BCC Minutes 09/25/1984 R .' ,¡', Napha, rlorida, September 25r\'U4> .;';,....;,~ ,;y~,-'~.I·j LET IT BE REME~dERED, that the Board of County Commillioner. InJ1~~ for the County of Collier, and also actinq u the Board of %onlnt{I,:;, " ~ ,.~'._~;,~'¡'¡ Appula and u the qovernlnq board(l) of luch Ipeclal dlltrict. u have ':1; been created accordlnq to law and havinq conducted busines. herein, ~.t on this date at 9100 A.M. In Re9ular Se..lon in Buildlnq ·F· of the Courthouse Co~plex, East Naples, rlorlda, with the fOllowlnq member. pre.entl CHAIRMANI David C. Brown VICE CHAIRMANI C. C. -Red- Holland John A. Phtor rrederlck J. Voss Mary-Frances Krus. ALSO PRESENTI William J. Ruqan, Clerk James C. Clle., rhcal Offlcer Elinor M. Skinner, o.puty Clerk Burt L. Saunder., County Attorney Donald~; Lu.k, County Manaqer Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manaqer Terry Vlrta, Community Development Admini.trator Donald Norton, Public Services Administrator, William Blankenship, Admlnlltrative Service. A!1minlstrator, Lee Layne, Zoninq D 'ector Ann Ober, Planner, Tom Kuck, Public Works Administrator, Crace Underwood, Administrative Aide to the Board, and Deputy Chief Raymond barnett, Sher if f'. Depa r tIIIen t. I acp( 083' ~.r.t 48.9 paqe 1 . ~""·'>"'«"""N'_;"_''-'_'''··''''.''''''''"''''"''''"_'''''''~~'_'''''~"'____'' ""'--"""''''''''-__r_ ~ ':" . ::f;~~~J' ..; . ~~ t::: .~:~~ -- '<:i<,.~:"?:". " :~~~ 083rmlGi ...... September 25, MENDED Co..l..loner Jru.. ~ved, .econded carried Uhanl~ua~y, that the agenda be a..nd..nt.. 1. 12A by Co..I..loner Pl.tor and approved with the followln9 2. - State Insurance Office discussion - Added by Commissioner Xruse. 128 - Estate. Zoninq discussion - Addod by Commissioner Kruse l2C - Discussion of County Fair - Added by Commi..ioner 1101 land l2D - HRS Crant discussion - Added by Commissioner Pi.t~r 9F(1) - Recommendation to extend architect and construction managor contracts re Justice Center - Added by County Manage r IGC(l) - Remove Bid 1739 from Consent Aqenda and continue _ As requested by County Mðnager. 3. 4. S. 6. 12 MINUTES or SEPTEMBER 4 AND 11, 19S4 - APPROVED Co.ala.loner Piator ~ved, .econded by Co..I..lon,r Kru.e and carried unani.ou.ly, that the'.inut,. of Septe.ber 4 an~ ~t, 1914 be' approved. Ite. . J EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS (PERSONNEL) Chairman Brown prosented the Employee followinql Cr~cito Padilla, Road' Bridgl Curtis And.non, Road' Brldqe Olive BUlj.eqH, Library Nancy Hall, Building Inlpection Sorvic. ^wardl to the 10 Years 10 10 5 ORDINAMCI 14-65 RI PETITION R-It-lIC, WILSON, MILLIR, IARTOM, BOLL. PEEX, INC. rOR CEORCE SUTHERLAND, RI RIZONING FROM A-2 TO PUD ~NOWM AI BUT8IRLAND CIWTIR LOCATED AT SW CORNER or INTERSECTION OF 1-75 AND PINI RIDOI ROAD, 20 ACRES - ADOPTID, PETITIONER'S ACREEMrNT _ ACCIPTED Leqal notice havinq been publi.hed In the Naples Dally New. on Auqust 24, 1984 a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hlarinq wa. opened to consider Petition R-S4-1BC, filed by Wilson, Millor, Barton, Soll , Peek, Inc. representlnq Ceorqe Sutherland, requestin9 rezonlnq of 20 acre. from A-2 to PUD known a. Paq' 2 lIB 8.1 .. ""···'"'·~""'__'''''''i'''''",,'''"'''''_'_''__''''.'''' ""'_m"<"_""'___"''''"'''''''.~'''~·'''''''''''''''''''''''"J'i'''''''''''',,,,,,", ;¡¡¡ .. l1li September 25, 1904 SUtherland C~nter located at the southwest corner of Intersection of 1-75 and Pine qldge Road. Planner Ober explained the objective of thl. petition Is to d.v.lop an interchanq. commercial PUD which allow. hotels, re.taurant. Including fast-foods, convenience .tores, autombbl1e service .tatlons, office and a bank. She said that Staff and all County ^qencies reviewed this petition and recommended approval subject to amendm.nt of th. PUD document as outlined in the Staff roport. She .tated that the CAPe recommended b~ a vot~ of 4/3 for approval. Commis.ioner Pistor voiced concerns that the area will have too many fast food stores and service stations. Mr. Virta said that this p.tition has beon accomplished throuqh hard work on both the Staff and petltionec's part. He said that the petitioner has reduce~ the inten- sity of his density from his original request. After continued discussion, Attorney Pickworth a.k~d for consid- .ration for those persons who own property in the area, whom he r.pr.