BCC Minutes 03/14/1985 S - ... - Naple., Plorida, /'\arch 14, 1985 LIT IT II REMEM8ERED, that the Board of County Co..i..ion.r. in an4 for the County of Colli.r r.convened in 1RElGc.cr ....101 at the Courthou.. Coapl.., &I.t Napl.., Plorlda, at 9rOO A.M. on thi. dolt., followed by IPICIAL ....10. at 9,15 A.H. with the fOllowing ..ab.r. pr...ntl CHAIRMANr Prederick J. Vo.. VICE CHAIRMAN, C. C. -Red- Holland Max .i6..e Ann. Goodnight ALSO PRESENT I Jail.. C. Glle., rhcal Offic.r, Elinor H. Sltlnner, Deputy Clerk, Donald 8. Lu.k, County /'\anagerl Burt L. Saunder., County Attorn·YI Neil Dorrill, As.i.tant County Manag.r, Sherry Pucke~t, Risk Manag.r, and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. *** Chair...n Vo.. explained that this will be two meeting. in one, reconvening the Emergency Se,sion from March 13, 1985 regarding the water .hortage and a Special Meeting to consider awarding the bid for Workaan'. eompensation. AGENDA Con.1'deration of an Emergency Ordinance Re Water Shortage Awarding of Bid 1789 for ~rklllan's Compensation IRIAGc.cT DECLARID RI WATIR IRORTAGI County Attorney Saunders .aid the fir.t cour.e of actIon i. to d.clare an e.ergency regarding a water .hortage based on the evidence pre..nted by the SFWMD per.onnel on Mðrch 13, 1985. Co.al..io..r 8ol1an4 aov.4, ..cond.d by Co..l..lon.r ..... ..4 carried 4'0, ~t .. ...r,oacy r".c41.. a w.tor .borta9. ..I.ta in CoIUor Coanty. OItDIl1A11Ca IS-I0 RI LOCAL DFœcDtDrT or na OTD ..0ItTAGI nAil or 'nMI) - AOOPTID County Attorney Saunder. explained the e.ergency ordinance incorporate. Chapter 40E-21 of the florida Admini.trative Code a. part of the Collier County Code. He laid that portion of the Adaini.trative Cod. 1. the SI'NKD Water Shortage PIan. He .aid in the event that the Governin9 Board of the Di.trict or the Executive Director of the SFWMD declare. a water .hortage or water .hortage ..er1ency then that Chapter of the Ad.inhtratlve Code would aut.omatlcally b.co_ effective. He pag. I 'Oel: 086 'ir.! 175 '. ~~ 'oor 088ml178 March 14, a8S .ald that the purpo.. of thl. ordinance I. to more effectively enforce the proYl.lon. of th..t w.ter Shortage Plan. He .ald Staff reco...nd. approval of the ...rqency ordlnanc... H. .ald thh ordlnanc. .ha. bean word.d .0 that It auto..tlc.lly b.co... effectlv. In the eVent of a water .hortaq. and will not h.v. to b. P....d ag.ln. ø. .ald th..t the City of Mapl.. will h.ve to pol.' an ordinance th.t i. not in conflict with thl. ordinanc.. Coaal..loner Vo.. .ald the Pha.. I re.trlction. .tate. that on proporty 1... than five acre. r..id.nt. c.n v.t.r their property b.tw.n 4100 A.M. and 8,00 A.M. tor odd nlMllbeud property on Mond.y, Nadn..d.y and Saturday .nd for eVen numbered prop.rty on ru..day, 'Tburad.y and Sunday. He ...id under Pha.. II for th. .am. .ize property r..ldent. can wat.r between 4100 A.H. and 1100 ....M. for odd namber.d property on Wedne.day and Saturday and for even number.d property on Thur'day and Sunday. He .aid golf Cour.e. are re.tricted to watering the front nlnee on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday and the back nine. on Tue.day, Thur.d..y and Sunday. Comml..loner Vo.. .aid that under Phase I aqriculture ..nd Ilve.tock u.e i. voluntary reduction. Co.mi..ioner Goodnight said that .qrlcultur. ~as already reduced usage. Mr. Saunders .ald that the City of Naple. ha. an ordinance in conflict with this ordlnance. Commi..loner Vo.. .aId that City Attorney Rynder. .ald this item would be presented to the City Council with the goal of P....ing an ordln..nce that i. not In conflict. eo..l..1on.r ..... ....d, .eaond.d by Co..l..1on.r Goodn19bt .nd carried 4/0, th.t tb. ordlnaace a. nmaber.. an4 entitled below be adopt.. and .ntered Into OrdlAAnce aoot ... 