BCC Minutes 11/27/1984 R c:::;:J C'J c:::I Naplll, rlorida, Novlmblr 27, 198. LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the løard of County Commi..ionlr..ln and for the County of Collllr, and allo acting a. thl Board of Zoning Appeal. and al thl govlrning board(.) of .uch .plclal dl.trict. a. have bl.n cr.atld according to law and hiving conductld bu.inl.. herlin, mlt on thl. date at '100 A.M. in Retu1.r ....I...ln Building -r- of the, Courthou.e Complex, Ea.t Napll., rlorida, with the following memblr. praun t I CHAIRMAN I rredlrlck J. VOl. VICE CHAIRMANI John C. pi.tor Max Ha..1 C. C. -Rid- Holland Annl Coodnight ALSO PRESENT I WIllia. J. Rlagan, Cllrk, Jame. C. Cill., rilcal Officer, Elinor M. Skinnlr, Deputy Cllrk, Donald B. tulk, County Managlr, .111 Dorrlll4 AI.i.tant County Manager, Kennlth CUyllr, A..i.tant County Attorney, Tlrry Virta, Community Dlvelopmlnt Adminl- Uretor, Lee Layne, Zoning Dlrecto 'J Tho... Crandall, Utili tie. Admlnl- .trator, Tom Kuck, Public Work. Admlnlltrator, CracI Undlrwood, Adminl- .trati.e Aide to the Board, Ind, Deputy Chief Rlymond Barnett, Shlrlff'. Department. aw 084~I,'.521 Pig I 1 -----....,-«."'.'."".., ",,,,,,,,,,·=,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,·,·,,,·,.,;,,,,,-"".,,,,"·....,~__o,,.;'''~'''''''''''''"^,,_,____.,. C... J c:::J Nov.-b.r 27, lIS. AGDDA - ArPltOVlD AI MÞDED ·C...I..IMlr ,I.tor ....d, ,..c.nded by C._I...I....r ..nand and aarrl" ...nl..u.l" that th. a,..da be .ppr...d with th. f.llovlnt a..ndMat.. A. 16CS moved to '1.1 fro. Conl.nt Aglnda - Ext.nllon for Tlm-' porlry R.lldenc. Per.it r. Pet. TR-84-7C, Eloull. Thomplon at reque.t of County Man.ger B. 16C2 moved to 91.2 Pet. rp-84-8C, wllll.m MeAnly r.qu..t for flnll plat approval - at r.que.t of County Manag.r. C. '1605 moved to 902 - Special AI......nt for Willoughby Acru, Edwlrd Murray - at requelt of County Manager. D. 9El - Severance Igree.ent for Admlnlltrltor of Admlnlltr.tl.. Servlc41 - Addld at reque.t of County Manager. E. 12A Extended Carnival Parmlt for Our Lady of Cuadaloup. Church throuqh Move.bar 26, 19St - Added at raquelt of Com.lllloner Coodnight. MIWUTII or IOV&KIIR 13, 1". - A"ROVID C...I..lo..r ,I.tor ....d, ..ceade4 by eo..1.aLo..r ..... and aarrl" m..I....ly, tb.t the .In.t.. of .....ber 13, 1'" be appro.ed~ It.. U 'ItOCLMATIOII DICLARIIIO DICDUlIR BLOOD DOIfOR "0111'11 - ADOPTID c.-1..IIMr v... .....~. ..oead'" IÞf eo..t..&....r .late.: and a.rrled ana.l....ly, th.t tbeP.tocl...tloft d.ol.rl&l Deceablr .. l10ad mo.or Rontb be .'opt.d. ,W 084,1" 525 Pa9. 2 ,.~) '-'-'''~'''',~""",_......_""-----^,,,._,,,,-_.....,~..., ·.....__._". . " -""."""'"'",'"~"''';'''''''''''''-'''",,,,,,._..~,,,~..;'''"'.,-.~-,, ~...,;.........J i-J ~ No...b.r 27, 1984 'I'tm. I'U-'.-Ui IJaIOIAUI PIRft aAPfIn"CIlURCII 'It I PltOYIIIC*AL n. ·0· or eft· POIt orrlCI' LOCA1'ID 011 MI. .nln, IMOIALlI . _ DOtlD l~nin9 Dlr.ctor Layn. .xplain.d the pur poI' of thl. petition I. to provld. officII In tha I..okal.. rlrlt Baptllt Church. Sh. .ald Staff .nd all County ag.ncle. rlvlewed thl. p.tltlon and r.co~m.nd.d approval .ubject to the two .tlpulatlonl on the Exlcutl.. 