BCC Minutes 12/17/1984 W
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;'[~P.~Jí~illO~ u..d prlaarl1y for .tor.9' ~C::~~~1;~'t:9~: l....ð.
",., ..~ .tV ... f '. t. I .' ~ I j .,.' ' ".' . ' .
. ...~ (2) t" hU UOft R-U-UCr ...rk t.a.ounux, npnunUn9 Do..nlo'
~¥i¥1':' ..,~" Oadaleu, requut. n, nunln, fro. A-2 t.o Mr-6 for 10.7
,~,,;"t' 'aou. locat.ed 0.. tbe ....t. aide of Old U." 41, .outh of
" \ ',. ;. .'f.. t.he IA./Colll.r County Line, '.17. 10, T488, R251
"".r;;~~',i~ Planner Þ.nn Mc:Ki. ..id thi. proj.ct h on the colli.r County Un.
¡¡.-:f~ .nlS 1. . COllplnion to the n.xt it.1II on the Ig.nd., .. both propertiel
1~~ 'ar. own.d by the .am. porion. She indicat.d the po.iti~n of thil
'fill, property on . aap .nd ..id that the p.titioner i. r.quutinq RMr-6
\i> aonin9 .nd th.t the CApe r.comm.nded approval lubj.ct to Suff Itipula-
:-'.,' tion.. .
A di.cu..ion follow.d r.garding central wat.r and ..w.r ..rvic..
and ~I. KcKl. laid th.t the d.v.lop.r will tl. into the curr.nt wat.r
.y.tI. by .xtendlng the Wlnr lin. and will provide . plckag. trutllent
plant. AI.i.t.nt County Manag.r Dorril1 point.d out that th.r. ar. no
.xl.lting fore. ..in.. Mr.. McKim oxpl.in.d th.t the p.tltion.r had to
.gr.. to the c.ntr.l w.t.r and ..w.r ..rvic.. in ord.r to r.c.iv. the
n.c....ry point. on the Compr.h.n.lv. PI.n. R..ponding to Comllli..ion.r
H...., Mrl. McKi. .aid that the propo..d pack.g. plant will ..rv. this
proj.ct and the on. d..crib.d in the n.xt itlm. '
,...C]) Petition R-14-27C, Kark La.our.ux, r.pr...nting Do..nlc
a.dal.t., r.qu..tlng r'lonlng fro. A-2 to C-2 for 1.B acr'l
loc.t.d on the we.t lid. of Old U.S. 41, jUlt .outh of the
Le./Colli.r County Lin., S.C. 10, T49S, R251
Plann.r Ann McKim .xplain.d the original reque.t w.. for 2 acce..
point., how.v.r, Staff and thl C^PC rocommendld that the proj.ct b.
11111ted to 1 acce.. point. Re.pondlng to Commi..ioner II...., Mr..
~Ki. laid that thl &oning for the adjaclnt property In Lee County i.
for. r..ld.ntlal dlvelopmlnt that i. in the proce.. of being dev.l-
oped, c.ll.d Sp.ni.h Wells. She said that Staff h~a notified Le.
County planning Dtpar t.m.nt of this reque.t.
p.tltlon R-'4-46C, Coa.tal Engin..rln9 Con.ull.nt., Inc.,
r.pr...nting Dudl.y Goodl.tt. , Jo..ph 80nn..., r.qu..tlng
r'loning fro. A-2 to PUD known .. Loch Loui.., loc.t.d ...t
of King. Lak. on Davl. 81vd. in S.C. 7, T50S, R261
Pl.nn~r ^nn McKim wxplained thla patition rec~lvcd a waiver of
tim. limit. She Bald that the petitioner cama in with a requ..t tor
330 unit. after ori~inally roquo.tin9 40U unitl. 5ne .aid thbt Staff
h.. r.comm.nd.d 223 unit. .. being compatibl. with thl adjacent proper-
ti... She ..id this would be approximately 6 unit. per acre. County.
Manag.r Lu.k not.d that th~ r.que.t.d 330 unit. WQuld be 10 unit. p.r
Icr.. '
COIIDI..ion.r Vo.. Qxpre...d hi. concurn ov.r the depth of thl
.xcavatlon .nd h. a.k.d wheth.r the petltion.r could continue to
.xcavot., if the potition i. dtlni.d? Public I'IOrks Admlni.trator !tuck
.aid h. did not think this WQuld b. po..ibl., adding that the p.tltion-
.r would have t~ go back bafore the WKAB for further oxcav.tion. K.
..id h. would look Into the ori91nal excav.tion permit to .1. if thlre
w.r. any .tipulation. involvcd at the time it WI' i..u~d.
