BCC Minutes 12/18/1984 R ""''''''~'''''''"'''''''''.''.'.''--''''~'''''-''''-'~'---''''--","",,,,,",."'".."".-......__""__1...__*.,,_....___ ""If. ~ '1._._.,_..,_,.'''"''....''''........,..,.,...,....'".'''''.. ___1"._""""""'"""'''''''''''"'''''''''''''".'-''' _,;",,~,_,__.____,.,_.~,,~___ ~¡:' ~:~.. f"t;,. ~~. ·:·~,f).',·: :r." ~"~' December 10, 1984 ~~i.~ 'ì·.... IOD( 085,Ar.t 21 ~':':;:". 1·.1' j , ~~"'.'OItDI1WIC1 84-17 Itl 'ETITIOII R-U-47C, RICHARD' BAIlBAR-' DEVOE RE ".', ···,UIOIIII1O FROM RMr-6 TO C-4 rOR AUTOI'IOBILI STORACE AIID DISPLAY BIBUm ,~·.4J)JM)I.UICIt-cAJ)ILtAC - ADOPrlD SUBJECT TO STIPULATIOIIIS AIID PETITIOMIR'S IIMIN'!' ACCEPTED "'¡'-~":~"...." 1" :,.':'; ,. ~~,Le9.1 notice having b..n publllhed in thl Naplcl Daily HIWI on )iO."b~~:16, 15184, u evldlncld by o.f.fidavlt of Publication filed with r:ý:,·th. Clerk, public hur Inq wu oplnOd to conllder Petition R-84-47C, (v fllld by Richard' Barbara DIVOI raque.t!nq a rezonln9 from RMF-5 to ~'-,..~ . . C-4 for automobile .t~raqe and d!.play behind DoVOI ~uick-Cadillac .on the cornlr of Solana Hoad .nd Fr.nk Boulevard. Planner Ann McKim atated that the objective of thia petition II to provldl an area for Itor.ge of fleet and leale carl. She Indicated that Pltition R-84-3lC wa. d.nied by the bCe on October 23, 1904 and on November 6, 1984, the aec granted. time waiv~r to .llow the petition I to b.. relub..itted. She .lndic/lt.d that the petition was' resubmitted with a reviled .ite plan which .hows an incr....d width of the buffer alon9 the north .ide of the prop.rty .nd . fence along the north and welt lid.a of the property. 5h. noted that a .ix foot staggered wood tenc. will be placed in the lðndscðpeo buffer area which is 20 feet wid. on the .a.t and w..t sidea of the property and SO fe.t wid. on the north .id, which borders Morninqslde Subdivision. She report.d that Staff recommended ðpproval of tho original rezone and also r.commends approval of this petition .ubject to t~w stipulation~ outlineo in the Executive Summ.:lry dat.d Dec.mber 16, 19t 4. She .tated that thl C^PC held th.ir public h~arin~ on Docember 6, 1984, and tho d.velopvr of hnt Pinel Villa. romoved hia objection to the peti tion. !:ih. report.d that prop.rty owners to the nort~ appeðred at the heðring and submitt.d two petitions as described in the Executlvc Summary. She indicated th.t I.ven peoplo s~ok. oppo»inq the p~tltion which was ccntor.o around the devaluation of adjðc~nt prop.rtle., noise, glare, vandalism, and Inco~pðtibility with aojacent reslu~ntlul prop~rtlos. She lndic~ted that auring the CApe ,hearing thu PQtiti~ner agreed t~ staff's Itlpul.tions and the .adltlonal ctipulbtion t~ place a fence ðl~ng the ealt lide of the prop.rty as wull as tho north and west. She concluded by stating that tne C^PC rucommendeà 5-1 to forward Petition R-84-48C to the ~ard with the recomm.ndation ~t approval aubject to ataff'l Itipulati0ns and the /ldGitional stipulatl~n to lnclud~ II fence on the eaat .ide. Hr. 10m P"ek ot. ¡"illor., Miller', liarton, 5011' Peek, Inc., Itated P.ge 3 ~ r:::::J ~ :~,~~i~,~ :' '.,., --_._""'.,,~ ,...~.,.,,-_...,,"_..... ·r'x' . I"","',,·,,'··· ~...,'.' '., ~·r.. , , _".~.;'....~~ .."'f!'>1' .JI;; .r';;'·' ?r:, ~: ;.~! w'....,¡ ~.; .' -~~~.};. " ~:U~:¡,,·· Decembor 10, 1984 ?~;'·that th~Y are the project enqlntllrl, noting that the property is ~~:'lòcatod at the northw.lt corner of th'. intersection of' Frank noad and ~~í~.(. Solano Road. k. notod thH to the west o~ the project i. Bent. pine ';,"- VUh., to thl northeut ia Florida Power' Light Sub-station. He ;'~;;~ atated th.t the hnd is 1.S acrn and has be.n own,ed by Mr. Devoe a1nce the mid 70'.. He Itated that h. owna all the property from U.S. 41 to the old railroad trackl which ia now a part of Frank Road, and he is now requeltinq a rezonin9 for thil 1.6 acrea ....hich la iaolat"d from adjacent roadwaYI. He .tated that Mr. Cevoe wi.he. to utilize this for " parklnq lot for his dealership ~nc Is asking that this property be rezoned to C-4 with a specifi: ua. for ~ parking lot only. H. .tated that in the pre~loul hearings before CAPe an~ the BCC, prop~rty ownera Indlcat~d their concerns ov~r this project. He noted that there are four property owners that abutt this site and Mr. Devoe hau agreed to con.truct a wooden fence along the