BCC Minutes 04/16/1985 R ~-_.""_..."......."...",~.,.'.,..'",.,..,.,..'...,..,,,...,.,,,~,,,",'..._,, --..... .. - - -. - ~apl~" rlor1d~, Jpril lh, 1,rS LeT IT O~ RDI!~aER~O, that the noar~ of County Co"rlaalonera 1n .n~ for the r~unty of Colli.r, and alao actino ^. the Pð~rd of 1~nin~ Appeals an~ aa t}1. ')overnlng board(s) of !luch apeclal dlatri~ta a.. have be~n cr~ateð bccor~lnq to law an~ having conduct~rt ~u"lneas ner.lll, met on this ~at~ at ~1"n A.~. in Reqular Se..lon In PUilrllno hF" of the ~ourthouac Com~l~~, ra~t ~aplu!l, ~lorl~a, with t~p followina ~~mbcr" pr.!lentl r:'III.IIH\Atll 'r".Jerlck ,T. lie... VIcr C"/lIP,'1M' Anne t1oo<:'n1r¡ht Ma'( "asse ~. C. "Ped" r~Clllanr1 A~~E~71 ~ohn 11.. Piator ALSO r~"~CNTI ,T"mea C. "lie!!, Flacal ('1ftlr:(>r~ ""lIre~n ~:enyon, anli r.llnOr 6~inner '7100 p.n.) neputy Cler~sr nurt L. ~aunders, County Attorney: i'onald 11. LUSK, County "an<1<'IOr, \Tf-il ~orrlll, !\ssi9Ulnt County r·ll3n/l'ler 1 Pi'll" Rr;,n'ldccl0, r"PlJty Assllltl\nt t":ountv r.1l\n/l"'!rr VicKie Nullin., Actinn Co,"munlty r'ev('iopm..nt Admlr,,:1tratþrr !Inn "cf<lm, Actlnr¡ Zon11Oq !'\irer:tor; ~o,.. Cr<>ndaii, Utllltl.·S Jl,dnln19tr,lton Nancy lllraelaon, 'dl:11nlstrèltlve AII"lI!lt"nt to the Înard1 anr:! I""putv C}1it:f ~ðy~ond Îarnett, ~~~riff's rerl'lrt~~nt. &VOK GB6 'I'~ 539 i'lIq. 1 :;hii,~;,:t:~~~~~~'~~t*~{·;: . - .. .. .. ;O¡prll 1'" 1( : 5 "ape t1 It.. U AGENDA - APPROVED WITH THE FOLLowING CHANGES. ~0..1..10ner Ha..e .oved, .econded by Co..I..ioner Goodnight and carried unan1aoua1y, that the aqenda be approved with the fol1ow1nq chanqe.. a. It~m 13D r~ 11!1cu~sion nf wor~~ñoo ~^tp. for tnp A~v1sory :'d1I r'1 C'lrd i nl\ nc I! - .erldec! ~v County "'ananer, b. Itum }"n4 re rpcom~endl\t1~n to qpll ~ur~luII tRips of CI\or1 I'ater Pl/lnt - ,"\dde<i hy C-ountv "...nllr.rr.f. c. Ite~ 11~ re rl1l1cu8~1on of ruiJn~ on no1~~ or11nllncft _ l\<1d..<1 \"Iy COl"1I'11l!l10ner !1l)lian-1. d. Ito~ ~CI re housing revenu~ t~nðß for roILier County µou~1no Fln.,nc'! lIutt,orlty nOlltponprl to "/7/"" by ~ttorn"y "Ic'<',%rth. Ite. .2 MINUTES OF EMERGENCY MEETING OF MARCH 13 AND 14, SPECIAL MEETING OF MARCH 14, REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, SPECIAL MEETING OF MARCH 28, AND REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1985 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED CO..i..ioner Goodnight .oved, ..cond~d by Co..is.ioner Ha... and carried unanimoualy, that thd .inute. of the ..ergency .eeting ot March 13 and 14, and the .pecial ..eting ot March 14, b. approved. CO..iaaioner Ha..e DOved, .econded by Co..i..toner Goodnight and carried unanimoualy, that the .inute. of the regular .eet1nq of March 19, be approved. CO..iaaioner Goodniqht aoved, aeconded by Coaai..ioner Ha.ae and carri.d unani.ou.ly, that the .pecial .eeting of March 28 and the requ1ar .eetlng of April 2, 1985, be .epproved. Ite. .3 EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS (PERSONNEL) Cn.l1rml\n \101111 presented F:1"t'Jloyee r¡ervlce /\'warrln to thE' followlnq emcloyeelll Lowell Palnes - RUllt11na /1alnten,"\nce !\ll~n N/ld8~n - Road' Rrldae f.ulalla ~I)Cnla - "~r~8 , Re~rel\tlon -__'....~,·..···,_,··,·.·^'_..,."..~.,",.»""""'"'··.·e,"~'·.,_·"...,,..-"".."""_.,,_....,....,. 10 years (Not present) 'j yellrs 5 years (~ot prftllcnt) &Où( (]86 rn545 Page' :~. ~ ~: t ~,\ .-:. " . ~a' .:; 'OQ( Û86rl': 548 It.. '4 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1985, AS RTASTE or COLLIER .' . DAY· - ADOPTED Anril 16, 1~P5 Upon reading of the proclaaation, COaai..ion.r Goodnight aov.d, .econded by Co..i..ion.r Ha... and carried unani.ou.ly, that the proclaaation d..ignatinq Sunday, April 28, 1985, a. RTa.t. of COlli.r Day· be adopted. Mra. Leona Jorc'lon repres.nt1nq Ta.te of Collier l:'ay accepted the procla.at10n, thanked the Commlss10n and statert that she hoped to .ee everyone there. Pant' :" --:- ~ .., :::::J .~ "--..- ' ....--- ",.f:*:.' . . .:~ '\- ,',.' .' '::'?~I::':, ':':.~,;},\.;, ,":'..c... " " .. lOGe OBSmr548 It.. t5 PROCLAMATION DESIGNÞ.TtRO THI WEEK OP APRIL 28 - HAY 4, 1985, AS ·PRIVATI PROPERTY WEEK- - ADOPTED April 1(" HA5 'r' Upon r.ading of the procla_Uon, Co_hdon.r Ba..e IIOved¡-, ..conded by Coaai..1oner Goodnight and carried unanillOualy, that the procla..tiün d..'gnat1ng the w.ak of April 28 - May 4, 1985, .. ·Privat. Property W..k- be adopted. Mr. Ron Poll of the Poard of Peùltors accepted the proclamAtion. ...... -_."- .....:J -I I'a"e 4 =:1 £::::j !:,~,};~t;~"::f~";'i{J ~:t~;~',,:·:/': '_~"'''~'''·~_'.'''''''''''''''..·m''''''''''___"_,,,,<.____ ,_'. noo rA'.! r:t:\'\ . ,~~ 'AJU ~ It.. t6 April lh, l~P" PROCU.MA'l'%ON DESIGNATING WEDNESDAY, KAY 1, 1995, AS -LAW DAY, U.S.A.- _ ADOPTED eoaaia.1on.r Holland r.ad the proclamation and moved, ..cond.d by eo.a1aaion.~ Ha... and carri.d unan1moualy, that the proclamation ð..iqnatinq Wedne.day, May 1, 1985, a. MLaw Day, U.S.A.M be adopted. Mr. Mlchael Volpe stated that May 1 is Law Day ln the tJnlted StÐt.. and the theme thla year lS Llberty and JuatlCQ tor all. Paq~-5 ~ - ---.j ::::::J - , - -'f!:.i'..-. "--''''''~~~''_'''_' "<>"·w~...~_"_~,".."'",,.·.,_._..,, ''''',''....''''...0_..._........,.,...,.. 'O~I: cæ rlr., 55'Z Apnl If), I9HS Ite. t7 PltOCLAMÞ.l'IOtf DESIG1fAl'I&O '1'HE WEEK OF MAY 1-7, 1985, AS -RESPECT FOR LAW WEE)!;- - ADOP'l'ED Upon r..ding of the proclamation, Co..i..toner Vo.. .oved, ..conded by Coaai..ioner 8aa.. and carri.d unanimou.ly, that the proc1...tion de.iqnattnq the week of Hay 1-7, 1985, a. -Re.pect for Law Week- be adopted. P ,\en- t- =::J - ,..'......1 ,._~ .,,~_.._ '_4__,_.__ ,~ !"''' ~';~J .'. ;-:." ~ '., J, 1m 086 P~'.t 554 ADril. 16, 11:1"0; It.. fa PROCI.AMÞ.TIOR DESIGNATING THE MONTH OF MAY, 1985, AS -OLDER AMERICÄNs I MONTH- - "[)OPTED Upon re.d!nq of the procla.atSon, Comai..Son.r Vo.. aoved, ..conded by Co..i..lon.r Ha... and carrS.d unaniaou.ly, that the procla..tion de.Sgnating the aonth of Hay, 1985, a. ·Older Ameracan.' Month- be adopted. ~r. Egon ~111 stated that the County CO~~laslon has an excellent reputatlon tor cArln~ tor the elderly, the poor, and the .1C~ and 1n the1r name he thanKs the Comm1..1on. Paoe 7 ". -' ~ c:::::J ··;j·,~:it~>~f1~:~·P;;:·;, . '. ~ '. ......,þ' ,.....,""-"'·"".",.·"~....,_,.,,·._"".~"''',m_,,..........". _""'.""+._.,',...".~_.... m~ OOOr~',!556 Aprll If), ]9"!!'o tt_ n .J PU8ERTATION BY 4-8 MEMBERS R! THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENTS M.. Terra Cannlln, repre~entln~ narron Colller Hl~h ~chool, atated that s}le wan¡;ed to thl\nk thE' Commi ssion for what they )Iave l"arned throu9h thfl cltlzens program sponsortlct hy 4-f' and the League of "omen Voter.. She stated th~t tlhe has learned about County Qovern~ent, through thft County Appralt1er, Co~munlty ~evelooment, and the Clerk of Courts. ~he Btat~d thl\t they went on 81ttr tor the workina of the landfill, the County water treat~ent anrt the county sewer treat~ent plant. Bernard, a student from Ir'mok~let.- H10h !;chool, statf"d thðt on Tuesday, lIprll :n, he wIll be ðhle to VH'W F:leCtlons, t'1e "p./llth Der-artrnent, ^nd r>ut-¡ 1 C SII fety "nc! Personnel I'er>lIrtment. Pe 8tl'ltec! th/lt they wl11 al!!o vIew Purr'1I1!1:~q, r>..rkl'l I, Pecredtlon, I\nò R\uljlnq ~1alnt";!nðnce on ~hur"' IIY, ~,í'r 1 i :><¡, 10"5. It.. 110 $23.5 MILLION JUSTICE CENTER BONO REFINANCING - APPROVED AT AN INTEREST RATE or 9-1/2\ USING THE SALES TAX REVENUE AS COLLATERAL TO RELIrvE THE GENERAL FUND OF ITS OBLIGATION. AMERICAN BANKNOTE ,a.PPROVED TO PRINT THE BONDS. CHARLES P. YOUNG APPROVED TO PRINT THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT. Mr. r/lV" f'¡ IIch~r nf f'J IIrh"T, ,JC'hnson, 1\11~n '" Purl(t'/Southealltern /o'unlclplll ron,111, th,. }lnðI1CI;'¡ ;,C1vlsorr;, stllteo th;\t !! fe..' weeks arlO, tht! COJrmllllSlon WIIS cyolor lr.a tht: !"'O!I!I¡b¡ 11 tlef> of nt'w MO:'ley to nrovlde addItIons IInd compi~tlon!l to the "C'vcrnmental cnmnl~y project of approxllr.,'ttdy ~,.,.r; IT'I"IO(', 1\-1,",ln" thilt It "">18 rll"C\lS!lt'r! "" to "'''I.''tr¡t-r thls Bhould lit.' cOT1\I) n·,': Io/Itr: tr¡<f rt.'tun«lno Of tllr: ai" 1S!lU" o. tn.. orlClllI'" $:'~.r; ",.1110'1, ~,~ "totter 1.'1l\t t'1..r" .,'"'' ,1 worl:~hnp ",.."tlno on lIpr11 15, )0"5. WJt!" th'" rJfun~ln'1 t...,,,, "nr. IItrltl to come ua WIt" /I reCO"'!Tiprlr1at1on itS t.n "01'" to )lònOrnðcn tt\}S "'i1ttl?r. I,. "t"tpr' t"...t tram t n ~ t 1 n" n C J ... 1 "r V I :. <:1 r ~ 5 t ., ~.1 'X'I nt, I). ~ ... F 1 00 I~ ..'~ i' t t n J!I " n r. t h" 1nteretlt r"tf"f' 'J~J("''' ";\VP "'C'~~ tron, "-?/^" tn "_1/''', "",l1lno thllt thp.v II r.. " r 0 u n d n - 1 /., to C> - 1 / " , t " ) F (, ... ~ .... , :'f' ~tAt..)(j thðt tt--l~ r"n¡¡¡nB ð rctundlnC'1 of tht;.. jO,":-> lS~··llo..:· I10uid oj ','l.. ;1 rrt.'~'?'nt \!rtiue- t~"Vlr·!II of b.,.t"'",,,.n "5(H',Or¡(1-7(lo,f'Cln, /I(,)'lln(" t'1at rf'tllnr1ll1<" ot t'1.ll s,,\'~' ('I:; COllld ne COII'''lne~' Wltl, <J ne...' 18811" of ~"'.<' !l'1ill0!1 1In,j tlH'>rt' would be" savlngs In co~t b~tw~vn $r;r-hn,oOO. Pe not..", that t"e other as~~ct lS thllt 1n d refundlnn, th~ sccurlty clln be rewrlttrn, Pt not to,; that the tlt:curlty of the Ion? ¡ssue ~"ÐS II ')enerlll tUl'd nler ("e, whICh ~'/lS evervthl!lq but ðrl v,,1<:1rt.-r- tilxes of th.. County, 14hlch ""]5 how th.. CoulJ,.ty Pare R =:J ::::J p---- ......_---_.~~ ... --........ """..b_."...."'~c.,.,~",_.,._...,.,..",....~.,.'-...,.,.".,._ '.-,.". - - - ~ April lfl, l~~S got a Triple ^ ratina anrl ~uch a low intere~t rate for the markut of that day. ~e atated th^t tho saleR tax has ~roceeded to reqain atrenCJth, adding that he thin1(s that by lJolno the slllea tax pledge th., County shoul/J he ablf' to qet 1'1 Trl!,le ^ t:'atlnt"l. He Rtat'!!d that hit' recommendlltJon itl that tr.e Co~mistl1on fr~f' up the qaneral fund ~ledqe. by usino the sl\les t~x ple~qe I\n~ refund the ~,~.~ ~11l10n alona \~lt~ the S6.~ rn1lllon n~w ~oney. ~'!! stated that l' h~ proceed!! with the retun~lnq, he S~ould have evervthlnq to thf' lnsurers th1B ~eek ~na by m1d-w~el( ot"': next weE'l(, he ~'ouJ.a Know 1 t thp. (:oünty could reta 1n thel r Tr1ple A ratln~, addlna that It they dO, ~e could entpr the M^rket on the week ot ^prll 2°, IOcS, an~ then co~~ bl\c~ to the qc~ If they were auccesstul in the INlrJo:etlnrt of It ""out t~ree rlIIYtI l.~t,.,r With the !>urchatle COntract whlch wOllle! be lI~nroxll"/\tely ··'IIV ;>, 1"~!i, PI'! stilted that there would hav.. to be II sceClði MPct1no tor the ð~arrl ~lthln a day or two /ltter belna n. th~ m3rJo:et 9ucceB~tully. Tape .2 COl"rnlS!llon"!r uoiii\nd stiItcrl th,1t th~ needs art' "hout 5h." mjli10n dnd it SeeMtI lOOlCiIl thiIt ~9 lono ~s there 1S not" cao on the ad valore~ tðxe~ thIs v~~r th>lt a on~ ~ll1 1ncreiIBe In ad valorem taxes for one yedr would nro<'uce ~",¡\ mlll](m,' "" st.:tt¡e" th;lt he hel1evcs th^t tht! t')X")('Yf~r!=l ·..oui'1 O'! 1'ior-~ \"1 i. i.lnr" to .~CC~T")t:. ,) ont! ,,"111 tðx lncreas.. for" yþ',1r th",n they 'ioul,J he to '!r.-:j¿,nr:"Hln~ the OOSSlh lity of belnQ ablu to nrovl~e the tun~s tcr the qn¡ \rl W>l~rn 1n th- futur~. Mr. FIscher stðtarl that 110m. COuntlRs ~o use this oroccrlure, addinq th~t If t~e County wants to co~e "r Wlt~ 1\ PIIY-~s-vou-~o one t1me mlllaqe, thl!l Is uo to the Count~. COmm1S!llon.!r poii...n,1 IIt"t..d th~t for thE' f1r!lt time In ."IH'Y years, the County till!! th.. urporturllty to lncr(',,:\(' the ",¡ vùlorell1 tIlX4'S heyonrt thl'l 1!it, èI1dlnq thllt there 11'1 no car th1S yp"Ir. flf! !!tllted thi'lt It could bþ. done OVRr 1\ twO year Derlod If the ~ollrd de~lretl and would fill the nee~s of the County. County ~':anllqer Lusk stated thin thIS would mean that propprty taxeR woulj 1ncrellse ]3-1/3~ wh1Ch ltl " h1g jump in ont! Yf!ar. He stated that thltl may he I\hlp to be done thlt1 y,.,ar, hut on II lonq ter~ plan, lt IndY not be IIhle to he done leq/llly In the futurt>. H" stated th"t there are /I lot of hIlls 1n the POII"!e ðnrt the Senate now where caps are be1nq put on that could only 1nCre/lse certaIn thlnqs St. Pl.c/ll Cftlcer r¡lell lndlcatert that th1s 19 II rls~ that the Com~13t11on would he tùklnr¡, add1nt"l that the ùctlon th~ leqlSlüture ~O~( 086 ri'.: 557 Pëstle (\ - &Ot( 086HO,!558 J\prll Ih, 1985 take. ~ay nOt he Known until Junc or July. COMmi..loner vo.. stat~ð that if the Þond is.ue is abandoned and the leçi.lation put. a cap baCK on, the Comml..ion 1. .tucK. County !~nag.r LuaK stated that huilð1nga are going to be built that will la.t 30 to 40 yea~~ and when the Commission decide. to have thl. paid tor within one year, the Deople are beln~ aaker' to pay today for the buildinga that are going to be u~ed throughout the yeara. He .tated ~hat the cost ahould be aoread out over the years. Commlsaioner Voss stated that If taxes were lncreaaed, the money would ~, be available tor a year and the projeçt would be delayed. Commlsaloner f101land Indicated that the pll\ns are not ready and It would be three or tour months hctor.. anythlna would be Done f)n It and there ia the rOsulb111ty of f]nanClnQ th11l for ð year, addlnn that It III a gamble either w~y, hut hp. would rather o~mhle one yeðr'S debt than he would twenty years. CommlSS10np.r \/OSIl fltl\tf'( thl\t ] t 18 ronCfolvahle thl'lt lid valorem t~xes may n/lVP. to be rb18~ct durlnn hudqrt hearlnoA wh]ch coul~ amount to on.. ,"jll and then there WGuid hl\ve to hI' /lnother mIll a~de~ to thl\t tor the tln.:snc1no ('It the ,1Uf;tIC" Center If thF ~',.5 mIllIon ...·!'III done hy ad v>llorem tl\~es. Co",mlss.oner ¡laBBe nlJ..st1on~d l~ t"e tl"urCR ~:p.re <'Iccurllte tl1,lt were oresenten 111 tl1e r'_Dort th.lt the fioi1r~ recelvec1" I\sfllstllnt County "'anager ['orrlll !ltðte~ tn.lt tr.ere IS ~:>.4 l!1]illOn 8ho'''n on t~.. rerort, add1ng that tht: £lCC I1bR mbdf- ;, comMltlfent to do the I\Sh.."tOF reMoval pr~r/lm wh]ch amounts to ~7'~,nnn an~ the orl~ln~l rronr/l~ In rUllolnq "1\" wtuch /lmounts to Sf,<W,O(1(J, !-I~. staten that thll!; ~Ioul(: 1..<'1\1", ðpproXlmately ~1.5 n]lil0n. Commillsloner l!oll...nc1 stlt('(· chllt ther.. was "Iiso ;< CO!!'I"llment to do BUlldJnqll ·C· ana Un". I\lIlIlst~nt CO\lntv :'/lna",-r I"'orr]li stiltea t~'i1t "li iHOllJtrrtural nro<:,ramtl /Ire currentiv or. t'ai,' Den-i]n'" 1'0..,.. r{>sol\ltlC'n at tlll~ ratter by th'" P.CC. COl1:'1t~· /lttorn",y O:-...u~1'!'r!ò st¡.t"o; th"t th(!rr ~I'I\I" hpe(" :;o,.~ Clé\l"lS t)led ...hlCh aT:1ount to aprroxlm'ltl'ly ~1 m.lllon, IIHr1)nn th~t tht'v lire over-1nflat~d /lnd ~O"L r' thrn ~ li nllVt to ~e l]tloat('~ wh]c'1 mav tll~e lIbout a yeðr. County ~.1ðnl!la~r r.u~k Etdte1 that tiler.. 1S also ð comrnt",ent for tt,e HeJlth !)e!'lIrtmcnt fro!:' ~OÐr(J "otlon. COMT:11SS10ner ">lsse E'tat'~d thlJ.t there j9 1.1 surrll's I1Viliil\h1e "'t "/loe 10 ---I -::::J --- . , -. - ~"'f: .,.~ "--.,.,-~,.......""""..",..,-"",.,..", '...d--___·__·__""'i>4·..,H.__.._ - - - , Þrril 16, 19A5 this point which could be utilized and then if necessary, new ~oney could be obtained, adding that h~ would ¡i~e to ~ee a list of the actual needs. Mr. JOe nri",m stated that he thinks the cstl",atclI are out of 11no wlth currvnt ~ulldlna costs tor the area, ad~lno th3t the flour.s ~r. .erlously lntlated. 'ie IIt/lted that better efforts 5hIJulri be marle with reqarrtll to nlannlnn. Mr. r>lve ~Jschpr ~t~t.rl t~"t it IS th~ "o'rct'" ~ecIl lon ^S to whether they Wftnt to ~o "h('ad wIth the ~~.5 mIllIon n~w Money or walt until a lctêr ~>lt., ~~~ln~ t~^t the other dpçlslnr ~ whethar th~ refundIng ðhnul~ rroccerl. Flscal 0ttlcpr nlies IItated t~~t If the no~r~ rlpcldeß on 1\ refundlnq, th~y annui,., lndlc~te ftn jnter~~t r/lte. Tap. .3 County Attorrley ""under", stated th/lt thpre are re!l80nS other th;,n savlng money to ~o the rU~ln"nClnM. ~ddlnn th>lt this will fre~ un the generlll fund I)ledo~ ',¡hlch cr"Juid hi1vC l iC"ni(l~iint v'Ilu,," In the futur". Mr. George K~¡ler, PreHldent ot CollIer County CIVIC Feneratlon, stated that thIs r"tp of Intt'r""t 1:10...1 rJrettv hinh rot.. for tax-tree bonds, I'Idðlna thi1t If r.!fln"nclnq IS done, the Interest rat'1 finureo ahollld ,,~ pUt In tnt' '"ot Inr', I'.. "It 'Iter! th"t the r::oun~v 15 not <'JelJt fru~ and there wll~ ~. , ~.n ~e~t cO~lno In >I few V~>lra. Com.ia.ioner Holland moved, seconded by Commisstoner Ha..e and carried unani.ou.ly, that the $23.5 million Juatice Center Bond refinancing be approved at an interest rate of 9-1/2' u.ing the Sale. Tax Revenue as collateral to reltave the General Fund obligat10n.. Commis.toner Holland moved, aeconded by Commis.loner Ha.lle, that other mean. of financing the expansion of the govern.ent ~o.plex be ra.earched. Upon call for the quest1on, the vote was 2/2, (Com_t.- .toner. Goodnight and Vo.s opposed). Mr, Flsch~r 5tðt~d that It w"s the r:onsenSUR that ^~erlciin Rðnknote be the ones to prInt the bonds, ~nd that C~l\rles P. Young be the ones to ~rlnt the officIal st~te~ent. Co..i..ioner Goodniqht moved, seconded by Commi..toner Has.. and carried unanimously, that American Banknote be approved to print the bond.. Co.mis.toner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commt..ioner Hass. and carried unani.ously, that Char~Gs P. Young be approved to pr1nt the offtcial state.ent. &Gû( CBS PI;" 559 Paoe 11 ~".