BCC Minutes 09/04/1984 R
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~eptember I¡, 198"
1."91 notIce havIng boton pUbl1shed In the N.1ploll Dally Nt/ws (\n
July 27, l!lU4, ,ðS evIdenced by Af!ldavlt of Publlc/ltlon filed with the
Clurk, public hoarlng wns cl')ntlnuQd fror.\ August 23, 1904, to consIder
Pl)tltlon R-t!1-aC, Cr. :~onl') Sp"gnn, ropre3cntlng Joseph' Nary 1.ynch ftnd
VI rglnla Feucht request In'} r02"nlng from A-2 to TTI1VC for 23.9 "eres
located on the northeast corner of Ug-~l I1nd Groenwl1Y HOAd In Section
l~, TO\lnshlp 51 ¡¡OUltl, H3nge 27 EASt.
rlann~r Ober at~ted thnt thl) (\bjPctlve nf thia request is t"
dcv~l(\p ð TTRV pðrk with 27~ slte~, ~rldlng that Staff /lnd all cnunty
"9'Jncles revlow\ld this petition, lInd staff r..commends deni.:!l bllsod on
the r.lllaon found !n the ~x..,cutlv" Sumnilry of Û/20/R1. ;,hl) Indlcllt,.,d
that the CAPC held their public he'nrln') on ,JUriI' 7, 1991, "ne mode no
recommendation '..II th thr,,,, for ,)no thn'¡' lIyaln:it the pet I tl(\n. She
St/'lt'td thllt t'--<> lette/rs wer'J received ~111lnst the petition IInd one
putltl"n ~Ith 3J s!gn~tur"s nppn~lng the rezoning hecause prnperty
v.llu'1s would O\lCn·.lse. :,he nnt·,,) th,n on': p~tltlnn with 31 slc¡niltures
,...15 received In f,Jvnr "C tllC r.~zonln'¡ .,ne! nne pers"n :¡pok,., at L..'e CAPe
~ubllc hearlnq In Cavnr oC tng petition. She noted thllt stnfC
rllcomment1s Ijunlðl, dd(Hn'J tll.1t If the ~.CC shnu!r! .1hH"Vl' th.. petition,
It Is recommended that It he npproved subject to the stpul~tl(\ns in
th.. ~:iecutlvc :¡"¡;Imary .j,lt..,,, ;:/.']/;11,.
Dr. I<.:no :;piqn..., repres',nt I nOJ the pet 1 t lone r, st:,t,"J th.lt he docs
not und'Hstllnd why stolff Is rl!co",mendlng dllnlðl since tho CAPC
Indlc.'ted a three to three vnte. 11<1 n(\ted th,H "Ctcr he found nut thðt
tho staff recommcnt1cJ dg/llnst this petition b~cnusn there nr~ too mllny
HV parks, he did a survey which ndlc~tcs thnt, wlthnut question, there
13 ronm .,nd n",e<J for 'H1dltlnn,, I~V sp,lcea. H,., st,'tl)d thnt hlJ hila mot
or ~s wIlling to m~et all the requirements that hnve been r\lc"mmended
by tho dlffcr~nt ruvlew ùyencles.
Commlßcloncr Plstor stated thllt the stipulations SðY that
ðddltlonal ~"pth for DfC-~ltc flows by constructl(\n nC II sWllle will ho
made, ðddlr"J thðt tic do..,s nnt S..,,, hnw th" dr,'ln'h)e problem will U'J
solv"d until conslu"rilbl" work Is ùon" south of U5-~J. fI.J stated that
thIs project will !ldd to tll.., ¡¡r(\bl('m, ,:Jdln'J that he coulrt not V(\t... for
this ,,,,,tltlon until th" (r"lnitgl.! pr"bl':rn Is r"!Jnlvcrt.
Dr. Sra~na 5t~tod thnt thlu water hðS nothing to ~" ~Ith the water
1II1II 083',..01 œ
P,1qe .,
"_.-'n._,_.~.""".."....,,".,,,,,,,,,,_~",,,,,,,,,,,,,".,,,_,,~,,,,,",,,,,,,,,, e''''''~'"'_'''______''''
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::~p:.c~.bQr t., 1«::4
chðnged to ::h"dowl"wn HODd.
CClt:lmlsslor.·'r brewn s:¡:tcd th.:t this shoul,J be delðyo::d for one week
to think a!)out It.
CODaiaaioner Holland aoved, aeconded by Commiaaioner Kruae and
carried unani.oualy, that the renaming of Kelly Road be delayed for one
Ite. 113
:';0 1 J d :< ð s t" ¡:: I r ~ c tor r 1) h .J Y J t ,n f! :1 t h.~ t t h I a I 3 " r e' ! u I) S t t"
nC'.1Ptldt~ " contr.::c.. for fTlillI.-.·Juri.;l nl.'rvic'.'~ 011 ~J~h/]lf of Cr. Gtr>r.1.I1I to
IISBJot tho d':jJ.:Ir tm~nt In 'l"v.~rnlng th:¡ ....,rk of th;: en'Jlncerln-;
cl'lnllul tlng CI rill ...111'1 ",1 Jl m.:.ktt tht' rr,or'~ rcCln....r1 fCiJslhlllty "n,'lycis of
tho (;r>untr's .lastu-tn-"nctrgy propl'la.:ll. II': :1ot~,j that r:r. 5tr.>koll h.'ll
serv..,d thl!! cO..1munlty In c"r~jur,::tiM1 ·~I.tt. u." d,:pilrtm'cnt In gctUn'J th':!
¡,rojec:t to this point for "'ppr(\xl:MtC'ly J YC'iHS. lie st/tcd thAt his·
u.:Ick'l rounrl, .'xl,cr I.:nco:. 1,n0 fa,,1 I I"r i ty wi th thIs p.HticlIll1r tnplc
.õhoulu bit t,H...n .'dViH1tiHJ~ "C to 'Joyern t~'(: ....·orl< of the cnnsul t Ir,g
)ngln~erln~ flrn.
CC\nlml ~s1C"1nC'( lIoll,Jnd :it,)l.!(J thl..t. 'Ie ~),,\!~ :in ¡lrrju¡~..:ntz \0.'1 th Dr.
~'tOI\"K' ,,¡uålUlc:.:;tlo:1:1, úddlr,<¡ t""t t:".'re .Jr') 1',,01'1.... fr~m t~.c rive
County ßullo~rs I,SI;(\cl.HI<:In, Cnll!,r COU:1ty i\ut¡~.:r:'\ 1.3110cL'tlr>n.
scvcrÞl "nglnct..r1r,g flrr.-.n. ·,"0 prlv.H{ dtlzo;>n~ tr..,t '''<'rc In ,~
,:ni,r..I{tt.-~ tr...1t ....~ r...~ tC' ~r in'J t1 rl~c('\r.-.rr.l.'r,r,~·lt inn ~."~K to tr.r!' £!n~lr::!. lit!
Iuð$tlon...d [ It 11115 h,C:1 c;ncurr,'Hltl.'-J U1ðt t/d¡; If' ncct"saary /):1U if
ther" h,:¡ø beon iln}' .Ictlon rcgardlnq t.~I¡; /"1/)Uer, tn ,,,tdeh i"r. Fahey
St.H..d th.1t thc $<:11:': '.'.1ntl: 1'~c:hr,!c,)l f.,~vl¡;or·1 Ç":'1mlttcl' th/t provided
U·.;;: f(n¡¡lbl~lt.y r~i'ort t(\ t/I{' ,:CC h,.s ~H.'<.!n r·~f"rr:1L·d Ir.to tho ::i"lld
I.4stil I,dvl:¡r.>ry en unci 1. ~cdlnJ th,"Jt th... (\rl:;ln,'l c(\mmltt~c brC'u')ht tc\
thr ¡¡CC .1 r/":o",m~':1dlltlon to j".'ur:¡uc thl¡; lMttl~r further. lie It"to¡d thollt
It ~ðl approved In July for ~ cOr,~uJtðnt :I~l....ctlnn group which consistl
I'It tlve people, ;,c'.1lng tl1.H :1ot .:.ntlc!¡;,He5 ¡Hovlljlng r. rt'c(lrnmcnd/ltlon
tC' seluct ,) con~ult~nt to further .:;nnlyza thIn pr(lject som.tlma during
:h... .'!\l'Inttl (It ()cto~Nr. i< !:tntt'd tllilt th~ "IV! ~C'ry ..roup t1l1sluts th.
~ol id ,··.JStu L~pllr '.::-cnt In .:In oYcrvl.~... of 1111 op..:r"tlons 6:'1C: prr>c;rðms,
",~Jln9 thðt th'JS" ilr... t\,O ul,n.lnc:t 'Jrou.J>:! th.,a ...,<1 Ft.
(;"J1\1nlsølon~'r .loll.lno IH;.:tco tll,}t ~.I.' W.Jr.t!: to I1ft.1f fr"r.\ thl!
,odvl:.;ory c:C',",mj tt"" ~l!f(lr" hl vr.>t,¡s fnr
t'lr ^SI,"ln~:
t h t: ~,' t t ~ r .
-- ~.
:tot( \.JO. J.OI ~
r~9. 12
'" :~~;,:~,~t.;
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I ~;i4~~
I·' .1
: ,'?:ft'
083 ~ ¡;cpt'JlfltJltr t, 19U.I
"~~un'l:'¥ M~nll9l'r Lusk ßtllttfU thllt thlr. is nnt tn hire thv
c~nsultllnt, ~ddlnq thnt It is "nly tn nQq"tl~t~ wIth thu connultllnt IInd
it would th!)n be br(\ qht. b~ck before thu jCC.
Cnmmi Bslon\Or IInlland It.ilted thAt. th.:rQ ¡H" som'~ .If!nplll that lire!
serving on this commltt"!1 thllt lire not. ton hllppy with the WðY things
Aro 901nq, IIddin~ thAt they arc not suro th~t they ~r~ hebded in the
right directIon. ho stlltad that tht} County hllG takan thv time 'nf
citlzenl of this county to sorv~ on thtt committee IInd the people on
thilt commltte<l should bo I1blc to turn In a roport on th~ ml1tter before
action Is t.1klln.
Commissioner V('ISS questioned wh.n the opinIon o( th~ committee IB,
to which Mr. ,...hey st,Hed that thlll /lctlnn tn hire Dr. f,tokos hils nnt
been Ip~c1flcðlly adelr!1!:neù by th/: cOô11J:\lttl:lI. Ih~ SOt..:: thllt tho Solid
~ste Dep~rtment Is rccommondln1 this, adding that If this In /lpprove~
In concept, h~ will 9(\ bdck to the comJ:\lttcu IIn~ 1at thQlr rncommcnda-
tlon. Commllslon~r V(\ßs stntad th~t ßnmathln1 has to bu done with
Solid ......lIt" line) It sl10ulò nnt b" hell: up ..ny Ion')"" I'Idolng thllt thl1 I
pc:> I nth.. s b" c n r" ,. C t1l::1 .... tw r" t ..' c h n c;, I " .1 v ¡ 5" " n c1 In 0 r e (: n'J I n e " r I n'J I s
nettdo~. II,. st"t..,C: t/¡.Jt II" (""ll' t¡'~l Cr. Sto~('S shnuld bl..' neg"tlatod
\.11th t(\ IHovln.· UI<' t"C'~lnl:;.11 5crvlc,.. l(\ the ,:n/"1r~¡ttl;/". II.., n(\ted th.,t
thu comf.1ltt..." h,'~ (."n~ .J (In" Jot,.
COl"mlølilonar ,:ru".' t:LltU1 thl'lt II :ill.: vnt",\ (\r :;t,,(( tc.
n'CJC't 1 "te, it 1. bl'c..'(lUSt,., sht"t (nq...t!ct!J ~td C f tn tit rl" no,:1t:nn" f1n~1 :,orr,¡:,
b"ck wi th ð éol1,.,r IImount. Dhc atated th~t "Ii'! c"nn(\t c(\nslcJer
n"'J0tl...tln) (or U'¡s C('ntr,¡Cl .It tho' .,nncn~. rot\( r.t.'t,,1 th.H It I~
problllJly YOln') to )/"[ In'~olvt!cJ In tr,,· Co"'rJt·tl~ Iv.' ~/"'"T ¡t!(\n t,ct.
CC'r.lmt nr.lnn'~r pi Ktf'\r :1tllt!.·(~ tnüt "'(""I"', C'1ì" ~.h""ul('~ ,,~:'r( th0 ct"rnr-:i tt"."
for tne1r rccn~mrna~tlnn !nntPlc (\f ~thf( ,.~kj~1 th~ rrrn~m~n~btlon,
j,lC::Hn'J th,H If thc' C"r.,r:'¡ttl"· n"CC1:i tt1<' tc-::hn 1<':. I ~cv!~", tl1"n It ""uld
bu brnu'Jht l>,\C~ wltl, th"ir r,·col\m'·n:l¡,[ion.
