BCC Minutes 10/16/1984 R
October 15, 1~84
Petitioner., the Ea.t Naple. w.ter SY.tem., Inc. Mr. Saunders reviewed
the .tlpul.tlon .nd expl.lned th~t It w.. unaccept.ble, st.tlng that a
portion of the .tlpul.tlon de.l. with the power of Collier County to
.cqulre the la.t N.pl.. ~t.r Sy.t.m., Inc. through e.in.nt domain. He
..Id th.t the .tlpu~.tlon p.ovld.. num.rou. r..trictlon. on that power,
.nd h. read fro. the .gr....nt a. follow.. ·Th. Ea.t Naple. Wat.r
SY.t..., Inc. .hall not obj.ct to the .uthority and juri.diction of the
County to acquir. Ea.t Naple. Wat.r Sy.tem., Inc.-by ..inent domain
provided that Pl.intlff. retain all other de fen... concerning .uch
emin.nt domain proc.eding. and concerning the comp.n.ation to b. paid
by the County, a. a r..ult, th.r.of. The County agree. to purcha..
Ea.t Nap;.. Hater Sy.t.m., Inc. for the compen.atory amount .0 judicl-
.lly d.t.rmin.d, how.v.r, .ol.ly for pur po... of det.rminlng the amount
of comp.n.ation in the condemnation proceeding. Value conc.rning the
improv...nt4, that I., .xcluding land, .hall b. ..tabli.h.d on the
basi. of r.plac.m.nt co.t.· He said that it i. unacceptable to the
County to agr.. to acquir. a .y.tem ba..d on r.placem.nt co.t. H. .aid
that the .tipulation continued a. fOllows. ·No Re. judicata, collat-
er.l e.toppel, or other binding eef.ct .hall be given to any judical,
legl.lativ. or administrative proc..ding or d.termination. rendered
out.ide the condemnation proc..dlng, including the rate. that the
Utility can charg., the p.r.i..abl. rate of r.turn, any gro.. or n.~
inco.e rat. ba.., or oth.r financial data of the Utiliti....
Mr. Saund.r. .aid that this wording, in .ff.ct, undercut. the
authority of the Colli.r County Utility Rate and R.gulation Board
(CCURRB) to ..t rate. for the UtIlity, adding that the Board wa. aware
that the rat.. that the Utility chargo. ar. v.ry important in d.t.rmin-
ation of the value of the .yst.. for emin.nt dOmðin pur po.... H. .aid
that anoth.r condition i. that the Board o~ COllr".!:y COlllmi..ion.r. cannot
utlllz. any d.termination mad. a. to who the ~u"t~m.r. are of the
Utility, and that the agr..III.nt .tat.. ·who the Cu.tomer. of Ea.t
N.ple. Hat.r Sy.t..., Inc. wer., ar. or could b..· H. .ald that h. did
not know who could b. Customer. of the .y.t.. but it would not be
appropriate for the County to agre. to a .tlpulation that could in-
cr.... the co.t to the County in that ra.hlon.
Mr. Saund.r. said, besid.s the valuation of the sy.te., there ar.
oth.r condition. th.t .r. totally unacc.ptabl., and h. r.ad the
fOllowingl ·For the purpo... of valuing the cOIIIP.n.ation ..ount, and
notwith.t.nding .nything abov., the parti.. agree that the pre.ent
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, ,'- ..c... .nd unu.ed capacity 0' the .y.te. .han be valu.d a. thou9h the
.y.t.. 18 100' u..d andu.eful· H. explained th.t the u..d and uuCul
portion of the water .nd ..ver .yate. is .pprox lmat.ly 50\, plus or
alnu. 5' on .ach .Ide, and that the Utility i. ..kin9 that Collier
County a9r.e, in valuing the .y.tem, that the County con.lder the
.ntir. .y.te. a. b.lng ·u.ed and u.eful, whlch would be Inappropriat..