=""'>~-~"","-;,--,,,-,,,,.,,;, ,.... """~.'.'.,-..¿~, ._" \m CB6rl,,~560 Aprll If>, laps Co~ml..lon.r ~olland .tat.d tnat at the next re?ularly .cheduled work.hop ....10n he would 11lo:e to nave archltect tlgurèl nrðr'¡¡n-The need. of thG Justice Center Exoan.lon and to Invite the Conltitutlonal Ottlcers to attend. ..... Followinq the recpss, this ltern was brouQht up aqaln when Commlslloner Va.. lndlcated that Mr. FisCher had lIome more tact. tor the Poard. ..... Mr. Fl.cher state~ that when thlS lIunJect wall ~rought up, lt was to add ~h,~ mIllion to the old lssue or mðybe new money. He stated that the 56.5 ~11110n could bc ad~ed to th~ old lSSU~ without any problem, hut when tht.· ne,,' money 1. not done lInd the old lssu(' thðt 1. retun~ed is gOlnn to t/l~e the g~npr^l tund rled~~ out and leave just the sl\lea tðx, th('rt' coulc. ¡,e /! pro~iell'. HI! st/;!lCO(O thllt the C'ov€'rage wOUld be reduced, ftnd there 16 11 POSSlbll,lty thftt when there IS a n/lrlty test cr a-1rl1tIOnl!l hOnd lp"t, It lI'ðV t>.. 'lioher than the actual covera(' p t~/')t coes to mar"et. Jlp. st~ted that the ¡ICXt bonr1 Issue' May be renUlrerl tu ~ßVt' ft h¡nher covurft"t. or th~v covi~ he 5to~n('1. pe noted thi\t It 16 l'lS Oplnl<Jn t:,,,t later d/ltL, th€v ~ould h~ve tn UN. If the ~~.5 mlillon 16 done at a ':Iol"e Oll,er type of IH'C'JrltV. Pe tilL rctun'~ln" an,! the ne~.' ~c:ney bond .tatpn th~t hr woul~ Suu~(:at t!iejt I Fò/llU tlr'1e, IS8ue ~e ~on~ at th~ COi1ll"'lflSl0nf-r \'OS(; st^tc'J t~"t I! thl!' ff'!un(~lr1n II< none tJv !!Iales tax, eVt'rvon~ PI\Y~ ter It. ~. r. t II )r " 7., w 0'1 ¡ I( " t 1'1 t ~ ,4 t: 1" '. t, ... "c'''" R not ~',1 n t the (. x t r / t" xc!' lJr. )OSeù upon '11.., cn pron<:rtv UI':f S, the refU~alnQ ~c tn~t f-vrrvnn~ ~.¡¡ <l("~lnc: t')"t thIs Ftlould t-P. done I ~¿) ":' . ".. "t;, t ('" p, ¡; t t" (: : u t U r c oent."rðtl0n shouir nrlV tCJr tr;l.·~"" tJ'.1n"'s ~l~ tt1PV ""'), & j alee tie 'J!:.lnc;" the,,_ ~O"'r.".186¡Onl!r (:oodn)r~1;t st,'t.t.'r. t~'rJt " nrti-\'l()lJ~ r>o¿'r(~ m"rt,. ., r.ommlt"1Cllt to t:a Cur.st;tutlorú,i <'ffJcers tu "rov],,, I¡OUf;lnn for them, ~H1C:]nr; t"..Jt ttl1S cr\P"'rr.1r_J"~.'nt H"(JUj,~ r·t' untlt:.l.d (In'. r;\I" ~"C)uirl l)k"e to see t~'l $f-.t; rI1.i..ilC~J (t(:UI3,1 tc the f{'fun'JlnQ. COT!'1"';1E:'ì,l0r1_'r ·',\5!;t~ st:ltt tt':,t 'h' If' .,o~ (';("nOH'G tr'" thl rl?fl'nrllnc I'IIn(: 15 not nr:-'C'Sf~"'" tC' tho::1' C()nst:ltut.]onf~l 0tt1r.£r~ ~ldVlnc- theIr nt"edf; met I ~Ul t't' ',./f-ntF. to 'L't" W·1I!fP th,-. ",on"" ) ~ "'Oln~ /\r.,~ for whr.;t. CCmnJs.lcner VOH& "t~t~, thl\t the ~rChlt~ct ~ðS to work w1thln the buont"t th>lt th~~J hftv.., IId11nn th.,t tlds J!\ Clnlv .,rcion":n,, eVt:ryon~'. needll. He not"o thftt hy "vIne the r('fundln" \.J1th the .s/llea ti\)' everyon,: \01 i toe ['('yin" linn If they WiU t any lancer. th~y mi1" not bf1 _ Põge 17 -=:J ~ ~''''~''~'''''''''-'---''._'''''''.'"~''''''''''''''''~' .,.,,~ " .;.'.' .v-'''~"__~·'·"'¥''·'''''·'_t.,~ 1n - - - ~ "pol If" It'A5 able to sell the bon~.. ~r. ~lscher stl\ted that the Clnly way to dO thi. w1thout çett1ng ~ new pledgl'! and a new bond 11111\111, 1. to dO lt now. Co..I..&oner Goodniqht moved, .econded by Comet..ioner Ha... that the '6.5 .illion new .oney b. added to the refunding. Upon call for the question, the vote was 2/2, (Commis.ioners Holland and Ha..e Opposed) . Item .11 PETITION R-84-30C, JIMMY ADKINS, REPRESENTING NAPLP.S FRUIT ~ VEGETABLE CO. - CONTINUED TO 5/7/85 Commi..ioner Holland moved, .econded by Commissioner Ha..e and carried unanimously, that Petition R-84-30C, be continued to May 7, 1985. Ite. 112 PETITION R-84-20C, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL ~ PEEK, REPRESENTING LELY ESTATES, INC. - CONTINUED TO 5/21/85 Co.mlssioner Holland moved, sl'!~onded by Commls.loner Has.e and. carried unanimously, that Petition R-A4-20C, be contlnued ~o May 21, 1985. Item 113 ISSUANCE OF MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE COLLIER COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY - CONTINUE~ TO 5/7/85 Commls.1oner Holland moved, .econded by Comml.s1oner Ha..e and carried unanmously, that the 1..uance of multi-family hou.ing revenue bonds to be is.ued by the Collier County Hou.lng Finance Authority for a qualifying multi-family project be continued to May 7, 19A5. Ite. 114 PETITION DRI-84-2C, JIMMY ADKINS, REPRESENTING NAPLES FRUIT ~ VEGETARLE r.O. ~ MICHAEL PROCACCI - CONTINUED TO 5/7/85 Comml..ioner Hollan~ moved, seconded by Commi..loner Ha..e and carried unanimou.ly, that Petltion DRI-84-2C, be continued to May 7, 1985. Ite. 115 PETITION DRI-84-3C, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL ~ PEEK, REPRESENTING LELY ESTATES, INC. - CONTINUED TO 5/21/85 Commts.ioner Holland moved. .econded by Commi..ioner Ha..e and carried 4/0 that Petition DRI-84-3C, be continued to May 21, 1985. m( CB6n.:.561 Paoe 13 m'( 086r1',~562. ,·.prl1 16, 19'15 Iua 116 IESOLUTIOR 85-99 CREATING A PAVING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR PORTER STUET - ADOPTED Legal notice havlno bewn publlshe~ In th~ ~a~les ~al1y rewa on March 2ó, 19B~, all evidenced by Attldavlt of Publlc/ltlon fIled wlth the Clerk, public hearlnq was opened to conllider creatlnq the Porter ~treet Paving As.essMent DistrIct. Assiatant County I'.ana("ler Dorrll1 stated that 61~ of the ebuttlng property owners sent In a petition for thl~ pavIng assessment di!!trlct. ~e noted that the ~noine~rlnq Perart~ent waß authorIzed to acouire certain drlllnaqe easements tl') rreparc thp. teaolhl11ty r~nort, addlnC/ that Ite III 1.IsKinf1 tor ð"r'Lov/ll of thc fe/l'!lbllitv rel'(Jrt ðnò t}le pr~¡l~lnary aBse8sn~nt roll, Pe 5tftted tn~t the tot~l cost of the conlltructlon l~ I'IrDrOX1Mfttpiv ~~7,nnn and I'In estlm/lterl valup per unIt 18 I'IpproxlIIIl.teiy <;1, h(,O, ". IItated th,~t .,to" also nl!l'<1ø IIpprovnl for Crpl'lt10n of th~ :llstrlct øn0 th~t th. rh"]rnl'ln hl 311thori~ed to 5jon thp rellolutlon 80 thÐt tn.· rn~lneer]n("l rcnl'lrtmpnt can nroceed. "1r. ~rnoic' !.I'n...·', 7'" "'ort"r "trp.~t, I"t"tt'r1 tl.'t ..,... I!II conc,.rnp.(i "'lth th~ "'IIt.ef 81tu"tlnn, "c!'j]"f1 U\l1t 11 the rol'l' 16 r'l15('-1 tne watf"r levtol wllj !'I! In r.lf' hou~.... lie n<:.tPf1 thAt l' ,"wfti,. ,",C'nlc' not r.oJd the water b..c/luA,. tht'r~ l' ~\O p¡<'Ict' for th" '''/It.'r 'l'rl'nllpOrt'ltlon I'lr,'ctof ^rchJbi'lld !!tl'lt.' t dilltrlCt oniy "djrl'b51!~ th~ rOi'lrl ]1"[Jrov<'J"lC'nt.., to no. thl1t thC' orooo!!ec' hut r1ra]~aop lmDruve- J'I'I:e'nta arl' ûl",o nltrt of A01'1¡P wor~: th.1t lR ¡'("1n'", l:n~~rt~'I':t:r1. lee stl1tacl t:1öt thl!! ;'ra 1 i ,",crcs t),jE no dr~ 1 n('n,! cut f.J¡ i i In-J tnl'Y ,lfl' trvlnc to ootðln ~t th~ ~r~9~r~t tJme. '1(,. st~ltt'r tt¡'-1l t h ( r L h.} g ht:- f~ n ~ rl ()u t f I) i 1 dItch cut ...ir~no tIll' west Oefll'\(·tPf i Jn~ of tn.. su:)'j;vlR)(W ",", I he lS ~ttf~mptln~ to tlt' t)'¡It. ~ntC' t~H." r'rot't'rt\' iln~~" to ':..14.' S"l1t,~. "Eo IItl! tcr1 t'''H.Jt thJfI 18 hCOll1'"" conE-' Sf;H).!"r"'tt:' fr(lrr tht: rG"(' Jrr,l~rOVl'r"I~r\t C)::9trlct. Pt- 8t~tl.'d thl.Jt t}~ l!:. \IOr~'; "':J j, j, not 1"'C'rf':'~f' t !H:t p',Jt·..r .1r. t·,1f· ?r~", ðlJd~n,.. t:1at "'If 15 "c·rnr,n t~,¡,t It \-/111 rPLlt"Vt) f;OrrÞ of the, nrnrlEl'T."s. Tap. . 4 :Ir. 1(·r'-;~<'1 ht¿1lf¡' t~'ut 1t 1~ r~ot f10!"'t tor ~1m tC" '1;,vP tt1 pðy ~J,"'(ln tor rO'1....· ¡r""'rc.;vp;:'!ent~ it 'j~ hQlIF."I 1f' "Olnn to t\(" fiC"":"r',,rl.. ,. r.1 n 'I t)(, r tilt 1 "n I' J r '. c t 0 f I,rc;h' t--'(l in !<tat('cj t ..,,~ t ti.... oroi('("'t 18 001n<:.' 1t wlli n"t n~ke to )"'rrOv~ th~ øneLttlo~ In thllt Þreð, arlrllnf1 that condjtlollS wor!;"". th~v b'1(;ul( hp bctt.l'r, Mr. JOlleph R~~~núP!!, r~prp.pntln" rro~('rtv OWnl"r6, stilt.·r th/lt they IIrt: In tI'lV(")f at the Porter ~trp('t "/'\vln'" ^.5St'SS"'L'nt r"lstrlct. ~ Pane 14 -:::::J "~_.._,--_.... . E .~ --. ~ - .. - ~ # Apr11 If>, 1<1f.!5 stated tnat the owner. want to havc the dralnar¡e pro~lcm. taken r.are of, adding that It 1. a w.ll known fact th~t there 1. tloOdlna In the area. Mr. "rchl~ald .tllted th,'\t 1I""rovl\l 1. nee(1cd for the r.reðtlon of the ftlttrlct 80 thnt the deslr¡n ot the roa~ can b~ unrlcrt~~pn ftnd during that tine, the outtðlls ~nd the calle~"nts could be lookert at I\nd when the ~ro)~ct 1. brou~ht back to the ~oar~, It could b~ ð "~ort tl~e to 10010: at Vh"lt rl!sults tt-o:re 'I~VC been 01"\ t'H! ~raln<1ar. CO..l..1oner Ha..e Doved, .econded by CODat..l0ner Goodnignt and carried unanlaou.ly, that the public h.arlnq be clo.ed. Co..i..loner Ha... moved, ..conded by Comat..ton.r Goodnight and carried unaniaou.ly, that Re.olutlon 85-99 cr.ating a paving a.....m.nt dl.trlct for port.r Str4.t tor approxlmat.ly 1,455 lineal f..t be adopt.d, and that the Engin.erlng Department pr.par. the plan. and .pecification. and adverti.e for bid.. L~~~ CBSr~"! 5S3 I"a"e 15 '. . 'DGt ()l3E)r~~:~ ..... Rece.., Arr11 11:>, 1!"P5 10,40 A.M. - Reconveneðl 10150 A.M. ..... It.. U 7 RESOLUTION 85-100 APPROVING S~EMENT OF DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS CASE NOS. 84-2264 AND 84-2896, RELATING TO CLAM PASS PARX - ADOPTED - UTILIZING THE NORTHERN ROUTE FOR THE BOARDWAL~ County Attorney ~aunders stated that Collier County aprlled for a boardw/llk, which wl11 be calle~ 1\ southern boar~walk, runnino alone the southern portion of Outer Clam Bay to the southern portion of CIl\m Pass Park. Hv stated that Can Jl,fficrican ~~agate Corporation, which is now Shelter Seaqate CorporatIon, ùpplled for a DE~ per~lt for a dock-beat- dock sYlltem, /lrldlno that there wer~ Detitions tiled ~y residentll of the ~eð9atf: ~Ubdlv1s10n all10llg tor I'In admlnistr<!t1ve hearlnCl 0~j<.!ct1nCl to the lBlluance of Dr." P~HI"Jt!l for that southt:rn hoard"dlk 1'1n~ the docK-beat-dock sy~te~. He noted that DfP hð~ Issued I'In lnt~nt to Issue ð ~r,.,it ..hJc"! h/l!llC;''¡ Iv f i'VS thl'lt nrp would IF!lUl' " Of"rrllt tor both Clf those lIyste~!I unless thcrp ..as nn ehjectJon fll~d. Up rerorterl thl'lt t}lcrc W/ll' I'IrI O"~l'ctlon flied 'n-1 hec¡,usc of !!o!!'c of thEo lpoI'Il lSSUCD that w('re rlllSt..d ¡'y thE: 'H'tIUon, rr.r lndlcl'ltprl In'or,"i1ilv th...t they would r,'f Clne' th"lr :ntcnt to JIISU'2, not1r,'1 th~t t~~y were cf)nccrn,.d wIth t\IO ,hln'H!. Ur Rt,'t"C t'll!t on t~" !!f)l:th"rn r-o,lrd>'/'Il'< th" r:-rl!1'ary concern W/'\!I ð rIp; r;ðn rl'1"!t of VIe>' tf\'1t 15 f'n;nve" \'\' r>rot:'crty owner!.' ....·ho o.....n rrorcrtv t.c t~f(' i:..nc cf t~1(! r.C',~~. r-,:.r:~: ·Nðt~r. "f~ rcra:rt~ð t!'1~t s~veral reoHìentl! of ~,,"nl'lt'.:' "' ~"lVI!!On owr. "ro'''''rt~' t,., t>'e ,lnro of the nlq~ water lIne> >lnd th~retorv, thp rln3rlßn rlnht eXIsts, lp !!/'Ild thl'lt thO' IICCOII(] prol 1..1" W,J:, ','It" t\~c I'ocl-t,o,'t-dorl: !lyster., not I",' ttl"lt b/llled on rcc"nt court C"Ees, rFP clln nulol ioo" /'It SLcowl,'rv !'nVlron- !"I~ n t ,,1 r",;" <: t 5 fro!!' t)¡_, nroi('ct. fiE" rer,ort~r1 tn·'t th,' ~ccor,.ji\fY rro1uct >'<)Ulé' 1">,. r>ron t'nvlronme(¡t..,i l"'r ,ct fi ! ror the OUC\( -t'Oll t -,1,;C" d r to " 0 1 n n, ~ r'" 1 i .i " n t· 0 ~ O.l i ~ .) n-1 t u (: i & J n tot 11l' \\' èI t e r, ,'It !ì' ~ t h f' Ca'l-funC"r1cðn >;t.à001tt' ("0rnorðtlon \/tìt; f,sC4-'C \-ol)t": tr>¡p (:1j,iP ""'I"'H1 t.hJ1t If thðt W:,!!, tr'J.e r.ðlr ~CCt-r.~, ttH:rf "";jfò .:\j\-·:lVF- thr· r-Qtl'rt1ðl. ttF.'t. rrR couir' shut t}1~t fiCC~U~ ('o~r-. If] t'll' tuture bec~us£ of ~ s'~corlðarv eV1nron- l"'I....nt¡,l lr¡,..act. H... ret~ort..( tt,~t r\~"_' to thl-> l,:ar;.:!l rro>i.t:-i"'s In\'ojvlng t~c sccon(~~tr\' IT"'j'l1C'tR d;iff th(' r)~10rl,1n rl,.,l1t ot VJeh', n(' ",;\~,_. tC loo~ iJt ottler <.i t...rno'tt I v",s tel o':.crV5S. Pc n~'lt;C tr.;.t )n r~CtMrer. t~e Ponrrt 6utìlorlZt'O staff to ""t'lv tor l' rr'p t'errl1t w'nch 1,,~ refer~<' to <15 11 north.,rn boðrOwl:li1.: wt-lC!' !1i\d s<,vcr,,¡l l"Jvðnt..,,,c!;. 1'1' nc'tt·d t'1bt rFP favored the ncrthe>rn hr,lrc'wù p. becilllsø:: of pn,'J ronm~ntal rpl'lsors line! felt that trimrin" of thf' I"'an"rovt:~ or. tht- nOrthp.rn t.ol"rciw/\¡~ would ~t' °"'0<' 1 f, :=J ~---><.. E ,~ - - - April 1f" 19Q5 l.s. of an environmental impact thl\n croBslnq thl! water hody I'It the southern ~ardwalk. H" rerort,,!'\ that /lnother I\(\V<.1ntaae to the northern boardwalk Is that It would tak. people directly fro", the p.1rklnr¡ lot are. Into the larqer portion of Cla" Pails Par\( and 1'111 th"! h"ach fac11it:slI could he locateI'! In that northern, hI9~~r sect1on. ~e stated that the- forl:1er rOllnty r.nvironl'1'!ntl'll1st, nr. np.nedlrt, hl\r! indicatöd that beðch f~cll1tle~ locoted at the nortnern enrt would he bett.r thl'ln bel'lch f,](~ilitIPS I\t the southMrn ~nd of Cl...,., "/I~~ Parlt dS therc would h- npnatlv~ l",pact to tho 1une 9yst~m. ~e noted thnt the riparian rf1'.rnt!l 1I1SD'! IS not an lSSUI! liS fllr ,1S the n()rt'H~rn noardwalk 111 concern...r1. Pf! lwllcûtt!d that" r'lS1IcJvJ\ntùcoc of the northern hoarciw/lll< IS t'lo't It \01111 cost ilnOrO"l'11ðtety ~1.2 mlllJon to buiirj It. whl,=h 1. about !':5(1t",onl) r.>ore thl1n th~ southern bo.:udwai.k. I'c noteù that ther" <"Ir" ':Ian... r(':Jldent!< In t'w "<"i 1r:"0 ,,"'... "rell thi1t ilr~ objectlno to the northern ho~r~wl'li~ h~c"use of the1r concern of noise ...nd oeonit' intrur.ino nn ;.rlv"t(' rrnnø:orty. "p. "'tilt"'" t".1t C;ti'lff 18 r'!cOl:1mendln'l the northérl1 bOdrdHi'l!'< hec"'JsC' It 111 t..it that thIs IS the on" \Joar'Jw"l~ th.1t can h., r..rmltt'J'" 'nd t\,.~ co~t of It Ciln to... [nn- pOInted whIch, i'lS far 83 tne 50uthpr~ hOðr~~~l~, thpc~ ~ay ~~ 1\ lot af leg.,l e-xn",n'es In...oiverl I f t~('y nur'Jued tho> ¡.ssup. 'Ie !!t¡¡tc~ that he IS aS~ln'1 tl1,1t thl;' "t lrll¡ 't10n tor ('cntlriu;,nce In the two ,,<ll'l1nls- tratlve h"'~ClnryS ~~ ~npruv~d. ~hlcl1 1'1 !<1~nly thp Rertl@m~nt WhlC~ ~avß tJ,ðt 1 f tn" t lnai r'Jrr11 tIS I s~\I,.d 'or t~(' n0rth"rn b()"r,.,w., 11< thl'lt Can-l\m'!lrlCan Seilfloitl.: Cornori'ltl0n (Sh..ith,'r .'if:'MI¡:t.! ~orpor"tl0nl /lnr:: Collier County wlii. '<lthor"" Its i10pi¡.c"tlnng tor t!'e dOC~-I)()"'t-c1oc1<: system ann tht! .iouth'~rn ~0.1rd·"'ill~ with prejll.¡ir:c /1nrl the ~"rr1lt'" wIll not he r"fl1ed. 1'.. '!tated t""t thE rl"cl"'lon is "Ilr-,plv to <leCHin if access to ~l>l~ O"ss ~ar1<: IS ~"nt~rl ~nrl It BO, ~tdtf r..cn~~en~5 the northp.rn hoardwalk. 'Ir. ,I'Irry "/lrp.I5f.', At torney ''''1 th Cum", 1 nas ¡, Loclrwoorl, rer-rellent lnq Henry W1t¡"oWl5k1 , re!!lrl..nt of Heron Ci.ub r::onr.oI'11nlum, >In" thp "I!'lic/ln f\ay pronerty 0wnl!'rs ,\8!10Cl/1tlon, stl\terl th,1t they /lU' orjf.'ctln'l to the northerly bo<'rdwl\i~ I'In:::l wOllld lIke to h/lVf' ttH' southerly hoardwalk if there IS to be i'I oo"rrl'<Jik ðt 1'111. I~e st...tp.r thi'lt ¡',e ¡,as file'1 an cbjectlon to the Intent to lSBue the permit ~efore the r~p. ~e stated that thIs narticular ISSL1'" IS not" lenal Issue, 1t Is I'1orl!' " peoPle lssue. and ldsue that should ~e rtecldec1 hy the CommIssIoners as to what is 1n the rest PU~lIC lnter"lIt ot the entIre county. Tape '5 ~Gû( GBB PI'.: 569 Paql! 17 me 086 '.',! 570 Apnl Ih, Iqf'!'i Mr. Pareae r~ferred to an advertlsem~nt a~ut the "Heron" indicatin~ th~t there 1. nothln~ that obstruct. th.. view tro~ the ocean and no nOlsy thorou~htar.s, noting that this 1. what has aold these ho~e. and if t}le northern boardwftlK is constructed, the ~roperty value. will depreciate. He noted that the security wlll he 1~pairbd and the environll1ent wlll be attecte<1. He noted that the ~anç'roves and the wildlife will be disturbed and the secondary impact will be created fro," the people that use the boardwalk. !!e stated that 1f the .outherly boardwalk is bUjlt, there wlll only bp. a tew people aftected and they could be com~ensated tor It, but the northerly boardwalk would aftect a lot more people. He noted that it wlll COllt more ~oney to build the northern bol!rdwlIlk than it will to bUll-1 the aouthern boardwalk and thp tll~payers ör~ the oneil thöt are ooino to have to pay. He .tated that the southerly boardw(Jllt: would rerrp.sent the bellt lntereat of the people ot Collier County. The foilowinq oeorle soor.e In OpOosltlon to the north~rlv boardwalk, cltlnn the necrease In nroperty value!!, excessive nOllie, excellllve 11tt~r, ó15turh~nce of wl1di fe IIn~ mannroves an~ t~e Florld~ Papther, /11'1 well aR lnCre<'lSe 1n ta~tt!! due to mðlntenanct", cost of bol\rdwalr., tr/ll"s, ,'tc,: ';oor1y ;··C';;(JKon 1:10<1 t":ra lat',,,...~ .Jf!\1n ^nc..'rflw!I .Tðl"eR "c"uller. Tape .6 "f;'lth ·'.~¡tcrl\nU!H' r;tcv.. "'lInsorl ~f.'or(1r "'" 1 ¡ (' r "1 lie zewalr. "IC fo1101o/1nO OE'cl'lc S"O\'" 1n t/l"or ot the northern 1:;-ol!rr'w¡¡lll cltln~ l~ss envlronl"cntlli lMnact IIn1 better ~cce~~ ¡¡nd the 13c~ of rlpörla:1 riahts: "~.,rv Lou "oust,-," C'l.\r lot tl' '..(?"tl"¡ln r'ùVl" f'ennl:tt Hr!l. rdr,;' r'ur".'i, rr('S\!nt(', r't:t:~10rll- tc t:H· C'or.nll.f'1or. ~~ron.,lv Obj\.!ctll1C to th·: constr\lctJO:\ of th~ nronos~'J lIort!