'u...ry datld 11/lS/.4. Shl laid thl IAPC revl.wad the petition and r.co..end.d d.nlll. Sh. laid a letter from Dr. Soud obj.ctlng to the p.tltlon ha. tie.. recd.ed. . ",. Charlll C. Bund.chu, Jr., r.pre.lntlng thl p.titlon.r, .pok. In f.vor of the P.t/tlon and alk.d for It I approval for UI. by the Itat. for .g.ncy r.latld U.II reg.rding h.alth Ilrvlcel. H. polted a dl.gr.. and,descrlbed the project in d.tall. Attorney Paul Martin, r.pr'l.ntlng the p.titloner, a.ked that the petition be approv.d. Re.pondlng to Com.ll.loner Goodnight, Mr. Martin .ald that he could I.e no probl.. In r.gard to the Light Ind B.autlfl- cation Co.mlttll, of which hi 1. a .eeb.r, if thil p.tltlon val approy.d. The following plrlon. lpok. in oppo.ltlon to the p.titlon for realonl of Incr....d debrl. and und'llrable clrcumstanc.. lurroundlng the food .tamp outlet If It II moved to th11 IStel W. L. Crawford V.r. C. McCl.l1end 'at rrltchy, who lAid hi donat.d the propertr with the v.rbal agr....nt thAt the prop.rty would b. u.ed or a church. Rex rrStchy R.v. Larry ,Inl.y, Pa.tor of thl I..okalll Baptl.t Church, lpok. In f.vor of thl petition and pre..nted A group of photograph. of thl .ubj.ct property. (Exhibit A). '1'.,. U In r"pon,. to Com.ll.loner Goodnight, R.v. rlnl.y .ald hi had Sh.rlff'. Departm.nt r.portl r.gardlng thl br.ak-In. .xp.rl.nc.d .t the church. COMI..I.Hr .lat.r ·.....,...c.....·,IÞf.c..I..a....r ..... a" ..rrled ...nl....l', tba~ t~l. It..·..,d.f.rr.d Dfttll l.t.r I. t" ...tlþt .... tb. ... r.pr....t.tl... ar. pr'.'Dt; '1'.,. IS Lat.r In thl ..etlng, Mr. Mark Cle.ler, Ad.lnlltrator of HRS rive County Area, Ipok. In flvor of the petition .xplalnlng at length thl &OOf D84-'I:I 527 Page 3 --- , GR~.,.I 528 Nov..bu 27, 1984 d.pJr~n~" plan. for Incorporating a ..ooth running op.ration with. ..curity guard to DOV. the cll.ntl for food .ta.p. in and out of the operation aor. quickly. H. .Iid incr....d parking wa. n..d.d a. well a. ..r. .pac. for the offic.. ø. .ald the offlc. ..rv.. 6,000 p.ople D~nthly of which 70\ Ir. ar.a r..ident.. ,H' d..crib.d the nUDber of ..rvic'l, b..ide. food Ita.pI, which are 9ivan It the offl~.~ Mr. Ed Cluthi.r, Pr09r.. Ad.lnl.tr.tor, .pok. in favor of the p.tltlon, Itating that hi. JJ p.opl.'ar. crowded in 4,400'8quar. f..t of .pac.. Wand. Chri.~'I, operator of an ar.. floral .hop, .poke In dppo.l- tlon to the p.titlon, a. well a. Dorothy Cr.wford. Co.ml..ion.r CoodnSght explained why .h. could not in good con- .clou. vote to tran.f.r the food .ta.p operation to the church f.clll- ti... Sh. laid th.t the app.aranc. of the curr.nt food .tamp .tor. I. not conduclv. to .oving the bu.inel. to Imaokll..'1 Main Str.et and the p.opl. .illlng around the food .ta.p .tor. .hould b. curtall.d. She ..Id .ovln9 the food It..p .tore dO'1 not .... lik. a workable Id... eo-taaloaer Goodnight "VM, Hc.nd.