BCC Minutes 01-31/1985 W ... r=.'-I P!'!I "apl'!!!, "'lor i"'''I, .T;\nu!'lrv ~l, l"PS 1.M' 11' nF. Pr.:'I1"~'I1F.~Ft', that thf! RoarrJ of County r:ommissioners in ~nd for th~ County of Collier, ~nd ~lso actin~ aß the ~onrr1 of Znnina ~pp~alR ~nd "1'1 the ~ov~rnin~ hoarrJ(~) of Ruch Bnn~i~l ~ißtrictR ðR h~ve he~n creatprl !'Iccor~inn to Inw "nr! h~vinn conrJuctprl husines!I herein, met on thi!l ,jilt" nt "'1(')11 ~.:'. In WORKSHOP SESSION in nullrl1nn "¡:o" of the Courtho'l:1~ r:o"loll.·x, ~'Rt """)1"'1, FlnrlrJa, \'lit.'" thf! (nllo,dnn I""m.h",rs prH!lentl rn,\ 1111'11" I Fr"ri"rlck .T. \.'/')r¡R ~.:\"( P;, '" ~f" r.. c. "l"l'ri" '!oll"nri linn" ('noùniqht '."'C;P:T: .Tohn 1\. PiRtnl' ,\Lr:O "<?f"';"I'T: ,T"-,,,,, C. ril,'''' ?isc"J nf'i<:"I'; "linar ". "'\(inncr, I'~outv rl"r>:: r'1n"ld r. I.lI"":. ('!)l1ntv ,','n;,"er: :;,,11 rorri11. t'lelRtðnt County ~'"n,'''er: Ff'nn.'t~ ('l1vlE'r. 'I0;"i1lt,1nt ('ollnty IIttcrn"y: "''''rry 'Tirta, Co",,.,unlty rr-Vl' oo,.,,.nt r.d."iniBtr.1tor; ,,1n~on 'l()odc'1C·"'. '1l1il·l1r~ C()ñC' Compl illnc" r¡ r.'ctor: "''1'" '<IIC'·~. "'ub1 ie '~()r":~ \r'Mlni !'!trator: IT"1 Dr Ince, F.n.,inpC'r: ('''01'0''> r·rr;ldh"l", Tr,'n"oor.."tion "ir~rt()r: !onn "r'<i,." Planner: "'hom;'I!'! rr.ln<illll. !ltiJiti~5 !o.dr~dni"trðtor: \"111i.~", Nlloner, ['\i5ast~r I'r~p"H"clne']f1 Director; "or"lr! ~·orton. Puhllc "'"rviclls Þcj",ini- etrator: patricl., nlcl(·.~orth, '~x('rlltiv"! c;ecretiHY: "i\nCV 15r.,e1eon, Admini!'!tr.1tivl> !o,'~i!ltllnt: IInd "'t'mltv C!- ief ¡:,1ymon,\ P"rnett. ~heriff'" repl'lrt.l!'('nt. lOE) Discus8ion of workshop format Count.v "an"ner l.u!'!1( 3nir~ th'lt <;t.,ff '1.'A rp.ceive<i rritlcißm thðt they ,'re "1;'!llil1.," .1 co>rt.1In type of zonlnn durin" the wor'<SnOOIL He suaq(>sted that, hernnft"r, ¡nAtelle! of ~tð(f ",lIklno II nresnnt~tion on %onln<1 items, they only id'~nt i fv ...,hf'rE~ tho t'Jrooeny Is locllten ann how many ncreB lire Involved linn rCApone! to '1u~!ltionR from the Commis- sioners. ComMissioner VORS dgrer>ri this WIIA II goon iden. however, he sairi thllt this should beain lit the next workshop, 'lineI' there was no back-up infor",ation III. thiR meeting. nrA. I"ir.kworth expll\inf'~ that there hllve heen p~o~lem8 with tha copyin,., machine and thllt ~I\tp.riðl is heinq copied, III. this tin!'. COmmiA!lÎonur MII/H,e udd tn.,t 'It'! is wi 11 ino to try th3 workshoc formllt ~ while lono"r. Commil\!l1oner "ass slIid th.,t many people who have attended the lIork!'!ho¡ès h,,'/C told him that they think they arc excellent. III' 118~ed for the ooin1on5 of thos~ penlonB in IIttendllnce. Mr. LloyrJ 5heehlln B/lid tnllt he had not attended II workshop hefore. Mrs. Charlotte We'ltman said tl\~t 'Ihe thought thf'Y hðve heen improvino and that sh.· woul~ like to e'H] th<'lM continue. r.oi. John "el!t-oe said that he harl not previollsly ...ttenderl 11 worKshon, however, in n former arOi\ '.4h~re h(~ livee] worlo:"hops \/ere held ann w>!re helf)ful beclllne they aool 085 PACt 347 Page -.__............1ìd. F''' JO-~- ".,""," . ..':~"..'... __"~'"~''''. ,,,..~_,,,.^'''''"''~''''''''",",...,,..''"<W';''''''''''''.~''''''''''~'''_'_''.._-...." ...."...,...,.",." ." -~,_......-,--"...~,......-~.,~"".....",, ~:" "J' ~~ì,¡ ," '-:*',~'~li" " iOO' January 31, 1985 085,m3'48 permitted the open legal diacu.aion without havinQ to conaid,r 4 deciaion at that particular ti.e. Co~mia.ioner Voaa referred to one criticiam that deciaiona have b.en·made at workahop. and h. related his experience of changing his mind on one ite., regarding the Baptist church in Immokalee, a. a re.ult of public input at a regular me,ting. Commie.ioner Haea, eaid that the pr..entation from the Staff is important because they covar Iteftl that the Commi.sloner. may not think of. He .aid that thl back-up material ought to come earlIer to allow time for study. Commieeioner Go~dnight aaid that the workshops have been very informative to hiI' and that she would like to hav. more information before thl worklhop, however, Ihe .ald .he under.tood the probleml and that she wa. eure they were being relolved. Commieeloner Holland laid that he raised this conversation by .entioning the tact that he would be In favor of goIng back to regular meetings. He .ald that he had been approached by many people regardIng the lack of public Input, with which he agreed. He eald since the public is not allowed to .peak in workshops, h, WQuld agree with Mr. Lu.k'. auggestlon and, If the dlecusalon is postponed until the regular meeting, in order to have both aide. pre.ented at the saml tlml, that would be a good Idea. He .ald It he continuee to receive the amount of complaints that he has h~d he will aek for this matter to be placed back on the agenda. /'Ir. Lusk uld that this meeting is the first actual two week period for workshops, and this Ie just the beginning to this routine. He said that the workshop is really designed to create a discussion atmosphere for the Commission. Dlacua.ion re Special "tg. tor purpo.e of declaring Btate of E.ergency Commiesloner Voss said that he asked the County ~ttorney to investigate the situation of d~claring an emergency and ~ssistant County Attorney Cuyler explained that a resolution has been drafted. He s\.r. gested that thll ~ard of County Comrnission'HI call a Special ""eting for the purpose of declarlns a State of Em~rgency and considering the resolution. Assistant County MJlnðger Dorrill said that an ordinance 1oI4S adopt6d in 1984 designating the Chairman of thð Board of County Commissioners, or in his ~bs(nce the Vlce-Chdlrman or the County i'lðnager, as the official with the authority tr~ declare a local State of Emergency in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. He said that certain emergency measures arc included in that ordinance and he read from SectiQn Three which states that a Proclamation decl~ring a State of Emergency shall activate the appropria"e emergency plans for use or di&tribution of any supplies, County equipment, material, facilities and arrangement that shall be made pursuant to such a plan. He laid that the ordinance 1ists various items that the County is authorized to do. Mr. Cuyler stated that he had reviewed this ordinance and that there was no problem with the declaration of the State of Emergency, adóing that it would depend on what form the Commission desires to present to the State in as far as possible reimbursement for costs. Commissioner Voss said that he would issue such a Proclamation this date. Page 2 ---..., ..._...J . l ~-=:J ----- '...~. - -.-.-...... "'.........-- ~ ._-_..,~.. , -F-' filii FIll "'" January 31, 1985 611 Petition R-84-38C, John Porzio, reque.tin9 re.onln9 fro. A-2 and A-2 -8T-, to A-1 for 20 acre. locate4 .outh of David C. Brown Hi9hway in .action 28, T48S, R261 Pl~nner McKim said that Staff requested this item be contInued. AddQd Ita. - Di.cu.aion re9ardin9 .peekar .y.te. in loardrooa Commissioner Holland Baid that 4ction was taken some time ago to have the speaker system corrected i~ the Boardroom. Commissioner Voss said th.st Aaslltant County Manager Dorrill i. working on the situation. CommiQlioner Goodnight said that when Mr. Bill Fitch was in the area, during the Collier County fair, he discussed this situation with ~r. Camp. Mr. Dorrill s.sid that Palmer Cablevision started their fiscal year January 1, 1985, and they have budgeted new equipment and Staff felt it was premature to change things now. He said that discussions have been held regarding a change In tho position of their camera, and h~ added, until lu~h time as that Company qets the new equipmðnt, that Staff felt the situation should be left as It iI, as the camera that Is used for live televilion can only work from the position In which it now is placed. He said that Mr. Camp has been obtaining price quotes and that ñe does not think the equi~nent would be vðry expensive. 6C4 'etition CCCL-84-llC, aoard of Director. of ley.hore. of Vanderbilt '.ach Condo.lnlu. Aaan., reque.tln9 yeelance fro. the Coe.tel Conatruc- tlon Control Line for property located on Lot. 44, 45, end 46, Block A, a r.-aubdlyl.lon of Old Unit 11, Conner'. Vend.rbilt "ach E.tat.. (Cay.hore. I Condoainlua) Community Developm~nt ~ministrator Virta said this is a request for a patio to be ~onstructed ~eaward ~f the Coastal Construction Control Line. Ho explained this petition was reviewed by Dr. aenedict and he worked with the people and their proposal to place a cement slab as a patio seaward of the pool and of the CCCL. Mr. Virta said that Dr. Benedict was concerned that the cement slab would have an adverse affect on the beach because of run-off problems as well as the impact of the slab on wave action, during storm events. He said that the Executive Summary that the Commissioners will receiv~ recommends denial of this petition. He said, however, that he has since worked with the petitioners and that they have agreed, in lieu of a ce~ent slab, to place a pres'lure treated wooden deck which would be supported by 4 by 4's, with the last four feet being cantilevered. He said this would reduce the request by four feet and that the plywood deck would have far less Impact on the beach system. He added that he discussed this arrangement with Dr. Benedict, this date, and Staff is now recommending approval of this petition, as modified. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Virta said that deck will be above grade, where it starts, and will be about three inches below grade at the end, because the beach slopes back toward the condominium. R. said he did not know how deep the pilings will be driven, but he would find out. &OOK 085 PAG[ 3'4.9 Pag. 3 .... ----.--------------, .\.-.."._-,~~..._._-_.,- -"f=-_. ........~._. .-.. ^'____,"_......._~',~;,_,~...._.,,"" ""_".«"~·._e.·._."·~'_...~~m""._.,_......~~.""