BCC Minutes 01/10/1985 W _.,...,,_...___ 'h··.'....·______,.,........-ar"'.... 'OO( 085 fAr.[ 20t J.nu.ry 10, 1985 .1.nner Mc~i. indic.ted the loc.tion of this property..nd it. proxialtr to propo.ed Prince.. P.rk off Airport Ro.d. Sh. eXfl.ined tb. 'eve oper h.. '9reed to provide 20' .fford.ble hou.ing vb ch .11ows ';' hla to b.ve ........l1li n\labor of .. unit. per .cre.· A di.cu.sion continued re,.r.in9 the proble.. inherent w"th this f.cet of the eo.prehen.ive P1.n with eoo.unitT Deyelopa.nt Ad~ini.tr.tor Virt. .t.tin, tb.t tbe .fford.ble hou. n9 b.. 9iven 't.ff probl... on other occ.a1one~ 'AI "t. .-'C-2tC, ..rr.at L; ..~., r. 0 ..riaace·fr.. ~ A-I·'" r...lr....t 01 5 acr.. ~ 1.1' ocr..' to coaatract'a .1..1. 1..11y r..i..aco - ContiR." fr.. 1'1'15 ...t.... Ther. w.. no di.cu..ion on th... it... IMI "t~ 'nt-IS-IC, Do..1. "rlll.1..; r.....U..fu a .eco" U.. a t....r.ry r......... ..r.it to at"li.. a tra..l trai1.r 'arin, . ....uacU.. of a pr1_lp10 roal'.aco OD tM _ot lOS' of Tract 15; ..It U. Gol.... Q.at. huto. Co..unity Drvelopoent Adaini.tr.tor virt. expleined th.t this ..tt.r hoe t.ken con.id.r.bl. ti.e to rectify tho .itu.tion of . aobile ho.. being left on property .fter the t..por.ry re.idence p.r~it e.pired. A l.ngthy di.cu..ion .n.u.d r.,.rding the co~pl.xlti.. of , ,.tting . c... .i.il.r to thll fro. the .t.g. wh.n . p.r.on i. .ited to and throU9h the court proc.... .0Ta. .. 'iee.a.i... ..re beld on .ny of tb. It... llel t~r...b 16C7 llel ....l.t.... t. r.oo..r fua4. ....nd.d by C.unty to .bete . pMb1ic lIui..llco .. Lot I, Ilock '20., Unit 6, ..rt 1, Gol'en a.te C"ty IIC2 Lot II, Ilock 1'0, Gol'on a.t. City lie) Lot. 1-5, Ilock 61, Unit 5, ..p1e. '.rk lie. LoU 171 , 240, 2.', .nd 305, WI11...bby Acro. lieS Lot 11, Ilock 113, Un"t " Golden a.u lie' Lot 21, Il_k 5', Unit 2, (¡Oldon G.te City lle7 L41t 2', Ilock 1', Unit 2, ..p1e. ..rk llel ..t. 'nt-IS-2C. T.rry a. . Ch.r10fto ,; "l.er~ r. . t....r.ry r..l- d.ac. ,.r."t t. atili.. . tr...l trail.r duriDf c.Datrecttoa of . pr".c"p1. re.Jdoace on Tr.ct II, Un"t 21~ Golden ~.t. lat.t.. A di.eu..ion follo~.d r.g.rdinq the difficulty In .nforclnq the ordin.ne. regardlng tempor.ry r..idenee p.ralt.. County Attorn.y Slund.r. ..ld th.t what 1. n..d.d i. to utillz. the St.t. Attorn.y to pur.u. th..e ca.... He .a"d there i. . que.tlon .. to wh.ther in.ur- .nc. co.panicl would illu. . perfora.nce bond for. p.r.on who d..ir.. to build « hou... Pate 2 (___J ---¡ r--' --' -?tí -",' , ... ~ .... Januuy 10, 1985 lie. ..t. "'-1.-1S<:, ~i.., a. Adkla.; Project Raa...r; y....y.r.·. Do..l.....t, ~o atr.ot .... .,.ro.al for .....'.r.