- sent., and asked ~hat will be dona about median cuts? The consensus of the Commissioners was that this matter would be addressed at a lat.r date when applicable. Mr. Bill Barton, of Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI, Peek, Inc. repre.entinq the petitioner, explained the project anc .aid that no. additional median cut" will b. required for this project, Co..lssion.r Vo.s aov.d, .econded by Co..is.ioner Pistor and carri.d unani.ously, that the public b.arlng be clo.ed. Co..i.slon.r Plstor aov.d, ..cond.d by Co..i..loner Vo.. .nd carried unaniaou.ly, that the ordinance a. nuabored and entitled below b. adopted and the Petitioner'. ...qr....nt be accepted an~ .ntered Into Ordinance Book 191 ORDIN"'NCE 84-65 AN ORDINANCE AMtNDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMREHENSIVI ZONING REGULATIONS rOR THI UNINCORPORATED "'REA OF COLLIER COUNTY, rLORIDA BY AMENDING THI ZONINC ATLAS KAP NUKBER 49-26-3 BY CBAMaING THI ZONING CLASSIrICATION or THI HEREIN ÐXSCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 TO ·PUD· PLANNED UNIT DEVlLOPMOT fOR SUTHERLAND CENTER LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER or 1-75 A.D 'INI RIDGE ROAD IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 2' EAST AND PROVIDING ~ ErrECTIVI DATI. aco( 083 W[ 495 paqe 3 _..._-"'''';......,,'~.>~,,".,.''''-.......~,_....--~._.,;;,"''...~'''''''''''..,,"'..-"""_,,,~..._,,,.,".,, -~''''''--'' ;¡¡¡ - .. September 25, 1984 It.. . 5 ORDIIoUCI 14-151 AI PrTITIOII Zo-l4-lIC, NIUlOII, MILLlR, BARTOlI, lOLL' PEEK, INC., REPRI8JMT~Na WYWDIftERI HOLDINas, INC, ftE AMIKDNINT TO WY1tDEMERI PUD - ADOPT',' SUBJECT 1'0 STIPULATIOHS_ ' Leqal notice having been publi.hed in the Naple. Dally News on September 6, 1984, as evidenced by Affidavit of pûblicatlon filed with· the Clerk, public hearinq wa. opened to consider, 'etltion %O-84-l8C, filed by Wilson, Miller Barton, Soli' Peek, Inc. representing Wyndemere Holdlnq., Inc. requestinq an amendment to the Wyndemere PUD. Planner Ober explained that this Petition i. to amend Wyndemere PUD to increase the number of units from 733 or 1.53 units per acre to 920 unit. or 2.0 units per acre, chanqinq the number and types of unit. to include zero lot line and villas, and other minor changes of clariCication. She said that Staff, Transportation Department and CAPC reviewed this petition and recommend approval subject to the followin? stipulations. 1. The developer shall prpvide a fair .hare contr1bution toward the capital cost of a traffic siqnal at the intersection of Colden Cate Parkway and Llvinqston Road when deemed warranted by the cÞonty Engineer. The siqnal shall be owned, operated and maintained by Collier County. 2. The master plan shall be revised to Indicate the approximate location of the preserve area. 3. The maintenance area shall not intrude on the preservu (i.e., no materials, equipment, construction or maintenance ~y products shall be placed within the preserve boundaries. Responding to Commisslonor Pistor's request for clarification of zero lot line, Zoning Director Layne explaine~ there are two types of zero lot line situations. She stated the type that is a~plicable to this project i. the villa and cluster-type housinq where there are attached walls. Mr. Joe Crady and Mr. Bill Monarchino spoke in favor of this Petition. Co..l..ioner Kru.e ~ved, .econded by Co..i..loner Pl.tor and carried unanl~u.ly, that the publlo hearlnq be clo.ed. Co..I..ioner Xru.e ~ved, .econded by Co..i..loner PI.tor and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the ordinsnce a. nuabered and entitled below be adopted .ubject to CAPC stipulation. and entered Into Ordinance look No. 19. aoo( 083 "f.~ 4 97 'aqe .. _'__"~e_,_..",,,_,..",,,.,.,..,.,,_.,.,_..,.._,,"~__ .q'"_"'.",'....,_',____~"'"._.~'",,..,"._._,~..__ Sept.mb.r 25, 19S4 08~ rAct '498 ORDIIfANCI 14-61 All ORDIIWICI MDDING Ot'~IIfANCI 81-29, WHICH ESTABLISHED THI WYXD~IRI PLANHID UMI~ DEVlLOPMENT, MENDING THI EXISTING WYWDEMIRI P.U.D. BY MINDING THE rOLLOWING SECTIONS, PIRMITTID USlS, MAXIMUM GROSS PRC),)ICT DINSITY, MINDING THI DIVlLOPMIIrT STAND.\RDS SECTIO. BY MDDING THI rOLLOWINa .œSICTIOIISI SINOLI rMILY LOT AREA, MULTI-rMILY CLUSTER AR.IAS, ACCESS STRUTS AIfD DRIVlS, A.D ADDING THI rOLLOWING sœSICTIOIISI IIRO LOT LINE SINCLE rMILY AREAS, VILLA AREAS, MIIIDU'G T81 DIVILOPMIIrT COMMITMIIITS SECTION BY MINDINO THI FOLLOWING SUBSICTIONs TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMINTS, NOISI BurraR MIIIDING T81 P.U.D. MASTER PLAII, AIID PROVIDING All IrraCTIVI D.