BCC Minutes 03/28/1985 W
Napl.,., Flori"'''', "arch 20, 1985
LET IT B! R!H!HB!R!D, that the Board of County Co~.i..ioner. in
and for the County of Collier, and also actin~ I'IS tho ~arð of Zoninq
Appeal. and a. the governing board(.) of .uch ~p~cial di.trict. a. havft
been created according to law and having conðuct~~ husine.. h~rein, .et
on this date at 9135 A.M. in Work.hop Se..ion in nuilding "r" of th~
Courthouse Complex, Ea.t Naphs, Florida, with th" fo11owin<:1 ¡r.mbor.
CHAIRt-'ANI Fr..ci.-,ric-\o: J. Voss
VICE-CHAIR~.ANI linn" /joodnight
t1"X II.:1l1s"
C. c;. .. "crt" flolland
AR!';ENTI .10hn A. Pi.tor
AI.SO PRESENT 1 Jl'lmcs C. Gil es, Pi sca 1 Of f i C(' r: "'aureen Kenyon,
Deputy Clerk: Burt L. Sðunders, County Attorn~y: Donala n. Lus~, County
Manager; Neil [)orrill, Asøist,1nt County /o'l'Inlloer; !'.nn t1cKim, JI.ctinq
Zoning Dirt?ctor: P<'Im nrangacclo, Dl1puty Assistllnt County Manllqer: Pat
Pickworth, 1<.dministrativl! Assistant: Tom Crandall, Utilities 1<.r'mini-
strator: Don NOTton, :'ublic Servic('s Adrr~nl!'1tr,~tl)r: Tom Kuck, Public
Works Admlnistrator: Vicki~ Mullins, Actinn Com~unitv revelopment
Adminlstrat,or: Dave GrIscom, Puhl1c \-/orks Oep"rtmcnt: N.1ncy Isrl'lelson,
Administrative Assistant: and Deputy Chief R.:1ymon~ Barnett, ~erift·s
Depllrtment _
6.B. (l) ..
Petition R-84-38C, John Porzio, reque.ting rezoning fro. A-2 and A-2ST
to A-l and A-1S~' for 20 acre. located south of David C. Brown Highway
in Section 1, T48S, R26!. (Cont'd fro. 1/15/85, 2/5/85 and 3/5/85
.eeting.) (Staff i. requesting that this ite.. be continued until
5/21/85 .eeting)
There was no discussion on this item.
6.C. (l)
Petition CCCL-85-1C, Michael A. McGee and As.ociate., repre.enting Lely
Zstate., Inc.1 reque.ting a CCCL variance for dune restoration and
revegetation in Bonita Spring8, Florida, for Lely Barefoot Beach Unit
One, Beach Garden. B, C, and G.
County Environmentalist Proffitt 8tQt~ñ that th~ petitioner is
askinq to huild dune walkov~rs and to restore the ~unes. ~e stated
that Stoff i. r~commpn1inq approval with stipulations that have been
aDDK 086 PA',! 3'62
Paçu! 1
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MIl 086 'A'·! 363
outlined in the Executive Summary.
!"larch 28, 1985
Petition OCCL-84-lOC, Anchor Engineering, representing Ad.iralty House
Condoainiua, Collier Boulevard, Marco Xsland, Pl. requesting a
variance fro. the Coastal Construction Control Line for the
itlstallation of additional ar80r stone and the replace.ent of the
sidewalk and part of the lawn.
County Environ~entali.t Proffitt .tated that this petitioner wants
to repair the existing .eawall and in.tall additional armor stone. He
.tated that they are al.o requ..ting the replacement of the .idewalk
and part. of the lawn, adding that Staff recommends approval.
Petition V-85-3C, Marco Shops Associates, Ltd.1 requesting a variance
to Section 7.22(c)i District for Tract -,,-, Marco Beach, Unit Ro. 5,
fro. required height li.itation in the C-3 District of 15' to 30· for
lighting fixture..
