BCC Minutes 03/28/1985 S
Haples, Florida, ~1arch "R, lq85
LET tT RE RF.MEMßF.RED, that the Chairman havin" issued the call and
the Clerk having given due notice .s prescrihed by Ordinance ~o. 7~-16,
tn~ Board of County Com~is810ncrs in anò for th~ County of Collier met
in Special S...ion on this datOf ;It ","1'1 A.". in T'uilding "I''' of the
Courthouse Co~pl~x, ~a8t Haples, Florirt~, with the followinn ~ember.
r:l/\T "!'!" SO I f"r '!!'d e r i c": 1. ":)81
\'I"1"-("fI\,I''''~~1, IInn8 r,oodniqht
Vax "'I!!Ae
C. C. "Qed" "ollnnd
AR5~~TI John A. Pistor
AL50 PRESf.'I/'1': Ja:1les C. GI1'!."s, FisclIl Officer: r'aureen Kenyon,
t't!puty Cl...r1q ßurt L. <;allnd,~rt', r:ounty Attorn'!!'y: I'onald ß. Lusle. County
nanager: 'Jell Dorrill, "8s1st.)nt r:ounty ~l\na"Jer:lI,nn "1cKim, Actinq
Zonin') Director: Pit", nr,~nrpcr.l0, !'.'!"uty ^ss!stDnt ~ounty ~<1na'1er: "at
Pickworth, "dllÌni"tr'1tiv(! "'!I!ll'Jtant: ~OI'1 Crllldall. Otilit!t!s
Admini8trator: ['on "orton, r','hllC cprvlct:?s ^dninl!1trator: TOM JtlCK,
Public Horks I\dmlnl!1triltor: '/lcl<:ie r:ullln5, ^ctinq Community
Developø:ent Administrator: [',1ve Gr 1 scom, rUt-llC ~Iorks r<:>partment: N1ncy
I.raelson, .r..dministratlvc ^!I!ll!It.1nt: ,1n<1 f"leputy ~ief 'lðymon,1 I'arnett,
Sheriff'. Department.
1. Pecommend^tinn for ^CCprt~nce of a si'1n~rl agreement bet~een
the County Wat~r-~ewer District an~ Il'1peri~1 ~ol! Clu~, Inc.,
to direct the Utilities Adr.1inistrator to lI<1vtlrtise for a
Consultina r.nointler and to adopt a resolution establishina a
consultant selection commltt~e to rpvit!w the pngineering
proposals received.
Legal notice havin,,! hE""n puhl1shco in the ::\"Iples f'aily ~cws on
~rch 24, 19A5, as evidenceð by Affidavit of ~ublication filed with the
Clerk, public hellrinn W~!I onened to con8i~~r acceptinq an aqrecment
between the County Water-~ewer nistrict and Imperial ~olf ~lub, Inc.,
to direct the Utilitip~ ^d~iniAtrator to ~ctvprtise for a consultina
engineer and to ~do~t "I resolution establi!lhing a consultant 6election
com~ittee to rpvit!~ th~ engineering propoønls receiv~ct.
&OD( 086 PI'.r 349
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UOJ. 08fh)'·~ 350 March 2P, 1985
co~issioner Voss atated that the sole purpose of thia ~e..ting ia
to approve a contract with I~perial.r~lf Club, Inc. to provide tr.ateð
effluent fror. the ~orth Naples ~ewftge Tr.at~ent rlant.
u\.ilitie. Ad.dnhtrator Crandall 8tatl!od that he h as!dng that the
Board sign an agreement with Imperial r~lf Club, Inc. which make.
provisions for them to accept a minimum of one ~ilJion 9ftllons a day
effluent from the sewage treatment plant. He stateð that he hopes that
this agree~ent will 8et th~ sta~e for future agreements. He stated
that this lee.s to be the best method acceptable by the County anð DER
for the dispoðl of ('ffluent. He stated that presently percoIJltion
ponds arc being used and they are not aø effective as they should be,
addinq that thj:J will a-tlow full treatment capacity. I'e 8tlltl)d that he
is asking that the flnnl ~qr~e~ent be ~rproved and that he be allowed
to adv..rtist' so thnt .. conllultant Clln ~ o!:'tained to do the dp.sjgn
work: also, that a resolution creatin~ a selection comnittee for the
consultant ~ ~dortcd.
