BCC Minutes 03/14/1985 W
Naple., Florida, /'larch 14, 1985
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of C~unty C~mmi~.loner. in
and tor tht County of Collier, and also acting a. the Board of Zoning
Appeals and a. the governing board(.) of .uch .pecial di.trict. a. have
been created ,ccording to law and having c~nducted business h,rein, met
on this d3tl 3t 914~ ~.M. in WORKSHOP SKSSIOM in Building -F- of the
Courthou.. Complex, Ea.t N/IµlOlS, t'lorida, with th" following m"mber.
CHAIRI"AN: Fred<:rick J. VI)SS
ViCe: CIl....lH:-\AN: C. C. "R.ad- liolland
1'14)( lia...
Ann~ Goodni~ht
....USENT: John A. pistor
ALSO PRE~ENT: James C. Giles, Fiscal Officer; Ellnor ,.,. Skinner,
Deputy Clerk; Uurt L. ~untj.rs, County Attl)rney; Donald 8. Lusk, CI)unty
/'Ianag.r; NOIil Dorrill, Þ.ssistant CI)unty Attorney; Pam Brangaccio,
oeputy ....si.tant County /'Idnager, Vicki" Mullins, Acting Community
Dtvelo¡::.ment Administr.]tor; Ann McKim, Acting Zoning Director; Tom Kuck,
PublIc ~rks AdminlHtrlltor, [.01'1111<.1 N"rton, Public S"rvices Admini-
strator, Tom <:rllndalJ, Utilities A,1minisuiJtrH¡ Nancy Israelson,
Admini.trative Assist.snt¡ I'dtrici.. Pic""",rth, Administrðtiv.. Secretary;
and oeputy Chief Raym"nd Bdrntltt, Sheriff's Oepllrtment.
6...(1) Pet. R-84-43C, Vln.. , A..oclate. , Board of Covnty
Co..l..lon.r., reque.tlng r.zonlng fro. PUD to A-2, known ..
Lake., . parcel of land in Sec. 2, T498, R25E
C"mmissIoner Voss stdted that Staff is requesting this itltm be
continued untill 5/7/B~.
Acting Zoning Director McKim "xplained tne CApC c"ntinued their
public hearlnq. ~he saId there is a thiro µðrty involv~d ~na the other
two parUes aro ""Hklng wilh that purson to resolve problems with the
County ^ttorn'!!y SIJ".,aers suggested it may be beneficial for th9
County to have II ~llflwld Protection Ordinance, noting he had experi-
ence writing one in Dade County. H~ said he~uld obtain copies of
thllt ordinanc. and the supporting documents for the Commissioners'
I nforllla t ion.
6...(2) Pet. R-84-35C, Collier Developeent corr.' reque.ting rez_ninq
tro. RKr-6 and C-3 to PUD tor a co..erclal hote I.hopplnq center
located aouth...t ot the Inter..ction of Alrport-Pullinq Road and U.S.
41, acro.. tro. the County Courthou.. Complex (ContInued fro. 2/19/85
and 3/5185)
Ac~lng Zoninq Dlrect"r McKim Billa ther~ wer~ questions regardinq
traffic that caus~d tn\s pctitinn to b~ continueO. Commi~sion~r
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Holland saId that Mr. Barksdale, of Collier
would De In the Courthouse later this date.
qe.ted that Commissioner Holland spe~k with
I'Iarch 1 <, 1985
Development Corporation,
Com~llsion.r Voss suq-
him regarding this ite~.
6.C.(1) Pet. DRI-14-2C, Jiaay Atkins, representin9 Naple. Fruit'
v890table Co. , Michael Procacc1, reque.tin9 development of regional
i~ct approvel for The Vineyards PUD, 1925.4 acre. located between
Airport Road and Golden Oate Istate., e.st of Unit 35, , north of pina
Ridge Roed
ActIng zoning Director ~cKlm laid Staff Is r.,que.ting this item be
continued to 4/l6/ij5. She said that the rezone il scneduled to be
he.rd on ./16/85. She requested that the Board of County Commissioners
waive theIr requirement ot 60 days for advertieement of the DRI. She
said that this petition has met the State's advertising requirement..
County Attorney Saunders said he had no problems with waivIng the
adverti.ement requirement since the State'. requirement. have been met.
