BCC Minutes 01/03/1985 W ..,....,.. '.~,-~"I!;' ¡ . .... '~:;~~ . _ ,'·";~.¡!~.t,~~ "?'''';:·i'..r'.'·' _ '~'~';;:?:t1l(r. 'If". , ~." ',. <"~~, .' -. .~.' ..1'. '.." . . ,.}N' ~~' ~~ ~\" . '~,.'~¡: .i': ':' . .".~ 1t¡¡:'¡:...:_:~____ --- - -- -. - -- - - -- - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -=-.~1. ::t~ì ",,~~~~ ~..". . ,~,'I)< ~ ~~. '.pl.., ""Id.. "'"""r J. '?~'. .. .~ ~r~~.;.,,:¡, L~TIT BE R!M£MBf:I\ED, th.tt· the I!oard of County Commluloner8 .,."~?ttJ¡' ;¡'~(':.:,~,:; In and tor tho County of Collier, .Jnd ..1110 .:Ictln'.! as the ßotlra O!"'!~:'iiÃ.g; ~¥t~ .,,~ ". Zonln'J Appeals ðnd dS the governing !>"lHd(a) of 8~Ch SPIlCicll "::'>Ï\~ '''¡t',''\ dlatrlcts ,,0 h..v. be.tn credtud hCCpf<11n') to 1..10' <1n(1 htlvln<) ',~;~ " conduc~e~ busln~.. horoln, met on thla ~atu at ~IOO A.M. In . Work.hop S...lon In building "f" ot thu Courthousu Complux, t~ut Naples, florid~, ~Itn the f~lln~inq mombers prosent! CHAInMAN: frcdQf ick .J. VI)GS VICt; CIIAIRM....NI John..... Plstor Max lI.Jsse C. C. "!(cd" !I~ll.,nd Anne Goocjniqht ALSO PHt:!;E;,\ 'r: .JðMcS C. Gllcs, flscdl O([iccr; Elinor M, Skinner, D.tpu~y Clt:rk; !Jurt L. SJur.CJCrli, County A~tornp.y; Dondld 0. LU:J~, County /".ðnð')er; Nell Don·ill, A¡¡sJIH,lnt County MDn,:¡qcr; Terry V1rtð, Community Dovelcnmunt AdmlnLatratnq Ann ~ICKim, Planner; Tom CrDnd¡JlI, Utilltlos AdminJøtrator; Tom Kuck, Public ,",ork. Mmlnlatr.Hor; P;lm IIrðn'lDc.:1o, rubllc r,"rvices Administra- tive Aaslstant; Nancy ¡tlr.l.llann, !;",':rutðry t~ the lIO,led; Patricia PiCkworth, L~crVt.HY to County ·.....n.1<Jer ilncJ Ooputy Ch1ut Pdym"nd B.trnl!tt. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 68(1) ret. R-84-36C, ~il.on, Miller, Barton, SolI, Peek, repreaenting Clyde Quinby, requeating r.zonJng from A-2 and A-2ST to RSP-5 and R5F-5ST for J6 acres located on east sid. of Polly Avenue, S.c. 16, T505, R26E, between Rattle.nake-Hammock and Everett Street Planner McK1m IndIcated tho locðtlon of the property for this Potltion on ð rnð~. DIscusa10n includ~d tho ncod f"r th~ petitioner to extend the water to the property and the fðCt that thero ~uld be ð' packðgp pl/lnt to Jrov1dc lIew>tge tr""tmont. Commls.loner Plator agroed with Commlssionllr Hdsae'. suggestion that provision be made for inclusIon of the entire area when the wðter line Is installed to provide for the eventual need for such II aervlce as the area is devolopod. Mrs. McKim explained that the CAPC did not feel that the developer should be re~ulred to pðr for paving the entire road to .ervice the