Acting Zoning nire~tor McKi~ etated tnat the petitioner would like
to be able to have the lights at 30' so that they could use fewer
lights tn^t would b~ mOTe effective. She stated tnnt Staff reviewed
the petition and due to the fact that there is no hardship, !';taff must
recommen~ ~en1dl.
Corrrdasiont:r l'ollo!n~ staled th.H 30' instear1 of 15' in a ~usin"ss
district would not he harmful, addinn that it i. also proven that a
b~tt~r light~n arl!lI ~eanl lP.18 crirrin~l cro~lP.m.. ~e also noted that
the new lights thdt are availahle can be directed to go directly on the
pl'lrkinq lot without I'Iny C11"r('.
Actinq ZonIng nir~ctor ~cKim stl'lted that .he would check into the
matter to determIne what type of liq~ts the petitioner intends on u.in~
and where they will be locatrñ. She rcported that sh~ woul~ have this
inforllatlon avail,,'!:le for th~ reC1ulllr ncc meetinq on Tu..aday. She
stated th.-.t lf the !-Ice feel II thDt th... 1<" r....quirp.l!\erat II'ay no lonqcr bp.
arpropriat~, lt should ~e somethlno that shouln he looke~ at aø far as
am~ndinq th~ 1.0n.nq ordin"nce.
Ite~ 1. Discussion on Parkland Dedication Fees - Non-agenda it..
Deputy Assistant County ~anager Pr^nnaccio stated that an
ordlnðnc~ was adopted in Pin('llas P~r~ in 19r1 which esta~lis~pd the
formula to clllcullltr tht" fN'S, facility I!!tandarlh rer 1,000 population,
a sprt:ðd~d formul" for privlltt: rf'cr(,iltional ^rel'S ust'n ~y developers
and !lettlements In thoe~ dêvelopll'enl!l and the uses of the fees for
parks. f.hc stat~~ that since lQ8l, trlS prQÇram in Pin~ll~~ P^rk has
contributed a million ðollnra, which ie only for residential huilding
p(,>rmi ts _ ~~he stl'ltl,d that Pinellas P..,rk sðll'pll! fEel!! for residential
building is $300 for a on~ bedroom house, $600 for a two beðroom hou.e
and $~OO for ð thre~ hedroom house. Shr st"te~ that the C~unty
Attorney has looked over the pin&llas Ordinance, ftddinq that ~taff is
loo~inq for auidance from the ~CC to dptermine if. they arc intereste~
in having Staff and the County Attorney follow up on the necessary
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March 2B, 1<)B5
research that would have to be done to present .o_~ type of park
dedication fee ordinance within three or four ~onth. fro~ now. She
.tated that with r.fer.nc. to the five co~unity p.rk. that Collier
County has, thnrð would b~ f~cilitie. add4d durinQ the year. l~~5-90
which could be paid for by the.. i~pact fe.. as long as the faciliti..
are lIeeded for the growth and the new residents.
County Attorn~y Saund.r. .tat~ that aÞout a year aqo, he was
direr.ted to do an imrnct fee .tu~y on ronde and Mr. ~im Nirholn~ WI'I.
obtained, addinq that h. allo qathered .ome information on the park
sy.te~ at th~ tim~ he was doino. the roa1~. ~e state~ thl'lt he ~uld
recOlllmend that ~'r. Nicholas Þe obtained acul1n to wor)o: further on this
project 1~ the FCC decided to qo fo~w"rd with ~uch ~n ordinance.
County Hanðq~r Lusk stat~d t~at it has to he ~etermined that there
will be p...rks in y.."rll to com. "nd wit~out 1mplH~t fc..s, the other
choice is ad valorem tax.s.
Com~..sior.~r Vos~ 5t~t~d that this itrm ~hould be put on t~.
regular ð~enda for discussion on Tu~sdðY to decide if they want to qO
forwnrd w~th the ord1n4nc~ or not.
