BCC Minutes 03/13/1985 S
H.ple., 'lorida, March 13, 1985
LIT IT 81 REMEMBERED, that a .ajority of the &?ard having given
approval .nd the Clerk having given proper notice in accordance with
Ordinance No. 75-16, the Board of County Co..i..loner. in and for the
County of Collier .et in &KIaGa.cy ."'101 on this date at 10130 A.M.
In 8uildin~ -,. of the Courthou.e CO.plex, Ea.t Naple., 'lorida, with
the following .e.ber. pre.entz
CHAIRMAN: 'rederick J. Vo..
Max Ha..e
Anne Goodn igh t
ASSENTz John A. Pistor
C. C. -Reid- Holland
ALSO PRESENTs !linor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk, Burt L. Saunder.,
County AttorneYI and Deputy OIlef Ray¡nond BoIrnlttt.
Discussion of the Watltr Shortage Emerqency
Co..is.ionltr Vo.. .ald the purpose of thl. Enerqlncy Ses.lon was
.. to discu.s the water shortaqe Itmerqency. He .ald no action could be
taken since therlt vere not four .ltmbers present.
Mr. Tilford Creel, Deputy Dlrotctor, SI)uth Florida Water Manae:¡...nt
Dlstri~~, Itat.d that conditions are generally bad throuqhout the
8ixteen County area under the SFWMD and particularly bad in Le. and
Collier Countie.. He said that the SP'WI'tD developed a plan durine:¡ the
1980-81 drouqht that is equitable. He laid the SFWMD is rlquestine:¡
that Pha.. I b. used in Eastern Collier County and Lee County eff.ctive
March 20, 1985. He said in the Coastal Ree:¡ion the SFWMD i. requeltine:¡
90ine:¡ to Phase II that i. for sever. water shortaqe. He said if there
ia no rain by April he would eXpdct to 90 to Phase I I in Eastern
Colli.r County and Le. County and to Phase III in thl Coastal Region.
H. .aid Mr. Fr.d Vidze. will be the point of contact for the SFWMD for
this area.
Mr. C.rl Weehloke of the SfWMD, used slides to illustrat. the
rainfall that ha. occurred in Collier County, which has be.n 25~ to 75'
of the normal rainfall. H. laid from May 1984 to February 1985 ColU.r
County's rainfall was about 35 inches with normal rainfall b.ing 49
inch... He ..id fro. October 1984 t.o February 1985 the norul rainf.ll
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would b. fro. 10 to 11 inch.. clnd it was only 5 to 6 inch.s. H. ..id
the SFWMD's ..t.rologi.t indicate. the long range for.cast .hows no
change in the .xisting weather patt.rn. which h.v. prevent.d front.
fro. co.ing down and giving nor..l winter rainfall. H. .aid during
"-rch, April and Kly incr....d de..nd. ar. .xp.ri.nced in the ar.a.
Mr. WOehloke shov.d .lide. th.t indicated lower wat.r tabl.. in
.r.. .onitor well. and compared the water levels to the drought. in
1980-81 and 1974-75. He said the wells are either at the salDe level or
lower than during those drought..
Dr. Pat Gl.a.on, of SFWMD, di.tribut.d copi.. of a report regard-
ing the Coa.tal Ridg. Aquif.r. H. said that the situation is on. of
d.terioration of vat.r l.v.ls and ..v.re .alt wat.r intrusion. He .aid
that the salt vat.r intrusion is the high..t l.v.l of chlorid.. and the
farthe.t inland ~ovem.nt of lalt watltr intrusion during the period of
r.cord. He ref.rr.d to the ~ap in the report which indicate. the moni-
toring vellfield which runs parallel to S.R. 851. He .aid thlt SFWMD
set up a proqram with the City of Napl.s to establish certain critical
levels In the 7 monitoring wells and when they dropp.d to sea level or
belov this would be thlt time to Implement cutbacks in the amount of
vater that wa. b.ing used. H. said 5 of the monitoring wells h~ve
dropp.d below sea level clnd the chlorid.s have increased. In r,spons.
to Co..is.ioner Vo.., Mr. Gl.ason ~aid the potable limit i. 250 .pl for
water. H. said that Naples has two well fields, the Coastal Ridge
w.llfi.ld and the East Golden Gate wellfield. He .xplained that the
.trategy that ha. b.en implement.d, when conditions get dry ana d..and
is high, is that pumpage is shift.d to the Eaat Golden Gat. wellfi.ld
to protect the Coastal aquifer. He Baid the ....111 are from 60' to 100'
deep. He displayed ð slide that shl)wed the pumpage trend and explained
the total .onthly pumpage figures. He explained a chart that reflect.d
variations of pumpage in peak days in the Coastal Ridge wollfield and
said the peak is lower than during 1980-81. He showed a chart for
pu.page in the East Golden Gate wellfi.ld showing an increase in pump-
age and explain.d the plan to pump from this area prltdominately and as
little from the Coastal Ridge wellfield as pos.ible. He showed a chart
of the Mðrco I.land Utiliti.s pumpag. and said there has been high
pumpage in that area. He .aid that the chlorid. concentrations are
varying at the ~rco Pit betwe.n 150 and 180. He said this i. close to
the thr.shold of potability and the pit i. currently below sea level.
