BCC Minutes 09/18/1984 R
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S.pt..b.r 1', 19'.
1'- '10
I'I'II.IftD aaDlaa ,. aac:o.D CCIn'UC'r Wlft 1101.&, ....,.. I PltC/CCIIIIOD
'lu.8111D - AH1tOVID
Aa.18tant County Man.jer DorrUl .tat.d that" th18 It.. 18 under
UUliUe. .nd 18 a reco...ndaUon to ...cute a IItUIU.. Engln.er of .
Record .gr....nt with Hole, Mont.. , Aa.oclat.. ot Napl.. and PRCI
Con.oer 70~..nd of ..a.hvill., T.nn. H. not.d that thi.. i. the
cut.ination of a gr.at deal of effort that will r.tain for the Utility
Divi.ion it. fir.t Engin..r of Record and, a. a r..ult, will provld.
the Dlvi.ion with the continuity that it ne.d. in .olvlng probl... and
being abl~ to r..pond to the pot.ntial th.t this Divi.ion h.. in the
coaing yaar.. H. .t.ted that the .gr....nt i. two ph..., .dding th.t
und.r the g.n.r.l condition. portion of the .gr....nt it .p.ll. out the
..t.nt of the p.rforaanc. l.v.l. and the bu.in... .nd of :the County'.
ral.tionship with the.. two fir... H. noted th.t the .gr....nt i. ..t
up .0 the County can do work with .ith.r fira ba.edon their particular
..p.rti... H. not.d th.t this .fford. the County the .6ility, in the
,.v.nt that the loc.l fir. h.. .n .ppar.nt conflict of Int.r..t in, the
future r.pr...nting a priv.t. cli.nt, to have the oth.r fira do the
ø. noted th.t the ..cond part of the .gr.e..nt or the .ctu.l .cope
of work portion of the contract d.fine. the .p.cific ta.k. to b.
..signed ln the coaing fi.c.l year. H. not.d th.t the.. t..k. .r. luap
.ua f.. .rr.ng..ent. wh.r. the County will b. invoic.d on . ~nthly
,b..La for work incurr.d .nd .ccrued by the own.r but In . not to .xceed
...i.ua figure for which the condition. .nd the .nd produót .re apall.d
out in the contr.ct. H. .t.ted that the .pacific ta.k. .re .. followa
.nd not in .ny p.rticul.r order of priority.
Engine.ring .v.lu.tion .nd f..sibility .ppr.is.l r.port
for the Marco I.l.nd w.t.r .nd s.wer .y.t..,
Engineering .v.luation .nd f...ibility .pprd..l r.port for
the Laly I8tat.. S.wag. Sy.t..,
Engin.ering .v.lu.tion .nd .ppr.i..l r.port for the E..t
, ..afles wat.r Byst.., Inc.,
r.a. bility and lap.ct .tudy for .ewage tr..ta.nt and .ewag.
coll.ction f.cilitie. throughout the ..i.ting .arvice ar.a.,
"R.view and upd.te of the Mater Maater Plan a. it relate. to "
the Re9ional wa.te concept for the weat.rn portion. of Colll.r
ø. .tat.d th.t tb.re ar. specific fee. a.aociated with e.ch of
the.. taak. li.ted on the Ix.cutive Suaaary. .e atat.d that h.
reque.ted of the Ingin.er, their propo.ed .tarfing l.vel. and alao
¡.. 083 ,,'r ~69
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thd r In-houI' productivl ty Iche4ul.. ..'iowhen they fed th.' 'wI:
should bt acco.pl1ahe4, .441n, that bued'on the "aytheypropo..'"
staff th...~ob, th.,.~propoaah ar.'Yary\~.uh In orc!ar~.~.Re.conêi
bŸ ataUn, that· he ,i.. raco...ndtn, approvÞ\.:;: '. . ~,: 't~~ú~,~
. , .." ,", ~ , ," ... , ~:'" "¡., ,..: '...
c:e.iu¡øer..,I.ter· ..........nad ,b,.Co..l..1.ner IoU.act,_ "
.~d........a..u1y;..tut.,tu..Ut1Utl.~ b,tne., af "cord eofttncit~;!t":"
wi tb 101.; ....t.. I PRe/ConNu 'fo""I~DCI be '.ppro."~ ' '," "
. .