CODDissionor PIstor .oved, seconded by Commissionor Holland and
carried 4/1, (CoDmls.loner Brown opposed), that Staff bring the Datter
before the SWAC to see if II hlrod professional is necesaary in their
I tu 114
TCI,nsJ<1rt.'t!"n Dlrcct<H ^rchl¡¡I!(1 !;t~tr.:: th"t tl'.!/; ¡tolm Is In
rcgaruL to II rO¿d Imµrovøment nn~ w,¡l~r Mðnil'Jumcnt progrnc In Goldan
I'¡¡<]" 13
·~"'·'''·'····<''''·_·'''''';''''''''''''''''''-<.'·d,·~·",,,,..,,",,C·''""""'~"'~""'_~_m" .",,,,...,~,",,,,..__,,,,,.____...,,_~...
~uptcmbcr ~, 1904
CðtO ~øt~t~S using th~ GAC truÐt fundo. Ho stated thðt CAC ~rOð covers
~ lot of ground, .1ddlnq th~t tho aAC tru3t fun~ Dtðrtad in 1~77 with II
grant from CAC in tho tor:\ount of S1.1 million. lio st.1tecl thðt since
thðt tln<t, th.. trul'lt ~ a been ".::Irnln') [nt"rc~;t and currflntly t.h'!
ðv~ll~blu Intorcl'lt In ~µproxlmðtQly tl nllllon, dhlch nnkcs thft totðl
Cund npproximatflly :2.3 mIllion. "0 rûparted thnt thoro hnB b\len ~
nl.lT\bur of Inc¡ulri"s /IS to whnt th.! Cunds will !)'J u"..d Cor. I:" stilted
thnt h" 11.::13 enme up \lIth tW<'\ 'Jlffor"nt pr"'1rr.:':Il' to utlllzl! nane (\f thO)
~.::Irngd Intgrcst ~nd nlun tn utilize thu princlpnl to undcrt~ke
Improv"ments 1:1 th~ Gnl:JQn C,1ta F;!JtðtCr. H(]/J, hnth on .1 nhart-turn Ano
II 10n1-term hnalo.
Im¡;ro·~'trncnt. of Ul"
tl'J ut.lt.;!d th,it the flr'-'t IJr"gr,}r.\ ..."uld b~' the
1"l:.Jl rn.I'::/\ In C"ldJn C,It·: f'It,1t"!I, ,;:Jdln') thllt
thl.'rl:' .l!": ('I'JCt 7(;n ~l¡ ;!~ C'f rnt.'í\l.ty in th;.:- :':!itI1t,~~ .Hid th(~rc 1~ , nead
bcc/lu'hf n: J...v.do¡r.,·~nt an tho: Ilm'H(\C~ 1,..c..'¡ r<'.J:! sysC.'m5 tn c"nc Ini,hJ
to Lnpr(\v-: U,n!4(' rO.,,13 frNn I' 11'"']rock :1"5" to 1 í:l1vctJ rOl\d nYl!t~'m. rlu
r1C't'~d th.~t thL,¡ h.J5 L\~(..:n ~~("I:1;..' nVLr tJ p..:rL('Id ,,[ (nur y.'lIr1 "n(j
ðpproxLm{t\.'ll J') oe tft'J rÎl....~!. h"vl' th!f.·n buti,:, ~JlJt tt)f~r'" i!1 " no>:,n to
bull,~ ':\,~ny ;nore ~nC1 , n··,,,; to ~st,1b! IsrT ,n <'r.-'JC1ln') progri1::1 to K'}OP U?
rO,H1 Improv,·r.wnls 11'\ lho:: ,~r·.',>. 11<1 st~tc,1 tl",t nn:1 of .thf! proqr~ns thnt
h <I I s r" c 0 mrr," n ~ I n j 1 H t ,d<l n') , po r t i "" "C tt1'~ ,'" r n·, din t.~ r f! s t ,'n 'J
:Jui 1d1n:¡ ":.>,,u~ 1 ~ it i·'s oe r:""l,JJ:s in ·..~ì·: UI..co..~ln~J y~,'r t\j1rJ t!lun
~ .1 t u I'¡ I :0 h [""1 .: " "r. t I "U I C,' 1 C :: ,.. lJ " t . n .: 1111 n') t h " [n t " r <::1 t r r <' I" C h " t
otCCnunt to hut L! rt'l,:df. l.ï th,: J('\"'J-~rorr.'l f~,)("'~¡ .tnrj I-:vf~ry '/:-"r wi th th"
id..·¡, o( k')opln\) I',' wit.l~ tt',.: r".iJ n"I"(:~i tn t~:" rnl~~t'n r.,t..' ~~~t_.tQ:\ "re".
lId :ill)t..~.1 th.1t t~)' "!"~'t'r í·rn·Jr"r;¡ tholt if; lJf,'tn:} r(~c('l~n4!n'1('-:1 t;¡ t~i': ',,",_'tor
;'..\ n,. -Jf ;Th.... n t p r n'J r,:'" ": j ,:: I ,r:,: r .. .i:i.~" t ~~. d r It i n r. J f" ~ y!\ t t.: n : h " t r1 r , I n!'\
"nuth throu'jll tht] ~ ",".I-Un!,'r, ,.."tC,l!l. :1', >It.n,,, thùt t:,;r,
Oyst<:f la v"ry -=rltlc-.l! c,.. ':r,I\"':..¡<· thrnu'JhnlJt th., t:3taL'/K,
tho "yst~ms dr"ln,,'¡ ".·,Hw,)r: tn :I.,p]"" E...y, )'Jilln,! tl)/,t ..,8 .1 rcs'Jlt he
hð!l c("Ime up wil:' ;1 ,}IC'LJrolf:1 tn ,-I,,1nt,IJn 3n...,.! ('I~ th....· c.JnJís ,Jnc the J-...:y
to till:> 1IyBt'JI~ '~()u!d ~'.' l<' LI,dntl1!n th... c.}n,.11I :;"uth nf o\lllJðtor
,"ll"y. ;1./ roJf"rrcc1 In.1 :O'1f' :h:¡t ndlc~t...d the -=...n"l:l th.lt wnuld h.~v~
A ~ontlnu(\u!:l ,"'I'¡nt~n.n.:" iJrc''')r:.r... il... !Jl.,t"ri l:'.1t to .:-tldrcsa this
¡:;rn.jr"m, h.. Is i~roi,"'slr"J t,.. U:1', ¡, ¡,ort! ~n nf the ",1rn<,)(1 Int,Hest tn
¡Jure:)(.... Som,! .:.:.plt.,l oJ'lu!¡.m.!nt !nJ ,'!It,lbllr.tò g prlnclp.l1 <!ccount thl1t
..ou!.! "¡:"!rlot" U,·J ",¡u[¡,m, nt I(\nc¡-t~rm. II~ !It.>tec1 th.1t In both <;',)5I1B,
II" III ..st"b!illhlr,.. pr,,'}r,)l.l:J UI,.t !¡op<.1Cull¡, In the l"ng-t<.1rr.1, wIll
mlnl.Td,,~ tho n<,)"d Cor ..,: v.llor"m t"xcu In th'~ futur~ t" ,1ctdrcas th\!so
probl '"m!:l.
II;;: 5t,H"Ù th,H 110' is Frop"!:I[n'¡ to t,:J~'" ~l nlll10n as
~ø~ 083 rA'.[ 27
Pdq!} 14
083N'.' 28 t:il.1ptcmb.. r 1" gCI,
prlncl~öl ðnrl $75C,CCO Cor ~n~-tlme Coplthl rnod e~p~ndlturcø I1nrl thon
maintDlnlng the roftd constL~etlon progrAm by utill~ln~ the ~lOn,OCC In
earn,,~ Interest Crom the £1 millIon principal, Djdln~ th~t thlc In
ItselC ~'ulc! bv "n on-'1<:'ln'1 pr~9rilnl. II'! stntc,1 th,~t thlø ~,'~uld result
In th~ Immcdlðtu improvement of About 15 rotdways Dnd thL nnnun1
Improvomont of obout A h~lf-dozcn roaownys with th~ Idu~ ~f kceplnq up
with roods Gnd rood neods ðnJ usùge In the Colaun CntQ EstAtes nreD.
He Itntod thnt the w~tQr mnnagcmant program would b~ bosad on thd
principal DC approxlmatcly CJ~O,OOO ðnd the Immedlnte "n~-tlmc capital
expensv Is About $2~O,COO for wQed harvesting eGul~cnt IInd equipment
to k..ep th.. canols clenn ilnd d [ut~r~ nnnunl Qxp~nsu bns~d upon the
Intllrest of $~C,OOO IKould r.Mlnt,1In ;,no or,cr,'t... tt,at cqulpT:1ent. II,~
stðtvd thot b(\th proqrnma wnulct be pr~posud fnr tn0 u~comln9 ye~r,
addlnq thAt h~ Is ~5~lnq ,t thin tlnr to conGldLr th~ progrnm And tn
conslll..r ,¡Iv!n,) Gtace t:)~ .,un,nrlty to [0110.J t!',rou'7h ""Ith budgetln') I
CClr,unls:;aioncr t:rUM4' f.t¡,:'t·~ ~tl"l '.'5r;~nti..lly t.h... :::~. 3 nl] 1 ion
prlncll"'¡ w!11 r<:m,dn, but th... =: rd::Jor, Intcr.·!:t i~ wh..t ""Ill b,) use(]
!Clr tih.· ....C1t4.( ti~ðnl-"I,)~m(nt f.rn·.Jr.."""! ..n¡... trl'! r(\~--: fiYflll.'mf.. C"mn\!f;si("'llh.'f
Kru5~ Gue~tlnn~d If ~r. Tdnll~r" of the rcdur~1 Trn~~ Connlv~lo~
I:IlJprov",ù o[ tl.lu r:'.utt,nd, to wl:i.:!, "" r'"i.llc,; ..dfir~,,'t!v,.l~'.
Cno:.n,Iß"lnnur VOila ,u,,!:tinn{,,: I[ "ny of tIllS r,',nn"r t...., hocn u!Jed In
Colden C..t" II t'l, In .¡oIcl, ',r. ilrct,IL:,:.: r"¡.ll".. n"'I,tll,>, 1'1, (I,!;!ln,)
tl.dl t"llI lanl1':-y ::~nnot IJ·: US",: Inr Gol¡;cn C.H,' (I ~Y.
""c. l~r..;h1r),di.. !;l...tl'~: to.d tl}{r~' :~rt t",{\ ..iY!itf,'f"I!; iT1 th"! L5:'¡.tt;3
thût. c}rc å c(\nc~rn wh1c,·tl ..If'; tll'~' loc.:ctl 1 irnl'rocl-;. rn,1r¡ ny~t'~r .']:¡~J th,.
collector' rn.H: SYIIL'"''
h: f¡t.tt,.:~~ tr"4t th·: ("(111, ¡'tr"r ro,.,; Systl't', in th\.'
lJiJ&l fuu y..~rtl tln!t In t.:,!,. (uturl' iLi r 1n~ÎnCCl1 tflr0u<J!} t~.\· ¡".~;T:; (C'r thdt
IIr"þ ðnd tt,rolJolf1 ,)..5 t"xc:;, .1cdll1'1 th:.t tIler" 15 :,n C'n-c;nlng rOil:;
pr~'Jr..m th,)t will nuur"r,s mn!:t (\f lt1L' c(\llcctnr roil',; n,,~:::;.
Comrrlssloncr ¡:rLJ::;'. 'I'J"'ätl(\n'~d if Gol:...:n ~.q.t. !'lv,:. Is (\n thO) five
Y"l:lr tl.X ¡.l¿.n Inr UIC' q""; r..xc", t" ""hie!. ~Ir. I rchH),)lr: ref.'J le:1
II I fIr m;, t i v t' I Y .
Mr. hlc~~rd ~rhun, r"sl~...nt 01 Golùpn G~te LSldtU&, stnt~~ thdt In
193(0 th', Comr.t!s,;l(\n lIuttl(\rl;:,,¡: tho: Lor.J L)ep"rtm"nt to 1""v, Cour r.\llos
nC t:vcrgli':1>.:!i 6J vr... ,(lèln'J tllJt nt this tin" (\roll tw(' ::\11('!ò h/'v( bUl'rI
IJnv~r¡. II~ st.,terJ th,H th('rc hnvl.1 b.'C'n nIJm<,rOUfi rùCu~stll tCl 0(\ th/'
t~ll.lnct: nt thi5 rnð(: ¡"~nrl i: hi~:1 n"t hpcn c1(')nc.
