BCC Minutes 07/26/1984 W
Napl~., Florida, July 26, 1984
LET IT BE REMEMBER!~, that the Board of County Commi..ioners in
and for the County of Callier and ~l.o acting n. the Board of Zoninq
Appeal. and a. the governing board(.) of such special districts as have
bean created according to law and having con~uctQd business herein, .et
in Budget Workshop S.ssion on this date at 9100 A.M. in Auilding "F" of
the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following
.emb~rs pr.sentl
CHAIRMANI David C. Brown
VICr. CHAIRMANI C. C. "Red" Holland
John A. Pistor
Fredorick J, Voss
Mary-Francea Kruse
ALSO PRESENTI James C. ailes, Fiscal Officer: Elinor M. Skinner,
Deputy Clerkr Donal~ Lusk. County Mdn~qerr Donald Norton, Public
Services Admini.tratorr Pam Brangcaccio, Budget Analyst: Sheriff Aubrey
Rogers: Dr. poU:ow.ki, Health Director: Dr. Stophens, lIealth Dopart-
ment: Sam COlding, Property Appraiser: and Deputy Chiefs Don Hunter,
and Raymond Bdrnett, ~eriff's Department.
Review of Budgets
Fiscal Officer Giles explain~d that the Health Department budget
would be reviewed first. He referred to changes in the Ochopee Fire
District budgets. He referred to his handout entitled "1984-84
Tentative Budgets" which he laid incorporatel tho changel mado during
the budget review s.lsions held to date. A discussion cantered on the
amount needed in the Contingoncy Fund.
Dr. Polkowski referred to the handout explaining the duties of the
requested engineer POlition. Sh. referred to the need for a ~rson to
communicate with the community enginoers, to review the septic tank
.ituation, waltewater treatment plants and swimming pools. She said by
taking over some of these reviews the County would receive the fees
thereby paying for the POlition, in the long run.
Dr. Stephenl explained that the DER does not have the manpower to
do necessary work with septic tanks and the local IIsnlth Department
carries the brunt of the work. ne said that the HRS engineer in Miami
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is at least one month behind in swimmin9 pool reviews.
COlllllislioner Pistor pointed out that the State mandate. the needed
s.rvic.s but 1~ils to prcvide lIoney for them. He said that an attempt
should be lIad. '0 obtain money for these .ervices. Commissioner
Holland agreed.
Commissioner Kruse pointed out that the County is contellplatinq
taking Over the North Naple. sewer system end the LIly and Deltona
plants. She said the State and local level agencies should work
together to avoid confusion.
Coaais.ioner Voss DOved to add the engineer to the Health
Departaent budget. The motion failed for lack of a eecond.
Coaais.ioner Hollsnd moved, seconded by eoaais.ioner Kruse and
carried 4/1, Coaai.sioner Voss oppo.ed, that the reque.ted engin.er for
the Health Depart.ent be denied and the reaainder of the budget
July 26, 1984
Mr. Lusk said hQ has requested $123.000 for the Cypress Reef and
Marine Bu~get which should suffice for the present.
Conai.sioner Kruse moved, .econded by Coaaissioner Pi.tor and
carried unaniaouSly, that the Cypress Reef and Marine Budget be
approved for $123,000.
County Manager Lusk explained that this concluded his budg-.t
review and that $1,173,000 has been cut from the requests.
Property Apprailer Colding said that he takes the Commission'.
last year budget and that he gots a percontage of tho total. He
point~d out that the Commission pays for tho School Board and well as
the municipality of Naples. A discussion followed regarding the possi-
bility of changing thil arrangement. Mr. Colding said this would take
a Legislative Act to accomplilh.
Co..issioner Pistor moved, seconded by Comai.sioner Voss and
carried 4/0, with Comaissioner Kruse out of the roo., that the Property
Appraiser's budget, a8 requested, be approved.
Sheriff ^uhrey PDgers oxplained that $263,000 could be returned to
the Board due to the fact that the now jail has not come on line and
the revenue budgeted for the personnel needed for that facility has not
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July 26, 1984
been spent. He said that the original budget estimate had an overesti-
~ation of utility .x~n.es and that an additional $313,427 would be
returned due to a review of necessary utility expense.
Sheriff Ro9~rS stated th3t he had included a 4.6' raile for hi.
e~p1oyees. The C~;~issioner. noted that the other department. and
Constitutional Officers h^ve a reque.t for 5'. The decision was made
to includo 5' in the Sheriff's budget for raises for his personnel.
Dttputy Chief Hunter Ihowed a transparency outlining thft cHvhion
of $1,567.789, with a portion going to cost-of-living raises, new posi-
tions and vehicles. H9 said that some vehicles will have to be
replaced bec3use the engines have been rebuilt in the past to extend
the life of the cars.
Sheriff Rog.rs explained his reau9st for s.ven new ~eputies with a
cost per deputy at approximately $32,000. H. said that recent requests
for aùditional covIHa'1t' by deputies in areas of North Naples, Golden
Gate and Immokalee prompted him to make this request. He said three
deputies will be placed in North Ilaples; three in Oolden Gate and one
in Immokalce, along with ð canine. He snid the amount needed would be
Mr. LUI~ laid that $45,000 for janitorial services will no longer
be paid by the Sheriff. liP. explained a plan to contract out janitorial
ser v Ices IInd to reta in hlo pos i Uons for n."ded dayt i me ~Iork.
Relponding to Commissioner Voss. Sheriff Rogers sai~ he did not
.ee where h. could make any more cuts due to the fact that he has had
to take on additional services such as the 911 System and he now pays
rent for .ubstation facilities. H~ said that his department personnel
repair their own vehiclel and do radio repair for cost savings.
By consensus. the Sheriff's budget was approved.
There being no further businesl to come before the Board, ~he
budget session W^S adjourned at 11100 A.M.
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