BCC Minutes 11/26/1984 W c-:J ,..---., .." ¡ ¡. ,..:1 :"\l'lc", 1'11'1dC:... :':"V~r.tbH 2~ 1~~4 LET IT a~ RE~EMaER£C, th~t th~ eoðrd nf C~unty C~mmluai"n~rø ln and for tl'.J County nf C,,111cr, .,no 'Ilsn ¡Ictln!] .:IS tho BC'\.)rd ~f ::onlnq Appoall and ðl the !]ov'Irnlnq bM,rd(s) ~f such tlp.ci/ll (]istrictl 01 hðvl' bðcn cre4tad 4cc/'lrdlng tC'\ 1úw ¡¡no h~vlnC] cC'\nductod ~usin~.ø horeln, Met on this j.:ltu at 10100 ^.~'. In Worklhop 8...ion In tlulldlnq "F" nf th~ Courthoua>J CM;.p1c (. !::.at ;"1(;105, fll'lrldll, with ':hJ fol11'1win:,) r.1Lr.tb!?rll pre.ent. C II^ 1 H:-\MoI I I·'r "jer I ck J. Vn sa VIC::-CHI\IR:-I!I;,I Jnhn ^. Pl3t~r r·til ( II. 111111111 C. C. "lI~d" Ht.'llðnd 'If,n" Ct)(I( nlyht AI.:;O PR!::SE:'ITI Jo~cs C. CIll.:s, l'is:"l Offict:r¡ ~:I)urccn Konyon, D.puty C1 .Hk Dt'In.:l1 j I.uak, C" unt ~ ,~.J n;.·;.H l~oJ II On r rill, .\311 I st,1nt County Mðnð~t:r K~n Cuyler. Atlsl3tJnt ç"unty ^tt '\rn~y To~ Kuc~, public Works Admlnlstr/ltor¡ Onn ¡'I'Irton, PuÞlIc :iorvlc~s ¡\dminlstriltor¡ ".trry Vlrt., C"mmunlty D"vc¡I''!.:mJnt ^,jmlnl:ltr.1t"r 1.0<1 I.ðyne, Z"ni"9 Dlrectn~, Ik>b Fllh.y, ~"lld hl)l1t.! <:Ir'ctnr¡ T(l1:1 Cr.1na.,11, Utllltl..tI "dmlnlstrlltClq Pllt Plck"",rth, !ldr:1!nllitr<ltl'J') ;;,..:ruury to th'J Cnunty "<lnllget And Crloce Un-J.rl%/'lc, '.Jmlnl:;tr"Llv,; ¡'Id,> t" th·} t.",'fct. A. COMMUNITY DEVELOPME~!T (1) Petiti~n PU-84-4I, Immokalee First Baptist Church, requesting provislonal Use ·0· of "VR· for offic'l located on Main Street in Section 4, Townlhlp 47 South, Range 29 East. Zonin~ Dlr.ct"r I.~yne refurr.d to ~ z~n¡nq m~~ ~f I~m~kJ1ee 'Jiving tho gdnarA1 ¡<,clltlnn "f thr· ')tt',1(ltty bt Ing /'In th!' n"rtheast c~rner (If 5th Streut nnC ~nln fit. ~h. n"tad thðt the: Imrr,t:'ktl1.,o r1r~1t .,l¡..:.I::t Chur':h 15 ~sklnCJ f"r .1 pr/'lvi- slnn~l U:J" of the) "VII" z~nlnq f/'lr f"ur bl/'1ck:¡. Sho n"ted thðt th~ () ( r.:lr.'J C-4 zt)nlnJ that 1:1 th..rc \It>ul<1 be J11"wcd fr.-r offlcos, but t" us,,) "ffl.:'cø fr>r tile fl'lur blocks II pr~vlslon.Jl ua~ I~ r~qulrod. ;:1'rr.lnloølnr.llr VI'\SS quvstlnncd if th,:y will c~ntlnuc: t" ulle tho church, l" ....!dch Znnln'} ¡;!rl!ct"r L...yn'~ state,) thlllt t:'1ø church I. 'Joln'J t/'l :Je closed u~wn comp1et..ly. ~.s. I.:¡yn" stllt.nd th"t thet /lctu:J1 cr.urch Is 'J"ln'3 t" bl! turn.1'.i Intn off Icc.. C"rnmlsolon~r CoC'\:jnlqht statt:d thnt there In IIn o~lstlnq fo~d stamp offlc~ next d~/'Ir t/'l tho c"urthouso ~nd th~ p1Lns are to mOil" t.h.:lt fo('\d st~,~1' off Ice t" the fl rst Baptlllt Church, .o:Jdlnq thllt thr Church Is sulllr.) th" bui ledn'] but thtl church Is 3upP"s';,d t/'l UfiC th(~ church for th¡} noxt ton yanrs. ~~ð< œ4wr 512. I'aqv 1 "L _··""_·~'___k"~"'~_""'~·~_" "~'~""_.__"._.___---.., :·I/'Ivor.