110. 3t,'t,::: th.'t Coln.'n
pr.qc l!.
_·'V"__...,_.,~.,.h·~~""~'""·_"~,,,,....,t~..,,,..,,,, "',. ,_......
tioptcmbor 1, 19fJ4
ølvu. and ~lll~~ blvJ. nro ~aln ro~dl in th~ Colden Cntu Eßt.1tUß
~re~ and th~8e roads Ahould bo ~ov~d up In priority to now. H~ stated
th.1t YQl1rl nqo MlIcl'llphnlt, Inc. uSdd to mlllntùln th~sc rO/Hls I'll their
trucks wr.. the on!!. tth~t r~...ltroy'( tl1" ro"da, ..dellnq thDt th"Y \luro
rolieved of tl1ht obli~atlon ond atlould n~t have hean. He utllt~d tha~
thu Commission should npprnJch 1".,1CIISphlllt, Inc. ,lgnln to r,...,lntaln at
lOD~t Goluùn Cote ~lvd.
Cnmml:HIl"n..,r Kru~\I !it,ll.!') ~h.lt ¡';vor'Jl"d'~s !>lve!., C,,1d~n C.,t,!
~lvu., dnd ~llßon H1v~. arc Counly-wl1c r"ðda Jnd ahnuld ~n done ulth
County dollJrs an~ nnt nut of ~h~ tru~t fund.
~Ir. ',rcldlJ..ld !!tllted tl1ht tl1l!re Is ,1 pr"''Jr,ll~ r.cxt yr.ðr th,~t
Inclu<oc'lI ','.11110:1 1:1'0':1. 'nn , pnrtlon n( ~v.,r'Jl..ld·,5 91'1,1. to 10'11:1 the
rOolu""ay U¡J ..nd Ino.Jl<.lI It '~UCI1 ,j[,n '.II/In It la. I,,, noted thJt the ~'.Iløon
blvd. ¡.>CIrtlon or ~I,,, ..ory. CiholJld IJn elon~ ,:¡rOU:1c.J ~In"":nbcr ,1nd ~\lcember'
of tlda Yð"r.
Commisslon"r irua. st~t~u th"t t~xun cnll"ct"J (rom tha Fore! Test
Tr"ck coul,'; b'l.! .1,¡r:nt·rk.eU (nr trH! riI.lin iJrtl.'ri.11 röl.:cJr, in the Eutt"}tuU C..,r
thQ futur\l.
,'Ir. C..:orr¡c I:,'¡ l.r. ",.,rntJ.1 n( th,' ¡;(>.Hd of 0\ r·:ct<)ffl nf GnlC:,,:'I G,ltC
Estüt.,s C¡v¡~',..:;nc\.'tI0n. ät.HUJ ·.;,,It l,rlnrlti':5 h.1VU not br:un
(C'd1o'w~(1 tt'..J "/tJ,/ [H.ot-I'': ...\nt tht·r" tC'a ~)f.', ,'¡(jcl1n'I ttl·lt th-..:r,· :'Iro r("lt,c1a 1n
thtt t:stùlÜ!I elC :cl tlhll lt1VC b.:~n ¡:...l·....cJ ,Hit1 ht"ivt! nnJy t,'#/o or threq . nU~H!S
(In th'1m ¡And tlH.:ro 11r,' ("'Ith'~r 11:i1~r{\C~; ro,\(1J1 th,)t ,1rt: vf·ry rou'Jh itn:1 h.1vè'
¡; to 12 hou~" on t:1,¡m. H.. ßt"t....d th.lt th·! IJr 10rlt1O)!I 3t,,,uld be b/lsed
on t h,~ I n LOn be r 0 ( t) n u :.; .... ~ " " t::" r " .J (J .
'¡'r1nslX'rtatl::>n ï:¡"'ct<'r "rcl1i~..l(: &ti.tcd th,'t he 'J~r.!; ,1 Int (If
c.:llls ,'skln~ !Inw iH Inri tl'J:J .Hc' cI......,.'lc'l."d. II.) nntcd thðt this Ie dnn'J
on ~n ðnnuðl b~KIs b..s....o nn ~ tr~(flc count ~nd ro~d U5~~D.
Com.lsstoner Kruse moved, seconded by Commiamloner Voss and
carried unollni.ously, that the proposed improvements to approximately 20
local road. in the Colden Cate Estate. a. outlined In the Executive
Su~ary be approved and staff directed to proceed with the budgeting
and planning of the road Improvements in ~y 1984/85 and retain the
principal a.ount In the CAC trust fund for future local road improve-
ment., and utilize future accumulated interest earnings from the trust
fund for local road improvements.
..... Heces.1 10110 ~.". - Reconvenedl 10120 A.M. .....
m-: 083 ~ '2')
PI'I'JI! 1 ~
_..... 1"1
___.",·..._,~c,...~..".".,.,,_..".,,__,..,'_......_...',.._'""_""""',.-,...,,~;.,."'.,","' ,,',~,,""''''..=,.,',''~_,., .",µ,..-,_-.,.,~;o.",___.,;.,_~,,,..,,
buptamb~r ~, 19~1¡
It.. 116
Solid ~~oto Olrcctor [ðhey stated th~t this r~quø3t Is to ~llow
for a luparDt. r~tö (or blö-~~ss, l~nctelear!nq, ynrd trlmm!ng type
m~terlD18 ¿t tho County L~ndf!ll. I~ 5t'tact th~t tho lnndf!ll is n
Cl¿sl I »Ito, 'ddln~ that tho City of N~ples (\p~rntea ~ Clnss III slta
~hlch .1ecopt:J thouu I'.Hlicul.-.r nr p\Jeullar k!ndr. nf ",rtcrl"la. 110
notold that ho h,ls p.:rm!sa!on from th'l D!:H lO ('5t¡¡bl !tlh within the Clnss
I s!tu ~ Class 111 ~ren. ~ddnq th;!t tho sica haD ~acn prupar~d
cccordlnq to tnu )¡;H ~p"c!C!~Jtlons by ¡Jutt!r.1 !n two (cut of (Ill to
'Ilev..':." thl! m~l'HI~1 t;'.1t ,lOulr! ~e cJc¡,oalt'~d th~r,· ¡,bovu h!<Jh 'Jround-
~nt"r t"O¡... be 1:t.,t'"(J th',l It.ls wnula ..rovl.)l' M'I IIltl'rnutlve to the
Incr""sin'f COSla tlldl 'r... ¡d,¡o.;!..t"d "Ith ¡uni1f!1lIn-] I\nC ''Illow th<:
,T,.:1t c r I III to,; ~ 'J r ., c: ~ r1 ù l u r " : 1 y .'1 n:J ,il:l (\ t n I' r" 'J Irj,! " r; /¡ 'J /I p" r r ,1 tlI for
th05. lh'll í'rn·H,,~·' tl. Jl ¡·,Il·!! ¡" I.
Co.ml..loner Plstor moved, secondad by Commissioner Kruse and
carried unanimoulsy, th't Re.olutlon 84-175 estollblllhlng fee. to be
charqed for use of the County SolId Wa.te facility be adopted.
I te. '17 s.... r~Rr _Z(,__)
Ad '" nil :I t r ., l ! v', :, l: r v I c ~ a f,d m ¡ n I tll r .n n r U 1 d n ~ l: n t d I' s t /I t e d t hilt t his
I a ,) r 'H u It 5 l t (\ r ... c 1 iI 5:; It ï t h" ¡:.'1 :; f d "'! r, I :a r .) t1 " ... :; U iN r v I :¡ 0 r po 111 t 1 "n
t" ¡; 1:; ^dnl n ¡:H r,lt 1 /OJ Ch ¡ I, ( pn31l1 0". ,,,!,~ n'J '.1',) l tht' :n,'¡ n µur I'0s(, ° (
thi:; ht¡\n'J" 1~ ~o :.~l("... t.f)..! t.:.~:i :Jlr·.'ct.nr t" 1!i:111n mor~ f"'1í,.,r.lt1on.)1
dUll." ..crsu:; :.J.,.,ln!¡;lr.>tl.." 'lull.,a to rlil:; I,,,rson. liu :ll,'t,!d th.1t
th.,.r" 10'111 tJ~ r,n ,=:~.)n(J~ In t.ht) :1.)l,Hy .¡, ri,J..: "jet:",) th~t this !s
b.ulc.1l1y II <:h:,nl" in U)c ,Jullt1s ,In" th" job t!tl,).
Co..I..loner Piltor moved, .econded by Comalllioner Kru.e and
carried unanlaou.ly, that the vacant EMS ~dmini.tratlve Sup.rvl.or
po.itlon be reclalsifled to EMS Adalnistrat1ve Chief po.it1on.
Ite. '18
l)u~lIC ~"r\'ic~!ó "d~dnìnlr~tor ¡,ort(\r\ :;t.1r.~(1 t~,~t this !t"m !u thu
rccClont.l.nU.1t!on r"'l"r'Jlnq 1'01 !C11111 dnd proc<lr1urt' cnncf:rnln'l thu fee.
"nlJ S'Hvlce& ¡.rovlul'" hy lh., Colllvr County 1I.:.11lll Unit, <HI'Jlnq thst
~ss')ntl.111y th!:;¡ !t 1M W"S ¡;rQvl"usly "1'1'f!)Vcd In c"nc..'¡:t "t the budget
P,lgc 13
,,~c 083' r.Gt 33'
'-~-'-~""_.""'''''--""..""_..,.,~;~.,-,,., ..."~..,...,...",,~..,,-~,".,,
~uptcmb'H 4, 1904
Asslstllnt County M.:I nngur Dor rill :Jt,Hed th,H "bout twn weaks ago
sta!f coordlnðtud with the GoldGn Gilta Fire Control' nescun District,
to bu pl~ccd on the Novcmbur b~llnt, n referendum GU~5tIDn to annex
further l~nds ~nd hav~ them be~o~" p~rt of the Independcnt tD~lng
district. tic nDt\leJ thl1t 91ncu tl1...t time tha UCC hCiHd " 31m I Inr
reyuellt from the I,"mok.:l~ø Ind,:p'~n:ent rlre DistrIct .1nd there are tWf'\
nth~r reyuellts this unte fro~ Nnrth Naples Dnd East N~ple!l, adding thnt
ðll of them hcve D desire to cnl~rge the :;IZ2 "f their boundðrlos. I~
3t,1t..<.J thdt whun "h~ [Irst reyue"t w,'1I brought up by th'J GolcJ~n C~te
Ulstrlct, Com",I:.»I"ncr Kru,;" ,u(HItI"~"o1.)j to ",tlp-ther or not the people
í1"tltl(\n"d h"d been "p¡.;rls..., (\f the r;ltu.)tlo:"l 1nd wh"t th~ .1ltern,ltlves
woro: to ln~r"",d"'J the tJoun:J,IfI('~ of U·"'. CI:.trlct. lie ::;tated thllt h'}
made cont...ct with th.! ¡-"tltio"...r, -,r. 11.1:"150.111, r'''Jdrdln~ this mðtter.