<:rn hOl'rdw"P: lOt Ci~~ ~I\IIS r,"r~', Count'.' "ttornev Sc1lJr1GCrS St;1tC(~ t:',..t the- l'IrnU~~'1t<;, of t~.(" ~":;tI'l'I!1~tf' r~lIldcnts ~r(! Prilc~n PHY reb ~~ntR Hr. v~ry nerqu~~)vP, /ld~ln~ that he ha. trJt"t' to (1,·tE'rr In.., tn" h.,.¡o;t ,1"'rro~r'" to Ci<'ll': ..,..i"~ r>lr1( 1Ir. he rt.'com,"~nc49 r.re n"rt hL"rn hc,irrl\ol" i -r,. ...* RECESS, 12115 P.M. - 2100 P.M. at which Hille Deputy Clerk Skinner replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon. ...* Paae ~A ::::::J - . ._.~-~ -_..-. " - W _1 f:. ,þ, - - - >.['Ir11 l~, 1"!~" Tape t7 Comllli slIioner \fOil II sa 1d t~a t 1I"1ch cOII":1Ient wall hee rd dur 1 n" the morning session reqa=dlnC" the'Cla!l' PðSS Pl!r~ hoarr1w/llk iSllue and ð<1ded that rr. Penedlct wan pr~s~nt to ~ð~C ~ çc~me't. ~ounty Attorney ~aunder. Raid thnt !I~v~r~l r~nnl~ ~av~ Indlcðted lh~t t~ev woulrl l\~e to IIpea1l: ¿ rll\Ïn. Dr. "ar'< l"órner.1ct, r"pre!l..mtlnl:! Tile C0I1!U1rVnncv, .! I'plain.." th~t -'ff had npcnt ,'It'"10St two Y!!1\rs lnvnlv!o!d In Look: nq at w'"'ys to prov1r1e I\cc:el\lI to Clam ".:1!1~ ~i1fk \"~1l It· h~- "I!lS ('''''love.-' 1\11 tho¡ t":olllf'!r ("o'lntv Env1=onmentðilst. ;'., Sd1d thcr., iJr". three nit.!rnatlVf'!S ,'\s follo~/1I1 (II ~rovlSlon of a r~r~lna jot ~Jj>l~ent to the ~~r'< on the ~eðch, 1 f money coin t'o t,)un'1 tc ~'..Iy t~(! r-roperty, ~lh1C'1 would CI\UIII! thO-! lealOt '"nVlron:T'enU!l :m!"o1ct, howf'v'~r t~1 !I ..oluticn ',~as n¡:qated wIth tile d,.t,·ðt 'Jt ttH! r'aol~s Cav ret<H~nrlumr (2) prOVIIIlon ot ,1CC"1''' "v hoat Qr hv ho"rrl'.~all(. "e lI~lrl that the (. ock/bont/doc·~ !lyst(''T\ ''''''11 nlSeU:1!1e-:J twc veðrs ,,\00, ~ut he IIn1n n~ anrl nt-!'onl.~ fren th': '''!.;p \<I~re conr.:ernt'!d ðhout thp l,:,c"': of water In t!1dt ...rf;·'\ i1nd t'1'1t thIs rror;osill ','ould not he envlrùn'"n~ntiiil" fC.]51hit" (3) :novlde ~cm'1 sort of ,lCeeS!; ~cross th" bi1Y by hO/lc1'..al":. P,e Sil1(', re,ardic33 of I")'. t'1rs IS done, the t-ooardwai.1; 101111 hðv., adverse ~nvlorn~ent~¡ Imr~ct on dIfferent aso~cts oi the Ciam "dS!! syst..."" Dr. "en.,dlct :Jt:1t'!d t!"t .~ l'0ar,I...','\ll< r:an ,),. ,!eslnr,ed to !"lnlr-1Z'! the n1t ttor...nt ,'lIpect~ (.;t t~,lt 1r"MCt. ,,~ ~,'\Id con'rdr1nQ the southern corrIdor versus tt1': north~rn r:orr1Jor tor the ~x)i\rdwiJÌ": 1S 11'<" cOmnðrll1'1 drrl<'s ;,nd or'lnr.on. t'e t'x..,ialn,,' t!1.1t th.: :>outhern corrIdor boardwðiJt: \.¡oul,:1 ;,..,ve\n 1 "'Ir",-ot 0n t~lc OT1f'-~r. ·...I,y sy~t<,rr, on the ~~aQr(ilSR cor>munltv, nnd L1"! nort~"rr, corr1dnr, "'hlrh '4()ui..-1·r.o throu"h th.. frlnoe, wuul,i "ave' ,1[1 I"'p,-,Ct on "'I\r'Qrovcs; th"t th'1 C(,,'\st,'\l eCO'1ystc'TI has to 'Je conIl1d<:re::1 ·)n(~ exr.L"II~ed tnat "',H1'lr(.;v",,, !'r-:JvI. c tr.I1 oroanlC MaterIal ~lhlCh CO:"1O>'i cut of th,' tr""s, tlitl!rs Into the hay sy!!t...m and provIdes the basIs of th" where the tlsherles, etc. tood ch~n"l!, alllO. the COJ8t.'\1 b...y system 111 C1!lSt. :1" sa ld therf! ,'\rf' " nU'IIher ot tactorll tnat woula lean tow/lra the nortllcrn l'Jo/lrd'...al"- as an ec:olO<llC<'llly more acceptable altern~t1ve to t~e south.,rn ho~rawi11k. 'I... t!ðld gOln<:l through t"e northern corrIdor. !lone mdnqrOVe~ would h/lve to he reMoverl, however, the rE"~ovi\i r:Ollld he m1nlr:117.f!rl i\n'1 "11t1n,.tac1 r·, ol..."'tlnq other man<1roves. ;~'!! 9111'1, In dOlna tn/lt, ot the total nUMh('r ot MlinqrOVf'!S that I\r~ In the P..,llcan ~dY (lrei\, thIs Dli\n would not 1mni\ct Ml\ny ~angrovell, overall. He Sðld II second benetlclai dsrect ot oOlnq through the manorove systell' lS that the manqrove w.,tlann9 could provIde a hufter to the nursery dr...a of the cOoJllt<'ll >-'/lY. ~~~~ G86rl,'511 f1~ Sð1d there are °ao e 1 Q ~ , I m( GB6m:57l. April l{" 11),::15 A.sociAt~d impacts W1t~ th. boardwnll:, yet, qolna through the mðn~rove. would ectulIlly bufhr thl:t hay system and gOlnn throu"h just tho bðy, ther. ~ould be dlrect Impact to the fisherles or the Ica~ra.1 bed.. Ro ..-....-- explained that another favorable attribute of the northern route ~a. a lot to do with the termInatIon of the boardwalK and where th9 propo.ed beach front tacllltleø /Ira located. Ae sal1 that the facilities approved approxlmutely 1-1/2 years ago were anproved In a location specifically because th/lt was the only rlace where the heat could reach. He said It has been hlB oplnlon, for 110'"0 ti~e, aft well as the opinion of The Conservancy Poard of Directors, tnat th~ suitable location tor the beach fl\cillt1eB wa~ at tt~ northprn end. P.e said the locfttlon ~'ere th~ t/lclllt1es h~ve b~en I\pproved, currently, half-way down th~ øYBte~, ls a danger~us lOC/ltlun be~aU8e therr 1S a narrow bcach and there 18 ð Chance at h>lv1no ~roblen8 durlno a storm. Fe .urnmarlZ~O thbt both bOardwl\l~a wIll nave an 1mpact, however, Bo~e of tile tactors l~~n tow/lrd th~ northern ruute. rr. Renedlc:t 81'1d thðt ñ nooc "'''y to reaucl:? tht' nUIT1hcr ot m811- Clrovcs cut 16 t'ov t.-.Kln" th<: £.Ol:t~ to north 6e(" r,~'nt of th.. t-oar~wblk and no~'" lt out of the "'an-:;rOV~'R, or to tiH! tor of t're h.. rl", F(' <.ltlll:r ('ast to t"e cr'''e of tht! mangrove II 51.1)(' :'I'!" dIe' not .:no~' if tr"'t "oult' t><' rO!lslble, hoa rdwèt 1 ,. i"<1ai'y. I'''!' !Ill 1'1 If thl~ wns ~one th<: rc~ult wou1~ he a tt-.. ",'llcdn r."y ¡-o..,r~'·al" I'Hlr1 re IItlltec'l "f'11Ci1/1 ";j)' r·.,~1d"nt.., t'o(,l\rðw/llk hall ~n~ h~~ ~epn there for ~"nv ye/lrll. 'Ii'lR!'<C', fr, ~"nl'-1lct ~1I1d thllt he had th~t H01Jic \1u~'i lrf.,t ~ thl'lt t'h..r... \- PVlr1,:,rc, thJll!t t.,... not had /In ~nVlronè~ntal l~p"rt Pellponðln(" to Comrnlsslnner heard th/lt th~r(' ha~ bpen ~1~CUSSl0n a~out t~o Fiorlda pønthcr, aðdlno t~111t hI! h...(" n'lle",' w1tr, 1'10,..·.. ....1 idi I'C' !'<,orle ,~nr\ >ll!!" told th'H th(re cOllld b., "·)nt:-Hr~ In th(. 1ft,,1. hnl.ev,·r, l'1l1t WQUlc: nnt 1)(> th! ~nlll1ð¡'" m/llTl tI,rr I tory. ",. ~r,H1 tl1" r'.iJ10r ..r......s (ot tt1P hlr~5 Ir th"!' Clam I'ay f4 Y F t e IT' ] ~ f" 1 t ., t..a r 'Jr, t t"l r> fIi,' r: ~ ~t' r S 0 r . ~ l'~, 1 t tn., 1'>0 a r '1 '" a 1 ~ I 5 I' i J C e '1 "t 0\"1 t11":" "":::0<' at t,,<.. r'-,:¡"rCVffi. He t~c ei'\~t e~~~ at tre ~bn~rov~5, the bl rds would ~t· f~\Jt tt: rc'~ ~r0-~ the r......orJ c. ReSnOn(lln" to rO~~]ss)cnrr P~Fq~. rOunty ~ttorn~v ç"un~ers SDld t~ì3t ,Ct,:;,tt )nV~~t1""It('(' to;. ~~SS.:)li.~t~' c~ UGlnn t~" ~'\I..:r'" "'rr that the PE:.&.1can HdY If"....:r0v(':r(..nt rlhtrlct I,.J('~ COlìl~ctl.": ðn("! the-y rptu~f'::'r1 to Der!nl t tht.' Cot.:r;'t\' tu USt' tn,.. ht'rr. . 5dlr· th"r~ n,-'..... b...> SO~f' è't"111tV tor the Count\' t:: ~C"l:lr~ i'l!1 c.1s~rrer1t. throuql' "lI'ln"'nt OO'l\,l1n tc, use tnllt ber~l. f'., !lò¡.:j l~ tllf' P03rd ot-::ount'j C-om~15s1un (1eS1res to ðo that he sunryeStcd that the County (" et the ~er~ltt1n" l~ clacc wIth the f'~""e ~O ::::J - .."-...-.-.-- f:: .þ. > . . 'C , . '. , - .. .. l\or11 IE>, 19"~ northofn ~oar~walr., look Into the use ot the bcr~ ~n~ It that IS .ucce..ful, ~u11d th~ west~rn ,ect on of the boar~w~l~, rUnnlnQ trom ea.t and wellt, ~nd UII~ th~ her~ untli there 1ft enouq~ ~onev to hUl!~ th" relit ()f the !:-oardwalll:. pO! S<lH1 ,..tHIP r.rn lnltlûllly wcnt to tht! ere!!., att"r the County aO;>J.l"d tor tho? nermlt tor tIle hOr1rc!wal":, they 10c.1ted ;¡ bo"rc'..¡¡i.r; on t~e cutS}dc ct thC n;¡ncrov<'s, Ju'!t to t~e E:ð'lt ot thu manorov28, on .1n lIrell co::>verc(' wlth 1uncl1s r"!rð'A. tic S.lld ~tðtt askeú r'~R I) th'.!,! \'''~'.ll·1 C0I1S1' er nOVln<"' t.,.. M"r<1w1'l1~ t'l\clI: lnt() th" man~roves bccaus~ ~t~tt ~~rlt~rl ~ ~or3 J~6th~tlcDllv ni~üblnn ~oardwhi~ ond to q~t It ,1''''''~' fr'.)m t',~ on"o 'H"II. '10,' ·..1(1, In " re-e'/aÎ\lðt.on, r\F.P '1etcr'7l1ned thllt t"h~ juncu9 nr.3S'3 II very V.,llJ.lhi,¡, alAo, ,,"'!' f."!clK that ~ boðr<1w1'Illo: nOlr,c tÌ1roU1r1 t""! "",'nnrov,." itS annO!!'!!r1 t() ">Plna on thO! JuncuII gr.:Jss WOUi'J "'" ,,·59 .,:]V: ro::'c'o'ntüliy ,j":'1¡,nlna 1I'lr! rE"c:o~.,,<'!nr!s th¿ot locatIon. ~~r. ~:~ Jnr:1'!rG '3·,1(' tonE' "U'_'3t~(")~ '".:h..,t W;;'!'t r"ls'~rt ';'!-?lrl1~r Cf")nc~rnf::.""'" t!lredtene<1 or L'nrl.JnCJ"r"d n¡ant:. ~n'1 itnl'111'11K lInú he S~lr::l t1ß thnu"ht thl't rr. nen~dlc:t 100,,:(',,1 Into th HI lS3U" ¡''''''/'IUS'' It W<lS r" lB~(t In t'1E' pf<tltlon tl1ea hv th.! ~èðr¡¡'t'· reHl'J''1,ts. "!" "sl<:,,<1 1'r. r>~n'jdlct l~ thIS matter would ~r,~!';ent (i nrot'lr.:''''' ~n !'.~H::" (>:p.Jntv") Ï'tr. nr-..t1~(11ct ~.=tlrt th":'lt '10: know,. vcrv j 1 tt ¡,. .' >Out P,l' t"t'r" ",,'J t'~ðt 3urJE'ct could nr~ ...nt .., ':)roblell'. Tit.. ~"'1(1 t;¡,l t.!I~ 'I~cr'i'.' t~~;,t '1~ I,..\'i c()nt()ct..·~ ~("'VP lndlcðt~r1 It thE'r~ '..."s ;')iJnttler In Vl1t dr,," , It w0111n 1'1.. therp tor" :Ihort ¡¡~ount of time, He ,./llrj it w",. hlF; r."lnlnn t'1IS qIJ"!ltlon c>ln "f' lITHW"rerJ t'y contl\ctln<:! the r.ame iJn·1 F'rp!lh I,'''t"r PIS"I r"r8onnel or the P>lnther Roco'¡ery Tea" anr! "VI v ne t hCM "0 In t hA ,~r r~" to conrlllcc t a su rvey. Re5pond1no;¡ to r:cml"lSS¡On~r \'oss, 1'1', [I'!!neGlct r.;ald h~ would thIn': that a panther woulrl stl'lY In the uniand tore!!t arJJacent to tr.e mllnClroves where a nU!'1ber ot hl.,nrlse c:onr10nlnlU."S are :.Jelno hU}lt. '1e saId tt1ðt juncus lS ~ wetliJnn crðss S?eC1C3 ..,nrj the manr¡roves /'Ire a wetland tree speCles ana It was hIS opInIon, It ]UnCIIS was COV'jrea ovpr or <115- turbed, th¡¡t It coui'1 r('colonl?e 'r'Jch faster than 11 fnr('At. 11.. IIdId that ne' WOUid ie.ln tOW,lrc! the hoarr.w<lllI: helnq over Juncus 1'18 havlna ~ leS9, lono-term Impact. Hr. Glenn "¡'/oody" ,Ioooson, 0resldent ot r>ellcan ~ay prorerty o-.-ners I\sBoclat10n, rcterred to thu drr"nnement between \lestlw'!house Communltleø of Ma~¡es, Inc. <lnd tho hotcl on the acceD3 to the 0ellcftn Bay boardwalk ~nd sald, If th~rc IS ~ccess ~nd 11~uor at the County p4rk, there w1l1 ~e no use of the toun~~tlon boardw~l~. ~~ said If there 1S access cniv, and no i11uor at the County ~ark, th~ hotel will .' " ". ~ oJ , "1 ~ .. ,. .<¢ ~. " 't¡ . . "ot ,~ ') ~~¡;~ GBB 'I",' 573 {'ðae 21 .------- -- ~ iE'í ~'!'. , '.' ,~' 1- ..... 'Gel; G86p~',:514 IIprl1 16, It;1~~ ~ able to have, at the southern-most part where the curr~nt facilltie. are, a 20' by 20' pod cnd thI. w~ll be l~mited to 30 people per day to us. it. PI.' .ald the hotel ~lll hulld thelr tac1l1t1es there anð it waB the opinion of the Pellcan T\!Sy Property OWners Assoclatlon that the hotel would ~alntcln a par to serve llquor and have personnel tor 3" people. ~e øald that the thIrd POSII1Plllty IS t~at, lt there IS no PUOllC heach access cno no llryUOr, the 2()' by 20' pOd would be used but lt WOUld OC lImited to lCHl people r:>er dllY. CommlSS10ner "asse as1(ed I,Ir. ""ood.on It 11e woula be In tavor of utlllzùtlon ot the berm and Mr. '''codson IIlIld ttldt hI!! ASSOcll!tlon IS not In t/lvor of I\ny uøe of the berm by the hotel or the rubilC, ðddlnq the sp~rltlc!l he had de!lcrlhect ~re In th~ purch~s~ a'lree~~nt h~tween the hotel /Inn '~estlnnhouFe Comnunltlep. ot Nari",s, Inc. firs. "'estl'hln, rcrrc:;'.,ntlnn the Lea'1ue of \Jomf'n \'otlers, rt'terrE'd to ^tt~rney Fare5P'5 !ltntcrent ~hJCh he rC~d trom ^ rU~llcatlon wlth reoðrè to ...n iV' tor Pel Jcan "1ay r>ror,'rty ann ðS":~rI the date oç the publlcátlon? '·r. F",res(' 5ð1<.1 thðt the õrtlcle wa!l lnci\)deC: In a recent JS6Ue of GulfF'.ore LIte ,",'''aZUl(' ,~nri thðt ht· ~,;,d \I!lcrl Jt as to der.10nstrðtiv", .!Id, IJe 5'11(! It WðS rout:lilfdl':': "ftlr tIle people r.ouqht theIr t:rll ts. I'rs, '''!5t'11iJn Ri, Jd th"t tll·.' r«iI!;on sh~ ðSKf·... th~ ('U( o;t Ion IS that the p('o!'ie runnlnn tile i}C' l:n0'~ of th,' P!JI' WI th rC"lIrrl to this devt'lorment ;,nd wtl;:1t t\flS h'~n ~)ial1n.,n tor Jt ònri sre wanc1..rerl ,,"'nether that ð~ could b~ con!llder~d or chali~no~~ a~ frAuc1uient? Mrs. f-dnl> ""rw...li 5alj t~,1t th., ~er.er<'li c-ov..rnr>p.'1t "ees tlt to se~ lots of pðrÌ<s unot'v£lor>c'\ .nr! Ane sale! "t,,,, ~ (j not '<no,.. HMv, sucìrlen!.y, cV0rvthln"! ~~5 to be (~.·v(l.i()r,(i In roii]f~r ('{"II'!lty. :~~"p ~~)rl thl'J par"': 15 one ot tl1P mo!õt ~'( (jtlt~ tui ~"('dC'~l'_'~ In C'oi J.lcr ~o\..·ntv ,1.nrj t~.. re¡l\snn tor thlS Ib b<"·C'(1u~~· thEr(' <1rJ 1:0-: t~cus~n"q: cd r,?:)r-it: u~]nr¡ It ¡,il thtt t 1 rr,e. ~~t.' Si11'1 tt1<Jt s~,p ilV~!=. 1:. Peilr"ôn r~,\\, ~r.r lJ5~'~ the :'t.r"":. all tht" tlr"'t:, ^~d)l.rJ It ~f' j,(_~F-. tll.ln ',C"(\,..... C~ì' su~...,';;.~t.·,.; t'ï"t o.r. t. Lt:ctrlc ~ontoon bO..-Jt C?Ul~1 r"\~ IJse(! U)r",lj"r t~ thp O!lP!= USPr' In þ.'('.-" .1prs~·y. '=:t,e ex.'C~.~lne(1 tno.1t t'-'¡!.; tynf' "'"'t r.c..1t ]~ 1CIPt "nL r:C'ûc..:-t\~i. ð¡:r. C(~:i. c;\rry ,"~ny peoplt: anr. tÞ"' dt t~4;."v rt'~( i' Vl:';'Y S!'I'\i:'li (~ratt ot \o'(I\ter. 'QI.'Sf')Onè1nc to ('O:'"lI~iS!'J:J:1t't 1'~!'50, "'r. C'i'U:1n4?'r~ 5(1'\\: tl1ðt r:l~- CUfl510ns wt:rf' h«,cl ~"'1"'rr' n'1 t'lé' '~or\'/f'O¿lt/r1()c': ~vAt.>... fcr WrJC!1 Can ^merlCi'ln r'eiH1,~te Cürnor..tlC'n h,~(: iJrnlJ"" it": tl~,~t t)oat Wilt> ¿, ::)ð'1cJlE'- wne~l boa t t J)a t hi"! ð verv ShiI.ÜO" n ri1 t t . ,.... "x~lI'H'E'c1t ever. \o'lth the tlelllq:) tor 115(' In v~'rv £:1<1l10l' wi1t~'r, err ~xnrC'ss"ù serIOUS concerns ~~out prop nr~~glng. Pe 51\1c1 ('ven wltn an eltc'ctrlc t\oat SOI""thH,':' "¡HIt: :;>;> -=::J 1 ~_..._. . . 0-.. .. - - I\prll If" 1"I-IS would bo necðed that wou&~ move the wat~r. ~rs. "erwell ~ald that thl1 1. a navlaable ~lace and that ~otor bOats are bClnq u.~~ there, now. ~r. Paund~rll Sðld thðt n~F hðJ no jur1sdictlon ovar boats, nnnerally, adolnq th~y ~av~ jurl~11ctlon ov~r the apBrðtlon ot tn~s~ ~Oðt5 hecðuII~ ot tn. nef><1 to put 1" nlers ov..r ~hlC~ tha ~FP h>l~ p~rmlttlnn jurll1dlctlon. "~'''11(\, In '''"v''nh~r or recn'tlbcr 1'''1·1, tlHt rr" In<11Cðtf:d they were 901nq to wlt~dr3W the Int.pnt to rs~ue th~ nern1t tor the dock/bol\t/~;r:~ 6Vftt~~ h€CðUS~ at cor.c"rnll n~out Aer:o~"~rv envlron~entaj 1r¡pöctl in llrtht r¡f '! c'!!!!' th,t CðT!'E: out of UII' FIrst ri!ltrlct Court of "ppelsl In "",,,cte!"'l:er or ")ctoher of 1":'4, 1',= '!'H1 "';0, - )-j not tormallv wlthrtraw the fntent to 183U~ rec,use h~ rc~u~~tf>(\ t~at they not <10 thilt, hOH~ver, \,~ 5.,\d ..,~, ""'IS ccnflt1"nt th_~t "Fn '...oul'" wl!:hr!r/l~' it. CommIssIoner \ln5" ~sl<'!-1 "r, '"',1un<1...rs tG 1"e mor.. Sp""CIt)C about what Statt IS rp<'1U'H;tln",. tor t;,.. h'!netlt of tt,p ntJhllC. ~Ar. ¡:;<'Iunders aalrt that "'J W<lS dslnn'J tne ComMlssH.>n to C")nSl( Cr .:J resoiutlon that ~prrov"'!I a rtlµui~t~on tor Contlnud"c~ lr. t~o ~lVJSlnn of ~nmlnlStra- tlve Pearlnq5 case.o; lnvoivinl1 the ;o;out:lern bo,lrdwilil< anr1 the ctocl<:/- boat/doc~ ~nnlicatlon, "., P:'(pi,lin'~r. t",t ",tiDui,ltl0n nrCVi':lC9 th"t Qnce Colill!r Coullty 'JhtC1Jn3 ,1 tin,ìi Fèrl1'lt, '41th "ii .:Jrre.115 re! 01v(!c1 In tavor ot ~olli...r r::üu~ty. for t}\C l1orth",rr> hO,lr<h/dil<:, then the applJcatiC'n!l f0r th,' sout""rn hOC1r<l-".~i~~ "n'j the d,')c"/hollt/,ioc"' ðCC.~5S sy~tem8 wli..l bp W1 thr1r(IIJ''r'n for~v€'r. 111'! ~5\: ia(1 th~ nO:~r~ Of COI r1ty COml:'lSøiOn<"r!l to 11r"ct ~tdtt to nrocel!d Wit" thP northern bCiJrd''''¡lIl,<. µe SIIJrt thi'lt th~ rrr, th~ -~yrnnt;; ilnd C,," Anerlcnn r~nqßte ~orporatlan h<Jv~ exccut'!C the ~tlrui,lt ',on tor r:ontl~lJ,lnCe lnrj trl5 resoiutlon wouid authorIze t'llm to f"Xl'Cute th.:Jt 011 1)(:I1;llf ot t":oiller County, COr.lmiSII10ner '.'055 reterred to the ,!/lrlJ.'r "'ueRtlOn of ....hv evp.ry- thing has tc h~ ML'veic(')t',~ ,md 5"1,1 th"t lr. C':::Jlil'Jr "'ounty there arp very tew public be<iches :~nd tl11.1t ovcr th~ p.15t ;TIO'Jt ot the puhllC beach hal beltH gIven /lw",y, ;'¡e 511Jd the r':'Jult h<'la nut /I trf'mcndous lJurl1en on the publ1c heaches In Naples. fie expresspd hJS ff"eilnn th...t whE"rev..r thert: IS a nu~llc beðch /I wðy should re tounrJ to get the r~ople to it, addln~ thðt now thprp are no p~r~ln, >lr~/ls ne<'lr the pUhllC lIr:cessell and and there IS no convenIent WilY to oPt to t~e pllrt" If thpr~ was par~lnq avaIlable. fie S<Jlr1 hc Just W.:Jnte0 90me type ot acr:ess tor t,e pUblIc to use the ollrk un~er (\19CUS!llon. RelpOnrJlI1'J to COlTlm15!nOner Has!:!;!, "'r, ':aun,:1crs salli tt1,lt orlOl- nally St/ltt ha~ conte~~latert the PO"Rlhlllty ot thp ~~rdwðlk ~n~ the doc~/boat/coc'< 9Yllte~ hplna usP.rt, however, hv dId not tnlnk that t~p ~OC( 086 Fl': 575 PI'I(] f 23 ,.,.__...._..,~..,...~.""_."___"'M."·~,_,_·._ 'Cï,( G86 ri'.! 576 r.Prll lb, ll '~~ DER would permit Colll~r County to have ~re th~n one system for acc..s to Un. park. Commis.ioner rolland sal~ t~at the orlolnal psti~ate W/l~ for approximately ~600.000 tor the southern boardwalk, and I·r. Richmond, of the Fngineerlng Department, exnlalnec that the l1ftlno mechanill~ was not included In the flrst version of the boardwalk. ~e said that the fir.t estimate W~B about f4nO,OnO to ~500,noo. Mr. 5aun~crs sald that 1t $50,000 were added tor the 11ttlnq l'1eChanls~ the COllt would be approxlmately S~50,ono for the ~outhern boardwalk. C0l'1miSS10ner Holland Sdld that th.. CO!lt ot the northern boardwaik 18 elltlmated to he 1-1/4 II11l110n dollars ~nrl h~ /l1I~eo hOW th~t ~oney would be derIved? ~r. Saund~rs lIald, currently, the ~ounty hils approxlMatelv f450,non to S!'inO,I')()(1 In a beach .:occcss ",("count /In(1, undcr tn", "eacn ~lIcliltle!l ^oree~cnt, the hotel l~ üh!loðted to contrl~ute netw('en ~75r,000 and 5300,0011 tor the hOi1rdw"j,)', ..'t'lCI, would r"t¡ect thr cost ()f the aock/boat/doc!