BCC Minutes 02/05/1985 R .. I!!!!I ..... ~¡~,r.~;', tJIIPlp' I , Florirll\, Fl!brul\ry '5, 1(\115 IX'" I":' I'F. ~F!>'''~'!1ff1r.I'', that thl! ~o.:lrc1 of ('OIJntv roml'1i~'!1on(!rll 1:'1 and for cÞe County of Co11i~r, IInd ~1so act1no 1111 th~ Poarc1 of ~on1nq "ppea1D anrl ·111 th~ oQvl!rnlnt:' hollrrHs\ ..,t such opeclnl dl!)trlcts as hav@ been creat~d ~ccor~1no tn l~~ ~nd h~v1n~ conducted bUAin~sll hor!!1n, m(!t on this r1"t~ ~t ",nn ^.M. in Regular Session In PUi1rlinn "P" of thr COl1"rtbf1"",,, r'o!"'!'l...~, ",'!3t '!-,'"'1 <'~, "'lnr 1,",,', "'1 tn t;}H' follcwi nn "1PMh'!ri'l pre,,"nt: CH~ T !".,1'1": r."rec1f!'r icy ,T. "oss "yrr.: CH"TP'11'1"': "'!IX ,.. II,H]3C' ~, r I II Pr-d" Iff) I 1.1t n~ flnnt' r.oorln 1t:'''t " 11 r, F"l:' f ,rohn fl. n1!!tor IIl.';n OP,,<;F'JT I '·1111,:" ,r, <>"II'1"n, ('I"rll: ,r,:"!?'! í:. ('il...!!, Fiscal Offic('c; ",,,c.,..n K""ycn "noJ "I100C cl:inn"c (:>:0'1 n./'.) r.ep"ty í:lcrl-:s: !((?n C\ly},'r, ^S'I¡st"nt r:o\lnty IIttncn"'y: ron,,}" '1. Lu:'\!:, County M,'n"'c~r: ~Tci1 rnccl11, fI.RSl!It·,nt Cnunrv ""r.''1Cc; ~OM r.r"n<1,,11, ntilitlC'I l\rJl'1in- 1"tr-,t('lr: 'i"'("Irry Vlf-t."" ~O""-Plnit,'1 r..,....IJfllC"'n",nrot hdfTilnll1tr,,,\tor: :\.nn '--icKif"". Pl"n'1l'r; Tnr' '(uclo:, r'J'l1ic "'or"", "1~ln~'1tc:'tor: r;poc"~ IIrchih:> 1", Trlln!lpoct~tion f'ic.'c~or; V,,) Pcinc!J, Fn'linl''?r: "J,1ncv I!lrIH~l~on, ~ctmin- 1strllt1ve ~n~l!1t,"1t: ('hi,,! t.'",....It.y r.,y f'"rn"tt, ,hPC1ff's I""nllrt",p.nt. &O~K 085 r~r,¡ 378 p"ne 1 " ~....' ----.,.....--- ............... . J,_-~___......... --r--~.,...---.'" .;;; {JB5,,~~! '387 Tap. 11 It.. 11 I"ebruary 5, 19!i5 AoœNDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES Co.-i..ion.r Goodnight Moved, .econded by Co..i..ioner H.... and c.rried 4/0, that the agenda b4t approved with the following chan9..1 a. Item 6C7 re Pet. NUC 84-1 moved to 7A4 - changed by Cty, /"gr. b. Item 88 re Presentation by Morality in ~dia of N/lplos - Added by County Manage r. Item 1084 re Bid .783 for Golden Gdte Estates Road Improvements - Adoed by County Manager. Itom 10Cl re rejection of bids for Immokn1ee P3rk field control center - Added by County Manager. . Item 10C2 re naming of community parks - Added by Cty. Mqr. Item 1002 ra 3uthorization to repair Percolation Ponds .3 and 15 to meet DER requirements and approval of a budget nmcndment - Add~d by County Manager. Item lO~4 re authorization for County M~nager to receive pro~08a16 from financial bankørs and bond underwriters with referencl to refinnncing the Justice Center bonds - Added by County Man"qcr. Item lO~5 re ~xtrnsion of Archite..t , Construction Program M,'n"'Jcment Contrðct for ,Justice Center I::xpansion - Added by Co un t y M,J n ð SJ ., r . Item l3C re ne-' ~,)rKct p,Hk1ng pr0blems 110th and Illth Av~nue , Htn ~treot between Illth IInd lOYth Avenue - Added by County M.:Jn3~ er. Item 13D authorizati0n for the Chair~~n to enter into an agr~ement for six nlonths severilncc pay for Grace Underwood - ".(JcJLd by C0unty Mrlnùger. ltom 14A r~ selection of II newspi1per for aavertising oelinquent tax rolls - Addec by County MAn~ger. item 16D5 - Dclet'"o by C0unty ¡V,anilger. It<?ms 1682 o1l1d 16tl4 movod to IOA4 by C0mn<ls!.ion:!r Goodnight. Items lGUl, 7, J, r., 27, 2A, ~~, .Jnd 31 l11oveo1 to 131:: by Cf)mrnlssioncr Hasse. Item lJ~ rrca~ntdtion by fred Vldzes ro p03si~lc use of test wells tor firefightlng Dnd the approval ot ~hat~vcr equipment Is n'~cc5sdry - Arlc;eu by Cornli1ir.slon'!r !lnllllnd. Item IJG re ~utnorizdti0n to advertise for the C0unty to ~ssist in tn~ Golden Gote tire cleanup proc~Ds - Addeo by Commissioner Holland. It"m 131. rto: <.:h.~n:¡lng thEe nExt workshop a"t!c - ,\dc;cd by Con1~\lss1~ncr Vos~. J t!'m 1 Jl ri! aµ¡;,olntmC'nt t.o:> ~, >ü ,1nJ ~'"Fld'C - ^rldi:c! ny Commissioner Voss. Itell . 2 c. d. e. f. g. h. 1. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. y. r. MINUTES OF JANUARY 8 AND 15, 1985 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED COllmissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that the minutes of January 8 and 15, 1985, be approvad a. pre.ented. Pðgt! 2 ::::J ---"'--F ... ftI!1 ~ Fe!HUIHY 5, 1985 It.. 13 PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING BENIOR FRIENDSHIP CENTERS - ADOPTED Commlssionvr Voss reed 3nd prdsented ð proclamation to Mr. BIll Barnett and Mr. D.1le Sweeney of the Senior Friendship Centor of N/' Jlcs tor theIr health service contri~utlons to the oldwr peopl~ of Collier County. "'.r. S'oIIttl!n"y atatt.:Û thdt h.. aµpr~clates tho proclllm"tion and the support of 1.~1e Cr')unty Commissioners. H~ stated that this is strictly a volunteer project and money is being don3tHd, adding that h~ hopes. tho cent'Jr will be underw"y by Mðy 1, l';Ji S. lOOK 0851')é,:3'88 Page 3 '·':,:"'~,'f:"'· ',' ".., '~'.."'''--<f<o, ._lr'\U!lll\~·.II'" . 'r-- I'!'!'I fœ!1 ~ f~brudry 5, 1~!!5 Ite. . 4 PETITION R-64-36C, JOHN PORZIO, - COHTINUED TO 3/5/85 Commis.ioner Holland .oved, seconded by Co.missioner Has.e and carried 4/0, that Petition R-84-38C, John Porzio, be continued to 3/5/85. Ite. . 5 RESOLUTION 85-24 CREATING THE GREENWAY ROAD AREA PAVING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - ADOPTED Legal notice havlny bc~n publ19n~d In the N3plus Daily ~ews on January 15, 19<35, as E'vloenc'Jd by Mfijavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public:.; tl"'iJrin'~ WJS o!,cnJéI to çon3ie:H c:r""tinq tn" Gr~:!n''''"y HObe: krc::J p"vi no¡ 1\'::;.;'~9S;;1Jr.t Dl str Ie t. Pub I i c ~':o r K:J Arl '" I n 1st r {j tor K u ç k 5 t ð t i) d t hat the 0:> j c e t I vel 5 to approve the prel imin;"}ry asseso;mcnt roll, fJ2:sl:>l1 ity report, rl3cord the res 0 I u t ion to c r J d t e t ~H, ::; r c " n.. a Y ¡¡OJ J ^ r i) ð P a v I n g II 5 5'¡ ssm C n t 0 1st r I c t I'Ind to éluthorlzt:' U-c t:n'Jin.''!rin'J D"p.'rrment to pr·!p,1CC plans iJnd s?~çlf¡cdtlons Jnn rce~lve bidS tor th! pJtltionœo roadw~y improvements. Mr. V:1 1 P r 1 n c ~ , f:n 'J i nee r, ,it J t ': cJ t h ~ t the r 0 iJ oj S tr!·, t c1 r l' pro?o S! d to b" Imf)rOv"d, l[ the District I,; crJ.lted, '~'oul¡J bn. Gr:!enwðY HOdd from U. S . ~ 1 tot h e s e c t 1 I) n ç I) r n" r, F r i t c n 'J y RI) ,J ¡J e as l, up ð r 0 un ¡J the corner )5 feet, 3nct Jðmes Hoad from Greenwlty Hoarl to the 'JncJ. Mr. Kuck 6tðtad thdt there arc 1,500 acreS in this district I'Ind a llttlc over t'oOO milL's of profJ?3L'd ro.:!'JwdY Improvcment. lie stated that this project c,:¡,ni) befor~ the r>l)drd October 2 J, 1934, adding thilt at that time St,)ff W~S directed to do tw<:> things; (1) to determine whether th~ existing district boundaries as proposed coulJ be modifl.d to include adjðcent parcels and (2) to sep. If additional right-of-way could be obtðlned from cur runt propcrty owners thereby allowing additional parcels wnlch do not hl'lve record~d instruments confirming access to the propos~d improvements to be Included I'Ind 5ssessed as a benefitted owner. lie noted thilt he contacted the various property ownllrs to see if tho: necessary easements could be obtained to include those parcels, 3ddlng that he did not get I'Iny positive responses bl'lck from the owners. Commissioner Goodnight questioned if any of the paved roðd areð 15 going to go I'Icross Frltchey's fðrming area or nursery, to which Mr. Prince replied nag3tlvel~. !OOK 085~,! 300 ....,. , " --·~""''''··~tII\._J, --"-F~~-·"""'-"'-"- ><·.,.,.......;.·".~,_~~._....,o;_.,~"..,.~.~,_'.. ,,",' ...,,_,ø'.,,"Ü_·"""..ffi'....~.. Page 4 '--"-'-"''''''''''- -~'._~---~~ ~.~ .. 085m391 February 5, 1985 Mr. E. 1'. Fr1tchey, of Immokalee, stAted that About 16 or 18 months ago, the Engineering ~partment had a me~ting indicating that they wanted to includ. Fritch.y Road and James Road in the Greenway Road paving district. II. statod that he spent $26,000 for limerock building Fritchey Road and it is a good road. He noted that he was asked to give ð hAlf mile right-of-way, lose his lime rock, and in turn be aSSessed $88,000 for the paved rondo He stated that he owns 75 acres on the west side of Frltchey road and 10 acres on the eAst, adding thAt if the road l~ built where the County has indicAted there is no way to get the w~ter from the eAst sIde to the west side of th9 road for fArming or nursery purposes. He stated that on one section of that road which is ð mile long, there are only three families that livp there. Me. Kuck st.:.tl<,1 that in th;, past pt:ople have put lim~rocK down for Ingress anct egress on ronds ðnd ther~ has never been ð way to credit the dev(?loper or peo;:>!" for doing this. Mr. Kuck stl;Lcd that on the streLch of road th~t has only three families, there are other property o",,"l<rs in Ll1/>t ðr,,¿J th.t plan L') build on the property If this roaû is paved, lidding Lhat Liles" oth"r propt:rty olooners ere in fùvor of the pavi ng asseSSI,lcnt d ¡ SL r ic t. It·, notea th" t tht! propost!d ðSS{~SSmcnt for Eo 1'. ~'rltchey Is estlm...t,_·(J IH Sl(;,~':IJ. He stated th,)t 5'J% of the people in the district petlt¡onc(~ to have the roartway paved. T.pe 12 :,,0« Mr. l'aul ~ricl'.!jon, AtLorn..y \oo"lth VI.J9", Brown, Nichols, Stùnl.,y, & Martin, stated that h~ represents about jO families that own property in the area, acldlng that th':!y ....(')ula like to have th'i' rOclrJwclY pav¡,d. He stðtdd that during th~ ....Inter season, it IS vpry dry ~nd turns into ð dust bowl In,1 In the surJlm"r s~¿;son, It ~urn5 into lJ riverbed. Ii,~ reporteJ tr\.,t thl:' pt'o¡;l.. '-Ir., Ioo'i 11 ing to P.JY trl<' dSSdssm!'nt .lna the r 0 a J W J Y .... I 11 c n 11 '-I n c ,; L II ,:\ r p r () t"~ r t y v II I u "s ð s we] 1 a 3 thd pin gin the overall cost -.In:: rc~'~irs 01 thcir vet.icl"'5. ~,r. Kuck inoicùt.,,, thilt th!' propos"o ¿.ssess)ent takes into consIderation the pdrcel's l~ngth of roadway frontage, the acredge and tnt dlst~ncc th~ ~drc~l is 10c¿.ted from the improvcm~nt rOJdwuy. ~Ir. f'r!tch'''y slðt¡,d that he Is !lot opposed to paving Greenway Roa~, but he 1s opposud to ~1ving frllchey Roan b",clIuse thwrd ðrc only three fllmilies on the roarJ. Comaiaaioner Holland Dov.d, .econded by Commi..ion.r Has.. and carri.d 4/0, th.t the public h.aring be clo.ed. Page 5 c:::2 .~. -..-........- ~--~"..~¡;;-'_. l ... II!) fa ~'ebru/ICY 5, 1985 Co..i..ion.r Ha... aov.d, ..cond.d by Com.i..ion.r Holland and carri.d 4/0, that R..olution 85-24 creatinq the Greenway Road Area Pavinq Aa......nt Di.trict and approvinq the pr.li.inary aaa.....nt roll and f.a.ibility report be adopt.d, ~nd that the En9ineerinq Departaent be authoriz.d to prepare plan. and .p.cifcation. and adverti.. for bid.. ~oo~ 085p~,.t392 . '". >' i .' .. --,."...:. .:.~ -,"C .. . l_ Page 5 IIWI .. II!'JI fe b r u a ry 5, 1£ 9 5 It.. 16 R!SOLUTIOM 85-25 R! PETITION AV-84-027, ROBERT G. WHITMORE, REQUESTING VACATION or TH! 6' SIDB EASEMENTS OM LOT 7, BLOCK 73, GOLDEN GATE UNIT 2, PART I - ADOPTED Legal notice having be~n ~ubllBhed in thn Nðpl~8 Dally Nuws on . Jdnuary 20 ~nd 27, 1965, DS dvld~ncerl by Affidbvit of Publicðtlnn filed with th~ ~lðrk, public h~^rlng w~s oprlned to c~nsld~r P~tlti~n AV-84-027 f ilotd by ;¡"tJcrt G. '^hitmore, rt!t uest1ng vacation ~f the six foot 91rla OIoisements on Lot 7, Bloc/( 73, Gold-,n (;"t'J Unit 2, Part r. Pul)lic ¡""rks Arlminlstr.:ltor Kuck stated thi1t the t)ojcctivt! ~f this petltio~ Is to approv~ the vi1c~tit)n whl=n will ~ll~~ .th~ Pctltlonvr to build u? to Inter¡~r side lot llnt'lI. Ii.. not'!d ttUt "L"ttttrfJ ot No Ubjection" have b~en rftcplv~d from 1111 utility comp~nids and the hater Manag"m..nt Advisory ßodrd, thO! <:nglnol.,rlnq ~pactment and Community ()"vt!lop;nl!nt cdvl..wad the p~titl"n and h.'Jv~ no objection. II.. nl)ted that :Jt",cr is rocomm"nc.J1n9 ðJ.ll'rovill. Commissioner H"lland .oved, s.conded by Commll1sioner Hass. and carrled 4/0, that the publIc hearing be closed. Com.Issloner Holland .oved, .econded by CommIsslon.r Hass. and carrI.d 4/0, that Resolution 85-25 re PetItIon AV-84-027, be adopted. aoO( (J~~rA~[:J!)f) Pa 9 e 7 "''4'''~_~'''''''''' ~... ; ',',I. '" "... . .' 1# L· ...........-..--.,-~ fI,!!I!I fI!'!I ~ Febru,HY 5, 1905 IU. '7 RESOLUTION 85-26 RI PETITION CCCL-84-8C, KUHLMAN ENGINEERING REPRESENTING MR. DEWITT SMITH, REQUESTING A VARIANCE 'OR PROPERTY ON LOT 42, BLOCK A, CONNERS VANDERBILT BEACH ESTATES, UNIT I - ADOPTED SUBJ£CT TO STIPULATIONS Lcgðl notic<! hðvin'J bp.~n publishec in the N~ples Daily Nuws on January 20, l~85, ~s evidenced by Affidnvit of Publication filad with the Cl~rk, public h~ðrlng ~ðS opün~d to considHr puti:ion CCCL-34-PC, filed by Kuhlman Englnaerlng, reprQscntlng Mr. O«witt Smith, r~guestlng a varillnca from thø COdstal Construction Control Lln~ for propurty 10catp.::J on Lo: ~2, Block ^, Connurs V~n( erbil: ~iliH:h"f;statt!s, Unit 1. CommunIty O'Jvelop;tlttnt Administrbtor Virtli sti1teJ th,]t thtt obj...ctlve of this ¡.>etition Is to allow tht! construction of .J swimming pool ðnd d9Ck sððw~rd of hn eXisting singl.. fð~ily residence on Vandttrbllt beach. )1(1 not~d thdt the request in for a varl~nce for 36-1/2 fct!t, and If .Jp?rov"d, It WQuld be 8' l~nd\o.·è!rj of tha s'.!ùwðrd limit of LtJe existin'.J rt!sidcr,co and pool to thu north <'Ind 11' l"ndwar(j of the sCllwi1rd limit of ~he existing residence to the south. He noted th~t there ~re flv~ stipulations in the EXttcutive Summðry and Staff Is rt!commendlng approval of the varidnc~ subject t? tho5u sti¡.>ul.Jtions. Co..14aloner Holland .oved, aeconded by Co..I.aloner Haa.e and carried 4/0, that R..olutlon 85-26 re PetItion CCCL-A4-8C, be adopted aubject to the atlpulatlon. contained In the reaolution. aOOK 085 r~~r 3D8 pag It 8 qll\JF'.I \,~._f_ " I\t" -.r,*' ;~'::, ···~vil' .....'. -"""'.--"-......---..----, ' ,.; ::'':,,'''~ '1/'" mK 085rl~t'401 February 5, 19U5 IU. '8 R180LUTIOM 85-27 RE PETITION CCCL-84-11C, BOARD or DIRECTORS OF BAYSHORES or VAMDIRBILT BEACH CONDO ASSOCIATION[_REQUESTING A VARIMICE rOR PROPERTY LOCATIO ON LOTS 44, 45, AND 46, BLOCK It. - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been published In the Naples Doily News on January 20, 1985, as evIdenced by Affidavit of publication filed wIth the ClerK, publ1c h'!aring was opened to consider Petition CCCL-B4-llC filed by the B<)ðrd of Directors of Bayshores of Vanderbilt Belich Condo Association, requesting a vùrianc~ for pro~erty located on lots 4~, 45, and 46, [Hock A, I) re-:1ubdivlsion of Old Unit 11, Conners Vðnderbilt Belich E;stntcs, (b"yshorcs I Condomlniu:n). Community Development Administrator Virta stat~d that the obj...:t1v(' cJ[ U,is [Ktitlon 15 ð CCCL vùriðnC( request for the constructiQn of II concrcte slu~~ðlk and l~ cabana pad cxten510ns ù mðÄilOum vf five (eet s,'..·.....ro of the OiJR coastal COõ1struction C"r,trol Line, ðdd!ng that th~y originally requested d 25 by 34 foot concrete ;'>001 f),ltlo &xti?nsion. II'~ 8tùt"c: thùt the reyuest has Since been moc!i[ i~d for th~ p'ltio ,'xt.,nSl0n to be J pressure treated ....."oden plwtform with the s~m~ jlMensions, cut th~ lð5t four tc~t of the 25 feEot Se<.lIo/¿HcJ \o'OuI11 ;-;ot ;-;,Wè dn)' verti ;¿,} ~;upµor t. H'! stated tr1ùt the last vertlc~l sup~ort ~0~lC De four feet l~ndlo/drd of tn~ outer most limit!: of th~ deck. Ii~ st,'tcd thllt the Assocllltion intends to ¡Jut tho! suµport for thc (j"ck structur( tlHl'C (eet into t.he grounJ, addIng that bðSèü on the tJ;::t tI1,~t t"c' ""tltion r,,,s been ùf'H.noca to provi(j{ for II wood decK r"tl\cr than J concrete ¡:.:JtlO extension, ~;tùtf 15 recommending IIpproval of the reluest ÐS ðm(nded. /", r. 1;0 J n.. y LJ IV , r d s, "' {m b ! r Q f t n" bo, ((; 0 ( D I r l:;:: to (I; f'\ f ,,3 Y 5 h 0 r e of V3ndert;il:. t-!.~~,::~: C0!,"::r, ,.!):jf"\C1i1tiç,n, st'1tcn t~l)t .')~ nlS gf)n': over t.Ll~, (J!"titi,):-. ~ltf~ ~~t'J~: n:Ln,:'h·t~· ~r,~ tr¡'~) .'\'.1rèt.:C U;J0;",¡ th<'." cr.¿~¡·J·.~ frf")r.\ ð =oncr~t( ;"'1')01 p,\tio t_'x:t:!n::¡~f)n tr:" .~ v:or)fj p001 p>':lQ ex~"~r.~i':'n, ~a~1:î(3 trd-':' it '110'1 11 tv~ ~t '~r("¡un.:; J('v~_'l r>y thL tl~f: it. rt.{~-;:r.es t'1E 2:) ft.'et 5 e.} ~(1 r G . Comm1661~ner Hollard moved, ~econded by Commissioner Hasse and carried ./0, that the publIc hearing be closed. Cnmm'søloner Has.e moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried 4/0, that Resolution 85-27 re Petition CCCL-84-llC, be adopted subject to the stipulation that the pool patio extension be prellsure treated wood Instead of concrete. Page 9 ::=1 - T "H'~·_ ·.A'__',~.. .._.,,_~,~¥... ,- - .. ----,.~~~,...-. ._-----;.".,,-_............"",-,.""',""""""" ~-,~~"''''._-"..._-~,,'' . ~'cbruar'l 5, 1985 lOOK 085r~r·\405 It.. . 