BCC Minutes 08/14/1984 B ¡;::::J t:::J ¡;;=:¡ Naple., Florida, AU9U.t 14, 1984 . LET IT BC-REMEMBERED, that the Boarð of County Commi.lioner. in anð for the County of Collie:, anð also actin9 as the Board of %onin9 Appeals and a. the 90verninq ~oard(s) of .uch special districts a. have been created accordin9 to law and having conducted bu.ines. herein, met on this date at 2130 P.M. in BDdget .e..lon in Building "F- of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the followin9 members present I CHAIRMANI David C. Brown John A. pistor Frederick J. Voss C. C. "Red- Hollsnd ABSENTI Mary-Frances Kruse ALSO PRESENT I James C. Giles, Fiscal Officerl Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerkl Donald B. tusk, C'_unty M4nager¡ and Nell Dorrill, Assistant County M4n'ger. AGENDA - Discussion on Water/Sewer Districts Bud9.ts DISCUS8IOM OM WATIR/B~IR DISTRICTS BUCCITB Assist.nt County M4nager Dorrill stated that in years past the utilities budgets have been a little different, adding that as a result of the fee nature they do not reflect tax levies, but there ar. a nunber of funds. He stated that the only thin9 that is spent is what it take. to provide the service. He stated that this is a time of change and transition for the Utility Division under the County Manager, a. an operating and expanding facility in North Naples i. anticipated. He noted that for the first full fiscal year, water will be provided at the re9ional water facility on CR-95l, addin9 that there viII be declining capital i.prove.ent activity due to the regional vater facility. He stated that, also, there would be declining capital i~rove.ents froa the second phase of improvements to the Marco Sewer Syst.. on Marco I.land. Mr. Dorrill outlined the following budgetsl Utl1lti.. A4alni.tratlon budget which currently houses the Divilion Admini.trator po.ition and the Engineering .ection al veIl a. th. Admini.tration Department .nd Customer Service. There are two additional people proposed for Cu.tomer Service for filcal year 1984-851 one is a clerical polition and the other i. an en9ineering technician perlon who il 90in9 to alii It in the review &OO~ 08.2 PAG[ 690 Page 1 -.--.., ...."...~"-,,_...,,.._-~----~,- ,oo~ 082,Af,[691 'Augu.t 14, 1984 of building per.it.. Thll incre..e'¡· the total to about $50,000 for the two poa1tiol... and ther~ il also a small incr.ase of opeuting expenlel a, well al p'Hchasel of equipm.ntl the total increale amountl to almoat 30\. ~ In answer to Commi.sioner Vo.. r.gardiinq the wat.r plant producing more rev.nu.s, As.ilta~t county..~nager Dorrill .tated that the water plant is not a big'rev.nue produc.r and there are off..tting debt ..rvic... He .tated that a. a re.ult of the Board'. action in the r.gular ...ting this date, the County will continu. to purchas. about 2 million gallon. of wat.r a day from the City to send to North Napl... Collier County Utility RaU . Riqulation loard budqe't which provid.. for the .taff pOlition and i. a function of the Board of County Co~~i.sioner.. Thi. d.part.ent receives all of its rev.nu.s through franchise fees from the regulated utilities within the county. Ther. i. a larg. increase shown which i. primarily from the fact that th.r. are unsp.nt r.s.rv.. this y.ar of about $90,000 and those will b. carri.d forward. If the large r..erv. remain., the Board may wish to reallocate or r.appropriate that Lon.y back to the various regulat.d utilities. County Wat.r Service buðget includes portions of the r.."ional wat.r dl.tribution system. From an operational standpoint thore is an incr.a.. due to the full year of salari.s for the n.wly hired individuals to run the plant. On the capital side and from a total budget as a whole, it .hows 3/4 million dollars as a d.creas. and that i. because the plant has b.en in the tran.mi..ion .yst.ms and the forc. mains have b.en sub.tantially compl.t.d at this point and th.re i. still approxi~ately $3 million in res.rv.s to complete the system. Ther. are a number of payments that will be mad. during the course of the r.mainder of this y.ar. Th. total employ.e increase will b. thr.. plus one transfer. The Capri Water Work. plant will· b. closing and those people will b.com. part of the n.w work force, adding that the Capri sit. will be a r.pump station to boost pr..sure fro~ there to the south .nd of the .y.t.m in the Isl. of Capri ar.a and tho.e portion~ of Marco Island that the County .erv... Th.re are a.lociated and d.bt ..rvice and reserve budgets with th.... There are debt ..rvic. r.sponsibiliti.. on all the r.vsnu. bond i..ue. and there are .eparat. budgQt. for thos.. Between now anð Pag. 2 =:J c=J r-'""1 - <; ';, ,....