BCC Minutes 10/09/1984 R I, ;¡¡¡s .. Mil .n"> ., ,i ¡.' !to"; ..,'. . N.pl.., 'lodd." October 9~ 198.4,'. LIT IT II RCMEKBIRED, that the loar4 of Countý Co..I..lonera In and for tb. C"unty of ColUer, and alao acdng .. tbe Board of lonin," Appeal. and aa ~he ,overnlng board(a) of auch .peclal dl.trict. .. bave been cre.ted .ccordlng to 1." .nd having conducted bu.lne.. herein, .et on ~hi. d.te at 9100 A.M. in Refalar ....I.ft In Building .,. of the Courthou.e COllplex, Ea.t N.pl.., rlorida, with the following .embera ...Y pr...nta ", " CHAIRMAN I D.vld C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN I C. C. -R.d- Holland John A. "htor rr.d.rlek J. vo.. Mary-rrane.. Kru.. ALSO PRESENTI N1lll... J. Re.g.n, Clerk, J.... C. ail.a, rl.c.l OffJ~.r, Maure.n K.nyon, Deputy Cl.rk, Don.ld B. Lu.k, County ~n'9.r, Neil Dorrill, Asaiatant County Manaqer, Bruce And.raon, Asa1at.nt County Attorney, K.n Cuyl.r, Ala1atant County Attorney, W1l11a. Blankenah1p, Adm1n1.trativ. Serv1ce. Adm1ni.trator, LI. L.yne, zoning Director, M1.ay Ob.r, Planner, TOil Kuck, Public Worka Admlni.trator, Or.c. Underwood, Adm1n1atrat1v. Aid. to the Board, and Deputy Chl.f Ra)'llond Barnett, Sherlff'. Departllent. .... , ,~. t "':'\ , ,.¡.,\~!;~ '~F''''' ,,' ,q~;~~·.'k . '.,~~J" -,;::, . ('101- ......" " J/':~ , ':'n,'.' , ICO( 083 'AC[ 601 r(-¡i¡ " ,::~~ . ,,~~)if:~~~ . .. '·'-·¡..:f~' Pag. 1 ~ "00' ."1 : t''''"¡,, ._......,. ,...~.. "'""'".....""'_~~_~,.".~,"".~."'.-.,;.~,',.,,.,,' ""_,;>"...."~.,,......,w,"'·~,""_ ._...,".......',""-,'--"'~,-"-,..-....~"', '" '. ". ",.~o\.'(J.' f. .' .?~;~:,'LI" ". ,'a¡' ,083 PACt 606 October 9, 1984 ,..,.' 11 n.. 11 _ J ì:i,,' ~ ." '~ \I~-M~ - A'PROWD WI'-" CIWIGISI ';~:f:~.. eo..S..S....·r 'I.t.r· .."..,..conclled by Co_laatoner a:n.. an' !arrle' uaaftI8Ou.l,; tbat tb. a,enda be approve' with the followln, c....... t'" .. " A. Ite. A-4 re procla.ation reco\lnlz1ng lO/9/8" a. Bernie Yokel .~~¡. Day - added at the reque.t of Co...1.stoner Vo... '~'~"_' ,; Ite. 12C re Re.olution a.kln<J the DOT to recon.lder the paYi", of H1qhway 29 and to award the contract to the .econd low bidder - added at the reque.t of COII.i..10ner Vo... C. Ite. 12D re Waiver of feu for PtI for State Hlqhway Patrol - added at the r.que.t of Coma1..ioner Kru.e. ~ D. Ite. 9Cl re 81d '739 - continued one week at reque.t of County Manager. E. Ite. l6B3 re Courthou.e Cround. Ma1ntenance Contract - wlth- Grawn at reque.t of County Manaqer. It.. 12 KIIQTIS 0' ICC '/1' . 9/25/84 . PROPERTY APPRAISAL ADJUSTMIKT ICARD '/1' . '/20 - APPROVID Co..l..1oner ,1.tor 8Oveð, ..conded by Co_l..ioner oarrled ußan18Ou.ly, that the .inute. of the ICC 9/18/14 ,.eetlftt; the Ice 9/1'/14 1u4,et ..etinq, the 9/1'/14 a84 Propert,Apprai.a1 Adju.tment Boar' ..etln\l, and the ace revular ..etin, be appro.e'. r" It.. 13 Kru.e aftd regular 'I': .¡/84 '/25/14 ~ ; - , , t I, I,~ ~,' ER'LeYII SERVICI AWARDS (PERSOWMEL) ,~, C...I..ioner Irovn read tba followlD9 ..ploy..al 'ancll Qlbba ..n DorrUl Inrlq.. lah. and pre.ented ..p10ye. .ervlce award. to 10 yeara 5 ,eara 5 year. n.. 14 'ROCLAMATIOM RECOGMIZIMO 10/9/84 AI IIRMII YOKIL DAY - ADOPTID Upoft reading of the procla..tlon, C...i..loner Vo.. 8O.ed, aoo..d.. ~ CO..l..l....r ,I.tor aft' carried ~an18Ou.l" tbat October ,; 19'''; be recognl.e4 .a lernl. lokel Day. Pa\le 2 - IIIEI &mil "'-,..._...,""'--_....,.,_........,... '""-~.- ..,,- \DOIt 083 mt 60S It.. 15 oaDIDllCI 14-73 RI PlTl"rIOII R-U-21C, WILlOII, "ILLIR, IARTOII, lOLL. PIIIt... 1,1Ie; I'.'''18I11TII1G JOSI'. aomIUI, 10IIII08, I.e., BIO_At 'Anu, "'AD '1:; ..~ "WI~" 'D ·aDQløg'.ua-ca'llTl.L Udtl, 1/4 "ILl IOUTB or DPonD . , C; IItOW BJOIr'At 011 lit 151 - tmOPTID; PI'J'I'l'IOIIIIt'1 AGItIUIIIT ACCIPTID' ... ..,1.Igal notic. having bun publi.hed In the Napl..