Øe continued with the following wording I -The Ea.t N.pl.. Water
Iy.te.., Inc. .ay introduc. action. of the County and/or other defen-
dant. Including, but not li.ited to, the County'. r.fu.al to grant what
Plaintiff. contend would be . rea.onabl. franchl.e, rate. or .ervic.
.r.a, which E..t N.ple. Hater sy.t..., Inc. ....rt., .uch .ctlon. act.d
to .dv.r..ly ra.trict the value of the property.- H. .ald that the..
.re .tlpulatlon. concerning the valuation of the .yst.m and 'would
gre.tly incr.a.. the value of the syst...
Mr. Saunders .aid that the final a.p.ct or eminent domain cond.m-
n.tion th.t is inappropriate' is the following I -In the event that a
n.gotiat.d .al. is not con.ummated and a cond.mnation proc..ding i.
In.titut.d, th.n until th.re i~ a final judgm.nt of cond.mnatlon and
the amount ther.of l. d.termined and the amount of .uch jUdgm.nt I.
paid in full, no taking of the Utility shall take .ffect and any
di.trlbution of the ..crow documents referr.d to In Paragraph I .hall
b. h.ld in ab.yanc..- He .aid this wording m.ans th.re 1. no capa-
bility of the County to acquire the .yst.m through what i. call.d a
·Ouick Tak.- in a cond.mnation proce.ding, which is a dir.ct r.stric-
tion on the pollc. power or the County and may b. In contrav.ntion of
.xi.ting Florida law.
Mr. Saund.ra rererr.d to a cas. o~ ~alkne.. v.rsus Austin sited at
93 South R.port.r Second, which i. a zoning ca.e, adding it sp.clfi-
c.lly .ay. that a county cannot contract away its polic. pow.rs. H~
..id that the power of emin.nt domain is con.ld.r.d . pollce power and
th.r. is . qu..tlon in hi. mind a. to wh.th.r the County could .gr.. to
thl. type of r..trlction contain.d in the par.graph h. h.d r.ad. H.
..id, furth.r In the stipulation, th.r. .r. two paragraph. th.t mak.
the .gr....nt illu.ory in t.rms of ..ttl...nt of the v.rious c.... th.t
ar. pendIng in Circuit Court in Collier County. H. .xp1ained that .n
Il1u,ory ^9re...nt, ba.ically, i. on. wh.r. on. of the p.'rtl.. c.n
tot.lly control the outcom. of the agr....nt. H. referr.d to Para-
gr.ph. 6 and 7 .nd,polnt.d out that the Plaintiffs/Petltlon.r. .tat.
th.t, if the County in.tltut.. ..in.nt domain proc..ding. and I.
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October lIS, 1~84
.ucce..ful In acquiring Ia.~ Naple. Wat.r Sy.tem., Inc., .nd If the
Pl.lntlff. exercl.. ~h.ir right to app.al th~ amount of co.pen.atlon,
Plaintiff. .ay contln", the relatad ca... until ~onclud.d, regardl...
of the outcom. of the .pp.al and that mean. if the County acquire. the
.y.t.. through eminent doaaln and the Utility fll.. a Notice of Appeal,
which do.. not t.k. v.ry long, the oth.r lawsuit. would continue
through trial .nd th.r. would b. no settlem.nt of tho.e lawsuit.,
regard I... of the outcom. of the appeal. H. said that because of theae
.ubatantiv. re.aons, It wa. hi. opinion that the .tipulatlon is totally
un.ccept~bl. and he racommended that the Board of County Commiasion
direct hi. to continu. to n.gotlate with Eaat N.pl.a Water Syat.m.,
Inc. with the ai. of r.aching an amicabl. solution to all of the c....
that ar. now pending. H. Sugg.sted that the basi. of that s.ttle~.nt
nnt b. the stipulation that was pr.sented to the Board on Octob.r 15,
1984. H. .aid that he pr.pared a r.solutlon which outline. his r.com-
mendatlon to the Board that the County contInu. to n.gotiat. and try to
work out ao.. solution that makes .0.. aen.e.