~ . ~t~;~;..'~, " ,~....:-~ ' ''''L ,-,~"",.' " .' ---~ -,~'".,~.""...".._.---~--_._--- ..... . t:::::J ~ r;:;:J August 14, 19B4 October, there ~y b. rate increa... being r.qu.lted for the wat.r for the co.ing ~'r, and th~t it should not incr.... 10\, but the pos.ibility for .u increase .xi.ts. Caplt.l Iaprov...nt Ther. i. a d.cr.a~ing balanc. for no oth.r re.son than the County il apending ~on.y .s th... facilities .r. built. Willouqhby Acr.. s.wer .ervice ar~a which include. both the wat.r snd the resal. of water that the County continu.s to r.c.ive fro. the City a. w.ll as .e~age, adding that there are no ..ploy.e. in this particular budg.t and the total increase for n.xt y.ar a.ounts to approximately $40,000. Th. total budget in the Willoughby Acres sy.tem, including substantial reserves, Is $477,000. .~ðg.t for S.v.r Service Ar.a -A- which i. the North Napl.s plant. This facility will b. .xpanded next year. Ther. have b.en a n~b.r of problems which have b.en re.olved. Th. incr.as. n.xt year wtll includ. flv. employ.e. which is on. additional employ.. to maintain the pond.. Also, he stated th.t h. i. lookin9 .t a prograll in the next f.w mouths that will rot.te and re.t the ponds for b.tter maintenanc.. There is a d_creas. in n.xt year's budget for c.pital outlay, but operationally there is an increa~~. T.sting in the first pond has been completed and pond numb.r four was reflood.d to det.rmine what the p.rc capabilities wer.. He i. sati.fi.d bas.d on r.ports th.t the pond with corrective action tak.n will perc betw.en 80 and 90\ of its original design capacity. ~rco Water and S.wer Servic. Ar.... For both Marco and Goodland, it should b. recognized that the County will have the wat.r storage distribution f.cilities on Goodland and the water .torag. facility i. being con.tructed on the Isl. of Capri. Th.re will b. on. p.rson from ths old Capri Water Work. .y.tr.. that will b. k.pt at the Capri .it. who will ..rv. both the Marco Wat.r Sew.r S.rvice area as well as the Goodland .r... Ther. are no 11gnificant incr.s... In the budget for next y..r fro. an op.rational standpoint. Pha.. II Marco Wðt.r Sewer capital improve..nt. has b..n budg.ted .t $1.5 million. S.._r Service Ar.. -C" which i. the l.t.st lI.rvice .rea for which the County is now rec.iving .y.t.m d.v.lopm.nt charge. or impact fe.s. This is a newly propo.ed budget with no p.rsonnel &OO~ 082 mr 692 P.g. 3 ....-.,: . - _.-...._......~"~>;",..~"'"''''~,,--,...._.~"- lOÞK 082ml693 ·,.~~,,!~UI~ 14, 1984 ..sociat.d vith it, but rather lub.~~ntial r..erves. Th.r. vil1 b. a1.01t $300,000 accruinq during ,the courle of next y.ar in the r...rvel, adding ~hat there i. .o..·.p.rating exp.nse. that ar. Dostly for consult.ng .ervicel. Thil area viII be a lubltantial contributor to the .y.tem for the next ·~ear. The total budg.t il '377,000. ' · j; " . 'it', J.lly Road Wat.r AI......nt... This il.:l1aited in nature and "" includel .0.. of the pr.liminary d'lign that va. done in 1979. Ea.t Naplel ßr.a will continue to have the Dost potential in t.rDI of a r.gional .,vIge treat..nt asp.ct and whil. th.r. Ire curr.n~¡y a number of franchi.el, the entir. .y.tea is qoinq to b. a particular intere.t to the County. Youth .a..n Thil i. a budg.t which the Board approved thil Pl.t .prinq to provide water and .ever into Youth Hav.n. Th. ..tiDaled r.venues and expenditure. of this budg.t are related to retirinq the new a.sessment, and they hlvo been connect.d into the .ys tllD. Utility budgets are projects and operational in nature. *** Ther. beinq no further bu.ines. for the good of the C~unty, the ...ting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Ti.el 3100 P.M. PIge 4 r;:c ~ tSEa '__"~'N___'__'.__--"""~ ~~'-'-"" -"'--"."~'--'-'~'--'