~'_",~~ .'4Þ;"',~J"',~ . ,oo~ ~'~Gr~() Jßnuary 31, 1985 IC) Petition CCCL-14-IC, Kuhlaan Entineerlnt, repre.entlng Mr. Dewitt '.lth, req.e.t1n9 a .arlance fro. the Coa.tal Con.tructlon Control Line for' property located on Lot 42, tlock A, Conner. Vanderbilt '.ach I.tate., Unit 1 Community Develo~ent Administrator Virta explained this 1s a request for a variance to construct a swimming pool and deck seaward of the Coe.tal Construction Control Line for a single family re.idence. He said Staff recommends approval subject tOIl) the pool and patio designed, submitted with the petition, shall be revised to further minimize its intrusion into the coastal zone by changing it from a .hore normal to a ahore paralleJ/ that it shall be built at grade, with fill brought in to transition the pool seaward to existing grade/ 2) that the dune zone on the property shall be enhanced by replanting .eaoats in all are.. where they have been damaged by pede.trian traffic and pa.t storm activity, and that the fill brought in will .l~o be planted with seaoats, 3) that. dune cro.s-ov~r shall be constructed over the sea oats to prevent further pedestrian Impact, with the cross-over built according to DNR standards and shall terminate with staira no more than 10' seaward of the restored vegetation line, 4) the place~.nt of the revet~ent seawall, or other form of shoreline stabili- zation structure, ~hall not be permitted seaward of the structure should further storm activity remove the seaoats .nd lawn separating it from the Gulf, and, ~) that approval of the variance petition does not cunstitute endorsement of the structure's location or guarantee that it will not be damaged during future storm events. 6C5 PetltloD a"'-14-lC, WII.on, "Iller, tarton, Soll and Peek, repre.enting Clyde Quinby, reque.tln9 .ubdlvl.lon ...ter plan approval for Quail aollow located on ea.t .lde of Polly Ave. between ~attle.nake aaa80ck Road and Iverett St. In Sec. 16, T50S, R261 Planner McKim explained that this Is request for Subdivision Master Plan approval. She said nothlnq has been changed since the rezone request. 6C6 PetitIon DRI-84-2C, Ji..y Atkin., repre.entIng Naple. Fruit' Vegetable Co. , Michael procacci, requeatIng developaent of re910nal l.pact approve! for The Vlneyarda PUD, located between Airport Road end Colden Cate I.tate., eeat of Unit 35 and north of ?lne Ridge ~oad Planner ~KI~ said that Staff is requesting this p~tltion be continued so that the rezone petition can catch up to It and the Board can hear both of them at the same time. 6C7 Petition MUC 84-lC, Wynde.ere Holdings, Inc., reque.tin9 non-confor.ing u.e chanqe to allov petitioner to replace existing non-confor.lng .lgn Planner McKim explained this petition concerns non-conforming use ch~nges for the sign that currently exists on Goldtn Gate Parkway and Livingston Hoad, on the northeast corner. She said that the sign was graõted when the model home was built in that area ana the model home is now a residence in which Wyndemer~ still maintains an interest. She said that the petitioner wants to change the sign to one format which require. them to remove the current sign and replace it with four other aigns. She said that this PQtitio~ is for the change of the non-con- forming use, and added that anytime a non-c?nforming us. is altered, the Board has to approve it. She said Staff recommends approval pag e 4 ..--.., , ..... ..-....'...,..... ..,----- .... ...-...... ......ÞOoI_l'II'f---·_.. ~ ~ ~ January 31, 1985 because the petitioner is promising to remove the non-conforming use signs in the future when Livingston Road is complete from G~lden Cato Parkway to Pine Ridge Road. She said that the petitioner now feell there il a hardship since they Are at the end of a dead-end road with no visibility on Coldln Cate Parkway. Mrs. McKim said the proposed sign is 127 square feet and the current sign is 112 square feet and the largest sign allowed is 100 square Ceet. She said that Staff is requeeting that the four signs with which the petitioner is replaclng this non-conforming use not exceed lOa ~quare feet. She said that the petitioner is building a vall that will have "Wyndemera" on it and a logo on each side and each of the logos are considered a sign, and that "Wyndemere" will be in the ~iddle. She said there will also be a free-standing sign with "Wyndemere· on it. She said that this property is zoned Estates. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Mrs. McKim s.id that Sta~f does not have a "Letter of No Objection" from the owner of the house on the property. Mr. Bill Barton laid thllt Wyndemere holds the mortgage and he would obtain the IIforementioned letter. Commissioner Holl~nd asked. for tho record, If the property under discussion dnd Llvlngstryn Road werc not deeded to the County by Wrndemere7 He ask~d if the Company did not pay for the construction oC L vinglton Road, and Mrs. McKim said that WdS correct. She explained, when the Wyndemere project wan approved part of the approval of the rezone required Wyndemcre to dedicate th~ 105' right-of-way to the County which they did, to instllll one-hllif of the Cour-Iane road. Commissioner Holland said, with the dedication of the proporty and the fact that wyn~emere paved the road, that the Board WQuld have to give them consld'rðrion~~~roatlng eno~1h signs to give the company yisibil1ty. 7A3 Petition V-14-31C, Wynde.ere Holdings, Inc., reque.tlng verl.nce to Incr.... tro. 1 .Ign to 4 .Ign. Plðnner McKim stated tha~ this petition Is to allow a variance from one sign to four signs. She explAined that the Executive Summary outlines the same thoU1ht process as the preceeding potltion regarding non-conforming use. She said that Staff recommends approval. She pointed out a correction In the Executive Summary which states that Staff recommends denial of this petition, unless the petitioner agrees to limit the signs to lOa square feet and promises to remove those .igns when Livingston Road is completed from Golden Gate Parkway to Pine Ridge Road. Mrs. McKim said that It was her understanding that the signs have been designed and that they have been constructed. 7Al Petition Y-'4-29C, Wynd..ere Bolding., Inc., requeatlDq . ..rl.noe tro. height requlre.ent of . ten~e .lonq 1-75 fro. ala te.t to t.n teet Planner McKim explained this is . request for a variance from the height requirement along 1-75, and added that single family and multi- family tracts are in the area of this petition. She said that the Executive Summary states that the elevation of 1-75 Is approximately 15' to 16' and the height of the property in the area Is IIround 10' to 11' and the reason for the fence re~uest is becaus. the visu.l buffer needed WQuld n~t be prQvided by II 6 fence. She laid St.ff recommendl denial because they did not find this to b. II unique situation In that those elevations are similar from Wyndemore's froperty all the war south and east to C.R. 951. She said Staff fe t that Wyndemere d d not have a hardship in light of the other properties that have the same ~oo~ 085 rAG( 351 pag. 5 ..~:. . -------_.----_._._---_.._~_..... .... ~>o,._;.,,·..__.._.·_,·._..~,_..·_,,······",.·'···>··~,..··~,...,,__~__,.._~'"._ .1...:.:. ...~-;..,""I:". e;D~ 085,m3"5? char.cteriat~cl and would be limited to a 6' January 31, 1985 fenc.e". 72A ..tltl.. V-I.-30C, Wynd...r. 101dln9.' Inc., requ..tln9 a varlanc. to allow . .19n. In.t.ad of 1 In tb. entrance to tb. d.v.lop.ent and fro. the l.catlon of aald .1gn Planner McKIM said thl. 1. a requkst for a variance to allow three sign. away fro~ the project entrance at the southwest corner of Livingston Road. She said that the petitioner i. propo.ing similar .igna· 1.0 the previous requeat in the wall with one ·Wyndemere- .lgn and two logos. She stated Staff recommend. denial because they did not find a hard~hip or n~.d for signs at that position. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Mrs. McKi. said that the sign at the petitioner's project entrance, off Livingston Road, Is on the petitioner's property, 7al 'etltlon 'U-'4-1SC, Coa.tal Ingln..rlnl' r.pr..entln9 Lloyd Sh.ehan, re~ue.tlng 'rovl.lonal US. ·1· of tbe .tate. DI.trlct for a prlvste .chool loceted on UnIty Way In Sec. I, TSOS, R261, 9.1 acre. Mrs. McKim explained this Is a provisional us. request to allow a private achool in the Estates are. by the Unity Church on Unity Way. She showed a map and Indicated the proporty in relation to County Barn Road and Davis Blvd. She seid, at this point, the petitioner has only Ph.se I proposed, however, he Is requesting provisional use for the rest of the property for future expansion. She said that Staff has recommended the usuAl stipulations and recommends approval. 7a2 'etltlon PU-14-l6C, rl.rlda HIghway Patrol, requ..tlng proYI.lonal u.. accordl~ to 'ectlon IJ10, Is.entla1 ServIce., for the HIghway Patrol Sub.tatlon located at the old toll booth for AllIgator Alley Responding to Commissioner Voss, Planner McKim explained that this req~~st Is for a provisional uso under the Essential Services Section 01 the Zvnlng Ordinançe to allow the Florida Highway Patrol to have their substation at the location dcscribed above. 10Al ,.tltlon TR-eS-7C, a.len 'hyllla TIpler, requeetlng for a ..~ond tI.e t~.porary re.ldence per.it to utilI.. a treyel traIler durln9 con- etructIon of a prInciple r..lðence ¢~ tbe north 150' of Tract 131, Unit 20, Golden Gat. I.tat.. Community Oev~lopmont ^dmlnlstralor Virta said thlø Item is simil'lr to a reque.t the Board heard at their last meeting. lie said that 1'11'5. Tipler wall cited by the Zoning Dilpartment In Mðy 1984 and in December 1984/ that she was In Court this month and was adjudicated and that the Judge hali withheld sentencing for 45 days t~ give Mrs. Tipler time to rectify the~ituation. He pointed out that Mrs. Tipler has r~cdlved considerable publicity and is now the subject of a communlty- wide effort to help her finilh her home. He said that she has cxpended virtually all of her (unds and th~ construction that was done WdS leis than adequate. lie stilted, because o( the actions Staff has taken, St~ff recommends denial of this request (or a second trailer permit. Commissioner lIasse 5~ld that lIIany citizens have donated materials ana contractors dre currently surveying the possibility of putting up the hou.e. 10A2 Reco.a.ndatlon for the aoard of County Coaai..loner. to .et a publIc hearIng date for 'etltion DRI-a4-3C, ·Lely - A Re.ort Coaaunity· Pac¡ e 6 .--, ._-~--, ..-.,......- -_..~-_.........~. p1III ,...., p.