BCC Minutes 03/01/1985 W .. .. .... ...,; Naple., Florica, March 1, 1995 LIT LT 81 REMEM8EMID, that the Board of County Commillioners in end lor the County of Collier, and allo actinq a. the Board of Zoning App.al. and al the qoverning board(l) of such .p.cial districts as have be.n c:r.a~ec. according to law .nd having conducted busin"ss heroin, met on thil date at ~IOO A.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION In Bulldlnq "f" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naplos, florida, with the following members pr...ntl CHAIRMAN: Fredlrrlck J. Voss ViCe: CIIAUi'1AN: C. c. 'r.;;J~ Holland I'I"x Hails.. Ann Ii! Goodn i gh t AbSENT: John A. Pistor ALSO Pf'IESENT: Willi-1m J. H~5g"n. Cler\(; J~mp.1i C. Giles, Fiscal Officerl Elinor 1'1. 51< In:'l:r. L\lputy Clerk; burt L. S.JundIJrø. County AttorneYI ""nala I!. Lusk. C?unty Man.::aqOl; Nell [):¡rrlll. A.sIstllnt County "-IIn]qerl Pam branqaccio. AdmInistrative Asslstant, Vickie Mullins, Acting Community Development Adminlstratorl Donald Norton. Public .:iervic"s Administratorl lori Zðlk,. Budget Dlr<'':torl Ann "IcKIM. Acting Zonlnq Dir.ctor, Terry Clark. ,\ctlnq Pl1nnlnq DlrActor, Tim V.natt,), Parkl end k')cr.."tlon 1,1 recl"r; T"m r(uck. Pu~lic ;""rks Ad.iniltrator, patricl" PICk·...HttJ. Aòmlnlno;tr!ltlv.. S..cr..tarYI NJlncy lsraellon. Admlnl.tr"Uve Aasllit"nt; LJoputy Chlof D"nJ!c Hunt'!r and Deputy Ch I t! f R'Y1"0nd 1M rne t t. She r! ff 's c.,p.H tmen t. 14. A. Reco...ndatlon to fund the newly-created Do.e.tic Relation. 'roqra. for the Circuit Court. of Collier County, Plorid. Clerk R,¡agan laid. In th~ p.Hlt. the Clurks' Offices havlr blt"n mandated to do the colleclion and dlsburs,ment of "ll~?ny and divorce c..... kö explained, during the p~Bt 50s6ion. the Loglslators p.ssed I law that requireø .11 Clerks of the various Circuits to start a proc~sl of delinquency paymllnts. He ..id whf'n a porson W\!nt throuqh " divorce and was ordered to pay support or alimony, and it was not paid, nothing happened until the ex-wife tOOK the person to Court. He said a lot of wo.en did not w!lnt to do that. lit! said there is an auto"'ðtic system. no~, and if a person does not p~y a lotter Is sunt Btðting if the money il not paid within a cert"ln time the money will be deducted from that person's paycheck. He .aid th~ law requires that t~~ Clerk gut into the .nforcltment proce.., which means the Cl~rk hires investigators .nd ~DDC 086,~ 01 PlIge 1 ,.',,;,.; ~. ~ .~ C - "II 08a,~t 02 Nrch 1, 1985 lawyer. who 90 before the Court and lugge.t what the problem i. with p.y.ent.. He .aid, however, that this law has not bewn fundld. He ..1d that the Chief Judge promoted that funding come from Stat., reaeral and local are... He .aid that Clerk. are .llow~d to collect a le., however, it il only collected when the ~elinquent person i. lound. Ho said many time. when those persona are found they do not have a job but the Clerk has already 90ne through the cost of hirlnq the lawyer. Øe .aid that the federal Covernment haa agreed to reimburse the Clerk by 70\ of the operation cost and he estimðted, after eighteen months of operation, he would probably break even on this program but that ht nteds front money. He said he will noed one or two employe.. and mon.y for lawyer'. time. Clerk Reðgan said he had contacted three groups of lawyers, the County Attorney's Office, the HRS lawyer and the 10c31 Comtstic Relations Lawyer in Naples. He .~ld he could separately hire one of the County Attorney's lawyers if they could give him from 1S to 25 hours primo tlm~ during the week. He sðiJ that hi h^s nego':ia\ ·,d with a few lawyers for a rate of $3~ to 540 per hour with tne Clerk provid- inq thl proper support. He sOld he could neg~tlat~ a contract with the two lawyers to whom he h~s talked for leas than $13,000 for the re~in- der "f this ye~r. Mr. Reagan sald th,)t he no~vd to func this program through flea from the federal Covern~~nt, but, In cast! he dOt!s not get those he needs uF to 532,000 bllcklng. II'! said for his office to get the 70\ r.imburement he h5a to have all the women sign a form that says they are not recei tin" w,tlfcHl' but thJlt they ,sr. applyinq for the s~rvlces of thl welfare aq.ncy. He said some pi:!ople do not want to sign that form but the mort' who do aign it the l'1orc !\ulJsidles hI: receives. II. said that two c:ountles h.we been doing this for four years in .'lorlda. H~ explained that ManateL County has on~ tull-tlme lnwyer and nne part-time lawyer and a stdff of five people ~nd they are breaking even on all th.dr SUb¡;lOi"., h.......ever, It tool': then, r.bout on.. y"ðr to IIchleve this. He said th¡,t Colli4"r County Is very Ir,uch like KéJnatee County with a similar type coastal r~gion ....i~n " lot of farming communities, so he would lmaqine by no!xt budget Yllðf ht.: .....,uld breèlk £ven on this bu:lget. CommiSSioner VOI:iS sèlld ~.f. keb': c\n was looking for funåinq for the next .even m?nths. He sU':Jq.s~ed that County Attorney Saunders should investigbte wn~ther a m"re economical WdY would be to hire An 3ttorney page 2 .. c::2 .. ----.... . to _.__.,._~_. .. .. .. March l, 1985 lor this program. 1.8.(1) p.tition R-84-35C, Colli.r Dev.lo~.nt Corp., r.,u..ting r.sonint fro. RMr-6 and C-3 to PUD for a co...rcisl hot.l shopping ceat.r ocat.d southweat of the int.r..ctlon ol Airport-pull1ng Road and u... 41, a:ross lro. the County Courthou.. Coap1.. Acting Z'oning, Director McKim said this petition W!lS continued until the petition.r submitted !ldditional traffic information. Mr. Cliff BarkSdalo, rcpresentlnq the petition!:r, &aid th.'St larqer drawing. r.garding trDfflc hðve been submitted showln1 exactly whðt the tr.fflc patterns ar.. Hð said thllt th~ PU~ langu~q!: \s written so that the plan will be developed by thA St~tu ~OT and tho C"unty ~nd that the petitioner will uo '.. ¡"ttlvcr that plan Is. ~rs. McKim said tne petitioner Is r4questlny a chanqe from C-3 and a lIIIall parcel of HMf-6 to PUù. 7.A(1) P.tition rDPO-8S-V-l, Ray.ond R. Woot.n, requesting approval ol a variance to ..ploy a l....r d.gr.. of floodproofinq than that nor..l1y required by the rlood Ca.ag. Pravention OrdinancB on property on U.S. 41, last, n.ar Ochop.., d..crib.d a. Woot.n'. Airboat Tours (Ia.t 550' of the East 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 32, TS2S, R301) Acting Community Development Adminlstr~tor Mullins said, as far as insurance, there Is n? probl~m with this p~tltlon as long 3S the bullu- ing II d.slgned In such ~ w~y for the Wðter to flow through. She said the petitioner has slgn<.td ¡¡ lottlcr aqrceing to ti", requirements al they appe.r In the Executive Summary. She said he has agreed that any to~ls would be stored above the w.t~r lotvel. 7.A.(2) p.tition V-8S-lC, Antonio Frisa, r.questing varianc. fro. parking raqulr..ant. for a beauty parlor in the C-3 District for Lot 6, Block 2, Mapl.. Park, Unit 1, located on the north .id. of 109th Av.nua North, we.t of U.s. 41 to 1 .pac. p.r 250 square feet of building ar.a Commission.r Voss pointed out this petition is described in the Ex.cutive Summary. building. 