Attorney Ronald A. Shapo, representing the East Napl.a Water
Syste.., Inc., .tat.d that the Utility requested hi. to .peak to the
Commia'lon concerning the above-mentioned stipulation. He sa{d that
Mr. Saund.r. mad. a num~er of ob.ervatlons, .om. of which aru
negotiator observations and .ome of which are technical lawyer
ob..rvation.. H. stated that the Utility'. poaItion, in an overriding
..n.e, I. that they want to get a raIr result for both partie. and
avoid the continued contentIon and litigation which has marked so.. of
the past atte.pt. at continued ..1cable negotiations ror a .ettle.ent.
He .aid, with r.spect to the :)~I. Ucular matter. whlch Mr. Saunders
rai.ed as to replacement costs, it was hi. belief that a lawyer or
utility con.ultant could argue with the Utility that placing .uch a
determIning factor could work for or against anybody, depending upon
how the coat. ar. actually det.rmin.d and wh.t th.y will be.. H. said,
fro. the .tandpoint of fairne.s, It wa. hi. cll.nt'. position that the
replacement co.ts outlined are l.gally appropriate and that, equitably,
if ao..on. want. to buy a p.rson's home or car, it is unllk.ly that the
p.rson would want to .ell th.. for the .am. amount that he paid .any
year. bef.or.. He .aid, r.garding the issu. on ..tabllahed rat.. not
bein9 uS.d, that i. no Re. judicata, collateral ..topp.l or oth.r
bindIng .ffect, etc., which mean. that those establl.h.d rates will not
b. introduced and that it does not .ay that the evid.nce which l.d the
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laDe œ3F1'.!6ô7 October 16, 1984
particular Board I) ..t the rate. win not b. Introduc.d.
Mr. Shapo .aid th.t Mr. Saund.r. cit.. to provi.lon D-l which
talk. In t.ras ot valuing the .y.tem a. b.ln9 100\ u..ful, and
explain.d thl. Ite. .ddr..... the .a.. crit.rla and th~ ..m. I..u..,
b.cau.e the Utility va. ..t.bli.h.d at a ti.e vh.n th.r. wa. no oth.r
..rvic. availabl. nor was any being propo..d and, th.r.tor., It wa.
..tabli.h.d on . ba.i. that would allow It to .erv. all the .urroundln9
.r.a., both the land. of people who were involv.d In ~h. Utility and'
oth.rwi... H. .aid that this wa. r.affir~.d, both verbally and In
writing, on the record. which h. had revi.w.d, and that the Utility
r.-..tabll.h.d, this dat., that the Utility, op.r.tlng on It. own,
re.ai~: r.ady, vllling and able to ..rv. tho.. In the ar.a who r.quir.
the ..rvlc., oth.r th.n ju.t the Cl.d.., for .xampl.. H. .ald that
having b..n con.tructed in that fa.hion und.r a ..t of circum.tanc..
vh.r. th.r. r..lly wa. no practical alt.rnatlv., thl. pa..e. the
f.irne.. t..t because it allow. the Utility to g.t credit only for vhat
It did. H. said a plant Wðl built which wa. able to s.rv. a much
broad.r rang' of customer. and, therefore, .hould b. valued a. b.lng
100' u..ful, which it i..
Mr. Shapo r.f.rr.d to D-2, which i. the fact that the Utility .ay
Introduc. actiòn. of the County concerning ~h. franchi.., rate., etc.
which Mr. Saund.rs Indicat.d would ·incr.a.. the valu.·. H. ..Id that
it i. the position or the Utility that all that .hould b. don. in ord.r
to q.t the .att.r r.solvQù amicably is to per~lt .a~h party to b. .bl.
to COlli. b.for. the Tr1~I' c;: ~'act on Value and introduc. the r.l.vant
fact. which, in this c~.e, ~ight or mi9ht not reduce the valu.. H.
asked, if Mr. Saund.r. i. corr.ct .nd it would Incr.a.. the v.lu., vhat
posslbl. falrn... can b. achl.ved by .aylng that the Utility cannot.
