Agenda 03/13/2012 Item #10G3/13/2012 Item 10.G.
Consideration: To discuss the County /Fire District Interlocal Agreement at the 4 -26 -12
BCC -EMS Fire Service Workshop.
With the added permit views by the Collier County Fire Officials, and now to review the site plan
prior to the Planning Commission consideration and recommendation, does not achieve the
objective and goals of the County. The County has been criticized for the length of review and
permitting. Staff has been steadfast in improving the system of review times however with the
Fire Plan Official increasing their work load does not provide for a reasonable government
oversight or a safer product to the Citizens.
CONSIDERATIONS; To discuss the County /Fire District Interlocal Agreement at the 4/26/12
BCC -EMS Fire Service Workshop.
RECOMMENDATION: Direct the County Manager to convey to the Independent Fire
Districts the desire of the BCC to add the Interlocal Agreement issue to the workshop's agenda.
PREPARED BY: Commissioner Tom Henning, District 3
AGENDA DATE: March 13, 2012
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Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 10.G.
3/13/2012 Item 10.G.
Item Summary: To discuss the County /Fire District Interlocal Agreement at the 4 -26 -12
BCC -EMS Fire Service Workshop. (Commissioner Henning)
Meeting Date: 3/13/2012
Prepared By
Name: Evelyn Prieto
Title: Executive Aide to the BCC,
3/6/2012 3:09:50 PM
Submitted by
Title: Executive Aide to the BCC,
Name: Evelyn Prieto
3/6/2012 3:09:51 PM
Approved By
Name: Mitchelllan
Title: Executive Manager, BCC
Date: 3/6/2012 3:48:46 PM
Name: SheffieldMichael
Title: Manager- Business Operations, CMO
Date: 3/6/2012 4:43:43 PM
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}��. .,��v��. - -•• -- 3/13/2012 Item 10.G.
CUU to In DOUD UCOIUD is the 0111CUL UCDIDS of Counit WU>rf'!,
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This Interloca► Agreement ( "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between Collier county, a political
subdivision of the a EMsM�i1 lden Gate Fi e�Control and Rescue �District, Big Corkscrew lslf nd Fire
Control and Rescue ,
Control and Rescue District, Immokatee Fire Control District, .East Naples Fire Control and Rescue District,
Ochopee Fire District, Isles of Capri Municipal Rescue and Fire Services Taxing District, herWnater
collectively referred to as the 'FIRE DISTRICTS."
WHEREAS, the Florida Intertocal Cooperation Act of 1969, § 16301Florida S t �, a xercise joint
exercise of any power, privilege or authority which the public agencies
separately; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the FIRE DISTRICTS are public agencies. within the meaning of the Florida
Intertocal Cooperation Act and desire the joint exercise of power which each might exercise Ileparately'for
the purpose of providing fire prevention within Collier County; and
WHEREAS, Section 553.79(2). Florida Statutes, requires review and approval, by both the BUILDING
OFFICIAL and the demai ion of any of plans and
e a perm specifications uch work may be issued. 'erection,
alteration, repairor
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the mutual promises. M%nants, and
duties hereinafter set forth, the COUNTY and Me FIRE DISTRICTS formally covenant, agre#,, and bind
themselves as follows:
SECTION ONE: Purpose- h- ual fire review nd fire
The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for an expeditious, hig q tty p
inspection prooess for new construction, construction projects and existing structures within the boundaries
of the FIRE DISTRICTS by delineating the responsibilities of the COUNTY and the FIRE DISTRICTS' in
order to enhance service to the citizens of Collier County.
SECTION TWO: OettnRlons.
The following terms as used in this Agreement shall be defined as follows:
ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT - East Naples Fire Control and Rescue District.
and who serves in the absence of the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL pursuant to this agreement.
AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION - The l=ire Chief or hislher designee (Fire Marshal FIRE SAFETY
INSPECTOR or FIRE CODE OFFICIAL) responsible for, and having final authority in h respective
Jurisdiction. in both new and existing construction % FS 633.121).
BOARD - The Collier County Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals as established in pivision 5.4 of the
Collier County Land Development Code.
