BCC Minutes 09/18/1984 B , ;'-': ·'\~~~J~·!'·':"~¡~~~'~··I~lìl'·~: .' . ''''\'''' . . . ~ ,'" . , I r, , , .:" ,I;. ' , . ~ I ,~: .~. ': '1',;:.- ';<~.;..~.t~~~~:~:_.\,,~~;~'_" ,,, ~ . 11" ,..[P,ç". '~f.:·...-.','.·_-':' - , :~,':' ~,~,..' .~i~...~;¡II"\".:i.;·¿...., -.; ..? . . ''í'! 1'......,. ':'. . /!.' .:W~"Ùhí~ '!;~;Ì~:' .:r',> iti" ;'ff·:tt .'::~" ~~¡"" .. 'f' ~'t ..,-...",.",.:. '~, '"(.),' ',;' .'.: ;~~."!>j,.'"',,..,', :',"i_/ . . ¡, """ ð ì"'" .. k :~~i¥("',:~~! '~A" Napl", Florida, September lA,'" ."' '¡ '. /M·((. ,.~tf~'¡..' , ; ,,\ ç r" tJ :':t""~;' 'l~'" ;,';~f;: J~¡$~r7,;3 tIT: IT BE ':.lMEMBERED, that the 8'oarìf ('If County Commiuioneri"; in'ïlnð I'/~t;/" for 'the Count.y of Collier, IInð ahoac:tin9 lIB the noard of 1,0nin9 Appeals and al the governing boarð(l) of luch .pec:!al diltrictl al have been created according to law and having conducted bUlinel1 herein, ~et on date at '130 P.M. in BUDaIT S!SSIOK in ßuilðin~ "F" of the Courthoule Complex, !ast Naplel, Florida with the followin~ memberl prelftntl CHAI RMAN 1 David C. Brown .~~~j'i; &ill VIC! CHAIRMAN 1 C. C. "Red" Holland John A. Phtor Frederick J. V~ss Mary-Frances Kru~e ALSO PRESF.NTr James C. Oiles. Fiscal Officerr Virginia Magri. Deputy Clerkl Burt L. Saunders. County Attorneyr IInd Neil rorrill. Alsistant County Manager. -' PUBLIC HET\RINO ON 19M-AS FInAL nUDGET AOENnA 1. Chairman'l statement rogardin~ purpose of meetin~. 2. Transmittal letter from Clerk to noard. 3. County Manager's comments. 4. Comments from the public. 5. Board discussion. 6. Motion to close public hearing. 7. Separate discussion and motions to adopt tax levies and budgets of dependent special districts. 8. Motion to approve 19A4-85 ~illa~. levy resolution. 9. Motion to approve 19A4-B5 budget resolution. TAX LtvI~S AND BUDGETS or D~P~ND~NT SP!CIAL TAXING DISTRICTS - APPROV!D Legal notices having been published in the Naplel Daily Newlon September 16, 1984 as evidencej by Affidavitl of Publication fileð with the Clerk. public hearin~ was opened to consider the 19A4-S5 budget. Chair~an Brown c:alled the ~eeting to order and then turnod it over to riscal Officer Oiles who advised that copies of the budget were aVllilable for the public. Mr. Oiles read a letter of transmittal explaining the budget. 'DO~ 083' ri~r 449 Page 't' ,Ij. ,.--..-.....,.-....'''''......,--......---...........,....." ..'".."'...____.....,.._.."."'~,·.',~".,'..4_..p_.,'__,,,..·.;._·.'.....'_~.,.._""'''''._.... ... .__....__ ,oD(083,a'.\ 450 ~'i.. ···i : l " ~<i', '" :$. " , ',.Mr., Bruce Holly, Sr. saicS,. that over a three year period the r..id~~t¡,~ of te.t -:'aplu have heen taxecS· for a IIwer that they do not have IInd asked for an ~J~lllnation of how the. $550,000 was Ipent. ^ssiltant county~::4I Manager Ðorrill IIdvised that the lIIoney wal IPent for construction drawi,ng. and .ngineering by CH2M Hill. 'He .aid that becauu of sOllie lost Feder~'i,'! funding the project wal now done, however, the County Iti11 own. the ~ 'J drawings. Mr. Holly laid that he believel that thi. is a capital; , expend i ture IInd Ihould be fi nanced from bond i Ilue.. Commissioner Krus. . laid that you jUlt can't illue bond I unles. you know how much it is going to COlt IInd if there are enough cUltomers to payoff the bonds. There being no one elle regi.tered to speak, COllllllis.ioner HOlland 1II0ved, seconded by COlllllli..ioner pi.tor and carried unanillloully, that the public hearing be cloled. Mr. Oiles adviled that the dependent special taxing d1~tricts re~uire . , ~, '~ : Septelllber lA, 19A4 leparate approval by