BCC Minutes 07/18/1984 B r;¡;¡ ¡;¡w r.::i3 ----------------------------------------- Naple., Florida, July 18, 19R4 :~ LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Co=mi..ioner. in and tor the County of Collier, and Al.o acting a. the Board of Zonin9 Appeal. and a. the governing board(.) of .uch .pecial di.trict. a. have be.n cr.nted ec ording to law and having conducted bu.ine.. her.in, m.t on thi. date at 9100 A.M. in Budget Work.hop Se..ion in Building .,. the Courthou.. Co~plex, &o.t Naplo., Florida with the following member., pre.entl CH1\IRMI\NI David C. nrown VICE CHAIRMANt C. C. "Red" Holland John A. Plator Froderick J. Vo.. Mary-Franc.. Kruse ALSO PRESENTI Jame. C. Gilo., Yi.cal Officer, Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk, Burt L. Saunder., County Attorn.y, Donald L. Lusk, County Manag.r, William Blanken.hip, Admini.trative Service. Admini.trator, Terry Virta, Community Development Adminiotrator, Vicki Mullin., Co~~unity D.velo~ent Admini.trativ. A..i.tant, Leo Layn., Zonin~ Director, and Graco Spaulding, Admini.trativ. Aide to the Board. AGENDA Review of Collier County Proposed Tentativo Dudget for Fiscal Y~ar 1984-85 OVERVIEW OP PROPOSED TENTATIVE BUDGF.T ri.cal Officer Gile. .tatod that this moeting i. to cover tho Board of COunty Commi..ioner.' budget, the COunty Attorney, and the County Mana'Jer' II budget. no d i s tri buted a hudget package and rf>ferred to Page 6, noting that the final figure of $25,583,097 ia the 1984-05 propo.ed tax levies. He noted that the deadline to certify to the Property Appraiser the highe.t millage that can bo levied i. the end of July. lie noted that once tho IIdllage i. certified it cannot go up. He noted that on Page 1, it show. tho calculated tax lovy and on Page 2 .how. th. maximum ~mount that ~ay be leviod, adding that it i. the Doard'. dQci.lon ðS to whether they w~nt no increa.e, an S\ increa.., or a 15\ increa... lie noted that the fir.t public hearing is .cheduled for Septe~ber 5 and tho final adoption for Septe~b.r 19, 1984. H. indicated that th1. yoar he separated the con.titutional officer. and their budget. start on PagÐ 57 of the packet. Ho explain.d ~ ow to loole .ach fund up to dt'torm1ne the C:etailed line itells. Iftl stated th.,t Page aaOK 082 '1~r. 422 Page 1 4___ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ______...... ~,'. " ._,~_...""'_".."....."""..""'"·,""_~_"';~""'_~w.,__..",,,....,"""'·'"'_"'" """~"_,_~........'._,__..._.__'''''__...,..''','N.''.."''..·.~..,O>^',,.·,"....,~ ......,.,.. '"."-,...;...~~~~~"~"''''-,, ------.----------------------------------- 082,Af,t423 July 113, 1984 7 of the packet .now. tne Board of County Co~i..ioner., tne County Attorney, and Other General hdmini.trativc budget., adding that by looking in Volu.e 1, it .how. the detail of each ite~ and what i. budgeted, BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ad~ini.trative Aide to the Board Dpaulding .tated that the Board'. budget i. 3.4 percent above la.t y.ar'. budget, adding that the State i. anticipating an increa.e in the Co~~ilsioner.' .