BCC Minutes 08/28/1984 R r~r·,~,·f...J w;¡;J ~ Naples, Florida, August 2B, 19B4 ..,- LET IT BE REM£~BERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County øf Collier and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeal. and as the governing board(s) of such speclal,dlstrlcts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. In Regular S.s.lon In Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following member. present: VICE CHAIRMAN: C. C. "Red" Holland John A. Plstor Frederick J. Voss Mary-Frances Kruse ABSENT: Davlc1 C. Brown ALSO PRESENTI William J. Reagan, Clerk; Jame. C. GIle., Fiscal Officer; Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk; Burt L. Saunders, County Attorney; Donald B. Lusk, County Manager; Nell Dorrlll, Assistant County Manager; Donald Norton, Public Services Administrator; William Blankenship, Administrative Services Administrator; Tom Kuck, Acting Public Works Administrator; Lee Layne, Zoning Director; Tom McDan}el, Planner; Grace Underwood, Admlnlstratlve Aide to the Boar~, and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. 'OO( 082 W.( 737 Page I ",_"",~_,_,_~"",~",~.____.m"'_" lOOK 082 Pl'.t 7 !2 August 2B, 1984 AGENDA - APPROVED AS AMENDED Co..lssioner Xruse .oved, seconded by Comalssloner PIstor and carried 4/0, co..issloner Brown ebsent, that the agenda be approved with the following a.end.ents. 1\. Discussion re Audit Selection firm added to the September 4, 1984 agenda - Added by Commissioner Holland. B. Item 9F(2) - Appointment of Utilities Administrator - Added ~. county Manager Lusk. C. Item lOA (I) - Discussion re authorization to take care of necessary paperwork and file dismissal of Key West case - Added by County Attorney Saunders. Ite. . 2 EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS (PERSONNEL) PRESENTED Commissioner Holland presented the following Employee Service Awards: Robert Demarest - Library - 5 Years Etanlslao Mðrt!nez - Road' Bridge - 5 Years Ite. . 3 PETITION R-&4-BC, DR. NENO SPAGNA - CONTINUED TO 9/4/84 co..is.ioner pistor .oved, .eco~ded by Co~.is.ioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that Petition R-84-8C, Dr. Neno Spegna, repre.enting Jo.eph , Mary Lynch' Virginia Feucht, requesting rezoning fro~ A-2 to TTRVC for 23.9 acres located on the NE corner of U.S. 41 and Greenway Road in Section 18, T51S, R27E be continued to 9/4/84. Ite. . 4 PETITION R-84-l3C, MICHAEL J. VOLPE - - CONTINUED TO 9/IB/84. Co..is.loner Pi.tor .oved, .aconded by Co~~i..ioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that Petition R-B4-13C, Michael J. Volpe, agent for Do.enic D'Agostino, requesting rezoning fro~ GC to C-2 for property located on the SW corner of Golden Gate Parkway and S.R. 951 be continuad to 9/18/84. I tea 15 PETITION R-84-15C, CECELIA , ANTHONY D'AGOSTINO - CONTINUED TO 9/4/84 CODais.ioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Co..i.sloner Krule and carried 4/0, that Petition R-84-l5C, Cecelia , Anthony D'Ago.tlno, c::.::J c::J ~ ~ ~';_:(';',",~:.,,:,~. ì¡Ê\~"'F;',¡ Pilge 2 _..--~,_..~'''''''~"----''''.,..,,...'""''.., ~ ~ ~.'" ~ August 28, 1984 requelting rezoning fro. -Z- zltatel to C-2 for a rlstaurant located on 39th Street SW be co t1nued to 9/4/8'4. lte. t6 RESOLUT¡ON 84-164 RI PET. AV-84-016, WILLIAM MCANLY, AGENT, RZ VACATION or TEN rOOT ACCESS EASEMENT ON LOTS 6 , 7 BLOCK WB", LELY BARErOOT BEACH, UNIT ONE, AMD ACCEPTANCE or TEN rOOT ACCESS EASEMENT BETWEZN LOTS 5 , 6, BLOCK B - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published In the Naple. Dally News on August 12 and 19, 1984, a. evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition 1\V-84-016, filed by William MeAnly, agent, requesting vacation of a ten foot access easement on Lots 6 and 7, Block "B", LIly Barefoot Beach, Unit One and acceptance of a ten foot access easement bet~~en Lots 5 and 6, Bleck B. , Acting Public Works Administrator Kuck explained that this peti- tion is to allow the petitioner to subdjvlde three lots Into two lots and that Staff rocommend. approval. Co..lssloner Kruse .oved, seconded by Co..lssloner Voss and carried 4/0, that the public hearinq be clo.ed. Co..lssioner Kruse .oved, .econded by Co..islloner Vo.. and carried 4/0, that Re.olutlon 84-164 re Petition AV-84-0l6, ¡.,llla. McAnly, be adopted. &OaK 082 PAr.( 743' Page 3 _........__""...", ""--,,,,,,,,_,..,c_ ----_._'_.>~ . .~~~'","--_.. ,.,.....__..-._....~<>~-,.."., ,..~...._._._,_,? ...,",."'WM-''''''_'__'''''''''' C:J r ;:;:J C1 August 28, 19B4 It.. 17 ORDINAMCI AMENDING OR~INANCI NO. 76-14 RE EXCESS ACCUMULATION or WEEDS, GRASS OR UNDERBRUSH D' ~LARED A PUBLIC NUISANCE - CONTINUED TO 9/11/84 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on AugUlt 9, 1984, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the r.lerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Ordinance No.76-14 to declare the excess accumulation of weeds, grass or' underbrush to be a public nuisance when located on a lot as defined by the amending ordinance. County Attorney Saunders refcrred to the Executive Summary dated B/20/B4, explaining the proposed ordinance, and added that the County Attorney's office is prepared to proceed with the ordinance. Commissioner Plstor stated the Staff, members of the public and the County Attorney have worked on the proposed ordinance for approxi- mately six months and that It applies In particular to Marco Island. He sold he has had calls from members or the public in North Naples and East Naples who expressed the hope the ordinance will be passed so their area can bo Improved by making empty iots more attractive. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Zoning Director Layne stated that there Is no fino stated In the proposed ordinance 3nd that tMe fine of up to $250 per day, that was printed In the newspaper, woulo apply If the Mðrco Island Code Enforcement Board takes It rather than doing the lien process. Mr. Saunders said that the County could seek fines In Circuit Court in the event there Is a violation under the ordinance under the County's general enforcement powers. The following people spoke In favor of the propos~d ordinance: Mike Zewalk, representing North Naples Civic ~ssoclatlon, asked that 12" height be substituted for the proposed IS". Jane IIlttler, representing MICA George Nicholson Frank Langford, who suggested changes In the ordinance wording Mr. Bruce Hoily, Sr. asked if the ordinance would apply to lots on which there are structures and Mr. Saunders responded affirmatively. During the ensuing discussion, Mr. Saunders said that if cutting trees on lots Is added the proposed ordinance would have to be readver- tlsed. Commissioner Holland sold he would like to see an ordinance that would work for all the people, if possible. Responding to Commissioner lIolland, County Manager Lusk explelned that the money to enforce the 'OOK 082 w¡ 747 Page ( .' ':',:;¡;.~\:!-~,¡;,;~ ,",.',~¡~:.t L . . . ," '., .. lOOK 082w,! 748 August 28, 19B4 ordinance would have to be taken from the Contingency Fund. Mr. Saunders :aid there would be difficulty obtaining foreclosure In Court If a per.~ did not pay for having a lot mowed. Clerk Reagan suggested, in order to avoid the foreclosure proce~3, that the ordinance could be deligned to place collection of the money In the hand. of the Tax Collector and, when notified by the BCC that a person i. delinquent, the amount becomes part of the person's property taxes and Certificates for Deeds are sold, adding If the person want. to contest it, he can legally. Commissioner lIolland agreed. Mr. Saunders requested that the public hearing be continued in order to redraft the ordinance. Co..issloner Piltor aoved, seconded by Com.is.loner VOII and carried 4/0, thAt the following wording in the propo.ed ordinance be changed ~o that the 200 foot require.ent be re~oved, on Page 4, Ite. D, that .owable lot. would .ean those lot. In a recorded subdivision which can be aowed .11 or in part with a bu.h hog; in Section Eleven, Ite. B, the wording be the accu~ul.tlon of weeds, gra.s or si.ilar undergrowth in exce.s of twelve (12) inches, instead Qf 18 inches in height, be hereby prohibited, and that the method of collection be changed so that there Is no question the County would receive the money due, .s suggested by Clerk Re~gan. By consensus, the proposed ordinance was continued to September 11, 1984, for the County Attorney to make the above changel. Itea 18 PETITION FDPO-84-V-ll RE V~RIANCE TO EMPLOY A LESSER DEGREE OF FLOODPROOrING THAN NORMALLY REQUIRED ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS E~ST N~PLES COMMUNITY PARK - DENIED Legal notice having been published In the Naples Dally News on ~ugust 12, 1964, as evidenced by ^ffldavlt of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to c~nslder petition FDPQ-B4-V-ll requesting a variance to employ a lesser degree of floodproofing than normally required on property described as ~ast Naples Community Park. Planner ~Danlel explained that this petition is a request from the Parks and Recreation Department for a variance from the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance for the East Naples Community Park to permit construction of three public bathroom facilities at an elevation of '7 feet NGVD, instead of 10 feet NGVD and to permit the construction' of a maintenance building using a lesser degree of floodproofing than F£MA's Watertight Standard. Ih~ said that to minimize the flood damllge Page 5 [:=J c::=J t:::::) ~ ~ r;;;::;; August 28, 19B4 potential the Interior ~nd exterior materials will be chosen carefully, fixed equipment and any stored material will be above the flood plain, and the owner will supply an Engineer's certification that openings will be provided which are sufficient to equalize hydrostatic pressure. He said that Staff recommends that Potition FDPO-B4-V-ll be approved. Mr. Bruce Holly, Sr. suggested that clean construction rubble be used to fill this property and said that the variance would not be needed. He said there Is an EPA rullng that recreational facillties, such as parks, can be built on the sites of landfills. Commissioner PIstor related his experience with grass not growing in spots in his lawn where he has found chunks of cement. Assistant County Manager Dorrlll said that putting rubblo on the site would change the profile of the park and requirements for stormwater retention In various elevations and added that the County Engineer has told Staff that con»tructlon rubble Is hard to define &nd hard to control In terms of the quality of the type of material used. He said he attended a school that had been built over the site of a Cormer construction rubble landfill and problems of settling and material migrating to the surface occurred. ...RECESS: 10100 A.". RECONVENED. 