Introduc. fact. which .r. r.levant but which the County I. conc.rned
may have an Imp.ct of incr..sing the valu.? H. .ubmitt.d that it I.
the Co..I..lon'. re.ponsiblllty to act on b.half of all the citizen.,
b.cau.. If on. is not prot.ct.d, all citiz.n. become endang.r.d. H.
.ald, th.r.for., It i. n.c...ary to allov the Introduction of .vld.nc.
and that i. all the vording ~ean..
Mr. Sh.po .ald, r.g.rdlng the I..u., if thcr. i. a negotlat.d ..1.
th.n th.re would not b. a final taking until the conde.natlon and the'
amount vera d.t.rmln.d and paid, this item w.. giv.n v.ry ..riou. con-
.id.ration by the Utility r.gardin9 how fairly to prot.ct It..lt and,
at the .... time, b. fair to the County. H. .aid tha~ the partl.. have
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Octob.r ItS, l~a4
the power, b.tve.n th.., n'90tl.tln9 .nd actln9 t09.th.r. H. .ald if
no a9r....nt could be r..ch.d on .n aaount, pro.ptly, th.n th.y c.r-
talnly could r.ach ~n -9r....nt to have thl. matt.r h..rd promptly by
the Court and to have It plac.d on the cal.nd.r In an .xpedlt.d fa.hlon
which would enable the d.t.rminatlon to b. ..d. and the .ubpar.graph.to
b. m.t. H. .aid th.t the Utility, oth.rwi.., would be pl.c.d In the
dll.... wh.r. it i. no b.tt.r off by p.rmitting the taking without .0..
kind of r.straint on the County, particularly wh.n comm.nt. h.v. been
.ad. th.t .ach .id. knows the rul.. of the ga.. and the n~tur. of
Iltigati9n and can us. the rul.s and, if th.r. i. no constraint on the
County to .ov. forward rapidly, the Utility could b. In a po.itlon
wh.r. It would have to wait for. long tlm. and that would not pa.. the
falrn... t..t.
Mr. Shapo .ald this I. the basi. on which the Utility submitt.d
the stipulation and not with any calousn..s and not without car.ful
consid.ration, and add.d that the Utility would not obj.ct to puttin9
In an .gr...ent that the parti.. would act tog.ther to,...k the .xpedl-
tion of the matter on the calendar so that it would b. resolved,
promptly. H. said that Mr. Saund.rs had r.vlew.d the stipul.tion
car.fully and had rai..d a numb.r of valid point. and that the Utility
h.. given appropriate r.sponse. to thosa point.. H. said that the
Utility .tands ready to mak. corrections, this dat., so that the
.tipulation can b. .)gn.d b.caus. the Utility I. ..ekin9 to reach an
a.icabl. r..olutlon of the .att.r which i. fair to all of the partie..
Mr. Saund.r. .aid that the r.comlllendation .ad. by ht& offic. wa.
to p.r.it a cOlld.mnation proCf:ecl!og to occur in the normal cour.. of a
cond.mnation proce.ding. H. ~"id that in any such proc.eding th.r. I.
gr.at fl.xibility In the pre..ntatlon of .videnc. by both .Id... H.
.aid h. had no Int.nt to r..trlct the type of .videnc. that .ay b.