\bo r 2:;, 190 II ,Øt( 084:'I',r5Jo~munlty Ccvo1o¡...mllnt l,dr.llnintr¡,tor Vlrta statlJd that at tho .. ¡"FC heAr In'), it was n/'lt. inrtlclttcci ..hilt WL~8 CJl'linq t/'l hoppon tt'l the church. Cflr.lmilSionllr V"øa qUllnionl.ld why thl.! IAPC turned thlt p,-citinn ~own, to which C"mml.sioner C/'Iodnight Itat~d thl'lt there woro too many p~/'Ipl~ in the oruw thh':. objected to It duq t~ the increasud c/'lngest.!on In the IIr~lI. C~mn,lsllon.r tilll"l Cju""t.lonu(J whIt this pr/'ll'lHty Is zoned? Z/'Inin!] Di rector L.1yno stDtud that tho front µnrtion of thÐ' pr~party is zoned C-4 ""Idch is gencrIJ1 r~ta l cflmmcrcia1 and th~ bllck four 1/'11.11 io vl1lðqu residential which i8 where the flffl:.. arl to bit lC\:~tl.ld. 6hu n~tud that this ~roa Is b/'lrdered by a furnltura st/'lrn, q~t stðtifln, rocai] nursery, two dtu~ storcs, "na û ruIH.1urant. C/'Immillslonur Cooùnigl1t IItot.ud th.1t the. POflfJ10 aro /'Ib'c:cting to tn. /lddltlo~31 trûffic this wi 1] creilta ~nd the excon.ive amount of punp1c tl1ðt will bo ßrou~~ thu £rl~. Comr:.lssl(l~or IInl]ill'ld qu~::tl/'l~e.d what. Is Imrr,'!dI6tc1y l:o'JhinJ the IIre~, ':.0 which ~/'Inlng Director Layne ~tllt~d rOlidential. Zonln~ [;irc.ctnr Lr,yn;; I.~i,t.lld t.1I.,t f.':.i.ff'n rpcflmrr.cnr1/1tl/'ln Ie Cor ~ppr(lYn] Ðubjoct 1.(1 ccrt.illn cnndltl/'lnn. ~dding thnt the rl:cr."mr:.enoDti/'ln ILi I)o)b. '1 /'In ltl" !!nc;lr.g-nt-C.'::tB tl",t hay.. 1.(1 be rovl\Jl/t/d In tile znnlr.') /'Irnlnll:'\c". CC\ ~mIHsi/'ln.H /."11.:.1'1.. 'JU.dlt L/'In~., It Lt." I'r'''''.:'\t but Idlng m....tø th.. C,.,unty Btandor'.s, In ",,~dch ~onln'J 1)1 rec:tor Lðyne stilted that sh~ is n"t c,rtnln¡ ~ut c~urch~fi n~v~ t.o be built IIccording to co~m~rcl~l st~"dards. Ghm ~tatcd thllt she did nt.'t I<no'" If this church Is u:;.)d f/'lr (lff!c,s 1í It wnul"d havl' to meet C,.,unty Standdrds r~gðrdlng c/'InGtru:l.lon, but Incl- cdt",d th"t she Io/(Iulc cI1..clo: Int/'l tr...: ""l~vr. (2) Petition PU-84-11C, Dorsi. Whi.man, r.questin9 a provilional UI. in accordance with Sectlon 8.10 for a s.wa9. tr.atm.nt plant for prop.rty locat.d at the north sid. of John's Road, .a.t of Florida Pow.r , Light eal.ment and Kountr.e Kampinn Campi¡ round I . Zonln'j DI r,·:t(lf L'~n(. :Jt.Jl..." ~.h"t. this H/'If.o.rty is /'In th.. '~IISt sl,," /'If C (-\'~I iJr,,, kiJttlo.'nnt11\'~ t,,,m::1(1co< "1'1,',('1 Intl!r- SIJCtl/'l11. ~;~I~ Bt.,tl ,: th..t thin is dr, ,!xlstinc¡ c.:.:n;.,)r/'lund, .Icdlng that th",y ,H\. f~'¡lJ(!stlnq c.1 prC\vlslC\nltl UKC ,~¡¡ tin otr'('ntl~l (I'.:r\'lcl' (/'If.. sc·....'3. ~rc,'tm.:nt f,\.::r,:.. :;/'" .~t"':.,)d th.H thurll Is ~ trrllt~cnt 1J1ðnt n~", th.]t ,.:IS i'''rc/'l\l1t!or, I'''~C ]. !-illt nl'lte... th1t tr" c"::-'I'J rC'\und j:J (' (p"n,' In<) line" thcrvf/'lrQ, they nO~d n n~w trcntmunt ~¡~nt. COt.1:nIBslnn..r VI'IH¡; 'jU"'ltln:'ll:a 1í tl." pet. It I/'In"r rC.:IlIz"lI thllt thv ~ER is t~~lng c dim vlu~ nC pdrc/'llntl/'ln l~ndS hnrt ',yer.tuIl11y thtJl' wl1¡ n/'lt ht~ Ilny? 1.¡¡al¡¡':.I\nt. Cnunty ¡V,,"'1:lgt:r l.'I:>rri11 StlltlJ('1 th¡.t " conl>tructi/'ln !,errnlt lr,,:.: ~EH will 1\.'lVU to 1;,,, /'IhttlnH. ,:. ("rt< t.n~· p;.<:I<'~'JI: p};.nt c.,n b., :'ui1t, I'/lg,) :! -, ~ ==' . ·_,,·-"......_II..'~ .' L r::--J ¡-. , t:'.~",~ ~/'Ivwmbør 2~, 190~ Com~unity C.v~l~?~.nt Ad~lnlstr¿tQt Vlrtø 3tat~u that the t(~lon th·) l~cAtlnn !u b"ln<j clur'J'J( is th1t II pnrtion /'If the exist1n1 ~lant Is nn the FP,L o~semrnt and FP&I. will nnt /111"101 th..f'1 t(l :¡ (pðnd s~ thay .1(.; '1"lnq t/'l have tl'l pll'lce thlJ ¡HlckaJ" plant olsewhere (In tho ¡Jrnpllrty. II.:! notud th/lt this l/'1clltll'ln was ,lnrk~d I')ut bot"..en tho ,1»vclnpcr IInd thlJ Cl\unty t:nvlr/'lnml!nt.sl!st, Dr. bJnedict. C~mml..I"n~r lills." ,!uI!st!