ealt lido of the property so that it would block the view nf the ploýosed vehicle storage area. He stated that the buffers would include ~ 20' wide buff~r along the east and the we.t and a 50' wide buffer along tha north. H~ not~o that this propertv i. devoio of any ve~etatlon other thðn sandspurs with the exception ot a b~nd approximately 30 fc~t wid~ ~crOS8 the north boundary where there are n~tive plants that will remain and there will be additional plantings added In that ar.a and along the we.t .ide and e..t lid, to create a landncapod buffer between the adjacent properties end the vehicle parking area. lie notod that Mr. Devoe ha. 111110 agreud to con.truct a six foot high staggered board wooden tence along the we.t, n~rth, ano ~1I8t prop~rty lines to further pruclude any viaual view through the area. lie reported that during the discussion with the . CAPe, it was luqgcstud that the fence be mov~d fr~m the ext~rior to the interior .0 that the landacaping could be viewed by the adjacent property ownerl and Mr. Devoe has agreed to this. He stated that thil would not c.use increaled traffic .s this i. a .torage facility and not an active parkin9 lot. He noted that other concerns lncluded vandalism, addln9 that this is not a valid statement as tho lot would have a fance around it (Oa ~ll as gatel. Iht Indicated another concern wa. 9lare from the light., noting that Mr. Devoe has put shields around the li9ht. that are located on the property. H~ reported that there wa. al.o a concern with devaluation of property, addin9 that he has a letter from Mr. IHchard P. :..bster, a real eatate appraiser, which, Indicate. that a change of zoning to commercial ....ould have ð minimal .. "'" .. . - lOOK 085 p~r,[ 22 Pa9' 4 ,1¥1:".~~.t~"'~.', ü· " ,', . il~' . ,:i," """'t'ìi1"":':~; 11""",~, L,';",' ........' .' :.............. .,,:. ,- ~ ..' o~.,.j!,~·",l'\f.w: - ç:;1t.~ t,..\'r."'j:'t;", . ~". ..,......,.-. ",\' ,~.I..-¡:.k...,t".(', '''!:. 3(.- ',- ,y.:4J', ' " 'ti.r ~:,'-I",t:';' ~ ',1"~i'. ~ ":.«~~,: tt~>:~:.'~:<~:· ;"i,.-,~,~·~..!j:,..·;,,:!, ."""0"'''''''.,,_____. ,-~;.¡. ,'"" .~'085,a"t 23, "',, ,Do:clnÞtit 10, 1984 ~ffect on'residtntial property vtlue. i~ the area, lf~, proptr . 'J : :" ~ .......' Ii> -,I"."", l' , . ;:Unðacl:,ecl buffer Will In.talled. He uftrred to photoguphs which,' ,'i¡ho'Wid"th~' ~icl dealership, the n'ew propoud dullrahlp, and the ~,~. . .¡. .....",,' , . " ~ :' "'í Inðacaptd buffer. Mo indicated that this shows the type of bufftr th.t't~~nbe·cuat'd that will preclude tho property ownor. from s..in9' ,h. parkin9 lot. He noted that the devalopor of Bent Pine Villa. haa ~"~vtltten I litter indicatln9 that he wu prevloualy oppo..d to the ~. '1\ ' ~: rezoning but due to, the buffer landacape that Mr. Devo. will conatruct, )-....,¡ .'.~~'he hIS dropped all opposition to the zoninq. 't·, "fìt:,' :-' COlllmialion'er lIa... queltloned what type of aCCtlS there 1a to the ii,":property, to wh ich Mr. Peek . tll ted thll t the on 1 y Icce.. 11 IC ro.a the ;.;' 'collllercl41ly owned property to lhe .outh. ~;'f.pe 12 ,',< I ~r. William Vinea, Land Planner for tho project, itated that In 1976 he prepared the degelopment plans for all the landl that the Devoe'a own, .dding that everything WII. plllnned at that time Aa it i. today oxcapt that this parcel of lond waa to be II pllrt of the automobile agency. He noted that ca!eful consideration wal 9iven to thia parcel of land due to the fact thllt it is next to II residentll1l a rlla. Mr. Ceorge Veg.., Attornl'Y fc·r Putition'H, stateè that this petition was recommended by the CAPC by ~ 6-1 VQte and the Bent Pine Villas have now lupported this particular petition. He noted that the fact that the lights have been changed and the buffer hal been exµanded, he is IIsking th~t thin petition bc appr~ved. The following ~rningsido Drivo residents Ipoke in oPPolition t~ the rezonll' citing Incredllea trðffic, .xc~s.ivl: noise, glar<.: and devaluation of property I MaryElllln MIIlonty Christine mlervc Lvoline E. Sorg ~illiam Kemnit:er Claire 8ethscheCid"r Mr. Mike Z<'wali<, represvnting tlQrtt, :-Iaplel Civic ^ssociati~n, .tated that he i. in fa~~r of tho rez~ne, adding that thi. ia the be.t pos.ible use of the land. Co..i.øloner Plator .oved, .econded by COllal..loner H.... and carried unani.ou.ly, that the public heering be clo.ed. Co..i.aioner Holland .oved, .