.ubmltt.d by the Plaintirf./Patition.r. In the.. ca.e. In the .vent of
cond.mnatlon. H. object.d to putting tog.th.r any contract r..trictin9
on any of those rights in the pr.sentation of .vid.nc. .inc., in hi.
opinion, that would b. r..trlcting the County'. option. by .nt.rin9
into thl. agr....nt. H. .aid that the stipulation that b. .ub.ltt.d to
the Plaintlffs/Petltlon.r. provld.d .Imply that the County and Utility
would go through cond..nation proc.edLngs, if the County .aw fit to do
.0, and that on. thing a.ked wa. that the Plaintiff./P.tition.r. not
rai.. the prior Public Purpo.. or Prior Public U.. Doctrin. or ral.. .n
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UO( OS.1,..,~669 October ItS, 1984
obj.ctlon to the County'. authority to b.gln tho.. ..in.nt do.aln
cond..nation proc..ding.. He .ald that the Utility I. att..ptln9 to
clarifY what the i..ue. would b. In that cond.mnatlon proc..dln9 and,
It was hi. opinion, ~hl. I. no~ appropriate for purpo... of .tlpula-
tlon. H. .ald the c.t...r .ignlficant It...., .uch a. the -OUlck Tak.-
I..u., ar. critical and add.d that Mr. Shapo ha. not .xplaln.d to hi.
.atl.factlon what the conc.rn would b. in l.tting the County 90 throUlh
a -Quick Tak.- proc..ding wh.r.by the County actual acquir.. titl. upon
fllln9 cond.mnatlon proc..dinq., .inc. that Would b. ultimat.ly fair.
He .aid It would be !alr to allow the jury to mak. the final d.t.rmlna-
tlon a. to value without .tructuring what m.thod of valuation would b.
u.ed. He .aid that r.plac....nt co.t .valuatlon i. on. that a Utility,
would ...k to have i.po..d, how.v.r, it i. on. that a County acquirin9
a .y.t.m would ...k to avoid.
Co..I..loner Pi.tor r.qu.st.d clarification a. to why ~h. Ea~~
M.pl.. w.t.r Sy.t.m., Inc. plant wa. built two or thr.. ti... a. larq.
a. wa. r.quir.d tor the ..rvlc. of the d.v.lopment., to which Mr.
Harrl.on Hubachman r..ponded th.t the plant wa. not built larger than
n.c....ry. H. .xpl.inad that the plant wa. rat.d at 700,000 gallon.
p.r day by D£R .nd wa. an .xp.ri...ntal d..lgn. H. .aid that the plant
ha., now, prov.n to b. u.eful at a much high.r capacity and, with
.light lIIodi!ication., it has b..n prov.n to b. able to tr.at 1.5
million gallon. p.r day. H. said when the plant wa. built L~e Utility
wa. .xperi.ncing p.ak. of 300,000 gallon. p.r day .nd that l~.t wint.r
the Utility w.. hltting p.ak. of 700,000 gallon. p.r day In the ..w.r
tr.a tIIIent plan t.
COlllmi..ioner Krus. point.d out that two we.k. ago thar. wa. a te~
pag. .tipulation with only on. point on which the County and Utility
did not agr.. and ah. add~~ tha~ the parti.. .hould return to that
.tipulation and l.t the l.wy~ru work on it, aqaln.
Mr. Saund.r. r.ferr.d to the .tlpulation that wa. forwarded to hi.
offlc. on S.pt.lllb.r 28, 1984, and .aid that h. attach.d to that thr..
wording clarification. dealing with the authority of the County to
acquir. the .y.t... and the waiver of any prior p~blic pur po.. or prior
public u.. In ..In.nt domain. H. ..k.d Mr. Shapo to take on. of tho..
and that th.y could work from that docum.nt. H. .aid th.t the r..olu-
tlon h. pr...nt.d, thl. dat., would dir.ct him to contlnu. to n.qotl-
at., .inc. the .tipul.tlon pr...nt.d by the Utility on OCtob.r 15,
1'84, ha. .0.. d.flci.nci... He .xpl.ln.d it wa. hi. opfnlon that the
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October 115, 1984.