/'Inod wh>:.t tho surr(lundln9 area II z~ned, to whi::h ZnnlncJ Clr.ctor I.~yn(· s:tated ð'1r1culturn. Cons.nt "e¡endal (1) R.solutlon to recover fundi expended by the County to abate publlc nul lance on a lot pursuant to Ordinance 84-63. ZC'nlng ¡;! r ;ct·" 1.,'~:1~ st:.:"c. ~h¡Jt U.is is II In: t ',...t WLl5 not m".,,·: .:Ift.::r thJ ;0 .I"Yb nnv thu Ct)unty hired .1 1nc,,1 cC'n- : r:~:t"'r tn .;.bid". t th\." .,ul~i.~nc:. C/'Ir.Ir..13 jlnn...r \'(lSS :;¡t.)t.¡U tl¡/:It ¡,,, ·..l')u1: like the .1<] <:!nct.l it'3ms r~f~r"nc~c \oj tl: :n" ...nrks;'''I' .1'JJnc~. Zon!n~ Clr~ctnr LJyn... Stllt~d th~t ~h~ (~e was ~7~ (/'Ir the lot I tliJ1f ..na ~~5 ';r,or th. .1dmlnllltr.'tlvc. ..:C\st. (2) Reco~mendation of final plat for Petition rp-84-8C, William C. Mc"nl.y, requeltine¡ final plat approval for property located east of Palm Rlver Subdlvlllon. . Zon!n] Dlr'"=t/'lr I...ynu tltúto:<j that tho C~unty h,)s boen workinC] /'In thl;] ¡;!.\t enr 'I~..rs, i.:Ja!n~ that it III ImmHHllte1y east I)f Pðlr., klv..:r .I:".;) ·.lIll/'lu]I.l>'I Acrus III t/'l the· tlouth·!,)st. She not,J thJt tn~y orl1lnh11'l sub~lttui h ~lllt under th~ (lId Sut>d!vl.oiI/'l:1 1i\1'JcJl..~I ,\:1S In 1~75 for " pr',llrn!nary p1.1t IIp~r(lvnl whlcn thuy rucelved f/'lr c~ftJln lots. She stðted th~t there wJS ~ ~rt)blum In ~nL sectIon with ~xlst!n1 private easlJmonts, ;¡djlr.g that it has ~ak"n thl l/'ln'] ':C' qat r:!lellse of ( ~se~Qntn frnm ~Gj/'llninq property ownorR nn~ r~1/'1cnt~ ea::oImentll. Sh.:! noteo thùt this p1.1t ne':!t9 the pr!?sont t,)n~drcs. She nnted that th~ ðCCC£~ gn...s through ~'J 1m R!vtl r. (3) Recommendation for final plat for Petition FP-84-9C, Lily Country Club Tang1ewood 1, located on St. Andrews Boulevard. Z~nln~ Cir~ctor L~vnc stutJU th~t thla Is pllrt /'If the oX!:ltlnq sl~~l\1 fJmlly p~rtlC\n wlth!n thJ rUD nnd is tho part thJt Is buln~ l\Jft sln1l~-f~mlly. ~hc ßtùt~d thbt they moct th') HSF-: district r,,'!ulr¡¡m..:ntll. Com~i slo~Jr Vous ~uvstioned If tha flro trucKS can turn ðr~Un(1 "n thell~ cu1-óa-s.\c 1nt5, to .,/llch ~/)ninC] Diroctor I..·.yn" st,l:~;: th,;¡t t;l¡Jy .H-" ..11· 'jC' \;lc.J. Sha SV.tod tl''^t thO FlrJ Dllp"rt.,ent::l h.:lve :1(\ prob1lms ...Ith thøSQ widths. (6) Petition TR-84-4C, Ceore¡e Hendricks raquestlne¡ a 3 month .xtenslon to temporary residence p.rmlt to utilize a travel trailer during construction of a principle r.sidence on E 75' ~OO( 084w.r514- 1'lIgJ : J _ 14, 'OO( 084 ""~ Nnvambu 21, 1984 'a~~'t'\r'150' of Tract 13, Unit 25, Colden Cate Zatat... Zonin" Dlrect."r L"yne IItlltcd thot thi!J il Mr. IItndricl:s' lnat .xtonsinn, adding that. he has all lIil rCluyh ins¡Joctione and ~x~ects t~ be finished within tne 3 ~Clnth time limit. Ct'lunty ."oIInagor Luak /lsked h"w lC\n t.hJ trailer has bltcn or. th. prop"rty, tCl whi.:h Zonln-; JJi rector 1.11yn'J stat\'d !J mC'\ntha. C"unty Manllger Lus¡( ntlltClc th/lt 1 t tl/US tllkcn h il':1 !J m/'lnthll to fi~ilh th~ hnuse "in the dry" hnd questinn.