BUILDING CODE- The Florida Bulldng Code 2001, as adopted by Collier County Ordinance No. 2002 -01.
BUILDING OFFICIAL - The Collier County Building Review and Permitting Director or his Ctssignes.
COUNTY -The general-purpose government of Collier County, which is a political subdivbf on of the State of
FIRE CODE - The Collier County Fire Prevention Ordinance, Ordinance No. 2002 -49, the State Minimum
Fire Safety Standards and the State Free Marshal's Uniform Fire Standards sot forth in Chopter633, Florida
Statutes and any successor or amendment thereto during the tlfe of this Agreement.
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hRE CODE OFFICIAL - The Individual appointed by the FIRE DISTRICTS and employed by-the 12C
ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT who is responsible for the following duties:
1. The accurate and Jim" review of building permit applications, plans and spiftiFications for
compliance with the applicable FIRE CODE:
2 The performance of statutory functions of the Fire Marshal and FIRE CODE OFFICIAL for
fire plan review
3. Providing Collier County with assistance in updating the FIRE CODES and related
4. Managing and over- seeing all employees and records of the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL'S Office
on a daily basis including time sheets and expenditures;
S. Providing training as needed to office staff and fire district personnel: l budget to the
6. Presenting a preliminary budget to the Fire Chief of each district, and a fina
Fire Chief of the ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT or his/her designee; and
7. Participating as a member of the Collier County Fire Marshals Association.
FIRE DISTRICTS The independent' fire control and rescue districts operating within Collier. county,
including North Naples, Golden Gate, Big Corkscrew Island, Immokalee, East Naples and the dependent
districts of Ochopee and Isis of Capri.
FIRE SAFETY INSPECTOR - The individual appointed to carry out the functions identified 4V and referenced
in Chapter 553., Florida Statutes, Building Construction: Standards, and Chapter 633, Florid* Statutes, Fire
Prevention and Control. Such individual must be certified by the Division of State Fire Marc W' pursuant to §
1333.05, Florida Statutes. The term as used In this Agreement may refer to the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL, th,e
ASSISTANT FIRE CODE OFFICIAL, Fire Marshal, or a FIRE SAFETY INSPECTOR emptoted by one of the
FIRE SERVICE STEERING COMMITTEE - A Florida corporation created 1 e day Qf March:1991
NEW .CONSTRUCTION OR CONSTRUCTION - These terms Include any construction, erection, alteration,
repair or demolition of a building.
SECTION THREE: Administration of Fin District Duties.
In order to implement their duties and obligations under this Agreement, the FIRE DISTRICTS
have entered into separate interiocal agreements with the ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT. The FIRE
DISTRICTS represent to the COUNTY that the ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT is these
interiocal agreements to employ personnel, tease office space, receive payments, disburselfunds, and
otherwise operate to represent the FIRE DISTRICTS and administer the FiRE DISTRICTS'Iduties under this
Agreement. The COUNTY, based upon the FIRE DISTRICTS' representations, agrees to recognize the
ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT as the FIRE DISTRICTS' agent for the Implementation and administration of
this Agreement.
The FIRE DISTRICTS agree to provide to the County a FIRE CODE OFFICIAL and an AS$ISTANT FIRE
The FIRE CODE OFFICIAL shall have the following quaMbations:
t. A minimum of ten (10) years experience reviewing construction plans for FIRE )ODE
compliance. A combination of training and experience may be considered.
2. A Fire Protection Engineering Degree is preferred, but an otherwise qualified cindidate with
an Associates Degree In Fire Science or Administration, with a combination of abditional
training and experience is eligible for the position.
3. Fire Service experience Including tire district operations and fire prevention is desired.
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4. Experience in National Fire Protection Association codes and Model Code interpretation and
enforcement. 12C 5. Certification as a Florida Municipal Fire Inspector
6. Managerial skills that can be demonstrated either by experience or training.
7. The ability to provide a precise, technical and timely examination of construction plans and
Specifications for the purpose of determining adequacy of fire and life safety feaUms.
B. All legally required ficenses and certifications to fulfill his or her duties as outlined in this
Agreement including, but not limited to, all licenses and, certifications that may required by
Section 553.78 and Chapter 633, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time.