7.A.(l) Pet. V-8S-2C, Capri ChrIstIan Church, requesting setback
variance fro. the RSr-3 require.ent of l5 feet to 5 feet for erection
of . siqn on Lot 441, Isle of Capri, ..,. 2 on the northea.t corner of
Ceprl Boulevard and East Rllo Street. ./,Continued fro. 3/5/85 .eetlng)
Acting Zon1ng Director McKim s~ld nothinq has changed on this
reque. t.
7...(1) Pet. PU-84-2lC, Delbert H. , PatrIcIa A. Sander., requestIng
provi.ional U.e -b- of A-2 for excavation for property locateð north of
Sabal Pal. Road In Bec. 20, T508, R27E. (Coapanlon to Excavation
per.it No. 59.204, Ite. No. 10.B. (2))
Actinq ;1.rJn1ng Dlrect"r ".c 1(1 ", sðid this Is /J r..quest for prnl,ll-
sional use tor an excavðtl~n. Public ~r"n Administrat~r Kuc~ s~id the
lake w111 UfO 'J acrul tor J7D,r;CC' ruOIC y~roll of m..tl!ri.d.
7.8.(2) Pet. PU-84-SI, Albert Houston, requestIng provis1onsl Uee -a-
of RMr-6 for a church located on Carver Avenue, Lots 4, 5 anð 6, Pine
Orove SubdivIsion
Co~mi6sioner G~odnlqht sðld that the church nðs gr~atly Improved
this property.
8.A. Mr. SerafIn N. Sanchez, requesting .ppeal of lIen Nu.ber 85-6 for
Lot SO, Block 51, Unit 6, Haple. Park, located on the eoutheast corner
of 92nd Avenue North and 8th Street North
Actlnq C"mmunlty ~£vclo~n~nt AomlnlstrDtor ~ullln~ süld tnis Is II
request tr) rescind tn" 1 i£n. Sn" Se'¡U thðl b £. ~ C..,nt[lH:t~rS ~.r,·...(!d the
wr"ng lr, t.
8.8. Mr. rrancis Dean, requestIng repeal of Llan Huaber 85-19 and
Re.olutlon No. 85-55 for lots .owed at Lot 669, Unit 3, Isle. of Capri
Acting Community Dcv"loµn~nt Adm1nlstrator Mullins r~v1p~~c the
dates regbrding this lien. She saio tnat th~ petit10ner has Þ b1ll
chat aðys ð contractor n~w~O tn~ lot. She s~id that the C~unty cut 1t.
In rp.aponae to CommIssioner Holland, Ms. Mullins sold the zoning
investigators determin~ th~ location ~f th~ property.
County Mðnagcr Lusk suggested that a p1cture be takon of the
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Commis.ion~r Holland .aid
ment into two or three phase..
people are now in the Building
in the Planning Department.
Ms. Mullins said that the tltl~ of the position may be misleading.
Deputy AssIstant CQunty ~nager Brangaccio said thIs was her r.com-
mendation becaus. someone with current and lO~9-range planning experi-
ence i. needed and thIs 1. how the position will be advertised. Ms.
Mullins .aid th. savings ~uld be at least $20,000.
March H, 1965
he could not see splitting one depart-
~r. Lusk said that the enforcement
DeparL~ent and th~ t.chnic~l p!ople are
16...(3) Pet. TR-84-l7C, Ana Picot, raque.ting a Te.porary Re.idence
Peralt to utilize _ trailer during con.truction of a principle
re.idence on We.t 150' of Tract 4, Unit 83, Golden Gate I.tates
ActIng Community Uevelopment Administrator Mullins said this i. .
re~ue.t for the first 3 month extension and that the buIlding permit
i..ued in September 1984 Is still valia.
16.1. (4) Pet. TR-85-14C, George Hendrick., requesting for a second
ti.e a Te.porary Residence Per.it to utIlize a travel trailer durin9
construction of . prInciple re.idence on I 75' of W 150' of Tract 13,
UnIt 26, Golden Gate Istate.
Actlnq Community Oevelopment Administrator Mullin. said this is a
request for a sec"nd extens!"n. Sn~ said tht potitioner expects a C.O.
on 5/1/85 and all Qf the Inap.ctl"n- h~ve been done except tht final.
