BCC Minutes 04/02/1985 R - - .. Naple., Plorlda, April 2, 1985 LIT IT BB REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Co..i..ionera in and for the County of Collier, and alao acting .a the Board of Zoning Appe.l. .nd a. t~e goyerning board(.) of auch apecial di.trict. .. haye been created according to law .nd haying conducted bu.ine.. herein, .et on this date at 9.00 A.M. 1n ....l.r Seaalon in Building .p. of the Courthou.e COaplex, ~.t Napl.., Florida, with the following ...b.r. pr...nt. CHAIRMAN I Frederick J. VO.. VICS CHAIRMAN. Ann. Goodnight Max n..... C. C. ·R.d- Kolland ABSENT. John A. Pi.tor ALSO PRESENT I Willia. J. R.agan, Cl.rk, J.... C. GIl.., Fi.cal Officer, Elinor M. Skinner and Maureen ~enyon (1.30 P.M.), Deputy Clerk., Burt L. Saunder.. COunty Attorneyr Donald B. Lu.k, County Manager, Neil Dorrill. A..i.tant County Manager, paa Brangacclo, Deputy A..i.tant County Manager, Vickie Hullin., Acting Co..unlty Deyelopaent Ad.ini.tratorr Ann Mc~i.. Acting Zoning Director, To. ~uck, Public Work. Ad.ini.trator, T~. Crandall, Utilitie. Ad.lni.trator, Nancy I.rael.on. Ad.lni.tratiye ~.i.tantr and Deputy Chief Rayaond Barnett, Sh.riff'. Depart.ent. J mK 08Bm£374 Page 1 .. ..-'^"._..,..._~--,'_..._".,......._....,,- ~-,_.. ....."......_, ...,~'~·"é"·'·_'" "._"""_.~_..,,.,_,....,"_ am 086 Plr,t 381 'fa.. U n.. 11 AGarDt\ - APPJOVE1) AS AKDDED April 2, 1985 eo..'niDn.r QoodDight ~ed, ..conded by Co_inioner Han. aDd oarrled 4/0, that the agenda be apprOYed with following a.endaeDt.. A. IOEJ - Di.cu..ion re date for work.hop - Added at County Manager'. request. B. IOEA - Z.ergency MAnage.ent Contract for radioloqical funding W _ Added at County Manager'. requast. ~ C. IOES - Discus.ion of whether or not BCC i. intere.ted in additional infor.ation re parkland Dedication Fees - Added at County Manager'. request. D. 16EI - Becoae. 1016 - Re trayel request of Budget Director to National Conference of Goyern.ent Finance Officer. ~.n. - Re.oved from Con.ent Agenda at reque.t of Co..i..ioner Holland. E. 16!2 - Becomes IO!7 - Discus.ion re expenditure of Justice Center Funds for furnishings - Reaoved froa Consent Agenda at Co.m1s.toner Holland's request. F. 10Dl - CCURRB consultant dt.cuss10n - Added at County Manager's reque.t. G. 16DJ - Beco.es IOD2 - Travel requftst for Utilitie. Adaini- strator for attendance at AWWA Conference - Removed from Consent Agenda at Commi..ioner Holland'. request. H. 16^ll - Become. lOA2 - Natural Resource. Technician request - Removed fro~ Con.ent Ag.~da at County Manager's reque.t. I. IJG - Re?Ort from Flnanclal Con.ultant - Added at county Manager's re~uest. J. l6AJ - Becom.. IJ~ - Pet. TR-B5-1JC - Removed from Con..nt Agenda at Com.lssloner Ha...'. reque.t. K. 16A6 - Becomes IJI - Pet. TR-84-2JC - Removed from Consent Agenda at Com.ls.loner Hal.e's reque.t. L. 16A7 - Becomp.s lJJ - Pet. TR-~4-17C - Removed trom Cons~nt Agenda at Comet..toner Ha..e's reque.t. It.. 12 PItOCLAMATIOIf DUIGNATIMG APRIL, 1985 AS -»tBRICAJf LEGIOIf CRILDRD . YOUTH MOIfTH - ADOPTED Coa.issioner vo.s .eyed, .econded by CO..issioner Goodnight and carried 4/0. that the Procla..tlon deslvnatinv April, 1985 as -~rican > LeVlon Children' Youth Month- be adopted. Mr. Frtt~ Norton, reprelenting the ^~erlcan Legton, r.ce1v~d che Proclamatlon and expre..ed h1. apprectatlon to the Board of County Co_i.stoner.. Page 2 r--- '---' ¡.. - l_ -......... ._--_..._~---_. April 2, 1985 ". It" "'K 086rA~383 noðNIA'f1œ Dal___'fl_ AnIL; 1..5 AI ·..ua 8008111. ..,.... - AMHIID ~..'OM~ 11011... ~~ aeooeðe4 111 eo......OIMIl' YooI. ... oud.c 4/0; ùat tM h'oclaMt'oa ..._...U.. .U; 1..5 .. ·rat&' ...... ....t1la· be ~e4~ Ma. Shelly Willia.son~ of the eoaaunty Bloc~ Grant Division, accepted the procla.ation with thanks. I . pag. J I::::J ~..: ,:,:~i';::;\ ". -....._--~- ·1. 'r~ . ,:- .~ _ .~~,~ . .~:. .;; n.tÏe\.OB6 nr.t 385 April 2, 1985 , '$:' ::{;.:noowanœ "11D.'ftwG UUL 11; ltaS All ·~"rp IIUßI'f nl'l'1YAL ,~"'<'(,"."" - AiNt'tAu 'r, '''''' -'. . c.aa......1' ......P, .....; McroD4.. 1Ii:r eo..t..'ØlteI' ..... ... oan," ./0; u..~ ~.. PI'oGi"'~.oa ....pa~... api'll 11; 1"5 .. ·1.....1.. "I''''~ re.~'..l Day· 1Mt adopted~' eo-l..1oner Goodnight accepted the procla.atlon. I . Page " t::::J ! <':~'.~ . '; , ,'. ·..v·~.;¡~r,:i·'~·; . ~ Þ:., ¡t", ,~j.1~7·}'\~j(,,~:~þ.~:,~' AprU 2, 1985 HIlI 086 ,,'t 387 ltea IS ~\Mnœ "I.-A'fl" Anti.; UIS AS -..,.. AU ..~..,.- - ~iD ~,. ....'.:. ',- co-........ ..... ....; ....... ":r c:o.....IOIt4Ir 11011&84 ... oard" 4/0; that. u.e ftoolaaatloa d......tlo, AprU; USS .. -Pft. Ar. .....rhl ....tII· M ~ed. Ma. Sharon Delgaðo accepteð the Procla.ation with thank. on behalf of tho.. per.on. who work with ani.al. in the County. r=J ~ . ------.' I",'" ~-. ......." .'; . .t:~-----: _._~:.- .<;:".,:",.,: ¡: .,. .: I . Page 5 --.", "~""-'--'- IV ","""""____.~_''''~..".,." It.. "'Oft 086 !'lQ 389 April 2, 1985 PftI'I'IOII .-14-JIC; .Jœ:. POUIO - CXlØI.-nD '1'0 5/21/85 eo.a.......1r 8011aA4 1IOYe4; .~ed by eo.a.......1' ...... ... oan te.s , 4/0; that hUdoe .~'4-38C; .Jobn Ponlo~ be coatlD1M4 to 5/2l/.S; a. reqw..te4 by .taff. n_ 17 aaoLftlOll .5-a4 .. Pft. CCCL-'5~lC; MoOD . AUOCIA'I'U/LKL'l U'B'l'U; IIIC. .. YA.UA.1K3 f'O. .,... U8'I'OItA'I'IOII AID ~A'I'IOII 1'0. LEL'l IF u.aøoor aUCII VIII'I' OIIS~ auc. GUDa8 .; C ~ . Q - AJ)OI'TSI) IIUaJ1IC'I' '1'0 ~ 1'1'1 PULA'I'IOII1I Legal notice haying be.n published in the Naple. Dally News on March 17, 1985, as evidenced by Aftidaylt of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing wa. opened to consider Petition CCCL-85-1C, tiled by McGee and ~ssociate., representing Lily Istate., Inc. requesting a yariance for dune restoration and reyegetation in Bonita Spring., Florida, for Lily Barefoot Beach Unit ane, Beach Gardens B, C, , G. Dr. Proffitt, Director of Naturel Resources Manage.ent, explained the intent of this request i. to i~prove the area by restoring the dune and certain rey.getation in the area de.cribed above. He referred to the stipulation. li.ted on the Ixecutiye Sussary da~ed 3/7/S5 and recossended approval of the reque.t, adding that walkovers will be placed to protect the dune area. Petitioner'. repr..entative, Mr, Michael McGee, explained he w.. pre.ent to respond to questions and confir..d that the walkover. will be a protection keepinq traffic off the dunes. co.......oaer ..... .o.ed, .ece04a4 by co.alniOlMr 110 11 aDd aad oa.rr'ed 4/0; that the public hearl.. be aloe4td. co.ab"oaer IIoUanot .o.ed; .HOII4ed by eo......oaer OOodaI,'-t anot carried 4/0, that ..aolutioa 85-14 re rete OOCL-85-lC be adopted ..bject to .tipolation. coat.AÞed therein. Pag. 6 -----, ---- ------~ ....---. .--.-- --- I ' 1:-- - .. 086 I'.r,{ 393 It.. .. aKaOLU'I'lOII 85-85 U nT. CCCL-84-lOC, AIICBOR ØQIJlURIIK1, UPUSarfl.a AØtIJALn BOOla COIIÐOMI.IUMS, COUIIR aLVD., MAJCO IILNrD, PL., U VUVoltCS J'JIICM c:ca. FOR 1..,.A1U'I'IOII OP ADDI'I'IOIIAL AJMOR ITOIß AIID al'tACDCD1' OP IIDftALlt AIID ,Aft OP t.A.WIf - ADOP'l'ED It1BJZC'I' '1'0 ITIPUIA'I'IœI April 2, 1985 LegM1 notice having been publi.hed in the Maple. Daily New. on March 17, 1985 and in the Marco I.land Eagle on March 20, 1985, a. eyidenced by Attidavits of Publication filed with the Cler~, public ~ hearin~ was opened to consider Petition CCCL-84-lOC, filed by Anchor Engineering, repre.enting ~.tralty House Condoainiua., Collier Blvd, Marco Island, Florida, regarding a variance fro. CCCL for in.tallation of additional ar.or stone and replace.ent of sidewalk and part ot lawn. Dr. Proffitt, Director at Natural Resources ~nage.ent, explained that the petitioner wi.hes to aake the above l.prove.ents to an existing seawall. He .aid usually the Natulal Resources Manage.ent Depart.ent does not reco..end seawall. but in this instance the exist- ing seawall need. repair to keep ero.ion fro. occurring. He explained an error in the reco~ended resolutton stating it .hould read slope 2 instead of slope 3. He reco~~ended approval of the reque.t. Hr. Jerry Heal, repre~enting the Petitioner. produced a co.posite of picture., Exhibit -A-, to show the deterioration of the area in question. eo.."..loner Hasae .eved, .econded by co..lssloner Goodnight and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be cloaed. eo-I..loner Haa.e .eved, seconded by eo..lssloner Rolland and carried 4/0, that Resolution 85-85 r. Petition CCCL-84-lOC be adopted aubject to .tlpulations contained therein. " y Page 7 - ~ .