BCC Minutes 05/07/1985 R .. .. r:::2 Naple., Florida, May 7, 1985 LIT IT BI REMEMBERED, that the Board of C~unty Commi.sioners in ,and for the County'of Collier, and also acting a. the Board of Zoning Appeal. and a. the governing board(~) of .uch .pecial district. a. have be.n create,d according to law and having conducted busine.. herein, met on this date at 9100 A.M. in Reiular ....10n in Building -,- of tho Courthouse Complex, Ea.t Naple., Florida, with the following member. pres.n t z CHAIRMAN I Frederick J. Voss VICE CHAIRMANz John A. Pis tor Max Hasse C. C. -Red- Holland Anne Go~dnight ALSO PRESENTI William J. Reagan, Clerk, Jame. C. Gile., Fiscal Officer, Elinor M. Skinner and Maureen Kenyon (1130 P.M.), Deputy Clerk., Burt L. Saunders, County Attorney, ~neld B. Lusk, County Han- a~er, Neil Dorrill, Alsi.tant County Manager~ Pam Brangaccio, Deputy AI.istant County Mar-ager, Vickie Mullln.~ Acting Community Development Admini.trator, Tom Kuck, Public WOrks Administrator, A~n McKim, Acting Zoning Director, Terry Clark, Acting Planning Director, Tom Crandall, Utilities Administrator, Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant, and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. &DDK 087 PAGe 20 pag 0 1 ~AA{ "U... . 087 rl~~ 27 May 7, 1985 Tap. '1 It.. U MaiDA. - APPROVlD AS AMnDID Co..l..loD.r 'lator ....d~ a.conded by Co..l..loner B.... and carried UD.nlaously, that the a91nda be approved with the following ."DdMDtSI A. Item 783 - Petition PU-8S-6C, Vine. , Associates, re Provi- sional Us. 8 of A-2 for earthmining - Added at request of County Ma naqer. B. It.m 10&2 - Discussion re Bentley Village Utility Areements, to be discussed after Proclamations - Added at reque.t of County Manager. C. Item 10&3 - Remove Item l6ElO from Consent Agenda r. sole source purcha.e of Xerox paper at request of C~unty Manager. D. llA - Discussion re Pine Ridge Industrial Park MSTU Ordinanc. - Added at request of County Attorney. E. llB - Discussion re scheduled meeting with rl~rida Public Service Commission - Added at request of County Attorney. r. llC - DIscussion re Water Pollution C~ntrol Pro9ram Ordinance - Added at r~que.t of County Attorney. G. 11D - Discussion re East Naples Wa ter Systems, Inc. vs Collier County, Civil Rights Action that has been filed - Added at request of County Attorney. It.. 12 MIMUTIS 0. APRIL 16, 1985 - APPROVID C...l..lon.r H.... aoved, ..cond.d by Co..i..lon.r ,i.tor and carrl.d un.Dlaou.l~', th.t the ainnt.. of AprU 16, 1985 be .ppro..d. . Ita. 13 'ROCLAKATIOM DISIGKATI»G THI WII~ OF KAY 6-11, 1'85, AS -8111 SA.ITY WIIIt- - ADOPTID Co..i..lon.r a.... aov.d, aecond.d by Co..i..loner ,I.tor .nd carried unanlaously, th.t th. Procla..tlon d..ignatlng the w.ek of May 6-11, 1185, a. -Bike Safety we.k- be adopted. (page~) It,. IC 'ROCLAJlATJOM D&SIGKATIMG 1'81 VIlIt or MY 5-11, 1985, AS -BITTER WATER 'OR 'IOPLI WIll- - ADOPTED Co..i..loner ,i.tor ....d, .ecoo4ed by Co..l..SoDer Goodnight aDd carried unanlaoualy, that the 'rocl...tloD d,signating the ...k of May 5-11, It85, a. -Better W.t.r 'or 'eople We.k- be adopted. Utilities Administrator Crandall accepted the Proclamation with thanks. (paqe~) Pa9' 2 - ~.'."j,.. ~' ~J:' ¡11if~~'.~-" ,.'" ~',"':~ t·~.4.·'y, Mr!J'.~·'·' ~"j.; "-t:1' ~S~? .;;,.. -~ ,~~!\'."'- - - ~ ~ît IS . ~'~ ..........."011 .1"""'1"" NO... or .. Y. ..... AD · rop.. raY.· - ADO...... ':'.;..:.;¡...'. CoIIal..10ner Yo.. ..ved, ,htor and 't' ,"<',)~¡ ( J ~; ',;:~' card"" aAanl..u.ly, that tb. tbe ..ntb of I¡:i:-' ...y, 19I5, .. -Poppy Day.- be \.". . Ms. Verrett accepted the III .. EiiU May 7, 1985 .econded by Co..l..loner .rocl..atloa de.lgnatlng adopt.d. Jrocl.mat1on with thank.. (paq. ~) It.. " 'ROCI.AI'aTIœI DUIGllATIIIO MOft'll O. JUY, UIS, .u -AXIRICAIf BUSIK81S WON..·. ASSOCIATIOK IDUCATIOK MOKTB- - ADOPTID Co..l..loner Goodnight ...ed, .eoonded by Co..l..loner ,i.tor .nd o.rrl.d unanl.oualy, tbat tb. procla..tion designating th. ..nth of M." 1'15 a. -AaerlC.D Bu.ine.. Mo..n'. Aa~I.tlon &dueatlon Month- be .dopteel. Ms. Donna porkins accepted the Proclamation with thanks. (P.q. ~) Ite. . 7 PROCLAllATIOJI DI8IGllATIIIG 'l'B1 WlIIt or MAt 5-11, 1985, AS -II ItI.D TO AJlIKALS WIEX- - ADOPTID Co..i..loner B.... 8Oved, ..conded by Co..i.aloner ,i.tor and c~rrled unanlaoualy, tbat the Procla..tlon de.ignatlng the ..ek of May 5-11, 1"5, .. -B8 Kind To Ani.al. Week- be adopted. Hs. Michelle De19ad~ accepted the Proclamati~n with thanks. (hge_32.) Ite. II PROCLAllATIOII DKSIallATIIIG 1'&1 Win or KAY 19-25, 1915, AS -HATIOIlAL ,uaLIC WORXS WIIK- - ADOPTID Co..I..ioner Bolland 8Oved, .econded by Co..i..loner ,1.tor .Dd o.rrled unanl.ou.ly, tbat tbe procl...tlon d..ignatlng the w.ek of May 1'-25, 1'15, .a -National Public Work. Neek- be adopted. Public Works Administrator Kuck accepted the proclamat1.on with thank.. (paqe~) It.. II G08.DC* ULU'Y, IUILDIIIG MAIlI'I'alAJlCl DIPARTMJ:II1', DISIGllATID DI'LOYII O. 1'81 MOIIT8 'OR MAY, 1985 ('IRSOMWIL) Commissioner Voss re.d a letter co.mending Hr. Gordon Kelley, Building Maintenance Department, for his work for the County and recognizing him as Employe. of the Month for May, 1985. &001( 087 r:·:t 28 Page 3 ,on OS; ~',( 35 It.. 11 0 TIKPORAU APPROVAL or IDlTLkY VILLMI nILI'I'IIS AORlIMD1' UIITIL 11/15/15 - A"ROVID May 7, 1985 A..istant County Manager Corrill explained thl. it.m pertain. t~ a Utility S.rvice Agre...nt with aentl.y VIllage which 1= ~ life care co.munlty in the North Naple. area, .pecificially in Sewer Area wAw. He said the project has b.en underway foe sometime and thr~u9h~ut the process Staff has expftrienced problems In permitting capacity at the North Naple. S.wage Treatment Plant. ße said Bentl.y VIllag. i. ready for occupancy and, as a result of the developer proceeding in good faith with the project in hopes that the County Sewage Treatment Plant would have additional capacity, he is cal.l9ht in a bind as a result of the building schedule and since units have been sold. He said Staff has compiled an Agreement with Bentley Villag., in conjunction with the County Attorney, which call. for Collier County to temporarily acc.pt the responsibility for th~ collection, treatment, and disposal of .ewage from this project for a period nQt to exce.d one y.ar. He said Staff i. requiring that Bontley Village construct an on-site treatment and disposal facility within the confin.. of their project and Staff has the conc.ptual schematic from their engineer for this facility. He said there are Qther conditj~ns attach.d to this Agre.ment that Involve the availability of water and requirements whereby Staff requests that the Fire Department assure the County there Is current adequate fire flow capacity at the project and some agreement as to a bond or l.tter of credit as an assurance that tho interim facilities will be con- . true ted. Mr. ~rrill stated he had sent Mr. Robert McMichael, one of the principals involved in this project, a letter on 4/25/85, with the condition. for which Staff was willing to recommend this Item to the Board of County Commissioners, a~ well as a Release and Waiver of Claims and that he understood there was a problem with the Agreement regarding the term of the Agreement as well as a problem with the Rel..se and Waiver. Ho said the attorney for Bentley Village met with County Attorney Saunders on 5/6/85 on this subject. Mr. Saunders asked if this is an Agreement for one year or .ix months, as It was his understanding that aentley Village ~uld provide their own .ervlc~ In Nov.mber, lSB5? Mr. Dorrill answered that the Agr.emenl, based on his letter of 4/25/85, Indicated, contingent on acceptanc., Bentley Village would have throl.l9h Nov.mber 15, 1985, and Pag. 4 .. .. r=J May 7, 1985 that he understood Bentley Vlll.ge was requesting a longer term. Mr. Saunders ..id he met with A~torney Nich~ls on 5/6/85, and ði.cu..eà the Relea.e and Waiver of Claim.. He said that he had the original executed R.l...e, that there ~ay be a question concerninq the term of provision of service, and that it was his undc~=t~ndl"q this woulð be ~ fAirly øhort term provision ~f s.rvice b.c~u.. ~f the potential for overflows during the busy season. Mr. Dorrill said that wa. Staff's original reason for the Aqreement. He said, currently, Collier County has a temporary operating p.rmit for an average for an entire month and that Staff i5 trying to obtain a permanent I)perating per~it through DER for a much larq.r plant capacity because the current permit i. limited to 1-1/2 ~Illion gallons a day. He explained Staff's concern result. from the fact that the County Is apt to exceed 1-1/2 million gallons a day, during the season on any individual day, which i. the rea.on for wanting to limit the Agre.ment to prior t~ the actual increase In flows next fall. He explained the Agr.ement Staff propoae. run. through November 15, 1985. Attorney Clark Nicho!s, representing the petitioner, said that It was his understanding that Staff and Bentley Village had agreed to extend the t.mpo;ary hook-up period until November, 1986. He referred Mr. Saunders to the R.lease and stated that is the date in the Release. He said the financial Letter of Credit from Naples Federal Savings and Loan extends through November 15, 1986. He explained It ~uld be difficult for Bentley Village to construct a package plant by Nov.mber, 1985, a. there is no complet.ly finalized d.slgn, presently, and all the engineering work has not been completed, plus the D£R p.rmitting process has to be ~ccomplish.d. He commended Staff for their efforts to recognize Bentley Village'. problem as well as Staff's probl.~. He .aid his client is agreeable t~ a tempo.ary hook-up so, if capacity is not sufflci.ntly Incr.ased to keep Bentley Village on permanently, his client would b. obligated to disconnect tha development, and provide its ~wn package tr.atment plant until such time ~s the çounty Is able to provide service. He requested that the time limit be November l5, 1986. Mr. Oorrill said the Agreement was proposed because h. did not f.el the County could promise something it does not have. He said he did not want the County to guarantee additional capacity, even though it would be an interim basis at the .nd of which timo Bentley Villaqe has agreed to install a package plant, in the event that DER doe. not &~O; 087 p,.:~ 36 Page 5 'ODK 087 ~r.1 37 l'Iay 7, 1985 incraase the operating pormit at the plant. Re.pondlnq to Commission.r Vo.s, Utiliti.ø Administrator Crandall .aid that DER has asked for 60 d~ys for consideration of the permit application and Mr. Dorrill .aid the permit application is to increa.. the daily permit to 2 million gallons. In re.pons. to Commls.loner Has.., Mr. Dorrill said that much mon.y has been spent corr.cting about 100,000 gallons of infiltration that was leaking into the system, however, he did not feel that i. ad.quate eno~h to enable the C~unty to go through another .eason. Commis.ion.r Voss asked if a lonqer period could be given to Bentley Villag. contingent upon the County obtaining approval from the DER? Mr. Dorrill agre.d that Is on. option, how.ver, he .aid the Commis- sioners need to recognize there are other proj.ct. and dev.lopers who are in the area and there is additional capacity that n.eds to qet into th'f. County syst.m, .0 that a lot of the package plants can be cloud, which was a Board policy decision. Tape 12 Mr. Dorrill explained that the relief that has b.en afford.d Bentley Village, thr~ugh the existing propos.d Agreement, is that Collier County will treat all the sewage they can add and connect as they finish thrir building between now and the start of the next touri.t .eason and, at that tlm., he proposed that the Agreement .ither b. am.nd.d to give them additional capacity or time, if it is avail- able, or that they will be r.quired to have a package plant ready to ..op.rate. Responding to Commissioner Haa.e, Mr. Corrill said that Bentl.y Village i. a successful project and he assumed the developer ~uld rather pursue so.. type of on-site package plant, aa opposed to a moratorium on building. Commissioner Voss asked what the significance was of the Letter of ·:redit from Naples Federal to which Mr. Nichols referr.tJ, and Mr. Nichol. responded it guarantees a sufficient source of funds to build a package plant. He said In the con.tructlon loan $100,000 has been allocated and set asld., which was the estimate of the cost to build a package plant. He ref.rr.d to Commissioner Has.e's question reqarding a moratorium and .aid that Bentley Village definitely want. to proc.ed with con.truction of buildings, although the new buildings will not come on .tream until some time b.for. the end of the year. He .aid, by that time, if County treatment is not available, the d.veloper will have to build an on-site plant. He .aid that project is approximately PlIq e 6 .".". '~~.'~.:'."... ...~; ~". ".- ,,:"~~ - .. == May 7, 1985 90' sold out. Mr. Saunders said a qu~stion that needs to be answered is whether it i. realistic to think the C~unty will have additional capacity by the end of 19851' Mr. Crandall said he would not want to put the Board of County Commissioners. in November, 1985, in a poslti~n of having the County in violation of the D&R permit. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Crandall said that Bentley Village will b. pres..d to complete a package permit If they started construction immediately. Mr. Corrill said he understood that approximately six buildlnqs are ready for completion with about 20 residential units per building_ He oxplalned that this is a life care retirement community and there are approximately 1-1/2 to 7. people per unit which would be about 200 peo ple. In answer to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Oorrill stated that all five of the County's set~lement ponds are operational, at the present time, and that the County has recently ~ompleted a lengthy rehabili- tation program in conjunct~on with the County's civil engineer to accomplish this. Mr. Robert McMichael, President of Bentley Village, responded to Comml.sioner Holland by stating that people have started to move Into BuIlding '1. He said that the projected occupation of the development by November, 1985, would be between 50 and 70 apartments. He said that tne average occupancy Is 1 to 1-1/2 people per apartment bocause most of the people are widows and widowers and only half are couples. He saId that the number of bulldinqs that have been constructed Is six with 108 apartments and that he anticipated 90\ of those will be occupied between now and the next twelve months. COmmissioner Holland asked if Bentley Village has p~id an impact fe. and Mr. McMichael answered that they paid $200,000 approximately one year ago for all the buildings for sewer connection. Mr. Dorrill clarified that Mr. Crandall had stated that DER has reserved the right to review the County's permit. offer comments and request additional Information from the County during the next 60 days and that no opinion on the permit will be forthcoming until the end of that time. Mr. Dorrlll said that the County's percolation ponds have been workIng in one deqree or another f~r several months and the Staff has exp~rienc. now and has shown more than qood faith in terms ~f turnlnq that plant around, rehabilitating the pùnds, and qettlng the paperwork &~OK 087 r~··.! 38 PaCJ e 7 aODK U87 r~',t 39 May 7, 1985 order, and that all of this has been well and monthly reportlnq in received by CER. County Manaqer Lusk said in November if the County is adding customers and If it exceeds capacity the liability this County has Is that DER could £lne Collier County up to ;10,000 per ðay. Ho :aic1 th~t i. the rea.Qn for this discussion. He said the County may obtain an additional permit, h~wever, if it doe. not, the County cannQt guarantee it and that i. the real problem. Commissioner Voss asked how many dwwlllng3 Mr. McMichael feels would be completed in Bentley Village during 60 days and Mr. McMichael said probably 36 more couples would move in during that tlm.. Mr. McMichael explained that Be~tl.y Villaqe is attempting to purchase 46 acre. directly east of this projoct from the C~ncord Company, and that the purchase has been approved in principle by the Board of Directors of tho Concord Company and also by the 8Qard of Directors of Bentley Village. He stated he expected to receive, this date or on 5/8/85, a contract with respect to that purchase and If that Is successful, that site ~uld be the logical place to construct the sewer plant and not take out of the development Bulldlnqs 11, 12 and 14 which are 60\ sold. He said in order to reach the point of purchasinq this additional land and co~1ng to the Board Qf County Commissioners for whatever rezoning ~uld be necessary, in terms of the health c~re facility, It is difficult for Bentley Village to say this would all be accomplished within a six month period and thin Is an additional reason for the request of the 1986 date as opposed tQ 1985. He requosted the Commissioners look at the 1986 date in considering Bentley Village's proposition. Discussion continued during which Mr. Lusk repeated that t~e petitioner is requesting a guarantee of something that thw County does not have. Commissioner Holland asked Mr. Saunders, if the County has col- lected $200,000 connection charge. for the .ewer plant, how could there bo justification of that charge if the .ervice cannot be furnished? Mr. Saunders explained the County charges Impact fee. to all developers whether or not it Is providing services, at that point in time, and the rationale behind charging those fees is that the fee. will qo into a pool and eventually .ervlce will be provided. He said there is no legal problem in charging those f.e. or In not providing the service. immediately, once the fees are paid. Commissioner holland pointed out Page 8 <:. .. .. r;:; May 7, 1985 that there haa been an awareress of this situation in North Naples for sometime. He said, if Bentl.y Village has paid $200,000 in good faith to build their project t~ward supporting the North Napl.s s.wer area, then i~ was his opinion that the County has an obligation to do what- ever pos.ible to provide service for the project. Mr. Sðundera commenled that Staff Is 8nfvrc1~; ~rdl~~~~~s ad~rt~d by the Board of County Commissioners and, if th.re Is a problem with the impact fe. procedure, the Board can review it and make chanq.s if that i. d....d appropriate. He said under the current system, If . developer wants a building permit, he muat pay an impact f.e which is used for construction of water and sewer facilities and is, In effect, a guarant.e to that developer that, eventually, there will be service to his property. H. used the Eoxflre d.velopment as an example of the use of a package plant and said there i, currently no service to that project, but In the future there will be. Mr. Luak said during the last twwlve month. Staff has increa.ed the capacity of this plant by 1 million gallons by spending impact fe. money to run a line to the Imperial Golf Course which will take that plant to a 2-1/2 million gallon plant. He said that the people at Bentley Village knew of the County's sewer problems before they beqan construction. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, ~r. Corrill rec~mmended that the Board of County Commissioners ~pprove, conceptually, the Agre.ment Staff has prepared for a period not to exceed November 15, 1985, and that Staff will transmit to the 80ard at ~he next meetlnq all the paperwork, various ðgreements and schematics from Bentley Village'. engineers indicating how they intend to proceed. He said If something change. during the interim period and the County obtains increased capacity then Staff ~)uld be in a position to recommend amending this Agre.ment and provide additional time or hook-ups for the Bentl.y Village project and for any other developer who may be interested in services. He said that there is nothing else thAt can be phy.Ically done to the plant and there ia . permit for the plant which is rated at 2-1/2 million gallons. He said that the problem has been the ponds and it 1s n~ up to the DER to approve increased capacity. He said the timetable for spray Irrigation is approximately one y~ar. ^ discussion ensued during which Commissioner Holland aaked 1f spray irrigation could be used for the land in the North Naples Park? Mr. Lusk said he did not think effluent could be used on ð park site ðOOK 087 PA';f. 40 hge 9 .., ..'."~.'.1·'.1 f ,'~').; ·....t. .~.~::.. , "1tl . ~: . IOU 087 f'··.~ 41 May 7, 1965 due to re9ulations a9ainst it, to which Mr. Oorrill agreed. Mr. Lusk laid that more is involved than just runfllng a line to the Imperial Colf Cours. sine. there have to b. modification. to the plant that will take about .ix month.. C~mmlssioner Holland .xpr.s..d hi. opinion that afflu.nt could b. u.ed by farmer. in the area, h~w.v.r, Commilsloner Coodnight laid It cannot be used on farmland. Commi..ioner Holland sugg.sted that u.. of the effluent on sod farms be r..earched by Staff. Mr. Dorrill .aid that Staff received a proposal from a to~ato farm to flood irriqate some adj~inln9 farmland, however, they intend to plant that land next y.ar and, as a result, do not want the efflu.nt. Commissioner Pistor asked, if the County received a neqative answer from DER sfter the 60 day review of the County's application, what would be Bentley VIllag.'s be.t .stlmate for a plan to construct a packaq. plant? Mr. Nichols said he estimated it would take approxi- mately tw.lve months t~ acco~plish the full engineering drawings and permlttlnq process. Comml.sloner Voss asked If it would be worthwhile to postpone this petition for two weeks to investigate the sod farm possibility and other details, and Mr. Nichols said if Bentley Village could connect, now, the developer will continue to co~perate to resolve the probl.m. Involved and continue working on the package plant details. Mr. Saunders said that one minor modification will have to be made in the Release. Mr. DHrill repeated that Staff will transmi t all of _ the related paperwork at the Board meeting and, will continue to explore possibilities with the Barron Collier Company and Regency Farms. Co.al..ion.r Pi.tor aoved, ..cond.d by Co..l..ioner Goodni9bt and carried anani.ously, that the ..ntley Village Utiliti.. Agr.e..nt be t..porarlly approved until 11/15/85. It.. 111 ORDI~I 15-15 RI PIYIYIo. a-IC-30C, ~I""Y ADKINS, RIPRISINTING NAPLES FRUIY . YECITABLI CO. HI RIZONING FROM A-2 AND A-2SY TO PUD ~YOWM AS Tal VINBYARDS - ADOPTED SU.~ICT YO STIPULATIONS Legal notice been published in the Naples Daily News on March 15, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider p.tition R-B4-30C, filed by Jimmy Adkins, r.presentlng Naples Fruit' Vegetable Company, r.questing rezoninq from A-2 and A-2ST to PUD known as The Vineyards and d.velopment of regional impact approval for 1925.4 acres, located north of Pine Ridge Road between the Estates and I-75 and extending west to Pa9' 10 --- .. .. c;; May 7, 1985 " ¿Airport Road along the future Golden Gate Boulevard extendon in Section. 5, 6, and 8, T49S, R26E and Section 1, T495, R25E. Acting Zoning Director McKia Indicat.d the location of the prop- erty on Zoning Maps 49-25-1, 49-26-2 and 49-26-3. Sha said the objective is to deyelop 1925.4 acre. with 6,978 dwelling units and interchange and related comQercial, recreation and other asaoc1atod u.... She explained Staff and all County a-;í'Jllchs reviewed this p.tition and recommended approval subject to amendment of the PUD document and revi.ion of the Master Plan per Staff report in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. She said CAPC on 4/10/85, reco~ended by . 6/1 vote forwarding this petition for approval .ubject to amendment to thePUD docLDent as revl.ed durinq the meetinq and language agreed upon by Staff, County Attorney, County Envlronmentall~t and developers regardinq the cypress head. She said three letters have been received .xpre.sing concern for the cypress head and the desire to preserve it and that four people spoxe at the public hearin9 expressinq the same concerns. She said the petitioner has submitted satisfactory languaqe concerning the cypress head and this has been incorporated into the PUD document and the Development Order. She said, at the time the Execu- tiv. Summary dated 5/3/85 was written, the petitioner had not addre.sed the sLrip commercial parcel along LIvln~~ton Road, which CAPC re:om- .ended to be moved. 'I'ape 13 Mrs. McKim explaine~ Staff has seen the petitioner's plan and this has now been done as the CAPC requested. She said Staff re,?mmends approval subject to CAPe stipulations and subject to the site plan as .hown on the board this date. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Mrs. McKim said that most of the land under discussion is being farmed for vegetables. Acting Planning Director Clark reviewed compliance with the Com- prehensive Plan. He commended the petitioner in is hi. dealings with Staff. He said the project density does comply with the point Rystem and that the main discussion in determining compliance with the Compre- hensive Plan dealt with the commercial aspects of this project. MPO Director Perry indicated the Interchange parcels for the project and ho .aid the first two remain in the project and comply with the Comprehen- 8ive Plan. Mr. Clark said the parcel Indicated in red to the east of those has been removed by the petitioner which Is a significant point in terms of the ov.rall interchange development of that area. Mr. &OOK 087 rr~ 42 Page 11 me: 087w,\43 May', 1985 Clark referred to a strip of property between the road right-of-way anð the utility easement, which Mr. Perry indicated, and said that the petitioner has amended the plan accordingly. Ue uld there is one parcel on the weatern most project boundary on Airport Road which consists of 5 to 5-1/2 acres. He said that the CAPC voted by a 4/3 vote to recommend that this not be changed. He explained that commercial area 1s part of the 5-2-1 rule, comm.!clal use. within a PUD that are allowed and the one statement in the Comprehensive Plan that brought this parcel to an issue i. that the Comprehensive Plan atate. that the focus of the commercial acreage shall be to the PUD's residents and sholl be located within the PUD and shall not promote strip commercialization, which I. why Staff felt that parcel did not fully comply with that statement in the Comprehensive Plan. He said Staff does not r4commend the acreage be eliminated but that it be moved to an interior parcel of the project. In response to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Clark said that Livlnqston Road has been moved adjacent t~ the power easement to eliminate the usele.. strip. Mrs. McKim Indicated on the site plan where the road will go and where the 5.42 acre. of commercial has been moved. She indlcat.d the location of the road which will be a t~-lðne road rather than a four-lane road. Attorney George Varnadoe, of Young, van As.enderp, Varnadoe' Benton, project counsel, listed the following consultant. working on the project 1 Stanley Hole and Tom Taylor, from Hole, ~ntes and ASllo- elate., Project t;nglneors, Jack B,Hr, of Barr,' Dunlop and Associates, Traffic Consultants; Wayne Pitt., of Design Advocates, Planners from Tampa, Jimmy Adkins, of ATI of Naples, Inc., Marketing Consultant, Kevin Erwin, Consulting Ec~logi~t, and Larry .~lland, of Missimer Associates, the Hydrologists. Mr. Varnadoe complimented the Staff on their work on this project which has been in the planning stage for almost two years, and added the developors have ~rked extensively with Staff for approximately six month.. He said the proposed project I. compatible with and complimen- tary to surrounding land uses, Is a well planned mix of compatible land uses and preserves the integrity of the natural environment on the project. He said the p:operty at the proposed density has the nec.s- sary rating points showing adequate community facilities and aervices. He said accc~~ Is provided to the project through arterial roadways in existence both throuqh and adjacent to the property and proposed Page 12 ~ .. ---. .. .. r:= May 7, 1985 arterials shown on the map posted on a board. He said the project Is bounded on the east by the Golden Gate Estates area, on the weat by Airport Road, on the south by Pine Ridge Road and on the north by what 1. now denoted as Golden Gate Boulevard. He lIald the maximum density to be built I. 6,973 dwelling units of a mix of traditional single faaily, cluster, villas and multifamily, a maximum of 460,000 square f~.t Qf c~mm.rcial to be located on 71 acres, two golf course., parks, school site And lake. located throughout the project. Hr. Varnadoe explained there will be golf courses the entire len9th of the project on the left of the 1-75 exit on the east aide and that there will be a golf course on the wast side of 1-75, cloae to Golden Gate Boulevard. He .ald tho project has be.n unanimously recommended for approval by the &AC and the WMAB and that the SWFRPC recommended approval with certain recommendations. Mr. Varnadoe said there will be two park sites of 30+ acres, and that the develop.r has agreed with the County Utility Departaent to locate a water tank site of approximately 2-1/2 ðcres. Mr. Stanley Hole Indicated the location and Mr. Varnadoft said the developer has aqreed to relocate the tank to a position south if Staff wants it relocated. He said that a school site of 27~ acres will be provided If the School Board wants to place a school on the site, otherwise, he explained it ~ill be used !or a private school. H~ said the petitioner has agreed to provide the North Naples Fire District with a fire station site and a site for EMS service. within the proj~ct and that there has been aqreement to donate and develop over three and one-half .iles of major waterways to serve this project and to help with the drainage of land outside the project, including the D-2 Canal along the east si~ø of 1-75. He Raid ISO' of right-of-way within the project will be provided for Livingston Road and that agreement has been reached for the developer to Improve those two streets outside the project to L.ogan Boulevard to County standards. Hø said agreement has been reached to rebuild the drainage swale off site so there will be no drainage Impact on the land to the east. H~ expla\ned twenty-five acres of cypress will be preserved. Mr. Holø indicated a ten acre site of cypress that Mr. Varnadoe said will be surrounded with lakes. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Varnadoe said that North Naple. Fire Chief Jone~ has Indicated that approximately 1-1/4 acres would be needed for a fire station site and he stated that discussions nave occurred regard'ng ~he site location. &OOK 087 W.[ 44 Page 13 ,o~ 087 w.t45 Kay 7, 1985 Commissioner PIstor referred to the second park site which ~uld be affected if an 1-75 interchanqe were constructed there and said if the park is qiven to the County and it is taken away for the inter- change, the Stat4 would have to condemn the property and pay Collier County for it. He asked if the developer ~uld give some consideration to at least preparinq the land so that any development the County has to do to that site ~uld be minimal? Mr. Varnadoe asked Mr. Hole to Indicate the park site and explained there is a qrade change In 1-75 to accommodate Golden Gate B~ulevard which Is scheduled to go acr~ss the northern boundary of the property. He said when the proj.ct was belnq planned discussion was held about the possibility for an Interchange for 1-75 in that area. He said that Mr. Jack Barr has held discussions with the local and State Departments of Transportation and there are no plans for such an interchange, at this time. Ke said in an attempt to acco~odate the situation the developer determined, if an Interchange was constructed during the time peliod In which the project would be developing from south to north, he would replace that park site with another park and that there would be a time limit of seven years or until the parcels on the east are developed. He said the developer has agreed to minor improvements to the park site such as landscaping, park benches, and nature trails through that property to give minimal ameni- ties. He said the time p~rioa for those improvements will be whftn thero Is access tn the site either when the golf course has been developed or when GQlden Gate Boulevard 1s developed &0 thtt County will .- have acceslS to It, if that i£ acceptable. Commissioner Voss referred tQ the two streets tQ be connected to Logan Boulevðrd and asked who owns that land? Mr. Varnadoe sal~ there are dedicated streets in that area that are below County standards. He said the developer has agreed to Staff's request to bring them up to standards when he 1s ready to connect. In response to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Varnadoe explained that development is intftnded to begin at the south of the site and, In the first phðse, he said he assUllled that at least 18 holes of the golf course will be construc~ed. He said the development will move from Pine Ridge Road in a northerly direction. Mr. Hole referred to an aerial photograph on which the outlines of the boundaries of the property are sho'wo in yellow. He indicat~d the cypress heads and explained, currently, they are surrounded by row crops. ****Commissioner Holland out of the room 10122 A.M. - 10126 A.M.**** paqe 14 - ~ ~ - - c:::J May 7, 1985 Mr. Hole pointed ~ut there is n~thin9 ~n the aerial that ~uld indicate the old flow patterns ~f the surface water. He Indicated that part of the project where the surface water will flow from east to west and said from Llvingst~n Road the surface w4ter flows toward the canal and indicated the area where tho wat.r flows toward the Airport Road area. He explained the concept to install a series of large lakes which will pr~duce the fill that is needed to raise the elevati~ns of the land to 9ive it a contour, so it can be sculptured and to allow the developer to raise the water levela in the wet seaS~n above current level In order t~ store tho water. He said water will be controlled through a series of weirs that will separate the lakes from the main canal and that, upon completion of the project, there will ba less drainage from the property into the canal than presently is allowed under agriculture. He said the cypress head identified by the County Envir~nmentalist and Mr. Erwin, the project &nvironmentalist, as being healthy is proposed to be ,ringed with a water body approximately 100 feet wide. He said that this Is one way to preserve such areas because, If lots are merely backed to cypress heads, It is a sore spot for people who live on those lots and the yards sometimes are cut wide and the cypre~s heads become pa~t of the backyard. He said the ground- water levels will be elevated above the levels required for the farming operation. He explained that the irrigatiQn requirements currently are 26 million gallons per day which Is taken out of the ground and then put back on the ground so there Is recharge and stated the net with- drawal after this development will be 4 million gallons per day th~t will be returned to the ground. Mr. ~le said Oaks Boulevard pr..ently runs along the canal and added the developer has worked with the County Staff on alternatives and he Indicated the road on the map that would be a four-lane divided road which will eventually replace Oaks Boulevard. He said Oaks Boulevard will be replaced with a golf couru. Ue said that Livingston Road has been relocated on the site plan alonq the section line to align the power line easement and will be a two-lane road. He said there was an Issue on utility casings and the developer has agreed to install those where required by the County Utility Department. He referred to thø D-2 Canal which cuts off, until It gets pluqged~ the water that goes into the Goldvn Gate are. and explained the developer will construct It and furnish the easements through the project and he indicat.ed the areas that the D-2 Canal will handle. He said the canal construction will be provided by the applicant at no expense to the &OO~ 087 ~~,;t 46 Page 15 May 7, 1985 '~D~ 087 rJ~' 47 County In a~cordance with C~unty plans. In answer to Commissioner Voss, Mr. H~le said the lake. are interconnected toward the main D-2 Canal. He indicated a location on the ~p ~nd he ~e:cribcd the ;t~;G/;torð9Q system for th. water flow across the property to the canal to allow a reduction In the amount of water that currently flows across the property undetalned Into the canal. 