·Daily N.w. on' Augu.t 31, 1984, a. .v1d.nc.d by Affidavit of Public~tion fil.d with th.Clerk, public h.aring wa. continu.d from'Octob.r 2, 1984, to con.id.r Petition R-84-2lC, fil.d by Wil.on, Mill.r, Barton, SolI' P.ek. Inc.., repr...nt1ng Jo..ph Bonn..., Bonn..., Inc., H1qhway pav.r., and C. R. Wi.er r. r.zon1nq for Cry. tal Lak., 1/4 ..il. .outh of David C. Brown 8i9hwa y on SR 951. .. Plann.r Ober .tated that the objective of this p.tition i. to a.v.lop 490 lot. and 80 camp.1t.. around the borrow p1t pr...ntly und.r .xcavation. She not.d that all County aq.nc1.. r.vi.w.d th1. p.tition ahd had no obj.ction. .ubject to the .tipulation. found in the Ex.cutiv~ Sum..ry d.ted 10/2/84. She .tat.d that staff r.vi.w.d the p.tition .nd recomm.nd. d.n1al bec.u.. th.r. i. no ju.tific.tion for a ne.d for an additional 490 TTRV lot. and there has b.en no infor.ation .uppli.d reqard1n9 the proj.et'. 1mpact on the und.rly1ng Coral R..f Aquif.r. She not.d that .t.ff feel. that by d.velopinq the RV p.rk prior to t.r.inat1on of .xc.vation of the borrow pit, th.r. i. a mix of two inco.patibl. u.... She al.o reported that the t..ffic, no1.. and dust ~.n.rated by the .xcavat1on act1v1ty would cr.at~ h.z.rdou. and undes1r.bl. condit10n. for the RV park and c.mpground u..r.. She not.d that th.r. n..d. to b. .noth.r .tipulat10n a~d.d 1f this p.tition .hould be approved, noting that the .tipul.tion would b. that. 25' .trip of land alonq the .nt1r. SR 951 trontaqe in addition to the 100' wid. canal riqht-of-way ahall b. r..erved for u.e a. future .a....nt. for canal w1d.ninq and maint.nanc. purpo.... She not.d that 3 l.tt.r. and on. p.tit10n with 10 .iqn.tur.. ha. b..n r.ce1v.d oppo.inq the proj.ct clai.ing it will lower the property valu.., cr.ate noi.. and- incr.... tr.ffic a. well a. ð pot.ntial har.. to the Coral Reef Aquif.r and al.o b.inq 1ncompatible with the .urrounding land and r..id.nc... She .tat.d that the p.tition.r .ubmitt.d a lett.r froll Mr. M1..im.r indicating that the proj.et w1l1 have no siqn1ficant imp.ct on the Coral Re.t Aqu1f.r. She concluded by .tatinq that the r,collm.ndation h for d.nial. Mr. Donald Pickworth, that this i. a r.zoninq of Octob.r 9, 1984 ¡'" Attorney r.pr...r.tinq the Petition.r, .tat.d e.rtain land. to Planned Unit Dev.lopment. Pag. 3 c= E::::3 t:i5i .~ ~'~"~~ - riii1 Octob.r 9, 19B4 H. not.d that Staff r.com..nd.d d.n1al on the b..I. that th.r. wer. too ..ny of th... camp.it.. in the County at the pr...nt tl.., adding that this h not Intlrelr .cc,'rat.. H. reported that the CAPC ba..d their denial on the fact that the proj.ct wa. pr...atura~ addinq th.t h. I. not .urewhat thl. ....n.. H. .tat.d that it do.. take time to d.v.lop a proj.ct of th1. typ.. H. r.f.rr.d to the non-compatibility of u.e., th.t i., the exc.vat10n activiti.. .nd the d.v.lopment .t the .ama ti.e, not1ng th.t the p.t1t10ner, under the rederal M1n. Safety Act, i. r.quired to 1I..t v.ry .tring.nt requir..ent.' regarding ..parat10n of .inlnq ~ctlvit1e. and .ny other human actlviti... He st.ted that th... r.quirement. 1nclude distanc. .eparation with r..p.ct to tr.ffic pattern., .tc., .ddinq that the.e l.w. h.v. to b. complied with in .ny .v.nt .nd this 1. not a r.al danqer in this ca.e. H. noted that th.r. h.. be.n concern .bout the Coral R.ef Aquif.r and Mr. Mi.sim.r will .p..k to the i..ue. H. indicated that th.r. has b.en an i.su. about. project of th1. type brinqinq 1n unde.irable people and w1ll cr.at. cr1.. probl.II.. H. .tat.d that he rec.ived a lett.r from Sh.riff Roger., which he pre..nt.d for the r.cord, that indicat.d that in the Sh.r1ff'. .xper1.nc. a. a law .nforce.ent offie.r f.w.r cr1me. are cr..ted 1n and around the.e facilities th.n 1n any other r..identi.l ..ction .nd that .o.t travel trailer park. h.ve . 