7.A. (3) p.tition varlanca lro. tb. of a sign Actinq zoning Dlr~ctor MCK1~ said th16 is a new V-85-2C, Capri Christian Church, requ..ting s.tback RSr-3 r.quire.ant of 30 fa.t to 20 fa.t for ar.ction Acting ~oning Director McKim said there is a mistake In the Executive Summary Jnd tnJlt the petltlon~r 19 requesting a lO' setback from the Clquired l~' so tho! v.1riance would be' for ~'. She said there il fill for the church ~hlch starts prior to the building and if the sign I. put at the l~' r.quirement it will bu on th~ mound of dirt end the petition~r felt It WQuld not be as visible. She said that St~ff does not feel there is 4 hardship and that the request Is for aesthotic .o~; ()~f)'AGr ()~ Pdq. 3 _..~,.._,._,-",,"........,,-"- ...,~,.."""""""",--..,..;---'-""'" .. 086~t 04 March 1, 1985 purpo.... bhe .ald that the slqn would not interfere with visibility if the v.riance ~ere 9ranted. She showea D picture of the property and indicated where the petitioner want. to put the .i9n. I.A. Appe.l by Mr. J.... Mobl.. of Lisn Mo. 85-18 for property 10cat.d on Lot. 432-43è. Unit 2. Ial. ol Capri Acting Co~~unity DevelOpDent Administrator Mullins said a ccm- plaint for this property WIS received on 9/25/841 it wa. inspected on '/28/84, on 10/26/84 a letter was sent to Mr. Nobles informing him of the nui.ance, on 1/10/85 the property was in.pected .nd it atill had not been cut, on 1/11/85 the County ~owed the property snd on 2/5185 · letter wa. sent to Mr. Noble. stating. lien would be placed on hi. property. She ..id th~t Mr. Nobles has. bill from his contr.cting .over stating the loti were mowed on IO/18/B4. She said she did not Know if the ~ower cut the wrong lots or just did not cut the lots. IOA.(l) .etition TR-85-7C, Helen Tipler, reque.tinq te.porary re.idence per.it to utill.e . trsvel trailer during construct on of a princlpl. r.sldence ~o..i.sioner H~ss. said this Is the home thðt the people in the area .nd Mr.. Tipler's church helped t~ construct. H~ said the homu is approxl~~tely two-thirds completed ana the rough Inspection hAs been co~pleted. He said the house should be completed In another two weekl. ^ctinq Com~unity U.v~lopm~nt Administrutor Mullins sAid th~ last o~ficl.1 inspection for framln~ was do~. on 2/25/8~. County Att":'1ey 5ð'J:'1d.rs sðlc: this ..."5 thf' CðS¡' that tho! State .~torney ~rosecutld. Mrs. ~ulllns sal~ ~rs. Tipler obtained ðn extons- i'>:'1 to J/16/85. !",r. Sðu:'\ccrs lihid he W?uld requltst anotheor extension, if n.c....ry. lO.A.(2) Petition TR-IS-I2C, Jose Morale., rsquestin9 a te.porary re.idence per.it to utili.e a travel trailer during construction of a principle residence on east 7S' of we.t lSO' of Tract 134, Unit 27, Golden Gate Iltatss Commlslliont!r Voss sdld lidS item is fullr co',.rea in the EKccutlve bummary. Commis3ioner Hasse said th~t Mr. Vlrt. ar~~ up . nt!w appllca- tl0n form ",nd he IhJgC)c5ted ð tu... ct,dnY"1i tor the for!:\ And ðSk\!U the .tdtus of 1 t? Acting L~mmunit, ~Y~lopment AdmlnlSlrDtor Mullins stid she is plan:'\1n~ to a*velo~ an ~ntire system for permltt1nq of thc trailers to hllnc.le the ~roblems related to this sUbject. Snt said people ¡sre under the Impression that when they receive bOdrd approval that they can haye thlir trðiler and that they ðre n~t required to qet anything else, rag e 4 - - - .,.-------- t: .. .,----- ,......,--...,.....------........." ""'-,...,.~,.,....,,~._~---_._<_...... .. .. - March 1, 1985 when, in f.ct, they are required to get a permit from the building De~rtaent for their trailor. She said I holdinq tank is neeo.O for the trailer and, without a buildinq permit, sh~ was not sure what is happening with the waste. Sh. said she will start making the inlpections available to the Board so the Commissioners can use their judqaent in hQ~ the building il actually pr~gressinq. In response to Co.ailsionor Halse, she said Staff could insp~ct on a monthly basil, if the building inspectors arß in the area, to check on the progress. Commissioner Goodnight pointed out that Mr. Moralel CQmpl.ted a new form, included In th"! back-up material, that h.?!I iI buildlnc¡ purmit n UIIoe r . 1'.1.(1) Petition TR-84-7C, &louise Thoapson, requestin9 a final 3 80nth extension to teaporary relidence per.it for south 75' of the north 150' ol Tract 55, Unit 195, Colden Cate Estates Acting Community Uevelopment Administrator ~ullln5 said the petitioner's last In.~cctlon was on 12/4/84 Cor ð tub s~t. 16.8.(2) Reco..endation to reclassify present Contractor's Licensing Clerk In the Bulldinq Code Co.pliance Departaent to Contractor'l Licensinq Technician Actin.} Community Dotvel':q..111ent Administrator Mullins sed' that Mrs. Munsey manaC es the Code Compliance ~ectlon ana does a '1000 job and some rewa r d i. in 0 r d e r Cor ;. of r . Commibsioner Holldnd s.1ld ne had recvlveò co~µlaints that If Mrs. Munley Is not In the Department whOdver is applylnc¡ for a competency card or a license has to ~alt until she returns. He aSkeù if there was a possibility that someone else In the DeFðrtmunt coulå be trained to handle this situation1 Mrs. Mullins said that will happen. Sh~ said that Buildlne¡ Director ~odcock II presently looklnc¡ for another person for the Department and that per~on could be tr~lned to work on this utter. 11.1.(3) Reco...ndation ol approval for Petition rp-85-1C, Wilson, Killer, Barton, Soll , Peek, requestinq llnal plat approval for roxfirs Unit Three, located north of roxfire Unit Two Actlnq Community Cevelopmtnt Administrator Mullins said the Engineerine¡ ~partment reviews the final plat approvals and, based upon their recom,øendation, she qoes by their sti?ulations. 11.1.(4) Reco...ndation for approyal lor Petition 'P-85-2C, Wilson, Killer, Barton, Soll , Peek, requesting final plat approval for roxfire Unit Two, located north of roxfire Unit One Public WorkS Admlnlltrator Kuck said thðt thesu ~~ final plats are beinq ðsked for dpproval at the sam~ tim~. aoo( ()~f)'A~l ()~ ".---,.------...- . ...... Pig e 5 .."'" ..,,,.,,.,.,.,.~,-_....._.' ._'"~~-~--..._~,,-"- '* 086 mt 06 !'k1rch 1, 1985 16.8.(5) Petition C-15-1I, I..okal.. J.yc..s, Inc., r.qu.sting a per.it to conduct a circus on Karch 7, 1985 Th.re N.S no dilcû.sion on this item. l'.~.(') p.tition SMR-IS-2C, Kervin 8.nll.ld. r.que.ting str..t n... approval lor lenli.ld Road which runs north .nd south, int.rs.cting Alli;ator Alley, 1/4 .il. .alt of the toll qat. Actln9 Community Development Administrator Mullins said ahe could not find said sh. 16.1.(7) approv.). 951, on. any true syltem that is followed regarding street nðming. She w~ll look into this situation. P.titlon S.R-IS-lC, Kertin Ka.a~chik, r.qu.sting str..t na.. for N.vaan Drive which runl .ast and WlSt interlecting S.R. .ile south of Alligator All.y Actlnq Community Development Administrator ~ulllns said that Staff checks throuqh the records to see if ther~ are any other streets with the same name. She said btaff has received c~mplð nt8 that duplicate and similar names do exist. 16.8.(1) P.tition TR-84-19C, willia. E. Schrad.r, r.qu.sting . t..por- .ry residenc. per.it to utili.e a trav.l trail.r during construction of . principIa r.sid.nce on Tr.ct 8, Unit 25, Golden Gat. Estate. Acting Community Developm~nt Admlnlstr~tor M~llln~ said that the last Inspection lor th13 pr~pcrty wðS on 2/11/~5 for framing. 16.8.