9 PITITIOW SKP-84-1C, ~ILSOM, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PEEK, IHC. REPRESENTING CLYDI QUINBY, REQUESTING SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN ^PPROVAL FOR QUAIL HOLLOW - ADOPTtD SUBJECT TO ~TIPULATIONS Legal notice having be~n published in the Naples Dally News on January 20, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication flied with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition SMP-ß4-1C, f i 1 cd by ....1 1 son , ~Il 11 ~ r, bl1 r t Q n, So 11 r. P t:! e k, In c. r e pre s en tin 9 C 1 yd e Quinby, requesting ßubdivision master plan approval for Quail Hollow on the east ~ide of Polly Avenue between Rattlesnake Hammock Ro6d and t:verett Street. P 1 "n n f: r ~'oC Kim 5 t" t e d tI II t the (\ b j e c t i v I) 0 [ t his p" t1 t Ion i s to approve tne ~ubdlvI6i()n ""ldstp.r Plan ...hich hils becn rcviewed by thp. SUbdivision Review Committee, addin9 that they have no objection to Its approval with the exemptions to th~ Subdivision regulbtlons as requestf:O ~no subject to thc Sli~ulutlon th~t a 67.~ foot right-of-way be donated to the County, .ast from the section line dlon9 polly ;wenu". She noted thllt tll'~ CAPC h~ld tn"ir public hf:aring and recommended ;,¡pprov,1l ~uhj('ct to tho:! ~"Jb(1IVlsìon Revie"" Committee's r"conlmendðtlon. She: c:"n;:ludE'c by sLatln] th"t. ~toJff i~ recommf:n<Jing ðpproval subj~ct to C^I~'5 ~tl~uldtI0ns. Comnll1aIoner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, thAt the public hearin~ be closed. Co~iasion.r Holland moved, ~econded by Commissioner Haase and carried 4/0, that Petition SMP-84-lC, Wilson, Killer, Barton, 5011 , Peek, Inc. representing Clyde Quinby, requesting subdIvision master plan approval for Quail Hollow on the east side of Polly Avenue between Rattlesnake Hammock Road and Everett Street be approved subject to the stIpulation that a 67.5 foot right-of-way be donated to the County, east from the section line along Polly Avenue and with the exemptions to the Subdivision ~egulatlons as requested. Item 110 PETITION DRI-84-2C, JIMMY ATKINS - CONTINUED TO 3/19/85 CommisllIoner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commillsioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that Petition DRI-84-2C, Jimmy Atkins, be continued to Karch 19, 1985, piJ gel 0 ::=J ··~~'·'--_:'~'''''·'F·· , P"'I ~ ~ l,"1bru.Jry 5, 1985 IU- III RESOLUTION 85-26 RE PETITION V-84-29C, WYNDEMERE HOLDINGS, REQUESTING A VARIANCE OF THE 6' HEIGHT LIMITATION FOR FENCES TO ALLOW ^ 10' FENCE ALONG THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF WYNDEM8RE PUD BORDERING 1-75 - ADOPTED L.!CJal noti::~ hilvtný b'~';n ?Ubli!3~ed in t:11) ~;,)µl",:> Oaily N~'''''S 0n J~nuary 20, 1985, ,)~ dvidunc~a by A([ldilvit of Public~tlon fll~a with the Cl~[k, ~ublic hdarinl W,)S op",nio to consider P~tltion V-84-2~C, Wyndcm~ru HoloinY6, raquestlnq a v.Jriancd o( th~ ~, hØlght limitation for fenc1s to ~llow J 10' fenc. along the ~d5: property line of Wynodmar~ pue Qoro~rlnq 1-75. P 1 ü n:1 (' r ~,c ,: t I', S t" tUG t h J r t h~ "b j e c L I V" 0 f t h l S pI: tit 10 n 1st.., construct D 10' high fanc" along th~ u~5t pr?p~rty line. S~e 3t.:.tCC that S,.:ction S.33·J :-:¡ of tl,,= ;:-Jnin'i Ordin,:n<>c' ollows ¡î foot high fincus in røslc~ntl~l arcùs. Sh~ n0ted that th~ patl~loncr states that th~ ilavations of 1-7S ar2 15.52 fiØt to l5.7J:e!t and the dlcvati..,ns of '8ynd')mdr! ,Hi l)')t....,,~en 10., Jnd 11.0 f~(!t. ,):Jdinq thJt th'! pctitil')ncr (coils tt\.lt a 10 foot IJI.:¡h w,)ll 'd'JlJlè 1Jr0,1:].) nl')IS() ðnd vi3uul barridr. Soe rQP"~tt"CJ that ~"cr¡rdln' t" the findings o( Stnff, there '" ere n I') 5 f-"~ c Ii.! c I r c urn g t ,"\ c: " 3: :'1' j "0 :1.1 r G S 11 1 P , iI no U1<! ref 0 r e, S t ,) f f r~comm~n~s denial. Mr. ¡;lllIJ"lU;n ol 1'111$0:\, ~:ll1'!r, ¡;"rto,-" S0il & P""k, In<.:., representinq th. petitioner, pr~scnted a didqramati= s~etcn which sho'Ned the reldtlonsniµ of tlJ~ tlUfC,,',n cy~ ùt d finisi1~d floor el¿vation in "yndomer" '....I\lCn IS ., ,~inimum o( 11.5' ,dth ,In dv"!rögc o( 12' '....hlch i ß W h " t h d 5 bee n u" e don t I' ~ skit t c 1\ 1 n d wit h ,1 5' eye 11·j 1'J h t . II.! stated that this sketch th~n showed the Interstate with a vehicle located on it with dn elevðtion of 15. S' , addin') thd t thi') dir~ction I')f the t1ye f I') r ,1 six (Ol')t w"ll bu i 1 t in r¡,lðtlon to existing 9round in that arpd, wi 11 put the øy'! at th" bottom of thf' 'Jehicle. lie noted that wi th a six foot wa 11 , this wo u 1 d not creÐte d bu Ef e r for sight or sound, adding tnðt tnls is a condition that the Commissioners are gQing to havo to ~ddrass fraquently along the Interstðte bec,use it Is built from 4 to 6 feet abl')ve the existing grounds In the ar()a where it is conslructad dnd a six foot wall Wl')uld be of little effect. He noted that a 10 foot wall \o<Juld not look unattr.\ctive from the Interstðte If it Is associated with ðttractive landscaping. He noted that the petitioner would like to increase the walls to 10 foot height, adding that by virtue of the PUD he Is obliged to work with the Ddpt. of Transportdtion bnd th~ County Urban Forester to landscaµ(! along th~t ~; 085w,! 106 paq a 11 1 -:--------·--'--~...-·I>·-....,,¡'''''''''''F'.........--- --_.._-'"."........,",..~~.__._--_.- " . " "",., ., ~·1", . ,., .~.. ., ...... (' -, UDJ. 085fA'j!407 F~bruèlrY 5, 1985 same linl. HI rlported that thore are pine trees within the 1-75 right-of-way and it is also his client's intent to put landscape vegetation on both sides of the wall. He concluded by stating that a six foot wall providell his client with virtually nothing from the standpoint of a sound or sight buffer. He stated that his intent is to use nJtural native vegetation, adding that his clicnt plans to havc the inside of the w~ll irrigatcd. He noted that the wall will be decorative, which Is very attractive. He noted that the ordinance that controls this matter was written prior to the time that 1-75 was to be constructed. Tap. 13 Assistant County Attorney Cuyler stated that this situation may be coming up more In the future ~nd the Board should consider that there m~y be hardships [or oLhcr Frop~rty own~rs In th~ sam~ gcneral area. Commis.ioner Holland movød, seconded by Co~~issioner Hass. and carried 4/0, that the public hearinq b. closed. Commission.r Holland .oyed, secondr.d by Commissioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, that Resolution 85-28 re Petition V-84-29C, be adopted. Commissionl'[ Holldnd stdtcd tI\at ther~ ....ill be other requests slrnllÐr to this, adding thdt :;taft should l(\ox, at tho:: pf)ssibllity 01 ami:nding tho.! fenc€: ordini'nc~ lor specl¿¡l situations. H-J statc:J thJt he would like to see this brou~ht up at the next wor~~hop. Commissioner V"ss directed Stilt! to Include this discussl"n on thO! ncxt ...."rkshop IIgendò. P,q e 12 :::::J ~- ~- - ~-- ,..... -'---...~~c--' --,.."",.., ;.,...",."..._~._",.,_.~..,.".". -''''-~'..''''~~--'-- """ pP.IIt ~ ~'..brll;' ry ~, 1 <)' ~ It.. 112 RESOLUTION 85-29 RE PETITION V-84-30C, WYNDEMERE HOLDINGS, INC. REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO ALLOW 4 SIGNS INSTEAD OF 1 SIGN AND A VARI^NCE FROM THE REQUIRED LOCATION or THE SIGNS - ADOPTED Legal notic.l h3vln'J becn ?ublísholcJ In ttl!' ;o.¡a¡;lus Dally 'I/"ws f)n Jdnuilry 20, 1\,.b5, as dvl( t:nccd by f>.\fid3vit or I'ublic"tion filea ;;ittl th~ ClerK, ~ubllc h~ðrin1 wðg open~a to consider Petition V-J~-jOC, tillto by ¡'ynd¡,mere ilf)ldln,¡s, Inc. rt!qu'ðstinq ¡, VdrlünC,1 1:0 .1110'.... f¡ signs lnSte'l;1 of 1 sign lnd ;:¡ var!.lnce from the ret.Juircá locitjf)n of the 5iqn!\. PII.nn"r MCKIm 'It"ted tlHr. tlH' "'h)"ct!ve of this po:tition Is to pr,,"!"''? pr"j.,'':t !'Jèntl t le,'t!f)n ~t t,....'! :'\f)ut!lwest corn~r of the fJroj,!,.:t, 3áaing tt..t ...ynd'i!rn·HE:' i'lJ.J hJS ":1~ Jntr,'nc'! l.,C"t'~d Jt thJ tem¡.:ordry .!nr.! of Llvln1~ton haao. Sh~ gt~t"rt th~t )n 1ntr~nce slyn is locatdd ~t the m,)ln "ntr.Jflct' /1no 1:1 ':IIJfJrO)(lm..t·~1y 27 SgU,Ht: ["ct ,lnd the p<?titloner ....ishes t., hdv!! ð n,1r:1e si'Jn ~nu tW<) logo .'I!qns, ',.¡hich medSUrf! appro)(im.~t"ly 29 squ,re f.."'t, on the "dl1 dt tnJ 5"uth....~st c.,rner ot th~ proj",.:t ðnd Llvln. stf)fI I(f)"rj. :>r,,, st"t,!rj th"'t In I')rder tl') ,Ichic\l~ this, the petitioner n~~ds d vdrl3nc~ for th~ loc~tl.,n of the signs ßnd th.. number .,f sl<Jn!;, ,¡u(11ng th"t th<: If)nln'l Ord!n.lnc., -"110....5 '!iLher .,ne lUO ~( u"r" toot sl'Jr1 or two 'If] sf u"r" fr..0t ~I' n.. JL th·! !HO),"ct entrdnct!. ~h.. t!ntrdnce which st.1te,j UHt the 'wì'n; "m'HI! C"u'ìtry Clut> PUD has .,nly I')ne Is loc.ltea ,~pµr.,xim'lt,·ly 2,05C feet Int., the d\ivclop1\!!nt dt the tinct of a tem;)Ordry d~'d-.~nd str".!t, d'JrHn' th'lt the petitioner I g wi Illn'j Co C0lr.ml L to r emav" U)I' S 'In,; ~t th.. s.,uth""J st corner ono;", Llvin'Jllt.,n H.,dd is complet'Jd to Pin.. fdj,¡n HO.~d. ~h~ noted th,~t: Staff reviewed tnls petltll')n and found th~t thlr" is no special conditi.,n or hdrdship ana, therefore, recornmenJs d0nlJl of tht! petition. Mr. Ii I 11 b d r t r...'ì ., f Wi ¡ s., n, Mill t: r, 811 r ton, 50 11 ~ Pee k, In c . st.H"d thilt thcrot is 1'11') hürdshlp, b'Jt he ....ould like to suggest that the current sign ordlndnc.. is puzzling in that it allows thtt petitioner to hllve t....., signs, but th,)t th<.!y both must be located dt the entrancp... He IItðted that ....hat 16 trying to be accomplished is to quiotly and pleasantly stat~ ....h.Jt Wyndemurc Is èlnd where It is, èldding th~t It c/ln b.. done better by h.3vinq attrdctive siqnaqe at the ¡,¡outh....est corner. He stated that the sl'Jndg~ WQuld be Incorporated ....ithln thd wall on that cornfH. He statt!d thllt this sign is ðpproxlmately 75' frl')m the property line, lidding that the lIignage, Including two logo:l, Is approximately 2!1 sqUHC feet and the slqnllge at th.. entr"':lce is &OOK 085w.! 110 pag" 13 ------p----_.,---- ,- ,..... . ~.~..... ..'A....., ...{ . _,_"........~__.____n__·..._·_·_ ;.::..~;ji~1~· ..:~,:".:'..~,;. .., "'øii~'. .~ iI'Ir~',~ ;¡"'''''':'' -, ", , .,,,1,". f ..' . ~...: > ~ 085,~,,!4.11 P'flbruary S, 1985 app~o~imately 27 .quare 'eet, adding that he il .sking to allow the applicant to determine the best pla~e within the project for the .igna. He stated that the ordinance doe. not cover clearly the location of signs on a projoct. Hot noted that this would be a pleasant and attractive sign arrangement for Wyndemere. Comai..ioner Holland .oved, .econded by Co~.issioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the public he.ring be closed. Co..issioner Holland aoved, seconded by Co:~i..ioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, that Re.olution 85-29 re Petition V-B4-30e, be adopted. Pi:\go 14 :::::;::] u._. ___... ~,I" , F .. ... - February 5, 1905 It.. 113 RISOLUTION 85-30 RI PETITION HUC-84-1C, WYNDEMERI HOLDINGS, INC. REQUESTING HON-CONrORMING USE CHANGE TO ALLOW PETITIONER TO REPLACE EXtSTING NON-CONrORMING SIGN - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Legal no~ice ~~ving been pUDli~hed in the Nðpl~s Daily News on January 20, 1985, as evldenc~d by Affidavit of Publication fll~d with the ClerK, publIc :'1ear1nj ~aß opened to consider Petition NUC-B4-lC, Wyndemere Holdings, Inc. rCl uestin3 nor.-conforminCJ LlSI.I cilang.t to allow petItioner to rapl~ce existinj non-conforming sijn. Plðnncr I~Kim stated th~t the o~J~ctivð of thIä p~titio~ is to re~lace the existing non-conformIng sign tor Wynúcmer~ with four signs at tne corner ot Golú~n ~ðtu P~rKw~y dnd Livingston Hoad. ~he stater. that ð ~ynd~mcrc ic~ntIficition sign ~na lñncscap~d ðr~ð ðre pres~ntly loca~~d on tnls site at the Intcrauction of Golden Gat~ Parkway and LIvingston Hoad, which wa3 apµroved by th~ County in conjunction with a Wyndamere model ~nd sales center. Sh~ not~d that th~ modèl and sales center building ramðinlnq on the site now functions as a resIdence. She noted that ~yndemere Holdings, Inc. retains an Interest in the ~-1/2 dcre site and owns thl.l contiguou~ ,creaqe containing the water ~reatm~nt and stQraqe f~cilltl~3. Sh~ r~ported that the Livingston Road right-~f-W3Y acr~ag~ was part of the origlnal PUD ~nd was considered in calculating the original PUD d~nsity level. She st~ted that as a part of th~ PUO stipulatiQns, ~ynd2mere agreed to constcuct the completed portion of Livingston RQad and dedicate s~me, wIth ð 105' right-Qf-way to Collier County, adding thõt this sti?ulation has been fulfilled. $h~ Indicðted that Wynè~~erc's ryntrance is located approxiamtely 1 mil~ north of Golden Gate Parkw~y at the temporary end of Livingston RQad bnd th~ existing sign is ineffective as it cannot bo seen in bQth directions along the Parkway. She stated that the proposed signage will remedy this probl~m. She said the square footage of the proposed signage is 127 square feet and the ordinance states that no such non-conforming structure may be enlarged or altered in a way which increases its non-conformity. She noted that the proPQsed signage WQuld be increðsing the size of the existing non-conforming use and the number Qf non-conforming uses, adding that the petitioner has agreed to remove the signll when Livingston Road is completed to Pine Ridge Road, which WQuld remov~ a non-conforming use. She indicated that Staff recommends that if the square footage of the proposed signs can b. made to add up to 100 square feet or less, the I1lze allowed by u~~ 085wJ. ~1'{ Page 15 " ~.,.: '~..' .... ot.~ , . ;, .---... .. ....', t, <. ... __..~._..,.,.~~".,.~.~<~.,.e·",..~~_.,~.~.__.'M~""'''''___ .. ""~:'oj""',. ,- ,tD( 085nr:1415 hbrulHY ~, 1905 th- Zoning Ordinance, that the BCC approve the non-conforming use change with the stipulation t~at ~he p~tttioner remove the signs when Livingston Road is completed to Pine Ridge Roed. Mr. Bill Barton of Wilson, MI11e(, Ba~·ton, So11 & Peek, Inc. stated that he will speak to this petition as well as the one that will be bro~ht up next, V-B4-31C. He stilted that the current position of th~ lign is at the location th3t his client w?uld like to have the new lign placed, lððing that it is a non-conforming lIign at this point. ~~ Itated that Livingston Roað serves only Wyndemere at this ti~e, and when the road goes completely through to pine Ridge Road, th~ Dign will be removed. He :'1ot~d that the sign3ge hIs more than 100 squarc feet duv to the fact that the sign maker mado the si~n berore this petition came to the BCe, and the sign is 127 square feet, adding that this does not mak~ n big difference, It will ~imply co~t mor" money If the sign has to be made sm'!lller. He slated that the logo and the tWQ signs tottll 127 sgu<,He fl'~t. Co..illioner Holland moved, leconded by Co~milsioner HAsse and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. Co..islioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and carried 4/0, that Resolution 85-30 re Petition NUC-84-1C, be adopted and that the Petitioner remove the signs when Livingston Road is co~pl.t.d to Pin. Ridge Road. Pag'" 16 =::J - -+---~- ._--~- , ,.,~,-~''''''''''''"'''"'-'''''"'''._"- ....'....,... '.If . ". .' . ''h.''!' ." .~. ..,I'.Jt' '. . .. ...~.. ,,'" "lA, . ~,';~' ¡"\i; :"!,,""<l~.~'.,: '"'~\'%",~.""",: ~~~,~')" i._ ." .... ".,...",. .~. !,,,. t~" ,~.O~mt 419 } if- Fobruary 5, 1965 RISOLUTION 85-31 RI PITITIOK V-84-31Cr NYNDEMERE HOLDINGS, INC. RIQUISTING V~IAMCI TO INCRIASI FROM SIGN TO 4 SIGUS - ADOPTED Le9~l notlc. havlnq b.en publilhed in the Napl.1 Daily NawI on January 20, 1985, as .videnc.d by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public h.aring was opened to consider Petition V-84-31C, Wynd.mer. Holdings, Inc. requesting a variance to increase from 1 siqn t.o '" signs. Co.-i..ion.r Holland .ov.d, ..conded by co.-i.sioner Ha..e and carri.d 4/0, that the public hearinq b. closed. Comai..ion.r Holland .ov.d, ..cond.d by Coaais.ioner Ha... and carried 4/0, that Re.olution 85-31 re petition V-84-31C, be adopt.d. Pag e 17 ·"-~·1 . , r::=J r-'_'~¥'_ . .' .¡ ),' . ',':"-" :. . -f.t ". .J": J~\"'''''*C>'':~j: "::-,,;:,,,;,:~~\,;,, ~.,...ü. " "' I.,.; ,;;~,if ~~".t::"i~.!1! ¡: , ~.,.. ".",: , . ~ ~(;--~";"~7~~~' " ~ ,:,:~> ,.,. -...-.-.-."...- """,,,.........._.... "',.,"',..."._,_..~_.-~,.--' '.,."-i:",,,~ ~ ~',¡~."'" -. ~ . . .. j .; .' f.:; .i ~ it f~, ¥ . M. ,,,~,, (: &«.' ('~.. ' '.~ "~"'''"·t..ttf~: ..' ~.'. ,"1"1 ·-"".',"~'ftt1.·~ ~ n~¡(~ :~It~~,~'" / . .j,' n' r~~rua,ry·s.~é 19a.5,<:¡~>.JI'\;~:';;:: , It.' 115:" ~~, .(x., '.if;~'~ tiP-". . ;¡r I), ~:"~'>;,:' 1i\{,~\I.:.,;¡Ít, ' t~';:·r:t'.'/ c", ,; ,: ~"~"",' "'¿~~"'~"ç\j;¡', . , · . '" ~~;t~1Ÿ,:,~ó' .ft~di ~;~I~~;J;~~f·ói"~~¡;'~fUlI'~ 7 WlLUI I_ GOLDa QA,.. I'YAY.I FOR FIRII. . / I'I'Arr DIRIC'r1D 'rO .URlUI .' MAn An alPORY .~1t 'rO YBI ace "'IYR A MIIDID I UIPMØ'I' LIst/ . ''''~i~rF,~¡~~vX?ì~.,: Exeèutly'., Dl r.ct~·r 'ot' S~MD,~ii~';~\~\;~~~t~~)~.c'O 1 ..i..loner R01hnd re9ardln9 the Ur.. In Gold.n aattbtaU' . -~ttft~t~4~that'th. dl.cusalon conc.rned provldln9 the, SFWMD tut:',wif ,'õir!' ·Î~'~"åt.r lupply for fin .qulpm.nt In the E.tat.. aru, adcHnc{thU '. '. ,,' ~. . . .' . . 1_ . .,~ ".10.; , . ~b'i. _11. are av.thbh under this type of e..tr9.ncy.- It. not.d;t~~.!- .~~~r~i,~~~",!tO p\lllp' on the __11, adding that th.y are .i.ply c:apP41d.q;:~ '.Uted that he 11 havin9 a lIap pupared to distribute to tht Ylrlðu.~,,: I" . ~. " .