~conded by Comai..ioner Pi.tor and carried unanl.ou.ly; that tho Ordlnan~e .. nUllbtred and entitled below be .dopted and enter.d into Ordinance Book No. 19, subject to the petition.r'. A9re.llentl PaqQ 5 C!!.!! I"'!'\"'!'!""", ~ ~ ..."".'_",.;~,,,"', I,",~'" ,M,'"""'''''''''' ..,.'_"~"",,,,~, ,','> "'''"''"...,,...,'...._''''',',.'<~,-''_-..''.''_..,'.',.,,..'.'_".''A..'_"_~""..____,_......._.,,_ _I ' .'. ....~~ ~".1 ,." ,'.,."'.-"'~'u......~..,_....-.,..,,....,..,~c..,"_.""...'__..__..- '~~t,::;,~ , Dec omber 16, 1984 tn'lS ". 085'· 27 '''''':~ F, 100( 'U. ~'OIU)IIWICI 14-11 RI 'ITITIOM R-II4-26C MARl{ LAMOUREUX, REPRZSnTIMQ ,,'DOMIIIIC aADALrrA, RIQUISTING RIZOMINå rROI'! A-2 TO RoMr- ¡ rOR PROPERTY ,',"!.. LOCATID lOUT. or TBI LII/COLLIIR COU1llTY LINI WEST or OLD US 41 - ~~;' ADOPTED IUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS AND PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT o.CCEPTED Le9al notice havin9 been publl.hed In thl Naplea Dally Now. on November 16, 1984, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publi:ation fl1.d with the Clerk. public hearln9 wa. opened to conllder Petition R-84-26C, Hark La~oureux, rlpre.enting Demonic Cadaleta. requesting rezoning from A~2 to RMF-G f~r property located south of the Lee/Collier County 11nl we.t of Old US 41 in Section 10, Township 48 South. Range 2S Ealt. conliltin9 of 10.7 acres. , Planner Ann MCKim atated that the objective of this petition il to build 60 multi-family rOlidential units. She 'noted that staff and all county agencies reviewed this petition and have no objection to its approval lubjoct to the Itipulations dS outlined in the executive .umm6ry dated December Ib, 1984. &ne indic¿ted that the CAPC h.ld their public hearing on November 1, 19C4, and unanimously reco~mended forwarding this petition to the BCC for approval subject to staff atlpulations. She indicated that one person spoke who was noither for nor against the petiti~n. Snc not~a that th~ the lð6~ sontanc~ in Stipulation ./1. ha. been deletfld. &he conc luded by stating tt,at the recommendation is for approval su~ject to CAPC's stipulations. Tape f3 ..... Rlce..1 10105 A.M. - Reconveneda 10115 A.M. ....* Mr. Lamoureux, represuntlng Mr. Cadaleta, stated that there is RMF zoning to the WlSt and J\lJricul tur.., zoning to th.. south. 1It1 stilted that on the east thure is Inoustrially zoned prop~rty. adding that he Is pro¡.oaing for thfl front 2 IIcr(!s a C-2 district whicl, will hav., II dellcate.scn and ð convllniuncII storll. he st&ted th~t in thw rear of the ¡.rojcct, he in ¡.>ro¡.>oUn<;¡ an H~.l-G aistrict which will bt.: comp.Hib1" to the project to the north. he noted tn't there is a 100' ~lorid~ Power' Light casl/mont on to,,' westurn boundary of tho pro¡.>orty with a major drainage uasumllnt. he stated that he wont tnrough various boards anG uocn on~ oad curtain stipulations ana they are all agreed upon. He atatlo that th~ developer wants to put in a nice finished project and ho i. ..King for app'roval. In answer to (;ClmmisÐioø'-r lIasle, . Lamc-ureux Itated that there would only be one acc~l. on Old US 41. Co.-l..ioner Pl.tor aoved, .econded by Co.-i..loner Holland and pag e 7 ~ C!::] ~ ''''-'.M''"'I'__'"''~ ---,....~,,,:,'-'-*''''"',-'',~' ""~...."'-""'~,,...,""-"',,.,-,--..-...._- _.....",....'~"""".."'__, ~~_. ,_,='''"'',"__._..._'*'''''',_......._..._,;It ;\ I,'....'iIiIi..'...~_lIIj'H_II<..''''(.._..._,..~',__h,...__.."""...____,,_~'__·_·'~_...,...·.'..,'~··'"..;·,..,,_"".."'...."".,..,. ""--"",,,..".,~;,,,,_._.-_-,,,",.....,-,,,,;--- ~;~t·", .. _ 1'~?L'':;': ; ~t~~~(:~~"~' . f~" 1-;""" ~ ;' ,~. ,.."r.. -î~'· " ~,¡,(i"~~. <'t~~fr-\c~ .' ~ ' '~$~~;~':' ,...~o\;.",,, Dlcember 18, 1\184 {ft*-I' .' , ß·"',,," " ; , ~~+:ÒaDIIW'CI l4-tO RI 'ITITI01I R-U-4I5C, COASTAL DGINIIRINO, REPRIS!NTIHà "'r'f"J08IPH aONNlSa AIID DUDLEY GooDLETTE, REQUESTING RIZOMINC· rROI'! 1.