·. Joal...r', Which ...11 r.. ...t ... ...t, t.. ...1.. north of P.... ."". ...., ...t of A..rport-Pu11.... ..ad Co..unlty Dev.lopa.nt Ad.iniatr.tor Virt. .xpl.in.d the requ..t for .tr..t n... ~pproy.l for Vln.y.rd·. Boul.v.rd. Co~ai..ion.r Vo.. qu..tloned the n..d tor . d.cl.ion o~ this prior to the Vln.y.rd pue .v.n b.ing It.rt.d. Aft.r.n ..t.nded dl.cu..ion, the con..n.u. ot the Coaai..lon.r. va. to contlnu. this .ubj.ct until the Vin.y.rd. dev.lop- ..nt 1. und.rw.y. llelO "t~ SKR-'C-11C, Martia Ka..rcblk, r. atr..t n... .pprov.1 for ...... Dri.o, wblob run. DOrtb .ad .oatb, lat.r.oct"ng Allig.tor All.y OD tbe aoutb, 1/4 .il. o..t of tbo toll ,.te CO.~I..lon.r Pl.tor ..id th.t this 1. .nother probl.~ in th.t the ICC h.. b..n told th.t Int.r..ctions with Allig.tor .r. not to b. ald.. CO..unity D.v.lopaent Að.ini.tr.tor Virta ..Id that the U. S. Po.t.l Doparta.nt n..d. to h.v. . na~. on .tr..t. in ord.r to d.llv.r ..il .nd th.t . na.. .1.0 i. n..d.d for the 911 Sy.t... County Attorn.y Saund.r. .ald th.t he did not think n.~inq . .tr..t would in .ny way .nh.nc. the prop.rty involved. Add.. d".cu..i.n r. Co..i..ion.r. ,i.tor ..d V...' .I."t to T.ll.b..... eo..l..ion.r Vo.. r.port.d on hi. trIp with Co..i..ion.r Pi.tor to T.ll.h..... on 1/9/85 In the Sh.rift'. Departa.nt H.llcopt.r, vhlch w.. u..d due to the round trip co.t of the trIp via co...rcial .irlin... Co~.i..lon.r Vo.s .xpl.in.d th.t the situation on S.R. 951 South of U.S. 41 w.. di.cuII.d with Mr. P.ppa. ~t the St.t. DOT. H. .aid th.t with two .lnor word chanqea In the re.olution the .att.r can b. pur.u.d by the St.t.. Co~.i..ion.r Vo.. ..id th.t Route 29 north to I~mokalc. ha. be.n h.ld up and this ..tt.r wa. .1.0 di.cuII.d with Mr. Pappa. who laId h. would ch.ck into it so the ro.d c.n b. built. CO..i..ion.r Vo.. .ald that. di.cuI.ion w.. h.ld with Dr. DeGrov., He.d ot the Co..unity Affair. Dep.rta.nt, r.qarding Napl.. c.y .nd Bar.foot Baach. H. .aid th.t the Indlc.tion w.. th.t th.r. vorl probl.~. vith N.pl.. Cay. He .aid that to g.t Bar.foot Beach .dv.nc.d on the priority li.t the County h.. to g.t . l.tt.r fro. LIly ..ylng th.y .r. vllling to .ell to Colli.r County .nd . r.lolution h.. to be .dopt.d by the Bo.rd of County Co..i.lion.r. .aylng the County w.nt. to buy the property. He ..id . co~.ita.nt to contribut. .o..thing to tho p.rk ault b. In the r..olutlon, .1.0. H. ..id this prop.rty .but. . St.t.-own.d p.rk north from WIggin. Pal. and would glv. Colli.r County .pproxi..t.ly two .il.. of b..utiful b.ach property. Commi..ton.r vo.. 8aid th.t he .nd Co~.I..ion.r Pl.tor lpok. with Dr. R..d, Ex.cutlv. As.i.tant to the Gov.rnor, r.garding Horr'. Ial.nd and that Dr. Re.d ..e..d not to r.allz. that th.r. have b..n ch.ng.. ..d. on zoning in that ar.e. Co..i.lion.r Pl.tor ..ld th.t th.r. i. gr..t.r urg.ncy In the Borr'. Illand ~tt.r b.cau.. Dolton. CorporatIon conclud.d the ..1. of th.ir T..pa proj.ct .nd want to .ov. tow.rd d.v.lopa.nt of Horr'. Ialand. Co~.i.alon.r vo.. .aid h. r.qu..t.d the County Attorn.y to pr.par. tho n.c....ry r..olution r.garding Bar.toot B..ch. '.r.O( 085 PA'.