BCC Minutes 04/29/1985 S
Naples, Florida, April 29, 1985
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that a majority of the Board having given
approval and the Clerk having given propor notice in accordance with
Ordinance No. 75-l~, the Soard of County~ommissioners in and for the
County of Collier milt in SPECIAL SESSION on this date at 10:00 A.M. in
Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
fOllowing members present:
CHAIRMAN: Frederick J. Voss
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Anne Goodnight
Max A. liasse
C. C. "Red" Holland
ABSENT: John A. Pi.tor
ALSO PRESENT: William J. Heagan, Clerks James C. Giles, Fiscal
Officer; Mllureen Kenyon, Deputy Clvrk; Donald 8. Luak, County Manllc;¡er;
Neil Dorrill, Assistant County Manager; Ken Cuyler, Assist.:,nt C"unty
Attorney; Sam Colding, Property Appraiser; Nancy Israelson, Adminis-
trative Assistant to the ~ard; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's
De pa r tme n t.
Hefinancing of bonds and issullnce of additional Justice Center
~nds 1
2. Space for Jurors
3. Hecommendation to move workshop from ThursdllY, May 2 to
Monday, May 6, 1985
Commissioner Goodnight asked what a reasonable debt service is for
Collier County?
Mr. Gary Akers of Southellstern Municipal 80nds stated that this is
a difficult question to answer, addinc;¡ that there hils not been any
difficulty liS far as the insur.ance company reviewing this issue and
other issues and the security pledges to those issues, such as sales
tax and road tax. He stilted thllt the County is not at the point where
the amount of debt should be a big concern. He stated that a large
portion of the bond issues that have been done are self-supporting
revenue issues, such as the water Issue, special assessment is.ue. and
80me of the sewer service areas. He stated that there is one issue
supported by ad valorem taxes. ~ stated that a lot of the debt is
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·11k~ an enterprl.e which creates its own revenue and pay. its own debt
.ecvice, adding that there is not a specific debt service amount that
would be related to the size of the County or the budget. He noted
that the rating ac;¡encies look at the historical growth of the County
and the projected growth as well as the outstanding debt. He reported
that It i. also considered that with a fast growing County, additional
debt will need to be issued in the future. He stated that he would be
'glad lo check with Moody's to get their exact ratios that they look at,
which is related to population and population growth.
Commissioner Goodnight stated that there have been numerous
Suggestions regardinc;¡ refinancing the bonds, adding that she feels that
there is not any choice but to have a bond issue for $4 million to be
added to the refinancing of the $23.5 million. She stated that the~e
Should be an ad valorem tax set up for future bUilding, so that the
County is not in the bind that they are now. She noted that she ~,uld
like to see a five yellr plan on Capital Improvements, adding that she
would like to recommend that the County Mðnager instruct the Budget
Director to start to work on d five yuar plan for Capital Improvements
so that the Commission d·,es not have these pr,'blems in the futur'r. She
indicated that if th~rp. is ò millage set for future growth, she would
like to see an ordinance tnat indicat~s t~at future Commissioners
cannot spend the money for anything but future growth. She stated that
$4 million i. needed for the present building and between $5 million
and $9 million for future needs, lidding that five community parks need
to be finished, $40 million is needed for roads and infrastructure
within the next 10 years, $30-GO million is needed for a resource
recovery plant, and $20 .llion for water and sewer plants. She stated
that she did not see any other possible alternative except to combine
the $4 million bond issue with the refinancing of the $23.5 million
issue and then try to come up with long-range plans for the next five
Commissioner Hasse stated that he agrees with Commissioner
Goodnight and hlld a proposed resolution drafted by the County Attorney
indicating that there is additional space needed for the Justice
f'acil1ty and C.,unty Administrative Offices and the County should seek
an additional $3,179,000. He stated that the proposed resolution also
indicate. that there should be a capital improvement fund established
for future nv.d., that the b',nds should be retired at the earliest date
possible with funds accrued trom ad valorem taxes, that there should be
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. certain priorities established, and that only the Board can change the
schedule. He stated that he is suggesting that whatever money Is spent
for the Juatice Center and administrative offices, it should be
earmarked. He stated that within three years, the County would be in a
qood po.l~ion. He noted that instead of ~he $4 million bond Issue, he
is asking that the bond issue only be for $3,179,000 because the
$800,000 for the eighth floor i. not essential at this time.
