Pistor and carri.d 4/0, (Co.-i.sion.r ~rus. out of the room), that Items und.r the con..nt .g.nd. b. approv.d by the County Manag.r during the Board'. v.c.tlon with the exception of .tr.et n...., l.a.. r.new.l., and budglted bid ."arda. It.. . 36 RESOLUTIOM 84-119 DESIGNATING MRS. ANN KEHH OF MARCO ISLAND AS A CaDI ENrORCEMENT orrICtn rOR THE CODE ENrORCEMENT BOARD - ADOPTED Co..1..lon.r ,1.tor .ov.d, .econded by COIII.1..lon.r vo.. and carrl.d 4/0, (Co.mi.slon.r Krus. out of the roo.) that Re.olutlon 84-119 de.lgnating Mr.. Ann K... of M.rco Isl.nd a. a Cod. Enforc..en~ Otflc.r for the Code Enforcement Bo.rd bl adopted. Page 43 - - - - -..- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- -.......-. ~ II11II .. ,__-.-_____, ,,_ _"-t,·'C""_"",_"_,....,_.",.,,.""',..,.,"".....,,.._,_*","""",.-'O¡,,,........_""..,,,"""". .___-_...___'1" _---.-,.........""'"..~,-........,."...."'~--"'''"''-,'''.,ft'''--.~.. 'M-'_"~'"'_.'______".._ ............._---,~",--_...."-^'~- ,~~u__;__. ,~~,...._...,-,--"'''''',''">'<'"'~,-'''' r::J ~ im1 ----------------------------------------.... Jun. 12, 1984 carried unani.ou.1y, that the r.h3lrman b. Authorized to 81gn the c.rtlflcate. of correction to ti·, Tax Roll.. pr...nted by the Property ^ppral..r. (s.. Ite. '51) It_,42 EXTRA OAIN TI~£ FOR INMATE NOS. 36457 AND 43779 - APPROVED Co.-I..loner Kru.. mov.d, seconded by Co..isslon.r Vo.. and carrl.d unanl~ou.1y, that extra gain ti~. for inmate no.. 36457 and 43779 b. approved. Ite. . 43 RISOLUTION 84-120 AUTHORIZINO EXPENSES NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 FOR TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL MEMBERS TO STUDY THE TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX FOR COLLIER COUNTY - ADOPTED County Attorney Sðund~rs stated that thia is a resolution dealing with the Tourist Devolopment Council, adding that this would authorize the expenditure ot up to $5,000 to cover travol cost and other expens~. a..oc1atlld wi th two functions. l1e atllted that one would be a fact finding effort on the part of the Tourist Development Council members In studying the feasibility of the Tourist Devolopm~nt Tax for Collier County and in addition, dealing with the reviow and commenting on proposed changes to Section 125.0104 of tho Florida Statutos, which 1. a statuto that gives the County the authority to levy the tax. l1e noted that the way he has structured the resolution, It would take the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Tourist Development Council to author1zo the expenditure, adding that the ðggr~gat. of all .xpenditures could not exceed $5,000. 110 noted thðt the.. expenditures could be epproved in advance or if there are some expenditures that need to b~ approvod retroactively, this could be done as long as appropriate documontat1on is presented to the Clerk. Fiscal Officer Cilus stat~d that the County should pay for tho bills directly, adding that the County has a travel resolution And policy which could be handled the sarno way for the Tourist Development Council. County Attorney Saunders indicated that these members are not county employee., but thero would be no change in the policy. Commissioner Kruse .tated that those peoplo are ro.ponsible, but Fiscal Officer Ciles i. re.ponsible to the State ^uditor. County Attorney Saunder. stated that the resolution r.ads that the 'OD~ 082 rA~t 179 PlIge 45 ------------------------------------------ --"""'-"'"-,,-"""'-"'''.,.,,'-,~...,-'"'-,,'-" ,~--".,.;>..',.".'"-~..,'<'--""--_..-...---'- .,~;~. ·'~'¥í·'· ,·;~t;:, -, ~"·t~~;,·, ." ," .r"· ..; i:' ",' :f<~j} ,.tAl""" ~--------------------------------------~~~ .~C 082,lo;t180 June 12, 19114 ¡..,...)~,¡~/;it~· . paleS bUla will co.e back to the Clerk s1qnoeS by the Chdr..ln .neS th.?\~;.,::.~;:f'· Vlc.-Chalr.an. Øe stated that tht int.nt h to rehlbuuo thelllfor'>r::þ;!'~~:!:::¡ 'hqltlNtetuvel up.u.. upon docu.ontation requlroeS by the 'hca1>;',:;"~.·,.,' ·'.