11.00 A.M. with Co..issloner Xruse absent··· Commissioner Voss suggested that the Engineers designing the park be asked to look at the slto to see if rubble can be used. Commissioner Holland said that he has a problom with this potltl~n because the Board has denied the public the same request that Staff is recommending the Board approve. Commissioner pistor said that the , Board has approved several variances where there have been storage or no living quarters Involved. Commissioner Holland said, If the Board is going to set a precedent by lowering the requirements for Collier County, that It will be hard, the next time a person seeks an individ- ual variance, for the Board to deny the req~est, in good conscience. Co..I..ioner Plltor aoved, leconded by Co.-Is.loner VOl. anð carrieð 3/0, Co..i'lioner Kruse out of the roo., that the public hearing be closed. Tap. 13 Co..lssioner Pistor aoved, .econdad by Co~.lssloner Voss and carried 3/0, Co..issioner Kruse out of the roo., that Petition rDPO-84-V-ll be denied. toOK 082 p~q 7-i9 page 6 c' eo ,.,_~","__<_"..~.,.,"·h .__.-""-~,_,~_.~_........."'" "._--,-~,-~. aoo( 082 PJ~! 750 Ite. 19 FIlIAL PUoT APPROVAL .1I.E PETITION rP-84-6C, ALBERT P. RAULINC,' RIVERWOOD SUBDIVISION - APPROVE~ SUBJECT TO STIPUUoTIONS QUIT CUoIM DEEDS ACCEPTED August 28, 1984 Zoning Director Layne explained this Is a request for final plat approval for Riverwøod Subdivision, adding that the petitioner has met all the requirements. She laid that St~ff rec?mmends approval of the petition with the Itlpulatlon that the final plat for Rlverwood East Unit No.2 not be recorded until the required subdivision improvementl have been completed and accepted or until acceptable security is received and approved and Acceptance of the drainage easement. Co..lssioner VO.S .oved, seconded by Co..i.sioner Pistor and carried 3/0, Co..islloner Xruse out of the roo., that Petition FP-B4-6C be approved, subject to Staff stlpulationl and that the Quit Clai. C.eds be accepted. Page 7 c::::J G!::J ~.'.." ~ . ,.,t':" .,:,y",~~" ' ~' ,~".".", 'J'" "';"'. .I,ß\~!f~' \)·J'¡'¡"'.ìj~,r;' w ·l~~~;·;,,:. .v\\'t/~':~' \'í~~~:;?'~ '.,:~.~I~~"L~~ ",~:'i\~.' ",'.o;:::~:.;..:,~.,~~¡~~.~: ,~~( ':. ^".....'~M,...N.t.:....'f,·~-...,~",.~ t. /'''1¡'''~.'~.''''1'!.'~4.:'>· "".""'"''''''"_..,...~-_..'''''''''_.._''''',,..,-''..~~ , ..,.",.,"'------....."..._.,~_...."".., tOK 082 W'! 754. August2B, 1984 EXECUTION OF REDRA;~ED AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT-Or-WAY FOR KELLY ROAD - l.UTHOR IZ Et) Acting Public Works Administrator Kuck explained Staff recom- 'mendation to re-execut. the agreement for right-of-way easement for K'elly Road. H. said that on July 17, 1984, the Board executed an agr.ement and accepted the right-of-way for the intersection of Kelly Road and U.S. 41, but due to certain difficulties in the form of the agreement, the owners have requested that the County redraft the agreement with no language change, just a change in form. Co..l..ion.r Piltor .ov.d, ..cond.d by Co~~I.sion.r VO.I and carried 3/0, Coaai.slon.r KruI. out of the roo~, that .x.cutlon of the r.dr.fted .gr....nt tor the right-of-way for Kelly Road, to r.plÁc. the agr....nt .pproved July 17, 1984, b. luthorized. pag e 8 [!ZJ (Ø r::::;:J '_""~"_"_~V""" ',> . "."..".,'"..._,....~,'''''''"''-,.,,- ~ t;:;.: ~ August 28, 1984 l.PPLICATIOM FOR nDIRÞt. AND STAT! GRANT TO DEVELOP 1. MSTER PLAN FOR THE IMMOKALEE AIRPORT APPROVED Acting Public WOrks Administrator Kuck said this. is a recommenda- tion to apply for a federal and state grant to develop a Malter Plan for the Immokalee Airport. Mr. George Keller requested clarification regarding the funds the County ~u.t match and Commissioner pistor said the County will have to match with $2,700, If the grant II received. Mr. Keller said that he did not see how the airport can be improved unless additional industry become. a reality. Commissioner Plstor said that, hopefully, there will be continued growth In the Industrial area In Immokalee and that planning will need to be made to provide for that additional growth. ...Co..llaioner Krus. returned to the room at 11:10 A.H,··· Coaaissioner pistor .oved, seconded by Com~issioner Voss and carried 4/0, that an application for federal and state grant to develop a "-ster Plan for the I~.okalee Airport be approved. lOOK 082 p ',! 757 Page 9 ~,-,..._-,--_.,..~,,~ ~'"''''~''~''~''_''''_'''-''_''''''''' 1m 082w~ 760 xu. 112 BID FROM D. L. ARt::'LD TO PURCHASE SURPLUS VACANT PARCEL ON DOMESTIC AVENUE - ACCEPTED 1M THE AMOUNT or $165,000 ^ugust 28, 19B4 Co..l.lloner PI.tor .oved, leconded by Co~ls.loner ~rule and carried 4/0, that the bid fro. D. L. Arnold to purchale the aurplul vacant parcel on Do.estic Avenue be accepted in the amount of $165,000. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Fiscal Officer Giles said that these funds would be deposited back Into the Capital Projectft Fund, not necessarily for the use of the Solid Waste Department. Ite. 113 ESCROW AGREEMENT WITH DELTONA CORPORATION FOR IMPROVEMENT AND ACCEP~ANCE OF SOUTH COLLIER BOULEVARD AND COLONIAL AVENUE - APPROVED Co~mlssloner Pistor explained that this item is one Staff has workod on for some time and that Acting Public Works ^dmlnlstrator Kuck has done everything he could to improve South Collier Boulevard. He explained that Deltona has agreed, under certain terms, to provide the County with $148,000 to do this. Co..i.sioner Pistor muved, seconded by carried 4/0, that the Escrow A9ree~ent with i.provement and acceptance of South Collier Avenue be approved. Com.is.ioner Xruse and Deltona Corporation for Boulevard an~ Colonial the Page 10 t::J I" ",,:J I",:';;') ,," ''''^'''''''"~'''''-''"'''''''-C<___'_'~__''''"''''''''''''''''''_'H·_·''''''''''''''''''"'''''·'"'- ~ ~ ~ August 28, 19B4 SHORT TERM LEASE WITH \,'\RRY HUCHES AT THE IKMOJl:ALU AIRPORT APPROVED co..I..loner ,I.tor aov.d, leconded by Comml..ion.r Jl:rul. and carri.d 4/0, that the ahort t.r. 1.... with Larry Hugh.. at the I..okal.. Airport b. approved. aOOK 082 rA',¡ 763 Page 11 . ".'I!:)'~t~,: ~:;'(Vj:.¡,. ,~),.",; '.' I"..'..,~'. . l1~;'1{f,ì'f"!'I':'!~:~¡',~'ìl' :'f~?"I'";': I'> ">-'r~;~'·;~¡'.': ,r~j ;~~',;><;; ,;,F{:.~,; '\'~'"':.' '~.."~"'~".J;·.:,:r ,J", "...., .':V;;f\~'::~·,<"·:'. ,.', . ,.~.,:>:".~:':'"" ,,:;r.~...;.:J.\'. ,...:...., ,.:.,.~1:~..¡i."H.I"""l.,.. ....hl~'.~. ~.;~;..-i.'. ,.,."... ." . . .. A'~~' r;.'t~,...¡.;·,~,~.¡~e...:1.,;:I:~~·,"1~(....1ò1J: . .~;_ ;;,~,.~. 'Ct ¡.P" ""Yl.,'·:.¡.··r..~~¡ ~},.,.~-:,,'ri.··· ., ;,:/"~'!'.'¿ ;.i,,"; i'i:~,,~:';&~,)..·, ". -""''''-_'.'"~-''"''''''''''''"'''''-'-'' ....~~..,";,.="""'--"-,..~.,,._'-- "..,~~"'"-,.._.__.---- 082 w.t 766 August 28, 19B4 DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE OFrICE UNIT ADJACENT TO IMMOKALEE HEALTH CENTER rOR TUE OPERATION or THE FEDERAL WOMEN, INFANT AND CHILDREN SUPPLEMENT~L rOOD PROGRAM - APPROVED Public Services Administrator Norton explained that this is a recommendation by Staff for the placement of a double wide trailer to service the Women, Infant and Children Supplemental Food Program In Immokalee. Co..ls.loner PIstor .ove~, seconded by Co~~issloner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the reco..endatlon be approved. Ite. 116 ST~rF DIRECTED TO BRING BAC~ A RESOLUTION AND ~PPROPRI~TE DATA TO SUBMIT TO DNR RE S~VE OUR COAST PROGRAM-NAPLES CAY AND BAREFOOT BEACH Public Services ^dmlnlstrator Norton explained that the County has received from the State two notices, one under the Conservation and Recreational Lands Program (C.A.R.L) and the other under the"Save Our Coasts" Program. He said that members of the County Attorney's office have talked with Dr. Gissendanner, Executlve Director, DNR, who Indica- ted that funding Is available under thelle programs and enco"'lIged Staff to apply for the Naples Cay and L'lly Barefoot Beach projects. Mr. Norton said that the match that Is required under this program perhllps could be made by pledging the 35 acres the County has for Clam Pass Park to the Stllte In return for them to purchase Lely Barefoot Beach and Napl'es Cay properties. Commissioner pistor explained that he went to Taliahassee several weeks IIgo and discussed this matter with Dr. Gissendanner and added that Assistant County ^ttorney Anderson hils followed up on the project. He said the trllnsactlon would give the County the largest expanse of County belich, approximately seven mile!>. lie said if the County can get the Naples Cay property the County will have the the parking space and access to Pelican Bay property. Mr. /'lIke Zewa lk, representing the North Naples Civic ^ssociation, requested clarification regarding pledging the County's 35 acres to the State and he asked if this area would brcome a State park? Mr. Norton said that, at this point, this would only be II proposal and the County would not be committing to that much. lie said that while the property could become a State park, there is the possibility that the State would lease the property back to the County. County Attorney Saunders said that the appropriate action for the pa 9 e 12 C1 t:::J t::::J ;:';*~:!'{?~.~J¡~;!i ,;C I" ...\.1..:"'..... .,. '," -" ;.~ '.. ~ . . .,_..o."___~__.., ^'''''''i'''-__''__¡;O ( " ~«...._,-'"~_.". ,.._..,...."'~........_...- ~;..tJ ¡;¡::;;¡ ~ August 2B, 1984 Board to take would be to direct Staff to come back next week with the appropriate resolution and dale to submit to DNR. Coaai..ionor Pi.tor .ov.