- _.__'hr -~-> ----r:. ~ p..-'.'- .. -.--'. "___.__....~.,__ ''''''''_='''W''_''''''~'''"____"O~''''~_ aDD~ 08ô Pl',l 3U? It.. It DaOLV'l'Iœ 15-16 D I'ft. V-I5-3<:; IWtCO non UIOCIA"I'U; L'fD.; IS VUI~ rot 'fUC'f -A-; IWtCO aua; OIII"!' 110. 5 rllOM DICIIft LIJlI'fA'fIœ l5' '1'0 2S' roa LI.n1lCl rlX'fUDS - ADOPRD AprU 2, 1985 Legal notice haying been publi.hed in the Naple. Daily Naw. on March 17, 1985 and in the Marco I.land Eagle on March 27, 1985 .s ayiðenced by Aftidayit. of Publication tiled with the Clerk, public hearing wa. opened to consider Petition V-85-JC, tiled by Marco Shopa Associates, Ltd. reque.ting a variance to Section 7.22(c)1 District tor~ Tract ~A~, Marco Beach, Unit No.5 tro. required height li.itation In the C-J District of 15' to 30' for lighting fixtures. Acting Zoning Director Mc~i. explained that tha petitioner i. reque.ting this variance to aount parking lot tixtures at JO feet in.tead of the require.ent of 15 toot height. She explained the rea.oning behind tha 15 foot require.ent is to eli.inate glare to are. re.idents. She .aid that .taff founð 110 hardship and recommended denial. Mr. Wayne Vensel, repre.enting the petitioner, explained that the petitioner does not intend to reduce protection of neighboring prop- erties. He said that the C-2 and C-3 Di.tricts are the only areas which have height require.ents. He .aid that Mr. Tos Leonard, the li~hting consultant. was pre.ent to respond to technical questions. He requested approval of the JO foot height variance. He said that are. residences are on a hill and this require.ent will not aff.ect the. unduly. Mrs. McKim C-3 Dhtrict h explained, the zoning protection at Cos.i.sioner Ha.se's request, that the next to a re.idential area, hence the of homes in the area that may be atfected by requirement for light. . . Mr, Leonard, of TObia., Fidler and Goodman, repre.enting the '\ petJtioner, distributed a copy of information regarding the type of light. that were to be installed, Exhibit ~A~. He .aid he did not believe the light. at the reque.ted height will be detrisental to the welfare of area re.idents, 'rape t2 Responding to Co..issioner Holland, Mr, Vensel explained the plant buffer that will be in evidence on the property. Mrs. McKi. said that the ho.es ~re elevated in the area and will look level with the lights which is cause tor concern. ---- . ----; 1~ r. Page 8 .--.""..-- - - - AprU 2, 1985 Mr. Leonard .aid hi. per.onal pr.t.r.nc. i. for a hetght of 25 f..t, tn r..pon.. to Co..i..ton.r Ra...'. qu..tion, how.v.r, that t. DOt n.c....rlly the corr.ct height for thi. proj.ct. eo-t..ion.r Rolland a.ked if the petition.r would .gre. to the 25 foot height and Mr. Ven.el .aid that could accoaaodate the petitioner, however, 30 feet would be better. eo.al..toaar BoU.... ..wed; .ec0a4ed by eo.a....onu Ba... aDd canted 4/o~ tþt the pabllo h.arlD9 be clOtled. C:O"....oa.r Ba..a .,.ed~ .ec0n4ed by CoIIaI..'oner ve.. that the .taU be .upported aDd th.t Petition V-15-3C be d.al"ld. '!'h. wet. wa. 2/2~ eo..l..loner. IOIl.ad aa4 OoodaIVht oppoeld. eo.alnloaer BoUan4 ~ed; .lOOD4ed by eo..lntoner Goo4Dlpt aacI carried J/I; eo..l..loaer Ba... oppo.ed; that ...ol.tlon 85-86 r. Petition V-85-3C be .dopted, witb tbe light helvht ..t at 25 f.et. . I ~ODK 086 Flr,[ 398 Page 9 .. ...,...--" ~oot 086m,r4.01 u.. 110 D8OLV'I'lœ 15-87 .. Pft. 1V-15-lC; WIL8œ; MILLS., MaTOII, lOLL .. nø¡ ....liftl" .7OIØH _~; .. r.onlIœAL w. It 0'1 1.-2 DII'I'UC'f UD A.2 .~ DII'RIC'f roa DJt'I'II KIWI" re. WILLOW ... - A.l)()P'fr.D ~ 'fO ftIl'VLA.1'IœI, ""I'fI~" AG-.---r .. rIRIIIG or nt.:'r ACCIP'f1D AprU 2, 1985 Acting Zoning Director Mc~i. .xplaineð that the purpose of this petition i. to excavate a .ax1.u. of 233.8 acres. She .aid the depth of the .xcayatl.on will be 50 feet deep. She .aid that the Staff and all County agenctes approved the petition subject to the stipulations list.d,in th~ Execut1ye Suaaary dated 3/25/85. Mr. To. Peet, ot Wil.on, Miller, Barton, SOlI. Peek, Inc., explained that he wa. pre.ent to re.pond to que.tions. eo......o.er GooðDlpt lIOYed; .ec:oeðed by eo.aluloa.r ...... aa4 oarrled 4/0; that aaaolatloa 15-87 re Petl.tloa PU-85-lC be adopted .altject to .tlpulatlone ll.ted in Petitioner'. Agr....nt' Petltlon.r'. Al r....nt and FlndlÞ9 of Fact accepted. , . "I ~ Page 10 -~ ~~ [..." ':Ð -..,.. '~_..~....'.-..._..- f .., .,; ~-~';:.~:_<~ .~~ ~':~ ,~:.;~ ~ ~ '¡:~~;: ¡~!~.,_ ._~---- , ,r, . . . ...... '.' , '.. . ." . .".". . "- ' ...... .." .. .....~; ",.. '. '. , ""'--"""-"""""""--- ---...-- ____,_.._..___."'." .".,".,,,.,.,......_.,·,.,~_···,H~".'....·~_"''^·.'_'.. .. 086,A'.{ 407 It..ll aeournœ .s.... aacIDIWG auoLU'I'Iœ IS-54; APPUL or LI"; JAICIIS IIOIJIn; LO'I'I 412-4)4; WI'f 2; IIUI œ CAPJ.1 - ADOP'RD AprU 2, 1985 Acting CO..unity Developaent Ad.inl.trator Mullin. r..iewed the hi.tory behind this appe.l. Sh. .aid that the COunty inspected the property on 9/28/84, a letter was .ent to the petitioner on 10/26/84 and a ll.n wa. r.que.ted on 2/5/85. She .aid that St.tf reque.t. d.ni.l ot the appeal because the COunty aowed the lot on 10/18/84. Ih.Jr .aid that the petitioner has an invoice fro. a person Who .tated the . lot wa. .owed at the petitioner'. reque.t. eo.ai..ioner Vos. asked it the point ot this appeal i. not that a .econd letter .hould have been sent by the COunty reqarding the height of the weed.? Mrs. Mullins responded that was a po.sibility. County Attorney Saunders said that there was .t le.st a possi- bility that the weeds could have grown fro. the firat Inspection to the one in January and the County has the burden ot establishing if there wa. . ..iolation. eo.....l.oa.r Ba... ~ed~ .ec0a4ed by eo-I..loner lI011ao4 and carried 4/0, that ...alation 85-88 re.clD4l.ng ...olutlon 8S-54 re LieD 110. 85-18, .1.... IIoble., be adopted. '\ ~ Page 11 --::J ;.----... --- _..'-- ~~.,~- --_.....,--"..,._....~--.......... ,-,' ,.,,',.--.-.'" ,,_..,,~._..'..._.,....,"--,.,.,- Max 08Ô'lr.! 409 It.. In D.PI.U CIVIC AS80CIATIœ naDTATIœ u A'POI~ 01' SPECIAL CCIIICIT- 'I'D '1'0 I'1'UD'l COU'rITVTIOD.L ,.,...~ - 110 ACTIœ TAJtD April 2, 1985 Hr. Joe COx, Pre.ident of Naple. Civic A.ociation, appeared on behalf ot that group'. Ad Hoc Co..ittee tor Ho.e Rule and li.ted the ·variou. ciyic group. Who ..~e up the OO..ittee. ße .aid that .eeting. haye been held regarding Artical VIII, Section I which was approyed alaost two to one in the fall election. He reque.ted that the Board of~ County Co.-i.. ion .elect a co.. it tee to inve.tigate whether or not the idea tor changing the ..thod of .electing co..is.ioner. .hould be put on the ballot. Ke reque.ted funding for .tenographic .ervice. and copying ex pen... for the co..ittee. The following per.on. .poke in favor of Mr, Cox'. reque.t. Mr. Je.. Perry, repre.enting the Executive co.sittee of Republican Party Gina Hahn, repre.enting the Republican Party Aly.e O'Neill, pre.ident of Eagle roru. Col. John Beebe, pre.ident, Lakewooð Civic A.sociatlon Mr. George Keller, Pre.ident, Collier County Civic rederation Hr. Jay Bhhop The following per.on .poke again.t the requestl Tape .3 Mr. Whitney Co~k, Pre.ident, Voter. League of Colli.r County rollowing the .peaker., a .hort di.cu.sion took place during which Co..i..ioner Goodnight point.d out that the li.t of organization. ..ntioned by t1r. Cox did not include repre.entation fro. laackalee or Eyerglade. City, who should al.o be heard, CoaaI...l.oner OOOdnlqht aoved; .econded by Coaal...loner Voe.; that the reque.ted co.aitt.. be .elected to .zplore Article VIII, Section 1. The TOt. WI. 2/2, Coaal...loner. Rolland and Ra..e oppo.ed. County Attorney Saunder. said this action resulted in no action 'I tak:n and the .ubj.ct could be brought back by any intere.ted a later date if desired. Co..i..ioner Va.. Indicated that ha bring the .ubject back later. ····RECESS. 10.22 A.M. party at sight azcowvEIED. 10.35 A.M.···· It.. 113 ().,u..-tt ATTODET DIJtZCTED '1'0 DJAPT OaDII1AJ1CB U IKRV'l1lG ALCOIIOLIC IEVBItAOES '1'0 MIIfOItS 1. IIOME PAftIU, PO. COIISIDKItATIœ BY ICe Hr. Bill Peterson, repre.enting the Naple. Infor.ed Parent., explained the organization and it. goal. of addre..ing drug probl.... Page 12 . 