< system .:onel om' terry boat. PEl Bald the blllance ot the mon~y would have to co·~ trom rlt~~r ~ rp"u~st for mor~ ~oney tron W.stlngnouse CommunItIes ot ~ðrle~, Inc. or tnr COmnl!l!llOn mð:lno declllons, In tht tutur(', ot \"I\crc tnA S'10rtt¿>11 01 ðnrro,<~mðt~iY f5UO,t'nr woul'j he oDt;¡]ne('. Pesoond1nC" to ':0 f1r..]~Sl()f1'_'r fdSSC, ~·r. ~·,lUn(.tt.·rs e-xCiI11neC' th.=tt the problem "'lth ttw sout.:krn t'::"Jr'Jw"i~ IS tnðt tnert: i1re c(>rtðln rlparlðn rlqhts th^t IIrp lnvoive~, ~n~ 11 th" Cuu~ty 11tlnh~p~ the t~~.ng of those rl"htR, tt-¡e c.ost to do "0 III lIn;:nown i111 wteli ~g 1,0\" iO[1("' thl't IltJ<Hltl0n "'Quld ti<':P 'In" /1(;..' 'I1uct· tt-¡f' r¡T:';,rl'n, rlo~t" 'Ir" "'ort..,. II", Bald that "'tl<tf ft'llS tr.<lt th¡" co~t woui~ ho, lr. (' (Ct'IIP ot t~l.' ::Iltter- eflct:." hetWIf:'f-"rì tr6;' ncrt'11->rn a:-1·' 50lJt..··:rn r()drd""'-1~¡~, IH')'·'f.loVt~r. COP"'t'1~til0[1Cr "oss i:.s1(t·r~ If t~ì'=' Countv cat1i(~ aCf1Ulft t~f' rlp~rlé\n rltlhts '-'V COnc1ef1fìi;l ]on drl' ·'r. :-"i\\J:1,h.-r~ r('~p('H;r~PL t~~ '.'nl'ntv roult1 att~Jr'ot to co t"li1t. It- Sdl',1 tilt ':'ount:' \\·oui·:' 'ni!1vt-! to r'1\' tIt ....ntlrt- COßt of the 11t)<1dtl':..'L for tr't' ;'.)tJrI~V, tì~t· t'-;rort.::·tv o'~nt'>r~ l1n" l'nV cost. èJtiSCClò.t~·c! ~l~tl', ~xr·(r~:. cr. \,.....)t~, !;:t1{.-!'o. tit' f:Þ:"('f}ress(.(~ !115 cr>~r1.o!'"'. thðt lh'!' rCf"Jrt",f'l~t of ''\(¡'-1rl~tr,-lt;v': Pe',rln~~ \oo.·ol:i.· ''''r()''"'f:.t~i·1 r('~\":jr(' th~ County to iltl";r1.tt' t"t- 1~t,iUt· ot r1·ì<1rL"H. r)nl~t!"' bt:'torll tr"'t:iv r·~r:~rrr.("no~d 1I1'"rov-,\¡ ,'1 ¡,nv "'_'r~ It, In r("s;:c~1se tc.. ::'Oï:t"1SC))û:l..'r 1'''II!5~(:-, Ur. t"'ich""'on~' PH,\:r' thAt t"'e d~lIlnn of thE· reftroo""S h"s net t't?P.1' don.'; howp.ver, there ~re tt'ree altt:rn-!ltl"es rf'lnn CQn<;]a~r'H; (1' cont~ln~rs tc I'e t>\'-<en aw"", (2) pUI"I>lnq out tilt: 51'1"<10(', or ()) ~ull¡jln" a s~rt]C s\fste~' on th! bedch. "aot' '04 :::::J --~ -~- _..... ...- - ~ryt: .. - - - April lb, \9~S He .ald that a boardwalk would be ~ell~ned that woulñ lIupport ~ t~"~ truck to ~e u.ed tor tM1A ~urpose. Tape '8 A ~lftcu.tl10n tollow~rl reqarrllna the ~Aneuver~bllltv ot a tan~ truc'< on t:'1e proPOtled t>oardwall<:. COmlTllSS1011<:,r "1\sse exoress'3" hlS conr.ern ,"1l:'out wh..r~ the !ncnles cOlllrl \)e ot't"lnerl tor thO!! cOIIstructlcn of t1'1u northet:n bOilrdw/ll1': ·..hlch will be ?,n()(1 teet 10n'1. f1!! lIillri he rel\llzI!!d tnere ar\: ~xtenu"t1rq ClrCllfl'stilJlCCf! 111 '!Ili r,!<'!f)ects, uut hE" said he telt th,1t the COl1nty h."18 I1d'J1tlonlll 119" tor th~ sc;r:r.,I" I" (' trat would be nceded for the llC'rthern roAr:)"I"i":. Commi..ioner Hal.e moved to have the boardwalk built in the .outhern area for Clam Pa.s Park. The motion dled for lack of a ..cond. Comml..ioner Goodnight moved, .econded by Commis.ioner Vo.., that the Commi..ion accept County Attorney Saunder'. resolution providing the .ettlement of the Clam pa.. iSllue, whlch Commlssioner VOtll clarified, in essence, was a motion for the northern route for the boardwalk. The vote wal 2/2, Commlaaloners Has.. and Holland oPPOI8d. r'r. ~',1Un(1~r5 5<'11'1 t~"t t'H.' :J/') vote 15 no .Jctl")n >lno, tho!r'!torl', n.'''' 110 r~lrectl0n tr..,,., tI,r' ('O,","'I,r,f\lO "\, '1" ~i'I:rl ttHH thE" "o>lrc! "tatt could cor.tlnuC' tn~c: ~at.ter qntll "dY 7, 1°°e. . rC~~lq~10nEr U35se pOlntcrj out tr..,t rO:-:-1S51r)JlCr Plstor ,",'Iii he ~,'c~ hv tllo'lt tlM<.'. r.Oó!\lT'l!lSlCner lIoii"n(! .1""",.1 "r, ">lunrl"r~ tor ci,lrltlCi'ltlon re' are:!- lno the ~v)sslbl11tï ut '"l'llnn th'? ',)c"/to:.t/r oc'l: COIlC'~r>t anrJ Ur. S""undt:!rs exr>rt:!sserj r.¡s or>lnlOIl thl!t the 1'''1' W111 wlt'1r1ri\W th"lr Intent to !sftue on thIS ~y~tP~ Ann that the Countv ~Ili ~rR anrl th3 Seanate reSlrlent!l ov'?r tri'lt 18SUQ, h~ve to 1 t1~~t~ wlt~ p.. t<.'lrl there 18 a ncod prohabillty tn;¡t t~\(> CO\1ntv w::¡uid nrcvi'll1 on t~"t. IIltl~lItely, howev..r, the ~ronie~ with thls systen 111, It there IS allY probiem In the opera- tion of the ~ilt5 USPU tor thIs conce~t. then rFq eouid shut thllt access system rlown. Pe saId It IS hlS opInIon that thIs sy~te~ 18 not very rellðhie, CommIssIoner \'051) ¡XHnted cut w'1en the r Oc~/hO,1t/dock systr.:m wall prevlously dlscusseJ no QooJ way could he det:lved tor the publlC to use the heats '")ecause theY would ~e the nropert~' of the I,otel. Cor,mlS- tlloner Holland S,11d tnllt he was not RU"!CJ('stlnn that the !:>oats he tl1e prcJ~erty of the hotel, ar1rhnq It 1'3 110 to the r:om1'l'lss10n to rl(!cld£' w'1at method to take 1n this Issue and l1e did not thInk the COm~isSlon ~oulct be hlnd~re" from {"Oln"! .,hHo'Id 'Nlth tr,at system. "r. <:I'\unde>rs slIid thAt ~i.~~ [86 '1 5TI "aoe :'5 " '''''......-.._."----_..,_...~,.._- ,,~¡,~ C86r~' 578 ]I rr i j, 16, 1 q":: thu Coun~y had jOlne~ In the apo11ca~10n tor th~ áo~~/bol\t/dock .y.t.~ and 1. II par~y In the llti<;stl0n. He .1110' thllt tho County cal'\ proceed with tnl. .yste~. It the P.oard so de.lres. COMmls.ionvr Holland 8&lcJ there would be less l~pact on the whole area, ~lnting out that there are bOats In that area. currently. Fe .aid ther. would not be any necessity tor a drðW~r1dqe. a~dlng that he has ..rl0US reservatl0nll about who ls gOln9 to operate the drawbridge and who would nave the llabl11ty for It. He said he would llke to see ~he County contlnue WIth the dock/boat/dock systeM. ^ttorney Roy Young, representln~ the Can }\merlcan Seaoate Corporatl0n, tla1d that the dock/boat/docK system is one that Can American felt would wClrÞ, however, the problem 1ft th~t D~P he1ioves that thv lmpoct ot the boat would create prop are~olno in the bay system. ~Ie SHIrl ttl...t It Wd5 hif! unrlcrRtanrllnn th/tt the hot~l woulc1 bUlld the (loc1cs anc1 nrcvJc1t' the f('rry, if J:;crtT'ltt,.c1, /In" at that point they would turn t!1f:", ovc,r tc th~ c.ounty to oper...te, He S.llCl It feemed a wllste of tll'1e to prcvlr)t' that pl'rrnlttlno Elvstel"', í'ut that svstem ln end have the County orer~te It ~nc1 tnen have r~p Gtop the Cou~ty from uSlnc; It. I'c sn (i tilt otl1t'r till n'1 thi1 t s('et'1c(~ to J.cn'! 1 t(lfo' i ( r.10rl1 to a t'oardwalk syste.., I"",S tl,,, !"ti'lbl ilty of utJil;:ln('1 ,1 flxea ~o/lre1lIal~ versus a l.'oat. fie Sill(~ If t:lcrt.' w;,s I'In '!'t'1erc~ncv on the hf:aCI,. durlng t>ad w...nther, th.'re walli,,' ~t' .. "ut!stJon of he",' the oeer-if'! coul" bf< taken frolT' the beach. H,' SJ1C tI!1t CiillT' PI'IBS crt',ltes .) natunlÌ ',Mrrler to usincr the bE!/lch. Co..i..loner Ha..e ~oved. .econded by Co.ml..loner Goodnlght and carrted 3/1. (Co..i..toner Rolland opposed) that Re.o1utlon 8S-100 approvlng .ettlement of Dlvl.on of Admlnlstratlve Hear1ngs Case No.. 84-224 and 84-289&. relating to aCCE!tls to Clam Pa.s Park be adopted. utilizing the northern route for the Boardwalk. l'aoe'21'> -=:J .-~. ---.." ---- '--~, ' ' -... ',' ': ~" . .-..----". 'DCI: Gæ Pi'.f.5OO It.. U8 RZSOLUTIOR 85-101 RE PETITION V-B5-5C, MIUWEST TITLK GUARANTEE COHPARY or rLORIDA, REQUESTING VARIANCE OF OFF-STREET PARKING, SPERLING SUB- DIVISIoø, UNIT ON! - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Mlrll H. 1Ç~" Legal notice hO\vlng been publlsh(:(1 in the Na!,les t'e1ly "ews on MArch 31. 1985. a. ev1denced by Affldav1t of Publication filed with the Clerk. pUblic hearing was opened to conFider ~et1tlon V-~5-5C, tiled by ~idwest T1tle Guarant~e Como/lny of ~lorlda requ..ftt1ng a varIance to the requIred ott-.treet park1nc tor the south lOn' of th~ north 300' of Block "'. f;perllng f;ubdlYltllOn, !Jnlt One. ~ctlnq ~onlng rlrector ~cKlm tlald the oÞ,ectlve ot thls netltlon 18 to r~ducp th~ renulred p~r~ln? ~y two sraces to allow access tro~ Tellt" Street. f;hc 11811:1 th',t, currently, the petItIoner only has accetls tro~ U.~. ~l and to proY de accpss 8 n&W sectIon tror Tenth ~treet 18 b~lnn con.tructed. Shc saId that the only w~y the net tIoner can have acct(lS off TE'nth "tr~·('t 18 to rcr1uce hIS Dar1o:1nr:. fnt' sa rl, C'!urlng reVIew of t~.l ; pt'tltlon, C't~tt c1f'ter~lnerl th;,t ttH~re jl!' >I Ilar"shlp and srec al cons c<.r.,t¡onr. In t~¡,t tn, ~f't t on('r \"O\Ji~ net bE:: ¡¡r-jc to obtbln access any other w~y rro~ 7"nth ~trcct, bddlnn th~t the ~ccess off C.C:. 41 is net v"ry ~'!enL:;.t(, :::"11> sInd "t¡,ff rC'col'1",enr'o; "rmroyal sub~('ct to t~~f' f'tlnui'J.tlOn!l 11- COrH¡,¡n~rl 1n the nrê1nO"iI"1 rer.Oil,tlon. ~r. JOt- "OC~f,t TCO~-e^C-nt1nn f1r\lCl~ Pr~pn ¿,nc. l'IqSOClêlteß, tne., dIstrIbuted /I nne..t "r tltl"" , (;";('~t T ti(' "Ul l(~)f'" o"r"'er1 V..h1C'le ~, "'Xhlblt "f'". He sa1'1 thi't "l"~'est ';'¡tie Con~l\ny and ts nClghbors have entered nt0 nn dorC'..",ent wlt~ rclil£r County tor the corlatruct1cr ut tr.p r;nrlll.r ~~ '";'·\;'~.tt' "'trt~t., 1\;1,1 tk,'O oðr~lnn !;pðCefi ~'ould havC' to be deiL'tcr; to r rew)( ,. ....cc{'!'s to th,lt strct't Whlctl ~'oulcl '1~ helc>..... tht:" ~)n)!"' I:~l f(:í'U1rc.... ·ntc,. 11(, ~¿.¡), t},,_, f··¡r\.:Jr'r' count t()\:~r: t.v 111it tlC:"'I ln01C(lte~ tl1t't '·1l!\:.~tót T1t.!C (:0'" ' "'\.:\ 11" t:,lJ.t· t('}r t'("iow the 4:' Di1r~~)nl' r.;",.'!!ct:'£ th¡J:" r11".' rf~""Uj r"( lJn'.~':'r ttit Cl'rrcnt 7Cn)n~;, ~t·1t)nr'J thðt tht" mðXlr,un, 1"1f1~ tt'-:t-::t t-.('1S cCç'Lrrr;-r! 'it.;r1nn ;~ny r:r.t t~:"rt.: (Jf. thc (.h1V 1S '7, Itt/hlCh ·""OUll;,. ~f- t::~ f"'('¡.\.' U~"~::H.. Commiø.1oner Holland moved, .econded by Commissioner Has.e And carr1ed 4/0. that Resolutlon 85-101 re Petition V-85-5C, M1dwe.t Title Guarantee Company of Florida, be adopted subject to Statt stlpulatlon. a. contained 1n the resolutlon. raot'. ;7 -::J ¡--- . -- ,-~". ~-...-..- ._.. -" E ~~ - - - n....n 9 RESOLUTION 85-102 RE PETITION PU-84-6C, NEW HOPE MINISTRIES, REQUESTING A OKE YEAR PROVISIONAL USE EXTENSION - ADOPTED -, "prll lb. 1"11') ActIng 7.onlnn rlrect.?r "~Y.ln i5ðlr1 thl\t tIll!' ()t',~t'!ctlVt' ot thl!l petltlon 18 to allow t~ew "ope r~lnll trlf!. to oot/Iln the one year provl.ionl\l u~~ extcn~10" "CCCrdln~ to the ~nn\n9 Ordlnl\nc~ to allow constructlon ot t~elr church. "Ir. r~orq. ~eller. PreSl~~nt at Collier ~ounty C1VIC FederatIon. a.lted It tillS Wit. tn'i! lIðl!lP. cllUrcn t!\ðt t'\1\8 t'\ettn ""'tor" the ~omlnl..l0n on sev~r¡l1 pr"vlou~ OCCð~lOr-tI /Inri ttll\t 11.1. ð tI!\ell. stan(Hncr on the "'r. ~(el1er saló property, ~nd CO~~)5S1nner µI\~~~ re~~nrj~~ It ~ð9 not. he hl\d no o"~ectlon, In thl\t Cð.... Co..i..loner Holland moved, .econded by Commi..ioner Ha..e and carried 4/0. that Re.olutlon 85-102 re Petition PU-84-6C, New Hope Mini.trie., be adopted. %C( COO ")' : 583 na~.. 2'" .. "', ~. '" -" j"r ", :.¡~. ~,¡,:,,;. }~~~';" ~. '.~., , ' , .' "......____-._,__,~.~'._.0 - - .. .. - April 11'>, 19ØO:: xu. '20 RESOLUTION 85-l03 RE PETITION PU-B5-4C, WILSON, MILLER, BARTO~, SOLL , P!I~, REPRESENTING ALPINE BROADCASTING CORPORATION, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USI -1- OF THE A-2 DISTRICT FOR A COMMUNICATION TOWER ADOPTED ~UBJ!CT TO STIPULATIONS, FINDINGS OF FACT - ACCEPTED Actlnrr 7onino rlrpctor "'cV1,., 1!:])rJ thl>t tre netiti:)ner is rf!Oucllt- In( provl.lcnal use "1" of the ·~-2 f'lstrlct locat..ò fJpnro'!(l"'at~ly t,~c r.1l1es nort:, ot \lll<1~tor "'1 ley I\nr' Beven '~11"PI eilllt (')t c.r. O~'., SectlOntl :'1 "nc 2ft, ~4ar:, "27r:. "~ e SùH! ttle ot'iectlve 11. to 'Julld n comr.'unlcðtlOn to"er, 0'1 srn~ii tr..nllnlttt"r "U\I<'ln'1 "nr! "n aC"c':!slI drlv~way ~n~ t~ðt ~to'ltt o'Ind ~ll County ðrrpnClell r~vl~wed thi!l p~tltlon and reco;11m",nd ".,provlIl !lul'ject tc t~\f! stlrulatl0ns In thC:l Fxvcutive ~u~mdry dALed 4/o/n~, ,,~~ aJlr! that the ç~PC held th~lr pu~llc hearlna or, 4/4/r,,>, and ::-as..d on their F'ln~lm1!1 ot "',.ct unl\nlmously recom:t1ftndvd approval tlul:>j~ct to <::tl'ltt tltlr>Ul'ltlOI1S. COllai..loner Holland moved, IIf!lconded by COPllli..loner Ha..e and carried 4/0, that Re.olutlon 85-103 re Petltlon PU-85-4C, Wil.on, Miller, Barton, SoIl' Peek, be adopted subject tp stlpulatlon. contalned therein and that the Fin~1n9s of Fact be accepted. ~C~( r:86Pl": 585 ?/lOti ~~ .. ... .. ·,\l)r11 1(-, lrH-:~ It.. 121 AQR!EMENT FOR COHSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH WILSON, MILLER, BAIl'l'OH, SOLL , PEn, INC. POR DESIGN OF AIRPORT-PULLIHG ROAD PROM COUGAR DRIVE TO CR-B46 - APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT OP '125,9001 RECOH- MDDATIONS PMt3ENTED ¡N THE STUDY AND REPORT PHASE SERVICES APPROVED AND SAME ADOPTED FOR IMPLEMENTATION BY THE TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT }\SI1Itant. COl1nty :·'I\nar¡er rorrlll ~lIl1 tr.l'lt 'ollison, ~~ll1'!r, P/lrton, ~oll 6. 'e..k, Inc. I'ert' ret.!l1nev t'J rlo ðn ~noln~erlno analY!ll1 of the nCf:ds ot' 1!!'ort-pu11 lnq Poðd <'lOci ne '~)(nlaln...rJ that ti,e t?!\slbl11 ty Itur.\y inclu,jt!d In t.h~ r.x.]cutJv,:, "'u"'\!:'arv o13tNI 4/"/P5 ~,-;sentl..lly recon"en~s tnat t~~ a)(lstl~n two-lnnes ot t~IS road he u~~r~rle1 ~n~ uI",rI .,ncl tl1l1t ;on "'1dltlon.,i two lcneA ~e t-ullt In a rurdl-tv!").., tour- lane COnf1'IUratlon, 'iithout cur!- an1 nutt.rrs, froT:1 COU'1l'1r f'rlve north. J>e sald <:t,]ff rt!co"'~..r"I!I t~",t t'l(:Y t'e ]ut'10rl1.e,! to antl.?r Into IIn c\':Ire<t l'\ent wIth IHUlon, r"111~r, :'\Ilrton, <:011 I, Peel<, Inc. to IH'oln the desl~n ~f that secondary roadway ~v~tc~. Pesoonc.Jln" to C(')t'\"'\ltlSI0nCr ""85", Com"'I~SlOf'er "os~ ~>llct that the "Xl!cutlV" "ul"!!'ilry 5t;,t..S tl1" -ie,n"n cOT"oletlon wIll 1-)e In ('ctoher, 1'!1-15. Comml..10ner Holland moved, .econded by Commissioner ~nlqht and carried 4/0, that the Agree.ent for con.ultlng engineering .ervlc.. with Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc. for de.ign of Alrport- Pulling Road from Cougar Dr1ve to C.R. 846 be approved an the amount of $125,9001 reco~mendat10nl pre..nted in the Study and Roport phase ..rv1ce. be approved and same adopted tor implementation by the Tran.portatlon Depart~ent, &C~~ Gæ <1'.' 589 0i!O' J(1 ......... "-~' ,~," .', f' ,; .. ,. ...,.._._, _~'_~"_"""'~'~"'.";_"'"'' h""""'_·;"~"_~__"'··~··_'~' oæ W' 618 Þrnl 16. 11.)85 'ot'- It... .22 TASK QrDER .6 FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY WELLFIELD MONITORING PROGRAMS BY CH?H HILL. INC. - APPROVED Ut1l1tl~tI ~dminitltrator Crand~ll !laid thiR lte~ i. II condition of the Con.umptlve Use Permit w~lch the County ohtalned aprroxl~ately one y"ar 1190 for the County's r'eglcnal ··1'11fle11. He said "tatt asked :::"2" Jllll, Inc. to <; lve the County a rropollal to lnltlllte thlS proarall' and to carry lt throuoh tor on~ year, atter whlCh the pro~r/l~ would be turne<'l over to the County. Pc slDd that IIr. Pooer V,~ nc!!, fror.1 :::'~?11 Pill. WI\II rre8~nt to "lV~ rOfP ~et~11s 1f th- rO~.j.r10n~r~ r~au red the.m. PesponrlU1n to C'0:T>:r¡s'110n€'r Folianr1, t":ounty ,attornl'Y C'aunderl! !:!lH he nl\(J no rrcl'il'f' Wltt~ thlfi It.,r. COIf.f111:<F lonrr """,'It' Sill"', nt t'l€' wor;':O;>lo!", h.' h"d rent lon~rl that thIS 1s the R~rl tlrr who cc~"'truct~1 tn£ r0unty's rXIFtlnn w~tl'r "l~nt and t.hat thert. tlrt"t.' hCl'tl nr"rlemp ·....1 th trtlt nlðnt. '·r. Crtln"''''¡ 1 s~ld that there hilI' be'!;n 110 tlct{'rn:ni1tlC\n th>lt tl." pn"¡ntter¡"" t1E'R1C"n hðd anytnlnn to 00 ~'lth tn!' t'lct tn,'t t, -'ro" ¡'P' ¡l'a"~ ¡r, the t/ln", at thllt plant. COJ"IT.l!;:;loncor ""!I~'" ",,1:..<1 ¡f tnc cnnln('{'rlnn f¡r~ WIIS supr·oseo:' to .U[)~rV15l' tr.\., lllFt"i i¡.tl011 of the "l,-,nt ,'nrl "r. Cri1nrlllll r;a1d thðt "'atl r.orr.,ct nnd thllt the fIr!!' dl<Ì sunf'rVIF" I... ~~ ~"'ld that Pavcon, th~ t)()nd1nq corrpcnv, t'l\f, 1rì(')Cdt.t."· th;py \-:¡ii tll'k;~ Ct",rf' of thoffe j~ð~F- :'etorl:: the C:ounty t,,'q·s tl~."j, cor,trúi uf t"f' ,,¡¡ nt, Coaai..10ner Holland .oved. .econded by Co..i.s10ner Goodnight and carried 4/0. that TaSK Order .6 for profe..ional engineering .ervice. for the Collier County Wellf1eld Monltor\ng progra.. by CH2M Hill. Inc. be approved. !'an~' 31 -=:J - .-._-..--.-.- E'~" --'---"'.--' ~-""""~"----"~""--""-" t.ÍI~~ It.. .23 C86'1 ' 62Z lonr ~ .' . oJ Þpril 1 F-, RESOLUTION 85-104 TRANSFERRING COLLIER COUNTY'S REGULATORY JURISDICTION OVER PRIVATE KATER AND SEWER UTILITIES TO THE FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMI~SION - ADOPTED rtllltleB ~dMlnltltrðtor Cr~nd^l¡ said he IS concerned over the inference of conflict of lntereßt wIth the cr.uppr renresentlnq th~ Boörct of County COMml..1on and then renul13t1nn rðtp.R. ðB well I\tI t~e County belng Interellted in the pOtlBjble purchatlP of the Bame utility. He Bald, under the eX1Btlno procedure, /I 27 Peçulatory Fee anrl the costtl for conBult~nt5 uDect durln'l rl\te ca!les "re naBBed on to tn. re!ll- dents, /lnd he tldeJerJ that the con!'luit'1nt teet' tor the last rrlt,. C'1t1e were aprroxll'1>1ttdy :4r,n(l('.. lie SaJ-:! th...t thE'rt' t",) 1\ been ir:crel'lllinc:' tl/!1e sp",nt hy Su'ft or .."rt, c,'s,' I":rounht ht'tore the r:C"Pt?f\, COll1mlSi!I ')ner ! ,'~9': ...10:.. If th(' r0untv h'olllo ;.".... 