-, Jðnullry 31, l'J8S Community Development Administrator Virta explained th1s 1s a requ.st for the Board to set a hearing date for the DR1 applic~tion, which will bo glvon ðt tho next BCC meeting. lOA2 Dl.cu..lon of zonlnq enforc..ent Community Developmont 1\dministrator Vlrta explained this item is II "hold" Ip~t on tho agenda subject to ~rkshop later, and there is nothing to discuss, ðt th1s point in time. Th.r. wa. no dl.cu..lon r.qardlnq the followlnq It.a. oth.r than Co..unity D.velopaent Adalni.trator Vlrta .t.tinq th.t all r.qu..t. for tb. t.apor.ry reaid.nc. perait. a..t tho criteria in the ordinanc. and that St.ff reeo..end. approval of tho.. H. .aid, r.qardinq the w..d 11.n., tbat tho lot. ..r. aowed by the County and Staff r.que.t. the plac..ent of the lien. on tho property. B. point.d out, a. . r..ult of tb. va.t nuaber of lot. the County i. cuttlnq, Staff h.. ch.nq.d the proc.dure fro. i..edlately pl.cinq a lien to billinq the property own.r .nd qivlnq hi. 30 day. to pay .nd if the bill I. not p.ld by that ti.., the lion will be pl.c.d. He ..id, hopefully, this will roduce the nuaber th.t b.v. to co.. before the ao.rd .nd will Incr.... the County'. r.cov.ry rat. of fund.. R..pondlnq to Co..I..ion.r R...., Mr. Virta .ald that St.ff do.. Infora the property own.r th.t If . trail.r I. placed on th. property prior to the p.rait, th.t I. . violation of tb. lonln9 Ordlnanc. .nd, If dl.cov.r.d, Staff will t.k. .ction .q.ln.t the prop.rty own.r. ... 1611 P.t. TR-8S-6C, John ". D.via, Jr., requ.atlnq t.aporary r.aid.nc. p.ralt to utlliae tr.v.l trail.r whll. conatructlnq . hoa. on W 180' of Tract 27, Unit 19, locat.d on 14th Ave. WW, 1 all. ..at of Wilaon !lvd., 1-1/2 all.. south of SR-846, Oolden Oat. Eatat.a 1682 ,.t. TR-'S-4C, O.orq. Corzine, Jr., requ..tlnq te.porary r..id.nc. per.lt to utili.. tr.v.l trailer durlnq conatr~~tlon of . prlnclpl. re.idene. on Worth 16S' of Tract 103, Unit 7, located on 17th St. WW, 1/2 aile north of Colùen Cate Blvd. .nd 3 aile. e.at of SR-9Sl, Golden Oat. latat.. 1613 Pot. TR-IS-SC, Edaon C. Port.r, r.qu..tinq t.aporary r..id.nc. perait to utllia. . c.ap.r durinq conatruction of prlnclpl. r.~id.nc. on Tr.ct 124, Unit 2', located on 29tb Ave. IW, 660' e..t of 39th St. aw, ju.t .aat of SR-9Sl, Oolden Oate latat.a l'B4 P.t. TR-84-13C, Francia' Jean "u.lck, r.qu..tlnq . 3 .onth .xt.nalon peralt to utilia. . travel tr.il.r durinq con.tructlon of a principl. re.id.nc. on Tract 116, Unit 87, Gold.n C.te lat.t.. 16827 P.t. TR-aS-9C, John I. Hov.ll, r.qu..tinq t.aporary r..id.nc. p.rait to utlla. a tr~v.l tr.iler durlnq con.tructlon of . prlncipl. r..i- d.ne. on 26th Av.. 81, 2 ail.. north of Alliqator All.y and 1/2 all. W..t of DeSoto Blvd., on Tr. 24, Unit 90, Go1d.n aat. I.tat.. aoo~ 085 PAGt353 Pllq. 7 ,,'; , ',~. - -------.-. ---·-~---·I"',,.~·~~·..--,-,-.........,,....,.-r<""~F·'··- ..... ... .~r:'!:L_,".,,'" I ....."',."".., ",.,,,,"'" . _." ,,,,,,~,~",,,,,~_""",,_,,-~,r" ._."_"_"*',,_.~_....~ .''''"'_'_.' &001( U85 PAGt3'54. 1612. ~t. TR-'4-21C, Larry D. "nayl, r.q~..tln9 a ~.onth ..t.n.ion per.lt to utili.. a tra..l trall.r d~rlnt con.tr~ctlon of a prlnclpl. r..ldanc. on Tract 86. Unit 7. aold.n Cat. I.tat.. JanulI ry 31, 1985 1'.'. , ~'it..." , """~'. 1581 ,.t~ TR-15-IC, C; I. . Lynda Daahar, raqu.atln9 atl11.atlon of aotor co.cb durin, conatructlon of . prlnclpl. r..ld.nce locatad on 7tb It., I.W., 3/4 .11. aoutb of aoldan Oat. Il.d. 1 .11. ..at of Wll.0D Il.d~. on 'ha nortb lID' of Tract 3. Unit 12. aold.n aate latata. ,.t~ Ta-'5-l0C, J.... L. . Deborab D. All.n, requa.t1nt utl1i.ation of tra..l tral1.r on W 150' of Tract 31. Un1t 77. Gold.n Gata latat.a a.aolutlon to r.co..r fund. .xp.nd.d by County to ab.t. public nul.anc. on Lot 15. Ilk. 21, Unit 2. .apla. Park Lot. 1 . 2. 11~. 73. Unit 6, .aple. Park 1612' 16131 un 1611 0 Connera Vanderbilt I.tat.. R..ub Unit 1 , Ilk. A. Lot 40 16111 "aple., Unit 1, Ilk. 13, Lot 22 16112 Gold.n Cat., Unit 2, Ilk. 26, Lot 23 16113 .aph. park, Unit 6, Uk. 51, Lot 50 16814 Gold.n aata, Unit 7~ Ilk. 267 , Lot 5 16115 Goldan Gat., Unit 6, Part I, Ilk. 203, lU16 .apl.. Park, Unit 6, Ilk. 73, Lot 17 16117 Willoughby Iocr.., Lot 341 lflU MApl.. Park, Unit 6, Blk. 73 , Lot. 48 , 49 16111 JUrco ..~ch, Unit 6, Ilk. 235. Lot 1 16820 Marco I.land, IfW Ilk. 115, Lot 1 16821 Maph. Park, Un1t 6, Blk. 79, 'Lot. 1 . 2 16122 .aph. Park, Unit 3, Uk. 42, Lot 22 16823 Ial. of Capri , Unit 2, Lot. 424, 425 . 426 16824 1.10 of Capri, Unit 2, Lot 430 16825 Iala of Capri, Unit 2, Lot. 432 , 434 16826 tale of Capri, Unit 3, Lot 169 1685 a.co...ndation to approve a..nd..nt to the S.ction 8 Annual Contri- bution. Contract COl'lmunity Developnent Admini6tNltor vi rta sðid this item Is II rccommendðtlon to approve II minor ðmendment to Section B Annual Contri- butions Contrðct wnich is requesteC: by IIUD in Jðck,sonyillc, and added that it would not ðl!ect the County's funding. He saiñ the item has P/lge 8 ~''''j ~. ,--. ...--.... ..- ...- -···---F-..··· I . ...-___."".,..,~~.'"~"_~4~",.·.,.__""....,.,.·"',·,,..,... _"...._""'"'__'"',_w;~,,,·"..·.~._.____~ """___~ .~.".>".. ....~..~..~_~.",,'~"·w~_"·..·.· ... "" ~ January Jl, 1985 been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office. 1'1' Reco..endation to approve Weatherization Contract. Community Development ^dm1nistrator Virta expla1ned that Staff has been working about two years obtaining funds, which originate with the rederal Covernment, that allow the County to help low income homeowners weather11e their houses. He said that _ather.11ation means small actions that enhance the energy efficiency of the structure, such as re-glazing windows, 1nsulation, or caulking. H~ said that no more than $400 to $500 is usually spent on anyone structure and the homeowners have to meet certain criteria as to income level in order to receive County assistance. H. sal.. the intent of the progralll is to less.n the .nergy demands which lessens the homeowner's energy bills. 1619 Reaolutlon a.endln9 R..olution 84-236 by chan9lnq the deadllne for .uö.lttln9 reque.t. to ...nd tb. Co.pr.hen.lve Plan fro. the thlrd Frlday 1n January to the fourth Friday in January Community Developmont Administrator Virta explained the reason for this r.quest Is that when the th~ original resolution was adopted in December 1984, the adoption was delayed one week which delayed the starting date by one week. He said that the time period for submission was extended one week, to allow the petitioners that much more time to bett.r prepare their application and Staff Is asking for the Board's concurr~nc. of that action. 16830 Reco...ndatlon of support fOI the I~okalee Water and Sewer Di.trict Community Development ^dmlnlstrator Virta laid that this is a recommendation of support for a loan for the Immokaleo Water and Sewer District. He explðinec1 that Ms. Shelly Williamson, of tho County's Economic Prograllls Department, has been worKing with this District t~ help th.m obtain funds to construct a water tanK at the airport. He said there is, currently, a water tank at the south end of Immokalee and this request would allow an increase in the pressure in their system by having a tank on the other side of town which would enhance the overall w~ter pressure within the sy~tem. He explßined that, due to the demands of the increased population in winter in Immokalee, as w.ll as the demands of the packing houses for water, packing houses have had to bo shut down because the water pressure has dropped. lie said this request Is intended to rectlfy that problem. He said that Staff has received Indications from one of the Collier Companies Intent to conatruct an additional packing plant in Immokalee which would place further demands on the water system. In r.sponse to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Virta stated that the ImmoKal.e Water/S.....er District Is seeking a Farmp.rs lIome Administration Loan for the construction of this tank. Mon-Aqenda It...1 1. Cltation isauanee for violation. 2. Report and r.c~..endation for ataffin9 the luildin9 Code Co.pli.ne. Dep.rt.ent At the r.quest of County Manager Lusk, these two items were dis- cussed together. Community Development ^dministrator Virta explained, &ODK 085 PAGt 355 Page 9 ~..". ~. n~iM" ,. --'-"~F-"'--- "',...._,.,..,..,"_..._~,-'~.'»~.-.,.""...,.."-,., ....... ",,,...'"'",,,...... '^~" ~..j-;'-" January 31, 1985 ~OO( 085 HGt 356 aft.r the la.t Work.hop, h. h.d his ~dmini.tratlv~ Assi.tant inv.sti- gat. this ar.a in gr.at depth and h. ref.rr.d to that report, copiea of which the Com~i..lon.r. had. ·Co~ml..ion.r vo.. .xplained that it is now pOI$lbl~ for Building Inspector. to i.su. citations for zonip9 violations and other types of viol.tlon. r.th.r than having to go throuqh the State ~ttorney'. Offic.. In r..pon.. to Com~i..ion.r Halse, Mr. Virta laid, although thIs ability ha. b.en in the ordinance, the report spells out ftignific.nt w..kll..... th.t have b.en In place from the standpoint of . reluctance on the part of the County investigators to issue citations because they felt uncomfortable in doIng so, due to a preccived lack of detailed knowledge of the regulation., and because of a lack of close coordina- tion with the State ~ttorney'. office in arranging for court date. In .dvance, so . citation could be issued, on the spot. lie recommended the program by which the investigators would be brouqht up to speed in their knowledge of the ordinance, in understanding that they hðve full .upport at all levels in the County and bocause Staff is in a posture o! wanting tough enlorcement to take appropriate action so that the inve.tigators issue citations they will have court dates in advance, if w.rranted. He referred to the second to last page of the report which i. a .ummary of the conclusions in which his Administrative Assistant recommend. that a detailed training program In the ordinance be .tarted for the investigators. He said that he and others In the Building Code Compliance Department wo~ld conduct the actual training and that tr.in- ing ~uld also Include the Exotic Tree Ordinances, which, by Statute, have been put under the purview of the Building Investigators, although that authority has never been granted by the Board by ordinance. He said Staff would I~~edlately prepare an amendment to the original ordinance granting the citation authority to Includ~ the Exotic Trees and Protected Tre~ Ordinance. /'Ir. Virta said that Stðft will reque.t the State ^ttorn~y to work with investigators as to all the requirements of legal Rufflciency in the citation ordinance. tie 9ald that two 'Invellti~atorß are on Staff who do not have tn~ ability to Issu~ the "Notice to ~ppear" and, at the closing of the training period. those names would be brolY3ht to the Board to be added to the prog I' ani. Building Code Compliance Director Wood::ock sðld that p,lrt of the problem 15 that the Investigators do not have confid~nce In issuing citations and the previously mentioned training WQuld alleviate that probl vm. Commillsio.1er liolland said thðt the Zoning Department has been taking crlticiam regarding zoning violations, ðnd it was his oplni~n, that the ratio of personnel in th~ past tw~lve years has indicðt~d that zoning enforcement hðs suffered greater than any other department that provides service to'Collier County. He said that there have been more complaints on zoning violations than ðnythlng else of which he was dware. He sðid tl1ðt by adding only one more person to hðndle those complaints, than waS had twelve years ago, there is something wrong with the addition 01 em~loyees, considering that the rCijt of the Bu11alng D~pdrtmcnt hds had ab"ut d 200t Increase in employees as has the 5heril['fi Department and the County Attorney's Oftlce. H~ said that the population has Increased about thre~ times in that pcrlod of time, but tne County has not increalH!d employmp.nt of enforcement people in u.. Zoning Depar tment tor reasons unknown to him. He said that two or three people could be put on the ~ed ordinance to WQrk five or six days II week on that problem. He said, if there are not enough people to enforce the ordinances, the Commission should not put them on the Pag e lO -., . . ~.