\TI. ORDIIlAlfCI 14~'67 RI PI'J'ITIOtI ZO-84-UC, 8IDEANAY BIACH, INC. RI MDDNIIrT TO BIDEANAY BIACH PUD TO ALLOW CLUSTER HOUSING AS PART or T81 394 ALLONA8LE MULTt-rAMILY UNITS - ADOPTED Leqal notic. having been publilheð In the Naples Daily News on S.ptember G, 1984, as evidenced by ^!fldavJt of Publication filed wJth the Clerk, public h.arlnq was opened to consid.r Petition ZO-84-19C, tiled by Hideaway Beach, Inc. requesting amendment to the Hid.away Beach PUD to allow clulter housing as part of the 394 allowable multi-family unit.. Plann.r Ober stat.d that this petition Js to add cluster housing a. a principal Use In the multi-family area, to add standards for .- cluster housing, and several minor changes to setbacks and height of accessory .tructure In the multi-family area. She said that Staff r.vle~d thll petition and recommended approval subject to typographi- cal correction of proposed ordinance and the C^PC recommended approval. CO..I..lon.r Xru.e ~ved, .econded by Co~i..loner Pi.tor and carrl.d unanl.ou.ly, that the public h.arlng be clo.ed. Co..i..loner Holland ~v.d, .econded by Co..i..loner PI.tor and carrl.d unanl.ou.ly, that the ordinanc. a. nuab.red and entitl.d below b. adopt.d and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 191 ORDINANCE 84-67 All ORDINANCI MENDING ORDINANCE 80-81, WHICH ESTABLISHED THI HIDIANAY BEACH PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMINT, MINDING TRI IXISTIMG HIDEANAY BEACH P.U.D. BY MENDING SECTION V SœSICTIOM 5.02, MAXIMUM DWILLING UNITS, MINDING SUBSICTION 5.03, USIS PERMITTED, AMENDING SUBSICTION 5.04, RECULATIONS MIIIDING SUBSECTION 5.04.02, MINIMUM SETBACKS MENDINC SœSICTION 5.04.03, MAXIMUM HEICHTS or STRUCTURES N4IMDING SECTIOtI V TO INCLUDE SUBSECTION 5.05, CLUSTER HOUSING RIGULATIONS PROVIDING All ErrECTIVI D.\TI paq e 5 1& ømm c;::, ...........,".....'..",'",...""".""...,,,.,,...,,..,,,..,.,_._,,-,..,,.,."""''''''........'''','....,-.--......."--..- -_..,;.....''",,',...-,_~,~....,... ,- ",'·_~'"'".u,"'.,,·,""'"~".·,,·~,.'.,,' .....,'..>",_". ""_"~~"'...''''''"_~>' ........._ ~.·v.......~~~__.,''"._...__~ · 'DOC 0831'."( 500 Sept!mber 25, 1984 Attorney Larry Inqram 'U9qe.ted that a Special Service Taxing could be set up to pay for the.e improvement.. ) Hr. John Duffner, Ac:tinq Chairman of MICA Seawall Committee, .poke in f.vor of .ome type of ordinance but a.ked that it be po.tponed until the perform.nce .tand.rds are forthcomlnq from the Engineering Dep.rtment. He spoke In favor of the Code Enforcement Board enforcing thl. ordinance. Mr. Saunders stated It would probably take two months to re- advertl.e the new ordinance to include the performance .tandards. Mr. Virgil Cottonqlm spoke In oppo.ltlon to the ordinance and contended that the ordinance is not enforceable. Co..I..loner Holl.nd ~Yed, .econded by Co..-l..10ner Yo.. and carried unanlaou.ly, that the pUblic hearing be clo.ed. Co..I..loner Holland aoved, .econded by Kru.. and carried 3/2, Co..l..1oner. Vo.. and Pl.tor oppo.ed, that the propo.ed ordinance be withdrawn and a new ordinance be drawn up. Co..I..loner Kru.e .oved, .econded by Co..I..ioner Pl.tor and carried unani.ou.ly, that the new ordinance pertain only to Marco I.land. ---RECESSI 10115 A.M. RECONVENEDI 10125 A.M.--. ORDINAMCE 84-68/RESOLUTION ews 84-6 AMrNDING ORDINANCI NO.-I4-36 PROVIDING FOR AN EXEMPTION FROM SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES FOR GOLF COURSE REST STATIONS IN SERVICE AREAS ·C· . -D- _ ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily Ne~s on September 6, 1984, as evidenced by Affidavit of PublicatIon filed with the Clerk, public hearing was oponed to consider an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 84-36 providinq for an addition of golf course rest stations for emerqency backup systems. Assistant County Manager Dorrill explained that this proposed ordInance provides for an addition to the ordinance for Sewer Service Area -C- and -D- as it relates to emergcncy backup provi- .ions and Sy.tem Development Charge.. He said that a building application has been received for permit. from a golf cour.e to con.truct restroom facilities on the qolf cour.e and it became obvious to Staff that the .ystem development requirement. and requirements of the ordinance seemed unreasonable in term. of tho - &9 .. _A'·'_'~~_""·4'_,"^,,,, '-,n,;_.., "''''~''''''''--<'''.~''"."~_.,...."",,,-,,,, ."""""._...,-"'._----,~-,-,.,,.. ". ..._ _.._,="·~"""""mM"_~...