ar... She IIdld It WQu d depend upon whether the aroa off Santa ßðrbara I>oulev/lrd Wdll ueVl!lopolJ immcd1dtely or not ð. to what 13 done with the rOðd. Conanlllsloner Voss /lsked It thllrc could ba ð recovery ordinance to re4ulr. lðtor dovolopors to pay thllir share tor the paving dnn C~unty ^ttorncy ~aundurs saJd it would be p~ssible. IOO~ 085 PAr.r 117 PJga ·-------- - - - - - - - -- -- - - ---- - ---.-.-"......-...-- . ., ../ì~:I.~.:;f>:·~i...'·,'.,'~~.... '·.f:~;;blJ,,:] ~~:~if~~ì'~~'.~);."".: ~~"".. ".,¡......,.;:.. '.~~.,J!,<"i. 'IIN ·'C,~:a:I~1~1.y.;'~ .;:::'!"!~)i-:~ ,1~{?·~'t~:·,'1,~~.~~}~:;:.. . '~~.:~',"I ,. """'---'--.--..",...-,-- -'--,.........,""'",......,,,..,..,.,,..,-.,.,"'.....,..,, î ' _~ ;(~~~----~ - - -- -- - - - -- - -: - - - - - - - - - - - --~;~ '~;,f ,- 085PAct118 ,.".< ',j,, , f~" VV~ JanuII ry J, 19~ S 1,t-;". .~.: ',68(2) Pet. R-84-40C, Cash. Aasociates. Inc., representing EdJllðnd~~'.,',:,;i1;.,!~", ..' Zunino, requesting rezoning from RSF-4 to C-04 tor 0.103 .cres ,¡ :'~f' t~(IJ,).( 10CHtt.ed on Calusa Street, Lot 6, Block C. Naples Carden ."<,.;.,..t:,?: "'4 ,I" ~l. ''''j'_:."I- Planner McKim she-wed the locatIon of the subject pro[.-erty on" ";i~":{;\ a IIIo!Ip. Commi..ioner Plstor qUl!stioned thc smbl1ness of th~ lot'in .',:' questIon and Mrs. McKIm .aid that usu~lly the pro~~rty owncrs owned two lots and used them .a one for conntruction of a home. 6C(I) Pet. CCCL-84-7C. Karco Island Association. Inc., requestIng a varIance fro. the Coastal Con.truction Control Line for a parcel of land lying In Sec. 18. TS2S, R26! ~ Community Development Administrator Vlrta explained this Is a request for 10 a~dltlonðl chic~ees for the prC\pvrty In question. He sal~ Ü chic~e~. have becn permItted, previo~~ly. . 6C(2) ResolutIon amending Resolution No. 84-157, Coastal Construction Control Line variance relating to Pet. CCCL-84-4C tor the construction of two b.ach access dune walkovers and restoratIon and enhance~ent of dune zone se.wa~Marco Beach Hilton Commun I ty /A]v~ I o¡..nt!nt Adn.1 n i!'lt ratC'r VI rt/\ p. (pl...ineu this re~uwut Is to allow construction of dune walkover and ~a~t11pvered dune. 6C(3) ResolutIon amendIng Hesolutlon No. 64-74, Coastal Constru~tion Control Line varIance relating to Pot. CCCL-84-IJC tor constructIon of a single family residence t:ommunlty Oevelnµmcnt ^amlnl¡¡r¡,nor Vinci ¡¡lIld thllt the DIlôH did not allow the horn!:' tc' be r.onlltru<:ted but would allow th(' po~l to be built. he w (pllllned thllt thu County dllo~ed the home. Comn'lssion~r 1I"s5" ljlH:IJUonl!d 1! d fcncf' Is n....