'r: _4 ~._- -- - - ... April 2, 1985 ø. .aid that the Øaple. organi&ation ha. re.ulted in organization. becoaing actiye throughout the nation and that now the organization i. att..pting to do .oa.thing about teenag. alcoholi... H. r.qu.sted that Staff ~. dlre~ted to dratt an ordinance holding par.nt. r..pon.ible for .erying drink. to .inor. in home., to co.. to ter.. with the incr.a.ing probl.. of teenag.r. becom~ng inebriated at ho.e partie. with or without the con..nt of ~=ent.. Co.~i..ion.r Holland read the pertinent Chapter 827.04, paragraph 3 which i. a .tate law which alr.ady .ddr..... th.~roble. of which Mr. p.t.r.on spoke and a.~.d the County Attorney for hi. opinion on the .ubject. County Attorn.y Saund.r. .aid that what Co.~i..ioner Holland had r.ad r~.rding contributing to th. delinqu.ncy of .inors was ind..d appropriate law r.gardinq alcohol ..rv.d in a home and he ref.rred to Section 562,11 which .laborate. on this proble. with r.gard to po....- .ion of alcohol, Co..i..ioner Holland a.~.d if this law i. on the books what would be the n.ed for the Co..i..ion to pa.. another law and who would enforce it? Deputy Chief Barnett .aid that enforcement i. not easy and perhaps the proposed ordt~anc. could addre.. this matter with regard to drink- ing in private hos.. .0 that .nforce.ent could be better handled. 'fa.. 14 Mr. Bruce Rolly .poke neith.r for or again.t the propo.ed ordi- nance but a.ked if ..rying minor. at outdoor f..tiyal. could be includ.d? Mr., Gina Hahn .pok. in favor of the propo..d ordinance noting that .he has a t..nag. .on and know. tha~ there i~ a probl... Coaaluloner Ba... !lOVed, .ec0a4ed by CoIIahaloner OOoc1r.I,ht aad carried 4/0; that the eo.aty Attorney be directed to draft an ordinance . r&9ardlDg .er.ing alcoboll.c be.era.e. to .Inoca at ~ part I.. aDd ~r.t.rn It tor ao&rd consideration. It.. 114 I'U8LIC BDRI.a DAn POa PTrI,.IOII DaI-14-4C, 'fIlE ,A.RJa..AJIDS - APPIIOYI:D POa JUWE 18, 1915 Acting ZOning Director McKi. r.qu..ted th.t . public h.aring date of June IS, 19S5 be ..t tor Petition DRI-S4-4C, The Parkland.. COIøh.ioner OoodDI.9ht ~ed, .e00n4ed by eo......on.r Ba... aDd carried 4/0, that June 18; 1'15, be e.tabllshed for the public h.ar'D, aOOK 086r¡rI410 Page 13 ...". - --~--.-~ ...---- ~_. -' -".- ._,,-,,-~,_..__.,,"._-- '* osa pt"1411 fo~ ..t'tloo D.I-84-4C. The 'arklaa4a. U.. 115 ~ )A'fIœ 'to U'fASLIIB AII'D rIu. POSI'!'IOII or IIA'I'URAL aaotTièCU 'l'SClllrICUII - AP.~ AprU 2, 1985 Actinç eo..unity Develop.ent Ad.ini.trator Mullins explaineð that the po.ition of Natural Resource. Technician was approveð and later cut in the buðget workshop.. She saið that the DOney i. in the buðget and for the resainder of this year the cost would be $9,700. ~ Dr. Hark Benedict, COn.ervancy Director of Enyironment, .poke in fayor of the position, citing lack of neeðeð work being done in the Depart.ent of Natural Resouces at the County at the pre.ent ti.e ðue to lack of per.onnel. He spoke fro. experience, haying been the for.er Natural Resources Director, and requested that the Co..ission look favorably on this request. Coeal...ioner Bolland aoye4~ .econde4 by eoaal..sl.caer Goodnight aa4 carrle4 4/0. that the poeltlca of .ataral "source. TachDlclan be e.tabl'ehe4 an4 fl.lle4. Ite. 116 lID .792 Jt& ~LIC woua VEHICL&8 - A'PJOVED U aEC.VI"V'IA.IIpEI) lIT 8TAn'; LIOBT DOIEa TO III: U-DID, 'l"ftUE DOMP 'fItUC1tI A'!' C08'I' 01' Ul,613 AII'D 'I'WO 2-TOIr rtA'I'IED can CÞJ' A.AMID TO IILL GALUWI POII'I'IAC-oLDS-GMC; IIIC. PO. $36.372 Public Work. Administrator Kuck reported that bid. were taken for public work. vehicle. and. as a result, he recommended that the light dozer be re-bidr that three du.p truck. at a cost of $41,6l3 and two 2-ton flatbed crew cabs be awarded to Bill Gall.an Pontiac-Olð.-GMC, Inc. for $36,372. Co..i.sioner Holland que.tioned the re-b1dding of the dozer, asking if a problem was in the .pecifications thut were written? Mr. KU~ said that the specification. were written by the Transportation De~rt.ent and he did not recall the actual bid for the dozer. OoaaI...l.oner Goodnight ao.e4~ .ecoade4 by co-I...loaer Ra..e aa4 carried 4/0, that lid 1792 be awarde4 a. reco_ended abOYe by Public Work. Ad.lnl..trator ~uck anð that the light do&er ~ rebid. It.. 11 7 Ir:XCAVA'!'IOI PlKNI'!' ~. 5'.206 - -WILLOW 1tOW-~ aECTIOIIa 11 . l2~ 'f50S; 11.26E - APPItOVJ:D SUBJECT TO 8TIPULA'!'IOIIS Public Works Admini.trator Kuck recommended that !xcayation per.it No. 59.206 for -Willow Run- in Section. II , 12, T50S. R26E be approved Page 14 -f: f" ...,.,.,-"'-"",-_.....,...' - - - ~prll 2, 1985 ,ubj.ct to .tipulation. li.ted In the Executive Su..ary dated 2/2/95. Re.pondinq to co..i..ioner Ha.... Mr. ~uck expl.lned that Dr. Proffitt, Director ot Natural Re.ourc.., review. the.e type. ot peH Hon. . Mr. To. Peek, of wilson, Miller, Barton, SOll and Peek, explained that Dr. Benedict was e.ployed by the County at the ti.e that thil petition was handled and .everal days were .pent on the .ite reviewing thh project. Mr. Edward Kant, Chair.an of the Water Manage.önt Advi.ory Board ...ured th~ co~.i..ion that the Water Manaqe..~t ^dvi.ory Bo&rd reviewed thi. ite. and agree. with it. approval, adding that an excaya- tSon ordinance review i. in proce... 'ra.. 15 Mrl. Charlotte We.tman, repre.enting the League of Women Voter., ..ked tor ...urance that thil project will not be developed a. loon a. the firlt excavation i. completed. Hr. Peek explained no dev.lop.ent can occur until a petition for .a.e i. returned for action by the Board of COunty Co..i..ioner.. eo.al...l.oner Roll.nd aoved, .econded by oo..i..loner Bal.e .nd carried 4/0, that Izc...tion per.lt ~. 59.206 for -Willow aun- be appro.ed .ubject t~ "he followlnq .tlpulatlon.. 1. Petitioner Ih.ll be re.pon.lble for the following along It. .ntire Ca-951 frODt.ve during the Inltl..l pha.. of the propo.ed ~rojectl a. eonltractlon of nec....ry d.epenlng .nd widening laproy.- ..nt. to the borrow c.nal (Hender.on Creek) .long the ea.t .Ide of Ca-95l. b. 'reparation of nec....ry additioaal ......nt. .long the e.st .Ide of I.proyed borrow caðal to .llow for con.truc- tl.on of a ..I.nten.nce tra.llw.y for u.e by the County'. ..Intenance equl.pa.nt. l c. Inetallatlon ot properly .ased box culyert. at propo.ed entrance road pl.ced on the relocated can.l c.~terline and at l.aprOYed canal ,rade. 2. Mlnlaus .etback. around perl..t.r .t the project .hall be 100 feet. J. Depth ot the propoled l.ke. below Unal grade .hall be DO gre.ter th.D 50', proYl.dlng aonthly water qu.llty aoaltorlng of Loch Louhe .Dd WUlow bD lak.. doe. DOt .how a 4egr.4&- UOG. ae4aced depth. ..y be lapo.ed by the Water MaDag...nt Director If water qu.ll.ty degrad... 4. lit. d_atering aDd otf··.lte dl.charge of groundwater darlDg !OðK 086 P~r.¡ 412 Page 15 '---r .Mr ",___~_,~._,,,,,~,,,,,,..~,.."'<~'.,...~..,__ "_.",.,._"....',;",,^~i.."";.._,.."'''''''''... Aprl.1 2, 1985 the e.ca.ation. .hall be only throagh appro.ed .tractare. &ft.r .at.r qaallty treat...t apprOYed by the Wat.r MaDa,e...t Director, and .. peraitte4 by loath Florid. Water MaDa,."Dt District. :~ 086 pn 413 .taU reCOlllMnd. appro.a1 of the CoDceptual Water MaDa,eaent. 'lan oatllaed I. the appllcatloa with the anderstandlAg that d.talled alte dral.nag. plan. ahall be aub.ltted to the water MaDa,e"Dt Director for approyal prior to any constractl.on actl.,ty tat in, place on the alt.. 6. Approyal be granted based on the tollowlng construction .equenc.. Lat. ezca.atloa ahall begin with oonatructl.oa of ~ the ~rth.rly lat., followed by the Eaeterly lak., the. fol- ~ lowed by the Ioatherly lake. EI,hty percent (10') of the ..ca.atloa of the ~rth.rly lat. auat be coapl.ted prior to the atart of e.ca.atloa ~f the East.rly lat.. ~. ..- ca.atlon of the ~rth.rly lat. .u.t contl.na. and prior to tw.nty percent (20') of the Ea.t.rly lake being coapl.ted; the ~rth.rly lat. au.t be on. hanðre4 percent (lOOt) coaplet. with tl.nal r.port sub.ltted to the COunty Wat.r Man.g...nt Dlr.ctor. Eighty perc.nt (80t) of the .xca.atl.on ot the Easterly lake auat be coapl.ted prior to the .t.rt of ..