¿, .econd.d by Co~.i.sioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the St.ff be directed to come back to the Board on 9/4/84, with the appropriate re.olution and data to lubmit to DNR to b~in the proc.... Mr. Saunders said that he would contact the DNR and Indicate that the Board has informally taken action and directed Staff to do the necessary paperwork for the above-described project. Ite. 117 PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FOR SEWER AREA -A" - APPROVED Assistant County Manager Dorrill oxplalned that a small tractor with several attac~~ents had been budgeted for noxt year for Sewer Area "A". He said that Staff has discovered there will be a price Increase In the future. lie requested authorlzat}on to purchase the equipment now, since It il needed now, dddlng that the money would come from Reservel. lie said there would be an estimated $2,000 savings by purchasing the equipment now. Co..is.loner Kruse aoved, .econded by Com.i..ioner pi.tor and carried 4/0, that the purcha.e of .quip~.nt for Sewer Area "A- ba approved. Responding to Comml.sioner Holland, Fiscal Officer Gllel said he had no trouble with this request. Item U8 DISCUSSION RE EMS BILLING - NO ACTION HECESSARY County Mðnager Lusk explained that Staff hal spent the p4st couple of weekl looking at the billing system for EMS. Ue said It has boen dllcovered that 50\ of the complaints were generated In the first part .of the billing sequence when a user receives a telephone call from the Billing Department verifying the user'. address. He recommended that the verification telephone call be eliminated because if the phone nunber I. known then the address is allo known. lie said that after ten day. a bill will be mailed to the user. lie requelted that the Board recommend that the Internal Auditor review the procedures for the bill- ing process to see if there are ways to Improve it, which may raile the percentage of collections. He said that he did not want to go outlide to a private collection company until the billing procesl Is Inve.tl- gated to see if a private company can do the collection better than the ~OOK 082 p¡r,[ 767 Page 13 ; ;';':;~{'I' ',,;...,,~ ··,t~,:,,'.', ,;, ,:":,;., .", '! \,:-t";-){;" '.'~'"j.f¡'::':~';i·rof:' <," ,:;.'~".;t1~"·~:';~" \¡"'~'~""~~'¡¡>~b'\"~ '~i~ ".~:.., .~. ·,\~.~~,:'~;·_:~~'.,:\.1· - ._~"'; :;f!c~;)·~:,'¡p~~,t.~~:~~ ,", .J! ~.~;:::~~:'t:" :;~~:";''';'r~~:~, ~~,,\··::!'t~;, '~...¡ 1-;;, --_.,,,~,~..,-,. -~,.".,,-~_._....,....-...,.,-,."""'-~,..,-~...-._'_.- IDOK 082 F)',t 768 ^ugust 28, 1984 County can. He recommended that the Staff spend two or three months trying to Improve the bllllng process. He said that when a user has uud the EMS serv Ice and pa I' the bill, he wo ul d 11 ke to send the user a poltcard to inquire how the uøer felt about the service and the way he was billed. Ho said that he would come back wlth.a report to the Board 1n three month., after the Internal audit has been completed and there has been a three month experience of citizen response to the service. He said, by the time the budget hearings are completed, hopefully, there will not be a 14' Increase in rates. Responding to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Lusk said that no action Is needed. It.. 11' APPOINTMENT OF THOMAS T. CRANDALL AS UTILITY ADMINISTRATOR - APPROVED County Manager Lusk asked (or Board concurrence with the appoint- ment of Thomas T. Crandall as the Utility Administrator. He said that, previously, the Utility Administrator was an engineer and that Mr. Crandall who Is an administrator, Instead of an engineer, nas had approximately 16 years experience running utilities. He said that Mr. Crandall was a member of his staff at Plne:las Park, Florida. He stressed that he Is making a change from the way the Utilities Dlvl,ion has boen run In the past to more of a customer orientated director. Co..issioner piator .oved, seconded by Co~~lssioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the appointment of Tho~as T. Crandall as Utility Ad.inistrator be approved at a starting salary of $36,571.39. Ite. . 20 COUNTY ATTORNEY AUTHORIZED TO DO NECESSARY PAPERwùRK RE KEY WEST LAWSUIT (CDBG) County Attorney Saunders reminded the Commissioners that Collier County prevailed in the Key West matter of the Co~munlty Development Block Grant Program. He requested authorization to take whatever steps are necessary to remove the lawsuit In terms of any papers that need to be filed. He said that the County should receive funding for the program immediately. Com.issloner Kruse moved, seconded by Co..lssioner Voss and carried 4/0, t~at the County Attorney be euthorized to do necessary paperwork rega~ding the Key Nest lawsuit. ¡¡ago 14 c= t:::J ~ ~ ,.,.__.,,,.,....=o."".c.,,~~,..___"'......~,_·~.,_,,·.,_'...._'=w_._.