BCC Minutes 08/14/1984 R c:;::;;¡ ;;;w ~.'.' IiIIIIiII Naple., Florida, Augu.t 14, 1984 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commi..ioner. in and for the County ~f Collier, and al.o acting a. the Board of Zonln9 Appeal. and a. the 9 verninq board(.) of .uch .pecial di.trict. a. have been created according to law and havin9 conducted busine.. herein, met on this date at 9100 A.M. in Regular Se..ion in Building -,- of the Courthou.e Complex, East Naple., Florida, with the following members pre.entl CHAIRMANI David C. Brown VICE-CIIAIRMANI C. C. -Red- Holland John A. Pistor Frederick J. VO.. Mary-Frances Kruse ALSO PRESENTI James C. Cile., Fi.cal Officer, Maureen Kenyon, . . Deputy Clerk, Ken Cuyler and Bruce Ander.on, Assistant County Attorney., Donald B. Lusk, County Manager1 Neil Dorrill, Assi.tant County Manager, Terry Virta, Community Development Administrator, Tom Kuck, Acting Public Work. Administrator, William Blankenship, Admini.trative Services Administrator, Lee Layne, Zoning Director, Dr. Benedict, County Environmentalist; Ann Ober, Planner; Crace Underwood, Administrative Aide to the Board; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnr~t, Sheriff'. Department. toOK 082,m615 pag e I ... ...",,..---.., .. ."'" ",-..--~._"~....., ODK 082 m¡ 620 Tap. 11 It.. 11 MENDA - ""ROVED WIt·- CHAMGIS August l4, 1994 Co..isaloner Plator .oved, seconded by Co..issioner Krus. and carried unanl.ously, that the agenda be approved with the following cbang.., a. Item 6C2, Ordinance re acutions and auctioneers, continued to Septe~ber 9, 1984. b. Addition of Item l2C re County Manager Compensation. (Commissioner Kruse) c. Addition of Item 12D re dlscus.ion of renaming Kelly Road. (Commissioner Brown) d. Deletion of Item 16B2 re out-of-county travel expenses for Public Works Administrative Assistant. (County Manager) ORDIKAMCE e4-53 RI PET. R-S4-12C, CARDINAL INDUSTRIES, RE REZONING PROM RKP-12 TO PUD POR CHESHIRE ARKS APARTMENTS, LTD. - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO AMENDMENT or THE PUD DOCUMENT Legal notice having been published In the Naples Daily News on July 13, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, pUblic hearing was opened to consider Petition R-84-12C, Cardinal Industries, requesting rezoning from RMF-12 to PUD known as Cheshire Arms Apartment., LTD. for 60 units located between ~reen Blvd. and 16th Place S. W., West of 41st Lllne S. W., Lots 6-15, Blo~k 70, Unit 2, Golden Cate. Planner Ob~r stated that the objective is to build a rental apartment complex of 60 units, adding that Staff and all County agencies reviewed this petition and recommended approval subject to amendment of the PUD document. She noted that the Coastal Area Planning Commission held their public hearing on July 19, 1984, and unanimously recommended forwarding this petition to the BCC for approval subjoct to staff stipulations. She concluded by stating that it is the re~ommendation of staff to appro~. Petition R-94-12C subject to CAPe's stipulation. Ms. Jacqueline M. Thomas of Cardinal Industries stated that she is the developer of the project whi~h will consist of 48 one bedroom units and 12 two bedroom units. She stated that it will be a rental project for moderate level income people. She stated that the density of 12 units to an acre remains the same, adding that the only change is in the PUD document for the square footago of the one bod room units which i. 576 square feet instead of the required 750 square feet. Page 2 ~ i=:J ~ ~ '---.......----,....,.....,..,--........-......-,-..-.--. ~ .. ~ August 14, 1984 Commissioner Pi.tor stated that going from 750 square feet to 576 square feet is a m~~jor change and questioned why the requirements could not be met, to vhich Ms. Thomas stated that under the PUD zoning it allows for 450 square feet and these one bedroom unit. ~re 576 square feet. Planner Ober stated that under the PUD section, there is an entry level multi-family apartment section which allows smaller square footage for the units to all~w developers to build an affordable project and to maintain it as one. She noted that under the affordable housing .ection, the developer has met better than the minimum requirements but les. than what is required under the RMF-12 zoning. Commissioner Voss questioned