·"C~..loftll' 8oUanð'1eft- tb.-'TOOa· at· '145 A;"; and
retarDed at '14' .~."~..e
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Cu.TY ICAIIAOIa DIUCT&D to IlAva ftl CVLYIIR!' , A~ ftl IIIJ) or 10'1'. 'ITRIIn',
Coa.i..ioner Holland .tat.d that the County ha. had complaints
ral..d about the culv.rt at the .nd of 10th Str..t, S.!., .uch a.
dl.cont.nt with the mann.r in which it wa. install.d. H. .ald that
.0.. p.opl. are trying to build hom.. In that ar.a and are being
re.tricted by aortgage companle.. He .ugg..ted that the complainants
b. heard, at this time.
Commi..ioner Krus. .aid that she liv.. on the other sid. of the
culvert in qu..tlon and what.vur .action i. tak.n or not tak.n by the
Board of County Commi..ioner., this dat., .h. would not vote on it.
Public Work. Admini.trator Kuck explain.d that the culv.rt und.r
dl.cus.ion i. the 10th Stre.t, S.!. south.rly drainag. .a..m.nt cro..-
ing. He .aid that the pip. culv.rt wa. Install.d in 1977 or 1978 and
tha t the Pub lie Wo rk. De pa r tment mad. ef ro rt. in Nov.lllber, 1979 to
determin. the owner or in.tall.r of this culv.rt, how.v.r, it wa. n.ver
v.rifi.d who actually install.d the culvert. H. .tat.d that, .ir'O}
197~, the property owners obtainin9 building p.rmit. have b.en required
to acknowl.dge the following note: -Existing .torage tank placed In
canal ea...ent has be.n n.ith.r authoriz.d nor permitted nor do.. it
aa.t aini.ulII County con.truction standards. The us.r acknowledg.. the
above and r.aliz.. that ir the cro..ing, in the futur., beco..s an
·ob.truction to the flow, ha:u,rdou., da.ag.d beyond .conomical r.pair,
or b.com.. unus.able for rall.cm. beyond the control or this County, t;'.
pipe may b. rellloved and not I'.plac.d by the County.-
Mr. Kuck .aid that the culv.rt i., pr..entlv, being u..d by the
re.id.nt. living in the area, by varlou. property own.r. who do not
llv. th.r., and by the County for canal maintenance. He .ald that the
Divl.ion of For..try ha. ..nt the County a l.tter reco..ending that the
pipe b. kept in ..rvice. He .aid that the culv.rt provid.. acc... to
the Fi:e Departm.nt ...rg.ncy v.hicle. and varlou. utility coapani...
He .aid that the Engin..ring and Hat.r Manag...nt Department. have
Inve.tigat.d the culv.rt and have d.t.rmin.d that It I. of adequate
.Iz., i. .et at a rea.onabl. grade ~nd ha. .uffici.nt .tructural
integrity. He .aid that Staff i. conc.rn.d about the alignm.nt of the
exl.tlng pip. .Inc. it i. not in p.rf.ct allgnm.nt with 10th Street,
OR:) w' R72
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,~ OS.'J,,~,673 October ItS, 1984
1.1., and that St.ff r.co~..nd. that the culv.rt and .lop. conditions
b. Improv.d by pl~cln9 .Ith.r rlpr.p or .nd wall tr.atm.nt and the
Installation of 9ua "draU. on either .Id. of the culvert pip. to brln9
it up to .lnlmum County .tan~ard.. H. .alð that It ha. b..n e.tl..t.d
th.t the co.t for thl. would b. between '1,000 .nd '1,200.
Mr. ~uck .ald that there ar. two cholc.., on. being that the
aff.ct.d property owner. could apply for the right-of-way p.r.it and
pay the ..tlmated co.t of '1,000 to $1,200 to bring the culv.rt up to
.1nlmu. County .tandard. and the County woulð I..u. .n aft.r-th.-fact
permit a. that became a reality and the oth.r way would be for the
County to upgrade the improv.ment. and ab.orb the co.t. ba..ð on the
fact that the croa.lng doe. .erv. .or. than the resld.nt. of that are..