~..-... .-..... " ···__.."...·1.·..~··f --""'-'- """ "'"..~~,'".__.^'"._~."'.......-,,~.'..,..,.>#.._.<.~ ... 1'~.,.,.4 ~ January 31, 1985 book.. In re.ponse to Commissioner Voss, Commissioner Holland said that it was his opinion that the Commission could not wait lonq enough to hold a public hearinq on the matter. He said there has to be enouqh money, if tho need is thero, to 'justify increasinq the r"umber of lnve.t1qatora to a point where there would be reasonable coveraqe. Mr. ~odcock said, when a complaint is received regarding the weed ordinance, an inve.t1gator muat viail the site to s.e 1f the lot quali- fies to be cut; the Investigator obtains the legal d~scription; a letter is written and forwarded, by Certified Mail, to the property owner, and, in 30 daya, th'l investig/ltor must return to the s1te to see if the lot has been cut. He said that one investigator came in with II liat of 256 lots in Golden Gate and the above procedure must be carried out on all of those lot'l. He said that the situation is not going to qet any better, and he pointed out, if the Commission intend'l that the weed ordinance is to be .nforced the County will soon be in II position to see that the loti are cut without receivin1 complaints. Comml sslone I' holland sa id that Mr. Woodcoc~ I 5 request for one employwe is too conservative to give him the ability to enforce the ordlnanc.u on the books. Mr. Lusk agreed with Commissioner Holland, however, he cautioned ag~lnst Instantly increasing the enforcement department, and added thðt Mr. Woodcock and Mr. Vlrta do not need a large group of new people who neeCl trðlnlng. Ho sll'1gested that one or two people be hired and trained and In three months the new people will be trained by the older employees. lie said thJt the wed ordinance will need to have a Cull time enforcement officer and a full time clerk. In response to Commissioner Hallse, I~r. LU3k said that his experience In PinellaR Pa:k hðS shown him that the more a weed ordinance Is enforced, the more violations are reported. Mr. Virta said that one goal Is to reach a point where the viola- tions ar. taken care ot before people complain about them to Staff or the Commission. ~. RequQat tor road n&~. chanqe - Vineyerda Bouleverd Community Development Administrator Vlrta said that this matter was continued until the rezone rcquest for the Vineyards project came before the BQard. Latwr In the meeting, County Manager :"usk stated that Commissioner Pistol' had requested that this Item be put on the agenda. 3. Discu.sion rei swi..inq pool encloaure. Commission~r Hasse said that it appears that the pool enclosure ordinance is not very clear and that it penalizes the single family residence and no discussion I. given to commercial properties. He suggested that this situation should be clarified by re-wording th. ordinance or else have the ordinance enforced. Mr. WOodcock said that ~ai.tant County Attorney Cuyler has researched this matter and Collier County has adopted the Swimming Pool Code which was drawn up by the Southern Standard Building Code of Congress, and the ordinance speaks of all pools in regard to enclosures. He said, however, at the end of the ordinances there is a statement that all commercial pools shall be per the standards of the HRS. He said that that the State doe. not require a fence and the Building Code Compliance Department more or less accepted that public pools were not involveo in the fencing sections because the ordinance said that the State Health Departm.nt had control of that situation. He said that a public pool is any pool used by more than four resi- -- Page 11 BOOK Ðee::: -.. 1")'57 v\J' ".' oJ -I.,í I ~~. ----r".-'--.---"-'-' ... .. -,'r',··-· ~ ,:::'r: JanuHY 31, 1985 am 085pm358 denta, according to St.te Health Department Regul~tion.. He r.lat.d r.c.nt c.... wh.r. individual. r.que.ted not having to put f.nce. ~round th.ir pool., and .aid th.t in one in.tance the Building Departme~t .llowed one party, on Marco, to fence three .ides of the pool to the outw.rd .ide of the aeawalt, becau.e children would have to come by bOlt in order to fall into th.l pool. He a.ked for guidance from the Board on this entire matter. Commie.ioner Hasse saið that the ordinance indicates that all pool. need to be fenced, public as well as private, and he agreed that Hr. Woodcock should have direction from the Board. In answer to Commi.sioenr Hasae, Mr. Woodcock said that a fence can be placed around an entire yard or within three feet of a pool. Commissioner Hasse suggested that Staff obtain copies of ordi- nances from surrounding communities and look into this matter. Commis- sioner VO'lS said that the City of Naples does not have such an ordinance. Mr. Wbodcock agreed. 6Cl R.solut1on cr.atin9 a '1.1n9 A....~..nt District for the Cr..n~ay Road Ar.a Public Wbrks Mministrator Kuck said in October 1984, this project was before the Board as a public hearing item, at which time several property owners objected to tho outline of the proposed Dlatrict and requeated that an investigatlon be made to take in additional areas. He said the Board directed ~taff to go to the property owners to see if it was possible to obtaln access easements to include the Ireas and this was done, howl/vel', Stotff WðS unsuccessful. He said the property owners who WQuld have to grllnt those eatlllments were not willirlg to do ao and this request h~s the same Ulntrict boundaries a8 were shown ln October 19ß4. He said that pctltlons from 56\ of the property owners were received reque3tlng the creðtion of this Dlstrict and thv Improvements involved. He said that numerous people, present at the Octobar 1984 meeting, were in favor of the project and ð letter wall received fro~ 23 property owners who favored tho project, but they did not have the opportunity to speðk. Enginee~ Val Prince Indlcated the location of the propolled District as it relat6s to U.S. 41, Sunshine Mobile Home Park and W&stwlnds and pointed out the road that WQuld be improved. He indicated the property that 6 L's farms recently purchased ~nd placed ð parameter ditch arounÒ, which cuts off the ðccess to the ðrea, and said the property owncrs in that úr"a gain occess through other farm property. In response to Commlssioner Hasse, he said thðl 6 L's farms have their own road that serves their origlnal property. Mr. Kuck said that 6 L'sFarms is not being assesseù. lie ex¡:;lain~d that one parc'!l included in the proposed Dlstrict consists of 646 ðcres ðnd one property is 15/l00th of an acre, and the assessment system was derived based on points, with II certain number of points set for the amount of acres, a number for the amount of road frontage being pðved in front of a piece of property ðnd the last point system is based on how far the property is from one of the proposed Improved roadways. Hp. said that a dollar valud was then plðced on the points. In response to Commissioner Gooónlght, Mr. prlnce indic!lted the locatlon of Fritchey Hoad ~hlch conn"cts to Greenway Ro~d, !lnd he said that there ðre vðrious owners In th~t area. Mr. Kuck said that the improved roads will becomp. County maintained roads. Page 12 _'_M' ------- . ^,.- -_..."_..,-~ ..·_.....,,·,.....-,JI"..........,."F· , . ~: ...___~"'^'" ...~".'~_'...__o.__,__."_.,._,·.'·""."_·_' ~ ~ ~ Jr...\Jary 31, 1965 6C2 Petition AV-84-027, Robert G. Whltaor., Petitioner, requ..tln9 v.c.tion of tb. .ix foot .id. ......nt. on Lot 7, Ilk. 73, Gold.n c.t. Unit 2, Park 1, ao petitloner .ay build up to lnt.rlor ald. lot lin.. Th~r. was no dlscussion on this item. lOll R.co_end.Uon for .pprov.l of pr1~lth. for five-ye.r S.condary Road 'r09ra. to includ. ..jor ro.d projecta, .iqnal Inatallation, .nd .ajor re.urfaclng project. Transportation Director Archibald said this Item is dn annual updat~ of the program that his dcpartm«nt has been continuing for approximately nine years to make it current with the County's roadway needs for circulation of arterial roadways throughout the County and to confirm the funds ðvailable to undertake those Improvements. lie said that the listing 15 divided Into major roadway improvements, including new or improv~d roadways; new signal installations and n listing of major resurfacing projects. He said this is a work plan that will be followed as closely as funds will allo~ to meet the County's future needa. He said the funding Is based on the gas tax and he added that he was recommending onu ~ollcy change to consld~r utilization of an additional one cent of the Option Gas Tax for road construction instead of road maintenance. II~ said In the FY '8~/'d6 Budget he put Into effect this polley change, and that the difference for maintenance would have to m~de up In either sales tax or ad valorem tax. In answer to Commissioner V08~, Mr. Archibald said that his program does not Include any State ?rogtams since this Is primarily the County road sys~em. During the ensuing dlscus!1lon, Commissioner Holland asked If there waa a plan to six-lane Crom Solana Road to north of Pine Ridge and Mr. Archibald answered there was, adding that tho problem currently experienced at the intersection of Pine Ridge and Goodlette Road Is that the traffic volulne Is so high more than four lanes is warranted and that the problem Is rðcognlzed. He said over six years ago the State designed Blx-lanlng of this road but the State has not provided the funds to do the work. Commissioner Holland said that the funds were available when It ....as designed, however, the .....,rk ....as stopped because of the strong opposition from the City of Naple9 to the use of six lanes. In response to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Archibald said that the Airport four-laning has II high priority on MPO listing. Mr. Kuck said that the traffic light on Santa Barbara Boulevard has baen moved Into the '84/'85 Fiscal Year. Mr. Archibald Bald that the traffic signal In front of the school that Commissioner Hasse mentioned has been redesigned and he added that two available poles are going to be \nstalled with flasher lights which can be manned by II Deputy Sheriff. 