The ASSISTANT FIRE CODE OFFICIAL shall meet the minimum qualifications set forth In paragraphs 3-8
it shall be the responsibility of the ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT to ensure that the FiRE COME OFFICIAL
and ASSISTANT FIRE CODE OFFICIAL have and -maintain the qualifications outlined In this section.
FIVE: Fins Plan Rsvkm Procedure.
The FIRE CODE OFFICIAL shall review the building construction plans and specifications of all new
construction and construction projects, except for one and two family dwellings, for compliance with the FIRE
1.The- COUNTY shall provide copies of all commercial and multi- family building perslit
applications with plans and specifications as submitted by the applicant. The FIRE,OODE OFFICIAL
shall review such applications by the and of ten (10) working days following the day 4he building
pan-nk application is received and deemed sufficient. Single family and duplex resitbntial plans shall
not be part of the fire plan review process.
2. The FIRE CODE plan review shall be performed by the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL *hile COUNTY
staff is reviewing separate copies of the building plans for compliance with the Building, Plumbing:
Mechanical, and Electrical Codes and performing other reviews that are performedby COUNTY-.-
3. After completing it's review, the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL'S Office shall submit themviewed plans
along with its comments to the COUNTY for the COUNTY'S review and to assure 1ponsistency with
the BUILDING CODES (Phimbing, Mechanical, Building and Electrical Code). Any#nconsistencies
shall be resolved pursuant to Section Ten of this Agreement.
4. Attar the construction plans have been reviewed and approved by the COUNTY3and FIRE CODE
OFFICIAL, the FIRE CODE OFFiCIAL shalideiiver one (1) copy of :the plans to thil particular FIRE
DISTRICT in which the construction is to occur. The FIRE DISTRICT hereby agrees to critique, with
respect to the FIRE CODE, the review of the plans by the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL.
5. The FIRE DISTRICT shall, to the extent possible, within ten (10) working days after receipt of the
plans notify the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL of any objections or comments the FIRE DISTRICT may
have with regard to review and/or modifications of the plans.
Required Inspections and Fees.
1 Inspections During C Mkijetio+ of Buildings.
The FIRE DISTRICTS agree to perform► the foitowir►g inspections during construction of Wiidings and the
COUNTY agrees to pay the ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT at the rate provided in Collier Bounty Resolution
No. 2001 -313, and any amended or swoessor resolution, for the Inspections.
(a) Fire stopping /'Draft stopping
1. At time of installation of penetrations through rated assemblies
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(b) Temporary Stand Pipe
1. After third floor 12C
2. Location
3, inspection at each floor
4. Fire department access
s. operation
(c) Exit Lights
1. Location
2. Type...
s. operation
(d) Smoke Detector
1. Location
2. Type
3. operation
(e) Heat Detectors
1. Location
2. Type
3. Operation
(f) Doors
1. Type
2. Rating
3. Self closures
4. Panic hardware
5. Locks
6. Operation
(g) Emergency Lighting
1. Type
2. Location
3. operation
(h) Trash Chub
1 Location
2. Rating
3. Sprinklers in chute
4. Sprinklers in trash room
5. Height at roof
(1) Emergency Generator operation
0) Elevator operation During Alarm
(k) Fire Department access
1. Fire lanes
2. Turning Radius
3. Obstructions
(I) Notice of Compliance Inspection
(m) Stand Pipes
1. Fire hose cabinets
(aa) Location
(bb) Fire hose
i. Location
ii. Type
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iii. Length
Iv. Nozzle
2. Pressure Test
3. Location
4. Location of FDC
5. Roof Manifold
(aa) Location
(bb) Pressure
6. Operation
(n) Fira Pump
1. Type
2. Size
3. Valves
4. Flow switches
5. Tamper switches
6. Location
7. Operation
(0) Fire Alarm
1. Speakers
(aa) Type
2. Pull Stations
(aa) Type
(bb) Location
(cc) Operation
3. Phone Jacks
(aa) Type
(bb) Location
(cc) Operation
4..PJL System
S. Tapelalarm system
6. Central Station
7. Operation of alarm
(p) Fire Extinguisher
1. Size
2- Location
3. Type
4. , Service Tag
(q) Any other fire inspections required to verify FIRE CODE compliance.