- c...tlon of the IoUt~erly lak.. ~. .xca.atIOD ot the Eaat.rly lake .ust contlnu. and prior to twenty percent (20') at the South.rly lake beln, coapl.ted; the East.rly la~. DU.t be on. hundred perc.nt (100') c:::.plat. with Unal r.port aub- .Itted to the Wat.r Manag..e~t Director. Excayatl.on of the Iouth.rly lake aha 11 th.n continue to co~~l.tl.on. 5. 7. p.tl.tloner shall take what...r pr.cautl.on. ar. n.c...ary to pr...~t fu.l frOD .pllll.ng Into the lak... Ite. 118 a&8OUJTIOII 85-89 APPIlOVI.a AJfD AOTBOItIU.a EXECUTIOII OF All AOUUIUI1' WITH 0' IREA'I UITAUItAlrT, KAJtCO ItIVJ:1t PU\JtI.... MD AJrOLEIt'I COVE HOTEL PItOVIDI.O FOIIt I.ITALLATIOII or CBAJnrEL MABKU I. JCAJtCO BAY AT TREla EXPDSE - ADOPTED, COUIITf TO azcEIVJ: 8AID MAJUCJ:IUI MD MAIII'TAI. Public Works Ad_inistrator ~uck explained the problem. that exist involving boater. running aground on a sðnd bar oft the shore n.ar O'Shea's Restaurant on Marco Island, necelsitating people swimming to .hQ(. at peril, He said that Mr. Tom O'Shea has propo.ed that O'Sh.a'. R..~aurant, Marco River Marina and Angler's Cove Hotel will provide the cost of channel marker. if the County ~111 handle the necelsary permit- ting, ~ith the County owning the channel markers and maintaining th... Co..l.sslon.r Bolland DOYed, s.cond.d by Caaals.l.on.r B.... and carried 4/0, that iteaolutlon 85-89 appro. in, and authorlxlng execution ot an agr.e..nt with O'Sh.a'a ite.taurant, Marco Ill...r Marina and An,ler'. CoYe Hot. 1 pro.lðl.ng for In.tallatlon of chann.l aark.rs in Marco Bay at th.lr .xpenae be adopted; with the County to own .ald aarker. and ..I.ntaln the. in the futur.. Page 16 -F~' ..... ~_._~,.""',~.~..".~,---._"'.,-," ID. 086 w.! 417 It.. n 9 UQOIAnD JIlDUS'f1tY COIISUL'1'AIITI - AP'JtOVKD AI CCUJUUI JAn COIIIUL'1'AIIT A'1' A ru OF f36,OOO roll. M.UCO JlLAIfD U'l'ILI'1'I&8 IAn CAli AprU 2, 1985 Mr. Donald Hohler, Dir~ctor of rinance and Bu.ine.. Ad.ini.- tration ot the Uti1itie. Divi.ion, repre.enting the CCURRB, explained that Regulated Industry Con.ultant., rate con.ultant, was .elected at . recent CCURRB .eeting becau.e the fir. and all participating .ember. are ba.ed within the State, reducing travel co.t.r their hi.torical ~ .xperti.e in the tield of rate regulation provide. .ore depth than the other applicant., and, the proposed approach and rat. .tructure was acre clearly defined and appeared sore rea.onabl.. CoaaI...l.oa.r Roll.nd ~ed, ..conded by Coaal..loner ø.... .nd c.rried 4/0, that a&9ulated Indu.try Con.ult.nt. be approved a. CCU~ r.t. consult.nt at . fe. of '36,000 for Marco I.lan4 Utill.tl.. r.te c.... It_ '20 '1'JAVEL '1'0 A'M'DD AWl. A!fNUAL COtf7ERnCI!: AJID EXPO'I'1'IOII FOil. 'r'HOMAS '1'. C.,..DALL, UTILI'1'IE' ADMI.ISTRA'I'OR - APPROVED roll. '1,507 Co.missioner Holland explalned that he requested this ite. be re.oved fro. the Con.ent Agenda because he assumed that the people hired in the ad.inistrative po.ittons are co.petent for the jobs and he objected to the requests for travel made by .ome of the.e people. County Manager LusK explained that he i. recommending that various trip. b. taKen in an effort of keeping the e.ployee. abrea.t of chang- ing conditions. Co.sl..toner Ha.se ba.tcally concurred with Co..tssloner Holland, however, he added that he could see the need to Keep the County current on all matter. and that attendance at some of the re~uested functions may accompli.h this. CO..lsstoner Goodnight aoved, .econded by Co..t..toner Has.e .nd c.rri.d 3/1, Co..I..aoner Holland oppoeed, th.t the travel reque.t to attend AWl. Annual Conference and Ixposltlon for Tho... '1'. Crandall, Utilitie. Adalnl.tr.tor be approved in the ..xl..u. aacunt of $1,507. Ita. '21 BUDOE'l' POLICY '1'0 BE roLLCIWED DURI.a 1985-86 BUDGE'l' PROCESS - ADOP'l'ED County Manager LusK explained the rea.onlng b.hind the new for.. included in the Executive Sum.ary dated 3/20/B5 to better addre.. the budget process, He explained the for.. would supply needed information Page 17 _n___._ _.~. H_r:'..- .. - .. April 2, 19R5 for the County Budget Oft1cer. Co..a..loner Ra... aoved. ..conded by Co..a..l.oner vo.. and oarrle4 4/0, that the budget policy to be follow.d durl.n9 1985-86 'budg.t proce.. be adopted. It.. 122 EMPLO\~E COMPEHSATIO. PLAN FOR FY'85-'86 - APPROVED AS PRESERTED County Manager Lusk referred to the guidelines outlined on the Executive Summary dated J/21/A5 regarding an employee compensation plan. He said that Constitutional Officers would be requested to resain within 5\ increase. He explained th~ breakdown of compensatf~n "- for Board employees at 4\ increase with I. merit rai.e possibility. : Commissioner Holland suggested that those per.on. with a contract not be included in automatic raise proce.., such a8 the County Manager and County Attorney, A di.cu.sion followed regarding the County Manager'. raises which he ftxplained were part of his employment agreement. Tape 16 Co~missioner Hass. made a recom~endation that the employees on the lower end of the pay scale receive attention with regard to rai.es. He noted that utilizinq an avera~e of salaries for all employees of the County, would bft $l6.000/yr. at the present time and utilizing a 4-5\ increase would amount to a $652.00 increase across-the-board. He said that would give incentive to the lower esc~elon. He said that he would like to see all employees from the top to the bottom get that increas.. Coaai.saoner Hasse soyed, ended by Co.ai..ioner Goodnight and carried 3/1, Coaais.ioner Holland opposed, that the Z.ployee Coapen.a- tl.on Plan tor FY'85-'86 be approyed as presented. . I ~oo~ 086 PA',t 418 1:.~" Page 18 - - - Apr 1.1 2, 1985 n.. 123 'VO'n '1'0 NOVa BCC WOØSBOPS '1'0 MOImAYS - 2/2, 110 AC'I'IOII "AJCD COunty Manag.r Lus~ explained the plan to proylde the Co..i.- .toner. with th_ agenða. for atudy over a weekend and .uggested that the work.hops be held on Monday., the day before the Board .eeting. Mr. George ~eller, representing the Collier County Civic Federa- tiewl, .tres.ed a proble. which he called bureaucracy that occurs wherein the Staff dictates to the CO..bsion. He 'referred 1:.0 the absence of public input in the Board workahop.. ~ After a .hort ðhcu..l.on, Co_haion.r OOOdn.ght .oved; .econded by CO_...l.on.r Vo.., th.t the ace wort.hope be ~ed to Mondaye; with the re.ultl.ng vot. being 2/2, eo-I....on.r. Bolland and 8.... oppo.ed, and DO action w.. t.ken. Ite. 124 EIGIaGDCT tWlAGJ:MDT COIn'AACT .I'm DIP'r. OF COIOMIITY' U'rAUa lo. JADIOLOOICAL FU1fDI.a I. 'fIR AMOUII'f or "63 - APPI'OVED Assistant County Manager Dorrill explained that the County has received ~on.y in .upport of the Emergency Manage.ent Department tro. the Florida Depart~ent of Co~munity Affairs, In October, 1984, he explained the Board approved the rV'B4-'B5 Department Program Paper which outlined activities to be under varioua state and/or federal progra.s and he requested that the radiological activities be approved at a coat of $863. eo-i..loner Ba..e ~ed, .econded by CO_I...lon.r Goodnight and c.rrled 4/0, that the Baerg.nay Manaqe..nt Contract with the Depart..nt of CoaaaDl.ty Aftaire for raðl.oloqical funding in the a.oant of '863 be apprOYed . . I &oa~ 086 W£ 422 Page 19 "" - ~t: -- ..... ,.~."......,...~.._,~..ø_"."·".".~.,, .",,__ .. - .. April 2, 1985 n_ US ,~ DSDICA'I'Iœ I'SØ DlsctJUlOII - DEPKUKD mrrlL aPOa'!' IS UCElnD noM '!'1m 1....,..,,1tOC'!'OU IMPM:'!' AD'IIIOKY 8OAJU) COunty Manag.r Lusk reterred to the Parkland Dedication Fee. that wa. added ~o the agenda. Co..i..ioner Va.. explained his desire to wait on this ite. until the r.~o't was rec.ived fro. the Infraetructure I~pact Advi.ory Board. Coaal..loner Goodnight ~ed, .econded by Coaal.s.l.oner Bas.., that the dl.cu..l.on regarding Parkland Dedication Pee. &. d.terred until the report I.. receiYed fro. the Intra.tructure Ispact Adyl.ory Board. Hr. To. Shieldsr representing the Board of Realtor., ~ade a plea that careful con.ideration be giv.n with r.gard to i.pact f.... Re ..ked that the Board give adequate notice when i.pact fe. discus.ione were to co.e up as he was unaware of the topic until reading a h.adline in the newspaper. Mr. Jay Bishop stated that many new r.sldents of t~e area escap. i.pact fees entirely, since they purchase older ho..s and d~ not have to pay the i.pact fee placed on new construction. He aaintained th.r. ar. falt.r ..thods tor i.pact tee. to be s.t ðnd those s~ould b. .xplored. Mr. Ed Saith, r~presentinq the Contractor. A.sociat~on, .ade a r.quest that consideration b. given to have public input poseible during workshops. Upoa call tor the que.tlon, the action carried 4/0. ....JZCESI. 