ð by Co_l..lon.r ......,_ad ..rrled -..at.o..lr, tbat ..tltlon ru-84-4I be ð.nled; rape 12 It.. IS uaoLU'l'Io. "-221 U PlTITIOII' n-U-llC, DORaIl WBIIIWI, IU PROYIIIOIIAL UlI ~ ...AGI ftIA'IIID'I' PLAIIT OIf··øonRT'f·"'T IIOR'I'& IIDII OP JOD'....· . .OAD, CUT or "If. IAIIMIIn' AIID ~OUIITJtII IM'I.. CMPGROUIIDS - ADOPTeD Zoning Dlr.ctor Layn. .xpl.lned the purpo.. of Petition PU-S4-1lC I. to provld. .ewag. tr'ltaent for .xpand.d campground on the north 81d. of John'. Road .llt of the Florida Power' Light .a..m.nt and lountr.. K..pinn Caapgroundl. She laid Staff .nd all County ag.ncl.. i h.v. reviewed this petition and r~o..end.d approv.l subj.ct to the Itlpul.tlon. on the Executive Su...ry d.ted l1/20/84. She ..Id the CAPe h.ld th.lr public hearing on Octob.r lS and Nov..b.r 1, 1984 and contlnu.d It to No.e.b.r 15, 19S. at which tl.. they r.co...nd.d approval. Mr. Dorlle Whisman .xplalned the ne.d to move th.,..wlg. tr.atm.n~ plant due to the fact thlt the utility co.pany will not allow .xp.nlion of the curr.nt .ewag. tr.atment plant th.t I. In the rp'L ......nt. Mr. Tlvi. Ea.terly .nd Benton DuBoi.. .pok. In oppo.ltlon to the p.titlon. Nr. Charl.. A. Nichol., with the .id of an ov.rh.ad proj.ctor, .howed the prop.rty la qu..tion,&. IL ~.l&t... to hi. ., .. , ".. propertý~ He .pok. in OPPOlltlon' to'th. P.titlon and qu..tlon.d if an Pag. 4 _:..1 t=3 ..~ mllfll ~--"" '''.._t.·''''...,,·,,_.'".......,.,....._ __,__,c "··..'~:'";,"',··~~,,',--,,;·,·,-,,··,···,··.·;;"'···"-·.h_·.. ~,.,-,~----_.,-- t::::::J ~..'j ~ ::::::I ' Wovnbtr 27, 19U .rror VI' ..d. in .dv.rtl....nt .f the ,ubllo, h..rin9.. Dr. len.dlot, County lny1ron.ental1.t, ... .aB..n.d·to the Iolrdr.o. Ind h. .xplaln.d th.t h. lookad'o..r the property In4 whlla. h. did not r...arch th.'.ntlr. 80 acre parc.l h. .urml.ed that the propo..d .It. va. the b.., polltlon for the .evaq. tr.atment plant. eo..iaai...r .... ......F ..........a.,·c-INI...r CMdnlgbt .ftct earrl" 3/2, ee..1..I...r·..... .... 'iater e"...d; th.t ....luUon .. 1.-221 re ..titS.. PV-'C-llC .. ...,t..; . ~nDI 084';',;529 . '. . ,< 'a9. 5 I _...... _J -·_____""'·_____0."....."..._."," -"-"."" ,"·..,'~·,,,..,;,ü...· ,·.",·,¡,···...,...,_<O;_"~,·,.-"'.·_"',;.."'..I"";~."";,""*·"...·.....,...",'.'__~"""',,"'_"_."k·>" ~,u,,,.",,.....--_ _II ..... 'I r=:a C"J ~-j Nov..ber 27, 1'84 It.. II, PnTrI~ Ø-a4-'7C,' &LCNZIa .,.....~~ .'..-3-1IOIITII Dt.IlOll'!O'''I'IMPOMrl aalDalC& P...II" POa aoun·'''''·'op IIORfa 1'50' 01" ftM:T 55',' GOLDIII''''. ' ' IftA"II, UIII" US; - ADO"ID ZOning Director ,Layne .xpl.lned th.t the orlgln.l 6 aonth T..por- ary Aelldtnc. Per.lt WI. 9ranted for Petition TR-B4-7C and a 3 month exten.lon va. granted but the r..ldenc. I. not completed ~d tlae h.. run out. She .