1... d.tri.en~al .ffect to the community than anticipated by the qen.ral pub11c. H. r.port.d that there has b.en concern about the low.ring of property valu.. by th1. developgent, adding that h. has two l.tter. from r.altors, which :1" "resented for the record, that indicat. that any properly plann.d developaent ea.t of SR 951 will enhance the value of any .dj01n1ng land. He .t.t.d that there are p.ople that indieat. H1ghway Paver. h.v. viol.t.d the bla.tinq ord1nance and the noise ord1nanc. at the ex1st1nq p1t. ne r.ported that they have not be.n charg.d wit~ any v1~lation and the bl..ting permit has b..n ren.w.d on an annual ba.is since 1980. Pl.nner o~.r .t.t.d that sinc. the la.t ....t1nq, two l.tter. in favor of the p.t1tion have b.en r.c.ived. Mr. To. pe.k .t.t.d th.t pr...ntly the north.rn 110 acr.. of this property has . provi.ion.l u.e for .arthmininq that wa. approv.d in 1979 .nd thar. 1. .n .xcav.tion permit i..ued which p.r.1t. . 94 acre lak. to b. con.truct.d, .dding th.t th1. con.truction is in progre.~ and approxi.at.ly 1/2 of the property has bun ch.red and 30 acr..' of the borrow pit has b.en .xc.vated. H. .tat.d that .Ine. that per.lt ão~ 083 w.t 609 P.ge 4 ..'------ ._.~- -'-"'--.-.' L' .' ·011( 083,m 610 October 9, 1914 wa. i..ued, the owner. have purcha.ed approximately 39 add1tional ac~.a, .a~lng the property a total of 150 acre.. He .tated that the lake w11l 1·...ln at 94 acre., addlnq that the ohly change In the lak~ 1..the"cond9uutlon of the watlfn end which w111 be sU9htly changed In order to accolUlodate the travel tr811er recreational vehicle C"P9 round a. ,.hown on the ...terplan. He .aid that acce.. will be ;rovlded by . .lnqle .ntryway v~ich I. 1n position at thl. tl.. being utili.ed by the co...rcial fill operat10n that i. qoin9 on within the property. Øe .tated that Staff analyzed the traffic potential and .ade reco...ndation. a. to the con.truction of' l.ft-turn and right-turn .torage lane. and of llqht1ng the intar.ection, all of which the , ' petltion.r i. in concurrence with. He not.d that th.re will be a c.ntral water dl.trlbutlon .yst.m constructed to di.trlbute potable water to all of the .ite. w1th1n the project and al.o a ~.ntral ..waqe collection .y.tem to provide for the collection of .anltary waste a. well a. a .ewaq. treatment plant to treat and dlspo.e of the effluent from that treatm.nt plant. He .tated that the plant would be an extended aeration plant with po11sh1ng and percolation pond. a..ociated with the plant for the disposition of the effluent, addinq that this plant will have to comply with the DER r.qulatlons and, if the County .nter. into the pollution control area and adopts ~.qulations, it will hay. to comply with those r.gulations al.o. H. stilted that the Staff r.port has b.en r evi .w.d and h. aq r.es wi th I t except f.or ,three except10ns. He .tated that Staff made an analysl. on the numb.r of RV .pace. that are pre..ntly available and zoned for u.e, adding that when on. look. at the Staff report, there seem. to be an over abundance of the.e .Ite.. He referred to an .xhlb1t that .howed the approved RV ca.P9round .it.s within the County, addinq that they ~re spar.ely .catter.d. Hft stated that also in the .taff report, they quoted a prior .tudy that was mad. that indicated that there was 3,240 .ites exl.tinq and that 3,100 of th.m are occupied with a 96' occupancy raie. He stated that his reports 1ndicate that th.r. i. a very hlqh occupancy rate and the own.r. do not know who to refer the.e people to dur1n9 .ea.on when they are filled up. H. noted that the ba.i. for denial by Staff becau.e there are too many space. i. not wll-founded, adding that the Cry.tal Lake RV .it. i. in an appropriate location and ha. good acce.s from the interchanqe of 1-75. He .tated that the second part of the.taff report that he doe. not agree with is that Staff uke. a reco~endation that the excavation .hould be terminated prior Page 5 c::I ~ ~ r:::!Z1 I I I . t s. ", ~ '\:. I?,.. ,'". ~. 'i Z1t ~ ~~ . '.1 " . , r;¡¡¡¡ - EiiiII '"..