'-9' 9
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S.pt..b.r 11, 1984
It_ '11,
MUIR"" WlTI cae: .Ievu,.., C9Q0UlrICM rea TlI JV8TICI CIIITD -
Aa.htant r..·unty Manae¡¡u DorriU .tat.d.thai thh ite. h .
r.co...ndation to ...cut. an .gr....nt vith c.c s~curity Sp.ciali.t
:rncorpor~ted for the .:rustic. c.nt-'r, .ddine¡¡ that thh h the .... tlr.
th.t hu b..n doine¡¡ the inataU.tion work vith the '..curity bar grill
doors, the penetration devic.s,.nd the ..curity glass. He at.t.d th.t
for ao.. ti.e, th.y have b..n doing work und.r . ti.. an~ ..t.ria1
b.sia vhi1e t~ia contract waa being n.e¡¡otlat.d. H. noted that the
amount of the contr.ct la..pproximat.ly $96,000 and will compl.t. .11
the work previoualy the r.sponsibility of Harry C. Partridge' Company.
H. at.t.d that this particular firm was the original aub-contractor 0"
the job, adding th.t h. has b..n on the job alnc. the Inception of the
a.curlty .l...nt. He r.port.d that th.r. waa work that vas don. .~d
.pprov.d that wa.' ....d. the r..pons1bl1ty of the owner t~rouqh the
Archlt.ct. H. statad that tha aub-contr.ctor was n.v.r paid for this
work. He not.d that on. of tha conditions of this particular
contractor is that'be b. paid for the work that he haa done on this
job, adding that the two a.ounts Involved .r. $96,337 which Is the
contract cost and the a.ount of work unpaid .nd owed is $36,637.36.
Co..issioner Holland quastion.d how ~uch this comp'~y has been
paid in th,e and ..tarial sinc. they were hlud, to whlct1 Aaslatant
County Manag.r Dorrlll stated that on a tlm. and ..terl.1 baaia, he v..
paid around $28-30,000 while In the proc.a. of nagotlatlne¡¡ thla
contr.ct. He not.d that h. was paid throuqh a purchase ord.r type
.r rang e.an t.
Co.ml.slon.r Holland qu.stion.d what Partridge's original contr.ct
v.s, to vhich Mr. Dorrlll stat.d that the original contract was .round
3/4 .illlon dollara.
Co..lsslon.r Boll.nd stat.d that h. la l.ary of .pprovine¡¡ $36,000
.s h. do.. not b.1i.ve the County h.. the r.sponalblllty for that. H.
stat.d that there ahould be ao.. .gr....nt r.ach.d with the bondlne¡¡
County Attorn.y Saund.r. stat.d th.t the $35,637.35 ia work
va. p.rfor..d by C'C S.curlty prior to the d.fau1t of Harry C.
..rtridg., Jr. , Sons, Inc., addine¡¡ that it wa. for'l.bor not
..t.rl.la. H. stat.d that the County ia r.sponslbl. for paying
.on.y and it would have be.n paid throuqh Partridge orlgln.11y,
aoo~ 083 mE 40.9
pae¡¡- 10
083 '10 Slpte.bu 18, 1984
,;~ . ~ar,t It
.incI Partridgl va. dlfaultld, it would bl paid dirlctly to C¡C
Security. Be noj!.~ that .on.y va. paid to thl bonding coapany for thl
account of rolqe'TA.c'J.. fnr ucurity .t..l.
A..i.tant County MAnaglr Dorrill .tatld that vhln a monthly drav
rlqul.t i. .ub.itted, thlY arl Itl.lzld by .pecific ta.k. and thl
·.rchitlct au.t approve tho'l ta.k. ba'ld on ~n in,plctlon of the
building that thlY veri doni and co.plltld, adding that this glntll..n
ha..pickld up a nuaber of Partridgl·job. vhen Partridgl .tarted glttinq
into troubll.- Be .tated that thlrl i. no rial Inclntive for C5C
Security to .tay and co.plltl the re.~ of thl work unll" hi can be
a..urld payaent for thl work that ha. blln doni.