2 Cons+nrtion Protect Inspections.
The FIRE DISTRICTS agree to perform the following inspections and the COUNTY agreesato Pay the
ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT at the rate provided in Collier County Resolution No. 2001 -313, and any
amended or successor resolution, for the; inspections.
(a) Fire Sprinkler System Installations
The following Inspections shall be performed:
1. Pressure test
2. Pressure test after 2 hours
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OR: Luo ruo- you
3. Location of head
4. Type of heads 12C
5. Fire department correction
6. Location of fire department connection
7. Gauges
a. Operation
9. Notice of compliance inspection
(b) Hood System Installation or Spray Booth installation
The following Inspections shall be conducted on kitchen hood systems or spray
booths with dry chemical, carbon dioxide or halon systems:
1. Piping
2. Heads - location
3. Size
4. Type
5. Service tag
6. Fan
7. Height
a. Clearances
9. Operation
10. Notice of compliance inspection.
(c) Flammable Liquids and Gas Tank Installations
The following inspections shall be performed:
1. Location
2. Anchoring
3. Piping
4. Notice of compliance inspection
(d) Fire Hydrant installations
The following inspections shall be performed:
1. Thrust block inspection
2. Type
3. Height from streamer port to ground.
4. Threads
5. Location
6. Access
7. Notice of compliance inspection
(e) L P. Gas installations
The following inspections shall be performed:
1. Location
2. Anchoring
3. Piping
4. Notice of compliance inspection
(f) Minimum Fire Inspection Fee.
3. Re- inspection fees.
The COUNTY shall pay the ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT in accordance with Collier County re- inspection
fee schedule found In Collier County Resolution 2001 -313, and any amended or successa# resolution, for
every property documented re- inspection conducted by the FIRE DISTRICTS.
4. Certificate of 000211100
No Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until a determination is rendered` by the BUILDING OFFICIAL, or
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his f her designee, that the constriction is in compliance with the Statewide BUILDING CODEIS (Plumbing,
Mechanical, Building and Electrical Code) as adopted b the County, and a Notice of Fire Compliances
issued. 12C
� � nu.r..�rennani et Inspection Fee$,.
The COUNTY shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of fees to the ADMIN d � nVE
DISTRICT, including building plan review, fire inspection fees and fire re- inspection fees, bash
information provided by the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL and the FIRE DISTRICTS. Disbursementlto the
ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT shall occur by the twentieth (20th) working day following the k*t day of the
calendar month in which the tees were collected. A copy of the COUNTY'S distiibution listino by district shall
be provided along with the check and the calculation sheet of the amount being remitted.
CTION SEVEN: Required inspection for Existing Structures.
The FIRE DISTRICTS agree to perform the following inspections on existing structures withkt their districts at
no charge to the COUNTY. These inspections to be performed include, but are not limited to the following
types of inspections:
(a) Fire Extinguishers
t . Type
2. Size
3. Location
4. Height
5. Service Tag.
(b) Means of Egress
1. Fire Rating
2. Doors
3. Emergency' Lighting
4. Obstruction
S. Travel Distance
(c) Fire Sprinkler
1. Verify existing Fire Sprinkler Systems have been inspected per NFPA 25.
(d) Fire Alarms
1. Manual Pull Stations Locations
2. Smoke Detector Locations
3. Heat Detector Locations
SECTION EIGHT: Position Funding.
The office of the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL shall be funded by the current funding operation. the current
funding arrangernent is specified in Collier County Resolution 2001 -313 and any amended or successor
resolution. The fire plan review fees shall continue to be collected by the County and forwarded to the
ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT in the appropriate amount. The ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRK:T shall utilize
these funds to support the budget for the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL'S Office.
1. The FIRE CODE OFFICIAL shall represent all independent and dependent FIRI DISTRICTS in
Collier County, which are parties to this Agreement.
2. The COUNTY shall provide rental office space within the Community Development and
Environmental Services building for the office of the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL to codducf his duties.