1'.~(5) Reco...ndatlon to .pprove revi.ed annual contribution.
contract for the Section 8 exIsting Rental A..iatance Progra.
Community ~locK Gr~nt C~orOinðtt)r ~illlllmson salo this Item refers
to amendments tt:' t"'" contracts nevrl"ped by the U.S. Department "f HUD.
She said tn~ C,,~~ty ~urrently ~~S 26 units RnO hð~ been granlej an
additional Y2 units. ~ne salo the proqrðm provioes $~OO,OOO d year
additional m~ney IInd after th~ first year the mt)ney can b~ used
anywhere In the Ct)unty. ~he s~ld th~ money is us~d In connection with
the Community ~v.loµnent blo~~ Grant Program.
16.B.(6) Rosolutlon a..ndlng Re.olution 85-27, to correct.
typographIcal error
Actln~ loninq Director McKim salC this is to chan~e 7 fee: to 26
feet fon"d rCJ of tne (or,trol L! nL f"r d ...,oaE;n Ol'CK.
6.C.(3) An ordinance creatIng the North Naple. Roadway Municipal
ServIce TaxIng and Benefit Unit (Co~panlon to Ite. No. 10.B.(1»
PUblic I'work5 t,cmlnlstrðtor KUCK s/!id Ud!i Is " r~quest tc, :::r~ate
the N~rth Napltls Roaoway Municipal ScrvlC~ ï~xinQ ~na b~neflt Unit so
&taff can obtain an ~utsld~ c"n3ultant try do th~ -prellmin~ry
f easlbi 11 ty u':slgn. He 11'10 i catco t h" loc/'1t ion "f th~ ðrea on , map.
Fiscal Officer Ciles said n~ dIS:USSea the type "f flnðr.:::lnq for
this Item ",ito ttou1n Compðny pc.:rst:'nn~l aurlr.; tho: rcofinllr.:::inç ~ISCU9-
sions. He said thay have been successful In Dade County qolnS through
the Tax Collector bn.:l Pro",erty Apµralser's Offices for collecUon. He
said thdt an ordinance for speclöl ð5seSsm~nt thr"ugn the ad valorem
process needs t" be.: o~vclopEJ.
Attorn,y Pickworth rt:lat<!d his t;!xpl'rienct! in this are,) for the
Pine kidge lxtension in oeveloping an ordinance which provides for a
Pðg!! 4
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I'Urch 14, 1985
..thod of 1.suing .peelal .....sm.nt b~nd.. He ..ld h. would provld' ·
copy of the ordlnanee to the County Attorney.
'_C.(4) An ordinanc. r.1.tinq to the .ov..ent of building..
(Continued fro. 2/l9/85 .e.tlng)
Publi~ WOrk. Adminlstr.tor Kuck said tn1s ord1nanc& would requlr&
a per.on to obtain a moving permit from the Building Departm~nt In
order to ~ov. a building and the ordin3nc~ deals with whether a
.tructure 1, sound tnouqh to move.
10.1_(1) R.co...nd.tion to adv.rtis. for consultant to pr.p.re
pre1i.inary .n91n..rinq study for the North N.pl.. Ro.dyay Municipal
S.rvlce T.xinq and I.n.tit Unit, .nd to appoint a con.u]t.nt selection
co.altt.e to evaluate the .nqln..rlng propo..l.. (Co.panion to It..
110. 6.C. ( 3»)
There was no olscussi~n on this item.
10...(2) Reco...nd.tion to .pprove Exc.v.tlon Per.lt Ho. 59.204 -
Delbert H. . P.trlcl. Ann Sand.r. - S.c. 20, T50S, R271, approxl.ately
3-1/2 .i1.. .a.t of 1.1. of C.prl Road and north of S.bal P.l. Road
exten.lon (Co.p.nion to P.t. PU-84-2lC, Ite. Ho. 7.B.(l»
Thero was no discussion "n this Item.
l6.A.(l) Reco...nd.tlon to .cc.pt qult-cl.l. de.d fro. the Florid.
State Doparta.nt of Transport.tlon for v.c.t.d rIght-of-way to b.