the "oard. Unincorporated ^rea-Wide Fundi COllllllillioner ~rule 1II0ved, .econded by Co..ilsioner Piltor and carried unani.oully, that the budget for HSTD Oeneral Fund be approved. Co.aillioner Krule lIIoved, leconded by COlllllli.sioner Holland and carried unanillloully. that the budget for the 1982 Parkl G.O. Bond be approved. Road Districts COlllaillioner Piltor .oved, ..conded by COllllllillionei1Krule and carried unanillloully, that the budget for HSTD 1 Road Diltrict be approved. Coalllislioner KTuse IIIJved, .econded by COllllllillioner Piltor and carried unanillloully. that the budget for HSTD 2 Road Diltrict be approved. COllllllillioner Pistor moved, leconded by Comlllilsioner Holland and carried unanillloully, that the budget for HSTD 3 Road Diltrict be approved. COlllllli..ioner Krule lIIoved, leconded by COllllllillioner Piltor and carried '" unanilllously. that the budget for HSTD 5 Road Di.trict be approved. Iaprove.ent Diltrictl COIII.i.lioner Piltor lIIoved, seconded by COlllailsioner ~rule and carried unanillloully, that the budget for the Golden Gate Community Center be approved. Co..il.ioner Krule moved, seconded by Coaai..ioner VOl. and carried unaniaoully, that the Marco Beautification budget be approved. Coallli.sioner Krule IIIOved, .econded by COllllllis.ioner ~i.tor and carried unaniaously, that the budget 'for the Pine Ridge Indultrlal rart be approved. Page 2 :::II .. ,_.,-,---",-~""",,,,,,.,~."--,,,,,--;,,,,,,,..,_.,"."""""""""'''-~''''''."".",."",",.,..,.",,,,~.~,_.,,..",,,~.;,,",~",.,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,_._.,,,-""",-,,,"-~;,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,.~...""""""''<''<'-'''''''. r¡¡¡ .. BiB . , , , , co_..I, ~! i· unanillOu.ly , thc" Coa.i..ioner unanillou.ly, that cOII.i..ioner unanillou.ly, that COII \il.ioner unanillou.ly, that approv.d. Fir. Control Di.trict. September lA. 19A4 Kru.. »oved, .econded by COllai..ioner Pi.tor and carried the Port-Au-Prince Engineering budget b. approved. Kru.e lIoved, .econded by COlllli..ioner Pi.tor and carried the Victoria Par~ Drainag. budget be approved. Pi.tor lIoved, .econded by COllai..ioner Kru.e and carried the We.tlake Beautification budg.t be approved. ~ru.e lIoved, .econded by COllllil.ioner Vo.. and carried the Golden Gat. Par~way Beautification budget be COllai..ioner Kru.e lIoved, .econded by COllai..ioner Vo.. and carried unanillou.ly. that the budget for Fire Control Di.trict 1 be ap~roved. COIIlIl..ioner Kru.. lIoved, .econded by COlllli..ioner Pia tor anð carried unanillou.ly. that the Hender.on Cree~ fire control bu~get be approved. ~ COlllli..Ioner Kru.e lIoved. .econded by COII.t..toner Vo.. and carrted unanillou.ly, that the I.le. of Capri fire control budget be approved. COlllli..Ioner Kru.e lIoved. .econded by COlIlIl..toner VO.. and carried unanillou.ly. that the Ochopee ltre control budg.t be approved. Lighting Di.trict. COllllt..toner VO.. lIoved, ..conded by COllllt..ton.r ....u.. and cllrried) unantmou.ly, that the budg.t lor the Collier County Ltghttng Dt.trict be approv.d. COlIlIl..Ion.r Vo.. lIoved, .econded by COlllli..ton.r Kru.. and carrted unanillou.ly, that the budget for the COllier County Production Par~ Ltghting Dt.trlct be approved. COllllt..ioner ~ru.e lIoved. .econded by COlllli..toner VO.. and carried unanillOu.ly, that the budget for the !dgewtld Subdtvi.ion Lighting Di.trtct be approved. COlllli..ioner Kru.e lIoved. .econded by CO.lli..ioner Vo.. and carried unanillou.ly, that the budget for Fore.t Lake. Unit I, Pha.e. 1 and 2 Lighting Di.trlct be approved. Co..t..toner ~ru.e aoved, leconded by Co..i..ioner Vo.. and carrted unantllOu.ly, that the budget for Hender.on Cre.k Road Lighting Di.trict be approved. Co..i..ioner Krule IIOved, .econded by COlllli..ioner VO.. and carried unaniaou.ly, that the budget for the King. Lake Unit II Lighting Di.trtct be a Oved. "t.etoner Kru.e IIOved. .econded by COllat..ioner VOl. and carried .ly, that the budget for the King. Lake Unit III Lighting Di.trtct aOOK 083' par,( 451 ra'1e 3 .""