what the rents would be, to which Ms. Thomas Indicated that the one bedroom units would be $309 a month and the two bedroom units would be $419 per month. Mr. David Graham of Golden Gate stated that he is opposed to this project due to the square footage as it is against the deed restrictions in Golden Gate. He stated that the people of Colden Cate do not like these type of units or the size of them, adding that if the rent. were reduced it may be acceptable, but the rents are basically the same as any other rents within Golden Gate City. lie noted that he did not want to .ee the standards lowered. Commissioner Voss stated that it is not the function of the acc to enforce deed restrictions. Mr. George Keller, representing the Collier County Civic Federation, stated that this development would downgrade the area. He stated that the square footage is too small and the rents are not low. Attorney Donald Pickworth, representing Cardinal Industries, stated that the square footage being requested is about the minLmum requested by the zoning classification. He stated that these homes meet all applicable building codes and the entry level housing provisions. He stated that the rental rates are either at or lower than the rental rates being proposed by every other project that hdS come before the Housing Finance Autho~!ty. He noted that these rents have meet the necessary guidelines for -~derate income housing_ Co..lssioner Kruse aoved~: ~econded by Co..is.ioner Voss and carried unanlaou.ly, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Co..i..loner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Vo.. to deny Petition R-S4-l2C. Commissioner Voss stated that he wished that there had been some aOOK 082 mI' 621 Page J am 082Fa,·!622 Auqust 14, 1984 input fro. the Civic As.ociation in Colden Gate. PlAnner Ob.~ .tated that the Civic Association recommended approval vhen th~1 heard the presentation by Cardinal Industries and Staff ha. r.comm.nded approval. Mr. Max Haa.e, Presidant of Colden Gat. Civic ASlociation, Itat.d that thlre wal no definite decision mad. by the Colden Cate Civic ASlociatlon, adding that therl wal a Itatement made that thlY veri not opposed to it, but there was no overwhelming Itatement for It. Upon call for the que.tlon, Coaml..1on.r Pi.tor voted for the dlnlal and Co..i.lioner. Bolland, Kruse, Vo.., and Brown votld agaln.t tbe denial. Co..i..ioner Kru.e .ovld tbat Petition R-S4-l2C b. approved. The ~tlon dild for a lack of .econd. co..l..ioner Brown ~vld, .econded by Co..l..ioner Kru.e and carried 4/1, (Co..I..loner Pi.tor oppo.ed), that the Ordlnlnc. a. nu.ber.d and Intitled below be adopt.d and entlred In Ordlnanc. Book Mo. 18 .ubject to ..end.ant of the PUD docu.entl ORDINANCE e4-53 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE e2-2 THE COHPRIHENSIVI ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED ARIA or COLLI~R COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMr.NDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP MU~BlR. ' -26-6 BY C~IMG THE ZONING CLASSIrICATION or THE BEREIN DESCRIBID REAL PROPERTY FROM RKP-12 TO ·PUD· PLANNED UNIT D!VlLOPMENT FOR CBESHIRI ARMS APARTMEWTS, LTD., FOR 60 UNITS LOCAT1.D BITWIIM GREEN BOULIVARD AMD 16TH PLACE s.w., WEST or 41ST LANI s.w., AND PROVIDING AM EFFECTIVE DATI' Pi9g I .. eiiJ L;r~:"m am ._.._..<.~~"";--_._----,,,... 'j i ~ ~ ~ August 14, 1984 [ te. 13 ORDIKAMCE '4-54 RI PIT. R-S4-17C, COLLIIR INTIRPRISI8 RI RIZONING FRON 1.-1 TO 1.-2 FOR THE ~'«?RD VEHICLI EVALUATION CENTtR PUD - ADOPTID Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on July 13, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public he.ring wa. opened to consider Petition R-B4-17C, Collier Enterpri.es, reque.ting rezoning from A-l to 1'1-2 for the Ford Vehicle Evaluation Center borr~~ pit located east of the Ford Vehicle Evaluation Center PUD in Sec~ion 34, Township 49 South, Range 28 East. Planner Ober stated that the objective is to move the borrow pit from property located In the Ford Vehlc1. Evaluation Center PUD to property east of the PUD as required by DER. She noted that Staff and all County agencies reviewed this petition and recommended approval subject to the stipulations of Excavation Permit No. 59-172. She indicated that the CAPe held their public hearing on July 19, 1964, and recommended approval. Co..i.aioner Kruse .oved, .econded by Com.i.sioner Holland and carried unanl.