1012 Reco..endatlon to change the operating day. of Marco Tran.fer St.tion There wa. no discussion on this item. 1013 Reco...ndatlon to .pprove .ppllcatlon for per.lt to clo.. the luatl. Street Ixt.nalon Landfill fac~llty Public Works Administrator Kuck explained this itp.m refers to the old landfill site In lmmokalee nnd that the DER roqulres the County to Page 13 &OO~ 085 fA~[ 3'59 r -,- .-..---.---. ,..---- -.-.-------...- ........... ----·-~··F I 'WII~...------ ~""~,,'""__-"'__ "."" ,_.,_,,,....;.,,,,'~"^'_ø,,',·.,,. ,,~.... _ ,M_' ~"_.__,_ January 31, 198~ aGOI( 085mt3~O ~eet clo~ure requirement8. He said that Staff i8 bringing tlon for permit and plans and specifications to accomplish He said that the project will be 'qulte expensive,' however, alternative. an a?plICa- this matter. there is no llel aecoe.endatlon fo~ final .c~ept_nce of parcel -0-, 'ellcan .ay, unit 'lYe Public Works Administrator Kuck 8.id thil item referl to one of the .maller units of Pelican Bay and that preliminary acceptance wa. granted to the ccnstruction and improvements approximately one year 4g0 and this is for the final acceptance. lle2 Rec~ndatlon to approve deleg.tlon of ..ter ..11 paraitting agree- .ent between South Florida Wa~er "9at. Ci.trict .nd Collier County Public WOrks Administrator Kuck explained that, presently, an individual has to obtain a construction permit for a water well from the County, a construction permit from South Florida Water Mdnllgement District and a water permit from them and this request would eliminate on. of those steps. H' 8ald the agreement would give jurisdiction to the County so only two pe rml ts would be needed. In response to Comml ¡¡sioner Hasse, Assistant County Mdnager Dorrill said that most of the wells are agriculture wells. Mr. Kuck said if the well Is for potable use the State gets into testing requirements for water quality. lie] Reco...ndetion for final acceptance of Rivier. Colony CoIf Istate., Unit Two There was no dlscu~~lon on this Item. 16C4 Recoaaendation to approve R.solution altering the guidelin.. of the 8011d Wa.te Advieory Co..itt.e to .dd and ..t tar.. of aeaber.hip for two .dditional a..b.rs Public WOrks Administrator Kuck said that this Is a request for an additional ",ember on the Solid Waste Advisory Committee from thf' City of Naples and one from the Collier County Conservancy. 16C5 Reco...ndation to award aid .773, Public Work. "otor/Crad.r Public Works Administrator Kuck said thl£ Item was budgeted. l6C' Recoaaenð.tion to approve r.al e.tat. apprai..r. ..l.ct.d to appr.i.. right-of-way for S.R. 95l land acquisition proj.ct Public Works ~òministrator Kuck said this is a recommendation for three different appraisers. Transportation Director Archlbðld said Staff has gone through the selection procedure using the FOOT ðpproved listing of appraiscrs. 16C7 Reco..endation for approv.l and ...cution of .gr....nt bet~..n the County and W.stinghouse Coaaunity of Naple., Inc. Public Works Administrator Kuc~ explalneé this agreement refers to fQur-laning of Seagðte DrlvQ. H~ s~ld that the County was required to provide the street lighting on the firat half of this street and the Paga 14 --., ,~_. ......-.---..- ·--·-f- '" ......:. "" --. Ir ,>~,~"! . pili January 31, 1965 C~unty wanted Dddltlonal drainage provided I al.o, this agr~.m.nt conc.rn. Westinghous. furnishl~g the street lighting and s~m' of the drainage improv.ment. and, in trade, the County will provide the construction supe'rvision of that phase. 16CI R.co...ndatlon to award lid .708, "arco "edlan "alntenance Public Works Administrator K~ck re.ponded to Commissioner Hasse by atating that the citizens of Marco have a beautification asselsment which includes maintenance and thla money is part of that assassment. H. .aid this is a request for Board approval of the Bid for that project. Rec~ndatlon to approve a Letter Agr....nt with the City of Naple. conc.rnlng coll.ctlon and dl.po..l of .011d v..te Assistant County Manager Dorrlll explained that the County is pursuing a Special Act with part of that Act Indicating that the County will have control of .!Ill solid waßte generated in the County. lie said that Staff has met separately with the City M~nager and with Everglades City to answer their questions. lie said that the City of Naples oper- ates a Class 3 landfill for the collection of yard ~llpplngs and 3uch items and that in the next five years the City of Naples have plans to construct a transfer .tation which WQuld cut down on thft usæ of the Colden Cate landfill. lie said that this Special Act indicates that, while the County 18 going to pursue this Act, the County will not in any way obstruct the City of Naples. Reco..endatlon to ex.cut. d.edl for burl.1 lots at Lake Trafford "..orlal aarden. There was no discussion on this item. Reo~nd.tlon to approve .ttendance of Dr. C. A. Stok.. or an .lternate d..lgnated by ~he County Ma~ag.r to the Avold.d Coet. Se.lnar County Manager Lu.k saià that this request Is for Dr. Stokes to attend the Avoided Costs Seminar. public Works Administrator Ruck said that it was his understanding that this seminar will cover various rates that CAn be received from utility companies. 16Al Reco..endatlon to award 81d .785, Aqlnq Proqra. S.rvlc.. There was no discussion on this item. 16A2 soclal Servlce. C.... W-2236 and W-I0052 There was no discussion on this item. 16A3 Reooaaen4atlon to .pprove I..okalee Rotary Cl~b u.. of I..okalee Alrport 'ark an4 ad.l..10n fe. for th. 11th Annual Wll4 Bog I.r-I-Q Public Servlces ~dministrator Norton said that thls ltem refers to the RotAry Club's wild Hog Bar-B-O to be h.ld February 9, 1985. ~oo~ 085 fAGt 361 pag. 15 ><.1<. Januarï 31, 1985 toOl 085 rA~[ 362 leA. aeao...n4atlon for approval of a 114,420 I.-okal.. Co..unlty 'ark la..ball 11eld Public Services Administrator Norton explained that this iaa Chlnge Ord.r to include at.ps on the pol.. to change light bulbs. Change ~rd.r for the l'AS R.c~ndatl.n for approval of Youth Quid_nc. splclali.t.' Training Cour.. to be paid for an4, a. part of th. eppro.ed JJDP, aureau of Cri.lnal Juatice Aaalltlnc. Qrant Public Servic.s ~ministrator Norton said there are no County funda involved in this item. llAI .ec~Gdatlon to apply for a 17,090 Dept. of Co..unlty Affaira Ilock Grant, coyerlnq a period fro. April 1, 1985 to Septe.b.r 30, 1985, and awarding the fundi to the ..a1th Unit al the proj.ct provld.r Public Services Administrator Norton said that this item concerns a Community Affairs Block Grant awarding funds to the Health Department for the dental program to the indigent population of the County. llA1 Reeo...ndltlon to r.el.llify "uaeu. Aid. polition to "ulew. T.chnician Public Services Administrator Norton said that the Museum Aide wi 11 be resigning as of )/1/85, and this is a request to upgrade that poaition to /'Iuaeurn Technician. He said that the County had that position in the past and this is II way of obtaining another person for the more complex and technical duties in the Museum. He said there would be approximatuly $2,500 in slllary increase. 16AI Reco..end.tion to reclal.ify E~S Clerk II polition to Clerk III Public Services Admlnlstrðtor Norton said there is a vacancy in the EMS Department in the Billing Section. He said this is a request to up:¡rade the Clerk II position to Clerk '111. 16At Reco...ndatlon for approvll of an Aa~nd.ent to Grant for funding und.r the Co..unity Cer. for the Ilderly 'rogra. and a revilion of County Budg.t Public services Administrator Norton said that this item refers to a situation where the State fiscal yuðr is different than thc County fiscal year. Hc said that there arc no changes in the total figures. 16A10 Reco...ndation for approval of the tranaportation of aak.r Act pati.nt. Aqr....nt, and approval of the rilcal y.ar 1984-85 fundlnq contract with the -David Lawr.nce Mental Health C.nt.r Public Services Administrator Norton said that according to F. S. 195, effective 1/1/85 Collier County Is required to transport Baker ~ct patients to State receiving facilities. He explained that in the past the Sheriff's Department has transported these inviðiduals and many states prohibited that. Hd said this is a request to ~nter into ~ contract with the David Lawrence Mental Health Center to transport the patients and that there is no incrcðse in the budget. Commissioner Holland said that this is not a good move, In his opinion. During the ensuing conversation, Mr. Norton said that the County has a limited choice in this matter and these patients are Page 16 .:=J ~... '" "..L..~. _.______.-~' --~~.~ ..' . J4~':¡:':_- \ ._----,. ~",,.,~"'""",...."'