County.AttornlY Saundlr. .tatld that hi forwardld infor..tlon to
thl bonding coapany la.t welk, adding that he haa rlcllvld vlrbal
..aurance that thlrl would be no probll. in the County paying thl
..ount. Øl .tatld that hi ha. not rlclivld a writtln confir..tion on
it, but Ixplcta it In thl nlxt day or two.
fa,... U· .
Co..i..ionlr Holland qUI.tlonld if thia could be approvld
conditionally upon rlclipt of thl .uthorization in writing fro. thl
bonding coapany, to which County Attorney Saundlr. rlplild that the
aituation 18 that if thia pa)'1lllnt 18 not approved, C5C Slc...ity vill
leavI the job and it ·wlll delay the work that Mid. to be doni on the
jail. He atated that it i. hia raco..endation that thl. äaòunt be paid
and he will do what ha can to glt the wrlttln approval fro. the bondinq
.. . C...t..~1' .... _...,.............., ·c:...i..i...r ,lator ,Ad
c.l'I'i...../l~.«"...t..i...,....l1aa4 .p,...4)~ tla.t tile .9r....ftt with
,C¡C·"C.rit7 Cor..r.tll. for the Ju.tice Ce.ter ~ .pprov" In the
...ant If '3'~'37.3'~
I t_ 112
ItD 1751 FOR _ITI PI.xa... fOIt ftl .JVSTICI carna - IlIJICTID MD TO II
. Aa.1a~nt County Manager DouUl .Utld that th18 1a a
reco...ndation to rejlct and rebid, bid. rlcelved for County Bid '7S1
for .ite fini.he. for the Ju.tice Center, vhich ta pri..,l1y p.rkinq
.rk. He .tated that thlre vero saverd aiSdenda that .u I..ued on
thia bid to provide for a .Icuritygltl, adding that thlrl .a.
contuaion oVlr the prltlrrld .Inuflcturlr of thl gatl. Ht .tltld that
only onl apparlnt biddlr co.pllld vith vhat atatt tilt to be thl
'lgI 11
,; .t:.
. ,,'r:"
,'ll'~'f~~:iL!!; ,
S.pt.mb.r 18, 1984 '·'~..',.:;,,;~ir;:
COllplet. .p.cs at the tim.. H. .tat.d that h. 18 ncolllm.ndin9 that. :'" <.,r::.:;?
thu. bid. b. r.~.ct.d and allow.d to rudverti.. and lolicit bid. onlV~;i>:>!
. ,.".. - ';:," :',.. ',>'1:11.""
on the parking 10' .1eIll.nt. of the work and the County will . "" ";'';':;¡'¡:~{fj¡'
ind.p.nd.ntly g.t with the archit.c,t. to I" if th~r. an approv.d '''~~1~~~f1~,;.:;:-
al t.rnat. manu f actuurl of the lock i n9 qat. m.chan 11m. H. Itat.d that", ;i'
'the n.w bidl would b. op.n.d a ......k from W.dn"day~ ·"jt
COllnaJllion.r Holland qU'ltion.d if the I.curity qat. W"I an ,'~
alt.rnat., to which Mr. Corrill Itat.d that it wal not an alt.rnat., it
VI. an add.nda to the original bid of the parking lot vhich would
r.quir. the Installation of a I.curity f.nc. and an al.ctrically
controll.d gat. to b. op.rat.d whil. the d.puti.1 r.main in th.ir car.
Comllll.lion.r VOIS suqg'lt.d that. the bidl b. writt.n up as
I.parat. It.ms.
,C,unty Attorn.y Saund.rl Itat.d that Staff r.comm.ndation
balically do.s what CommillJon.r VOII i. .uqqe.tlng by ,howing thJ.
..curJty gat. .. an add alt.rnat..
Co..laalon.r_~o.. 8Ov.d, ..cond.d by Co..ia.Jon.r Piltor and
c.rried 4/1, (Co..iaaion.r Holland oppoa.d), that lid '758 be r.ject.d
.nd r.bid for lit. finiah.~ on the parkSng lot work of the JUltic.