Said rental space shall be provided in accordance with the Lease Agreement datsd
entered into between the County and the East Naples Fire ContrV and-Rescue
District, which Lease is attached hereto as Exhibit 'A.' Said Lease Agreement addresses the amount
of rent to be paid to Collier County for the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL'S Office and a0o addresses Issues
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such as access to the COUNTY'S computer system, office equipment and telephone pystem to the 12C
FIRE CODE OFFICIAL'S OFFICE. 3. The FIRE CODE OFFICIAL'S office shall be open during the normal business houhs of other
offices in the Development Services building.
4. The FIRE DISTRICTS shall provide FIRE SAFETY INSPECTORS, in accordance with Chapter
633, Florida Statutes, to perform the required fire inspections listed In Section Six of leis Agreement.
The FIRE DISTRICTS need not provide certified FIRE SAFETY INSPECTORS to peliform
Inspections of existing structures pursuant to Section Seven of this Agreement, howeiver, these
inspections shall be performed by appropriately trained personnel of the FIRE DISTRICTS.
5. The COUNTY "I provide the necessary enforcement authority for the FIRE DISTRICTS to
conduct plan review and inspections for new construction.
6. The FIRE DISTRICTS agree to continue to enforce the FIRE CODE on existing bt(ildings and
when violations are found the FIRE DISTRICTS, or anyone of them, shatll pursue enforcement
through the Collier County Code Enforcement Board, State Attorney, or other agencies as
allowed by law. The FIRE DISTRICTS, or anyone of them, shall in coordination with County staff
prepare and present the case to these agencies, perform all follow -up Investigations) and provide
any necessary documentation for future action by the FIRE DISTRICTS, or anyone 61 them, with
the agency involved.
7. The COUNTY shall adopt the FIRE CODE(s) required by Florida Statutes and shalt review
amendments thereto requested by the FIRE DISTRICTS.
S. The FIRE CODE OFFICIAL and his / her office staff shall be employees of the ADMINISTRATIVE
DISTRICT and subject to the personnel policies and rules of the ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT and
policies and procedures developed for this office. In no event is the COUNTY inteniled to stand In,
an employer - employee relationship with either the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL or ASSIStANT FIRE.
SECTION TEN: Conflicts NW Apparels.
t. In the *vent of a conflict between the applicable minimum` BUILDING CODE and this applicable
minimum FIRE CODE, it shall be resolved by agreement between the BUILDING Of FICIAL and the
FIRE CODE OFFICIAL in favor of the requirement of the code, which offers the grootest degree of
life safety or altemathres which would provide an equivalent degree of rife safety anill an equivalent
method of construction.
2 In the event that the BUILDING OFFICIAL and FIRE :CODE OFFICIAL are unable t agree on a
resolution of the conflict between the applicable minimum BUILDING CODE and thp applicable
minimum FIRE CODE, the BUILDING OFFICIAL shall render a temporary decision'to resolve the
3. An applicant for a building permit may appeal any decision made by the FIRE CODS OFFICIAL and
the BUILDING OFFICIAL or any temporary decision made by the BUILDING OFFiOIAL to the
BOARD in accordance with the procedures stated In Division 5.4 of the Collier Corrity Land
Development Code. Should construction continue during the appeal of a decision at temporary
decision, It shall beat the risk of the contractor or permit holder.
4. All decisions of the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL andlor the BUILDING OFFICIAL and a{l1decisions of the
Board shall be in writing. Decisions of general application shall be indexed by Building and FIRE
CODE sections and shall be available for inspection at the COUNTY'S Development Services
building during normal business hours.
5. In the event a conflict of code or interpretation develops between the FIRE CODE4)FFICIAL and a
representative of one of the FIRE DISTRICTS, the conflict shall be resolved by o6mmittee of
members to be known as the Fire Board of Adjustments and Appeals. The persoAs on this
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,committee shall be the Fire Marshals or Fire Official of each participating Fire District,; The Board
shall operate in accordance with the procedures attached majority vote. COMMI# decisions of hber1 2 0
shall have one (1) vote and any decision shall be rends y j
committee shall be in writing and mailed to shall not have, a vote E the issues ICIIAL and the
BUILDING OFFICIAL. The disagreeing parties
6. Major field modifications shall be directed through the FIRE CODE OFFICIAL'S Offioi3 byway of a
revision process.
