BCC Minutes 04/25/1985 S - - ... Nap1.., Florida, April 25, 1985 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that a majority of the Board having giv.n approval and the Cl.rk having given proper notic. in accordanc. with Ordinance No. 75-16, the Board of County Commi..ion.r. in and for the County of Colli.r m.t in SPECIAL SIS810. on this date at 9100 A.M. in Building -r- of the Ct;,urthou.. Complex, Ea.t Naplec, Florida, with the following .ember. pre.entl CHAIRMANI Fredorick J. Vo.. VICE-CHAIRMANI Anne Goodnight Max A. Ha..e C. C. -Red- Holland ABSENT I John A. Pistor ALSO PRESENTI William J. Reagan, Clerk; Jame. C. Gile., Piscal Offic.r, Haureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk, Donald B. Lu.k, County Manager; Burt Saunder., County Attonrey; Neil Dorrill, As.i.tant County Manager; Mary Horgan, Supervi.or of Elections; Dr. POlkowski, Health Director; Guy Carlton, Tax Collector; Sam COlding, Property Apprai.er; Sheriff Rogers, JUdge Hugh Hay.s, and Dvputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff'. Depa r tlllen t. AGENDA Consideration ol an application by the Naples Nite. Lions Club lor a circus permit relating to a circus proposed to be held April 28, 1985, at the Swampbuqqy Grounds. CUcua 'EMIT '5-2 rOR IllAPLQ MITIS LIOMS CLUB FOR A CIRCUS TO 81 BILD APRIL 28. 1985 - APPROVED Commissioner Voss indicated that the application for this circus that w.. inadvertently overlooked, adding that the County has received insurance on them and everything is in order. He .tated that the Naple. Nite. Lions Club are a.king that a circu8 permit be i.sued so that they can hold a circus on April 28, 1985, at the Swampbuggy Crounds. He noted that the Building Department will inspect the circus .nd Staff 1. recommending approval of the cIrcus permit and waiver of the surety bond, subject to the Building Department inspection. Co..illion.r a.... ~v.d; I'conded by Co..i.lioner Boll.nd and carried Þnanlaou.ly, that CircuI per.it '5-2 for ..ple. Mit.a Lion. Club for" oircu. to be held April 21, 1985, be approved .nd that the .urety bond be waived aubj.ct to the Building Departaent inapaction; . . . . . aoo( 086 PACt 698 Page 1 -----. .."... Ii. - - - ,'"" ·t/·~·· J..:iÎ:'; ~' ff.~' ': .i:¡~' t '. .~~ :1;1~! ".¡;·...¡,I\ ~f :. ' (;~'J.::.:.:_J. ~jjtt,,·:J,' ('!fg:,. . J~~¿r\' '. April 25 ~ 1985 i:li' ~ ,.~ ., . tt·~¡H:,^,· There being no further bua1n... for the good of the County, the .~/t,r',ð.",.", ~;V,!~·:···et1n9 vn adjourned by Order ot the Chair - Till., 9'05 A:M~ ,~... BOARD or COUNTY CC»IMISSrONIRS/ ~,:t;,\; BOARD 0' ZONING APPEALS/EX- :f~' OrrICIO COVERNING BOARD(S) or SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL rR~~~VOS.' CHAIR"W ATTEST I WILLIAM it.~í^GAN, CLERK ~': .' O/' ....' ,,' .,. r t".. ~... . """"f~" .1"') c.. . ~'. ~,J' ~;""Jc_" l "J e:.Y. . .). '," ~ .-. ",,'" Th~f,:'~.n.ut...~,ppr~V'd by the BCC on ;?//7~~/-?,/'J- .. P5'~.nt.d ,\'~~ or as corrected ,~ ':'" .", ... ". \,> "1 ~'\\P\\':I . '00" 086mc100 Pag8 2 -...............-..1.......... ". '....,.. .>. . ~,.,.y..., . I ~..." "...:.,.,.... .~.'I1M.....,.... '''', ~ ,. ~. .....