( 205 P.g. J "If" '" ,.""~~~,-",, ."",.."""~._~~",-,,.....,,,...,,~~,~'--^""''''~ 'OO( 085 r~r·r 206 !IC*-AGIIIM ¡TIM Di.c...Sa~ .r .rrord.bl. bo..1D1 opt".. i. C.-prehe..S.e .1.. J.nuary 10, 1985 eoaaunity Developa.nt A4~lni.tr.tor Vlrt. r.f.rr.d to . ...or.n4u. .ent to the County Man.ger la.t we.k outlining .0.. probl... St.ff ... exp.r"encing with the .fford.ble hou.ing ..ctlon of the Compreh.n.ive ,l.n. He .a14 th.t the poInt .y.te. in the Co~pr.h.n.ive Pl.n 1. u.ed to identity what l.v.l of ..rvic.. are .v.ilable to . d.v.lopa.nt .nd that through the poInt .y.t.. .or. unit. per .cre can b. achi.ved. He u..d Or.ng. 110..0. Oard.n. .. an example of the .ltuation to whlch he w.. ref.rrlng. He r.f.rr.d to the proble. ot how control ov.r wh.t i. .fford.bl. hou.ing c.n be .xhibit.d with thl. point .y.t... A dl.cu.- .ion followed r.g.rding how the .xtr. unIt. per .cr. .re .llow.d. eo..i..ion.r. Holland .nd H.... .xpr....d theIr d..ir. to continu. .llowing for provl.ion of .fford.bl. hou.ing in Col1!.r County. ' County Attorn.y S.under. c.utioned th.t to pl.ce the .fford.ble hou.ing in on. ..ction of the County could r..ult in proble.. wIth the red.r.l Govern.ent, .nd Co..I..ion.r Hol1.nd ..id h. dId not intend to pl.c. it in only in on. .pot, but .er.ly want.d to .tr... the need for this type of hou.ing in Colll.r County. DS.C......D r~.r..... tr.il.r. in Golden G.t. I.t.t.. eo~~i..ion.r Vo.. .ald a p.titlon ha. b.en rec.iv.d fro. a r..i- dent of Cold.n a.t. I.tat.., .upport.d by other., ..klng that the Co..i..ion .li.in.t. u.. of trall.r. .. t~por.ry r..ld.nc.. in the Colden Qat. I. tat.. ar.a. H. ..id th.r. I. a probl.. in th.t enforc.- .ent of the ordinance i. v.ry difficult. Co..i.aion.r H.... ..id the ordinanc. n..d. to b. chan,.d. He ..ld th.t tho.e per.ona who want to build th.ir own ho.. .nd protect th.lr ..t.ri.1. .hould have ao.. way of doing thil. H. .UJg.lted that . perforlNnca bond, a. .U9gut.d in the 1/8/85 BCC ~..ting, .ight pro- .id. the .olutlon to thia difficult proble.. eounty Attorn.y S.und.r. ..ld 10.. .ort of p.rfor~anc. bond could be .chi.v.d, how.y.r, th.r. could Itill b. .ituatior,, where it would be n.c....ry to go to Court to r.aov. a trai1.r wh.n the p.r.it ha. ..pired. Ke .ugg..ted that a fin. ~Ight b. . .olution .lnce th.r. h . gen.ral fin. ordinanc., currently, .nd the fin. could be co.. a li.n on the property. A dl.cu..Jon contlnu.d during which it wa. .ugge.ted that. .oratoriua on u.. of trailer. be put into eff.ct, wIth Mr. S.und.r. .dvl.lng that. ahort .oratorlus could be put in plac., howev.r, If it .a. for an ext.nded p.riod of ti.., it would have to be put Into .ff.ct in the .... .anner a. a n.w ordln.nc., goIng through the prop.r proc... whIch would take tl.e. . Co..i..loner Vo.. ..Id that the rIght. of property owner. h.v. to b. con.id.red .1nce .oving a trall.r next to . ho.. can cr..t. prob- 1.... Co..I..lon.r H.... .ncour.g.d the Com.I..lon.r. to .ov. forw.rd tow.rd cr.atlng . n.w ordin.nc. to r..olve the Inlufflci.nci.. of the curr.nt ordin.nc.. County Klnag.r Lu.k bro~ht up the .bility of building In.pector. who h.v. the power to cit. an4 fin. violator., which Hr. S.und.r. ..ld ... not po..lbl. in Coller County,at the pr...nt tlm.. At4ed it.. .abodaliftt Dr. .t.pb...