Any notice made pursuant to this Agreement by the COUNTY to the ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT shall be
in writing and delivered by hand or by the United States Postal Service, certified mail, retum'recsipt
requested. postage prepaid, addressed to the following: East Naples Fire Control and Resc District, 4798
Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104. All invoices and payments shall be sent to the East Naps Fire Control
and Rescue District. Any notice required or made pursuant to this Agreement by the ADMINISTRATIVE
DISTRICT to the COUNTY shall be In writing and delivered by hand or by the United StatesPostal Service
certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to the following: County iAdministrator,
Coiner County Government Center, 3301 Tamiaml Trail East, Naples Florida 34112, with a tyopy to
Administrator, Community Development & Environmer►tatServices Division, 2800 North NoFseshoe Drive,
Naples, Florida 34104.
Any notice required to be provided to any FIRE DISTRICT shall be malted to the Chief of tht Fire District at
the fire station in which his office is located.
SECTION TWELVE: Term and Termination.
The Agreement shall remain In effect until terminated by either-the COUNTY or the ADMINISTRATIVE
DISTRICT. The COUNTY or the ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT may terminate this Agreement with or without
cause by providing written notice to all other parties to this agreement. Such termination shall be effective
forty -five (45) days from receipt of such written notice.
If an independent or dependent Fire District that is a party to this Agreement wishes to withpraw from this
Agreement, it shalt provide written notice of ft withdrawal to the COUNTY and the COUNT`V shall have forty-
five (45) days to give notice of termination to the ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT 4 the COUNTY wishes to
terminate this Agreement. If no such termination notice is delivered by the COUNTY, this *6reement shall be
deemed modified to exclude the withdrawing district.
SECTION THIRTEEN: Entire Agreement and Amendment of this Agreement.
This Agreement contains the complete and entire understandi<tg of the parties. Other than:ias stated in
Section Twelve, this Agreement may only be amended by a written instrument duly execuliad by the parties
with the same formalities as the original.
SECTION FOURTEEN: Termination of Prior lnteMocai Agreements.
Upon the effective date of this Agreement, all prior interbcal agreements between the COUNTY and the
FIRE DISTRICTS on the same subject shall be terminated.
In Wince with § 163.01 (11), Florida Statutes, this Agreement shall be recorded by this Clerk of the
Circuit Court in the official records of . Collier County, Florida.
SECTION SIXTEEN: Effectivs Data.
This.Agreement shall become effeMlVe upon its execution by the COUNTY and the FIRE.)DISTRICTS and its
filing in the Official Records of Collier County, Florida.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement was signed, seated and witnessed on °the respective dates set
forth below. 12C
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RorSert N. Za
Assistant County Attorney
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RorSert N. Za
Assistant County Attorney
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3/13/2012 Item 10.G.
From: HenningTom
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 11:57 AM
To: CasalanguidaNick; LongoRicco
Cc: GustTatiana; FrenchJames; TorreJohn; OchsLeo; Kathy Curatolo; mike;
HillerGeorgia; FialaDonna; CoyleFred; ColettaJim; kschuldt;
ostolts; bobmetzger; chief; PurcellTom;
McLaughlinAlan; PrietoEvelyn
Subject: RE' BD-PL2010 7979
Thank you for bring up an overdue topic for discussion. I have heard from frustrated HOA's and the Business Community
about a lack of reasonable oversight. Fire Code Officials wanting to review zoning applications is another example of
government gone wild.
I will place this item on the Commissioners agenda in March.
Commissioner Henning
From: MarcellaJeanne On Behalf Of CasalanguidaNick
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 1:33 PM
To: LongoRicco
Cc: GustTatiana; FrenchJames; TorreJohn; OchsLeo; Kathy Curatolo; mike; HillerGeorgia;
FialaDonna; CoyleFred; ColettaJim; HenningTom; kschuldt; ostolts;
bobmetzger; chief; PurcellTom; McLaughlinAlan
Subject: RE: BD- PL2010 -979
Importance: High
Good Afternoon Ricca,
I sincerely appreciate your open invitation to discuss the development review process with
the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), the Planning Commission and the public. I will take
that as an open invitation to include the district chiefs, the fire commissioners, the
Chamber of Commerce, CBIA and other mutual customers.