~-'-""""-";'.'''--''''''~-,,",'~'''-''~--''''''"''''--'''''''',_. "'"''''''''-'''''''''''~'''''''"';''^'--,,,,, '",^,"" ,..'..""."'......__.4.'..~..,.....~;.,_.__"'_"',,.'".._..";..__"""'_...___....~""",...."...'.$....OOI.N_....._,..""._....__."....._""^"_*..,.,;> >_"~'~..___...._'''_'''.,~._",_.__'"..._...""'''""..._.~__'''';.." ...._.____ ·:~t~-~:' '".\ '> '. . ~~;:t;~J:\i',~ ~' ~,~~it~1~\'it{ S.....b., IS. 19S' ;'!t)~;;' ÙSOLUTIC)l. 84M18:! kOOPTIRO 1984-85 HILLAQI RATES MfD 'I'AX LEVIES :t~",¡..:'>;:',':. rhed Officer aUe. read in H. ~ntiuty the propo.e<t n.olUt:l.on',.. 'J;~fa4oPtin9 the 1984-85 .Ulage rat.. and tu levie., whereupon c01IIIinion.. ~~~~"ROllanð ~ed for it. adoption, .econded by Co..i..toner ~ru.. an4'ëarrl '", unanll1O\:1.ly. , . .' ~ to" am 083 Pi',[ 453 I I PlIqe 5 . \b;!' . - ~ , .. , -. )':"_~·~:-',fi~;; ~i~ , -. ..~.~ "f'~~' ··'\~""¡I·" " , ~'1,~'-,;/",,,,~,,"i; ..' '\'~~":,' ,¡,_/:~~·.;11 "\,,:;~ ,'; .'" ;t.. .. __..._,_""......_,.....,,'__..~...'..._...,_..__'~~..'^ ~.".J,.,,_..._."......._,_..._"'_,,',,"..__... "',._----_.....,-"'~,--"..._._._"',""'.--._"."""..,"~.--,,,.~...,.,_...._,. ',~.·:'.ïf!.-:·~t ). "'·,'l.', ,'"t ¡;". ... .{....~. ';('~;!!",,: ¡'1:~;ri'f'I':~/;'" Septllllbu, 18" 19f14"'.:·M"~: . , }f':Î.~:J:!>~i:", . '.: . , . ¡~::~';:':,}:S~~\ ." . i: U8OWTIOII 84-184 \DOP'I'IlfCJ 'rHZ 1984-85 JUDO!'!'.- ADOP'l'ED"",,~!~ ..,. . '::". _ ':' ~~'j'iJ t '(I' ",¡,.";" COIIIIhdoner Kru.. IIOYed, ..conded by Co..hdoner BOllanclancl,' , ;.; '.. . ~ . '~>;}L' cårri'e4' unanbou81y that the propolld re.oluUon adopUng the 1984-8 ~F' budget be adopted. ~!t':('-" "tM'" PaÇfe 6 ''t'. ,,0;.. :}~ ;";,,... ". "..'..~':".....¡I. ,.~. I" 71,Ií _·)'_:,.;:i,1';","t:,. ' , "," .,., '¡.\1j .'. ""'f',t " - .. - "-~"--'~,",.."."",,,;,...,,.~,.-..,,.,-~-"-___..,,,,,",,,,,-..,,..._<"'-;-~"-"-''''''''''''' _l1li .._,__._.._~"._,_ -·--,___..____"".""'""'''''0'''·"_.;_O,....·,,,"'_·'.."_~h'''''·~~.~ . . ;.¡ "'i,{,;:;':,}~,~'.';~'itZ~~;\ ,,,,.,,,,,,,,,~J..f'''~'' ',-·'''1''''1'' .' :... ; ~ ;ti~~·083r~~i4.62 September IB, \ ,',¡.o.~" ',f,"~ : " . ,~r :;:~'.;.:; COMMIKT~ BY COHMISSIOKER VOSS ';N,fJ'_o"'':'" .. ':,~¡I;'!"::'".: eo.Ì;a'lItoner Vo.. ute!, fot tbe benefit of the public, that the r' "':-;:', . work on the budget wu e!one during a ..r:h. of worklhop. dudng;.Nhteb t" ...,,-..,.;..... publio wa. invitee! ane! dte! not attend, an4 the budget ba.bean ðt.ÒU..ed in great detaU. ... Th~re being no further bu.tne.. Coaai..toner: ~ru.e .oved, .eeonded t Coaai..toner Holland and carried unant~u.ly, that the .e.ting be adjourned. Ti.e. '.55 P.M. . ,;.',', . .~.:.. ..~, '";. ". , ~ 'ì\l\Al;O 0 .. ATTr;'I5'T,.' 1"" WIUI1.!i . ,'"^~. CLERK ... : 'lot...· '"... . ..., : I r' " ('.,.: . l ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMHISSION!R8 EX OFFICIO OOV!RNI~O BOARD(8) or SP!CIAL DISTRICTS U~O!R ITS CONTROL ~~ ~,-..','~híiit·~~.,ifiroved by the BCC on~. ~ / ~~.. pre.ented~ or aI1cq.p,r*i.d_. Pan 7 - 8JJ - ""..._.,',___,.,"__'.,..'~ ,.,.."._,"""".~__.,.."""",~·._",,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,__,_,_.,_o,",_~.".,..,.