Incorpor.ted into the Gold.n G.t. Co.-unIty Park
Public ~rKS AdmlnistrJtor Kuck said this is a qult-clðIm deed
from the DuT for vllcated rIght-nt-way f"r the C"ldan G~te Community
l6.A.(2) R.co...ndatlon to accept dr.ln.ge ......nt fro. the
Scott.d.le Co.p.ny
Public ~rks Admlnistratl)r Kuck said tnl, is for In ~asem.nt In
Park Shoro Unit ~.
16.A.(3) Reco..end.tion to grant U.S. Ar.y r. .aneuv.r per.it
There was 1'1" discussl"n "n this It~m.
16.A.(4) Reco...ndation to approve the .gr....nt betw..n South FlorIda
Kat.r Manaqe.ent District and Collier County for a coop.rativ.
d.DOn.tratlon proj.ct for aquatic plant control on the Gr.en Can.l
Public WOrks Admlnlstr~tor Kuck said this 1s ^ t~st program for
aquatic plant control on the Green Canal. Ha said th"t SFWI'ID say. the
County has n"t been using the proper c"ncentrati~n of chemicals for
weed sradicat1on. H3 said SfWI'ID will pr"vid' th, helicopter and th~
County will provide the chemicals for this project.
16.A.(5) R.co...ndation to approve out-of-county trav.1 .xp.n... for
Public Work. Ad.lni.trator T. t. ~uck
bOO~ 08R ,~~t 183
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aoo« 08ô~A{,t184
~.lltent c~unty ~neger
with 8o.rd µOlley.
l'.A.(6) Rec~nð.tlon to .x.cut. ..le. .gr....nt with D. L. Arnold,
Trult.. for purch..e of VAcant p.rc.l on Do...tlc Av.nu.
/'Idrch 14, 198~
~rrlll .ald this Item II in accordance
PublIc WOrkl Ad~lniatrator Kuck aaia this agreement II ready t~ be
executed end 1. for th. ..me IImount aa the lot coat.
l6.A.(7) R.co..end.tion to approve excavation Per.lt No. 59.212 -
Colli.r PUD to Collier Develop.ent CorporatIon, SectIon. ll, 12 , l3,
T50S, R251, .outhwe.t .lde of U.S. 41 (Ia.t), oppo.lt. the .outhern
ter.inus of Airport Ro.d (C.R. 31)
Public works Administrator Kuck said this Is for a I to 1-1/2 acre
lake. In rcsp¢nae to C"mm1s8i"n~r Holl~nd, Mr. Kuck said SFWMD will
not .llow dlscharqe Into Haldemdn Creek.
16.A(8) Reco...ndatlon for approval of the final plat of Northgate
Villaq. On. for r.cordlng
Public works Administrator Kuck .,io thli prop~rty is locatod at
the loutheast corner of G"odlette anc Pine ~Idqe Roads.
l6.A.(9) Reco..endatlon to approve the recording of the fInal plat .nd
to grant prell.inary acceptance of Iaperlal Golf Eatate., Pha.. IV
PUblic ~rks ^dmlnlstrdt~r KUCK said this project has be~n com-
p let e d and the de vel 0 pe r n a" f'O II tf. d 5 C cur 1 t Y f" r "1'1 t' y~ II r .
16.A.(lO) Reco..e~d~tion for fInal accept.nc. of Cape Cod Estate.
Public IvIrk:J Admlnlstr.1t'H tuck 5,,10 thdt pr"llrnlnary acc..ptance
has been grllnt.d f"r this Item.
l6.A.(II) Reco...ndatlon for fInal accept. nee of Lely TropIcal
I.t.te., Units 1 .nd 2, LIly Golf Eatatea, Unlta 1 .nd 2, LIly Golf
lat.te., 'ore.t HIll. SectIon, LIly Golf Eatate., Plnehur.t E.tate.,
LIly Golf Eatate., SaInt Andrew. Weat, and Lely Golf E.tate., Saint
Andre"a last
I'ubli<: I'Iorks Adn,lr.lstrator t;uc;" Said uds is i! r"quIIst f~.r fin.l
4cceptðnce of these units ana rel,,~sL "t the c"~struçtlon N~curity.
l6.A.(12) Reco..end.tlon to accept. truat deed fro. Lely E.tat..,
Inc. for. 100 acre tract located in SectIon 28, T50S, R26E, to replace
the tru.t d.ed for Trac~ -A- and Tract -A-A- of Lely Golf Estat.. a.