-~"__·_" ~ r=J ¡¡;;;;;;;;:J August 28, 1984 Ite. 121 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to Reso'utlon throU9h August 24, 1984, in CHECK DESCRIPTION 81-150, the following checks were Issued payment of routine bills: CHECK NOS. AMOUNT Vendor 115503 - 115737 2605 - J456 291, l3J.18 $586,OI5.74 BCC Payroll Ite. 122 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 84-636/644, 84-651 - ADOPTED Co..issioner Kruse .oved, seconded by Commis.loner Voss and carried 4/0, that Budget Amendments 84-636/644 and 84-651 be adopted. Ite. '23 DISCUSSION RE SELECTION or AUDIT FIRM rOR COLLIER COUNTY - ACTION DEfERRED TO 9/4/84 Commissioner Holland said, as of 8/27/84, three proposals were submitted to members of the Board of County Commissioners for conlid- eratlon for a firm to do the auditing for Collier County for the following year or, possibly, a two-year contract. He asked that this selection be placed on the 9/4/84 BCC agenda. Clerk Reagan expl~lned that the Audit Selection Committe~ recom- mended that the Board rank the firms on~, two and three and that Fiscal Officer Giles be directed to negotiate a fee, since once the firms are rllnked the County Is required, by law, to request the three firms to submit sealed bids of maximum fees to the County. lie said the bid from the first ranked firm Is opened and a reasonable fee Is negotiated with that firm. He said, If the Board cannot agre~ to the amount of dollars for the first firm, that the bid of the second ranked firm Is op~ned. He said that this process was mandated by the State Legislature and the State Board of Accountancy formulated a set of rules regarding the process. He Bald that the three firms that submitted proposals are Coopers, Lybrand; Holcher, Taylor; and, Rogers, Wood, lUll, Starman and Gust¡¡son. Coaall.loner Voss .oved, seconded by Com.lssloner Krule and carried 4/0, that action on selection of an auditor be deferred to 9/4/84. aoo( 082 rA~( 769 Pa 9 e 15 L ..___~_.e~_'_·"_'" .._.....--~._.,.."...-._-,- 082 mt 770 124 RUOLUTIOII 84-165 C' LLINC rOR A COUNTY-WI DE ONE-TENTH MI LL TAX RErERENDUM TO rINANCE ^ WAT~R POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM - ADOPTED August 28, 1984 Commissioner Voss explained that the reason for a County-wide one-tenth mill tax referendum to finance a Water Pollution Control Pro- gram la because this is the moat important issue Collier County will have to face. He said there are, on the books, 'developments which will give Collier County about one-half a million people at build-out. He laid that the build-out will depend on economic f~ctors and it may take ten or t",enty years. lie uid, with that number of people in the future, plus the agriculture Interests in Collier County In water, there is a finite amount of water that has to serve those people and interest~. He said that all the aquifers from ",hlch Collier County and the City of Nllples pump ",ater are locllted In Collier County and the recharge of those aquifers Is done by rainfall. He said that City and County, if they know what the pollutants are, can probably Instllll some type of mechanism to purify the water, however, the problem Is, If the pollutants are not known until the water reaches the plants, it Is too late. He said, In order to protect the vital water supply, It is necessary to monitor the groundwater and have enforcement ,egulations at the aquifers and recharge areas. He sAid thllt If the water supply II polluted the people cannot live In the County, adding it is Impera- tive to have an appropriately present~d referendum passed by the public to have a one-tenth of a mill ad valorem tax to provide technical per- sonnel and equipment for the Health Department to monitor the ground- water /lnd to provide cnforcement personnel for the County Attorney to enforce the urdinances th/lt will be passed. He said that this has to be d,,~· ,~,...~... :on with the /lgencies of the State, such /IS the DER. The following persons spoke in favor of the referendum: Dr. Jane Polko",ski, Collier County Health Director, distrlbut~d material entitled "Information Regarding Need for Loc/l1 pollution Control Progr/lm in Collier County" Dr. Ma rk Neuman Mr. Uoyd Sa rty, representing the Conservancy Councilman Lyle Rlch/lrdson Tape IS Mr. M.1x Hasse Ms. Jane 1.lIhey, member of the W/lter Pollution Control Subcommittee The following persons spoke egalnst the referendum: Mr. Mi ke Zewalk, representing North Nl'Iples Civic AssClci/ltlon Page 16 t:=:J c::J r::::J ~:~·:;~t'1...:~~,':~;~;~r,,~·~.<,.:.-\ C>:.' - ,. ....,..h,I,,,,........~,' '...,' .. ~.~~~,,-, "" ',~"" "I' . -: "-''''~'. :~.::7', :';' , ,', ~.....-~--"þ-_.,. ...,)..-..--,-----..,.-----....- ~ ~ r¡;¡;¡¡ AugUlt 28, 19B4 Mr. George F. Keller, Collier county Civic Fed.ration Mr. Wi nlton Ba rc;: !r ***Co_iadoner K.Uand left the roo. at 11.44 A.M. and returned at 11147 A.M.*** Mr. Bruce Holly asked how the monitoring program would affect .eptic tank I and ~ommlsslonftr Voss said that he did not know, however, the County needs to know what the septic tanks, that are not monitored, do to the County's water supply. Co..i..ioner Voal .oved, .econded by Comml.sioner Pistor and carried 3/1, co..i.sioner Kruse oppoled, that Relolution 84-165 calling for a Courty-wlde one-tenth .111 tax referendum to finance a Water Pollution Control progra. b. adopted. aooK 082 W'[ 771 Page 17 ,,---,.............,.,-"-"'''_...., --,,,._~,-_._-_. - --- ----------.. ~ ~ CJ August 28, 1984 Ite~ 125 ~PPROPRIATION OF $2,500 FOR ASSISTAWCE WITH 1984 COUNTY EMPLOYEE CHIRSTMAS DINNER/DANCE - AP''\OVED Assi.tant County Manager Dorrill referred to the Executive Summary dated 8/23/84 with Staff recommendation to approve àn appropriation of $2,500 for the 1984 County Employee Christmas Dinner/Dance. Co..is.ioner Kruse .oved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that $2,500 for the 1984 County Employee Chrlatmal Dinner/Dance be approved. ...Com.l.sioner Kruse left the room at 12:21 P.M.