· pr...nt.t"on to th. Ice .. 1/15/15 at 2.00 '.M. r. Ia.t CO.lt .tor. 4...,. Aft.r . .hort d.llb.ration, the d.cl.1on wa. r.ach.d to have Dr~ P.g. 4 ':::J ::::::J ~~L _......'"',"".""'_,"'......_._"'_.~~ .."._""_,.'".'...~,,,..'..._'"'."',_.4...._''"."........_,.~.._'''"~.~,~._,~_.~,"",..,,~.~__. c= .. .. J.nu.ry 10, 1985 M..k. Stephen.' g"vo h... pre.entat"on req.rdlnq Eaat Coa.t .tor. d..aqe on 1/15/85 .t 2&00 P.M. ,after the acc reqular .eetinq. ; '.' , .~ ,,! . ~. ".' ",.' )'1' . ;;(~1"1 ..........tl.. f.r approý.1/0..oat".n 01 r.aol.t".n aDd ..r....nt "";'. lltetve.. ColUor C...ty .ncI 'l.r..d. DO'r f.r ..... '$1 ".,rO."'Dta . , " eounty Attorney 8.undeu dhtr"but'ed copies of the ruolution to wh"ch co..l....on.r ve.. refarred e.rlier. Mr. launder. e.pl.ined that on Page 2 the word. -the entIre- will be add.d. 1112 "co.ae"'tlo. te .ppro.. ....luti.. 15- to .ubait a pro,...l for a local b..11 for .~n.orob"p by tbe ColtTir Coanty Logl01ati.o De 1... tio. ~unty Attorney Saunders exp1.lned this "t.. rel.te. to the Sólld Weate 'roqr... Public Work. Adalni.tr.tor ~uck ..id it i. . prer.qut- .lte if the proqr.. i. to continue. ÇGaIlrT AGDDA 1111 aoc....ncI.tl0. to .w.rd II' '712, .q~tl0 ...d barve.ter. Publ..c Work. Ad.ini.trator Kuøk expl.ined this equIpment i. need.d to t.ke cere of the can.l. in the Gold.n Cat. !.t.te. .nd that the Board approved expenditure of .oney fro. tho CAC Tru.t DO" ti~e ago, therefore, the ~oney i. .vailable. lea2 "coa.ond.tion to .w.rd ."d. i"O . '7'1 for right-of-w.y cle.r"n. There v.. no di.cu..ion on this it... leaJ ..o.......tlo. te ..ec.t. ....C.) for bur...1 lot. at Lak. Trafford "--rhl Q.ard.na Co..i..loner Vo.. pointed out thl. i. . routIne ..tter. lea. a.co......Uo. for Ii_I acco,t.nc:o of .ario.. .troet. "" Col... Oate '.bdi.ial.n PublIc Work. Ad.ini.tretor Kuck ..id St.ff i. .till clearinq this it.. up and if It i. not re.dy by TUesd.y he will reque.t it to b. t.ken off the agende. Jeas ....lut..o. to appro.e ..l"d Wa.t. .trea. 'low Control ....0 ...11 Alal.t.nt eounty Man.ger Dorrlll ....d this "te. h.. beco.. Ite. 1012. , lea' ..........Uon to a,.ro.. AM.....t ..; ) to '.qr.....t for co..trac- ti.. tad ..I.t...nce of a~I."alon I..ro.....t. aad .,pro.. .aor.w ..r....nt for r.pl.t of Karc. le.cb D.it 25 .ubdi.......1I Tftere v.. not dl.cu....on on thl. it... ~o~~' DB5 mr 207 P.g. 5 .. ,¡, -./"'\- '·'/n~~)~·~t;(ft..._;,~,,,,f;~~'·:/.~t' ·'~,"(:';,~..:I F-r ~_-!'