12.06 P.M. ~. 1.30 '.M.···· (Deputy Clerk ~enyon r.placed Deputy Clerk Skinner at thl.. tl...) Ite. 12' CBAImQII AU'nIORII&D TO .IGlf LrM'Za or AODCT AQUEMD'I' WI'l'B 1.'1"'1' I .-POIIMA'I' I 011 n8'I'DCS County Attorn.y Saunders stated that thie is to authorize ^T~T to . serY~ as the County's agent in aeeuring eervice to the new telephone ~ syate.s in Building -J., adding that it is a standard routine letter of ag.ncy. Cowwls.loner Bas.e acYed, ..conded by Coaal...loner Goodnight and carried 3/0, (co..I..l.oner Bolland not pr..eDt at thl.. tl...), that the Chal.r_n be authorhed to .Ign the Letter of .\9.Dey .\9r....Dt with A,.,,. Inforaatlon .y.t.... am 086· ,,! 428 Page 20 . . ......- ... ....__..___"'0, ."..___.,.,._,.._..A"...."..,...__..«~"·,,"",_·,~·'_.. - - - . AprU 2, 19A5 It.. 127 IIOU'I'ID B noLI - APPaovaD FO. PATMDn' Pur.uant to Resolution 81-150 the follo~ing chec~. ~ere i.sued through Friday, March 29, 1985, in payaent ot routine bills. CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. AMOUNT Vendor 126442 - 126962 $ 2,999,396.01 BCC Payroll 241,634.26 ll710 - 12267 It.. ua . BUDGET ~~T' 85-208/213 AKD 85-216/217 - ADOPTBD eo-t..lcft.r H.... aoved, ..conded by eo..I...l.oner OOOðntght and carried 3/0, (eoaal..loner Roll.nd not pre.ent at this tl.e), that 8ad.et ~nd..nt. 85-208/213 .nd 85-216/217 be adopted. It.. 129 a&SOLUTI~ 85-90 APPROVI.a REVIISD ADVISORY BOARD ~D APPOI.rMEBTS POLICY - ",DOPTED Ad~ini.trative A..t.tant leraelson stated that this is a proposed revision to the pre.ent policy which has one .ajor addition to It. which is that .embe~. of advi.ory boards .ay not serve ~re than two .ucce..ive ter.. on a given board, however, .hould the .econd ter~ of an advi.ory board member ~n1 and there is no other qualified applicant. for appoint.ent to the advi.ory board, then upon approval of the ~oard of COunty Co..i..ioners a .emb~r .ay be reappointed to a third .ucce.- stye ter., She .tated that other than eli.inating .o.e repetltiou. section. and cleantng up the policy, nothing else has been changed. She .~at~ that there has been infor~atton received fro. the League of Woaen Voter. regarding this matter, Co..ts.ioner Yos. stated that the League of Wo..n Voter'. proposal ts to .ake this resolutton an ordinð~~e after having public hearing. .nd input, adding that an ordinance takes quite so.e ti.e and he feel. that thi. resolution should be adopted in the .eantime until an ~ordinance can be co.pleted, Coaatsstoner Ra... aoved, .econded by eoaaa.sloner OOOðDaght and carried 3/0, (Co..ts.loner Bolland not present at thai tl..), that ".olutlon 85-90 approving the revised advtsory board 'Dd appoIDt..nt. policy be adopted. ~ca( 086 r~'.[ 430 Page 21 ." " ~. '..' -.--- _._----~ l._ n l7I ~-",;..,"'.,.....'-'''',.-,.....,""......,.-_."._-..'''.._-'''';'--.~".-.,,_.. : ,DOt 086 rlf,( 437 'tape t7 Ite. no .uoLO'fIOll 85-91 APPOIftI.O .... u.orD A. SUM ra.os 'f'O 'I'D COLLID Cuû..-r f 1IIDOII'BIAL DKYKLOPMD'f AO'rBOal'l'1' - ADOrnD AprU 2, 1985 Adsiniatratiye ~siatant Iaraelaon stated that she received a l.tt..~ fro. the Chair.an indicating that torller .._bar Mr. Ford did not wi.b to be reappointed and they recoa.ended that Mr. Lloyd A. &UII Felde be appointed. eo.alnloner OoodDl9ht ~ed, .econded by COllldnl.oner Yon aDd carried 3!O,(co.ahdoner BoUaDd not pre.ellt at thi. tlM), that ...olation 85-9l appol.ntl.n9 Mr. Lloyd A. au. relde to the Collier County Industrial Ðeyelopaent Authority for a tour-year tera expl.rl.n9 rebruary 24, 1989, be adopted. '\ ~ Page 22 ::--.J -~I L::!.t2 t .. ---,----. }'¿(;:~M;~"ž':~ ' '."<'1""1 . r:~~~. . , 4-; , .."'",._____'_M"_~. ~"." "...·..,"·.,.,.._*"..'"~ok,·.··_M_.,._·· 'OaK 086 ,aq 439 It.. 131 COMMI"IœD. .II'!'O. AI'POIftBD '1'0 l.rrI 011 'I'D euu.h CNlVASII.O ~ POa '!'III: MJICO IIUIID COIMJIfln .AU UF&UIIDUM 011 JUD 25, 19115 April 2, 1985 Coaai..ioner Va.. .tated that ho needed . .ub.titute to .erye on the County Canya..ing Board for the Marco I.land Co..unity Park reterendus, adding that there i. only one co..i..ioner that live. in MArco I.land and he feel. it would be more appropriate tor that Coa.i..ioner to handle it. Coaal..loner Yae. ~ed, .eoonðed by Coaal.nl.oner Ooodn_ght aD4 o.rrl.04 3/0, ,(COaaI..l.oner RollaA4 not pre'.Dt .t thl.. tl...), that eo.....lon.r ,I.tor be .ppol.nted to .er.e on the County Can....l.n9 Ioar4 for th. Marco I.land eo..unl.ty 'art Ref.rendu. on June 25, 1985. It_ 132 UIOLU'!'IOII 85-92 1&TrI.a POaTØ TB& POLICY POa CALLI.a OF SPECIAL EL&C!'IOIIS - ADOP'I'ED Co..is.ioner Voss stated that this wal brought up by Supervilor of Elections Morgan because it il very co.tly for the County to have .pecial election., adding that .he i. asking that unle.. there is a dire e.ergency that special elections be held at the same ti.. as other elections. Coaal...ioner Ba... acved, .econded by CoaaI...l.oner Goodnight and carried unantaou.ly, that Re.olutl.on 85-92 .ettl.ng forth the policy for calling ot .poctal el.ctton. be adopted. '\ ~ page 23 :-l --l f ." J -- ~.-.--- -..... .,' . . ,).~é:;:':' ~\¡';~, ';~;I . :- I . - ... .. Apr 11 2, 1 9 B 5 It.. U3 auourrIOM 85-93 au'POaTIMO It. LEQIILATIVJ: AMDDMDT '1'0 IKCTIOII 201.02, r..., aKLATIMO '1'0 TAX IMPOSED 011 DEEDS AJn) OTIDa I.8TJtUMØTII aKLATI.O '1'0 UALTY oa llI'nUSTS 1M UALTY WI TROUT IJrDICATI.O All AMOUIIT - 1.DOPftD County Attorney Saunders .tated that this resolution was prepared at the reque.t of the Co~mi.sion, adding that it urge. the Legislature to a.end Soction 201.02 to increase the fees on deeds and instru.ents relating to realty. Mr. Jay Bishop, representing Naples Area Board of Realtors, stated that he had questions regarding how much the fee would be, how it w~ld .. be collected and if it would be rebated back to any particular county? County Attorney Saund.rs stated that the only recommendation is that the fee be increased fro. $.45 to $.50 on each $100 of consideration, adding that there are no other changes recoN.ended. Clerk of Courts Reagan stated that this IIIOney cOllies out of the docu.entary stamps, adding that he would give $.05 to the General Fund and the $,45 would be sent to the State Legislation. He stated that it is a tax on hOlllebuyers or exchange of real property. County Attorney Saunders stated that this was ap~roved by Osceola County and they urged other counttes to support tt. Comllllssioner VOftS stated that at the last meeting of the State Association of County Commi.sioners, it was recommended that all counties support this. Mr. Jay Bishop stated his personal opinion is that the five cent increase may not be enough, adding that Collier County sold approxi- aately $940 million worth of property in 1984 and this may be a fair way to collect fees for infrastructure. He stated that there should be more study done on this. Commissioner Voss stated that $.05 on a $100,000 home would cost $50 which is not an undue burden on a homeowner, adding that if the . Commi.sion desires, they could support the idea without a figure. jt County Attorney Saunders stated that the Legislature is going to need an amount before it is adopted. Co..Is.loner Ha..e .oYed, .econded by Co..I..loner Goodnight anð carried 3/0, (COaaI..loner Rolland not pre.ent at thl. tlae), that ...olutl.on 85-93 .upportlng a Legl..latlye Aaendaent to Section 201.02, rlorl.ða Statute., relating to the tax I.spoeed on deed. and other I.nðtrument. relating to realty or I.ntere.t. in realty, without Indicating any particular a.ount be adopted. (RESOLUTION NOT RECEInD IN CLERK'S OFFIC:;: AS OF 4/10/85) aOO( ORR O 'r 442. Page 24 .__..,-~~~.. ~_.,."~.._....,~,,,",,.