Com~isslon.r Vas. Øtðt.,,' t~l'It "r. !>hf'f'han hils qiven thp '~ounty a
It'tter lIaYlnn that he will orllnt an eðllem~nt to rlln the lin('~ from the
tr'!!l'Itll\ent f11ðnt to IMprrl"l r;çlf C'lu", Inc. /':1on'1 thnt rorticn of the
old railroac1 rlnht-of-"'ay whlC>' 11' now hlF proo(.·rty. lIe note'! that
Collier I'"nt~rrr1l1~ wil! t>e lr l'H,.r thi" 1J1t(' to discu,",,' c¡ivl"g an
eðse~cnt on their property.
In anllwer to CO",~islllo"ur 113".·.., "r. C'f/!.nc1all IItat~~ th,,: tht"
County will be paYLnc for thp tran!l~ll1l1ion 11nrs.
CO,.,,,,illsl0n('r I'II!!ISf! nupst.lonect If In'ot>r 1'1 I relf 11' nOln'J :0 PIlY for
the wllter, to \,,~icn l'tllJtiE'!' I\dJnln.:¡trIH"r C'randùll stilted t··"'t at
flrf't tho>v woul'l nC"t, rut th,·re if! l'n i'lorl'emE'nt tt1/1t Uf'C"n {j\, y('ar8 of
IIcrV1CP to the::>, thE'V wl1 1 (;t~rt r,'Y1nn th', s",..e as wh.)t the ~ity of
'\aple!l if' C"1l!r('lnq, I~.. !lti1t..,· tr.1t t'llS relnn t'1D fir~t .,('ft~mcnt thëlt
has hef'n r(.'l'Ichf'd, 1\ f"w It''r.1S hl'l'j to he n",C'otlat('c..
COr.1"'It'sion...r \'065 H,dlC'""terj t,,·,t if " tl'lnlo: h>ld to to'f' hU1lt, it
WQuld hùv~ co~t thE' County ùhout II ~i\lion dollars.
In I'Ins....':r to Corl"16!'11or.~'r 11"SIIt> rco::rdlnQ th~' ccnlultant,
Utl:iti~s ~d~inistrðtor Crnndnll st~tcrl that there i8 not en ouch
exp~rtice with Ctaff to do this particular iob, but there iG ~
consul t.'1nt of rt:cord, but it nùB been recommE:ndC'ð by the .a.ttorney ttlat
the ~ounty 3~v~rti6~ for a consult~nt.
County ~ttorl\cy Saund"rs stoted th¡¡t he did not recomme1l1 a
consultant, but he did rccomnen~ that th~ County qo throuoh the
I'aqe 2
"'arch ?R, It)f'5
coapetitive neQotiation proce.8 to .el.ct an en~ine.r. He .tated that
there i. a contract ,dth Fole, Monte. I. A..ocil'....., Inc. ", prc COn.oer
Town.end Gnd there i. enouqh lanqul'gn in the contract to handle this
type of project, but II better proce.. would be co~petitive selection.
Comll1..ioner Holland .tated that if thi. firt:' wa~ qivOJn the jo~ of
COlDlnq up '~ith Q r.l1\8tcr rlan, he: would IID.U:1le th"t thi~ ~rojl'ct .'/Oulr!
al.o bo included.
County AttorneY ~dun~~rl stated th~t this i8 ~n~lne.rinq for a
Ip.cific project ~nd 18 not contempl~t.d in the ma.'ar olan which i. to
evaluate uxistina facilIties and to rcco~~end aùdition~l olants.
r.ommi.sioner IIollanrl stat..d thðt he ff'els to talK with other aolf
cour.e. In th~ area ~ould h~ wlø~, ~s now thllt t~~y are faced with
water restrictions th~y May wllnt to enter into ~n aqree~~nt with the
County, al~o. !Ie I!tated that It could b~ made" 101nt f'ff,:,rt rather
than an individu.)l effort. fI~ 8tated thl\t he i. '1ot oppoSl'!rt to th..
projttct, IIddinq that It wou]d "i\,(' a needed capacity in the North
Naple. system. Ife not..d that at the slime time It should be l00":ed lnto
by the .ane puople thdt >lr'J ·\oin... tlH' I'1l1st",r plan.