(,.'o "nd County Attornuy bðuna~rs requested llmv t~ r~K~drch If swimm!ng pools are exempt JrC'lJno c"noC'",lnlurr.n. L.ltl'r In lne mt'ctlwl ho rcad frnm the apprt\prl/ltc ~rtJln"nce. ~IC' Ndl(1 II" C:'lulc1 not Nec wtJua' n..lmmlng poolll IHC' ..xcmpt IJut Wt'uld rene..rc:h th(' ''''cstlC'n furt/lrr bf,!nr.. thu boaro m~..tlng. ' 6C(7) Pet. A-84-5, Appeal or administrative decision that prohibits construction of a one-øtory buIlding under essentIal services provisIon Cowmumunlty ~ev~lnr~cnt AcmlnlMtrdtnr Vlrt~ " (~ldlned thi¡ 1tom lidS b..."n ..It/¡cr"..n I,t th" re'ju<:IH 01 the plItltlnncr. 7A(I) Pet. V-84-2ISC, t'orrest L. ,Harmon. .requestin9 variance from A-l "ST" requirement of S acreG to 1.16 acres to conGtruct ~ single family residence en nll;¡U nit y UOJ III I 0 ¡.rn l n t Ac"r, i n i ¡; t r ,J t " r V I r t iJ £ t" t U (1 t 11'1 t b t 1\ t f hdl> r"..¡uestl:(, ,1 Contlnu..nc., of thin I tcr:. CONSENT AGENDA 168(1) Pet. TR-84-)SC, Thomas G. Hale, requesting utilizatIon of travel trailer on Trect 77. Unit 21, Colden Cate Estates 1'1196 ') ---------------------------------- :':,',' j I..:......J ~ L~...-,:,:',,: ,......_~..,_... ,~ ;¡' '~,:" 10_.,__ _."'",."..e,__.___. '---'~"""'-"--,-,_.=" -.".~"- _.__._~~.^-_.--... .,-,--,,---.~-"_...._~,_.. CONS£N,.'ACE:NOA Janullry 3, 1~1I5 16C ( 2 ) R,com.endation tor acceptance of utility eas.~ent on Timbercro.k 'SUbdivision, Ph.se I Utilitl.s Adminlstrðtor Crðnuull oxplllln~o thiG is ~ r~utlno ma t to r. 16C(2) R.co~.ndatlon to purch..e a l..sed "Marlow Power Unit-, including pumph.ad, return lin.., .nd dlsch.rg. Iln.. In ro.~on&~ to II qU~8tion by Commls31oncr Vnss, Utilities Admlnl8trator Crandall 8aid the cost for this Is $11,083, and In 81x month8 ot rcnt the Item ~ould h~VD pdld for ItAclf by ·purcn.uing it. 16C(3) Recommend.tion for .pprov.l of increase of $6,500 to the o comp.nsation limit to Addendum No. ~ tor compl.tlon o! .ngine.ring and insp.ctlon s.rvlc.. by po.t, Buckley, Schuh, . Jernigan, Inc. for S.wer ....r.. "A" (North N.pl~wag. Tr.atment Pl.nt expansion Util1t1uB Administrator Cr03ndllll cxpl.Jinud thin is IIctually ~rk t:ll1t 11.15 been cf.lm¡;ioted and tho rcyucst'ls to ¡Jay ¡"r It aftar-th.