~usly, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econded by Co..i.sioner Holland and carried unanl.ously, that the Ordinance aft nu.bered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 18 subject ..... the atipulation. of Excavation Perait No. 59-1721 ORDINANCE 84-54 AN ORDINANCE AM&MDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA or COLLIER COUNTY, rLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OrrICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 49-28 BY CHA»GING THE ZONING CLASSIrICATION or THE HEREIN DESCRIBKD PROPIRTY LOCATED lAST or THE rORD TÄST TRACK IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 49 s., RANGE 28 EAST, rROM A-I TO 1.-2, AMD BY PROVIDING rOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE' RESOLUTION 84-156 RI PET. Pu-e4-1CC, COLLIER ENTERPRISES REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE -B- or A-2 rOR EARTRMINING rOR rORD VlHICLI EVALUATION CEhTER BORROW PIT - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Co..haioner Pi.tor .oved, aecor: s_d by Co..haioner Holland and carried unani.ou.ly, that Re.~lution S4~15' granting provisional u.. -b- of A-2 for earthainlng for' the rord Vehicle Evaluation Center borrow pit located .a.t of the ro~d Vehicl. Evaluation Center in Section 34, Township 49 South, Rang. 2B East be adopted aubject to the atipulation. of Excavation Per.it No. 59-172. aOOK 082 W,[ 623 Page 5 . .', ',. ....." ,,'. "..' ..',..~ '....... .... . :,1.:.,....;:1... . ,". ..,'.'.......'·¡I..;,.L-·¡t,)h ';:"",',i..., "'~"~/I'~"""";'~I!,)¡~,,,,; ¡<IiIt;'~h.t""'~I/~1"':,,1,\."-.,.., ..~."'¡)(J",~,~t'~, ~.t;.r.'.' .~~, , . '.'. <"...". ... ',,,, " . . ·,.'ò·..··", ~.,.¡".,. i'.,,~:~,:;:¡,.~¡"1f~ ''¡''f'I..>, ~!"..~f' t, .' -M1.. -!·~..."~i';'·t' ':.. '<11;,~\ ·,,~~·,~v~.·.,~H t,J. ':';'~:~:<:<':.'::.: sd;':$;'(~·:·",'?··'.;i\~~,:,,;"~'f· " '. ·:~;·\~..·,~,:,:¡~':;,~~.,tòf . . .. i¡;t'~:~-~:~f?~;'~?~I~;~;:[';J:,' . ....."'.."",...,.,-,...-'.-.........".","".""......--.--.....-.... .......'-.....---- · .... ----"-~ ,.-.""-'--,.,-~"'."-" c::::J r.::.:¡ ~ August 14, 1994 ORDINANCE REGULATING AUC\lONB AND AUCTIONEERS - CONTINUED TO 9/4/84 Co..i.sloner ~ruse .oved, seconded by Co..lssioner plstor and carried unanl.ously, that the proposed ordinance regulating auctlona and auctlonears ba continued to Septe.ber 4, 1984. POSITION fOR ZONING INVESTIGATOR - APPROVED Community Development Administrator Virta stated that this is a request for the creation of an additional zoning investigator position for this fiscal year. He stated that this has be,n approved for the 1984-85 fiscal year, but the person is needed at this time, adding that he would like to hire someone so that they can go through the normal. training process and be able to function in that position by the middle of November. Co..issionar ~ru.e .oved, aeconded by Co..issioner Pistor and carri'd unanl.ously, that the position for a zoning investigator be approved prior to t~e start of the 1984-B5 fiscal year. ape 12 t.. 18 PETITION TR-S4-16C, DONALD B. SNEED RI TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT fOR THE E lOS' or TRACT 101, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - APPROVED rOR 90 ÞAYS Zoning Director Layne stated that this request Is for a temporary residence permit for Donald Sneed for the E 105' of Tract 101, Golden Gate Estates. She indicated the petitioner's property is located west of Santa Barbara Blvd., adding that staff feels that because the petitioner does not meet the remoteness and isolation requirements, the petition Is being recommended for denial. Mr. Donald B. Sneed, petit10ner, stoted i:hat he would like to be able to live there due to the theft in the area. He stated that hia house is almost complete, adding that he is ready for insulation, dry wall, and the interior doors. He noted. that he only needs three months for completion. .," Co..ls.ioner Vo.s aoved, ..conded by Co..issioner Pi.tor and carried unanl.ously, that Petitio!) TR-e4-16C, Donald B. Snead ra te.porary ra.idance per.it for the E lOS' of Tract 101, Gold.n Gate Eatatea be approved for 90 day.. aOOK 082 W.! 635 pag e 7 '~',"""...-",.....~-',.'"..,..,'_...'._-,--,...