~_..._.." Page 7 "........,.', ~ - September 25, 19S4 facilities that ~r' proposed. He laid Staff recommend I an IIdditlon to the ordi",ence that will exclude 9òU-cour.. re.troom f4cl1itie. that are on the golf cour.e and remove ,them from the requirement. of sYltem development charqe. and the fact that they be connected to the system. Co..i..ioner Kru.e 8Oved, .econded by Comml..ioner Vo.. and carried unanl.oully, that the public hearing be closed. Co..l..loner Kru.e ~ved, .econded by Co.-i..loner PI.tor Ind clrried unlnl.oully, that,the joint ordlnlnce¡re.olution a. numbered and entitled below be adopted end entered Into Ordlnlnce Book No. 19 I ORDINANCE 84-68 RESOLUTION CWS 84-6 A. ORDINAMCI ,,"ENDING SECTION THREI OF ORDINANCE NO. 84-36 BY PROVIDINO AN EXEMPTION FRO" SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES IN SERVICE AREAS -C- AND -D- or THE COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT OF COLLIIR COUNTY, FLORIDA, rOR GOLF COURSI REST STATIONS IN LOCATIONS NH«RI IT IS FINANCIALLY IMPRUDENT TO CONNECT TO THE COUNTY WATER-SEWER SYSTEM PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT ,AND SIVERABILITY, AND PROVIDINO ..... EFPECTIVE DATE. Ite. f9 ORDINANCE 84-69 CREATING THE PINE RIDGE SUBDIVISION STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT WITH REVENUE SUBJECT TO VOTER APPROVAL _ ADOPTED Legal notico having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 29, 1984, as evidencod by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance creating the Pine Ridge Subdivision Street Liqhting Municipal S~rvice Taxing Unit with revenue subject to voler approval. Public Works Administrator Kuck said that Staff recommends .approval. Mr. Henry Maxant spoke in favor of the ordinance. Co..i.lioner Pistor aoved, .econded by CO..illloner Kru.e Ind clrrled unani.oully, that the public helrln9 be clo.ed. Co..l.lioner PI.tor aoved, .econded by Co.ml..loner Holland and clrrled unlnl.ou.ly, that the ordlnlnce a. numbered and entitled below be Idopted and entered Into Çrdlnlnce Book No. 191 aoo( 083' ~&~t 501 Page B -...-,,---..-...., IB' ~~.~ .~j¡~ ';,tl1 . "_I'f." '--;" , /:.f'" "i)t¡', ':.~ '~~i~ ";;~. .\,........ . ·:;:Ïf. !\"'t~:r J~..~f ,;,'~r:i->, ",~,(¡., .~ "<'~', ..~~, September 25,.1984 ORDIIlAHCI U-Iit All ORDIIWICI CUI./IIIG 'l'B1 PINI RIDaI SUBDIVISION STAll'!' LICITIIIO MInIICUAL 8IRVICI TAXUfC UtfI'I', DIFININC . 1'1'1, . 1000000RIII, PROVIDIIIO rOR IT PURPOSIS MID COVlRJIIIIG laDY!"" ,," PROVIDlllO rOR ITS PlnlDING BY A TAX NO'I' TO EXCIID 1/2 MIL LIVY UPON APPROVAL BY MAJORITY VOTI or 'l'BE OUALIrIED ILECTORS 1M 'l'B1 MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT VOTING IN AND ELECTION CALLED rOR SUCD PURPOSE, PROVIDING rOR 'SEVERABILITY, PROVIDIIIG rOR CONFLICT, AND PROVIDING AN . ErrlCTIVE DATI. 110 PITITION rDPO-a4~V-l2, COLLIER COUNTY rR11 PUBLIC LIBRARY RI ~RIANCI rROM rLOOD ELEVATION - WITHDRAWN AT STArr REOUES'I' Co~I..loner Yo.. aoved, .econded by Co..I..loner Pl.tor and carried unanla9ualy, that Petition FDPO-84-V-12 be withdrawn at Staft reque.t. n.. 111 RBSOLUTION 84-185 RE INCREASE IN USER rlES rOR REZONE AND DRI rEES TO REPRISDrT ACTUAL COST AND TIME INVOLVED IN PROCESSING or APPLICATION _ ADOPTED Community Developme~t Administrator Virta ~xplained that this item la to brinq rezone and DR I fees in line with actual cost and the involved in processinq applications. He explained that rezone foes are $350 and PUD fee. are $5.00 an acre. He .aid that Staff '~nds exten- sive time on DR I reviews and requested that the fees be $350 plus $10.00 an acre. Co..i..loner Kru.. ~Yed, .econded by Co.-i..loner Pi.tor and carried unani.ou.ly, that Re.olutlon 84-185 Incr~aslnq us~r fee. for rezone and DRI fee. to repr..ent actual co.t and tlae Involved in proc.~sin9 of application be adopted. paqe 9 l!aI SJ ŒB "'",,,,",~",,,-,.~~.~-,..~",-"--"-,,,,,-.,,,, -.....,...,.>..,.,.,'......,."'..."_......"',,-"",,_..,...,, '''....-- ."',,,,...-.,'- -,"_.-......_...._'''~..,''''',..,...,'''<..~.,,'"..'"",''-;'',',.