-fact. 16C(4) R.co....ndatJon for authoriz.tion to reimburse Youth Haven for th.ir wat.r line construction costs Utl1itiua Jldmlnistc..tor Cr..ndd!l ,!xp¡"i'1ca thllt tIlls work has bacn Jon~ for so~c time dnd this i~ d r~4uQst to roimburse Youth lI.Jven. l6C(5) Recommend.tion to r.vls. curr.nt construction contract with Bay-Con Cen.ral Cor Proj.ct No. NA1407J.CI Utili t 1 .. s hJ m n 1st r ol tor C r .1 n 'J / 11 IS, I d t 11 .It the r "V I s Ion PI J r. d dul.tlona amount to $7,451 on this cnntr~ct. 16C(6) RecolIlI.ndatlon' to a~ard 8id 1770 to Burton. Landscape Co. Cor landscaping for County R.glonsl Water Syst.m Utilitics ^dmlnlstr.ltor CrðnJall said Staff rocomm~nds awarding this bid to Burtons LdndsclI~e. he Bald the low bidder had r.feronces that did not check out favorably. BO....RD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . . ¡ IJA Recomm.ndatJon for appoint..nts to Library Advisory Board Commissioner Voss tiðid that ho folt It was time to limit th~ amount ~C t.rms ono person con serve on an adviaory board and Commissioners ~ititor and Hð~~e agreud. County Manager LUlk said that th.re is a problem In ~hat somo board do not rocoivo many appl ications. 13B R.colI..ndati~n for appointments to the Ochop.e Fire Control District ....dvisory Commltt.e aOOK 085 PAr.rIZl pag 0 5 - - --- - - - -'- -- - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ~., .' #..l;:··'~:1'~;~':""" ....,1>,,'<..'. ..~,;~...~te\'\ ~?",~.'.'''' '. 1¡.;'f1.:'" .i~:,~~:¡~.: ' ¿.,; -----,-'"'.--"',.~"..-.......'" -_.._----..-....._'.".,.,...-...._-~ ---"'_.._;.,_....~,~,..__.- ----_._--_._----------------------~ me 085 mt122 January J, 1905 . - ......\: There was no discussion on this Item. 13C Reco..endatlon for appolnt.ants to the Environmental Advisory Council There wss nn dlacu.slon ~n this Item. 130 Board of County Co..I..lon repre.entatlon at Southwe.t Florida Regional Planning Council Commissioner Voss .old In view of the fact that Commissioner Holland ha. a large ~r~load he recommended that Commissioner PIstor be pl.ced as repre.entatlve of the Bouthwest florlda Regional Pl.nning Council. 131 Discussion o! le.ve of .bsence tor Commissioner PIstor Thftre w.s no discussion on this Ilem. 13F Reco..andatlon for appolnt.ent to the Parks .nd Recreation Advisory Board Thero wns no ØiscussJon on this item. CONSENT ....G£NDA 16£(1) Correction of expiration date of term on Porks and Recreation ....dvl.ory Board County I'Idnðqt'r LUlik s,dø tnls Itl1m is t.o c~rrect IIn crron\'OUB four ycar term t~r Mr. 110n burton on tlw Pl!rkn "nd HecrÐation ....dvlsory ooèlrø since thos" members only s.:rvt: two years. 16£(2) Reco..andat!on to chan~e litle of Secretary to the Board to Admlnlatrallve ......i.t.nt ~ommlSSlonl1r Vnss Sùlo thl~ refers to Nnncy Isrðt'lGon dE belnq mhO\' Adminlslrðllvv AtiUIFl~nt I. CONSENT AG£ND.... 6C(~) ....n ordinance relating to con.truction, reconstruction, repair, alteration, projection and prolongation of soawalls and revetments in unincorporated areas of Collier County k"s¡.onolnq to Co"",llóliiClncr VClSI> , I'utlli, I'.Orl\5 ^dr.1inl tr,1!