.ecurlty for unco.pleted .ubdivl.ion 1.prove..nt. "ithln the L.ly
Country Club and L.ly B.refoot Beach
Public ~r~s Administrator KUCK said this c"ncerns substitution of
one parcel of land for an~ther as security.
6.C. (2) An ordinance cr.atinq the Marco Isl.nð Co..unity Perk
Municipal Servic. Taxinq Unit for providing park and recre.tion
facility i.prov..entl at the Marco I.l.nd Coaaunity Park .it.
Public bervic~s AamlnistrDtor Nort"n said this item refers to the
resolution that was ~ðssed l~st week reqarding th\ referenaum to
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"..Hcn 14, 1985
~avelop thft entire Marco I.land Community Park with the exception of
the swiDmlnq pool.
County Attorney Saunder. said that he has worked with civIc
or9.nilati~n. on Marco I.land and mada numer~u. changes to accomD~date
the. .0 that the plan will not be mOdified.
16.C.(1) Reco.-.nd.tion for execution of a 1.... with Naple. Co..unity
Hoapit.l for an ..erg.ncy ..dic.l .ervice. .ub-.t.tion loc.ted on
ho.pit.l p~operty
Public services Admln!strator Nort"n said this facility is similar
to the facility I)n Cavia C. Br"wn Hiqnway.
~siGtünt C"unty ,~naqer Dorrill comment"d "n th~ fine crew
l'.C.(2) Reco.aendation for approve 1 of .1gnlng of .ati.factlon of
Pu~lic ~~rvlc.. Ajml~!strllt?r N~rt~n s~!c , l!on was placed "n
this property in 1973 ~y the ~oci~l ~erv!ces D~part~.nt f~r paym"nt ~f
medical bills. II" !latd tols is ) requ~st for a"µr,,vIII of satlsf/lct!on
of the mortgage.
16.C.(3) R.co...ndatlon for approval of a.end.ent to contract for
ho....king and other ..rvices
Public ~~rvic.s Ajmn!strllt~r N~rt"n sð!d this is an amendment to
a contract tor C~mmunlty <:ðre for U!sðblad Adults and an adjustment to
.ati.ty HRS requirements.
16.C.(4) Reco...ndation for final approval of . grant award .gr....nt
between Collier County .nd the FlorIda Dep.rt..nt of State, Divl.ion of
Arcbiv.., li.tory .nd Records Manag..ent to co.pl.te .n Hi.toric Sit..
Survey of Colll.r County
Public Services Aàmlnistr~tvr N?rton said tr.ls pr"ject was prevI-
"usly approved ~nd tnls IS /In agr.~~enl that nee<.la to be sign~d for
$3,500 to c"nouct ð comprehensIve survey of hlst~r!c sites In Collior
l'.C.(5) Reco...nd.tlon to .pprove Napla.-Golden Gata Rotary Club u.a
of County property we.t of the Gold.n Gate Co..unity Cent.r for an
annual Chri.t.a. Tree sala
Public Services Administrat"r S~rt~n said the Rotary Club needs to
entar into a contract with II supplier th~t Is a Can~d!ðn qroup. H~
.aid the sala will be held ~e:ween Th3nksq!vinq 3nd ~cember 20, 19B~
and the fu~os will be usea t~r II schQl/lrship program for l~cal yQuth.
16.C.(6) Reco...ndatlon to allow LIbrary Advl.ory Board to .ødify the
collection policA.' of the Collier County PublIc LIbrary wIthout
.pproval of the CollIer County co.-i.sion
PublIc S~rvices Admlnlstr3tor N?rt"n sllid this Item would ðllow
thft Library Staff and Advisory ~oard to review the collectIon policy
wI thou: coming t" the Uo3rd of County C"mmiss!on~rs.
16.C.(7) Reco...ndati~n for approval of a $4,680 Change Order for
co~truction of ..chanic.1 roo., in.tall.tion of concr.te coll.r on
!OD' 08R rl~t 185
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n ORf) F&f,l 186
, 'l1qh't pole. and reduce cost for irrigation
Co..unity Park
Public Services ^d~inlstrat~r Norton said thIs is a reque.t for a
.echanical room to house electrical fixtures for the Immokalee Park.