-4#.J. ~ ,I ,;f,~,~~ ".1 OUlcer. .1'1e atat.eS that thla WIOuld be for ...mbera only and is within;.;,'" the travel quldeUn.. of tha County.' ·;;',~:i;':., Co_l..loner lIolland !lOneS, .econdle! by Co..luloner Vo.. and I '>1> carried 4/1, (Co..ls.lon.r Krus. oppos.d) that R.solutlon 84-120 autborizlng expons.. not to exceeeS '5,000 for Tourl.t Developaent Council ...b.r. to study the tourist devolopll.nt tsx lor Collier County,. be adopt.d. Page 46 - - .. , ",~__, "__",,,_CM'U, ,;""",.":_.__~,",.,,,,,,,__,,."_,_,_,,",,....,,.,",,,_,_",,",,,.,,__ _~o "__"~__,,"".,,,,__.__"'_"_"''''I____''_'''~_'''''_'"'_' ~"'_'''''"'';''''''''''''_~'_''''''''''''.~''_.'''-''''._'''H."'''_''", ..-.-,-,--,~.....".- r:III ¡¡¡w (iiII .. ~~v -------------- - --- - - - -------J:~~2~::------~:;i~ \ "-,\--'" }~~~ I"PLDlEHTATIOII or A BEALTII ORIENTED PHYSICAL rITNESS PROORAM WITHIN THII:' ")(i COLLIER COUNTY SHERIFF'S orrICE - APPROVED .~?* :;' ~;: It.. 144 Co.-1a.ion.r ,Iator ~v.d, ..conded by Commis8ioner Krus. and carrl.d unanl.ou.ly, that the implementation of a health orl.nted phy.lcal fltn... pr09r.. within the Collier County Sheriff's office b. approved. ..... Co..i..1oner Piator .oved, ..conded by Commi..ion.r Holland and carried unanl.ously, that the followin9 ite.. be adopted and/or approv.d under the conaent agenda *.*.. It.. 145 RALPH BOVIER REAPPOINTED TO SERVI A rOUR Y~AR TERM ON THE COLLIER COUNTY UTILITIES RATE AND REGULATION BOARD Ite. '46 HICBAEL J. "CCORMACK, ROBERT T. LAFOLLETTE, JR. AND EDWARD KANT APPOINTED AS COLLIER COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVES ON THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COUNCIL TO THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL It.. 147 LEASE EXTENSION FOR JTPA CHARLOTTE COUNTY OFFICE FOR 7/1/84 - 6/30/85 S.. PageS If 7- I f9 Ite. '48 PETER C. JUKUSKY, WILLARD J. HILL, ED GAUTHIER, GOLDIE OROSS, BEN SWENDSEN, ALTON IRELAND, LEONARD B. BUTLER, , ROBERT R. ALLEN APPCINTED OR REAPPOINTED TO THREE YEAR TERMS ON THE PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL Ite. 149 RESOLUTION 84-121 AUTHORIZINO EXECUTION or AMENDED EMPLOYMENT AGREtHENT BETWEEN COLLIER CNTY. , COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT INTERN, MAURA E. CURRAN S.. Pagti /9t> - /93 It.. .50 rINAL ACCEPTANCI OF ROADWAY AND DRAINACE IMPROVEMENTS rOR CRESCENT LAKE ESTATES. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR AUTHORIZED TO RELEASE ONE-Y.~R 10' MAINTINA»C£ SECURITY (SECURITY DEED rOR LOT 10, BLOCX 84. COLDEN GAT! UNIT NO. THREE) - SUBJECT TO STIPULATION 1. Acc.ptanc. of the water and .ower faci1ltle. by the County Utility Dlvl.ion. tOOK 082 'Ar,r 183' PO!)' 47 ..------------- ---- ---- - ----- - - ------..--------'.... ~,.,"....._- -,--- ------------------------------------------ .ÒO( 082mt18t\ June 12, 1984 It.. 151 CERT. OF CORRE~TION TO THE TAX ROLL-AS 'RESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER 19 B 3 TAX ROLL 333 - 336 5/28/84 - 6/4/14 TANGIBLE 0ERSONAL PROPERTY 1983-440/1983-447 5/30/84 - 6/11/84 152 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED Ther. being no object1Qn, the Chair direct.d that the fOllowing correspondence be filed and/or referr.d to the various departmonts as Indicated below I 1. Letter dated 6/4/64 from William K. Clark, Exec. Director of Area Agency on Aging, .nc10.ing copy of Annual Fi.cal Monitorln9 Report for Collier County Aging Program. Filed. 2. Letter dat~~ 5/31/84 from Sam J. Coldlng enclo.ing copy ot proposed budget for Property Appraiser for fiscal year beginning October 1, 1964. XCI FinAnce Department, Filed. 3. Copy of letter dated 5/17/84 from DCR to M. L. Cood Acknowledging rec~lpt of comments regarding Clam pa.. Boardwalk. XCI Mr. Lusk, Filed. 4. DepartmClntal report from Personnel OHic. for /'lay, 1984. Filed. 5. Letter dated 3/5/84 from Jðne R. Harris, Divløion of Statutory Revision enclosing latest edition of supplement to the Index to Laws of FloridA, Special and Local Laws, 1971-1983. To Fiscal Officer. 