(9) R.co...nd.tion to forw.rd the draft Golden Oat. E.tat.. Ma.ter Pl.n to th~ 6tat. Land Planning A9.ncy and the Regional Planning Council as r.quir.d by r.s 163,3184 Acting Planning 0lrect~r ClarK s~ c that two public hearings have been he Iv on the draft 01 the v0lden Gdte Elitates Mðster Plan ~nd more public hearings will De h~ld üflcr tn~ rrvl~w ~roces9. HQ salu that tnt! plan will be an amendment t~ tn~ Comprehenslv~ ~lan ~nd Sthff follows th~ sarne procedur~ in ddoptlnq it as W.1S used for the adoption of tne entire Compr~henslvu Plan. He said one r quir~ment Is that the plan 1. sent to the ~tðtc and Hdg ~n~l Plðnn n~ Council for a ~O day review. he said that review IS just aJvlsory and the ~oara of County Com~15Blontr5 00 not have t~ ~do~t th~ commcnts maje by the Sthte and heqlonal Planning ~ouncll. He said If the uoðrd of County Commls- sionltrs n,ake chðng~~ to th¡¡ prt:s'.!nt form thosc cnar\1t!s d~ not have to 90 back to the btatc and Hcqlonal Planning Council. 16.8(10) R.solution .pproving an .gr....nt for the Ero.ion Control proj.ct known as the Colli.r County Tiq.rtail R.v.getation proj.ct, DNR Contrlct Nu.ber C2722 hctlng Community Dev.'¡opment Administrator I".ull1ns saie: tlis item Page 6 - - - '- .. l._ -,~~"~-~_.,,~;_._,,- .. - .. Marcn 1, 1955 Sa the DNR ,';"ntract for ero.ion control. She said the County has hðd this qrant tor 2-1/2 y.ars and all the .t.ps have be.n don., the fundlnq na. b.en appropriated, the Con~ract hal be.n approved by the Gov.rnor and the work i. rlady to beqin. 11.1(11) R.~lutlon .pprovlnq an .qr....nt b.twe.n Colll.r County .nd IftYlrona.ntal BarYlc.. Unl1.1t.d to perlor. contract.d servic.. lor th. ltoalon Control proj.ct known a. Th. Colli.r County Tiq.rt.il Raveq.tation proj.ct Acting Community Development ~minlstrator Mullins said thia is a companion item to the preceding item. She söid Staff oriqlnally int.nd.d to do the work, but due to time contraint. and staffing levels this i. not possiblø. Sho said the work w.s bid ,nd the lo~ bldòer ðnd most qualified is Enviro~mental Services Unlimited. She said the draft contract t. being revivw.d by thv c~ntractor and there may be I~mt chang.., how.v.r, the final form will be approved on 3/~/8~. Shl referrld to N? 6 in the Executive Summary wnich st.tes written parmt.- .i~n is forthcoming from DN~ ~nd 8~ld thAt permission has been received. 16...(12) p.titlon TR-84-1JC, pranci. . Jean Mu.ick, r.qu..tinq a J aonth extension per.it to utili.. a trav.l trail.r durinq con.truction of a principl. r..id.nc. of Tract 116, Unit 81, Gold.n Ga~1 Istat.. Acting Community Develo~ent Administrator ~ulllns said that this it.m was continued because th_ petItioner misunderstooj a que~tion on the application and ~ad ~ut down the wr"nq time frame ~nd that the p.titloner nao to re-submlt a letter requestioq ~ 3 month extension. She said the last Inspection w~s ll/13/B4 for a temporary pole. She llst.d the various Inapuctions and dðtQ£. '.C.Il) Petition AV-85-002, Aah1.y Financial Corp., requesting vac.tion of the .ix foot (6') .id. .a.e..nt. on Lot. 1 through 4, Block 159, Gold.n Oat., Unit 4, Part 1, .0 petition.r .ay build across .nd up to interior sid. lot lin.. Public WorkS Administrator Kuck said tnl~ is a typical easement vacation. He said thu developer plans to build multi-family units on the prop.rty. &C.(2) petition AV-85-00l, Deltona Corp., petition.r, r.qu..tinq the vac.tion of roads, lots .nd ......nt. of . portion of Marco Beach, Unit ..v.nt..n, to allow con.truction of . .ulti-fa.ily condoainiua, John Stlv.n. Cr..k ar.. Pu~lic ~rks Adminl5trdtlon Kuc~ said this is a r~quast for a vacation of a part of a plat so the dðv~loper can develop pðrt of the pro~rty as appr"ved for a PUD devo!lopnent. He show~d tho! Commls- sion.r. a map ana indicated the locðtlo~ of the property. He said m~ 086 FAGl 07 Pagl 1 I . """-"'~'.--.'-- .. 086'~l 08 /'larch 1, 1985 throuqh I1tlqation Stat. and f.d.ral aq.ncitl set aaid. ~n ar.a the petltion.r could d.velop end the r.=aind.r of the plat will revert back to the Stat. a. Stat. Lind. I.D.Cl) Rec~ndetSon to approva excavation per.lt Mo. 59.205 _ epox-NSn· - s.c. 17, T~OS, R261, northe..t corn.r of the Snter.ectSon of County ..rn Road and Whitater Road Public Works Administrator Kuck said this Is a r.qu'lt for .pproval of an sXC.vation p.rmit, subj.ct to stipulationl on the Executlv. Summary, for a dev.lopm.nt 10 the pond can b. construct.d. l'.C.(2) R.c....nð.tlon to appro.e a Lett.r Aqr....nt with Iv.r91ad.. CSt concernln collection and di. sal of .olid wa.t~ Public ~rkl Administrator Kuck saið this request i. similar to the Lett.r Aqreem.nt with the City of Napl.s which wa. ~pproved last .onth. He S.id the .qr..ment would qU~rantee the wast. flow str.a~ of Ivergled.s City to the County. lOC.(I) R.Co...ndatlon lor approval of the operation of the r.rkinq faclllt at Tl .rtall B.ach on "arco Island Public Sorvices Admlnlstr~tor N?rton lalo th~t Parks and ~ecrea- tion Director Vanatta nas provided tne Commissioners with a study he COlllpl.t.d on the Tlqertail b<8acl, parkinq facility anó that Mr. Vanatta made six ðltern~t!v.s dvailðbl~ to t~~ ~o'rd. He said Staff recomm.nd. that tn. County proceeo -I:h tn !lnnu:l opVr~tlon, l~ m~nths of a y.ar, end r.~uests 51) cents t'Qr car, which W')uld give the County a profit of ~4,000. He .ald btdff is trYing to cff-set th~ operati~n of this facility. H. said Staff plans to revisit this fee structure on an ~nnual b.sis. I~ saio 187 a=~ltlon~l park!n~ Spacos haVL been adoed to the park. Commissioner h~ll"f1J expr"IiI4'U hi:; conCi<rn .1òout opert.tint¡ this parKinq facility In this manner. He said St~ff s~ould look into the possibility of purking meterli ratll..r tll¿n adclnr¡ an"ther employee to the payroll. Ho sðlo this has not -~rkQd succelistully to his know- 1'°91. Mr. Nort~r. sðld th(- only oth¡,r (tI;:ility Is VJnaerbllt ~ach and tnat has not Started, yet. Commissioner VOli5 SU~g~stec that ~t"ff look at th~ cost of parking meters, collecting the monty from th~m and policing cars that are Overparkec. I'1r. Norton ðgr~ec;. Recoa.endation to ..tabl1.h 9uld.lin.. lor stat. and l.d.ral licatlon. for the Park. and R.cr..tlon De .rt..nt Pu~lic Service. Administrator ~orton distributed Jln Addcndum to tne Ex.::utive Sl.II1mary. He s<'lid last October Staff requcsted approval Paqe 8 - - - . . t- .. .._<~._-",,~-,...._- "".."---.......,,, ,.,*",."."~".,.,~,.,,.--.._-~--~._. - .. - March 1, 1985 to apply for a 9rlnt for tn. fast Hapl.. Co~munlty Park, which was approved. He said .bout thw .ame time the State decided they would chanq. their tl.inq and ~uid.llne. ~n all the qrønt so the progr~m hal been on hold. He said P~rks and Recreation Director Vanatta has been studyinq the time frames and quidelines of thes. grants and ~taff fell it wa. approprilt. to discuss what direction the Board prefers to take on this program. Mr. V~natta laid In 1984 there ~as no funding cycle for the qrants .nd tne fundlnq cycl. will bec~me avalllbl1 as outlined In the Adden- dUll. He sðid the dirwction ::itaff needs to Ìlnl)w Is h,~w long the County is willing to ?Ostp~ne construction In ~ope of obtaining ~ grant for one of the community pdrk.? Hw said ~tðff recommends the County apply for qrants for ~a.t Napl.s and Golden G~te only at this tlm. ~nd due to a timing probl~m w1th th~ other qrant submission perl~Js, 5taff recom- .ends not to apply for any oth.r community pdrk 9It~s. Commissioner HallW said he thought thð parks ~rft to bo developed in phases s) :hat waiting for grants ~uld not hold up the construc- tion, to whIch Mr. Vanatta agreed. Hot said, how.ver, wit'" both t')f the qrants the County has to nave availðbl. money, I)n hand, to m,tch. He said if the available bond mon~y is