Petition PU-85-1C, Wilson, Mill.r, Barton, 8011 . P..k, repr.senting
Joe Bonn.,sl r.questing Provi.ional u.. b of A-2 District and A2 ·ST·
District for earth .ining for Willow Run, located 1.5 _iles south of
Alligator Alley, on the east .id. of County Road 951 in Section. II ·
12, T50S, R26E, 330 ccre.. (Co.panion to Excavation per.it No. 59.206,
Ite. No. 10.8.(2»
A.::tinq Zoninn Dir,'C'tor I'<:I:il'l lndic.~tcd tho q'!!nt·r.Jl locðt10n of t.he
proporty on an overhead map, st4tinq that thIs woul1 be earth mininq
for Willow Run.
Hr. J.... Noble., requ.sting .ppeal of Lien No.*85-18 for property
loc.ted on Lots 432-434, Unit 2, Isl.. of Capri. (Cont'd fro. 3/5/85
Actinq Community Development Administrator Mullins stated this is
a situation wh~re the ACC must makd 4 decision 48 to whether a second
notice should have been sent as /o'r. Nobles has a paid hill indicatin~
that hl. oroperty was mowed on October 18, 19B5, and on January 11,
1985, the County cut the propert.y. She noted that the County
originally inspected t.he propert.y on gept.~mbt1r 2A, 19P4, /'Ind on October
26, 19A4, Mr. ~obles was sent a notice. 5he stated t.hat. Hr. Nobl~s
lIIaintained that in-~etwe~n th~ County inspl!ctinq th~ proocrty and ~r.
Nobles beinq sent the notice, he hl'ld his property cut.
AssIstant County Attorn~y Cuyler st~ted that t.he County has taken
the position that if t.here is a violation a letter of notification
should b~ sp.nt. before the property is actually cut.
aOOK 08R W.' 364
paqe 3
ao~ 086 W.[ 365
10.A. (l)
Requ..t for Board of County
for P.tition D~I-84-4C, Th.
~arch 28, 1985
Coa.i..i~n.r. to ..t a public hearing ðate
Parkland. .
There was no discussion on thl~ item.
'16 .A. (l)
petition MP-85-1C, Bruce Conley. requesting a .ide yarð .etback
yariance for Lot 66, .aple. Bath' Tenni. Club
^ctlng zoning Cirector ~cKim stated that the petitioner is
requesting a 2.5' variance from the required 10' and staff has no
Petition TR-B5-15C, Ji..y Daniell requesting a te.porary residence
per.it to utilize a aobile hoae during construction of a principle
residence on West 150' of Tract 103, Unit 77, Golden Gate Estate.
Acting Community Developm~nt Administrator Mullins stated that all
of these t~mporary r~sirlp.nce ~r~it8 ate ~ithpr a first time permit or
an extension of the first r~rmit.
Petition TR-85-13C, Joe Robisonl requesting a te.porary residence
per.it to utilize a travel trailer during construction of a principle
resid~nce located on 17th Street SW, 1/2 .ile south of Golden Gate
Boulevard and 3 ailes ..st of SR 951 on S 150' of Tract 119, Unit 8,
Golden Gate Estates
There w~, no discussion on t~iß itpm.
Petition TR-84-1BC, I!:arl Van Wiel requesting a temporary re.idence
per.it to utilize a travel trailer during construction of a principle
residence on east lBO' of Tract 67, Unit 25, Golden Gate Estates
There was no discussion on trls item.
Petition TR-84-22C, Freð L. ~ightl requ..ting a te.porary residence
per.it to utilize a travel trailer during construction of a principle
residence on Tract 64, Unit 14, Golden Gate Estates
There waø no èiscussion on this item.
Petition Tr-84-23C, Lillian Marie Heraanl requesting a temporary
residence per.it to utilize a travel trailer during construction of a
principle residence on Tract 133, Unit 43, Golden Gate Estates
There was no discussion on this item.
PlIge 4
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March 28, 19A5
16.1.. (7)
Petition TR-84-27C, Paul H. Plaaondonl reque.ting a teaporary
re.idence perait to utilize a travel trailer during con.truction of .
principle re.idence on Tract 56, Unit 23, Golden Qate I.tate.
The:e was no discus.ion on this item.