~ Jfire d.partmenta .howin9 the location. of the WIll. that are propoud -"'1., . < . . ','~'ft" ·'.nd tho.. that an alrudy In the qround. He .tat.d that h. would go -\:o:'rS ~' ."'. to the __ 11 an.. wi th the U u depertlllenU .0 that th.y could try :'. .~~~~,;~ 4~: their .qul punt to tut the w.U.. H. .tated tl1at this w111 qlv. the J'}"" -j; COunty .ollle add,itional capacity In the area. He noted that the map .hould b. availabl. within the next few day.. He .tated that In mo.t c.... the water level i. about 10 or 12 fe.t and the ~lla are 6 N.. Inch.., addin9 that the equipment tho'lt the fin department. have .hould b. able to tap the.e well. r.adily. He reported that there i. a po..iblity of utillzlnq a jet type .pray irrlqatlon .y.tem In the E.tate. In.t.ad of fire hy~ranta, which would be a network of flrewell. located throuqnout the area, and the fire department. could In.tall the n.c....ry type of equipment on their truck'.. Comml..ioner Holland .tated that he ~uld like Staff to lII.at with Mr. Vldae. to crill. u~ with a list of the nece..ary equipment that would be n..d.d by the fir. department. and then report back to the acc with the co.t. Comml..ion.r Vo.. directed that Statt do a. Com~i..loner HOlland Indicated. Comml..ioner Vo" stated that he al.o talked with the Mn.qulto District adcHnq 'that they nave 2300 gallon Lank. in thQir DC-3" and h. qu..tioned i£ they ~ould be adapted to be used for a water .upply purpo.e in ca., of . fire. He .tated that the Di.trlct told him that they ~u1d inve.tigate the .ituatlon Qnd report back in a f.w day.. ..... Rec...s 10130 A.M. - R.conv.nedl 10lCO A.M. ..... (~./ ~Ï< i, i;l;, ,,;( I' ,; I. ~ ' <' ...... <'. ~ .j,"" ,\ ~.' ¡co.. , , '. " Pag_, 18 _.."...;,;..;__.."'__...."__...,."';_....""-_.,'".;..=,~.. ,.""'.._tl.___.,,__.__,,_____"'f.·..·""'V __M·.....,..."«,""',~'",.,.,..~_"",,,_ t..,=,,;,,~~ ·.'I~_·~"',~_¡4....__·_,..·,,·......_"'__~__,,_...,·"'··'''·,~ ,." ..~ ,:;,. . ':;, .~":>' , , , , .' , " ',' :Ì"~ 'ttnf" .u~..- sc '.' COU'1'At; ncn: IDIl1O', '1IPRl81M'1'IIO LLOYD IBIIBAN RIOUI8TIMG JROVI'IOMAL USI -.- or 'rATIS. DlITRIC'1', ~RA DIVATI' SCØooL' LOCA'l'ED 011' U1IIft WAY..,;;tI'ADOP'I' . lua.1IC'f, 'rO, S.,.IfUU,'1'I011I. '. 'l'1'ITtOMIR'" MAlUm AID ,rl»DII1O" or~.rACT~ . '~C:C:lrrm~~~.,.~"IÌ~!: P,(~""~ \ ~>':,.. ,~,t'''~:''J,'''''~ ~..,,\·t.'>i'~u!,¡"~.''',I''''''~~':,",·J''''':~i'' . ì~:':;J(::!';t\Jt.~·w~~'-"" ,>fi>i '~,~ ,',"~~ ,r ,-','~"~-'., > ,_,.,':; ,...", iì ..: ,,"..i / ~ / t '!' :' ...' ~~~. - '_;\'~~'",:'''¡ ":~ - ,'. .'!_. ..:' ~;.~ -i ~~ ,~.n \.r::,fté U.,"t1It.cf· till ~', the; objedUv""t;e ,th ta~p.tl t lo~'f(-:~..~~¡\,.¡. ~. el~~p:;":"'~hÓO.líi'ddln9 .thIt8t1~t And .11 ,..Cl)unty Aqenoltl rtyltwt~:r thh petition .nd h.ve no objectlon.lubject to thelt1pul.Uon'!'i:,Ç\I~.. o'\àtUne4)n tht Eucutiv'.' sUIllm.ÚY' dated ""nu~ry 24,"ï9B5':;ri;:~~\;'~'1,j~f~:', ~r·':"r. Lloyd Shuhan ltattd that at the pr..ent timl'lth.,".éh6ot"hi. ,,, - " . ,~ ·:pre-.chool and k1nderq.run, Idd1n9 thlt nut yur ho will have titn ",ra~. and they hop. to .dd on. cla.. .ach y..r thrOu9h hi9h Ichool. ·t(1 ' . ::~~>'.';'; Co.II.loner ,.,ll1nd ..ed, ..conded by eo..i..loner ..... and J . >,'~' ¡~'t,~,L~lrri.d ./0, tbat R.,olution 15-32 r. p.tiUon PU-U-15C, COI.ttl"· ~<ri;;"": 1n9in..rin< , rapr.,enUn, Lloyd Shubin r.quuUn9 proYlalonal .... -b- ,,''.lVt,.·,I,.. ;;~H\\~: .af th. I.tlte. Dlltrlct for I prlvlte Ichool loclted on Unity WlY b. ~~;·~~.:~.:.clOPtecl labject to aUpulatlon. and the peUtion.r'l Ac n..ent and /:..;,~t\'! r1n41n9 of ract Icc.pted. .",;,1," f " -".'I H --~-~"--,-,_.....,,"..."_._-..."~- ~.."'-^'~¡;.--"..."..._-.,;"",..'_."'_..--_.._-,,..~ "'"'____~"'''''_'.,..~.."_,..'''''''''.....w"'¡..,................,-._>,..,,«._....,,~",".--,..^-,~,- -~..."..-.-." .. i -- ;",,,,.,,,:" ',I,}'-t '" ¡~ ,f' r .,..;¡.~, " ",",', :hH' '. 4t ';~";'!f~ 1~~J!~ " ...."~l'~."ft.'¡, t -~\:"... ,~¡:'~~i'~~,;·~. .. } ,·:\,~t';~';:';! '·t,~;{::,;;.",·t '.}r;·'~ .~ ~"";;~'~:r'~:~'~:'~ "~'~(\ +",{ ""'..r,p'~"f~''';~i;-:.·~''·¡-'~·~ > , l1 "',~"'! ~l,l~>,¡d~">:"" :;J:',W,,,~};r'f¡:: ..... '\,.,.~,}";: ,'I' ¡.:: ,";;. ,.'ebrulry 5t 19U'''l·:.'';!~~ , ..~:f ~'t":\ ,~,'., ;-tf;'^,,':'1i \¡-:., . ~.. ';I!;:i·'~@tf~ . ' . ,¡ft~~~m~r¡~~';~<'.I;=~~~~r ~:r1lOU1ft11lG ..onitOlAt.'UlI 1'01 ftI'IIO_A1' 'ATROt. luamflOtr A ~ Ii -~~~...,: '~;~'~~~"~~'!J::¡1"1,!o~1r"'· .;. .. .,.~~~t:;~!:1:.:.:::;.~~r:~f!:rp~;~:;?~;~f~:=:~1W~ '~,.'.f"',c~~.f..t, th~,old ton booth on Al1l9,'ator AUay, In Saèt,lon2t,,~~~r";," ~.,*,Ihtp ,,50; .,', Range 2' I. She neue! thlt the objective Is .to.: .ovt" '~ithe r10!1dIHi9hWay Patrol Subsution'to I central location at. the·~l':,.; r~tol1 booth on AllI9.tor olley. She Indicated that Staff ,nd all County :rrÁgeneter revi.wed thll p.tition and hav. no objoction subj.ct to 111. f~,·/1' 'i'P>" . '.' .:¡;'Iàprov...nta re..ining within the r.D.O,T.U.ita and the septicsyst .~èoeplytn9 wl~h Chapter 100-6 r.A.C. She Itated'that the CAPC h.ld~~~~ ;"thelr public huring on January 17, HISS, and b..ed on thelr FincHngof;'-1 r.ct, r.commend.d forwardin9 thi. petition to the Bee for approval aubj.ct to the stipulations. Co..ia.loner 8.... 8Ovad, ..cond.d by Co..ls.loner Holllne! .nd a.rrled 4/0, tb.t R..olutlon 85-33 r. p.tition PU-I.-l6C, b. adopted aabjec~ to .tipulation. and the rInding of ract acc.pted. { ",' .' --"_.'""'''_.".,'_...._,,-'''''''',,....~'''....,_.;__.'''''..-I ;_'~ I,,___N_,~"'e' >..._--,..,_......_",. ..,.,-,.,........"<_...,.....~,...;~,."'." .._¡-",.,""_.,'-'"'''''".,....~--''' , "~ ",' f'I':- - '\:..~.' , ' '''1.', "'" ,,)., "-:',. ,by",.."".. "" ~t...., ",t~J'~ ...,.t,}"..~!_/J;~ ,: '.." ..,.~,,~,-__ 'i:'!\~~"'f't.~~'.:'¡'~"" 1f\...~ _ ',..'~ '::f'>" ..... ,,' ..;~",,,,,....~,,~, .,","''''' . MÍ>~/. _ >! . ,-. . ..:~ ..;,~:,~;;.,,"'''r'~·-i::'t -., '. · ",:(,\~~~:, '~~,,:~,t;t~r::: ,.¡ ~~::l~~r:'" _ _ ..., ,~ ' Ff . ~. I .'~ . . ' .~~..:~, J , ".; ,,\..~¥ I" ¡~'"'I f· j ~-~:;_ ~ 4 ~~ ,~~_,),~~"'~ ~ ¡ft~ . ,,~..}lJ'~.::."~ .,:' ')R.:~~":"\:.¡¡ilt~'" ,6 C«,.~'._~_;;, " .'"'. , ',", ...;,.... :~: ~ .' Jt;"i' ',.:¡' . ~ :. 4J.,.. ' : . t~f;~,~,:""."."~'¡'t:;'¡\:~i:,~,.,,"~:;:...t.~íuary.5, 19B5 ' .'f,t" ",,' \....,i~~~~,*},~,..f.'.~£qþ,··..~",.::,'~ti~~,:J::;t~,s:¿~1~,·,;.~,/'I,·~','·;".· ,~;". ' ,.>; ~~,;...~,~f.~ljr =~1vi&~f;¡~'~i~'~i8~ 'i~Î;i~ ~·trc.~ MSoCU:rtOll' ~~ '~i~.'I~~:~ o~.fPLA~gf ~~~ß"'fO ""nOVl'tB1 COHCIP'l' or IUCR ~. ORDIIW1C~ '~~~~PÞ ;. "~~'iit.~ul HoH..n, rtPrtuntinlj the local chapuro! th. ,~.ri~;~·:~ ',ì~~~i' .~d IHUe -'-soclation and ov.; .600 people who,.sic;ned .'^petltÌ~'ri¡· ít~~,n~:å:~pPort of an ordinance dB rming the right tl) k", P and bear a~m~:r!;',".... ø.;",~.uted. that the ordinance that he is proposing was draftad by the ~,;~~..atlonal Headquarter. of the A.erican Pistol and RUlli A..oclation and ~'~'~','ubtllltted to dl Chapters nationwide for action. He stated that the ;~':"'''qu..tl.on c.fon the Board is whether this (\rdinance 4 necounry and in ',~ th. be..t interut of this community, adding that having' .tud i~1.I the ,..' , issue of C;un control for many yuca it. i. char to him that't.hetcll 11 an '.' . ~,\' on-901n~ effort by some people to d.ny the law abiding citizen to ;: ., 'protect him.eU by the un of firearms. . 'rIpe 14 Mr. Hoffman .tated that the right tt) keep and bear arms 1s clearly 'atated in the Con.titut1on of the Un1ted State. and the Bill of Ric;ht. from which h. read. He stated. that this ordinanc. 1. nlc..sary blcau.e it w111 ..nd the .....g. to would-bl criminals that this CI)mmun1ty re.p.ct. the un.lien.~le right. of its citiz.n. .nd will support them in the l.wful defen.. of those right. and 1t will send a me..age to Ij overnment that thl cit1zens of this jurisdiction are prepared to defend themselves against unlawful intru.i"n by government. He read the proposed ordinance into the record. Mr. William Mor.e, Southweat Florida RIgional Chairman of the Aaerican Pl.tol and Rifle Association statod that he is in .upport of this ordinance as it is an ordinance supporting and defending the .econd amendment of the United State. Constitution. Mr. George Keller stated that he feels that the Constitution of the United State. indicate. that therR i. a right to keep and bear arm. and it Is n~t nece..ary to adopt another ordinance that .ay. the aame thinq a. the Con.tltution of the United State.. Commi..ioner Ha..e stated that this ordinance would not infrinc;e on anything, addinq that It i. .imply reaffirmlnq the law. AI.i.tant County Attorney cuyler .tated that the propo.ed , ordinance affirms the rlqhta that are already law and are stated '. . ~natitution of the united State., COM.i..ioner. Holland, Vo.., and Goodnight aqreud. '#.1,11) ',,' ' 1, -"',1:':.-", " . me 085,m'434 :a " .~ jf;.~ ;~'h!~-'''', ~:.<" in the·· .',.~"" "~ ..-~l"'_ ' ..i,,(~t'J' ,../.' :,.,,!i"¡'#.å ¡i:~~~:; g~~. . ,~\t~·' " . _2'1' ;"".1.,' ... -¡.. ~ "2 , .. ."',.h""'._.'''._'''.__".,>'''',.,,;_,$<__'''''''''''.,_'''''____~_..~'''_"'__·,..ø...,. "~._.~~.._-,,..__.---.._."-~..".'--" "~' '.~ .... .~., -' ~ . ,- .. , 4'ì,. ' "'.,. . .~., '''''' _ _ _' ' ~1-< .~. ~. . '",,:.,~~- .".''':. '.' .:;~ ~{(~);~~: :,:>;;.'~.~,!,;; ,., ,. õf'~)'~'''''f!'¡ , ~., 4>"'~.9>85!i4:)5" .... ')';F~!:t'·,: '~'br..ry 5,.... .. ,'. .."h, "Mr. Mik. bwdk quutton.a what the rtghU .of cid..n., .Ui, o~ iiGk~p~ty.é:h·I.f"rn.tt'UUð thatp.opl. can carry 9un'- u'i'font' ' ~ptr1i::~··~ò'~c~~'î.d" únle;.1ìh.y 'ha~erp.~Íli t.~HJ' .~at.ð' th~~~'~' :r~~!~i:~·;~":~~.r.~Ÿ,r a'~9~~.. ,lo~~g, ,'~. th.y d?, no~".~i~U'~ t'~:';:~~,;,'~:~" '~'" ~'~OMlIatoner ..... lIO..d that the conc.pt of the propo..d ::é:í.J:. .¡/ '.," ""'-'I"""~." "":,; .....('" " .¡.. , ',,'. , , . _ ",.,.,,' ,"""'" ê or4Iunc.. rt9uð1ftt tb. right to k..p and bur fir.ar.' be ~.ðopt.d , ;¡;:~i:~r~í~d fór. lack of ..coneS. . , , \ :, I" ~'~':~"'i, J" ." ;" H:t."''' n, III ' ·",··.."'b... ~0PRUIll'!''',.IOII I., MORALI,.., III flIOI" III MAPtll RI RIIOurU01l 011 UDICDI'f .'~. ;".,~. ,ROGRAMMIIfO Oil CABLI 'tV - COIf'l'IIIUID ,.0 3/5/85 '. ~' ~,~ .,~:~ ,~'~}",: 't(.'?; .' "·ft)., .' .~ . . Mrs. a3rbara Hattemer, pr.sident of ~rality in Mldia, stated ,there are 600,000 illegitimate births from teenlger. every year in ~.rica, apart from the large number of abortio~., adding that one out of .very five births i. to an unwed teenager in America. She stated chit there Ire one to one and a hllf million children from the .qe. of , to 17 running away fr~m home every ye.r, adding that two-thirds are running away from incest. She noted that there are one million children being raped every yaar in ^merica. She reported that cable pornography encourage. children to exporience sex too early and 1s stimulating adults to .exually assault children. She stated that the youths need a sign~l from adults thAt morality is still worth pursuing, adding that children are looking for support from the adult community in their efforts to withstand the peor pressure to have .ex too early and the pressure and influence from the entertainment industry which :' ha. r.ached an extreme in th~ blatant sexual programming on cable television. She reported that she is .sking that such a signal be given by passing a resolution asklng the State Legislature to addr... the problem and encouraqu them to prohibit the oecent programming on cable televlsion. Commissioner VOIS stat~d thöt c4ble is a paid ch~nnel and if parents do not wsnt their childrln to sve such thinqs, thdY should not suQscribe to it or they should have control over what the children ~t,4','l\t,~'· -r..';'t: or :;f,~ ~ ',_ '.4-' . " watch. Commislion~r Hollano .t~tœd that he has spokan with one of the l.~i.!ators in Tallahassae and they hove tried for years to leqialatt lIorcl1ty, adding that the ''1'V .:htlnneí" are coopcratinq with the . qov.rnment, but there is no control over satel!ite. Ha .tated that . poepl. are bootlegging th... shows into the satellite dish.. and cabl.. TV i~ a paid channel which 1. hard to control. ::~ . 'j ~: .~e.·,,,..,.·,,,,.._,td""'''''_W_''''''_'' ...,."-.''''',..---......-,,...,...'''''""'..,.--.. ,..' ." - - ^"'~.4~' . .',' 1::1'" . :l'\:<'~"'~ ~,,",."!, - .....~., ",~ .~.~, ,1II;'"'(J,~,;.~;J ':l',"t...~{~''!1'''If,..·tAN'¡''.__f',~~~, ' _ '''f'~~_-~o,~-'ií-....:,¥fi,,¡,''':'' ~Jjl:~ -( ~.~.>~...., "'\.,.'1.:, ~jt"<~J>t,Iio;<""~'.>"~,,, ~_Y....:> :;~ '"'-~;'..'¡j: "'''"~!#~-\::-~''''~1'~'':~~~~:'' ,,~ ,ij:£=,-_~~r. ~:;:;: \..¡'-~~ - ~~,.''''"' ,-~:,.,..:..., ~,_"~:i'·~!f.'~'t~·t;"~~.·.Jjt,'''_? '...~!, ".?"~,,,,' ;""~~(, ¡;',.~. ,', < '. ~' " . ,:r.\I if"" "",'.'.' ""j< ~,¡'~,. ..-1, -'" ,,' ... ,-"; .=~~~,;...~.>~.)!-:~:.~!~~?:?t{~~ .,,)'ì: :'~~(i" ,§:~;~~::~ C'·, ".' .:'" ~. , 7~q~ "1:;, '$~""of >,'~ ", '\,'... :;,_.\ ~ 't~,". ' ·I~..ì..-:.Ì'¡J\ " '~;;:~\~\ "¡':'--'.~ '~-;~,--, ,-~;:~,' rr . '... ~i¢:::J£,:::!~" /._" ~"';~'i, ',j - :_,.l f'.;¡..'t~;:,.~'{' ...., , r'lÞru,Hy·!,lU5 . ",I: ""'it ë"ô1~1t~lonnàoodnt;hc IUt.d that th~ IIIOvUI that :.rt b( int~~ilp"j : IÓ';"'ft(.C:lné"ä~··.;U all Jl\Qvh'ì! that have bOÐn shown,1n th.i'd\4u,:,~~r~ ððlni$itha{ii fl' th~re', ts_ rulnq' .YIU1II 10 thllt pntltntl 'kMW' nói't~~' ", o;'i.~ij,,;t.ted bdor.tho TV is turn.a (In, 1 t t/l'HI1:1 hdp 0"nt·ro1' t.h,tD t1t;~~¡~.~.t~thic.he dso huu thllt ft i8 up to the Indivldu,ÙP~~.~¡;.~i': 'tO~handh'.hch Ntt.n. !:Iho atat"ú thot aha could MC )UI an ...~;µ.:,.:.~ "" <; -é" ,_," , ' . . "'~-'''''' , orcUnanaa ot chi. type that '""uld atop aonuton. vh.. fr/)Ill s..1n1 whnt:!";" , . '.~ .," they wan~, .d:l1n9 thilt on.. pHson haa tQ be dbh tl) coner,,1 th31r nwn ::. ,- ;If.. .~~ family. Sh. stat.d that .ne i. . bi9 support..t t)f Morality in "'.diu but Ih. 11 not .,1"0 that this typ" of twlolution U tn. AnS\ler. Mrl. Hatt.~er stnt.d thðt it is illlqd1 for chï~dr.n to ~o into ddult thlat~rs ~r t" buy p~rnoqravnic maqazindM, but y~t~ it js brou~ht ri9ht into tn~ høme throu~h c~ble TV which make. no .en.e. She ststed that. thare is video ~n" adult» can W3tch 1t that way, but 1t iø WTQnq to brinq it into the hom.s thr"uqh cabl. TV. .,...'tape U 1'.. .;\' ..' .', . . ~' '.. '" " ',.. Mr. 'rhomas Maloney, 146 RiClc¡e Drive, ask.CI for approval of th1a re.olut10n, adding that this re.olution is .'kin9 that cablevis10n be contrl)11eØ Þy the .ame requlat,ions th..t control TV and radiI) which ..ans that there w.s a fldlral re1ulation pasaed that .tatld thJt ther, would be no indec.nt materi.l. broAdcest. 118 st.stod thst th.r. i. no law a9ain.t cable TV showing anything indecent and ho would like lome type of a law aqa1nst it. H~ statwd that uveryone is dffoct.d by what is tr.n..:itted to the communi ty a. . wholo. lie stated th.t ther. will have to b. details worked out ilt tho State l~vel, but h. is asking thlt the conclpt be .ndor..d. Commissioner Goodni9ht .tated that sh. has not ..en a copy of the resolution, Idd1ng that .he would like t" have tim. to look it ov.r. It wa. the general consensus that this item be tabled until the Mlrch 5th meeting in order for everyone to have . chance to review the .atter end look ov.r the rlsolution. It.. 120 n;u.J..IU'l'IR-SS-7C, HELEN PfMLIS TIPLER ~ FOR 'mE SECOOD Tn£ A mroRARY JŒSII:EH:Z PDHIT m t1l'ILIZE A TRAVEL TRAIlER OOROO CŒS'l'Rlx:rICß OF A PRnCPLE lUIIÐa œ 11£ tælH lSO' Œ' TRICJ: 131, WIT 20, (X)l.tÐI CA'lE ESTA'ŒS - cœmu:D m 3/5/85 'IT' CXH'LY wrm 11Œ aJJRI' CRIER Com.unity Covelopm.nt Administrator Virt~ stated that this il a requ.lt by Halon Phyllis Tipler f~r a .econd temporary residonce permit in order to UI. a travel trailer while .he is constructinq her homft. . ..' ~,' .~, .~ lOOK 085 r~~! 436 .' ...,", _..... .,_..._........._."'_...."',"",",."..._"_,,.,,...""""_..._;"..,,.""""'.u""~,,_._,....._'"".~.""~,,.'. '_U ..,...__...."__,_~..._....___,"""___.......-.."". """'''_''''''_''''''_-;,",''''''''''--''''''''''"~''-''''''''<~'- , ....-....- ....,...:", " I '..~~' ,"" '~;';~~~%'~~{!.,; ", 1fJi! ,', ,. ,',1"" -<t",. ,..,' .,';r~'? j7-t,;'~~ ,.;:.... ;;:~.t:.,.~ ,<"¡' '~fI;' '. '"".:~, " ~".;A.... ~; :c.~~' '. :'~i\·~,'i\·'~;' Øi!~~:;l;:r~\~:t1: ",~''''!..,.¡,' ".~:,' ,- -.'- ''-," ',.:}:.~..,.",~ -" f'. """'~"'T)'" ..' .' ".... "'" ",,\, .",' ,. '''¡'¡~/f . #',4: . : !.;r,~.:~;¿~, '; ~~ ;~~' ....,,<.' ., i~. ~.'; '.~. .'.... : .: ".H..,t:' 4'~ ~¡.,. J... ';,;f''4,,·~ '-., 'J'~f .·~''''''~:f ... ;·>..··,;:';'/·~~r ~ ~: .'." .:.:.~~\:;, .~\'...!i~~"~''''{''¡'' .. .. """"'" . d . "'~OB5;¡;~~37 , ","". ~,I'ftbruary S, 19115 . ",' <;j~'~f:' ' ¡....Ut.d, th.t7.foIr..ct\'t1plUw.í:C1tlð' ])y' thlZoninq ø.pArtlll.ntfn~'''.Ø .' ·ir'''~·t·h>t:~~'.íuuAttorn.y''''·oHlce in MIIy 1984,. .nd . "co!,ð).!~)i~i., ,.~~{~~·~J~:t~:~:~n~ñ'~::. t:n:~~· ~. .~~~:¡ ~~:1.~~:ii ìí~~!r~o"\r'd*e.ri't.·l' due to"the" p.titlon requiremlnts'; ;aoJing ·that '\'i~ípl.i. hu bun the ,.ubject of a great d.al of nlw, ~ due ~o'th" ,~;~~;~~¡t~~;~.' ~~. .p.nt· h~r fundi In conltructintj the work ~h1~~ hà~' !}~,~:orpot)r\qu'e1HY. H~ noted that Ooldlln Cat. cOlllmunlty'·.tia~~·' ;decic!.c1 to help complete conltruction and the Board m.y w.nt to, ~oon.id.t contlnulntj thl. Itelll becau.. of the JUdq.'