BCC Minutes 12/03/1984 W
Naple., Florida, December 3, 19B4
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commi..ioner. in
and for the County of COllier, and al.o acting a. the Board of zoning
Appeal. and a. the governing board(.) of .uch .pecial di.trict. a. have
been created according to law and having conducted bu.ine.. herein, ~et
on thi. date in Work.hop Se..ion at 10100 A.M. with the following
per.on. pre.entl
CHAIRMAN, Frederick J. Vo..
Max Has.e
C. C. "Red" nolland
...nne Coodnight
ALSO PRESENT I Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk, Burt L. Saunder.,
County Attorney, Donald B. Lu.k, County Manager, Neil Dorrill, ^..i.-
tant County Manager, Terry Virta, Community Development Admini.trator,
~e Layne. Zoning Director, Tom Kuck. Public Work. .a.dmini.trator, To.
Crandall, Utilitie. Admini.trator, Ann McKim, Planner, Patricia
Pickworth, Admini.trative Secretary to County Manager, and Orace
Un~.rwood, Admini.trative ...ide to the Board.
Tour of Ju.tl~e Center
Prior to the beginning of the meeting the Commi.sioners, County
Manager and A.aiatant County Manager made a tour of the Juatice Center.
Introduction of Ri.k Manager Sherry Puckett
County Manager Lu.k Introduced Sherry Puckett a. the County Ri.k
Manager. He explained .he i. from Brevard County where .he held a
.i.ilar po.ition and he welcomed her to Collier County.
68(1) Pet. Zo-94-2JC, LIly Z.tate., re a.end.ent of Ord. 76-41 to allow
.illa. and other low ri.e .ulti-fa.lly develop.ent, to reduce rear
yard .etback for pool. fro. 15' to 10' and per.it vehicular acce.. to
Planner McKim explained petitioner ha. withdrawn the reque.t to
per.lt acce.. to Rattle.nake Hammock Road. She .howed a aap of the
area and explained that Tract. !, F, and M will now allow low ri.e,
~ulti-famlly villa. and attached .Ingle family housing. She .aid there
will be a total 1,115 unit. In the project and no increa.e In den.lty
is requllted.
7A(1) Pet. V-B4-l5, John and Ruth Meyer., re1ue.tinq a variance fro. 7-1/2
TO 0 Feet for property located at 2916 46th Street SW, Oolden oat.
~CD< U84 t".! 651
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Zoning Director Layn. .aid thi.
for. building per.it.
Th. bulk of the conversation at thl. tlm. centered on Item 6C(1)
which wa. di.cu.sed along with thi. item.
December J, 1984
r.quest i. a p.tltlon lubmitt.d
Con..nt Ag.nda
16D(1) P.t. TR-B4-1C, Willard' Doroth.a Stuvick, r.qu..ting final 3 .onth
.xt.n.lon per.it to utlliz. a trav.l trall.r Whll. con.tructlng a ho..
on W 150' of Tract 64, Unit 16, Gold.n Gat. Estat..
Com.i.sioner Pi.tor ob..rved that the Ex.cutive Summary .tat..
thi. house i. complete and h. a.k.d why an .~tenllon i. b.ing
reque.t.d? Zoning Director Layne explained that the final in.pection
ha. not been made. Community Development Adminiltrator Virta .tated if
anything had to b. corr.cted after the final inlP.ction additional tl..
would be ne.ded.
Mr. Has.e asked if there i. a follow up to see that the trailer i.
not us.d after the exten.ion expirel, and Ms. Layne re.ponded affirma-
6C(1) Pet. AV-B4-024, John M.yer., r.qu..ting vacation of alx foot .id.
.a....nt on Lot 21, Block 100, Gold.n Gat. Unit 3, to allow an .xlatlng
.wl..lng pool to re.aln
Commis.ioner Vos. questioned why the .wimming pool wa. changed 90
degree. and Ms. Layne said the pool hal boen in for seven years and she
could not .peak to that issue as she worked in the Planning ~epartment
at that time.
Community Development ^dministrator Virta pointed out that, at the
ti~e the pool waa in.talled, no plan. or Ipecifications were requir.d
to b. on the job, however. thi. has been rectified and the inspector.
now have the plana at their di.poaal.
Following dilcu..ion, the Commis.ioner. requ..ted Staff to pur.u.
.or. information regarding why this pool was permitted to be in.talled
in the manner it wa..