~laries, She indicated that the office in doing well with the ~oney that wa. allocated for la.t year, adding that at six month. .he had 49\ in expenditur.. of the total budgeted aÞOunt. County Manager Lu.k .tatod that th~ ~ney allocated for the buildin~ maintenance ha. been budgeted twico a. it i. li.ted under building ~aintenancf' a. well a. in each depart~ent. He atated that there i. $6,000 in the Board'. budgot that could be cut because of the .aintenance and would not affect the ~ard·. budget at all. Fi.cal Officer Oile. Itated that this ~on8Y .hould be left in the budgot~ at thi. ti~e and ~n October l, it could be tran.ferred fro~ each depðrt~ent. budgot into the contingency. County Manager Lusk .tated that the total a~ount would be around one-quarter of a million dollar. that coulð bo taken fro~ tt'e buðget for building ~aintenance. It was the general consen.u. that the Board of County Co~i..ioner. budget dið not need any cutD. COUNTY ATTORNr:Y County Attorney Saundera .tated that the increa.e in hi. overall budget i. 2l\, adding that most of that i. .alary. He .tated that the po.ition for the legal researcher was not included in the budg~t la.t year and i. now in thi. year'. II' tlflll as increa.e. for hi. two al.i.tant attorney.. He stated that after the attorney. have been o~ployed with the county for two year. thoy are elevated to another lev~l which amount. to approximately $l2,OOO of the increase in hi. budget. It was the general consonsu. that tho ^ttorney'. budget wa. acceptable. COMMUNITY DEVELOPHENT Community Development Admini.trator Virta .tated that in 1983-84 over 70\ of hi. revenues CQ~e from Builðinq Permit., 10.4\ fro~ ~ð Valore~, 5.J~ from Profv..ional , Occupational Licon.e. and 1.2' fro.' State grant.. He noted that in 1984-85 he i. projectinq that only Page 2 ----- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - -- - - -- -- ---:" a 1m IEŒt ~ ~ t;;;;;;) ------------------------------------------- July 18, 19B4 63.5\ of the uvenue ','ill come froll Buildin9 renit., 9.8\ froll Ad Valore., 4.8\ fro~ profea.ional and occupational lic~n.e. ond nothinq fro. State qr,nt.. Ho atated that the appropriation. for 1983-84 in per.onal .ervil ~. are $1. 2 million, operating expen.e. are $.3 1IIi11ion and capital ia le.. than $.l ~illion, 3dding that the capital and operating will re~ain approxi~ately the .ame for 1984-05, but the per.onal .ervicea will increaaa to approxi~atoly $1.3 million for a total in 1904-85 of $l.G million vereu. $1.5 million for 19ß3-~4. Ha noted that thi. i. ba.ically an overall 5\ incrøa.e. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES County Manager Lusk .tated that he i. recommending that the poaition in Risk Manage.ent be funded at an annual .alary of $32,312, to which aÜ of the Commiuion.r. agreed. lie indicated that with thh poøition worker'. co.pen.ation could go down. County Manager Lu.k indicated that the custodial .ervicea has been let out for bid.. which could cut the budget by $100,000 if the janitorial .ervica. are contracted out. ^d~inistrative Service. Administrator n1anken.hip stated that he i. recommending that 8 new positions bp. roquested for building maintenance, but that 3 custodial positions may not be neede~ if a private .ervice i. used. He stated that Fleet H3intenance is asking for a 25' increase in tho motor pool due to part. and I;uel and 14\ increa.o in ARA ..rvice due to additional people. Ho r~ted that th.re i. 63' 1I10rG equipment this year than there was three year. ago. Commi.sioner Vo.. .tated that he would like the internal auditor to do an audit on the ARA a. soon a. possible, to which ri~cal Officer Gil.. indicat.d that this would he takon CAre of. He .~ated that tho motor pool intonds to replaca 2l vehicle.. **.** Rece"1 10.52 A.M. - Roconvenedl 11100 A.M. .*..