. ord.r. ~. .,f' .'!,¡:(~~:~.: COlllminion.r H.... luted that th18 .hould be extenðed unc.il March" ..¡...~.lS, 19S5, before any action 18 tak.n. tI. Itated that by the mlddl. of , ", March, the houu w111 b. complet.d and Mr.. Tipler will be l1vintj In I. t., CommJllion.r VQ.' qu.ationed if th.re J. anythinq that can be don. lince tho Juðqc has i.su.d a court order, to which AIGi.tan~ County Attorney CUyl.r .tated that h. would sugq'lt tha~ if the Bee wants to mov. forward on this matter that they .imply ext.nd the petition to com~ly with the court order. Co..i..ion.r H.... .oved, .econded by Coaai..ioner Bolland that thi. petition b. extended to comply with the court ord.r. He.ring th.t th.r. were peo~te from the pUblic to .peak, Coaai..ioner Hol1.nd withdrew hi. .econd .nd Commi..ion.r Ha..e withdr.w hi. aotion. hr.. Linaa Hittin91r of Golden Gat. Estates stated that if this ca.e 1. continuod, tner. is 90in~ to be all Kinds of hardship c~.e. CO:1n9 b.for. the ~ce ana if It applies for on. p.rson it will have to .pply for IIv.ryonu. Shv stetttd th..t tnere hllvlt betn many violation. in this calv .inc. tnl b091nning, adcing th~t Mrs. Tipler w.. 9iven a t~m~orlry r..iaun~~ p~rmit in ~Qrch, 1~ç2, Qut ~b' r.~t l.sul~ ~ ~ùii~in~ pvrmIt u~tl1 UctQ~~r, l~~~. bne rCPQrteo tn~t þfter tn~ time l1!"a for tn" ",ui1ain<J j.).:Jrrr.ít was uF In :-¡nv..r.:!Jt.r, 1983,"'it too\( until ~^), 1gee, for tnu cøsw to gtt tn the ~tðt~ kttOrn,y'. ~ffic~, addIng t.IJD:' 11n..l1y r:r¡;. '!'1J.'h:r ~/:IR cit.d ð;¡ðl:1 cncl tn,n ô month. letlH .he W,H Clt..c; ¡¡gllln ...n'; W~:! f1n,dly IJrou?ht to court. Sn!! In::I1c/S:ec thnt r.ffi. '¡'l...l~r n"G ",1",., t.lXI!r. &';vðnt"~c of m!n'l ){'oplc" .:lid nf.lt havt- th1! 1IIf.lr,rr 111 tn:' first pl.:c~ tr> bui1c tnl£ hom"" IInc i£ no.... tryIn;: t" gct. ~.o~!", ~o builQ n~r hom~ tor nothing. ~r. ~yor9c ~alltr Gt~t~~ tn4t it snouJd D~ nuc.../Sry fOI p'o~l. to. }tt"',;·: v ..,~ >-,' · . ·t",,··,·,;<'·-;·;., ; · ~""'.. .- '. ,'. t '~4··· .Z¡., ;~~. ::.. ;~',.. . .."' · '# ." " , ,...... . . ¡E1 ...._..,_......=,., ""';""'""'-"~"_'""~"""____"_II<__;lr'<r .. -_...._........~.._"'..-".""',..~.."...,""..<>....,~';" .' ~ ,.,,,,,,,.~~...p.' ,:.i ..~'" ~"1t··1·~ ~ft:/, ~~,..".~~~,:_ ': _ ,~~.,... '11>';<"", . .' "'''''' '"," . ~" .... '"j $1ti:;~.,.;..."........I\." " ¿~~~~"t1i4.~Þ~>~"">;~"'''~_. ~"~~1...~¡·~t:~.I..";"~..~ :~. .t~'" ~ ": t. 4~J. '>''''tw~....I,'v )<it' "'~·~'i}· ~~Ú ~1..M ¡ "-~ .~....\ ':'"" .".... f .~ ~ ¡' to'........ :.-.",\~~~(j /i~ ,:'"" ~ ~:'í"'......,..~:,~ ~t"^:" . ... . ~,..I' .......'''Jo ~·,¡r "1~"t ~,...;¡ ....~,. .. .;.-<~~ ..~4:~~~.o4'~.'"jI.~¡ I' ~ ";I.."",,."::;' ..:.,..."",,*,..:.~~,"'1\0" . '1.¡tN;,~1W: ~1" .,.,,",-, ,-.!..,~... ~~ :J<"!".... ' r,,; .:o'I:":aI #1 11 ~: ~~ ~~ 1'J; "_,' ~1 ;",="." J¥" ~ ,\,<'t" ....t~~; "'f~' ,,~ J~ '~... .....,....o(..~.....j¡¡,.-)~ ~ W~; ,.....¡r '''''¡' 4 ,' ~J~;~ 11' '+~ '·t~./"1'~· ... I ~Ja'-i' ..¡. U~ ~. ~('*f~; .\ J;~ "'!',' .,;... "J~ ~.i,.. l~~, " ;. ~ ,'If," '. '. (d 'ÍI 4. " <i' ~ ""';¡~" ,I""', þ. ~~.¡~. f;~ .,: '. ·Ü..i "~ - 'to ',,\, f# ~: l' /'" 'd" f w.. ¡ì'....~ :t:' If ~~ .' -I.. \ .\.. '. . ' , . t' I . . , '~. .. "* ". ,. 10. l' . 'If'"" ",' I !" "'" '. .:> ... i' 1Ñ:.t,~'ÍJ.t·f,: t: ì r ¡. ," j. ": . t .1..r.:~~~ ~. ~ ", ~~" '. \¡; .,: ~. ' ~... ~ f'~~~l -::.'..!.~,.!.t 1." t..... . .., ~ 'fl.; ..1.." 'I' 1.~.~ I~'o\" ~)~ t I" t. " ;~_.- ,,;.fI:: ...-~ -( , . ,...." f" it...' 111 ' '\"ì \~,(<4' '·r.~; ..·"f-\ .:if';"" ·~,~~..,'.bru.ry 5,· 1985 ,¡~f.¡......... "~ ,/~~~h¡:,:3~~) i'~~ñ~l,~i~, í¥"st~uct'.: ho¡. 'In th.·:t(~t'h ("...~.:_-;¡-c...,I<.."".~ ',J' _~,(,. ,,~,!..':,\., .,.' " .,,_,~.' A'." ~!>, ."~,, t·~""r.:"'I"~1; i,"Í'~q'uir d ,':~""',,,~. n' ,",<,t!<,' ", ' .;,:;",,~.I"',~~~' :. ";' f;4;i';k~¥~~:~~::r.~i~~~t~'~,,~~.1(.~( aau' .~.,U~ttJ~~,~;r.t~~·r~~~¡~· o~a tlOtt. th.c'Hu~ '1'fphr'b.d th_ loney, paldfor:"tfllrlCJSJ ',~~z~.'," Itci '\;í, * ',t..itê;n" å'dŸ,nt'9.0f':,·, \ H":...úred the ,80" 'rd', t, h~t";t~,t, ~",j",',Ó:\!I,",',,' "uiiF~ ïin'i.htð. ,,' " " . !t·" '~,.." ".' >'" ,r,f:"~__ ~71..Co~t"10n.r B.... IIOV.eS, ..cond.d by coatllton.r 'Ròlland '~~1\'~;'\'¡1í C:irrì.4 3/1 (Co_laa1oner Vo.. oppoud), that Petition '1'R-85-7C, b.')~:'"~f', .J..tooftdnlJ'cS to 3/5/85 to comply witb the court order. ' ~t.. '21' " '. " '~~~J,uìLIC BIARIMQ DATI 81T POR APRIL 16,1'85, POR PITI;IO~DRI-'4"'3C, :~1:¡;'-tJf; LILY ... A RISORT CO""U1fITY ,,,.,,,,, ".' ~EV' . ' COlllmunity DlYdop"ent Adminiatrator Vi rta atated that the :f.:.;;¡,; Eucutive Sl.IIImary dated January 24. 1985, outl1nu the requirementa of ~:/',.^ Chapter 380.05 of Florida Statutes as it pertains to Deve10pnenta of '~'1<',(,.. . ;)"V¿:;' Regional Imtlact, addinq thllt baaed upl)n thou requirements. he is " aaking that the Bee SIt the date for April 16, 1985, for tho public hearing for petition CRI-B4-3C" Lely - A P,"l)rt Community. Co..i..ioner Holland .oved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Goodnight and c.rried 4/0, that the public hearih9 date ba aat for April 16, 1'85, .. t, reque.ted. 4 1":' dU.. 122 :~J." \;,:, ISTABLISBMDT or ADDITIOIlAL POSITIONS MID PROMOTIONS 1M THE BUILDING CODI COMPLIANCI DIPARTMINT - APPROVED Community Deve10pnent Administrator Virta stated that thia ite~ i. to ..tab11.h additional position. and approve promot!l)n. within the Buildin9 Code Comp1iance'Cepartment, addin~ that tho primary thrust of thia effort ia to craata the position of a Supervisor of Zonin9 Inapectors and to add to the staff an additional position of Zoning '. Investiqator and a Clerk III. He stated that contained within tha ';, ;.~~Ú;:flcollUllendat.lon would ba the promotion of Laa Layn. to supervisor of the ::~:.~'~. ¡) ;:;t~_::' Zoning Enforcelllent Section wi th a flve percent incr.... .. provided for .:Ir.#" ~f,,,,~~' by the Peuonnel Rul.. , Re9ulations and at the lallle tima, he i. ,~", 'uqu..tf.n~ an adcHtf.onal flve percent In accordance with Peuonnel Rul.. .nd Requl.tiona ''''9 ·C·. He noted that h. is al.o uquuUng. ',,; .: tha~lfh. BuUdinq Inspection. Supervisor position to b. on the ulneÞay',r'1;f :' :"'''; trad.,.. the Zonlnq Enforcement Sùpuvisor position which would be an . ~·,;~J:iJ;;;· ~~~"~' 'ddi"tional 10' incre..e for Sonny Dvorak. ' ',', . ,,\,.;.;!~ f.~i~~~I:1::.¡I~~o~ta.ioner Goodnight IIOvd, ..condad by co..isdonar ,Roll~n,~~nd "r.~: , .~)". ~..r..,.:¡... " , ,,' .....:".r.---:tP::".. ',..~ . aooc 085,Af.t43S' '. .... ',' ,"}"~'~Plge;¡i$' 'ç ~'t';: ;"~' ,:,....' ,',' ¡"\'~':'( , ,:;", '., j "'X;J .,...",' J~ ~h~r'.', ;.. .,.:: .;,..' < .{!,~:: N~,~·." " r./),~' :>/:;,;..~¡;~h'",.~ , '. ~~ ~ 'f':~" ~',;'~·r~':i:~,\'~"'~·:.~ç..:-::~~'·J;<:-~:.·\"r":,:;-~¡,,1":,/ .." ,r~~'f'~~~¢'~:':<' t_~~ r!.,'(.;:..w: :l," '':'tY'\~ ~,";~}\.));"",< 'A..¡:,,_¥' ;;' J , ,>... ,.~, ,l f'~" .. '. "", ~æ ¡.' ", "...;,~\." ' l'M~\ÍI'4 ,.¡,,,,"":" 1"- ~~,; :d,~' , ;'/':"! ¡Fe" ;. , ',..~ ,,~ ,,<".,.,""_......-....,,_,',,'".."'"""........,~,_',._,..~:..;_.."'..__11",'""__-"';-,,---'~-.., ..,.~,"'_......._",..,"",.".._.."...,""..."""__'^t"'_<O..,,.'''.";,.''''.'"",...~-~,.-.-,' -.",-..-....- .,..',"_' .ü,,~._"'," ,..,'., ~,e,>"",. >;~.............._...;""",................,"~ 'H·h"~""""'_"'t,_"~.",______,-- ,~.- -,--_.._-,_....."'I""'.......-I.'..'""'-~-""·".., "."'...;".-~._...,"''',~.^,.,",.._.,.._".,'''''''',.-. .', ·f·:rit..'·( ~ ~" ~ . . '~..... , .\..11' , t1'\ t,. ' ~.-" :'" ' "f,'( ¡¡ . '.' ,;~. ~':t~, }.'. '>, ,·t¡~;;·,·, " . ·;>~i~:';·. C~"";;ÌI:'1þÞ:; ; '1,·-t,,,· H' i,:' "12'.':.1'" ,r··,·J ," ' ' ~~Il~J'r' ,; .. r . :~",.' " : ,. "., '.. ""'Ii' , IORt'!'XU fOR 'In--YIAR IICO'IIDMY ROAD PROGRAM '1'0 IHCLUDI WOR ROAD i);' :~0.3IC'1". StG1lAL, IIIITALLATIOIII, AIID MlWOR RISUI\FACUIO PROJZCTS ..,,¡,*,~\:r':;~ !t'ROVID ' . . ...,....... "'. , '. ',< .' '1~~'Jè;'~Tr'nspt)rtatlon DIrector Oeor9- ]\rchibald stltlc that this 1,te1ll >i:'rt'hU to the five-year ..conduy road progum ..nd 9i\l" 011 su:llIM'ry""f' .~r the project liating- 9iv1ng coat data, starting and complat1/)n dató. " .~, ~\~~~.nd additional 11111..g8 information for both thft current activIti.. ~.nd r¡J,.!'" for long-tarm planning use. He stat*d that there au three liltings, 7I\ ¡'" ,~\,:'( ,.on8 the IIIlIjor road project, anQther "f signal Iyltems to be install..rt, , and the find is the listing of rl').d ruurfac1n~ pri-;Sr~ti.s. H. stated that In all cases, they are indicating approximately the ti~r frame of the projects a. voll a. the cost. He noted that the entire fIve-year ~r09r.m is b.sed upon the ga. tax revonue, adding that over the five-year time perio~, he Is looking at approximately $14 millIon. He .tat~d that the proqr3m is ,ssentially the updato of what has been .ubmitted 011 an annual bash in preceding years, adding that there is one policy change that he would like considered in the final approval at budget time for the upcominq year. He stated th3t thi. PQlicy change de.ls with thø option gal tax, ~dding that last yoar the Board .pproved all four cents of the local optiQn gas tax and currently two cent. of that option g.s tax i. going into road constructIon .nd two c.nt. is goinq into road maintenance. He stated that he would like to extract on. penny from road maintonance and put it Into road construction in the upcomin~ fiscal year 65-66. He stated that if it Is'determined that thare is surplus sales tax revenue or the ad valorem tax can be increased to .ubsidize that need, then It would not b. n.c....ry, adding that he 1. talkinq about approximately $450,000. Re st.ted that the program now includes that $450,000 and if that mon.y was d.leted from the program, a .ignal project and some major road re.urfacing projects would have to be deleted. He stated that In considering the five-year work plan, he wanted to make the CoIII.I..ioners aware of this at the present time. H. stated that it will have to be di.cus.ed further at budget time, but at thl. time he needs approval for the five-year plan which was revi.ed, to include a .i9n.1 syate. for the Int.r.ection of Santa Barbara Blvd. and Gold.n Cate 'uk way. ! Co_il.loner carri.d 4/0, th.t ~~;~~~ .~~Z4r;,.~:~:~'",r ,'''' ~~,J :¡' i~'~'''' ',...,....;,.;,..".....,. .. <. ~ ' .....,:)A.,,;.:,~'~~,> ,.,..' ..~. .. '\.,....'!',.I",~... ..",.. .1 ':. ."i...·::,; '\<~"" . "",\,,,;':, ~ .r. 'ebruary 5, 1U5 ';',' ! L~ ì. '~'. '. Bolland ~v.d, aecond.d by Co..i.sion.r B.... and the prlorltl.. for the flv.-y..r secondary road .~~~ .. " "' " I_ 085r"q 440 Plea· , ,;",_. ':ì,'';;:' ~7( ~:~::1", :-~ - ~ iRi~~~i,,, ' '~;~.~:,~,~l~!~~~.;~ ~ . .;.,..~".",..;.."..,""...,.".,...,;,....,.-......""",.""",._;..T,',__...,;.,<.,_;;_I~.~.,___R; __-"-'" _,.>~,__"~.__._'""..,......';O',....."'."'.____..,,.,".,_"'_"'_..._ ,".... ,.,_.",~.._~-,.,,"",.,.;,~,~.-,_..,',.....- ";.i;:\'.~:~';;;' .;:~;;;.i:.~;:.:.t?<~~\:~~f!.:\~'V) ~ ¡:.',;."'¡ 'if'.1!tì""'.I. ..~..^,,~ '~", .. . · ~,./";t;""'~. .'~> '."" '-:ff,'~:"~ ¡ .r-~"""'" ,.' , , . ,.... "Ì' >\ > \' f-.... t ~ '. " :1¡¡T'..... '. 1 ¡ r,V f. t . ~ . '\ . ~....t, 'f- , I~" t ~,~~,... '1"'".t: t I~/ ~t ~'¿IiI; ~ (;I..,. >p'! ".. ." , ' . .~t,..~ :'. '5'~\(Û~¡~i;.·~~t.i~/, '¡);:,¡f~~,\~,,~,ftb~\Í4L'Y 5, 1985. ~ ~,~:f~i(i,' ·""?f~lt.nft~1ãiS.;âí~~~·t;. "~r';j~~t·ì'. .t'~a1 1~It.Üå~io~'/índ·'·· tBri· f'~ÕJ.¡t¡"'bi~.ppiõ;¡ð't(~ '~~..t1it~·~~):"·1;:i!" " . . . . .. , . · .,' . " ? ;¡''''R-/'' ", ,,:.k_' ,:... . :r 2 :..~.ft&"'\¡/f¡~~~." .." '<¡(~I'j¡i~ '. : ," ,.. ". 'to. ~J;tì". ~t- ~ >r:'~~'~Ii4"t:,,,,,¡, '\',.;.\.,~: >"'7 .'! .~~:~ :.~ I' ,{\~t >,4 '\"t ts"Or"MRCO MsrlA 8T~T10I '1'0 RIMAIII !HI 8,MI',.. .......'\-!'.~1:'.'.;-: ,~,,-:~~,". \~',,:t ~'.,'.., ,., I .¡¡.."{~»,,,.,,;,~;.y..,.,-~'I!""""~ ,"pubÜa -WOrk. Adlliftt.tràtot !tuck IUhd that: thil, il ,,_;I·tèoütftd .. ~: " ,."j". \ ..~:, , ' ' , .' _ '.1\0 ,";,0" ,~r'¡) ; ft...tO'.chan91 tht.operaUn9.hours of the Marco 'run.hr sutton,'" l,' I ,. . . . ,. .. "",..,., dlHn9 th.t pr..lntly thl Marco Tunlfer ,sutton 11 open on ,Moriday,3 u.ad.ý".'1'huud.y, Friday and saturday. H. luted, that.,h. 11 ," ,,-J;~' . t:' I II"'~' ," . "'.V".i¡, <',';;j,ftco.D.endlnq that it be ch.nq.d to b. open on Monday thro\.\9h prid.y' ;,,"; '(~WhiCh 1. .. reault of .om. of the bu.in... operation. r.quG.~in9a W;¡,:"" ,Clhlnqe. tie Itated th.t a poll wu uken at the Marco Tunlfer Station ,'j¿/~~~ ,fro. the ruid.ntial and commer ical uøerl and the majority atthelll aU '-:;{'''''II'' , £~~:'<:'~"': rocolDlII.ncUnq the chanq.. H. noUd that. h. received a letter frolll the :~'.." J...,' , " Chlmber of Commerce 1ndicatinq no obj~c~ion to th~ change. Commi..ion.r Holl.nd .toted that he ha. rec.iv.d ..verbl com- plaint. from peoplo that ~r. opposed to the tran.fer .tation belnq clo.ed on Saturday. He noted that tnere are a lot of working p.opl. that. us~ thi. Station on L~turday, ~dJlng th~t if It 1. clos.d there in going to be more tralh thro~n on the aid, of tn~ roudl. He .tat.d that the foll 1ndicatL8 ~nat th.re are 7~ ru~id.nt1bl us~rs that want. the tr~n.f.r Itat.lon closed on baturd~y ~nd 104 are neutr.l, while 63 .r. oppo.ed to the tranaf.r statlon being clos'd on batUrdÞY whicn me.na that t.here is 4 po..iblllty of 63 users t.hrowing tr6sh on the .ide of thu road b.c~u.e the transfer stdt10n 1. clo~,d ~n Sat.urd'Y. He It.ted that. co~mon .&nl' indicatea that ther& are people that n..d to du~p debris on Sat.uròaya. Co..il.ioner Holl.nd .ov.d, I.conded by Co..i.lioner H.... .nd c.rried 4/0, th.t the operatin9 daYI of the M.rco Tr.n.f.r Station relDdn the "lIIe. n.. '26 APPLICATIOH rOR PERMIT TO CLOSE THE EUSTIS STREET EXTENSION LANDFILL rACILITY - APPROVED , ," , t-'f' l'ubJ.ic hQrlu: J\dmlnlstrdtor Kuc,; stated thnt th_ objectlv.. of thll 1te~ i. to obtain FDEk ~pproy~l or pro~o.Qd ~luns and øpoclf1cdtlon. ff.'r :.:losure of till< ~ust1s '~trl(1t ~](~~nluon Sonltary Landfill site loc.u:.ø In Imm(\kðlc~. lie Btilt"!Ò thr.t I'lan~ and splc1tlctltiona have : bun preparid t.o bccomplilh the C10Il\HII r.·quirtJlllenu for thia lAndUU',,:'\\, , . -, .';_ . . ....1',.,.....·, ·,~t.. facll1ty, addin9 that the FDER roquires that an -Application for Plrllit ' ~ '\:,f'," tŒZ:2 '"'............""."'.+..."'...._......_____..., ....""J_''',.~......... _ . "'<11 I ....,___......,.,~ ~,_,~____Oi-__."_...,",.""'..._,,.._,~~..""'''''...-'''~.'''''.,.;-,.,.''",~'" .. .. .. .. l"ehruary I), )I'IAI\ to Cln..- &cco~nany the rø~ue.t for ao~rov~l of th~ planA ftn~ .pec1f1eat10n.. He .t.tad thÐt he 1. a.~1n~ for ~pprov&l ~n~ for ,~ .uthor1~ation for the Chàir~ftn to execut. ftai~ ap~\1cat1on. . Cc..i..ioner Ooodnivht ~ed, .econd.d by eoa.i..ioner Ra..e and carried 4/0, tbat the application f~r par.it to alo.. tb. SU.ti. Str.et Ixt.n.ion Landfill facility be approved and the Chair.an be authorized to .xecut. .aid docu..nt. ." '. I (' aooe 085 pm 442 Oa~. 29 ·Â .~ &.¡r¡t ',' .. .. . ....... . .-""'~ .J" _, " ..(. t~~~i~·· ,~.!'.';:;r.:~~~¡~~ ------ .....,."-.'.-.",,.;""'---...-.--, ~ ~~~?,,~t:'~~ - ~ "........., . ......."~~ ,d.....,. .1 ,.. ~...; t,/, ... February ~, lQR~ MOl 085mt'449 U.. 127 aID 1183, GOLDa 0A'l'B UTATO !tOAD IMPROVZMDTS - AWARDED '1'0 MACASPRALT, IRe. I. THB AMOUØT OF ,870,236.32 Lftqal notic~ havin" heen pu~li.h.d in the Napleft oaily New. on Januarv " 19A5, as evidenced by ^ffidavit of publication filed with the Cler~, bids were received for Bid .7A3, C~lðcn Gate Estates Road J~orove~ents unitl 2130 P,M., January 25. 19P~. Public Wor~s ~mini.trator ~uc~ .tatc~ that this item is to award a contract for Road Y"1provemftnte to C~lden Gate ~.tates. adðinq that on ,January 25, l"pC;. he receiv..'" bid. for ir.lrrovf!ment of these roads. Pe Atated that the hidd..r~ w~re ~arr@r nrothers, Pett~r noeds. ~nð ~ acllsphalt. adðinl'T tho'lt ",'cllllphalt WlIS th.. low hidr'l',r with a hit' of S870.23~.32. He not~d that the wor~ ~on.i~tll of uporading a!>Droxi.,,,t..l~' " "'i l,..s of cy.il't in" li,...rocl: rC';"IIoJ'IYS t~,roua'" ~'i';enin" the exi.tin" ro^d~ Ar~ rl\vlno to iMprnve ~r^lnno.., slIfetv ~nc1 ,,"rvicel\hility. lie Cf,:>("In~rJ thnt monev for this nrojAct ill btHi'1etod in th9 amount of ~77~,,..nn.nn in the r~= ro~~ 1Mrrove~cnt Tru~t Funð 6n~, I\n,' ~urth,.r m("n'~y ¡:. "v....il."·lp ir tr-,., rrr.nrvl? IH~COL1~t. "" st"t.·~ that h.. ill r t-C01'1r.1enr' i n" t "" t t I: i!l hid hI' "ror r "v.... . co..is.ioner Holland ~oved, seconded by Com.is.ioner Goodnight and carried 4/0. that BiG .783 for Golden Gate Estate. Road Improvement. be awarded to Macasphalt. Inc. in the a~ount of $870,236.32 for wor~ actually reque.ted. with the condition that the County reserve. the right to purcha.e the a.phalt at the lower of annual bid unit prices, being the low bidder and in the be.t inter..t. of the County. Ite. .28 BIDS ON IHMOULEE COMMUNITY PAR (' FIELD CONTROl. CENTER - REJECTED AND WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL ~ PEE (.. INC. AUTHORIZED TO REDESIGN THE CENTER AND TO READVERTISE THE BIOS r>ut,lic <:t'rvir"'r< "<1,..,;nis~r;>t("1r "or~-", ~t,...tpr' thl\t t\dr itl'1'1 j" On t'hf TP"Imo1<z-lf'lf ~·~mr":l.:nil'· 1_'rr; !"!.1,tn, :~(-;~n('" t.