1', ORDIIlAllCI 1S-10 All auAGDCY ORDlllAllCl or COLLUR COlllfTy, rl.O'U~, PROYIDllfO roe r.oc.u. IIIrœcMDT or na ItA.,... ..oItTAGI PtAII or TIll 'OUTII rLOIU~ VAT" JlAllAGDlIIIT DISTRICT, nOVIDUIQ DlrIIIITIoa., PIICWIDIIIG roa .....LICATIOI 0' TIll OJtDIIlAJlCI, PROVIDIIIQ TllAT ClAPTKR 401-21, rl.ORIDA ADNIMISTRATIYI CODI, IS 'ART or TIllS OaDlllAllCl, PROVIDIIIG roa DIECLAItATIC* or WATIR '.ORTAGI OR VATIR '101tTAGI DlIRGbCY, PROVIDIMG FOR IMFORCIMDT, PaovIDIIIQ FOR PIIlALTIIa, PROVIDIIIQ rOlt VATU usna TO ACCIPT "OVI II 0111 or Tal. ORDIIlAMCI, PROVIDIMC FOR RIPIAL 01' OItDIIlAJlCI MOl. 77-1, 77-11, AIfD 14-35, PROVIDIIIG rolt IIYIaAaILITY, nOVIDIIfQ rOR DICLAaATIOM or DlCJQIMCY, PIIOVIDII1G FOR IIICL88IC* 1M coa, AJID PROVIDIIIG ro.t All U'ICTIYI DATI. paqe 2 - I - e--' ... - - .. "". ,......... '. ... . March 14, 1985 lID '711 ... IIOUUII" COICPInA'I'I011 - AWAaDID TO PUll aDIRAL I1ISUMJfCr: ~AQ AIID "1'8101 InU1WfC1 COMPAQ ~'1 notice havlnq baen publ1.hed in the Nap1.. Dally Nev. on Narch 12, 1985, a. evid.nced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clark, Special S...ion wa. held to con.id.r th. awardinq of Bid '789 for Wbrkaan'. Co.pen.atlon. Rl.k Mlnaqer Puck.tt .xplained that Harbour In.uranc. Co~pany has withdrawn their bid for Bid 1789. She r.co~.end.d awarding th. bid to Penn Oeneral In.urance Company and ~la.ion In.uranc. Co.pany tor the .peclflc and aggr.gate .xc.... She .aid that Mi.. Ion Insurance:ompany t. rated Al2 and that .ha check.d the company thoroughly with the St..te In.urance Departm.nt and find. that th.re ar. no probl.m. with the cOIllp..ny. She .aid that the Stat. Insur..nc. Department ....ur.dh.r th..t there i. a State in.urance guarantee fund sh~uld anything h..ppen with Ml..ion In.urance Company. Sh. aaid th..t the bid will cost a little .or. a. tar a. pr..ium dollar. but the bid will give a lower .top lo.. point tha. the other bid con.I~.red. Sn. .aid th.re will b. $100,000 .top 10.. on an individual cl..im a. oppo..d to $150,000 ..If-insurad retention and th.re will be a low.r ov~rall aggr.g..te atop 10.. point. She aaid the at?p 10.. point will be at 85\ of the .tandard premium which will be about $535,500. She .aid that the .avin~a compared to the pr..ent c..rri.r'. bid at d $350,000 lev.l would be ..pproxl~at.ly '138,000 and at . $450,000 10.. l.v.l it would b. approxim..tely $115,000 saving.. She said it th.re were lo.s.. at $550,000 the ...ving. would b. $29,518. In r"po~.e to Commi..ioner Holland, Mi.. Puckett .aid the County will pay thQ pr.mium. ... it would with the other company and that there ia currently a lump SUD in the bank from when the C~unty was previou.ly .elf-in.ured that would carry the County through the accumulation of the pre.iUD'. She .aid that P.nn G.n.ral would provide the clerical aervlce. and provide the data n..d.d. A di.cu..ion followed r.g..rding the possibility of the need for a S.f.ty Offic.r l..ter who would pay for hilllSeIf in saving.. Mi.s Puckett .aid .h. has b.en to th. water treatment plant. and giv.n r.co...ndations regarding saf.ty procedure. and sh. I. working on a .afety m..nual for the County. County Manag.r Lu.k .aid th..t Mi.. Puck.tt i. being u'.d to .cr.en a~plicationa to make .ur. tho.e per.on. who have extenalve claims on workaan'. compensation are not .mployed. Page 3 .001 086 ~AÇ[ 171 ;~. . . '.-.'.---.--.....«--.-, ·.. 088 'Ar,( 178 " r ·i~k Ü~<)'4'~f¡{: ,",uch 14, 1985 ;',' '.,.-. c....t..S...r GMdAS,bt CIIOwed, "coDCI~ by C_laalonor .01... and $f.:, I oauS" 4/0, tbat aSd f71t retardl., Norluua'. CoapeuaUoa be .ward.. to feaa o...r.1 IDegr.ac. eo.,.ay aa4 "I..lon lnauraftc. COapany. . . . There belnq no further bu.lne.., the E..rq.ncy S...lon/Speclal Se..lon va. adjourned by Order of the Chair - Tiael 9132 A.M. BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, PLORIDA rR~~ YD',. CRAIRMAR ,,¡"\\lIAn{j t7 ,~~~s~ ,;.. r;(;;. ~1LLI1.M J. ~N, CLERJt - . ~' ~~' . ,.~.~ : " .".. ',0.. .\" ... '''ß.. . - .... ~.... ~ LJ. (:. '7" '. '1't'- /~7.#· . The.. ainute. approved by the BCC on ~~~.b /~¿.-?"J-a. pre.ented ~ or as corrected Page .. :=J ~~ CJ '. ._~ -,.- ----.. -,"~ '-_. , . ..