Agenda 05/08/2012 Item #10Dr_*O�.
5 /8 /2012-itern 1O.Q.
DATE: April 23, 2012
TO: Contrn"OW Jim C010tta, Vice Chairman
FROIIA:,�. �Steven ,Harrison, Chairman of the Pr
oductk* Commfte
SUBJECT 2012 Projects for the Productivity Committes
As you know, each year the Productivity Committee proposes a number of projects that it
believes to be both timely and of interest to the Board of County Commissioners. The following
topics were discussed at our April 18, 2012 meeting.
The purpose of this memo is to request that you discuss these projects with Commissioners at a.
board meeting to- solicit. BCC approval of our proposed: work plan.
1) Conduct an Activity Based Costing. (ABC )/Overhead Value Analysis (OVA) covering the
approximately 1500 employees of the BCC that would:
a) Quantify the FTEs, and their cost, of managing all non- supervise
spans of control, ry'employees including
b) Quantify the FTEs, and their cost, of performing various business processes and the
activities than comprise them and
c) Identify opportunities for improving efficiency and effectiveness.
This project would require employees who manage other people to complete a brief
questionnaire about their activities and have a % hour interview vftt.a mfr of the
Productivity Committee. The data collected would then be compiled and analyzed to
confirm the achievabillty of the proposed productivity improvemerts.
5/8/2012 Item 10.D.
2) Organizational integration of Countywide Fibs and EMS services. F `4
m$ consoiida#wn has
been a recurring issue and is the subject of a.BGC workshop this month. The
Productivity Committee would like #o offer its Onaiytical services to consider an
appropriate management structure for a consolidated fire and EMS organization that..
a) Defines an organizational structure with consistent spans of control, levels of
management and integration of common functions for all dependent and independent
fire districts,
b) Reviews budget data for each entity including wages, benefits and total compensation,
operaiing.expenses, utilization of capital assets, etc., and
C) Estimates the savings to county taxpayers of fire consolidation, merged with EMS and
possible creation of a Public Safety organization under the Sheriff Office.
3) County Infrastructure Asset Management. Protecting the improvements in County
Infrastructure made over the past 10 years suggest that the County should -adopt a
Predictive/Preventative Maintenance Strategy that preserves our infrastructure with
consistent annual funding. Public Utilities is loading this effort with their uncial Asset
Management program that links physical assets to life cycle costs to make informed
decisions on repair versus replacement. The Productivity Committee proposes to have
a limn subcommittee to the committee and participate in that effort with other county
4) Review projected 2014 and later County income and expenses and estimate the extent
to UAN;O%h_!%dr!#:.. --I ...... - -- -- - � - -. . _ .
franchise fees, sales tax increment, etc.) �ii4Vl:�f14,
they might be derived. \%"' rav
This review would be
undertaken in conjunction with the Finance Department and give specific consideration /
to items such as:
a) Infrastructure maintenance funding requirements,
b) Compensating for shortfalls in impact fees and
c) Any new initiatives such as Economic Development.
5) Review the contract management functions and administrative policies, processes and
practfm in place in the Purchasing Department in order to identify opportunities to
improve efficiency and effectiveness of controls. Review of "pure hawto -pay" cycle
encompassing the origination of purchase transactions by user departments, through
Purchasing, the processing of invoices, any contract extensions and final payment. `
6) We would welcome other topics of special interest to the BCC.
As always, we are available to discuss any topic(s) that warrant special attention in 2012.
c: Commissioner Fred Coyle
Commissioner Donna Fiala
Commissioner Tom Henning
Commissioner Georgia Hiller
County Manager Leo Ochs
Packet Page 439
5/8/2012 Item 10.D.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 10.D.
Item Summary: Discussion regarding the Productivity Committee "s proposed 2012 work
Meeting Date: 5/8/2012
Prepared By
Approved By
Name: MitchellIan
Title: Executive Manager, BCC
Date: 5/2/2012 12:56:45 PM
Title: County Manager
Date: 5/2/2012 1:23:24 PM
Packet Page -140-