~;t ,hi'" ,.,,,.. l'~t ~C'r ~'"',. ('ontrC"] IItruC"tur" t).",t ,,',11 t.n hc"inrl t."" \ ""ehI'l11 fi..lrl >lnr1 t"" sr-'th,,11 fi.l,' t\li't ,..¡:¡ h.' 1"Ji". in PH' "'ru...'. 1'1' "t.-'t,.r1 thi1t thrt'~ t'i:"w..· wt!rf" rt c~i'.·r.~ .~"'I' l'H'Y f"': p' r i~ t("tw(~,'r ,'" "r.~ /:,('\. ovrr ...·ht!t WlIR (,ilti"'I'\tf'n fer th. '·f1o;t. 1',- ,,~'tt(>,J ~r-"l ;,,, ...·oul,1 lil:€ t~" "cr to rej,,-:t t"l' ¡,i"lll IIn:1 "1",.. "'t>\ (f t i"'l" tC" 1("'-','" lit .¡.~ re"l 'f:1on I\n~ nclt!!lhly cut the (:'(npnRt' of thltt rorc.'''~t "".. :Jtill ...,...i¡¡·.,in tll" I'r<..l:-ility. Coaais.ioner Goodnight moved. seconded by Coaaissioner Has.e and carriad 4/0. that the bid. on the I~mo~alee Community Park Field PI\('!e 30 -=:J '-'.._-~"--- - At - - - Fehruarv 5. laø~ COntrol C.nter be rejected and that Wi1.on, Miller, Barton, Soll , ,eek, Inc. be authorised to red..i9n the Center and to readverti.e for new bid. at a later date. n.. 129 rIVS COMMUNITY PARItS NMZD AFTER THE GEOGRAPHIC "'REA TO REMAIN WITH THE SAME NAMES Public ~ervice. ~~~ini.tr3tor ~orton 1t~t~~ th~t the ~ar~~ ~ Recr,ati('ln ",h'isorv ?oarrl "as tried to d.,lIl wit'" na.,.inc the fiv. cOM~unity n~rk.. a~rlin~ that from qta~f nt~n~~oint, ~e ~en l v~rv little bt!>nefit in r"n"nino thf< narK!! arwthino ot},,,,r t...·'n tl).«!ir ooonraphic na."... ".. St.'!lto" t!',t th..· 'l..oorllT",ic na:nes tenrl to ir,-øtill'" sotnse of pride in thaø~ co","1unitinft an" In the county '1ft a ~hole. an" th(!r.fore, Rtaff rI~r.O'llM'!nd.'tion il' th'lt l'1'! f.lvA C"ommlJnitv pl\ry.'I not he rf"na!TIed /!It this limo, Co..i..ioner Holland .oved, ..conded by co..is.ioner Goodnight and carried 4/0. that the five community park. named after th~ g.ographic area r..ain with the .a.e na.... ---R!CESS. 12.15 P.M. RECONVENED. 2.00 P.M, at which ti.e Deputy Clerk ~.nyon was r.plac.d by Deputy Clerk Skinner.··· It.e. .30 RESOLUTION CWS-85-2 CONFIRMING DISTRICT'S IN'I'!NT TO PROVIDE SEWER SERVICE TO PORTIONS OF SEWER "'RE"'S ....... &. "B" AND DIRECTING UTILITIES ADMINISTRATOR R! RELATED ITEMS Utilities h~rninislrator Crnnrlal1 'It..,t~r1 that th.. POl\rd direr.t~~ the 1 tiliti~!! rivi:don to 100": lit IIn "r",' of '\iroort noati '!Inr1 Pin.. Pidge ROdd for thA rosslhility of I\dr1ino ~ new~r trf!lItment facility th..r.. h"c'!lUSQ of th~ custo~nr h"sft. PI! ft..,1J a preliMinary sturly has beAn ."ad~ by the County's Fnoin~er of PeC"or~ ..,n~ thll1 is ð requellt for approval of a resolution to confirm tho niGtrict'~ intent to provide sewer .ervice to portions of Rewcr ~re~s "A" ~ "g" and to direct the Utiliti.s I\dmini.strator to consult with thA County Financial Advi.or on financing procec1urell and establishment of syst~m development charge. for the prorosed service ar~as ðn~ to conduct negotiations with the City of Naples relating to custom.r turnover, He explained that the cu.tom"r turnovar Fortion relntes to certain propertiell outside of the City'. 180 Oi.trict whic~ the ~ounty Hqreed the City of Na~le. i. .erving, which are actu..,l)v in the Collier County r.istrict. He said that the City of ~anles needs to aqree that Collier County will pick up aoDe 085 rn 450 "an", 31 j' } -\ Á, , ,~...." -,-.---.'--. . ... '...... .- .. , . .. .-,';, ..... ~. . ~ , ' . . . , , .#,,' 'IY~' ¡"Iti' ,. ~. '....~ , , ~ .',,""'.,~ . "" ,...: .' ~ 1" '* 085 W.t 451 Ff'hruary ~, 19M tho.e cu.to~er. upon completion of this project e.timfttcd to be in 1~A7. Commi..ioner Voss .aid that the initial treatment plant was to be .pproxi~ately 3,000,000 gallon.. Co.~i~.ioner Hollanð pointoð out Hole, Monte., and A.sociate. and PRC Con.oer Townr,end are County consultants on this type of expansion and he a.~ed if a representative of tho.e firm. was pr.sent to .pea~ to th1. i..ue? County Manaqer Lu.~ re.ponded that becau.e of the consul- tant.' recommendfttion this item was put on the agenda, and Commissioner Holland said that' he did not see anythina in tho bac~-up material that . " states that. Hr, Tom Taylor, of Hole, Montes and AS I ociates, said his firm pre- pared a preliminary report thllt WIIS prellentp.i! to the f1tility Stllff and the County t'anaqer. He IIlIid hie firm's rf'commendlltions were all '1r. Crandall Gtatod, lie saic1 thf'rp is Quit.p IIn amount o~ deve10pmnnt along pine Ridae and ^irport. Po~ñn with thosf' arf'IIS hpin~ current1y served hy pac1o:age plante or the City of NIIPlcs. Ie point.." out that there is expaneion in procell. in the Inc1uøtri",l park and th~t his firm felt it would he in the r.ountv'lI best intprellt to rrocep" with "pvelopment of ~O~f' typ~ of fin~nci",1 ann enn.ncprinn nl'!1n Çor tho "pve)~pment of /I sewer systel'1 in that n...rtl~lIli\r "n·"'. COl!'mi..sioner 1'01 :..nr1 a¡;~"ù if ð ':rcC'lal "'axin" ristrict was not prv~e.d in the indu8t.ial ðrea of pine R1dge po...ò, linn Comnillsioncr Voes respondec1 that it was, howc'/er, it pncomp"lIsf.'ñ sew('r, water, storm water drainane ~nrl n~vinq. ~r. Lusk s/li~ thnt thiR item concerns strictly a reaion~l tvne sew~r "l~nt to errvp that areA. ~r. Taylor sal~ that t~e Rystom develc"~ent char~es ~oulrl have to he fo~ /Ill of ~reß p dn~ tl,~t hiR firm n~p~R ~dvic(' on wh~thrr to .xp~nd ^r@8 ~ to t~ke in a portion of fire", ~ or n08!!ihlv to combinp all o~ !l.rp,1s ", ~, r. r, " c\nr' jpv,!lol' ,~ uni'orl" RVAtf'" r.,velorment C'h~r('e for nll of ~olllpr ~our'v, cr to C're~tp p I'cparat~ ~rea n ~n~ have a RCD1'IrAte .Y8t~m ~evelop~~n' ptrictlv for thnt ~r"~. In rellr>on,." to cor,,.,isfl1ont"r rOll"nr', "r. T,'vlor 11111" thl\t thE'rp IH~ n<1 seWf'!r lines, currentlY, ~it~in the In~uRtrin1 r~r~ ~n~ t~E' ~Dcci~l "'~xlnn "IRtrlct woul.1 bf' tor line" I'itl-in thE' inñur.trll11 p,1rl< IIn'1 thO!' f¡ystp:" ~pvel- OI)!:If"nt charf1f"1I "'cul,1 hll" r1eo<rl'Y thf eOl'lt ; for builr.inn t~p. T'lnnt, Tape .7 In resnonsE' tn r:OI1'I1i"!¡~On"r l1011,,n''', "\.. LUA~ IIlIi-1 t"'"t thE' Count~ woul'" tðkp as mAny cUAto~prs ",. nOllsiblp to surnort the nlant. Dn~. ::I? ---'-~ , =::J . .. - 1: .""'._..._....""~-----"~~ - - - I ¡ . I j \ 1 I February c, 19R5 Giles, t'r, Crnnt1nll viable proj~ct from v) 1nið t~. prplioi- I\n I1nt1inel!rinq phcal o~ficer thnt ttlis is a p..poncHng to nary report states atanc!point. Cocmi..ioner vo.. POved, .econded by ea..iaaioner Ha..e and carried 4/0, that Re.olution CKS-85~2 reqardinq the propoaed aewaqe treat.ent plant near the corner of Airport and pine Ridqe Roada be adopted. F..apan,UnCl tl') ('o"'mißl'lion~r J¡U!1e, II,s!'Iistant ("ountv ~;' n...t1er "orrill atated that ~l~,non,nno.on is th@ cost of Øha8~ r for t~e nl~nt, acquiaition of the nrooerty ~n~ nec~ssary ~orc. MainR. ~r. Cran~all aai~ thllt the intent 1.. to "'uv 11"r') lICrf'1I w"'id~ wou1(ì' incornor...t.. ... 1'-,000,000 qallon nlant. COr.1mission"r "'ollan" ref.,rr"r! to one <1rell ~\1!lt \~e"t of t'1,,! "ro- posed vindyarr'i!! project ",nr1 "r. cr"'n, /\ll expl",inp.d tho!t ill thl1 Colrte!'1 nate ~atatea arc", ",nd ~tllff felt it would ~e advi~lIble to ""rve that area with'" low prp.ssure sew..r sy~tp.m rllth~r t"'",n II ~r",vity system beCAuae of the lllc~ of cuotomcr~ for ;' lar~" p'xP"'n~ion, since the pay~c~ would b" very ~Mall. Hr, "'aylor 611irt th...t arp.a, cono¡iq~.in" of '-1/:> to <; 'cr" lotA, w"'s al.o inv..~tl.~at"d anrJ It Mi~ht rtot hp cost pffcctivp. for'" homeowner to run a sewer line from his hnuo¡p., whic~ mi"ht be ]n0' hl\c~ fron the rOlldway, and for the Countv to huil~ the scw~rs at the rcouire1 r1epths. COM~1.8sioner VOS8 s~ir1 If th<' nr0ject I!) con~uct~d, 1'IS the Commis- aion has just aqreec1, in the future thp ~rfla to which ("on~is~ioner ¡.rollan" referrftd, coul" ho 'oo'o:e~ i\t ,s ~n in,''!penrlcnt porticn anr1, If it aeems ",.lvillatlle, tho arc" coul-i be co~nf!cte(\ into thf' pl",nt. Corn- .i.aioner r~llAnd said if th" IIrca is th«!re the ~ounty cannot do ^way with it, an~ Commis~ioner Voas sai~, at this point, it is not cost efff!ctive to include it. 'Ir. '1'aylor said his fir~ ,1C1rces that lIome t1~e in the future the Cornmiasion may determin~ it would be h~st to pick up that arca. He sai~ his fir~ was not Intentionally leaving out that area, but the County would receive relatively little revenue for the numb..r of hOr.1es an" cost of installinq i:he system in that area, now. COllllisaionlJr Hasse pointed out that therp are area II in (".olden Gate !atates where sewer line. go right by property an1 those properties have still not been hookAð to ~vat~r facilities, and Mr. Lusk ~aid in, those inatance., it would he cost effective to hoo~ up those prop- erties. Commissioner 11011lln" as~ed if there ¡UP. parts of th@ area allll~ 085w,{ 452 "aqe 33 " ...11 ''\ ;~ r .. . . ~1~"'<~~~:>~;;~ . ",,,"':'. .,..,. , ,,,,I.' , ..,.:" .~.."_........."",,,_.,......., ...-.-.".-.-,- .>." "'I~.~:-'f 1 I ! ... 085,A,,:{'453 "ebruary ~, ]~PII: ;(." ¡ under diecueeion Which are commercially &oneð and Hr. Taylor ~I..~.l~ .,did not believ. that wa. the ca... Coami..ioner Vo.. .U99..teð that" :- .'.:~It.ff take. ..eonð loo~ at thh "1It.ter and, if it h warranteLi, the ·~~f~::~~~r.a eould be included. COa~i..ion.r Holllln4 .aid, if there i. . i~.2 .oo.aercial project ðeYelo~.d in that are~, that company eoul~ e.cape ~; their proportionate .~are of t~e COlt. Mr. Crandall laid thi. i. a . preliainary .tudy and t~e propoled plllnt may include 1111 of the are.. Commi..ioner Holland referred t.o Art.iclo 2 of the propoaed resolut.ion which atate. ·e.tabli.~ the boundarie~ of the arell to be served by the ..-" ..... propo..d wa.tewater treatment facility" nnd Mr. Crandall said it i. not the int.ent for the County to eliminate any portion of the area. "aoe 34 .- --=:J '"':::J r::== ,"p ,0' ~ t ~' .' '~ .. - .. FeÞruðry 5, tqp~ It.. 131 DISCUS8IOlC U UPAIRIRO PERCOLATION PORDS t3 , '5 TO MEE'l' DER APPROVAL J8D J'!'EM '42) Utilities Administrator Crandall vxplQined that this rrau.st is for a tr~nsfer of funds to put thøm .in thr. proper ðccount in order to continu~ with repl1irl on p..rcol.'1tiori Pont'll!l "'<lnri 15. 1'1) lIaid t....at the en9in..rinQ wor~ hal b.~n done ~nd the ~n..y is within t~~ hu~get, howP.ver, not in ttw proPflr buc1rr.,tllry aCCOl1nt, Pisc~l Officnr ~ilps saic1 a meetinq was h~ld to i.~ue ~..... purch~.e order on th~.e pont'ls ~nd r.r~c1fic approvðl is n~pc1~d on the buda~t ..enðments so thl1t ~ wait of two week Is .,voidE'd. countv H",naqer I,us1< alk~d tho'lt this iU, '1 be pll'~("1 ::t thf' "'nr! of tb, <'Iq",,,,1/\ ulltil th'!' bac~-up material could be pr~ur.~d. It.. .n APPOIIM'MEIIM' or LORI ZALM. AS COLLII!:R COUNTY BUDGI!:T DIRI!:CTOR - COtn'IRHED County "'",nl'qer Lus1o: reol1f>st.." t}1at th.. fIoo'lrt1 of County C'ommi~- .ion4r. confir. the I\ppointmrnt of ~ri 7.1I1~1I I\S Collier County Audqet Director, because the Budget Oirp.ctor will wor1( clollr.ly with the Board, Mr. Lusk said ~h~t h~ hinhly r("co~~~nd8 ~!!. 7.~11o:a. Co.-i..ion.r Goodnight .ov.d, .econd.d by Co..i..ioner Holland and carried 4/0, that the appoint..nt of Lori Zal~a a. Colli.r County Budg.t Dir.ctor be confir.ed, It.. 133 ADMl.UTRATIV1!: PROCEDURES GUIDELINES FOR rLEE'l' MAM"GEMDT - "PPROVED A.sistant County Manager DorriJl explained, prior to leaving t.l!lploym~'nt of Collier County, th'lt Gary ~'.Htin had propos!'t'I,. new fleet .anege.ent FOlicy t.hat controls all of the aspects of the current Fleet Management Dep~rtm~nt õnd th~ ulle of County vehicl~s, r~rlace~.nt, budgeting of s~m., ~s well ftS r~pair items. He sðið this is a new ad.ini.trativ~ policy which ~t~ff renu~.t. th~ Roard IIdopt, which is ....ntially the .am~ ^s Mr. Martin'. proposed policy. He said it re..mbles the previous policy that ~ovprn~d motor pool ^ctivitieø although there I1re some changes. In r..ponse to Commis.ioner Hasse, Mr. Dorrill said that this policy refers to replac..ant and ownership of tha cars and where any qU8.tion. exi.t, h., explained th~ ownership of the cftrs will b. through the actual Fle.t Management Depertment. Commi..ioner Holland said he did not agrpe with turninrr the IOO( 085PA',! 456 Pftqe 35 ,t '1 -...-,,""',..,,_......,,""_.....~,."'..*'... .. 085n',~ 457 .tIC February 5, \On~ Co.isdoner Holland .ail1 he dið not a9ree with turninq the purchase of equip.ent over to a co~p~ny that i8 wor~inq for the County on a contract. He .aid this is a tr.~endous expenditure of taxpayer.' .oney and the policy would mean that ~leet Manaqement would he in charge and A~ would write all of the specificfttions ~nd see~. bids. Mr. Dorrill sLid that A~A has a contractual obliaation to ma~e reco~- ..nðation. to Collier County and that the County and various depart~ent headl, who actually bid their own eouir~ent throuqh the rurchasinn Oepart.ent, can ta~e the advice of ARA. He laid that he was not aware of any particular instance where an ARA pr.pare~ specification wae ueed to -go out on the atreet", Mr. LUSK said that the pre8~nt contract with ~p~ r~auireA the~ to writ.. the flpec", anc'l ~~r. I"orrill said th/lt ill '.10, when th~ ('ounty reaue.ts thr~ to do 110. ('ommi8.ion~r Holland ~x~rp.lIs@ñ hia opinion that the County i~ payin~ twice to have 80~ethlno don@. He said that the op~rator. ^nd ~pnartmont anc'l diviRion heads hav~ thp knowleðn.e of the typ'" of equlpmOC'nt thl!lt ill n,."dCf! IIn<1 thllt th~ above proceðure of havinq the nl!partm~ntß "0 to ~R~ to have thp specR nrawn up c/ln create problems, ~r. T~Rk Rairl that PArt of th~ ~rn~le~ of havino users draw up the eoecs i. that they tp.nd to fppl ro~fnrtllbl" with a certain niece of eC1l'ipment froll' i'\ e'l'rtaln eo..,"'~"y .~nd they wrltl!' thoae IIPeClI, whereas that ill the only r.oMnany t'"",t can hl,1. He ,.aid it iA ~C"oo to have an outaide aopncy 10010; "t thf' COlJn'Y Hneell >lnd t"ll ~tl\ff ...hllt hll.. bl'"n hllpnenino. Commi'''1Íonpr TTnll~nr! tlalc'!, if this ill tt!e w(JY ~tðff ~'1'Ints to proceed, the I!IlIttrr !fl\oulc! he removl!!ri from th.. h1'ln(tll of Fl,.et t1anaqe~ent, ~r,~ line' the rf>pa r tl"~T\t f'e} '; I!I. "'r. LUll\-: !Ill i<'l the proce"ure should stay in "1 '!I't "anl'C1""'f'nt, an,1 tt!lIt tnt> f"('N.rt",...nt 1'p."~1I should still writ'" thr øoec~, how~v('r, ~~~ c~n ~,. U9r~ bv "leet M>ln~(I"~ent to \00": I\t tno"!'" Ai'e":,. to 5"" if tnpv 1,~V'" 'Irit.t"" !Or-"CR thl\t ,,'i1l bpnpfit on" eOl"rllllY. t·,.. "".1,1 th,'t thE' ""I.r" n/)!' t" .,,,¡-,. thp final (l"citlions. Cor"'i"!lI?ner "01 \"nr1 ""Hi tn"., t~e "O,lr" !\""ulf' 'lct nf' c"lIr('1'!'" 1011',1-, IIpprovill" thr '>l1rc'ns" cf nllnr!r(!,~!'> Of thouf;lInn of ,-1ollar!!-I'orth of enu.nm"nt if tncr' IF "n',' <Ìt'"\uht in '1(')1' It h,lS ~"er 1I1n<'\eo:, 1\nc1 ~~r. l.us\· s<'Ii:l th.::t thi~ iF< whllt <:tnff ¡r; trvin" to p.1il"inatp. !'r. I"orrill p\"lr, ha'3ic;,lly, this polley r.on~f'rn. the USE' and rE'so")nsih11itv of tno<;' v",rit'"\l1s r!rivrrs 1Ind tn" rE'oortin" f:)rMi)', for IIse of Count)' vehic]P£, ~!lpr('iIl11y ~!) it rcl1\tcfI to the a!l!lion~ent of those vehicles for othrr th1\n norml\l 0:00 A,r1. to ~I00 ~.~, wor~in(' hours, "tine ~'5 .~ ::=J ~- I 1 1 I "' .,4<"",......,,-, _""._"_""""_'"'~'"''''''''''''' ·, .. .. .. t r.bruarv 5, 19RIII C~i..ionez VO.. .oveð, .econdeð by eoaai..ioner Holland and carried ./0, that the revi.eð Ada1n1.trat1ve Procedure. auidel1ne. for rleet Manag..ent be approved. ml( 085w.~ 458 ~.'-;:.~ ,.,,,,'." ",' .' '¡:.. .'f...,.,' '. .., . .,".. ._.... .. . 'íi('''''''''-J' .""..\.....1«.--:'1. L' . ,".,.... " :,J. ',,' . " . 'F ,,. ,""'.....'" '.. '''" ..,.,.'.. r:'" 4...., >~d~~~~~~,~··,';";V':"'''¡IÌ;~; "f.:lJi} ~- 1 ""oe '1' .. ...- ,....-,...-..-..-.",,",- .....,,_....,~^" ,. --. ,'.~: ..~'," ,0'-":'" ...., . .: ¡ ~,~~ ~.~<. .. ...~ ...... :. , ~.' ''; '~J' February 5. )qAS 'OO( 085,m465 It.. 134 POLICY or JIO STAFF PRESENTATIONS RE ZONING ORDINANCES, OTRZR "1'HAN RESPORSB TO QUBSTIOWS FROM COKMIBBJONERS, 1.'1' WORXSHora - APPROVED County Manager tu.k reporteð that a ði.cus.ion was held at the la.t work.hop r.~ardin~ his reco~mendation that ~taff no lonner make pre.entation. for zoning matt~r. except to have Staff an.wer que.tion. from the Commi..ioner. and that the noard desired to approve this procedure. Co~mi.sioner Voss .aid that que.tion~ have been a.ked a. to why the Commission would dillcu.. a pos.ible rezoning in a workshop with the fear beinq expressed that this mi~ht lead to the Com~is8ion beinq .waye~ lIolply by t~e opinion of t~e r,taff without public input. He sði~ t'hat ~r. J.us1o:'s sugo'!stlon is II good on",. Commissionp.r Holl^nd s~i~ that it was his unrlerstanrlino that either 1'1 CommillHioner or the County ~'^nIlQer. if they feel it ill neces- .ary, could Invit. the other pl'lrty involvo~ to .pe^~ at a workshop. and co~~l.sioner Voss said that waR not really correct. ber.~use the ~taff i. not beinq as~e~ to ma":e any presentation. ~r. Lusk tI~l~ thet thn C0"1mlt19ioners C~n as1o: ð ~u~stlon of IInybody in the au~iencp., howev~r, hp. Cllutioned thp.m to re~eMbp.r thllt there is another side who Ml"~t !e~1 th~y ~i~ not ~ut their opnortunlty to present their Cllse, Cor.mlssioner I!ollllnd asked if a hetter procedure wnul~ not hø to ellminllt.