--;-''''"'-----.. slOe 082 r ~! 636 " August 14, 1984 ~ISOtuTIOM '4-15' CAttING rOR RlrERIWDUK ILICTION TO II HELD MOVlMIIR 6, 19.4, 1M PIKI RIDGI SUIDl~ISION STREET LIOHTINO MSTU AND ~UTHORIZATIOK 'OR ADVIRTISE~~NT 0' ORDINANCI CREATING SAMI - ADOPTED Acting Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that this Item was requested by the Pine Ridge Civic Association of Naples, Inc., adding that staff is recommending approval of this item. Commission.r Pistor questioned if the Supervisor of Elections has been provided with a map, to which Mr. Kuck stated that she will have a map as he is working with Mrs. Morgan on the matter. Co..l.sloner Plstor .oved, seconded by Co..issioner Holland and c.rried unani.ously, that Resolution S4-15S callin9 for a referendu. election to be beld Nove.ber 6, 19S4, in the Pine Ridge Subdivision Street LIghtin9 MSTU and authorization for advertls.ment of ordinance creating .... b. .dopted. Page 8 ~';:'/"I r::::J ~ ---,.."-_.,,. ""="-_'.1- ¡¡¡¡¡¡ c::::J r;.;;) AU'Just 14, 1984 It.. 110 aID '732, CUSTODI ~t. SERVICES RI TWO YEAR CONTRACT rOR ALL COUNTY GOVERNMENT BUILDItiS - AWARDED TO MCGINLEY MAINTENANCE, OCALA, rLORIDA Legal notic. having b..n publish.d in the Naples Daily N.w. on June 20, 1994, as evid.nc.d by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids wert rec.ived for Bid '732, Custodial Services until 2130 P.M., July 25, 1984. Admlnistrativ. Services ,Administrator Blankenship stated that he is recom~ending Bid '732 for custodial sorvlces for a two year contract for all county government buildings be awarded to McGinley Maintenance. He stated that HcGinlay Maintenance has been in business for 25 years and has a branch in Ocala. He stated that they can compete with other companies by hiring all part-time .mployees. Ue stated that th.y will hire .s many County employees as posslbl.. He .tat.d that the bid price include. all current IInd future County buildings. He stated that the County's budget for 1984-85 for custodial services is $330,000 and after deleting ground maintenance, which is not included in McGinley's contract, this contract would save the County an estlmatod $170,000 annually. Ue stated that he is recommending that a contract with a two year renewal option be awarded to McGinley Maintenance in the amount of $13,82l/month for all County government buildings under t~e authority of the Board of County Commissioners. County Manager Lusk stated that this contract price is good for two y.ars and that all County employees i~ custodial pOüitions will try to be placed within other County positions as needed. Co..i..lon.r Krus. .ov.d, s.cond.d by Co..i..ion.r Pistor and c.rrl.d un.nl.ou.ly, th.t aid '732, Custodi.l S.rvic.. for a~l County gov.rna.nt buildings, b. .w.rd.d to McCinl.y Malnt.n.nc., P.O. Box 54S6, Oc.la, rlorld., in the a.ount of $13,821 p.r .onth, ba..d on work .ctu.lly perfora.d and .llowing for proportion.t. incr..... and d.cr.a... .uthorlz.d by the Division Ad.inistr.tor for Adainistrativ. S.rvic.. .. the .r... ~o b. cl..n.d increase or d.cr.as., .nd that the Ch.ir.an b. .uthorlz.d to .Ign and th.~Cl.rk to att.st the r.sultlng " .gr....nt. It.. '11 " WORKSHOP TO SIT DATI FOR PROPOSAL'ON PUBLIC GOLr COURSE - CONTINUED TO AUGUST 21, 1984 Co..ia.ion.r Pi.tor .ov.d, ..cond.d by Co..iaaion.r Bolland and c.rrl.d un.ni.oualy, th.t the it.. r.g.rding ..ttlng a workshop for the aDOK 082 p~'.r 63.9 Page 9 1m 082r)~! 640 August 14, 19B4 propo.al on the public golf cour.. b. continu.d to August 21, lie4. It.. 112 RISOLUTIOII 84-159 APPROVIIIG AKI1fDMENT TO THI 1977 CITY/COUNTY WATER/SEWER SERVICE AGRIEMINT - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL or SAKI AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING Assistant County Manager Dorril1 stated that in 1977 the City and County .nter.d Into a water and .ew.r service agreement for unincorporated areas. He stated that at the time the County was to r.imburse the City for bulk treated wat.r in return for which the County would receive a rebate or an adjustment would be owed at the end of the year based on the actual cost of the distributed tr.ated water. H. stated at the end of the first year of service there was a disagr..