'Iny control r>y r.ot nl1Vlt1C: tlH" {'C\'''P'' "n<l C:>unty /·ttorncy ~"un<1erh snirl the County wouJ.r:1 J.OfH' ~'.JrlS,·lCtl"l1 OV('t utll1tl''¡ ð!' tl'r "0; rat"f'. "..rVlce and It:'tV1Ct: ëtrthUi ('rt' ('"0I1Ct:<rrlt.."I. "p .,""!i)lner' tnðt tl1.. r'o<'lr,1 of ('ounty r:Of'!'lIr:1SS1unt!rb 1oo'oulc' "iIV.' tlH: f'~llltv tc )r tfl'rVf'''n'''' l)c-. an t'tttt"ctt:ê, Int..re..t..r: PiJrty 1n "ny rr0c""' 1r)'1!' ~·,·tc:r. th... "ut-i 1(' C:..rvlc" COI",.lS- I'10n \P-'C) '\n(' ""0\11(' nt11i cCnCf'r;¡)t)" f,f rVl('~, r.1 t t.: r f:t'rv 1 C't .:,¡r'-." !:, '-0 have th.. .l\b1i.lty to t)l' lnvcivn, In the "el"IO~ ",..1-11"" l'rOCe!;! tro!!' tnlllt rrl...H;~I,.'='tlV'" t~~t th~ 'Jc¡,r(1 ....·~I,}... not b,. In ch;,rot' f)f t'1ðt orOCI'It". He tltlle! thðt It t!'", !",~C rui£'" In 1\ "'>lnr,£'r with W\l1C\' th{' !"0è'rrl rI (' not at1r€'t;", t~r..t '-J'Qulu ("\.1t ~~'e C"ounty In 1\ nc.~lt1':)rl of n~Vlnr. to tiJ'I<e ¡("r1bl bctlOr, or hdvlnQ tr, ..:tcrt---nt ttH' ('ecJ,f=]()rJ. r.01f11"15SIOnt'r ':')55 ~,;'1' tl,,, ':'JllTòty C',)~-lb"JOr. l:"rr: to n~¡¡r ttH,' rat.· Cð~t'aI wt'lr-tJ \-'ÙS ¡l 10r~(', if.·I'()rl(Juß r:r(JCL'S~: t":lIf' ti\~ rC,o"· lSt610nCrS tt.it th~v ".,'crc r1c'tt tc'c CU'-I! ~ t lL' !or ttlût, i'~~(~ trJr tr10flt; rftitFOns t~\t::' C'ct'rp~ ....·ðl:S t:'Rti.ltliJ.øt'tf4":"" ".'lt~· t~'t ,¡\1tt1l:,r¡t\' tC' , t:"t I::·ri' 1 rlt' r",t4_'~. I'f' !:;f 1(; t~...~l lr.·~ ( t"t:l"..'.,)nc c! tl\t· :'·";"r':;-~!' cI'n ",f.- ,""I' r:r -'J.t..~,:: ~~ th" ('O"',""l::S] Qf,. \,'lt~ rpOilrC' tc.. trH r:'r:r:~~1L't ot ~f}tf'r('st lR~I:t-·, r, <:;..,u·,"erR retia 8t:'Vt'fi11 I','"!.rð("'ril:~·~~ tr('" .L«'\:~IJ1 tF tt' ,t ~t"Vt:' ~"(J..~n t) ipr~ '....~lCr, :"':>1ntf'~ out tlh-' type n:- rtrn··,i...:r th?,t t"t I·~"" :"-:'r·;·rt:'"~r.t ·~rt~ \oJ1t~ t\.¡(' COuntv h,plnt'" ]nvoivp.:~ .in rr-.te ~,.·ttln'·. 5:'1" tl,(' f¡r!"t ell".. ""lib th.. C1Vli. rl<'H'tl' ;Jct10rl tt)ù.t ~i"'!S In'f:'f} ~]it'l..~ ~"',.' rùfit r:ü:-:ies ","Jtf.'r ~vste-~s, inc. v~rwult th~ "O/lrf' c! '::ourty ('or'''''I''tIOIl~r''' unr! .n·IIV1"Ual Corr"lKSlon<:r:. LIne' thtf l~n"ub("1~ :H-- r::it(' ....:iùf'crdtcrl or. ltu.' u',111tÝ'~ ':11iJrn'~!,: t!H~t thf.. act:10n nroll.. froc' U... IInl....:fl'. !<ftot't') -:;' :J..t..n(h:nt.5 to <'1'I1n o,..r¡t<rS''\ln of !Inri to e)(CrC'llI~ Ulli"...'fui cC'ntrol oVt:r tt'e ....tltt.;r tin,! s('wcr 'Jublncs3 of the "/!Ine ~., ~ --. , , . ~-_. ~- ~\ ----~'_., -,;_.~,.-,-~-",~p,_._~,."...... ... - .. .. r.nrll 1('" lðl")~ ull1ncorpora t...rt ror t 1 on or ~o 1 i 1 er ('OIJn t Y. Tape t9 '1r. faun1~rs r~~d frOM t~e neyt co~nl~lnt wnien w~s the ~econd Al'lendud r.o!"oll\lnt ~or r.:1:r>a<;l",s-F1LP'c1 in ,'n ''.ntl-~n18t 'ctlnn ~v t}-e Faet 'illpll11 "¡,Her "VSt~·...~, IT"\c. \i:llc'1 cnnt"nrler' :....'t th~ ion.,-r"nn.. rli'ln by the de1i.:'Ia~nt ..'0". t~ "C"Ulre .'il t'~ ~rl'l"t'i'l ,)'..:,...'1 l tlllt1f~S In Coliler County, lnciurllnn the w:lter "n,1 "~'~l'r 3V5t'~I1"S c..ner1 ,:,y :1'I5t "Ja!,letl '.,,'tE:.r "vst':"s, Inc. "n'J :Jt"t~r:1 t'1,'t tn'" U0dr<'1 or ....ounty ('0"''''15- tllon-:ors n/,1 In!'truc.:t''(1 C't.Jtr to cont"ct Fa!'t ':',o..es "ater "Y!ltems, Inc. to rt..termln'~ ,...I1~tn~r tn·! Ilt~ 11 tv "'ouj,~ ',to \oil J, Inn to ,,~"il Its utllltV SysttJY"'.s On!, It so, \:n(:~r \oow'h;'\t t~r7';; .-'!n(J ('()r",t¡tlOf1S: cont¡4\.t;. was ~adt-6 on b"nalf ,}I tt'·· rC'-Jnty ,nc1 ,,;...u1tltfs '.¡er" ,,·,.i.ilnn to neootldte "Jut the Countv \1\" u~,wlii :n('] t() 'l--,.,......t1"t~· ¡, fl!:1f ~'nl rp-t5ur:"\hle !,lJrchnsC' prIce for ~l1e l'tj..ltV ·'! 3<:tS: and t' .Jt t'l'" Jet..nrl¿¡r.ts '1ùve ..,..cllr,ed to t03ke the "t~lit... "y con".,...natl():1 '1~'I."r~ nl"lnt¡ ffs ·.au; 1 "e able to hl'lv.. the vl\lue ot t.~"j.r ut~'lt,. !let j'Y .\ t'lr ,1IH~ 1nl"'"r:¡", trlbu:1.,ir and th~t Pl~lntltf3 ~~5~rt tn~t th'\ ~o~r" Qf r0~nty ~~~rl1S10n~r~ ~O~~ not ~ðVf' Jurl'H~j.r:t l:)n ":1,' n()...~ nor. '1d'l" ",'v "!tllttlt0ry or other .H thorlty to C1rtJnt f...}r t.:'fJY ,.,"t'~r ,-.:- !,\A',..·~r tr"n,:,rll~.~ to 'd"\t '·"t~i.t'~i '}t,tpr ~~v".t~m3, Inc, "p r'~;1::J th.,- Ii i'_'l,lt Ions ,11""':.llnst thL' 'Iq",rr: of :.':nur.tv r"U1"''TI1S810ners nðrl~ by r~;lt '(loqi('~ '"·tt"'r r.'~t'·~$, ir:c. ..Hi :-ið]'! tl1:jt t~<.! rp(.lson ~c re"~(1 ttH.: t2'rt.;rlo...n·~ dilt'I:(ltl....·r\g l~~ tl~"t t..)~S ·)trt.:r;UJ.l.lr utl.i¡ty w111 liffTUe an.c: ,",.1\6 ,tr~t.:'·(· t~"~t t1,,;....: -,........1('1 o~ C'OLr't'l ro(;-";",.1,II!lJ10n~r~ ('4()'!S not hðve any ~llrj.o,;dlctl0n that respons\h¡i¡ty, to ~..t tt~(~lr rdt(~:-I. I~ CPt 1·1 t f th~ ~oðrd ~5ft\]m~9 11t.' couj J ;'5~\Jrf_. tt\,_. ('r;.....-l:!~Lon~r~ th.'t th..y -..ould be su"d ~ltl\..r lnJlv~'~u,!;'iy ur ,]s ..,,,,r-',crs ,, tè!., "udr ()I ::0untv Comm1Bs10r. tor Cal\tlHC,\tl~ln utl illV orODt'rt'l ~{!'~~'U~<\t.. t!~~ pO."lrd \o··oulc1 ,not, ~ore tl\;'H": i.l'l(.~i~', (flVt-~ the IJtl11t'/ t~l' ..,!"ount lJt r"v~nu~'i lhi..1t th~'J' !:iou,.,~t. II~ Cl,,, l'~ ¡ t 1!1 ~ec;,usC! (If thp~:,~ ".V-:"~S ot ·")1 i.~(';,\t long. th~t the LAw rCrJ"rtw"nt ~dS rl·CO;T1,....,n,I','d U..lt th¿ "o.1rrj ot rounty rOml"ll1- SlcnerN not hear rlt~ casQS, .:It irast tron tn18 partlcui3r utl11ty, beci'luse ot t~e prohabie tnre~t of ad~ltlonai 1~\oI!\UltS lnvolvlno the Com~lSSlon's rate 3£ttlna 3blilty. In re3'~nse to ~OmmlsS)0n~r Voss, Hr. S"u:1'JC'rs !Htld t\,;J.t n'~ woui.J not ,"~~e It ""Xc:,l1S1VC for thIs ut111ty, but he saj.d t'1"t there IS a rate CI\!!I! "cn~lnn before thp "oard thl'lt 'oal\ Just tl1"r: 'Jy f'a~t ~'03rl,-'s '..Jater <;vstcms, Inc. \oIhlc:h IS ,1n Appeal from tn.. CC\J?,~" ,1cth}n and "e ;,'JvI3etl tt1", Cammllisloners not to 11ear that case and tc r~t¿r lt to the Courts. "r. r;au~d~rs S¡jl'! t~1?\t ,,}notn(:r Slc1nl flc~nt t.hlnC.f contðlned 1(\ th~ L~¡'( C.86 01" 623 :l/l'Jt! ~ J ----1! -WW _.1 L __~_.____.__ _____'_..._;0__........... ""'_..---->~- am 086'1'" 624 "rr11 It, 1 "P'i cc~plalnt 1~ that the Vtl11ty 1S ^'~ln~ the Courts to 1~pos( a fr",nC:h1.. ,.n(\ to provldt" the term'! /Inri con'.'1tJt)nfl 111 that fr/lncl'a.e thb.t the Ullllty want.. "(I .ald, lIltlJ!\ately, the Ptlllty will he q01ng to the Court. tor determlnat10n of the1r ratI'o and If t}lat Is per~lttcð to hs~ren then the ~oard ~t County Conmlssloners' authorlt~' 18 g01n~ to he t"xcl'c1."tj by the Courts 1o.':1lch, In h1s Ol'lnlOn, 1~ far worse than the p~c a..Ul'Ilnct that reSOOnSltnllty. f1e saId the! SUitt recOr.1I'1Cndatlon lS to GUbmlt röte an~ lIervlce area reoulatlcn to the PSC. COmmlfts:oner VOIIS atl~ecl If anyone was ~retlgnt trom the f.ast Naples ~'ater ~ystem~, Inc. and County ~ana.,er t.usk saId no one WðS rrl!'ftent. He sald that T"'e-ltona Corroratlon hl\B t11eri tor ð Plte hP.ðrlno !:refore the CCU?F:B. 'Ie ....ld, wIthin thE' next ten to tWE"lvc -jay!!, he expected to recelVC tnI!' acnrð15~1 on the! reltona sewer plant so, durlna the course of the CCII/'"'' he¡¡rln" whl1t thl! rat'?s should DC, the county 100'111 t-e ner¡otl~tln..., II prIce tor W'lllt thf' rCltnna sewer IS I,'orth, "e rOlntcd out tIle cont~lct :--f'Ci.US(', It thr rat.,!; 'r!.: 1 ncrf'.'Is..r¡, th,1t wIll ln~reð[;e tIlt V,",lU" ot to. r.1"nt the C-::unty IS i'1ttrm,..,t I r...., to I"urchatlE' and he /lr1c1t"O ""'. "'ilS r1C~ fOur-. t~"t ;, ('OU'Hy ,,""','nc:-v shou1" roe "Icttln"" tt,osc r1\tes. CO!. ."~11n '·.I"f.~'t··, [)r ~!1)"I'nt ('t r"' ~ f,.'''·l·\....'')C... l'lVJr:-,.~SOC']~tl()n wh1C""l IS one lr.te-rv(nor In thl' r:-II!';" r(r:-""t,v '''1~J 1¿'' ry t'1" (TP"'>' on W"Je'h ;'Ctl0!' W;'¡; CU["I,¡,tC(, nn 1/?7/0< w;th ,1 ",'t',' ,"'r:jer rcn"('rcr1, ßal'~ that th(' /\[)plJcant, the <"s~ ",1[,."5 \'õt\;.r ~y!\tf:-r" 1nc, 'n',1 the Intcrvc'1nrt< t¡ave ðh1t:'.'Iieo tc fh~ ~()"'r(' :::'If !':0Uf'tv :'or-lfo;JOn"r~, "" rrcvlr1C(' lr. the CC!lPf'r Or"lna<1c" ,"",1('11 JS no....' [;{'I:\'- rrOfC>lH'r to he rf'nel,'''(J. ".. Sl\ld trldt nor(' thl\;: S):~~,')('r ~~aF .....l:I·r: ~r"\"r,t IH:'drlrJ("'- th"t rðt'" Ci'\8f- t"\nr1 ali of thllt ,..onev wli. rto "~ (' ~'I tht- r~t~ n"y('rs. "1- .;'1 rl U~êlt "C'cC\r<lln~ to tt,,_ ':'~ I"r'" ("re 1 r.¡,I.C, tr~( ".:i."'. i r-'rC..Cf·/'l:rC' J 5 t ~ r5t to t....,· ~our"lty CC.d'r.r.11Sbl0r. ,l\nd, If the ...,¡,rtlt'r: I1r'.' r~""H ·;..t:'~l{,'¿, t'lt"V (~frç.1)l to triP Clrr.ult ~'c¡url, '-IS~;f"n 1~ t~\~r(' .:. '~ny {~1rrct c~:.,nn··i tc., t).1.-;:' r.lTCU1t Court b"-n~lftlnr. tlh..: ('01..1 n~. \' ('orr;.-... ~;~: fJr,") tl,... .., ~ I', e~, ;.. t"crt- Jr ð:1Y (t'" ðtorl',""ntlcne(. app~i lat.. "'r( C~(I~J!"4 r:(') 1 n(' tl' :.t.': rC(.~ \'1 t"',Qut tl('dr .1.,(-. rùtl' <;âfl.' a"';: I r, '...¡f~~' s"\:'nt! 1 '",0 r'()r,. "'''-111,,\1 011 ; t"" ~·r. (",~UII..H..r~, ~d.l~ tt~i·t t"It. .:;1}ö nct t~urp ) t th._ ..,...,.. \JOUlrt st;"trt tr-~ nroce!~~ ..~..i..¡ Q\'f_r Gr \·:':·.t tt',.;,,, h'()U4.'· '-~C.I ~I~, ~(Jll "J.~; 1ntr:rnrctí~tl01~ of tn~' !t-::Slut· 1!:> t' Jt t"¡\. Cc..ur¡lV ''''OU1(' lC\Sv ':1J1 1ur3!":"1ctlor. tr("l"" th~ orOT"t:nt t '''t t,,, r","oil:tH'n 1!\ ¡1~' "\rc'veJ f.nd, tl¡...rE'!ore, ,,~ (\')""t'stf!d t¡'~t t'1t' "Odru "f ':o\l:1ty Co"'r Inf.IOncr!'; coÍ1},J nC't ht','r t'1.. o'Inrelll 1':-v tht:' rll~t '~ðnles "ðt','r "'!stcmt.', Ine'. 1'(. 6"11' th^t r1lrl net M"lIn t~"t tht;' P~C P/lo. :'4 --...., r-- '---' - lilt _. ~.~ r- ... - - -- ;'rrl! 1", }(lA') wOuld not conSlðvr the r~cora that was ~aae no t,at ratu ca~e and ~a~~ ~ ~ecla10n ~.ed on that re=ord, aaoInq tn~t ne ðssu~eo th~V ~outn cOnaldkr Ln~t recora ~ut thl\t the ~~C ~l~~t, ~lsn, hota ~r.~~ h~l\rlnC8. PooOO.,rnnCT to r:Ol. ".,n·hr., "r. r:,1Unr1!'\rs ~¿!lr1 t'1i'1t It W;11'1 ~1!1 opInIon t~_"'t t'1f' "'"( f\t~r:e: ri\te~ ot the :'tl'lt", <.'IS o· r'1l'l d1\te, \>'''Uil1 1::a t.lle ilUtOr.1ðtlC:1i.ly _,,,nro'J'c(1 rllt~l'I. r.Ol, "fI~i't! as"'" It "r. "'aunr1"!rl'l IIIcllnt th'! rl'ltc!I t'et()r~ t.t-.. r,'t!! n"ðrIn':' II"~, "r, ""unr:..r~ r"~()cnr1(')r1 th,'It tn~ ("'¡nus 1'~nrÙv\!c:, ,~~ (')t t- .1.5 '1ðtt', ..'r~ t~", ;:J:"1~ C; th;!t, "'rj,Qr to the Iftlilty' ! c\:rr~'nt r'lv! ':II!;C', ','Quirt I,,.. In ..t·,-ct 'Jntll tr.J ,,~c ruler1 otnerlJ.llle. CO ¡lmlliS1C':".er \'os~ IlfI"'~tI -,.h.., ni'YS t~l'? i...,.,i te..r ¡f thO': ,,~C t:1ve!'l ov..r thll1 Jurll>'!lctl')n IIn;; "r, ;,'\1nc:1...rs ~x"l.lIn<!r1 tn'lt the r.'t... pavers '-fill aiWd\S ~'JV t~·~ i'--'i'""')t)I"""t~ CC3t o~ l\ rl~rn C"1~e, ~Vf:n IJnrH.'r ""':C jUfl»dl,.:t.lon. I:e 5'-\\'1 t~'·lt It !1cl.$ ..:'t:..·....n (~·!t(r,.,1nf"~1 ("'Y I"":tatt thrlt th;l.": cost ....,oui(~ ~'f!' cnn~l"f'r,t~jy i.·.·~~t nn "utt1rn r.\t.' (:';,!··~~9, '.'It'ì the n::::c "roc!!tls th.UI It .-oui] h· -.'Jtr th~' ':ui.'ler "')\lntv "roc(,!iS, lie g"i' that an ~ppe""l of thr! CH.;r: CtHI "",_, ;'¡d'~'! :H)" t~ll\t Wf)qid \.or t~ t~H'> r.~1 r~t nlatrlct Court 01 ^n~~~¡. ~ol. n~t.:~~\." Sò ¡r! tll~}t I~ 15 orr'dr.17,"t l.Gn t"v~rr1(~ the 11~^ of no'. inn tl1~ nt.'oJrlno nrOCt'RtI t'; t!l<! "'~C, ~,·v"r.\i ~r)l"t!1 ;;<"'0, t;·!C.'UJP 1\15 OrqanlzðtlOr. '""au 1" 1.:tVt! ;ICf"f:~S lr" nlJ.....11r. r:C'1I:~~~1 "Ind lC .) nrOfp..,s1on.1.1 Btatt to ';0 tt1(, "nðiyt.c.1i wC'r~ ..r_1C~ It. c'ovq not ".1'1", 'It the "ro~8ent t ll!"·. Ht4 ~ðlrJ th: ~'on"": tn.Jt thl" COr"r'J'i9;.on 1,')'.'5 r,f')t c,h!\nIJon tr.e lr1Cð of hrJVlno J, COlJnty-"....,ni~d t;~\""f.·r .Jnd '.....'t:~r Ø\/bt,_"·,, \"JhlCt' r:'O"' ,,"lsS10ri~r Vo"" S"lrj the COM"'J1S10r -"O\l¡' not ,10, Coif Pceht' ,':1o(,~·t It t:1t'rt! ''"'''9 " noq~.h111l·! l",..,t t~H~ ("OMr.'lSR10n r:oul<1 ':":nl?nr. th'~ nrOCt.>,jur,· iO ~hjt. It wouid ,ìl1'1iv for all C'c'S(~S e~C~f"'t tnose no·... unGer -1prelli .)nd ·-'r. "'ðunderg 'laId t.,ðt th"Jre IS 50 1\uch cOlTlplex IltlQdtlc'n r<!IHJln'l, currently, th·'t It rls nrl"'"HY concern not to COl!\pilc~tr thl\t ~n?mor.'. 'Ie 51\1d one WdY tc simo1lt:¡ the sltuatlon 111 tor the rOunty to S;¡y t""'t It '1I1S ",,,h>lr":t" on II nrOC"IHI of ùCClUI rlne: the lltl11tl~s and th"t 1t noes not ioolo: 'looct tor the C..,unty to try to acnuir~ 1\ utlllty ,t the 'I>I~':! tl",e th>lt th~ Î.ount: IS settIng 1ts r/lte9 becallßt! 1:: aPDe.'IrS t"_O!l~ rùteG wlli have ~ dIrect 1!T'~ðCt on th... vl\lue of the sY'Item. Ye qllln h<! telt th~t the l~netlts tro~ ''''C renuil\tlon ~o t/lr ~eyond jUKt ~"allnc Wlth Faflt ~arie!l Water ~Yllt~~tI, Inc., ð~dln? that IS not thp nn'y rea~on tor his recOmll1end3tlon. Col. ~eehp. all\o:~" ~hV trer" WI\S /I rU'lh t~ dCt on thlS 8uh~ect, tnlll dðte, adc11n'ì th'lt h~ felt the County /lttorn\!y '"lCTht ma1ce turthr>r ~"ijK 086'1'1625 tla'le 10; -.............. ~".."".~"...~-..~,. ._=.-,._..~"..~,-"-"",,»"~,- 'CGI: G8SWI,6Z6 .April ]6, 1gec lnqu1ry t~ d.t~rmlne what arpeal procecure, If any, ti~l.t. if th. County dl.solves the ccv~rn Ordlnance? Mr. Raundertl e~plaineð that the urgency involves t~·o thlnQs, an ap~eal thl'lt 1!1 pending 1:>eforf' the !'oard of County COm~It1S10ners ~nd the pendlna ~e!tonl'l cor~oratlon rate cas~. He .alð that he h/'ln contl'lcterl the Pr.C /lnd there lS POMe nuestlon as to what the et1ect would be on the pending East f'aples '·I¡¡ter sy"tems, Inc. appeal, add1ng thl'lt It was hIS oplnlon th~t the P~C will ta~e over jurlødlcllon ann will rev\e~ the recor~ and, nerhaps, obtain a~ðitlonðl telltlll'ony on that catle. 11" said, lf the rsc wIll nct handle that cl'Il<e becau.e lt lp so far lnto the sytltem, he would advitle the Countr Com- ~lSI110ner. to refuse to hear the app~al and the case ~~uld 00 directly to C1rcult Court. Col. r~..b~ 6310 lh¡¡t lt ~a8 hIS undcrstanrllnq thbt the PSC docp not ma~c a P/lte Order but ~'oulri dlrcct a lower bOdy, \oo'hlcn 1n this cas( woul(! "'" the ('CUIU.í' or th'" County Com'T01SS10fl, to II1a)(c the necessary cnange tc the F~re Oraer tnnt th~ rsr touh~ rcnu re~ by the anpeal procLBs, AIII<18t"~t ~ountv ~ttnrn~v rnn~r50n cynl~lne1 that ~ reV1eWlnn Court !OOI':S to set' It trw t 1~ <.J lllr"~ or the (:(":~"r ¿,r~' SlJ!"r;ortc0 by sU'....stant lai /lnd C(-'Mr,etellt ..,\'lrI('IIC.·, II., ,,~ . , 1 f 0'1 revlt'wlWJ court t lnOa lIuch cv (1'~ncl!, the I.'i!t(, ("r~t!r 18 iE tt lnt",ct .1r.d 1 t tt,,,, rEV1CWln('1 Court tlnf1t) tt1t.:rf· )~ not; :-;UttJ.Cl~r.t pv).r~tnr.t', thf:Y '10111.1.. r,:~v,:,r~t: th~ t1ndlno 01 thf' CCtJ~K' "nr: ""'n" tn.. Cd!'" Diler. :or tilt' l:C!lI-'f~l\ to make. Its decIsIon :n 11nt! ,",'Ith tn., (~0urt'F tlnrJln('1!' th;,t there lid!! not <>nou"h eV11'1('nc~ to ~urJ1"'úrt W:liJt t'H...· (~·Ç"pl""~l riltl. ~'e $.)] (: t·~;, t n r t~ v 1 e \>,'1 n (" Court ç...nnot set rat."" , qtttlr'Or.'JlnO tu "':(\fI'l"'l"3~)Orll,;'r ;'f¡c,!,,-, ~·r. c.;è'tUf"J~~rF Sbl(' tnat. the t:ourl \oo'ouio1 s..,n<1 t~.· cö"., D;,CI( tc) tn., ' c::.: 'f':JI tor rl'co,",',J(1ur,'llcn ct the Pate {lr,1cr to ",~)r.,:" It r('n~1'.:tPr"t \"1th th" Court '~. t1n( in'll.;, i\t)(~, c:-¡c.... tht\t Cc.:t1ptH\ ~ct\cr, 1& cr,I'"':~J.t't·""J t ~'}r"~:í(~ tl''''t', ~\;V .11 t('lrtpr~ t....1rtv ''''0\]111 t"'lf ....t".l£' to lirp~...i t< t'lt' ·,Oi~rr1 o! Count\! {:n'n~:~~;lorll·r~. CorC:"l~øJ{)p(r 1J01.1'H1r': d~;Yt:(J It '"f. l.."~uncJt"rs f"'li}i1 Sòlf1 thE:. CðSC WOUld go Olr('ctlv to t'" ('OUf t , Poitrc c: ('')UI¡lV Cr:"""l~~lon~r..tufllf:·d to . , tth n~~r tn~ curr~nt ~~r~'1i? r. ~"Un{h'r~ rp~'·'or.(1t;f1 tnr"~ ,,'0\11'1 ''If;' h) 6 001/ lon, LOf""';'1c..Slonf'f Il-'11"·1n,'" r-:-tf"'rrt'f1 tD ttle ~ll'Þ~,f1I" ) t'1P,;t ~.,s heel'" S¡>t"rìt 011 t'lt:"' "-','\ft ··¡I:-·l.PS ~';'t(:r I·yrtt.·~s, lr.\.. r;\t,· ("~&~ ðnr1 "E:- .:t!ll:kec1 ) t It ""',:)u.i.<..: ~ot I" "\ I."C ttc':' ;-r(Jt.~t...:·5f to ~)avt.! t~H'" Cht't~ ~er"t r11rcctlv to the Court tnl1r to a..:-t'il on '~hilt woui<' h!lrr>~n. to thf; Cl\:3(' 1 fIt IF turn~'c" ov..r to the.' r'''C' "~r. ;:¡,Unrler5 5,1101 th<'lt :t 15 T'05!11t'le 1:.0 l\VCld hðVlna th~ 0o~r( Qt ~ountv rO~n15s oner~ ~lr..ctlv lnvolv~~ In thE r~tc s£ttln~ r<'loe> ~f< .:::J n E'~ _.._-~--_.. ,..·....~._..m"_...·,,_,,_·,,'·,·_..,·_ - - - .. .'\orll IF>, l'?t.\~ proce.. hy refu!llnn to he/lr ... c.'\se, however. thera woulrl 'Itlll r.t! II CQlin~y aaency, ~he CCIIR~", that 15 hellrinq ð case I\nd 1!'3!On~ '1'!.'cls1ons and ~hat would stÅll 01ve rlS~ to IIn lmpllcatl0n thAt the rounty lS ..ttln~ rates ht a low l~vrl to r.uuce the "lIlu~ nt th~ !lY3t~m. ~. .uq~..ted that It ~DY ~e po~sIble tor ~t~tt to ~tt'!.'~pt to worK w1th th, pgC :!Ind, :~ol)etully, t¡,~y '.Joule¡ review tho, record of th" rC~('ln" ca".. wlthout re'1Ulrln., any ext~n:<l'le "V)(.J<:!nce. '~q Sl'\l" t!'1i'!t t~,~ l1t111tv, the Countv rind tn.. !nt"rvt:no"" :1>1'1<' ~u~mltt'!d 1111 th.. ev¡rJenc.. thev wl\nted to SUb~lt, vo tnere ~'v ~e IIn dhll1tv or the r~rtl~A to aore~ that tho racord IS co~rietf.! .'\n) to r~.,u~~t thllt the p~~ ~'~e 11 rullnq on th~ record that ~IIS ~.en rresf.!nterl to th~~ 50 thpre woui~ not be ~ny ll1Crcl'lll~ In cost. p(. ~ 11') t',=, r:oui" :lot t"1. .'\rt'nt'.'c. r1Jt he ',%uic' 1'I"1\\c:e that r"ccl'lrC'nrJtlt 1.>11, Col. n"pt""~ ref ~rr~r1 t.-, t~(' ßernr" ,C'tf'tt t rpc()~r"~nr!