16.A. (8)
Petition TR-84-28C, John Tho..el requestinq a te.porary residence
per.it to utilize a travel trailer during construction of a principle
re.idence on e.st 150· of Tract 100, Unit 23, Oolden Oate !.tates
There was no discus.ion on this item.
16.A. (9)
ae.elution to recover funds expended by the County to abate public
nuisance on Ooldan Oate, Unit 2, Block 57, Lot 7.
Acting Community I)@v4l1opm..nt ¡\..;ninistrl'tor '''Illin'' stl'ltl!ð that
tñi. lot was a public nuisance Mnd th~ ~untv ~IIS mowed the lot and the
owner has not pði~ the hill.
16.A. (10)
aecoa.endation for after-the-fact authorization to apply for another
eoa.tal Zone Manage.ent Grant for 1985-86 that requires 20' of the
funda to co.e fro. the County and 80' fro. the Federal Govern.ent
"'ctin, Community Develpt:wnt JI,dlllinistrator "'u111nll statpd that thi.
gr,snt was "ppUed for rjuo'! to thO' rh"J\1n.. ðnd she iPl rf'nu"stinq
ofter-the-fact ðpprov~l.
Reco..endation to establish and fill the position of Natural Resource.
...ctin'l Community Dt!velopm&nt M:rinistr,Hor t'ul) ins stMt..ð thMt
this i, ~ position that would be Mn Mssist~nt to the County
Environment"Ust. She notec1 that thp natur.d rcsourcO's nt'ed to be
protected and that there i. such an "bund~nce of work to br. done in
that departrnpnt, that it haft heen donp on " pro~l~m basis. Sht' statp~
that when ð pro~le~ arises it is handlpd, hut w!th another person in
the depdrtment the natural re"ourc..s ~ou)d he hðn~led h..forr. problems
Reco..endation to award Bid '792, Public Works Vehicle.
Public- Works "'dministrator Kuc~ stated that bids were received on .
March 1, 1985. for three s¶te ltems und~r Pid ~792. He stated thðt
one ite. was for a light dozer and he is recommending that this
particular item be r~bld, addina that the second item was for 3 seven
cubic Yðr~ Jump trucks and the ~hird item was for 2 flatbed crew truck.
and he is recommending that the second and third items be awarded to
Call~an. Ie stated that the Jnoney for this bid has been budaeted.
am 08R PAr,' 366 -
I>ðge 5
March 2R, 1905
.or~. P.~§ {Ar.r 367
Recoaaend.tion to .pprov. Exc.v.tion Per.it Ro. 59.206 - -Willow Run- -
Bection. 11 . 12, T50S, R26E, lying .pproxiaat.ly 1-1/2 .il.. south of
A11ig.tor All.y (SR-84) .nd 1 .il. ..st of I.l.s of Capri Roað
(CR-951). (Coapanion to PU-85-1C, It.. No. 7.8.(1)
Public Works Mlllinistrator lCuck stated U.at thil is shply the
co~pünion petition to PU-~5-1C, which is the reauest for the excavation
for a c~.erc1.1 operation which will eventuðlly beco~~ another PUD and
th~y are requeoting about 220 acr.s which will be about 15,000,000
cubic yards of ~aterial to be used.
10.8. (3)
R.coa..nd.tion to adopt . r.solution approving an4 authorizing
.xecution of an .gr....nt with certain bUlin.ss, providing for the
installation of chann.l aarkers in Marco B~y.
Dave Grilcom, Public Workl Department, Itat.d that he is tryin~ to
do so.ething to solve thp. problelll of the land bar in Marco P~y, as
nu~erous boats go aqround. He stated that certain bUlinesses have
requelted that if the County .taff would prep~re and sub~it the permits
to the nec.ssary jurisdiction, they would totally fund the installation
and cost of wn't"'Vt'r channcl lIIaT\o:'!rll art> neE'deð in the ~y.
16.B. (1)
Recoa.endation to approve excav~tion P.r.it No. 59.210 to the Co..ons
II Land Partnerlhip, for the proj.ct known al -The Co.mons, Phas. II- _
S.ction 34, T49S, R25E, East side of Goodl.tt. Roa~, opposite 7th
Avenu., North, bounded on the ea.t by the Gordon River.