R..ponding to Commi.sioner Pi.tor, Mr.. ~cKim .aid that the sln91.
feal1y units will b. locðt.d on th. ealt .Id. of the d.v.lopmtnt, and
.h. indic.ted th.ir 10c4tlon on . m.p.
Commllsionlr Vosa augge.t.d If the petition i. approvod that
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violation, aft.r which furth.r action can b. tak.n .ithur through the
Stat.'a'Attorn.y' Offic. or a citation, if it i. . zoning violation.
. ' Mr. Lu.k laid that thil will b. a p.rmanent arrangem.nt for zoning
Enforc.lI.nt Offlcerl working on Sat.urdayl. lie Ilia, in a few daYI,
~hat the ace will r.c.iv. a neW organizational chart of the Zoning
Departm.nt, Idding that the Enforcem.nt Offic.r. have be.n put into the
Building Deplrtm.nt under Building Dlr.ctor Woodcock. H. laid the
t.chnical ..ction of Zoning ha. bo.n put into the Planning Depðrtm.nt
and thl. .hould b. . more effici.nt arrangement. He said that by
putting the Enforc.m.nt Officerl In the Building Department they ar. In
. d.partm.nt lIor. in tun. with enforc.ment.
Commi..ion.r Holland .tatod for the record that in the pa.t it has
b..n Itrongly Iwqge.ted that people work on the w..k.nd. and this wa.
tr1.d and .topp.d without any r.ason being given to the Commislion.r.,
adding thi. 1. not the first example of someone working on Saturday',
H. laid. it wa. supposo!d to b. don. on an alternating basis for quite
some tlm.. Mr. Virtð agre.d that this has bean don. on an intermittent
balil, but this will now b. a part of the r.gular enforc.m.nt .ffort.
Addition of dlscu..lon r. -'or S.l.- lignl on v.hlc1.. on
public prop.rty and rlghts-of-w.y
Comml..ion.r Vo.s asked If it i. against the law to have a "For
Sal.- lign on a car park.d òn County property, and County Attorney
Saund.r. .aid th.r. i. no ordlnance in Collier County or the City of
Napl'l again.t il, at the pr"llInt time. H. sl\ld thðt "No Parking"
.ign. could b. put up in th.se location..
Rosponding to Commlsslon.r Holland, Mr. Saunders .aid an ordinanc.
could b. written, howev.r, public notic. would hdve to b. provided.
Mr. Saunders laid that limited parking for two or .ight hours, for
.xampl., can b. mandat.d ðG anoth"r resolution, however, a p.rson
cannot be ticketed m.r.ly bucau~e h~ has a "for Sal." .Ign in his car
and h. i. parked in a parking lot. Mr. Saunders said that the issue is
not wh.th.r a p.rson has a "for Sale" sign on his cðr bUl rather
wheth.r or not a car can be ticket.d for being parked in a right-of-
way, adding that unl.ss it Is a mark.d right-of !way, a car cannot b.
tick.t.d. H. said an abandoned v.hicle can be towed aWDY after t.n
d. ys.
During the discu.slon that followed, Commisslon.r Hass. exprel.ed
hil conc.rn thðt something should b. don. about prohibiting cars for
sll. on public proper~y and he pointed out thero have be.n three or
four car., .t time., with "For Sale" signs on them in the parking lot
of the Cold.n Cat. Community C.nter.
Commis.ioner Holland stated it wa. his belief that the City of
Napl.. did have an ordinance prohibiting .uch parking and Mr. Saunderl
.aid h. would check the matter again.
Community Dev.lopm.nt Administrator Virta r.port.d th.t In those
plac.. wh.r. it is not properly zoned, sucH as the corner of Gold.n
Cat. Parkway and C. R. 951 and across from the Gold.n Cete Community
C.nt.r, hi. departm.nt does tag cars with a whlte tag which h.. b.en
Commis.ioner Holland .ald that the only way to stop the problem is
to have .n ordinanc. where there is towing authority and h. added that
the Automobil. D.alers Association is willing to work with the County
in any wat lh.y can. HI s.id h. hal rec.iv.d s.v.ral calls from
diff.r.nt d.al.rl who art quit. concerned about the problem.
Commi'llon.r Vos. said there was m.rit in having a four hour time
li.it in the .r.as discussed. Mr. Saunders said he would do more
r....rch r.qardlng parking in rights-of-way.
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Decemb.r 17, 1984
~,~ ,UILIC WOR~8
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?"'\ I.C. (1) Petition AV-84-02], Brun. and Brun. .. ag.nt. for the
~>" pet.lt.lonor, requ..t1n9 vacctlon ot the t.n toot utility
.a....nt. on Lot Mo. 1, Lely Country Club, Tlabtrcr..k
Pha.. I to allow con.tructlon of aultl-fa.l1y unit.