~ ~1; ,fJ; ~-~., Octob.r 9, 1984 to any RV d.v.lopaent b.cau.. th.re would be . conflict betw..n the two~ HI .tated th.t h. do.. not think th.t th1. will occur under the pl.n th.t I. dev.lop~d for thi.. H. r.f.rr.d to an .xhiblt .howin9 the final plan. and how, t:'. lIin1ng operat1on could .till b. handled while the RV .it.. .r. b.1ng u..d. H. .t.t.d that the Mining op.ration would I....di.t.ly IIOV. to the we.torn portion of the p.rmitt.d .xcavat10n ar.a an~ would .xcav.t. a lak. of .pprox1m.t.ly 18-20 .cr.. and th.n .ove th.lr .xeav.tlon back to the .a.t.rn portion of the proj.et, .ddin9 that wh.n the lak. i. n.ar1ng the compl.t10n of .xcavat10n, con.truct1on of 'the Br.t ph..e of the RV park could be .tarted .0 that by the ~i.. the RV p.rk i. re.dy for occupancy th~ lake would b. coapl.ted and the 111n1nq operation would be g01ng on in the .ast.r~ portion of the l.ke 10 th.t there could be occup.ncy by the RV sitel 'with. r.cr.at1onal lake .vailabl. to thell and the Mining op.ration contlnu1nq in the .astern portion and workinq its way to the welt. He .t.ted that as it n.ar. the west.rn edqe¡ the heavy op.ration and the lak. would be compl.t.d and the balanc. of the park could b. d.velop.d in ita .ntir.ty. HI st.ted th.t th.r. .re c.rtain mining .af.ty r.gul.tlon. that .Ult b. compll.d with to .nsur. that th.r. is a ..parat10n b.twe.n the human us. and the oth.r lIininq operations tha~ ar. going on, H. .t.ted that there wa. dllcu..10n .bout the conflict of the tr.ffic to the commercial operation conflicting w1th t~.t 1nto the RV park, addinq that there ls a common entrance onto Stat~ Road 951 .nd it would be appropriate to retain one aceGs. onto SR 951 ;ather th.n to put ln . ..cond way to provld. a .pllt 1n the .ec.... H. .tat.d that traffic i. not .uch .. to warrant. .econd .ntrance. H. not.d that the v.h1cle. would u.. the ero..lnq on the .a.t.rn .ld. of the c.n.l and the comllerclal v.hicle. would be ..parat." fro. the RV tr.ffic. H. .t.t.d that the third .r.a th.t h. d1..gr... with in St.ff'. r,colIlI.nd.t1on for deni.l i. that h. f..l. that the petit10n h.. the ...rit. to be .pproved and it Ihòuld b. approv.d. H. .t.t.d th.t the EAC and WMAD r.v1.w.d the p.tit10n .nd r.comm.nd.d approv.l, .ddinq th.t the CAPe r.vi.wed it and th.ir r.comm.nd.tion for denial. wa. that it w.. prellatur., add1ng th.t th1. proj.ct w1ll not b. oper.tion.l for two y..r., H. .t.ted'that in ord.r to h.v. it oper.tional with1n that t1.., the rezon1nq i. n.~d.d now bec.u.. it w1ll take approx1mat.ly on. y.ar to bu1ld the lak. and. year to dev.lop the f1r.t ph... of the RV .(t., .ddinq that it i. not, ther.for., prlll.tur. to approve the ~ning at this li~e to provide for -, \ { ,.<;. , i , ;o~ 083 W'! 611 P.c,¡. , '_._'~''''''_M_'___ " ...,."-»-"'_.-~,--- ICCK . 083 'Act 612 October 9, 1984 of the park for op.ratlon in two year.. the development 7&1'4'11 ·Mr. Peek .I..'ted that tbere wre concern. about the .anitary aewag. and about any othr : potenUal polluUon of the Coral Ruf Aquifer, adding that he ha. talked w1th Mr. Mi..1mer and has located the .ewag. treataent plant in the IIO.t appropriate location. He noted that other ,%aetora ..wrelooked at, like qa.ol1ne .touge, adding that he would .tipulate that the petitioner would proh1bit any bulk ga.oline .torag. OÞ, the,aite .0 that would e1blinats the potenthl for a proble. occurrln9 with 9a.ol1ne fue ,. or petroleUBI product.. ae .tated that in re9ard. to the effect on the Coral Reef Aquifer, he obta1ned letter. fro. Mr. M1..1mer .tat1ng that he did: not feel that th1. project would have a potential neqat1ve 1mpact on the Coral Reef Aquifer. Mr. To. Mi..lmer of M1.slmor , As.ociate. referred to a ~rawing of the Coral Reef Aquifer, statinq that in 1901 the Biq Cypress Ba.in Board/South rlor1da Water Kanaqe.ent Di.trlct a.ked hi. to do an inve.t1qat10n of the Cocohatchee Water .hed and look at it in ter... of it. potential for future water .upplie. and how to protect it. He rsported that the .tudy i. now complete and the Coral Reef Aqu1fer cover. 