Public Wor'(s "d1!\~nistr"'tor Kuell s~...t..d th<'lt this item is for th"
S2 acre rrofessionlll rark öevelopment on C-oodlE'tte Road and thle is for
the approvnl cf tht> 5,r ~cr~ Tet('ntion l...k~.
Reco..endation to approve a budget am.ndment providing for additional
perlonnel and operating funds for the new aquatic plant harvesters to
be uled in Golden Gate E.tate..
Pu~lic Works Administrator Kuck statE'd that he i~ askina for th~
r"lIIo11ndf'r of U lS flsc...l yot¡¡r to us..- tht \nt"rrst. lIIoney which is
approxill'llltE'ly ~27,OO() to pay for the I\(j~itionlll pcrsonnel and operllting
funds for t.he t'I.HV",sters. p", stott::' thill th",s< r>Osit~ons would be part
of the 1~r5-R6 buoaet.
Recoa.endation to adopt a relolution establilhing a .axi.ua .peed li.it
of 35 .il.. per hour on Golden Gate Parkway (C.R. 886) betw.en a point
1,000 feet w..t of Santa Barbara nculevard to S2nd Terrace Southwest in
Golden Gat..
Public Works /I,dm..1. ~t:..:.tor !<uck statfOñ tr,01t this is a rf.'!!Iolution
to change the spp.ed li~\t to 35 miles per hour on Golden Gate Parkway,
~ddln~ that th~rc is <'I shoprinq center ~pina rcnstructe1 anð this will
make everyt~inq fro~ 1,000 f~Pt wpst of S~ntð Barhara heading east to
9S1, 3S ~i les f)f'r hour.
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March 28, lQS5
a.coaa.ndation to acc.pt a quit-clai. d..d fro. Lely E.tat.., Inc. for
. drainage canal conn.cting the Lely ~untry Club P.U.D. to the St.
Andr.w. la.t Canal in S.ction 20, '1'508, R26E.
Public Wor~. Ad~ini.trator Kuck stat.d that the.e next fou~ items
are all related to 3cce~tinq drainaae easements from l~ly, adding that
the.e canaLs are part of tho Lely Development. He stated that when the
.a..~ents arð acc~pted, the County will tak~ ov~r the maint~nance of
R.co...ndation to accept fro. Lely !.tate., Inc., a 40 foot drainaq.
......nt along a portion of the .outh line of the SE 1/4 of Section 20,
'1'508, R26!.
Ther~ was no discussion on this item.
R.coa..ndation to acc.pt fro. Gulf Coast Little League, Inc., a 40 foot
dr.in.g. .a....nt alon9 a portion of the .outh lin. of S.ction 20,
'l'50S, R26E.
Therp was no di"cussion on this item.
R.co...ndation to acc.pt fro. Industrial Concern' Inv..t..nt Co., N.V.
. dr.inag. .a....nt along the north and we.t line of S.ction 30, T50S,
R26E a. r.cord.d in OR Book 1113, pag.. 2077 thru 2088.
There was no dlScussion on this it~m.
16.8. (8)
R.co...ndation for pr.li.illary acc.ptanc. of Riv.rwood Ea.t Unit Two.
Puhlic Works Administrator Kuck 6tated that this item is simply
preliminary acceptance of Riv(rwood East, U~it Two, so t~at the rlat
can be recorded.
..... R.c..s. 10140 A.M. - R.conven.d. 10150 A.M. .....
Di.cu.sion of r.vi..d advisory board and appoint.ent. policy. (COnt'd.
fro. 3/19/85 ...ting)
1\ rltpresentativt' of thl!' Lp.aCue of Nomen Voters stlltltd th;,t this
ite~ should be workshopped bltfore it is adorted and an ordinllnclt should
be adoptød instead of ð resolution. ~h~ noted that it has been chanaed
numerous times and there .hould he a final ordinance to maklt it
Commissioner Voss stated that this item could be furthar discussed
at the regular me.ting and the r.solution could be adopt~d at that time
until an or~inance has heen crellted, adding that it would be advisable
to have a workshop session on the matter.