-2 TO ,~\ ,'UD KNOWN AS LOCH LOUIU LOCATED EAST 01 inNeS LAU - ADOPTED ,....i:.. ;:,,=" L.qal notlc,) having bun publ1ah\ld in the NðplttS Daily New. on ~ov.mblr 16, 1\184, a. ovidonced by Affidavit of Publication fl10d with the Clerk, public hearing wa. opened to consider Petition R-84-46C, Coa.ttl Enqine.rlnq, r.pre.entinc;¡ Jo.eph Bonn".a and Dudloy C<)odletto, rlque.Un\) rezon1n9 from A-2 to PUD kno....n a. Loch Lou1'1I locatld ea.t of Kin9' LAke In Section 7, Town.hip 59 South, Ran~o 2G ~ast. PI.,nner Ann ~lcKim !Stated that tho objuctivt1 of this putit10n i. to devllop 330 multi-family, vill~ and town house units around the Ixl.tine;¡ 3( acre lak~. She stated th~t the Board don1od petition R-84-19C on Novemb\lr S, 1964 but, at th~ .amo n~ating, thw Board waived the time period for re.ubmittinq. She Indicated that staff reviewed the petition which is the s~me as the previous petition oxcopt for a reduction In units from 400 to 330. She reported that Staff recommended a m~ximum oC 223 units for this µroject in order for it to be compatible with adjacont lands and the devoloplng character of the aroa. Shll .tllted that althou~h the pl1titionvr has o\lcreaseo the number of units, the intensity oi us. is .till incompatible with adjacent land. and therafore. .tuff roconmands denial. Sho not\ld that the CAPe held their public huarin~ tecomber G, 1984, 3nd rccomnended forwardln9 thi. potitlon to the Bee for Jpproval. She statod that on~ Idttor wa. received from the property owner to tho north 1n favor of the rezons. In ,.n.....r to eommiasionvr Voss, Public Iowork. Adninistro1tor Huck .tated that their preaent excavation permit that was Issued in October, 1980, p~rmitted tho excavation of l,141,000 cubic yðrds ðnd would permit them to 90 to an elev~tion of minus 40 which would be approximately 47' below the existing ground lovel. He stat~d that If they wanted to exceed any of those limits, they would havo to come back to apply for a new excavation permit. Commissioner Hasse questioned how many yards of fill h,lve been rlmov.d, to which Mr. Kuck replied thðt he do~s not know at th1s point. Mr. Mike Stephena of Coastal Enqineorinc;¡ atated that he doe. not, know how much ha. bo~n removed at thi. point, but thero I. about 50\ of the lakl that 1. only 20 :.et duep and other plac.. that i. near the 47 feet. Mr.. Charlotte Mstman, repre.entin<;¡ the L..quQ of Women Voter., atat_d that she finds it odd that it i. not known how many cubic yards ~~o~ 085 me 32 paqe 10 .,~~,,_'If<;_. .... ''''~"!IiO''''''____ """"_"""__"""_"""_~'" '. "."",,,~,. ....o~, _.- '"""><,'".,.._......_,,_...,'"'_~,__""_ . , .', "";, ,',. ' ;~, ':1 "H'~" ~~:~i; 'oo~ 085'A~t 33. Þecember'lO, 198-1 :',' ,~;;". ;',µ,.~ h.vo ,bun ,removed,' .ddin9 that Ih. 1a concerned with .ny site that b ,.,:...; (.)~þ,~~n~:'x~'V.tf d In the cOlRlllunlty. Sho .tated that hcr politlon 11 thÁ~'L~"!~~ '~~,~,.upport,liUff~.,ucom..end.tion in that th.re be,no more th.n~,223~~;,¡",,; '" . ,'Unitl~,"" . . ,j' f'~'f~~:"¡:, ~~~~,.:'¡, ~r. Kike Staphen. atat.~ that h. 11 ukin9 for reconlideration o{:':",· , , the petition with a reduc.d den.lty of 330 unita or 3.3 unit. per ecu. "; II. 'reported that the adjAcent owner. .r. In lupport of the ,p.titlon and that It 1. compatibl. with King. Lak.. h. .tat.d that the proj.ct i. .ervld by County w.t.r and the lewer i. aval1abl. from the 1.aly fr.nchi... lie not.d that ,Wat.r "'.an.gullnt .nd the Environm.ntal Advl.ory board h.vI r.view.d the petition and rocomm.nded .pprov.l with c.rtain Itlpulations that the potition.r ha. a9r..d to. He noted that the .taff indicate. that the total buildable land area In normal I project. 1. 70-75\ and that Loch Louis. has only 40\ build.bl. .r..., He .tated th.t perimeter 'real wIre made on the Wild.rno.., Boar'. Paw, Ind Windltar, adding that tn. buildable area for .11 these devalopmvntl i. approximately 30-35\ and ~ch ~ouiav hal more buildable area than tne oth.r proj.cts. II. stat.d thðl he considers the lake to b. a recrl.tional am.nity with multI-family clusters around thl lake. He .tatld that Itaff did a n.t dunslty analysis, adding that there i. no .pecific definition of net d.naity In the County'o regulations .nd no pr.scribed m.thodl f~r calculðtinq such. he Itat.d tha~ ho did a co~~rablo an.lysil on n.t density, adolng thut the litu II and can be an ....t to the community and can provIde a residential area of b..uty. h. Itated that he is ösking for appr~val f~r th~ 330 units. Tape '4 Thlr. was further discussion rwgðrdln9 net d~nsity and Assiatant County ~nager Corrill stdtcd that in ~upport of Staff work, comments related to n.t d~naity ar~ pretty typic~l. Don.ld Pickworth, Attorn.y (or the putitlonvr, Itateù th.t Itaff ha. aClnltted that this is the first time th/It they have rlcomln"ndod on the b~sis of net deneity analyeis. he statod that to mak. that 4 .01. ba.il for r"commend6tion is queltionable ae th~re is nothing in the Comprehonliv~ Plan ~r the ordinance which would authorizu this. He .tatec that It is a tool, 'but If it is going to be used, all tho basi. of com~ürieon nave t~ be looked at. Ho noted that the ultimat. que.tion I. consistency with the Co~~roh.n.iv~ Plan, .d~in9 that Staff find. tnat it i. coó.i_t.nt with the Compr.henslve Plan. Community Dov~loµnent Administrator Virta Itated that the factor Pa9' 11 ~ ~ (:!m """''"'''''''''"''''--~-~'''-;;-''-''''''''''-''''I''''''-''''''''-;-'-''-- I'''¡, "," ~. ~.~ " '~ ~1 ~,' ,'i.~" .~\: ..,,;¡,,;,} :a)\;;. , ~I'~~-:"""""'" . , "!J".." <, ~ ,,' ,'~1~~:1~:;"'lty .. ..11 .. .,... d.n"~;C;:':'.::' t:'~:..U" t" ,~~'t~t.n'itY of dev.lopment on land Dv.ilable to be UIOd, adding that In ~v\ht.c..e there I. about 65' of the aitQ not available f~r development :1r>purpo... which il thl reason for omphul z.l.ng net denli ty. ¡£~,r', Co_haioner Phtor lIoved, ..conded by Co_i..loner Holland and r,~ \~ t¡::, , carded unanlaou81y, that the public hur1nq be clo.ed. $: Co~l..ioner Holl.nd .oved, .econded by Co_i..loner Coodnlght .nd carried 4/1, (Co_i..ion.r H.... oppo.ed), that the Ordinance .. nuabered and entitled b.low be adopted and ent.red into Ordln.nce Book 110. U. . IÌII .. ORDINAMCB 84-90 AN ORDINANCE AMEXDINC ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONINC RECULATIONS FOR THI UNINCORPCRATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDINC THE ZONING ATLAS HAP NUMBER 50-26-3 BY CBANCINC THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION Or. THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 TO -PUD- PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR LOCB LOUISI LOCATED EAST or KINGS LAKE ON DAVIS BOULEVARD, AND PROVIDING AN ErFECTIVE DATE. RISOLUTIOM 84-246 RE PETITION AV-B4-023, BRUNS' BRUNS, AGENTS, rOR CAMPANILLI INDUSTRIES, INC. RE VACATIC:I or THE 10' UTILITY EASEMENTS ON LOT 1, LELY COUNTRY C~UB, TIM~RCREEK PHASE I - ADOPTED Legal notice havinq boen publiøhed in tho Naples Daily Newa on Decemblr 2, and December 9, 19ß4, al evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the ClerK, public hearin~ was opened to consider Petition AV-C4-023, Bruns' Bruns, Agants for Ca~pðnelli Industria., Inc., re<iueltlng vacatiún of the 10' utility ellso:m"nts on Lot 1, Løly Country <:lub, TimbercreeJt Pha.", I, to allow construction ol lIultl-f~mily units. Public Workl Adm~nistrator Xuck atated that "L"tters of no objection- have been received from all th~ pertinent utility companies Ind the Engin.erin9 Department hal revi.wed tho petition and hal determined that the .a.ements are not required for drainage purpo.ea. He .tated that the COI.lmunity Dovelo¡:ment Division and the Zoning Department have revløwed the potition 4nd havol no objection. lie noted that ~he zonin9 ia PUD ~nd the petitionor has provided tho Utility Dlvlaion with a replacement ealement. He concluded by .tatin9 that he i. alking for approval of the \'~ation and authorization for th, Chairman to execute lame and the Clerk to record the relolution. Co..l..ioner Pl.tor aoved, .econded by Co..i..ion.r Holland and carrl.d unln1.ou.ly, that the public hearing b. clo.ed. ~OOK 085,A',t 34 Pllge 12 ---'~'I -'."""-_.__.....,-'''''--_.,~^^',.,'-''''''."._.,,.~''''''''''~.-.~..... -.-"'-----_#_,.- - - .~,;.;" '1';', I' J~' 'I.- Itt1;.: , ~Jlf",.!t' " ,','f...", ' " :tr.,,,y;:;, :i.. 19', , ~iJ>RISO~ut~~ 84-247 RI PITITIOH V-84-26C, aINO CUARDOSCIOME, REQUESTING A "'t\'VARIAJlCI rROf( THI MUIIMUM PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR It. REST1!1JRANT 'ROM 17 ~; SPACES TO 5 SPACES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON '1 10TH AVE. NORTH, - ADOPTED ~,~I~' i~r, Le901 notice having bun published in tho tlapl,u Daily Nows on ~~t December 2, 1931\, AI Iviðo nced by "ffid~vit of Publication filed ",ith ~ the Clerk, public hearin~ was opaned to consider Petition'V-84-26C, filed by ~br9ånt. blanco for Gino CuardoHcione, requesting a variancQ from tho'minimun parking requirements for <1 r::ctðurant from 17 spaces to 5 Ipacea for property locateo on llOth ^venu~ North, w~st of Nðples P.rk Drive. Cecember 18, 1904 Community Oovolo~~ent Admln1str~tor Virtu st~t.O that th~ petitioner indicated th~t he w~c joslrous of operating ~ take-out food .stablil~~en: when he ~btalnva hil occupational license, adding that he now wantl to hov. II restaurant ~nd, under tho ~oning Ordinance, he would need an additional 12 p~rklng spaces. Ho stated that a parking .pace is reyuired for ~very 70 square feet of gross floor area or one parking space for every two ueats, whlchevor is the groator require- ment. He stated that basta upon the crltQri~ of the Ordinance, Staff ~Ult recommend denial. Commissioner Voss s~ated that no h~d II call with conc~rn to other tenant. parking sp~ces b~lng utilized by the r~staurllnt. Mr. Cuaroolcionc. petitioner, stüted that wh~n he rented the store from the owner, Mr. Blanco, he was told that he could hove throe tabl~s in the restaurant. Ho stated that whon h. wont to the Zoning Department he wal al.o told that he could have thr~e tablel, but at the time tha~ he applied tor throe tabl~s he was told thdt h~ could not havI any tabl~s because of the parking requirements. He .tated that hi. buslno.1 il opon from 11 A.M. to 10 P.M., but most of hie b~alnesl i. durln9 the eveninq hours. ~e stated that if he had permission he would only use the tables during the evening hours. Mr. Ed Lambo, Project Manager of Red Rosa Plaza, stated that he went to the Zoninq Depdrtm~nt with prolimlnary .ite plans to find out wh.t could be done a. f~r as th. restaurant, adding th4t he was told that one table would be allowed for each parkinq sp3ce. Mr. CuardoDcion~ staL.~ that he has investad all hi. money in thl. restaurant and needS the tables. Co..i..toner H.... ~v.d, ..conded by Coaal..ioner pl.tor and carrl.d unani.ou.ly, that the public h.arin9 b. clo.ed. I4ID( 085,Ar.t 38 Pa98 14 ~ ,III_'L _,'_~ " ,'.",".".,.,._,_......'''"'....__...,,<__""'___1<__,....____ ,::-,....' ,,- .~,>, o;;~'" ~'''!'~ '~.i~1.' ~), ;,; "f'\" ' j. }... ',' ~'" t~;:~ _tJ;_lfll..-" ~t,11;:¡: .B~: 110( 085,ACt45 D41cembtr 1&, 1984 t".~1S .' , In.. 111";, ~ ~~~CC C~UR~ W~TI COLLIER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INC. REGARDING THE ~"'POSSIBILITY or rINANCINO, CONSTRUCTINC AND DONATINC A CENTENNI o.L WINC :~r' "0 THI EXISTINO COLLIER COUNTY MUSEUM ~U,', Mr. Charlls Dauray, rlpreuntin9 tho Collier CQunty Hi.torical j}'!" Society, Inc., stated that 1985 markl the 100th birthday of the Society. He Itated that the Historical Society ha. donated SlOO,OOO to the ~U.eum and they would liKe to rDis. an additional ~lCO,OOO of which approxlmatlly Ç75,000 would go Into constructing a wing on the oxiltln9 ColUer County MuseLlt., with thlt' IiCC's concurrence. He noted that there . woulò bl more c.pacity for the mUIlt.:um itoma that aro important to Collier County. He .tated that his realon for ~pp.~rin9 before tho BCC is to alk that the BCC concur and coop~rðtc with the Coll1er County Historical Sociuty 1n cons~ructinq a w1ng ~n the oxla~ln9 museum at no cost to the County for tn~ construc~lon. He n~ted thct thoro would bo . land cor..~. He atðt"d thllt the Bcl..,m/Jtic drawing pr~poses that where the present museum is, ðn entrywAY w~uld be added and ~nother identical exhibit hðll wi~h D glú6sad cxtl1bitl<>n Hl'" in tho fr~nt. HI! noted that the Society wouid need five Dddltionøl parking SpDC~S which would .e.n that the trailerl would havf to b~ moved and the boclety wo~ld nlod thl land. He reported that tho actual construction of the museum' .nd what would ~o into thu mUluum would be raised from the private sector as part of the Centenni/Jl celebration year. He stated that the construction would not bcqln until the last pùrt of 19~5 or the first par t 0 f 198 G. County I'Io1Inagcr LulòI<. atoteo tnðt the trail'ul woulC! navtI tCl be .oveo ~nd ~uld not b£ lI6 convenient 45 th~y Jre nnw, bue he would r.co~lmond that tllia SU9'¡:sti<>:"1 be .:onsid.:reJ. Commilcionur Coooni9ht It~ted :hat th~ school c:hilaren h~v~ enjoyed the museum, a::ldlng tnat she ("dB tlds woula be worthlolnih fClr Collier County. Co.-ls.ioner H.... .oved, seconded by Co..i.sioner Goodni9ht and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the BCC concur with the request of Mr. Daur.y of the Collllr County Historical Society re e Centennial Win9 for the exlltlng Collier County Museu.. ' Pagl 11 I!!!:J r:::::1 ~ ..,'-,"'--"._.