Public WOrk. Admini.trator Kuck explained this i. a r.que.t to
approve a vacation which will allow construction of multi-family unit.
ov.r the platt.d .a..m.nt.. H. ..id thAt the petitioner hal provid.d
the Utility Divi.ion with r.plac.m.nt of easements and Staff r.comm.nds
.pproval of thi. it.m.
l'.A.CI) R.c~nd.tlon to award Bid 1766, ..dian landscapin9 and
lrrlqation on Marco Island
Public Work. Admini.trator Kuck laid this item is to award ·
contract for median Illndlcaping and irrigation on I'IIrco, I.land. H.
maid that bid. ....re received on 11/14/84, and Staff recommend. the bid
b. award.d to the third low bidder I. ~..ponding to Commlllioner Vos.,
Mr. J<uck .aid that the low bIdder, Ultimate [.andlcaping, is curr.ntly
und.r contract for the maIntenance of the medians of Marco Iltand and
th.r. ha. been dissati.faction raised regarding their work. He .aid
that the ~.rco I.land beautification Cnmmitt.e i. In the proc.., of
recommending that their contract be terminated, th~refor., Staff do,'
not f..l jUltifled in recommending this company for the project under
County Attorney b~und'r. askeò Mr. Kuck If he ~hecked into the
complaint. regarding this firm, and Mr. Kuck laid that the County il
admini.t.ring the present contract for Ultimate Land.caplng and that
Staff ha. b..n unsatisfied as well al working with the Marco Illand
B.autification Committe". complaints against the quality of work done
by the company.
Mr. Kuck .aid that the other (Irm, Plantation Landscaping, was
a.k.d to ..nd Staff letters of recommendation and two letter. were
received, one trom a bapti.t Church and one from 8oran, Craig and
Schreck, both of which expressed dl..atlsfactlon with tn. company'.
work. He said that the Marco Island Beautification Committee on
12/4/84, voted to by-p~ss Plantðtion LAndscaping and aWArd the bid to
Stahlman' Stahlman Lanoscaplng.
k..ponrling to Commissioner ~asse, ~r. Kuck said that these situa-
tion. a~. handl.d by a special taxing diltrict and that hi. department
r.celve. the bid. tnrouqh the logineering Ue~Artment.
Commls.ionor Has.. said he was under the i~pression that the
~uot.s the Bea~:I!icatlon Committee rec~ived ~r~ considerably lower
tnan when the job ~om~s into the County and he asked If this was
pOlsibl~. Mr. Kuck saio It WdS possible when bids are taken through a
gov.rnment agency tha. a little more may bo Ipent because additional
r.d tape i. involved wh~~ a performance bond is required, for instance.
Comr.iISlon.r Has.e laid he was talking about a trem.ndou. amount and
Mr. Kuck requested that Commissioner Has.~ obtain the specific. of
instlnc.. to which he referred beC4Ule Staff Is interested anytime
.on.y can b. .av.d, and Commissioner Ha.se agreed.
.....iltant County M4nager Dorrlll p~intcd Qut, for the rocord, that
the bId by Plantation Lnndlcaping app.ar. to bo d.ficient In it.m.
involving an omil.ion or appar.nt non-bid on traffic control, an
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Dec.mb.r 17, 1984
~~"aðdltlonll p.~ ~nlt prlc. for tree r.mov.l, no indication that time
:,,,concernl can b. ..t and no indication that the company would Ilgn off
'~f.,.;" h~v'nq uc.lv,.d. an add.nda that wu lubmitted after the original bld
~,.. ,.w.nt, c¡b\."
i:,':'~'.'" , '.Mr., Saunderl laid thil .am. pUllntatlon Ihould b. mad. at the
'",~. ugular Boud ..uting on 12/18/84, in the .vent the rlpru.ntativu of
~~" t.h. COllplny ar. th.r. Ind can r.lpond to th... mattlrl.
R.co...ndation to acc.pt a qult-clal. d..d and conltruction
..curit.y for'th. ro.d rI9ht-of-way of Rldg.wood Driv. (Iouth
of p.llcan Bay Boul.vard) and Laur.l Oak Drlv. locat.d In
p.rc.l -B-, p.llcln Bay Unit On.
Th.r. W4' no disculsion regarding this item.