~...,. , CiiIiI - iIiII S.ptember 25, 1984 10CCIPTAllCI or PlTITIOIIS ISTIoBLISBUIG 10 ROADWAY COMSTRUCTIOII IoSSESSMIIIT DISTRICT rOR MORTH MAPLES AREA - APPROVED Public Work. Admini.trator Kuck explain.d the Staff requ..t to acc.pt p.tition. to ..tabll.h a Roadway Con.truction As....m.nt Dis- trict for the North Naples Area, road riqht-of-way to be acquir.d and preparation In coordination with Utillti.s Division, a feasibility r.port, preliminary assessment roll, cost .stimato, and p.rmission to .ch.dule a public hearinq to create the North Naplos Ass.ssmont Dis- trict. Mr. Rein.ko indicated the aroa to which this district p.rta!ns on a map. Mr. J.rome N, Smith, repr...nting area property owoers, spoke in r.!.r.nc. to the it.m citing the need for access to the property of persons whom h. r.tPresentod. lie asked that the property r1qhts b. protect.d for these poople. Mr. Joseph Weinfeld pro~ented a statement for the r.cord entitl.d -P.tition beforo the Board of County Commissioners Under Ordinance No. 75-14-. He said he was deeply conc.rned with this issue a~~ asked Mr. R.inek. to indicat. hi. ~rop.rty on the map. He said h. was in favor of the proposal but said that harm could b. don. to him. Mr. Reinek. .ald ~hat Staff have aSlur.d property own.r. that th.y would have acc.ss to th.ir property. Co..tsston.r Voss .ov.d, s.cond.d by Co..t..ioner Krus. and carri.d unant.ously, that acc.ptance of petition. to .stablish . roadway con.truction a.......nt district in the North Napl.s ar.. .nd the above-relat.d r.qu.sts of Mr. Kuck be approv.d. ···Co..i.sion.r Krus. l.ft the roo. at 11110 A.M. Ind return.d at 11115 A.M.... 115 CRIATI01t or fEW PAY PLAIIS MID 5' COST or LIVING ADJUSTMIIITS FOR lOARD or COUNTY COMMISSION EMPLOYEES - APPROVED Administrativ. Services Adminiatrator Blank.n.hlp r.f.rr.~ to the Ex.cutiv. Summary in the ag.nda which .xt.nsively rolatft' the propo.ed n.w pay planft and cost of livinq adjustm.nts for Board of County Commission .mploy.e.. Clerk Reaqan requestod clarification of the matter, .tatinq that h. had mad. hi. position clear at his r.vlew of hi. budq.t wh.n he !CÒ~ 083' ~&r,t 507 paq e II ,.,..,""'"',--"^----,.--- ;; 083' rt~~ 308 requ..ted eq ,al conl1d.ratlon If Commission employee. were 9ranted additional ral.... County Kanaqer Lusk .aid this would be a one time incr.a.e and any additional rai... would pertain to n.xt y.ar. Co..i..loner Holland ~ved, .econded by Co..I..loner Pl.tor and carried 4/0, Co..lss10n.r Xru.e abs.nt, that the cr.atlon of a new pay plan and 5' cost of living adjust..nt. for Board of County Co..isslon ..ployee. be approved. Ite. 11' COLLIER COUNTY FORESTER'S ~MMUAL REPORT - ACCEPTED S.pt.mber 25, 1984 . ...)~' /;.:'''''1'' "·:~ø· , ,·!'¡,;l ) ;';'l~ :~1 ";:"H~ ,,"'~l ~'> 'j' ~~. 'i,;'~' ~ '"i¡t;$.t, /;j!~ :~~~': , ..,..::, ,.,.';;',~ .~::f' ',:,;:,';~ ~'¡ . As requested by Public Service. Admini.trator Norton, ~~..is.ion.r Rolland ~v.d, seconded by Co..is.ioner Pi.tor a~d carried 4/0, Co..lseion.r Xru.. abs.nt, that the Collier County rOt,st.r's annual report be accept.d. Tape 15 ~ Comml.slon.r Vo.. asked if the Fore.ter was Involved with the current situation In reqard to citrus canker and Mr. Ander.on, County For.ster, responded that some of his m.n .....r.. It.. 117 EXTENSIOM OF ARCHITECT AXD CONSTRUCTION "-'MAGER'S CONTRACT-rOR JUSTICI CENTER - APPROVED Assictant C~unt~ Kanaqor Dorrill explained the need to ~xtend the contract. for the architect and construction manager for the Ju.tlce Center expansion. Re.pondlng to Commissioner Pistor's question of why the need for architectural desi9n now that the Center is complete, Mr. Dorrill .ald that a certification from tho archltoct is necessary for accoptance of the job. CO..!..ioner Voss .ov.d, second.d by Co..is.ioner PI.tor and carried 3/1, Co..l.slon.r Holland oppos.d and Co..I..ioner Kru.. ab.ent, that the ext.nsion of the architect and construction aanager'. contract. for the Ju.tic. ·C.~.r be approved. Notel Contract a.end.ent. not receiv.d In office of Cl.rk of the Board a. of 9/28/84. Ite. 118 paqe 12 111m .. .. -,.,.........,""""'......--...--, '''''''_'''"''''''''_''__'''''''~__'''''''' ,"" ',"','.""'...,,."....~,.'..,,",~.~~...n.~_"; ,,,, _;,''''''"'''''~""..,.""._,,~.,.~''''''...,._~_,........_'''''.....''''''''___''''''''"__..._,..'~',,-, _'""""M,""'''''_''_'''.''Ò__''__'"",-,_",,,,,,,,," r¡¡¡¡a g¡¡a IiI1 Soptember 25, 1984 " "">\0 '.',~, ;"¡f,¡ , ....1., c ,~1::;':¡ <~~~ !~ : )'{;;~4!' _1,,;..,.;.:< It.. 122 STAFP DIRICTID 'f:~ IXPLORI ALLOWING UTILITY BUILDINCS 0111 PROPERTY III COLDE" CATE ,ISTA.ES WHILE PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES ARE BEINe BUILT . Commissioner Kr4S. stated that, as the situation now stands, a person can put up a fence when h. is buildinq a principal structure in Golden Gate Estates, however, no .tructure can be built. She asked that consideration be qiven to allowing ~ utility shed, which has no olectricity running to it, to be built on pr~PQrty where owners are bulldlnq so that equipment and tools can b. protected from theft. Mr. Joe Grimm spoke in opposition of this request sayinq that it would only make a bad situation worse. Co..l..loner Kruse ~v.d, .econded by Co..i.sioner Rolland and carri.d unanl.ously, that Staff be directed to explore the po~:!