~ i! it il going to take ant)thur 3 ~onths t/'l gct final Innpcct.lnnl, to which ~t.'nln9 Dir.ct~r Lhyne stetud that If n~ dooø n/'lt he c~n no' longer 1iv~ in the trailer, .d~inq that tho' trailor can stay on t.he prnµerty but. it hös to be dismantled and l(1c~cð up. Commissioner V(lSS quaøtinned if lomenn~ lo~kl into thes. mÞttc,rl lit the end of t.hreu mClnthL, t~ which Zoninq Di rl!ctor Layne Itllt~d th~t lit the and of th, J month p.riod, tho . perl(ln is rod tllCJ9l:d. She nnted tl i,t It t.hl.'Y dn n/'lt m"v. out, they IIrc citod on tile SpClt ana they thon qCl to court. Petition TR-84-7C, Eloulse Thompaon, requestlnq a 3 ~onth extension to temporary resld.nce permit to utilize a travel trailer on the S 75' of the N ISO' of Tract 55, Colden Cate Estates, Unit 195, located on 21st Stre.t, SW, approximately 3 miles east of CR 951 and 1-1/2 mil.a south of White Boulevard. (5) %(\nin<) C! r<'ctnr I.lyn= IIt..tl,)(! :1.. t th!r. III enr tr ~ fir/Jt thrua mClnt:, uxten:;lon, )( ding ttlllt t:1' lIi;~ r:,onth Lxtonlllon hðS run /'Iut. f,!" s:.:.tcr1 tr..Jt. th..·y ,HI} cut:;~..tlnCj thlot. it will tl.lk~' anC\thcr thrlù mnr.l:1S. C~:nm1.1si(lnQr VOl!:> yucSt!/'Info If tharc. Is .. \/'oY (\! ch.:clcing tt-.at· th.se J<J(lp1e IIt.Ht the I,(lrk imt:1.¡od1.ae1y? Zoning Di rect/'lr 1..1r:a S:'btlt(; :.hllt tho;; buILJlr.') p~rt:1it is CJo"ò f(\r six :n...nths ·,nc l1t tI-.~ end C'f tho)t ti¡¡,,;o, If they hllVt n/'lt dt.'nl' .'ny:hln~. tt",y ....il1 n/'lt gft tr~dr ~u!lding pnrn.!t extcnd'..1. C(I.nn.isai"n,,·1 Voas dtllted tilùt tI~· wllL>ld 1 Ua: t/'l sel'! It stipu1oJ::or. tI"H ~\J11. in;Ji.:.,t' :1'..: t¡'~ I/nrk hnf. to IItllrt within II qlv~n p~rl~.. /'If t1mu. C(\unty .'1.,n". tf LUll;; r.t:at".; t'tI..t th, I'.rn.it c/'lL>ld be IsøucI witl1., stiµulHi"r, tt,,,t st.lt!)!; t:l.,t ...it.hln :~.r()" II/'Inthø thc're must tH' ¡¡ f(\U~::Jt 11:':, 1n3i":=Unr.. he nntCG th.1t thL rl. i3 n/'l ne,,(! :,.. ch.,ngc the: /'Irdin~nc~, it sll:l¡;ly rc.¡uircl> 1.~Jlng this .'Ii" cnnalt!I'In. H'" n/'lt,),; th.1t tr.I::..'/'Iulc: b" ¡¡occ! r.>r. the ð~~:1d~ tr.> dIRCU3£ tl1w matt"r. . .. C/'lmmi~sinnur Cn/'ldn!qht st~t~d tn¡¡t Jhe alsn n~~~s to tdd S/'I:\o;o:,:'¡nq tn tho iJo.J"nd¡· 1n,Jic":!;):J tt..to th~ Lllr in !:r.t:',nk.,lfOC! h~d ð parmlt thðt "'LS ¡¡p~rn~Ld thr/'lugl1 ~unauy, Þut au' to th~ b"r1 WI: ,1thc.r t~¡cy l.'n'·n( L'~ tho fo'll r !/'I!' /'Int.' t.;;dit !"n,'1 ~11'1 which requires 1:I00.:.r,: "ctio:1, even if i:. i£ Jfter-th<J-f.~ct. B. PUBLIC SERVICES PII"C 1\ "---' -----I --, --. - -'-- J II~~W~---~' ----_..........-"",.._...."_.._--_....~~ r....,._, ] r::J ~ ~ovomb8r 2$, 19~~ Con.ent Agenda. '(1) Reco..endation lor approval ol contract with health care profe..ional to provide .ervice. under the Community Care lor the Elderly progra.. Public ¡:",rvic"'d Admlni3tr/lt/'lt :-Inrton stated th.1t thia itC1m is t/'l r~quost apprnva1 f/'lr ~ c~ntr~ct with ~r. in~ividu~l tn prnvlUv ß~rvic~s unacr the Community Care f~r the E1dur1y Proqr~m in Immokðl~e, ~dding that th~ro is "I'It current at,¡ffbg t" Ftl'l\li(!~ the 50rlllc.)3 "nd It ~II <Jnlng to rc::¡ulr" 11 ..11.111 ùI!1C1unt nC tL:1'Jo fie :ltlltlc1 :hllt tl1il ·...l'Iuld re'lulr. nn1y 10 t '\ ':0 h/'lur:s /'If 3..rv!cc ...t n2.r.fJ ':':1 hour. tla ot.:¡tc:d tlJ.)t this pir1~n will ~D nn c~11 ðn~ ~Il] bt dnlnq baßlc~lly nursln9 .' iSUti:J;:1rnts. I/o st.Hr..