sp~nt th~r~ ~uld oe ~o mondY to match the qr!nt.. Commissioner Voss s.Jld with the pr¡,scnt f"( '!C.:Jl budqet crunch the Col.lnty mayor may not ever have fundln1. In response to Commissioner HdBso, /'Ir. Vanatta BAld that once the park. are I.Inder construction they are no longer eligible for grant .oney. In response to County Manager [.USK, Mr. V,'nl!ttð slIld, under FRDAi', if the property WIS purchased within ono ¥car prior to the opcnlng date of the announced appllc.1tlon submission period, only the purchase price or approved ðpprais.a value, whichever is less, mllY b. used as land value. Hot sal0 und.r l./lnJ, Water ano ConlifHvatlon, the applicant may not taile title to the property until notified that the National Parks Service has approvQO D gr.1nt and project agrcements have b~en fully executed. In ..nswer to (.;o;nm1ssionl:r Hollar-d, Mr. N?rtr:>n said that St;)ff has be.n coordinatln; with MS. Wllliomson r~qarding ~lock Grants and there ~ere other possibilities which did nl)t turn t)ut to be v~ry gOOd. He said if ðdditional funds are available Staff recommends application for other type. of projects ~lthin th~ County such as th. Nl)rth Naples boat m( 086 r~r·t 09 Pig e 9 .' . aDD( 086,~t 10 March I, a8S raap. He said if any of the grants ~'re received there was the problom ol what thIs ~uld do to the allocations for the other parks. He said Staff r.com.ends an equitable way to de.l with the situation, for e.ample, of receipt of $250,000, ~uld be that that am~unt of money be backed out of the parks bond is.ue and split a~ong the remaining four parks. Commissioner Holland said h. ~uld likq Staff to look Into the progr.. they were pursuing with MI. ~illlamson as thor. was suppos.d to be money put into that program this year. Mr. Norton said Staff could tnvestigats that situation and se. it any allocation has b.en made to that program. County ""'nager LuSk sdld that there are many cltle. In florida that are usinq a park land dedication tew to help build their µarkl. He said on r'lid.ntlal property a charqe II mùd. per bedrooms and on a typlc.l three b.dro~~ approximately $250 was charged in ~¡nell~s Park for a park land dedication fee and thðl money was used to dev(i~p thq parks. COIIIIII! ssioner lI"lland 1I.sld h. was not In f.svor of raising taxes anoth.r dlmo. Mr. LuSk said this WQuld 0., m?npy on new c"nstructl"n. Commil- .toner V"ss lugq.steo that tIp, C"mmlsbl"nflrs c')nolOer It and that I'Ir. Lusk Ih"uld bring this it"", t') th'!t bo.Hd wll<.:n he c"nsld~rli it appropriat... lO.C.(J) R.co...ndatlon to approve the Master Plan for Marco Island ~1ty Park Publk b.rv!c.,s Adm!f'lstrat"r ¡Oorton sðid tUs Mðst"r Plar. has proc.wd.d thrQuqh the ParKs and k.cr.ati"n Advisory board ~u~c~~mlttee on Miorco Island and then tl) tllc P.'lCkS ana kecrea~lon ^dvllory foard, adainq b"tn hav," .pprov.c It. Parks and k"creatlon Dlr~ctor Vd~attð plðc~ü the ~dster Plan on an overhead boaro anG d.scrlbec it as 2':1 acr~s with a 1ú oiIcr, lak., ð 20,OOC syuart loot civic c"nt~r, 5,000 sgudre !o"t r"creation facility, 8,OOC square t"ot library, recreation "pen space are" future tlte for a 25 lI1.ter swJmrr,ínq ¡>ool, chlldren'li play drea, ðnd 366 parking spaces. Commlssiont!r holJðnd a~ked how ~r. Vanattd could justify J~6 park1ng Sp3C.S tor II 20,00ú s4u~re foot .udltorlum? Mr. Vanat~ð sa1d that the p.rKs c~naultant used one parking slot f~r every three s.ata with tht Dud 1 tor i U'II boing aolc to leat approx Imðtely 600 p~opl 11. Mr. ~.natta said that the recr.atlon open space areA h.s been offered .a an Page 10 - - - t: .A _..._"-"_..,,..._~,,..,.- - ~ - March l, 1985 option to use for overflow parkinq durinq largl events. He saiå the plrks consultant will attend the 3/5/85 acc meeting. Parks 3nó Recreation Advisory board member 8urt~n Itat.d that many ..etin?s h~ve be.n hel~ on ~rco Illand anc the Taxpayerl Aslociation and the ~rco Island Civic Asloctatlon have approved this Maltlr Plan. He .aid it 10111 hi. opinion tni. Is wh,t the p~ople of ~lrc~ Island wlnt. /IIrs. Q'I4rlotte.....tmen I~IJ there "ðS /I d.clsl~n made with reqard to a community center yersus ð sports ar~a and the communlty-at-larq. favoreo a comøunlty c~nter. Commissioner Holland said he h_ðrd the pre.~ntatlon that ~as made to the Commission and that ne haa a CryPT of the latter and the way he read the letter this plan does ""t look ll~~ wh~t ""s pro?Qsed to qet the item on the referendum t~r the Special Taxing District. he said in that letter there ~.re morv uqu~l fð:llltle» tor young anj old on Marco IsIsnd. He alked how the library clime to be In the plan? H. said that Ihould be. policy of the COOT,mlsslon. Mr. Norton said that Staff has been workinq closely with the Llbrllry Oepdrtm~nt ?n this plan. Commls.loner Go?onlqht .ðln tnllt thv Llorary Director .::and ~r. Norton clime to the Parka and Hecreðtl"n /I.,I\JIsory board while sh. wal still Chair~dn of th~t boara, dn~ tn~y ~lIjc tn. llordry nt.aed to be expanded. She said tnat the library on MJrco Isl~nd Ie the most frequently uSld llbrar~. She sllld becðus~ ot the ntw flood plalnl it would be expenlive to expand on the piece of property that the library now occupies ,no tl1~ LI brary 01 rector "s~ed I f they coul C1 COIT'.. to th" park site and build their library. Sh~ slIld there lias some opposition from the people of Marco 1alanc about th., civic center IInd the Park. and Hecreatlon Advisory Board left It up try the people to decide what "'ould be done. Shot 5ðlj therlt WIIS n? /'10] rCt) 1alan:: r fJr"sentdtlve on tho Parka 80ard at th"'t time "nd that Mr. burton haa Wf:)rked elCtensively on the project. She said it this plðn h"s be~n "pproY~d by the Civic Aaaociation and the ;ðxpayers As50ci~tlon she felt the Board did not have anythlnq to complain about ít. Commissioner Holland said the Commission should take th. po.ltion of fUlfillinq its obligðtion to the peo~le of C?lli"r County .n~ that is settinq policy. He s.::aid that movlnq librðries ano puttinq th.m in a park i. a :hange in ~licy and should h"v~ been brought to the 80ard of ~ounty Commissioners. He questioned the .quallty of division of f.cilities in the park. ..... . OR6 '1r.~ 11 ~OM pag It 11 '-,·"'·"_...."~·_"""'-..'N__..'_;,,_.~_,__ "~I- ' In< 086uc;t 12 ~rch I, 1985 Co~mi..ion.r Goodnight pointed ~ut thwt ~~. ç~ur.ty has b?U9ht a tennl. and racqu.tball cent.r on M8rc~ l.land and that lightl have be.n put in Wint.rberry Park which mean. that ~rco Island has two softball/b...ball field. that th.y can us.. CO..is.ion.r Vo.. said that tha 3/5/85 acc me.ting is the time to aak. · deci.ion about wh.ther or not to put a library on the lit.. County Attorn.y Saund.rl .aid that the code pro vi d.. for on. parking .paca per thr.. leats or one Ipace for 200 square f.~t 10 the .llobBent i. according to cod.. If.A.(l) Rec~ndatlon lor .pproval of 1.... for Iaaokale. Youth Quldance office Public Servicea ~ministrator N?rton dlatributed a new leas. .qre.m.nt and wxplalned, In the lease that was approved by the County Attorney'. office, there was no stipulation for any type of cancella- tion If the grant f: .,ds ce.sed. He said this Is a Juvenil, Justice Delinquency Prevention Grant for 560,000 and money can be ob:alned up to fiva y..rs. h. said a stipulation of a 60 day notice of cancella- tion that could be accepted by elth~r pðrty ~as Incluoed In th~ new l.a... 16.A.