1. Four-Laning of I.aqat. Drlv. froa w..t Boul.vard to Crayton Road
Public Work. Administrator Kuck Ihowed a map and providdd an
update on the progrlsl of four-laning ~.agato Drive adjacent to p.llcan
Bay Boulevard. II. luted that on 2/9182, the ðCC approved, by ruolu-
tlon, four-laning Slagat. Orive from U.S. 41 wIst.rly blyond w..t
Boulevard and approved thl connection of Wlst Boullvlrd to Slagatl
Driv.. U" uid that. polican Bay would likl to contlnu. th" four-laning
to . point ju.t WISt of Crayton Road, not connecting Crayton Road to
p.lican eay, b~t there would bo a connection of Crayton R~ad to the
louth. H. Ilid that Crayton Road and p.lican Bay Boulevard pr..lntly
t.rminate with a cuI-de-sac anó thl right-of-way has been res.rv.d to
makl the connection in the future. Ho laid thll connoctlon cannot b.
.adl without Uoard approval.
Mr. Kuck laid thil has blon a controvorsial issue and he requIsted
p.rmillion to allow Pelican ~ay to do the four-lanlng to whele the
future hot.l would be and make the connection there and at the County
plrklng lot, when It II constructld. lie laid that th.re has been ·
Itipulation by the area Civic A'lociations and thl City of Naplo. that
the County delign the int.rl.ction 10 that any salt-bound traffic on
a.agat. Drive be prohibited from making a right hand or south turn down
Crayton Road.
Mr. Kuck laid that if the east bound traffic il prohibited from
turning, the traffic from the 5lagat. Subdivi.ion would be forcld in ·
dirlction to which thl relidentl art OPPoled. H. laid an alt.rnltive
I. to r.locat. SlagAte Koad and make a connlction straight at .ith.r of
two locations h. indicated on the map.
Mr. Kuck .xplained that onl tract of land involvld is own.d by Mr.
John Pulling and in order to make thl conn.ction h. would havI to giv.
the County the right-of-way or the land would have to b. condemn.d.
Mr. Kuck laid h. ~et with Mr. pulling who indicated he would b. willing
to provide the right-of-way and that h. also indicated h. ~ight b.
willin9 to provide another .a.em.nt, so that a conn.ctlon could b. mad.
at Gulf Shore Boulevard and S.agat. Drive. He indicat.d the ar.al on
the lIap ~h.r. the City of Napl'l do.' not favor a connüction.
, Cpmmi.sion.r Voss .aid that if no right turn onto Crayton Road Is
going to be required, coming from the welt, the problem of the people
Involv.d not b.ing able to exit has- to be addrlll.d. H. sugg.st.d that
the whole probl.m .hould b. resolvod at once, .nd Mr. Kuck .aid that
the only realon that the County may b. int.re.t.d in allowing the
four-laning al rlquelt.d is if a Itipulation was placod that bafor. a
right-of-way p.rmlt for the hot.l to conn.ct II approv.d that all the
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'probh.. would hlv. to b. ruolv.d. H. laid there .u COlt uvlng. to
~e.~inghoul' Communltl'l if th.y can conltruct the Itrip In on. unit
,''Venu. .h."ing to do the work in two contrlctl. ~ dllcullion conUnu.d
r.gardlng the traffic conq.ltion by an ar.. church at timea and Mr.
~uckflndlclt.d the location of . plann.d m.di.n br.ak th.t would h.lp
,..Uevtau the, aitultlon. '
·~~w'Mr. Kuck .Ik.d for Idvic. r.gardlng wh.th.r the CountYlhould b.
~10Okln9 tow.rd the hot.l own.rl to p.y a proportion.t. Ih.r. of the
:f..coat for the r.quir.d work.
,;'Y : Mr. Kuck IIld thil Ntter will b. dl.cuI..d further at a January
\.Io.rd ...tlng.
~t 2. Dhculllon of Grunw.y Ro.d
; ,~,' ~
Dec.mb.r 17, 1984
Public Workl Admlni.tr.tor Kuck r.mlnd.d the Comml..ion.rl th.t on
10/27/84, . pr.limln.ry ......m.nt h..ring wa. h.ld for Gr..nway Road
.nd, at th.t tille, . few citiz.nl involv.d in that di.trict a.ked if
10.. of the l.nd. out.id. of tho dløtrict could b. includ.d. H. laid
that Staff inv..tlyat.d thll and letter. w.r. wrltt.n to landown.ra who
would hlv, to provide cal.mont. to the oth.r land. .nd th.y w.r.
unwilling to giv. the Còunty the n.cellary ealementl. He .aid Staff
Int.nd. to bring thi. proj.ct back to the tlcard, unchanq.d, .nd h.
aUCJ9.lted that a poI.ibl. Itipulation could b. placed on the district
approval that if any lands out.ide the diltrict .v.r apply for a
rlght-of-w.y permit to conn.ct to Gr,unway ko.d th.t p.rlon would h.v.
to p.y hi. fair Ihar..