* Hr. Blankenship .tated that the Personnel Ovpartment i. a.king for a 12' increase in their budget of whi~h 9.6' io for por.onal .ervice.. H. .tated that thoy are a.king for a part-time po.ition to become full-ti~e for an insurance locrotary. He noted that they are al.o reque.ting $5,000 for an acce.. control sy.tam to be Itarted in October, which will be an identification card with a photo and a micro chip that will enable a person to enter th~ building by way of their card and not a kay. lIe noted that they are asking for S5,OOO for a data proce.sing systom. Mr. Dlankenship .t3t~d that t~. Purchasing PcpartÞent need. an lOOK 082 w!424 Pa9. 3 ..----------- - - - ------- ----- ---------------- ,<~·,,.._,·_w ~.._. _._. -----------------------------------------~ 082,.r.[425 July IS, 1984 allocation of $77,000 to keep cuntral Itores , xerox going. He noteð that the Purcha.ing Administration needl another fUll-time position, adding that thoy wou~d make the port-time position into full time ~nd hire another part-tilll" person. It was the general consensus a half-time po.ition be initiated. County Manager Lusk .tated that he would handle the matter. County Manager Lu.k .tated that the Fleet Manðgem~nt ~epartment i. a.king for 'l.21 a gallon for fuel and he thinks that it could be obtained at '1.15 a gallon in.tead which woulð be a .avings ot $36,000 in the budget. Tho Commi.sioner. agreed to this matter. ..... Recesll 11130 "",. - 2100 P.~I. at which time Deputy Clerk Konyon was replaced by Deputy Clerk Skinner..... MEDICAL EXAMINER - RECOMMENDED ONE-HALP TIME PATHOLOGIST ASSISTANT, ELIMINATION OP REOUEST rOR '400,000 FOR NEW MEDICAL EXAMINER FACILITIES tnlLEÐS THP; HONEY IS AVJ\ILA8U: AT TIlE END OF BUDOET SESSIONS Medical Examiner Schmidt explained that thr rOA.on for his 305' reque.ted increase is due to $400,000 ro~uest.d to eltablish'A medical examiner facility in Collier County and a pathologist a.si.tant. Ho .aid that Naples Community Hospital has reouested that he not use that facility and there is n problem with using funeral homes. He explained that being on duty levun d~ys a week, twenty-four hour.s a day i. increa.in91y difficult for him, citing lack of opportunity t~ be with hi. family ao one rf'ason. lie .aid his .ecretary Assist. with autop.ie.. Curing tho ensuing discuI.ion, the Commissioners a.ked if Dr. Schmidt could proçecd with ð half-time a.oistant and he .aid he had tried to obtain one. He s~id he would go with half-time if he could not bo granted tho full-time position, however, he said he would rather have the full-timo po.ition. Commissioner Vos. suggeated ~iving the $80,000 with the stipulation that a hGlf-timc po.ition be .ought. Mr. Lu.k recommended that the half-time po'ition for $40,000 be funded with the under.tanding that the full amount be placed in the budget if a half-time position WQS not feasible. Following continued di.cussion, the $400,000 wa. removed with the under.tanding that th~ ~~dical examiners facility could bf' re.torcd to the budget at Q later time if the funds wore availabl~. HOSPICE - $6,000 FUNDING APPROVED Ms. Nina ~rrin, "osric:f' Director, rt'ouest,," $6,000 to fund the Ho.pic. Program which, to ~ato, has b.on funded entirely through privat. donation.. She pointed out thnt 106 familia. of terminally ill Pago 4 - - - - - - _. - .- -.,..- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- c:.::J ~ EW'1'o *"__'_~;...~"._.'"~..'e~",."~"o·~·..,""_",·"".,"'..,,~,.,...,".,.,.".._,._'"~..".,'__._'~_""'"','_"__...'..,,....,...,,__,_ 1"-_. ..... ,__,,_,~_.'.",~~ ..,_.. t;:;J t::::J :::;;;:) -------.