He .aid thIs include. a request for a concrete collar ar~und th. light
pole. to prevent th.m from tipping and throwing off the lights.
/'\arch 11., 19t!l
pu.p syste. at the I..okalee
10.1.(1) Reco...ndation for approval of a policy for handling budget
a..nd..nt. of substantIal .aqnitude
Budget Offic.r Zalka pres.nted a propo.al for any budget amend~.nt
of 550,000 or more in a capital project to be brought to the ~ard
b.fore being proc....d !n order to r.c.ive extra att~ntion. She saId
that incr.a.e. in the amount of $25,000 or more would apply to item.
cow.ing tro~ r...rve thllt effect p~sitions and 1'111\' services. She sAId
the goal i. to inform the Bnðrd of the potential bu~qet impact on the
major lt4ma And give the County Manager the lIuthorlty to process the
reat of the it.ms without 111'1 ~xecutive Summary through the Clerk's
Repor t.
In res¡x>nae t" C"mm!ss!oner Hasse, Ct)unty Manager Lusk s.]!d a
preliminary ageno., c~n be given t" the ~aro on ~n1ay and if C"mm!s-
sioners want b.ck-u~ tnat will be 1I',0e available.
"'a. Zalkð said thllt Items ov.rr SI,OOO w0uld continue to g" to the
Board throu1h the Cllrrk's keport.
fiscal Officer G!les suggested that if IIpprovlIl of an item !s on
one meeting the budget amendment sh"uld be on the next meeting. Ms.
Zalke said that ,""ulc postpone ttot' tlm'! thðt a bu1get all'.endment could
go through thll sYlitllm which ct)ulo be / problem. ~r. LU!lk Bald Stllff
would work with Mr. Giles t" 3~C lh~t past prùctice is not chll~ged.
Mr. Gil~s oistrlbutea II memn reqllrd!ng II pr"blem t)f spenolng
before the m"nwy 1& .vllil~nl~. H~ ~ðlO thvrc hllV~ b~cn sltuðti"ns
where purchase orders hAve ~"ne t)ut ano not (lctulllly entered Into the
syste~. Ke sa!o on expen~itureK ther~ i~ ð law th~t states if proper
authorization is not received thd ~"lIrd ~ne the ClerK ~re liable.
....sistant County Mdn"4"r Dorrlll IIgrOleo with I'Ir, G!les IInd sðid if
board approval has n"t been re=e!veo IInd Stdfl h3s n~t given t~e Boðrd
an indication of what it~ms dr. q"in~ to cost line processeo th~ neces-
sllry bud~et Amendment betor~h~nd the department nedOS sh~ulc n?t be
Issuing purcnase oro~rs.
Mon-Aqenda Ite.. 1. Di.cu.slon of Hibiscus Golf co~r.e
County ~nag"r Lusk s.,i:j thðt UIC Ct)un~y has be~n f'res~r.teO with
an o~portun!ty tt) purchas, th~ L~ly Hibl~cus Golt Course. H. 511id it
is ~ ~olIcy decisi~~ of th~ b"ðrc whetner tn~ (t)unty will go into the
golt course bUSlne5b. he SiJlc L~ly n~s oft~r~~ t" sell th~ q"lf course
for 1 milli"n dollùrs ðn~ nä£ orop~~a th~ tr~e~ of J picc~ of land that
was !n the prev!ou~ ofter. h~ sllld tn ~daltlonðl p~rccl "f l~nd is
ðvailablc to provio~ ne~ded pðrk!ng.
PUblic ~ervlces Admini5tr~tor Norton cistributeo ü shpet of
projected rcvenue fcr this qolt course ~no reVlew~o it.
Commissioner HðhS~ s.,lo It was nlS und~rst~nding the GI)la~n Gate
Golt C"ursc may b~ available tor purchðse and he r~qucsted a c"py of
the pr~vious figures obtaineo for tn~t qolt cours~.
Commlssi"ner G"oonight pointed out that the addition of è golf
course would c"mplete the park .y.tern In th( County.
Thd Co~m!ssi"n~rs agreed that the first thing t~ decide IS whether
or not th~ County should obtain a qolf course.