Mr. Kuck .how.d a m.p .nd indic~t.d the location of Gr..nway Road
.nd delcrib.d wh.r. the impr~vementl are planned.
County Attorn.y Saund.ra laid he dló not know of any m.chanilm
that could b. u..d.to brinq aomeone into the dlatrict aft.r It ha. b..n
.I.....d and the notic.a have been lent out.
13.. Adoption of I r.aolution luthorizing the Chalr.an to Ipprov.
I polley atlt.a.nt for the ia.uanc. of aln91. fl.lly aort-
919' aublldy bonds by Colll.r County BoUling rinanc.
Authority in 1985
Attorn.y Donald rlckworth, repre..nting the Colli.r Coun-:.y Hnullng
'in.nc. Authority, explained hil r.que.t for approval of a r.,olution
r. adoF'tion of a Policy ~tat.ment required by the T.x kufornl Act of
1984. H. .xplain.d that one of the new requirementl Is that every
illuing authority must, prior to Janu~ry 1905, 'do~t luch a Policy
8tlt.lI.nt r.g.rdlng providing houling asalltence und.r bond proqrama .
and transmit the policy to the ~Qcr.tary of th. Tr.asury to be r.c.ived
on or b.for. January 1, 1905. H. laid the procedural requirem.ntl ar.
th.t . public hearin9 must be h.ld and the rvport mUlt be approved and
tranlmltt.d by the County Commllsion. H. laid tnat the 80nd coun..l
hll adviled that the Commilsion doe I not have to hold. public h.aring,
ho....v.r, I public he.ring mU.t b. h.ld by .ither the Commilsion or the
Houllng Authority, but the Commislion must approve the Policy Stat.-
..nt. H. I.id th.r. '01.. not lufficient time to .dv.rti.. for. public
h..ring to b. h.ld b.fore the Board, th.r.for., the Houllng Flnanc.
Authority h.1 Ich.dul!lr.! a public huring for 12/21/84. ne pointed out
th.t in ord.r to obtain Board approval a draft of,th. Policy Stat.ment
hll b..n .ad. and the r.qu..t i. for the Commll.ion.rl to conllder it,
approve It .nd transmit it to the Housing Finance Authority. H. laid
if the Authority allo .doptl the Policy ~t.t.ment th.n the Ch.irman of
Pag. 8
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~I';~~~~"ÎCC would b. authodud to tranl'mlt It t~~:b:~c;~~a~~B~f the .
o/Tr~~..ury." . ' ,; , " .
.,i~t;;¿Mr. plckworthllld that the Policy staUlunt ....nti4l1y .tltu
i.(t. hat'th. Houa1n9 Author. i ty will follow the r.qul rem.ntl of low u9ard-
..in9 J.nco.. U.iutionl and 1I.x1l1ua purchal' pric., for inlt.nc.. .
~;f"~9~~~~all:I,~,I.~ontr VO" uld thl. itelll w1ll b. on the 12/18/84 BCe
,,¡.,v, _'.~ J.... ': .
}ø<" ,uat.tC URVICES
'.,...... ."
J" 10.C.Cl) R.co...ndatlon to ..t.bll.h a f.. .ch.dul., adv.rtl..
.~.' : hlrln9 of Staff to op.rat. the I.curlty booth at the p.llcan
~. ..Y p.rkln9 lot .nd luthorlz. n.c....ry fundi to operate
~ ..id f.cility
R.iponcling to Commlssion.r Voss, Public Servic.s ~mlnistrator
Norton .xplaln.d th.t If a car r.maina in the Pelican Bay parkin9 lot
.ft.r It ClOI.I, proviaion ha. bo.n mad. In the axlt gat. .0 that the
p.non can op.utl It frolll the inaide. Itl uid that rut atationl will
.v.ntu.lly b. provld.d. HI aaid that a perlon who walka to the park
viii not have to pay any f4..
Commia.loner Holland.ald he could not jUltify thl cost of a
p.rlon on duty at the lecurity booth, addlng it has b.en tried in the
City of Naph' and it did not IoK'Irk out. It. auqge.ted gates that could
b. op.rated with coin., to which Mr. Norton .xplain.d that arrangem.nt
il extr.m.1y .xp.nlive and it wal St.ff's fÐeling that having a p.rlon
at the parking lot would m5ke it c5sler to polic. the area. He laid
the propolal i. for one and one-half parsona for .even aealonal monthl
and during the five off-I.ason months the facility would b. open to the
public, fr.. of charq" Ha laid the persona would ,b. t.mporary person-
n.l and that h. hal inv.,tigat.d JTPA for ..lary funding.