Commlssi~ner Holland stated that he has not changed his feelings
about issuing additional bonds, adding that he feels that there is
enough chaos and will be until the present project is completed without
adding anymore undesirable situations. He stilted that the projects
~ could be completed before budget time and thvn a decision could be made
as to where the additional money would come from. ~e stated that
according to a report prepared by Fiscal Ofticer Giles on April 26,
1985, it would b~ necessllry to increase the millage rate by an
ad~itlonal .lS which would mean an addition~l $15.00 per $lOO,oOO
assessed value. He reported that this would be reasonable and he would
consid!r it strongly rllther than going with another bond issue that has
not been established with certain specifics, priorities or schedules.
Commissioner Voss stated that the proposed resolut1on does not
take Into account the litigation that the County is up against nor does
It take into consideration the Detox Center or bringing thð Immokalee
Stockade up to standards concerning the fire alarms. He stated that
this Commission clln not bind future Commissions, which means that ð
capital impr~vement fund only for future use can not be bound to the
next ~ommission. He reported that the eighth floor plans have not been
completed, but they are waiting to see how much money is left before
anything is done. He Stated that he has no real objection to the
resolution, but he would like to see it chlJ/lged from the $3,l79,OOO to
$4,000,000. He questioned Mr. Akers as to wh,t the current Interest
rate is at this time? Mr. Akers stated that the interest rate is
betwven 9-l/4 and 9-3/8\.
County Manager Lusk stated that eliminating the eighth floor
creates a pr~blem. He stated tha~ when you start moving people around,
that floor is going to be needed. He reported that if changes are
going to be made at this point, he is a little concerned about not
finishing the eighth floor.
Commissioner Voss stated that $4 million will give the Commission
flexibility and lets them decide how much will be spent and where,
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,addlnq that the final COlt cannot be determined until the architects
have plana completed and the figures are in. He stated that he would
recommend that the decision be whether or not to add additional money
to the refinancing and how much.
Commissioner Hasse st&ted that his concern is that he does not
know where the money is being spent or ho~ much is being spent and he
WantÐ to be able to have control over it.
Commissioner Voss stated that the money
.a Commission they will have control over it,
is not spent, the bonds can be bought back.
County Manager Lusk stated that there was $600,000 budgeted for
the eic;¡hth floor not $800,000, noting that the other $200,000 is for a
Detox Cunter.
should be available and as
adding that if the money
Commissioner G(Cdnight stated that she feels that the ei~hth floor
will be needed and the additional bond issuc should be for $4 million.
County ~nðger Lusk read from the official statement indicating
how the project should read.
Co--lssioner Goodnight aoved, .econded by Commissioner Voss, that
$4 million in additional bonds be authorized to alleviate the .pace
In AnSWJr to Commissioner Hasse, ^Ssistant County Manac;¡er Dorrill
.tated that there is ~till money in the bank and the asbestos program
Itill needs to be done. He noted that there was II $600,000 telephone
system installed which WIIS not originally contemplated. Hp. stated that
$4 million would be a reasonable amount for the projects at hand 10
that everyone could movlI from one building to another in a logical
AsSistant County Managcr Oorrill st~tcd that if the Commission
would like to have a capitdl improvement fund set up, they should ba
given some direction at II meeting in the future so that it can be
included in the budget.
Upon call for the question, the aotion was 2/2, (Commissioners
Hasse and Holland opposed).
CO__issioner Has.e .oved that $3,l79,OOO In additional bond money
be authorized. Motion died for a lack of .econd.
County Manager Lusk stated t~at the original issue started out at
$6.5 million and it is down to $4 million now, adding that he is
getting concerned that if it keeps going down where will it stop? He
stated that by cutting th~ $2.5 million out there is still going to be
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. · need tor the health Department in a c~uple of years and if more is
cut, there will be another bond issue needed in a couple of y~ars.
Commissioner Holland questioned why the refinancing has not been
done, to wnlch County Manager Lusk state~ that the financial advisors
are completely on schedule and this date was the last day that the
Commilsion could change their mind concerning the additional bond money
before it went into the market.