~ ~h..1: t.his cnntt'Jlct \~..s ptcpðr~o In cnnjunctinn wltl1 th~ ~ncid1 ~.rvlc~n ~fFica and th~ C~~nty ^t~ncn~y'~ ~[flc~. C. PUBLIC WORKS (1) Recommendation to approve contract for Consulting Engineering work lor Resource Recovery. . Pu.)l1:: \,('\r,J ^dmlnl:ltr.\tnr Y,'¡:k S1:¡.t"ù tho1: In Oct(lbor the uCC ,:.uthori¿·)c hl:n to n~gntl¿,t~ a contrllct wit:1 ilDR to bring U.)c,¡ f"r Hn:,(J r.2vt'J·'" anr; 3ppr/'lv,:1. lie stllte:! tMt tI':!rQ "re thre!.t ?/Hlllo.!G tn t111;¡ ¡;contrJ;:r. .¡"dlng 1:r.llt Ph/.lso I is a n/'l~-ISI"}ci f I.: f,hJSIJ "r,t I tlud Pr" ]r<1:1\ ~""nIlgem()nt whlch is on-Jcoin1 with nCl C~Kt rcldlej ~nd Ph~s~ 1111 Ic the 111ndfi11 d<:.\1lgn ..In" ,)(HI-.i ttlr, j an,: unr.,¡r tl;~ s ¡:h.1sl.: ¡¡DA II/'Iu1cJ hell' 9;)t tll" Jarmi ts (rcom üt:H ..1'1:1 tiF.\MD and '''/'Iuld C n intco COr.ll:1l1te d,~sl In f/'lr t~IO 1,·,;,~fll1 slttJ inc"Ir¡,"rlltin'J 0111 the naw re4uirm~nts, ~nj Pha3e II~ is th.2 ~rnj"ct definition IInd is ¡J"tt nf th~' /'Irlgln.d r.COE-tJ "f ....,rll. lie not".:: th-1t thls ph,'18 will ¡;rClrjuc'J ð { 'Hllilcd rep/'lrt ilnd I'¡l~ lI"dfy th.} items I i>lted In tho¡ !::xr>:::utllltJ GUl:\l'\ðry ').Jt·}:: ;.J/'I\'.:om!c>t:1r 27, 1~3~. lie notltd that this ili w~un till) dC':lslon has t~ hu r.1.,da "'h~thIH th. prnjDCt i" tn ~~ ¡Jursu~~ (lr n"t. H~ n~tcrj that this ~i11 tðK~ dppr/'lxl~atcly six ffionths tr> ~"ffipl~t~ this d~t~il~d r c 1'/'1 r t . ^sslst.1nt County ~1,ln.HJcr ¡;"rri11 !1t.Jt"d tll.1t there is ..ls/'l qCllnC] to bß s"mtJ stJrinus ~nvirClnmtJntn1 purMit prClb1cms lit tho \J (latinq 1..n,1Cill du.. t/.. th'J c/'Int::crns ~£ C rl'lund\l.!tor .,nj sur!¡¡cot "'/l1:cr. ;Ic st"ted ttMt th,lto hDV·J boon ., l~t of ch<lnges In "t~nd~ras. addlnq thJt It no 1C1n1cr mllvts minimum requ1ðti~ns ~nd there Is ~ow II pr~ject.d lanùfi11 life of 10 y·-Jð rd. Consent Agendal (1) Recommendation to approve an agreement between Collier County and Tracy, Associates, Inc., Architect., for the design of an addition to the Pleet Maintenance/Service. Building. f'ubl1c \<onrks Ad:;¡lnlstr.:ttot i\UCK Ht,)tO:1 t.h.st this itom il ~n ,l.¡room(.nt b.'twooJn Cco111er C/'Iunty find 'rrllc~' (, ^SS~CI"ltJ8 whereby th~y "ou1c furnisn the aesiqn Dnd add two morè oúys t~ th" IT',dnt·Jn<.in;:1 !¡¡cil1ty. HI! st,ltud tllt.t this "'''8 ~oo~ Og4,n 51&· rllgCl !\ ~~.._-ô- ,L MIDI. u84·wr 517 . , . N/'Ivcmbor ?~, l~f." originally going to be ð(lno in-house, but ~ue t/'l tho fact th~t it ls 9t.\ing to o (c~od $25,000 It will havo t/'l hnv~ thft approval /'If D registerod crch!tect. H~ stated that the IIppr~ximðt~ cost will be ~b/'lut e3~,OO~-40,OO~. .....,.. Commissloner V~ss Btüted thðt with ro£crencQ t~ C/'Ist, ho w/'Iú1c1 likl1 t" lOa sonl~thing m"nth1y or .n loDnt quz¡rter1y stoting th~t th~ County Ie either in 11nv with the budg~t for e (penaiturtlJ and inC/'Imcr or not in 1in~ on e (penditur.. for c.rtain reasons or not n line with income £(lr ctrtoln r,nson. ðnd tho ro~u~ns stfitcd. Piccal Cffic~r Giles and' (;ounty I'\ðnagor I.usk stilted thút th.JY wt)u1d W(\rk together on this to ~rnpllte such II IItðtom~nt. D. UTILITIES (1) Qecommendatlon to accept