12 .ection. of Collier County and is bordered by the Quail Creek develop.ent on the WIt end qoe. two mile. to the ea.t of SR 951 and north to the Lie COl.:nty line. He noted that th1. wa. th" principle area of the exten.lve inve.tigation of the future water .upply. He '.tated that the Coral R.ef Aquifer i. confined to the upper 40 to 50 feet of .edi.ent and hes a clay lay.r on the bottom that i. 20 to 40 feet thick. He .tated that It i. covered w1th .and throuqhout the ar.a which varie. fro. five to f1fteen feet, adding that the .and contain. .o.e fine qrain .aterial, some clay and .ome silt, addinq that when water enter. the .y.te. at the top In ter.. of recharqe fro. ra1nfall, it mu.t pa.. through the .and .ilt and clay before it qet. into the 1i.e.tone that compo.e. the aquifer. He referred to the area. on t~e .ap of .edium to hlqh permeab1l1ty, addlnq that the high yield area. are not at the top of the aquifer, they are down five to e1ght feet through an additional li.e.tone below the .and. He .tat.d that the area. of hiqhe.t per.eab1lity extend well .outh of I..okalse Road fro. SR 951 to the ea.t. He .tated that the aquifer extend. 8 .ile. to the aouth and north into Lee County 8 or 9 mile.. He reported that the water on the north .ide of the Cocohatchee Can~l ..ove. fto. the direct10n of about northea.t to .outhw.t, add1nq that the Cocohatche. Pa9' 7 , ¡ I f I I ~ fz::J r:am tiiIt - iiII October 51, 19114 Canal provide. I v~ry .ign1flcant hydrologic barrier. He .tated that In order to uke ",e"er flow fro. the .outh stde of the Cocohatchee Canal to the north aide, one would have to ovareome the natural hydrologic .lope. into the canal and therefore, the only way to do that would be to pu.p in exce.. of 100 .illlon gallon. of water a day out of It. He .tated that the water area Immediately adjacent to the .outh .ide of the Cocohatchee Canal along SR 951 .lope. 1nto the local drainaqe facllitie. like the SR 951 canal, adding that the water flow I. not ~on.1.tent becau.e hydrologic chanqe. occur. He .tated that the quality of water 1. Ylry qood 1n the .outh terrain and has been a point of importance to protect,that qua11ty of water. Mr. MI..1.er .aid that the Cry.tal Lake project wa. reyie~d in relation to how the wa.tewater facl11tie. on the .ite would effect th_ aite it.elf a. far a. the aquifer in the Yicin1ty of the percolation pond and alao the lake. He .tated that the relation.hip of the project to the water .upply potential area that wa. de.ignated In the Coral Reef Aquifer wa. viewed ancl the percolation pond reco.llended would have to be located a. tar fro. the lake a. pouibla. "ClIO, in order for any treated wa.tewater to enter the lake, it WQuld haye to fir.t percolate through the bale of the pond and travel laterally for a cc,¡.iderabla di.tance before it could even qet into the lake it.elf. He .tated that he doe. not find in thl. ca.e that there could be any .ignificant effect .ince the lake contain. .ore than 3,800 acre feet of water compared to a ..all wa.t.water percolation pond. He noted that the water would have a hard time nowfnq and lIIovinq north acro.. the Cocohatchee Canal and qettinq into that twelve .ect1on area that he .tudied. Co..la.ioner Vo.. atated that the .bottom of thl canal is below the Aquifer and que.tioned what effect it Wòu¡d have, to which Mr. Mi..i.er .tated that the canal provide. a hydroloqie barriar. He .tated that the only t1.e groundwat~r flow could bypa.. the canal would be when the canal i. co.pletely dried out, add1ng that anyti.e there i. a aurface water body available, you canno~ get acro.. the hydrologic barrier: Øe atated that the Coral Reef Aquifer i. an unconfined aquifer. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor queat10ned if the exhau.t of boat. 1r. the lake would have any effect on the Aquifer, to which Mr. MI..I.er replied negatively, add1ng that the ..ounta are .inor when cOllpared with the overall volume of the lake. He .tated that the number, one conta.inate of groundwater in the United State. i. ga.oline .pill., adding that aco( 083 PA',~ 613 paqe . '..---.--.------.-- --...--- .' .. 