Commissioner Hasse stated that he wants it known that by budget
time, he wants to ellrmark a certain ~mount for Capital Improvements.
Com.lssioner Hasse .oved, seconded by Com.iasloner Goodnight and
. carried 3/1, (Commiasloner Holland Opposed) that the $4 million in
additional bond ~ney be authorized.
Commissioner Voss questioned when Mr. Akers wanted to go to the
market with this bond issue? Mr. Akers stated thllt it would go into
the market the next day, April 30, 1985. He noted that IInother moeting
would be necessary on that date to accept the purchase agreement which
~,uld eStablish the rate. Commissioner Voss stated that there would be
a !>pec1al Meeting lit 4:00 P.M. on Tuesdðy, April 30, 19B5.
Commissioner Voss stated that he receIved a letter from Clerk of
Courts Rellgan indicating that the judges have concerns over the lllck of
space for a jury waiting room. Ife stilted theH the letter indiC:llted
that the reserve space in the bllck of the boardroom has been cancelled
to be used for other functions and they have had no place for thv
jurors. He noted that the letter also indicated that the judges are
requesting that sufficient space be provided as soon liS possible and
designated as a centralized jury wllitlng room. He stated that there is
no IIlternlltive but t~ indicate that the judges have priority over the
rear of the boardroom to use for a jury waiting room.
Assistant County Manllger Dorrill stated that what prompted this
i.sue was the Pelican 8ay people at the last BCC meeting, noting that
the jurors had to be moved to another area.
Commissioner Voss stated that it would be in order to make a
motion designating the rear of the Boardroom as the Jurors Waiting Room
except on those occasions when the Administrative Judge advises that it
is not needed.
County Mðnager Lusk stated that he would like to have this itftm
workshopped, adding that there are a lot of advisory boards that meet
there. He notod that when the jurors were moved at the last meeting,
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-they were moved downstairs to another room. He stated that the judqes
could book the room In advance and if It is not booked, then it would
be available for other meetings.
Clerk Reac;¡an stated that the judges want the opposite, adding that
they want the Commission to book the room with them. He noted that the
jurors are not people that can be moved around easily, adding that all
kinds of problems arise like talking with attorneys and witnesses. He
stat~d that they cannot be moved from one floor to another. He stated
that he i. simply the messenger and the Judges are demanding a jury
'room. He stated that a request has to be made and it is the Chief
Judges responsibility to be sure that the jurors are housed properly.
He stated that this has been going on since 1979.
County Mdnager Lusk stated that it needs to be dealt with on a
case-by-ca.e basis, ðdding that at 90\ of the Tuesday meetings the
backroom Is not necessary, but there will be a time when it will be
needed and it needs to be worked out with the Judges.
Clerk keagan stilted that if the Moard has a serious problem they
can contllct him and he will try to work with them, addlnc;¡ that he has
instructed his people that If there is a courtroom or a room available
that is IIway Crom the other Justice people, thll jurors cðn be put in
that room.
Commissioner Hð~SC stilted thðt it is the Commission Boardroom and
the JUdges should c.,me to them.
Clerk Heagan stated that he Is acting as the official Jury Clerk
and he is coming with a messllge and if. the rusult does not agree with
what the jUdges want, the judges will come to the Commission with the
demand. He stated that the Judges have judicial inherent powe(~ to
demand the space for that pðrticular purpose.
Commissioner Vo)SS stated that he w',uld rec.)mmend that the jurors
have priority for the b~ck of the bo~rdroom unl~ss the County Manager
can come up with a b~tter s01ution.
Commissioner VOSS stated that there will be some people out of
to....n on Thursaay, May 2, l~eS, and he do)es not think that there would
be a quorum for a ~'rkshop.
Commissioner Holland stated that he could not make it until 10:00
A.M. on Mo>nday, May 6, 19b5.
Co..i.sioner Ha..e aoved, seconded by Com.lssioner Goodnight and
carried unanimously, that the Regular BCC Workshop be held Monday, May
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April 29,1985
1985, at 10100 A.M. Inat..d of ~uraday, May 2, 1985.
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There being no further business for~he Good of the County, the
me~ting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Tlmel 11:25 A.M.
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