- ment that has lasted for six or seven years, adding that as . result of that and as a result of changes In the Utility Division a series of lIIeetings was held. lie stated that he is .:Isking that amendments be approved to the original agreement, adding that as a result of the am.ndments, a check for $700,000 will be returned to the County as Its rebate due and owed over the period of disagreement. He noted that there are several other operational agreements that are mutually agreeable and b~neficial to both parties. He stated t~at they allow for the County to make a connection with the 16" water main at the City's five million gallon storage tank In North Naples, adding that in the future both the City and the County will agree to the actual formula to determine bulk water rates. lie stated that the County is now sending w~ter throughout the entire East Naples system as of this date. He stated that the end results are that th~ City and County staff are recommending that the amendments be approved. Hð stated that thanks are due to County Manager Lusk, for rekindling negotiations, and to Commissioner Voss and Mayor Billick. . Co..ission.r Pistor .ov.d, .econded by Co..ission.r Holl.nd .nd carrl.d un.ni.ously, that R..olution 94-159 approving the ..end..nt to the 1977 City/County Wat.r/S.w.r S.rvice Agr....ñt be .dopt.d subj.ct to approv.l of .... .t the City Council ...ting. (Document not rec. AS of 8/23/34) It.. 113 SERVICES or ASSOCIATED UTILITY SERVICES, INC. AS CONSULTANTS rOR EAST NAP LIS WATER SYSTEMS, INC.'S REQUEST lOR EMERGENCY INTERIM RATE RELIEr AND A PERMANENT CHANGE IN RATES - APPROVED Assistant County Manager Porrill stated that Associated Utility Services, Inc. have been used on numerous occasions in the past and he t::J --,.,'--_.""""--,""'....__....._-~_., Page 1 0 ~ c::I , ':, ~:;" ~..'. '·r:'~~~.;~4~~~ , ,,' , , ':'\;:";":" 't., "....._~">,~_.."'''"'""..,,.,..._--~.- August 14, 1994 is recommending that they be used as consultants for the East Naples Water Systems, ,Inc.'s ~equest for emergency interim rate relief and a permanent change in r.et s. lie stated that the cost would be Çll,OOO in consultants fees which would b. reimbursed as part of th, budget of the Collier County Utility Rat. and Regulation Board, which collects franchise f.es for this type of analysis. Co..lssioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Com.issioner Kruse and carried unanl.ously, that the .ervices of Associated Utility Service., Inc. as consultant. for East 'Naple. Water Syste.s, Inc.'s reque.t for e..rgency Interi. rate relie! and a per.anent chang. in rates b. approved. Ite. 114 RISOLUTION TO PLACI RErERENDUM ON NOVEMBER BALLOT RE INCORPORATION or A PROPOSED ARI"N'ì INTO THE GOr,OEN CATE FIRE CONTROL. DISTRICT - CONTINUID, TO 9/4/84 AND STArr DIRECTED TO BRING BACK A CONTRACT STATUS REPORT Assistant County Manager Dorrlll stated that there Is a pœtition by the independent Golden Gate Fire Commission to place on the ballot a referendum question which would allow the independent district to annex some additional lands within their boundaries. He stated that the subject property for the most part lies within Goldon Cate Est~tes. Commissioner Plstor questioned if Mrs. Mc;gan has been provided with maps that conform to the precincts outline that shows the ~rQa, to which Mr. Corrill stated that he has talked with Mrs. Morgan and she pr.fers to have legal d.scrlptions by Section, Township, and Range. He stated that if she needs a map, this will be made available to her. Commissioner Kruse stated that if that aro~ Is annex~d into the city district, as it gets more populated t.here will be access to the acreage that the Board is controlling as Trustee for a fire station. She stated that If this area is splintered, It may destroy the tax base that could support itself fivd years from now, adding that once you annex into a district it Is difficult to annex out. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that In the past the Board has created dependent taxing districts under the direction of the Board of County Commissioners and iI}' turn en''t'-ered Into contractual agreements with the independent dlstrict~ and they serve as first responders and provide the fire fighting services. Commissioner Kruse stated thåt she would like to see a report on the dollar amount for a dependent district contracted to the City of Golden Gate for the time being. She stated that she Is not r:;;¡,:;J ~ BOOK 082 pjr,¡ 641 ~ Page 11 ,.....