· thr discussion of znnin~ chnnoes in workshop. and Commissioner Voss eairl thllt the topic ie not dlscuAsino zoning, but rather invididual ~u"'stions fror the ComMissioners. Commi..ion.r Holland moved, ..conded by Commi.sioner Ha.... and carri.d 4/0, that the policy of Staff not ma~ing presentation regarding &oning matter. at workshops. and only re.pond to que.tion. fro~ Co~~l.- .ioner., be approved, I tell . 35 BOND REFINANCING FOR JUSTICE CENTER EXPANSION UP TO $30,000.000 - APPROVED Countv ':lIn/'tot'r 1,11'01-: I\ske,l th..: [1o"r~ to lH>provl' thp. act ior thllt he na::1 t't":fm hy noin" out for proposlIls for ~onð rp.finl'lnc-inC1 for t~e ,1us- tic~ Center ~x~an.ion. rO~mi3sioncr VO~8 s",id thiø itel'1 ~~s ~iscuss~d I'It the workßhn~. I'It whic~ tiM~, for~RJ dir~ction coul~ not bp ~iv~n, C'onnissioner I~oll'n(\ t>!'I~e; whl'lt "rC'~'l...", woulr' ,"ris'!' II th.'rr w~r. II HIO wep.1I c1el.:lY 0:"1 this Mðtt~r, nnd ('om,.,issionE'r "oaD 'sl'li~ thl',t thcre 11: ' "winc1ol'" t:,.. ~CH""ty is tr"inI'T to o:'I('t into beC-1I"8(, ,"It t~( "'resent "ane 3R . -.,. , ....--~ :=.1 ---' .. f !l" -.---.-- t- .. - .. ",,,hrunry 5, ¡C;U~~ time tll.. honc.1 "II\rket 1. .uch tt1l1t c,ot"tt. con.idf'r~ it would hf! JIIr.!vðn- tal1eou. ~or the County to .,uic~ly i.su~ tt1. bon". anI! no on. "now. when that "win"ow" will clo.e. Ie 1I1Iirl it woulrl taKe approximately on" ",onth bt'tor., II "t'ci\lion cOII1"''''' ,.,....,e, !'In" th" "'1I{c:k~r actl(1n is t...·':..n the bettor it will ho. ~'r. t,\I~" renel\t(!~ th...t h" had I'Ilre,~~v solicit'?" t'h~ rro"'o~"ls discu...d at th~ wor~Ahop. ~oM~isslon~r uollJllnrl said that this is the fir.t timn thðt ~ ~incusslon of thin tvp~ hilA tß~ep nlac~ ~ithout th- County F'in"ncilll^d"lsor pr",,'?nt to "''''K'' '" Pllhlic pr~Ap.nt.'tion an" anSIoIf!r OUf'stions. "e ""I" if t"~ rl"!inllnr::inrr i8Ru<'-.in thp only it'!M to be I\ct~d upon tt1'!rc nrobahly is no oroblPM. Tape .8 C-¡:'\misslon~r IIo11O\nrl "aid t~at i r tni!1 1h,cussion inclurles increasino tho lI"!ount of th.. non"s, it '''liS hi8 opinion that the "'inl'ln- clal Advisor IIholllrl hI! nrn8..nt, CO~Mio!lioner Vos~ R~ir\ whether or not to incr'!ðse the I'Imount of th'l hon"!! i!l a d"!ci!!ion th"t th... Aoard 11"'8 to IU1Ì<e. fie Sdic1, i! the f'".Hrl '.ant., to incrC'I'I·...? thp. ",,.,ount it will he d~tt'rminec1 in ,HRcuARionll with the "'in'1nr:i1\l I\civiaor. Tn r(>snonse to Co..,..,i8nloncr "011"ncl, :'r. LURI-: !',id t!-qt thc r"m¡ryo;t i5 for nropos"ls to rl"flnance the ~on"s uo to ~J0,nnr.nnn, 81nrn ~t~ff wl'lntprl the cOr.1panles to I<now t'1f?re \.""8' no(' i n0881hi I itv f¡-.r th'! Incre'1sÞ to tl1at a~ount, µe Aai~ that this i8 a ~~~i!lion tl1~t nac~9 to h~ ml'l~e anc1 woul~ <Jive th-. CO"'l'Ii~~i( n<!rA tnI' flexlnllity tnl\t th~y "0 not hl've, com~ls8ion~r V08~ ~l'Ii~ that this nrOCArl',rn ~o~s not co,.,mit the Co~mis- .ion to ~nyt~ino p~ceot t.., r~r::civ(' thA r('t:'uc~tP.~ ~rnnoRa'n. In rl'spon",c t.., rommission'~r 11011 linn , ~Ir. LlIs\.: 8"iò tni1t the prop08al rp.~u__Ats were li~itp.rI to aporoxlml'ltely cioht companies thl'lt hnve II 10cII1 officI' in this ~ounty. Co..,..,i!]si(1ner \'0119 nointe1 out t~at tho companip.1I who have been anl<ed for prorosalD "re [('nut"hle, nation~l co~paniell ~nc1 v(>ry aood quotes shoulrl be rcr.eived from them. He said, since the money in to be paid by Collier County people, the Commission .hould øtay with bond firms in Collier County. Commi..ioner Holland moved, ..cond.d by Co..i..ioner Ha... that refinancing of the Ju.tice Center Bond. be approved. Co~mis8ioner Voss aSKed if Commissioner Hollan" was limiting the anount to $23,000,000 and Commissioner ~olland responded he wa.. Re .aid he had not seen anything that told him what i. qoing to b. dono with the extra amount of money. Co~missioner Voss said, when the time come., the Comml.sion will vote on what to no with w~atever extra money l t I 1 &OOK 085 PA',! 466 Paa. :19 "q ~.,.. . " ~ ,jJ'µo': ·'a·;,· . ,-.--..,_--"c_,....' ·'" :.:",.~:").f" .,.. ,''''.r''. . ......:t t~';: ' ,., V';t·" ,,;<:'..~ .;;;1. ... 085U'A.467 February 5, 1~,.5 th.r. ia, if any, and t~e Co~.iasion ne.da aome flexibility, "..htant Connty Mana9ftr Corrill said the eo",miuion would not do anythin9 until the Bond Couns.l rendera an opinion that the County doea have the ability to .ell additional bonds, and what fitaff is looking .for at thia poin~, based on the report of the Financial ~dvisor at the worka~op, ia a firm to do the ",arketing and, hopefully, to do the work aurrounding ft public sal. that would take place in Collier County and then thore would be no need to ~o to New York for a biq, private aale, ee pointed out that there is a favorable bond market that €taff want. to utilize, adding that the City of Naples sold bond a last week at an interest rate of approximately A-3/4\ to 9~. He said the hope ia to be able to increase the principle amount on the bonda but not increase the a~ount of debt service that ie currently ~einq pfti~, Mr. ~rrill said that Staff will bring hack a short list of firm. to the PCC meeting on 2/19/R5, ann hy that tine it is hoped that Mr. Fischer will have c1on@ thfl computp.r runs to hp able to ~ustify, based on the current sales tax ~roceec1s, SOI'1P of the options th@ County may have, Ho saið that t"e ronrd will then ~ak~ a cons~ious d(!cision and se@k an opinion from Ponn Cou~scl aft to the amount of bonds to be fpfundf":L ~~r. LUllk saUl thilt ~t>!ff, ilt thl'lt tin~, ~Iill m1l1o:e a PfPsentation to the Poar~ on thc nrojects which wilJ use the ad~itional l'Ionpy. Commis&ioncr VO!!!I "",I-:ed Comrdnsloner, flollann to work with Staff and the Constitutional 0ff1cers anò others, who want añnitional funds expfln~ed in their rarti~ull'lr effort, ann co~c UP with a list of priorities for the rommlslIionerll to consinf'r, Commissioner qolll'1nd said that he woul~ no the ~(!st h0 couln Lo arco~plillh this. ~~r, r,UI'I .: flain that it is pOl'lsihle For th~ CO!l1f!'ission to ma1<e a decision on not saint:' to f!'Dr~~t. Pe s~id if tho !I1ilr~~t risf'~ ~u~npnly the r.o"'mi~f'ion will h!l"(' th" ðt-lIity tc m",1~E' t~~t (1(!cision. 1-'(' Dcli" thzt the ~e"' th ~~"~rt!l1cnt f~~ilitv coul~ he ~one ~pnaratrly in ðnother bcn~ issue hut th~t w0l11~ r"~ult in i"CreðSP~ copts. Co",,,,is8io'1er "nll"n~ ë\slo:E'~ if the orir!in'!ll hon~ iSl!luI> Will! for ~:1r,,00(),or\(~ IInrJ ~·r. T'crrill /lnd "isr-lIl Cffi~er r:il"!t rC"snonr'!e:i affirma- t i VI'! J ~. , cll>rk ~ea~ðn clarifie~, to his knowle{1ne, this iten will be a np~C'tiated sill" /Inn thp ~am~i~f'ion ~ill h~ve to hë\v~ a fact-finriinn beforE' it can <"vpn issue t~e r{'solution. He !III in there is not "oinn to be a pu~lic sale and when ~1r. T.usk said thllt the <;oml'1illsion is pic1tinc¡ Dage 40 '::::::J -- , _oJ -T-- --..--. _4- AlalF--- .. . 'iii ¡-~ "~.__'...._~,."_"'~..".....~~o ~"'_...,_"" .. ~ - - .. February S, lqp~ eiaht local firme, it will ho a negotiftted sale after the rounty pic~~ ur one fee. Re eaid the mattor will not be aðvertieeð in tha newø~aper to be a public s~le, which i. normallY the w~y to proc~e~ for ref.i- nanein", thounh, he a~deð th"t he was not critici:dnC'/, Up /O"ið if. th"! COMmie. ion refinances for a lftrger ~~unt than thA original i".ue then the Commieeion may want to consider a public sftle, ev~n thou"h tn~ .window. may he lost. I!e sa id wh,m t"'e al1'ount is Incre3 sed on 1'1 refinancinl1 1t,.II., tnI.' rO!llmis,don wi 11 "'IWE! to !"'11V 1'\ !",ortion of the coste an~ all th., costø will not hI" recovered in a nor~al rcfinancinn issue, therefore, IIO~~ dollars '~ill ~þ ~~pen( ~d thl'\t the Con~i~sion will not be ",ble to cover unñer 1'1 norll'al refin.,ncin';· ißsue, CO!l\mis- eioner Vnss ß.'Iiri t~^t lit the ~'or\(sn""" "r. "isch'H e'(....l"'{ncd th~ mechanics of the proce1ure anri he ( i~ not seeM to have I'Iny ollrticular problem wL~h it. Mr. qea~~n said ..,~ thounht that the Commissioners' concerns should he to Mar.e sure when they reflnnncp 1\ larger ð!l\ount that th~y (10 not !'Jive the nublic the impression the Com!l\ission is l'Joinn to a public sale versus 1'1 npC)otiateri sale. "e saiè1 t~l'It W'iS part of the problem that occurred, previously, when reoole were under the impression thf" CO'lnty WI\S ooino with it puhlic sal~ ,nd two fir1'1s were selected. Co..iaaioner Voss asked Commissioner Holland if hie motion was to eolieit bids fro. bonding h~usea up to S30,000,000 and Co~iesioner Holland aaid it waa. Upon call for th~ question, the motion carried 4/0. It.. '36 EXTENSION OF ARCHITECT AND CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM MANAGER'S CONTRACTS RE JUSTICE CENTER NOT TO EXCEED 3 MO"tfTHS - APPROVED ON A MONTH-TO-MONTH BASIS Aøsist^nt County ~anaqp.r ~rrill explained that thill iten was discu8sed at the workshop anè1 as a result of the oriqin^l Justice Center project beinq delayed, the County is now in a perioñ of ~xtended eontractll with the Architect and Construction fll\nl'lqer. He said, even though these people are not I\t the project on 1\ daily basis, they are present on .'In infrequ~nt, part-ti~e basis for which they ne@d to be reimburaed. He said that, previously, the contracts were extended for three months ftnd this request is a suhsequ~nt exten8ion not to ~xce~d three months and to be on a month-ta-month basis on a cost-plus type basi s. In response to COI'I..iRsioner Pass~, Mr. I'Orrill s/lid that thf" M~( 085 W,l 468 Pa",e 41 .;"',". ,', IJ_ I . "~~. ..~,~.~ , ~"",,__ ""..~,..o__..,,~,,"",·~.,, ~.-",.,.,." - ,. ""- ,..,.... " r. ~ .....; ..."'.;,¡,... .' ~ . ":\.'·1 :.. ',', '.I .:¡<.y "f: .~, "DC 085p~~t4.69 "'ebruary 5, l~M project is aPFroxi~.tely 9 ~onthl be~in~ Icheðule an~ the latent indication Staff hal received on ~uildin9 -J- from ßoran, Craig, ftnd Schreck il that lubltantial co.pletion will be 3/15/85. He said the Board retained lpecial legal coun..el fro~ Tampa who retained a consul- tant to co~uct a dolay analysis which resulted in the consultant . indicatin~ that a lubltantial amount of the delay was the fault of the security ste.l contractor who was subsequently defaulted by the ßoard. ~e said the ~taff has worked with this firm's lurety bond, Pidelity and Depolit of Maryland, to complete hi I contract, with the County taking over the various lubcontracting materials and arranqements tbat that firm had, previously. Co~mislioner Holland as~ed if anybody from Heery is on-.ite and ~r. OOrrill said, until this week, a Heery renresentative was here on a daily basil and, as th~ final extension period is entere~, the Peery pt!o~'le wi 11 be her'" '-1/2 days per wl!'e~. He ea irl that the County is 90in~ to pay the ar~~itftct ~lO,5~n n mont~ for the his ~xten~p.ð contract anc1 the Heery pl!'ople have hl!'en Hor~lng on n cost-plus type ba.is that hall be«!n apnroximately ~~,nnn or lens rer month for their actual services, Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commil.ioner Goodnight and carrieð 4/0, that extenlion of Architect and Con.truction Program Manager's contracts re JUltice Center, not to exceed 3 months, b. approved on a month-to-month balis. Ite. tJ7 MORATORIUM PLACED ON OPEN BURNING PER~ITS IN COLLIER COUNTY UNTIL ITEM IS RECONSIDERED BY BOARD OR AT DISCRETION OP COUNTY MANAGER - APPROVED Assistant County r·t1'lnaoer l"orril1 slliñ that this is ð renu(!st related to op",n 0urnino ~nñ p~r~its reoulren which are oencrallv under t~(' ~uri!!(lict ion or Uw rounty I'·1Inlln"r. lIt' !1niñ ";taff reco,.,,,,.cn~" that the roarñ oive ñirp~tio~ to hñve ~ Belf-l~nos~~ mor~toriu", on all con..roll..... "urninn until thE' ti,.,(> t~,'\t conrliti"ns lire slIitll):-,]e for o..,en t-urninCT, After a short discussion, Commissioner Has.e ~oved, seconded by Commi.sioner Holland and carried 4/0, that a moratoriu~ on open burning permits in Collier County, until the ite~ i. reconsidered by the Board or at tbe discretion of the County Manager, be approved. paçu! .. 2 ~_-:J -=:J ~ -.,.--- - e . ~ . _......_.-><,.~~.._""~'-,...~."'-" - - .. ".bruary ~, 1°"'5 . It.. 138 , aotJ'I'I1ß BILLS - APPROVBt) POR PAYMDT Pur8uant to n..o1ution nl-15~, the throu9h Fft~ruary 1, 19A5, in ~ay"ent of r.H1!:CI( nr:~CR T ÐTl ('\~T CT'1':CII'. fol1owino choc~. wero i..u~~ routine hi US! !Joe;. II.liOtJ'T'!' Ven"or 1"7~3 - l?4''''2 !:1,oa~,11i4,¡;4 nce Payroll <14<17 - 1()()53 ~ ?'3<;1,4t"7.nS n.. 139 COLLIBR COUNTY NOT TO CONTINUE AS MEMBER OF THE SISTER· CITY INIZRNATIONAL ORGMlZATION - APPROVED Fi.~"l Offic.r ~ilcs ø~i1 t'lis itpm ill far C;lst~r ~itv International ~nnulll ~c~b~r8h\P rlu~s. ~oml'11991oner Voss ~xnro~8e~ hi. opinion that It W~A not worthwhllo to continue m~mh.rshi" in this ora^niz~~ion, ~r. r,iles said th~t ~ numh~r of citip'1I in Flori~a have adopted ~ sistp.r ~ity In South ~m~rlca ~n~ ~~"1ber8hin ~ue8 are paid to the orqanizatlon, hllseli in ,·'!w Yor~ City, which "rovide!l brochur.. I'Ind oth"r into1'1"...tion ,'}II to wh"t is ocr.urrin'1 with thf' "'1'!t"r r:itv Prot:lrl'\:'1. fie II/\id that part of the rCI;IÐon tIll!! '!I.·...bpP1}-1ip h¡¡,s !">eon renE'w'!!c1, fro", year-to-y.ar, is that th. i~l'\rrl ~1~ht feel thpr~ i5 so~p. sentiment in the gener~l public. Co..i..ioner Ha..e eoved, .econded by Commi..ioner Holland and carried 4/0, that Collier County not continue a. a member of the Si.ter C\ty International organization. Ite. 140 DISCUSSION RE QUARTERLY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - NO ACTION TAKEN CODmissioner Voss notec1 th~t the COl'Il'lissioners hl1ve receiv.d the qu~rterly financlnl r«!port. Ite. 141 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 85-144/147, 85-1497 85-159, 85-162/163, 85-165r AND 85-167/169 - ADOPTED Commi..ioner Ha..e moved, .econded by Commi..ioner Holland and carried 4/0, that Budget Amend.ent. 85-144/147, 85-1497 85-159, 85-162/163, 85-165 and 85-167/169 be adopted. ne. '42 EMBRODCY BUDGET AMENDMENT R!. qp;'IR OF PERCOLATION PONDS .3 AND t5 AT IZWZR AREA -A- TREATMENT PT.A!7f - ADOPTED Utilities ~mini.trator Crandall informed the Ro~rd that this i. a tOOK ()~~'ACl~-rt) l .- {'açe 43 ...."----.<....-,,",,., ,.,.,~..".,~,~","._.,..,-,.,~~-~_.-- "". .\...j itl""'~~""~' 1\:............ .C"" . ,,""':'.",. ~' '~..,; <.""~. ,¥'h .~'... . .~ , ~ ."'" ..,; > l! 1m 085w,! 471 February ~, 19R!\ reque.t for a 8udçet A~endment tran.ferring 5115,000 from Re.erve to e.pital OUtlay for t~e repair of µ'ercolation Pond. t3 and .5 atth. Sewer ~r.a -^- Treatment ~lftnt, per instructions of the county's Engineer of Record anð Dl.R. eo..i..ioner Goodnight 8Oveð, .econðed by ea..i..ioner Ba... and carr1.ð 4/0, that the E.ergency 8udget Aaend.ent a. de.cribed above be adopted. IU. '43 TOM SHEA, RAYMOØD OLSON .. LEWIS COLLINS - REAPPOINTED TO l'OOD ESTA9- LISHMBIIT REVIEW BOARD, DAVID M. THOMPSON - APPOINTED AS REPLACEMENT PeR DAN FARRELL ~ð~ini.trative Asøi.tant Israelson exrlained that three Foo~ ~stahli.hmpnt Re',iaw qoar~ me~berft' terms expir~d ~n~, followin~ a~v~rti.ement in newsr~per., Tom ~he~, Raymond ~cl.on and Lewi. Collin. a~vised th~t they want~ð to remnin on the Poarð. ~e rerorted that ~r. Dan parrell said that hr did nct wish to renðin on thp. qoarð and that the Environmentlll Ht!J\lth f)el"lIrtmpnt r~commen~eð that r'r. f:~('a, f"r. ~cl.on and ~·r. Collins ~e reappointed for two-year terms expirinQ 1l/3C'/B6 and thl!lt l1aviè ¡..c. '!'ho:'l!'l~on bf' ~r"ointE'(l II!! a rp.pl~cement for I"nn Farrell for ~ two-ve~r tor~ pxpirin~ l'/'l/~f. Co_i..ioner Hollant' lIIoved, .econded by COllllli..ioner Ha..e and carried 4/0, that the above appointlllents to the Food E.tablishlllent Review Board be .ade. Ite. '44 ALICE ALATALO , PAT HORNING APPOINTED TO GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE - REAPPOINTMENTS - DEFERRED ~d~lni8tr"'tive ~ssi~t~nt Il'r~elRon cxnll!line~ that four terms have expired on th~ Colden ~ðtc ro~~unitv rEntrr ~~vi6ory CO~Mitt~e, e~~ing th1'lt willi~~ nu~~ ~icl not ~ish to ~. rnnrncintr~. rh" Raid th~t ~ðthy ~r~~~~, ~Irncv '!illør ~n~ nonnnr n~con 0rinin~11y in~icnte~ th~v would 1 H:~ tc:-, ':1c rf"nnr)ointc'~, ¡;f')...'vrr, lllt("r "r. "I"'ron S<I i" that h" would oivt' UP hla !"osition if othcr qlllllifie" II:--r.lic-I\ntll were ðvnilable. !':hp rai" th:::t r(''1U~('S ~'..r" r~,..,,·ivl!,l fro"' III icr "llludo, T'eannð .1oy 1':10:11,,1'1, Fr"ncr-s <:c1-10!'!" I1n~ ('1'rol yn '.,i"htncr. rhp ""'dd t'1l1t thE' ('o"..,ittee "n" ~t'!l~f 1.11'1110n, r"r. "ortnn, rE'con,.,ended that Jllic:-e I\ló'\t>\lo IIl'\ñ Pat ~Iornin" t'>c nppointerl to 1"111 tl.O vnç'~nt J'lo!litions. Comlli..ioner Holland moved, .econded by Commi..ioner Goodnight, that Alice Alatalo and Pat Horning be appointed to the Golden Gate Community Center Advi.ory Committee. flaçre 44 ~ , -' *, -_...... "'~ t: -~~---.__._-- I I I I , ! \ \ I 1 ~ - ... - Febru~ry ~, lqp~ '!'ape '9 Commissioner !Iass. "!Illite" that the reðooointl'1onts be held open, ",t the pr.!~nt time, Ue s.id th",t the others, ~ho lire not reaooointp.