Commi..ioner Holland a.ked Mr. Kuck If hi. und.rstandlng ~a.
correct that the Hater Management Department has .aid th.re i. no
prohlbltlv. restriction of rlow in the culv.rt and Hr. Kuck r.spond.d
County Manager Lusk said that the complaint wa. rac.ived two or
thr~e month. ago and that'on. reason Staff ha. .oved .low on it wa.
because the culvert does no~ restrict the flow or water. H. .ald that
the only problem, In hi. opinion, is that the culv.rt I. not up to
County standard..
Mr~ Richard Braun, residant of Gold.n Gat. E.tates, .tated h.
ftled the compl.int, originally, and that h. rec.iv.d a response fro.
Water !'IInage.ent Oi rector Boldt .tating that the culvert "a. n.ith.r
p.rmitt.d, authorized or .ad. or the propar mðterial to .eet County
County .\ttrJfnny Saunder. asked Mr. Braun If It wa. .hown that the
culvert did r.ot oblltruct the flow of water and if it we. brought up to
County .tandard. would h. have any obj.ctlon. to It, and Mr. Braun
r..pond.d that h. would have no obj.ctio~., how.v.r, that he que.tl~n'd
the prlc. .entloned to i.prov. the culvert. Mr. Breun .ald that any
Improve..nt. don. by the County .hould b. let out on a contract bid and
that the property own.r. who will b.nefit should pay the compl.t. bill
for it.
Mr. Lu.k polnt.d out th.t the County also b.n.fit. from the
culv.rt and h. ask.d if Mr. Braun did not think the County .hould hav.
.0.. r..pon.lblllty for It, to which Mr. Braun .tat.d th~t th.r. ar.
aany dlffer.nt .cce.... to the ......nt b..ld. the culv.rt. He .2k.d
how the County u... the culv.rt and Mr. tü.k said that the County
Pag. 14
- . n '1 ~ Octob.r ItS, 1984
\M~ ah'~~r,,~~g.· \;ér the Sh.riff'. Departm.nt in ..rvlng the n..d. or
m..tlng an ...r9'~~y In the ar.., to which Deputy Chl.f Barn.tt
re.pond.d affir..th-~ly, adding that h. reca~1ed wh.n it ",.a part of
the tram and th.t the Sh.riff'. Departm.nt had b.en u.ing It then, wh.n
four-wh..l v.hicl.. had to be u..d and that th.culv.rt I. the only way
the Sh.riff'. Departm.nt ha. to cross th.,....m.nt.
Co.al..lon.r Bolland aov.4.,..con4ed by Co.al..1on.r ,1.tor and
carried 3/0, wltb eo..I..lon.r Iru.. abatalning, that the County
ø.nag.r.be dlr.cted to upgrad.. tha culy.rt-.. lOtb 'tr..t, I~I~ an~
brlft9 It Into coapllanc. wltb.xl.tlft9 code 'and to~r...r. any permit
application. tbat ar. n.c....ry to cl.ar' up any 1'9.1 probl... th.t
were ..ntion.d by tho clal..nt.
Following a .hort dl.cu.'lon, Commi..ion.r PI.tor .ald that It wa.
hi. oplni~n that the .oney to pay for the Improv.m.nt. of the culvert
.hould com. rro~ the Colden Cate Estates Account ~r County money, with
Co..i..loner Brown .uggesting that the money b. taken from the ~th~ ~
Di.trict Road Fund~ ~~, ?;J." V.I'1~ . .
.eeRIeISS, 10130 A."; - RECo.VI.IDt 10,40 A~"~...