'rape 14 Mr. Hole explained, if the County is ready to accept s.waqe from this project when the development is ready, that sewage will go directly to the County plant, however, if the development precedes the County, the developer Is required to bull~ a plant to be abandoned when the County has facilities for the .ewage. Commissioner Pistor asked If secondary watcrline. are Intended to be constructed throughout the development at the time the sewers are installed so they will be a lower cost and Mr. Hole responded affirma- tively. Commissioner Hasse asked who WQuld .upply water for the ~ater tank and Mr. Hole indicated the two possible locations for that water tank on the map and explained the waterlines within the system will be provided by the deve:oper and that a main trunk line to reach the tank Is to be part of the County system. He said the County will supply the water and the developer will pay the impact fee. for funding tho.. improvement., provide the internal distribution system and will buy the water from the County. Commissioner Hasse pointed out that three-quarters of this devel- opment is in the Golden Gate Estates Fire District and he dsked If anything has been done to provide fire cover~ge or a site for that Dis- trict? Mr. Varnadoe said he did not know the development was in the Gold~n Gate Fire District, and added he WQuld check on this ~tter. Mrs. McKim said that the North Naples Fire District, which has requested a fire station site, is hoping to work with the Golden Gate Fire District on a mutual site at the location she indicated s~ they could both operate out of that station, although that I. only In the idea stage, at this point. She said the Golden Gate Estates Fire District received this petition and signed off with no objections. Mr. Winston Barger asked what will be done about the people who live north of thl. project who use Oaks Boulevard everyday, commenting that they will be forced t~ drive eiqht or ten miles a day out of their Page 16 ..--.. - - ~ May 7, 1985 way because that street will be discontinued? Mr. Hole explained that the PUD documents require that the developer not disrupt Oaks Boulevard until the road within the d.v.lopm~nt has been constructed so there would be no inconvenience for thes~ people. The .coll.)wing pgr..)na :¡poke in opposlti"n t" th1fIJ petition citing que.tions regarding the park situation, concerns about penalties If the cypre.s head is not preserved, that the language regarding protecting the cypress head as a preserve should run with the land and be incor- porated into the document, that tho Comprehensive Plan I. not being followed strictly In the case of the Interchange commercial parcels, concerns about draw-down rate on surrounding wells, concerns about proposed spray irrigation causing pollution of the aquifer, concerns that eliminating a sizable agricultural parcel Is not aiming toward diversification of Collier County's economy, concerns that the h1gh density of this development could be detrimental to the surrounding Golden Gat~ residents who have had to holrl to low density of one family for 2-1/4 acres, and objection to the proposed 10 story bulldingsl Mrs. Kathleen Ennis Tape '5 Mr. Joe Grimm, President, Golden Gate Taxpayer. Association Hrs. Lynda Hittinger Mr. Georqe Keller, President, Collier County Civic Federation County Attorney Saunè~rs responded to Mrs. Ennis' concerns regard- ing penalties by saying that the Penalty provision of Section 18 of the Zoning Ordinance applies to this type of project and provides that a violation of the provisions of the ordinance or the conditions of safe- guard for this type of approval would constitute a misdemeanor and he said that the County would also have any type of civil type remedy, such as qoing to Court and to ask for a Court Order to revegetate the cypress head if the developer falls to provide that. Hr. Varnadoe said that language has been put in the Planned Unit Drweloµunt and Staff has required the same language in the Development Order, which 1s a County ordinance and can be enforced by the County regarding preserva- tion of the cypress hlad. In answer to one of Mr. Grimm's concerns, Mr. Clark explained the Comprehensivn Plan states the form of a rezone for interchange commer- cial should be a PUD. He said one stipulation Staff has placed on the petitioner In the develo~'ent of the interchange commercial is to sub- mit a alte develoµnent plan for the ent1r..?arcel Instead of developing on a piece-meal basis. Mrs. McKim clarified the PUD, in this case, &OOK 087 ryt 48 Page 17 &~DK 087ry,t 49 May 7, 1985 InclUde. both r.sld.ntiel and commercial, as well as commercial Inter- chang. and that there is on. p.titlon. She said Staff has eliminated quite a f.w us.. In the commercial section of the PUD and, in ..s.nc., the rezone 18 on. Planned Unit Developm.nt broken int~ different sec- tion!, ~n. of which is the interchange comm.rclal di.trlct within this PUD. She .aid the parcels are identifiod as Interchange commercial and the u.e. .p.cifi.d In the rUD-are .eparat. and id.ntifled a. inter- chang. commercial u.e.. Re.ponding to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Clark said, in general, tho Planning and Zoning Departments have taken Into acc~unt the points that Mr. Grimm rai..d. Mr. Saund.rs referred to comments concerning Interchanqe commer- cial zoning and tho commercial Planned Unit Development and explained the Compr.h.nslve Plan says thes. PUU's may bo submit~ed in combination with industrial PUD's, as described later in the element's industrial land use .ection. Ho point~d out the Comprehensive Plan does n~t .ay a d.veloper cannot submit a commercial PUD along with a residential Plann.d Unit DeveloFment. Ha expressed his opinion that the ß.)ard could consider that th.re is a commercial portion and a residential portion of this PUD and could c~nsider them together. Mr.. Charlotte Westman, representing th-" League of Women Vot.rs of Collier County, referr.d to Section 9.02 E Utilities, where reference Is made to the developer submitting to the C~llier County Utility Rat. and Regulation ß.)ard ð sch.dule of the rates to be charged for w~ter and s.wer servic.s. She said, during the April 16, 1985 me.ting, the Board of County Commission transferred Collier County's regulatory jurisdiction over private water and sewer utilities to the Florida Public Service Commission and, therefore, the reference t~ the CCURRB should b. changed, to which Mr. Saunders agreed. Mrs. Westman referred to Section 8.02, A. Permitted Principal Uses and Structures and asked if there would be any conflict with regard to the cypress head and this section? Mr. Saunders said he did n~t believe so as the cypress head would be considered a nature pre~er~e. Mr.. Wiatman expressed h.r concern with the language in Section G, 7 regarding pr.servation of the cypress head and requested that Staff improve this language with regard to future ownership b.cause a d.vel0Fment of this size could be carried o~t by different build.ra. She aald the League is pleased that the develop.r is requireo to produce an annual report with regard to the status of the development. Page 18 ~ - - t=] M4y 7, 1985 Commi..ioner H.... asked how ....ntlal it ia for the elimination of Oak. Boulevard end Mr. Varnadoe .ald thi~ matter was di.cussed with the Tran.portation Department, Engineering Department and the Planninq Ztaff and everyon$ agreed the propo.ed location was better than where Oak. Boulevard currently exints. He menliooed o::~5i~n~ when he has traveled 1-75 and n~tice~ cara go by on Oaks Boulevard at a faster rate of speed than he was driving. He asked Mr. Hole to indicat~ the terminus of Oaks Boulevard At 10th Street South, just .outh of Pine Ridge Road on the map and he said the Oaks Boulevard will be relocated to the east and be constructed in ~ four-lane fashion. Mr. Varnadoe said that the County obligated Its.lf to con.truct Golden Cate Boulevard, .cross the northern boundary of this property, with the 1-75 contract when the grade change request wa~ mad. at that location. He .aid that Livingston Ro.d is a requirement the County impo.ed upon this developer because the County sees that aa a major northV.outh arterial. He listod the following roadway. for which this developer has agreed to pay his fair ahare, Golden Gate Boulev.rd from U. S. 41 to Airport Road, ~lden Gate Boulev~rd from Airport Road to Isle of Capri Road, Airport Road from David C. Brown Highway to Pine Ridge Road, Livingston Road from D~vid C. Brown Highw~y to Pine Ridge Road, Logan Boulevard or Oaks Boulevard, depending upon which ~ne the County develops as a major arterial, from David C. Brown Highway to Golden Gate Boulevard, Logan Boulevard from Golden Gat. Boulevard to Gre.n Boulevard C.R. 951 from David C. Brown Highway to Green Boulevard, Pine RidS~ Road from 1-75 to :sle of Capri Road, Pine Ri~9. Road from u.s. 41 to Goodlette-Frank Road, and David C. Bro'~ Highway from U.s. 41 t~ S.R. 851, and also to pay the development'. fair share of the following intersection improvement:s, including I'\ignalization and turn lan,sl Pine Ridge and Airport Ro.ds, David C. Brown Highway and Oaks Boulevard, Dðvid C. Bro~n Highway and Airport Road, Pine Ridge Road and U.S. 41, Pine Ridge and Livingston Roads, and David C. Brown Highway and Livingston Road. Mr. Varnadoe clarified th3t this devaloper 1s dedicating the two previously mentioned parks to Collier County and, because people think one park has a potential for other use in the future, the developer has .tated, if the State takes that site, the developer will r.l~cat. it. Tape lIS Mrs. McKim .xpl3ined that none of the parcels that are adjacent to the low density .r.a are allowed t~ h.ve over three storie. .nd th.y &m 0871'n 50 Page 19 lOOK 08791':', 51 are all designated for said the s1ngle family the davelopnent. In answer to C~mmiesionar Voss, Mr. Varnad~e said ~he ma~imum height of a buildinq is 6 stories and tha~ there ara 10 story buildings vith site plan approval. Mrs. McKim explained those buildings are in the multifamily areas. At Mr. Varnadoe's request, Mr. Hole referred t~ the 26 million gallons of vater per day n~w used for Irrigation on this slt. and explained the proposal to use 4 million qallons per day net, after development. He said the draw-d~wns were anticipated on the basis of all potable water bvln9 supplied from the site. He said the developer has reached agreement with Collier C~unty that the development will be . customor of the County, so there will be significantly less than what ~uld be anticipated in the event the entire water supply for potable a~ well as Irrigation W,1Ur came from the site. Commissioner Hasse said that he was just informed that the PUD contains a letter dated October 26, 1983 from the Gclden Gate Estates 'Ire District that requested buildln9 a fire headquarters. Acting Community Development Administrator Mullins responded she did n~t have that letter, but that there are three lotters in her files from June and July, 1984, from the Golden G~te Fire District in which Fire Chie~ Reeves said there wø~ no objection tn this project. She said that the only objection stated is that th~y would want adequate water pressure. Mrs. McKim said that sign-off letter is found in the ADA, which is submitted with the DRI, when the developor submitteù the application . - for the rezone in tho DRI to the Community Development Department and Staff distributed the application to the fire departments involved. She said the comments to which Mrs. Mullins reforred are the rosponse of the fire departments having seen the rezone aµplication and the ADA. She said with the sign-offs for both the rezone and the DRl and no other contact she could not say anything more, except she felt the Golden Gate Fir n Department had r~viewed the project and had no objection. She said she would contact Chief Reeves and try to explain the situation. May 7, 1985 single family, detached or attached units. She units extend, in moat cases, to parcels inside Commissioner Holland asked if it would be possible to make a site available for the Golden Gate Estate. Fire District in the area and Mr. Varnadoe said he would check with the applicant regarding this possibility. Page 20 ..-- - ~ ~",."~v..,,,",.,...."'''"·.~__~·,......<··"_,,·__.-",.,..__·___· - .. r= May 7, 1985 Mr. Varnadoe said there is one issue that has not been resolved with Staff, a difference In philos~phy And approach. Ho referred to Parcel 100 located at the corner of Golden Gate Boulevard and ~lrport Road which the applicant ha. desi9nated as a commercial site. He asked Mr. 801e to discuss this matter. Mr. Hole indicated tne loca~ion of th~t p~rcQl on the map ðnå saiå it Is . convenience commercial site. He said the developer feels that this site is properly located and explained It Is designed to serve this community. He said the issue is whether or not a convenience commercial site to serve a community should be located within the community or If it should to be allowed to be located on one of the exterior roads, still within the boundarios of the community. He said experience seema to show, in order to Induce somebody to put in a convenience commercial center, that person needs customors and when the project begins he does not have customers. He said the person will obtain customers from the road if the convenience commercial sIte is located at such an intersection, and as people start to move into this project they will be pros~ective customers. H~ laid if this area il required to be located inside the property a person WQuld not develop that center until ther~ is a major population already established and, in the meantime, all the people who have moved into this area will have to drive somewhere else to buy their needs. He said that the concern from a planning perspective about putting a convenience commercial site inside the project is that it has to be buffered because nobody wants to live next to it. He s~id he respected Mr. Cl~rk's feeling on this subject, but he did not agree wIth it. Responding to CommissIoner Vo,s, Mr. Adkins explained it would be better to have entry for the convenionce commercial site on both Golden Gate Boulevard and Airport Road. Mr. Varnadoe referred to the issue regarding the Golden Gate E.tates Fire District and said he had talked with the representative of the applicant and that it appears contacts were made with the North Naple. Fire District and the Golden Gat,..., Estates Fire District, when the applicant was going through the ~DA-DRI process. and that there is a letter from North Naples Fire Chief Jone. who reportedly had talked with the Golden Gate Estates Fire Chief and they agreed that wa. the only site necessary for the property. He suggested, If the site needs to be moved to be a joint site, that efforts b~ made to try to coor- dinate with the two Fire Chiefs as to the location of the site. &DOK 087 "~'.! 52 Page 21 ~ "".,._..~., .~^,,-,,--.,,_..,.....,~_.._- aoaK 087 W,! 53 May 7, 1985 Commi.si~nor Ha.se pointed ~ut there is a convenience store on Pine Ridge Road that could .orve this development and Mr. Varnadoe said that Pine Ridge Road from Golden Gate B~ulevard is over t~ miles away. Commilsioner Piltor alked what plans have been made regarding fire hydrants and Mr. Hole said they will be installed to County standards. Commls.ioner Holland asked Mr. Varnadoe if ho thouqht the devel- oper might have more inter.st in providing the other fire station location if con.ideration wa. given to the developer's requost for that commercial .ite at Golden Gate Boulevard and Airport Road? Mr. Varnadoe said that he had agreed to discuss the matter with the Fire Chief.. Commis.ioner Voss asked how a per.on ~uld get to the other side of 1-75 if Golden Gate Boulevard. is not built and if the proposed fire station sito is on the weat side of 1-75, and Mr. Vurnadoe said that there currently is an over pas. in that area. He said that !ire station site will have to bo provided when development is started on the w.st .id. of 1-75 and added the east side area would be served from the Golden Gate &states Fire station. In response to Commissioner Haase's statement agreeinq with Commissioner Voss, Mr. Adkins said that the developer did not choose the proposed fire station site, but that it was a request from Fire Chief Jon... Commissioner Holland asked Mr. Ad~ins, if he could get the commercial zone at Airport Road and Golden Gate Boulevard, whether it would be possible to provide a amall parcel of land on the east side of .- 1-75 for a fire station for the Golden Gate Estates Fire District? Mr. Adkins r.sponded that he had spoken with Chief Revves and Chief Jones several times and, to tho best of his knowledge, there was an under- stand1ng regarding this m~tter and he was not sure there was a problem. He said it was his understanding that there will be a fire station on David C. Brown Highway. Mr. Varnadoe said that the applicant propos.s to try and resurrect what he understood had been agreed upon which is a sit. agreeable to both fire dopartments. He stated, if that Is not possible, then somewhere on the eastern section of that southeastern corner of the project the developer will agree to provide approximately one acre for us. by the Golden Gat. fire Estates District. Mr. Keller contended that placing the commercial strip in the proposed location will start strip zoning o~ Airport Road. Co..l..loner Bolland aoved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Goodnight and carrl.~ unanlaoualy, ~hat the public hearing be clo.ed. Page 22 ~ ,..... !!!!J .." ",~.,."",,,,",_.,,.,,...._,,....-...~""",,,,,, .. aI r= May 7, 1985 Co..iaaioner Bolland ~Yed, .econded by Co..iaaioner Qoo4ni~ht and c.~~I.d unanl.ou.ly, ~at ~e oo...rolal ar.. .t Airport Road aDd Golden Oat. Ioulevard be approved with the understandinq, if there 1. a need for aD additional fir. .tatlon site In the Golden Oat. latate. .~.., It will b. provided and that the ordinance a. nuabered and eAtltled below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance look Mo. 201 ORDl~i .0. &5-1S Nt ORDIIlAllCI MDDIIIO ORÐIILUICI 82-2 TBI COMPRI81)1SIVI ZO_IIIO RlQULATIOMS roR TBI U.I_CORPORATID ARIA OF COLLIIR COUUTY, FLORIDA IY NtØDIIIO TO 10llIWJ ATLAS M.P 1nM8U 0-26-3, .'