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/'larch 14, 1985
16.D.(l) Reco...ndatlon for acceptance or utility ......nt for s.wer
Area ..-, .outh 1/2 at Crick.t Lak. Apart..nt.
Utiliti.. Admini.tr~tor Crandall 3aið this item I. part ~( the
Kelly Acu1 project.
16.D.(2) Reco...ndatlon to .x.cut. the R.l..... of z.....nt to ouail
Roo.t As.ociat.. of N.pl.., Ltd. .nd Del-M..de park, Inc., the
Dev.loper of Marco Shor.. E.t.t..
Util!tles Admin!strator Crandall sðld wn~n th~ Cllpri ~^ter Works
was purch3std it ~3S aqr~ed that th~ three wells would be ~banooned
which concerns th!¡; it~m.
16.D.(J) R.co...ndation for .pprova1 of pr.1i.lnary engin..ring
co.t/f...ibility r.port. for Capri W.t.r Sy.t.. fro. C02" HIll, Inc.,
at a co.t not to .xc..d $1,900
Utilities Admin!strat"r Crandall slI!d ~hat in th~ preliminary
.nglneerlna f'H t~e Capri \~~ter ~iystt!m th,He was no pr"vIslon for
r.chlorinatl"n ðno tnl~ item .ould gIve thO! c"st of that subj~ct.
l6.D.(4) R.co...nd.tlon to .ward .ale of .urplus wat.r tr..t.ent
UtilitlO!s hdminlstrator Crandall said this item d~als with scrap
iron !n unus~O tanks c"nn~ct.d witn th~ capri ^ater ~yst~m.
lJ.A. Dlecussion of r.vi..d advisory board and appolnt..nt. policy
Admln!strative Asslst~nt Isra~ls"n explained the pr"p"sed ?OllCY
r.gardin< Advisory <It:)3r<J ~Ieonb"rsnlf' 'oIhlcn would no!ðn ð plHs"n c"uld not
s.rve more th~n t~ succallIve t.rms. ~h. said that C"mm!ssioners
would present names from someone in their district to serve on the
Advisory a"lIrua. ~he adld thllt County Attorney ~aunder9 was makinq a
r.solution to cover tois policy.
16.1.(1) R.co...ndatlon for appolnt..nt of r.pl.c...nt for
r.pr..entativ. tro. Colll.r H.alth S.rvlc.. on E..rg.ncy "-dlcal
Sarvic.. Advi.ory CouncIl
Administrative ^sslstant IsraelSl)n said thl5 Item deals with Mr.
AkIn's reslqnlltion from the t:ml!rgency :~edical ~ervic"'s Advis"ry
16.1.(2) Raco...ndat~on for reappolnt..nt. to the Cold.n Cate
Co..unlty C.nt.r AdvI.ory Co..ltt..
AdmIn!strat!ve Assistant Israelson sd!d this Item is to reappoint
Mrs. Graham and Mrs. M!llvr to two-year term3 on tho Golden Gate
Co~munity Cl!nter AdviHory C"mnittae.
16.1.(3) R.co..endation to approve funds for an .dv.rti....nt in the
Proqra. Book tor the "1.. rlorida Stat. Paq~ant
Commissioner Goodn!ght said Miss Collivr C"unty !s going to
co~ete In the Miss rlorl0~ 5tate Pageant ana this Item conc~rns an
advertisement in the program stating that the C~mmis5!on .up~rts ~iss
sm 086 rm 187
Page 9
.-, ."""~",.,,,~,,---.-",,-"'-"--
'00( 08R ,ar,t 188
CoIl hr County.
ll.A. Rec~ndation for .x.cution of r..olution corr.ctin9 Ixhlblt a
to R..olut10n Mo. 13-200 to correctly d..cr1b. lot 11n.. and ......nt.
to be .acat.d In oold.n Oat. Unit 2 and Oolden Oat. unit 4
/'\arch 14, 1985
coun~y Attorney Sounder. .ald this item pertains to correctinq a
acriv.ner'. error in tha legal description for this property.
~lerk' a Report
Fi.CAl Officer Gila. .aid the Clerk'. Report contain. a report on
general fund contingency.
There being no further busine.., th~ Workshop was adjourned by
Oroer of the Chair - Tim.1 12105 P.M.
Page 10
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