----'>"-~..'.".."~,,~._.~,~~"._"'...~....~._"~.,-"......::::...,'~~ ',.." .,!~; ..,,~~\,,\ " 'H~' :,'~1~ J:,~' :', '" if .;~, :," '1 I'"'{-,, ' ,.';':\-"~! r,~·,. . 11.ICBIÐULI AJI1) AUTBORIZATIOM TO ADVlRTI8I 'OR HIRINQ 0' STA" 'rO .:.:~:i; !~, :OPlRAU SECURITY 100TH AT nLICAN BAY PARKING LOT AND AUTHORIZATION 'OR>' -, 'tI£CI:8SARY rUlfDS '1'0 OPERATI SAID rACILITY - APPROVED ' "', f" , :t('·, Publ1c Strvie.. Adminhtrator Norton Itat.d that th1l 11 the 125 ,.. '.'1I:;'parklng .pac. parking lot ðt the .nd of Vanderbilt Baach DrivI that was ;·;i~';·con.truct'd by ¡"utinghou.. Communitiu of Naplo. III part of their PUD "",> ' .gr..m.nt. h. stated that a security booth was called for in that I~reement that ha. no~ be.n conltructed and Staff i. recomm.ndin9 thl. a. an operational plan, that is, that th.re be a charge of $.50 per vlhicl. to .nter the faclllty for all day. He noted that thlre WQuld b. 21 spacI. alonq Vanderbilt Drive that woUld bo metered which WQuld b. '.25 for four hour. or $.50 lor all d.y parking, adding that thi. i. very competitive with lurrounaing limilar usea. He re~~rted that hells r.commending approvAl of the plan. he Itated that th~r~ will be an entrance gate And an exit g.te which will be trigg.red by . photo-electric cell type mechanism 50 that one can alway a qet out of the p.rking lot. Ho Dtllted thllt the money frí;m the metllra would be removed eVlry niqht. Mr. Art Johnston, relident. of Pinll JUd'Je, st.tlld that ho ia oPpol.d to thv fee and the clcllng of tho gate lit five lit night, .dding that he go.. to the areo .t night tima. Public Harvices ^dminiatrntor Norton øtatud that during the off sealon months, during thll SUI:\mer, it is prop~aad to ::loSQ thl gatel In the evening and open them in tho mornln3, but the entry to tho parkin,~ lot will be fr~a. Ho Itüted thot it haS to be controll,d and this is in tho aqre"ment. Commiløion.r "oll~na atbt~d that hL dO~1 not buli~ve thAt thil parking lot Ihould be closiG in the ev~ning. Mr. Johnston Itated th.t thur~ is no problcm In thv pLrkin~ lot at thil point, ICI why shoulc tht! County spend SC,OOO t" mlJko SG,OOO? 1111 stated tnat tho 40-50\ UI. rate thtt wa. guot~d in the ph per il extrem.ly high, oduing that the p~rking lot a& It 1& now is n1c~ and' worka w.ll and Ihoulc be loft hS it II. Commi..i~ner Voss stþte~ that there is ar.. cluðn and th~ persCln in th~ b~oth will closld. 63 Uec.mb.r 1&, 1984 ':' , ) ~ : 611~ th~ n~ed to keep tho do this Jftcr tho qatus arc Pilq8 19 c:::J EJ ~ ...'-."'____"",___,".',,, ,-',""...",,,',,.'·"',,..>_,""""',~,""-,..-"'.,~,~,'À'",...___..'II<iI......1I '...'.....'W<\.,~_ ~, ",:,.,~~:;t" ( , 'ff~F'~; t_ , *;,:', '.', ':,..of" ~:.¡I ':~' n ~, , .~" ~,.:.'! ~~...; ~,::"',\'; ~~'¡, ',' ,.~~~:, ',.~'¡,'q'" , ',~;.: r ,'. r , '\~¡~:, .COIllIll1alion.r Ha... .tated that he wr,)uld lik. to .1It what ¡~'J¡{-, " when the .ealon q.ta way it i.. Public ~ervic.. Admini.tr~tor ~orto~ .tated th~t th. County il op.rating under 101114 rUD requirements, adding that this is ð gr,)od way to moat all thl requirementa. He .t3tud thot he Is not intarcsted In lo.ing money, but St~ff would like the opportunity to try and meot the r.qulr.ment. of the PUD and thw County ordin3nc. in torms of offsetting .. much of the COlt of recr.ation facilities ~s posnibl,. Commis.lo~er holland quastion.d if the g~te could be left open .fter five ðt night, to whi=h Public ~ervicos Admlni~trðtor Norton .tated that it could be l~ft open but tnure is the question as to whether tho requlr~mentl ;f thu PUD ar~ uelng met. Duputy Chief 8ar~ott stdt~O thJt thia pbrkinq lot has not hdd any more probl.ma than any of the other par~in~ lot.. Mr. Mik. ZIIwalk, repruaentlng the ¡;orth Naples Ci'/ic Aa.ociation, .tat.d that he wanted tnis parking lot Jnd ð place to p3rk cars, but not for. fo.. lie IIt<1ted tr..:.t th,¡rt: snould not be .. . ðtU ô1t thill parking lot .a the people havo paid for the pdrkinq lot ana they should have a free ACCOla. - - Decembor 10, 1984 happen. underway and in tho meantime, that It be luft the Co..is.lon.r Pi.tor aov.d, ..cond.d by Comml.slon.r Vo.. and carried 3/2, (Co.