BCC Minutes 06/12/1984 S
Napl.s, Florida, Jun. 12, 1984
LET IT BI REMEMBERED, that in accordanc. with action taken on June
5, 1984, the Board of County Commission.r. in and for the County of
Colli.r m.t in .'ICIAL .11110. on this date at 6100 P.M. in Building
-r- of the Courthou.. Compl.x, Ealt Napl.I, Florida, with the following
...b.rl pr...ntl
David C. Brown, Chairman
C. C. -R.cS· HollancS, Vie. Chair..n
John ^. Plator
Fr.d.rick J. Vo..
Mary-Franc.. KruI.
ALSO PRESENTI William J. R.agan, Clerkl Jam.. C. Gil.., Filcal
Offic.r, Virginia Magri, Deputy Clerk I Burt L. Saund.r., County
Attorn'YI Donald B. Lu.k, County Manaqerl Neil Dorrill, A..iltant
County Manager and Deputy Chi.f Ra~ond Barnett, Sh.riff'. Department.
1. Discu.sion of Immokal.. Park .it..
L.gal notic. having b..n publi.h.d in the Napl.. Daily N.w. on
Jun. 10, 1984 al .vid.nc~d by Affidavit of Publication filed with the
Cl.rk, and Notic. of H.aring publish.d in the Immokale. Bull.tin on
June 6, 1984, public h.aring wa. op.n.d to di.cuII the purchal' of a
I.cond park lit. in Immokal...
Chair~n Brown not.d that it i. the Hontagu./Colli.r property,
alao known a. Sit. 13.
Dick Johnlon, Immokal.. r'lid.nt, pr'l.nted a five page p.tition
fro. Inulokal... r'lid.nt. who would like to lee Sit. 13 purchaled and a
park put in (Exhibit 11). Mr. Johnson said that the prop.rty canb.
well drain.d and he haa farm.d .nough to know that it i. not Iwamp
land. H. urg.d the Co.mialion to purchal. the property.
Replying to Chair.an Brown, Mr. Johnlon said that the ..wer plan 11111
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northwelt lrQ~ the prop.rty ..v.ral hundr.d l..t fro~ the r.ar. H.
not.d that it i. next to a high density ar.a wh.r. p.opl. could walk to
the park. Commillion.r VO.I advil.d that th.r. is .noth.r park sit.
and .sk.d Mr. Johnlon why h. f..ll a lecond park lit. i. n,c'.lary?
H. repli.d th.t Sit. 13 ha. . :'Hk atmolph.r.. RuponcHng to
Co.ai.aion.ra Krua. and Hollano, Mr. Johnlon saið that h. val not aak.d
to att.nd the m..ting or to ðo anything with r.qardl to the park.
Johnny Johnson laid that h. haa b..n an Immokal.. r.aid.nt for 35
y.ars and agr..s with the stat...ntl mad. by the pr.vious .p.ak.r (hi.
broth.r). H. urg.d the Board, if th.y have the monay, to purchal' Sit.
'3. Co.miaaioner Krus. ask.d Mr. Johnlon if h. i. awar. that all sit..
will.not b. dev.lop.d instantanou.ly and h. laid that h. wa., how.ver,
h. know. that the land can b. purchas.d now and maybe three y.ar. from
now it will not be availabl.. Commissioner Holland r.port.d that the
Congre.sman for th~ Immokal.. di.trict has advil.d that th.re is
F.deral mon.y availabl. for a park. Commissioner ~rus. recall.d that
th.r. wa. a poll sent out in the County and the r.pli'l asked for beach
acc... and, written in, was picnic ar.as and bicycl. path.. She
qu.stioned if, in hil opinion, this sit. was suitable for dev.lopm.nt
of that nature and h. said that it definit.ly il.
Jam.s Billie, ahairman of the Seminole Trib. of Florida, said Sit.
13 i. the previous Indian re.ervation and the Tribe backs the deci.ion
to purchas. the prop.rty.
Alb.rt L.., Immokal.e r.sident, advi.ad that the Indian
reservation was n.ar the area but on the opposite side of the ..wage
disposal plant. Mr. Lee laid th4t the condition of the land is not the
i.au.. He .eid that they want a park according to the Compreh.n.ive
Plan. lie questioned if the Board purcha... Site 13 ar. th.y going to
l.av. the oth.r site undev.loped? H. .mphasized that the bond m~ney
was not for the purchase and storing of land. Chairman Brown said that
the p.ople that ~rk in the field. live across trom the propsoed .ite,
which i. a high d.nsity area, and Mr. Lee r..ponded that the people
.that ~rk in the fields live all ov.r Iamokal... Chairman Brown not.d
that the Board has not adopt.d any plan. for the dev.lopm.nt of the
parkl. Mr. Le. questioned when, if the property i. purchas.d, the
Board will start to d.ve]~p it and Chairman Brown said right away.
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Commisaion.r Holl.nd pointecS out that th.r. is an injunction to
stop the ~rcha.. of the prop.rty. H. not.d that, as a r..id.nt of the
City of N.pl.l, h.·~.d no vote on chI bond money but there h.v. b..n
.any p.ople in the City who have cvmpl.in.d for year. that the City IS
b.lng taken .dvantag. of becau.e the county hal no parka.
~r. Le. thank.d Commi.sioner Holland for requesting this public
h.aring and laicS that h. would lik. ev.ry Commi'lioner to study the
ilsu. and do whatever i. right for the majority of the p.opl..