~Id the petltlontr 1. requesting an .ddltlon.l 3 aonth .xt.ndon. Comal.llontr Piltor pointed out that .omtthlng .hould bt don. to Inlpect the permit. btcau.e there are too many mobile home. being allowed In Coldtn Cate. ~s. layne polnttd out that most of the people applying lor these per.ltl are building the house. them.elves and lometi.e. nttd more tl.e .Inc. they work only weekend. and evening. on the con.tructlon. Co..laaloner ,lator ..v.d, .HerMIe' by Co_I..I."., ...... ud ~.rrled anaDI..u.ly~ tbat Staff l..k into r..porary ,...I..nc. Per.lt. to protHt the Cold... Gat.,lItat.. ar.. ,fro.,uftWarra"ted ..bll. ho...; Co_I..loa.r ,I.t.r ....d, ..co"ded by Co_ie.l.ner ..... and aarrted UftIDI"u.ly, that Petition YR-'4-7C, 3 ..ntb ..ten.lon to ~porafJ ".Id.nc. Per.lt be approved; It. 17 pnl"ll* PI'-U-'C, WILLIAM C~'''RCAWLY, Itl 'FINAL 'PL.'''API1tOVAL'roa 1'IIOPU1'Y IA81' or PAUl- R I Yilt' ..-01 YI SOlI ' -, AHItOVID '1W.J1C'7 'to ."1 PU LA" I 0111 ZOning Director Layne .xplaln.d tho purpo.e of thl. reque.t I. for final plat approvll for Ouail Cro.slng. She delcrlbtd the .rll and .urroundlng zoning Ind txplalned It 1. . landlocked parcel of land vlth a .Ingl. laally lot to be used as .n acce.. road. Mr. Donald C.rrett .poke In oppo.ltlon to the p.titlon on ground. thlt it would depreciate hi. property 11nce his re.ldence lion the .djac.nt lot to the propo.ed acce.. road. He explained he I. I 11cenled contractor and not'opposed to developaent, hOVlver, thl. action would ..ke . corner lot of hi.' property which would'dev.lu. it. He cited incr....d traffic .ndbrldgt. thlt are .lready overtlxed a. r..lonl for denial. Mr. Donlld Shafer .poke in oppoalUon 'to thepeUtion citing traffic conge.tlon. Ke placed . diagraa on the ov.rhe.d bo.rd and m,' 084 rl"l535 Plge 6 -_........_--,"".~..<..,."',., _··~·N..,·'·".··,'.··,""'.',",',·~~·~c.,~'"........,...,...,..,'"",,"c,...,.c,",, _.1 _~"".~"""'......."_-,,___~...,~,,.~.>o,....,.,....,,.___..........,.. r-' 'OO( 084..-.1536 Movember 27, 1984 Indl91ted how Cypre.. Way deld-end. and III the traf~lc has to return 'out acro.. the .ingle bridge. MI. J. A. Rautio a.ked where the develoPlent will obtain it. , vater7Mr. willi... McMly, repr..enting the petitioner, u:plaSned the vater and lever will be obtained from the North Naple. Di.trlct. He delcrlbed the plan. for a properly land.clped Icce.. road. He reque.ted approval of the project a. there il no other accel. to the property. hpe .. Mr.. Charlotte w..tman congratulated the Comml..ion for removing thll It_ fro. the Conunt Agenda 10 It would be tboroughly dllcu..ed. c-t..S...r PI.ter ..nd, ..ce..ed ,..,. c...1aaS...r ,..11.ftd aad aard" .t/l, c...1..lø... .............;. ..tL-tiø·'P-I4-IC be a"rond ..'Ht te tM .UpalaUoa tbat the n....l ,11' ",''''''Hord'' antU r...ir.. S.,r......t. ............ ·....UllCt.. and accept" .r -.nUl apprewed MCnIrltf I. reeobod ..eI appro..4. ...RIC.... 10125 A.M. aSCOlYlMIDI 10... A;M;··· PUaLIC 'ITI'rtOll 'Y NARY JAIl CAY WI IAJtKUla ÞOCI "r.. ~ry Jane Cay .poke regarding her probleM wit~ barking dog. due to her proximity to a kennel licen'ld In an aria wherl the zoning allow. .uch uIIge. She .ald the kennel I. Sanctuary K-9 next door to Cork.crew SWa.p sanctuary. She prl.tnted I prolonged .lide pre..nta- tlon of bird. and contended that the barking dog. dllturbed th_.' MI. eail Stevenl lpokl In oPpolitlon to Mr.. Cay. Mrl. Mincy Crlffln, owner of the kennel, appeared vith a Creat Pyrheneel dog which Iht stattd il a trained therlpy dog. She pointed out the area va. &oned to allow her kennel and thlt .hl had recelvld no coaplalnts, although Ihe had checked with neighborl a. to whether the dogl bothered th... Mr. Tru.ln Cay Ixpoundld on trailer. that are on the .ubject proplrty. Community Þevelopaent Admini.trator Virta .aid he would lnvl.tiglte thl. at eo..i..loner VOl.' reque.t. Ma. Betty Brown statld for the record that Mr.. Cay doe. not .peak for the neighborhood. Co..il.loner vo.. a.ked A.li.tant County Attorney CUyler If anything c~uld be done at tbh ,level and he ruponded that the State'. Attorney'. OfficI i. the prop.r place ,to Inveatlglte tbl.~, Be .ald be would check to ..e if the State'. Attorney haa the 'comp1aint~ ' Page 7 I =::J -- / ¡::--" fj I·'~,"·';.·" t, t~'~ 1\1<~'t ~,,:;',.,-,',: frif: ,II'~",.',~,:..:.' , ' ~ ,l ' , '( ¥<" ~Ø< ~~f,\ ,.,..."...--..,....""-,'"..',.,.'~;".~.~..,._-'''".._-----'''''- ,~."''',-'",.="',~;;..., ~ ,-,.,....~.,.",.,...~-,,' c:::J 1:_1 =:1 Nov.-ber 27, 1984 c:anu.c7 rea UIOUca UCOYSn..DGI.IUI1IIG''COMVt'T'JdIT1I'...nwnM 8II1II1110I0Il, DU1UIM . RICIWlDlOll AID COLLIIR COUIfTY - A'PIIOVID Public Work. ~.Inlstrator Kuck explained the requeat to retain the lerylce. of lennlnglon, Durh.. ',Rlchard.on (UDR) for,englneerlng and economic evaluations of a wa.te-to-energy plant In Collier County and to proyide a landfill dellgn for permit renewal ,at the current Naple. Landfill operation. He .ald this de.ign will Incorporate the new requlre.entl for non-per.eable liners, lecheate collection and , treataent, groundwater .onltorlng, Ind Itor. wlter retention along with the altlgatlon required by SPWMD relltlng to the prelervatlon of on- lit. cypre.1 Itrlndl and the crtation of new wetland areal. Ie referred to the varioua Ite.. to be coyered In Pha.e l1b entitled -p~oject Definition- .. outlined on the E.ecutlve Su...ry dated 11/20/84. Mr. Ed Smith, rtpre.enting the Contractors Association, a.ked that . cost analYll1 be Includtd in the contract. Commlslioner VOl. sugge.tWd procetding al It Is outllntd, and including this If nece..a rYe Mr. C. A. Stokel wa. prelent to relpond to the Com.ll.ioner. que.tlon.. c...1..1....r ..... ..ed, .ec.Med by eo..1ad...r .,Jator and aarrl" ....1....1', tltat. u.. CeaU.., t.r .......0.· ....".,r IDtI...rI... Coutlltanta bet..." .....IDglOn, Durhaa and Rlclsardson and Collier County be approved. ~Oði~ 084 ,1°,1537 Page a ._J ,.', ,.,...<...."..,.".,."""..~...."'_,_",""',.,,'"'_.,..,"_...."""þ.,"_____.~_""_._...,,""'-'- "._ .....,.,,.._,_ ""fIt 1''''''' r" I Nov.-b.r 27, 191. .'