-..-.,--.-.,.,-...,.-.. c::J c:::J mlt 082~ ~'642 August lo1, 19801 recommending that they receive the fire protection from the independent district, adding the, she is suggesting that a more appropriate approach lIiqht be to ' Jntract it for the fors..ablt future instead of attaching to the district. Commi.sluner Pistor stated that he would like to defer action on this It~ until September 4, 1984, and have more information available at that time. Co..i..loner Pistor .oved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Vo.. and carried unanl.ously, that action be deterred re the re.olution to place a referendu. on the Nov..bar bellot re Incorporation of a proposed area Into the Colden Cate rlre Control District and that Staff be directed I to propare a report on the dollar a.ount for a dependent district contracted to the City of Colden Cate. Ite. U 5 QU~RTERLY STATUS REPORT , SP~CE PLANS REPORT RE JUSTICE CTR. EXPANSION Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that this is simply a status report and requires no action. He stated that all Change Orders have been processed, adding that at this point, the County is $2.4 million under the original budget. He stated that there ~ro two types of contingencies, one a 3\ In progress and the other a 5\ oy,!rs. He stated that some of the savings have been spent for programs like the new telephone system, the computer room for the Sheriff, and the asbestos removal program. He noted that the Clerk of Circuit Court and the Finance Department will begin moving into their new quarters on the fourth floor of Building "F" this week. He explained the various moves that would be taking plllce IInd noted that problems åre being solved without retaining a space planner. He stilted that the judges have asked that the second floor be renovated to meet their needs, adding that this will cost approximately $450,000. He stated that there is no need tor action on this matter as he feels that it is premature at the time, but he simply wanted to advise the Board o! the situation. ..... Rece.s, 10100 ~.M. - Reconvenedl 10110 ~.". ..... COMMISSIONER BOLLAND DESIGNATED TO SERVE ON COLLIER COUNTY CANV~SSING BOARD rOR UPCOMING r~LL ELECTION Co..i..loner ~ruse .oved, seconded by Co..issioner Plstor end cerrled unanl.ously, that Co..issloner Holland be designated to serve pag e 12 r;::;::J !o,.' ;",:. 'c',: ::~;::1";,¡:·5(;.:~;~~:~: is ,. .' . . ..n.u·..""....."'·__·,,___··'"··" .-----.----- __'O-_"'_'~'_'''''''_h';'~''''_''''''''''''''''_'__''__ ~ r::::J c:;:;:¡ .a.uqu.t 14, 1984 on the Collier County Canva.slng Board for thl upco.inq fall Illctlon. Ite. U 7 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROV'O rOR PAYKENT Pursuant to Resolution 81-150 the following checks were Issued throU<Jh Friday, August 10, 1984, in payment of routine bUls: CHECI< DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. ~ Vendor 114741 - 115191 1720 - 2604 $2,211,640.56 308,074.36 BCC Payroll 118 BUDCET AMENDMENTS e4-600/6031 84-6071 84-609/611, 84-613/615, AHD 84-619 - ~DOPTED Co..i.~ioner Pi.tor ROved, .econdld by Com.i..ioner Holland and, carrlld un.nl.ouøly, that Budget A.end.ents 84-600/603, 84-607, 84-609/6l1, 84-613/615, and 84-619 be .dopted. Ite. 119 DEPUTY CHIEr RAY B~RNETT, GEORGE rRASER, MICHAEL JERNIGA" AND COMMISSIONER HOLLAND APPOINTED TO REPRESENT COLLIER COUNTY ON THE MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY COUNCIL Commissioner Plstor expressed his willingness to serve ~ the Mental Health Advisory Council. Commissioner Holland stated that he would like to see Mr. George Fraser from Mðrco Island and Dcputy Chief Ray Barnett appointed to this counci 1. Commissioner Kruse stated that she would like to see Commissioner Holland and Mr. Jernigan appointed to this council. Commission~r PIstor stated that he would lIko to see Mr. Watki"s appointed to this council. Co..i..loner Brown .t.ted th.t he will ~all out the n.... and ..k vhether each Co..i..loner approve. or di..pprov.. of the appolnt.ent. Upon call for the que.tion of the appoint.ent of Mr. Glorge rra.er, the vote v.. approved 3/2, (Co..i..loner. Vo.. .nd Plstor oppo.ed). Upon call for the quution of the .ppoint.