--,~.,.,-- 'QD~ 08Bmr443 It.. 134 U8OUJ'I'JOII 85-94 CKftIFYI.O BAJlI'fA'f PO. BUtWlI'fY I. IIM)ULß - ADOPnÐ ^prU 2, 1985 eoaai..ioner vo.. .tateð that the Rabitat tor Ru.anity in I_aokalee .olicit. aoney in the for. of contribution. anð with that aoney and a great deal ot voluntary labor, ho.es are built for those 'people Who are below certain stanðard_ of incoae. Re stated that the hos__ are about 1,000 _quare feet, haye two bath. and are .ade of concrete block. He stated that it i. a yery worthwhile project. He Jr noted that if they are certified by the County, then a corporation . . donating aoney to the Habitat for Hu.anity in I..okalee is able to take halt of their contr1bution a. a credit against their state inco.. tax. He stated that without thi. resolution, the corporation cannot take the credit and they are ~e.itant to contribute, adding that it would help the Habitat for Hu.anity a great deal. eo.aa..l.oner Oooðnaght ao.ed, .econðed by C~I...aoner Ba... aDd carried 3/0, (CoaaI...aODer Bolland not pre.ent at thl.. t&..) that ".olutl.on 85-94 certl.tyang the Habitat tor Ðuaan&ty in Iaackal.e be adopted. Page 25 I --' - _.--~- .----.--.....,.-.,--..----.--.......,.---.-.--.. -~..~ .. ',' ..... . . ''''', :-~J~ '. ....-" ,"'.-'-,- ..,.,..~...,,_.,-""'~-,"','.,.,...'",._' - ... lIB April 2, 1985 It.. US PnI'I'Io. n-85-13C, JOB ltOaIIOII, UOOU'l'I.O A 'l'DlPOIArt DlIDJaICS 'BIIMI'I' 011 'I'ID . 150' or 'fUoC'I' 119, U1II,. 8, OOLDD ClAn U'I'. - AP'JIOVE1) Actln~ Co..unity Develop.ent Ad.inistrator Mullin. stated that thi. is the first reque.t ot the original six Month. per.it. She .tated that the pet1tioner'. bu11ding permit was is.ued on March 18, 19A5, and the property has been cleared. eo-Is.loner Ra..e aoved, .econded by eo"I..toner Ooodnlqht and carried 3/0, (Co..I..loner Rolland not pr..ent at ~hl. tl.e), that Petition "K-85-13C, Joe ~bi.on, reque.tinq a te.erary r..ldence persl.t on the S 150' of 'l'ract 119, unit 8, Golden Oat. E.tate. be apprOYed. Ite. 136 PE'l'ITIo. "K-84-23C, LILI~ MAKIE HI~, KBQUES,.I.a ~ IXTEl8Io. OF A 'nMPOu.ft USIDKllCB PBIIMI,. 011 "aAC'!' 133, U1IIT 43, OOLDa GATE UTATES - AP'IIOVED Acting Co..unity Develop.ent Adm1ni.trator Mullins stated that this building per~1t was i..ued in Octoberr 1984, adding that .ince then the petitioner has had a footings in.pectlon and the teaporary pole was .et. She noted that concrete block has been delivered to the property. Co..1.sloner C~night stated that Ma, Herman 1s tryinq to build thi. ho.e by herself. addinry that the property 1s pa.t [verglade. Blvd. and off David C, Brown Highway, She stated th~t the property has been cleared. Co..i.sioner Hasse que.tioned if the trailers that are be1ng used a. temporary residence. are being monitored to be .ure that the ho.e. are being built, to which Ma. Mullins replied affirmatively, adding that she will have a full report for the Board in about two weeks. Ooaal..lon.r Ooodnlqht .eved, .econded by Co..I..loner Ras.. and carried unanlaou.ly, that Petition TR-84-23C, Lilian Marie Her..n, reque.tinq an exten.lon ot a tesporary r..ldenc. per.lt on Tract 133, ".)0 unit 43, Golden Oate B.tate. be appro.ed. It'es 137 PI'I'ITIOM TR-84-27C, PAUL M. PLAMONDON, klQUESTI.O A TIMPO~ USIDElCE PBIIMI,. TO OTILIIB A MOTOR HOMB ooKI.O CO.STKUCTIo. or A 'RIIfCIPU USIDacZ 0. TItACT 56, tnfIT 23, OOLeIlf GATB BSTATES - APPItOVED Acting Com.unlty Oevelopment ~d.inistrator Mullins stated that this i. the first three ~nth extension and the building permit was i.sued November 2l, 1983. She stated that on the in.pection .h.et ~OÙ~ 086 ~~" 446 Page 26 _ .1 ._w____·..._··.___ 'OK 08ô,.,·~ 44.7 AprU 2, 1985 rough plu.bing and footing.. fra.ing was half up and the She t~~re wa. a te~porary pole per.it, .tated that on March 28, 1985, the underground plu.bing wa. coaplete. Coaal.ul.oner Rane ~1Id. ..c0n4ed by eoaal.nl.oner Goodnight aDd carried 3/0, (co..l...ioner Bolland not pr...nt at thl.. tl...), that Petition Tk-84-27C. Paul M. Plaaondon, reque.tin9 a te.porary r..ideDc. per.it to utl.ll.ce a aotor hoa. darl.n9 con.tractl.on of a prlncl.pl. re.l.dence on Tract 56, unit 23, Golden Gate Z.tate. be approved. It.. 138 PIJlAlK:IAL ADVlaoa DAVID FISCHEa DIucrED '1'0 COMB BAC~ I. 'nf() QEIUI WITH It. RECOMMDDATIOII U It. DECI8IO. OR THE JUSTICE CE!n'ZJt BORD UFIIUJlCI.a Mr David Fi.cher, financial advisor, stated that he understands that the County has come to a point where they would li~e a d1scu..ion on the new ~oney of approximately $6.5 million and the old refunding. He stated that there are three idea., noting that one i. where the County would come into the mar~et .trictly for the new .oney, adding that h. would l1~e to suggest that due to th~ County'. credit, this could be done at anyt1~e the County chooses. He reported that any progre.s that the County wants to show, it can be de~onstrated that the funding is available and thie can be done. II. .tated that the second idea i. that the new money could be added to the refunding. He stated that during a wor~shop se.s1on a ~onth ago, it was determined that a good refunding would be one that would have a saving. of apFroximately $800.000 which would take about a q-I/4 interest rate, He reported that the m^r~et 1. about 9-~/8 to 9-3/4\. He .tated that if there was a refunding done this date, there would be a .aving. around $250,000 plu.. He .tated that the third idea is to deal w1th the bond is.ue that 1s secured by the General Fund. adding that 1f a refunding is done, he would like to reconstruct the bond issu~ so that 1t i. only a sahes tax which would now support the bond issue and the new money ea.ìlY. He stated that th1s would free up the other available pledges that have been pledged to this bond issue for a year or two. adding that when re.ource recovery is needed, there would be a good backup pledge for the tipping fees and other revenues that would go along with the resource recovery plant. He stated that he is not totally satisfied with the refunding at the mo~ent as it does not ~eet the parameters that the Comm1asion called for on March I, 1985. adding that he would li~e to proceed with the idea of total refunding and the new .oney together, and also for the $6.5 million new .oney it.elf. H. Page 27 .__.__~7._ L .~ I .. .. .. .a.prll 2, 1985 .tated that h. would co.. bac~ in two w.ek. with th..e two idea. and a recoaaendation which would be d.t.rmined trom a work.hop ot hi. wor~1ng group the Monday betore the Co..is.ion meeting at which time h. would have .11 the lat.~t intetest rate. and the option. in front ot hi.. H. .tated that when he com.. back in two weeks he would be prepared to aak. a reco...ndation and go into the market if the Co..is.ion decide.. H. .tated that the $6.5 .illion 1. on go, but ther~ i. a chanc. to do the refunding also. He .tated that if the refunding can be done and ~ .on.y .aved a. well a. cleaning up the security, it i. not a bad option. He .tat.d that Staff could also be directed to proceed with architect., de.igns, etc. becau.e he would be ready for that in two w.ek.. 'fa.. f8 eo.al..l.on.r Goodn'ght .oYed, .econded by Co.....l.on.r s.... and carr'ed 3/0, (Coaai..'oner Holland not pr..ent at th.. t'.e), th.t F'n.ncl.al Advl.or David FI.cher be dlr.ct.d to co.e back 'n two w.ek. with. r.co..endat'on re a dec'.lon on the Ju.tl.ce Cent.r Bond r.Uøancl.ng. A..i.tant County Manager Dorri1l .tated that there i. an architect under contract to do Building "A" and the eighth floor of Building "F". adding that th.re i. also a negotiated contract for the archit.ct for the health facility building. He .tated that there i. no archit.ct for Building. "B", "C", and "D". He .tated that he would ad~orti~e in accordance with the competitive negotiat10ns process and accept proposal.. It.. 139 TUVEL FOil IUDOET DIIlECTOR TO AT'!'ElfD THB IlATIOIfAL cœFEamlCE or OOVJ¡1tJIMD'!' rI.AllCE OFFICERS ASS<X'IATIO. - APPaovED Ill! AMOUIIT or f938 eo......on.r Goodnight aoved, ..conded by CO..I....on.r vo.. .nd carried 3/0, (Coaa....on.r Bolland not pr..ent at th.. tl...), that the ·~traYel reque.t for the budget dlr.ctor to att.nd the .at'anal ~ COnference of OOyern.ent rlnance Off'cer. A..ocl.at'on be approved in the aaount ot $938. It.. 140 AtrrBOJUIATIO. OJABTSD TO PURCHASE SREIlIFF'S OFFICK FUJUfITUU AIID COUJI'1'Y A'I"!'OJaRY'S COMPUTER BY8TBM rltOtl THE JUSTICE CEln'ER ruJIDI I. All A*)UJI'!' !lOT TO acnD U60,000 .a...i.tant County Manager Dorrill .tated that thi. i. a two-fold type ite., adding that there 1. a ~atter concerning the new furni.hing. ~OO( 086 Pl~[4.48 Page 28 . . ""___"_..._..,~",,,,...