tie pr<1""ntt:d.) 1,J[.tt:r fro,n t',r. lIilr,::;" I 1 wh!~h lndlcato!s th,'t ll1st yoar
th..r" WilS concern DC re,lidcnts in i,t>OUt ., 5C S'¡U.HI' onl I.. aru.' thnt dl<1
~oot l1..v.. fir" i,rot"ct¡n" throU'Jh " t,'~\nl dlgtrict, .\ddln'J th,» thtHe
WclS "n ultlmatLIII Issu"d to them by tll'! Cnld']n G"t" rl re comirds.don that
Indlc.Jted th~t unlds6 tho!y bec~m~ µJrt nf tha tðxlnl dl::;trl~t, th1Y
would no longer provide ::;ervl~c to th.)t ,H"". lie n(\t,,¡! th;¡t thollO
pcopl~/thJt llv" within th" City of G(\lde:"l G~t0 h"Ua hnct ð cnncern (or
.1 porlod of tl:o<! tlt"t tncy h"v\! IN"n :;u~~¡d¡zI"'j fire rrotectl":"I In th':
!.lr out ,HeðS of th.! ~st"t"n. fI', :;t,Hc( thdt tlJl' letter Indlclltl!& thilt
"<I 'ooOuld like to purllu<, wh.n ,:.Jt(rn~tlv,'1! th·JY \oIOuld h~vr.. He noted
t h.. the S"" II t h.) t "n ~ ,11 t.' r n " t 1 ./ '1 "''' u I; b P. t n C r c" t (' " new I n oj (' pen d Q n t
fire dlßtrlct or to ~ðva the ECC crcdt" .1 county t~x!n~ <11utrlct "nd
th~n contrllct 0Ut f(\r lIervlce t(\ the nearcst "nd closest pllld anrl
prdfessl"nðl dep.Htn,,,nt. He noted thilt thc L;CC ncads to !:lake this
decisIon, adding that the County's effort OVQr tha last seven to eight
years has b"en to croate soma typu of fir" mastur pl"n, addlnq that the
full cooperatlnn of the ¡ndcpr.ncJ~nt5 h30 nevur boen recelv~d dUQ to
vðr1ou:J ft."-'sorls. I¡'~ !~t¡JtccJ th.'l.' jl;c1::;ion nùc'~s to ~)I~ r.\c"1dt:: Wh...1thor
thO County 15 ~olng to Jllow the contlnuud ^nd nnmawh"t Indlscrlmlnato
~nnexatlon on thu p.lrt of thd !nJupe~d\lnt dIstricts wn~r. they (e"l It
Is to theIr ,¡Jvðntðgc or ...hctl\~r U.c ù(;c :13¡¡ " '.1..:5Ir<3 to create on"
lIol~ taxing district (or 1111 thu rum~\nlnq lAn~s In Collier County that
m( 083 W.¡ -15
Plq., 20
IOCI( 083 mt '46 Soptomb<lr ". 19r.4
are not cUTrl?ntly in oJ tðxlng district. 110 st,Hect thllt n one mill
taxing district of 1111 ~eðple who ore currontly nðt in tholr own flro
district could generate OUðUt t4oo,OaO /I yoOt ðr the independants will
b. holding four different ru!orendum type queøtlðns to dotormlno if the
votors wllnts to contInuo to onnox 'l/)nd ,'WllY frl'lm the Cðunty. lie .tllted
that In the future, there is 0 pðssibillty thnt one IDst firo district
could b. crellted ond contracting the s~rvicQ tð whoever cnn bast offord
It, othorwlse, the Ind...pcndents will got tho Il1nrJ thllt Is worth their
while and the Cðunty is ultlm/ltely left with dividing fire sQrvlc~ to
those eostwrn portions of th~ County th/lt do nnt h/lv~ vcry much
aDstlssed volue. Ite notud that StnCf'a recl'lmmendntion wl'luld bl' for the
BCC to con.ldar crudtlnJ ð final tllxlng distrIct to Include /Ill
propurtl.s that do not currently hðve Ciro protection servlcu and then
the County will contr~ct bliCk, /IS has buon done In thu p~st. to
whichevor flrl dcpnrtment haD the clnsust rosponse time to thðt orGII.
lie stHed thAt !C tl1I!! Is n(\t donL nolo, It wIll hI: hllrd to d(\ it In the¡
future as ther" will not be enough ðDseHse~ vlllue lcft ofter the oct ion
of the InduPQndents In the Novembcr eløcti(\n.
County Þ.ttornt'Y ~,.und<!rr. !!t,H"d lh,~t thi!! d"te Is th.. delldl ine fðr
callin<;¡ any s¡>eci,)l clc;::tlon In Nnvt'mo"r, IId(~ln'J th,'t ., probleM thllt
may exist Is whether tho UCC h.'5 to approv.. tho: election. lie btnted
that the ~tðte Lo')lsl/lturø hila /luth(\rlznd the electIon /lnrl th..re Is /I
question a. to wh..tn"r the BCC oct~ In /In ad~inlGtrlltlve capAcity In
approving rellolut Ions n[ thj s n.Hure ~ft'!C they /trL /IT,prnv<:d by th"
Stilt.. L"'J1sI{Jtur<J. ,.., 5LJtc(J tl1l1t dur lng th..' d"b,Hf! 11" \11 I 1 In"', Into
this yuulI.lon.
Commlsslonrr t:rus,· 'jU"~L¡on('(: If u,,- petltio:'!.,r \1,15 ,~Io',HC' thllt
there WûS n ¡..ot~ntlill tnr ::c<ntr.lclln') lids ,¡"rvlcc, to ....hicl1 A!;sint¡¡nt
County 1".'Indgllr LorrilJ r"Í'JI"ü nV'Ftlv"I~, clc1din'J lh,:,t tll" nnly thin')
thllt ne had Wð/l dn ~Jl¡m.:.tum from Goldœn Glltu sftylnq thllt they h/lct t"
b..come pilrt of the t'-';dn'J dl¡;tricl or th',y Wðulc consider not running
clllls outside tile district.
Comrns3loncr Kruse slntca th~l under thu current lOan acreS held
In truSt by thn bOllrd, thnt IIcrcllgc c(\uld bu uS\ld for flro protection.
Sn\: qU{,:ltio:'!~û ( n J.lrl of thL' !;lIt.1tC:; th,H 15 cliqible for th(' fund.
i. romovud ðnd ¡..lðced with nn Inrlrpondcnt district, will thny be cut
out from th" benefits of till' lOCO /lCrC6, to whicl, Cot;nty ^tt(\rn('y
~lIun~ers stntrd thnt It JppCbrll thnt ðS lon~ ~s th~ prðprrty Is uscrl
for tho bllnv!lt (\! Cold"n G,ltl:' !.stllteD, that II tr,lnsf...r to II scpar.'te
PÞge 21
"",";,-"",,,,-,;.,,,-~-".,,, ...."..."...",,_.........._"'_.,-
~''''~'''~""",__",,,,.,,,_,,",,_.,,,_,,,,,,-,,''~'",., .,'.,,',..,' ....
~ept~mber 1" 1964
tðxing dIstrict would i'oaalbly be permlttùble ,H¡ long ð~ It Is for the
benefit of Colden G~tu Eat~te~.
Mr. Ttlngiers, ropres\ln'ðtlve of the Federal Trada Commission,
stated that If the l~nd is ~rùnsforr~d to ðn independent agency the
. proccods of thùt land should be oarmarked for Colùen Cùte Egtotos
residents only, ùnd the record should be clear os to the transfer ðnd
Commi:lSi(\ner Kruse questionod If th'~ Cnllnty were to gIve the
Ind<lpandcnt f I ro: bo"rcJ ,~ ploco of propurty would tho County h,wo the
rl/sponui bill ty of followl n..¡ Ui) on tlli 5 property to bo sure th,H it i!J
ðctutllly us~d for fir~ prntcct["n scrvl~~n ~n~ thðt It In being held In
II sepilr.1te fund ùnd whùt money [a bulnq cxpnndcd7
County Attorney :;¡;uncJcrs ::;tated th.H ,)5 tr:.:stc", thlJ Cnunty would
be rusponsibl.:: for th.H .1nd it ......uld be ~n ùccounting probl<lm which
would not bl/ thùt difficult.
Mr. {;.,vc nl/\lVI.'n, Pi ru C11ef of C"l.u"n CJte Pi rc Control C. f1<1scuo
District, sUIted thut I".r. IllInaoll C.,:nc to h 1m to find out wh/lt could be
done to b<! prnv!dcd fIre protcctlon. 11., stat'HJ th.1t he ·....1S mndo aware
of t~le procedures ,~nu the dl(fer"nt tYP'1S of flr(' control ditrlcta
th,lt Were pos:;ibl~ In tr,t! ùre.., "Jû[n.) ttlðt (I) 13 tn fnrrn theIr n"'n
dlatrlct, ....hutt'''r Inacp"nrj~nt or de¡H,ndcnt, "nd (2) 15 tn plltltlon to
coma Into dn existin') :.Ii lite ict. 11<] :.t..t.!U tr,,,t thlu m.lttcr ho\s IIlr'lðdy
been brou~ht beforc tne btllte LC'}IUldtlvo Dol~g~tlon for tho ðrv~ and
It h/lll been approved for eefer~'naunl, which III tho s.sr.lO t"lIt thQ FI rQ
CO/l\m/ssloners h.w" don" ,It this tllne. IiI: stat..d tt..,t thl) rire
Commission Is not ,'sklng to ,Inn.'x thin .HI!J, Dddlng th.1t tho t'1 ro
Com~!~slon w~s petitioned to p~ss J resolution supporting the
referendum. H,¡ st.ltc1 ~hl1t the .1(<'.' In quest Ion t"ke!1 In the good ,1nd
the o/Jd in turms (\( r"venue. Ite noted th.~t it will C(\VIH everything
north of Alllg...tor All"y in th<l full Entatus "re.J, <lvcn the unpl,'tted
drf.s ....hero! th..rOl .1(\1 fcw ~CC\l3S rOJds. lit! st,1t~1 thllt he real i zes the
pro'blcms IInd compl.llnt!1 of du"linc¡ with II contr,lct for IIn ,HOld, ðdding
thot one probl em 1.11 unfa I r tllX. II,) statl!u th"t therLl ¡¡ro two districts
being auppll..d servic<! by the SJmc dep~rtmcnt wIth onc paying one lcvol
of tð( anti the other pllylng .:Inoth\lr level of u,x. ,~ noted th1lt on a
contract b~sI3, thurc L~ no plJnninJ for future flru stJtions Dr
.1nythin'1 elsl! bec,Juse one <10,)8 not "now how 10n'J 1\ contr,)ct will lllst
when it I IS don~ on ,. y.! a e -t<:--Y'.·/H b" s l!.ò. 110 >It" led th,l t tho r" " rð no
rnr. 083 w,r '47
r¡¡go 2:!
.IIK OBJ,,·, 48 !i']ptl'mber 1" 19(;4
guarðnteds th~t thoae Independont dlstricty ùro goln~ to w~nt
contract, adding th~t his recommcndntion tn hi~ r.omrnis3!onors
noqðtlve. lie stilted thllt for this area of 40 ß<¡ul1r(' milea, ðt
without consider/lt.ion for tt" reductioõ1a Invo1vod, there would
approximðtely $42,000 comln.,) .n. lie stilted th,1t hIs experienco tells
him that fire protection for this large an area could not be furnished
for ~42,000.
Commissioner Krulle stilted that shl' W(\uld hallc to vote /lgainst tlds
until such t Imu all there has been some pl/!nnlng done by tho County
.taff, the Attorney, IInd the financial people to see what the alter-
nativo. /Ire for tho poople In Golden Gate [St/ltclI.
~r. Reaves stAtud thllt with rof~rencQ to th~ 1100 /lcrus of lðnd
held In trust, thoro is only (\ne pnrcel of lnnd thnt w"uld f/lll undor
the crlt~rla for ^ possible slto ]ocatlon for /I fire st^tion, ðdding
that th.y ðr0 not large enough.
County At tor ney Sð undors stntLd th,1t lIous.. ßI 1 1 !'i:10 \lhich WlIS n
Specilll Act of th" t]orldð Legislature provides In Sectlnn 4 th~t the
Speclnl Acts II!]) t,,)..c ,,cfect or,ly If II¡Jpr(\vcd /It " IIp··r.lnl e' .'" I
c/lllod for such purp0!\"ß. lie stated thllt tho Sl'cclnl ',c:t gol'o ~,' .n
say that tho: board (\( County Cnr1Ir,I(\lIiont'r6 !\h...11 c,dl :;'.10:'1 "..:tlnn
upon ",ritcen rO'1u~'l\t of th., lJl~;trjct. M!rlln') Ull1t this f' .:loðr thnt
th., acc h,'5 no dlscrt'tlon tn .'p"rnv" or dl!!ilpprov(' of nu I)lcctlon. lie
not.:d that l1"IJSe !JIll 71,., 15 f)lot 'Iult.. 5" clollr. noun' thilt it s"y~
thðt tho ~puclðl ^ct becomes I~w if "'pproved at .., npeci/ll election to
be cdlled by tho.' UOar,: of Cnunty C(\mn!G!\!oncrs upon writton r"quest.
He IItntod th.1t this is ..,):>0 e'l!(:"nc~ o( the ("el th.1t the pee has n"
discretion !r. :,'¡Iin,¡ th... "Iectlo". Ii... !It..le·] thl.t thIn Iten l!:i m(\rc
dIffIcult bec"us'J tI,.· !;pecl,,1 Act :¡In.Jy ,¡r,y.. lli.n ttw Act bt'comclI lAW
If ðpprC\v.,j ilt (J spo.'c!¡.1 cl...ctl(\n, "otln'J lli.H It do·,,, not sny th.,t th..
spl.'clðl elect!"" hid. to h.· ...;.;.rov"J by th', ßn,H.~ of eOI.:1ty
Comrnlllsloh..rs "r th"t tI,,, Bce sh,'¡ 1 ilpl,r,'vc cl111 ine) of ,. ¡¡peCI,'l
el4tctl"n. II" st,¡l,H: th..a It s,'ema by 1rr,¡;1 Ic,aion 'dh' r,CC hbJo, n(\
discretion In thih C..1S,: since the ~t,'l, L"'Jifi!.lture hdS spoken "n tho
p~rtlcular nuÞj"ct, that tn... tct ~"'C(\~lS uff~ctive If approved nt n
apecl~l ...lcctlon. 11... st.1tcd thAt it Is his reconmcnd~tion thðt the
thr~~ rcferenduffi items b" ~Id:'d "n th" ~nv~mbcr Þ.1l1ot /19 r"qu~l1ted by
thv throe dlatrlcts.