··· 126 COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO ADVERTISE ORDINANCE CREATING THE IMMOKALEE FIRE CONTROL MUNJ.CIP^L SERVICES TAXING UNIT TO EXPAND IMMOKALEE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT Fire Chief Charlie Edwards, Immoka.1ee Fire Department, said that In the one year's time that he has been working at the Immokalee Fire Depirtment, he has realized that the Fire District Is much smaller than the actual service district. He said that hls department covers all of the Immokalee area, however, the department Is only officially required to cover five and one-half square mlles. He said th~t the depart~.nt is actually coverlng about thirty-two square miles. He asked that the Board have a public hearing to adopt an ordinance that will expand the Immokalee Fire Dlstric~ until the department can meet with the State and have a referendum to expand the district as a complete State district. He requested the posslblllty of establlshlng a MSTU, so that the Immokalee Fire Departmcnt does not have to be required by a lawsuit not to go outside of the department's legal district. County Attorncy Saunders said that he has drafted the ordinance that would expand the boundaries of the Immokalee Fire Dlstrict and, if the Board Is interested in pursuing this, he requested direction to advertise the ordinance for a public hearing. Commissioner Pistor pointed out that no taxes would come In for one year, and Mr. Edwards said he understood this. Co..lssioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Com.i..loner Voss and carried 3/0, Co..issioner Kruse out of the room, that the County Attorney be directed to adverti.e an ordinance creatinq the I~~kalee Pire Control Municipal Services Taxing Unit to expand the Immokalee Fire Control District. Ite. '27 am 082 Þy,r T75 Pa gel 8 .' ,;I:·L ~. - ß,. , . , ,," "'<.' ,,,~....,-_....",,'>'-"~'-"'-'~-'""'-.---- &00( 082 W'! 776 August 28, 1984 DISCUSSION RE NEGv~IATIONS WITH AV~TAR, STArr TO REQUEST STATE'S ATTORNEY REPRESEMTI'TIVE TO BE PRESENT AT 9/4/84 BCC MEETING FOR CONTINUED DISCUSSIoN Commissioner Voss explained that he has been asked by people In the Golden Gate Estates area if the County would engage outside counsel to review the probleme that the County has had with Avatar Corporation in connection with the Company's obligation to the County. He said that County Attorney Saunders has reviewed all of the documents and it, Is his opinion that what has been done has been done legally, however, the people in Colden Cate Estates do not agree. Commissioner Voss said that he has a problem ~Ith obtaining outside counsel, because if the County pays for this counsel, the way will be opened for other people who wan~ the same thing on other items at County expense. He said ~hat he saw nothing wrong with an investigation on the part of a separate attorney, however, the County should not pay for it and if people want another attorney, they should pay for It. Commissioner pistor said Mr. Saunders helped write some of the agreements and he Is i~vestlgating some of his work. Commissioner Pistor said he would not want to see anything that would accuse Mr. Saunders of .not giving an unbiased report., and that woulc' be the only reason he would agree to having an outside attorney Investigate the situation and report back to the Board. Commissioner Holland said it was his understanding that there has been a request to the State Attorney's office to investigate the mat- ter, and Commissioner Voss said that was his understanding, also. Commissioner lIolland said, If that Is the case, he would hesitate to approve an outside attorney until the Board received an answer from the State Attorney that would tell the Board whether it should or should not go further with the matter. Mr. Saunders said that he spoke to the State Att.orney's office in June and he did not believe there is going to be any significant Inves- tigation into this matter by that office. He stated for the recor~ that there is no indication of any wrong-doing of any kind by anybody. Commissioner Voss suggested that the Board wait until some word has been received from the State Attorney and then discuss the matter again in the Boardroom. Mr. Winston Barger stated he talked with State Attorney D'Alessandro and he was told that the State Attorney thinks there II a matter for civil action but no matter for criminal action and, there- Page 19 I:=:J EJ t::::J ...,--_._'''~"~,,_.."'~,,,..'',...._.,..._..._- .