~. will carr,! on, "",.. "~cision WII" "'1I1e to (1..f.cr r....nDOiT'ltment of the other ~embers until. l.ter date. Upon call for the que.tion, the action was carried 4/0. It.. '45 RESOLUTION 85-34 RE "NO PAR~ING" SIGNS PROM 6100 A.H. TO 6100 P.H. FOR STREETS IN THB AREA OP lllTH AVENUE NORTH DUE TO FLEA MARKET - ADOPTED ("t>"'m11'1~ionf.'r "o~s S,lirl ",., h/l1 r~c"iverl sevo:!rlll call1'l from r..si- dents in thn vicinity nf thp nut"t>or th~l\tp.r on the ~orth ~rail ~t lllth J\v'!r:'1e req.,r<1inn '1eonle n"'r~inq in VIIr<'1'1, h(',,(I~rj in t"è wron,? directl"n. etc. rJurlnt:' l\ flt''' ","'r1<:~t. fie '1",i1 thllt "'e hall ,'iewed the situation en ~atur1aY!l 'n~ it ill unrleslrl'lhlp. "f" I'll1d th.,t the S)'¡e:iff's r@pllrtm~nt "/'III \:1"." issulna tlc)(~t.. to oeoole Hho ollrk In th.. wronn dirt"ction "n.1 ,,, ,"HI''' th,t t"'>? CO'TImi'l'1ion ",,.n. hy resolution, declar" certain <'Ire"'s in the ri",htn-of-~1IY to be "110 Par!dnCT" arf.'as, lie 1 istee! th@ IIreall ,'" I lllt1, "...enu/' "orth, 1){'tw~P.n 1J.~. 41 and 7t" ~tr..et ~orth, 11nth J\vI'nul' ~. hptw""n U.~. 011 "'n~ 7th ~t'eet ~orth: In'''th Avp,nuQ '~orth, r."tw""r ".C::. 011 'n' 7tl1 <;tr^",t "(")rt" , Pth c::trep,t ~orth, bet....een lno,." "v,>nul' ~'orth ...n,\ lIlt" ~vt"nul' "orth "In" "1th c;trp.ct North betwp~n lO"tn lIvpnu" 'ItJrth ,\Or! 111 th ,'\vpntle ·'orth. O~ !!"Ii! t,.,ill action will ai" the 'iheriff ðll 10/1'11 ðll the reBiðpntll In this m~tter, CO:"lmissioner l't>lIlIn~ rp"\ind'!ñ thf' COMmisBion",rs tniit when tnis i~em wa" discuBII@~ ~t thl' wor~B~0r th~ possihllity W1I8 discussed ot hours for t~E'!le ....') "11T~lnn" ninns t." h... in eff"!ct. cOr.1mi~!!ion<'!r VOSII said that it WII!! ñiacuss@c1 to have thp time hE' fro", (-Ion ~.II. to 61nn P,M. an~ th1lt hI' h~1 not nE'ntionl!~ th"t to th" Countv ~ttorney's I)f fico. Co~missioner Has.e moved, seconded by Commi..ioner Holland and carried 4/0. that Resolution 85-34 re "No Parking" .igns from 6100 A.H. to 6100 P.M. for the above-de.cribed streets be adopted. &DQ( 085 r~··\ "72 PeCle 45 .-=".,,---,..,.........-----...--.-' .. .. .. .. Fehruarv ~, 19~~ It.. .46 ltUotnrt01l 85-35 APPROVINO SETTLEMENT AND RELEASE RB 6 MONTRS SEVERMfCB PAY roR ORACI: u:rDERWOOD - ADOPTED COunty ~n~~or Lu.~ .~ið th~t this item iß II r~~uest for lIuthori- zation for the Chair~an to enter into IIn anreement for ~ months sev^r- anee pay for r:r~co Underwooð, "e eXT'l/linet1 the rl\tionale i. th/lt "he was an employee who wor1o:e" r'lirectly for the County ~<",,,,~i..ioners /lnd all other o!!ll"loyec!III who Itor": in t1,.,t clIPl\city hay!'! contracts callinc for 6 month. severllnce ~av ",nd in his o~inion thill ie /I ",atter of fairn.... p." recom",ent1erJ IIporoval, '!e saið thllt thie action wou11 ..ttl. 1111 claims t~at mi~ht I\rise now or in the futuro. A..i.tant County Attorney Cuyl~r said thllt h-. wantet1 to ma~e clear, for the record, that one of the bllsis for the e~penditure is that it cc"'plet...lv rcs..,l v..s "ny .-.ot'!nt il\l c) l\il'1!] t'l1l\t '~". I'ndqrl.oo(ll ~i9ht ha~., set forth in th~ Rettl~mcnt docul'1ent. Co..i..ion.r Rolland mov.d, .econd.d by Commi..ioner Goodniqht and carri.d 4/0, th.t Re.olution 85-35 approvinq Settlement and R.1.... re 6 .onth. ..veranc. pay for ~race Underwood be adopted. 100( 085 ,ar.t.\ 7.\ page 46 ... . ø , ',,: J\e :". .' ,.....~ _...~. L ".\' ..:' '" '" " '.' _......="''''..,''''',..,..~,,~.''''_..,.~,o....~_"''~,'__·- .~..;t......;."'" ;,;.. ,."', ... ...,....,.. liD( 085 pm.{ 79 It.. 14'7 'B'1'ITIOII TR-BS-6CL JOBJI M. DAVIS, JR., RE TEMPORARY RESIDDCS nJtMIT 011 W 180' or 'J.'RACT 27, UIIIT 19, 011 14'1'H AVENUB MW, OOLDElI GA'I'1!: SSTA'I'1!:S - APP1tOVBD Februarv !\, laPS Co~I..loner Aa..e .ald that the ~o.t Important thing that .hould be done, reqarding Temporary ne.idence Permit renue.t., I. to make aure the people under.tand the time limit on the permit. He .aid that the entire application for Temporary pesidence ~ermitø in the ~states Zone .hould be reworded completely and added that something should be Includeð regarding Whether electricity is available to the lot. He s.id he wanted to be certain that II person does not put a trailer on the property without II buil~ina Dcrmit. ~ommi.sion"r Vos. "/lid t,hClse itt'm. would recuir'! II chl'lnae in thft ordinance and Assistant County AttorneV Cuyler sai~ It was his under- standing that a n"lw ordinance ia currently being considered, although he had not seen II ~raft of it. r.ommis8ioner Ha8B~ 8ði~ t~~t h"l was tal~inq about th~ IIpnliclltion that the n~r8on comnletp.B, ðnd that øhould be revi~weð hy ~tllff ~o mð~e aure ~very item iø looKed into so that tho peo~lp and ~taff Know ~x~ctly when ~ tr~iler i9 being put on the nroporty .,n,1 whpn it is rf>r'lovec~, ,'n~ this will rut peorle on notice t~~t the County ia w~tchin~ how 10no neon)r. are livino in that area in trailert!. commi8~ion~r '~99 aF~p~ Community rpvelopr~nt '~~ini~tr^tor Virta if his ~epartl'1cnt is reviøino the ordinance an~ ~r. Virta 8aid, ~hen t~i. WPoS r11scUSI! (,r1 ...t the lll~t nC'f' ~....tln~, /"'ountv ~'lInaOf'r T,U5" reauested th~t the matter hI' Jeft IIlonp for ~ l'1onth8 to see ho~ th~ enforcon~nt woul~ rCAolvp thn "rO~I~mF th~t h...ue nrcurrQð countu-wide, He s8id thp t"rorlC'!T1" could hI' r\llnñl~~ ry reviAlnn t~e form an,1 incor- porlltinn i!1t(, it: t1-.. h1!lF1C' !''''l'1uip'~('ntF t"at arp ""'f'1I1"~ out in t.hO!!' or"inllnC'e. <I,. .ai1.,~ ....,1'1: o' th~ "rT11iclltinn t"f' npr!'lon woul" ~lIve to ~u'ltif" h()l< t.'\(; crit..rin \<,"1 r~t "nr t\"1p ...er"on ~1f1,,1" "nv<, t.t" r....~i!Y t~",.~t. he r~·C'o'1l\i,..~" t\"1.., tim.. lil'dtll l'llow,,~ )->\. th(> C'r('I~l'ncf' for thf' tr.~ 11E'r to t-" Ofl !'Ii tc. "r. ('nvll"" ncint""' ('lit t"r¡,'': thp ði''llic7Jtion 'or"' 1", not T)IHt of th~ or~in~nC'~ so thllt is f\om~thinr ~tllff coulñ channe, in conjunction with 1-iR offire. p" !I,d!' th"t ~i8 of'icC' wou1~ bp hl!lnl"v to r('!view it. It.. ,,;.1(1, if COr.'l"i,,~Ir')np.r l'asII" ~'il!lhl>", h(> coulr1 "rnrovp th.. netitionß on this a~enñ~ S\:~j~r:t tn co...rletion of ~ ~ew ........lic"tion fc:1" hy th~~e inêividul!Ils, to mn~~ Bur... thf'Y were on noticl' lI!'I to thC' ~Xðct )"~e 47 '----' ......J "-::J '""':"-~ ~ 1:-' ._"M<_" ...'".""O_~4'~"__"_" - - ... F.bruary 5, 1985 requir...nts. eo..ission.r Voss sugg..t.d th^t action be tak.n on the individual petitions. eoa.is.ione~ Ba..e .eYed, .econded by Coeai..ion.r Goodnight and carried 4/0, that Petition TR-85-6C" John M. Davie, Jr., be approved. It.. '48 PftITIOIf TIl-85-5C, EDSOII C. PORTER, U TEMPORARY IlZSIDnCE PERMIT OK 'I'v.c'I' 124, UlII'!' 28, OW 29'!'11 Avnuz SW, GOLDn GATE ESTATES - DnIED Community Dev@lo~.nt Administrator Virta pointed out that in P.tition TR-85-5C, ~.on C. Porter, the .ite is in Unit 28 which is adjacent to Golden Gate City, and because of 10cati6n r@ouirements Staff reco..end. denial of this reoue.t. COaai..ioner Ha..e .oyed, .econded by Coaai..ioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, that Petition TR-B5-5C, !4.on C. Porter, be denied. ne. 149 PftITIOJI TR-85-9C, JOIÐf B. HOWELL, U TEMPORARY 1lZ8IDnCE PERMIT LOCATED 0If 26TH AV'D'UZ 81, TRACT 24, U1UT 90, GOLDn GATE ESTA'l'ZS - APPJtOYZD Co..i..ioner Ba... .oYed, s.cond.d by Co..i..ioner Goodnight and carri.d 4/0, that P.tition TR-85-9C, John E. Rowell, b. approved. It.. 150 PfttTIOJI TR-S4-21C, LARRY D. BEMSYL, U 3 MONTH EXTENSIO. or TEMPORARY ItESIDDCZ PBlunT 011 'I'IlACT 86, UJlIT 7 , GOLDn GATS ISTATES - APPItOVID eo..i..ion.r Ba... .oyed, .econd.d by co..i..ion.r 8011and and carried 4/0, th.t P.tition TR-84-21C, Larry D. aen.yl, be .pproved. It.. ISl PftITIOIf TR-85-ec, C. R. . LY1fDA DASHZR, U TEMPORARY USIDENCI PBRMIT .. 7'1'11 .TUIT, IW, 011 1f01CTH 180' or TRACT J, UIUT 12, GOLDa GATI !!!!TIS - APPROVED Co..issioner R.... .oved, .econded by co..i..ioner 8011and .nd c.rried 4/0, that P.tition TR-85-BC, C. R. . Lynda na.her, be approved. It.. 1S2 PITITIO. n-85-1OC, JAMES L. . DEBORAH D. ALLEN, RE TEMPORARY USIDENCE PBIUnT 011 W 150' or 'I'IlACT 31 , UJlIT 77 , GOLDn GATE BSTATES - APPROVED M.. Deborah D. Allen, petitioner, .aid that her request i. to move . trailer onto the property. She .aid all that is ne.ded i. 6 .onth. to coap1ete the hou.e, that Ji. Walt.r i. going to do 65\ of the con.truction and that .he and her hu.band then need time to gather the aoOK 085 PAGE 480 Pag. 48 ".,; . I .. .t: ,'.., .W,. .. ... ,,_,,-,-,..'~'--'- " .'~;..... ,.". ,....... ,.~- . "'/, 'I :¡:, ,'" , ~ 'Jr"- -I .. .~'" .. .. 085,m'4.81 February 5, 1985 ~ney to co-plete the hou.e which would take approxi.ately 6 month.. She ..id that they are not living in the trailer at the present tl.e. eo.al..loner. Vo.. and Ra..e .aid that they had no trouble with that. (M~I M.. Allen .poke prior to the vote beinq taken 1n It.. .47.) co.ahelon.r Ba... 8OYeð, .econ4eð by eo.ab.10ner Bollan4 and carded 4/0, that Petition 'fIt-IS-lOC, "'a.e. L. . Deborah D. Allen be approwed ~ n_ UJ PaOPLa I. AUA8 An&CTBD 11' GOLDD OATS ESTATEI rIU TO COIITACT COOIr1'1' 'fO BAn DS..II 'ICItKÐ U' AT .0 COlT ,.. A PUBLIC "KnICK - APPItOVBD ~~..I.sion.r Holland said he requested that this item be added to the agenda. He said for th. health and welfare of the County, aslstance should be glven to people who need it and that the COunty could að"ortise that if people will bring their debris, caused by the Golden Gate Estates area fire, to the stre.t the County will pick it up and haul it to the landfill. He said he discussed this situation with County Manager Lusk and Assistant County Manager Dorrill on 2/4/85. Hr. Dorrill sald, as a public service, if the people in the affected burned area in Gold@n Gate would notify thp r~u~ty and then þlace, within the right-of-way, the debri8 resulting fro~ the fire, then the County would ~se Road end Rridge crews to take that ~aterial to the landfill at no charge. He sald if people have their own trucks they could transport this type of material to the landfill at no cost. Comaission@r Voss asked Assistant County Attorney Cuyler if the County uses it. own trucks for this pick-up would it be in violation of the current franchi.e with Yahl Brothers, and Mr. Cuyler said he would have to look at the docu~ent, however, it was his opinion that it would not, Hr. Cuyler pointed out that the County is now under Emergency Procedures based on th@ resolution and the County has broad power. under that resolution. co..ls.10n.r Holland aoved, ..conded by co..lss10n.r H...., th.t . policy of .llowing people ln are.. .ffected by the Gold.n Gat. E.tat.. fir. to cont.ct the COunty .nd h.ve debris picked up at no co.t a. a public eervice, be .pproved. Commi.sioner Holland snid this action would serv@ the purpo.e of cleaning up debris that otherwi.e would remain in the area and Commls- .ionar Voss agreed. Mr. Dorrill said that some type of pres. release will be ls.ued and the people will have to call th. County in order to have a schedul. compiled. Commissioner Holland suggested that the Pa<:le 49 --=J '-:::J - --.- _I WIII""- .. --- ......."--,"" - - - February 5, 1985 pick-up be .et up in Sections. Upon c.11 for the qu.stion, the .otion c.rried 4/0. Co.-i..ion.r H.... ..ked if it would be po..i~1. for the County to .et vp a "Clean-Up Week", and Commi..ioner Voss said it would not be po..ibl. under the terms of the ord~nance of the franchi.e. COmmis- .ioner Hasse said that it .ay be po..ible to use the franchi.ees to do the work. Mr. Dorrill .aid that the City of Naples has a similar week, and suggested that Staff could pur.ue the malter with the three fran- chi.e hauler. in the County to see if they would be willing to partici- pate.. It.. "4 .zxf SCRlDULBD WO~HOP O. 2/13/85 AT 1,30 P.M. - APPROVED' " Co~iseioner Voss .aid that he had requested next week'. wor~shop, .cheduled for 2/14/85, be changed to 2/13/A5, because there is a worthwhile conference in Tampa that some of the Commis.ioners want to attend. Coaai..ioner Holland .oyed, .econded by Co.ai..ioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, that the next .cheduled Work.hop on 2/13/85 at 1,30 P.M. be approved. Ite. 155 COMMIIII01IZJ. OOODIIIOII'!' APPOIIITED TO BWFRPCJ COMMISSIOnJ. HASSB APPOIII'RD TO MPO Co.missioner Voss read for the record his memo dated 1/21/85, regarding his previous reco~~endation that Commissioner Pistor be appointed to the SWFRPC to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner Holland, He sai.., that he did this because COl1\llliss "oner Pistor had accuaulated a great ~eal of background knowledge about the operation of the Council. He said there had only been one meeting of the Council between the ti.e that he had been appointed and the time that he reco..ended co..is.ioner Pi.tor's appointment and he felt the need of Co..i..ioner Pi.tor'. experience. He said, however, that he has since .ttended hi. .econd Council .eeting and now fe.l. that he has a rea.onable under.tanding of the operation and is now of the opinion that the Collier County Board of Commi..ioners .hould alway. have a repre.entative in attendance at tha.e meetings. He 8.id, with Co..i..ioner Pi.tor'. prolonged ab.enca, he i. concerned that if he . were unable to attend the County would be without repre.entation. COaaissioner VO.. .eYed, .econded by Coaai..ioner BOlland, for the lOOK 085,AGl482 Page 50 ... ;....,-,'} '. ,-.. . '''~i !...~, '1:'+,'''' ~'I .. .~ . Á:~ ,c' .1'1' Io,)f ...,'-,"V . ~d' ..---~".,.,~..., -"",,--,"-_.-- . ,...' ~"'.t- '...,Ift ," ...,. _. "t' t ~ ............... , ,. ,.. 085,."t 483 February 5. 1985 .boYe re..on., that eo.at..ioner Goo4ni9ht replace Coaai..ioner ,i.tor Oft tbe IIrnPC .nð, for tbe .... r.a.on., that Coaaiuioner Hau. '~epl.oe co.ai..ioner ,t.tor on the MPO. co..i..ioner Ha..e a.keð if CO..i..ioner Pi.tor i. aware of the.e cb.n;.., and cøc.i..ioner Vo.. .aið that Co.-i..ioner Pi.tor i. cur- rently in the SOuth Pacific anð that I copy of hi. .e.o i. being .ant to hi.. In re.pon.. to Co~i..ion.r Ha.... Co.-i..ioner VO.. .aið that the unexpireð ter. of COm.i..ioner Holland end. in June or July of thi. year anð at that time Co.-i..ioner Goodnight will either have to be reappointed or .omeone .l.e will have to be appointed. Community Developaent ~.ini.trator Virta .aid that Co..i..ioner Pi. tor'. term on the MPO would be for the length of hi. term of office. Co.-i..ioner Holland pointed out that whoever represent. Di.trict '4 i. automatically on the MPO, and Commi..ioner Vo.. said that the .e.ber.hip con.i.t. of three per.on. from Collier County and two fro. the City ~f Napl... Upon call for the que.tion. the .otion carri.d 4/0. Ite. 156 IBLEC'I'IOIf or IlAPL&I DAILY IfEWS FOR ADVERTISI1IIG DELIIllQUZlIIT TAX ROLLS - APPItOYBD Coaai..ioner Rolland aoved. .econded by Co..i..ioner ôooðnight and carried 4/0. that the .election of the Naple. Daily .ew. for adverti.- lng delinquent tax roll. be ~pproved. ---The following ite.. were approved and/or a~opteð by .otion of Coaai..ioner Holland. .econded by Coaai..ioner Goo4night anð carri~d 4/0.··· Ite. '57 BID 1785, U AGING PROGRAM SERVICES - AWARDED TO MEDICAL PERSONNEL POOL, BAPLBS, FL.. BASBD ON WORlt ACTUALLY PBRP'ORHBD Legal notice havinq been published in the Naples Daily News on December 24, 1984, as @videnced by ~ffidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, bid. were received for Bid 1785, reqardinq Aging Program Servic.., until 2130 P.M, January 9, 19A5. It.. '58 SOCIAL SBRVICBS CASBS W-2236 . W-I0052 Pa9. 51 ::::::J ..-'~...~ , --' ----- .-. f:-' ._.,..--~""" "~-_."."""",.....,"....-,,- . .. .. - February 5. 1985 , It.. t!l9 APPROVAL roR IMIIOItALBKtIn'AltY CLUB' 8 USE or '1'HB IMMOMLEE AIRPOR'l' PAM: UD 0..1881011 '1'0 CBAaOB ADIU88IO. nB roR 11TH AlOIUAL WILD BOO BAR-ø-Q 011 2/9/,85 It.. 160 CIIAIkØ ORDBR roR IMMOULBB COMMU1II'IT PAM BASEBALL rIELD TO BE'M'ZR ~, IRC. 1. AMOOWT or '14,420 Se. pag.. 1/-95 It.. .61 YOUTH OUIDAJICB 'PBCIALII'1'" TRAIRI.O COURSE. PAR'l' O~'JJDP, BUUAU 01' CRIMIaAL JUSTICB ASSI'TANCB ORAØT TRAVEL RBOUEST Ia AMOURT or '1,042 It.. '62 APPLICATIoa roR A '7,090.00 DBPT. or COMMUNITY AFrAIRS BLOCI': GRAlIT, (DD'I'AL) roR PDIOD or 4/1 TO 9/30/85 AIfD AWARDIIfG or 1'U1IDS TO UALTH U1fIT AS PROJKC'1' PROVIDB. See Pag.. Jf.9~ -SO,! It.. '63 RBCLASBIPICATIO. or MUSEUM AIDB POSITION TO MUSEUM TECHNICIAN AT PAY GRADB P-03 It.. '64 ItBCLASBIrICATIOII C;l VACAJIT EMS CLBRJ{ II POSITIO. TO CLIRI': III TO PAY GRADB C-06 It.. '65 AMDDMDT TO GIlAIfT roR COJlM'RACT 124-85 FUNDING UND!R COMMUNITY CARE 1'0. TRB BLDBRLY PItOORAM AIID REVISIO. or COUIfTY BUDGET See Page. .5'lð ...s / / It.. '66 TRAlISPOR'l'ATIOa or BADR ACT PATIEIfTS AGREEMENT, AND rISCAL YEAR 1984-85 I'UJlDIIIO COIITRACT WITH DAVID LAWRDC. MDTAL nv.LTH CDTBR s.. pag.. ..5/ J... -..s/ tJ . It.. 161 U'l'ABLISHMD'1' or BUSIDS' CBBCItIIIG ACCOUIiIT AT FIRST aATIOIIAL IWIIt or n,oalDA 011 MARCO ISLNID 1'0. COLLI.. COUBTY RACOUBT CLUB '- 085w·!484 Page 52 ,oaK ,,~\1. . ~:' . ..____....."""'"''"'..".,'.., """,,'"''"''' .<~,_.~....,,~~_""_''''~''W~'_ . c' ~iì'; .' ,. >. ,,~" ..".,t,...,.... .O'j> .". '.