-",""""-~-~-_.._~,., '" ~ ...... ff '." "~":"J January 31, 1985 stabilized and this procedure '~uld not tie up an ^LS or EMS unit, adding that they need special care. Deputy Chief Barnett said that there il no sens. putting them In a Sheriff's Department car as if thei were criminals. Mr. ~rton said that the van that the David Lawrence Mental HQalth center has proposed to obtain will be used for other purposes, too. He said that h'! has included in the recommendation that, at the end of 011 year, Staff look at the costa involved to see if another route Ihould be followed. l6All Reco..endatlon to approve the e.tabll.haent of a bu.lne.. checkinq account at tbe Fir.t National Bank of Florida on Marco I.land for the Collier County Racquet Club Public Services Adminis~rator Norton explained this item refers to a checkinq account lit thn P"1rst National B3n~ of Florida on Marco Island which will actually be used for th~ purpose of depositinq money collected at the Racquet Club so that there is no need for the manager to transport large amounts of money. fiscal Officer Giles said that there may already bv an account established 3nd, If so, this will not bit necessary. l6A12 Reco..endatlon to approve propo.ed revi.lon to the policie. of the Collier County Public Library SYlte. Public Servict!s Administrator Norton sllid that ~tðff has requested this item be withdrawn. Non-Agenda Itcm Di.cu..ion regarding n..lnq of the five co..unity park. Public Services Administrator ~orton said that this item has come before the Par~& and Recreation Advisory Board on several occasions and they have had /I difficult time dealing with the situation and they are reque'ltlnq Boðrd input. lie sðld that Stðff feelll strongly that tho parkl should maintain their geoMrðphic names, ðdding if the names need to be changed this is not the correct time to do it. He said that Staff feels the names used now Are very descriptive of the parks. Commissioner Goodnight sðid that she thou1ht the name of Immokalee Community Park should be kept. Commissioner HAsse said this is the best Wðy to approach the mðtter. County ~~nager Lusk stAted this itom will be on Board agenda for 2/:'.'85. Hr. Norton said that the Board does not need to take Any action other than to respond to a letter from Mr. Caballero, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation ~dvisory Board. Commissioner Voss said he would not respond unt i 1 he had direction f rom the BOArd. Utilitlu 10Dl Reco...ndation to adopt a re.olution confir.in9 tbe Di.trict'. intent to provide ....r ..rvice to portion. of Se..r Ar.a. A . Band directin9 the Utl1itle. Ad.lni.trator to con.ult with the County'. financial advi.or on financin9 procedure. and e.tabli.haent of .y.te. develop.ent cbar,e. for the propo.eð ..rvice areaa anð to conduct neqotlation. with the Clt¥ of Maple. relatinq to cUlto.er turnover Utilities ~dminlstrator Crandall said, prior to his coming to the County, the Board directed that this area should be looked at because Peg e 17 &001: 085 PArol 363 ----'-...~ .... -....'f--- ----- ..-.......,- J._ .4 fl.". '. --~,,,..._..._...~., "-....._,--"'---_.~_."....,..._,..."..~-" UO( 085mt36'4 J.anuIHY 31, 1985 it i, . high d.nsity ar.., for the County's ability to .erve s.wer.. H. ,aid th.t ev.rything north of Pine Ridge Road would be in S.w.r Area A and Ar.a B would b. .outh of the Courthous" ......1stant County Manager Dordll uid that the area would go to the south of K.lly Ro.d, .nd primarily. west of Airport Ro.d would b. in Ar.as -A- and -B-. Mr. Crandall ~aid he did not have the exact area description, however, h. would obtain it for the Commi..ioners. He .aid that this ite~ pertains to the north Area "B· and south Area -A-. He .aid that Pin. Ridge Road is where the study deter~ined that a .ewer plant .hould be located since it would b. possible to pick up the most 'amount of customers with the l.ast amount of main extensions, which would re.ult in the l.a.t amount of cost to the County and a smaller bond. He explained that the Phase 1 i. estimated to be $13,300,000.00 for lend acquisition for building the first phase of the sewer plant of 3,000,000 gallons. He said this would be the first of four phases and this would be realized through a bond issue. He said that Staff needs to ask for Board approval t.o consult the bond consultants for two purposes, one for the establishment of system development charges within Ar.a ·8·, however, it has been discusseo that possibly Area "A" could be extended to include portions of Area 'B' or a combination of all four are.., which WQuld combine "A", "a", "C", and "D". He said no decision has been made as to the best direction to take, at this time, however, the bond consultants should be able to give Staff that information to bring to the Board. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Crandall said that a plat plan for th~ area is included in the Executive Summary. I'DI R.co...ndatlon to accapt the utility ......nt for I~p.ri.l Wild.rne" R.V. P.rk Therti was no discussion of this item. l'D2 R.co...nd.tlon for accept.nc. of on-,it. ,.wer and wat.r f.cilitiQa conatruct.d to serv. Windj....r Vill.ge Ther. was no discussion of this item. l'D) R.co...ndation to .cc.pt the a.wer f.ciliti.s within Th. Ha.pton" .t ~ing' Lak. proj.ct There was no discussion of this item. l6D4 R.co...ndation to Accept the on-Bite .ewer and off-aite anð on-.ite v.tar faciliti.s con.truct.d to ,erv. the Toll Plaza R. V. Park There ~ðS no discussion of this item. 16D5 Reco...ndation to approve a~ree.ent with the developer of Nind.or Condo.iniu.' (U.S. Ho.e) and the Windsor at Kings Lake Condo~iniua Association, Inc. Utilities Administrator Crandall sðid that the develop~r of this project proceede~ without obtaining the proper permits and built this sytem which is not to County standar~s. He said that Staff felt it was not proper for the County to accept 'them because of this and tnis Agrti.ment provid.s for the developer to have perpetual maintenance of tho system through the Association and that the County will not have that responsibility. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Crðndall Page 18 c:::] "---'--"-' -.-__......J ,.. -"'r'~- .... .." ~-,,_.,.._...~''''.''"~~-_.'>"''.,... "...- ...."-~ "" ~ ~ January 31, 1985 laid that no plan. were .ubmitted prior to construction of the plant. lie .aid, in order to brin'j th. plant up to County standards, the plant would need to be completely re-built. He said thet past policy was to accept sy.tems in.ide and outside of YrivatelY owned systemd, such ~s Windsor, and that the pre.ent policy . that the County should own sy.tem. within right.-of-way but not on private property and ea.ementH, unlo.. there ar. extenuatlnq circumstance. when Staff feels that the County need. to own those for maintenance purposes. Commissioner Voss pointed out that this item states the l1"meowners Association will assume the responsibility for the system. Mr. Crandall said that the operation of the plant will be entirely up to the Homeowners Aasocation and if it 1s done is such a way as a health hazard is created the Health Department and the County would stop in. Commissioner Holland lI¡¡ked why everything that U. S. l10me has d"ne in thl. IIrea ha'l be.n In violation? He said that he had a letter from DER that U. S. H"me i~ currently in violati"n and th~t they have l5 days to correct it. lie said that people voted t" spend money to protect the pollution factor of thu aquifer and he did not understand why the company WðS allowed to get away with these violations. He said that U. S. Home did not obtain the necessary permits and, yet, Mr. Crandall is saying that tho County has no rec"urse, to which Mr. Crandall said thot the recourse is that tbe company WQuld have to re-build the plant, .ntlrely. County Manager Lusk said that the sewage would still come to tho County. Responding to ComlllÌ.sloner Voss, Commissioner Holland said that, currently, the treatmllnt plant and settlement ponds are In violation. Mr. Lusk said that currently that plant is bringing in 100,000 gallons a day and that the company is expanding to 300,000 gallons a day. He said that the storage ponds are for three days, 250,000 gallons and there is more than three days storage. He said that he knew of no sewer plant that, SOQner or Illt'l!, is not in volatlon while it is being expanded. He said that U. S. Home put off the expansion because they ~re trying to get SQmeone to take it over. CommisslQner Holland said, from the standpoint of tho County's welfare and safety, anything that the County could do to make the company bring the plant up to acceptable standards, at this point in time, should be done. Mr. Crandall said that technically he could r~mov~ this item from the consent agenda, but because of a policy change he wanted to bring it to the Board's attention. Hr. Lusk asked why the County dQes not requi re U. S. Home to bring the plant up tQ standards? !\.ssist.1nt County Manager Corrill said that the County has nQ long term desire to own any lines or facilities inward of the current right-of-way. He said that If the system fails beyond the right-of-way it is not the County's problem. After further discus.lon, Mr. Crandall said that the slopes are not up to standard and that could create a maintenance problem. Commissioner VO'lS reque'lted that this item be removed from the agenda for Staff to look at, again, and bring it back at a later meeting. .oo~ 085 PAól3'65 P~. 19 --- " .~.-.- -A."'~~_ II> r~' --....... ""~"...,..._,..,_~__~~",. .._ _. .._.'"~_. ~w..u._. · , ""'"'.1' ' January 31, 1985 m~ 085rAGt~~'f)6 1'06 R.·4-:!!!:....l\d.)t;lon to accept the water facUitha within a portion of the r19ht.-c~~ay of ~ln9a Lake aoule.ar~ In Kln9a Lake Unit I and within Tr-ct A of alock A, ~ln9a Lake Unit Mo. 1 raplat Utili tie. Administrator Crandall said that this item refers to County lines within the rights-of-way and the County doea want to own them. ...RICISSI 11125 A.M. RECOWV&MIDI 11135 A.M.··· aoard of County Co..laaionera 13A Raco..endation for ~lnt.enta to tha rood latabliah.ent Review Board There was no discul~ion on this item. 161 aeco...ndatlona for appoint.enta to the Golden Gate Co..unlty Center Adviaory Co..ittee There was no discussion on this item. Mon-Aqenda Ite.. 1. rl.a "-rket Park1n9 Proble../llOth and Illth Avenue and 8th Street b.tween Illth and l09th Avenue Commissioner Voss explained that at Illth Avenue and U. S. 4l there ia an outdoor theater where a flea market is held on weekends. He said that people park allover the area and he had received calls from plople who live on 111th, IIOth and 109th ^venues complaining about this parking. Deputy Chief Barnett said that the Sheriff's DQpar~~nt has been Issuing tlcketG [or parking too close to driveways or too close to the Intersection or facing traffic. Commissioner Voss suc¡gested that he WQuld ask the Board to pass a resolution making those areas "No parking areas' and that ~hey be posted, Commissioner Holland sugg~sted that the signs should designate the hours from 5:00 A./",. to 6:0U P.M., and the consensus of the Commis- sioners was that this was a good idea. 2. Cable TV re.olutlon - Morality in Media of Naple. Commissioner Voss said that a WQman came to the office anò showed a number of t.he Commissioners films that someonl! mllde for Cable TV channel, such as the Pl~yboy Channel and he remarked th~t they were worse than 3nything~he had ever seen. He said that there is a tederal law against TV stlltlons putting t.his over the air and that Morality in Media of Naples wants the Commission to consld~r an ordinance to prohibit that sort of thing being transmitted over the cable, He said this Item will be discussed on 2/5/85. Publie Petition 8A pre.entation by the ~erican Piatol. and Rifle A..oeiation reqardinq the riqht to bear ar.. Commissioner Voss said that members of this Association will make a presentation regarding this item on 2/5/85. Page 20 .'