-21-2 AXD C'-25-1 IY CRAMOI_O THI ZOMIMO CLA8SIFICATI0- or T" &&RII_ DISCRIIID RIAL PROPIRTY FROM A-2 A»D A-2 -ST- TO -'UD- PLAMMID U.IT DIYlLOPNIMT LOCATID MORTB OF PIIII RIDGI ROAD IITWID 'l'B1 18TATIS AIID 1-75 oWD IXTIIIDIIIO WilT TO AIRPORT ROAD ALOMG THI FUTURI GOLD'" GATI 10ULIVARD IXTIMSIOM rOR 1,925.C ACRII, 6,971 DWILLUIQ UUITS, CONJIIRCIAL oWD RlCRlATIOMAL FACILITIIS, AWD PROVIDIlla AX Irr~CTIVI DATI. u.. 112 DKYlLOPNIMT ORÐIR '5-2 RI DRI-'C-2C, JIMMY ADIIIIS RI'RISIMTIIIO KA.LIG nUIT AXD VZGITABLI CO., R.I DIVlLOPNIIIT OF R&GIOMAL IMPACT APPROVAL FOR TII VIMBYARD. - ADO.TID SUBJICT TO STIPULATIO_S Legal n~tice having boen publIshed in the Naples Daily NewS on December 7, 1984, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continuod fro~ February 5, 1985 regarding Petition DRI-B4-2C filed by JImmy AdkIns, representIng Naples Fruit and Vegetable Company, requesting D.velopment of RegIonal Impact approval for The vineyards. Acting Zoning Director McKim explaIned this is a cf'..npanion item to the previous item. She suggested t.".., minor changes, ~ne to combine the Transportation Section under the SWFRPC's recommendations with the local recommendations, whIch has been done in the PUD document and that the other change. relate to minor grammatical, verbag8 changes. Co.ais.loner Iollan4 aoved, seconded by Co..la.ioner Goodnigbt and carried unanl.oualy, that ,the p~llc bearing be olo.ed. eo..l..loner Holland ~ved, .econded by Co..is.ioner Ooodnight and carried unanl..u.ly, that Developaent Order 15-2 be adopted with the chante. .entioned by Mr_. "oKI.. .** RlC1881 12100 Moon to 1130 '.M at which tl.e Deputy Clerk Kenyon replaced Deputy Clerk Skinner. ... bOOK 087 fA'·t 54 Pagol 23 --'''"'-'"''''-''-'"'''''..'~''''"-----'''-''.''-''''''~'''- .- .. ... E::::J May 7, 198!i Tape 17 It..,U OftD1MAMCI 85-16 RK PITITIo. R-'.-.3C, VIIIKS . ASSOCIATES, RKQUESTIMO UIOMIIIG FROM ';'¡D TO A-2 UD A-2ST rOR A PORTI011 or PIRALD L.UIS LOCATm al'l'WID AIRPORT-PULLIIIG ROAD UD GOODLITI'K ROAD lX'fnSIOII - ADOPTlD SUlJacT TO STIPULATIOMS. STArr DIRlCTID TO PRI'ARI A RESOLUTIOII RKSCINDING 1'81 DIVILOPMIWT ORDIR rOR SAID PROJICT Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News ~n April 5, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was ~pened t~ consider Petition R-84-43C, Vines' A.sociates, requesting rezoninq from PUD to A-2 for a p~rtion of Emerald Lakes located between Airport-Pulling Road and Goodlette-Frank R~ad Extension in Sections 2 and 3, Township 49 South, RangG 25 East, which is also a companion petition to PU-85-6C. Acting Zoning Director McKim stated that the objective ~f this petition is to return the northern portion of the Emerald Lakes PUD t~ the original zoning. She noted that the proporty known as Emerald Lakes PUD is currently under the ownership of three separate entities, two of them are represented by Bill Vines and are requesting rezoning from PUD to the original zoning. She noted that the other property owner is not a part of this p~tition and by approving this petition, the remainder of the PUD would not be valid. She stated that prior to develoµnent of the third piee.., the property owner wollld have to have tt.. .:.rùp.rLy '.l.MI.d. :';iìè ir,Jicat.d that ::;taff ..od all C.,ur.t:,' ...gene!@!! reviewed the petition and recommended upproval subject to the stipulations that the area in preserve in the original PUD be zoned A-2 ·ST·, and that the Conceptual Water Management Plan for Emerald Lakes, as approved by the WMAB on August 11, 1982, and by the SFWMD on August 11, 1983, shall continue to govern all future development of the subject pr~perty. She reported that the CAFe held tholr pUblic hearing on April 18, 1985, and unanimously recommended approval subject to staff stipulations and that the -hold harmless- language as prepared by the County Attorney's office be l.Igreed to by the petitioner. She indicated that Staff is recommending approval subject to CAFe'. stipulations and that staff be requested to prepare the resolution to rescind the Development Order for this property. She noted that there Is also a companion provisional use for this property. Mr. William Vines, Vines, Associates, stated that this petition results from the fact that a previously planned project under multiple ¢wnership failed to be developed as originally intended and determination has been made that the separate owners prefer t~ replan ;~~ 087 ~.'.! 82 pege 24 ~.., v~~ ",^",,,...._+p,,n__.__ · May 7, 1985 .a=« 1J~Ãn1\\(]~dU.l proper tie. and submit their plans to the Countr and this reveraion from the previously approved PUD back to Agriculture &onlng has been determined to be a necesaary first step to permit new plans to be prepared. Mr. Georqe Vega, Attorney repre.enting the petitioners, .tated that this petition .tart~d in October, 1984, and there has been a .erie. of delay.. He stated that he has been to the CAPC twice and the third party has asked for extensions which the CAPC gave once. He noted that during the entire 6 week extension the third party never contacted him and they went back to the CAPe to request the rezoning. He stated that the rezoning was granted by the CAPC to downzone the property and put it back in a holding pattern which W?uld be Agriculture. He atated that he would like to proceed with the request that is before the acc at this time. He noted that two-thirds of the property 1. being requested for rezoning. Commissioner Piator questioned if two-thirds of the property c~uld be rezoned and the other third be left as a PUD, to which County Attorney Saunders stated that the PUD zoning is no different legally than any other kind of zoning, adding that it is simply a special type of zoning. He noted that in this case, the property owner for the two northern tracts is petitioning for a rezone for his tracts of land which can be considered In isolation from the southern tract. Mrs. Ann Cox, property owner adjacent to the proposed rezoning, stated that she owns an access easement that allows the party to the south an access. She stated thðt she has allowed them to use the acceSD, adding that she had a verbal agroement with the entire Emerald Lakes PUD on the width of the easement and the types of vechicles that ~~uld cross it. She questioned if the property is rezoned, would the agreement be void? County Attorney Saunders stated that if ther~ is an oral agr.ement, it W?uld not be beneficial to b~gin with, adding that if both parties want the oral agreement void, It would be void. Mr. Richard Grant, Attorney for Mershon, Sawyer, Johnston, Dunwody, , Cole, representing West Florida Investments which owns the 100 acres on the southern side, stated that he is requesting that more time be granted. He stated that under present circumstances West Florida Investments is opposing this action, adding that it does not mean that they W?uld oppose the action ultimately. He stated that three years ago this property was overall zoned PUD and, at that tlmQ, Page 25 ~ ~ I!!!I :1 ,,~,,¥~....,~~~....--'- .. .. c= Ma y 7, 1 9 8 5 West Florida Investment. was aquiring the property. He noted that it took both p.rtie. to put all the propercy together to make it a combined d.v.lopment. He noted that to change it, there are right. Involved with refer.nce to the impact that this would have on his client's property. He noted that he would like to know wnac ettect thl. rezone would have on hi. client'. property. He stated that he knows that the Agriculture ~ning of that property is an interim use aod he would like to know what is pro~sed for the property, adding that acce.s is only one isaue. He stat.d that the ace actions could Cause problems and they would like time to find out what i. being done. He stated that his client has enqaged marketing consultant. and has received a preliminary re~rt. He stated that he is ready to engage .nqine.rs to evaluate such thIngs au water management, adding that if h. had the time to study these matters there may be no objection to the rezoning. He stated that he is aSking for a 60 day delay. Commissioner Voss stated that there have been a series of owners for this property and he qu~stloned if the prosent owner had been contacted regarding the rezone, to which Attorney Vegn stated that the attorney for the present owner, Mr. Sharp, had been contacted and was at the CAPC meeting asking for the original delay which was granted. Mr. William Sharp, Counsel to West ~lorida Investments, atate1 that hi. client own. other substantial properties in this County which he actively manaqes and is a responsible landowner. H~ noted that the property was acquired on May 28, 1982, with the express understanding that it would be incorporated in the overall par.;el that w·,uld become a PUD and if it did not become a part of the PUD, the property would be repurchAsed from his client by the other pr.,perty owners. He stated that there was a settlement agroement entered into on KJy 31, 1984, in which the process of severance of relations was described which contemplates the rezone of one of the ultimate steps. He stated that he had no knowledge of this and did not learn that auch an agreement exaited until February 19, 1985, which was the first meeting attended by his client. He stated that during the intervening period, the adjolnihg property owners of the PUD spent a lot ~f time and effort to determine what should be done with the property ~nd, again, they did not know of this process and therefore, do not know the plans for the property. He noted that the first hearing of the CAPC was rebruary S, 1985, adding that it wan hi. understanding that this hearing WIS continued by the CAPe. He noted that the next meeting w~a February 19, &0811: 087 r~·;t 84 Page 26 < -~--"..,;.~".> ,_..-..~""'-" ...-,_."",- Mðy 7, 19G5 "ÓD~ n~7 w·e 85 '19~~, at wnich time, he requested a extension that was granted. He stated that b.t~en F.bruary 19, 1985, and the next m.eting date hi. client underto~k studies regarding what impact this would have on his property. He stated that the preliminary marketing report was !~~!tv.~t but to date he has not received the final report. He n~ted that he has retained local counsel and they feel that the property is being serl~usly impacted and he is requesting that the Commission defer action on this matter for 45-60 days. Ro noted that he would like to know what 3tep 12 is going to be after Step 11, adding that Agriculture is .Imply an interim step. Mr. Georqe Voga stated that there i8 access for the property to the north and to the west, ðdding that through the z~ning pr~cess there has to be notice sent. He noted that aa far aa his intentions for the property, he plans to come back before the BCC with another development which will need a rezone, adding that at that time he will advise what the property i. going to be used for. He stated that this petition has been continued since January 17, 1985. Commissioner Holland questionod who requested a continuance in January, 1985, to which Acting Zoning Director McKim stated that this was originally scheduled in January and was rescheduled to February due to an adv"rtiai~g error. S~~ stated that CAPC first heard this petition in February and th~y requested that it be continued tu allow the property owners to get together ~ith the third property owner. In answ~r to Commissi~ner Hasse' question regarding ~~cess, Mr. Sharp stated that there is a title insurance policy which establishes that the only existing legal right of access is a 60' ea.ement on the northeast. He stated that there is a statement in the agreement between the property ~wners which says that if the PUD d~es not ~rk, his client is to receive a right-of-way from the northern property owners. C~mmissioner Voss questioned, if the Board chooses, can it legally rezone the property? County Attorne~' Sðunders stat"d that it is his opinion that the Boðrd can treat this as a separate pGtition of a property ~wner and can rezone tho property even though It will leave the southern portion in a state of confusion in that they will not bo able to d~ anything with the property until they come In for Ð rezone. Co..i..loner Pl.tor .oved, .econded by Co..l..ioner Goodniqbt and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the publlc h.arin9 b. closed. -rape II Page 27 ~ ~ t!!!!I .. ... c=J Ma y 7, 198 5 County Attorney Saunders stated that he and Mr. Vlq4 work.d ~ut 80me language in a ·h~ld harml...· 49reement and he would like Mr. VoqQ to indicat. for the record that his client is holding the C~unty .hat.l.... in the event of any liti9ation evolving ~ut of the rez~ne. Mr. Clorge Vega statld that what C~unty ~ttorn.y S~unders stated is correct, adding that he asked for a ·hold h4r~1.a¡· ~;r~em~nt which his client 9av1 him. He .tated that h. is willin9 to give him another ~ne or change any languaql, adding that he has no proble~ with this and he haa discussed the matter with Mr. Saunders several timea. Co..i.sion.r Boll.nd ItOved, ..conded by Co..lulonar B.... and carrlad un.niltOu.ly, that Ordln.nc. 15-11 re 'etition R-IC-C3C, Vines , A.socl.te., roque.tin9 re&onin9 fro. PUD to A-2 and A-2ST for a portion of ...rald Lake. located bet..en Airport-,ullin9 Road and Goodl.tte Road Ixtenaion b4 adopted and .nt.red into Ordinance Book Mo. 20, aubject to the above-ref.renced .tipulation. and that staff be roque.ted to prepare the resolution reacinding the Developa.nt Order for thia proj.ctz ORDUIAJlCE 85-16 AM ORDIMA»CI AMIMDIMO ORDIMAMCI 82-2 THI COMPRIBEMSIYK ZOMINO REaULATIo.a FOR TII U.IMCORPORATID ARIA or COLLIER COUITY, FLORIDA, BY AAINDIMO 1'81 OrrICIAL ZONINO ATLAS MI., MUMBIRS ~'-25-1 AND 4t-25-~ BY CBAMOIMO Tal ZONIMO CLASSIrICATION or T81 BIRlIN DISCRIIID PROPERTY LOCATI~ 1M PART or SICTIONS 2 AMD 3, TOInISBU .., SOUTB, RAMal 25 lAST, nOM PUD IQIOIIßI AS IK&RAJJ) LAXlS TO A-2 AMD A-2 ·ST·, MID BY PROVIDIMO rOR MI nnCTIVI DATEI /3.1/ (Sce Pagc _ _ -:t::. County Attorney Saunders stated for the record, to be sure that there is no confusion, this rezone only applies to the northern tract. It.. '14 'ITITIOM R-IC-2C, BRUCI ORIEN . ASSOCIATES, REPRISENTlMO WISLIY KIMO, UQUISTINO RIZOIII FOR PROPIRTY OM THI lAST SIDI or BAYSBORI DRIVE/ULLY ROAD - WITHDRAWN AT RIQUIST or PITITIONIR Co..i.aioner Bolland .oved, s.cond.d by Co..is.ioner Ha... and carrlad unani.oualy, that Patition R-8C-2C, BruQa Or.en , As.oel.tea, rapre.enting Wealey Kln9 be withdrawn. Ite. 115 'ITITIOM R-14-45C, BRUCE GRIEN . ASSOCIATES, RI.RISIMTIMG MICIIL FORTIN, JOIM GOBEIL AMD RIMI GOBIIL, REQUISTING REZONINO FOR PROPERTY LOCATED BITWIIM DAVIS BOULEVARD MID RADIO ROAD - DIMIED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily New. on April 5, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the BDCK 087 W'( 86 pag. 2 B . ", D.~."',Ù+, ...:":~,;.o, ,. '''''''''':,..,~,J!'''>J '", .,;.;,.... 't, '-'I;,","~~W -..----- ..,...-- toOK 087 PAr,r 87 May 7, 1985 Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-84-45C, Bruce Green' Associate., representin9 Michel Fortin, John Gobeil and Remi Gobeil, requesting rezoning from C-3 t~ C-4 for property located between Davis ~ulevard and Radio Road approximately 1/4 miles west Qf the intersection of the two r~ads in Section 3, Township 50 South, Range 26 east, conaiating of 1~.3 acres. Actln9 Zoning Director McKim stated that the objective of thia petition ia to build a new c~r dealerahip on the aubject property, adding that all County agencies reviewed this petition and had no objection to ita approval subject to the atipulations outlined in the Executive Summary dated May 7, 1985. Sho stated that an additional stipulation that ahould be listed on the &xecutive Summary ia that the number of access points on Radio Road'should be limited to one to comply with the Comprehensive Plan. She reported that Staff reviewed the petition and recommended denial for the reasons listed in tho Executive Summary. Sh~ stated that the CAPC held their public hearing on March 21, 1985, and recomm~nded approval subject to staff stipulations and with the additional stipulation that a ~O' buffer remain in natural vegetation along the west property line adjðcent to the RMF-12 zone and ~n agreement be signed by the petitioner to limit the use to a new car dealership and the C-3 uses. She noted that the last stipulation is not valid and should not be considered, accordinq to County Attorney Saund2rs. She concluded by stating thAt the rccommondation by CArc indlcõtlng that the parcel be limited t~ the car dealership cannot be considered and, therefore, Staff is recommendinq that this petition either be sent bðck t" CAPC' for further review or that it be denied. " Commisaionor Holland stated that new car dealerships and used car dealerships go hand-in-hand and cannot be separated. He stated that with reference to the access, he questioned if one entrance for incoming and outgoing traffic would be butter than two entrances about 300 feet apart, one for incoming and one for outgoing? Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that he is not sure who added that stipulation, but as far as Public W?rks Department and Engineering Department it was not their stipulation, and he has no problem with two entrances as long as they provide the properly designed turn lane on Radio Road. Acting Zoning Director McKim stated that as far as the access, the Comprehensive Plan discourages strip commercial, adding that one of the paqe 29 lI!!!! r::::1 !!!!J ; ..........,;;.......-,.~=~'.'"'''. _, '" "~~ '.' ,..',;:!r=I'~'U"., ". ·<I7'~" '" ,"",~"';'~'. ~,~, ,;,.....~~:i~,,..-'"'.....\f"',..,...;.",; .(~.'. ,,:...~I ~~t!'.¡iþ";"f;";'; ·t:r..~...1 ~\(../..q¡,.....~, ,I ,,"';'!,' .".~~""';¡:~~~'f,,~'''':: ':'f¡,tt/\,4..."!',...... -, ,,\ . ~,,~ ,.....,.....~'~:" ~ ......._._~^,.......""..~~."".>.~"""""m~.__..