Attorney BoI..ky, a current m.lllber of the Colliar County Fair
Board, read a prepar.d statement pertaining to the Colll.r County Fair
noting that In Kirch, 1983, when the group led by Mr. Cene Brl..on took
ov.r the CollIer County FaIr, the out.tandlng debt. exceed.d ca.h on
hand by approximately $17,000. H. .aId, during Mr. Bri..on'. admlnl-
.tration, that the cash rl~w po.itlon ",a. turned around and the Fair,
curr.ntly, ha. approxi.at.ly $51,000 In th~ bank. He aald that the .
Depart..nt of Agrlcultur., through It. r.pr...ntativ.., have accu..d
the Bri..on ad.lnl.tratlon of a .i.us. of Fair fund., and in ord.r to
cl.ar the air, the Fair Board, on Octob.r 15, 1984, pa...d the aotlon
to r.que.t the Board of County Comml..lon.r. to appoint. an Ind.pend.nt
auditor to p.rform an audit of financial r.cord. fro.th. date of
Inc.ptlon of the Fair through the pr..ent tl.e at Fair Board .xpen...
H. laid that It wa. ..tlmated .uch an audit would co.t fro~ $15,000 to
R..pondlng to Comml..lon.r Brown, County Attorn.y SAund.r. .ald
pag. 1 tS
October 16, 1984
that he and the CoII"ty Manager could get toglther and suggest someone
for this audit. Co~.i.sionlr Kruse a.ked If Mr. Ron WOod, currently
conducting a County audit could perfora the audit, to which Commis-
sioner. Pi.tor, Holland and Brown agreed.
eo..la.loDer 'lator aoved, .eeoncle4 by Co...I..loner-lollancl end
carried 4/0, that the fir. of ....r., Mood, lill, Itar..n·.nd Guate.on,
'.A. be dlrect.d to audit tb. Collier County rair fro. It. Inception;
at Fair Ioard expen.e.
Mr..Gene Bri..on distributed a letter to the Commi..ioner. and
read it, indicating that he, Mr. Tracy Bole.ky, Ms. Lynn Ro.., Mr. Pat
Miller and M.. Barbara Blackmon, Fair Board member., thanked the County
Co.mi..ion for It. support and under.tanding during the admini.tr~~ion
of the I~B4 Collier County Fair, however, that demand. made upon the
Fair Board by melllber. of the 4-H Advi,ory Committee, the FrA, and the
rHA leader. havI mada continuation of the current admini.tration
i.po..ible and that these mamber., regretfully, mu.t .ubmlt their
re.ignation. effective immediately and requested that the Board fill
the vacancie., at this meetlng.
Commi..ioner Pi.tor asked Mr. Bri.son if some agreemen~ ~ould not
be reached whereby the people do not re.ign but that an,equal repre-
.entation on the Fair Board i. achieved with five people to come from
the bu.lne.. area and five from the agriculture area, and Mr. Bri..on
.aid that an attempt ha. been made to accolllpll.h that, however, the
plople that the agriculture co..unity ha. .~ge.ted .hould be appolnled
to the Fair Board are not compatible with the group that I. trying to
admini.ter the Fair.
A di.cu..ion followed during which Mr. Bri..on .aid that it wa.
hi. opinion that an audit could be done in one month Ie it wa. .tarted
i..edlately. Commi..ioner Kru.e .aid that .he would like to .ee every
single office of the Fair Board vacated, due to the charge. and counter
charge. that have been ..de. Comai..ioner Pi.tor pointed out that
there would only be about .ix week. to get the ralr organized if the
partie. walt until after an audit I. accompli.hed, and he said that
would not be enough ti.e. He .aid that It was not In the be.t Intere.t
of the people of Collier County to not have a Fair In 1985.
Responding to Comml..loner ~I.tor, Mr.. Ann Coodnight .aid that
ahe wa. no longer a .poke..an for the egrlculture group. She .ugge.ted
~hat the Co..i..loner. talk with the 4-H Advl.ory Committee, adding
that group wa. .uppo.ed to meet on October 17, 1984.
083 wr 676
Page 17
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