the vater fllcl11tles for Vllnderbl1t Drive vater main extension. Utilities Þ.d1T.lnistrator Crñnda11 utatud that thin wall II 12" main that WIIS lnstð11ud some m~nths lIq/'l Dnd ell the pr/'lper popIJr ""'rk nða no'" tH!",n cnmplctuu Cor Clnill ",C'C.!ptM'IC.,. Ho stlltud thllt this !s nbnut 1200' of m~ln oosignod s/'Ilo1y for \,i<]')ins Lloy. ^Sslst.1nt (;/'Iunty ""J~,l'J(!r I.;nrrl11· Sli.t....cJ th(lt the Ò41v!:1opfOr Inst"lll!d th!r. mDln ¡,t hill CMlt Ilnd the cost. is $15C,000 which th,¡ cnun:.y l1õs ¡,~, obI !<Jðl ~nn to r.:¡,...y. ¡h~ st~tr,d thnt he Is working /'In nn ðc:;reemo!nt wherl'by tho! d,'veloper will donatr lhoJ ~150.(H111 w.:t.;r ro.Dln !n r\Jturn F(\'r OIoiclI tht County will IIllow ;, ccrlðlr: numb.r ~r units l" be :In(lKO(] into the ¡'¡orth N¡¡pleu !.ielo.oI'.JL Tr".:ltml'nt I'l.Hòt. II~ st,·t.1d th'¡t tills will s~vc the utility strvic~ nrCD of the Cnunty ~150,OOC. Consent Agendal (1) Recommendation for approval of Change Order No.2 (Final), Scarborou9h Contractors, Inc., Pllrt I, for the County Re910nal Water Sy.tem. Utliitif& ^jm1nlrtr~tnr cr~nd311 stBt~rl thnt It~~ 1 ~nj 2 tld tC'q"t~HIr und.:r tl.1.: IIDm'J ~/'Intrl1c:t ;IS Part I r.nd f'.Ht II which I S dr. inc:rol:.:a r.n:¡ ¡, ,J.:c:r~..so.;. Ilv :1t·'tL'G t/.;.t thLrt: Is ;,n increase /'II ~~,3nt ¿n~ " dltcruds~ /'If 57,70t. (2) Recommendation for approval of Change Order No.2 (Final), Scarborough Contractorl, Inc., Pllrt II, for the County Re910nal Water System. I'rcvl/'lur; cls,:ußsi/'ln or, iHo:vi(lut> Itn.rt ':/'I'/<.r.,c1 tnlR It~m ,.lfl~. (3) Recommendation for approval of Change Order No.3 (Final), 16 inch force .aln, for Sewer Area -A" expansion. Utilities Aoministr~t~r Cr¡¡nd.:l11 sthtod thllt thifl is n Sl!"OOo cìecr\!/Jse in th'~ /'I1I,·r.:l11 C/'IlIt "f 1:1.. prnjL.:t. ^snlstðnt Cnunty ~~n",;\!r [orfi1l st3tcd th~t this dec1t with I'IIC]O :; '--, ::::3 ·-----~t-'-·- """'----,-----....,..._""-"""'..,,_.,,~,~.~.. -."'.'" r:.... ...J rJ ¡;~~a .... - . ~/'Ivcmbor 2~, 19U~ ¿¡ numocr /'If Itr.¡ct .::urb <:uts, numb"r C'\( ('ipo flttlnCJo, ..nd d~d tcplacwmJr.t. (4) Reco~endation to approve the ~urcha.e of . tractor loader/_over for Sevlr Arla·A Ixplnsion, BId '771. Utilities i\dmInlatratlH Ctllntloll stated th;!t'thh ·JquIFm.nt la ~~.d.d fnr the dry1n9 b.'., addln9 :hat I bu.h h,,~ ~as adclt1 tl') the u.lck of I t to qH twø pi,)cos "f equlpmofnt nut of 01'111. '(5) Reco~~.ndatlon to removI Edward Murray from Wl110uqhby Acrls Watlr Special A.....m.nt. Utll1tlC j 1Id::-.1nl¡¡trðtnr Cr,1ndllll st...toa that r.hls will nnt tlffl!ct tiny "t th~ /'Ithor II8S0S.,1\onts by romnvir\l E1·..I.Hd MurrllY frNI thE' ;',illculhlJy ,\cr". \\Jt(·t Sp,,:I¿¡l A.....ss11cnt. lie stJt~j that ~u 13 b3ing rum"vod bvc¡¡us~ he do~. n/'lt hGve any front'~J' nn ~:1' \oIH~r mtln thJt WD. In:¡tal1Id. II' IItllt.d that thJ 1I.'~'Jj~.nt procedure says th~t tncro will be front 'ð/'lt'''111 nn tr.1 moil in "r thoy 1-1) 1 n"t bll .....IlIas.." IInd ~,t. ~urr^y poys Jl1 thu apFlici.lblu f~ua "L~et th~n the ItJllellsm...nt. Comrr,l.sll'ln.r ¡¡ð11ùntJ str,tud th.lt in thtt future it wt.