083,Act614 October 9, 1984 tbea. are bu~k .torage and not .1nor apill.. . The folll...,ing people .poke in favor of the petition, citing the fact that th1. rezone will enhsnce the land value. and the need for additional RV apace.t Bob Moatea .;Joe Town.end 4082 Belair Lane 4362 17th Pl. S.W. , The following people apoke again.t the pet1tion, c1tlng inco.patibl1ity with the .u~round1ng area, exce.. noi.e, traffic hazard., exhau.t e..i..lon., adver.e effect on one'. life, ga.oline leakage fro. RV veh1cle., exee.. cr1.e, and the potential, effect on the Coral Reef Aquiferl ': '1.,. U Win.ton Barqer 3821 8th Ave. S.t. Jane Ruck R-6, Sox 1764 Attorney McDonnell, repre.ent1nq A. 8. Southall, a property owner adjacent to the property, .tated that he has two ba.ic objection. to the propo.ed change. He stated that one object10n is the cOllpatiòility of this proposal with Mr. Southall's existinq u.e of his re.idential area and the enjoYMent of hi. property. He .tated that he 1. concerned with concept. of n01.e, traff1c hazard., 1nereaaed traff1c and exhau.t e..1..10ns. He noted that he 1. concerned that the c.,.natruct10n of the RV park w1ll adversely effect the qua11ty of h1a life. He reported that the i.portant point i. the nature of what 1. propo.ed, add1ng that the aquifer 1. recharged pr1marily by ra1nwater fallinq w1thin the i..-diate area. He .tated that Hr. Mi.simer has reeom.ended that there be no qa.o11ne .toraqe on-.1te, addin9 that qaaoline .torage 1. the IIO.t .iqnificant threat to the quality of the water in the State of Florida and .uch a threat that the DER ha. i.aued a pamphlet on that .ubject entitled "Gaao11ne Conta.ination 1n Groundwater". He reported that there are 490 RV lot. planned, adding that the.e .otor ho.e. ca~ry about 30 qallon. of qasoline and at peak capacity, there would be 10-30,000 gallon. of qa.oline on-aite for potent1al groundwater contamination by leakaqe. He .tated that one gallon of ga.oline can conta..1nate a .il110n qallon. of water to an undrinkable level. He atated that th1s 1. a potential hazard being placed on top of the Coral Reef Aquifer and coabining it with bla.t1ng operation.. He .tated that the highe.t and be.t u.e of th1. property 1. not an RV pa~k, but ao~ .ort of rea.onable residential area. He .tated that there i. a need for RV park. in Collier County, but not on top of the Aqu1fer. Mr. McDonnell pre.ented for the record a report froll DER reqarding a..oline Page 9 c= ~ l1li ŒiiIi - ¡¡¡¡¡ October 9, 1984 eonta.in.tion in Groundwat.r. Mr.. Ruck pr...nt.d ~ l.tt.r r.gardinq Detonation of Exploaiye. by Highway Pav~r~, Inc., A p.tition fro. re.1dent. of Acre Mak.r Ro.d opposing the r"'Ion., a portion of an Environm.ntal Impact Stat...nt and . Saf.guard Sl1..id Mon1tor r.port. Attorn.y Pickworth .tat.d th.t if th.r. ar. conc.rn. ov.r .om. of the .tat...nt. ..d., Mr. M1..1..r can r..olv. the conc.rn.. H. .tateð If th.r. is .ny que.tion. .. to Hie¡hway Pavers' aet1v1th. on thi. ' .xi.tine¡ pit, the Pub11c Wbrk. ~.in1.tr.tor can .n.w.r thl qu..tion. of concern. He .t.ted that he has r....rch.d the r.cord. .nd 1t has b..n indic.ted th.t this ar.. would b. . r..idential area wh1ch i. wh.t an RV pÀrk 1. con.id.r.d. HI concluded by .tatine¡ that h. ..k. that the fact. b. con.id.red .nd .pprov.l be gr.nt.d for this proj.ct. Pl.nner Ob.r .tat.d that th.r. h.. b..n an ...ndm.nt to the TTRVC ..ctlon which would lIak. .0.. .light chang.. to lot .iz..! w1~~~, .tc., and if the Bo.rd.d.c1d.. to .pprov. the patit10n, .h. would lugq..t that th... chane¡.. b. includ.d 1n the document. .co..1..1...r Kr... ........c.Me4 by eo_i..ion.r IoUand and carri14,URanilloualy, that the public h.aring be clo.ad. Co..i.s10ner Vo.. .t.ted that h. cannot vote .g.in.t the r.co...nd.t10n of the CAPe or Staff unle.. th.re .r. r.ason. pr..ented during the public hearine¡ th.t would chanqe hi. .1nd. He .tat.d that the r.a.on of too many trall.r p.rk. i. not an i..ue, but he do.. h.v. conc.rn. r.e¡ard1nq other I..ue. th.t St.ff has brought up. ~...I..i...r Iol1aA4 ...od. ..cond.d, by Co_i..ioner Kru.. and ,~n~ 4/1. ,eo..l..ioaer ¥oM oppoMCI). tlult Ordinanc. 14-73 re Petition R-14-2lC be adoptod and .nt.red Into Ordinanc. look ... 