(2) R.co...ndation for approval of .taff travel to .tt.nd co. ut.r traini~ cour.. in Atlanta Geor ia Public ::'ervice. "'-dmlnl¥tralor II?rt"n salo tne tr"vel to At lanta for the Aginq ProqrAm Supervisor will be in excess of 5560 and thll will be training for a Lotus 1, 2, J computer that the department now has. 16.A. 3 Social S.rvice C.... W-1968 and W-5100 CommlaSloner Voss saie this 1& f~r medical paym'nts Cor indlq.nt peo ph. 16.A.(4) R.c~nd.tion to fill a vac.ncy on the Private Industry Council Public Servicus AdmlnlstrJtor N~rton sula the J?b Tr.::aininq Partnership Act requires that certain sectors of the public be repre- Sented on the Private Inaustry Council. H<! said a resiqn.:!tion wall reclriv.d from th.) Economic Develop;nent Sector and JTPA St.ff rcc?mmendl .pproval of foIr. R31ph <:liner, Presloent "f Collier Slink, to fill that v.can cy. Commissioner Voss laid h" sug~e5ted, previously, limiting the number of terms that people Clln serv~ of various boðras and co~mittee.. H. said he would brln~ this su~ject bàck to the Commission for their Pðqe 12 - - - t ..~ "'-___.~.,""w_,'__......__..."'_ -,--""--,... - I!:I ~ :<\arch 1, HaS conllderat1on. 11.A.(5) Reco..endetlon lor Chalr.an to ai9n 1985 Job Service Co.pOftent Plan for .~ '20 Public ~ervicel Administrator N~rton saio this i8 .n annual plan. II.A.CI) Reoo..endatlon to enter Into a contract with the Collier 'porta Olflclela Aaaoclatlon for the purpo.e ol providing adsquate apOrt. officiating at County acheduled activitlss Public Services Adminl.tr.tor Norton .ald this cOntract has been approved tor the past six years. ll.A. (1) Reco..endaUon for approval of a reaolution caUinq for t.he Marco Island Co..unity Park Refarendu. Election Pu~lic Services Adminlstr~tor N?rton said th~t Mr. Cene Hunter, ~rco Island resident, approachtd the Parks and Recreatl?n Advisory Board on 2/28/d5 .1nd requesteó minor W?rdin~ ch~nges of the referendum question. HI said his requlst ~ðl t? add, at the ,nd of the qu~stlon, the wordl "as shown I'In tht! oJpµrovoé ~:altl!r Plan, exclud Ing tt-."I Iwlmmlng pool-. County Attorney ~unders Illd If there is a ~ster Plan ap~roved on a certdin date Ind if thor~ w~s ~n Qttemµt l~ter to change the Master Plan th.tre WOUld bi" ;.-r0ò!c",S .It the wor.:J!n,! "'!I!\ "0; lu~ge8ted. he .aid thu ballot question Is n0t t~e plact to ti~ j0wn the ~~ster Plan. ParKS ana Recreation Advl50ry bo.1rd Membor Burton said that Board wanted to know that the ~oney from the referendum woulo be Ipent on tnos. things the community n~. approved. Mr. Saunders suq~ested that th, Board of County Commission could make 80me sort of commitm~nt th~t ~uld satisfy th~ people cf ~rco Island rather than having It included In the ballot question. '" r. ItJ n t e r s ð i d Mr. Sa una" r I' S ~;¡ ~ CSt Ion wo u 1 d b (1 d C C e p t <I b 1 e . lie said he WðS most concerned t~at the ~rdinance have this type of wording in Section ), 10 thoJt th..ro '~ula be a S2,~OU.OOO limitation on the amount to be borrow~d and to be Ipent. Mr. Saunders !iu;¡~est4lCl that he and Mr. Hunter could meet and go oVlr the ordinance wording and I'Ir. Hunter agreed. Commissioner COodn!ght dsk~d if the $2,dOO,OOO on the reterundu~ .eent that the ~ster Plan W?uld not be completely built and Mr. Norton a.id th~t is an ð~ount, In 30dition to th~ moncy available out of park bondl money, th..t will build the entire f.::ac111ty lIS seen on the Master Pl.n With th. ~xception or thu swimming PO?!. Mr. Sdunders S~ld that the $2,500,00U should include the estimated ,~~ 086 PAr.! 13 Pðq I 1 J IlK 086PA~t 14 "'arch 1, 1995 cost of the park plul the COlt of raising the money. Filcal Officer Ciles said he has been working with Mr. Huntlr and he recom..nded that this not be structured In such a way that there is no ti.1 limit. IIr. Lusk aaid, with regard to the tt.ne of the referendum, thero will be sOlie special Ilections in September and it UOe. not matter whln the Marco Island P.::ark Referendum i. held .s long as it ia in thia y"ar. He questioned if it was possible to have a combined refarendum. Commissioner Voss said this item would be strictly for "'rco Island and ths people want it .a early a. pOlsible. bup.rvtlor of Elections Morgan laid there ðre lom~ costl that could be divided between two p.rtles but It would not be more than. Couple of thousand doll.rs. l'.A.(I) Reco...ndetion to rade of the Tsnnis Pro I'uolic bervices Administrator Norton saId the Chang£ Staff recom- mends II that the T.nnis Pro/~]nager qo on a straight salary b.1sil r.ther than a p.rc.nt~gk of th~ lesson fees ah~ generatcs Dt the facility. He said her Balary would b~ Incr~~Bed to offset the mon.y she wa. gettinq throU'j:' thr II!<: stru':tur~ ðn~ 1111 f<;es for the lesIons would q~ to tht! County. ···RICaSsl 10135 A.M. 11111 A.M.... Added Dlacussion re Potential Space Renovations and Projects Unfunded County MdnJqer Lusk distributed ð snret rntltlkò "Potentl^l Sp,cs/Renovatlon Projects Untunoed·. H~ ¡¡did In the past few ..eeks "'r. Oorrlll, Commisslon<;r lIoU"na, somt' of the Constitutional Ofl1cers and rUI havo: discuaøro proj"cts tt'dt arw :'f"Jped to t..>... don.: In U,e County. He saic. that neeas .... rc ta""n 0ut of tht' 2~ IT,lll ¡o:¡ dollar project lIna it is tl~, to J~dreas tnos~ n~t05 thdt wer~ not orIginally /ldaresard. Aaaistllnt County ......nll!Jl·r tJorrl]1 sale th/!t ttlc r.dsting descrip- tlon as ha. O..n Identified, start!ng with BUlldlnq "A", Includes the original buaqeted rr.novatlon of th~ ~roun~ floor but the r~vis~c budget includes tho complete renovatiQn of thu second floor as well as ð new thiro floor to bc con~tructco fQr two ðdditll)n¿l courtrooms anj a new roof and improvements to the elevators. he sdid Building "e" Is the current health Department an:; it includes lJ 1I'o1~lmal level of interior renov.tiona to hl)use the utilities divlsiQn. /1. sai~ Building .C., which houses the Property Apprt.isltf .:Ind '1'ax Collector, would Includlt a limitltd int.rior renovation at $50.00 ð squðr~ foot to house the TðX PlIglt 14 - - - ........" t" - c::J .. :'larch 1, 1985 Collector only. He said It is prop~sed to construct d new, adjacent 8,000 square foot bulldinq at $05.00 per square foot to house the Property Appraiser. He said Building -D", which hour.. Public Works and the COIl1JDUnlty Developunt Division, includes an Intorior nmovatlon It $50.00 per square foot. He laid building "f- Includes completion of the eiqht floor at the previously budgeted cost of SSO.OO pðr squarĊ“ foot. He explained Building -~", the Satellite ~ervlcll building, would have interior ren~vðtlons .::and n~w constrw:tlon, in th, ~vftnt that the record retentl~n activity of the Clerk is movwd ?ut. lit! said the itell shown (·,r tl'l4' w.1rehouse, /!t the ¡,ut meetin<], was for ð 9,000 square foot Cdcilcy ~ut it is now Jnticipate~ t~ be 01 12,000 square foot f.cillty for $3~O,oUO. He saId tn~ e&tim~le~ proj.cted budget for the new He.Ilth c.partment Is 3.2 million dollars. lie sldd there are renovations of thð wxl3tln~ jail tl) ~akc modifications for minimum security ¡a"pl., trustðtoS, .In:! °...orlt 1nd ""e~~enj offenders for l/4 mlllion doll~rs. He a3id th7 l~m0KaldC St0cltaje 15 currcntly Int~nded to rem4ln a stoCk]de for p.o~l. who ~r~ post-trial and poat-sentenced and are sl!rvlng limp. In the Coun~y J,)IL lie said there arc deficien- cies that ne~d to b~ c0rrected to meet n.part~1nt of Corr~ctlons standards, ~rl~ðrlly