Agenda 03/27/2012 Item #10Dn
3/27/2012 Item 10.D.
Communication & Customer Relations
3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 102 collievnet
Naples, FL 34112 -5746 twftWMWXCftEM
March 9, 2012
The Collier County Board of Commissioners is seeking applications for positions on several .advisory
The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee currently has one vacancy for a member as an
n alternate with a term to expire October 1, 2013 It is required that the applicant reside in Immokalee.
This is an 11 member committee created by Ordinance No.91 -65,. as amended, to monitor the
implementation of the Affordable Housing Task Force's recommendations, and the goals, objectives,
and policies of the Housing Elements of the County's Growth Management Plan and the City's
Comprehensive Plan. The committee also determines the effect of proposed ordinances of affordable
housing, and makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners and the Naples City
Council; and investigates any other relevant areas so directed by the Board of County Commissioners.
The Board of County Commissioners will appoint nine members, including the alternate member, and .
one of those must be a resident of Immokalee. The City of Naples will appoint two members. Terms
are three years.
The Animal Services Advisory Board has two vacancies; one for a term that will expire April 13,
2016, in the category Veterinarian or Vet Tech., and one for a term that will expire April 13 2015, in
the category Animal Activist Group. This is a seven - member board that was created on January 27,
2004, by Ordinance No. 2004 -06, to make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners
on programs, services, classes and special events that will further assist Collier County Domestic
Animal Services in providing the best possible service to the community. The board will also analyze
and review construction and improvements to Domestic Animal Services' facilities, and make
recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding such.
The Development Services Advisory Committee has one vacancy for a term expiring on December
14, 2013. This committee is composed of 15 members and represents the various aspects of the
development industry, such as architect, general contractor, residential or builder contractor,
environmentalist, land planner, land developer, landscape architect, pro €essional` engineer, utility
contractor, plumbing contractor, electrical contractor, structural engineer, and attorney. The purpose of
this committee is to provide reports and recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners to
assist in the enhancement of operational PffiriPnry arm hmidgetary accountability within the Growth
Management Division and to serve as a pri Packet Page -55- don link between the GrowthManagement
Division, the development industry and the citizens of Collier County.
The Higpic AffrAn .Advisory Committee has one vpcancy -for a tern to expire Jame 25,.2#13.. This
nines - member committee identifies and evaluates problon unique to the Hispanic Community., reviews
and recommends ways to ensure open communicatiOn between the minorities and Collier County
Government, and provides periodic reports to the Board of County Commissioners. Terms_ am four
The, Oebopee Fire Control District Advisory -Cow has one new term" that will .ems on. ;
December 31, 2413, representing the Port of the islands area. This five - member c oMmiu advise's the
Board of County Commissioners on the budget and ceration of the .Ckvpe Fire rCotap li#4
Members must reside within the taxing district. Terms.are two years.
The Paths and Avereadon Ad*�ory Board has: two terms that will 6xpimpa 31, 2015,
and one term that will _ pim on December 31,. 2-014. All three terms will represent "Utbai"
Representation onthis ;bp$rd consists of one memberOnn the Immokalee C'mmty Park" District,
and six menibers from ft Naples: and Urban Area Community Park District. TI Os wVenamber
board advises the` Board. of County Commissionco on matters .- jxxtairung to the apron,
development, and programs .involving the C parr facilities. Terms am four y rs.
The Tourist Development Conneil has two terms eXp ring .on April 21, 2012. This %
council was established by ordinance No. 92 -18 as art, advisory committee to make recommendations
to the Board < of Canty Commissioners regarding a pqDposed plan of uses fcn' out st -dove . tax
revenues, for the emotive operation of the special, projects or uses of the tourist ,development tax
revenues, and to review all ,expenditures of revenuesf rom the tourist dev rpmont_ tma Amd. Thi
council consists of the Chairman or designated rein alive of the Beard of County Con mWonaM
two elected rpnl o#lcals, three owners or operars of moteis, hotels, nti veluc prl,
or o#her toast
accommodations in the county that are€z*ect to the tourist tax; and three individuals
involved in the tourist industry who have demonstrated -an ingest in tourist.develop#; b v .aae
not-owners or -of motels, hotels mother tourist: accommodations The council. Ina -once
each month.
liovv ara-ilv fir an adtm committee-on-line
Go to IfMOLM
Click on `Twant to"
Click on "Apply For"
Click on "Advisory Boards. & Committees"
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3/2712012 Item 10.D.
After you complete the application, at the bottom,
click on "E -mail Ian Mitchell"
You will receive a confirmation that your application was sent. Note: You must put your e-mail
address in the application to receive a copy of your application.
Residents interested in applying for advisory committee positions may also obtain an application by
calling 239 -252 -8097, or from Please forward to the attention of Ian Mitchell,
Executive Manager, Board of County Commissioners, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 303, Naples,
Florida 34112 -5746, or fax to 239 - 252 -6406. The deadline for acceptance of applications is March
29, 2012.
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Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 10.1).
3/27/2012 Item 10. D.
Item Summary: Advisory Board Vacancies press release March 9, 2012, with a deadline
for acceptance of March 29, 2012.
Meeting Date: 3/27/2012
Prepared By
Name: MitchellIan
Title: Executive Manager, BCC
3/19/2012 9:41:24 AM
Submitted by
Title: Executive Manager, BCC
Name: MitchellIan
3/19/2012 9:41:26 AM
Approved By
Name: SheffieldMichael
Title: Manager- Business Operations, CMO
Date: 3/20/2012 9:03:18 AM
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