- ,.40 ""'.'1:;. _ ,.~~¡.,,4:¢w¡~,~:f'~ ~r.__".. .,.' '( , .- ",.;.. ~ .4. '~..- ,,-,,'" ..~',,' .~t."'11.':._..".""..,.. '." . '. ".',....~ .. . . , .' ... "", " ,',,.{'- ,...........;..,.,~'. Ili~ .Q~5,ar.t 485 an'lo. 'fO toLlCIU or COLLIn. cvtIorl f PUBLIC LIBRAJrl IYlUM Pebruary 5, 1995 (No rev1a1ona r.c.1v.ð) "I. ~0..-1' 02 'fO ncrlOll . NlllUAL COftJtIBUTIOIIS COIn'JtAC'I' tA-3402 Ir/HUD s.. Pa9" S 17 It.. 170 UIOU1'I'IO. 85-36 'l'O UCOVIrJt FUIJD8 'fO AlAft PUBLIC IfUIIAJrCIr O. LOT 15, BUt. 21, ""IT 2, WAPLES PAIUt (ItOBlrIt'f G. ALLU) S.. pag.. ð Ii' It.. '71 ItUOUnIC* '5-37 'fO UCOYKIt I'UIrD8 'l'O ABAn PUBLIC WIIAJra 011 LO'I'S 1 . 2, BUt. 73, ""IT 6, WAPLU PAU (WILLIAM RAMSEY) See Page. 51? It.. 172 WZATBKJtIIATIOII OOI'fRAC'I' '84WX-62-09-21-01-009 WITH DCA, IN AMOUNT OP ",488 'l'O RU. UR'fIL 3/31/85 WITH A PROGRAM SERVICI AGklEMEIT WITH CENTRO CAMPISINO, IN AMOUNT OP $4,265 See pagu: ..5:Jð- .5.53 -.---, It.. 17 3 JtISOLO'fION 85-38 AMERDING JtlSOLUTION 84-236 BY CHANGING DEADLINE FOR 8UBMI'I"l'UIG UOUE8'fS 'l'O AMDD COMPIl!HENSIVE PLAN PROM THIRD PRIDAY IN JAJrUAJtT 'l'O POUItTB l'RIDAY lit JAJrUARY See Page. : ...sSf -S.s~ It.. 174 U80LU'fIOII 84-39 'l'O UCOVZR PUlfDS 'l'O ABATE PUBLIC ItUISANCI ON CONn1UJ VAJrDIJtBILT KSTAnS JtlSUB. WIT 1, BUt. A, LOT 40 (JEAR LACROIX) See Page. ..55' 7 It.. 175 USOLU'fIOII 84-40 'l'O RECOVER FOIIDS 'l'O ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE IN NAPLES PARK, WIT 1, BUt. 13, LOT 22 (THOMAS SICZEP~OWS~I) See Pðges .s.sr Page 53 =:J ~::J '.:-=:"J - -~~ ~. "..",.--..~~~.."..---' · .. .. '.bruary 5, 19R5 .. auoLO'l'IOII 84-41 'l'O UCOVER I'UIID8 'l'O ABAft PUBLIC IlUISAIIICB I. GOLDa GAD, tmI'l' 2, BU. 26, LO'I' 23 (MILDUD v. SWAR'l'Z) s.. pag.. ~~ It.. f77 U8OLU'l'IOII 85-42 'l'O UCOVBR I'tJIrDS 'l'O ABAft PUBLIC IlUIBAIIICE III IIAPLZ8 ~, tmI'l' 6, BLK. 51, LO'I' 50 (8BRAFIII SAIIICHES) s.. pagu ..s(, () It.. f78 " UBOLO'l'IOII 85-43 'l'O UCOVER l'UIIDS 'l'O ABAT1!: PUBLIC WISMCr: III OOLDU GA'l'B, UJII'l' 7, BUt. 261, LO'I' 5 (LBO J. ROSE) S.. Pagu .s~/ It.. '19 USOLU'l'IOII 85-44 'l'O UCOVBR l'UIIDS 'l'O AJII.'l'B PUBLIC IlUI8ABCK III GOLDa GAft, UJII'!' 6, PART I, BUt. 203, LOT 10 (RERBIR'l'O SALQUIIRO) s.. pagu ..s¡'J.. It.. '80 UIOLU'l'IOII 85-45 TO UCOVER FUNDS TO ABATE PUBLIC NUI8Al1CI III NAPLIS 'AØ, OIII'!' 6, BUt. 1:'<, LOT 17 (JOSEPH VERBAlIAC) See Pag.. ~t,3 It.. '81 UIOLU'l'IOII 85-46 TO UCOVER FUNDS 'l'O ABATE PUBLIC IlUISAJlCE IN WILLOUGHBY ACU8, LO'I' 348 (S.R. ELFERDIltJ\:) s.. pag.. ..s~~ I It.. '82 USOLUTIOII 85-41 TO UCOVBIt nnrDS 'l'O ABATE PUBLIC IlUISMlCI III ....PLBS PAØ, OIIIT 6, BUt. 73, LO'I'S 48 . 49 (KARI011 PILSOlI) S.. Page. ~~~ It.. 183 USOLU'l'1011 85-48 'l'O UCOVZR ",.DS 'l'O ABAn PUBLIC 1lU18A111CB 011 MARCO BBACH, tml'l' 6, BLK. 235, LO'I' 1 (LOU18 R088BEL) s.. pegu ..6'~ ç, IItDK 085 PAGl 486 l.~~~..' .. --..,.". _. -_ . _i ......" . . ~" . Page 54 ",~",",__o·,._,,,~·_ ,'~~ ~,:2:·,·,~1t~ ". . .',þ..... - ...........;¡¡¡;..-... ~#.k'..'.""'--'.", ~~!~~.,~.~. ,r: ·C~~~'.. Jt.":.) ,~. . ,. .,' ~ . . a . ........ ',' , , ·',1 tÎÞ¡' .'-_'J >,,,..1',, ¡I '~> . u;. Gi5 pa~t 487 rebruary 5, 1985 USOLO'l'IOII 84-49 '1'0 ~ I'UIIDI '1'0 ABAft PUBLIC II018AlfCB 011 MAJtCO !BU.II1). n. BUt. 115. LO'I' 1 (nAJlCI8CO . AlIA 4. APOB'!'OLO) s.. Pag.. .6' 7 -,'. ,v' IJr' I .. '-.õ\ii' ' .;-,.. It.. '85 ~ : aaoLU'fIOII 85-50 '1'0 ucovn I'UIfD8 '1'0 ABA'I'B PUBLIC lIUISAJICK 18 1IAPLU 'AD. PI'!' 6. aut. 79. LOTI 1 . 2. (BBJMII IUCIDWI) s.. Peg.. .s&.t It.. ." ,.~ ..,;'.JH USOLU'l'IOII 85-51 '1'0 UCOVBR F01IDI '1'0 ABATI PUSLIC IlUI8A11CK I. .APLB8 'AU. PI'!' 3, BUt. 42, LO'I' 22 (ItCBIRT ItOBI88C:1) S.. Peg.. .s~ f It.. ..7 U80t,.7rIOII 85-5:! '1'0 UCOVBR F01IDS '1'0 ABATI PUBLIC IlUISAHCI 011 ISLE or CAPRI, DRIT 2, LOTS 424. 425 . 426 (GIRALDIØI MAØGHAM) See Pag.. S70 It.. . 88 USOLU'l'IO. 85-53 '1'0 UCOVBR P'UHD8 '1'0 ABATE PUBLIC IlUISAlfCII: 011 ISLI or CAPJtI. UBIT 2, LOT 430 (GBRALDI" MANGHAM) See pagn .5 7/ It.. '89 U'OLU'l'IOII 85-54 '1'0 IlECOVlR P'UlfD8 '1'0 ABAT! PUBLIC IlUISAIICI 011 ISLE or CAPaI, UNIT 2, LOTS 432 . 434 (J~S ROBLES) See Pages .!:J'7 ~ It.. no USOLU'l'IOR 85-55 '1'0 RECOVER P'UlfDS '1'0 ABAT! FUBLIC IlUISANCI OR ISLI or CAPRI. UNIT 3, LOT 669 (raABCIS DEAR) See Page. S7~ It.. 191 LE'1"1'II:a or SUPPORT FOR THI IMMOULI! "'ATIR . Sr:wZR DISTRICT RI LOAN APPLICA'!'IOII BY '!'HAT DISTRICT See Pa~es ..s7¥ Page 55 ---, .'1.,; 1 -- r:=J ~:-::J !' . . ......: . . ~~_..~'_. '. h .1 Jl " ~1: .. . . - ... February 5, 1985 It.. ..2 rtDL ACCKP'fAJ1C3 0'1 PAJICBL -0-, PBLICM BAY, mUT 5, ItZLEASK 10' MIftDAIICB .~ITY (CASHIDS CRBCIt noM BOU1'IŒAST B~ III NIOURT 01' tJ.615.13) It.. t93 ~ fOlt OKLIQATIOII or WATEIt WZLL PERMI'M'ING BETWED SOUTH FLORIDA WATD MAlfAODID'I' DISTRICT. COLLIU COU1ITY See pag.. ..57,:r -$77 It.. 194 rIIIAL ACCZP'fAJICB 01' ItIVURA COLOn GOLF ESTATES. UJfIT 2, RELEASE or MAIIITBIIAIICB S~ITY (MAIJlTDUCB BOIID nOM AETlfA INSU1WIfCE co. IN ~ 01' $60,245.68) It.. "5 I&8OLOTIOII 85-56 AMKMnINO 1t-84-127 ALTBRING GUIDELINBS 01' BOLIO WASTE ADYISOft COMNI'M'BB '1'0 ADD MD BSTABLISH TBRMS POR MR. GBRALD GROIIVOLD, 01' CITY 01' IlAPLBS, AIID DIt. BD JOHAftSSBN, 01' COLLIBR COUNTY CONSERVANCY, !2- THAT COMMIT'l'U See Pages ..6' 7t.. ,5i'~ It.. 196 aID .773 U PUBLIC WOUI MOTOR/GRADER - AWARDED TO DEWIND MACHIIfE CO., PT. LAUDEItDALK, PL., III AMOUWT 01' '61,215 WITH TRADI-IN 01' 1973 HUBBR QItADBIt Legal notice having been publi.hed in the Naples Daily News on Nove.ber 1. 1984, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bid. were received fer Bid '773, for a ?cblic Work. .otor/grader, until 2130 P.M. Nove~bp.r 21, 1984. It.. 197 COII'I'UCT fOR CHARLBI D. MUIICY, n. LAUDERDALE, TBIODOU MOROAlI, OS'1' 'ALM au.cø, . CAJUtOLL . CAJUtOLL, "APUS, APPItOVBD AS REAL ESTATE APPaAISERS TO APPRAISE RIGftT-oP-WAY POR I.R. 951 LAJlD ACOUISITIOII PIIOJBCT See Pages ..6if .3- ..!:J-r:¡r It.. .98 AGISDU'f BB1'wfDII COUIITY . WU'l'INGHOUIK COMMtnlITIIS or IlAPLI8. PL., fOlt CC*8'I'aUC'I'IOII ADMIIII8T1tATIOII 011 POUIt-LAJlIIIO 01' lBAOATB DRIVI: 8ee P89....6'99 - t, '" ;;~c 085 fA',[ 488 ..A'" ,~... Page 56 .:áiI:i '"'III/iI"'¡., ;' ~~ ..\f - ~.. -'-~'-_.'---~--" -: "~'~~'}. ,/or '. ~'~""',' ", ?., ¡¡ ..'- . ': _.:~. '.. ,. February 5, 1985 '* OR5n·,,'489 " It.. '99 . aID 1788 .. MA.JICO IIKDIU JllAIII'I'DU'CS - AWAaDKD 'l'O WILLIAMS. 80111, DIC., IGICO 1I1MD, FL., 1. NIOUII'I' or "9.453.48. PLOI U.7~ PER MAIIUAL onu.,.lœ or ."IDLD. IU't1Ml .... lA9al notice having been pub1hhed in the Nap1.. Daily Ne". on January B. 1985. a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Cl.rk, bid. were receiv.d for Bid '788 for Marco Median Mainten- ance. until 2130 P.M. on January 23, 1985. It.. 1100 USOLU'l'IOII 85-57 APPROVIIIG LET'l'ER AGREIMDI"l' WITH Cl1'Y OF IIAPLES u: ~LLZC'1'IOII A1ID DISPOSAL or SOLID WASTZ GZ1IfZRATZD WITftIII CITY See paqu ~ 1/ - , I J/. It_ nOl ~ '!RAP'P'ORD MZMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEEDS IIOS. 408, 409, 411, 412, 413 See Pag.. '15- '19 It.. n02 A'l'TDIDAIfCZ OF DR. C. A. 8TOItI~S, OR ALTERNATE DESIGNATED BY COUNTY MARAGIR, AT THB AVOIDED COST SEMINAR 3/7-8/95 IN ARLIRGTOII, VA. AT BSTIMATED COST OF $1,511 It.. n03 ACCBPTAIICB or UTILITY EASEHERT FOR IMPERIAL WILDERlŒSS R. V. PAM: See Pages {p';¡' n - ¡, 3ð It.. n04 ACCZPTAIICI or OR-SITZ SEWER A1ID WATER FACILITIES CONSTRUCTED TO SERVE WIIIDJAIOIZR VILLAGE - SUBJECT TO STIPULATIOIIS 1. Th. legal documents sUbmitted are foun~ to bp sufficient by the County Attol'ney for acceptance by the poard. 2. The Agreement specified in Item. 19 and 110 is executed by Windjammer Village, Ltd, upon completion by the County Attorney. See Pagu ko3l - " Sð Page 57 c::::t .-J ."''''-' ," - ._4t- - ...,.,~_.._.,~"-,-_.,"..'-'---- .. - - It.. n07 ACCZP'I'AJICB or WAft It rACILI"1'IES WI1'RIII A POR"l'IOII or "l'HE RIOH"l'S-or-WAY or ItIIlG8 LAJ(B BLVD. III 1t11f01 LAJtB UlU"1' 1 AlfD WI"1'HIII "1'RAC'l' A or BLat. A. ItIIIGI LNtE UIII"1' 1 UPLA "1' SUBJBC"1' TO S"1' I P'ULA"1'I 011 February 5. 19A5 Ita nos ~ or IDfD rACILI"1'IU WI'!'BIII 'I'BB 1IAMP'1'01I' B AT ItIIIGS LNtE no.71IC'1' IIUNSC'l' "1'0 ITIPULA"1'IOII. LBASB w/u... 110MB CORP. 1. "l'hat all l.;al ðocuaenta are found to be leqally aufficient by the County Attornet· See Pag.. rø51'" t,¿,ç, It.. n06 ~ or OII-II"l'B BZWBIt AIID Orr-SIft AIID Oil-SITE WAftlt FACILITIES ~D "1'0 Inn TOLL PLAIA R.V. PAIUt BUBJEC'I' "1'0 B"1'IPULA"1'IOII, LEASB W/JMœI . LAWIUrI IC.IIIOBBUWY 1. That all 189a1 documents are found to be legally'lIufficient by the County Attorney, See Pag.. 6&'7 - 7ð I 1. That all 189a1 docu..nta are found to be legally sufficient by the County Attorney. See Peg.. 7~~ - 7tJ 9 It.. nOB aBCLAS8IPlCA"1'101I or PUSEII"l' SECRr1'ARY II IN JUSTICE CE!IITER COlfS"1'RUC'1'Iott DBP'I'. TO DEPAIm'\á.LtT BECU'I'ARY It.. n09 ~SI"1'IOII AND PAY ORADE P-11 FOR BUDGET ....ALYS"1' I It.. .110 ACCZP'l'MCB or 1984 COUN'1'Y MAlfAOER' S AlftfUAL ItZPORT It.. n 11 CB1t'I'IrlCAft8 FOa COIlUC"l'IOII TO TAX !tOLLS AS PRESEII"l'ED BY PROPERTY APPaAI8EIt' 8 orrlCB 688 1982 TAX YEAR 1984 TAX YEAR 1/2/85 1/11-18/8S 138/143 "1'AJIOIBLB PE1tSOIIAL PROPEIt'l'Y !!!! 1/15/85 1984-108 alOe OS5rJ·,'400 " t~.·': Page 58 _._".,."--~--~",~"...,=,-,,-~ .. 085,m'491 u_ 1112 IXtIA GATI ~IMI FDa IBMATIS WOI. 45481, A36857, A44856, 43226, 39366, 231'6, 46003, 36747, 41262, 46151, 46100, 44124, ABD 34370 February 5, 1985 'Un 1113 1U~.I.u&OO£ CODUPOIIDDCK - PILEÐ MfJ/OI. UPBItUD 'rh.r. beinl l no objection" the Chair cUrected that the lIilce1- 1aneouI correlpondence be fil.d and/or referred ~I indicated belowl 1. Mellorandu. dated 11/30/84, frail Virginia Bryant, Admin. Re.earch, Education' policy, Dept. of Admin., Div. of ~tir..ent, enclo.ing a.end..nte to the PRS Rul.. effective 11/6/84. XCI Per.onnel' Payroll Dept.. Filed. 2. Letter dated 1/7/85, from John G. ~eane, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Cenlu" enclosing lurvey form. for the 1985 Boundary ~ Annexation Survey, XCI Mr. Virta with for.. . Fi led, 3. NOtice of Meeting received 1/16/85, for two public wor~shop. re CDBG-ED on 1/24/A5 in Orlando and 1/25/85 in Tallaha.see. XCI MI, Williamson. Filed. 4. Memorandum dated 1/7/e5, from Richard W, Smith, P,!., Chief, Bureau of Waltewater Manaqement and Grants, PER, re Construc- tion Grant. Program Priority System for Wastewater Tre8tment wor~s, Chap. 17-50, F,A.C, XCI Mr. Dorrill. Filed. 5. Letter dated 1/4/85, from Randy Armltrong, Chief, aureau of Laboratories ~ Special Proqrams, DER, rp. Filcal Year 19B7 Public Work. Progrl!oift. XCI Mr. Lu II 10: , Piled. 6. Copy of letter dated 1/16/A5, from Rlchar~ W. Cl!ontrell, Environ, Sup'v., DER, enclosing short form application file No. 1l09A2065. XCI Mr, Virta. Filed. 7, Copy of letter dated l/B/AS, frolll Richard W. Cantrell, Environ. Sup' v., DER, encloslnc short form application File No. 110979225. XCI to'r. Virta. Filed. 8. Copy of letter dated 1/23/RS, from Richard W. Cantrell, Envlron. Sup'v., DER, enclosina short form application File No. 110984995. XCI Mr. Virta. Filed. 9. Copy of routinq and transllllttal slip dated 1/17/85 fro~ Douglas Fry, Environ. Spec. DER, enclosina copy of letter dated 1/14/85 from Tholllas A, Herb@rt, Ph.D., A.socil!ot@/Agent for Tex~co to Mr. Fry. XCI Mr. Virta with attachment. piled. 10. Copy of Memorandum dated 1/11/A5, from Harry 1. Sharrott, Manager, U.S. Dept. MUD, announcinq a competition and the availability of funds for'a HUD-administ~red Rental Rehabili- tation Program for Small Citi... XCI Ms. William.on. FUeð, Page 59 c:::J -~~ F- _-"'<.."".,o,..;_.,..·...~~,.,_·~,_____·_ .. .. - February 5, 1985 11. Letter dated 1/11/85, fro. France. ~, Patton, Spec. Coun..l to Director, u.s. Dept. of Interior, Office of He~rinq. and ~ppe.1., conUra1ng arranqe.ent. tor u.. ,.,t ßoarðrCJ01\\ froll 2/13-15/R5 plus copy of Order dated 1/11/85, Docket No. RA 8J-9. XCI Mr. Lus~, Mr, Saunders' Mr, ~uck. Filed. 12. COpy of ~emorandum dated i2/26/B4, fro. Leo L. Mina.ian, Jr., Environ. Adain., Bureau of Land ~qui.ition, DNR, ra two .eeting. of the C.A,R,L. Selection COmmittee to be held 1/29/85 in Tallaha..... XCI Mr, Norton. FUed. 13. Copy of letter dated 1/11/85, from Leo L. Minasian, Jr., Environ. Adllin" Div, of State Lands, DNR, re new project de.ign proc... for all C,A,R,L, Project.. XCI Mr. Norton, Fi lad. 14. COpy of letter dated 1/10/B5, from Earlene .1. "'illh",s, Land R.cord. ~p.c" Bureau of Coa.tal Enqineering , Requlation., DNR, to Fred ~. ~~ylca, ro approval of Permit Transfer No. CO-58, loL.S, Corp, IICI Mr. Virta. Filed. 15. COpy of letter dated 1/11/B5, from Carlo. R. Carrero, Enq., Bureau of Coaatal !niineerinq & R.qulation, DNR, to Phillip M. Francoeur, re ad. nistrfttive after-the-fact approval of per.it No, A CO-IOO ATF CF, La Playa ~ssoc., tne, IICI Mr. Virta, Filed. 16. COpy of ~morandum from Donna L. Ruffner, Bureau of Land ~qui.ition, DNR. to Leo L. Minasian, Jr., Environ. Admin., Bureau of Ulnd Aequis., re 1'I001c:ery Bay Project De.iclO plus copy of memorandulI r.lnted 10/31/84, from Leo L. Minasian, Jr., to Steve Gatewood, Coordinator, Florida Natural Areall Inventory. IICI Mr. Norton. Filed. 17. Depðrtmental Reportsl Filed. A. Animal Control, Dec. 1984 8. Ani.al COntrol Comparative Report for past four year. C. Colli.r COunty Libraries, Dec. 1984 D. Medical Exa.iner, Dec. 1984 E. Colli.r COunty Mu.eu"" Dec, 1984. 18. Letter dðted 1/B/85, from C. Richard Mayaon, Chief, Naturðl Hazards Branch, NTIID, confirming National Flood Insurance Program Co..unity Aaaessment Visit on 1/29/B5 at 9130 A.M, IICI Mr. Luak , Mr, Virta. Filed. 19. Letter dat.d 1/8/B5, from Lealea Amidon, Mortgage Accounting Sup'v., Barnett Bank, to Collier County Housing Finane. Authority, enclo.ing the Audit Report for Collier COunty HF~, Sinqle Fallily mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 19BO. Filed. aoolt 085 rA',[ 492 paqe 60 , . ---..-..--- '......, ilf,· . i"':' ~ , , ~ 7" ., I < . , -"","', ';...., ~....'" ~ t....' ...,<OI¡',_....'....,:..~.... ", ,-",..,-' ... 085,aljt493 February 5, 1985 20. Copy of Notice To Owner received 1/18/85 fro. Haskins, Inc. (aub-contractor) to Better Roade Inc. (general contractor) and to COllier County Board of co.missioners (owner) for aaterial. for i.prove.ent of I..okalee COllllunity Park Project. XCI Hr. Norton. Filed. 21. of Minutesl Filed. CAPC, 12/20/84 plus agenda for 1/11/85 Cont. Lic. Bd., 12/19/84 Library ~. Bd., 12/6/84 Parks' Rec. Ad. Bd., 12/20/84 plus copy of letter dated 1/16/85 froll CO.. VO.. to Mr. Caballero re park nail.. City of Nap1e., 12/18/84, 12/19/84. 1/2/85 , Spec. Mtg. 1/4/85 OChopee Fire Control Dist., 1/15/85 Copte. ". B. C. D. E. F. 22. Copy of .ellorandu. dated 1/2/85, from Marion Hart, Jr., Staff Dir., Coordinating Council on Tran.. Di.advantaged, re lIonthly .eeting agenda, 1/16/85 plus copy of !2/21/84 IIJ.nute.. XCI Mr. Perry, Filed. 2~. Letter dated 1/15/85, from Linda John~on, Sec'y, North Naples Fire Control Dist., to Cl.r~ William Reagan, giving notice of lIeeting.. Filed, 24. Letter dated 1/22/85, from Edna M. Michaelsen, Fiscal Speci- ali.t, Office of Public Defender, 20th Judicial Circuit, re invoice. for allocation of fund. to pay conflict attorney fe.. for 'f'Y 1/1/84 through 1/20/85. XCI ~r. Reagan. Fled. 25. Copy of Notice trom PSC of Rulella~ing received 1/14/85 re ~option of Rule 25-22.0ñ Confidential Information. Doc~et No. 840373-PU, Order No, 13996, Issued 1/lO/A5. Filed, 26. Copy of Relource Alert Action Referral, ONR, dated 1/7/85, re e.tabli.hing a Maratee Sanctuary fro. the Baron River Bridge to 1/2 mile into the river. XCI "'r. Virta, Filed. 27, te~er dated 1/2/85. froll Sheriff Roger. enclo.ing the Fourth Ouarter!y Report - ~heriff's Confilcation Trust Fund - Filcal Year 1983-84. Filed. 28. Notice to Owner dated 1/15/85, to Collier County BCC from Civil Constructorl Corp. for Limeroc~ Fill and Crushed Limerock at Tigertail Reach Par~lna lot addition. X~I Mr. Norton, Filed. Page 61 , ...=J :::J .,-.--.-" I ~ _"._~1- ".--,,-,- - - - February 5, 1985 29. COpy of letter dated 1/14/85 fro. Fiscal Officer Oil.s to Charlie B. Hudnell, District Director V, enclo.ing FmHA ~or. 442-2, Schedule 1, State.ent of Budget IncOfte , Equity, and Schedule 2, Projected Ca.h Flow for Marco Ial.nd wIS, Sewer Area -A-, Oooðland Water, and Willoughby Acre. Water' Sewer. . FUed. * ;. * There being no further bu.ine.., the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Ti.el 3140 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSI BOARD OF ZONIN~ APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARO(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS. UNDER IT!; CONTROL 'RED~~~U'S' CHI\ I RMAN ATTISTI . W~~l-.M' ~." ~GAN, CLERK . -',.;if ~ ~' ·~}:rj~~';:~·:~-d.~ t9C. ~~·I~..~1.nut... iþproveð on /:í'?Ah£ ~~'K"as . , o't ""*': corre~i'; (' ~ tIl\\\'\\ prf'sented ~ aoo( 085 PAGt 494 Page 62 ~'.,:¡,.":,,, ..' \,.f 'r,.,..f'\I..\~~~, ...... . ~ c .'_.., . .,. ''<~:'. ";" ." _._._~.,,,,*,",~-.,,,;",-,,,,--.-