flrl! ~no 9~"kl! j~lectlon .nd s~rlnkll!r syatp.m. K9 .aid the f~novati?n of the [mmOKalc~ StoCkJèc to serve ~s ~n Alcoholic Detox Centwr loOuld cost $300,000, hoo"'~v<,r, thdt nu:nb"r Is Intcndt'd to be for a wln~ to be constructed on the <7urrcnt Health Dep.Htment facility In lmn,ok<!llee. H" s/!Id tnal tnc outlltan"lng lll1t of potential project. result In H.J million dollars Jnd tnðt a percentage amount was Includ.d lor archlt~cturðl engln~erin1 ~wrvice9 And ð S' construction escalation factor and ~n owner's contingency of 10\ In order to cover any errors that m~y havc ~el!n ~^O~ In trying t" 'stlm3t~ on ) square footaqe cost b^sis what tnes~ bulldln]s mi1ht entail. He said that the total 1s II million dollars. He st~t~d that 1.9 milllQn dollars is his conservative estimðte of the reserves that ~uld remain at the end of the Completl"n of the origin~l project for which 23 million dollars worth of bonds were sold. He said that .m?unt does not include any potenti^l claims or sFccial legal fees tr.at might have to be paid in the event th. ç?unty .as sued .nd had to go to C~urt over any of the existing construction. Replying to Commlaslon"r t /)sst:, "Ir. !):)rrill said thðt Staff has not been advised by structural engineers as to the cost of high density flooring or reintorc~ment ot the slab tor the thlrc floor of Builaing ;;; 08R F~,~I 15 Page 15 -..---.... _.,..._---.""~-....."'._-""'"",.._,..._-~ aft( 086 rACt 16 "'rch 1, 1985 ·A- . ~r. tusk said Stalf had deletld the 8th floor cost of $731,000 fro. the 1.9 .ll11on dollar figure. f1scal Officer Glle. said on the 1.9 million dollar figure approximately 2.1 ~illion dollarl hðd to do with a budget amendment the Board approved on 2/5/85 ^~d that i. list.~ in the nee~s column so that Ihould be ðdded 10 the figure of 4.1 million dollars should be used 1nltead of l.9 aillion dollars as estimated Justice Center Relerve.. Mr. Dorrill said that a certain amount has been committed for land- ICaping and office furniture and approximately $300,000 could come out of that allocation. Commis.ioner Vo.. said that the e.tlmated JUltict Center Realrvel would be approximately 3.5 million dollars instead of 1.9 ~illlon dollars. Mr. LUlk .aid that the amount of Vðrlty Bonds required would then b. 7.5 million d~llðrK. He said that a good figure to work with would be thl! 6.5 million dollars thðt Mr. Fischer men- tioned In the ~pecial ~..ting and CommiSSIoner Voss agreed. Mr. Giles ~ðid that Mr. ~isch'r int.nd~o that 6.5 million dollars added to the refinancing would qlve ð rctlo of the s.::ales tax and inv.ltaent earning. to the amount of futur~ debt s~rvlc8 that is acceptable by the und.rwrlt~rs. In response to Commlssionl!r 11.II1I!ie, "'r. LulU said that ~tafl h.1 found all the projects tt.ey could find ]n~ this list of ~rojects needs to b~ v1ew.d ~nd th~ bodrd n~.dl to ~lve pvllcy direction ðS to what ouqht to be eliminated. Commi..I~n~r h"llano s~IJ thal .µproxl~ðt~ly 1 ~Illlon dollars need. to be cut out to meet tn~ 6.5 ~Illlo~ dollars. !'\r. Lusk s~gesteo that the bollra list the priorities of things needed now witn future priorities t~ come lðtl!r. COlllml..io:'1er H"s.l" suq.¡..»tl'd th"t " ...,rkshop bl' hela to establish thes. prioritl~s. In rl!spo:'1St to CommlSbion'.:r Voss, Mr. [),rrlll slSio tn~t the .IO.Stos removal is not Included in nls numbers. ~r. S~u~ders said tnat the bono kesolutlon provides tor construction ~nd equipment of the JUltice Center ~nd ~eneral turnltur~ could b~ pdld tor out of those lundS. Property Apprðis~r Coldlng said that h~ nc~ds space as he Is rur,(lin9 two ye.rs behind in needs. lie asked how long it woulo take Þefore th~ r~financing can be done ðnd Commissioner Voss sbid that is not known since the Co~mlssion has t? wait for the "window. with re~ard Pagl 16 - l1li ~ <.-..'-----.....,...--. 'r t .L - '= ~ M,HCh 1, 1!i8S to interest :ðte.. He .aid that the Commis.ion h.s to look ðt the 1.9 .illion dol..r. and .ee whGt are the ur9~nt needs are and establish a priority. Mr. Coldinq said the .quare footðge ~n the propo..d new buildin9 would just take care of his current n_ed.. Tax Collector Carlton asked that the Commissioner. plðce the lame priority on the Property Appraiser's and Tax Collect~r's needs as they do on the other Constitutional Officers. o.puty O1ief Hunter, of the Sr1eriff's C"partment, s,id Sheriff aoqers a.ked hi. to point out that there is money being considered for the renovation of the jail and stockade and, for the record, those .onie. aro nec.s.ary to bring the Sheriff's D~part.ment Into compliGnce with tho Department ~f C~rrectlon5 Stdndards of Compll~nce which aro ..ndated. he said if tho., standards ~r~ not met the ~heriff'a c.partment would b. lIubj.c:t to lawaul ts. In respo:,.e to Commissioner Voss, Mr. !1untvr said the highest count is 298 prlslonera and th" new jail will hold JOI. He said there are cdrtðin s~ctlons of the 'all where only certain typ~s of prlsioners ~'y be placed, su=h ~s male and female juv~nile., And femele adults and those areas have certain numbers of cells that have been d"dlcated to them. He said If one feul. adul t i a pI aced In th"t area d m. h adul t cannot be pI aCI~d in the ðree so that W')ul;.J ellr:'¡nat. P0'¡!Hbl, l~ or 20 cell». IHI said currently there are wlnqs that dr. c '~lgnðt~d for th~se p~ðpIe and they are distribul.wd a:llong the tl1r~e floors and there arl! dormitory situa- tions .t the StocKade. I'Ir. Lusk asked 1 f the nli" ja 11 wùs deslqnlld s? that t"'" bun~s could be put In each cell bec]use the square footage Is ther' to meet that requirement, ana ~,r. Hunter a.11d th!lt the square fo?taqe WðS approved by tho Department of Corrections, based on their curr.nt factoring, me.nlng th.t if th~re ia a period of time out of cell they would be more flexible in the number of peopl~ that could be placed in · cell. he said curr"ntly th.. cells ar~ ddslgned for only one person. Commissioner Voss aSked If the Cund from confiscated equlp~ent could be used to provide telephones for the jail? Mr. Hunter said the only stipulation in the St~tute W')uld be that the monies ~ay not be expended for on-goinq regular exp~ns~s and It may be c~nstru!d thJlt a telephone system WQuld be nect!ssdry for tho adminl~tratlve aspects of the tiheriff'. Department. He said h~ '~uld ch.ck into this situation. Mr. ~aunders said hd WQuld qet a copy of the Statute to ~larlfy the utter. .D~ 086 rAr,r 17 Paq. l7 ~"'-.'--_._........._,- .. '---...-,,.,,-.,,..-.- -,_,_~ . '._.~_._.....,"_,,__o>~...._ 08R,Ar.\. '18 ....rch 1, 1985 ,.. åúpervt.or of EI.ction. Mor~an .xpe....d her need for « war.hou.. and add.d that sh. i. p4yinq $8,400 a year for .pac_ rental, at this ti.e. Mr. Lulk laid this .hould take a hiqh priority to fr.. valuabl. office .pac. now us.d for .toraq.. 11.1.(1) R.c~ndatlon to r.cla..lly ..crltarial positions 1n the Utlliti.. Dlvl.ion Utiliti.s Director of bu.inels and Administration Mohler said th.re ar. three ..cr.tari.. performinq the same function but have diff.r.nt titl... H. said this reque.t il for reclaslification to qive th.. the .... title and pay .call. 11.1(2) Raco...ftdatlon lor approval of a r.i~bur....nt to thl d.y.loper of Toll Pla.a R.V. Park lor County r.qu..t.d wat.r ..in oYlr.llinq in the a.ount of $lJ,991.14 Co..i..ion.r Vo.. sdld that th~ County requested a wdter main to b. oversiz. .nd this requ.st II for the r.lmburs.ment for that ite~ to the dev.loper of the Toll PlAza R. V. Pork. ···RICISS. 