Con.ent Ag.nda
161(1) R.co..endation to authorize 10.... at I..okal.. Airport to plac. a
aobil. building on Florida A.rollght'. lea.ed property
Dilcussion wal held on thi. item during which Public Work. Admin-
iltrator Kuck e~plained thi. will b. a temporary building until a
permanent hangar is built.
168(2) R.co...ndation to authorize 1..... at I.ack.le. Airport to plac. a
building In Artificial Horlzon'a lea.ed property
Mr. Kuck .tated this request i~ limilar to the previou. item.
Commis.ioner Piator explained he had been Informed there I. hope
that the airport will be self-sufficient through greater u.e.
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D.cember 3, 1984
1'.(3) ~co..endation to create a Pl.et Manag...nt Coordinator po.ition in
the Pl.et Mana9...nt Dept. and authorize p.rsonn.l Dept. to adv.rti..
for ....
Public Wor~. Administrator Kuck explained this i. a requ..t to
mOve. p.rson from Road and Bridg. .ince there i. . definite n.ed for a
coordinator in the rl..t Manag.ment Department.
9Cel) Indig.nt A.si.tent progra.. R.port
PUblic S.rvic.s Admini.trator Norton explained that thi. i. in
r.spons. to a requ.st by Commission.r Pistor. He .aid there i. a
.i.conc.ption that Collier County i. . w.althy county and doe. not n.ed
State a..i.tance and that the accompanying r.port should .erv. to
di.pel that notion.
Commi..ioner vos. complim.nted the writer of this report, M..
Re.ponding to Commiasioner Voa., Mr. Norton said that the poverty
l.v.l changes all the time. however, it waa his opinion that currently
it is $lO,OOO for a family of four.
Commi.sion.r Vos. a.ked if Staff had .ver .ntertained the id.a of
having volunte.r. for the home aide., to which Mr. Norton said that
idea he. b.en explored, how.ver, due to the nature of the .ervic.. th.y
porform it would b. difficult to obtain volunto.r..
Mr. Dorrill noted that the County has a good program a. it i..
9C(2) ~eco..endation for approval of a.end.ent to the Com.unity Par~.
Con.ultant Agr....nt
PUblic Service. Administrator Norton explained the rea.oning
b.hind discontinuing the .ervico of Ueery program Management in the
park. program. He said that the fait track method of pursuing buildinq
the park. has not d.veloped. lie .aid the portion of the contract
r.lat.d to the Heery contract wa. $312,000 and by doing away with it
th.re will be a .avings of approximat.ly $60,000 since approximately
$40,000 will b. u..d by an employ.. to b. u.ed on the park. project.
H. .aid .ome mon.y would be paid to Heery for work already done. H.
.aid there i. al.o approximately $9,000 for rede.igning the Marco
Island park.
Con.ent Aqenda
16A(1) Social S.rvice. Ca... "-2812 and W-B95
Public Service. Adm1ni.trator Norton explained that one cas. i. a
whit. female from Immokalee at a co.t of $4,064 with $2,lOO phy.ican
fe.. and the oth.r ca.e i. a white f.mal. from Everglade. City with a
co.t of $1,354.76 for hospital and $460.00 for phy.ician f....
Responding to Commi..ion.r Vos., Mr. Norton explained that the
ho.pital give. quite a d.duction to the County ca....
t.:, (84'1'·:653
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December 3. 1984
16A(2) ~ecoa.endation to award 8ið·.,,2, Tigertail Beach Parking Exten.ion
Public Servic.. Admini.trator Norton .tated that three bid. were
received for thi. lim..tone parking lot and that Staff r.commend.
awarding the bid to Toppino.
Public Work. Admini.trator Kuck aaid that this company haa been
u.ed in the past. As.i.tant County Manager Dorrill noted that cloae
in.p.ction would b. placed on the proj.ct.
16A(3) ~eco..endation to accept a propo.al for wetland .itigation at
TigartaU Beach
Public Service. Adminiatrator Norton explained this item i.
necea.ary in relation to the previou. item since .ome wetland. need to
be de.troyed for the parking lot impl.mentation.
9D(1) ~eco..endation to re.ove Edward Murray from Willoughby Acre. Water
Special A.......nt (Con't. from 11/27/84 ICC Meeting)
Utilities ^dminiltrator Crandall r.lated the re.earch done by hi.
departm.nt to determine that Mr. Murray wal never formally placed on
the a.....m.nt roll. for thil property.
Some di,cu.lion wa. held a. to whether any action wa. ne.ded, with
A..i.tent County Attorney And.rson .tating it wa. nece.aary to formally
remove hil name .ince he did appear on an alses.ment roll other than
the pr.li~inary roll.
