BCC Minutes 07/23/1984 B
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July 23. 1964
Mr. Archibald ..id hi. portion i. bafted on formula. ba.ed on
population and number of gallon. of fuel .old. Mr. Oiles .aid that
County dOe" not control the collection of thi. tax.
....RBI.~88. 11.00 A.M. UC01llVZ1ßD. 11120 A.M.....
FU1fD 311
Mr. Archibald .aid thi. item i. funded on the previou. five year
work plan.
M.. Brangcaccio .aid that $480,000 i. allocated for Wil.on
Boulevard, Radio Road and C. R. 29, .ignal in.tallation for $225,000,
and Road and Bridge replac.ment equipment for $262,000.
Re.ponding to Com.i..ioner Kru.e, Hr. Archibald .aid that there i.
a plan to try and get State fund. for DeSoto Boulevard.
H.. Brangcaccio .aid that .ignal. are planned for U.S. 41 and Pal.
Drive, U.S. 41 and L4kewood Boulevard, S. R. 84 and L4kewood Boulevard,
Pine Ridge Road and Shirley Street and U. S. 41 and Wiggin. Pa.. Road.
Mr. ^rchibald explained that Turtle 14ke. will be incorporated in
the Pine Ridge Road and Shirley Street project.
nnm 312
M.. Brangcaccio .aid that the majority of thi. fund i. from
carry-forward money. She .aid that 1.3 million is anticipated to be
.pent on Pine Ridge Road completion.
Hr. Archibald .aid thi. is bond-funded.
Fund 313
Ms. Brangcaccio .aid that 1.8 million is carry-forward. She
referred to the CIP ite.. li.ted a. Santa narbara Boulevard, Radio Road
to D-l Canal, Pine Ridge Road, U.S. 41 to ^irport Road, Kelly Road,
Golden Gate Boulevard complete de.ign, Pine RIdge Road to 1-75 and
Airport-pulling Road to Davi. Boulevard.
****RECESS. 11130 A.M. RECONVENED. 1.30 P.M.
at which ti.e Ch.ir.an Brown wa. pre.ent****
Clerk William J. Reagan .tated hi. budget ha. a 3.2' to 3.3'
increa.e reque.t. He .aid that he heard there wa. a greater increa.e
in other divi.ion.. He requested that he be informed if other
divi.ion. are allowed to increa.e at a later time becau.e he had
difficultie. last year when other department. increa.td their per.onnel
.alarie. greater than he did. He ~lt.d example. of lo.ing employee. to
the Board a. a relult.
The Commilsioners approved the Clerk'. budget by consensu. and
agreed to inform hi. if later proceeding. resulted in greater per.onnel
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July 23, 1984
082 fA',[ ~ 1R
percenE~~. to other divi.ion..
Tran.portation Director Archibald .aid he needed someone who
specialt~e. in signal repair to be added to hi. department. He
reque.ted a 5.9' increase in hi. budget. Re.ponðing to Commi..ioner
Vo.s, he .aid that he contract. .ome of the .ignal wor~ out and .ome i.
done in hi. division now.
co..i..ioner Vo.. ~ved, .econdeð by Co..i..ioner Holland an4. .
carried 5/0, that the Traffic Operation. Budget b. approved at 5.9'
M.. Brangcaccio .aid that an increa.e in taxe. of $288,000 i.
being reque.ted due to a volume increase. She said in Fund 325 - the
D-2 Canal ~odification. include control need. which will be work.hopped
by the Water Management ^dvilory Board on July 25, 1984. She citod the
D-2 Canal, Colden Gate Canal and Cocohatcheo Main Can~l Structure a.
needin9 to be addre..ed.
Water Man~~ement Director Boldt laid that some amounts of money
have been .pent to addresl the flooding problem that occurred la.t
Labor Cay. He said that the Big Cypres. Basin Board is studying the
Cocohatchee Water Control Structure. He said there is a $100,000 to
$125,000 increa.e for aquatic weed control.
Mr. Boldt said in Fund 110 a new pOlition r1quest i. made for a
water management technician.
Coaai..ioner Brown moved, .econded by Co..i.sioner Rolland an4
cMrried 5/0, that the Water Hanage.ent budget be approved.
H.. Brangcaccio .aid that the Solid Waste budget ha. an increase
of 53\ a. a re.ult of propo.ed capital out~ay for a landfill machine,
two trailer. and one tractor.
Solid Wa.te Director Fahey explained the requelt for an elevating
pan. He reviewed tho new DER requirement. for landfill operation and
deaign requiring permeable liner..
Mr. Fahey proposed an increale in feel to $5.00 per ton.
Co..i..ioner vo.s aoved, .econded by Co..i..ioner ~ru.. and
carried 4/0, co..is.ioner Rolland out of the roo., that the Soli4 Wa.t.
Budqet be approved.
^ di.cu..ion wa. held regarding a polalb1e !lIe change of $2.00 per
car for landfill ule and from $2.00 to $4.00 per c~b~c y~rd. Hr. Fahey
.aid that without the increa.e perhap. a lubsidy program :ould be
Paqo 4
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July 23, 1984
Supervi.or of Election. Horgan explain.d her requeat for a
tabulation .achtne. She aaid .he could cut $7,500 out of her budgat on:,
ite.. of poatag_ and fr.ight, other operating .upplie. and adverthinq.~;"
She outlin.d a total cut of $11,000 to $12,000 on total ite~..·
co..i..ionar 8rown aoved, .econded by eo..ia.ionar 'iator and
c.rri.d 3/0, with eo..i..ion.r. Kru.e .nd Ho11.nd out of the rOOK,
the 8upervi.or of Ilaction. 8udget be approv.d with de.cribed
H.. Brangcaccio r.view.d the B.autification and Str.et Lighting
portion of the Public Works budget.
eo..i..ion.r Pietor aov.d, ..cond.d by Co..i.aioner ~u.a .nd
c.rried 4/0, with eo..i.aioner Holland out of the roo., th.t the
B..utif1êation .nd Str.et Lighting Budg.t be approv.d.
There being no further review., the ~e.t1ng wa. adjourned at 3.00
P.M. to reconvene on Thur.day, July 26, 1984 at 9100 A.H.
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