-is.ion.rl H.... .nd Holl.nd oppos.d), th.t the f.. .cbedule and .uthoriz.tion to .dvertia. for hiring of .taff to op.rate the s.curlty booth .t the p.llcan Bay p.rklnq lot .nd .uthorlz.tion for tb. n.c....ry fund. to oper.t. .ald f.cl1ity be .pprovld. Tapo Hi It.m 114 BID RIQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR FIRE TRUCK PUMPER rOR OCBOPII FIRE CONTROL DIST. - WAIVED. CONTRACT FOR THE LEASE/PURCHASE or THE FIRE TRaCK PUMPER FROM EMERGENCY ONE, INC. - AUTHORIZED Co..l..ion.r Pl.tor mov.d, ..cond.d by Commla.ion.r H.... .nd carried un.ni.ou.ly, that the bid r.qulr...nt. for comp.tltiv. bidding for the fir. truck pump.r for Ochop.. Fir. Control Dl.trict b. w.ived. Co..i..ion.r Pi.tor aov.d, .econded by Co..l..ion.r H.... and carri.d un.nimously, th.t the Ch.lrman be authorlz.d to ex.cut. . contract for the l..../purch... of the Fir. Truck Pump.r from Emerg.ncy On., Inc. NOTE I CONTRACT NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK'S OFFICE AS OF 1/2/85. lOOK 085 Plr.r ßt. Pa9' 20 ..._--_......_..----_.........',"..""'.,>,---~ .- ",',"."";,,~~""......_- - .. - .... .1 December 18, 1984 ,.~:'" ,. ,-"'. . V.XUa III l~:t:ic~!I NIDDLIIROOIt, THIODORI ZALIWSKI, II:IInfIT1l OOLL UD JOSEPH PODESTA ~,'j¡ UAPPOUITlD TO TWO UAR TIRMS TO THI ISLIS or CAPRI 'IRE CONTROL ~4': DUTRIC' ADVISORY BOARD ~\¡! ~ì~" "~>. ¡"': ;',: n Co..laaloner Pl.tor .ovad, aeconded by Com.lasioner Holland and ,carrlad unanl.ously, that Chris Middlebrook, Thaodora Zalewski, Kenneth 0011 and Joseph Pode.ta ba reappolntad to two year terms to the Isle. of Capri 'Ire Control District Adviaory Board. Ita. U 9 RESOLUT10M 84-250 ADOPTING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO ,APPROVI A POLICY STATEMENT 'OR THE ISSUANCE 0' SINGLE 'AMILY MORTGAGE SUBSIDY BONDS BY THE COLLIER COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY ^ttorney Conðld Pieklo/Orth, 8t\1t'Jd that he is rllpr"sentin'l tho Collier County lIousin'1 ¡,utht:orlty. adolng that tho pur¡"oll" "f the Authority is to issue tilX exem¡;t bonds I,hieh provice for the l"w rnarkott interolt rlnOI on nHHtg'~91!8 for singl.: f,:)mlly rcsloenees. II" stclted that the ability of his Authority to issue these bonds is grQatly circumscribec ~y fedoral Tax l~ws anj Is basically a matter of federal policy. Ho ätatud that there arl! v~rlous requlr~mentø thðt the issuers of ·th...e bonds mUlt m~et. 11" no~..u tn.,t, t,h'l Tel>! Huforlf. Act of 1984 hoJS set forth addicional roqulromunts for iS8uurs of these typ~ of bonda and rucent r~gulatlons pro~ulqdtec uno.r this has s~t forth the requirement that every issuurs of bonds mðk" and publish cI Policy Statement of tht policy rel.,tinq to the Issuance "f these bonus ana that tnls Pollcy ~tatemtnt 0" ðpprovoJd 3nd transmitted to tho Secrotary of Trealury prior to J,1nuðry 1, 1965. lie reportea that th" BCC and tha Housing .f'inance Authority must approve this policy I there mus," be a public hearing held on 14 dðyS pUblic notice, addin9 that by the time h. recoi'ved the various materl..l It w~n too late for a pL:bl1c hlllrinq before th. BCC, bu: th't public 1'<Jar in'1 \wl11 bo held by th1 Itnusing Finance Authority on Frid.ty, Cocomber 2l, l!lS4, to consider thil. He stated that ho is aaking tho HCC to consider and approve the Policy Statement which is also the Policy StAtement thAt will be prosented to the Housing Finance Authority on Friday, December 21, 1904. Commissioner Pi.tor questioned what would happen if ð change is made to the Policy 5tat~ment. to which Attorney Pickworth at~teo that it ~Lll not bo prdsentad to the Chairman for approval, adding that the acc would have tho authority to delogate to the Cnairman th~ authority to sign the Policy ~t5~um.nt ðnù transmit it. Hd stated that if the 'GO« 08511',1 66 P.J.:;¡e 22 . . ,',,' ".' ,.., _1_",' j".,~-.::,'-;\ ," ~ ·-'~'~{i,'__;'·~t~~,~ ,~$~~~~~' ¡,~~~~·~~"~:-:~ry.' ~ ',':: ;;t~~J'·1 ,<.. "'·":l.:;}r~iry.~:m~~>'" " ',. ~.... _HM' .~'.o;___""'j,_ " .... . "",,¡ , "", 'I){~: :. ,:,,';¡,iIi , '~ "'[If' ,:tit , :;'~ ·.':'~i· "~ . ~, , '";,:,,,~t,,' ", \.-J~. ~,' ';rN" "".,/~¡ "t ',' ..,o'f ":1' .~j , !¡l' ,,' \~ -,,1,\,', '~"'"';'IiI'¡""""'''"''''':''___ ,.".",'.','.--'."",_,''''''''',.,..._~_'_~,,''''''',,'''''"',';,.,'''''"',,'',''""'''"MB~".;,'',,,",''A''''''''''__ T....,»t..1""',,_... ~·...ø__._.....""..__.._~"" '. "'."M..___'~. - '~~.'''''''.''------''''''''----.,",;""_..",."..-."..",-",..,.,, ...-'"",'--