...... ., .fta ßCIUTla - .....IL!' Dalft .'I'D Mnrnt...Iœ - ,",~~rTlD MQaIIIIY, WIn WlaG1.. IAt AI.OC1AU. - A,..OVID Utlliti.. Adaln.tr.tor· ~r~ndaii r.qu\íted loard' acceptanêe of, the ,'vaur',fac1l1t1u for Vanderbilt Drive Water Main Ixtendon vlth the .tlpulatlon that all 1.9.1 document. are found to be le9.11y .ufflcl.nt by the County Attorn.y, allO approval of .n .gr....nt vlth w1991n. lay AI.oclate. wh.r.ln the dev.loper a.lum.. ~h. co.to! con.tructlon .nð, In r.turn, the Dlltrlot provide. co..it..nt. for ..wer ..rvlo. conn.ctlon. fOf a portion of the Wi991n. lay proj.ot. eo-t..l...r ,bter ,..".d, ..po.d.4 by.. eo..1..t...." ..... and ..,rt.. ....1....1', tbat tIte ..tar beiliU.. ror·,..n4erbilt DrIY. _ter ..I. ..tend.. be .acept" ..-,.crt t. .tlpel.tI." an4 that the ...rtM41 ..r.....t be a"r.nd; I,' " .' ~ ,! .,.. '" I' I, ..g. 9 :::=J t:=s .......--, ~ " , l:;; "'cC"'<"""'~"';_""''''''''''''''''''''·'''"''''''.''''i;'~'''';';''·''"''_''''''''';¡'1.__ 101 ."."",,___..."'"_"___"'~"""""""'_""""'''~ r=::J r:=J ~ Mov.mb.r 27, 1984 1t~'11 wtuouan ACUI 'lIIAfta ..'ECIAL ·U........,. ....1WMD'tIUUA'I - 'COIITlnID WI Will ' Utilities Ad.iniltrator Crlndall .xpl.ln.d that Mr. Edw.rd M~rray w.. all.I..d $3,556.60 although on 1.t.r inv.stlgatlon it wa. di.- cov.red that Mr. Murr.y has no front footag.. H. r.qu'lt.d thlt Mr~. Murr.y'. prop.rty b. r..ov.d fro. the ....I...nt roll. MI. J. A. Rautio .poke In d.f.n.. of Mr. Murray'. property being r.tlln.d on .0.. bl8i. 8lnc. h. has hook.d into the wat.r and .njoy. the ..rvic.. for which other r.Irb.nt. of Willoughby Acr.1 have p.id. Sh. eit.d ..v.ral .xa.ple. of .i.iler property that do pay a...I...nt.. CO.I..l....r ,In.r _..d" ..c....ed lIy..ee.H.'....,..·..... and . carrl.d Uftlnl.oualy, thlt thl. .ubjeet be def.rred on. ...t whll. It I. S....tl'.ted by tbe Count, Attorney; AI.lat.nt County Attorn.y CUyl.r laid h. would look into the po..ibility of wh.ther there 18 . l.gal point reglrdlng front footage all.. ...n t. .IYIRAllCI 'AY FOR FOIUIIR ADMI.I8TRATIY1·IIRVICIS·AD.UIIIS7t'ATQR·· Þ.'IPROVID AI.I.t.nt County Manag.r Dorrlll .xplained that the a.rvic'l of the Admini.trator of Ad.lnlstrativ. Service. were no long.r r.quir.d wh.n that d.part..nt wal phal.d Into another d.partm.nt. H. luqg.lt.d an .gr....nt for 14 houri lev.ranc. pay b. .pprov.d. C..I..lon.r ..... _..d; ..cond.d ~ eo..l..l...r·,l.t.r and , a.rrl.. ualnl_ualy,·tbat tb. ..v.r.ne. pay be approv.d for the for..r ~.I.tratl.. '.rYle.. Ad.inlatrator; It_In ItOVTI.I IILLS - APnOVlD POR 'AYMIII1' Pur.uant to Re.olution 8l-l50 the following through Nov.mber 23, 1984, In paym.nt of routine CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS.. V.ndor l20947 - 121349 ch.ckl were II.u.d billll AMOUNT S1, 525, 350.22 aUDCI'I' MartlMlII1' 1S-C1 - ADOPTID eo..1..ioau "Ut.er ....04.....con4ad ,by.eo.s...tonu ..... and carrl.d ....I..u.ly~ tbat ~get AaI~ftt"S~'7 be .dopt.d; I,"&. : r ' ." ,nD~ G84-wt 6f17 Page lO ",'···."H4.~··~'··," ."..,;"~,,,,_,~,",,,,,,,,,,~.._,",,.,.,,,..,,.,....,,.._,~,,,,,.,,.;....-,,,,,,,,,...,........