It.. 113
Pursuant to R.solutlon 81-150, the fol10wlng ch.cks w.r. 1.su.d
throuqh Fr Iday, Sept.mb.r 14, 19841
V.ndor 116263-116458
It.. 114
rl.cal Offic.r Gilal .tat.d that at the lalt Board ~..tlnq, h. was
instruct.d to n.gotiat. a contract for the financial auditl for thl.
y.ar and n.xt year, addlng that the firm pr...nt.d a two y.ar contract
and a thr.. year contract.
Co..S..lon.r Piator 8O..d, ..cond.d by Co..i..lon.r vo.. .nd
carried un.nl8Oully, that the thr.. y.ar contract for annual financial
'adlt. with R09.r., Wood, Bill, Star.an I Guata.on, P. ~. be approved.
tÐŒ: [x)(uÐ1l" roT RECEIVED nt cu:m<'S OFFICI: AS OF 9/27184.
.DO~ 083"A"[ 411 Pa9' 12
Slpt..blr 18, 1984
....IUaGl? AR~~~ 14-C'I. 14-C'O/'73. '4-'77/'11. AKD '4-CI4 - ADOPrlD
e_'..i...t:-'I.to~--~. .."....._by..c.-i..lon.C' lra.~ an'
_. .ard...........ly, ·üat -.d,.t AlMfté:I..nU 14-"1. 14-170/173.
'4-177/"1. ... .4-1.4 be .'.pted.
It_ 11'
Co..i..loner 8011and .tat.d that· with .lection. cOiling up, there
ha. beln a proble. with .chlduling the in.tallatlon of thl carpet,
adding that Mr.. Morgan i. .Iking that this carpet be Installed a!cer
the Move.ber election..
. _ _ ('._~ ..1...r ....U.........-4. ;....Me4I .r., .c...l..I... r "Platu ....
.arrl" ......iM4Ial'; tbat ,taU be .1rOClt"· t. bue tit. "ntraotar ..It
. ...tll.after the ..YOaber el.ctl.n to ~y. tbe carpet In.t.lle' In tb.
Ileetl... Offlc.~
It_ 117
ItltOllI 'IT. It-U-IC '!'O II "COMltDIRID I. COIIrOltMllC1 VI,.. ''1''''1'. LAV
COlllli..ioner Holland Itated that he feel. that t'e va. lIi.informed
rlgarding Petition R-84-8C on the condition, a. far al drainage on thi.
project, Ind, aince he voted againlt it, he would Ukl to hIve it recon-
Co..i..ionlr Kru.e que.tioned why thi. petition ha. to go back to
the Coa.tal Area Planning Comlli..ion, to vhich COII.unity Dtvelo~ent
Að.ini.trator Virta .tated that the ordinance that providl. for
rlcon.lderation under the normal proce.. provide. that it can be
recon.lderld if nc adyi.ory body or staff recommends dlnial and thlre
was a dlnial in this ~a.I.'
eo_lad.ner Jl<)U.'" ..y",. ..0..... by eo_la.loner 11''''. .nd
carrie' U&.A~.l,~ tb.t Re..n. ..tltl.n a-14-IC be r.oonal..r.' In
...f......-c. .1 tit· at.to,l..;"
..... Rec.... ,.50 A.N. - a.con..n'" 10.00 A.N. .....
Mr. Jay 8i.hop, rlpresenting thl Naple. Are. Board of Ataltor.,
rive County Contractor'. "'soclatlon, Naplls Aria Ch..ber of Co..eree,
Pagl B
,Sept.-b.r 18,.1984
.nd Collier County Contractor's ~.ociation. H. stated that la.t we.k
h. va. a.ked to co.. back vlth n.... for .ppolntMent to a cltlz.n.
.dvi.ory ro.d .tudy ~'..Ittee. He stated'that tKe co..lttee .hould be
..ndated or directed to look .t the ro.d con.truction project. .nd
. their objective., adding th.t the purpo.e i. to revle" the.e project.
In order to ev.luate their pot.ntlal i.p.ct on citizen., .nvironm.nt,
and bu.lne.. of Collier County .nd to an.lyze .11 .ethode of funding
.nd to provide reeom..nd.tion., to the BCC .nd the public on progr...