It has been slightly over two years since the BCC and the County Manager gave direction to
consolidate the Transportation Division and Community Development into the new Growth
Management Division. Our community was in the middle of a severe recession, home prices
tumbled, layoffs and foreclosures skyrocketed and the building industry suffered the worst
downturn in Collier County history. My first action as the deputy was to lay off more staff
and begin a restructuring plan that drastically improved customer service, increased
efficiency and modernized our development review tools. James French and the rest of the
management team shared the passion and joined me in that endeavor and soon the whole
organization began to speak with one voice. We made it a management mission statement to be
"Self Correcting." in fact, we set up mandatory customer service training for all of our
staff. We recognized that the same customers that walked through our doors were also our
neighbors. Their kids and ours attend the same schools, the same places'of worship and are
active community members just like us. Our team made a commitment to improve and take
responsibility. We invited CBIA and other customers into our business. We asked them to look
over our processes, provide guidance and partner with us. Our mandate fPom the county manager
-as clear: "Better, faster and cheaper with a smile and with no degradation to public safety
id quality of place."
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At the same time, Fire Review chose a different approach. You embarked on a $2.5 million
capital project to construct a new review and training center. You increased fees and ,rAI*,
increased the type and quantity of reviews required for approval. I was at a loss to explain
why you would want to move out of our building when you paid only 40 thousand dollars a year
for rent including IT and support services. I suspect the 0 & M costs of the new building
exceed the rent you paid in our building. Much of our building is empty with many offices and
meeting spaces collecting dust. Our common customers now have to go to -two different
locations to receive service. This occurred while the independent fire districts suffered
huge reductions in revenue commensurate with the staggering reductions in taxable values.
Their first responders faced layoffs and other cuts. I'm sure they would have appreciated a
say in the expenditure of the large cash accumulation from fire review fees. We recognize the
challenges created by the introduction of our Land Development software, the design of which
your staff was intimately involved; however, the difficulty in smoothly making this
transition and successfully training staff have been severely hampered by the increased
number of permit types your office is now requiring to review and navigating through the
logistics challenges that have resulted from your office relocation. The move has reduced the
easy joint access of our customers to all reviewers and has eliminated the one -stop shop
philosophy. It has significantly reduced overall levels of service. I would ask you to
explain how the move made things better.
As I review your comments on BD- PL2010 -979, I find myself again asking the question: Why
would you demand to review a boat dock extension only to have your comments state that you
will scrutinize the NFPA requirements during the Site Development Plan`(SDP) phase? Further
you state "Based on the limited information provided with the BD- PL2010. -979, compliance will
include, but it is not limited to the following.." You then recite the codes that the SDP will
need to follow. Not to'mention that the building permit will also be reviewed by Fire Review.
Staff informed you that a Boat Dock Extension still requires an SDP along with a building
permit and it provides limited construction information for you to scrutinize. Therefore,
there is no value to your review and no public safety consideration at this time.
As we continue to improve and expedite permits, our staff is spending more time trying to
explain to our customers the rationale behind Fire Review, the disconnect in dissimilar
customer service levels and that Fire Review is not a function of Collier County government.
Our Interlocal provides that we collect your fees and distribute plans to your office with no
ability to hold you accountable for your actions. The applicants (architects, engineers,
builders and planners) know that we are independent, but the owners of development projects
see us as the same entity. Even with the applicants' understanding of our independence their
frustration cannot be directed to just one of our operations.
When considering all of the above and the desperate need for our community to move past this
downturn, I would like to make some proposals and offer the following items up for discussion
to your office, the fire chiefs and fire commissioners:
1. I would like to offer space to your team in our building. I would let you choose the
locations from any vacant areas in the building. I would ask the County Manger the
permission to approach our board for an update to the Interlocal agreement and provide
this space at no charge to Fire Review. This would allow you to reduce fees, reduce
review types, improve review times and increase customer service.'The new building you
reside in could be sold, 0 & M expenses could be eliminated and moneys returned to fire
districts to support first responders. Our mutual customers would reap the benefit of
the one -stop shop again. As an alternative, I think we need to revisit the Interlocal
agreement and consider a complete separation of our services. We are either united in
spirit /agreement or compete to provide service as individual agencies. I know my
preference is a unified approach for the benefit of our community and our customers but
I know we would welcome the challenge of competing for customer satisfaction.