~;¡:-bt1~'t'Ii¡~"If.,¡~.'r'" ,:~hii~~{', ':' toOK 085 ~Ar.[ 20g J.nuary 10, It85 ,.' lA7 aec-..IMSaUoD to .utborh. TUII.port.tion DeparbleDt t~· ..tUo' ~..o , rttbt-of.."., ooacS_aUo. G"o~ C4Þ1Uer c.unt;, WI Goor,o W. Ib.puc1, ot a1 Tr.n.port.t"on D"roctor Arch"bald .aid this .llow. .cc... on Goodlot./Fr.nk Ro.d. I'" ..ce.a....ti.. ~ .pproYlr.iaburaabl.'lIi,h..y'coa.tr.cti.n .9r..- ...t ..t.... Colli.r c...ty aIMS e"rc1.'. Go.or.1, I.o~ f.r turn Ian. ' ...,ro.....ta I. ooajaactl.. _Stk "~ro Dr".. (lolly ...d) !!pro.....t. Thoro we. not di.cu..ion on tbl. it... 111' ..co......tl.. to acc.pt qult-cl.l. ...d. for .dd"ti.n.l r1tht-of- .'Y r.l.tod to .....t. Dr.... ro.d .....n.... projoct Publ..c WOrk. Ad.in...trator Juck .aid this it.. i. for addit"on.l ri,ht-of-w,y to four-l.ne the exten.lon of PIne Ridg. Road. 1"11 "'r.~.".t"o. to .cc.pt ....t-cl.i. d..d. tor ro.' r1tbt-ot-w.y c.lln.oti.. o.trl,..r Lane .nd Clipper W'Y "n Coconut al..r I.tat.. Ther. was no dl.cu.slon on this it... lAll ...........U.. to un_ 1.... ...tk Naut.. Lo.a1ft4J CorporatioD for .l.ct..... .arobe..e .Co~.I..loner Pi.tor ob.erv.d there WI' nothing el.e that could be done with regard to thl. It... PVlLIC PITITIo.. IA rr....tat.... by Marco 1.1... C".ic As..c...t.... r. I r.f.r..... for ~e r.i.l.. of f.... to ....1....t tll. .....t.... Co..ty boDd fUAd ....y f.r t~ co..tr.ction of . oo..u.t"y c.nt.r and park f.c..l..t.... Co..i..ioner Pl.tor ..ld that the ~rco I.l.nd r..ident. recognlzo that $927,000 1. not enoU9h to build the co~.unlty center. He .aid the people would lik. to have a referendu. thl. y..r .0 that all the ~oney viII be av.ilable. Co..i..ioner Holl.nd pointed out th.t no fln.l plan has be.n accepted on thl. project. PublIc S.rvlc.. Ad.inl.trator Norton .ald that the Marco I.land Subco..lttee ha. be.n ~oving forw.rd on thl. project .nd that the BCC ha. not tak.n for.al actIon on any ~.ter Plan. co.'lIIT AGD~ llAl "~".ti.. to ....t. .orplu. offic. ..ulpaollt to tll. 'r".at. IDdu.try Council There wa. no di.cu..ion on thl. Ite.. llA2 ..c....Dd.t..o. for fund. to ....nt.la tb. Golf Co..t Llttl. La'ta. ....~11 r...ld. .t Loly Public S.ryice. Ad~ini.trator Worton .aid this refer. to bid. to ..int.in two b.seball fields. Øe s.id there I. . uniquo situation "n P.g. 6 !::=:J ;::l ~ ~..---- :··:x:'~~:!~~:·:~!r,;' C, . '50;', ~ ·,'··'t. ,~ " , __..____......_"',O'_A,_.~",' .~""...,"'.,_'" ,.",,,,~, ".,,, ,,,.~,,,,,,,,,~,_,",""',,'~C".' >..",'..""._,.....,',;,,"..."'~'"'.'."';'''''''_ --_.._.'--;~,...,,""";;'" .;"...,""".,'''<,'',_,,=~,...... ... ^ "~.___,,,,,,,,no.' __..~,_~r.."~_ 'OO( 085 PAr,t 210 Janu.ry 10, 1985 DI.....I.n re U; .; ao... Ind COUftty . . cóu~ty Man.g.r L~.k ..id that thl. it.. i. .n att.~pt on tho . ; 'County' . p.rt to .tart .at.bli.hlng cu.to..r b... "n pr.p.ration to , " 'd.veloplnc¡ a eounty-ovned water/.ewer .rate., addln, this 11 a verr ...,.rt.nt .t.p. .. .tr....