~t10n to authorlr.e the ,H'v...rt.I""I"'~nt tnr , ;>\I'HIC ~".'rlrlO to rt'pelll th., r.C~I:>"'1'1 Crùll1l\nCe ~~-l(' ,1no1 ~.. I>lI"",,,"t,",, th1t t',.. CO,""'ls31cner" not renelll that orùlnance untIL It "<05 ~cen ""t('rr.lr."rJ '",hct~cr Bone ot It WIll tll1ve to be l..Ct lnt,1ct to '1':t Ime" ,1 'j] r"ct Ion of ., ~ol'.rt 1 f ¿, ~ourt ,llr.-eta reVltl10n of the P3t~ nrner. r"r. Cr¡¡nda 1 i S,lld tll.1t "" ~"o\<.e WI th t·,~ r-<;CI..hout the ,~end lno CdS!! ònd th~1 r ¡;t"t"""'nt '.o/ðb tl1It t'1"Y "'I).). "Ive, <tn Int"!Cl'" !,1to:> lncrel\~('I ":'ùsed on the J.'-'!Jt r.._~t(_~ ::ïCCL',)!IS': f~'I(r'4::'rl~nC"i' ·,.Jlth r')~r:. tic.! 5~' 10 thðt East ~}I rlt:'~ l'",tPr <::'V~tL·,·,r~, !nr:-. Il'J not "'V(';1 T'\tt:' lncr':'l1~e throuc::h r':r: hut ".h~'.I ""l.:.'õt '¡;~'I C:l~ t~lrnu(J~' t·",:, "rl'"pn ()nd rc:c toir-! hir'! thcst th~Y tt:!it t~H-Y ·...o\Ji.~ "1-:- ',,';' 1.1 ~"VJ t8 '1VP t~.· ~"..,p 1nCre~!)I? that the! CCU~Rq oav· dB ~n lnt..rl~ Incre1se whl~'1 ~uul~ t~~e önnrovl~"t..iy two to three W"!II~tI to accc~,pll"h, 'it' sal<1. ðft'!r th~t tll"e, "lOst ",1r¡les Water Systems, rnc, ~ou¡d "tl)'i aopeal to the "'~ç to~ a ).oJrro'H Increase _and that they would ~1l'''r that Cð:iC ~'Jt th1lt "'011)." t."Ke ,\{·ver"i r.1cnths just to,=,l'Ir It. COITI:rolSSlon..r 'Ioii"nrl ",,""!,1 If rf~it:1~,' ~OrrOr.,tlon h/lrl to "/lve ~ publlC hp.arlnq tcr 1In ln~r!.'/I·"! or could tho!y '11aKC ...n 1ncrease and co",e tor .spprov/ll, later" "r, .'Irl.....rson SdlrJ tr.·,t re).tonil CorporatIon has.5 provlsl0n 1n tnclr trftnCr'12e th~t aLlows tne~ to cnaroe lnterl~ rates upon glvln'J th~ County )rJ <lay" notice and they <:"1Ive the County thl\t notlce wnen thtoY tll..' theIr r/lte a~"11c1'ltlon at the end of rebrul\ry, howO!v"r, r.t:ltunl1 '1as wal"c~ th.'t ):)rO\l1>110n of thelr tr.Jnchlsc ,"lqreenent allowIng tnem to lnsUtute 1ntt.'rll1 rates untll 4/2P,/Po<;. ~'e exolcllned, If the County ~cepe JUrlsdictlon, on 4/2P/P<' I'eltona "">.Iy Institute an 086 H'.! 6Z7 nõ\oe J 7 ~C~t _"'_,,, ............,..,_m'~."..,.._.....·_..._,··.~__,H'~_·.."-....·.._,,·"'^·_ 'flce 086'1'.:628 1\pr1l H, 19"'5 1nterl~ rate lncrease, at WhlCh time, his ottlce would have to go to Circuit Court and apply for an Injunction to atop them from charging that inc:rea... Rellpo"d1ng to Comtnlll.loner Holland, I·'r. ."nder.on aaid that tha rsc has no choice oy ~tatutc hut to accept ,urlsdlctlon. He .aid 1t was hi. understanding that all the pr2v^te utllltletl have a r-er 100 of 30 to f,("t dllya to file a ø'.ap of thel r serVlce IIrell, a schedule of thelr ratc" and then they automatically recelve a Certlflcata of Public Conven1encc to .erv~ the area that thay ~re currently aerving. Mr. ~Munderll IIald, if the Commlelllon delllrell, the advertl.e~ent for M public he~r2nn to repe^l Or~lnance Q)-lP. woulë not he ~ðvërtlae~ for aomet1me anrl thp. CCURR" could he kept In pll\c~ tor /I wh1le. Co.-i..ionar Ha..a .oved, ..conded by Com~ia.10ner Goodnight and carried 3/1, Comal..ioner Holland oppo.ed, that Re.olution 85-104 tran.ferring Collier County's Regulatory Juri.dictlon over private water and .ewer utilities to the Florida ·public Service Co..ission be adopted. PII"e ~ ~~ <.~ ---1 :::J - .-----_.._~ - ,::~,t~. ..-~, ~~~..~ ~þ :-, - .. - A,prll If-, l~AS It.. .24 PHASE I OF THE FEASIBILITY AND IMPACT STUDY FOR SEW^GE TREATMENT AND SEWAGE COLLECTION FACILITIES FOR PORTIONS OF THE COUNTY WATER-SEWER DIS~RICT - ACCEPTED. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH PHASE 11 OF THE STUDY 'Jtlllt1es :"1:11fllstrdtur CranrJ.,il ey.ol,'lt1.:!' tl'.:¡t "olu, "<')nt~:\ anr1 Assoclates. tMe County'~ ccnsuLtlnn ~naln~er8, nav~ co~uLetøu rha5~ 1 ot tile S.::·...¡er "'ast"r "'1'-'11 wtllCt1 ':Ietll:"'s the stu~y <1f';::\ 5'.) they can movp. on to Ph...:>"" II to !it'. (ly th"t riutlcul"r ,'r~" antj no -::th.;or. "e !'Jl\ld t",,,t the r~v !',,(' ~l1nn.'r to'!\ C¡¡\I.;! IIttf>r.t nr. to lIewt'r !!~rVIC'" tcr T':l'IlIt ':aolell, IItl1C" II "n ar'M ','l1er" th"r~ s an ·!)CceStllV" .,"'aunt ot 3p.rtlc tan~tI that nee~ ta !:'o! ,,'1dr("!ist!cI. "t! !i!UO :,t/ltt 111 ccnSlderlnco t:>il:>Wll1g ,",cre Jr1 line 'Htti t.1" r'J!"';')rcncn~3Iv" °iln r.'t"~r t"itn trYlllCl to C'xp~n~ ""')f-yanc: t:1,'" "'ir\rl. f~r. "7"'Or.'l ~aylol, ot Ifl)jl-, "ontp'i i1nd J\."I~O~lt"'tt.'S, rf:!t'·rr~(: to <)Xhlb t:J Ir. order to '11'1<.' t!\l' t":O"f'l ~f. ()n..r'" fin 1C~ei1.)f \·'''"r.. ~IS tlr.. began i\n<1 In wh,'t .11r,'ClIOI\ :119 tlr- ",ans to !'rl')c,!",c. "'c dl'3f.'lI\V'?'l i\ r.h'lp ttHlt st'O\,¡c°r) (1)(. ~(':Ct)t: Gt 'oIOf"':: 1U. t'nHs'~ J ~n'j In(11c~terj cn t'1e "¡'JI') the r-OrtlC'n ot Co..~pr ('ountv t~,ìl rl'l t1r~ 'l)fI ;,~o:"rI to studY, \~hlCh was a :t1ðJPr portIon út COLL1·.r ~o"ntv, .is "ev"icf">"" hv the :t¡¡tt In past ye¡¡r". "... S.lI': t:'òt th~ '..('ç>n<l CXhll.1t cutiln·.'" t!"! orl~lnðl stUdy ^r~(Js '. ,1n': "~)" ,HIe! ·~y.pL,'ln¡,d, <I" th... ',o/r'r'< CQl\tlnu<Jd "'lth Statt, It Wil9 :J"~,,r·'l\er¡ that 0'1:1 Ire1 t~;}t .....,.. O\lt5¡,1e or t"'" !ltu~v ar~ð r1i:ScJ nf:ov"_!f r~"'c\J."'V tJ\.!l}n d.jc1rt·S!=l·~~· .,n;j trl,1t It n.:',,:,,':c1 to ~~, i~nr1 he lndlcutt!t.J t},·1t Lort lCd) of '¡'''It'" "H~)i.f~H. ~:t~ P';ctld thf1r~ "re ')0 prlv"t~ trcatm·:nt f"cllltlO'l th.¡t <lr': 'nt'lIn t'l'" c')r:tln0s·of U',1t .'X/, hlt ,'nd !t'any of tf\()SE' ;,r" In t[l£' f>'Sl "apl..,s ,)[(:.1 1n'.1 th.~ stU( 'I w')s ø:!xf"anr!e'1 to Include th"t i'\r~d. and the Leiv plant. f'~' retcrr~'J to the: "r;xt r·.. ..,lllnt, t:H~ l:i.'c1·!S rl.:¡nt ~,eS )On':ln(' to C'0"1:t11SSJOner ¡;aflse, ~':r. Taylor tlald that PRC EI\'pneerlrH' IS wor)'lnq WIt.' r.1S tlr.. "IS co-consultants "~n·J they have teen ¡¡ssl~n~d ~s t~e rr:me consultant n the ~larlell F~a.lbl11ty Study. ~~r, ,;,,,Ylor t:'1(ridlne(1 the ~)(h hlt tll,lt st\úweâ t"e eXlstln., urbanIzed ( eveior'11el\t ar~,1, 'Ie s,nd, trom t''ll.' Intorl'1ðtlon thllt was '1ðth.Hed on tne O'<1stlnq r-<.nuiat on ~'d5I?, t')6 por'llilt on f">rcj~ctlon5 tor the /lrH~, ~nrl thp hO\lSlnr¡ projectIons tor the area, ~1s tlr~ r1eveloped ',;~i'\t It cO!1,uderer1 the ",Ct<t rp./I~nn/!\)le prol')Q.er! service area tor the County to look <'It for eventuallY provlr1111<1 !lewer service. Pe sald al1ot~<!r ~Xhlblt n'!lri a cro:u-hatched are., lncludlnt'l the Clty of naples, ~oo (.ery "ay '3l1nctuary "nr1 t~elr f">ro~tleC! li'!nrt JlC"Ult'ltlon .!r~a ! OCt 086 PI'.' 631 f'aqe )<:' ...,_ ~_~~,_~~.~,'_".. ~ "0_ ""_.~,-,...........,..-~- mil G86 nr,t632. J\pnl 1(" 1<¡r>5 wnlcn ~ney rrcently approved. He Gald ~hat the orl~lnal otudy area ca~e out two ~lle. eaø~ ot C.R. 951 ana extended around the Marco pa.. artt. throU'1h ~h. Clty ot !fap.Le.. '~e .ald ,",ole, ·~ontell and ASSOclates telt t~\at lt was reasonable to comply with the COl'1prehen.lve Plan which .ay. that urban development lS allow~ble on. ~11ft ea~t ot c.r. 951, so the study Þound~rle. balllcally cor-ply with that Plan. Pe ~aln that Vlan Ihows that the area outslde the Plan 18 envlronl'1entally sensltlve or rural erell. 1Ie lnd1cated the southern arell of the tltudy which Include. the southern portion of tne approved /'arco r.hore. PIlr:. He polntltd out the nortnern bounc1cry ,.,hl~h / butll the !"lne "icce POlldl Airport ROlld .ewer feasIbIlIty ~tudy on whlCh h1~ flr~ worked, prlOviouslv. /Ie lnr'lcðtc("J the t":oldcn η¡,tt.' Îðnal which run~ throunh tht: area and cxplaln('~ thnt the wcst~rn boundary lIOuts the CIty of ~~nles. ¡.of. 3aid ni~ fIr:!' r<:coC'nlZI<. tt>;¡t tl,erE Dr" ROil''' ar'·'l\tI whLrc the ("lty of I:aplt:s 15 currently PCOV) 1Jr.o !!crVJc... I'~r, Tavlor ha1(' ti\al tlJ", secan" =rtJon of tr.: r>ro;ect ~:ould prcvld~ co~t ~nèllvRI5. trYln~ to (.ev~lon the Most t~^Olh¡c ,.,~v of T'rOvldlr.... th!: IIE'rVI("', line r\f' 1r1':lril~"<1 "h'.r~ 11lR fIr'" COrdIHJ..I" the trO!atr>ent ,)JlIntR snoui" t·" .OCiJto,'j, re5ponr1nn to ('OI":t1If'[;10r,er """r;{ r,'c:;,rClnn t\H' r::oi(j(n "lite ccn!!'unlty, '/r. 7.,vJor ~olnt'H' cut t~p lCc,'tlC'n ot th.. f''<18tlnn treat"ent t~cl1ltV ~n) ~xri~ln..~ It woulrl tP~H "Inl~al ~ftcrt to r:onverl th/lt Into II '''''!It..r ;>l1m"ln" ~tl\t lor, '1"(; tn.. Courty !!Ilnnt a~C'Ulr(' tl",at IInd on'·rüt(. :t 1\5 " '" "','r,'t.' t'r.tltv. Co~i..ioner Holland ~oved, .econded by Co~~1..10ner Has.. and carried 4/0, that Phatle I of the Featllbl11ty and I~pact Study for .ewag_ treatment ana tlewage collection facllltle. tor portlon. ot the County Water-Sewer Dlwtrlct be accepted and that the consultlng engineer. be authorized to proceed with Phatle II of the Study. Itell .25 RECOMMENDATION TO SELL SURPLUS ISLE OF CAPRI W~TER PLANT - APPROVED l~tli.ltlf!'R ^~:"ln:"ftr.3t('r Cr¡ln(~t..'ij ~t::t~:r1 t.r..ìt tl11!:.. 1tt":T' T("rt~ln~ to ti\~ f-.¡~lc:· r..t ~.ur -::...,,., :"'"·f-tt rl¡'1 (1t tl~... oil" 1b.Lr 0' r.,tf"'!rl ";,ttr ....jar:t.. t1e !i{~;.':.j tt¡l:-t nliJnt t,.1.":" t1t:!l:-n tr(-nt:.tt.rrf"i' 11 to .:"! ~t()r(('"("> t~Jcl.iJ.tv S.l.tc an(~ rt--nU~lp sl¿,t:cn. 1'..1 ('Vt .1.ðlnfr t:')~ 8ë'.it-4 Wl'tb iltt(!~0tt'r~, t""rev~ousiv. however, tll£: blrl 111'18 :JU, ,""J cut ;,t tl't' i¡¡Í;t ~J nu:(., Co~mi.sioner Holland moved, .econded by Comml..10ner Ha..e and carried 4/0, that the recollmendatlon to sell the .urplu. l.le of Capr} Water Plant be approved. ("dr-if' '< R..cvcllnc rEsourcer., Jnc. <'5,40r) - !"~Ot: 40 ---, . .-J - .H~--'· ",-.. .'~"'.>"...~~"_.._-_._..~- .. .. - ,\prll 1F" l')PC, lUa 126 JUSTICE CENTER EXPANSION QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT ACCEPTEDr BUDGF.T AHDTDMENT IN THE AHOUt..--r OF $31}3,OOO AND UNANTICIPATED CHANG! ORDERS FOR APRIL AND ¡':AY - APPROVED /llIfllstl\n1: Count.y "Ilnll.,~r rorrl;l eXnl"lnQr1 th1f1 It'!!l:1 lß the s]'(th (luJirterly :itatu!' rt'r.or~ tor t.t''! ,Ju~tlC~ c~nt"'r ...nr' th."It Jt ...'lOWtl tn.. va r 10UII Chd n"le Orde! r!' ., nn nronos~t1 ">'H1n{ t .'.....na,.....n t" t.O mov.. money ou t of ::>escrv..s."nd 1ntO (~.'r.ltai. I·,'~....ove"''''nt 1Jl1£" ltem!, In orr1':'f to nay t.or ttlest" Ç""nae Orner!! ov"r t.ne last 'H!v..r"l "uart,:,r3. "t' '11'\11 tr~t ":t:ðtf antlclpat~s su~stðntlai co~plctJon tor all rontr~cts, wltl1 the ~YCep- tlon r::r the (>lectrlci\; contr;,ctor, to ¡'f! .\rrll 1", ) u1!5, .'1'1(1 th,·t benetlclal oC~l1:n'nr.y 'illl ...r> cont.lnn~nt lI;')on the In!'!t''lll'!t.lon linn ComrletlOn or tn.. ~i..rtrlC". contr~rtor's ~orK, In r(>!!Iro!",t- to Cr)n"'ISr,10n",r 'lass'?, "r, "'orr111 S~I( t'1.,t. tn~ (;ontltructl0n ''>In,\q·.HS w"r" In town <1r. ""'rl. l'itn "nn tn15 ,~.,t~ nnt1 t'1"t t.hey are rursu1110 t',.., ~"tt...r '''It'1 ",o'I(1150n ~L~r.tr (:. ~''1f) Iß the ..i..c- trlclIl contr.,ctor en tile ,T"stlCe r:..ntr-r, nU1111n"l ",T" , In "artlculðr. ¡¡.. ""rlal11en t~"t t'1e ..-rQt-;..", In t'_ """'r~ to t·.~ ,tone InvolveR FC<=} ,.,1'10 18 prOVlCJlnO tne cnr'rut"r e'HHo''''nt t'1"t r:Q:~trC1l :<'111 ',')nltor ..,111'1'/ ot tl,e JaIl's ,1!'!·Wct.., CLI"mlH~.10n~r ~ ()i. 1dHrJ ~;~\...Þ..I, \ ~ l)!t: (~()unl\' ~c;c~r::tt; .ï:""l(t .jY:'nrov~~ auhstantli11. CO(T'l("li..:tl'..)n 0n 1',(':['"1.1 1('''1, 1"\'';, 1.ll"')ui( t.~;..t alio\.1 ""ðnV ot t!¡e C01"l?ðn.i.~s wbo ftt:'.li ni1.Vf> .....Dnev CO....l:-Vl· or. t\,;.~ jre1øct to ~ra·." ê:t "v.l~or- It'j ot t.'l":1t ~iT'Qunt, ,1:1(j \,Ar. rorrlll ll:"'¡s',¡cferj t:¡,1.t W'J~ correct. r:., 5i11d tor- tt:,,. :)th~~r p...lrt ot t l\~ '"ìrG~ect, t~\J]lr1\n'" "1-'" whl~~ ~~~ ~r~~ (1Cn~ 'C:y Yratt CnnRt.ruct1on, ';t;ltt lId" rroC"'RSet1 tln"l ~'IYrt..nt renu~!!tR ^q;¡lnst t.'r:E::lr r~td.lr.·'1(" ;,s t'H:"Y r.Or.'lriC't~r~ 'iO""t ot t~1e oUr"ch i1~t ltP1""'!:I and SUI'TTl1tt",'1 050::1"-' ot tl'" tlnði "'''''h!r\'/or'':, "e ..d1<1 ~t...tt I'Int1C':1¡)l\tell r.'Ialonr:1 tinai. "aYI,'~nt5 tor thotl.. r:ontri'cts 'is the contractors co..,.,lete ounch llßt It'!..,!! anr:1 SlIomlt witlv..rs ot ll.-M;, COm!!11SS10ner "ollan,1 exr:re5St'rl hIS conr.(>rn ahout how much ot a prot'>lcm will be t'xperlenced wilen the computer svstE'm 15 connected. tie saId, If there ,~r., i1ny prot'>lc!'ts wIth the Wlr1nQ, un to thIs !'Olnt In tlm~. they wIll not be ~nown untIL the computers are co~nect.,d and wOrklnq. "r. !"orrlii Silld t.'1i'1t W,15 rorr(!ct, ;I(')wever, It 1$ not the County's IntentIon to hold ~~c~ tro~ oth~r contrActors, !\uch dS strllc- tur~ ana shell or Intnrlor t1nlsh~s or the m€ChðnlC~l aSryectfl, an~ that those ðrc the lte~s that he has lnrllcatrd thi'lt ~re i'lntJclpatcd tor substant1ai. cO:rt~lctjon cn or ...r.out "Inrll l"th. F'p.ßDOnc\inq t.e tm OM n',: 633 PaC'~ 41 . ." --,~"~~..'..",.~..~,>._,,,,,.,-,.~-,,,,, ""~~-'.- ~t'( 086,¡;·rf)34. ,",pnl 11" 1<'"'' CO'~Jr.H,'uoner I'olland, "r. "err 111 salel, 1 t r-rot.lltlr'S Ihoulc: devf!lo!" HI th~ 1~terfðce of the actual mechðn1cal eou1p~ent In the computer ~onl:o~1n~ prOqra~., the mechanlcal contractor would havu an ob11çat10n uno..: .,arranty allpect. to cOl'1e ooc\( 1n an<1 worlt: out those prc~lt''''.. He .ald lt wa- hltl op1n10n that lt would he m1nlmal r~taln~ge that the Cr.~nty would holrl tor those ltens, pince lt 111 not t~P. County's lntent l~ hold anyoneø retalnage due') the tact that one contractor lS st1l1 on \.hv JOb. Commi..iOner Ha..e ~oved, .econded by Co..l..loner Goodnight and c,\rr1ed 4/0, that the Ju.tLce Center Expan.lon Quarterly Statu. Report be acc~pted and that Budget Amend~ent. in the amount of $383,000 and unanticipated Change Order. for "'pril and May b. approved. It.1II .27 DISCUSSION RE FIRE TOWER IN GOLDEN O"'TE ESTATES NO ACTION TAKEN ASY1WlDnt County ~ðn~~er rorrll1 ~~ld tllat n non-ao~nd~ Item reg~rc1ng tne Durchase of ð tlr~ tow~r 10~htlon W~!I ~lscu5Med at the wor~.hop on 4/11/"'::>, LInd ~;t;>tt Wi'll'! <.d recte" to Place tIllS I te.. on thlll dl'ltt:' B ðnt!n~i'I dS nn ~ME;rl'"'(,..·r.C'v 1tem, t....ut 1t ":ð~ lnå(.1Vprtto11tiy CJf"lttec1. f-'e saId !'tatt 1'1"'6 t)e~n 'C)llr!';uln("' tn.' peter.tlnl aC(",lIl:!<ltlon at F;omp tlve .:¡cre rùrcels alonl Fl1n(:...~i r,:)IJil'V'Ir', In 'ortt" "ol-1£'n (";,tp r.StJtE'5 for th16 location "'n" thdt he r,a'; ·'sY.~·1 ""'n~ r:r>l'1a~, tht, r'j'!-tr)ct rlvJs10n SUµerVltlOr tor the' r ''11610n of Fcrestrv, to he prl'spnt to comment on th15 matter. County flttorn"y <;ðun'1ers ~lilcJ thert' W,15 no rroriE'1:' ahout ac1~lnç' thIs ¡tt:::1 ~.o th~ ""!.on""" hOWfVf:r, Ill' thc,un'¡t th;,t "'r, rorr111 WOULc\ asi< the Cor:I!')¡;SJOn<:Cb not to ",,,,"e ðnv "eC1SJCn on t:1)S r'1'1ttcr on thIs (jato·. Com~ 18S1cn~r l~iJSFt" OCdrtl'<: out It'ldt tt~C' (~o~r.) ~Slcrl '1ár, ~i BO r..OUt.:st",(1 tnilt :~t<>tt t'r¡n" I'~ t"'" C':Jr'<.s<.:r,·~' :"Ir~ rl<;tr¡ct or. tillS rrl'ttl;"r c"\nrl '·r. rorr1ii Hi ll' tt"~t (""cuid ~,,.. r!Qr.f!, M!" ioit.ii, ~ut :hðt Stdtt'" In;tH,; contdct Ii":' I'"..n "'Itn t':>, "JV1!<10n O· "r.r"~trY and tt-:...t the 1.1re tower i1n'· rdn~f.r ~ti't 10:. k',);[I:, \,.o,''1~r ~~t()"l Wb~ nurf.Ulnc. UP.' SÒ1(1, .1t tn~hi"" Cd:-: be:: ~ol"ti\' use"'~, t~Htt wnui.r, ~.... '=tðtt'~ 1 "'i'tcnt.1Cn. "'*"~O""r"'1:.;.r;~()nPT i'n.ii:'f"1'1 .i~l"t thp roC"~ ,..,t 3:/'t; 1".:,'. ....n~ r..~turn~è (Ill '): t"\,' Î.··..".,., ':r. Grcl.lrl.' eXI~jullh--(., '-.11th rt-".,~r'J to Clf,CUHfEl::>r: ot .:. net'-; tor d i Ir~ tOl-'l:r In l.It' :-:uint!n rnt,· I:"f'tät~·" ùre", tile OCt·Sl'nt r",SDO:II;C tlmt:' to that ärt'!i\ irom th~, r1V1SJOn of I'or~"tr" ,""ark c~nt"r off Ri\'J10 ~o.:¡d and A1rport-Pull1n'l POi,a IS trom 4'; ",)nutOis to on~ ¡\our tri'IVCl t1l'1e. Ht.: !I¡nr~ t:Hlt lOCiltlll" a tlrL tOI·.'cr 111 the ~ce<'l wC'uic1 l'(ot)111tt'~V "aCle /. 2 --=.:J F" ".>.._~_...>,.."~~~-,- - - - ~rril lb, l<1Q" decrea..e that rlr",,"onl'le tlme /lne! the nur-ber of ho¡nes t!ll't woulð ~~ potentlally endanr!cred wO\lld be reduc~d. 'Je ~xcreEsp.d th~ onln10n that benetltll are there tor hoth the r.ounty'l'I ^nd r1V1910n of ~orp~trY'6 Interest. "e sa1r1, currentlY, th.. rlVlSlon of "'orl=strv h^!! 1'1 fire towftr at CollIer ~~~lncle ?r~ on ~ðrco Iøiðn~ thAt no lcnncr :s tn u~~ an~ the ~lan I" to r~locdtp th~t tow,r to thq t":ul~~n r3t~ !!Ilt~ It the lan<1 111 ~a<1e aVti 1 Li1nLe to th,~ rl v 1 II J on. 'IP. ""xnlll lnect t !1,1 t he '~~f' prese-ntly t"urSlJlnc: ;:O<1<11Llon"J. !T'an:->o,",er <'InrJ \?':JuJp",econt tl1rou'1h the ~tatc Leqls1~ture tor tn~t SJt~ so tnc9~ ne~"s waul" not nave to be taK~n tro¡n th'2 ['lV1IIJOn'f: ",)'11"5 51'-"" '~e sal'l In crucr ~o I11Ve the LeQ1S1atClr!! 9011'11 lnC.,t~tl·J'" ¡'" was trYlno to "!·1!;~ tnem ð'.....'re th.::lt tlh. r.ounty 18 Intl'rO>!!It.,rt In "',~~:111'l i"nr. aVdl iilble to th~ rlvls10n of Foretltry, ~ddlnn tnat n. ~a& pUr9\1¡nry thAt ¡¡nnle and, hon0tully, the r."t; 1111ator1i wIll "'1r"", teJ t¡¡!! r"nuuat. In rp.spon!le to CO"' TOJ SSl()ner u,~sc, "r. r,r.)nl1!'1 'JlIlrl th,3t 11. nas loo~er1 I'It the ¡1rCrcrty ~ion~ "lInc'"i. °001<1 ,,·I-oI<:h '....ol1irl r:nvc hI!' .1f'nart- ment a'1e0U/lte "CC"S5 to C.", ".\', "r.'1 r:,r, '1~1 an,1 ,lre"''' nortl!, south east and W':!'st. Comm1S810r.t!'r "05$ ~.:I :ld tl',,'" t~ll~ :")rop(")~""(1 t1re tn....,..r '.<I()ul1 "lV~ tt-¡e ('lV1810n ot ....ort..'st ry t!'1t! nOf 3CHlr,¡'l '1'~!.!(h:·d tor control t'urr:1 no t.o wnlch ,or. Grðh,..,n ¡¡¡nrt-'ê,~. Ife ~.ll(' t I,;¡t tie tlreS~lJt r.:~n~~(')wcr and t},~ 1. t" i()c~t- tlons r.1aKo;S it v'~ry '~Jtticuit t.o carr'/ on" "·r. !"orrlll t"<1n~.'.,''': '!r, rr,'hõ'" tor ;11" r)r", ~~::" 1 t"'.....