Utilities a.dminllltrator Cr,ln(J/lll st"t", that the ~ounty ",i II be
forced to look at nil <101( C,Jurr,u9, hut this III t'1e first th.)t the
County is goinq to be lnvolve~ In I\nd tmrerlal Coif Club, Inc. i8
willing to enter into an ~nrnu,.,ent with th~ County. He noted that the
line8 ~nr\ pumping will be S17."d in order to s.rv'!!' othf'r golf cOllrs.. >It
a future date whf'n an aqrpe~pnt Cl\n t-.. rench-<1, I\dr\lnq thl\t it will
have the capacity to filt~r 2-1/7. million <1allon8 to an acc~rtable
Comr.1is8ion..r Ifolland stl\tN1 that thf! County jl'l rayinq the
consultant to develop a master plan hnd he feels thl\t thi8 project 1.
part of the master plan.
County Attorney ~aunjerft statPd that the nupstion is wheth~r thi8
type of project was contemplated when the County sent out request8 for
propoøal8 for engineering services, ~~dinq t~at in ñis review of the
contract an argu~ent could be made that this type of pro1ect waR
Fiscal Officer Giles .,tllted that if this consultant is going to be
paid extra and it is 8epar~te ~nd aþart from the contract, althouqh it
eu.t fit within the plan, it 18 eS8..ntially ~ new contract "nj suhject
to the competitive negotiation rÞ"uirements.
Cou;'lty Attorney C;aunr1erll stl'lteri t~at this type of proj-.:ct would
aool( 08R we 351
Paqe 3
,,,,---,,-,,,~,,,,,-,,~,,+",_.~,.,,~~.,,,,, '~."'-"'-~-
086"..~3'52 March 2~, 19f!5
fit within the contract but from his point of view, this contract was
not contemplated. Pe noted that the ori"inal docu~ent in~icates that
the County can hire Hole, Montes ~ ~ssociate8, Inc. ~ PRC Consoer
Townsend for addition~l en9ineering services tn~t Are deemed
appropria~e and would apply to facilities and existing facilities
needed for the master plan.
Commissioner Voss stated that it could be argued that part of the
master plan is disposal of effluent.
Commissi'oner 110lland stated that time is of the essence an1 it
would ta~e about 6 weeks for this to come hack to the Board for final
approval if bi1s were taken.
County Attorn~y Sa.,dcrs state~ th~t the ~oard could make a
finding that thin project would fit into the original contract with
~ole, r~r.mtes and Associates, Inc. and PRC Consoer Townsend.
Util¡ti~s Admini~trator Crandall stat~d that he has received a
proposal ¡'rom Holt" ~ont('s " 1\!l6ociat'·s, In~. end PPC Consoer Townsend
in I'In ell'ount not to exce01c' SI2P,QlîQ. ('e noted that hI! hap< to!<1 I'E'R
that thIs .oroi..~t woul'! he IIn"erwl'lY vp.ry s(,on o'Ind every mont!1's delllY
sets the pro~e~t back, arlnlnn tho'lt t~p. sooner this project is rpo'Idy,
the soonrr cu~to.t!r~ .'111 ~e o'I~lr to h~ o'Irl~·rl.
COII'missicr.er Vos" stllterl that If thr pOllrrJ ðpprOVQs this
anreement, he lnt~nrls to no tn Pal~ Diver ~~tate!l to tall<: wit~ them.
Utilities A1",inlstrl'ltor r.rando'lll Rto'lted th~t he f-.els tho'lt onc~ an
aqrp('",ent has ~"'f'n esti!t>116hp" with nn~ 1101 f courll", othp.rs wIll want
to join in, but no on~ scp.II'S to want to be tht" first except fcr
Jmner1'11 Golf -:lub, Inc.
Co.missioner Holland moved, seconded hy Commissioner Hass. and
carried unani.ously, that this type of project was contemplated in the
original contract with Hole, Hontes ~ ~ssociates, Inc. ~ PRC Consoer
Townsend and that they be awarded this project to provide treated
effluent post haste to Imperial Golf Club, Inc. from the North Naples
Sewage Treatment Plant, not to exceed $l28,OOO.
Commissioner Has.e moved, seconded by Co.missioner Holland and
carried unanimously, that the signed agreement between the County
Water-Sewer District and Impftrial Golf Club, Inc. to provide treated
effluent to Imperial Golf Club, Inc. fro. the North Naples Sewage
Treatment Plant be approved.
~ee Paqes 3SfL - 3~/
~age 4
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.,' .":1'1
~srch 28, 19A5
There being no further busines. for the ~od of the County, t~.
1D".ti.ng was að10urned by Order of the f':hl\ir - Timet 'h35 A.n.
T\Ol\l'!.r OF Z()!lIN(; }I,r>r~þ.LS/r.X-
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aOOK 08ô PA~f 353
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