~~r KUCk suld he olliclJs.Lo b lultltl tommllllllCln"1 Ii,,!!,:; q"VL hir.: rt'qardln~ th1ti tnplc ~lth lnqinebr Mellen ana thnt Somo 01 the t!Uc.JCJ(:titl~n \ r"( iH~inf 81.'"".111, Ioitc: merit line; tt..;rt: we 1\' BOml: ~'It.h ..!alelo lie clio nèt "I)ro... . L;ur1n'j U", :cj'(\"ln,~ LJIscuss¡c>n. CommlI'oSlnr.t'r VO¡'ü 110\1<1 th"t ,,,' ,,/It' Impr..r,¡;ed lCl (jl.~c"vor on IIi,; Vi(¡!l to llH f'lIlJt co..Sl th.:lt the .\J,·..~øllft 111(1(;l! 01 wC'OU Wt.:rt: tll\..' C'rdy C1nÜ& IL'!t 1nt.(lct úfter thv rCCl'nt ¡¡torm. ~,r. I\u.:.. s..j" lI¡.d :.cc>fi(olu ~I..rint; h.J¡¡ d01\.' very '1 ""() work lor thl: ~ounty in ttw ¡¡,1St. ~omr.,i!lsion"r VN¡¡' snld h.ë thouc¡ht th.. County nltf!ds IIn cn' lnL" r our In'1 tIll' ol¡¡Cusslon rec¡ardin'J spl:clUc. Uc>ns tnr 5e.,,,,0115. ' Pllc¡e Ii --- - - - - - - - -.. - -... - - -- - - ---- - - - --- - --- -..----..--.. =:1 ---, , _ J r--¡ "'-...... ..... -~.,....., ............ . .... .1· ~ .'...... . -,.',.._~" "",' .,"- .'-'>-,"-.-'.':P~?;:L'^,·, ' . . 1 --,-.. ........,. - ---.,......._- ~"'--""......._,_._..,..",... ~;ïr. ~~1t;" ;.~,." ,~~~'.~ , :)t ~ . ~i~_..:.._ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _::../ IfJ^" ,'~.. '::i'~r ~?':;~~(.;. -:;~ ;~.... ....d I.. 0," I. .... ... ,,-.;- ::'. ~:. ~; d~ '::.. th. Cod" ,-' ,~'~ Enforce.ent Board .hdl have jruhcJictlon to hur and decide ~t~ alleqed violation. or Ord. No. 85-~ relatlnq to .ea~all. and i),f" revetment. \~~<;.; .'.... - .. ----- --.- --.-.---.-.- - -- -- - - -- - -"- - - --- - -- --... .".,.,....__...,..,.,,,,, .. ~omml.alon.r V~.. Jokua It tho County mlqht ~~t wDnt cnd~ entorcemunt In ¡;I,iCed I')th"r th.:Jn I'Idrco LsI,:.nd "'1<1 County Attnrn.,y ~Aund~rD ~xpl~lnQd thbt It Wð. tno ~~clulon ot tha OCC In 1~8J to h.'lVu thlli "rr1i""nclI .:¡pply to "/lre" 1IIl,.nd. Mr. 5A~ndoru ~.Id tn.t It Jnothor Cone ~ntnrcarnent ~o~rd is ...tdI>Llllnot' clwnq' ß e"n 1)<) ",.:IUu but ne r11t1 nn:. rCCOR,m/;n( ,1I:",ndin.,¡ tnv o.:urrent ('r( nðnCIi "f'IJiyln'1 tt) I"ðrco 1:llen, . ¡;ommllllllnnfll Ilnll..r.t: !I;lld, Sn hln nfJlnlOl1, nnly nn~ -untnrc..mont nit lJ;or tnr "II ot "'/lrc~ ISI.:lnt1 1:1 n(\t I1nou' h. COII',mlßu1~ncr PI:ltor 5,)10 t~el'" W~'r" r'lrl'jlnidly thr"I', Mr. ~Junuer~ solid tn.t thltro h.v~ o~l'n vary t~w c~sell on Mil reo Is 1 ..nu .nt: r,lln!'