-------- Nove.bar 27, U84 'liD( 084'1,,1 608 ~_..U ' ~ilXftllll" 011 CUIIIÐL PIMI'J' 'J'O'lIOftØp%,,·l1..' 'row on tAD! '0' , . ~LOU'I - A.,.OVIP, ArTI.-'J'81-rACT Co..i..lon.r Qoodnt9h~',xplaln'd the n..d for aft.r-the-fact .pproyal of the .xtenlion of the carnival '.r.it for our Lady of Guadaloupe Church to Novt.bar 26, 1984, due to the fact that incl..ent weath.r kept the atten41nce down. eo.l..I...r Go4Þdal,bt. ..11:1, .......Id IÞ1 eo.ai..tOftU ..... .nd a.rr!" ....t.eaal'.,tbat. ~...'t.r-t...c... ..t.~~,., Carnl.al ..nit to .....ber 21; 1114; for our LadY' of Òudal.... '... appro¥l4; ..... ".. f.U...i nt It...'..nr .p,1 ...... 'l'ft'CIiot'. ed...,.t.'" .ør-' tM C.....t lot... 'lÞ1'11ñt01l,.,'-cn.l..tonn' P11rtOr, aeoonded Þr C...l..I..er ..... .... carried ~a.I...l,. ..... cÖirÌ'UCr WI'I'1I HAL'I'1I CAU -PltorUSIOIIAL, DOI'II 'ROZYCltl; 'J'O"PltOVIDl navICII UIIDIR '1'81 COMVIIln CAJtI rOR ,..1 ILDIRLY 'ROO""" S.. 'agu (,/;J... t/' l-DDI'J'I~L I'I'PI 'J'O II AUC'J'IOIIID DICUlln 1, U.. It_Ill aaourn.. 14-21' 'J'O RICOYIR' røD8 -nPIIIDD-1Y c....'n..<ro ·'AlMI ....LIC 1IG11AllC1 011 LO'I"I 3-12. UIII'J' 4 , lLOCI 53 ~ IIA'LII PUK S.. 'Igt. ¿'/~ It_ 11' "IM&. PI..\'J' U..OVID,,..·n'J'I'J'I..·..-..-tc; LlL'I c:ocnrn.,Cc.n; 'J'AllaLIWOOD I-In3IC'J' ,-0 ITI'ULATIOII' It. 120 nnn.. 'I'1I-"-4C; alORaI IIIIIORICU;"RI 3"tt011T11' bTII'IOII·"J'O ~lMrou.rt aa.1IlDlllCI .lMn'..... 75' or W'150' or 'J'RAC"f U. PI." 21, QOU)IIf.GA,.'J'I·, 'I'J'A'J'II ' In. 121 ruu.s. CIWIGI OUIR 110. 2 lcuaoaoaarcWllN\C'OU~ ''I1IC;¡-MIt''J' 1- '1'01\ ÇOUI'J'f R&GIOIAL "KlIR ITI'J'IM, IMCRlASI II AMOUMT or .6,292.30 ' S.. 'agu ¿./~·¿~I ., ' 'ag' 11 ::::::::J t:::! .-, --'" IC-' ....",>,-....."..^"","'"....",....~,"',....-...,-,--- '" '''_..-.__.,-,.~.'''"'''_.,.,.""'',,,._.,,.......';,..,,..,.,,'''-_.,-.---...........---...-- r.-._- ,) c:::J ::=:1 Mov..ber 27, 1". t ;. PIau. c:auG1 ClUftIlO; 2r8CM80RCMI8.-eoftMC'I'ØI,·,øc:;;'-'Aft U;-I'OIt conn alGlOIIAL w.nIt nlTlM, IlIDUCTIOI or "~704~50 s.. pag.. /,:J:J....Lill,' rlllAL C1IUIJI CIUØ 110; 3~1'I'1YI1I1·'."U.TI'OII;-roR II Uc:.''I'OItCIMt1I¡ '1WIa AaIA -A-~ alDUCTIOI or 11,,020.32 ' See Page. (,/).7'" ~~~ It_ 124 lID 1'771 IIWU AaIA -A-,·aJMII8I011-,·ftAcroa '1.eAHIVIIWD -AIfMHD 1'0 DaM IQUIPlilIIft' II AIIOVI1' or ",770.00 Le911 notice having been publilhed In the Nlple. Ðlily Neva on OCtober 2', 19S4, al evidenced by Affidavit of Publication £Iled with the Clerk, bid. were received until 2130 P.M. on Nove.ber 14, 1984, for lid '771 £or I tractor loader/.over tor Sever' Are. -A- expan.ion. It.. US CCIftUC'f WIn ..IYlaIA!.·IIIII.IDUIG1'II'I'1. 'CO;'-U"IOU.' ftI'I'I. "LATU YO a~IOII/fIOD!PICATIOV HLATI~ YO HRC/IVAP. MIlD .ISTÞ· 0' .IJtVICI ARIA -A- n AM~11I'I' or U,uo.oo , See Page. Nr.IMm' mr PFŒTVEJ)' IN CLERK OF BO\PD OFFICE AS OF 11/31)/134. It_ 121 .. CCIIÍIftAc'I' .. ADDI'I'IOIIAL IlIIn.IDIIIO SlItYICII'!'O PR0.7IC'1' C01n'1tAC'I' 303-003.'0 JI NIOUIIT 'or 11',500.0. NIT. 1'OS'f, BUCKLIY, SCIUB . JIIUI I GAIl, , IIC. POa .