11,55 A.". RICONVlNED, 1,45 P.M.... 13.A. aeaolutioQ propo..d by ~rality in Media. (Continu.d fro. 2/5/15 _.tlnq Commissioner Coodnlqnt saiQ she r~4u~litea that this It~m b. brouqht back. ~he ..'d she received a letter from ~enator ~nn that stated that th~ bill In the L~li5lature has been jeciOtd not to b. constitutional. ~ne sa!a the resolution th~ Commission has been requeSted to pass does not na~e that Bill and ju~t aSKS th. Commilsion to ..y that the County Commission i8 In favor of soma type of cen.or- .nip. County Attorney 6aunders lði~ tn]t this type ?f resolution ~uld not b. in violation of law. h~ said tn.t "n~ problem he hal, however, 1. that thv r'lolut10~ 18 v~ry broð~ whun It talks about Inoecent .1ICIt.r iaL 16.P.CI) R.co.eendatlon for r.appolnt..nts to the Solid Wa.~. AdYi.ory Co_itte. Administrative Ass1stant lsrap!son said three terms have expired on the bolid ~ðSt~ Aovlsory Committee. ~he said thðt the terms are stag~sred on this Commltte~ ðnd all three m~~bers have indicated their desire to be reappointvd. Commilølon~r Holland s¿id that hu read in the newspaper that fiqur.s qiv.n by the consultants for the resource recovery syst.m are very high .nd that th~ Commltt~e may recommend going to privAce ent~r- pri... Commis.ioner Voss sal0 thðt t1e discussed thlZ matt.r with Dr. Paqt! 18 - .., ~ _._~.-._-_..--_..-". ' t: .~ . -'" ...--............----....--.... - ~ - ....rch 1, 1985 StoKes and ae said it ..y b. possl bll to 10l)k a tad it fe r.nt tlchnol07Y than the one on ~hich the consult.nt. ro~rt.d. eo..islioner "oli.no said It m.y b. pr.matur. for the Commil- sion.rs to vi.it the re.ource recov.ry plant in Pinellas Park, but eo..is.ioner Voss said he thoU<Jht it Wl)uld bot worth..,hile to see it. Assistant County Man.qur Dorrill said he dio not. think tlJere was a dOUòt about proceedinq on this matter, ðadinq th~t the preliminary numbers wwre for 4 vory conv~ntion~l high technology facility. Hot said the Solid Wlst. Advisory Committe~ has h..::ard proposals for othotr technologJ... H. sa1d hot tt o~ht It \oII)uld bo impt'lrtant for tne Co:nmis- .io,lirs to look at the f<'lcll1ty in PinelIas Park. In response to Commlsaioner /loll and's qu.stion reqarding the consultant.' report, Com~lssíoner V"ss said the Commission should wait until a report Is r~:.lv~d from th~ Solid ~ðste Advisory Committ~e. Commissioner H"lland .aid he had no arqu~ent about trying to do sO~.t.hing to protect the envlro~m~nt but thl! figure quotcd by th. consult.nt l.ads hIm to believe the f~clllty will be cost prohibitive. Mr. tnrrill said tnat It was the cons~nsus of the 50 lid ~aste Advi.ory Commltt.e that tn~re Is a noed to pursue "ther technologi.s thl' are available. MOn-a9·nda it... Letter fro. Marco ~.soci.tion of Condominiums re additions to -boat ordinanc~- Ad~lnistratlv. ASsistant Israelson Raid the Mðrco Association of Condominiur.ll feel thertt I:; <I loophole In thl! boat ordinance .nd they h.v. mad. suqqestlons about putting in dlfterunt \oII)rdinq In th~ ordi- nance. Sho said the ^asoclatlon feels that pnr1s!llllnq Is continuing on Marco island. Commlsli1oner Voss s"ld that the partil!s ':He l'slng a lonqer rope to conduct the parasallln~. Con¡mi.sioner Holl"nd s<lld the Sheriff's UIJp.Htment needs to b. encourag.d to enforce the ordinance, but Commissioner Voss s<'Iid the pre.ent ordin~nce does n"t contain anything about the length of the rope. County Attorney Saunders said t'e ordinance only deals with the op.ration of the bO<lt. Dilcus.ion re annu.l Board of County Co..i..ion v.c.tion Commissioner Voss auqgested that the Board hold meetings on June 4 and IS, 1985 and not mvet on July 2 ilnd Ii), IY85. He said there will be budqet..orkshops curing the whold week of July 22, 1985. He .laid the next regular Board :neeting would be in August. He said a Sp.cial Ke.ting to set the maximum 3d valorem tax could b~ on July 30, 1?85. .;; 08R pm 19 Paglf 19 '~.v.. '''~~~--<''___''~''''"~'''''''''~';'''''''. ·"o·~'__"""·<··. ........."___...._..,, III« 086 mt 20 I'Ia rch l, 1985 Dlecueelon ol reque.t lro. the l-.okale. Llttl. Leaque County Manager LuSk said a request has been received from the Im.okalee Little LeaguI for thl use of the I~okale. Airport Park for a ll.sta for March 9, 1985, and this item would be adàed to the 3/5/85 agend a. Added it.. re Water Pollution Control Director Com~issi~ner Voss said the Commission directed the County Manager co hire a wator Pollution Control Director. County Manager Lusk said this position has been advlrtised and It Is a policy decision of the Board as to where the County is going on ~ater pollution this year. Commissioner V08S aald aurinq the eft~rts to get th~ ad vðlorem tax passed for this subject the decision was made to ðsk the Commission to lend the money to the wdter pollution control ~ftort to be paid back when the tax money comes in. Comminsioner holl~nd 8ðid this Item could be included in the ~rkshop on space priorities. Workshop rs space priorities established for 3/6/85 at 9100 A.M. Commission"r Voss suqgestolo that .1 workshop be sct¡eduled for ~/6/85 ~t 9:00 A./'I. to cl~cus~ lipace pr:orJtles ðn~ the Commissioners a~reea. 6.C.(3) R.solution Jpproving and adopting a revised policy report regarding a 1985 Si"91e P£.ily Mortgage ~evenue Bond proqra. for the Collilr County Housing Pinance Authority County Attorney Saunders »~id th"t Attorney Pickworth prepared trllS resolution regardln.. chdnyo!8 In t:1" tðX lalo. Ill" sala h'! 'I"d r.vl~wed the resolution and hao no probl'!m ",Itn It "nd that Mr. Pickworth .....,uld l>e .1t tho! )/S/t!~ b:::C mt."tln~ to eKplðln the mattl!r. 10. E.(l) Reco..endation to avard Bid '789, Workerl' Co.pens.tlon Coverage I<isl( ~"-'n.::ager I'uckett salJ that the recommen::lðtion is to award Hlsk I'Iðndgemer.t Scrvl<:"s to P..:!nn G',ner...l ~~rvlc"s Corporatl~n /lnd lxcess Covloraqe to harbour Insurance Company "..hlcn w.!s bid tnr"ugh Cunninghllm R1Sk Mdnaqem"nt. ~he saio ~ letter WdS rucelved from Atlas Generðl ^gencý st.;¡tlng they did not have iln Interest In continuing the County's coverage. She sðic on 12/17/d4 A c^nc~ll~tlon notice of the coverage by 8lA and Atlas Gen~ral Agency was received. She said the aecision wa. mðd. to go out to bid for thIs Item and discussions ~re h~ld with the C~n.titutlon~l Officers to ascertain wh.;¡t t~tir pJyrolls ~,uld be for tn. ~~riod of tim< under dIScussion. She s~ld bid specs IoJre Pðge 20 t=:) ,--' - -... ---..J t: .~ _~__"__,,,,·_,,,,,_,......,..·.,,,·,._,,_".,,o.,;.,._._~_._,,,,..__;,__"_.,"...."