\uld be ~oll to l/'l~~ ~t who will b~ sorvic~d. Ut~lltlp.s ,\omlnl:;tr"tnr Cr.)neL:l1 3t.1t,)(J tho'lt It 18 v"ry difficult to JGCla~ wh" will b~ dsslls~ed. C~rr,I::I.sI/'lncr V',.5 Sti.!.Jd ~h"t ttl,) e IJ"Btl/'ln ,h/'lu1d bE', do.s U." ",.rllon :J"nuf I~ :¡ne) i ( :1.. .JouS, th«Jn 1111 .hould bu asou..otJ. UtIlities Ad~lnl¥traL~r CrdnJ~ll StMt«JQ tnnt Jøch auøos.mvnt II hdndled dlffurcntly becJusQ there <lr~ rtlrfercnc~1I In the c/'lnflgur6ti/'ln~ /'If th~ lottJ. (6) Reco~mendation for additional .oils te.tlng related to ,xDansIon/modlflcation, p.rc/evllp pond .y.tem for Sew.r Are. -A;' . l;:ll!tlcl Adnini:ari.~nr ct.Jnoj"ll st,Itod th"t tnlll item IInd th" next I t<!m IIh/'lu1( hll/E; b<l"n r«Jvllr."d cJ)JI' to thll fact that whðt he Is InaUing [/'Ir I. nddlt ~nðl ðngln~rrlng .orviceft far th\l per:(\lðti/'ln IJonJ3 fr"m pnøt, 3u~kl'JY t(l add Clnt'" theIr c/'lntr.¡ct tr.o ;:0110 Ut; ./1 ~n ",ctoJ..l hie; !\I'0c. to ,¡" I'ond ) ...nd !i. lie .tatl'd tt...,~ l'onJ .; "ð!\ <1/'1no ilnd It Cð:nO out well, but he i. not c~rtuln thðt It Is 10ing to hu ,] long 1a.tlnq solution to th~ problem Jnd \oIlth/'lut 5ddltionðl 5~i1 tcsting, thoy will not kno,",. c~untï .'Ur.)qtr LIJ(;O( st.lttj thi.t th"r'J h;u bOlln prnbl.:ms with P".t, ~uck10y lr.d ~ulsti"n.cJ why th~ Cnunty 18 still u.ing thc;:¡i' Utllltl"a Mlnlnistr;¡tor CrDnt.Jðl1 8tato:d th~t It ls :'OC.,,,.J of thelt bilckqrr.our.d lnf/'lr.:¡¡:tbn, lidding ';hllt ovory~nll ul.c '~ula ~ð'~ t/'l IItart from scrdtc ~ C/'Immi.slr.on~r VOIB st<lted thðt POGt, ~uch1( y hhd n(l functlnn ~OD( 084.0-1-.r 518 Pilgo 7 .... ^"__~.""".......,..""",_.~,,,_,..,.~,.,._,__.._."_M" ._____ aODK 084"',!51Q . . Nnvdbc:r 2G, 19:11. in the IIctuel cons:ructiC'\n and that iø whore th~ problem Is. Utilities Administrator CrandAll stRt~d that Pnnd Nu~br.r alretldy duinec!. ^slist~nt County M3nøgcr C~rri11 stllt~d that th~ total amnunt combinod on both itemll Is about $~,OOV. (7) Recommendation for additional en9ineerin9 .ervice. related to perc/evap sy.tem modification for Sever Area -A-. I This item ~~II ùløcus.~d with t~u provl/'1ulI item. I. COUNTY MANCER Con.ent Agendal (1) Recommendlltion for additional items to be auctioned. Purch~slng Clr~ctor Thielv stilted thllt h~ Is asking for apprnva1 of /In additi(lna1 Item or two th~t will be cnmin~ in lit tht: 111st minuttl. 1111 noted that hI.' dCles nQt ~Iant to have t(l hold th~5C It~ms for IInnthcr y~~r. P. PUBLIC PETITIONS (1) pre.entation by Mary Jane Cay reI Sanctuary K-9. C(I:T\rdsllioner V/'ISS statod that thill is ,I public hel.orlng about dO-Js bnrldn<J. DISCUSSION OP'PUTURE WORKSHOPS County'f:\ðn.! (,jo)t I.U3K stj,tud thb\. h..: htlpes this IoIf'rksho¡.. tIllS boen hulpfu1, /lddin'] thAt hI: Is recnm:ncr.c1in'] that there be II roc¡¡u1/1r m'~ctln'] I!V,!t~· /'Ith~'r TUt~5dIlY f.nd th.t t'fC TUI.:Br1~y be /I WClrkst.op sC5blon. H" 5tAted tLGt C/'lt:!misslnn~r Pist/'lr's c<'r.cnrn t.:.J b~'",n th.lt tI,,,, /I')'Jn,:.. W!')ulc; 0<1 tn,:, l/'1n'), .'Iò,.lng thAt by Schl'.:JlIllnq A workSh/'l¡" " cnuplc of O.lYØ bof/'lrf! th('ra c"1I1c.: b.! ...r. /J( v,·rtl!l.." rcgul ~r mCl.:tIn~ :Inc. t:"mo /'I! the! Itcr.-.ø c"u1d ~" :::10.;rtd ul' t:l~n. ^ft~'r dis:::u¡¡¡¡lnn <':nl.ont'l ,....,n...'JI.r I.U!l~ tll...\.