~! '''It: rn ~ n'""" nro?rarn. r)re~ien~", t'-'19 (I..,tp. we tlald It 19 till.: lntlntlon ot tn" county '',In·l'1'~r·s ~t.Jlt to f"ursu''! thIS .Ub~~ct anrj to IJrlf1'1 to tn,· nl;-:t "c"rd o· "our,t'! r:O"',;'11!!I;¡On "'l.!l:tlna so",'.? ty!'e ot Ollr-:t1.1!!,. CGlltr.:lct, contlno~"-'nt on Ultl'~.:ltt' l\Jnd1n-, 1n support ùt thiS dCt1'Iltv, 'Ie 5ðl,.j a 1~c19'.! ;t"rp!e~~nt would ~'þ rru!"0st:d wh€reby ttw County '''Quid o'...n l~;¡t i,H1::1 ,Inc) i~,10i'~ lt l;,~ç'" to the I:'lvlslon ot ror..stry pius lh.., Jndl'p,.nd"nt vclunte"r tIre dlS~ rlCl In th...t are/l, it it wiii meet WIt:' their 11('~dS, ,1110, nCSr'ontilnq to d luestlon hy 'fr, Georqe K'liier req¡¡rr:!lnr¡ '.Jonatecl Land In th¿¡t area, COmmIssIoner VOSS 5ð11 tllat 11~ was rot 3ure th,3t the li\fld wall sUltdhl"" adc!l·.,1 t~ilt tt1~ iand In "'hlCtl ·'r. <-ral1ðm 111 lnter- "sted 15 prlv'It..ly owned. 1'r. Dorrlll aqre~c1, i'lnd 5ð1c1 that 5tðtt hooes to ['urchase nrol'~rty t'l"lt wouid cost t'etw<!en "7, nl"in to S7, :'0(1 pE:r acre. lie II'I (J that t!1C deecls tor the l/lnr] lnvolvec1 in the r.,~C land der11catlon ~ðve yet to h!'! rl.!corded ",nd thE: ('ounty 'Joes not hav,¡ title or ownerSnl¡1 ot ....ny lanrJ In th.. r.ol<1~n <-^te rlltilt~( . "f" .'11<1 It 15 Statt's opln10n tn^t Mðnv ot tnosR rarCf"iS ar~ not SUltð~if" nnr can ~e ~c..( C'86'1': 635 l'aae 4) ,.."..~." ,.'",,.,..._"..''''-~'<'''~---'--'' ~O~ ( 086,1"; 636 deve!Oped tClr tnls purpose. Ar:orlJ. lb, 1<1"~ . It.. '28 AUTBORJZATION TO ADVERTISE AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 76-71, WHICH DEALS WITH THE REGULATION OF WATER AND SEWER UTILITY RATES BY THE BOARD A-~ THE GRANTING OF WATER AND SEWER FRANCHISES - APPROVED County Attcrn~y r,aunaera said, atl he cxplalne~ 1n his 4/9/P~ me~orandum to the Commitlsioners, this IS /I house~e~oln0 type Item. He .aid Ordlnance 71>-71 IS an 01<1 or(1)nancf.> th/lt wall ~tled t>y Colller County tor tlcttin~ rat~~ /Inri 'lrantlnry tranch,sp.II to utilltlP', now~ver, Slnce ~nactment ot the ccr¡Rrn Ordlnance, ~tatt tclt thitl OrGln~nCe no lonqer 11.\ ... neCe5f:lty 1'111<1 th~s 111 1\ rn~up.o;t tor oerll'II1Rlon tc advertllle an orcunallCf> r('!'""J.)nC' ~r"')nance '1!->-71 , Co~i..ioner Has.e moved, seconded by Commls.l0ner Goodnlght and carr led 4/0, that authorlzation to advertlt1e an ordinance repealing Ordlnance No. 76-71 be approved. It.. .29 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursu"nt ~:) l'p~:H)J.Ut.)Orl :'J-1.,,), ttì(' tnJiOWlnn cn~r:~(II w~rt' ls~U'eð tt'rou....,~ Aor.li 12, ItH1:" ¡n ;)f,YTfl~nt ot rc,ut),l")€ hlJ.!!'=;: CI'~~CL~ "'['C"cr-.rn-¡0': I c"r(" .( .:('\~. ^'"""Y"I'T' Venoor 12,,'1f-' - 1:)7~1~ ~? j~n, A10.11 LiCC P.1vro.l 122h~' - ll"'}';' " ,/4 4 , I' ,. ., . ., ~ Ite. .30 AIR TRAVEL TO TALLAHASSEE tOR COMMISSIONERS VOSS AND PISTOR AND MS. BRANGACCIO - APPROVED IN AMOUNT OF $476 Com.l..Loner Holland moved, .econded by Commillsloner Has.e and carried 4/0, that air travel to Tallahatlsee for Com~II1.10nertl VOII. and Pl.tor and Mil. Brangðcclo be approved In the amount of 5476. Itell .31 ANALYSIS TO CHANGES TO GENERAL FUND (0011 RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES - INFORMATIONAL ONLY 1'1f.C'-'i. (Ìtt)c,,:r ,...¡.L('~ ·...........:r'\lC--: ~ut tt...,·,t or. n....,'.'· -:- C'~ (I,,.. :'lcr\('ß "'~µcrt t'lt;·tP .lH dr\nð.1 y~.) ~ ::>t' ('t\1!;)~f:'~' t:1 ("''''!1t:rAJ. ~ ~n; r~st:r"f" tor ('or.t1 nU4:'r....C1L.:i, ~,':)¡CL "':~f~ :-CJr tn' lntor¡:itlon 01 tt)'.' l"('¡t"I"'I"¡lSS1::-,rC'rs. Item .J:l BUDGET AMENDMENTS 85-21~/:lJ.~, ~~-~~l, 85-223/224, ~5-226/229 - ADOPTED ---", I ..-- :::::J - -- ~-_.. !'1Ie'e 44 - - - Þ,or 1.1. lh, 1':'Jl'S Coaai..10ner Holland .oved, .econOed Com.i..ioner Ha..e and carried 4/0, that Budget AAendm.nts 85-218/2191 85-2211 85-223/224, and 85-226/229 be adopted. ne. .33 ROBERT MOATES, GEORGE HOWLETT, WADE SCHROEDER AND BERT HAWKINS REAPPOINTED TO THE TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL FOR FOUR YEAR TERMS EXPIRING ON APRIL 19, 1989 ~dmlnlstr.~tlv,' '!!Sl"tant tsr-!a.'i!"on "1.1')13111<11 r"''It t:'c ":'0"r1~t r.ev..lon'~~nt-:C'ounCli. crl·at.,.d In "r~. n,'I" ¡nltl,1i tcrr1S f0r ~our of tho T!'I~r.lber~ 5Ct :It t.\'IO VI:l"trs, 10 or,.',,-;.r to 9tc"\(1n':r tlH! ~Xt"'l) rðtloll ,t~t~"!, of th~ termN. ""c ~al" tr.¡n. t~') ter:->s fer t~os·.? tour -.....,....':)r~ t.vrire this wfC'ek .1nd rr..;Iti~ re.Lp....Af:'~ '.¡e>re \:lve-rtJ~(;"rl rd.,~:\rdl:1'=:' theG(, of'"\'.!nln~8. "''''e &~'ld thðt tt"tè :")rø~J(:nt ¡.;t"0ctt:-d ~f-I~~H-,r~, Or. ~·,w~lns, :1r. :1:'\tes, ~1r. Howlett ðn'J ':ollnc:. i.;,ð:1 '·c~lrOtf·~t·r t".I1\'~ t!x!,r~fIIs¿,; :-,n l.nt~r'!st 1n h~lt1tl rE:d·,polnt...d to tht' ··~C, ~~~ ilHte~ t"e na~~. of th';)~~ DernOn!! ~ho "a~ ~UbMltt'i'<1 re>.òlln-"s, ,,, "'t,1t·~,., In t·~·~ rX'~CUt.I"~ C"'lIl"l1'"rv 0,1t·~·! '/27/"<', ane' ·Jxp~!lln,,".1 th.t tn'~ -rr r:n1Ir'\,n "w' st;,tt .11\1snn '1<1'1" llldlcilted th"t tho!! Fr~~ent '''''rn~f}r~ ",:1I)U1rt :¡e t~·~llnrl)\ntf:!d.. COMmlø~ ~C:1f"r i"!J':::I~ ,'........n(1 1 f " rl~C'()r 4 ~..'c.:. h~....n ~-0nt nf t)1e 1\tt..nd- ^nc~ of nil !\dVl~Orv i'Odr I ,...~...,t~t'rH ·¡no '~rg. '~r.)t:"ir:;()n ;;~1d t""'~t th~ mlnutt'" of t~~ Þrl'/l~()ry ....O.-,fn "'lu~t 1n"~~1 lr.rjlC¡lte wn1C~' :"Ie~~)~rs .;,ré- pres...nt and Wnlcn .Jr.' Llh5€'nt "n'J t"¡,t tne re'lrOn~I"llltv ot '~<:?~plll" track ot the .:Itl'~nt\,1nr:~ ,1t 1\(jv~D()r" :->o..,r~ -..:"tlt1nS 'v's not bt!p.II In h~r ottlce. SI1~ S.:11'~ tr,at It wcui<: bt' ~)cr on1nlon t~~,]t ,ìttr>t)rJr\uct? tor t~~ TDC menlJO!!rs :1..16 "cen ,lp,.-.rOYlr11Hei'· 1':'"'". Com.ls.loner Holland moved, seconded by Commillsloner Ha.se and carried 4/0, that Robert Moate., George Howlet.t, Wade Schroeder an<.1 Bert Hawkins be reappolnt&d to t}le Tourist Development Council for four year terms expiring on April 19, 1989. Ite. .34 RESOLUTION 85-105 ADVISING THE STATE REPRESENTATIVES AND THE STATE SENATORS THAT COLLIER COUNTY IS IN FAVOR OF A STATE LOTTERY - ADOPTED Comrr,lSS10ncr "O;}!! sald thltl ltern W3S w0rksl10t)CCd on 1/1 ilKS, ann tndt he ha:¡ "11Xt!d """otlons reqardlno It. !'e 5.:11d tto.at :11S st.Hcment at tn~ ~orkRhuu was, whlie n~ was not a ~,Jmhler, that thlS I!! 0 source of revt!nues ttli'1t m<lllY stdtes U3.., anr. tl1,'it ne '~oulLl !>!O In tdvor ot ... resolutlon supportlna d Bt~tP lottery. Commlslllonl!r !loll"n() sald that hv woul« sUT?r)ort a lottery lt It wer. to ~e tor the ·;tllte General ~'unoi h~C'au¡, " t1e tuJ t th"t needs vary tC~~ G86 '1" 637 l"al1.. 01 '> ,'- ~.~.,>,.",,,...,.,. ~....,..._..~- --...- ·,c.¡,( 086w.\sgg ÄT"Jrll 1(" ¡<'I-!~ troll year to year. r~espondlnq to C0I:1111lssioner ~'ilsse, C-omFII1.luoner Vcss .aid that there "'Quid Nt no way ::or the County to dlI ect any of the ~ottery tund. to Colller County uniøs. th~ Leglslatur~ glve. the County the IÞOney. Cc.ai..ioner Holland .oved, .econded by Commi..ioner Voss and carried 3/1, Co.-i..ioner Goodniqht oppo.ed, that Re.olution 85-105, advi.lng the State Repre.entative. and the State Senator. that Collier County i. 1n favor of a State Lottery, be adopted. lir.. Harriet ctt~nÞerq haC! registered to ApeaK on thlø ),tern and was lnadvertcntly overloo1<~d. ~he s~o1<€ 11'1 oppo'l1tlon to a ~tate Lottery on tht! orollnd!'l thöt, 1 t the leaeJ.HtI ot thIs cC'ml!òunlty should to.ter Qa~bllnq V16 a Ct~te Lottery, It ~oul~ ~ave a tar-reöcnlnq ett"ct on tIlt: yout:, ot the cQr.\~un1ty and, lIltif:1ðt"-'ly, the natIon. !'l'1e Bald th.::t QðMb.i.1nq nal<, 1'11stoncally, net bc!?n 110noro'l01e (In(1 a lottery would ec1ucðtp. reo"lt! to rt: i J eve theY r.l'lr. u[Oe ni'lrd I;ðrnerj l1'on':!y, which l:>.:lOllgB to tne tanJilt:1.' of tl11b comrur·Jty., lur tile coss11'11Jtv of qett1n" f("I\cthlrW lor r,othlno. COml1'lfi6JOn.,t "ú"f rOJ.nt(',~ out that t!"" !'t,~t~ conr10nt::s C'a~""lJno at r/lce trackll, nrARentiy, II,> i,,;":erl l' the Cormlst:Jor.<.:r!i ~'lsl't"e to cnllnoe thv1r v.:>teb =sn::-: no unt. rt:'sP'ond"~(;. "'ètC'€ "... :::::::2 ......."'..,.~ ~ --~-.. ",~-"'r' _ ;i' . -"', ....>.i-"",...~.~, . . '_....'.... """ '.," "'¡'.'. .c '.' '- _.~,. '~~<"-.>.,' ." /.' ./' . " '""",'. ..,........,---..~."';""'q.~~,-' '0" GOO r¡'.! 640 It.. 135 .apr~ 1 1", It:'~~ . " RESOLUTION 85-106 REQUESTING THE FLORIDA DOT TO LOCATE A DISTRICT OFPICE IN THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA AREA - ADOPTED A...l.tant County '-'ano?(!r r'orrl11 referred to the l'!tter dated 3/15/RS trolll Chalrman Roland I:. Ealltwooð, Le~ County I'oard ot County COllllti..ionors, l!lclud..(J HI the aqenda baclo:-up materIal, and 5~ld thllt he had lndlcate~ at thb 4/11/~~ ~CC wor~Ohop tnot Collier county 15, currently, part of the Fort Laudcrdl11e ro':' rlstrlct anr< ¡,ee ("ounty ltl part of the ~~rtow rlstrlct. He tlald, whIle Lee County t~el~ that a new dlstrlct heneflttln~ all of ~outhweBt rlorlrta lS ln or~er, ~tatt wante<'! thtl record to lnClcat.. thl\t suct" woul:! not hro (Jon,. until Butf1cltmt Btl1r1y hhB reen un"ertðk"n to mo'.e Bur" tn/lt It \~ð~ to the benetlt to I\ii the countl~5 In th~ Plstrlct. In rp.!lpontlt' tc Comml...l0ner VOB!!, ·'r. I'clrrlll f'I\IO thðt I!rlC'C'tlon of /1 r..!'(¡iutlon cncourðqlnq tn., Cft'utlon o! ,1 ~outr,Wedt r~Orl'~i\ P18tr¡ct foOl("~t he In ordt.r, ðltl"ol,q!' It 6~"¿"~, l:\.cly :.r-;'l SOC" .1 rlscrlct nilY 1)p. fOt1C tl,..t.· of' 1 n tn., "'!o ~ I :1<" , L'(' S¿t)r; tt...'t :'tt"t" \Jouir' not h." ·..'nc¡¡v lr t~vor ot tht. t'lBtrlct ur:tl1 tlll\ :n'~\' I·',.ut !H:>::", ., r J :Jtr:ct ','0u1cJ near: ]11 term!' ot II1Alntf'nanc.' <1c.li,)r~ CO"J'.H"·' tc Wr-/,t C'clilcr ('::I\,r.ty curr~:-.tiy r~celv':B by r;,rtlCln...tlr~'" ]t, tl1.· ":::rt l~\I...,,,r'1i'i~ "1:.:trlC't, ~ t.. Saltl It would be 111 r()111l'r r9Ur1'.v· r. !llvor. lr. t';r-r ..I cc","'ur.1CI·t lor. >InrI cCIOrcdnt.tlcn, to !lIlV" " ',r;trlct olflCI: Jc""tf·r, In ','ort "ver!' a~ Opr;:OS€Cf to ;'(')rt L.,uocrOdl(·, n()",,~uf-'r, :tdtt ð5S11T"COH tt'c1t a tiP\- r1£trlct ""·OUltt not \~t' C"re':1tf~'''' to t'1~ , f;'(:r,-.~rlt:On,-t Any rnu"tv. T.pe .11 Comml..loner Holland ~ov.d, .econded by Co~ml..lon.r H.... and carried 4/0, that Resolution 85-106, reque.tlng the Florida DOT to loc.te a di.tr1ct OttlCV ln lhe Southwe.t Florida Area, be adopted. PaQe .17 '.':=] .::J ----"' - - E7~' . . -. ,,~ " ,'1\. ''':'' -, ._"~",.",.........._--,~..-~'-- .. ... - ....prll lC', 1 ','II!'> It.. 136 WO~HOP SET FOR APRIL 30, 19~5, AT 9100 A.M. TO DISCUSS PROPOSED ADVISORY BOARD ORDINANCE COl"mil"!tlcn'tr "ú~S9 '>"10 th;.t ;1e rvnu..!\t(,·t t'lc lId-11tlon of this Item, 'IC1r11r'," t''\'1t ' l!J<:"I!'I!IOn -·,>lOJ h('l'1 111 t;·p .1/1' I"· ..,orl<I;"ol" rer-ðr11n-:o having ð ,,,,r'o(s',op (eVL.t'''' r.O.CLV to rt:!Vll:\,/)n" th'! Gtrl1ctur'~9 ot th.. ^QVlsory ~Oðr~G. ~.~ fi'"jrrH.:stC:(j t"3t d WCrl(s.ì;:)~) IJ(.! t1(!i'1 c.~ 4/]C"/J-:S ;,t Qsr)o ,'.~1. '~h...n nc Cc)¡~r~],~~]Cfl ""~"!l)fI'- 13 :J1..~~,!(luit!' 1. :'~rl. (~~ariot:.t'! '¡'!f't:TIlln, rl..:'~r':'~j,:'ntlnn t:1,'"J Lc.....nu<. ot \-',,""..!n Voters, S~ld thilt tr._' I_J'~i..:(·U~ "r~i<":O'7l~g t!'l~ 1.·or"'::J,~o"J ~t::!l:fI~:)t1 and !\uor'o:-t It ."nolenE'/lrt'c.lv. t:1'\f! ':..xP1.il1n~,j t"..,t thi! 1.<. <!t,,1 H.! ~,\5 Del"n ,....ory.lnn on the "ul',ect :It "oIVlsor';l :-:;1LI3, "',1rt lCtl1ar 1\1 t'1", 1.0C,)1 rO'J·-,rn~.;-nt COl"!'\lt- tee, tor tl1C ['dllt 'l',',1r :,n'! t!I.,t cons),jCr/l"L': C'ttort n,~:; t"~en soent on t;'la l':nr1 tre Ll'cJO~J/' ''I'OlJÎ.r1 il\"~ ~r ~..,~ th~~ "..:hf":¡lr. "'t1~;~ct r~c(')v~ :-u'h11c ðlrlng, lnj")ut, l~tC. tram t'Ît" Clt17f'nrv. CO.ml..ioner Ha.aft moved, seconded by Co..l..loner Holland and carried 4/0, t}lat a work.hop be tlet tor I\.prll 30'11985 at 9100 I\..M. to di.cu.. a propo.ed Advlt10ry Board Ordinance. It.. 137 CHAIRMAN DIRECTED COUSTY I\.TTORNEY TO UNDERTAKE REWRITING NOISE ORDINANCE CounlY ',tlorn-;:v ';al1nt:~r~ ·}X,....i·-'lt'':!~ ".~1,"1l on 4/1S¡....~ .'T\JC~~I! ~arit.on ent.r~d a 7'!r,por..¡ry IClllll1ctl')r. r.rcrnhltlr.n t ,.:. ':'ler;!f from ~ntorClnq the ~Cl.(I Urdlnd:1r;t· "'10; ~t rff.li:Jtt."S to ' 'C03Rl"f,,) it, Inr:. Lit th'~lr lOCðtlcn at ')2:.1 "'tn :::tre~·t, lrl ';Olll"r county. I'e !I")'] trll'! ln1'.Il1ctlon CO'~II not _~pply to any tJtl1~r t.1C)11t1t1'< or anv '.:>tll'.-r In'llvlt1U<'Iis. ::e 3,11d thdt th.. ldWSU1t tn.,t "I'ICi1S""iJl~, Tne, ",,'" t¡ .",01 cont""ts t"P ccnstltu- t.lonllllty ot t~,t! "nllH' 'Jrr!ll1"I1Ct', In 'h!r....rl\i, ."r,r1 ..lso cont..stl! th.. applIcatIon of t~at or<11nal1ct' to th~lr t~cliltv, COI:,,"1111>101\-:or "oii;jnd 'ts'<ed :~r. "aunders It, In :\13 opInIon, th., '1018. Onllnanc~ a:1r:il:.!" In ( 'HII~ra1 .3nd ·'Ir. S>luncerG Ðdl'J that the Colller County ':011'1" "r'Jln¿¡IIC"" IS not a ~artlc:ul/lrlv <lood orr11nance. 4.. BlIld It hll!l neo:n on the bookll tor .'1 nl1'"\l>er of yearll an; r.e 8uaaest.d that the Con~)$810n~r9 ~~y wllnt to 10c_ ~~rlou91v ~t a..,en~lnn It. ~~ Bald It 'O/lB hIS CrlnlOn th>lt t~prt' 1"1 .,nol1n'" 1,)no'''''1£, In t"'''' ':Oltle C'rd1r;dnCe to ~rnue t:1~t It "0'.:'5 lIoplv to thO? "ac>ltI"halt, Inc. oocr/l- tlon, nowev~r, tre or~lnance IS dlttlcult to pntorre. Co!"mlS9JOner "')58 1I!I'H''i .,hùt har!'..ns no:::oct, I' nc<' thert.: 111 "In InjunctIon? :'lr. "nU:1éòer,¡ Sllld tho'!t ,...c...s")~ait, Inc. 1:>1 or.t!'\nlnCl an t~", [86<\: 643 "a"of Aq -.. -.-.. t:: ' .~. ..,~..þ_..,."..",_" _.·__..,__"__c··_~"'__ , . ~QiI(' oas,~,,!644 Anol If-, lor!' englne~r trom rad~ County to do .o~e so~ndlnqs ~nð ma_. ðcter~lnations .. to how much noise lS l,ctuaU,y !:-elnC'l generateð !;>v this facility at d1tter.nt locations tor a 24-hour perIod. µe said atter that deta has been recei',.d, tho.: County will q<, back into COl~rt tor a ~ear1n<:? on the rnerlts ot ~\acasptla.l.t, Inc. 's reque!lt tor Permancnt Injunct1ve Pellef when te.tl~ony concernlna th~ n01se w111 he tleld. C01lUn1.1I10nttr !'ollanC'! IItI~f'CI wtJen ttll\t he'H1n(1 \~li.l. '"'e nelr', anc1 r.:r. SaunClers sald lt would he hl~ etltl~ate that lt would he held with1n 30 Clays. He sa1(\ that "acatlph/\lt, Inc. 18 tree to opO!tri'1tl'!, lit the pretlent t1m~' . COmll'IIIf\lOnl!r 1'.D!,/lrr1 as'"erl w:,,,t ~'ouiè nrt>vent /tny ot~ttr Bll"\llllr taclllty ln the County tr~1"\ on~ratl~c 24-Mourll i'1 Ci'1V nnr1 tl11n('l the aa:'\e typo:: .1\~!6ult, /H~'1 "r. "'Undf'rS ",.le: Dn£- ot tnc r>r(JlJl~"'s \Hth t~p :t,acatlpna.l.t, Inc. pIt '"",9 II rr,,-pcrr,ltlt'O PIt prIor to tne county'tI T'xcavlttlon Ofl11n"nç" ::·,.cor,lnr: ettectlv(, I!nrl that t!l(,r.. \{crp no conrtl- tl<,ntl 1r1 the FXCllvlltlon r,'rl"l'., ¡Ie 8UF; tn"t ettlt>r "'XCdV"tlO:1 "erm1t!l J:'IðV conf".ðln corJl!lt)Onp;. ,,~~ C,r\1(~ th~t ,...,(" n"'''~ re..,ucstC~ it cooy of t"'c pc r t 1 ntlnt !"l'f t'1" Inju:-.ctlon tro!"'1 t"...... ("'O"''''unlt'J :tvl,iort1f>nt flV)!'I)(1n. Pc EIII' t"l! t th,.ll t~H" ,'Uf~rt '~ntl:rf'l¡ (~"~'hi:J oniv ""lttl t~f~ ~r~í1.c^t!on at the ~;OlS(' Crdlni\nC~ to tnI' IdCdfi;;f1ùlt, Inc. ttlCl1.ltV (1:1,..-1 t~~t lt has nothIng t'..) ~o "'I t'\ t~,,1 r r>!'r' ,:rcuC'·;r't. Cor1P,lSS)OnCr '-olJ.dnc S,11:J J.t I"'-:Jh hl~ lI~H·t:rst·lr.r;ln"'" t~"t tr,c p'.1r document c,'liF tor 5:'''Cl!¡C l'nur5 c! 0,",{rlltlrH" "r, '~:'\1:1"ICrF lIål'~ thl!t "S91Iit"nt ':rJuntv r.ttornc:'¡' r'uvlrr cn.:c~('C' Ir,t(') tI.lr> l1'"ttl'r. 11lrt we'! ;, /H\~ 1I1tor",~.1 hI'" t"ðt t'\~r" ,",'cP.' rr·. 5ucn ~cur>! In th,' r:'0('u"'..rt. Ccm~)'fis}orl{.r 11~St.f.'" ð!......... I ....:)V (~)J.l1It"r ~()ur.tv CC,~I) n0t .,).rt' òr. (:xl......rt to C lfr:-··~ tr..' "(Clt-, I re'1 1 Ip·...r f('):" tl)l~ ~~,("\i 1t'l, ~r,"'! "'!'. ~ d U 11 0 t,.. r 5 ~.J\ 1 .,::, 1 ~ t r-. ':' r C £1 :- (""f (·t:J~ r.t\· Co:,""') S,n,}(îr.£~rC'· \-'t':r;tCl: t.r~ ~O to t~("'..!'Xr(:n6.', tr· ...·(l\~l.rV r"r.I~J.' "":lrf.' ~: 'll~f)("r·_ tc co t;-.'l~, ¡liSO, ~'C\"'f!V~r, r.t- \-Icui":,, ~1r'V'" t::. ¿6~"' t;:r ')~J.':- :"I~t'rCv'1j f(r t.-¡1S tr:' ,'..... '·:'JfIL6 L:"=1 ~:) 1 t: t r,i1 t ~Il' C:-'u J. 1 ('C: . thl" l~r""'~{~'.t.1ri~· :.t tI'ot: lr"}.....:Vl'!!J2Il "';'1í'~:·:,,)"'F. tnE:" - . t~bt~t1~j tC"1 .1ca~·" Lt, lnr:. df',(;, t'lrOun' cro~~-\-t X.J....;nlltl0n, ....etE'r"'1ne Jí thi'.t l)t-r:;..:Jfl .;.!>= "J~.i j' ! ....:'<....-t..~rl t~ :"" ~;t t.hrJSP tvr'('S ot t·~~L~. CO"'''·J,"~Sl():1\.r · C.LI·~:'"' ~" \. (' ~ ~ t .' l' r.. .J. ~ r;<) ~ U ":' ~, r 1-,' t p r 1: ¡ t t" tt ,~~ct""'r r0rrl.L L ~..1)(1 :t "':i1f-; ';1~ UnÖf'rst".nr:'ln<", Cou~,ty? /I~~) stant C:"lII.tV tn...t, tll~ C~:.Jtlty tld1-' _~~'·/t~rr11 nO.1f"(' J t'vei nt-~t~rF, 6 CO"'r'l 'I" ¡ ont:T 1'01 illn'" Sðl-:~ ttJI1t thlK .1~ '1 T.',lttt::!r ~". p:'ìtcrc1nn ,.,..., OrC1lJlanCf', ,,(ì(~1nn ;,t 101(\(\ 'r.f'. iI Dc..rtH,;;r: Cðn 11t;!<:r .:sfH; t,..!t-i tt'(: n01~t" thnt. !S ocCUrtlnO tron' thlH tbC1J.lly ("H {~ peor it" :)~Vc n(.·~ ¿lnUc'~r~u~~ \,rt"c.'< 1n the1r .11VJnp roC"'r.'D Paoc 4" ^ ~~._--~ --=:J - F~ .. .. .. .. r.crll l~, lv..."> a~roSB tne c^nðl tron tnl~ tlll p,t. ~:r. f"ilund",rø ..I\¡r! t~,at on 4/1">/l'S, ,"1en ,Tuei!'t1 Carlton '!'nt'~red an Injuctlon Das~(1 on a ~otlOn t~lo~ ty ðn ^ttornuy r~prc~~ntlno ~:ac"lpn;:¡lt, tnr:., hIS o!tlC<:' ":.lei tlVE' r-lnutçr. n::>tlC,," o~ tt-ç· "..