-------- ------------ ~ ~ ~ August 2 B, 19B4 for., he cannot participate insomuch as the situation does not create a health, dangor or a hazard, because under the laws of Florida the State Attorney has no legal ~ounds to set a precedent of gotting Involved in the Avatar situation as a civil action. He said that he would like another attorney to look at the situation. Commissioner Molland said that he would talk with someone from the State Attorney's office bcfore he decides on the matter. Mr. Saunders said that Mr. Jim Tangiers, from the Federal Trade Commission, will be present at the 9/4/84 Board meeting and he is the Individual who was Involved from the beginning of the GAC and Avatar problem. lie said it would be helpful to have him present when this subject ill discussed further. lie said that he would personnally request that the State ^ttorney's office send a representative to the meeting to Answer any questIons. Commissioner Holland requested that Mr. Saunders contact the State Attorney's office and ask him to hllve a· representative attend the 9/4/84 Board meeting and Mr. ~aunders agreed. ...The following ite~. were approved and/or adopted under the Consent Agenda by motion of Co~.lssioner Pistor, s.conded by Co~mlssion.r Voss and carried 3/0, Commissioner Kruse out of the roo~.**· Ite. 128 SMALL CITIES CDBG/ED GRANT APPLICATION Itea 129 PET. TR-83-10-C, JAMES B. ROOP, RE 3 MONTH EXTENSION PERMIT TO UTILIZE A TRAVEL TRAILER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF PRINCIPLE RESIDF.NCE ON E 180' or TRACT 106, UNIT 18, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES It.. .30 AUTHORIZATION OF TEST WELLS AT IMMOKALEE AIRPORT BY THE IMMOKALEE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT It.. 131 AGREEMENT rOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH HOLE, MONTES AND ASSOCIATES rOR DESIGN or PINE RIDGE ROAD (1-75 TO C.R. 951) See Po1gU '7 PI - Po f' 132 INCREASE IN COMMUNITY CARE FOR ELDERLY FUNDING AND RESULTINQ LOCAL MATCH Ite. 133 See Paßes g'ð Cf - ? / ð aOOK 082 rv,r 777 Page 20 -/: ""~"'II"""--"-'...,",,--'- ""~,""",,,,,,".......--,......,.,,,~--- (¡ 100': 082w.t 778 1\ugust 28, 1984 SOCIAL SERVICES CASES ,f-28, W-5821· AND W-329 Ite. 134 BID 1740 RE SECURITY BOOTH AT PELICAN B^Y - AWARDED TO SURETY CONSTRUCTION IN AMOUNT OF $15,048 PLUS $55 PER SQUARE YARD FOR ADDITIONAL PAVEMENT RESTORATION Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 24, 1984, as evidenced by 1\ffidavlt of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid 1740, for the Security Booth at Pelican Bay until 2:30 P.M., August IS, 1984. Bid 1740 awarded to Surety Construction in the amount of $IS,048 plus $55 p~r square yard Cor additional pavement restoration, as (ecom- mended by the Purchasing Director to be the lowest rvsponsible bid in the best interest of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign ðnd the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement. Ite. 135 ~CCEPTANC:! OF WATER FACILITIES FOR VANDERBILT SURF COLONY PHASE III See Pages y// Yd.d- Ite. 136 ACCEPTANCE OF ON-SITE WATER 'ACILITIES FOR YOUTH HAVEN Su Pages ? .:1..3 - J"..5ÞO' Ite. 137 CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE T^NGI~LE PERSON^L PROPERTY 1983 1983-527-540 8/6-l5/B4 =:¡ Pa g e 21 EJ ,-_..._''',.',...._---"''-_."~''-.-..,, August 28, 1984 "ISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no object ,n, the Chairman directed that the following correspondence be filed andlor referred al Indicated: 1. Departmental Report: Collier County Library System Statis- tics, July, 1984. Filed. 2. Copy of 7/)1/84 letter from Police Chief Paul C. Reble to FlA. Dept. of Corrections re painting of holding cells, plus copy of letter dAted 7/17/84 from E. Russell Smith, Chief Inspector. FlA. Dept. of Corrections to Chief Reble transmitting 6/28/84 Inspection report. Filed. ). Copy of letter dated 8/9/84, from B. J. White, Park Lands Supervisor, DNR, re a possible renewed Interest In reactiva- tion of II County sponsored project for the Clam Pass prop.Hty. xc: Mr. Vlrta, Mr. Lusk and Mr. Saunders. Filer!. 4. Lettl.!r dated B/I/84, from James L. Berkshire stating his opinion on the garbage situation and enclosing a copy of a newspaper clipped from the Hudson Post Gazette on "bottle bill" legislation. Filed. 5. Copy of letter dated 6/6/84, from William H. 1oo11ltcomb, Asst. Chief. Bureau of Casualty Risk Retention, Dept. of Insurance and Treasurer stating the Division of Risk Management does not hllve a financial Interest In the case of William Harris and that they are not Involv~d because of the reporting requirement of F. s. 766.28(6), plus a copy of a letterjated 7/)1/64, from Gross' T"llsman re Mr. Barris' claim. XCI Mr. Saunders. Filed. 6. Copy of minutes: A. CAPe' CCPA, 8/2/84 and 8/16/84 agenda; B. Parks And Recreation Dept., 7/27/84 and 8/17/84 agenda. Filed. 7. Memorandum 84-lll dated 7/)1/84, from A. J. McMulll.!ln, III, State Retirement Dlr., re Forfeiture of Retirement Benefits, with attached copies of Section 14 of Chapter 84-226, Laws of Florida which provides the circumstances under which ~ member of any public-supported retirement system shall forfeit .!Ill rights of retirement benefit when found guilty or upon admis- sion of guilt to commission of felonle6 Involving breach of public trust and other specified offenses. XCI Payroll. Filed. &OOK 082 w.I 779 Page 22 ", ::, ,¡rr·j";,·""""L····'·· "j" ',. '!""If¡((' "p' ~t~: ,:"',·~';.:~,:~\::':,?'f~·,~::~~~ /~~ '"',, .'.,~--,~. '. . .. - ;.,~.^ ;'; /. .' ,~ ;~.;.':~~ A"-:" _..,...""',.,~,---~=-<_.- -~_.__.._'"...."-.,-,--,,._;....._--'"~.._-