'DD~ 08H W.[ 368
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t'arc'h 28, 1985
not; 086 ~A',[ 369
~ecocaendation for approval and authorisation for Chair.an to sign 1985
Dental Grant Contract.
Public Services Þð~ini.trator ~orton stated that this is the
second year of operation for this dental grant pro~ram and offers
$7,000 with $1,276 in ~ind çrant rpouired with a $142 cash m~tch.
16.C. (2)
Recoa.endation for approval of grant application to continue funding
for the co..unity Care for the Elderly progra..
Public Services Ad~inietrator Norton stated that thi~ is about the
fourth year of this operation ~nd this ie approxim~tely ~ $200,000
grant with ð local mstch of about $21,000.
Recoaaenðation to award Bid '786, exterior painting of the Golden Gate
co..unity Center.
Public Sarvi~~s ~~lniøtr~tor Norton st~tpd thllt thc ~xtørior
paint will be a sealant type paint that will seal th~ hair line cracks
on the "'.1115. "" stilted that no:: is recomll'<!!n~ln<'1 the low hid:!er.
Reco..endation for approval of agree.snt between Collier County and
Collier Public Health Unit for payaent to proCo. ~ssociates, Inc. for
co.puter consultant services.
Puhlic Srrvice~ Administrator ~orton stoted that this project was
previouely ðpprovcd ~y thp ~osrd ~nrl hÞ is .i~~ly hringing the
~gree~ent b~c~ t.o the nee.
Recoa.endation for approval to apply for a grant fro. the State to
provide lunches for I.ao~.lee su~.er recreation participants.
Pub! ic S~rVicl'F .~dl1inlstr.Hor !\orton "t,.tpd t",~t this i!ll haeically
the 8a~~ aa thp achool lunc~ rroqram ~nd providep lunch~s f~r the
111111'0)..al,.(, SU::1I1''''r rccp,,,tlon rrO<Hi\IT.. p.. !IItllt...d that hf' is projpcting
ðrrroximatf'lY 450n lunche" this year.
Reco..endation to adopt a re.olution requesting financial a..i.tance
under the Florida Recreation Developaent ~ssistance program for
developaent of Golden Gate co..unity Park and the adoption of a
resolution requesting financial assistance under the Land and Water
Con.ervation fund for the develop.ent of East Maple. Co..unity Park.
Public Servlces Þdministr~tor ~~orton stated that t.his was l!
previousJy ap~roved item, ~nd hr. is now &s~ino that the resolution be
approved. He noted that there i" a cap on this assistance which is
$100,000 for th~ F!orida Recreation rpvelopmant Asaistance PrDgr^m ^nd
a ~200,OOO cap for the Lðnd and W~ter Conservation fund.
PMJe 8
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March 28, 1<)~5
,,(JD1)A I n:M8
Cone.nt ~.
16.D. (l)
a.coa..ndation to .nt.r into a9r....nt with the Developer of Windja...r
Utillti., Ml'\inl.strator Cranrlall stlltlld thllt II w1ter ~asem('nt was
r.~uir.d for Windjamm.r ðn~ they conøtructed on a pftrt of the easement,
trailor., ~/c unit~, ~nd ~ tennis court. Pe Itnt.d that it would be ~
qreat hardship for them to remove the facilit:es and it was decider!
that thllY would hold the County h~rr.le86 if worked ne~d.d to ~e done
and part of theee facilities h~rI to h. torn ur. ~. stated that h. is
a,lo:inq thi1t thill I\qp"'mr:>nt t'.. aPT'rovpd. H., .tðt~d tt1nt this aqr.f'I'I.nt
would be recorded I\n¿ would he I\ttl\ched to the de..d for future
Thern wa. qenerl'l '1I:cusslon "hout t-"vin" a c"'rtifiec1 ...n~in..er
,tate that there ðre no fncilities huilt on th.. .."s..mente.
a.coaa.ndation for acc.ptanc. of the wat.r and ..w.r facilities for
I.perial Golf Estate., Pha.e IV.