ðrtnt:: "nd tnat ne w<Jnt to t...... r.ourt C:=">I",l)ers 3f',rl t"' (' tn~\lnct Ion ','''5 ("rl\nt~rl. 'Ie satd th*'rl! \18S r,o o¡::">OrtUnl ty to pr'!'Bent ,)nv ·~vtó~ncp. ¡:t th;,t ne^rlnr:. CC)Jr",l.a)O~àCr "oil,"'I1~~ 8~'1'~ th,")t t~,~ nro:}.l~1"" htt :1,1e .1S t~1t~, ,11rl'CtlCn tn~t !'lit I'ISSU.,*," tho COIJllty ,'.ttorr"'v wouid ne,,1 In '''lr8\11n(1 tt",IA "'atter to Ita tU1HI3t, O':!CI\U'i" 11 tn !' '101:1<' "r~lnr.nc:~ .>4 not rr:Jt~c:terl tlll rll~ C,tn l>\: ,:>per.)tt:ci c"'nv",,?rf'" \r. t!"\~ rnunty "',:lt~H'Jl'_ ,.,rv probie~. "O'!,~ut y :7!1l~ t ~l! rn..t t ~)("i,)! ncd t :,,,t tho? -','r.1fX)rð tV : n 1unct Ion 1 PI a'J^lnHt tt.:! ';",·~r!lt'.'; "c:p.1rvo"nt ~rc'" "nlnrCln'! th18 rMttlculdr orr )- nl\nce !I,d, 'J51n" r:"',"':"lsrlanf'r ·'r.:>;'<:.nl'" tr·11n 0t tl'Ou"ht, It "'aCdf'ntlrilt, Tne. I·nç....,·s t11~t " .1....Clhel I.!y'nl;,rt 15 t"o1 r~rI, t~'e c'-::f""ryllny will. not work their t"~'vy """Jlr·..,"nt tnr tt,.. n...~t '1" 1av~ untIL thO!' t",e/lrlntJ ltI h~lô. Co"'mlss lon'~r "··l1"I-i!li<"~ If u,... ('nur.t'¡ ''>In'''1pr cOl1ir! g"nr! tr/llnl'l1 people to thO' tlii to cxplð1n I" th.~t "'1lt anf~ r<-putv ;:'~'}P.t tr.t' ('o-r,ny "1 i i nnt ",'r.,r,tt 5ri11 '-ihC'lt "H~ W."R tr,\nt"} !":-1jD (u'1U1Cr"pnt, 01"')'"1, It!' r'ln t!,~ tn'!y wl &.1 run 'H' r1d"!I. f re;o-, nn~..'. TIp ~-\·'1-~ ~",t t.hl"! -=hf·rl~t·q ~er.J.rt~ent ¡,ttornp.y Wc"q ,tt, tt'P 11cr"....pnll(...ne'! J'p,'r 1,î"1 1:'"1(1 tl~=]t h,! r'1C~lvpr1 " t1.V~ mlnut~ notltlcðtlon, '!~ .J()~d th,lt ",~ :11(j nGt tnlnv t~dt the .:t",ount 01: n0111. 15 ·,.,t\}t t:1~ .'u':nt:' '''1 i ¡ :).... iOO~lnn d,t ,I,", -uch ,'~ t~e C:Or..tllll- t 10nll11ty O~ ttH! orr11 "finCH. Co.,!t' 1 PI 1 on ~ r . '0 i 1,) nd !;" I . tt1.' t '1 ~ h.'" 'J "r n'-, I P. m '" \ t h t h:. n,) r tot the ora!n~nc~ th,'t '1,"/5 ttv" rOCll1ty wDui1 ~,,'V·' t"~ .'1"1 i ltV to cont18c.ete the CO"'¡Jðny's "'Ill I ['m'!IH, ;"I"\n<] f ""ro'lsnh^it, Jnc. hðd r"c"lve<'1 "- tt11ra notlce, tney ':r¡ui· ¡¡"'Ie roe'?n 'Il1t')e,t to tt-e "tat..'" "ttorney l!1f1UlnC) d Confl5Crttlcn ...Iot:,,,,. !'~ S,llc1 ~,~ wouid ii1<e to Bee the ~o"rd ot County Corrm13S10' n¡r"'c~ the t":ounty "'In¿""~r'.' ottlce to h~ve SOMe- body cnec:': the nOIse il!vei 50 It can 1">", r10("lIrrent<~'1 ror use '..¡'1en th~ County gOl:8 to CO'Ht. CommlSS loner <.}S"'" 5<'1'1 ne IldC! oro!)ll!m~ ',11th thIs !'1dtter dnd he ðgree~ wlth reputv ~hlet "rtrnett's cont",ntlon th"t so~eone under survf'11ii1nce '.,,¡ould, c..rt:l) niv. "lIott-Den..i" >'hdt..ver III "'Pln", 'Jone. "II Bðld tn.. county stlould seek Ollt 11 lon'l",r ot!rlod ot tlne. "r. ~ðund",rf\ >4i.!H1 t~,')t tile ,Tur1oE' "1111 'I',)l(e a dø:oC1810n aB to o,.¡ìletner tne ~OlSC Crr11n;:¡ncc af)nllPS to "i'lCðS1na1t, Inc., ,'\t "11, I\no It It <101'111, whether tr.. Or0\n'lnCe 18 CCn!'ltltlltlonill. 'Ie ,,1\1,1 1f the ~~~K. 086 FI'\ 645 "1\<1. -'0 ~"........__......."'-- "'. ~ ........._-_._~~~ ~._."'~,~,.-"...~...-'"-~~.,.'..,._~,._- .-....--..- ml\ GB6 Pi'.! 646 I\nr 11 1(" ]C!q" County prvvall. on ~oth at tho.. arqU~ent8, thv County can ~eOln to enforce thla orð1nance throug~ the ~herltt's ~partm.nt. He e~pla1neð, It 1t 1. det~rmlnttd that th18 ordlnance does aprly, th~n the Com~l.slon 18 gOlng to be taced wIth ~~~lnq sorne a~cnnm~ntG to th18 ordInance to !n.1I;0 lt a mlJCh c.l.eart<r or<11nanCE:. flf' sale! the ou'ttltlon ot now much nOl.e 1. curr~ntty belnc mad~ 1& oettlnq tOtlt In tne ~ena.l. llltlUe of wn..thttr the orCllnallCe anotle!! at ati. He S131e! It was hlS OPlnlon th.:1t thvre 1. enough Lt,nC1u"qe In thIs ortunnnce tt,l\t would :11,,1(... It apr>llc- abitt to 11ðCI1.phalt., Inc. :Inn tht<lr attorney tt!f:ls t!1at ttu..re 18 not. He ..alÙ that the ~()na-ran".. 30iutlon HI to re-do the ~IOlse t'rrtln;:!nCe to e.l.l~lnatc any qU~lIt10n .:18 to wnctner It ~prll~B to tnl. tVD~ actlvltv an,1 lt ""Iii> rlltl t,,'~iln,' tillS cou1(1 rc UClnt, ComlllBlilonC'r \lOfS '11 rl'cteò "r. r-I'IUnderF to Uf\('1crtI:lKe fel·'rltlnc- the 11018.. Ordlnant:... ~HI( "r, ".,u,,('1'; rs r"aucst'"ò t"'" 1'18!' 1 'ti,r,Ct· 01 tne Co~~unlty ~eve10p~~nt ~~~lnI3tr"tor 1n ~cr~1n~ Dut th1S rrV1S10n. ~ r. ~lIunocr~ Sð1~j, .:of tr,(' ~~'.)-P'1.9fJl0n tCt-tl" tt~r't It woul(1 r~ I:.ent:t 1Cla1 tOf tt'1", Cour¡ty tc. c''''C'o tnI.:' n0151.: If 0'" t ro1 Ii 1 111 n~t ''IlJflnO thlt nC'JCt two or t1\r(;.'_· "'t.·f·'~F, t }(_'rl 15 nc pr("¡:~jt:~ ~r: '101nt"': ':hat, ho",,'- ever, he (11(, not ni'v,' /'tn'J oo\;"r tr,¡,t tnr· .nr1IVlnUili fro", ~'1"'~1 will <10 ðn aCCufatL' joh. ('ounty 'ðl\aClr \.usk "'.oJ' 1t "')('11 nc)t l'oJtt('r '10': leurt the' nOlce 1" It tht' Cf<llnaIlC<. 11' \';':CDn~'_ltut10r'j, "t: $.11( tht't 1t 1~ ~n 1'!1Ital·- 11Sh..d !/\<::t thðt thf' ('o:rr~:1Y H v. :1i.~t Inn U.." Drtlln"ro~t- nC''', llJ r~tlponst: to CO;T'l~)~!.,;.cnt:r "d~!'H', ''f'·put.v ~r,¡.~f. r'lrn~tt ~ajC tt'!ðt tt1~ ~;\~r]f~"R :'t..'I"Idrt"'tr¡t r.1.'." TI"..t lJ'P '1(·r.1~.....j ·"~ter rr:Z\~lnf1~, t:ut rhtht.·r corrr>!ðlntS, Fe 13<<1" t"\l't U:t' ":1)lfJff',; ¡"n.'rt,·wrt n,~" nn'" ...·vr'rð1 a~clt)l.·J. "'Clf4rs ~~1It t~> t t~I·_d' ",nr( :'""¡V'.I: 1"\é...:C"" ~)('Ct'lIS~ t.~':'y w""r.. n-:·vcr u.~a. t:t' C.-<rlblfH_(j, ."'" llf," t"'('r' .11 COl:rt, ltl( rr r)ði~ t':'l t.,£' lHI cxrert '..-no ~'lii :ili.,d.\.: th,t ~f't. p·lrt1CU.lilr rn'tl'r ",,",," 1.'r)rl"1n". 'I. 81\){ It l~ ml.lcl1 (:l\Glfor tor lrtf' "':1'( r: ~ I . ~ r~·r'ilrtn·._:¡t t,') cc.' tc c':.;t~rt :Jr¡" ~...ay t'11tl thif:o' :)('))lCl COT:" ~r.('] tr(.!; tr'f: "'r~'r "'1 tv \.'~'c.. lOll /')'r,1 to 'lyr'ii.1~n t~·· nC'1f-( tc t~1t court lHl~ .Aft t~1I 1tJry ",.'~'(- tt¡,. "'ll"c)~)C"r:. f t'¡"lJ t ',' C:I j t- f "rl ·'tt ~ l(' tn~t rll ¡1C:1'~ tJjl«('''' './lt. th~ r';,u, \0'"'' C~"'frðtC'!; t~,)~ :)~t, '....i'I'·r t"~r !"".'llr,r:'t.l~lr, ~',',f' t)j{,..-¡, ¡¡~- . t:,\I.tt. \·.'1.ij Þt! ttLoth,.: }I. ','l'¡'I" (', t"",)~. :''It r'~~lr,('" nu..... tI\" ~.ð'(" ¡t: ~f., 1T"H~ort..¡¡t tn...t t"\- -itt(Jrru:'\'F· --i1Ìft'" t~~ r,(·tf.-rr'1r.l\t)Cn at \ooo,r-.('·t:"1~r t~f' \.·Ol~t: ......rc:.1nar.ce )S Of 1!1 not c:onr t J tut l<.C'id ttn' ¡,·t1t-·tn"f th... C'om"èlnv c:c""s un'j"r tt'ðt OrOllll'nc\:. ---The tollow1ng 1te~. were adopted and/or approved under the Con.ent Agenda by !notion of Comm1..1oner Goodn1ght, PðC1t. ",] _, .--J =::J - E··-,- . ..... 1 .~..-- - - - .. !lorll 1r'f t('P5 ..cond.d by Co.-i..ion.r Holland and carri.d 4/0.··· It.. 138 nRSOlfAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR A HOMB MAINTENANCE AND BUDGET MANAGEMENT COURSE WITH OPHELIA ALLEN IN THE AMOUNT OF $l,lOO ~;,IV tJaç'+JS t.s ~ ~ t.s9 It.. 139 PETITION MP-85-2C, US HOMES/RUTENBERG, REQUESTING VARIANCE TO THE REAR YARD SETBACK FOR LOT 9, BLOCK MBM, UNIT 1, FOXFIRE PUD It.. 140 FINAL PLAT O~ LELY COUNTRY CLUB, TANGLEWooD II AND CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS 3ee ['aot.a ~t, 0" J~:J.. It.. 141 ACQUISITION OF DRAINAGE EASEMENTS TO IMPROVE THE FLOW OF WATER IN MYRTLE COVE ACRES UNIT 1 AND IN PARCELS 1 AND 3 To be recorded a. executed It.. t42 ~SITION OF ADDITIONAL RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR GOLDEN GATE BOULEVARD BETWEEN I~75 AND CR-951 FOR THE PURPOSE OF GRADING NECESSARY DRAINAGE DITCH To be recorded a. executed Ite. 143 ACQUISITION OF SIDEWALK EASEMENTS BETWEEN SHIRLEY STREET AND SCHOOL ACCESS ROAD ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PINE RIDGE ROAD To be recorded a. executed It.. 144 FIVE YEAR LEASE AT THE IHHOULEE AIRPORT WITH A. B. CURRY ~~e r>a'Ju IJ '3" t. 7,/ It.. 145 QUIT CLAIM DEED RELEASING PUBLIC ROAD RIGHT-Of-WAY EASEMENT IN SECTION 22, T48S, R26E :::ee ">aqes /7S'-¿'¡¿' ~Q~( G86 FI'.! &47 . ~....., . T' "~......._. T>11~eo :-2 ..,~ . ~Cût GB6 W.! 648 It.. 46 1\1'n1 16, 1~P.5 PÞ.JUI:ING LOT A'M'ENDANT AND BUOOET Þ.MJ:NDMJ:NT ASSOCIATED WITH NEW PERSONNEL AT THE TIGERTAIL BEACH PARKING FACILITY XU. 147 AUTHORIZATION TO PAY THE 1984 PROPERTY TAXES ON THE MARCO ISLAND RACOUET CWB ¡te. .48 SEWER FACILITIES WITHIN FOXFIRE SUBDIVISION UNIT 3 ~lD UNIT 3, TRACT 5 ACCEPTED AND CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LEASE, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Rae Paqu {77" /,97 ¡te. '49 BUDGET AMENDMENT TRASFERRING FUNDS FROM JUSTICE CENTER RESERVE TO OPERATING EXPENSES FOR UNANTICIPATED ELECTRIC CHARGES FOR THE NEW JAIL IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,779.93 It.. .50 REOUEST FOR ATTENDANCE TO THE NATIONAL HURRICANE CONFERENCE FOR ASSIST- ANT COUNTY MANAGER AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR FOR MAY 1-3, 1985 It.. .51 SALARY INCREASE FOR CITY/COUNTY ORDINANCE ATTORNEY PATRICK WEBER FROM $17,000 TO $18,500 It.. .52 CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE 1'."14 T"~' "~LL 11-;'.1/11':'>: 11:(1/ 1'" ~/1 :j-3/7f,/'"'< Tt..'~c;:t":LP 1"''-:'7;,('''','¡'-1, f"t~':""\"')":r""'" ] "" 3 1<;"3-~Q(> 31")"/"'> 1 '!( " ] (':"-1:'>': /J 77 :'!?1--4/-:r'< xu. .53 - EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NOS. 29849, 34714, 45112, 44572, AND 45561 1'1I?e 53 c=J [,~ '~iJ \"u - - - -. Apr 11 1 ~, l""~ 5 It.. ';"54 HI SCEI.L.Þ.1ŒOUS CORIu:SPONDENCE FILED AND/OR REFERRED There belng no objectlon~ the Chalr ~l~~cte~ tha~ the mlsc~l- laneou~ ~orrcø~Qnd~n~c ~e t11pd anrl/or rpf~rred ~8 tol1ow'l 1. r;ory ot :'1'!1!\Orllnal1:r. a~tcC' :'/'J.-"/'~"', ::ro....l\. .J. ~'c~'lIllpln lIJ, "t..tl!l ~'Qtlr"'!"Ient r.lrp.ct.,r, rent. ot "<.Jr.-In., r'lV. ot Kctlr"'I".E:nt, rot ?c-'o!"'T"lo'{l1"ant ;\tter P'!?tJre:"",nt PrOV1Slons. XCI'r. Lunt~ and thu PayrOll ~eDart~ent. ~lløa. 2. C;.;¡"y ot "I1t'lIIOr.:lnr:u'l' rjateC ]/27/~5, troll' J."c!~ o.Lst!n, ~'!\naC!cr, "lorla'" r'er.t. ot C;om1!\~rc", Fort "yerH "o;,olonl\l Ottlr:c, re tt\e <'outl¡·'/!!!Iit "'lond", r¿ctlon31 \'orl(shor: (C"';) on ",.,rl 1 1-", 1~~~, 1n Port C1"¡<'IrlC'~t'!, ~I.. YI:'I "s. "llllð.,,~on. 1"11..0. ), IA.ttcr ·~lIt,.", ']/?fo/~...., trü!"' çorr\Qn I.. rUtt1r1t!, rlr(,ctor, ['.Qt. ot rO:nr'llP)ty IItf.:llrl'o, ,1'1. .,f ":!''.:rrTency .....nll~el"ent, re the r~~lIest M/ld~ tor the ~t"'tE: to ~rcvlrle tln~nc1",1 ""øl~tance to CollIer COllnty /'IS " result "f t¡',~ !';Iolden "l't- !'"t"'t'!" tjres. XCI "r, I.u.. <, ~·r. rcrrl1i !Snrl '!r. ·,'l":Jn...r. Fll...,.. 4. ':ooy of ""¡QUf'9t tor ""yu>nt t:H:T1 tor :':ontrl1ct '~ü. "41.'~'_"3_!\O_/J_(!I_ï:J4 tor ~:!()(,,:~.,r;,()() tor "ou81n~ ",nd C:ü!T11!\Unlty r,.,velop:ent, "all~r1 to "lrftl r..tlcn.,l "ðnk. XCI ~G. W1il13~50n. ~11~ct. 5. r:op}' ·)t l~tt",r (JðtP.'~ 3/1~/'1", tron ,'ulln "orr.:dn, State <:ooralnHC~. re ^:r'1I'¡C3" PIver=- "ontra tor J'J "\"! l~'''''', Y.CI "r. l.UIi~. "¡i'.'d. n. wtto:-r '-lIt..:1 J/-¿">/"'':>, trc'\'l "'our'i..s I" "rv, ·:nVlron. ~ur>·v., '-'~':I, I"nC1CJSln" ú S10rt torI'> <lO"lIC"it)On Fl.Le "0. 111"1~':'05, xc: '··ra, '~ul11n:>. rll",'¡. 7. Lt:tt~r daterl :J/7"/Y~, trolT' \'11111'1\ ". ','rutco:rb, ~!II!lllt. Ct11td, "ureau of ~·t<ltø. Ll11hl1ltv rial:r., rlV. of F.1Sk :'anùCTc:-\ent, r!! a clal" tc:;r °e"t:ccCl reësn t,~ln<:l U1'rl ':)ursu"Int to ....... '/fo,I·.2\J(F, . :o:c: C"hlrltt ''':)CTers .:Inti ,,~. r>Ucl<ø.tt. ~'llc<1. n. copy ot iettt:r dat..d 1/;>1/-15, troM "lllv ¡:ahn, Land ~'ðnaoOl- 1!\ent ;,reclaLlst, !1uroau of l,¡:¡nrl IIC'1U181t10n, rml', ",avl.lng that thelr offlCU IS bcceptln~ flew and recontlldered bPpllca- tlons under the C.A.R.L. rroqra:r. XCI Mrs. Brang3cclo ana '~r. ~IQrton. F'll"d. 9. Copy of notice rlatt!d 3/22/B5, from ~/li.rh r. Clark, p.r.., P.L.S., Chlet, qureau of C03stai. Enq1neerlno and P~~ullltlon, rNR, enci031n~ a reprint of one 5t:ctlon or the amt!n~erl rule (Sec. Ih~-33.1S, Florlua Adnln. ~ode), IInc several revlseù stanrlara applIcatIon tor~9 for ~er~lt8 tor constructlon st!award of the CCCI. and 50-tt. setback. xc I t'rs. Ðrangacclo, ~'r¡¡. "ul11n. anc:i L'r. ('roffltt. Filed. 10. Copy of ~p.morandum dated 3/21/PS, from F'1scal Officer r.iles to hs&1stant r.ounty ~ltorney Anderson re the Ottlce of ~ùù( ~B6 ·1'.' 649 'f' i·Y!''"i''',· !'i-oe ~4 _.",_..""",,~-"....., -.'" ,~.;"->-_..,,.--~_.~.,.----" ~C~( 086w,t650 -, P-,r:ril 16, 1~1'15 nCV6nu_ r,har1nQ Reauest tor r1nenc1al ~tatemonts, exc.rpt trom ~ovenu. Shcr1nç n~qulat1onB. Filed. / plus l)n ' ll. Letter datcd 2/22/fJ.S, trom "'rnold 1.. Cooperman, Innextd1tor, D1v. of Statutory Revision, Jo1nt Leg1s1at1ve Management Commlttoe, enelosinq the 1~~4 1ndex to the .rQe1~1 laws and local law. enacted ny the Leglelature. XCI Hr. Raundera w1th supPlement. rlleð. 12. Cople. ot Mlnut~. - Flledl .... CAPC ~ CCPA, aqenda an~ mlnute., 3/7/05 , 3/21/H5. B. Contrðctor~' Lie. noard, 3/20/H5. C. F.IISAC, 3/13/115. r.. Lib. ^dv1sory 30ard, ?/28/Ð5. ~. Þar~s and Pee. Ad. Roard, agenda an~ mlnutee 3/?8/05. 13. Copy ot ll!ltter oðted :1/15/1;5, tIOIt' ~:ðtthe~1 '1. cottey, Foxec. r'lr'f Nat10nðl Assn. ot Count1f<I, ~'nel081nC' "þ,Cn r:;...ct10n 1~'fl3 ?roject, ~ furvey of r.~p~rlence~ Un~er th~'C1V11 Ri~1 Act of 11'71. ~CI ~·r. ~aum1er8. FlIer'!. 14. L~tter dated 4/1/J1~, frem ~'lke fchllJ11C'E'r" rlV. ControlH:rf PaJ.lr,er Cahl(IV1810n, enclos1n<:t ~ Vt'tlt1clItlon letter C1l\ted 3/1~/~~, tro~ò PCl\t, ·'nn·'lCy., l·l.tc:n~ll ~ Co. ot tnt< qrOf\!I rcce11"1tB tnr 11.)"" traM 81H'J!!:crlhers ot C01.11er ('0. t:A.'r'\' Syste:'1 o!')t'rllteo:: !'>'/ nlll,."..r CaI:'>1<.:Vlf'l10f". XCI "r. LUIIK. f]lf:d. 15. Lt'tttr dated "/1/1:''', tro'" "lICe> Sc:n1J!:',:e-n, 1'1'1. ContrOl1r.'r, PlIlrrcr Cr.::->1l'V1F1CJro, (nCl0!llnl'! tI \1Crltlc"tlon lettc::r r1l.terl ;:1/1~/1:~1, trom P(o{~t, '\lIfI:1CI:, ~';t"nt!ll, " ro., ot tne oross rcc(:lptr, ~cr 1('\~': ~reJ!' Fu:"'~r:rlh('r" ot t"r "i'lrcc' !sl~nrj c.:,I\-\T !',Y!1ten' Oµ..!tðtt'C hv 1'{lJ.I"('r CarÚt:vlslcn. Y("I I'r. Lu~l-:. If, . Copy ot 4/1 /Ii ~ . \'<1 i.mt:r C..I:lt!Vl Ð1QJ1 ,'nnua 1 HE!!,ort tor l'LL'~:J . I ','~'a pre1'areo 11. Lettt<r (~l\te-..: .J/l"/)'~, trc'r, ~'rf:'b"~'(:11 (J. "t11111rH, "«nl\':1er, c'lVl1 l'lot.ts 1'1V. Ctt1Ct: ot ttle :'~cr"tllry ot tne 1'r!:l~8ury, 1n r~Mpon~" to let tor tl~m ~ruc- ~ndHr30n, ^F~t. County !lttornt!Y, C1/.1t~n lr¡/j~·I.'4, rt' cnnr>.u:,lttt 111..0 /"Iy tnt! r:chool l'o...rCl c t ~o~!lt'r r:ounty, \''ior¡ci.::, lsO¡nnEt ~'r". 1'o;'I(l1nt< n. f""UK('. Y.Ct ~·r. 'q)~(:r90rl ann ~'r. "lJ.(!R. "'"llpr. II'. Lf'ttC'r C1'IlL"<.i 3/';';'/1,5, trO":1 '-'lyne I. r'l\ltr\', !'XE-C. 1'lr., ~'Wh!'C, [,t"'tln'" tl1i'1t th~ ',I r'P"'~ r-afl ð(JOrt~'1 the \UIt'6BlI'ent tor the "t.':i)' - , t'~"ort COT;1T"'UnltV" "PT 'Onl1C1'ItlOn tor rE'Vf..!Oì~~(..'nt l\rrr0V!\¡, r!'! !,"11-'·IJ~,.l-t.? 1C: rlr. Lutl\.*. F11E-t1. 1'. (:01''1 C.'! "ot:C(' 01 1:,'l\rlnt'! (tllt'!r' '~/,)P/UI" tc-r ~u:n:n.!rv rlnlll .1Udt:>r'ent ût f.'c.r'!r.lO!lllr<J tC'r ':'.:tl1t, ','0. ,..,,_/":11._':' -01, Clt1z~ns "h ~rt'¡ "aVltlC'L /.. 1.o.:Jr I'ssn. VF'. CðrlC\s ~. c..~I'~ "~rl:1 1'('rt'S1I f:.i,ncn':~. ~c: "'r. C,'ur:r·pr~. !"':.i!::I·. 20. Cory ot ~U~~LrY rln~¡ ~U~n~~rt ct ~orpclo~ure, rpcelvP~ 3/7(0/1"; tor Caf;(' "0. JI¿'\-','('~\~-r:.'·-()l, (:1 tlZel'1! "'ed..r1'li ~lIVlnqll ðnd l~an As~~. 'IS. C~rlos ~. ~nW Þ3rl~ ~pr~1I3 fanche~. xc~ ~;r. f(Jur.o<.!rl>. rl~.,d. PIIC:t' 55 o' ~ Œ:J [:=1 \1:;. 't:';.',WW1 ;.¡. ~ 'i-~' ". "",._.'~-.""" , .~_..~_..".....~...,"".. .. .. .. , ¡"..". ., .~;~~ '....~ ~~, ~. ~,.i. ~;~,:::.. . ,. . ~;:.;: ' IiI1'.I ;'.;- ft+!.'¡ ;" . - :;¡,.",/," ~f~:~n . ':' :Ç'" ~r~ -. ~ "pr11 If\, 19'15 21. Letter ~Qt.~ 3/~7/H5, trom ~. W. ~da130n, roputy Tax Collector, listlna t~e ð~ount at $~,007.7~ ~ue tor po.tsçe u..ö In lIIa11.1n9 the.19~4 't'ax tlotJe... XCI ~lr. (111e.. Fllt!ð. 22. Lett~r r;1ated 3/20/H'S, frolT' "111 ~.rYl\nt, "et'!ranllJ foerV1Cf" ottlcer, .ncloølna IS torm to be co~olQt~~ ot ~ll .helt~rø tor Ilo~ele~. or lnðl~.nt gercona throunhout Col11ur CDunty. XCI ! 'r I. IlranClace 10 a n'j "r II. '.~!< 1 nnOT. ·"l.1e(\. 23. Letter !'1atec '!/'J.5/,f':J, rftot. ot. ·~rl~ultUrQ, ~~w~r ~~rvlca ~r~a ~. <' 1 1 e,i . trom Chl'r1.1f! :J. I'udnflll, f'llJ11t.. rlr. \!, re nl1.'Htltt'ly report l'1at"d 1:.'/31/'14 tor XCI ':r. ("1 l'~ø and ·~r. r-orrlll. 24. rJl; ttl~r date" :./2r:,/'~S, trom C"arllc ro. ~ udneU., r1!1t. fir., V, r~nt ot ^~rl~ultl1rc, r~ nU~TtPrlv r~"ort d~t!ð 12/~ /~4 tor ,.ll11ou'Jhbv Þcrt'ß IlItl'r/SCWl.:r "'1~tr ct. XCI !ir. C'11r;'!I ond ~'r. l:orrlLl. FU.ed. 75. Lettor C'~te:.l 3/23/'r:" from John r.~:<1na, in r0800nS8 to notle. at 3/'n/~5 eoncernlno ~ro~th o( weeds and vc~ctat10n on ·'.1rco III!anc!, I'lock 32(', Lot 3, c.'ncloclnQ cor-' of oiorl!f!m1!nt loth qO" ··!arco, inc. I\no copy ot -:anclJlled checlt datl1c 11/"/1'01. Y.CI 'Ir. ',:oodcoc", line! '1ro. !,Iaqri. Filed. I . " " Thc:rt '''E'll1n nc turt'\l:r ;)U81n<:&S, t~1<.! m<:(,t.ln" \tIðH "ld~l)urned oy Qrdvr at the Ch.11r - Tl~~' 41l.n p. '1. t~O\P" ('II" C'W' 'r'¡ CO'~t1!"IC'!""S/ ROI\Hr 0F ~('\!:I"-:: 1\""'~:^L'i/~'X 0fFICln ~nV~h~l~r ~O\FD(SI O~ r:Pr:-CI ~ , r'r -;1'H rr:'T'C' r::;!)r."r> tT~ t:'1)!-l1'f1GL """,(f t( 1t", C!!,\IP,'\II.'I CL":PV .. ¿J.c., »1 ~ J t'? r.l'- as corrt!ctec1 liS iti.rapproV~d ~y thp ACe on '~ or ... <' ~, mK OB6Þlr,¡ 651 !')a~. 51; , ',·~¡ir~r:.!/t~;;'~}';1~~~:IJ~,::¡¡ . ~¡~~<.ü~ ~.:'.~.. I~~;.:.v.;...·~ ,..:., '';:.I)..;::,~~:~.;;,·~;,:ß~j~~iI~ '~"ii'i11~¡fl " '\. ,,'. .~ ' . --,. .. '-'."---~"'""-'--- ..._~ ".-