··~_~~ - .. r:= May 7, 1985 characteristics of strip commerical is the number of access points. Commissi~ner H~lland questioned what the surrounding property is zoned, t~ which Acting Zoning Diroctor McKim replied RMF-l2 on one side and C-3 on the other side which is commercial. Commissioner Holland atated that there i. .lready C-3 and asked if changing it to C-4 is considered strip zoning? Acting Z~ning Dir.ctor McKim stated that strip commercial depends on the actual site plan of the commercial, adding that it can occur or not occur in any commerical district depending on the aite plan. She noted that it is not the commercial z~ning itself, it is the site plan that either makes it a strip commercial area ~r not a strip commercial area. She stated that this is & recommendation to comply with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Pistor stated that the limitations as far as C-4 is not to limit it to a new car dealership, it is to limit it for all the other uses under C-4 and ~here is n~ way to do it. Acting Zoning Director McKim stated that under C-4 new car dealerships are allowed as a principle use along with many other uses, adding that a used car dealership is a provisional use. She stated that it is recognized that used cars may be sold in association with a n~w car dealership ðS ðn accessory use but not as a principle use. County Attorney Saunders sLated that the problem io not with the new car deÐlershl~, adding that the issue is whether C-4 zoning is appropriate, and they need C-4 zoning for d new car dealership. He stated that the CAPC felt that some type of deed restriction c~uld be imposed so that they could have a new car dealership without any of the other C-4 uses. He stated that he felt that this w~uld be impossible to enforce and the Commission should lo~k at the C-4 z~ning, whether it is reaso-lble for that location as opposed to the individual use in that location ~s that us. will change. Mr. Joe Boggs of Bruce Green & Associates, representing the petitioner, stated that he is asking for the C-4 zoning to allow 1~r the new car dealership which was allowed under the old GRC zoning which the land was zoned prior to the new Zoning Ordinance. He stated that he has acted in good faith to have a new car dealership, adding that he ~ffered to have a deed restriction on the use of the land. He noted that as far as th~ t~ access points, the parcel has approximately 380' of frontage on Radio Road and to limit this parcel to one access would not be a go~d traffic pattern. He stated that there is one access !~~~ n~7 "'r< -~ . Page 30 ~Q v..J . W'r't ~_- ~- .~. ._¡ß~ ......... ~ l"f"l.... ~It . .... ~4" ~___ _____._.~__ 0.' . ~ liT ~~D~ 087t's'" 89 Mðy 7, 1985 limited t~ Davia Blvd. He noted that there is no problem with environmental, drainage, utilities or the traffic recommendations. He .tated that C~PC's recommendation re9arding the SO' buffer is limitinq h'ia client too much, adding that there is SO' left on the current site plan, but It was labeled aa an expansion area. He stated that with the expansion l8' would be required which will still leave a 32' buffer. Co..l..ion.r Bolland .ov.d, ..conded by Co..ission.r a.... anð carri.d unani.ou.ly, that tb. public bearln9 be clo..d. Coami..ion.r 8011.nd .oved, .econded by Coaai..ion.r H...., that Petition R-84-45C, Bruce Gre.n . As.ociat.., be approv.d a11owin9 for two drivew.y. on Radio Ro.d due to .arety ractor.. Upon call ror the qu..tion tbe action failed 3/2, (Co..i..ioner Vo.. and pi.tor oppo..d). It.. 116 RISOLUTIO. 85-109 AUTHORIZING TBI COLLIIR COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY TO ISSUI MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO IXCIID $9,750,000 - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on April 1, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider multi-family housing revenue bonds for the acquisition Dnd construction of a qualifying apartment dðvelopment to be known as Golden Gate Villas for the Collier County Housing Finance Authority located on Block 16, G~lden Gate Unit 2, and consisting of 18.5 acres. Attorney DonaJ.d Pickworth, represE:ndng the Colller County Housing Finance Authority, stated that he is requestin6 approval for the Authority to iasue revenue bonds not exceBding $9,750,000 for the purpose of financing a rental apartment project. He reported that the property ia now covered by a PUD which was adopted in June, 1984, which provide. for not exceeding 288 apartment units and requires as one of the stipulations that the development be operated as a rental project meeting all of the requirements of Section 103B4 of the Internal Revenue Code. he noted that the developer is proposing to construct a project which exactly meets the requirements of the PUD, adding that he must build and operate his project in accordance with Section 10364 of the Internal RBvenue Code in order to be eligible for the issuance of bondft. He noted that there will be a change in the site development plan, adding that it currently provides tor a series of buildings with the parking to the our.side and a large landscaped amenity area in the middle. He noted that they are proposing to bring the buildings to the Page 31 ~ ~ ~ r:!!! -~-r" - .. c:::3 May 7, 1985 outside and bring the parking into thn middle. Commi.sion.r Has., stated that h. would like to see the permanent . site plan before anything is decided on this iasue. Attorney Pickworth stated that thia is a land us. matter and not germane to this hearing. He noted that the only thing that mAY chAnge w~uld be the specific aiting of the buildings on the project, adding that it will not change the operation or the maka-up of the project in any manner. He stated that this will not change the issuðnce of the bonds at all. Commissioner VQSS stated that if this was not approved, the financing may be obtained at a higher interest rate which ~uld mean higher coat for the developer which would be passed along. Attorney Pickworth stated that the basic quality relating to the project will rel~te to the ability to obtain financing at reasonabln rates. Mr. J:lme. MelchtHe, member of the Golden Gate Civic .a.ssociation, atat.d that the Association voted unanimously to oppose this bonding issue for t.he financing of these rental units. IlIi noted that this i6 conaidered to be a subsidy which is a benefit to the developer but not necessarily t" th'" r,.ntftrs. iia stated that there are a number of PUD's underway in Golden Gate ~lready. He noted that this project makes available lower rental units, but they could be a lot lower th~n what ia anticipated due to the revenue bonds monðY. HI stated that he objects to the tax-free bonds and to the apartments being undersized. Mra. Charlotte Westman, representing tho League of Women Voters, stated that the league supports low entry housing, adding that a survey was done a numbor of years ago which pointed to a need for such housing in this community. She questioned the price range of the apartments for this development? .a.ttorn~y Pickworth stated that this is not a governmental mandated rentAl program, but it works through a regular lendin~ institution and they look at rents and apply certain marketing factors to make a feasibility determination from the standpoint of a loan. Hu noted that the proposed rcntals will be in the range of the low three hundred'. for the 6;,)411er uni ts up to about $450 a m~nth for the larger two bedroom units which are just under 900 square feet. Hrs. Westman stated that this ~uld add to tho provision for housing for people in the moderate income level, Adding th&t there i. a need for this type of housin9 and the problems with interest rateS has On... lOOK Uð' W.! 00 Pa'j]1! 32 ··f,'···,¡:"':·....." . ,..1, ~·.4 '",Y: '..,,:,""'~,., - ____"..~w ,..,,,_.,,...,.,_ ·._-""'" .- ...- 'OOK 087 r~'·t 91 caused a slow-down on this type of hQusing. Tape . 51 May 7, 1985 Attorney Pickworth stated that thia project is a culmination of what haa been discussed many times over the years, adding that there have been many individual. that have spoken on the dire need for providinq decent affordable h~using for the working people in the comnanlty. He stated that the Cnllnty h!!!!I r~c"'Jniz",<:I this need and it has been part of the Comprehensive Plan for a l~ng time. He stated that ,thh is the right QPportunity, with the right location, the riqht developer, and the right management. In answer to Commissioner Piator's questi~n, Mr. pickworth stated that the citizens of the C~unty are nót at any ~bligatlon, adding that the Authority issues the bonds and loans the money to a lending institution and the lending institution pledges very secure collateral to insure the payment of the bonds to the bond holder and then looks to the developer of the proj~ct for repayment. He noted that the b~nds will be Triple A insured bonds with ð secure s~urc~ of repayment. Commissioner Hasse questioned in how many ~ther areas the Housing Finance Authority has done this type ~f work? Attorney pickworth stated that this 1s the first multi-fðmily project that the Housing Authority has authorized for the bonds to be issued, adding that there ha. been II series of bond issues in thø single-family area. Co~i..ioner ,i.tor .oved, .econded by Coaais.ion.r Goodnight and carried unani.ou.ly, th.t the public hearing be clo.ed. CORai..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econded by Coaai..ioner Goodnight and carried 4/1, (Co.-i.sloner H.... oppo.ed) that Resolution 85-109 authorizing th. i.suanc. of aulti-faaily housing revenue bond. in .n ..oun~ not to exceed $9,750,000 for the .cquisition .nd construction of . qualifying apartaent developaent for the Collier County Housing Finance Authority be adopted. paqe 33 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.!!!5 ',.' .", >r/'~~/r.~.~~',:'~.:'~...., ;f .,:""'1'f1"~"I'œ"-Þ. ·''''r·'~r1.·,~·~;···\"":·~~··,,,··)l'I·;Z- p'~ ~e OJ .'. .... .~; ,........~. t~~.. ......,. ~"""."...,,;.,,~",.,_....- - =- r=a May 7, 1985 It.. 117 'ROPOSED ORDIMAMCE AMElDIUG BICTIO. 108.2(c), STAMDARD BUILDI.G CODI, 1981 EDITION - CONTINUED TWO WilKS TO RICIIVI INPUT !ROM CONTRACTORS Lega! n~tic. having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 5, 12, 19, and 26, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider II proposed ordinance amending Section l08.2(c) of the Standard Building Code, 1982 Edition, pertaining to certification of location and elevation of floor levels for new conatruction. ~cting C~mmunity Dovel~pment Administrator MUllins stated that this is a request to approve a new ordinance which ~ill amend Section 108.2(c) of the St~ndard Building C~de, 1982 Edition, adding that the purpose is to require certification of the location in terms of setbacks, and elevation of the floor levels for new construction. She noted that a request was made regarding the cost, adding that she contacted engineers and they indicated that this in a routine procedure and prices range from $lOO~250 for such requirements. She reported that mortgage c.)mpanies normally require this and the cost does not vary whether this certification is required at the beginning of constr.uctio~ or at the pnd, adding that the C~unty ~)uld require it at the beginning. In answ.r to Commissioner H011and, M~. Mullins ~tat~d th4t the certification ~,uld ne~d to be done at the time the foundation and pilings were laid and the flood level would be done at the time the first floor i~ put in. Commissioner Holland stated that possibly the certification could be done before the foundation is poured, because if it is determined that it is in the wrong place after the foundation is poured that could be very costly. County Manager Lusk stated that if th! certification is done before the concrete is poured, the lay.)ut c·)uld be moved as there is simplY a hole in the ground with some boards and steel. He n~ted that this is producing a survey for a hole, adding that if the concrete is poured, the foundation itself is being surveytd. He noted that if ht was a contractor and had to pay for a survey, he w~uld want the foundation poured as he ~uld want to be sure that it was in the right place. He stated that this item c~uld be c~ntinued for two weeks t~ let the Contract~r's Association make a recommendatio~, adding that they are the ones that will have to deal with the survey. &DDK 087 f"~~ 94 Pa g e 34 . - ",,",-,-"''--'-.-. ,~..<~- '00« 087 N'.t 95 May 7, 1985 Co..l..loner Pistor aoved, .econded by Coaai.sioner Holland and carrleð unanlaou.ly, that the propo.ed ordinance ..endlng Section 108.2(c) of the Øt.~dard Building Code, 1982 Edition, be continued for two week. to receive input fro. the Contractor.. Ite. 118 RISOLUTIOM 85-110 RI PITITIOM V-8s-eC, CAROL WOMBLI, REQUESTING ~IAHCI PROM RIQUIRID LAMDSCAPI STRIP BETWIEM DRIVEWAY AND BOTH SIDI PROPERTY LIMES 1M MORTR MAPLES EST. - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS LegAl notice hAving been published in the Naples Daily News on April 21, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, pUblic hearing was opened to consider Petition .V-85-4C, Carol Womble, requesting variance from the required landscaped strip between the driveway ~nd both side property line8 for the east 80 feet of Lot 32, NQrth Naples EstAtes. Acting Zoning Director McKim stateJ that the objective of this petition i~ to reduce the required landscaped area from 5 feet t~ 2 f.et botween the driveway side property lines. She indicated that the subject property was zoned from RSF-4 to C-4 on August 7, 1984, and at that time, the petitioner agreed ~o certain stipulations, two of which specifically relate to this proposed variance. She noted that staff has been in communicatlon ,...ith tho applicAnt on com Jlioncu willi 411 the stipulations And according to the last correspondence with the . - applicant a11 requirements W':Iuld be met by Mðy' 8, 1985. she. noted that Staff did find special conditions and a hardship in meeting the requirements under the C-4 zoning. She indicated that Staff is recommending approval subject to all tho stipulations of the rezone being met. Commissioner HollAnd stated that at the time that the rezoning WAS qranted, one of the stipulations was to have a waste package plant put in. He questioned if this has been done? Mr. Mark Lamoureux, representing the petitioner, stated that the petitioner has connected to the City of Naples water and an order for a small treatment plant is pending th~ decision of the County Commissioners this date. he noted that there will bo ð six to eight week delivery at which time it will be installed. He stated that all other items can be completed within the next two wœeks, adding that everything has be.n postponed pending the Commissioners decision. He noted that there is an existing septic tank and drainfleld th3t the applicant has been using. He noted that the building use to be a P.sge 3 5 ~ Ci:'J !!!!!! ··..f"""'r:':1'~~':"·---,-...,~'",.!!I".. _'.),lTf!" ,"H. ,..,?77''77';,.';;,.,jI..~;.' r;.." Ir.11. p...... .?1...,,,~-.J',,,T.X·\~,, ....,.""ru..."'_~"...'___·_·,,·~'-'-- .. l1li c;¡¡¡ May 7, 1985 re.idence which is' now being used as a real estate office with n~ expansion intended. He rep¢rted that at thQ time the rezone was approved ~here was an unknown factor if such a small sewage treatment plant could be obtained. Commissioner HQlland questioned it the petitioner would be willing to (¡live the C.)unty an agreement indicating that this building would only be used as a real e.tate office, to which Commissioner VOGS stated that the property is zoned C-4 and there are a number of uses for C-4 and the County could not ask for such an agreement. Commis.Ioner Hasse questioned the 2 feet on either side of the driveway, which Mr. Lamoureux stated that the only place to obtain le9al parking for the property is at the rear of the building and the only way to qet to the rear of tha building is along one side with a one-way entranca and then the only way to exit is by a driveway on the opp¢slte side going out, and th. problem is that the existing setback is 12-1/2' on each side and if a 10-1/2' drivvway is installed, this variance will be needed. Co..i..ioner Goodni(¡lht aoved, seconded by Co..issioner 'istor and carried unani.ously, that the public hearinq be closed. Co..is.ioner pistor aoved' seconded by Co..is.loner Goodnight and carried 4/1, (Co..issioner Holland opposed) that Resolution 85-110 re Petition V-85-4C, Carol Woable, requestinq variance fro. the required landscape strip between driveway and both aide property line. in Morth Mapl.. Istat.. be adopted aubject to all stipulation. of the resone being ..t. &ODK 087 PN 96 Page 36 .._~,",",.- -,,-"_.....--.--.,...-- ~~¡. fW1 p~~t 99 Mðy 7, 1985 RIBOLUTIOM 85-111 RI PITITIOM PU-8S-3C, WOODLAKI PARTNERSHIP, aaQUISTIMG PROVISIONAL USI or 81CTIOH 8.10, ISSIMTIAL SERVICES or A-2 'OR PROPlan anwEIDI WOODLAICI COIIDO AJCD MARCO SHORIS - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO PITITIOMIR'B AQRIIMEHT AWD rIMDIHG or 'ACT Acting Zoning Direct~r McKim stated that the petitioner is requestinq provlsi~nal use of Secti~n 8.10, Essential Service. of A-2 for property locet.d a~~10xlm.L~ly 2 mllwa aouth of U.S. 41, ðpproxl~.tely 1 mile east of S.R. 951 between W~~dlake Cond~ and Marco Shores, (Unit 30), PUD in Section 15, Township 51S, Rðnge 26E as located on zoning map 51-26-5. She indicated that the objective is to move the proposed site of the package treatment plent from the Wood lake Condo property to the subject property. She noted that Staff and all County agencies reviewed this petition and have no objection to its approval subject to the stipulations found in the petitioner's Agree- ment. Sho indicated that the CAPC held their public hearing on April 10, and baaed on their findings of fact, recommended approval subject to the stipulations in the Petitioner's Aqreement with Item ·C· being revised to allow access from the south if an agreement cannot be rwached with Deltona. Mr. William Dahnke, Jr., President of Concept to Completion, representing Woodlake Partnership, stated that Woodlake has a condominium which waG approveú and is virtually constructed at this point, adding that originally he received approval from DER for a small sewage tr~ðtment plant which was to serve part of Woodlake and part of scme other property owned by the partnership. He stated that this project has been in the process for the last f~ur years and at one time, there was a verbal agreement made with Spade Engineering Company that if Wbodlake Partnership did certain improvements, Spade Engineering ~uld remove an exaiting sewer plant that is on county-owned property and blocks thetr entrance on Port-Au-Prince Road which now serves part of Port-Au-Prince. He atated that, in the meantimo, they were approached by the County and Deltona to provide temporary quantity for sewage treatment of both the existing area and the M(rco Shores PUD which surrounds them. He noted that Woodlake Partnership hðs leased 3 acres and a 100 foot strip for access in the area north of them, adding that the 3 acre~ ~)uld be completely covered by the plant and the ?onds that are required by the DER. He stated that he WðS issued a permit from the DER, adding that they can now op~rate a 53,000 gallon per day plant. He stated that sewage plant Page 37 F".y",~··"~\ 'J ~ ~ !!!!! ,.,...,.....