Ut illties I'odrlln18t rl\tor Cr"nr',,11 st.H,.1 th^t thi:.; is for
I'Iccept~nce of ðrrroxl~ðtely ,~,r,nn t~~t of w"t..r lines "nd 13,000 feet
of sltw"Ir 11n....
aeco...ndation for approval of requ..t for travel to att.nd AWWA Annual
Conf.r.nce and Expo.ition for Tho.a. T. Crandall, Utiliti.s
Utiliti., ^d~inistrator Crandall stated that this is for the
,,~..r ican Wðter '/ork" I'os.ociat lon Confo!ren("e in \~iSst1l.nqton, D. C. which
would last for one week.
R.co.~.ndation for acc.ptance of the water facilitie. for the Foxfire
Subdivi.ion Unit 3.
Therc was no discussion on this item.
Reco...ndation for acceptance of the water f.ciliti.. and utility
......nt for the Foxfir. Subdivi.ion Unit 3, Tract 5.
There was no rli8cussion on this itom.
Reco...ndation r.garding con.ultant ..lection for the Marco I.land Rat.
Don ~ohler, Director of Finance anr! Ausinc.s ~dmini.trntion for
aOOK 086 PA'.!. 370
Paq. 9
08~PAr.t~ïl March 28, 1985
'D~t~. Utilrttes Divi.ion, atated that the CCURRB ia reaue.ting approval
of the rate conaultant for the Marco Illand Utility rate caae. He
stated that there are seven fir.. that submitted proposals and the
CCURRB i. loo~ing for the BeC approval, adding that he concurs with
their recOEDendation.
£2!:!!!! MAJi1AQ~R
Recoaaendation for approval of a budget policy to be followed during
the 1985-86 budget proc....
Budget Officer Zalka stated thllt due to the ~ro...·th in population
of Collier County, the budget forms have oeen redeaigned into two
categories: curr~nt servicr reaueat and expanded service reauest. She
atated that she wouln work with any agency that would have to deal with
state or federal for~s so that they do not hl'lve a duplication of
R.co..endation for approval of an e.ployee co.pensation plan for FY
Budget Officer Zo'Ilkn stated thllt she is proposing that the Bee set
a policy for employee compensation for next year's budget at the
beginning of th~ hudg~t so that all IIq£ncie~ can budoct accordingly.
She stated that sh~ recommends II 5\ salary ~òlust~ent account which all
aqenciers wouln be lIuthori%.f.!d to renu",st in their budq!:'t. ~(' reported
that for the Manaqer's employeeo, she is proposina that the Ii' be ullel"l
as followR: 4~ as nn ncross-th~-~o~rrl 1nCr(n!ll~ IInrl then l' woulò he for
ð ~erit pay plan for satisfactory employee., 2' for very qood
employees, IInd 3~ for excell(nt employees. ~~e stated that the IIverage
annual cost would be about 2'. She stilted thllt she is also
recoll,mending that the County start 1\ dental plnn ¡HI soon tiS possible.
16.£. (l)
R.coa.endation to approve travel by Buð~~t Director to National
Confer.nce of Govern.ent Pinanc. Officera As.ociation.
f\udQ('t f)ffic,.r ~.I\P:I' Hllt--"¡ th"t t~~'! ("onf"rpn"'O is In r.-,ir.'l,qo and
is from a SlIturday to II ~~ònpsòay.
COIIIII'lIIsionf'r 1'011/11':'; !IIt.1te:1 th,1t he w::¡uld I i~t' this it!:'", ;:¡nd Itell'
16D(3) tiJken off the consent aqendll anò put on the r~qulðr o'Iacnda for
Tue.~I\Y'R mee~lnq.
Recoa.endation to expend Justice Center Punda for furni.hing. to
Building lOP".