He .aid this 1. of great concern to the SFWMD and ~his is a reason to
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ré-ex..ine an interconn.ction betveen Marco I.land Utilitie. and the
County utility as . .afeguar~ if anything vent vrong vith the Marco
I.land Utilltie..
Mr. ~.hlok' explain.d that a Water Shortage Plan WeI. P....d by
the SFWMD Board in 1982 a. required by the Stat. .nabling l.gi.lation.
HI .aid this i. a plan to manag. water r..ource .hort.g.. throughout
the Di.trict. H. said, in addition, local units of governm.nt may have
th.ir 0"" plan. ~ said the SP",oiMD Plan regulat.s the use of all fr..h
and brackish W.ter and not salt vater. H. .aid that va.tewater re-use
I. not r..tricted by the Hater Shortage Plan and golf course. are not
restricted in terms of water us.. Ife said that dis:>osal of treated
sewag. .fflu.nt ia n.ce.sary. f~ said this Plan re.tricts all users of
vatar, wh.th.r a p.r.on i. on .n individual w.ll or u... utility vater.
He said the Plein divide. the Di.trict into a number of basins and the
Coa.tal Collier County Ba.in applies to one area where Pha.e II i.
going to be impo..d. He show.d a alide depicting a chart th.t list.d
reatriction. and .aid that four pha.es have b.en identifiQd, mod.rat.,
.ev.re, extreme and critical. He .aid Pha.e I is mod.rate. H~
.xplained the ....nti.l u..., dom..tic u.es, utility u.e., industrial
proce.. UI", outdoor irrigation, and agricultur. u.... H. showed a
.lide d'Pictin~ mi.c.l1an.ous u... such as air conditioning and
Mr. WOehlok. .aid once tne law is i.plemented the SF~MD i.
conc.rn.d with inequitie.. H. .xplained the varianc. process whereby
r.qu..ts for v~r\anc.s are submitted, decisions are mad. within five
d.y. by .taff and r.co..endation. are given to the Executiv. Director.
He .aid variance. that r.quir. i.m'diate action are decided by the
Executiv. Dir.ctor .nd the varianc.. qo to the Board for a final
dechion. He said that the Sf'~MD reli.s on the support and cooperation
of the local gov.rnments and utilities.
Attorn.y Stanl.y Diago, of the SFWMD, s~id in 1982 in the pr~ce..
of dev.loping the plan the approach was to .eek unifor~ity and the
SFWMD encourage. the counti.. to adopt ordlnanc.. vhich incorporate the
SFWMD Wat.r Shortaq. Plan. He said und.r the SFWMD ordinanc. a
violation i. a second d.gre. misd.meanor. He said it is a les..r
degre. of violation under a county ordinanc.. He said the counties can
ke.p mon.y from fin.. if it i. a county ordinance and local law
enforcement offic.r. are u.ed to .nforce their own ordinance..
h. and County Attorney Saunders have worked out an ordinance to
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pr.s.nt.d when a quorua i. pr..ent.
Mr. Saund.rs ..id h. h.s r.-dr.ft.d the ordinanc. .nd h. sU99..t.d
continuing thl. ...ting In ord.r to t.ke .ction on it on Kirch 14,
1985. 31 .ald thi. ordln.nce will provide that when the SFWMD declar..
tb.r. Ie a w.ter .hortag. ..erg.ncy the ordinance will auto..tic.lly
beco.. .ff.ctiv..
Mr. Cr.el r.quest.d the cOoper.tlon of the County in .nforcing
thl. .ctlon. He ..id prot.ction of w.ter r'.ource i. the .ost impor-
tant reSOurce th.re i..
In respon.. to Com.i..ioner Vo.s, Mr. Creel .aid there would be
.d.qu.te pr...ur. tor a fir.. Dr. Glea.on said that it tak.. week. to
g.t w.t.r froa irrigation back into the aquif.r, adding th.t a lot 1.
lost to ,v.por.tion. He .aid it the .quifer i. contaminated it would
t.ke . very long ti~e for it to b. clean.d out.
Coaai..loner Vo.. .aid that the Water Manag...nt Advi.ory Bo.rd
P....d · motion, unanimously, a'king the County to cooperate with the
In r..pon.e to Com.i.sion.r Ha.s., Mr. Saund.r. .aid that the
propo..d ordinanc. stat.. th.t the ordinance is effec~lve County-wid..
He said the City of Naple. has an ordinance that would be in conflict
with the propo..d ordinance and City Attorn.y Rynd.rs will addre.. that ...
is.u. .t the n.xt Council ...ting_
The ..eting wa. r.c....d at 11:30 A.M. to r.convene at 9100 A.M.
on Mlrch 14, 1914.
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