Nancy McInturff .pok. in .upport of Sit. 13.
H.rman V.rr.tt laid that thil i.lu. ha. di.turbed the .ntir.
community and the p.opl. ar. di..atisfi.d with the way thing. .r.
90inq. He qu..tion.d why Immokal.e .hould have two park., .aid the
.on.y was to buy park., and .xpr..I.d hi. dillatilfaction at the
Board's pr.vioul action to purcha.. . racquetball club on Marco Island.
David Graham, r..id.nt of Golden aate, .aid that h. has h.ard
rumors that two park. are want.d .0 that th.y can be s.gr.gated.
Ch.irman Brown a.lur.d Mr. Graham that this was not the ca.e, and that
the lol. purpo.. for· two parks was .0 that a park would bo right where
the people ar. who need some place to g.t out. He .aid the children
need a plac. they can walk to and the land is the belt buy in Collier
Henry Norona, Immokale. resid.nt , laid and you can't develop
..v.n parkl a. thoroughly as you can five. He .aid that h. want. one
park for Immokal.e. H. agr.ed that th.r. i. a road to cro.s but laid
that the children crOll it every day for .chool.
John Boom, pr..ent.d a petition in support of Sit. 13 (Exhibit
12). He said h. was a Sh.riff'. deputy for almo.t 30 years in the
proposed area, it is h.avily populated and a good plac. for a park.
Macoria Molina .ubmitt.d a petition (Exhibit '3) .upporting Site
rather Richard Sund.rl, Paltor of Lðdy ~f Guadalupe Church of
Immokal.e, .aid that they have a few thou.and memb.rl, and the park.
have been dilcussed in the pari.h and the people are happy to have the
site at the high .chool, which th.y fe.l i. c.ntrally locat.d, and th.y
ar. not looking for anoth.r .ito. H. laid that th.ir conc.rn is to
have a good park, compl.t.ly d.veloped. H. noted that they are a long
PIIg. 3
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way fro. the b.ach and said th.t h. I. pl....d to h.ar that r.d.r.l
fundi are avail.bl. .. th.y n..d a .wimming pool. He alked that the
fund. that com. to Immokal.. pl..s. not b. divided.
Commi.sion.r Rolland not.d th.t sinc. the time the Board d.cid.ð
to 4ivld.·thl mon.y .qually th.y have purcha..a the Marco IsI.nd
Racqu.t Club and th.y w... thinking that they would g.t thl North
Napl.s sit. in .xchang. f~r some other property .nd, it app.ara now
that that will not happ.n and this will take $800,000 from the oth.r
Rec... 7,30 P. M. to 7,40 P.M.
St.ph.n L. pric., Immokal.. r.lident, said that Immokal.. ia not
capabl. of having .any things tak.n for grant.d in oth.r communiti..,
without. r.f.r.ndum. H. .aid h. is conc.rn.d about r.cr.ational
faciliti'l and Itat.d hi I obj.ction. to Sit. '3. H. laid that a vast
.ajorlty of the people limply do not want It and do not lupport the
purchal.. H. qu..tion.d why, nine monthl ago, a p.tition with 1,500
.ignatures oPpoling the park sit., wal 8.t alid.? H. laid that h. is
not againlt additional park .It.1 but h. ia againlt taking money from
the d.velopment of a pArk lit. and putting it Into the purchase of
Robert Smith, Crayton Road re.ident, laid that the Board .hould
try to fi~ilh five parks before they Itart buying mort land.
Max A. Ka.s" Colden Cat. r.sident, recall.d that when thil
.ubj.ct ca.. up on the ref.rendum h. lupported it and worked har~ for
it, adding that the eight million dollarl was sUPPoled to be Ip.n.1 for
five parks. ø. laid if th.y ~urchal' two park. in Immokalee th.y will
have two haphazard parkl in Immokal.., adding thftt there will be no
parkl coapl.t.ly built through the $8,000,000 r.f.r.ndum.
Co..l..i.n.r Kru.. ..I. tbat Chalr..n .r.wn ba. .al' fr~ the ..ry
beglnniD9 h. want. a. aucb for hi. co..unlty a. b. can g.t 4n' at tbl.
point .he ..k.d bl. If b. baa any ..cond thoythta and b. rlpllld that
h. ..... Co..I..lon.r Kru.. .oVI' not to purcha.. thl ..cond .ltl.
Co..I..loalr Yo.. ..cond.' thl ..tlon~ COm.islion.r KruI. .dvis.d the
audi.nce that there are bitter strong f..lings that Immokal.. .hould
not have one/fifth of the r?n.y and .Aid that Ih. i. warning th.. now
to b. watchful. She not.d that the i.su. cam' up .arlier today and
Pag. 4
that It will co.. up from .\~ry oth.r aria that ap.nða he.vy't8x
dollar..Vpoa call fo~ the ..t. the ..tion carried unaniaoua1y.
Aa r.qu'ltld by County Attorn.y Saund.r., co..l..lon.r 'lator
...ed, a.cooded by Co~laaloDOr Rolland aftd carrl.d unanlao~aly, that
tho Couaty Attorney tat. Vbate..r .t.p. are n.c....ry to ,.t the
peodl"" 1..,..lt .U_i...d.
Th.re beinq no further bUlin'I', the me.ting wa. adjour.d by ord.r
of the Chair at ,."3 P.K.
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AT'1'EST I '
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Board on .1111y 17 lC8/¡a1 prelented
lOOK 082 rAc1198'
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