~illty of allowinq utility buildinqs on property In Golden Gate Zstate. while principal structures are beinq built. Ite. 123 FAIR BOARD AUTHORIZED TO ADVERTISE OPEN MEMBERSHIP FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION, TO COMPLY WITH LETTER FROM MS. STEINBERG. Commissioner lIoll"rld oxpl.,lnud that hll had a letter from ,"r. Cnnnor's Uf!ice, from Ms. ~talnbarg suqqestlng that the. .)(lard of County Commissioners davertlse that the m.mber~hlµ Is open for th. Collier County F~lr Msociatlon. Ha said thllt the first National Bank has 4qre.d to have thr~. offices in Nnples, Marcn Islllnd and Immokalee accept applications fnr this membership. Ho said this mlltter could be returned to the board aftar mamberuhlps hove been receIved, /'Ir. Tracy ßolesky distributed an l\!f1davlt from John L. Norman ~tatlng that the nfflcers, as appointed lit the Board of County Commls- uion meeting on ~eptember 11, 1984, are tho duly olected membars of the Collier County Agriculture! fair IInd I:;x;:>osltion, Inc. He asked that the Board not rasclnd the appointmants made at that meeting. He stated that the Fair Association has already put advortisement. In the news- p.:lpers. After a lenqthy discussion, County ^ttorney Saunders said that It would be bettor if the Board did not advortlse and ho sugg.sted that the Fair Association be directed to do so. Co..issioner Holland .oved, .econd.d by Co..i..loner Vo.. and carried unani.ously, that the rair Board be authorized to advertl.e open .eabership for the Collier County Fair Association and to co.ply ~GO( 083 w' 513 PI¡rJ . 1 5 ",_.__.,._".~""---"-~'.-",,,,,,-,,~,,,,..,,..,.,, ,,-----,,- ,no( 083'w".514 Septemb.r 25, 1984 with the other .UCJ9c,..tion. In the afor.m.ntion.d lett.r fro. .... Stelnber9. ..eRECeSS. 12115 A.M. RECONVENIDI 2100 P.M.... 124 LETTER or INTENT TO BRS RI PRIMARY CARl CRANT rOR COUNTY rACILITIES APPROVED Public Sorvlce. ~mlnlstrator Norton explained that this iSlu. Is a requelt concernlnq primary care facilities In Collier County and he laid that HRS hal money that may bo available to Collier County for this project. lie sdd that thore is a great noed in Immokalee for thl. type of service. Cam~lssloner PIstor roferrod to the overuse of ambulance runs Crom people In Immokalee, many of which arc never collected. He said that a type of primary c~re unit could be created In Immokalee that would qreat\y reduce that exponse. He said he had attended meetlnq. with HRS personnel on this subject and that four doctors and related facilities would cost approximately $32r.,OOO which Is less than Is beinq lost now on the ambulance runs which are not paid for. Commissioner HollJlnd notod that tochnlcal pers(\nnel SI,;,:n as Doctor AssIsta~ts could be used Instead of higher priced Doctors. Dr. Polkowskl, Director of the Health Departmont, expîalned the intont behind the proposal. ~he said that what the Caunty Is currently dolnq In the primary carn field naw could be used for matching contri- butions lor this grant. Commissioner Kruse said sha hdd no problem with tho need, however, she noted that often tho ~t4to will start a program and leave the County to cantlnulI paym"nl Cor lacllitius. ~he said she does not wllnt to see the taxpayer having to pick up cost. Cor programs the State boqlns ana then does nC't finish Cundinq. Commissioner Holland said he had a roal problem with this situa- tion and askod what about the Indigent people In areas other than ImmoÞtalee, luch as North Naples and t.:lIst Naples? Mr. Richard ^Ikens stressed tho nood for the proqram. Commiasloner Voss laid this situation has been br(\uqht on without aufficlent information. He said since it had been stated that a Letter of Intent could be Issued without commitment this might be possible and this would give the Commlsslonors adequate time to discover all the elements of the proposal. Paqt" Hi IBJ .... 1'iiIJ ;~:~~;:,:~~P;l¡!': ., ~"'~'~'<:"h . 1~~~:\·:~':·;'~:'11;)!i,::i,':,;;,--·':.. ' . ~ .. <'. i'f '~, ".,~_;';i"':""-":1:",~~)J,"~"\:r-, , :',." , '.' . ~,..tf~ ~';'í,~':.;f~fC~~~i..l~n~rRoUanð IIOveð, .~eonded by Co_i..ioner 'i.tor .~~ .,1, \t.,:, O.~~I~~ 4/,1' eo., ut.,"ner Kru.. oppo.ed, that · Letter of Intent to ' ; ,J' be written retarding", ,r1..ry Care aunt for County heillU... ",~,' ;~~.'~¡__ ~ ",:~i~" "'~'~~;' ,,'. . , , };:~):'I< . . "'1, , ~~'~'~<f~',~ /~,l; .. :. .,'.,",11:' ,1 ;'l:'~;¡~f;~t~ ,/._t¡.;.