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2. It has been about two years since our customer service training was completed and we at
GMD are looking forward to the next level training opportunity. I would like to offer
Fire Review staff to join us with this training and make it an ongoing requirement for
employment. We could have an independent third party provide assessments on our
3. I would like to have an independent task force compare review fees, review times,
review requirements and processes for both of us and look for a best practices model.
We would look at our direct neighbors and similar communities in Florida. I would also
like to suggest to the Fire Chiefs another alternative. Update the Interlocal to have
Fire Review management and operations controlled under Collier County government. The
Fire Review official would have autonomy on review discretion with regard to NFPA
requirements but day to day operations, management and customer service requirements
would be unified under one command.
4. Update the Interlocal to have field inspectors under unified control with the building
inspectors group having complete autonomy for NFPA requirements. The inspection fees
could be shared with the independent districts which could potentially offset some of
their operating costs.
The BCC will be meeting with the fire chiefs and fire commissioners soon to discuss transport
and consolidation. I think these ideas are ripe for discussion. It's not about superiority
between the GMD or Fire Review, it's about going back to a point where the community trusts
us and has faith we are united for their benefit not ours.
I sincerely look forward to a productive discussion on these matters.
Nick Casalanguida
From: Ricco Longo [rlongo
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 9:06 AM
To: GundlachNancy
Cc: FialaDonna; HillerGeorgia; HenningTom; CoyleFred; ColettaJim; BroughamPhil; HomiakKaren;
SchifferBrad; Vonier Bill; EbertDiane; K1einBarry; AhernMelissa; pmidney(dcollier ore;
StrainMark; eastmatha)collier k12 fl us; FederNorman; CasalanguidaNick; BellowsRay; Robert
Salvaggio; Ed Riley; FrenchJames; Sal D'Angelo
Subject: BD- PL2010 -979, The Dunes
Good Morning Nancy -
Despite the fact that neither the original submittal documents provided'lin June of 2010 nor
any of the subsequent re- submittals in March and August of 2011 were routed to Fire Code
Office for review, we appreciate the opportunity to make comment at thil time on this project
with respect to firesafety laws and rules applicable to this particular'project.
Unfortunately, as discussed yesterday, having received the documents for review at this late
stage of the permit process, prohibits our Office from making comments in the CityView system
in the manner consistent with today's practices. It was suggested thatin order for our
Office to make comments regarding compliance with applicable Fire Codessat this stage of the
Permit process, we should send notice to you and ask for you to amend your Staff Report, but
ter speaking with you and Ray yesterday, it was my understanding that sit may be too late
.ar that as well.
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So, based on Ray's suggestion, this Office would like to request that:the following comments
be added to the `Correspondence File' for this permit. Our hope and intent is that this
mechanism will make the agent, the applicant and any other concerned parties aware of the
applicable fire code requirements relative to this project. This, in turn, we trust will
provide all concerned parties with a clear understanding of the nature of Code compliance
expected at the SDP submittal relative to the various code requirements and the extent of
those requirements.
The SDP review will be scrutinized for compliance with all applicable sections of
NFPA 303, Fire Protection Standard for Marinas and Boatyards (2006 edition).
• Based on a cursory review of the limited information provided with the BD- PL2010-
979, compliance will include, but is not limited to the following:
o Placement of portable fire extinguishers in accordance with Chapter 6 and sections 6.2.1
and 6.2.2 in particular.
• A Class I fire standpipe system in accordance with sections 6.4.1 through 6.4.6
• Fire department access, fire hydrants and fire department connections relative to the
dock and standpipe system will also be scrutinized further.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Ricco Longo
2700 North Horseshoe Drive
Naples, Florida 34104
239.687.5650 (office)
239.687.5651 (fax)
rloneo(akcfco. ore
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Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send
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