Co..i.aioner Kru.e moved, .econded by Co..i..loner Holland and
carried unani.ou.ly, that ResolutIon 84-171 calling a referendum
Wt'>ulrl bo
one mill
P/I g. 23
""---..-----,"""-"' ,.........,"_.,-"....._""".,"......~_..-~'"'.,"_.~~...,."'~,,,-~,~--,.".,,~.,."
"-'-~'"'''''""",--.-.'''',~""-"....~".,,,~.~,~.., , ,. "...,,~,,>~_..,..,_.~"._.~,
__,"'_,_....._..."._...~~,"...,,,.,....,,,',''"=.~.-..,, ""..,,",,'_......."._.,'_H.,"'...__~__
September 4, 1')34
It.. 125
Co~lsslon.r Plstor .ov.d, s.cond.d by Commisslon.r Voss, that Mr.
Rlch.rd H.nd.rlong b. .ppolnt.d to the Southvest FlorIda R.glonal
PlannIng CouncIl CItIz.ns AdvIsory CouncIl. Upon call for the
qu.stIon, the IIOtlon f.tled 2/3, (Colllllllssion.rs Holland, Krus. and
Brown oppos.d).
Co~lssion.r Holland ~v.d, ..conded by Commission.r Krus. and
carried 3/2, (Commisslon.rs Voss and Plstor opposed), that Cilb.rt ~.ll
b. .ppolnt.d to t.h. Southw.st Florida Regional Planning Council
Cltlz.ns Advisory Council.
It.. 126
Co..i.sion.r Brown moved, .econded by Commission.r Krus. and
carri~d unanimously, that Richard Rob.rts be appoint.d ~or a four-y.ar
t.ra to the I.-ok,le. Ar.a PlannIng Commis.ion.
Comalssion.r Brown mov.d, second.d by Commission.r Holland and
carrl.d 3/2, (Commlssion.r.. Plstors and Voss opposed), that Ju" RIngo
b. r.appolnt.d for a four-yellr t.rm to the Immokal.. Ar.a Planning
Co~Isslon.r Krus. moved, s.conded by CommIssioner Holland and
carr~d unanImously, that Joe SmIth be reappolnt.d for a tour-y.ar t.rm
to the Imaoklll.. Ar.a Planning Commission.
Tape 15
It.a 127
\ fllcal CfficlJ( Giles p,lssi/d ou~ oj rnnklnlJ !\t.eutwith tho (Irms
Coo¡Jora" 1.ybrllnd¡ Ilolchl:r. 7.1ylor c. Co., P.A.; "nd Roger!!, Wood, Hill,
~t.1rmðn , Gu:H,¡son listed. II" Indic,1t\lc1 th,)t e.1ch one It! to he r.1nk'!d
wi th .1 1, 2, or 3 In the ord,lC of prefl:runcf!. lie nC'ted thllt th·? fl rm
with tho lc,,:H t('ltIJl I"'int c"unt ,1mnn9 the Comml5slon(Jrs will bo r/lnked
1st for j.lurpost111 ('If noqot!èltln'J {J tWC'l Y'JoH contrnct for thf C('\unty'lI
{Jnn~.)l iluàit. 11'1 r,~,,,i ""ch V('It'.' fr('lm '¡.,eh COIT,,,lc!llon~r ncc('\rc!ing to
thu rinklng she.:t. III: n(\tud t:"H the C"ml~lcsl"nera V(\tcs Indlentll th.1t
~og'HS, 'I'ood, 11ll], ~;t,HI~,'n (, O:;U:HiUI"n '""IS r"nK,¡c! numb()f n.
'lOll 083' W,! 67
Pn<JII 20
)~ 083n'J!. 58 t1\,ptcmbcr t" 1~r.1¡
Co..i..10ner Holland moved, .econded by Co.mi..ioner ~l.tor and
carried unani.oul.y, that Roger., Wood, Hill, Starman' cu.t..on be
.elected .. the ~l auditing firm for the County and negotiation. begin
on _ two ye.r co:.~r.ct .. outlined in the Request for proposals.
County ^ttorney ~ðunders stoted thllt ~IIIII Debrð SteInberg from tho
Dopårtment of ^9ricultur~ from TallDhðsU~ ill pr~sent Dnd would be nblc
to summarize the sItuation before the public spenk.
Miss Debr/l Steinberg stated th,'t It \l,)S brou')ht t(\ her 11tt' ntlon
that the Collier County rllir h11S becn operating under nn Illcgðlly
amend.d chðrl~r o!ncQ 1~77, ~n~jng lh~l the origlnol charter of 1976
appointed O[!lccrs of thc board of Plr<:ctor!l "nd spelled out how they
ðre to be re-el.cted or appointed, which is by th. Bnnrd (\f C(\unty
Co&mlssloncra. ~hJ stðted th~t she wrot~ ð lutter to Mr. Tracy ~oleSk~
In rcspon~e tn his r~yu~at to nmcnd th~ ch~rter prnperly, Indicating
all th... things thllt we're dC'nc Imf'ro¡n·rly. She nott'd thllt her purpose
for coming hcr~ thl~ dat~ wnG to try and rusolve the mDttcr wit~ the
people on tl,~ fair bO,Hd. :;he ~t"tL'd th.lt ,1t present th('re Is no
membcrlihit' to the C"lllcr Cour.ty F,J1r ..,nd in oru...r to ',.let o'fleers
for tn.:! ¡¡oard nf -01 r~'ctnr~, thl!! har. to be don< by the tlCC fro~. the
mtlmberllhip. ~n" n0ted tlliJt ( members w~'rc elected thl::i d,HC, It would
be donI! /I~"lnst thc chiJrter. ~he noted thnt :::Ince thr.rc Is no
membershIp, sl,'. Is ¡..r(\¡,osln'J tt".t th.:'m~·"..b",uhi;> h'l ndvcrtlsc': hnd
o¡..cn~d for ,1 jJ~riod (\[ 1.5 d.IY:; ,1nel U\!~n U,., Cnm:1\lssion "ppolnt th'-' f(\ur
(\fflcDrs plus the oth~, four n~mbcr& to the Hnnrd nf Dlrect(\rs. 5h~
not~d tndt th"r~ 5:.(>\;1(; tt\'.'r. ~~ iln c~r.r'J'.·ncy .~,'~tin·; which \.\11 th~n
ttl...ct ù rromln:.tlr.~ c(\rr.¡r,¡tt~.. t" CiJnl//55 th~'lr m"mhc·rcr.i¡¡ tn l¡cll:ct thc
oth~'r 11 m"mberli of tt"l U0;,rw t'f Cl rec~nr5. ~h" st"ter: th.n in "rr1er
for Co11 Icr County to enJoy ~ f"lr next yeil', tho: ml.tter will h.1vr. to
bu rt.:sC'dv~d.
CO~lmlasl(\n..:r 110 11:,n(: 'iu..:;llon~·d ! f th( ::(\I"m! sslnner (\f ^grlcul turu
h')lI 1\,1(" no ol/~re"ln'J of this L1ir sine. It :Iti.rtco in 197r;, to which
Miss :;tlllnbcrg re¡..licr. n"g..;~lv,·ly, "oc.ln" tt.·.t ",hen i. fillr hils Its
or.l~ln..l chürtel lJnd 1& fil,¡¡j with th" "grlculturc Dcpr.rtment, this is
wl1.1t th·) Do.:p.,rtR,..nt -J"Cl' by. :;11" Stñ,..:ej tt'ðt Co11l",r County F.dr h,'1I
nu""1 attempted to :;u:Jmi t t" tl¡" ^c¡rI-:u! turl' Depor tmcnt liB :'or tho
Po1<}C 29
fjeptcmbur 1" 1\101
atlltuta, Dn umvnðmvnt. ~he Dtnted tlHlt ¡¡"muon) from th'J Department
Cllnnot attend tho meetings of tho faIr ftnd thoy aru not Ront cDplos of
the mlnutvs. ~ho .,~tou thnt the orl9innl chnrtor was ~pprovod and
year to YlJllr, Collio' County hðll boon Issu(td II pl.!r:nit. She reported
that thoro w~s no reAson to buliuva that the origlnnl charter ~ðS not
being follow..d until it WilS brought to th'" Agrlculturu Depllrtment's
attention. She reportud thilt she sunt II latter to Mr. Genu BrIsson,
the prvsld..nt of the FaIr, tellIng hIm thDt he WDS operating under nn
Illvglllly amended chnrter. ~l1e stated thðt IIh" IndlcIHl:u the
procedures to follow In ordvr to ha~e tho amunamunt propur. She fttatvd
thðt whon thla WDS done, shu. wont throu~h tho proposed charter ðS wull
as tho mlnutua of the ~alr, ~dding that this ill whon it WJS detorminod
t~at thln'Js hilv\l :1C"t b,,<!n done properly sinc,., 197:5.
CommlaølDner VOtiB .ue:nloncd If thore woulrl be " fair n~xt YOðr
dnd how ~~ coulj be d(\nu, to which ~iss Stuinbur'J stntcd that there
could ba ¡¡ (;¡I r If d"ne proper Iy.
':ommlssionur I:ru:;c :;t.1t"d thllt If thoro is ... t 1m" limit of r,s
dnys, It \ooOul,' not hi! pnns I hIe to hilv" '., Cd 1 r or contrilctll signed until
the mðtter III resolved.
County Attorn"y :;,1un<l.Hs st·,te,j th,t thore doeß n(\t SoJam to bo
anything In the by-Inls th.n Indic,ltl)!! this mlltter hns to tllke 15 d,'ys
nnd questloncd if tl11a l~ :;ot1'outhin} tl1.H could be cI..../Jlt wi~·., to ·,.¡hich
Mill' ~toinÞ~r1 atðtad th~t she (ult th~t 1,5 'dilYs ~nulrl be sufficient
County Attorney ~,.1undcrb 4u<lllti(\n<::d, (rom... 1':']01 st.lndpolnt, If
thiJ df.C .'dv.rt!:¡....s th III d.1t" .1n(J the proc~"¡5 of m<:mbfHl1h lp is h.Jndl ed
next year W'C'uld tt1l.'re b" .Iny íH"bl<.:m .1S (,H ~s th<l Coµ.Htment of
Agriculture Is concerned? Mins Steinberg stat~d that l1er "nly concern
is tholt IIveryono be 'JlvI'n thu opportunity to b~comc " member Ie th,'y 110
County Attornvy Sdunrl~r5 ntdt"d th~t ~n ouvurtisemunt could be put
In the papllr withIn the noxt d...y or two to advertlso for ð meeting on
Tue.5dðy, Soptf'mber 11, 1')84, ¡¡nd go throu1h tho proc:e5!J than, Dddlng
that thla should s.Jtlllfy tho Oepartment of Agriculture's leg~l
requlr"mllnts (or openi!"J up th.. IH·mb..rship.
Commissioner Voss stðtud that If ~IIIS Stoinburg is mlfetlng with
the F,\,r ßo..rlJ this ,1atv, n',:¡yIJ.... It clln he rcsolved, ,'ncJ nlxt ...."k th,¡
6CC could m~kü thlflr final ó.clslon 1111 to what nllPds t(\ be donlt.
County Attornuy Saundurll 5t~ted thdt Staff could ho authorized to
,tee 083,.~ 69
rðg!! 30
<"I!!."M,'J.¡,\,: !/,~.. .,:....i,1 i".. ¿ . ",.""'.,.. 1'1 ""~"r;",., .
'"''':':~''' ~"'J',o!r.'~'!' .
.-..'1.' "~i·~,,";¡·r~~,':f"·','t~~~'(""i"'!~tJ~~ ..:..,.
,;!â~<:~f:/./,:.,:·;:~·t'!I·".·' ,'.t' " .''''
" pprov/ll .
Cðmmisslol 'r Kruse quostionad who is 1iðblQ for the contract.s t.hat
h.1vO alrondy boen sl9ned, to which County Att"in~y Snunders stilted t.hl.