Commiaaion.r Piator auqg.lt.d thDt Mr. Norton inv"tigat. the
Pr09ram for the Elderly to ataff the t.~porary position..
.000-ACl1InA ITEMS
Statua r.port conc.rning Conmunlty Parka Progra.
Public WOrk. ^dmini.trator Norton r.f.rred to the parks update
r.port .ubmitt.d by Parkl Director VðnattD. The Commilllon.rl comp1L-
..nt.d Mr. Van.tta on the report. Yor. Norton explained that the dollar
figur.. in the introductory art not the lam. a. thol. that appear In
Attachølent 1, pr.par.d by FLlcal Officer CUe I. H. uid that the
offlci.l fIgur.. are thoa. calculated by Mr. Giles, a1thouqh th.r. II
not a l.rg. yarianc.. H. .xplained .om. of the funda list.d and
point.d out that the .mount al1ocat.d for the Gold.n Gate Park includol
$20,000 that wal donated by the prop.rty owner. for UI. In that park
alone .
Addition of dl.cu.aion r. the WIC Proqraa In I..okal..
Comlllillion.r Coodni9ht laid that Mr. Rog.r Evans cam' to a.. h.r
rec.ntly r.garding the "'om.n, Infant. and Children program (WIC) in
Imøokal.. which haa run out of Ipac. at the H.a1th Clinic in Immokal'"
Sh. laid h. il r.qu..ting p.rmll.ion to inltall a doub1.-wid. trail.r
on that prop.rty to .ll.viat. the .itu.tion. She .aid that Mr. Evanl
1. r.qu.lting the County pay the initial cost of in.ta11ing the trol1.r
.nd the WIC prog~am will pay the County und.r 0 1.... arrang.m.nt.
Commlllion~r H.,.e alk.d If th.re would b. any available trailer.
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"itter the Ju.tic. Cenur £lcpanllon haa bun complet.d, to which ....118-
,cant County Mðnlg.r Dorrl11 .aid th.r. art four. countr Manag.r LUlk
,lUted that there have bun many ,requuU for tho.. tra leu and line.
: hi County will b. r.i_burled for thll trail.r, h. recommend.d approval
t the r.quut. . " "" . .
",~.~f'" Kr, evan. explaln.d the proposal requutinCJ adminiatutiv. nd.-
t.nce from Colli.r County to st.rt the n..dad .xp.nllon of the WIC
;Lf.cllltl... tI. uid thH fund. ar. Ivailable to pay for the rental
'<JI!..,'bhd'r the Federal WIC program. /'Ir. Norton .xplalned thlt the arrang.-
'~II"',;' ..nt '-'Quid b. on a lIonthly ba.il of $610.00 per month.
"r:', .., /'Ir. Evan. ..id that the or iginal intent w.. for .om. admlniatra-
¡.t., tlve assistanc. on the County'. part to ent.r into the lealt, to pay
, the .onthly 1.... paym.nt and have the WIC Program r.imburl. the
County. H. emphalized thi. i. .trictly a lea.. operation and th.r. wal
no int.nt to purchal. the tr.ll.r. H. oxplained the probl.ml with HRS
bur.aucracy which mak.s it difficult for the WIC Program to op.rate on
It. own in obtaining thi. ne.d.d trail.r.
Commll.lon.r VOSI said thil item will b. on the BCC agenda on
12/1e/84 for furth.r consideration.
C.cemb.r 17, 1984
Addition of r.qu..t for puap.r truck for OChope. rlr. Control
Di.trict tor a tutur. acc ...tinCJ
Public horkl ~mlnistrator Norton explained. r.quelt for. pump.r
truck for the OChope. Fire Control District at a cost of $92,000. H.
.aid that Em.rg.ncy One from Oc.la, Florida, c.n provide the type of
v.hicl. th.t Is necel..ry for the most competitive prlc, for the n..d.d
A..istant County Man,ger Dorrill laid th.t the r.que.t will b.
..d. at the BCC meeting on l2/1H/84, due to the problems of chas.is
availability at the manufacturer, and Staff needs to be able to author-
lz. the l.aling company to lend the County the l.aling forms.
Mr. Norton .aid that it takes 90 day. to obtain the chal.il and if
on. il not order.d loon, it will take a much long.r time to acquir. the
County Attorn.y Slunder. .aid th.re i. a policy that r.quir"
comp.tltlve bidding and Staff Ihould .,k th.t this policy be walv.d.
Kr. Norton said tnat Staff is l~okinq at Emergency One as , 101.
lource, which he has .tated In the Executiv. Summ.ry.