----------------------------------- July 18, 1984 patient. have boen aidod during the pa.t Yf'ar at no charge to tho familie.. Com..i.sion.r "«'lland .oved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Brown and carried unani.ou.ly, that $6,000 be approved for the Ho.pice Program, a new budget it.m. HEALTH DEPARTMENT - $52,000 APPROVED, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE REQUESTED KNOINEER TO DE PRESENTED AT 7/23/84 BUCOET SESSION Dr. Pol kow.lci, Htlal th Director, requestf'd four po at Hone and County contribution of $52,000, representing a 4.49\ increase. Commis.ionor Kru.e .aid the had no problem with the full S52,OOO, however, .h. had a proble. with the Environmental rngin.~r. Th~ n~ed for the po.ition "a. di.cu.sed. COJllmi..ioner r.ruse expraslled the foar of duplication of .ervic.. with the po.ition. ComJlli..ioner Brown expr....d bein9 in fAvor of the position. ComJllis.ioner Kruse ask~ what the person's duties would b. and Dr. polkow.ki .aid .he would have Or. Stephan respond to that at ð lator ....ion. Tho deci.ion was r.ached by con.ensus thAt $52,000 would be included in the budget a. an incroa.e for the Health Dopartment, and JIIor. input would be received At tho 7/23/84 ßudget Sossion reqarding tho dutie. of the Enviornmental En9in~(lr. DAVID LAWREblCI MENTAL HEALTH CENTER - $80,l85.87 INCREASE APPROVED Mr. Ron M...rve, Director of David L.1wronca Mental Healt.h Cent.r, explained that the total incroase for this item is SAO,185.87, repre- .enting a 3.8\ increa.e over last yoar'. budget. He said thi. would enablo the Canter to provide the operation of the program, primarily re.idential in nature. Ho described the cri.iø .tabli~ntion program which he labeled as ~ most cost effoctive progrllm. He .aid it was .pecifically intondud to roduce the u.. of the p.ychiatric facilitio. at the NlIple. COJIIllunity Ho.pitlll and hat been .uccenful. lie aaid that tho per.on i. a110wed to remain at home through the program. Re.ponding to Mr. Lu.k, Mr. Mo.erve said that the percentaqe ot COunty contribution i. at lea.t 23' "di.cus.ion of tho proqraJII ensued with Mr. M.serve pointing out the work done with nlcoholic and drug r.latod patient.. ft..ponding to Commi..ioner lJolland, Mr. Mu..rvo 'I\id that thero i. no need for Certificatos of N.ed for the projected new building. planned for tho Centor. Mr. Ho.erve said that 75' of the ca.eload payø miniÞu. fee of aoo( 082 rA~l426 Page 5 --------- -- -------- ---- ---- ---------------- _-..._-,~...-'''''''_.>'''~~-_.-..._"-,,.,-..,.....'....... -""--.".....--,........ t' -----------------------------------------..... aóa~ 082rJr.t427 July 18, 19841, $3.00 an hour, although no on. i. turn.d away who Cflnnot pay. .~. By con.en.u. of the Commi..ion.r., the $BO,185.87 increa.. in the ;,~ DAvid !.awr.ne:,· Mental He"lth Center budget wa. approved. , ':~,,'if PUBLIC SERVICE! DIVISrOtf - ADHINISTRATIOK - $41,000 INcRUSI!: APPROVZ1) Mr. Lu.~ explained that the Public Service Divi.ion wa. d.cr....d becau.. the Ad~ini.trator II po.ition was added to the County Manag.r'. OHice. Mr. Norton explained that a portion of hi. .alary had b.en .pread out in the JTPA Office. Ho .aid the increa.. .hown is $41,000, adding that with the aforementioned .hift in personnel $57,000 was .aved. Co~i..ioner Brown ob.erved that the increa.e i. gr.ater than 25' Fi.cal Officer Oile. .aid that ~uch of lhe increa.e can be attributed to the Uenta1 Hoalth and Health Department. It wa. the con.en.u. of the Commis.ioner. that $41,000 requ..t.d for the Public Service. Divi.ion be approvod. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES - REQUESTED INCREASE NOT APPROVED UNLESS THE PUNDS ARE AVAILMLE AT A LATr:R TIME Mr. Lusk said that II basic policy deci.ion needs to be made for the EMS Department. He referred to reque.t. for Ea.t Naples and I~mokalee .ervicc. which would co.t $262,000 to create. Co~is.ionor ~o.. pointed out that the idea wa. on the ballot which the public voted down becau.e they did not want it. He .aid he wa. oppo.ed to incre.ing the facility for thi. rea.on. Co~i..ioner Pi.tor agroed. Mr. Dorrill said that there i. a first re,ponse vehicle in I~kalee and a great percentage of the calls are ba.ic life .upport. H. said he wanted to take three paramedics and .tation them in East Naple. with an additional EM7 and hire another EMT for I~mokalee. Mr. Egon Hill, of the Emergency Medical Service. Advisory Council, .poke in d.fen.e of the proposed plan .tatin9 it was needed. H. .aid it wa. hi. opinion that the voter. were not fully infor~~ on the ballot item and he related .everal instance. where people who voted againat the ite. had COllie. to him and .aid they would vote for 1t another tille. EMS Director Greenfield .poke in favor of the plan. Mr. Gile. observed that this expendituro would come completely out of the Goneral Fund and thp. taxpayere pay into tho Goneral Fund. After continued discu.sion, the deei.ion wa. ~ade to r.mov~ thi. reque.t from tho budget until the budget i. entir.ly r.viewed and if Page f> ------------------------------------------ . ., Œ::J B,J~~~·;f] fi.!DÐ -""'"--"',_".-_....""".....,,_~;'''~,~ .·,'H.."..""-_,..."'...__"'~",."".. .'"'."".."'._,._--""'_...._".-.."~~, ...,--".,.,_.,.."""','~".",""<........,"~",."..".,-, ¡;;¡:;¡) tEJ ~ ------------------------------------------ July 18, 1984 fund. are availabl., the amount could bo put back in for the requ..t. ANIMAL CONTROL - INCREASE FOR ONE-HALP TIME POSITION AS REcOMMEtirDm Hr. L\';..k .aid thla r.que.t i. for an incr.a.e for a on.-half tb. po.ition for Animal Control which Staff recom~end. tor approvftl. The Commi..ioner. agreod to approve the reque.t, ···RECESSr 3r45 P.M. RECONVENED I 4100 P.H.... FIR! DISTRICTS/FORESTRY SERVICES - REOUEST APPROVED Mr. Lusk .aid that the 1984-85 reque.t for County Forester i. $3,000 and Divi.ion of Fore.t Service for $25,000 are identical to the 1983-84 roque.t. Ho said that the 1904-05 reque.t for Fir. Control Di.trict. i. $87,366, Hend.r.on Creek i. $4,100 ftnd Isle of Capri i. $31,800 and ell are identical to the 1903-84 reque.t. The Commi..ioner. agreed by con.en.u. for unanimou. approval of the.. requ..ta. Mr, Lu.k requo.tad that the Ochopee Fire District reque.t be heard on Friday morning. COUNTY MANAGER ADMINISTRATION - JUSTICE CENTER BOND - $50,000 APPROVED FOR IHMOKALEE REDUCED STOCKADE RENOVATIONS Mr. Luak explained the change in thi. item .ince the renovation. to the Im~ka1ee Stoc~ðde into an alcoholic troatment cent.r are not going to be made. He said that the Fheriff ha. indicated that $50,000 of the original $350,000 requ~.ted for thnt rcnoval Ion would b. all that i. needed for the improvftm~nts to the Stockade to allow it to be u.ed for correctional activitio.. Th. Com~i.sioner. Agreed to approve $50,000 for Immokalee Stockad. renovation.. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - ONE SECRETARY ALLOCATED TO DEPARTMENT Hr. Dorrill .aid when he wa. Public Safety Adaini.trator one .ecretary WAa shared with another office. lie said thi. r,col'llmondation i. to have A s.cretary for ~orgency Management with no other increa.e. The Commi.sion.r. ftgre.d with this arrange..nt. H~ICOPTER OPERATIONS - $87,000 OPERATINO BUDGET APPROVED Hr. Dorril1 explained the previou. arrange.ent whereby the Sh.ritf wa. given the u.. of tho .maller helicopter. He .aid he had reque.ted that tho remaining holicopter budget b. put back into the Gen.ral Fund. H. .aid that the total appropriation i. a reduction but the operation portion i. increa.ed .lightly. The recommendation of $87,000 for the operAting b~g.t I,a. approved by tho Commis.ioner.. aoo( 082 W.