.....ista.ll County t'nnaqer Dorrill stated th'lt this is a two part
!xeuctive ~u~mðry to confirm action that ~tAff haa takpn And to adviae
the Aoarð of the furni~hinqs reqarðinn the Justicp Center. ~e noted
that the agenda indicates the furnishinqa for Buildinq "F", adding that
non~ of th~ mon~y from th~ Justice C~ntcr Funds ~~. u8eð for the County
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March 2R, 19A5
Manager's office or the Co~ission office. He stated t~at the first
and third floor of this huilding wa. re-c~rr~ted using Justice Cdnter
funds and the Attorney's office w~s redone. Hs stated thnt h~
roccgniz.s that the Sheriff's department will need ð lot of
furnishinas, and the Sheriff and Staff have comb up wit~ a list that is
.atisf~ctory to both Pftrties.
Commissioner Hollan~ st~ted toat ~~ would li~e this itr~ tft~~n off
the consent agenda and put on the re~ul~r ~genða for Tuesday's meeting.
Reco..endation for appoint.ent by resolution of a member to the
Industrial Development Authority.
Ther~ W3S ~o ~iscu8sion on this item.
Reco..endation for appointment of substitute for Chairman to serve on
the County Canvassing Board.
Comm;'8ion~r Voss stðt~d trat r.· feels tr~t so~-.onp. that livp..
closer to Marco Island should be on this board.
Resolution setting forth the policy of the Board of Co~nty
Co..isaioners regarding the calling of special elections.
Tht!r.- W'll! no Jisctlssion on thiR it'!m.
Resolution supporting a legislative a.endment to ~ectio~ 201.02,
Florida Statutes, relating to the tax i.posed on d,-·.1.· \nd other
inatruments relating to realty or interest in realt~
Assistant County ^ttoTnev Cuyl~r stðt~d that a number of counties
have pðssed a resolution indicatinq t~eir support.
Certification of Habitat for Humanity in l.~okalee. (Co... Voss)
Commissioner Voss stated thllt this is housing that is built for
low income f'lmilip.s at 1'1 no-interest status, addinq that this is
certified under the state law.
Presentation by the Naples Civic Association regarding the appointment
of . special co..ittee to study whether or not the citizens of Collier
County are interested in imple.enting the new provision .s authorized
by the recent Constitutional Amendment Article VIII, Section 1.
There was no discussion on this item.
aOOK 086 P1r.~ 372
Peg.. 11
"'arch 28, 1985
086 Pl',t 373
pre..ntation by Baple. Infor.ed Parent. r~ardin9
alcoholic beverage. to .inor. at boae partie..
ordinance on .erving
There was no discu..ion on this ite~.
Recoaaendation for Chair.an to sign a Letter of Ag.ncy Agre...nt witb
AT'T Information Sy.t....
Ther~ was no discussion on this item.
Di.cu.sion of Work.hops b.ing h.ld on Honðay. prior to the r.gular
County t1ÐnðQer LUSK stat"!d that thi6 is something that he would
like th, Co~mi~sion to consider and to discuss at the regular meeting.
He stated th~t this woul~ qive the Commissioners time over the w~e~end
to revidw their aqendas which would be handed out on Fridavs. He noted
that it would ùlSó givE' Staff tlme to t.ave ",verythinQ to thp Mðnaqer's
office by the deadline, which 1n turn, would give the Co~missioner8 a
cornplet~ 8nd final ~~cnda on Frid;ys.
R.sponse from County Manager Lusk regarding newspap.r articles
County MIInaqt-r Lusk Stl~t('J that there hl'lve been article" written
in the Naples Daily News lat~ly th~t he would li~e to res~ond to
regarding prIorities. He noted that any good ~l'In~qer's rriorities ~r.
the priorities of the Commission. He stated that he feels that the
Co~mi.sion needs to ~ut priorities. He stated that he will be with the
County one year in May IIn1 evnluation time is "'pproaching, lidding t1'1at
a day should be set rside so that the Com~issioner6 ~l'In p.vl'llu~te him on
~is past performðnce and what has been I'Icromplished In the last year
and lIlso ir,Jicatt:! ",hilt th~y would IiI(.. for the upcoming y",ar.
Th"'rf> htirq nr- furllH'r 'rusin"sr. fOT thp (':ood of tn.. Cou;"\ty, the
meetina was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 11:4~ ~.~.
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