CommissIon did not. aut.horlzo ð cont.roct ønd, thdrcfore, thuy ore not.
llllble. lie sLatod that he Wðuld like to hold II meeting Immedllltuly
wlt.h the Fair poople and Miss Steinberg to work out 0 procedure whoreby
this øltuatlon Is clarified next week nnd ødvertlslng CDn be done
Immcdllltely for m\lmbera. o stated that it could be resolved so thDt
there could be II [ølr nQxt ycar ðnd the permitting r~qulrcments could
if ~n ngre~m.nt is reðehod withðut coming bðCk to tho Bee for
Suptomb'H ~, gfl~
b. met.
Co..is.loner Kru.e ~oved, .econded by Commi.sloner Holland, that
this It.e. be cont.lnued for one veek to give the flllr people and the
Depart.ent of Agriculture the opport.unlty to resolve the ~atter.
Commissioner Voss sU,trcl thøt this shnuld be resnlved IInd brought
bnck next wuck.
Attorney Tr.'lcy ool...Sky stðtC(: thllt ttw Dcp,Htm\lnt of Agriculture I
hbs h'lId suven y...,'r5 .,n:i the only Wðy to solvo the pr"blem Is to /lppoint
directors. fI,' ot<ltcd thilt this Is nf't II pr(\blem th,H this Flllr I!ollrd
crellted, It w~:; inlicrltud. Hc' stnted thl1t there Is $300,000 or
conLracts outnt<Jn.11r.J I1t this tlmc' that nced ilctl(\n, ,. 'dlng thðt
another week milY be too lilt....
Co~mlssloncr Voss 5t<ltcd thðt It 15 thu rnlr UO.'lru's job nlso to
oporate legally and If onu wcuk 15 neoded to r"solve th~ mntter,
eve r yo new i 11 h /I v " to ...../1 I ton u we e k. . lie s t" t.~ d t hilt ð 11 t tIe t ¡ m (.
t .) ken I!I t h (. "n I y Wi, Y tor t! S n J C' C t h I~; mil t t " r .
Commlllsloner ¡,rus<1 IIt,'t'(: ttlúL th'j fðlr noeus tc" be opcrDtlng and
It I II gIn t I ng to(\ close.
CommlsBI"n~r pl s t(\r
and Of I.. week w ¡ II nnt be
ð ut In or(\er t(\ contlnu(.:
st<Jt~d thnt It ncedll to be o~er~tln'1 cor:ectly
thnt dnmnglng t" get th~ mnttcr str/!Ightened
tf'\ o~'~r¡Jtc.
County Attornay Snundvrs 5tnted that Miss bteinberg Is o[ the
opinion th;t If this Is contlnuv~ for one w.ek IInc g"~s through the
advvrtløln9 procp.duro~, 1111 ttll.! .I/lpcf\o'C>rk c"uld be tllken elITC of to
nppolnt tho officers and th" K"~rd o[ Dlr~ctor~ nt thg naxt BCC
meQtln'~. Ht! noted thl1t If this occurs, the J:lvp~rtment of Agrlculturo
will Issue the permit, lidding that If th~ Bee /lppolnts the "ffleers ~nd
th... bOðrd "f Dlrectorn thl!\ d:.te, "'¡'HI Steint,er,:/ hils Indlc,Hed thllt
ther" m..y I.J,_ &Om<' ¡;rn~h'm ',11th l'~rr.llttln'J. Cf'unty f,ttnrn.,y SIJunderu
1'11'3\1 31
Septembor ;" t~B4
stðtod th~t tho charter w~s not amended properly ond for tho Fl1ir Boar~
to operata loglllly in the future, they will hðve to follow the original
Mr. Cane Urlsson, President of the filir ~o<lrrl, stnt~d thAt thl!ro
hos boen thouslInds of dollllrs of contracts sl~ncd hy him os nn officer
of the .f.:lir, lidding th.H th'JIIO pl'oplo deserve a p1.1ce f.or their fair.
Hc stllt\ld that this problp.m was Inherited by tho fnlr ßnard and he was
under th. impr~ssion th~t hu was operating rightfully. "~statcd that
the fair Is 120 days away nnd things noed to get moving to have a
successful flolr. lie stJted thiJt he iG Idl1inq to IMIlt. with ..,iss
~telnberg ,H Jny tlmu to ros01vl! the problem.
Co~mls5ioner Kru~u st<ltðd that If the Jdv~rtlsðmcnt Is done, then
onc W\l\l~ from thl~ ont~ the ~tJtu Vupðrtment of Agriculturd would b~
satl&fl,!d and they would no lon'1cr bu Involvou In th') i'!;::turc.
Mr. tjolcsky questioned If hla cUentD arc not the fair Uoord, who
is 'Joln'1 to ð'::Cq,t u.~ ::ICr.1bCrLôÌ\lp, to ·...t1¡.;h'\! 55 :';':c1nburg st.Jtcd thllt
tho people tnat would be Jble to ,~ccc(Jt' th') mr.mbcr:¡hlp would be thoso
people that were listed In thQ original ct.;Jrter.
Co~~issloner Voss .oyed, seconded by CommIssioner Plstor, that the
BCC recognize. the existence of the Fair Board from the original
charter, authorizes them to IIccept membership IIppllcatlons ,nd ask the
Attorney to "dvertise for the members so that next week the BCC can
.elect officvrs fro. that list.
Commlsslonur Hnlldnd stðtdd th1t hu ~~s under the !::Ipress!on that
!'lIs:! þt..lnbeq Io'..s \/(\Ing to ml!ut wlU\ till) ,\ttorn.:y ,1nd th,) (¡lIr peop]"
anJ come back to th~ ~CC ~t the nnxt meeting with ~ rucnmmendðtlon.
l:ommitllilnnt!r IInll"nd st;Jt.:d tl1l1t Cnr::mls:l!oncr Vn';:¡' r.-.otlon Is out
of ordor all th<::re Is .drL·,ldy .1 motlnn on thù floor.
County ^ttornùy ~~undcr3 qu~stlonud if StAff lfi dlr"ctcd to dn
Jnythlng or It I:! slm,Jly for ttl" F.'¡r pÙ"I,le "nd th·: Dcp"rtmont of
^'1rlculture to r':501'J" thù m.1tt<'r In'~ c"m.' hack, to "hlch CommlGslon'er
Ku~.se utatud that t.h!5 ...15 the Int"nt of t,')r ::lot lon, lidding thðt shft
wIll Ilrnl!nd It.
Co~is.ioner ~ruse .oyed, seconded by CommissIoner Holland, that
the .otion be amended to ask that County Attorney Saunders participate
in an atte.pt to b. an i.partial observer. Upon call for the question,
the ~tion carried unanimously.
---RECESS. 12100 NOON - 2.00 P.M. at which tiNe Deputy Clerk
~enyon was replaced by Deputy Clerk Sklnner-·-
;;;. æ:J,.,{ 71
P"ge J2
".~.:'::" ,~;~~~~!~ii~t~.+,~fl,,~gtJ.ß,~.r:'·\~· ~f >',~·.~w~~·'/;~:
't~.'fr,':t""".,~~;r. I'!);~\~, '1"~,,.I,¡~t"" ';"1',.., ~...,1t
~;.,":.,";">~,,¥:~"¡ ~~·.~,¡t~r-'.'.:< ~'<"::'~I;:' 'I ('.
..._________''''_....'"'...._".__ø_·.., ,
.. ~.è -lti. . .... . .'.
.'.J~ . ," ,; ""j:
<...~..,.,.~: .
:'IW.....;)o . ".' . . . ..... ~.,).
,..=~ """~'<'
S~ptumbur /', 19C4
Mr. ~Illin~ton ~skud, sineu thlH was ~ rdDl ~nd e~lsting obliga-
tion, woul~ th~re ~~vu buun ~ny neud for CollIer County to tr~d~ nw~y
~ny resources in or or to obtain thðt ðcrcngo ðnd ~r. Thn1iors
responded In thu nugðtive, 3ddlng th~t hu WDS n"t ~w~rQ of ~ny trading'
ðway of any obllYiltlons.
Mr. Ulllln']ton !Mid that when h~ W,HI before the Bo~rci In July he
?Olnlud out that the County WðS tradin~ ,wlIY the b3lðncc of obli)htlons
"nteroci Into by CAC with Colli':r County In .In OctOh'f 1, 1?77 Aqrcc-
munt, a spociClc of which W.Hi " sno :!:. ,,,:rC5 retcntlon lðke thðt \'IðB
c¡dlu<l for .11".'1 WilS nevar construeteé. 1If! 5,110 th/lt thare is cvlc1nncu
of communlc"tlon t>..,t"..,,,n CAC-Av,H,H o( trying to find out ·...h('thcr or
not the D¡;n or thu Cnrptl nf t.n~in,ers woulr: bu for "r iJ']3lnst tht'
crobtlon of :;ucr. a r,·t(·ntlon l,lk.,. fj":ið Irj th,1t tn(\:!·! rIJ<juosts warD
lilt.. sp..,clfl= tn .on .'re" .,dj"cent tn ~h" r.'¡'k.'h;'tehue :itrt.nd s"uth of
Alll:¡"tor AIl-:y. It·, :;.dO tll.-,t tho :Jctober '" IS77 Aqro·,munt stðt\lB
th:lt tht: r··t..~nl10:'"" 1.1J.;·· ...1:; ~n bt) u:~'.'1 for th>J ("I',¡,'r..l1 tn¡...rC'tv,·r:H'nt. nC
thd GoluQn C.lte eJr,dn.qJ :>ystf.'õ.\ ..neJ '1<19' n(lt :;Ite spoIciflc. IN s"ld
thllt no rucoro h.)s b,:,¡n foun( of i)n "ctur,l perml t ,'ppllc,Hlon for the
cruutlon of thl:; l..ku ,.nd he !.dl::l that nothln'J hils been brou·]ht to his
iltt.,ntlon to o:h'ln'Jc 1:1:> o¡,¡nlon that tt'..,r'J has nnt been ~ good fillth
4ffort LJy AVdt"r to c:rl'''to: tll,' ld~.(). Ill' >I...lcJ tl1,t th"r~ ".01 m~ny
thln~s In th.., eh)ln (If ~qroom~nt9 th~l ~ru aub)act t" laqill Int~r-
Jretbtlon, .'dJln'J tt\,'l County Attorn"y ~<lunc"r!\ /1.'5 don" lIn ,·xc.!1lent
job wi tll aViJl Jðbl" r"U(\IHc\ta, t\O,""ver. U,,'l 11" .ln~ Mr. ~,"Jnd'Jrs dls-
,¡grcc¡ i1S to ",tl"t~,,,r or :-lot /,vùt.H h.19"',"~" .1 <¡one! (;,[ th .,ffort t"
cru^to! tho r<>tontlon ¡,H..,. ¡Ic 9,'ld thl!ô nUL"19 to be furth'H Investl-
:¡at..,d ~y outsl~u c:<¡:;prts :;(\ th..t :-Iothin'J h.Jppen,¡ In the (utuc<! to Cllst
" shddow on ~.r. S.,u:-lcJ~rs' Intugrity. II.' 5.:>id th,ll ho::: <lid not quoatlon
,..,r. :;.)undcra' Inle<jr1ty, ,'JJln<) lh.1t tl~ "'....5 r"een~ly nl!hul')tod In this
regard In thO! press. lie .JII¡(cd th.1t tho! ¡,qr"emcnt b.¡ Inspoctcd by
outsIde lC1al counsoIl fnr th... f"llo\<ljn~ reð50ns:
I. Th., ll\nds to b\t conv"yolo ....., r.. <1uppo9cd to bo for the benefl t
of the p..,ople of Golden Cute ~Stiltcs and pi)rt of the conv~y-
.Jnoe Is bOlnq uâ"J \11 thL County w"llfl~ld, ún:j this Is not
approprlðtl' US" for lhofio! p^rtlculðr acres.
2. A ')ood ¡>lIr t of th.., "er",")" Is locdt,,:j :;C'uth of Alligator
Alley ~no :;om" Is locútcd Douth of ~t~"i)rt Uouluvnr1, which
¡:> llle G.lnc nr"'i) that the r~,)nkru?tey ('our t c"n::lcmn,'è wllcn
thdY provided for oxehúngcs of purch~scrs to other IIreðS 3nd
r..,funds t(\ thJ purcll~:I"'u.
Mr. T,¡nglcrs expldlned thðt the County ..ellflQld of 39 IIcres waft
uee 083,..,~ 73
p,¡ g c :I 1
..""";....".,,...-1<1.,. '. ."