¡ 428 PQqe 7 ---------'----- - ----------------- ----------- ...;.¡. ." ~ ------------------------------------------~ 082 W.l ~ 29 CAPIT1.t IHPROWMENTS PROGRAM July 1 B, 1984 M.. Brangaccio r.ferrcd to Page 32 of the Budget Dook and .xplAined Fund. 302, 3w4, 306 And 309. She .aid in Fund 302, $56,306 wa. included for An additional rood Manager. She sAid that tho actual reque.t i. for $45,000. M.. ßrangoccio .aid that $640,000 was for the construction of a. boardwalk at Cla~ Pa.. Park. She .aid that $350,000 wa. originally budgeted with ~290,OOO to com. from private donation.. Mr. Oile. .aid that $90,000 ca~. from Boach Facilitie. Fund a. A re.ult of the Naple. Cay lawsuit. M.. Brangaccio .aid no tax Money is involved in Fund 304. $300,000 i. projected to come from the State for the construction of the North Napl.. boat ramp. She .aid that $7,500 il projected for the Wiggin. Pa.. dredging project and monitoring of the project to come froø private contributions. H.. Drangaccio .aid for the Park. and Recreation Bond II'u, thAt ~450,000 wa. projected for engineering .ervice. .nd that .he took the remaining fund. and divided thwm by five for the propoled park.. Ms. Brangaccio referrod to Fund 308 and .aid that 75' i. coming fro~ Stat. eroaion control funds. She .aid that one-half tho needed Amount would come from tho 1984-85 budgot aince one-half ca~e from the 198J-A4 budg.t. She .aid the ~oney would be u.ed for dune. an~ beach .cc.... In Fund 309, Beach Facilitie., $90,000 was carried forward, M., Brang.ccio .aid, fro~ the prior year and this a~unt will be applied for conltruction of the boardwalk in Fund 302. COUNTY MANAOER ADMINISTRATION - DISCUESION RE PISCAL REgPONSIBILITIES Commis.ioner Kru.o rai.ed the queltion of whether or not .ny thought has been given to having the budget preparation handled by the County Manager. Curing the cour.e of di.cu..ion that followed, County Manager Lu.k ask~d that the budgdt arrange~ent be left ~I it prelently i. with hi. recom~ended Auðget ^"alyat po.ition to help give the Co~i..ionor. extra al.iat~nco on variou. queation. they have. He laid that he recommended a 14.7t increa.e to $34,975 for thi. po.ition. Mr. Porrill .uggoated that the City of Naple. proCOI' of having quarterly work.hop. could be followed to help inform the Coøøi's\on~¡~ and give theÞ ~ore current infor_ation on the .tatu. of the budget. Co~mi"ioner Vo.a .aid that he felt th~re wa. more inforD~tion needed on a regular baai. to know where the budget .tandl at a given pa'J e 0 ------------------------------------------ E1Q fiJŒZJ ~ ..,... ,'.1j¡¡,"'.·,"··", . l2~¡r¡{ .~.. ··i.... ;:~::~{f{l,:i~; ~. ; '·I:.~~;;. ~'-,;~:l/~;t . .r; .,--..~"""'""'''-',----- ~ Iiiii} ~ ----------------------------------------~~ .', July le, 1984 ti~. in the year. Th. oth.r Co.mi..ion.r. aqreed that meeting on a quarterly and informally di.cu~.in9 the ~udget would b. helpfUl. Th.y all .xpr....d the need f~~ additional information to know the curront .tatu. of the hudg.t when r.qu..t. come in during the cour.. of the year. ADJOURNMENT There beinq no further bu.in..., the ßudqot ~e.sion we. adjourned at 4t55 P.M. with the next ....ion to be held on Friday, July 20, 1984 at 9tOO A.M. aoo( 082 mt 430 Page 9 ";.~ ,..~"'ú"""'""._q,......,_."'"..,_.~>,..~..,,,..."""'"""'.~""~"__.,""__"~_""'''H''''''_.4 '_...._"'"'.,...._~--,;'''''."",'.~'""'''"..."...,..,.~,.,'''.,..,,'"'''~.....",.'"","...,.;_..-."