Mr. Crandall aaid that the names of the individuala that were
report.d by Ms. J.A. Rautio at the 11/27/84 board meeting did not check
out a. .imilar to this ca.e.
12A R.co..endation to fill vacanciea on the Coa.tal Ar.a Planning
Commi..ioner Ha..e reque.ted that eppointment of an alternate to
the CAPC be delayed but said that the appointment of the current
alternate to full membership could be done.
A di.cu.sion wal held regarding the confu.ion related to the two
planning commi..ion. with Commis.ioner pistor luggelting that only one
planning commis.ion ia nece.lary.
128 ~.co.mendation for appointment to the Park. and Recreation Advi.ory
Commi.aioner Pi.tor noted that thi. matter wal di.cu.led at the
Park. and Recreation Advi.ory Board meeting and the membera recommend
appointment of Mr. Burton from Marco I.land.
12C Recom..ndation for Road Impact Advisory Board
Commil.ioner VOSI recommended that a Road Impact Advi.ory Board be
appointed con.i.ting of Don Barber. Don Pickworth, Arvid John.on. Tom
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December 3, 1984
Peek, Tom Kuck. Neil Dorrill, Charlotte Weatman, John Be.bee and
Clifford Bark.dale.
Commis.ioner vo.. .tated that this Advisory Board .hould b.
charged with providing a mean. by which roads can be built in Collier
County and that the BCC should not tell the Advi.ory Board what to do.
12D Di.cussion of Board ..eting .chedul.
County Mana~er Lu.k .aid he would like to e.tablish that the Board
~eeting. be held on the l.t and 3rd Tue.days with the workshop. on the
2nd and 4th Thur.days beginning after January 1, 1985. He .aid the..
would Þegin at 9100 A.M.
16C(1) Recommendation for reappoint.ent to Water Manage.ent Advi.ory Board
Administrative Aide Underwood explained that Mr. Mitchell had
.ubmitted a letter .tating hi. preference to remain on the WMAB in
April 19B4. however, the letter never reached the Board office. She
.aid the recommendation is to have Mr. Mitchell remain on this board.
'2 Recon.ideration of Petition R-94-13, Michael Volpe
After extenaive discussion. the deciaion waa made that Mr. Volpe
Could petition for time waiver for Pet. R-84-13 since, according to the
current ordinance. he could not have reconsideration of the matter due
to the fact that both Staff and CAPC recommended denial.
.3 Discu..ion re redesign of County Seal
Commi.sioner Voss .uggested that a conte.t be held among the local
high school art classes for a new County seal to replace the turkey.
Asaistant County Manager Dorrill said that current "turkey memora-
bilia represents approximately $l.l49.30. He said the largest item
that would need changing i. the .eal the Clerk's Office use. for
Di.cu.aion re Engineer of Record
Commissioner vo.s said that he, Mr. Kuck and John Boldt visited
the area affected by flooding near Lakewood and he suggested that an
Engineer of Record might be hired to handle .mall job..
County Manager Lusk agreed there was monetary merit to thi.
As.i.tant County Attorney Ander.on said that there would .till
need to be competitive bidding for large projects.
Diacus.ion re Budget Office under County Manager'. Control
County Manager Lusk referred to the Clerk'. auggestion that the
budget be handled by the County Manager. He said this ia a viable
idea. however, thought would have to be given a. to how to do this.
All the Commissionera agreed there i. lack of budget infor~ation
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for the Board at thi. ti~e and the problem need. to b. .olv.d. Mr.
Lu.1e .aid that. h. a9u.d with the idea but. not if the Cler1c would k..p ¡.
the lIon.y now allocat.d for thil '..rvic. and thil proble. had to b.;::r~.£i{'
.ddr....d, line. the IIOn.y ha. to COli. fro. .0meWher.. H. .dd he ·}iI!:';·{tfJ;;'~,
wanU to vhit pin.Uu County to ... what that operation con.hU of,'""
noting th.r. ar. curr.ntly .ev.n m.mb.r. in that budq~t offic. handl.d.
by the County Mana9.r.
Commia.ioner HOlland .aid h. had a concern r.9arding the Sh.riff'.
Depart~.nt reque.t for additional money .inc. the recent allocat.ion wa.
given to t.he Count.y Att.orney'a office wit.h little or no di.cua.ion.
Mr. LUS~ agreed t.hat more di.cu.sion on that. it... .hould have t.alc.n
. . .
Th.r. b.ing no further bu.in.., the .e.ting wa. adjourned by Ord.r
of the Chair - Till., ll.45 A.M.
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