\.' ~OO( 083'wr515 paq. 17 '··n..',."~·_,,,,~..'1~'."_'____'__"__._"'''''_;·''"·~''''·'·~· .......---.---......-.- '"""""''''.....__r1 .....'--""''''''''"~..,.'' . "-<~'w~'·'''''''''''_'·''·'·__''_''_''__.''''_~··''·''"'·'''' .,.. .. ._,-,.,..,",~,,,,,,",,",...,..,,._..~~,,.-...-- m< C83wr 51R September 25, 1904 SUPPLIKDlTAL ACRIIKD".' "J'O BID 1731, !tELLY ROAD IMPROVEMENTS rOR ADDITION or 2,300 LIN~R rEET or SEWER LINE AND "APPURTENANCES WITHIN ROAD RIGHT-Or-WAY Notel Not received In Clerk of the Board office a. of 9/28/84. EXCAVATION PI~IT NO. 59.199, KOUMTRIE JAMPINN, IN SEC. 23, T50S, R26E, APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE SOUTH or C. R. 164 Itea 133 RESOLUTION 84-188 RE MENDMENT TO COUNTY ATTORNEY'S VlPLOYMENT AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE A CAR - ADOPTED S.. pag.. ..530--5"3/ Itea 134 CERTIfICATES Of CORRECTION TO TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRA I SER TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY illl 1983-545/564 and 581 9/17-18/84 135 EXTRA GAIN TIME fOR INMATE NOS. 44867, 43435, 22343, 25876~4l078 AND 36180 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - fILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, tho Chair directed that the misce11~- neous correspondence be fiIud and/or referred as indicated belowl 1. Notification of extensions on CCBC agreementl dated 9/14/84 for Agreement '81,BC-56-09-21-01-035, plus n memorðndum dated 9/14/84 re Close-out Procedures for 1984 Crants. XCI Ms. ~illiamson. Filed. 2. Notification of Hequest for Hclcaso of Funds and Certifica- tion pertainlnq to Sm~ll Cities ccaG Housing Project which constituteG authority to use funds in the amounts outlined in the letter. XCI Ms. \~illiamlon. Filed. 3. Copy of RepreSlfntativo s.rt Harris' letter, deted 9/14/04, to Lt. Governor ~ayne Mixson requesting consideration of Collier County's application for gr"nt funds to COflltUCt II water storagn tank, wells and plplnq at the Immokalee ^irport. XCI Ms. ~illiamlon. Filed. pege 19 ... - .. ì. "__~"'''--''__';'''"'~;_~_~'''"'~''''~''<?''''O"<~",.,___.____'''",'·., "."~"..'.,"""",,,,,,,.,,".,_'''___''. 4>... ,.--___;".."'..>...M""..';\,";".,"""·.'..,e.''''''',,''''"_'''''_'~"'''""..._~""",..,,,",-,... . ~..,~.._.~,,-,...-,...."-~._...,,-----,.,_....- Iiii1 - l1li September 25, 1984 4. Letter tc\ (:·'mmluionctr Holland doted 9/11/84, from Willialll R. Flemlnq, C.~,lopment Representative, Office of Business Finance, ackl )wledginq receipt of application for CDBG fundinq and requestinq copies of certain items to be submitted to the St~te Clearinghouse for review. XCI Ms. Williamson. Filod. S. Copies of notification dated 9/10/84 of proposod a~endments to Rule 8-16, F.^.C., Florida Small Citlos CDSG Program. XCI Mrs. \'/illiamson, Filed. ô. Departmental neportsl Filed. ^. Youth Culdance Volunteer Program, September, 1984. B. County forester, August, 1984. 7. I..e.tter to Commissioner Kruse dated 9/12/84, from Cilrol Heauvais re a drainage problem on her property In Colden Cate Estates on 19th Strertt SW. XCI Public Works. Filed. 8. Copy of letter dated 9/12/84 from E. Russell Smith, Chief Inspector, to Sheriff Rogers attaching an inspection report dated Auqullt 23, 1984 for Collier County Jail. Filed. 9. Lotter õÀted 8/30/04 from Dorothy ^. Laskowski objecting to tho proposed rezonb for a convenience store in Golden Gate, including pictures of current. such stores. xc Ms. Ober. Filed. 10. Memorandum datf'd 9/7/34 from Tom Gustafson, Chairma" Commit- tee on Transportation, Flor id.. House of Representat ives, re rocently enactod legislature as being the first major step towards a statewide high .peed rail system in Florida. Fil cd. 11. Copy of Invoice 11914-84 from IIUD, Settlement Statement for over or under payment of contributions. xc: Ms. Williamson. Filed. 12. Copy of letter dated 9/17/804, from Theresa M. Padgett, tH.t. CSt Supervisor, HRS as a follow up to their 8/24/84 letter requiring the Dept. of IIIIS to pay Sh..rlffs tho prevailing rate of FFP or 70' of costs of original service of process on agency's child support enforcement actions, plus copy of Contract for Service of Process. Filed. 13. 9/7/84 Notice of 1\Uctlon of Property, in which the Board of County Commissioners has an interest, to be sold on November 8, 19804. Filed. 14. Copy of memorandum dated 8/15/84, from John T. lIerndon, Director of Office of Planning and Budgeting, Office of the Governor, transmittIng a completed study of current boundaries of the Regional Planning Councils. XCI Mr. Virta. Filed. ~OD( 083w1.519 Pa9c 20 . . , ....,. : /~.