.nd i..u.. Involvlnq the ~n.q.~.nt of ro.d con.tructlon in Colli.r
County. He .t.t.d th.t the p.opl. th.t th.y would llk. to .ee
.ppolnt.d to thl. eo..itt.e .r. Cliff Bark.d.le, Chuck Mohlk., Fr.nk
Holl.nd, Donald PIckworth, Rand.ll Cafn.y, Don Barb.r, John Stein".nd,
J.ckle Willi..., and N.no SP.9n..
Cos.I..ion.r Vo.. .tat.d that he felt that this w.. an .xcellent
li.t, but h. would like to h.v. . r.pr...nt.tive fro. the Le.gue of
Wo.en Vot.r. on the co.~ltt.e.
Mr. Bl.hop .tat.d that thl. could be don. .nd he would also like
to include a .tafr~e.b.r.
.Co..i..ion.r Brown .t.t.ð that h. i. not in favor of any type of
l.p.ct f.e or of .ueh . co..itt...
Mr. Bi.hop .tated th.t thl. i. only .n advi.ory co_itt '.. to 91v.
the ICC r.eo..endation..
Co..l..ion.r VOII .t.t.d th.t th.re i. a tr..endou. n..d 'or road.
in the for.....bl. future In the County, addln9 that the County 1. not
90in9 to be .ble to do It in .d v.lore. t.x... H. .tat.d that thl.
co..ltt.. could 91ve the Bo.rd a lot of Input .nd help to .rrive at ·
decision a. to. bow to finance the ro.d. that .u.t be built.
Co..l..ioner Kru.e .t.t.d th.t this i. . politic.l deci.lon .nd
the ro.d. will b. built on. way or the oth.r, .ddin9 that up until this
ti.. there h.ve be.n . v.riety of way. to f'lnd the ro.ds other than
¡.p.ct f.... She .t.t.d th.t no aatt.r wh.t the cODSltt.e d.cide., the
Bo.rd I. the on. to sak. the d.ci.ion. She .tated that .he will not
vote for the I.paet f.. on ro.dl in the n.xt two .onth..
Co..l..ion.r Holland .t.ted th.t the property Apprai.er indicate.
that there I. an ea.i.r and .i.plier "ay to finance the con.truction of
the.. road. othtr than with an Isp.ct f.e. He que.tioned wh.th.r .
.otion to kill thl. aatt.r at this time would be le9al?
T.,. IS
. '
Co..i..ioner Plltor .tated th.t the gentle.en that have been
.oo~ OR3 ·I~r 413'
'-ge 14
'OOK 083mt414 S.ph.bet 18, 1984
neo_.nded .woul,' give the Board Input: about the ov.rall h.Ung of the
public. He .tat.d that h. would lik. to ... thl. type of infor..tlon
fro. th... p.opl.. H. .tat.d that th.y "y b. abl. to tell the County
th.b..t vay to go ah.advith the road progra..
Co..i..ion.r Vo.. .tat.d that thl. II li.ply to for. a com.itte.
to .tudy way. to flnanc. the ro.d., adding that the .or. public input
there i., the Co.mi..ioner. vill b. bett.r able to make a d.ci.ion. H.
.t.ted th.t he i. in favor of this co..itt...
County Attorn.y Saund.r. .tat.d that the qu..tlon ..k.d r.gardlng
wh.ther the Bo.rd could vote to .nd the dilcu..ion. on road i.pact f.~1
or vh.th.r it could b. brouqht up .g.ln II anlv.rtd li.ply by .ayln9
th.t . r..olution of the Board of the County Co.mi..Ion.r. il in .f.f.et
until. new re.olution i. .dopt.d.
~r. C.vid Cr.h.. .t.t.d that th.re il not going to be anythIng
..rth .h.tt.rlng comIng out of this co..ittee, but it i. going to t.ke
a lot of money to build the.e ro.d. and there need. to be . group th.t
c.n give Input that might po..ibly co.. up vlth a .ource of fund. th.t
no one ha. thouqht of. He .t.ted that If the Board vanta to pa.. a
ra.olution agaln.t Impact fea., h. would not have any o~:.ction, but
the commlttaa need. a chance to look at what need. to be done.