- -..-, :=J - ...-.-----....... .-¡ ..._-....,..,.... .,..,IIt.".............- ~ t. .- . ~ rB!I PII!IIt January 31, 1985 .on-~qenda ite.. 1. Di.cus.ion of quarterly finanoial state..nts Commissioner Voss referred to the back-up material and said that he did not und.rstand the last page. Fiscal Officer Giles explained that this hAS to do with other sourè.s or uses of funds. He said that h. would be glad to answer questions regarding the item. Commissioner Voss said that merely showing the percentages of the total annual expenditure of funds exp~nded or not expended does not answ.r his questions. He said the budget should answer on at least a quarterly basis the revenues and expenditures to show a better picture of where the County Is going. Mr. Giles SAid that each UepartmÐnt Hoad gets a revenue and expenditure roport and that he receives a detail of every transaction that they approve during the month and that, periodically, they get projections of salarl~s ]nd that they have rontrols over ranges of flxpenses. Commissioner V05S said that ono of the functions of the new budget officer will be to prepare a bud'Jet which Is broken d"wn incrementally. Mr. Giles said that It t~kos a lot of coordination and expense to do this. Commissioner Voss said that this Is one of the thin'Js he has been looking for. He 'laid that this report is excellent, considering what Mr. Giles had to '~rk with. Mr. Giles said that it is necessary for the Dup.HtJnunt Heads to state what they are going to spend for different Items on a quarterly basis. 1011 Confiraation of the appoint.ent of Lori lalka a. Colli.r County Budget Director County Mand'Jer Lusk said that the Bu,jqet Officer will be WQrking with the Commission and that he highly recommends Lori Zalka for this position. ". s i s tan t Co un t y M<I n a q e I' Do rr ill 9., I d t h 1\ t 1ft h e job des c I' i P t ion 1s not in the ~xecutive Summary that Stafl will supply the Commis- sioners with that Information. Mr. wsk sðid that Staff tries to update poalt1ons once a yvar, and he added there are 60 job descriptions that are currently being rev i ewe d. 1012 R.co...ndation to adopt the r.vi.ed Ad.lni.trative Procedure. auideUn.. Assistant County Manager Oorrill said that this item is a new administrative polley concerning how the County's fleet vehicles are used. He said that Staff will establish for the record those individ- uals who need to use County vehicles on II 24-hour basis. 1611 R.co...ndation to recla..ity pre.ent S.cretary II In the Ju.tice Center Con.truction Depart..nt to Depart.ent Secretary Assi.tant County Manager Dorrill said that this item refers to the final extensi~n of contracts for the Architect and the ProgrAm Manager for the Justice Center. lie said that the current contracts expire, this dDte, and that 8oran, Craig and Schreck expects to be substan- tially completed by 3/15/85. He said that Company ha. the final interior finishes contract and that the Motorola personnel will con- &OO( 085 pm 367 Page 2l '. .AT'" r ~...._- I ·' ~",~;., }'.. .. Janullry 31,1985 aDD'- 085 PAGt 368 tinue to do some wor~ in the Jlll1. He said that the landlcape contract "as a"arr1l1d two we~S IIgO, IInd ",.cMphll]t Company is finlshin9 the pavinq work. . Mr. Dorrlll said that the next ltem in this matter is II modIfica- tion of the Secretary II pOlltion. He sa~d that the Perlonnel Depart- ~ent has recommmended that the Secretary II position be properly classlfied to Secretary III. 1'12 Reco...ndation to .stabllsh a new position and pay 9rade for Budget Analyst I ~sslstant County Manager Dorrill lald thll Item Is II routine ~atter to eltablilh a new position of Budget Analyst in the appropriate pay grade. County Manager Lusk said that Staff would be coming back to the Board for a budget for this Budget Office. tie said that he and Fiscal Officer Giles would work on this t01ether. 161) Reco..endation to accept the 1984 Annual Report ~5sistant County Manager Dorri11 said that Mr. Lusk has the 1984 Annual Report IInd that members of the Press will be provided copies. Non-Ar;¡enda Ite~s 1. Statu. report on AT'T Iqulp~ent purcha.ea ....slstant County t-Iðnager Dorr1l1 slIid that this item refers to a report that purchllslng Director Thiele has done on the AT.T equipment, 11stlny some of the problems that have been experienced in the pllst year. lie said th~t Staff h/ls been less than happy with the equipment and are pursuing some 0' the immediðt~ matters regarùlng those problems. Non-Agenda ~ork.hop Ite.. 1. Propo.ed a.end.ent to Collier County Utility Rate Review Board Ordinance Utilities Admlnistrðtor CrandnlJ suggested, because this item has not been brought to the attention of the CCURRB, thllt the matter should be referred to that Advisory Board. Commissioner Voss Bald that the Commis.ion~rs should hear what the people hllve to say. Col. John Beebe said tnðt Mr. Steve ^dams, Presid~nt of the Glades Country Club Apartment O~crs Association, which have ðl1 the Glades rl:sidents as members, 15 present. Col. Beebe explained thllt he ill President of Lak~wood Civic Association consisting of 1,000 members. He said that thesu organizations have been Intervenors In a recent rate case and that they were Intervenors two years ago. He said there have b~en other people that lire benefited by their intervention who did not share in the cost of that intervention. lie said that by Ordlnanc~ 83-10, which established the CCURR~ and the rate review proccoures, there is a 2\ regulatory fee which Is passed through to the Utility customers and that the cost of the County's rate review expenses are passed through to the Utility custom'ers and tht!y, also, bear the cost of the applicant's expenses in the rate review process. He said that the only people who do not have the cost passed through are those who are the rllte payors involved. He said that the membors of two Page 22 -....", '" --_.' -----~.._..._. ~... ~_J.l., 'W--'F-' .....1\1 "" ~ ~ J~nuary 3l, 1985 organizations feel this is something in the nature of ð class actIon. He a~id if they represent a majority of the rate payers that the costS of the intervention 3hould be passed through to the rate payers so that those who benefit would share equally In the cost. Cot. Beebe sug- gested that an amendment be made to Ordinance B)-IB which would arrive at t.,is resul t. Responding to Commissioner Voss, ~sistant County Attorney cuyler .aid that this matter is within the r.al~ of Assistant County Attornay Md.rson. Cot. Beebe said that he h'ad discus3ed this ~latter with County Attorney Saunders and with Mr. Anderson and that they have not giv.n any formJll legal opinion. tie suggested that the Commission refer this matter to the County Attorney for his 3dv1cß and comment and possibly the drafting of the proposed ~mendment to the ordin3nce. Commissioner Voss said that consideration should be given to this item and it would be added to the agenda and direct that the County Attorney and CCURRB be Involved. 2. Reauthorization of Fedoral Coaatal Zone Manag...nt Act Community Development AdminlstrJltor Virta said that this program has be4n vøry beneficial to Collier County during the two year partici- pation and the second cycle of grðnt funds has been entered Into. He said that the first yallr IIllo....ed Dr. Uenedict, with the assistance of two contractual employees, to !'!tudy Collier County beaches and to develop a beach manllgcment progrðm. 11'1 said that this year the work could be carried Into tho estuarine systems along the Collier County coastline and that the same employeos are now working on a study of those ~ystems. He said that the gr1lnt funds have required in-kind support so that there is no direct outlay and the rosults that have been received hav~ b~en very Informdtive and have provided the County with tools of measur~mcnt for such th ngn ðS the control line vari- ances. He ,aiJ the study brought out the recognition of the need that the Co~stal Construction Control Line needS to be eXðmin~d and he add~d that Collier County If up for consideration by the State to re-examine the CCCL. ...~t l2100 Moon, the Board r.c....d the Work.hop and conv.n.d in 1..r9.ncy S...ion to con.ider a procl...tion d.claring a Stat. of I.ergency for Colli.r County r.garding the fir.. in the ar.a, adjourn.d at 12115 P.M. and r.conven.d in the Workshop, .t that ti..··· Ite. Add.d r. Di.cu..ion of Bond. Mr. David Fischl/I', of Fischer, Johnson, Allen and Burke, explained that his associate, Susan Fischer, and Gðry Mers, of Southeðstern Municipal Bond'l, were present to respond to questions regarding this subject. He said that his firm and Southeastern have been the Financial Advisors for Collier County for approximately four years. He said two years ago the County is'Iued $24,000,000.00 in bonds for the purpose of enlarging the Governmental Campus, Building "F" and Jail facilities. He said, at that time, the bond market dictated an interest rate of approximately 10-3/8\. He explained that one year lðter the interests ....ere falling and a discussion was held to discuss the possibility of refunding since a refunding feature of the bond issue WQuld allo~ bringing the bonds in if interest rates dropp.d. He said that a team was formed to lock at the refunding and at approximately the same time the interest went back up and the decision Page 2) ~OD( 085 PAGt 3'69 ~~R.lIJ 11i.......ll~ ~ L '''1fIlll''J~''--- -' ,,~.~.~..",. ~"""'~'~"",-' -'."_."