._.........._.... -- - l1l:I - March l, l!)85 co~iled an~ sent out and the bids are now in. She said no bids were received on th. sa.e type of coverage the County had in the pact. She .aid the previous County policy was a fully insured plan and thl County paid a certain ..ount reqardllss of the lOBS.I. She sðid with a retrowpectively rated plan tho County Is baSed on payroll al well.. thl lel.es. She explainod that the insurance company roserv~s the 10.... and the County funds the mon~y over tht number of yearl th. plan i. open, based on the company's reserves to , maximum number of doll.rs. She said this Is similar to a self-insured pl,n. MI. Puckett s.::aid she review~d th~ cost of CJch typo of plan ,nd each .ection of the bid. She said the Item W]S bid so that 1ny service that was bid would be severable from any othvr service. ~he .aid in Claims Administration, P,nn General Services Corporation w^. the lowest bidder. ~~e sðlj she ch~ckoò the compðny ðnd discovvrca thay are qualified to handle the C?unty account. She stated the company 11 the fifth largest Claim Administrator for q.ou~ claims in th, nation and 40' of their business Is Workers' Compensation. Sh~ said Penn Ceneral will querentee their rate for D three y~ar pcrlod based on the renewal being keyod into the Consumer Price injex. In resp.:¡ns. to Commissioner hasse, 1'13. Puckett 9<110 pach company was allowtfj to bid In ð number of ways !n:J Penn Glneral bid Cla im. Administration only bllcau~e when th~y _nt out to find a m,arket for Excess Coverage the markets were tied up anct none was available. She laid that rlarbour Insur^nc~ Comp.Jny, the txcess Insurer th3t she recommends, has approved Penn General handling the C?unty'. claims. Ms. Pu:kett said th~t she ch,cked harbour Insur^nc1I Company and it i. rated by the State as A+15 ðnd Ih~ cl)uld find nothing to Indicate this company w~s having any problems. In answer to C~mml5sloner Holland, ~s. Puc\(ett said that the premium the County would have paid If It h~j stayed with the former Insurer, if the County's l~~ses h30 been $355,2l4.00, would have been $565,050.00. She 8.1id th~ premium she Is proposing at the same losl fiqure will be approximately $430,000.00. She said the stop loss coverage will be set at $150,COO for each claim and ð stop loss cover- aqe of 113\ of annual premium or $550,000.00. She said that 113\, if the County ~nt to d full premi~~, which she did not think would happen, would be a little ovor $700,000. She said approximatvly $19,200 would be paid for the Claims Administrator and approximately $26,000 for the Excess Coverages ~nd 6.6\ Administration Fee to the lOOK 086 ~Ar,t 21 Page 21 ............-_,......._--...,"'~~'"'.·"·,,""'....."'_,,..,."."·',h_,__'._"'·_'....,""..~,,__ .. 086,~t 22 Mar:h 1, 19B!) St.te. Responding to Co~.l.sloner holland, Ms. Vuckett said that the .pecllic exc..I would carry thl County to the Statutory limits ov.r $150,000 and on Coverage -e-, E~ploYlr·. Liability, it would cArry the County to 10 million dollar.. Commissioner Holl.nd roferr.d to an article he r~ad of a ca.. in the Miami area w~lre ~cnt Insurance had one government employ.e who contacteó an Infection due to a sprayød chemical and that person was awarded 16 .illion dollðrs and his attorney was awarded 1.5 ~illion dollars. Me ask.d, if that should happen in Colli.r County, from where could the County pay that difference? County Attorney Saunders said that the County would appeal. Fiscal Officer Giles sðid the aggregate exc.ss coverage is for such instances. Ms. l'uckett said she did not know anything about this case but that she woulo call Metro Dade and ask them about it but that Is an unusual award. She said Harbour Insurance Company bid the highest [_ce.s Coverage. She said over the past six yeörs the County has averaqed ~3l7,000 per year In losses and she figured most of the premiu~ at an .stimated $350,000 in loss~s. A discussion continued r~qardinq tho past 10.s.s in the County. Commissioner hollanc said h~ thou~ht thl! County was taking a g.mble for $100,(;00 a1ff~renc"",lth /I µremlu,'I\ cost of $575,001:' as o~~sed :0 $669,:00 for totdl CQ~.rllge. I'IS. l-uCk.tl. salu I:Irl'vwrJ l0Ur.ty l1~j bbnk,,"o 1.1< million oollars tJ.tween t..1e Intl: est th.. County '!arned !lnd "'hl\t WdS not reserved that '" "1 ther" for tl. Count} to us·. {or other purposes. Sne s"ld that was for l,600 employ.es and Collier County has l,OSO employees. 5h. said ln thot past the rremium!o collt:ct,,"o wrt' cor,sld'Hab1y mort! than _hat w.s pa i d "u t . Commissioner Voss s,'ld If Cf):nml ssi"n~r ho1lan:::1 fel!ls that the 10 million dollar umbr.lla Is InsufficIent perhaps ~F. Puckett coUld investigate 1ncr~dsln~ tha a:nount. CommlSfilnntr Hf)llana requested that ~~. PUCk~tt 1nv~~tiqðte ð hl~n~r umbrellð. 10.1.(2) Reco..endation to approve budget a.end.ent to fund the budget office Bud~et Dlr~ctor Zalk~ exp1~lnud thi~ requ~st fun~s four ~sitions, budg~t Dir~ctor, £ecretary ~~d two budget analysts ðnu that th~ budgt!t .~endment 15 on th~ Cl~rk's R¿port. In response to Com~iss1oner Holland, County ~anagQr Lusk said thðt h~ told tnv Commission tne cost for this item woula be approximately Page 22 ~ c:::=1 r--'I - ._~--- ---,"_Þ..~.,- F'~----- ......_.._;~..,.^..""'"''''".._.....,;o-,_'''' .._"'_'.,,,........_~.,._.. - - - March 1, 1965 .115,000 ana this rlqu.st is for $200,000. 10.1.(3) Rec~n4atlon to ..t.bll.h new po.ltlon de.crlptlon ol DePUty County Manager County Mansg.r Lusk said hi. first step in his office reorgðnlza- tion wa. for an Assistant County Manag.r. He said the Deputy C~unty ".n.qlr will h.ve overall responsibility for the Puolic Servic.s and Coamunity Develo?ment Div1sions ~hlch will result in less people to answer to the County ~~nDger. H~ s~id thet th~ P~rsonnel Department, the Budqet D1rector, Klsk ",enllger 'nd two assistllnts will report to him under this pllln. H~ saia this 1s ~or~ In ~ccordðnce to th, plan r.commended by th~ Art~ur Y"ung Study. He expla1n1d that he el1m1nated . secretary w1th a sa13ry of $12,000 ~~r y~ðr ~no ~llmln~l4d ~ budgøt .ls1stant with ð salary of 524,000 per year, ~h1ch means he has elimi- nated more th!n he has piCkoo up In salaries. Ita saict he can func this po.ition within his budget. Add.d It.. r. ..t.ci.l fro. ths SWFRPC on growth ..nage..nt Commissioner Voss said thð~ he ~nd Commis8i~ner Goodnight reviewed an item that 1s coming b...fore till! LoqI31..1lur~ 'It the SWFfiPC mcetlng which haø to do with growth m)na~e~~nt. H~ said th~ S~FRPC has requested that the Commlsslon~rs r~vl",w thl~ m.1tcrlal and advise them of th.lr relict ions t~ the It!r'1s ;¡nrJ th,)t tho} ~...FRPC wIll carry their r.commendations to Tallahassee. Ita lIðlò h~ h~s given the Co~mlssion.rs copies of this material and he r~quested that someone from Community Developnent be 'ssigned to 'oIOrk ....ith County ^tt"rney Saunders to g.t the County's position known to the 3WFKPC. Mr. Saunders !~id he would ll~e to review thv c"mm~nts with th. County :-\!In.ger. Commissioner GoodnIght said that the Ci ty of N~pl~s ¡>lann~rs and the City Attorney wer~ t~ be consulted ~n this mattur, also. l'.C.(l) Reco...nd.tion to revia. the position d.scription and lncr..I. the p.y grad. of the P.rsonn.l Assist.nt position County Mdnager Lusk laid this requ.st Is fl)r a 5~ Increase for on. position, hQwever, one PQsition In th. Pers~nnel Department has been .liminat.d. DIscu..lon r. policy for bUdg.t ..Indments ov.r $1,000 Fiscal Officer Gil~s said about a year ,go the ~oard passed a r.solut1on saying that If a budget amundm.nt Wd5 for an amount over $1,000 It would need Øo,rd approval. Hft asked if the Board wanted to ?foc..d with this poi Icy? aDO( ()~f)PAGl ~~ P-"gL 23 J--1 'If- . _.._.."'.__.....,,,...,"",_""'.H..b".._;'~_.,,..,,._____ IOK 086p 'cl 24 Much 1, 1985 County Klnager Lu.k sU9gested that the Budget Officer møke a reco..enðation on this ite. at the next workshop. . . . There be1n9 no further bua1nes., the WOrkshop was adjourned by Order ol the Chair - T1.1. 2145 P.". ~ ", ~ r::=J ~ -_...._--.-..._-~ -.._* - "-T-··--·.·----E-· .-.-..,-.. C". ' ,"" ..'1·....·..... ,. -~--~-.....~.....,~,._..,." ."'.....'~"...,-,,.-.-"""-, ".--.------'" Pa91 24