N~'¡Ñ\: -I ~ }f;··:\Vr~·,'\'¡·"l ,r~<:~ .tj;&.,j;f,~,,\~
\:,', "'I :'~:',~tt!::~¡~:\, ~ ~.,~l/.~~~:';' "~~.r ,. .~;~~~ï't.~.~,.:~
"'-':.';' f~'''' , "
ift-...,.'..........-~. ..,J,....,~--...-¡.,..._,.......,.._~.~ ~~¡4
_ . ~-'ptcrr.bl:r 1, 19C~
'lI\.aœ3A1.. ìt beforl: the finel Agreemcnt \oIIIC concluò-,d by th~ County
and IW.3tllr IInd this 101,.8 ur-derstood so thill, althouqh, techrlically the
County is not getting 1100, tho FTC was prim~rlly concerncd with the
10151 .,crell which WC\uld bl: docdea tr, Collier County for the sole uso of
Coldvn Cate Estðtea rusident8. Jle aD i(1 regarding th.1 Dcrellgc south of
Stewart BoulevDrd thllt, lIpp,Hently, ia in tht.! pro(Josed Slðtus offered
by ^vntar, the FTC would definitely oppose It D~d If that Is being
proposed by AVlltl:lr tho: County Attorn"y should nddrf:ss thðt view to
^VAtar when that t mu com.'" In the Fifth Ph.'lIo. lie a"I(\, it was his
opinion, that Avatar would be moru thún receptive to offer aubstltute
IIcreage for IIcreage south "f Btvwart ßoul~vilrd.
Rp.sponding to ChalrmDn ~r(\~n, Mr. Tanglera said that onc of the
proposals thDt CollIer ðnd CAC wert.! Involved In was building a reten-
tion pond south of f,l1lglltor Alley anù that st.!cmed Ilk"" 9"0<1 Idea f"r
411 people concurncd. lie snlcl thAt thl! DEI{ ilnd the Corps of Enginecrs
Sftld ·No· ðn,1, once th"se tll" bodl('s df:nled tho, ¡Ilk", It WllS futile to
90 further. H'~sl'ondln'J t(\ t'.r. Elllln')tor., Mr. TDn'1lurs snld thclt the I
only thln~ th)t prcclu1cd GAe (rom ap?lylng f"f a permit to crellte the
retention lnk~ In (\ther ,He"" wd:> the fact that th·, DEI< "nd Corp5 of
Englnl/.:rr. \o'Ould not ent.,rl,,¡n tI,,· lc]e,) ,,( It.
Commissioner Vos" ðckecl if tll~ r.!tentlon pond nt.!ver WIlIõ part· f
the ^grcl!m~nt and ~r. T"n'Jlcrfi s~ld thht w~s cnrrect.
I".r. OllllncJton solid, "drlll:f, wIlen '1r. TlIn'Jlers IIPIJ\.:'Hed b..,forlJ
the !>ollrd 01 County Commls610n.·rfi he c:low..,d [llr"ng Interc:;t tn"t If any
lands ...err t(\ be uucd (or the (Ir.: st.)tl"n site that e(fnrt5 be made t"
ccr: I (y I\:>:! ;'i:"Uf(' t!l.lt ! l cc'uJ:~ ~)( c'~.t"t.lls!I'.'C u..,t lids w·'c for thl1
benefit of t~ll' poopl,.: ('I[ G0!{1l:) :;rtt.· f.st,'tc~. Ill' SC\1tJ h....' èiG nf't
understllnd ",hy UI.:It ''I.pll'.'5 t(> f'o.Ht n( th,.. e,er,·"],, hut C(\l!S nnt "pply
to tr"o. acreD"" bein'J u"<:.1 (or t',p County ...ellfleld. "1r. T/lngicrs 1I"ld
thðt t.tH: ";':1u1n rl...·c1S("'Irl '''','~ :~j;..... it W\5 t'! fò1t .'\:ccwlj..li sinct! th~ f',:rt~.1<J'
hðd alrcildy be.:n úedlc.1tec; .,nd wi,S b..,lr"J used ,'nd, "t th,1t point, thO!
conccrn ...as for th.., b~I~:>c. n( the IIUe dcrc~.
Mr. ~;/lunders ncke" "r. T:lnr¡l"fc If tht, rrc ...,15 Invnlvt!n in ~evc)-
n¡;lng tht! Nnvcnbt'r 1083 A'Jre<:",cr,l. .'n(1 I"r. 'r~n:;¡lcrs !õ.'dd th.1t th~ FTC
saw dr~fts of the prnpoc.)15, uom~ o( the pr(\vlsl(>ns ,,1 which the FTC
did nnt flncJ .....'rt! c(\n"uciv~ ...itl> tb" spirIt ,,( whilt th'J C(\mmlsnlon "'I:~
ordcrinlj .
II.;, sidn th,et thl' tTC f.:cls lhilt ildcCucHr pr(\tl'ction \5 In
the ^gr.ler". nt no.... (IIHI "h..,r, U:_ l.)nCJ 1~ :j'.'dlce,t·:rI, If th.. C(\unty
dec:I::.,~ t(\ sl'll son... (\f th" ~';r,'iI:;¡". U,·, mon,'y \,11) h" .,u..lltt.!d t(\ check
P,'y" :15
S,¡pt\lmbor ~, l!:O~
that It gooa to the Go:dcn G~to Estütes r~slëent~.
~lr. Ul11lngton g.w thu COr.'lmlssloncrs ., copy of the OctC'lbor 4,
1977 Aqrel/ftont noting thðt ho h/ld cl rcled p.ut of it for their consld-'
Mr. Jo~ Crimm, Colòen Cilte r\lsldent, s~ld thðt tho November 1933
Agreement is only the lilt'Jst In a numbor C'lf dctlon!l by th·} Bo/!rd to
"XCUS\! thll J,pv..lol?or from cC'lmml tm('nts to bu I leJ rC'l"dn ilnd c,'nids. 110
said thðt canals hrlVU been accopted which wore n~ver cut to tho spocif-
Ic~tlons nnd hdVO been rulu~sud from bondln~ commltr.'lents without any
uvldonco that tho work wnll p~rformed dnò the devolopcr hns boen &xcusod
from work th.1t th..y w,pr" r"'julred to do. II.) sidd, If II permit ðppllca-
tion Cor th~ retcntlon Idke WrlS nuvor mlldo, th8 DER nnd Corps of
Englncers e,~.lnot lcc¡ally dony the IhHmla:Jlon, ¡,nd th.,t tt,ey hllvc to i'lct
on iI I'ormlt cappllc,Hlon. 1I,~ a"l<J th/lt two Johns(\n t:nglnoorln<) studios
thðt wor,' tluthnrlz'!d by tt" "",jfd "f County Commls,;lont!cn ,'nd p,~I<1 for
at tð:,<pdyur tllCp"n!i" cl"nr Iy I ndlcðt.,d ct1<1t thl! r.'tontlon l"k\l r.hould be
built. 1101 5ùld that II 19a1 A'Jf..,om.,nt whlch ruloils\ld Av.,tnr from somo
1 0 . 4 In I I 1 Ion doll.. r " ¡ n !J 0 n _~ OJ c 1 ,_, ,1 r I y d C k now 1 ,p d -J .: rl ^ v.' t /I r 's com m I tm e n t
to build tho;: ret..,ntion l~~>;>. t¡., 1I,;~od Mr. T,1n.¡I,'r5 If h~ roc01nl;z:.)d,
In '..orkin,;; on th\l l~)J) A'F,.',,,,ent, th,Jt th\l Board of County Cor Is-
s loners qðV.. up sub5t,'nt 1.>1 dollar co,omi t""'nts of money ,1nd woo rk In
C'lrder to obtùln the 1100 a~re dedlclltion?
/"Ir. Tnnq 1.:rlJ Sð Id th,~t I~r. Cr Imm' s ßt,'t·:rn"nt th"t th·, roads ðnd
c3nill, wer.. not completed .Ind thllt GAC/AvntJr were I!~cu:l"d Is not
lIccurDto. ,{.., s"ltJ th.1t ttle rO,'ld~ .,nd c"n.1ls "",ro CC'lmplctod In 1~7'),
...<,mlned by County 0:tl.:l,11s I'Ind by him 3nd (!/')ch rond 101,'5 p/lvcd line
.,,'ch c.,n"l W.)ß ":'<""dn\~d by Ill,., bcclIu"" thnt \0/.)5 part of II leoJlIl "bll<JlI-
tlon which GAC hlld to the poopl>;> who FTC rcpr>;>5unt"j, who wero tho lot
purcr..,s\lrn of Goldan G.It" ¡:5t,1t')!i. 1111 S,)ld thi.t th" Count.y /lppr"vcd
thcm IInd thllY wer. jon\l to st;¡ndllrd:¡. lie sðld tho'lt t.he two rt!lIlIons ",hy
C/~ w;¡ntcd to comFlete the rOllJ5 dnd cilnalo w~rl! to fulfill tholr
obllqðtlon to Its pIJrctlðsors 1\nd to obt., In County .,ppro'o'.,l so th,'t tho!y
could b" r4lluðsod from the! r bon,,:>. 11,: said th;¡t ovun 1 f tho rIPtl!ntlon
laka applicùtlon had b.en mad" and ovcn If It hlld b"..n ðpprovod, which
is doubtf'Jl, tl1.!1t loIOuld n'I'ver h.:vo be\ln approvud by ~hll U.1nkruptcy
Court bOCJu:;c It W;):; d mdjor ~xp~ndlturc thnt w"uld ncver have got ton
out of thil UoJnl<ru¡Jtcy Court.
Mr. Crll~m 5JI'J that he .lttonJud a mc,.'tln'J o( ttl" '^.1t·~r ~"'na<¡'1mt!nt
~dvl~ory UOJrd ~ppro~imat..,ly five week:; ago ilt which ~ report WilD
'to( 083',..", 75
rag&: 3'i
__....__., _,;'......_".......,._~_,.....·'_......_ffl._'....
,~ 083W,t 75 September I., 1904
pr.acnt~d by 11010, ~.ontctl, ,1nd ^SSOc!ðtcS DnC: Johnson lngineoring line!
th~y stilted, .xpllc!~ly, thnt thono cnnals hftd not boon cut to doslgn
specificAtions. Mr. ,nglers Gðid that tho d~vclopment plDns were Ðet
out tw~nty YOðrs ago and thin Is not an Issue.
Commissioner Kruao dlspl~ycd the ð~pllcùtion to the Boðrd of
County Commissioners, U. S. District Court appointed Tru:,ttftes for C^C,
with Identification of the canalz Dccopted on ^ugust 2, 1972 thnt were
not previously accepted. She silld that tho nppllcntlon dated June 1977
was the basis for tho ~o~rd ilcceptlng those cðnals and was prepnred hy
fitanhy W. Hol" IInd Assocll,t..s, Consulting En~ln(:l!Cs, addIng th.·y
rccommenrled acceptance,
Commlasloner VOSI! rcLLrr..,<.J to th.. docum..nt Introduced by Mr.
bllllngton Qnd rOðd the followln~ pnragraphl
The Company prop03cs to ap..,nd ap~roxlmntcly :l,20C,OCO for
wðter manngement (retention) and relatod structures to
cnhancc thc overall w~ter managp.mcnt of the Goldcn Gnto
Es t ð t (J s ^ r " iI . Th e de t nil s 0 C the I' r 0 po II a 1 w h I chI) t pro II 0 n t
contempl ate. ,> ')(;0 .1~rc ;:lus nr r:d nus retr,nt ion ponrl wi th I
controlled ulacnnrge will be refined I)nd worked out with the
County Cn~ln""r ~nC Indel'on¿~nt hydrolo'}lc~1 engnecrn
engaged by the ~omp~ny dnu the Compnny SlOCC prior to com-
mcncom<>nt of conslru.:tl"I' tho,;rcof.
Comml~5lonlr VOß~ ~nkcd If lh't num oC monoy ~1)5 ever 5~vnt and
1'\ r. T ~ t1 ~ I " r r. C x I' 1 ð In,' (; ~ 1'..0 t $ I . ,'C (¡ . C () 0 .... ,\ S d e po S ! led In., t r u, I t n e c 0 u r. t
which WO:J Cor ,""lnter'\llnc'.' oL It\" rood:J ond cðn.'ls (\f Golden G.~te
lStðtOlS "n~ ho r;ld not I<now ~'h"lll,:r Il w"s :JJ..,nt.
II~ so Id thðt some oC
that monuy WJS probðbly us~u Cor eompl~t!ng thu r"od~ Hnd cl!nl!ls In
C6laen GlItlol south ðt ^Il !'J"cor Al Icy,' h(\\o'evd. (\n:;e the Compðny Wl:nt
Into ð Ctl<1ptCr lr, l_r0~,·,,;Jlr'J, ..:1 of t:h /I'r".:::"r,t5 wer" r,,~nlnc¡l"!a
b.CdU9t: on~.., t.:)~ CI','pt,,¡ Ir fl11n'1 W.~5 ;r>l\d., ':·If..ryc::ln.J th.1t w~,. don"
""oS!! ..I:.hln tt!, cC1n(lnos of ,,}.,·tr.'.r (\[ not !t ~.1!i cr:onomlc.,lly Censlhle
f(lr the Coml,nny t(l (in tI\I'5': tld nJ5.