Mr. Dorrlll laid that this ha. been done In the past with this
IIInufacturer, and h. .aid that there I. II non-appr~priatlon claul' In,
the leale term that indicatel that for any reason If the Ochope. fir.
District cealOI to exilt or levies a t~x that would meet the leale
r.quirements, the BCC would In no WilY be obllg.tud to make the l.al.
paym.ntl for the pumper.
County Manqaqer Lusk expressed his conc.rn about the .ole lourc.
Indícatlon, lincv . Fire Chief can write Ipecificatlonl that would
.and.te a lole .ourc. .ltuatlon.
Mr. Norton .ald ho '-'Quld prepare the n.c'I.~ry justification for
the 101. source indication for the dCC meeting.
l'.I.Cl) R.co...ndatlon to .cc.pt the water f.cllitl.. within
the right.-of-way of Manat.. Road .nd within the Utility
Ea....nt of Rlv.rwood 1.lt Subdlvi.lon
Utilitlul Administrator Crandall .xpl.ined this I. a request for
acc.ptance of A 6 inch wðt.r mAin for which the Utilities Divi.lon ha.
Pig' 10
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Decemb.r 17, 19B4
Ther. W'I no dilcullion reqarding thll Item.
R.co...nð.tlon to eccert the on-.lt. .ew.r .nd off-.lt.
end on-.lte vat.r facl ltl.. con.tructed to I.rv. the Mapl..
R.tlr...nt C.nt.r
Mr. John Mad.j.w.ki. Utllltl.1 Engin..ring Director, explaln.d
thll proj.ct front. on U. S 41 .aat of the .ntranc. to t.oly Eautes.
Th.r. WI' no diacusslon on thl. it.m.
11.1.(3) R.co...nd.tlon to approve .n .gr....nt betw..n Delton.
Utll1tl.., Marco Shop. As.ocl.t.., Ltd. CShopl of Marco) Inð
Marco Wat.r and s.w.r Di.trlct to provld. ..w.r ..rvic..
Mr. John MðdAjdW.ki, Utilitl.. lngineering Director, .xplained
that O.ltona Utiliti~1 has ~ force main that runs down C.R. 92 from
Unit 15 on the way to Goodland.
Addition of r. ort on the Marco Illand Ph... II s.w.r Pro rl.
Aa.istant County Manager Dorrill laid he ask.d Mr. Crandall to
r.port on the Marco Island Phale II Sewer Program.
Utiliti.. Admlniltrator Crandall .xplained this is a gr.vity .ewer
Iyst.m and treatment effluent irrigation Iystem for the area. He
r.f.rred to reportl by Mr. Irving B.rzon which wert made wh.n he wa.
consultant to the County. tld laid ttlat Mr. Borzon referred to A 3.8 to
4 ~Illion gallon per day at bulld-~ut for irrigation demand in the area
and the lew.r plant II designed to be 2-1/2 million qallons per day.
H. I.id that raw water will be required to be added to the .owage
.ffluent at build-out. He said this Is balud on tho premise that the
County will be alselllng property ownerl for the facility. He .aid h.
agr..d that the coll.ctlon syst,m is an aSloøsment program, how.ver,
hil p.rlonal feeling r.garding the irrigation SYltem is that it Is not
. d.finite need in the dyes of the Stat.. He said that assossm.nt
procedur.s are .Itablish.d for potable drinking water and sewage
Mr. Crandall said h. wanted to get the Commlslioners' feelings of
wh.ther Chapter 153.52, No.7, F.S. wh:ch states "alleslibl. improve-
..nt. for the collection, treatment And disposal of sewage al well al
oth.r It.ms· can be interpr.ted to mean the County can As.ell p.opl.
for the dilposal of sewage.
County Attorney Saund.r. sAid he would meet with Mr. Crandall and
di.cu.. what the Florida Statues ItAt. on thi. matter.
Mr. Crandall laid that the alseslment would be approximately
$2,000 p.r 100 foot frontago prop.rty. Commissioner pistor pointed out
that prlc. includes building the .dditional treatment facility and Mr.
Crandall laid th.re II a on.-tim. charge for tr..tment, one-tlm. charga
for .torag. and on.-time aøseslm.nt per front foot figured Into the
lII.thod of a.,essment.