~.. Jane LAhy, r.pre.enting the Leagu. of WOmen Vote~!! .tated
that they have .tudi.d grovth ..nage.ent .ore inten.lvely than any
oth.r wo.en'. organization and .o.t .en'. organlz.tlon.. She .t.ted
th.t the League of WODen Voter. would ..ke .n excellent contribution to
.uch a cOMmittee.
AI.i.t.nt County Manager Dorri11 .tated that the County Man.g.r
ha. a de.ir. to .It on thl. committ.e, If for..d.
. Co_iael._r Ir.......9flI, ·..co~ IIÞy C._hal..er Bolhn4, that
t.........··I....t ,..-ordiunca/MYlHry eo..ltU. nÖt IHt cr.at~ ..4
~"'t .. lap.ct f.. ... cr"'H.
Com.i..ioner VO.. .tat.d th.t the ro.d i.pact f.a do.. not
n.c....rily have .nything to do with thla co..ltt.a.
~r. Mik. Zewalk atated th.t thia I. IUPpolad to be .n advilory
eo..ittee and ~. adverti.ed al .uch, tharafore, the i.pact fea cannot
.b..turn.d ~ovn at thi..point a. it va. not adverti..d.
County Attorney Saundera atatad that there .re certain it.-s by
atatute that have to be adverti.ed for .publlc hearing, adding that the
eonaideration of whether an ordinance la to be .d.arti.ed for public
h..ring i. not one of tho.e it.... He notad that if tha 80ard d.aira.
Page '.5
...,......_.,..._..____.."''''_.'''...''._..' ·_..,..,....w_""..._,.·,~_·._,,~"_,~··_·,..,
1iiIiI' ;,',
'1,; ~
Slpt~blr 18, 1984
to yote to not proceed with thl road S.pact f.. St S. a proper
re.olutlon to be couldlred by the Ioard.
UpøCIU ~,,~ the ca..Uo,,; th. ..Uon carried' 3/2, (C...te.lo".,.
V.......·.'.t.r .".....~
. . ,-C...l..,...~-....·.....,·..c"'''·by·c...l..i....r ,l.tor, that.
....itt....· t.............'...r.........·,...I.,..IU!. . .rep,..."taU" of
. . -tM L..... ..1·...... -"t.e~....." .. ·.HU·......'· ...r.... by u. C.at,
.......,..... tit. eo_t,.·.......,·;·"·....I.t... te .t", tb. werl...
.' .....tMå ..f UaaaGI.. .tM.......··,... .....trtlcU.. ·1. Ula C..~t,..~.. U.
fu.....atlo-fatv.; n. MÞtlon faUed 2/3. CC...h.lo...n IIoUand,
.r...~ aa4 Irown .,....d)~
c-1..S....r .r... MÞwed. ..coDeled by C...luloner IoUaDel,
... carrl.d ....I....ly. that tbe follovlDt It... under tbe
n:>uoat ...ÞCla be .ppro.14 aad/or adO,tedl
It.. 11'
.OCIAL .1.vICII CAlli V-I771 AWD V-404'
It.. 120
s_ ..... J.j.19"'t,t.~~
It.. 121
. 'wn. JIO~ 572 ,URAL CCIIITUCY roll YU.IOGI WAm:.nU POI. conn VATU
Leqal notice havlnq beln publllh4d In the Haple. Dally NewI o~
July 20, 1984, a. eyldenced by Affidavit of Publlca~lon fllld with thl
Clerk, bid. vere rlcelvld for Bid 1752 for water ..tlr. until 2100
P.M., Septeaber 5, 1984.
It. 122
,m "In] ,...L ~roII _Tn IUTP aOXII, 'ITTI" AIID IADDLU
.Leqal notice having been publllhld In the Napl.. Dally Newlon
July 20, 1984, .. evidencld by Affld.vlt òf Publication filed with the
Cllrk, bid. were received for lid 1753 for watlr .eter boxe., fitting.
and laddll. for thl County Wltlr Dlvlllon until 2100 P.M., Septl.ber 5,
1984 .
'OK 083,.,.((15
paq. 16
, .
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<".. ,._..,;"........._"..,,~~..._.~,. .->.,,-,,-.