Agenda 05/08/2012 Item # 4DPR O C L A M A r r Q N 5/8/2012 Item 4.D.
I+ AS, safe, clean and s+rmtaina6k arm yes are essenfial to Florkfak envivwmmt,
WIMMy.. avid isilr+rs ;. mod,
WHEREAS, Fkv ' r r S&Wiirs me Aft while iis. papulatiaw and need for water
aanthms to AIOVM, and,
WHEREAS, wotrr reuse prbw&s a mans far. CanservM and ou amwAiv Flkvvd r r prrcwzw outer
MOO-Off. and,
Wi IREAS, Fi►arida estn6tishird tine IN cau osement and pirtrxnot*w of mftr rVuse as state objectives
in- F/arida Stahmm fifers 373 and 403 and is joaaed in M& effort by Case" City
Ptafa/ioc llti /ffles, the fkpi& Gent of unr raaaAwnu Pmtecti'ar;,r d the S�utih t ovtida
water Wit; mad,
WAffiWAS, Fkrido's Pwmttsd rum c+gva dy exceeds 1.5 Mien gwAxw per day, munch is ifxm than
6Z PWCWt of Flag's total pitted capacity for a# dohiesft manvo rtw treatmort
flities rind,
Off AS, FkPA* leads the mom in i+e mw 658 malign fflm# ns of rwk*wd w em* ,day to
fryu fear sr mrlr�es and r+eplaii 6 ow rivers, streams, AmIms and a{ms; �,
�. ALWAS, Wage Fkv*k, a sutf'an of Me Wate?am Assuciatiem, decla med i lay 20-Z6, 201Z
as Water Aea m Mwk and,
Wl -SAS,
Collier Catm y Ptblic Lffi tkw mpleawnted a wetter muse plvpwn, mcom O the
efficient and effiactiNe.use of iYClaifinsd water and wetter caIserrag citrus mad
NOW THEREFORE, be it prackhmed by the Board of CMMty Catmniiss s of Co/her Canty, Ariba,
that May 20th -26t6 be dem as
DONE AND MOSWO THIS Still Day of hicy 2012.
r • ® r- r pAr
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5/8/2012 Item 4.D.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 4.D.
Item Summary: Proclamation designating May 20 -26, 2012 as Water Reuse Week in
Collier County. To be accepted by Max Guerra, Senior Engineer, Blg Cypress Basin. Sponsored
by Commissioner Hiller.
Meeting Date: 5/8/2012
Prepared By
Name: BartlettKristi
Title: Executive Aide to the BCC
4/25/2012 10:45:25 AM
Submitted by
Title: Executive Aide to the BCC
Name: BartlettKristi
4/25/2012 10:45:26 AM
Approved By
Name: MitchellIan
Title: Executive Manager, BCC
Date: 5/1/2012 8:58:40 AM
Name: SheffieldMichael
Title: Manager- Business Operations, CMO
Date: 5/1/2012 10:01:58 AM
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