&vIa ARIA -A- Se. P.g.. '31 It_ 127 CIltTIFJCA'fD roa COIUtSCTJOII '1'0 TAX aot.ta AI'I'ItUIIIftD.Y PRonM"l' AP.RAIIIR . TAlGIILI .IRBOIAL PRO,IaTY ill! ,'. , 1984-51/51 11/14-19/84 I, '___I'"~ ; - ,~~...,. ,.. ,\ .~. . . &liO(. 084 w' 609 Page 12 . ... me 084m610 Nove.ber 27, 1984 It_ 12' ,.IICILtAlllOOI COUlll'OlOIlCI - rUG UD/OI ItUJRRIO There being no obje~tlon, the Chair directed that the ai.cellan- eou. correlpond.nc. be filed and/or referred al Indicated belove 1. Litter d.ted ll/14/84 froa willi.. ø. Whitcomb,' AI.t. Chief, lureau of Ca.ualty RI.k Ret.ntlon, Dlv. of Riak Manage.ent, Dept. of lnsurance and Trealur.r, re Dorothy Wood.' clai. which wal filed, advising th.t Dept. of In.urance doe. not have a flnanclll inter'lt In elal., pluI copy of l.tter dat.d 11/6/S4 fro. Dan E. Batchelor, Ittorney for Mrs. Wbodl outlinln9 the case. XCI Mr. Lu.k, Mr. Norton and Mr. Lunts. rUeð. Letter dated ll/15/84, fro. Richard W. Cantrell, Environ. sup.rvilor, DER, enclosin9 copy of application rile No. ll0952695 for dredge and fill actlvlti'l. XCI Dr. Bantdict. rllld. 2. 3. Copr of '/25/84 .lnut'l of Oold.n Cate Co..unlty Cent.r Adv .ory COlllllitUe. FIltd. Copy of l.tttr dated 11¡14¡S4, fro. Jostph Hudak, Re9ul.tory Technician, water UI. Dlv., Rt.ource control Dept., r. water u.e per.lt application for IlIImokal.e com.unitr 'ark, 4- Irrigation well plus .apI and ...ple appllc.t on. original to Mr. Ioldt. xc riled. Copy of 1.tttr dated 11/13/84, fro. 'red.rick C. Stlrk, lurtau Chi.f, Stat. Trea.urtr'. Offic., re trllnln9'··mlnar. r.latlv. to re-certification of fir. equipment deal.r. and p.r.it hold.r.. ril.ð. 4. 5. It_ 2' AftIIOItXlAnOtl roa CMIIIIWI AIID-""'''' iW..aOMD''I'O .1011'''. .BeIlIU., roa IUPlRVlIOR O"IUCYIØIIe 'MH"~I WILLIM.J. UMAlfi C:UU, AIID noPlaTY A,nAllllt 1M COLDIIIG See 'Ig.. '3S"'&W It_no CAllYAlSIIIO aou.ø'" Cn!IPIeM'IOI Of-OYIRlIAI "MlltICAIII 'MlDRILI-ru'l '1ItSOØIL'1 UIIITII aALLOTI Sn 'agu ,'l¡./';~L{" . ", :: ... ,'.> . I"" . . , i: I ... ...... ..: '~t ~ ~ .. " ... : t,'(. ., JI\.;':' . "" '" '1ge 13 :::=J t::::::i ::::::J IVe r=::J [-_... ~ c=:1 Nov..ber 27, 1984 AGaIlUft altWla COLLIIIt-cown "MD-<raAC'f"'. -AUOCfAftI;'·ne;;-AItCIII- iiCij, roa ÞUIGII '" ADDI,.IOII '1'0 rurr MlnllWlCl/lnvlCII IØILDI..a I.. "I9U "-{oj · '50 . . . There btln9 no further bu.lnel., the .e.tln9 VI' adjourned by Order of the OIalr - TI... 12t15 P.M. BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD or ZONING APPEALS/EX OrrICIO GOVlRNING'BOARD(B):Or SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL 'R~~ voss, ". CHAIRMN AnlSTI W1L,"I~o)J!'~"GAN, CLERK j¡;:~.'il:: <;ì. :~.¿j ,~~;?~,.,' ~/-~ ~~~~~~u~t~~~ßproved on~IL~4//.. or .: criJ1.v\'~~ed . pre.ented ".--- .r.o\~ ..""" .'4. ;.'.. .". :., . Q84.,.-.I611"' , ' ", I" r Pa9 e 14 ffr' -,....,"J.'.;'"40"""""·-,·"·,,..,·_,'''',......,~>'''·,-,· ",·'.'0_ ,'.".;,....".,... ""","'..,.._"'_._'...·_.,~'."'..d.~...._..· ,..,~.",- . ,.~..",."..";.,..,_"."',...'_.,.,",..,.._"',_""','.~'F.."""___,,,,^,. _~