ð that this .. .ajor polley decl.ion r t~o eounty I. 90ing to provld. .ervlce In tbi. .r... Co..i....on.r loll.nd ..id th.t thl. org.nis.tion 1. the .... one tb.t built. p.ck.ge p1.nt .nd, without .uthorlty, hooked Into the Za.t M.p1.. Wat.r Byste. .nd th.n .oved the p1.nt .aro.. tho .tr.et .nd now exp.ct. the County to purch..e It. Øa ..id th.t thair pract"ce. have b.an 1... than .cc.ptabl.. Utl11ti.. Ad.lnl.tr.tor Cr.nð.l1 ..id that tho County would have to h.v. an operating per~it for thi. .y.t... rllcal OffIcer Oil.. ..id th.r. ar. . number of .lni.u. con.ider.- tion. included in Chapt.r 84-84 and he a.ked If they would b. ..t, to wblch eounty Attorn.y Saund.r. r..pond.d .11 tho r.qulr...nt. will bo .et. Co..l..ion.r Holl.nd ..id ha would like it confir..d wh.th.r or not U.s. Bo... h.d . por.lt to do what th.y dId. ·11D1 ..~...t1.. tit recla..Uy a.. pr...U t...' ...cb....o IU ..ploye.. to N.ter Dl.tr..but"on 'uperv".or .nd ...... Col1.ction .uperv...or Utl1iti.. Ad.lnl.trator Crand.ll ..id th... p.ople have b..n doing the incr....d duti.. for . whil.. .0AaD 01' conn COIUIIISIOIIIIUI 13A D..acu....o. of .cbool l"gbt .t ao1ðen Gate '.rkway and '.nabino ...l...rd (C...l....on.r Bolland) Co..i..ioner Holland ..id that there ha. b..n a reque.t fro. quIte . f.w p.ople .nd the .ug,..tlon i. for a cautIon light .rrange..nt .1.ilar to tho one on Airport Ro.d n.ar PoInciana School. Public Work. Ad.in1ltrator Kuck .ald (th.t h. 11 .aking . co.t ..tl~ate now .nd th.t It wIll be approxi~at.ly $12,000 to $15,000 for this in.tall.tion. He .aid that another light .y.te. i. being dl.cu.- s.d for Santa Barb.ra Boul.vard that .ight b. quIte exp.n.lv.. Tr.n.portation Director Archibald ref.rr.d to hi. five ye.r plan' whIch 1. beln9 revis.d to include this .19n.l .y.t.. and it .ean. th.t oth.r .yst... will h.ve to b. d.lay.d or put furth.r down on the priority li.t. County Kenag.r Lusk .ugg..ted that the ~oney for this Installation be tak.n fro. contingency .0 that Mr. Archib.1d will not have to b. conc.rned wIth thia .xpen... . .....i.t.nt County Ken'9.r Corelll pointed out that an .ngin.erin9 .tudy i. b.lng don. on the .ubj.ct and Co..i..ion.r Holland qu..tlon.d tho need for thi. .xp.n.e sIne. the lIght 1. ne.d.d. He ..ld th.t .al.. .nd ,a. t.x 9iV.' the County .xte. ~on.y that could b. u.ed for this work. Co~~i..lon.r Vos. 'U9ge.t.ð that tho .ch.dul. be revl.wed to s.. If on. .y.te. could be .1lminated in favor of .o..thin, 01... Mr. Corrill ..ld that non. have b..n ~ll~inat.d, noting that light. have b.en added. 1)1 þ..acu....o. of ,.to o. 'be11 1.1... Ro" vbere "t .ntor. Rookory lay ..tlon.l I.ta.ri.e S.nctu.ry Pag. 8 - , -.-......"../ '::=J --- ~ t ~ --... .~.- .-- . . -~_..' --,......---.....- J:~" - ..'-----,...... :.......I....-_;~' .,'..... ,." '¡'.'......., --",-""'""-"'>'.