~e''''·,''~·'''·'''''~'~ ,..,..,.,_'.,.,....".... ,..,,""""_W'__"'~~_"'_ 'D~ 08Ôw.r 44D Aprll 2, 1985 tor the Sheriff'. Office. He stated that the Sheriff provided his with a list of needed furnishing., end the quotee that he received are under the state contract price.. He stated that the furnishings co.e to approxisately $150,000 and the second part of this ite. pertain. to work that wa~ done on the third tloor of Building ·F· in the County Attorney's office. He stated that when the COunty Attorney moved, he ~a. torced to purchase so.e computer equip.ent and he is asking that thi. be approved. Fiscal Officer Giles stated that the furniture and equip.ant ot exL.ting offices is beco.ing more and sore re~ote fro. a bond i.sue that was intended to con.truct new faci1iti... He stated that it can be justitied and if the BCC feel. that it is appropriate, he ha. no proble.s with it. He stated that his point is that if the furniture and equip.ent is obtainedr he would need some aort of ite.ized list that he would worK fro. to determine the aMount of funda that are left. He stated that in the County Attorney's cas., this is part of the project, but the Board needs to deter_ine at what point the juatifi- cation gets cut off. County Manager LUSK atated that he agrees that the money ehould not be used for furniture and equipment in offices that have nothing to do with the Justice Center Expansion and remodeling. He reported that it doe. not do any good to remodel a floor if you do not intend to put furniture on it. Fiscal Officer Giles stated that if the Board approves the list of equip.ent, there would be no proble.. He questioned if the County could go with prices below state contract without competitive bidding? Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that thia can be done, adding that the County can buy anything at anytime based on state contr~ct price and if the pricea ar. negotiate~ below state contract price, it i. to the County's advantage. '\ y Clerk Reagan stated that this has nothing to do with the furni- ture, adding that he Is trying to protect public funds. He etated that there is only a certain amount of remaining funds and there ie a lot left to purchase. He stated that he wants the Board to be aware of what ie being epent and when the Manager or hi. staff have items that have to be brought before the Board regarding furniture, they should be brought up indiy1dually in the open eession. He stated that the issue i. that the money is etarting to run out and the Board should make the decision as to what is being spent. --r: . ......". .-.-- ._,~. .-.,,--..- I Page 29 ,._------_.,,~,. -, , '.·0_..,'__...".··.."·""··.-·.-."..-·..·'- .. ... .. AprU 2, 1985 COunty Manager Lu.k stated that he doe. not want to get to the point Where he has to ask the COa.i..ion to spend $65 for an ite., adding that the Co..is.ion .hould look at ite.s that are over a certain aaount. He noted that he would reco..end a figure of $5,000. Clerk Reagan stated that he wants the Board to approve the.e purcha.es becau.e he doe. not want to have to deterain. if this goes along with the original Capital ¡.prove.ent, adding that he doe. not want to get the 'Board in trouble. fie stated that it the County Manager doe. not want to do this, he will bring the list be/ore the Board on the Clerk'. report. Ass1.tant County Manager Dorr1ll stated that he needs approval for the list of ite.s that are ite.lzed for the nece..ary furniture for the Sheriff's Departaent and the coaputar equipment for the County Attorney's office. Mr. Bruce Holley stated that th1s money was raised for a Justice Center and not for buying furniture an~ carpets, He .tated that he would rather hav. it taken fro. the General Pund. COunty Attorney Saunders stated that the bond refer.n~u. was for the Justice Center Project and project means collect1vely expansion, construction, equ1pping and furnl.h1ng of the crlSlnal just1ce center and county adsin1.trar.1ve office facillties. He stated that it 1. without doubt that this type at furni.hing. can be purchased froa Justice Center fund., co-assaoner Qoo4naght ao.ed, secondeð by eo-a.sloner Ba..e and carried 4/0, that authori&ataon be granted to purchase Iherlft·. oftlce furniture for '150,000 and County Attorney'. oo.puter .yste. for '10,000 froa the Justice Center Funds In an aaount not to ezceed U60,000. ..... Coaalssloner Goodnight ao.ed, .econded by Co..I..loner Ra..e and carried 4/0, that the following I.te.. be approYe4 and/or adopted under the eon.ent Agenda. ..... It.. '41 1 mU'IOII VAJlIAllCB Ite. '42 ,ETITIOIf TR-85-l5C, JIMMY DNfI!L, IlZQUUTIIIO A TEKPORAn USICUC! PUMIT TO UTILIZE A MOBIU BOMB DORIIIO COIIST1tUCTIOII or A raIIfCIPU DSIDEllCZ 011 TIm nIT 150' or TItAC'I' lOJ, U1IIT 77, GOLDD CATB ESTATBS MP-85-IC, BRUCE COIfLEY a.r.:OUUTIIIO A 2.5' lIDS YARD SETBACK FOR LOT 66, MAPLES BATH AIfD TØ1IIS CLUB &OO~ 086 PI'.' 450 page 30 - _..,_~"___U;_"'_.. ,. ,~..",~^~"--,.,".-~,,, ""'....^--.~~"........_._-.,- 'DD~ 086 p~q 451 It.. 143 ..,.J'I'JOII 'I'.-84-l8C, u.JU" VAIl WIE, UOUU'l'Jlla A "I'EMlORAft USJD~ P&aMJ'I' 'to UTILJIE A MOBJLI HOME DORIlla ~S'I'.UCTIOII or A PRJICIPLI .uJDIDICK 011 EAST l80' or 'I'aAC'!' 67, u.'J'I' 25, OOLDD GATE E8'1'A'1'U April 2, 1985 Ite. 144 "PE'I'ITIOII TIt-84-22C, rUD L. UGB'I', UQUES'I'IlIa A TZMPOItARY USIDDCE PEDlIT TO UTJLXlS A TI\AVEL TIlAILER DUUIIO COIISTRucrIOII OF A PRUICIPLE U8IDDiCE 011 TIlAC'1' 64, U1IIIT 14, OOLDD GA'I'E ES'I'ATS8 It.. 145 PftI'I'IOII n-84-28C, JOfUf 'I"BOMAI, UOUUTIIIO A "I'EMPOItARY USIDaCE .SDlIT TO U'l'ILUS A TJAVEL TJtAILlIt DUUlla COIISTRucrIOII or 'ltIIICIPLS U8IDacS 011 IA.T 150' OF TItAC'I' 109, UlfIT 23, OOLDD GATE ES'I'AT!:S Ite. 146 USOLUTIOII 85-95 'ROVIDIlla FOIt AlSZSSMD'l' OF LID FOil. COS'l' OF ABA'nMU'I' OF PUILIC IfUISAJlCI 011 IL. 57, L7, UNIT 2, GOLDE. GAn (DB LOS VILLAII.) Se. Peg.. '-fS" 7 It.. 14 7 ArnIt-'l'HE-FAC'1' AU'l'HOIlI tATIOII TO APPLY FOR MOTHER COAS'I'1J. SO!O ~AOE- HEft OaAIIT FOR 1985-86 FOil. UO,OOO III MA'!'CHItIO rullD8 IF '!'HI OaAIIT PROPOSAL IS APPROWD BY 'l'Rz FLORIDA DE"- It.. 148 ICCCAVATIOII 'BIUUT NO. 59.210 TO '!'HE COMMOIIS II LAND PARTØZIlSHIP, FOR 'I'HE PROJECT ~OWII AS -THE COMMONS, PHASE II- - SEC. 34, T49S, R251 - WI'I'R STIPULATIOIIS I. No excavated material shall be removed from the project aite. 2. Off-site discharge of qroundwater during construction shall be only through approved discharge structures, including control weir and spreader swales, after wat~r quality treatment approved by the County Engineer. .. It.. tt9 BUDOI'!' AKD'DKIHT FOR '!'HE U'l'ILlZATION OF $27,000 INTEUST IAIUUNGS FROM GAC TRUST FUND TO BK USED FOR ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL AND SUPPORT or TWO AQUATIC PLANT H.\RV!:8TERS FOR CANAL MAINTENANCE IN GOJ..DEN GATE ESTATES It.. .50 RESOLUTION 85-96 ESTABLISHING A MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT OF 35 MPH ON GOLDD GATE PAUWAY (C.It.. 886) BETWED A lOIn 1,000 FT. OS'l' OF SANTA aAIlBARA BLVD. TO 5211D TERRACE SOU'I'ftWEST III OOLDEN GATE CITY S.. pag.. ~- ~r Page 31 ---, --' I . -t II f UoJW ....---.- _._~._.. '.. I """'""....., ..,...,..,."",'~ ,'''''~. ",~.",."~-,,..~-,.".-,.--- - - - AprU 2, 1985 It.. 151 QOIT CLAIM DBED ACCEPTED FROM LBLY UTATU. IIIC. FOR A DRAIIIAGB CABAL COIIaOCTIIIO '!'1m LBLY COUIIT'ft CLUB '.U.D. TO TUB ST. AJrDUW8 BAST CAP.L LOCATED III SBC. 20, T50S. R26S Se. pag.. ¿Lt~ -~~~ It.. 152 40 rooT DRAIIIAOB v.sBMDT ACCEPTED FROM LZLY ESTATES, UIC. ALOIIG A PORTIOII or THE SOUTH LID OF THB 81 1/4 OP SEC. 20,' T50S, 1l26E , Se. pag..#3- LI~- It.. 153 40 rooT DRAIJlAGB EASBMDT ACCEPTBD FROM GULF COAST LITTLE LEAGUB, UIC. -'LOIIO A PORT I 011 O~~~:. S~JT9 LID OF SBC. 20, T50S. R26S S.. pag.. #~ - /f~r It.. 154 DRAIJlAOE EA8EMPT ACCEPTBD FJtOM INDUSTRIAL COIICEIUI , IINESTHENT CO. II.V. ALOIIO THB !fORTH AJrD WEST LIla OF SEC. 30. T50S, R26B AS RBCORDED III Oil JOO~ 1113, PAGES 2077 THRU 2088 It.. 155 rIHAL PLAT Alrt) PRBLIMUIARY ACCEPTANCE TOGETRXR WITH 10' MAUITEKAlfC! SECURITY FOR RIVEawooD EAST milT TWO Ite. '56 CRAIItMAH AUTHORIZBD TO SIGII DBPAJtTMElIT OF C()IIO(UØITY AFFAIRS, COMMUIIITY S!RVICBS BLOC~ GRAJIT COllTRACT. ALLOWIIIG COLLIBR COUIIITY PUBLIC HEALTH DBPT. TO PROVIDS FUE DENTAL CA.U 8IRVICES TO IIJDIODI'T IIIDIVIDUALS rltOM 4/1/85 TO 9/30/85 Se. pag.. ¥-(¿, 9 - ¡) 77 It.. '57 ORAJIT APPLICATIOH TO COllTIIlUE PUtrDIIIG FOR THE COIOCU1IITY CA.U FOR Tim ZLDIUILY PROGRAM AND CHAIRMAJI AUTHORIZED TO 8IGJI THB APPLICATIOII, lCOMMITHDIT or CASH MATCH, OTHER COKMITHElIT FOaMS, AJrD AS8UltAJlCES FOIMS Se. Pa9" 4 7 r - -fj-f3 IU. '58 lID '796 FOR EXTBRIOR PAUnUIG or THE OOLDIDI GATB COMMtnIITY CUTBR AWARDED TO FDTO!f-DAVI8 PAIIITIIIIG. IRC. III' '!'BE AMOUJn' or $4.627.00 Legal notice having been publiahed in the Naple. Daily Ne~a on reburary 25, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed ~1th aOOK 086 r~, 452 Page 32 . . .