Mr. Madajewlki delcribed the Ipray Irrigation system that I.
propoI.d to serv. the one exl.ting ar.a that the Marco Water s.w.r
Oiltrict il serving plua the three new added areas, off Barfi.ld Road,
. portion off the b.ach Ind Marco Highlandl. H. said tha s.w.r 111'1'1
ar. In the ar.al curr.ntly b.ing I.rved and the ~n.tallation of the
irrigation lines will hay. to disrupt tho.o lin.s. He .aid in the
S.cond Phal. the irrigJtion lin.a will go in when the sew.r Iln.. ara
In.tlll.d which wiil hold down the COlt. H. said there ar. 722 parc.ll
in the Fir.t Phase thAt could b. provided with ..wag. effluent and
Ipproximat.ly 59\ of those properti.. ar. actually conn.cted to the
~OOK 085,.r.r 11
P3g. 11
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1(..~F·.,OIC 08~'A..t 12 Dec.mber 17, 1984
{~~~~.. or about 300 linql. fa.lli... , " ";~4
;,~,:; I'\r. Mld.j,wlki uid thor. art approximately 41t of the ainc¡lt' ,',
'fa.lly loti in the Second Ph... that u. conn.ct.d and In Marco '
HIC¡hlandl,th.r. II a commercial I.ctlon which i. approximat.ly 75"
,,'develop.d containinq lG, comm.rclal lit.., two full .cale prop.rti.1 .t.o'
, '...~:.b.'.d.v.10pitd Ind I lubdlvllion with 25 foot wide parc.ll which would
~;~ r.quir. two of, th.. on which to build for a total of 8 mort unit I.' ø.
~~'".aid thlt the actual ..waq. golnq to thi. aroa would b. limlt.d b.c.uI.
~H~ IIOlt of the property 11 tak.n up in building and parkinc¡ loti. HI uid
)!i&., that approx1l\1at.ly 50' of the conn.ct.d available property would b.
¡:¡'t\"\' ..rv.d at the out..t. . .
~f,¢F Mr. crlndaU laid It would b. worthwhile for Stiff to c¡o door-to·'
¡',~c" door and I" how lIuch Inter.at th.r. il in thlt au..
, , Comml..ion.r Pi.tor laid that D.ltona corporation 11 al80 t.lklnc¡
about hlvinc¡ to incua.. the li%l of theJr potable water tuatment
plant b.cauI. of the .mount of wat.r they anticipate uling, 50' of
which th.y anticlpat. u.ing for irrigatJon. He .aid if the County
proc..d. with thi. proqram Deltona may not have to increase th.lr
potlbl. wat.r tr..tment plant but they would put in an effluent tr.at-
m.nt plant, which would b.lanc. the lituation,
Commilllon.r Holland .aid thil would b. the id.al tlme for the
County to try and purcha.e the utility, .
Mr. Dorrill .øid that Staff intends to distribute an information.l
pamphl.t and a homeown.r .urvey door-to-door and, followlnc¡ the
compilation of the information, a public workshop with public input.
would b. h.ld on this lubject.
Di.cu..ion of Cia. pa.. Park ace...
County ...ttorney Saund.r. .xplalned that the trial on the County's
permit Ipplication for the boardwalk for Clam Paa. Park i. .ch.duled
for January 8 and 9, 1985 and con~olidat.d with that trial 11th.
p.titlon for the dock/boat/dock acc..s SYltem. He indicated the
politiona of both itema on a map and oxplained that as the development
of the boardwalk proqrelsed it became obvious that the County noeded to
~ provide a lifting mechanism to .liminat. navlqation as an iIIU.. H.
de.cribed the device which has been designed to allow lailboat owner.
to pr... a button and a .ection of the boardwalk will automatically
lift and allow passage of sailboats and that it will clole, automatic-
ally. H. .aid the cost would be between $35,000 to $40,000 to build
luch a device and the permit application neods to be modified to
provide for it. H. said h. w~nted to filo that permit application thl.
w..k, .ddlng that the urqency is that DER h~1 adviled the County th.y
intend to relcind the Int.nt To ISlue they provid.d to the County on
the boardwalk wnich ~uld mean ð re.liqnment ~f the parti.1 involv.d.'
H. laid that currently it il Seagate Homeownera Àlaociation v.r.us
Colli.r County and DEn and if DER revokes their Int~nt To Ilsue then
the alJqnment will be Collier County versua DER and Seagst. Homeown.rl
...I.oci.tion. H. laid he will r.quest permls.ion on 12/18/84 to file
the boardw.lk applic.tion with tho lifting mechanism.
Mr. Saunders saJd that the .econd item he will reque.t at the
12/18/84 BCC m.ot1n9 i. to change the courle of the boardwalk. H. aald
the homuown.r. have riparian ri9htl associated with living on the
wat.r, on. blin9 the ri9ht to unobstruct.d vJew. Ho aaid that the
curr.nt po.ition of the boardwðl~ will ob.truct the view of 10m. of the
homeownbrs. H. said he is going to r.qu..t permission to fill another
board~ðlk 6ppllcðti~n for the position roprelent.d by the grl.n lln. on
Page 12
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