6. Memorandum dated 5/29/84 from DNR advising of CARL Selection Commlttae meeting 6/7/64 in Tallahassee. XCI Mr. Lusk, Mr. Virta, Dr. Benedict, Filed. 7. Letter dated 5/29/84 from Governor Graham advising of changes of conditions under which farmers may be considered for FHA disaster loans under the Emergency Agricultural Credit Act of 1904. XCI Mr. Reggie Brown, Filed. 8. Letter dated 5/9/64 from Nina Cairn., Executive Secretary, Hospice of Naples, requostinq to be included In 1965 budget for $6,000. XCI Mr. Lusk, Mr. 011e., FUed. Pag. 48 ----------------------------------------- lEI fmE1 l1li ___......'''_.'''''''''"_....,.-.,."..,..,.,,_...''_._..._..'''.'' .-'-M ~.___"""'''_,,-''''''''...,..._..~,~_,...__,...__ c¡¡¡¡; c¡¡;jJ ¡¡;¡¡] ----------------------------------------....- June 12, 1984 9. Lett.r dat.d 5/20/84 froM Colden Cat. Estat.. Ar.a Civic A..oclation prot~ltln9 purchas. ot 2nd Immok.l.. Park .1t.. xc, Fil.d. 10. Letter dated 5/15/84 from Dr. Karpa. of Naple. Community lIospiul endorsing Dr. Schmid's request for Medical Examiner facl1iti.s. XCI Mr. Norton, Filed. 11. M1nut8s of Gold.n Gate Community Center Advisory Committe. Meeting of April 24 and May 8, 1984. XCI 1'11ød. 12. Memorandum dated 5/16/8~ from Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinator regarding HRS funds available tor hard match with Swction 9 and 18 ~roqram.. XCI Mr. Perry, Filed. 13. Memorandum dated 5/25/84 from Coordinating Council on Transportation Disadvantaged regarding monthly meeting and ag8nda. XCI Mr. Perry, Filed. 14. I..tter t1ated 6/4/84 from Mrs. Nancy Parker opposing rezono Petition R-84-9C. XCI Mr. Virta, Ms. Ober, Filed. 15. Letter dated 5/14/04 from Golden Gate Area Tnxpayers Association opposing increase in density for P~tition R-84-6C. 'XCI Mr. Lusk, Filed. 16. lAtter dated 5/29/04 from Mr. Joseph lIart with suggestions for planning future b1cyclo paths. XCI Mr. Hartman, riled. 17. lAtter dated 5/23/84 from DER enclosing copy of appl1catit'ln for ripr.1p revetment in Collier Bay, rile No. 110870015. XCI Dr. Benedict, ~·Iled. 18. Notice of Application dated 5/23/84, from DER on file NO. 110813449 for Daniel E. Conley, for project on Nap1.s nay. XCI Mr. Rico and Dr. B.nlldict, Filed. 19. Lett.r dated 5/29/84 from Department of Community Affairs advi.ing thnt areas requested for enterprise zone de.ignation hay. been authorlzod. XCI Ms. Williamson, I'll-d. 20. Copy of financial statements for June 30, 1983 and 1982 for David Lawrence Mentlll Health Center. XCI riled. 21. IAttllr dated 5/23/04 from Dr. Gordon Radcl1ffo suuporting Dr. Schmid'. request for Medical Exam1nor fac1lit1e. and ..s1.tance. XCI Mr. Norton, riled. 22. Minutes of CAPe and CCP^ for 5/17/84 and agonda for 6/7/84. XCI ~·ilod. 23. lAtter dated 5/25/84 from Western world In.ur.:lnce Co. d.nying coverage in the Venetian Bay Constructors vs. Collier County suit. XCI Mr. Saunders, Filed. * . . . . . . Ther. being no further bus1ne.s tor the good of the County, the '001( 082mt185 page 49 ------------------------------------------¡ _,_ ""_"~"_...-__,._,,,,_,,,__,,,,",,,'_~""-' ". . "-----...."...,,,-,,--'-"'---' _,,_.._11_ n~ --,-",'''''''''--'''-''''-- . ,-~..,-_.__._-'.,----"- -~;o8i;186------------------------------- Jun. 12, 1984 adjourned by Order of the Chlir - Time, 4,50 P.M. BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/BOARD or ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO OO'fERNINO I,' BOARD(S) or SPECIAL DISTRIC71 UNDER ITS CONTROl. ~:t~~1~' ,.' ATTESTt, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLEkK .t7:~.; ,;Ø~~ .£J.e. Thll. minutes were Ipproved by the BCC on July 17, 1984 .. puunted )( or I' corr.ct.d :,~'~?: 4~~; 'I}..'. i'.1,ri ',.~~ Pig. 50;\:~tt; --------------------------------------~,:~~ ·.'I'i'<,:~(¡ , ",<¡,.",;i!lt 'i,L" SID .. CIDI , _~"',""""".,;_...._"''"'_,,_''"._,_..'''.,_.............;-....,-__''"''__=M''.· "_____...~ "" 111..-- ... -n...,""'''~"·,,·;_,,;-,''"._·_··'''___' -"""""."-.-,,,,"'''-" ,-""-".-.-.-.---.---