1', OIQ)IIWICI 14-73 All oaI)I1WIC1 MamIIICI OIQ)J:1WIC1 12-2 THI COMPRIIIDIIYI 1<*1110 RIGULATIOIII POR ftl UIIIII\:OI.PORATID ARIA or COLLIER COUJITY, rLOltIDA, I' MDDIIICI THI ZOIIIIICI ATLAS MAP MUttSIR 41-2' IY CIlAllCIIICI ftl 10111110 CLAS.IrICA'UOII or TIll alRlII DllCaIIID RIAL I'ROPIltT1' nOM A-2, A-2 'U, AID A-2 IT TO -PVO- .LAIIIID UJlIT DlVlLOPMDIT POR ~YBTAL LAII PUD LOCATlD 011 ftl lAST IIDI or CR-'5l APPROXXMATILY 1/2 MILl 10UTII or DAVID C. IROWII IIa_AY, AID PROVIDIIIG All UPICTIYI DATI' aoot( 083 PA~{ 615 Page 10 ------..... .---- ..",_,,_.....-__,'_0.,_...._ ____~._.",.·".'·'~N'.____...' .__ --""...--.,,~._",,~~~ .., .. ~~"~~~...--;.~,-" ...."- "-" ---.---.-- ~-_.__._"..." - - ~ October 9, 1984 c_lnloner IoUand IIOved~ .econded·by coaal..loner ,lator and carried ..nlllC'tJ:!:'I'~ that 1IucI,.t AIIendMnU 14-1 tbro\l9h 14-11 be -'opt" . ".·..co..188.\....r BoU.ah4,....d, naonded by Co_la.l.ner ,lato,r and carried uaaal..ualy,.tbat IDdget AaendMnt. 13-725 through 13-721 an4 13-731, tbl'oUilJb '3-7U be a4opte4. .co_Inlon.1' .1.t.or lIO.ed, Maond.d by Co_la.lon.r Bolland and 0.rrl~uaan1llou.ly, th.t t.h. du.. In t~"a80unt of '1,000 for the 10....10 Dev.lopaent Council for rT 1'14-15 be .ppl'o.ed. Ite. 11' twO' RAlnow COftPUTIRS MID 0111 PRllfTER FOR TBI BOARD OrrICI - APPROWD AdD1ni.trative Aide to the Soard Underwood .tated that there will be two .tations and one printer needed and the complete co.t i. '8,644.S0, addlnq that she al.o need. approval for the Fiscal Officer to prepare the nece..ary budget amendment. co..lntoAel' Boll.nd lIOyed, .econded by Co..i..loner Vo.. .nd -c.l'rl.d,gaa.laooaly, tbat,~ Aalnbow co.puter. and th. one prt.~L.r for th. "'rd offlt.~'.ppl'oy.d In the aaount.f ,.,644.50 and that the 'l8Oal Officer be dlr.cted to prepare the n.c....ry budget ...ndMnt. Ite. 117 DISCUSSION 0' COLLIER COUNTY rAIR BOARD OrrICERS - CONT'D TO 10/16/.4' Commis.ioner Kru.e stated that .he would like to .ee the di.cu.s10n on the Fair continued to October 16, 1984, at wh1ch time the County Attorney v1ll be pre.ent a. there w1ll be legal que.t10na. Co_l..loner Krase ..yed, ..conded by Co_i..lonel' ,I.tol' .nd 08rl'Ie4 uaanlllOualy, that the dl.cu..ion of Collier County 'air Ioard officeI'. be continued to October 16, 1'84. It.. III " RUOLVTIC* u-nl RIQUISTllta TlAT DOT RICOWSIDIR ftl 'AVIlla or IWY. 2' AIIO AlfARO TIll COWTRACT TO TBI LOWIS'I' QUALlrIlD IIOOIR, IITTIR ROADS - ADOPTID Co.mi..loner Vo.. .tated that the DOT took bid. on the Improv..ent of Highway 29 troD Hiqhvay 84 nqrth about 2/3 ot the way to I.mokalee, addln9 that one of the bid. wa. too low and withdrawn within the grac. period. HI .tated that the .econd low b1d wa. called by the DOT .. It did not have included the nece.sary .Inority function. in the bid and the th1rd low b1dder va. $150,000 more than the .econd low bidder and the fourth low bidder va. another $100,000 above the third low bidder. em 083 '1~{ 625 paqe 15 " f '....; "",......, II/I~ --'-'""~<''''''''''----_''''''-''*''''''''^'''=''"''"'''''''''' -,'1, 'II~ 083 ,~r.t 630 It... 11' ' ;:' rlu ~.n ~,\IVI1J fOR '1'81 PO fOR '1'81 STATI IIGIIWAT 'A'l'ROL STA'fIOll Co..I..10ner Kru.e .tated that the Zoning Depar~ent tagged the "lor Ida High~ay Patrol on their .tructure and the re.ult. being that ~hey .u.t applr f~r a provi.ional u.e. She,.tated that according to lawyers and .tate law" the Highway Patrol is uempt from paying the fee. for the provi.ional u.e application, but the County'. regulation. require th.t the fee. and the application come In at the .ame ti.e. She .tateðt~at the Zoning Depart..ent is not able to ~aive the he., adding that at the reque.t of the rlòrlda State Highway DepÀriment, .he 'II a.klng that the Soard con.ider waiv1ng the f.es for the provi.ional . u.e of the Highway Patrol Stat1on. eo.al..1oRer Rolland aoved~ leconded by Co..lllloner '11~cr and carrlodunaRI..u.ly; that tbe fee. be waiyed for the Provi.lonal U.. for the State Highway Patrol Station. It.. 120 October 9, 11184 DISCUSSIOII or WATER IILL I' A. P. , KATBIRIME