~;f~~ . .1 ,<;;~~:. "'.,~' l " ., ~~t _. :., _ ,J~;,/~, .,~.~ .: I J;;~.t:., \ ··:~tti ",t;'.::~.'t ';}k -' ,-,.,,,,,,,,._.,. .-._.'~' ~"'~""""~'~'<~;-"""---- m~ 083 W,! 520 15. Copy of letter dated 9/12/84, from Lynn S. Bramlett, Budget Analyst, DePt. of Revenue, notifyinq that the Tax Collector'., b~ge~ request for FY 1984-85 has been approved. XCI Mr. Glle., 'lu. copy of budqet .ummary. riled. September 25, 1984 I, ',~1'''·, ,~ "~'~ ~~~', ·)~1~ ..:"..""¡ :!~ t''\'" '1'( ":~~~ ¡, ~,.~>~~: <:,",;l1' ' I 16. Letter dated 8/25/84, from Charles E. Wallace, project ", Director, Unlv. of Forida, Colle91 of Enqineer1ng, re improvements in transportation infrastructure and a new '. program they are beginning. XCI Mr. Lusk and Mr. Kuck. Filed. 17. 'Copy of 'memorandum dated 9/6/84, from Marion Hart, Jr., Staff Director, Florida Coordinatinq Council on Transportation Disadvantaged, re monthly meetlnq for 9/12/84 plus copy of '. 8/8184 minutes. Filed. 18. Copy of minute. for CAPC and CCPA for 9/6/84 and agenda for 9/20/84. Filed. STAFF AUTHORIZED TO TRANSFER PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT IN REEF DISPOSAL FUND, AT BOOK VALUE AND ADDITIONAL CASH NEEDED TO DISSIPATE THE DEFICIT IMTO THE SOLID WASTE FUND. STAFr TO EXPLORE OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES RECEPTIVE TO PURCHASING THE CYPRESS County Manager Lusk' explldned th,ot this Item Is ~o inform the Board of County Commissioners of the current status of the Cypress and to offer options to the Commissioners, plus Staff recom~'ndatlon, re9arding the program. He Baid that the reason the Cyprlos has currently susponded operbtion in the roef building endeav~Ls is because the insurance company will not allow any more work to be undertaken until tho bow ramp i~ rep~lred. H~ outlined a plan to repair the Cypress whereby it is taken to the East Coast, with the insurance company paying for th~ cost of a pilot to guide th~ craft through the Inland Waterway, with the County providing the crew, and the insurance company paying expenses of thO! crew. IIQ said that it will Uko approximately five to six weeks for the task to be accomplished. Administrative Services Administrator Blankenship explained that the Cypress was transferred to his charge and no longer is under the Solid ",aste Dopartment. lie said that the crane Is bein9 used In another department. He said the options for dealing with the matter at hand of meeting a $90,000 de(iclt ,ore I 1. Sell thv crane for $90,000 2. Appropriate $90,000 from the GenlHlIl Fund 3. Transfer the crane to another department for $90,000 Page 21 ~\'1~~1fJl IE3 rEI ,_._,_.__.....,-~.."'~- -..-..-""',..>...."...--....-.......-.--"...- IIiD - .. Septemb.r 25, 19B4 Mr. Blankenship said that the bow ramp was never found after was lo.t at sea A~1 the in.urance compÐny has aqreed to have a ramp ; fabricated 'at a ahi:vard on the East ~oa.t and the ramp I. n~arin9 completion. II. ..111 that the County would need to påy $5,000, the deductlbl. from the insuranc. policy, to have the ramp replaced. Discussion ensued durinq which oach Commissioner expre.sed th, opinion that, while the Idea was a g~od one, that It had b.en tried, had proven to be unsuccessful 'for VllrioUS reasons and now it wa. tlmo to t.rmlnate the program and find a buyer for the Cypres.. Mr. Lu.k said that. the State valu.s the Cypr.ss at $200,000 now, even though the County purchased it for $5,000. H. said thel',e are various conditions contingent upon selling this surplus property which will ne.d to be investi~ated. Co..issioner Voss ~ved, .econd.d by Co~.i..ion.r pl.tor and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the Staff b. authorized to tr~n.fer property and equlp.ent, In the Reef Di.po.al Fund, at book value and additional cash needed to di..lpate the deficit into the Solid Naste Fund and that Staff be direct.d-to .xplore other qovernm.ntal ag.ncie. receptive to purchas1nq the Cypr.s.. . . . There being no further business the meeting was adjour~ed by Order of the Chair - Timel 3:15 P.M. BO^RD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS! BO^RD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING ßOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL DÁ~~~~ 1---""", 'on ~. Í" /7/ Y lIS presented ~ or ~OO( 083 w.r 521 paqe 22 F"",··_~'"""~"~;C,,_,"""'i ........,____..,_"""..,...~" ....'...""."'._-,.,"'...,""'...',-"."....,' ,,-,,- ~,,_._--_._..,---