·)u th¡t it ~./'I1J1ô work l)('ttdr I C ti'l~ ~ClrkshCl,;: oI'JflJ h..!lu tin t:1" tlCf w·)Ck on Taursd/1Y r.1 '\rr.ln.)s In nrdcr tn h..vc tne a,i.:nón ;rr.pilrr.:J. It.. n~to::ro that tlocrc w'\u1d be II 12100 n/'lC'\n dtflHl1ln., ~n \lednes:1<\y for t.hc "Cj;:~,"'" 11<.' r, J(\ll~~ tl,;,:' I! thO.!rll Is ,'n e~,.HCJ"nc:y, ð 8p~clðl m~..tln~ CJn be cQl1e~ at ~ny time. C '\r.\!r¡ss1nr.~r ¡¡nIl. ncJ ~u..3t1/'1nc'; .;:llt thc h,}nGf1tll wnu1eJ be in havinJ L rcqular mvctin~ dvcry /'Ithcr w.ck? C/'Iunty M~naqcr Lusj.¡ ::t.)tl.( that by hi..dnc, .' worksl!n(J hi! is tyln'J 5toff u¿. f(lr a mectin~, but þ l~t mt:lre can bu .cco~~lish~~ fnr StAff in L ..nrks.10~' th..n in ., f..:gul.n meet in'). HI.! st.1t.~d th.1t by 90in; t/'l rvyulùr meøti~çs cver~ tither week, Starf w~uln n~t be: tl;¡d u;. ¡¡s l/'1n.). IJot n/'ltIJQ th:lt thHc ll"u1d 1:" mt:lr,: pr(lducti/'ln fro~ Stð[f by thcr.! n/'lt havin9 t~ attend ß rc,ular mectlng c.11 C1"y. It,~ :It.)t.~·( thlll thoJ8.: 1o'l'lr!:Ghtll'l: ct:lu]d n/'lt ;t.\ into effect unt.ll Janu~ry b()c~uue certain mcctln91 hove P/HJ U ~ :::::::J ~ ::=:J .1::: -' ~~,.",,,_..._,.._.._--<~_...,,,,-,,,,,." c:::::.J c::::J ;;::1 Nov~mber 25, 1994 lIlrt!ldy been ndvertlaod. ho statod th"t he: wt)u1d JJuqC]olt thAt until tho ond of the y""H th.3t the \oIt)rksht'lfos bo hold tin ,"1CIn:by mornlnq prior to Tu.uday'ø ro::t.Ju1,u maotlnq. DISCUSSION 0' COUNTY LOCO ., . A.sl..tllnt County ~;·Jn!hJ..r Dorr111 :Jtlll.ud thllt nny 10<)0 r~pr.s.nts the poop10 or thu firm, rQferrlng to v!lrlnus l~qoø that ,lro f.1mt:lus thrClu~hC\u: tho Country. 110 Bt"taCl thlJt ht worko~ \o.ith tho i'-,op!. In th., ¡v,ustlum t,., try and cC'\mQ up with ò ne", lC1'io Ü..:It wnulJ portr¡,y tli'1 plJ"¡.lo nf C/'Illiur C(')unty in a bwttor im~9~ thAn baing cl!lssifl~J ~I !I bunch of "turkeys". lIot not..d th.,t th. I!.dst In') C,.,unty du,l Is th9 "turkey" which \I... dlolV31<:1¡.ðd by .'1.H<Jllfct :';C/'Itt. IIV st.ltoÙ th.:lt tho chanqlnC] nf the sua 1 W,\S br/'lu~h~ up J~l'Iut 3 '¡dolrs aq/'l, hut It W,.I at tho IlImo tlm" thøt ~ll1qarat ;jc/'ltt pllI.lld away /lnd In honor of h"r, tht Cl'lur.ty ,1'JC<Jrr'l:I tht I:.:n. o stdtod thnt :119 ~rlglnll turkey stlHt Ie: I")ut ,1Ð .\ "'11r! turkoy .,nd I"mth(lw 9v/'Ilv(lr! Into th·J "::;'0011 Ct Pr:;:niu;\ Bu'.t.H::>(lll". lI'i nntcd thllt if th~ dCC Is wil1inJ, St~ff ~t:lu1d ~J ~lv~n 11n1ted dlroction to pur.ue t!li¡¡ IS3U'J :/'1 ; "t( rmin:¡ wh<lt thll Ct)S: w/'lu1d bo to chano:.¡e ev~rythin'J O·,"H. lio :a.ltad thllt if tills 1. the ùcc1!d/'ln nf tt~J Cnl':ni~81/'1n(lr:J, UtllCf Wf'\ul<': put 1\ stl'lp. nrd'H <:In /Ill lottorhp.ð1 1.1111" hll:J b"on t'lrc1orod t/'l S.1ve soma mnney. IhJ nClted tl1i1t th,He cnu1' bo it c~ntu Jt !C'r (1,,.I~ns wlth certðin /'Ibjoctives n~t. ^ftet !urth~r d13cusBlon, lt was ~hD q.n..Hil1 "'''nM"nIU¡¡ th.,t this matt..r "",,u1d be: brt:luqht up ~t a r~~u1ür ~cetin1 for Jlnculluion ~nd ~ d~clsion. .. .. .. .. .. .. Thor, boin1 no furth~r huninuss fC'\r th~ ~ood ~f the Count~, th(. .~r::!lhn¡; mllotln.¡ I./,jM ,)dj~urnod by Ordor /'If the en II i t - T I m~ 1 111) 0 11. ".. '00< 084mr520 p~<) II 9 .. ,<"~,.<..".,..,,,...~........,---,_..._-,-, .... ,_._.,,_____.._..'..""..'"M..".."'.,,'·,·.,~,".""··'"'~