KIRK - COWT'D ~ IO/l'/14 Aasistant County Attorney Ander.on stated that he met with Mr. Kirk th1. date and had a d1.cu..ion but there ~a. ~.th1ng aqreed upon. Mr. Kirk .tated that aD alternate .olution 1. be1ng con.idered which he has to take to h1. attorney, add1ng that he doe.,not approve of the alternate .olution. Co~mi.sioner Vo.. stat~d that the Asa1.tant County Attorney Ander.on .hould 1ndicate what the alternate solution 1., to ~hlch Mr. , Ander.on stated that he i. reluctant to d1sclo.e a settlement offer In a pub11c hear1ng 1n ca.e this goe. to litigat10n. County Manaqer Lu.k .tated he thought that the BCC wanted the County Attorney'. opinion on what the BCC would be able to do, adding that this .hould be handled .fir.t a. the BCC need. to kno~ their legal abil1tie. w1thln this framework. Mr. Ander.on stated that the BCC can amend the Ordinance for Ooodland Water D1strict, adding that any amendment that would be ..ade would apply only to future rates and would have no effect on this pa.t due amount. He noted that the ordinance. have to be approved by the rar.er'. Ho.e Adllini.trat10n according to the bond coven~nt.. County Manager Luak .tated that there i. a .ini..ua bill according to the ordinance that has to be charged to the property whether water I. used or not. He .tated that the .Inimua bill for the property 1. ' Page 17 r:::I E:tJ .. &i ... - OCtober 9, 1984 $225 a .onth whether the water wa. being u.ed or not. Mr. ~der.on .tated that there were two figure. that have been detor.ined, addln~ that one 1. a IlAxi.ua charge under the ordinance and another one i. a .1~1.UII charge that can be legally just1fled without violating the ordinance ~r the bond covenant.. He .tated that the .1n1~u. flqure i. what he has proposed to Mr. K1rk and intends to put in writing to hi. attorney. County Manager Lusk indicated that 1t will'be le.. than the $225 a .onth for the last twelve .onth.. COII.i..10ner Kru.e .tated that it would be bI.t to let the Aa.1.tant County Attorney put h1. offer in writinq to the Kirk'. attorney and wait for a response froll their attorney. Mr. Kirk stated that he do.s not feel that the offer is fair a. he has never b.en billed and should not be billed a. a f1sh hou.e, County Manager Lusk .tated that he 1. not try1nq to collect for the water anv-ore and they are not talklnq about the fi.h company at all, addinq that the offer i. the ~1n1mum amount for th1s property. Mr.. Kirk stated that a piece of property that ha. a build1ng on It cannot be arb1trarlly set a. a fi.h house and one ha. to pay $225 a .onth and cannot be u..d for anyth1ng el.e except a f1.h hou*e. She noted that for a year this f1sh house was an empty bulldinq and the onl)' th1nq kept in this fish hou.e was a few nets. Sho ¡..,ted that .he 1. w1ll1ng to pay the minlmua amount for an empty build1nQ on a commercial piece of property which would be fair and honorable. Aa.1.tant County Attorney Ander.on stated that the statellent that Mrs. Kirk made 1. exactly what he propo.ed. eo.al..10Aor Kruae IIOveð, .econded by Co..l..loner ,i.tor and aarrle4 ~.nl..u.ly, that tbe .1.cuaalon of tbe vater bill by A. P. , Katberlne Kirk be continued to October 16, 1914. It_ 121 OYIRGRCIWII LOT BnwlD 543 AJfD 555 IDfT. AVI. .. - COUIIT'I MJIAOIR '1'0 RISOLVI Tal PROBU" BY nrORCUIQ Tal WIlD ORDII1A11CI Mr. Sam Apkariai of 550 110 Ave. North, Naple. Park, .tated that he ha. been trying to have the lot between 543 and 555 109th Ave. N. mowed. HI notud that he ha. called the Zoning Dept. and written th.. letter.. He .tated that yesterday .omeone fro~ the Zoning Dept. looked at the lot and indicated that It .hould be cut. He .tated that there are .nake. in ~hi. lot. Zoning D1rector Layne .tated that in the pa.t, Mr. Apkarial ha. lOOK 083 ,~r,t 631 Page 11 ~~___,________ _ 4 __.0___.._ __..···_··,""'''"_....._·,_..""..,·.~''''.',,'_~'',.".....''4_'_''''"''''...,,·..,_,..;.._'.,."','."._..,.,_______,__,;...._,~~'_.......____."..... ___....,."...__~,__._.".,. "_,_,,.'0"- "~~