-. ._- ------r: ,- U.L -.._""'i.....".__·...~'".',..,"'·,",..."'___" ~.".~...-.~_. ....- ....--..---- UK 08Ôw·¡453 April 2, 1985 the Clerk, ~1ds were receivod for the exterior painting of Oat. CO..unity Center until 2130 P.M.. March 13, 1985. It.. 159 the Golden CBAIIIMNf AUTOOaIUr, '1'0 .Iem A FIIIAJICIAL UIMBUUBMDT AGUUlufT BE'l'WKD 'I'D COLLISR PUBLIC HEALTH UJrIT AlID THE BCC FOR SERVICBS PROVIDED FOa 'I"BE BU.LTft UWIT BY PROCOM ASSOCIATES, IIfC. Se. pag.. ¿j. Ptf -lfP..~r n.. 160 ,AUI AIID UCUATIOII DIPARTKDrT '1'0 PILE FOIt THE SUMMIIt FOOD SERVICE ,aoGltAM OaAIfT FJtOM THS .TATE or rLOaI~ '1'0 PROVIDI LUJlCBBS FOR IMMOItALBE SUMMER UCJtV.TIOIf PAR'I'ICIPAII"I'S FOR THJ: 1985 SUMMER PROGRAM See pag.. 4-,f"~- lJ.,f'1 It.. 161 aasoLUTIOIf 85-97 ItEOUlSTINO rIlfAMCIAL ASSISTANCI UJrDIR FLORIDA IlZCUJ\TIOII DB'VELOPMDIT ASSISTMCE PItOGRAM FOR rt1NDIlfO TIm GOLDa GATE COMMU1IITY PAllK PROJECT AØD COUIfTY '1'0 EllTBIt INTO OMJIT AOIlEEKDT FOR SAID PROJECT. IUtSOLUTIOII 85-98 IlEQUESTIIfO rINMCIAL ASSISTAlICE UJrDBR t.UD AND WATIR CONSlRVATIOIr nlND FOR FU1fDING THE EAST NAPLES COHKUItITY PAU PROJECT ....D COUIfTY '1'0 ENTER INTO GRAJrT AGIlEEMENT FOR SAID PROJBCT SU Pag.. ¢.ff'- '1-9/ It.. 162 AOUIMlDIT WITH THE DCVZLOPER OF WIlfDJ1t.1OŒR VILLAGE REGARDING ElfCJtOACHMPTS 0If'I'0 UTILITY EASEMENTS GRAJrTED TO THE DISTRICT FOR THB WATER FACILITlBS COIfSTRUCTED TO SERVE WINDJAPOtER VILLAGE SU Pag.. J./.. '1 ~ --SO/ It.. .63 WATJlJI. AND SEWER FACILITIES ACC!PTAlICIt OF IMPBRIM. GOLF ESTATES PHASE IV - WITH STIPULATION 1. That all legal documents are found to be legally Bufflclent by the County Attorney. 'I ~ See Page. SO:J -~i-O f It.. 164 WATER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE OF FOXFIIUt SUBDIVISIOM UNIT 3 Se. Pag.. .1]()S-507 Page 33 ---ì ..-- ~-,.- 1'!1W"..... I ,,,.,..,,,,~.~,,,,-,.~....~._,,,,,.- .. - - April 2, 1985 It.. 165 WAnll FACILITIU Nß) UTILITY· ZAlDID'I' ACCEP'TAlICE OF POX7IU IIUBDIVIIJOII 0111'1' 3, Tu.c'r 5 s.. pag.. So f - .!J-¡7 Ite. 166 CBAIJUoWI AUTHOIUIED TO SIGH CBRTIFICATBS FOR CORRBC'l'IO. TO '1'HB TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OPPICB 1983 TAX ROLL 370-371 2/19/85 1983 TANGIBLB PERSONAL PROPBRTY 1983-531 3/12/85 1983-597 3/13/85 1984 TAX ROLL l67-179 2/19/85 - 3/7/85 1984 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1984-114/1984-l~J J/1¡¡/85 - 3/21/85 It.. 167 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE MOS. 36097, 44222, 46073, 3S917. 25536, 37703, AND 4120 Ita. '68 DUPLICATB TAX SALE CBRTIFICATES &OS. 212, 213, 1962. AND 2057 ISSUED TO ALLA.lII R. ST. GEORGB DUE TO LOSS See Pag.. -5/,f - S ~/ Ite. 169 MISCELLANEOUS CORRZSPONDB5CE - FILBD AND/OR REPERRED There being no objection the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departmeots as indicated below I . l I. Memorandum dated 3/7/85 correcting a Social Security Number for Merly~ L. Roar~ on the retire~ent payroll report for 10/84. XCI Mr. Luntr. and Mr. Texter. Filed. 2. Announcement from Dept. of Commerce dated 3/11/85 of two public workshops re the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant program-Economic Development Category. xc. Ms. Williamson. Filed. 3. Letter dated 3/6/85 from Nancy H. Bartek, Bureau ~Iief, Dept. of Community Affairs, re Block Grant Contract No. A4LG-53-09-46-0IH36, plus copy of memorandum dated 3/1/85 fro~ M.. Bartek re Amendment No. 2 re same Contract, plus ~Où( ORA pv.! 4.54 Page 34 . ~ ---_.~..-...."""""'., " ._"""'"....,"-,."..~--"-"..,,.....-"'- 'DDJ. 08~ WI 45~~ lJ·· ë6py of Attachllent C. April 2, 1985 Ms. Willia.son. Filed. XCI Letter dated 3/5/85 fro. ~ichard P. Barrett. DiY. Dir., Dept. of Community Affaire, announcing that the application for the A~r1l I-Sept. 30 Community Se:vicee Block Grant funding cycl~ has been accepted. XCI Dr. Pol~owski. Filed. 5. Copy of Memorandum dated 3/13/85. froll Richard P. Barrett, Div. Dir., Dept. ot Community Affair, re public hearing on the State's proposed Final Statement for receipt of Federal Small Cities CDBG funds for FY 1985. XCI Ms. Williamson. .~ F Ued . C' 4. ft. Letters dated 3/20/85, 3/18/85 and 3/15/85 from Douglas L. pry, Enyiron. Supervisor, DER, enclosing a short for. application File No. 111012875, 111010435. and 111009375. XCI Mrs. Mullins. Filed. 7. Copy of letters dated 3/II/A5 and 2/26/85 from Carlos R. Carrero, Eng., Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, re approval of Permit No. A CO-I02. City of Naples and Permit No. A CO-99, South S~AS Northwest Condominium XCI Mrs. Mullins. F1led. 8. Copy of memorandum dated 3/13/AS, from Richard W. Froemke, Chief, Office of Recreation Services, DNR, re rlorida Recrea- tion Development Ass1stance Program, Land and Water Conserva- tion Fund Program Grants. XCI Mrs. Mullins and Mrs. Brangacc10. Filed. 9. Copy of letter dated 3/4/85, from Elton J. Gissendanner Exec. 01r., DNR, re projects .ponsored by Collier County for State acqu1s1t10n of land under the Save Our Coast Program. xc. Mrs. Brangacc10. Filed. 10. Letter dated 3/7/85, from Fred .1. ragergren, Super., U.S. Dept. of Interior, enclosing a news release re ~anagement Plan for Big Cypres.. XCI Mrs. Brangaccio and Mrs. Mulline. rUed. 11. Copy of letter dated 3/lA/AS, from Marvin W. Brice, Dir.. Div. of Human Services, Florida ~ssn, of County Aging Execu- tives, enclosing two copies of the Bil11ng Statement for ~ annual membersh1p dues to the F^CAE, an affiliate of the ~ SACCo XCI Mrs, Skinner, Filed, 12. Letter dated 3/4/85, from Brenda Fraz1er, Admin. Asst., Herando County BCC, enclosing a copy of Resolution 85-27 requesting Florida Legislature to consider and enact legis- lation to relieve Lykes Memorial Hospital and other similarly situated hospitals from the financial burden created by Sec. 708.54, of the Florida Statutes, providing for the Florida patients' Compensation Fund. Filed. 13. Copy of letter dated 3/14/85, from Harland Bryant, Controller, Kraft Construction Co., Inc., re financial statements for worK done on the Collier County Justice Center Building "F". XCI Mr. Giles. Filed. Page 35 -::J .'.- --. --~- -- -'-' -- .,.- l A f:- --. - -,~,--,- ~~,_'"'_"'~" ",.,"^,~"."fi".·"·· .. - .. April 2, 1985 l4. Copies of Minutest Fi1eð. A. City of Naple., 2/20/85 anð 3/6/85. B. CAPC, 3/7/85 c. OChopee Fire Control Di.trict Adyi.ory Coaaittee, 3/6/85 D. 801id Wa.te Advi.ory Co..ittee, 2/26/85. E. Touri.t Deyelop..nt COuncil, 3/12/85 15. Letter dated 3/12/85, troa Joan D. OWen., Ad.in. A..t., Collier Mo.quito r~ntrol District, enclosing the Annual postaudit Report, the Annual Financial Report - Year ended Sept. 30, 1984, and the Final Annual Certified Budget tor FY 1984-85. FUed. ' <t 16. Copy of letter dated 3/8/B5, from Ja~3S A. O'Connor, Regional Ad.in., U.S. Dept. of Transportation, UMTA, enclosing infor- mation on UMTA grant proces. (MPO). xc. Mr. Perry. 17. Letter dated 3/15/85, fro. Tilford C. Creel, Dep. Foxec. Dir., SP'WHD, re Per.it No. 84-231W, I.mokalee COamunity Park. xc. Mr. Lusk and Mrs. Brangacci0. Filed. 18. Letter dated 3/15/85. fro. Wayne E. Daltry, Exec. Dir., SWFRPC, re -parklan~.· application for Development Approval, DRI '6-8384-43, XCI Mr.. Brangacc10 and Mr.. Mullins. FUed. . . . There being no further bus1ness for the good of the County, the .eeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time. 2138 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF £PECIAL OISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL FRE~~~VOSS' CHAIRMAN ATTEST. WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK '" lJ ~ i &/..? ~ :, .inut.. ?pprOVed by the BCC on ~ ß;,///ç as ,-Pr..ented,. ...¿.--- or as corrected ~..' . ~. \.' ¿ . "- ~ I . . ~ ('~\1\\I\' eOD~ 08R PJ~¡ 456 Page 36 ~ ":(1'..:" :..:'~l,·· I),'j',"" .:'; ,.\ ! ·;~i,tt:~~"~st1;¡~~·,~;~··:, ",:~ :_,..-~. ~:f:'~;;;;~" :-::': '~ -----.--.-'...... ""__,~_____~'m"