-.......-.....~.~,_.....,:-.,:...' ...,~'..4,J '.,~'....~.~¡:"".... ,........."0:... 't* - ...¡rY._,....'"5':..~,.....I· ,<~'!'(,.,~ . .,-'... _·,_u_~. __._...~,_, " ;,~."'...~~.."",.. ¥_,p"'~""-- - .... ~~ May 7, 1985 it.elf is capable of expan.i~n t~ lCO,OOO ~all~n. a day, adding that if the County or Delt~na wants to use the .xca.s CApacity, the owner has a9r.ed to this. He noted that an agreement has been signed under Woodlak. to remove the sewage treatment plant at the time that Deltona or the C~unty comes up with a re9i~na1 plant. he noted that Woodlake repre.ent. 236 unit. and requIrement. are about 4ù,ûûû 9all~n. a day. He noted that this plant with an expanded area for ponds, which ~uld have to be repermitted by D&R with an additional provisional use at a future date, could provide .ewage for the entire area until Deltona or the County has a regional plant. He n~ted that there i. an existing road that c~uld be used for constructl~n and maintenance that he Is neqotlatlng with Deltona, adding that he received the agreem6nt back from Delt~na the previous day and one of the requirements for the use of that road i. that WQodlake Partnership provide an unspecified quantity within the plant for Deltona's use for Marco Shores, adding that this loIOuld be a problem. Ih, state~ that there may be a problem in reaching an agreement on this road, adding that he has pr~posed a temporary one-way Access road to the plant to c~nstruct the project and whoever takes over the plant can get lnto the site so that repairs can be done. Co..i..ioner H.... ~v.d, .e~~ndea by co..i..ion.r Pi.tor .nd carri.d unaniaously, that R..olution B5-1.1 re Petition PU-B5-3C, Wo04lat. Partn~r.hip r.que.tlng provi.ional u.e ~f S.ction B.10, K...ntl.l S.rvic.. of A-2 for property between Wooalake Conao aua Marc::o Shor.. be aaoptea .ubject to the petltlon.r'. .9r...ent and tbe rindlng of ract. aDOK 087 W.[ 100 pa<Je 38 ""/·i'i.i~iit;.li... ~. _._"...""'".o>.....~...- ". ..,..",......d" ·,,,'c..«',,...."_· .._--,~,~.--- ff: ,~7,ou 087 pm 105 ij~' Tape 110 ';~::.n.. '20 ·'::'F .:¡., '/ M(I¡ V¡;¡¡'~1 May 7, 1985 PITITIOM 'U-85-5C, CENTRAL fELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CBURCH/rIRST BAPTIST CHURCH RIQUISTIMG PROVISIOMAL US! -1- Of I~TATIS - DINIID Acting Zoning Director McKim stated that Petition PU-85-5C, Central Fellowship Baptist Church/First Baptist Church requesting provi.ional u.e "l" of Estate. I. to build a church located on the s~uthea8t corner of 25th Avenue S.~. and 39th Street S.W., the north 180 feet of Tract 143, Unit 28, Golden Gate Estat~s. She Indicated that Staff and all County Agencies reviewed this pet1ti~n and recommended approval .ubject to certain stipulatl~íI., adC:ing that the CAPC held their public hearing on April 18, 1985. She stated that .even people .poke against the Petition bQcau~c of the increase in traffic and noise it would create aa well as a decrease in the value of surrounding properties. Shœ reported that a petition witll thirty signatures, all in opposition to the church, was presented. She noted that based on the Findings of Fact, the CA?C recommended denial. Commissioner Voss presented for the record, petitions signed by approximately 100 people asking th~: the request for the provisional use be approved. Mr. ~eorge Keller stated that the Golden Gate Civic Association ._ and the Golden Gate Taxpayors Association oppose this church. He noted that this particular corner is very dangerous and there is already one church there. He staLed that a church cannot exist financially without activities, therefore, a church must have a lot of meetings and activities during the week which creates excessive traffic. He noted that 25th Street bridge carries II lot of traffic at thi~ time without adding any additional traffic. He reported that there are two churches In the area and he understands that there is another petition coming through for another church, adding that he is requesting that the CAPC recommendation for denial be followod. Mr. Larry Lawrence presented petitions opposing th~ church from residents that live on 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th, 31th Streets due to the fact of the traffic at the intersecti~n and the tight turning radius off 25th onto C.R. 951. He questioned what would happen with the land that is between the provisional us~ (or the church and the C-~ ;oning for the restaurant? He stated that the zoning would probably b~ changed and then there ~)uld be strip zoning in the area. He noted that if this is done, there would be a total of 4 churches in the .ame Peg. 39 [TI] I!!!.' ~;:~::.~::.7~~~, ~~':,', ,.~;.!. .J~~~,y,~ ";,~~~~~t:;~ ..;. .·~i. .""'.."...-"-."'.""'......---- ~t~:Ir··:·~¡.',<'·' .. :t~t7.1\~,. _.ri, . .';,~ i'I~,(.~"" . ~r> ~"":" ~",,:' ~., iíi':'·' ··''''~.r:'':··\ ~., ~,,~:,.;:t~ "·Y 7' 1985 !~~""':J'''-: n. ~;¡'.~~;, 1area using that same intersection at the same time. tfZ~:::';¡:~';.'" Commissioner Ha... stated that he has a great deal of cl)ncern with ~1c..:<}· reference to the tuff ic in the area. ' ~:;' Co..i..loner H.... ....4, .econ4ed by Co..i..Soner ,l.tor .nd 7'tP,:, 4¡¡,d~~ ~~~~!=~!.:!!1~, the!: P.tt.tJð" PU-8$-5C, C."tral ".U~v.hip Baptht ~.L Cbarch/rlnt Baptist Church be denied. .,." It.. 121 .. r;¡¡; RISOLUTIOM 15-112 RI PETITIO. PU-85-6C, VIMIS , ASSOCIATES, RIQUISTIMa PROVISIOKAL USI TO COMTIMUI TBI IXCAVATIOH OPIRATIOM rOR IMERALD LAIIS - ADOPTID Acting Z~ninq Director McKim stated that this is a provisional use for the portion of Emerald Lakes that has the excavation on it and this allows them to cont1~ue that excavation. She stated that Staff is recommending approval. Co..i..lon.r Holland ~ved, ..conded by Co..l..loner PI.t.or and carrl.d unanlaoualy, that Reaolution 85-112 r. Petition PU-85-6C, Vine. , Agaoclate., reque.tlng provi.ional u.. to continue the excavation operation for I.erald Lak.. be adopted. mK 087 me 106 pagw 40 " .",'" '- ---. ..-~,-,..- ~ "" _ ."__""___"_,,,,,_,,,r..."_.,,~~...·,·_, ....~.,-,.._~".,,--......."'.._- III lOOK 087 mt 111 'n.. 122 MR. WILLIM r:~ BOLTZ, AP'IALIIIO IIOTICI TO ABATI A IIUISAIICI I.T BLOCK 348, LOT 13, MARCO lSLAMD - CONTINUID rOR TWO WEIKS May 7, 1985 Acting Community OevelopmQnt Administrator Mullins stated that Mr. Boltz is requesting an appeal of notice to abate a nuisance dated February 19, 1985, under Ordinance 84-63 which pertains to unattended growth of weeds and vegetation, adding that the locati~n is Marco Island, Block 348, Lnt 13. She noted that the lot was inspected on February 15 and was found to require mowing, adding that when Mr. Boltz was contacted by letter, he responded that due to the fact of a large amount of debris on his property he could not mow it. She indicated that Staff spoke with the County Attorney regarding the matter as Mr. Boltz claims that someone other than himself put the debris on his property and, dlsplte the fact that the debris is not the property owne~s, It is still the property owner's responsibility. She stated that based on this informat10n, Staff is recommending denial of the request to rescind the not1ce of abatement. Mr. William Bo~tz stated that the concrete that is on his property was put there by the contractors when they poured the driveway for the restaurant next door. He stated thBt there is grease and oil from the restaurant that has been poured on the ground. He stated that he understands the ordinance and is willing to mow the property, but the debris that is on it was not put there by him. -, Commissioner Voss stated that County ordinances make it illegal to dump refuse on empty lots and questioned If Mr~ Boltz could prove who did this, t~ which he replied negatively, adding that he knows who did it, but he cannot prove it. County Attorney Saunders stated that Chaptor 13 of the Code pro.libits the dumping of that type of material on somebody else's property a~d if it is aetermined who 15 doing the dumping, civil action c~n be taken. He noted that other than that, the property owner is responsible. Deputy Chief Barnett questioned if Mr. Boltz ever c~ntacted the Sheriff's Department when he found debris on his property, to which Mr. Boltz replied negatively. Commissioner Voss Indicated that Mr. Boltz should contact the Sheriff's Department to see if the mattør can be resolved and the Bee could delay action for a period of two w~eks. Co..laaloner Pi.tor moved, .econded by Cou.is.10ner U...o anð Page 41 ........ ~ ~ I!!!! ~ .._,.~-~-~., .;e.___~'·""~"'_''''''''''''"·~_·~''__ .,' .. .. GiZJ r;.:'"":"" . -~:~¡Î. ,.. May 7, 1985 t~~1/ . carried unanhaoualy, that the request fro. Mr. N1111a. E. Boltz it't.:;". appea11n9 a notice to abate. nuiaance on Block 348, Lot 13, Marco ~1·,.. .. , ~'~; 1.1aað, be continued for two week. and the Petitioner contact the ~ìI.~<' Sheriff'. De¡Nllrtaent.. ~:it.. 123 ~" " :!"',' RUOLUTI01I 15-113 RISCINDIIIO AlSOLU'l'I01lS 85-52 AND 15-53 RIGARDING LOTS ..' 424. 425, 426, , 430, ISLE or CA'Rl (MRS. GIRALDIMI MJUlGBAM) - ADOPTED ~ctin9'C~mmunity DQvelopment Adminiatrat~r Mullins stated that i. a request to rescind R..~luti~ns 85-52 and 85-53 regarding l~ts 424, 425 , 426, and 430, Isle of Capri, owned by Mrft. Geraldine Mangham. She stated that these lots were inspected ~n September 28, 1984, and found to require mowinq under Ordinance 84-63. She stated that this is a situ.ti~n that from the time of first inspection until the time of re-Inspection, the lot could have been mowed and grown again. She stated that there was approximately f~ur m~nths in-between inspecti~ns, addin9 that Staff is r.c~mm.nding approval of the :~titioner's request. Co..l..loner PI.tor ~v.d, .econded by Co..i.sioner Goodnight and carried un.nl.ou.ly, th.t Re.olution 85-113 rescinding R..olution. IS-52 and 15-53 re9ardin9 lot. 424, 425, 426, and 430, I.le of Capri (Mr.. Geraldine ....n9h..) be .dof ~ed. &DOK 087 PA',r 112 paq e 4 2 ...._...,....."_.~-_.,.-....--""......,.............-.. . ~.,..".,_.. ...,~.,_.,... -,...,.~..,....". .,._......_..,~..."'^.,."''''--- ,...... c:¡¡ - s= May 7, 1985 XUa 124 lID 1791, ROADWAY IMPROVIKEMTS WITHIN THI GRIEHNAY ROADWAY ARIA PAVIMO AlSISSKSWT DISTRICT - AWARDED TO BETTER ROADS, INC. 1M THI AMOUNT or f435,31.7.47 Legðl n~tice h vLl9 been publ1.hftd in the Naples Daily NewS on March 25, 19a5, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, bids Wtlre received for roadway impr·)Vements within thft Greenway Roadway ^rea Paving Assessment District until 2130 P.M. April 17, 1985. Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that five bids were received for this proj.c~. He noted that the County &ngineerlnq Department r.viewed all bids and he is recommending that Bid 1798 be aWArded to aetter Roads, Inc. in the am,~unt of $435,317.43, being the low.st bidder. Co..i..ioner Holl.nd aoved, .econded by Co..i.aioner H.... and carried un.ni.ou.ly, th.t Bid '798, Ro.dw.y Iaprove.ent. within the Greenw.y Roadw.y Are. Pavin9 A.......nt District be .ward.ð to Better Road., Inc. in the aaount 'of $435,317.47, being the low bidder and in tbe beat lnt3re.t of the County. It.. 125 ADYlRTISI TO nICIIY! BIDS AND FUNDING FOR TBI CONSTRUCTION COST TO ALTIR/RlLOCATI TBI LAKEWOOD WATER CONTROL STRUCTURI IN LAKEWOOD SUBDIVISION - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that the objective of this item is to obtain &?ard approval to advertise to .eceive bids for the alteration/rolocation of the water control structure located within Lakewood Subdivision. He stated that the location of the existing water control structure has been a subject of concern to the residents of Lakewood Subdivision since its installation in 19a1. He noted that the residents have indicated that their objection to this location is based on the fact that this structure was not a requirement to the development of Lakewood Subdivision, adding that it was a requirement for the development of Boca Ciega, a project located adjacent and upstream of Lake~od. He stated that C~unty staff members and South Florida Water Management District representatives have met with the r.sidents and have agreed to the relocation of the water control .tructure .ubject t~ 5~~rd approval. He noted that thi~ project is estimated to cost $20,000. Commissioner Pistor questioned if the old one is going to be removed or if It Is just going to be lowered by about one foot? &ODK 087 PAGt 114 Page 43 " ,~"..,._u",,_,._'._"=_ ..-- .--.-..------'. "'-"--"'-' '. .oo¥: 087w.el15 May 7, 1985 Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that the present plan is t~ remove th~ existing structure 8~ that there would no~ be any turbulence downstream, adding that there has been some th~ught to leaving it in and lowering it somewhat so that there would be a d.eper po~l of water between the two structures. He stated that he prefers to remove the existing o~e in its entirety. Col. John Beebe, Jr. stated that he would suggest that the County leave the present structure in place and lower it about one fo~t, which will in effect create a type of settling pond that would help prevent silting through the pipe. that go underneath Lakewood Blvd. and which result in silting in the entrance of tho lakes on the other side which is another pa(t or the same outfall system. He stated that this system actually drains about 2,000 acres ~f property upstream. He also stated that an~ther structure should be relocated upstream where it was originally intended to be. Commissioner lIasse questioned if Mr. Kuck could lower the existing structure and if he did, would it make an impact on the estimDted cost? Public Works Administrator Kuck stated that it would pr~bably reduce the cost, addlng that it would be subject to S~uth Florida Water Management District'. approval. He stated that it would work fine if the present structure was lowered ab~ut a foot. Commissioner Voss stated that the request could be approved and then he could get together with South Florida Water Management District ._ regarding approval to lower the existing struct.ure, tQ which Mr. Kuck aqreed. Co..l..ioper Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Co..i..loner Goodn19ht and carried unaniaoualy that advertisin9 to recelv. bids and funding for tbe con.tructlon coat to alter/relocate the Lakewood Water Control Structure in Lakewood Subdivision be approved. ..... Co..i..loner Holland left the ..et1n9 at 3z30 '.M. and returned at 3140 P.M. ..... It.. 126 UTILITIBS DIVISIOM AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT SUMSrr BOMBS WATER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PETITIOM, OBTAIM NECESSARY UTILITY IASIMENTS, EXPEND NECESSARY ruwos FOR RECORDING FEIS AND TITLI REPORTS MOT TO IXCEID .900 , PREPARE A FEASIBILITY STUDY WHICH INCLUDES THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that Sunset Homes petitioned the County for water service only, adding that there are 132 parcols and approximately 88' of the owners aigned the pvtition. He stated that he ia asking that the potition be accepted And authorize Pa9. 44 ~ \i'.:~:':..J ~ -.&;,¡; .- ---..--.. -.. --~._--_....._..- ~,..",.,._,~"..,...".o>._..,,",,"_ .. .. t.:.i1 May 7, 1965 hi. to obtain the necessary easements and the payment of the recording fee., as ~ll a. authorizati~n to prepare the preliminary assessment roll. He atated that the recording fee is approximately $900. Coaal..loner pl.tor aov.d, .econcS.cS by Comaiaalon.r Goodnight and carrl.d 4¡0, (Coaahdoner Holland not pr...nt at this U..) that the Utl1ltl.. Dlvi.lon be .utborlz.d to accept Sun.et Ho.e. W.ter As......nt DI.trlct P.tltlon, obt.in n.ce...ry utility ......nt., .sp.nd n.c....ry fund. for record1n9 fee. end tltl. r.port. not to exc..d .900 .nd prep.re . fea.ibillty .tudy which include. the pr.1i.in.ry ...e....nt roll. It.. 127 UTILITIIS DIVISIO. AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH MARCO ISLAHD WATER AND SEWIR DISTRICT PHASE II SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Utilities Administrat~r Crandall stated th3t his røc~mmendation is that the C~unty move forward with just the collection system for Phase II Marco Island. He stated that it was asked ~f him at the worksh~p to bring back the coat ~f thð effluent system. He noted that ~n the effluent piping system ~nly, tho cost to be installed in c~njunction with the collecUon syst.l!m w~uld be ab~ut $4.50 per f""t, adding that if it were put in at a later date it would c"st ab"ut $9.00 per fo"t. He stat.d that if a c"mmitment is made that the wh"le system will be done it would b. fine, but the system is no g""d with"ut the transmission system, the pumping and the filtering. Commissioner Pist~r stated that he feels strongly th~t this sh~uld be d~ne and if there is a possibility of a sh~Ltag. of water the C"unty should start thinking now about conserving p"table water and making use of the ef fluen t. Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that consideration needs t~ be given t" whether there sh~u1d be an aSRessment program added to the actual assessment. He said doing that a precedont is be1ng set and it would be determined as a naces.1ty and evtryone would be a.s....d. County Attorney Saunders stateO that there was legal work done on this ab~ut a year ago regarding b~nd va11ù~~ion, adding that the documents are prepared. He stated that he ~~uld like to have authorizat1~n to retain Mr. Giblin f"r the purp~se of b~nd validation. Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that he 1s asking for authorizati"n t" negotiate an agreement with Delt~na regarding the treatment of Pha.. II .ewage flow, that he be authorized to proceed with the project engineers t~ update estimat~d costs ~nd preparation of &DDK 087 p~r,r 116 Page 45 . ~.,q';"·'i,'{~t';;,,,,.j\\"'1'~'~~ '.'...."",.' ;',;: ..,'." .i... -... ...." . ,,-~ ' ~~. --- -~"'_.".~..... . _.",,""-- -~.,.~~",,,,,.,--,._,"~_.._, lOOK 087 me 117 May 7, 1985 and bid documents for the ..wago collecti~n and to also include effluent distributi~n final c~nBtruction plans and transmission system, 11nes. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that the sQcondary use line has always been in the project and it was at thi8 point today that there was thought ~f taking it out. He stated that at the time the bonds are validat4d and the actual assessment roll is preparod, there will have t~ be a public hoaring. Utilities Administrator Crandall stated that he needs authorization to advertise for bids also. In answer to Commissi~ner Hasse, County Attorney Saunders stated that there is some question c~ncerning the effluent line, adding that it is his opinion that it can be assessed. Utilities Administrat~r CrÐnd~ll stated that he has two pr~visl~ns listed, ~n. being that a signed agreement with Delt~na Utilities, Inc. is ~btained and two, that bonding is validated in an amount sufficient to fund this project. Co.-Issloner PistQr aoved, .econded by Co..I.slon.r Goodnight and carried 4/0, (Co..Is.Ioner Holland not pr~sent at this ti.e) that the Utllitl.. Division be authorized to proc.ed with Marco Island Water and Sewer District Phase II Sever I.prove.ents. Tape III Commissioner Pistor stated that he ~)uld like to ~roceed with the ~. investigation of putting in the sec~ndary water lines with the tertiary . - treatment. Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that there hAS to be a c~ntract negotiated with Deltona Utilities to treat the su~ag~ as It comes in and, at that time, there could be some type of agreement negotiated for return irrigation and if that is possible, he will come back to the BCC indicating such. It.. US CONTROLLED BURNING MORATORIUM REINSTITUTED WITH EXCEPTION or FARMERS Assistant County Manager Dorrill stated that this matter was dIscussed at th~ workshop and there were feelings by two of the Commissioners that perhaps the burning moratorium sh~uld not be lif.t,rl. He stated that this moratori~~ was lifted in c~njunction with the watering ban that had been imposed. He stated that people arc required to call his office to get some approval, adding that he gets information as to the day the burning will be performed, under what Page 46 ~ r;¿J'cl] I!!!!J .--:-..&>.-::--.- J":-:;":; ,..,.¡~ ~"'",.. ,,;'¡~. ,·"""''i\:"~¡'1~,;......'':I~·.Mo-''.lo·a:-.;,v,: """'.' ~~........t, .,..",~~;.~,.....,.' ',., "µ"...:\:~.j,,,..~~~::';;:l:øM')'¡'~'\·"~~i.t.~-I'NM~~~""""'~'.'" . '¡ "'"'," "--»"""""'''''''' ....-..."-"'~-,,-~~_...""., .~-_.,"-,-- c¡a .. tEl May 7, 1985 He stated that he then which point, these people and obtain a Department of new step Is that the people ',type of circumstances, and the location. advise. whether it is advisable or n~t, at 'have to go to the respective fire district !orestry number. KI stated that the ~nly are r.quired firat to call his office. C~mmi.sioner Ha~ne ntAtod that thero has boon n~ chang_ with r.gard to the dryness and h~ doe. not want to be in favor of controlled burning ift should get out of hand. He stated thÐt to walt a few weeks would not hurt anything. Commissi~n.r Hasse stated that he w~uld like to make a motion that the Commission hold off on lifting the mo r a to r i um . County Attorney Saunders stated that his recollection of the burning moratorium was that it had a time frame in it of 10 days or 2 week., adding that it is his opinion that there is no moratorium at this time that has been imposed by Collier County. He stated that if the C~mmi.sion wants to impose a moratorium for two weeks, the same resolution could be re-unacted. He stated that the appropriate motion would be to r~in.tituto the previous moratorium for a period of two welks with an exception for farmers. Commissioner Holland stat.d that he would like to s.e the moratorium reinstituted without a time period. Assistant County Manager Oorrill stated that this could be done and he ~)uld simply bring it back sometime after tho Board's vacation in Jul y . Co..i..ioner H.... ~yed, .econded by Co.-Issioner Holl.nd and carried unani.ously, that the burning .o~.tori~ b. reinstituted with tbe exception for far.er.. County Attorney Saunders Indicated at this time, that Commissioner Holland had mentioned at the workshop the possibility of the water shortage being put back on and changing the hours to midnight to 4100 A.M. for watering. He stated .that ho spoke with the Water Management District and they indicated that they would like to see uniformity in all the districts, cities, and countlea in hours of watering. He stated that they did acknowledge that if there is a certain circumstance within Collier County where pressure is effected or some other reason, they would consider permitting the County to water some other time ~ther than 4100 A.M. to 8100 A.M. He stated that if the District decides to put the water shortage back into effect, h. '/IOuld contact them aga in at that time to see h~w I t can be handled. lODK 087 FA'.! 118 Page 47 ! Io ¡ ,'- ....~' ~,.......;, ::' .,t'f,,~.b";",ì_~"\i ;' ,<r.. ~" ......""',..-,.- -.--- ----- ~" .:.j ,j" ,:,¡¡...., ~:.J tJoi" ~~.··~.:.:·;OQ(· 087 w.e 119 t~·, . ~:;:It.. 12 9 "....,~. " '~P:' .. 1I0Ll SOURCE PURCBASI or XItROX ~. - AUTHORIZED '~.1.j i;;t'; \~. .\",'-' ¥~: f ,. "~'f".' ) , May 7, 1985 'APER PROM MIAD MIRCBANTS (GRAHAM JOMIS) . . Assistant County ~,nager Dorr1ll stated that this is for authcrization to continue to allow the staff to receive proposals for xerox paper. He noted that the way the Executive Summary was written, it appeared that a more expensive paper was being purchase~ from tho Xerox Corporation which is incorrect. He reported that the word -Xerox~ as used in the Executive Summary is a generic term which refers to the paper for the photocopier.. He stated that he routinely receives proposals and paper is purchased on the most reasonable proposal that is received. He noted that the County does not now purchase paper through the State Contract, due to the fact that deliveries cannot be guaranteed and they require at least 30 days. He stated that he is currently buying paper through the lowest most responsive bidder which is Mead Merchants In Fort Myers, adding that they provide the County with immediate next day delivery. He stated that the County is not locked in with any company at all, adding that It ~u1d be appropriate near the end of the summer to put this item out for annual bid. Co..l..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Co..I..loner Goodni9ht ~nð carried unani.ously, that the .ole source purchase of Xerox paper froK - Mead Merchant. be authorized. It.. 130 ORDIHAMCI ISTABLISBIMG PINE RIDGE IMDUSTRIAL PAR~ MSTU TO BE ADVERTISED FOR JUNE 18, 1985 County Attorney Saunders stated that he needs authorization to advertise an ordinance establishing the Pine Ridge Industrial Park Municipal Service Taxing and ~enefit Unit on June 18, 1985. Co..l.aioner Holland .oved, seconded by Co..ia.ioner Pistor and carried unani.oualy, that an ordlnanc. .atabllahln9 the Pine Rldg. Induatrial Park MSTU be adverti..d for June 18, 1985. It.. 131 COUMTY ATTORNEY DIRECTID TO ADVERTISI AM INrORMATIONAL MEETING ON MAY 23 AT 9100 A.M. WITH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION REGARDING PROCESSING or RATE APPLICATIONS County Attorney Saunders stated that this is for information only, adding that he has scheduleo a maeting with the Staff of the Public Service Commi.slon for Wednesday and Thursday, May 22 and 23, with the Page 48 l!§l1 (i'~'~:~J I!!!! ',t ~ "'1 '~.:J:;¡:~.:;.~:riX-';J.,;,_. "'1~.,. ) ¡.,o.;¡;:~.:;...~I.-¡" 'J''#;'~~ ...j. '''~;.,.:''hr..al' al"..,.;",~f""\·:\.V; ".....'"".._,-;.'""'~_..."....._.._- .. c:a ~~ May 7, 1985 ".purpose of the meeting being to acquaint Collier C~unty staff and some of the owners ~f the privately owned utilities with the procedures to be followed by t.he Public StHvice Commission. He stAted that if the Board de.ires, he could schedule a meeting with the Public Servico Commission staff and the Commission on Thursday, May 23, at 9100 A.M. He stated that they could answer questions that the Commission might have as well as an explanation of h~w rate applications will be processed. Commissioner Voss stated that he thought it was a good idea with the qeneral consensus that a meeting of this nature be held on May 23, 1905, at 9100 A.M. It.. i32 COUXTY ATTORMEY AUTHORIZED TO ADVERTISE rOR JUNB 18, 1985, AN ORDINANCE RIGARDING THE COUNTY-WIDI WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM County Attorney Saunders stated that the Tax C~llect~r would like to have some type of ordinance on the books that recognizes the water pollution control program. Ho st<lted that he would envision an ordinance that basically recognizes that the v~ters appr.~ved the referendum and that a County-wide water pollution control district has been Zormed. He stated that he needs authorizatio~ to advertise such an -:.rdinance for June 18, 1985. Commissioner Voss questioned if anyone had any objection to such, and with no negative response, he directed the C~unty ^ttorney to advertise the ordinance. Ite. 133 COUNTY ATTORNIY AUTHORIZED TO CONTINUE WITH THB SERVICES or MR. EARL GALLOP DURING PRELIMINARY STAGES or LITT.GATION RI EAST NAPLES WATER SYSTEM, INC. County Attorney Saunders stated that he obtained from the Federal Court an extension of time to respond to the complaint filed by the East Naples Water System, Inc. until May 15, 1985. He stated that on or before May 15, 1985, he has to file a motion t~ dismiss or some other type of pl.~ding, adding that he has retained ~n a very temporary basis, Earl Gallop, with the law firm of Millage' Hormley to assist him with preparation of the motion. He stated that Mr. Gall~p has represented the County before and he thought that he would be very appropr late on a temporary basi s. He stated that he wo)uld like authorization t~ continue working with Mr. Gallop during the preliminary staqes of the litigation. He stated that he contacted the 80DK 087 W.E 120 pag e 49 ; ~A I· '.. ,.....'4I,..i~ -,,,~...~..,.,,....,,,,,---,,--,- ---.----.---..'''...-. -- May 7, 1985 . am 087 p~"t 121 attorney. for the plainliff. and h~ has attempted to .tart thø proce.s concerning settlement. He noted that the first effort will try to get the matt.r resolved with~ut any significant expense. Co..i..ion.r Pi.tor ~v.d, ..cond84 by co..l..ion.r H.... oarrieð unaniaoualy, that the County Attorney be .uthorlz.d to to rataln Mr. G.llop to a..l.t hi. In pr.p.ratlon of pl..ðlngs la.t Napl.. Wat.r syate., Inc. c.... Ita. 134 and continue In the BUDGIT AKKMDMEMTS 85-231/232, 85-237, 15-240/241, 85-249/250, 15-256, 85-259, 85-264, 85-267, 85-271, AND 85-273/274 - ADOPTED Co..I..ion.r Holland aov.d, ..co~ð.d by Ca..i..io~~r Ha.s. and c.rrl.d unanl.ou.ly, that Budget Aaend.ent. 85-231/232, 85-237, 15-240/241, 15-249/250, 15-256, 85-259, 85-264, 85-267, 85-271, and 85-273/274 b. adopted. It.. 135 BUDGIT AMEMDMIMTS 85-235/236, 85-238/239, 85-243/246, 85-252, 85-"57/258, 15-260, 85-262/263, 85-265/266, 85-268/270, 85-272, AND 85-275 - ADOPTED Co.-Ia.loner Holland aoved, eecondeð by Coaaia.ioner pistor .nd carrl.d unanl.oualy, that Budg.t Aaend.ent. 85-235/236, 85-238/239, 15-243/24', 85-252, 8~-257/258, 85-260, 85-262/263, 85-26~/266, 85-268/270, 85-272, end 85-275 be .dopt.d. ne. 136 ", . _ ROUTH.I BILLS - APPROVED POR PAYI'\ZNT purøuant t~ Resolution 81-150 the f~llowing checks were issued thro~h Friday, May 3, 1985, in payment of routine bills: CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. AMOUNT Vendor 127514 -128355 $3,032,956.79 acc payroll 12633 - 13970 $ 247,931.91 It.. 137 INTEREST ON CANCELLED IBM LEASE/PURCHASE CONTRACT - APPROVED Fiscal Officer Gills stated that this item 1s interest on a cancelled IBM lease/purchase contract which needs Board approval. Co..l..loner Holl.nd .ov.d, .econd.d by Co..i.slon.r H.... and carried unanl.oualy, that the lnt.r..t on a cancell.d IBM Lea../,urcha.. Contract b. approv.d. It.. 138 Page 50 " ,.«í" .,,~~'.... ,it·' 1!!!:1 t,~~~~ ..,..... ~ ..,..,.., .."'''' , ~. -l~~ L. ,I' ··.·1 :'¡-",. '.. == all r"''=''1 May 7, 198!> COUNTY ATTOR~IY DIRECTED TO REDRAFT COUMTY ORDINANCE REGARDING REMOVAL or IXPLOSIVI DEVICES FROM SEISM:C SURVEYS Commis.i~ner V~ss referred t~ hi. mem~ dated April 23, 1985, re9ardin9 .eismlc expl~sive devices, stating that he would like to see an ordinance prepareù that says that if ~n oil company is q~ing to do seismic inve.tigations they will have a regi.tered engineer or the County, at the oil companies expense, certify the location of each of the explosive charge. and have bonds posted that would be sufficient 80 that if the explosives are not removed, tho C~unty would have the money to remove them. C~mmission'r B()lland questioned it this would c"lItlict with any State l~w, to which C~unty Attorney Saunders stated that Section 552.25 provides that nothing c~ntained ;~ Chapter 552 shall prohibit ~r limit counties or cities from imposing their ~wn regulati~ns as l~ng as the County or city requlati~ns are m~re strict than the State regulations. He stated that the C~unty ordinance now requires that the explosive. be located and that any unexploded explosives be rem~ved and there is a general penalty provision if the ordinance is vi~lated. He stated that the ordinance that is in effect c~uld be reworked t·, clarify it and put in the language that Commission Voss has sugqasted and tighten up the penalty section and the inspection pr~cess. Commissioner Holland questioned if something could be done about the companies that left these explosives in the ground, to which County Attorney Saunders stated that there are enough ~rdinances ~n the bo~k. at the present time that would all~w the County to take s~me civil action against them. Deputy Chief Barnett stated that he thinks that updating the new ordinance is a g~od idea, adding that in this case, the company that put the explosives in has boen very helpful in locating the explosive. that are still there and they have also offered t~ pay all the expense. that are incurred. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor aoved, seconded by Co..i..ioner H.... and carried unaniaously, that the County Attorney b. directed to redraft tb. County Ordin.nce regarding re.ov.l of explosive device' fro. .el..ic .urvey. to include lanquage .uqge.ted by Co..i..ioner Vo..' .e.o dated 4/23/85, to strengthen the in.pection proce.. .nd the p:ü=ltï ===t!'!:~6 It.. 139 DISCUSSIOH RE POSSIBLE REACTIVATIOM OF THE COLLIER COUNTY HISTORICAL aOOK 087 W,[ 122 paqe Sl -_.._- -- aDD,; 087 w·t 123 COMMISSION - CONTI~UtD FOR TWO WIEKS May 7, 1985 Commi.sioner Voss indicated that he asked for this item to bo placed on the agenda and he is now asking that this discussion be continued for'two weeks. lte. 14 0 RIGULAR COMMI&&IOU NEtTIMGS TO al BILD OM TBI 'IRST, SECOND AND rOURTB TUESDAY ar IACB MOMTB AND TWO WORKSHOP MIETINGS TO BI HILD DURING iãE MOMTB -.APPROVID. CBAMGI REGARDING COMMISSION MEETIMGS TO GO INTO l.rlCT AT THE IMD 0. JULY. WORKSHOP TO BI SCHEDULED TO DISCUSS COMMISSIOM WORKSHOPS - APPROVED Commi.sioner Hasse stated that it would be advantageous to the Commission and the residents of Collier County 1;.., roturn to r.-eekly meetings, adding that it would give the public more of ao opportunity to have input at the meetings and they would not be as lengthy. He stated that he does not believe that the workshops are of any great advantage, adding ~hat they could be held on an as-~eeded basis but not on a regular schedule. Commissioner Voss stated that the workBh~ps give the Commissioners a change to discuss items prior to the meeting. He stated that if the Commission meets every we~k for ð regular meeting, there cannot be a workshop because Staff cannot be tied up for two days a week. Mr. Georgo Keller, represent.ing the Collier County Civic rederation, stated that they are not in favor of the present format. He stated that the regular meetings drag on even with the W?rkshop. T..pe 112 Mr. Charlotte Westman, representing the Leagua of Women V~ters, stated that they are in favor of the workshops and the bl-weekly meetings. Commissioner Pistor stated that there could be three regular meetings a month, one for simply operational type items and still have the two regular workshops. H~ stated that two of the rcgular meetings could be for the public hearings anà the third meeting could be operational items of the Cou~ty. Co..l..loner Pl.tor .oved, aeconded by co..laaloner Holland that the Co.-ia.ion ..etings be held on the first, aecond and fourth Tueaday of eacb aontb and that two workahop. be held durlng the aonth. Commission~r Goodnight stated that she has received a lot from the W?rkshop meetings and would liku to see them continue. She indicated that without the workshop meetings, Staff W?uld be tied up a lot longer with questions coming from five commissioners instead of covering the pao; e S 2 ::::J ~ ~.J ~ 1""'~.'~-~-"""",''''''''';.'·O:''''''''''''''''''¡Jf'''';.n.. ¡... " =~ .....'. '~~1 r. ,.,,, ~1:o.t,.~"'t"'.':'.~"~' .".. "," ~ .. ,:' ,,-,~~,'W;';'·~',.. ,.¡,:. ,> .........,;,..."'1; '\·X2~__~4~'!".\J;t; ,"'d'~...iìi~{~""'-I"'"'I'"f'" . .' ",' .~,;.'),;; 'I't_...-.--...'...... .. .. ~ Mðy 7, 1985 issue at ~ne time in a workshop sessi~n. ~he stated that she would like to leave tÞe schedule ~f the meetings just as they are n~w. Upon call for the que.tion, tho ~tion carried 3/2, (Co..i..ioner Vo.. and Goodnight oppo.ed). County Manager Lusk stated that that he feels that there needs t~ ~e . ~rk.h~p t~ d1:cu:: worksh?? m~~tin~R. Co..i..ioner 'l.t~r aoved, .econded by Co..i..loner Vo.. and carried unani.ously that the change regarding Co.