~";\t of Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, the vote va. approved unanl.oU;.~y, Upon 'call for the question of the appolntaent of Co..i..ioner Holl.nd, th~ vote va. approved 3/2, (Co..l..ioner. Voss .nd Pi.tor oPPo.ed). Upon call for the que.tlon of the appolntaent of Co..i..ioner Pi.tor, the vote failed 2/3, (Co..i..ioner. Holland, Kru.e, .nd Brown oppo..d). Upon call for the tOOK 082 W,! 643 pag e 13 ",y; 082f1~ 644 que.tlon of the appolnt.ent of (Co..l..lon.r. Vo.. and Pi.~or Ite. no COUNTY MANAGER LUS~ ANNUAL SALARY INCREASE TO $57,600 - APPROVED August 14, 1994 Mr. Jernigan, the vote oppoaed) . v.. approved 3/2, Commi.sioner Kruse stated that .he finds It inconceivable that the County Manager .arn. less pay than some of the top city officials wh.n he has mort budg.t and a great deal more r.sponsibility. She stated that she i. extrem.ly comfortable with County Manager Lusk and in what he has accomplished .Inc. he ha. been her.. Co..i..loner Krus. .oved th.t the County Man.ger receive an addition.l $125/ve.k which vould be approxt.at.ly a l5' incr.... and vould ..t. an annual .al.ry of $57,600. Co..i..ion.r Holland atat.d that he conc~r. vlth the aotlon .nd would like to ..end it to includ. the ..v.ranc. pay be ext.nded to 12 .ontha vithout caus.. Commissioner Voss stated that In the ~~nager's contract he h~s six months severance pay. County Manager Lusk stat~o that his contract is presently .ix months sever~nce with or without cause. Co..i..ioner Kru.. .tated that .he would r.phra.e her lIotion \;.:' ..te the County Manag.r'. annual ..lary $57,600 and a..nd the contract for ..v.ranc. pay for .ix .onth. vith or vithout cause .nd for twelve .onth. vithout cau.e. Motion died for a lack of ..cond. Co..i..ion.r ~ruse ~v.d, seconded by Co.~I..lon.r Holland and carrl.d un.nt.ou.ly, that the County Manager rec.ive an annual .alary of $57,600. Co..l..ion.r ~ru.. .ov.d th.t the County M.nag.r r.c.ive .ix .onth. ..verance pay vith or without caus. and tvelve aonth. .everanc. pay vlthout c.u... Motion dl.d for. lack of ..cond. Commissioner Kruse said the contract should be brought back with the County Manager ordinance. Mr. George Keller stated that the Manager is doing an excellent job and a raise is In order, but the severance pay situation is not in order and the contract should not be amended. Mr. Max H~ase stated that the County Manager has done an exc.ptional job, adding that he cannot think about anyone qettlng twelve months severanco pay. Ite. 121 pag.. 14 c::::J c:::::J E::J -.,""'_.~-----_...;- "". ".=o,_~>,,""",...______.._... c=:J ~ ~ August 14, 1994 STArr IXSTRUCTID TO COME UP WITH VARIOUS NME8 rOR THE RENMING or ~ELLY ROAD TO BE DISCUSSID AT A PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 4, 1984. Mr. Arthur Da"is sut.d that he would like to compliment the Commiuion on the 9",undbrukinq for the four-laning of Kelly Rolld. H. stllt.d that he would like to request that the Commission.rs consid.r a new name for Kelly Road. H. stated thllt a number of different names were suggested and the general idea was to simply consider a new name. Commllsloner Holland stated that on. of the names suggested to him was Gulf Gate Blvd. Commissioner Plstor stated that thero Is also the possibility of Shadowlllwn Road which would then extend all the way through. Assistant County Attorney Cuyler stated thdt there nQQds to b. public input and then to advertise It. County Manager Lusk stated thllt staff will preparo a resolution and advertise for a publiq hearing, adding that It could be adv.rtised with three or four different names. Co..ls.ioner Kruse .oved, seconded by Co..ission.r Vo.. and carried unani.ously, that the County MAnager, Mr. Davi., and Staff be directed to work on this ite. and come back vlth na.es on Septeab.r 4, 1ge4, after it hes been advertised. ..... Co..issioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Coaalssir"er Krus. and carried unani.ously, that the followin~ it... under the consont agenda be approved I .... Ltea '22 RIGHT-OF-WAY EAS!M!NTS rOR CARSON ROAD IN IMMOKALEE S.. Pag.. t:, 4-?" tS'f' '23 DRAINAGE EASEMENTS rOR PLANTATION ISLAND, EVERGLADES CITY S.. PIg.. t,..5fj... ~ tð ~ ...' aDDK 082 PJr.," 645 pag I l5 .,'-_..._'-""~......