I j. . fi, I:' i r: t ~11 t \I.' " son crt: I' :& n :-. wh y
the FTC bcc.::m,· Involved .Jnj tI:.: thoo Co",pllny \0.:;5 requ! ru~ un:.!e r th>1 FTC
Ordl'r to put telephonl onu t'~li'.¡r,q..:) 1In('s ttHnulnout CnleJc'n C...t,;-
Estatca which W,'f. IIn ,,~¡.'.'n,Htur, nf nv, r ~~D.()nr:,nn') ðnJ w,'s nC1t
"conör.1!c.Jl1y fe"r;1bll.. 11-) 5i:1J h" C01.1!r; nnt tl'~1 thl' COï.lr'dns1C'\n
whether (\r not thl't ~1.í'rr.C:Jr. w...:; p.rtlr:ul.1Cly ",,,rm,Hkcd.
I"r. ~" I" l\,lrker, Goldl·n G,H" rC51ch·r,t ...n,j fC1rmer cmpl"y.!/, (If G^C
and r,V.:Itù[, said th"t th", propcrtic:J G,\C .,n:i IW-1ti'r g',ve under the
qulso tr,.1t thf'Y Ce1t tlh"y 11;.,J " ,"or...J (\bJ Iq..t\on, ¡.r,· pr;.:tlc.olly
~rthl"PI:¡, I:c' r;,'ld 111: hilS h"cn In ttw reill cstiJtc huslnJns for 1(;
r",)e )7
."_.__.....,,~'''''''''''''"'.........__....._,_,__~_,,~'',''_' " ·m".~'~'''-"..,,'''.__.·___c.~..,.~;_,_.
... - ...... <'....~.,..:.¡....I"\ .,,,.-.I!
.:uϓDri'I." .
~,~,""'j¡. . . ~\
.:.d. IW~~·;.:. .;.~i:;"
,,.~!~ ,~;>..
:'o!ptem~"r 1" l~:;"
y.u.r.. lie lSô'¡d that 210 acras of the land I¡¡ bulow ,;t'Jwnr!: Uoulcvl'lrrJ.
lie recommllndud, jue to th~ questlon:s involved wllh th'f A'Jrcem~nt, thl'lt
the FTC comv bock into Colllu: County fcr n full inv~stigation of tho
lII.1tt.r. Mr. Tflnqicrs a/lid th~ th¡¡ FTC h:\!1 IIddre:\:lod Itnolf ",bout
roopenlng the milttur In II latter to Attorn..,y plc:r.wort.h I\nd thnt thl)
only thln'J ho h.:ld hunrd, this d,H\I, thðt would bu of conr:crn to th!l F'rc
1. tho! 210 neros snuth of Stnwar!: Bnulcv~rd, which is ~uppased t" be
d.odvd to Collier Cnunty. \I.J !\/lld that problem ·..li11 be fh1sIly ros(\lv\!d
.nd ;¡dd...d thllt nobody know!! the 'I,~lua of thu lan:l. 110 s,1icl th,1t tho
FTC will monlt(\r Avat.;r'K .1ctlvltIQn, I'll It h.1G In th'2 Pð!\t, itnd when
the FTC f.."lll thosa I'ctlvlti"'!I IJllrrant action tho FTC will t,~kl!
enforc"mo:nt .1ctlon. II., ...1<1 th.1t tho f'TC ·..1 II IMko) nur" that tho! 210
ðc:r"n !louti\ ,,[ :,jtiw..rt Houl"v,tr( "r., ~"t du"ded tn C(\lller County IInd
that othdr ~crcn "ro aub5tltut~d.
Mr. B,'rl;otr !\t..tcu, ("r thd r"c;ord. th,.t f\V,~t,'r Ie not ,~G c1estltut"
all th.. c.;onlp.:lny. waul, I I k.. to :,,,\1,,, pQor-lu t,,'¡ I ~ve.
He s.,ld ðn annouc:e-
mcnt '"cll r.::t!ntly :n..~~·: t~......t t.I"',...' C(\r.,rl~:1Y ..ill ;.~...,rll'l ~1..;~r1~utl1
$22,00C;,0:;0 of (un.hl th,\t ~I~VC J""~ tlt!ru In ':3cro'", to ,Jrot.:ct tht:
purch~sur. of property In Colden C~tc [~tdt~s ðnd oth~r ~r\lns to the
m.jor bond hold~rll And ~ddcd th~t tht: ~~mpilny mild\l ~~,son,ooo In th~
first ':¡U;¡rt'H. 1I<J ""Id th,H "h"n " r,cr~on trlcD to <Jet ., plc.:;;" nf
pro~crty ðpprov~d ~y th~ Cnrp3 0f In)inc.:ers out o( thu "JT" arcð SOffi
proµerty I:¡ .:.pprovr.'1 .:.~d so."e ,He not. Mr. Tilnqlcrs s;¡ld he hMJ not
lnt~nd~d to glvu ðn Impresnlon that AViltnr Is c1estltulP.
Mr. C.,or'Ju K~llcr :;,11<,: th:Jt ~h" ^'1rceC:h'nt sp'1cl!lc.:.lly !!tatclI th.,t
the µ.fopurty c;¡nnot h.., :'Iol.J unl"fos . bullJln'J pcrmlt (or .) r(f6ldenc~
c.:In bd .'ppro·/cd. II.} iMld I( this st.,t"mcnt IG removed some of the
propllrty :n"y b" ,Iblc to bit approv",d.
Commissioner Kruse !\JIJ th~t thc Corp!\ nf Engineers (\nly tells ð
propllrty oloT\cr where II r"sl'~cnc" C,'n be put on th... prop'Hty lInd how
much (Ill c..n bo pl.'c~d.
Mr. Kcll~r ðsk"ò why th... buy-h.:.ck provl:'llnn Is In the Agreement
th\t If thu County dOdS not 5,'¡1 t1'1.., prop,Hty Avðt"r c.,n buy th.!
prop\lrty bðc~, ~nd ~r. T~~gicrs 5~1c1 th)t provision Is to pravcnt th,
"sweethddrt doal".
Commlsiloner Kruau said that ilt tho tlmu t~u Aqroøm"nt W.:lS
ilpprovold tt",C c"rtcntlon WdS t~.)t tllU c.;"unty w,~s not 'joln'J to tðk~
proF~rty If It WðS not suitable to build on.
Mr. :..1undo.:rlJ a.do th.:1t tho.: ¡'hr,ls" un,¡er discussion does not
'* 083 "',~ 71
p,~ ,) a :1:J
"._....__.","_,...""'...0;.......""'" ~",~,...,.. ".".' ,..,.,...."'~'=,.._".,,__,~,~""'.._'"____,..-....,..
"""""""","*'_.""" ..,"","""",.....""...."..","..."'" . ".,."'~~_.'...._..M..._...''''...~...-...,·,'''''-'...
........... ...-----....--..,'.. '.,. ...._.....'..,--~----._-
"",_,__.,_'__"0 ~_._.,".__..____~._
Sept~mbcr ", 1~34
County ~·,Iln.)q.::r L.u::¡k n"I,1 -:.hat to ot.1rt \rl th 3 syst..:m 11 lIu ~hl]t you
nlll1d to t>tnrt with .1 pl.:c.:: of equipment 'nd thun you bD!Jiclllly ?.1y rent
on It for Govftn or ~11ht YClIrs lInd thon when it comcs tlmo to r~plllco
It you h.wc I" built Into your fund to puy ei'lsh for It. HI} slIiu that
Is tho best 3YS em you c~n hnve for rQplllclng e4ulpmcnt. But whot they
lire doing In Solid h.1stu thir. time is lumpln'} It 'be;:ðu::e they (10 not
hav~ th.1t t~?U of Q~t up until now. he ailld you hove to "Ollt" It on.
Y(jnr IInd this Is the Yd,1r thJY ðre "",1tln']" It.
Mr. Shil1lds BlIlu thùt the only problem h.: h~s with that Is thðt
rlltea are bas~d on c«pltal outlùy lind, trJdltlonòlly, once rlltus lire
s~t th.::y u"n't come dnwn.
Commlsslonur pIs';.or 4uelltlonl.1:1 why thu ,~yulí'fT1l)nt could not be
~urch.1:Icd on ù l'J'::50/purCnJse p1.1n so thùt It ·,.¡ould not hllvc to b<l pide!
out ,¡t on.. tl:7,<11' ~,r. Whl\ 1I..d~ ttloit by ;Joln" on l'h's"/¡:1Jrch.'S":, over ,1
f 1~( to ,;cvcn Y.J..r íJl,r loù. tll'~ mon.!y
p IJ r c: hð S" µ r 1 ¡,; IJ 0 1 t ~¡ ~~ '~I.~ U i í:lr.'\ 4J n t c ('I u 1 d
you .He I"'ylng In dxcess of the
h'1'Je' b'H;n ::\onl-y th.:.t 101,15 UIIElO to
S,H .1111:31.1 tor t:,,· í,urCh~S<1 of J:'1othcr
It 1:.1 b~tt'H tC' ~uy tt.·, "\.jul¡';;I"nt nnll
pldcu o( ~quipment.
lie a.:l Ie that
rln:1 s~t up ,"!n Int ,)rr\,' 1 Fund Rn
tll"t floro, no.. on L:'~y """'r,'t !'dV" thl~ ¡_rnbl"n. ¡:'J 5.11" th..t lClls<-/
purch3 S<I 14 jU:.It £\... 't to put t h.. pr o!;,l..,t:'\ ." C ( [or ,1:'1oth·) r II I ¡( (\ r seven
y.,,1 r:.¡.
CM:ur.!s,;lnn"r Iloll;,nd n"t~d th)t "'.r. :,hl·,lrll1 m..ntinn·.'d thl'!
,.<-ssibl1ity ,,( ,1 ·.I:nrt-t"ro, In'-in ":'1'.; '-iu.,r.tl"n.,'¡ U1! Cr" ·nt·{ ......1n.lq~r In
thin ru~rrd. :o~nty ~n.~"r Lu~K sni~ whun y~u tnlk short-term, how
::'\ucn if¡ tt (J(,\l~tJ :'0 r,;!l~:ct in t!ìC r.Jtê :;t"hedul'.; IIc :3idd. t.hLJe. jU:1t
bdC.1U.cu you )rc ctl.::.r.J1n'J ~12.CC ~hlti y·...·;;r it :J;':)~!j not m('.ln ynu h,,",vc to
=har~f t12.0G next y~.\r.
on It:s o..n .Jnc.l n·;xt Y~tlr
110,) ,¡,d d th,Jt .. n In t·.. r;;r! fie' f'une.: should rlt.'Jnd
til" r,Ito,: .MY ~\I l,,·..or !h'C<JUS', tlldY \111. not
hdVIJ to buy .IS muc:, .....¡ulpn·Jnt. /'Ir. LUfir. s,11d tI,,,t th'JY ,He 'Jolnq to
S12.00 oJ ton Cor CI,1$S II .prb,¡'-J" ~nd Cl~"s 1315 $).r.0 " ton, which is
.\ r.!.1l b.Jn..,ftt to 1.·Joplc· cl"Hin'J Int".
1\ l,:tt~r JJtcj AU'Jus: 20, l?J~ fro~ 5~n~rA Tnhd, ~7S0 S.~. ~lnt
^I/C., :.'',111:, 1'10rl.;:,), ·H.Hln'J th.1t th.. v.11uc (I( her lDn¡ identified ðS
l~ C), 27 ;;t; I/!. 1'1 ~"" 1/~ t) f' 51: 1/1, Jr. .\crdll, should be lowereo,
Ioa\s f I l.Jd ("r tho,: r'Jcnr<L ¡.1 t\(\, .1 lott'H ~.)t<:rl :';~ptl'mhcr I, 19~4 [r(lm
Ii. J. f.. In:. by Ii. J. fl.,,,r:..d:, I'r,:sldcnt, ""y,1nd0ttc, ~lIchl'JDn,
rcqutlstln'} ~ 10\l"'r ,'nse'osed I/I\lu" on rdntl\l pr(\p,'rty "t .....ICCO Highl/lnds
1.0 n:J 0 m I n i urn, "',," f I 1" (I r 0 r t h J r e' c::> r n .
'j':,~re ~..¡n'J :'10 On,] ,:111": r,-,¡Istllr"d t(\ sl',',\K, Fiscal Officer 011e.
(""J c ~ 4
am 083 'I',! 83