\1i ~.JVI,' prrül')MI nðr.t )'1 t¡"..n rrn: ruc:t ''0 volunt.Hlly. Cnl'\M1S"jl"orH:r ""j ,)n'l ól::'HJr",,,! tr..Jt :tICr" ig nc> IHC'bl,.", U,ur". PU8LIC PETITIONS SA Pre.entatIon by Richard Braun and Joe CrIm~ to am.nd ZonIng Ordinance to remove trailer pormlt. Crom Colden Cate E.tate. Ct)unty J",ðn"'ll'r L,Ju" II"IU '.nut triO! bCC Inblructed St.,!! t!'t) Investlqat~ ~nf:tn"r lhcr~ bhr'luld bu p~rmtsMlon qr.Jnt~d for dCC"SSt)IY bull,Jlnqs pII"r tn çnr',tr(¡ctlnn r'lt ¡:rln"lp.11 ~"ml!S. Ife ßdld ~t~tt 1u I'r~I'~I~d tr'l rccr'l~"'ønd ln~t this nr'lt be non~. ç 0 mtt.u nil y ¡;" v.. 1 r) 1m.. n l ^,' M I n 1 ~ l r " l" r Ii I r t.l "" i ú t h (s I II no t dlLowuo now ðn( th<'ll It fl1)r'luld nt)t h.. ..1 ln~,,(j. COmIRIIIJUon..r Holl"nd 4U"sllr'ln~r1 ~I",tl\f.'r ,1 tnol shr(J cnuld not Þa pl"c..~ on pro~erty prior to tno prlnclp~1 conDtructlon buing complut~d ~ncj ulucuaslC'n was h"lo dS to thl! "'l!rlts "f thla. L~tcr In th.. m""tln~, Mr. Vlrtð rvltur~ted tn~t ~t~tt r.'cn"''''.-n'J'' cr'lntlnulny thO! .:urr.'nl pr,.cllcII n[ not .¡JInwlntl 0) n y t h I n'J to b" lJU I 1 ton plOp" r t y f) rI n r to C" M fd " t Ion t) t t II" prln~lpðl structur". 88 Appeal by Dr. Roland LodI9 re legal notice of as.e..ment or lien on Lot 21, Block 4, Unit 3, Conner. Vanderbilt Beach E.tate. Communi ty V~·v~IC'l.'ll1lnt Adminl:ltr.tnr Vi rt.1 I'xplllinod that thl:re I. d mix-up on tIlls I tern In thðt thu pat! tioner ha. two Jots Ant1 th.. County ,now.,d C'n.... II.. su(u that ~tð(t Is currontly tryinC) to straighten thln9. OUt with the attorney of tne petitioner. NOH-ACENDA ITEMS Dl.cu..ion of Cypre.. County Mdnuqcr LUJ;lk .aid that hI: o)nc1 the County ^ttorncy have dl,cus.cd C~mml~slon .Jctlon rc~"rdlnq the Cypress several months "90, "no ~vre trYlnq to dSCurt.,ln wh~t dutnorl¡dtion the ~CC gave ~td(f Jt th~t tlmu. I'lIrch.ui1n<) L;lr,¡Ctor ThlUIc rùvluw"d ~11.H h4D hnp¡;oned In tho, paat t...~ month:s with r..g.1Cd to tht! Cypru jO .,nc1 9ðld thAt it ill ' curr.'ntly to bO! .JUCl10n\Jú ~S It :1.1S t,I'...n on th" ,luct1(\n list fnr aoo( 085 ,.~[123 I'II<;;e 7 ~, ~:,,~;~~~:r;'I~~~, ·.~,.~4·?·' ".'- ~t~:~"·~ .,'C'i' . ..-~¡ _,.1 ,. "'-",,' '-_._."----'---..---.,,'-¡~."'''- ;;f;;" ..;..... ,. E--- .,--------------------------- ,)."ODK 085m.t124 January 3, 19B!> "'~",, lome t1nI" hit atllted tht.:r. ,",or" c:ortDin Cletail¡; tll.1t h.:lo to ber ¡,',',!,'~,',',.'