- . ;;Dl n82w.1646 Ite. u't DRAINACI EASEMENTS r~OM AUTO RANCH ROAD PROPERTY OWNERS August 14, 1984 Se. Pig" h~/. t ¿, 7 125 ROAD RIGHT-Or-WAY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS rOR KELLY ROAD IMPROVEMENTS See pag.. ¿, b f - '?..3 126 BID 1735 rOR MAIN LIBRARY LIGHTING AND ASSOCIATED ACCOUSTICAL CEILING A~ARDED TO P.I. ELECTRIC COMPANY IN THE AMOUNT or $17,600 Legal notice having b~en publilhed in the N4ple. Daily Newlon July 6, 1984, al evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bid, were received for Lighting for the ~in Library until 2130 P.M. on July 25, 1984. Ite. 127 BID 1728 rOR ADDITION TO MARCO ISLAND LIBRARY - AWARDED TO CROWN CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION IN THE AMOUNT or SllS,650 Legal notice having becn published in the Naples Daily Nows on June 29, 1984, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication file~ with the Clerk, bids were received for an addition to the Marco Island Library until 2130 P.M. August 2, 1984. Ite. 128 CERTIFICATES rOR CORRECTION TO TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY rROPERTY APPRAISER TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1993 TAX ROLL l!I83-481/50S l!I83-S07/S08 7/27/84 - 7/31/e4 8/l/84 129 LITTER or RESIGNATION ACCEPTED rROM ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBER DORIE KARL Page 16 t::::I r:::::1 [+",-",',] ''''"'''-T"_''''~_'''''''~_'_'''____ c;;;:;;J c=1 Q ^ugU3t l4, 1984 Ite. 130 MISCELLANEOUS ~ORRESPONDENCE - PILED AND/OR REFERRED There bein. no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated belowl l. Budget Tranlfer/Amendment from the Tax Collector dated July 20, 19B4, capital outlay equipment and proposed budget for Tax Collector's office for October 1, 1984, to September 30, 19B5. XCI J. Gile.s, Filed. 2. Letter from Century Telephone Enterprises, Inc. d>.tted July 23, 1984, informing that all of the IIssets of Warner .a.mex Communications Companies In LaBelle and Immokalue havð been acquired. xc: Mr. Lusk, Mr. Saunders, riled. 3. Monthly activity report for July from Collior County Museum. xc I Fi led. 4. Memorandum dated July 19, 1984, from DER, Power Plant siting 8ðction regarding high speed rail line siting. August 1, 1984, letter stating that the DER has previously notified CollIer County of the expiration of Permit 'DOll-7345 (Immokalee Stockade) IInd that operation of the sðwage treatment plant wlth~ut current permit Is a violation of Section 403.087(1). xc: Mr. Raines, Filed. 5. Memorandum No. B4-l09 from ^. J. MCMulllan, II, State ~~tirement Director, Division of Retirement. regarding 19B4 retirement legislation. xc: Mr. Luntz, Filed. 6. Copies of CS for SB-8l from DNR which substantially amended the vessel titling IInd registration laws of the State. XCI Mr. Carlton, Filed. 7. Copy of July 23, 1984, notification from DNR to Dr. Benedict that the Florida Legislature appropriated $105,000 in support of Collier County's requ9st for fundI under the FlorIda Beach Erosion Control program for Collier County Dune Protection project. xc: Mr. L.usk, Mr. Virta, Filed. 8. July 27, 19B4, notification !rom DNR that the Bureau of Land Acquisition Is accepting new and reconsidered applications under the C.A.R.L. program, which will be considered in the fall of thlA year. XCI Mr. Lusk, Mr. Vlrta, Filed. 9. Relource .a.lert .a.ction RefQrr~l Report regarding the mosquito control district. ~CI Filed~, 10. Letter dated July 25, '1904 from HRS announcing the availability of funds fpr Food Stamp Workfare Programs. XCI Mr. Norton, Mrs. Skinner, Filed. MDK 082w,!647 Page 17 '",._,~~,~".~._""'¥...- ...-,.,~,.,..""....,,,,,~- 082,.,.! 648 11. August l4, 1984 Notification dated July 30, 1994, th.t the SWFRPC reviewed the development order 84-3 for Marco Shores DRI and voted not to appea' the Order as issued. . * . . . . . There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Timel lOl45 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/BOARD OF ZONING APPE~LS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECI~L DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONT4; A~¿Ø~ CLERK .pproved by the BCC on ~ ~~) ~~~~ ..".----' or as corrected ~ pag e 18 ŒJ c::::::J c= ,_,..,.".",,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,..,_",,_~_~_......... I.... ... .,..... _____M.. _."--_...";..~.",..."",,,,,,_.........~~_......,..,..".,.-.,. ~_'_"_O'_