-"~-. ,,", ~.' January 31, 1985 'Oaf. 085 PA~t 370 was ~ade.to wait. He said that the dtter~ination was made, at that ti~., if interest r~tes went to !lround 9\ it would be a valuable refunding for the County, but they never got to that point. He stated since the first of this year interest rates have fallen dramatically and he said that he spoko to Commissioner Voss approximately one week ago and told him that it looked like interest rates were about 9-1/2\ and he auqgested that a team should be formed to prepare for a refunding. He said that y~sterday Naples went to the market with their water/aewer bond issue and they went out to 9\, which is a good bell-weather of what the County could do if they went to market now. He said that the numbers he ran on the c~~puter on 1/30/85, indicated that if a new issue was put right over the old issue, with the same maturity issue, and had 9\ bonds instead of lO-3/8\, the over-all Interest savings at the end of 30 years would be approximately 6.6 million dollars. Mr. t'ischer auggested that the Commissioners determine that It ~uld be worthwhile to reform a team and act as quickly as possible, adding that It would take about 30 days to do this. He said that an investment attornyy would have to be Involved and the bonds would have to be re-rated, re-Insured to retain their Triple A rating ~nd then go into the marKot. He Raid thllt It would be approximately Mðrch 1, J965, on a fast track, however. there 15 nothing to say that the Mdrch 1st I n t ere s t rat e II m·\ y both I g her. Comml~sioner Voss aSKed how long It ~uld take for bonding complJnies to come In with proposalll, and Mr. F1licher explained that he broLO: ht a form of a kequest fOI Proposals that his firm used In a couple of other counties that ,"",uld be pertinent to thl::; matter. lie said that tha requests could be sent to the various dealers of the Commission's choice as early as 2/1/85 and receive the proposals In ðbout one ....I!ek. He sðlo thðt the Fln.'lnce Committee would revie'ol and rllte thO! proposlIls the follo....ln'j ro'.onoðy. lie cxplllln'!!d the point system procedure. he sllld on 2/11/t\~, the Comrnlttce would meet to mðK'.! a recommendation to th~ Commission at the meeting of the 2/l2/85. County ~lInager Lusk sðld thðt ð Sµeclal Meeting could be cðll~d for 2/12/85 since none Is scheduled. Responding to CommissIoner Holl11nd, Mr. flscher sðld that the County has b contract with his firm und S0uthe~stern Municipal Bonds for the refundlng. HC sðld thðt the County hðd .'I contract ð year ago with Merrill Lynch ðnå IMchc lor a refundIng, l'ut that. expired, in a sense. He 5ðiå th.'lt the County could hold that contract or listen to new pro"osðls. II'.! sðld It was Ids understanding tÌ1l1t the decision ....,1S mlldo! for the County to send .'I letter to those two compðnles and tell them that their contract ....ould be dls501vcå ðno they ....ould be put In IoIlt~1 otllo::rs tOI ni!W ¡:>ropo!;dl!;. ðnj Commlssloner V05~ s,'¡d that WðS done. Mr. Fischer sdtd tr¡(~re lire two "'''ys to prOCeEG. 11~ said ðn !ld could be plðced In the lrlldc )ourno.l', tht! bond buyer, requesting pro ",os II 1 s for lei 1J n d 1 rq . h.:!; II I (1 t hat t 101'" n l y lot ....e r, t y - f I v e pro ;:>0 s a 1 s IJrotJoJbly would be rece Ived dnd I t would tðKe three w"okS to revlolw th"m. he s/lid tile second 'o,,'y to proceed would be to select II f~w firms that do refundlngs ana Issu'.! notices to tnem thllt the County ~ould like to see µroposIIIz, which may resul t In seven or eight. He £ðl0 /H10thcr suggestion that has been made is that those firms In the Collier County IIrea be aSK"d to 5ubmlt proposals. :lle slIld there Is a large represen- tation of firms In this ðreð and he named s~vcral. He suggested, in order to be ðS objective as possible, thðt the Commission might. want to considl!r that during the proposðl process, the minute the requests are sent, thðt none of tIle potential proposers would contðct any of the pag e 24 ;-.'" - _............·;"'~..·-r , ---.."-.,..",-"""..,-."~..,.,-.>~.-.-"",,,,,,,~ -.... I~-;·'. ,.", ~ J<1nua ry 3l, 1905 Commlsai~nvrS for lobbying, and that It will b~ done strictly on a professional basis, on the firm's merit and th~ proposal that they presented. He said in the past thrve or four years many Investmtnt bankers have been through Naples, kn~W some ~f the Commissioners, ond perhaps they might have an untair advantage. He said that the program speaks for itself when the firms m~ke their proposals. Mr. Fi5cher said If the C~mmissi?ners desir~d they could pick t~O or three of the flrms wh~ obtain high· points <1nd set up an Intt!rview with them <1nd h<1ve them all on ona day, If the CommissionerS wanted to sea who w~s actually on the pr~ject. Commissioner Voss asked, in addition to refln<1nclng thu ~onds, could the ßoard add sufficient money to tðKe care of the entire facility? Mr. Fischer responded that it had been determined, at one time, that ano,:tHH I; or 7 mi111~n ::\o11<)rs c~uld be handled on top of the refunding. In response to Commissioner Iloll/lnd, Mr. Fischer said that thcre Is ð ·Test of Earnln'Js· beforQ the County c~uld Issue additional bondS. ~nd alth~u<~:1 the ,1uLhorizðtion QI' moru bonds was made, the County WQuld not h~ve been ~ble to meet that test, but the recovery of the sales tax, during the p<1st year, has allowed the County to meet that test to ðdd additional bonds. In res?onse to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Fischer said It was his opinion that the bonds would not need to be validated, however, the C~unty would need a Dond Coun~el, who could be selected at the next BCC meeting. Comml:lSloncr Voss suggested TOI11 Giblin, the same Dond C~unsel that the County h~s used before. He !!laid that th~re are three steps to this process: 1. Solect. Investment ßðnker; 2. Select Bond counsel and 3. Uetermlne what additional new monies the c~unty want laid on top of thO! bond 18suc. He slIld th,'}t there ...111 n~t bu time on 2/5/35 to select the lnv~stment. BlinKers hecause the proposals will n~t have been received but the Uond C~unscl could be put In pl<1ce and th~ addlti~nal amount of ~on~y CQuld be determined. In response to COI!\mlsslon~r Hollðnd, Msist.ant County Manager Dorrill said It was his ~pinion that a limited budget c~uld be put together, adding that th~ Ju::\lci<1ry has requested additional changes to renovate the first and second fl~orB, 1nd he added that the c~unty previously approved an asbestoS r~moval program that needs to be don~. lie sa id, In aad 1 t Lon, tha re was m~ney tha t the ShIH iff used to purchase communication equlpnf!nt in the ne... Jail, and that there Is an ~stlmato to complete the eighth (loor of Building ·t'·, He said that a budget could be IIstabllshed and a number could be equated for the second floor of the old Courthous9, as well as a per dollar per square fo~t estimate on what a ne... health facilIty would cost. Commissioner Voss said that there Is also remodeling of Buildings ·C· and ·0· and Mr. DorrIll lidded thllt construction of some type ot warehouse has also been discussed. Commissioner Voss c~mmented that a warch~uso is Important because v&luable office spac~ Is currently belns used for that purpose. Mr. Dorrlll explained that the original plan was for $40,000,000.00 and, at the time the decision waS made to go to revenue as opposdd to G.O. Bonds, the program was cut to $23,000,000.00. He said that the original plan called for tho construction of tWQ new courtrooms ~n the ground floor, ~nce the Sheriff vacated that end of the building, IInd no other WQrk was planned for that building. He said that part of that decision ...as made based on the limited ability of the sales tax revenues generated at that time. HespondIng to Fiscal Officer Gil~s Mr. Dorrill said that a new architect has been retained to develop schematiC designs and estimated budget for Building -A- and until that is completed the project budget will not be known. Commissioner Holland said it WIIS his recollection that the asbestos ~oo~ 085pm371 page 25 ..'......... .....' - ------F'- _..._-~--- ----".---.,. .._...~ _"'_'_'~4"'''~ -"..~,.---~._",~.._,..-.~.,--..-.,,-~.,.~..-,~.. '~'l: :~~~,., .. ,oo~ 085 pm 312 JanuÞry 31, 1985 r.œoval project WÞS to cost Þbout $400,000, and that it would cost l..s lf all tn. work was don. Þt on. time. Mr. Dorrill Þsked if the County only refinanced the refunding, at this tiœe, what additional costs would the County incur if it waited until another date to i.sue parity bonds for some of the outstanding work? Mr. Fischer .aid that th.r. would be additional costs if the County went to public .ale and his firm'. cost would b. additional and it would b. che.per to go the manner previously described. He aaid that alth~uqh approximately $300,000.00 worth of principle haD been r.tired, the County would have additional issuance costs on this refunding. He SÞid there would be ÞdditionÞl reserves for the new bonds and the sÞvings would pay for the ÞdditionÞl costs, in a sense. Mr. Giles Þ.ked whÞt the relative danger is for interest rate. rising again Þnd Mr. Flscher .aid, it wa. hi. opinion, that sOlllewhÞt lower interest rate. are expected, however, it is hÞrd to determine when the County i. Þ market within other lIIarkets. Cnmmissioner Voss SÞid he would recommend to the Board on 2/5/85 to begin the process. Mr. ..ischer said that the process could be started this dÞte, if the Commissioners deairedr and the proposÞla could bo sent out, adding that nothing is bindlng w th this procedure and the process can be stopped at any time with no cost. Commissioner Hassw asked if it would not be to the County's aòvantÞge to reach out further than the companie5 thÞt Mr. Fischer m.ntioned, and Mr. Fi.cher said thÞt there will probably be sev«n or eight compÞnles who are well qUÞlified to do the refinancing, however, lt becomes more complicated if more proposals are involved. He said that seven or eight firms could be selected to send out proposals or the proposals could be geographically lImited. Responding to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Fischer said there is nothing wrong with using a joint venture and that the cost is relatlvely the same, however, one flrm has to be the leader. Commissioner Voss sai~ it was his personal feeling that the Commission should act as quickly as possible and that the proposals should be sent. Mr. Fischer sal~ the items to be sent to firms would be the last issue, the param~ters needed to make a structuring and the firms would be told that there might be additional bonds. . . . Th~re being no further bus1neG5, the workshop was adjourned by Or d e r 0 f the Ch ð 1 r - T! me 1 2:l ~ P./'I. Page 26 C:=J ---...........-.F--· ~,._- I><,_"""""''''-''"-...¡--,--."..,-..'-OW"-'''-....----,.-,..~-~''--·-·,--,