.,',',' att",ndOcl wlth re,9t1rd to ol.p~.,d C\t thl.'vl·.atd m.ulrjat.c by th. "Y Iitðtf;....UCh aa offer1n~ it to othuf qc>vlJrnmont .agencios who, ',~ oxhib1tQc! no 1nterolt 1n purchn.lng it. ' ";-~' F11ea1 Offlcer Clle. qUløt1onod whother thn meetlnq at which A..,.. the' .otlan w.. INIdo to claBo (\Ut the Entnrprtlle fund for the f..;,;::' 'Cypr... w.. . lII..tlnq or a work.hop? County Attorney ,Saunders ". < ~~' eICfJrel"cd concern ". to ~hllther thot IlllItlting hbd buPn PUblic1zed. /'Ir. ellaB Bald he would chec:k to 'Ge 1f it ",as II rllqular l.Iollrd . mlletlng or workshop. . Dllcus.lon of qate on,Shell XBland Road ......istllnt County ~~nðqcr Oorrlll referrc:d to a lottllr wr1tten to the Commi"Jon by Hey C. Landrum, Dlrector, Dlvl.lon of Recrllation and Parks, Department of' NDturðl Ret:ources, In which he: requestod conslduratlon of placement of II qate on Shell Island Road where 1 t c:nt.rs Rookury aøy Nl\tionld lstullr lno I>lInctuory. Attur II sho~t dl.cusslon, It was the consensus of the Commls- .1~n'r. thDt luc:h .. qotlt, whil~ it could be hl\nulud by qivinq tho.. persons involved key. to enter, would prc>hlblt the pUbl1c from IIcce.s to the ~r~o. Di.cu.s10n of chknq. In workahop date ^liS1fitðlH Count)! I",oln"ycr Doni. 1 s'11" ther'! ",Ill be.. n«:ec tt'> stort the IoIOrK8Ilnp at 'J:I)f) A.M. nt'Kt ThurSUII)!, J"nuary 11" 19B!" And then receG~ until lC:U0 A.M. dur tn th~ (Jct th^t th~rt will b~ II ribbDn cuttlnq ccrc~Dny (Dr th~ oprnlng n( th~ IIxt~nsJDn of SantI! b..rb/lliJ I:Dult:llð((J. Cnunly 1"..,n'''I''r Lu.u, lIuq'J"Gt('(J thy! III nUl< I tn hhll" "'I IICJenca Jubll~f\"'rI In th.. pllp..r Lnr wnrkMlopa It r:lIlY br nt'C'\'IIII.HY In mClv" th~ ~rkllno~~ tn trloDY mnrnlnqb. Commissioner Holland explall1ud lhot It ~ould not b~ c:onvllnlcnt fnr nlm to muct t'>n tr d~y mnrn1nqs. Aft~r ft ~h~rt d1.cusslon, the d~clslon ~IIS r..~chcu that ft prrllmlnary IIgenCa for the Ioo'Orknht'>p cnuleJ bo' r""'I't tn h.. publ1r.hCtJ in tnL' php'''' Dlthnuqh it woulo b~ necess,'ry ',D mDVl" th., d"/ldllnc tc>r submlslli('\n nf It('ms on tnut òlJcnu,-, tJ;'C'. nn.· C:tIY tn ·.nr'(.;111',c, L,:Vf'r. thnU1tl tJIt.'ft: wou1tj not be Cull b~c~uµ prnV/Ucd. Jt w~s II cnnB~nSUH thllt ~ tn th~ prolllTol niJry ¡IIJI':1(.., tJh' ""·~rr.~II(\~· CC"I".J (~ r¡"tr.b 1ft n" ThurSC;,Yti. 'ItH.tt tJl.'liHJ rlC' lUI Ltl\.f r)lW~ln·.a~, tnl,. rnt:tt.lri'_J wtJ1i /'t0Jl"'urncr. oy UIO!.:' ~L the' CII,,}II - ' u,,,. ll:'¡~ t..~.. Pilqe !I ..------- -- --'- -- -- -- ------- ------.....,--- S:~ c-J (:~tJ ;::w.~i::"iC:'·: ..-;".',,:..;~~-:: \~~í~3\if;;ij#~ EW'''';'¡i'<hf>.'E.",'i· ... , ' .,' .' ',,;.;;tlf;", ~ç~~<>:,~ ",·:,:¡è· ',;.\, _.__.,--~.~--- "'.......""""'."-- ---_..._"".',.,"..'.',......_""'-~..'"'-..,