-is.ion .eeting. go into effect at the end of July and a workshop be .cheduled to discus. Co..l..lon .eetings. n..,41 DISCUSSIOM or RIQUEST 'ROM CITRUS COUNTY BOARD or COMMISSIONERS RIOARDINO ·USIR rlls- TO PAY rOR 911 SYSTIM - WITHDRAWN Commissioner Voss stated that this item is b~ing withdrawn because there will be a slido presentati~n fr~m the teleph~ne company regarding this ma tter. ne. 142 TRIAD aOVIRMMIMTAL SYSTEM, INC. ELECTAB TABULATION IQUIPMINT TO TABULATE VOTIS rOR THE JUNE 25, 1985, SPECIAL ILECTION ON MARCO ISLAND - APPROVED Commissioner Voss stated that this equipment does not cost the County any m~ney and is an approved system by the State ~f Florida. Co..i.sloner Holland .oved, aecon~ed by Co..lsaloner pistor and carried unani.oualy, that the Triad Gov~rnmontal Sy.te., Inc. ILICtab tabulation equipment, be approved for use to tabulate votes for the June 25, 1985, apecial election on Marco Island. Ite. . U COMTIMUATIOM OF THE HEALTH 'ITWESS PROGRAM IN THI SHIRIFr'S OlFICI FOR THI REMAINDIR OF FIGCAL YEAR 1984-85 - APPROVED Co..i..loner Pl.tor aoved, seconded by Com.i..ioner Goodnight and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the continuation of the Health fltne.. Progr.. in the Sheriff'. Office for the re.ainder of Fl.cal Y.ar 1984-85 be approved. ***** Co..i..ioner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Co.-i..ioner Holland and carried unani.ou.ly, that the consent Aoanda be adopted and/or approved with the exception tbat It.. 16C3 be changed fro. $5,000 to $2,000 due to a typographical error and that Ite. 1612 be deleted. ***** &DOK 087 P1!;f 124 Page S3 , ' '''''.''~'';'''C .,,,,,..,,,,,,...,,,,,,",",.-- .--..--- ._- am 087 r~c.! 125 Ite. 144 FlMAL 'LAT or WOODLAKE TO BE RECORDED, ACCIPTAHCE or 110\ CONSTRUCTION SECURITY AND AUTHORIZATION TO EX!CUTI ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT See Pagu 1.35- /.37 May 7, 1985 tt... 445 PETITION TR-84-9C, ELOISE CooPIR, REQUESTING FIRST 3 MONTH TEMPORARY RISIDENCE PERMIT EXTENSION ON TRACT 48, UNIT 194, GOLDEN GAT! ESTATES It.. 146 'ETITION TR-85-14C, PATRICIA ANN DANCER, REQUESTING ~ ~ONTHS TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PIRMIT ON S230' OF TRACT 39, UNIT 7, GOLDr.~~ATE ESTATES It.. '47 'ETITION TR-84-l3C, FRAMCIS AMD JEAH MUSICK, REQUESTING SICOND AND rINAL 3 MONTH EX~INSION or A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON TRACT 116, UNIT 87, GOLDEN GATE ES~ATES It.. 148 PETITIO. TR-85-16C, LAWRLMCE O. tEAGUI, REQUESTING A 6 MONTH TEMPORARY RISIDENCI PERMIT ON THE W7S' or TRACT 54, UNIT 97, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES It.. 149 PETITION TR-84-30C, AMOS JOHNSON, REQUESTING A FIRST 3 MONTH TEMPORARY RISIDENCI 'IRMIT EXTENSION ON TRACT 82, UNIT 13, GOLDE~ GATE ESTATES Ite. 150 .- PRILIMlMARY ACCEPTANCE or RIVIERA GOLl ESTATES, UNIT ONE, PHASE 1, 2 AHD 3 TOGETHER WITH ACCIPTANCE OF 10' MAINTENANCE SICURITY AND SIDEWALK COMPLETION BOND lte. 151 'RILIMINARY ACCEPTANCE or PORT-OF-T8E-ISLANDS, PHASE ONI WIT8 CONDITION TBAT ACCEPTANCE IS NOT EFFICTIVE UNTIL COUNTY UTILITY DIVISION IS IN RECEIPT OF ~PPROVED DOCUMENTS Ite. 152 MODIFICATION 0' EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.181 - LELY ESTATES, INC. - BIC. 20, T50S, R261, TRACTS A , B OF LILY GOLl ESTATES, A/K/A LELY ROYAL PALM COUNTRY CLUB - SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS 1. The depth of oach excavation shall be limited to -3.0 ft. ngvd wherever the excavation side slopes will allow such depth. 2. Off-site discharge of ground~ater during construction shall be only through approved discharge structures after water quality treatment approved by the County Engineer. Page S4 ':. ~ r:-"71 ~:J ~ -." ..._~--~.._-_..._--- v _~' -r._- ~.........t",......---;--'""..,..---- ,....... _.........._"..,.,..."._....,._.w.._._·....,,_··=·_'_ .. .. ~ ,. May 7, 1985 3. All excavated material shall be dispossd of within the plAtted boundaries of Laly Golf Estates. It.. '53 ACQUISITION OF UTILITY BASEMENTS ON NORTH SIDS or PIME RIDGE ROAD BETWIIM SHIRLEY ST. AMD YAHL ST. - RICORDING AUTHORIZED AS RECEIVED Ite. 154 30 rOOT DRAINAGI IASEMINT FROM LELY ESTATES, INC. SEC. 18, T50S, R26! See Pages /..39- / ¥/ Ite. 155 BID '799 FOR INSTALLATION OF 4- WATIR DISTRIBUTION LINB, GOLDEN GATI 'ARKNAY MIDIAM, PHASI I - AWARDED TO SEABOARD PROBE, INC. IN THE AMOUNT or $26,745.00 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 25 and 28, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavits of publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for the installation of a 4" water distribution line for Golejen G"te P3rkway Mlildian, Phase I, unitl 2130 P.M., April 17, 1985. Ite. . 56 AUTHORIZATION TO CRIATE A BUDGET AMEMDKINT EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM rOR MARCO ISLAND ROAD IMPROVEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BCC-DELTONA AGREEMENT or 8/28/84 IN THE AMOUNT or $148,000 It.. '57 BID 1802, ROADWAY IMPROVEMIHTS WITHIN THE GOL~EM GATE UNIT 2, BLOCK 74, ALLEY 'AV1NG ASSISSMENT DISTRICT - AWARDED TO BRISSON ENTERPRISES, INC. 1M THE AMOUNT or $41,418.80 Legal noticA hbving been published in the Naples Daily News ~n April 1, 1985, as evidenced by Affidavit of PUblication filed with the Clerk, bids were r.ceived for roadway improvements within tho Golden Gate Unit 2, 8lock 74, Alley Paving Assessment District until 2130 P.M. April 24, 1985. &DOK 087 PAr,r 126 pag e 55 -,---.. ---...:w- I~:~ pa7 P~~r 127 May 7, 1985 151 EASIMEWT GRANTED TO rPL AT THE GOLDEN GATI PAR~ So.. P"g" / 'f~'" / ~.3 It.. 159 QOIT CLAIM DUD FROM THE SSTAn 01' DOROTHY B. I'LYW 1'011. TIDAL SUBMERSED LAMDS UNDIR WATER LYING BENEATH NEW PASS NORTH or MARCO ISLAND See Page 110' -¡,/S Ite. 16 0 ADDITION 01' ONE FULL-TIME ~NGIMIER I IN 1'81 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE roll. INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION OF rIVE COMMUNITY PAR~S AND rUWDING 01' THE POSITION FROM THE COMMUNITY PAR~S CONSTRUCTION FUND It.. 161 LEASI RENEWAL AGREEMKMT FOR THE EAST NAPLES LIBRARY BRAHCH WITH SHAMOR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION See Pages / J/.t - /59 It.. 162 saORT TERM LIASI AGREEMENT WITH CORVETTES OF NAP LIS, INC. AT IMMOKALEI AIRPORT rROM JUN~ 7 TO JUNE 11, 19~5 Sa ti pag es I to .. /~.;I. ,-It.. 163 CASH LOAM 01' $38,000 TO 1'81 OCHOPEE FIRE DISTRICT TO BI REPAID WHIN rEDERAL PAYMENTS-IN-LIEU-Or-TA~ES kEVENUES ARE RECE~VED Ito. 164 ~CEALED PISTOL PERMIT 185-4 rOR GEORGE W. SNIDER Ite. 165 POLICY ALLOWING STAFF TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDERS NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 roll. THE CONSTRUCTION or THE COMMUNITY PARKS Ite. 166 MARCO ISLAND EMS SUBSTATION TO DONATE SURPLUS WALL UNIT AIR CONDITIONIR TO MARCO ISLAND FIRE DEPARTMENT Equipnent Serial Number ADJ440033, C.,unty Asset Number 83388 ~ ~ ~ . '¡ ~~~:"~~"':''rí,l''ir..1 ,-'·O~,,"l~"',"y~,'''''õ;'7fI'l,-v.Y')r..I..~DI. ~."JIW.!IiIJ;"~'~~"';"""~;.~~!"""',¡."'<Í'1"'~1f~"···/'·" " ",'é"__"_'_" .... Page 56 .. ",,,,,,~..".. ..____._._.m.._ _"._-..~.._' .. .... r:¡;J May 7, 19B5 It.. 1&7 AGRKI"EKT WITB STILlS CORP. REGAnDING IMTIRIM OM-SITI SEWAGE TRIATM£MT FACILITIIS TO 81 COHSTRUCTED TO SIRYI A GENIRAL OFFICI 'ROJICT, CCMMICTIOM TO COUNTY'S OFF-SITI SEHIR FACILITIES, WHIM AVAILABLE, AND PADID'I' OF ALL AP'LICABLI SOlft BYSTI.K DIVELOI'ttIHT CHARGIS rOR BUILDINGS CONSTRUQTION WITHIN PROJECT - SUBJECT TO STIPULATION 1. The o~r..ment document is f¢und to be legally sufficient by the C¢unty Attorney f¢r acceptance by the Board. Su Pagu / ~.3 - /Cø'/- Ite. 168 NEWLY CONSTRUCTID WATER AND SIWIR FACILITIES ACC!PTED FOR noN CARLOS CONDOMINIUM AT KINGS LA~E - SUBJECT TO ~TIPUtATION 1. That all legal documents arc found t¢ be legally sufficient by the County Attorney. See Pages /C,b--/71 Ite. 1&9 AGREEMENT rOR REIMBURSEMENT TO ELBA DEV!LO~.lNT CORP., THE DEVELOPER OF WOOCHIRI RACo.UET CLUB F~R 'COUNTY REQUESTED WATER MAIN OVERSIZING - PURSUANT TO STIPUrATIONS . 1. The Developer must provide detailed material invoices and/or materials quotations to justify the differential pipe material cost between 8M and l2M water pipe. 2. The Developer's Engineer shall provide certification on the quantity of pipe mater.al, lineal feet, utiliz~d to construct the water main in question. See Pages /7.J... -J 7.:f Ite. '70 REMEWAL OF YOUTH HAVEN ASSESS"ENT SHORT TERM NOTE WITH BARNETT BANK OF NAPLES ~N AMOUNT OF $40,000 FOR A ON! YEAR PERIOD See Pages 175 It.. 171 RISK MAMAGIMEMT DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL PUBLIC RISK AND INSURANCB ~AGEMBNT CONFERENCE PROM JUNE 9-12, 1985, IN SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA It.. 172 "OKTB-TO-MOMTB LEASE AGRIE"EMT WITH OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT CORP. FOR TBI SOUSING OP 'UBLIC SIRVICES ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES AND COMPENSATION OF $340 TO HEERY CORP. FOR USE OF THE OFFICE FOR MONTH OF PŒBRUARY, 1985 Su Pages /7C -If''? &ODK 087 r.\~,t 128 Pago 57 .............;¡, .' :,".. .....--..-.. .. -.....,.--- 4 - U'D' { 087 w·t 12.9 It.. 173 1 .~ ..] .d ,., , "1 MIIY 7, 1985 PISCAL OFFICER TO PROCEED WITH PAYMENT TO SATISFY OUTSTANDING ACCOUHT FOR OFPICB PUUITUU AJfD DESIGN POR PUlUfISHIUGS TO THE BCC SUITE . " It.. 174 BUDGET APPROVAL FOR 1'U1ITD 518, WORURS' COMPENSATION SELF-INSURANCE l'UJID AS SUBMI'M'BD BY RIS~ HARAGEHBNT DIRECTOR It.. 175 CONTRACT WITH ORAL HEALTH SERVICES FOR VOLUNTARY DENTAL COVERAGE FOR ALL EMPLOYEES THRU PAYROLL DEDUCTlúNS See Pages - Notel Not received in Clerk of Board Office as of 5/17/85. He. '76 SECURITY GLASS PURCHASE IN E1:CESS 01" $2.000 WITHOUT SEALED BID FOR NEW JAIL FROM SIERRACIN/TRANS TECH, CALI'. - AMOUNT AUTHORIZED ~4,l68.61 It.. '77 CHAHGE ORDER FOR BID '770 IN THE INCREASED AMOUNT OF $2300 FOR WATERPLANT LANDSCAPING. POLICY R!-ESTABLISHED AUTHORIZING DIVISION ADMINISTRATORS TO Y.F'ZCT CHANGB ORDERS TO CONTRACTS NOT TO EXCEED 10' OF AWARDED AMOUNTS See Pages - Notel Not received in C1~rk of Bearo Office as of 5/17/85. , . Ite. 178 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF IBM WOR!( STATION EQUIPMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,027 FOR THE PURCHASING DEPAR~ Ite. 179 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS WITH HATIONWIDE ADVERTIS!NG SERVICE IN THE AHOUHT OF $3,340.62 FOR A PLABRING AND ZONING DIRECTOR It.. '80 EMERGENCY PURC:~E OF RIPRAP MADE ON 4/25/85. FROM QUIC~ITE-SOUTH, INC. IN AMOUNT OF $1.040.60 FOR UNDERMINED BRIDGE ON C.R. 846 AND EUCLID AVE. Ite. .81 CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE 1977 TAX ROLL 439 (Delete) 2/21/85 Page 58 ~., ~ ¡.~.,~] ~ ._-_.._-.~........ --~. ..,'. {':"'~., _ ,r'ØI~~~ - .. ~ E-j(~'l May 7. 1985 1983 TAX ROLL 368 - 369 372 2/l9/B5 4/10/85 1984 T1\X ROLL 164 - l66 195 - 199 2/15/85 - 2/19/85 4/02/85 - 4/22/85 1984 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTi 1984-l28/l984-l35 4/08/85 - 4/25/85 Ite. '82 EXTRA OAIN TIME FOR IMMATE R03. 24656, 21086, ABD 23431 It.. f83 MISCELLANEOUS CORRBSPOIrDDCE - PILED ABD/OR REFE!!!!L There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated belowl 1. Letter dated 4/9/05. from Nillil'lm K. Clark. Exec. Dir., ~rea ~gcncy on Aging c: South Central Florida enclosing a copy of the "Fi.r8~-Sellli"""nnual Monitoring visit for Aging Programs of Collier County for period of 1/1-12/3l/8S. XCI Mrs. ßr~ngaccio. Filed. 2. Letter dated 4/5/85, from William K. Clark. Exec. Dir., Area Agency on Aging of South Central. Florida encl~sing a copy of the Second Semi-Annual Monitoring visit for Aging Programs of Collier County for period of 7/1/84-6/30/85. XCI Mrs. Brangaccio. Fihd. 3. Notice of Appearðnce in Civil ~ction received 4/8/85. between Cit~zens Federal Savings & Loan Assn. and Carlos and Maria Theresa Sanchez, Case No. 84-2036-CA-Ol. XCI r~r. Saunders. Filed. 4. Copy of letter dated 4/15/85, from Fiscal Officer Giles to Dennis H. Durick. Area Audit Supervisor, U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development, re 1984 Single Audit of Federal Aid Programs, enclosing 15 copies of the 1904 Comprehensive Annual Report of Collier County, plus listing of Federal Grantor Agencies and Responses to Audit Comments. Filed. 5. Copy of letter dated 4/10/85. from George R. Beringer, U. S. Dept. of tlle ArrlY, re Rðply Letter for Civilian Inquiries for Frank J. Cooper, 230-28-52lS. XCI Ms. Butts and Mrs. Brangaccio. FlIed. 6. Copy of Notice of Hearing received 4/8/85, from Dept. of Community Affalrs r. Highway Safety Programs. Rule No. 9B-32, to h£ held 4/22/85 in Tallahassee, plus copy of Rules of Dept. of Community Affairs, Chapter 9B-32, Highway Safety Program. XCI Ms. Williamson. Filed. Page 59 'DnK 087 ,,~.;! 130 .;...."..____.... _"W __ _ ._.~~h.>,'_.._·...___- ------- . --.-.....--...--",.-.,......".,.::~~..._. .., IA- '.,,>\, : ~:> ...;:.,: (I~~t ,',.. ~i ,', IT - .."'~- .... . ......~ Q87~. ',\ 13" May 7, 1985 . êo'p? ~ letter dateð 4/12/85, fro. Paul D. Sheffield, Correctional Internal Inspector II. Florida Dept. of Corrections, to Sheriff Rogers re Inspection Report ~ated 4/9/85, Collier County Stockade. F1 led. 8. The following letters w~re rÐceiveð from Douglas L. Fry, Environ. Sup'v., DER, enclosing short for. applications. XCI Mrs. Mullin.. Fileð. 4/4/R'\ 4/4/85 4/16/85 4/16/85 4/17/85 4/23/85 F!!~ ~~=. lllCl~~C~, 1110l;~25, anå 111Ü!~ï~~. File No.. 3~1019535, 36l0l9S55, 361019565, 361019565, and 361020845). File No. 111025525). File No. 111027185). FUe No. lll028215}. File No. 11l0296l5). 9. Letter dated 4/10/85 from Elton J. Gissond~nner, Exec. Dir., DNR, re DNR rule for Florida'e Aquatic Preeervee, plus copy of Rule No. l6Q-20. XCI Mrs. Brangacoio. Filed. 10. Copy of letter dated 4/16/85, from Deborah E. FlacK, Dir., Div, of Beaches and Shores, DNR, to Stanley Hole ra Approval of Ti~e ExtHnsion, Permit File No. CO-63 Ml. XCI Mrs. Mullins. Filed. 11. Copy of letter dated 4/8/85, from Carlos R. Carrero, Engineer, Bur. of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, to Candido Quintana re Administrative Approval of Permit No. A CO-103, KleIst Enterpriscs, Inc., plus copy of Final Order re same. xc: ~rs. Mullins. Filed. 12. Copy of letter dated 4/8/05, from Carlos R. Carrero, Engineer, Bur. of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, to Jim Davis, re Administrative Modification fo~ Permit No. A CO-93 Ml, Marco Beach Hotel, Inc., plus copy of Final Order ra same. XCI Mrs. Mullins. Filed. 13. Letter dated 4/5/85, from Don~1rl E. Hend~r.on, Dist. Planning En~ineer, D.O.T., re JPA-I.mokalee Airport Master Plan, ~nclosing executed copy of the Joint Participation Agreemp.nt between FL D.O.T. and Collier County. XCI Mr. KucK and Mr. Archibald. Filed. 14. Letter dat~d 4/15/85, from Joanne M. Stumpf, Le~sing Coordinator, Federal Signal Credit Corp., ro the Ochopee Fire Control District's LeBse/Purchase of an Emergency On\1! l-'.odcl Prc>tector II, plus copy of Lease-Purchðse Agreement. xc: Mrs. Magri, Mrs. Brangðccio and Ms. Puckett. Filed. 15. Copy of memorandums dated 3/2l/85 and 4/11/85, from Fiscal Officer Gil~s to E~S Director Greenfield enclosing copies of E.M.S. Financial Statements for period ended 1/11/85 ~nd 2/28/65. Filed. l6. Copy of memorandums dat~d 3/26/85 and 4/9/85, from Fiscal Officer Giles to Solid Waste Director Fahey enclosing copies of Solid \~aste Disposal Financial Statements for period ended l/3l/85 and 2/:10/85. Filed. Page 60 œ=:J ~ -- ~ . . ~~~___..__.~___._ ._..__e__ - ...- V --"'-~'I'" III ¡;:::J ~ ~ Mðy 7, 1985 17. copy of meeorandue. dated 3/26/R5 and 4/1l/85, from Fiscal Officer Gila. to COunty Manager tusK enclosing copies of Flp.et Managem.nt/Motor Pool Financial Statements for period ended 1/31/85 and 2/28/85. Piled. lB. COpy of lIIellorandulII dated 4/l0/B5, from Fiscal Officer GUAII t.(\ üLlliti.. Admlnl.trator Crandall enclosing copies of Utility Fund. Financial 3tatelllent. for period ended 1/31/85. Filed. 19. Lettpr dated 4/4/85, from Thomas J. Anner, Claim Dept., G~n.ral Casualty Co., re an accident involving George M. Rauch, Claim No. 093-85, on 3/1/85. XCI Ms. Puckett. Filed. 20. Letter dated 4/22/85. from prog. Mgr., HRS, enclosing Program monitoring report. Mrs. Skinner. Fil~d. Helen K. Fallert, Senior Human Service. . COlllmunl~y Care fo~ Di.~b!.d Adults XCI Mrs. Brangaccio, Mr. Norton and 21. Copy of letter dated 4/l2/85, ra Sewage Treðtment Plant located near Mulberry Court on Marco Island, signed by resident. of the area. XCI Mr. COrrill and Mr. Crandall. Filed. 22. COpies of minute.. Piled. A. City of ~~ples, 3/20/85. B. City of Naples, 4/3/85. C. CAPC and CCPA, 4(4/85, plus copy of 4/18/85 agenda. D. Library Advisory Board, 3/28/85. E. Ocho~e Fire Control Dist. Arlvisory Board, 4/3/85. F. . Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, 4/18/85. 23. Letter daled 4/1/85, from B. J. Givens, Chief. Bur. of Local Government Finance, Office of Comptroller, ar.knowledqing receipt of 1984 Annual Financial Report of Units of Local Government and the Audit Report for FY ended 9/30/84. XCI Mr. Reagan an~ Mr. Gi le.. Filed. 24. Letter dated 4/4/85, from Wayne E. Daltry, Exec. Dir., SWFRPC, re draft of Golden Gate Estate~ Master Plan. XCI Mr. Lusk, Mrs. Brangaccio, and Mrs. Mullins. Filed. 25. Letter dated 4/15/85, from Wayne E. Daltry, Exec. Dir., SWFRPC, re "Pin'!! Air IAkee" application for Development Approval, DR1 '9-8384-49. XCI Mrs. Brangllccio. Filed. 26. Copy of memorandum dated 4/2/85, from Jðmes F. Hudlon, Chief Fiacal Officer, State Board of Administration of Florida, re January-March 1985 Investment Activity. XCI Mr. Gilea. Filed. 27. Letter dated 4/4/85, from Nellie P. Pur~iewie~ requesting that futuro corrc::pondcnce reletivl/O to thll !>\Jnllllt f.st1l.tftS Ar"" ~o"ð Pavin~ Assessment District to be mailed to her attorney Fred R. Sta~ton. XCI Mr. Kuck and Mra. Magri. Filed. 28, Copy of letter 4/10/85, from Captðin Cattalini, U.S. Coaat Guard to Tom Kuc~, County Engineer, re a proposed footbridge across Outer Clam B~y. XCI Mr. Saunders. Filed. Page 61 &DO~ 087 P~r.r 132 -.-,..---- -.--. .- -..~ -.--.....-. ,-....,...-. .~..,,.---' ,--A. . .....,.'............ ~ "'-"..,---- .. 'DDC 087 f'1<:! 133 29. Copy of letter dated 4/18/95, from L.R. Ham~ond, LTJG, U.S. Coast Guard, to George C. Moore re Coast Gu~rd approval granted to the Individual Sponsors for the Pony Express Goodland-MarcO Race to be held 5/5/85, plus copy of area map, application for approval of ~arin. event and copy of Ordinance No. 79-8. XCI Mr. Kuc~ and Mr. Griscom. Filed. May 7, 1985 30. Copy of memorandum dated 1/la/85, from Harry I. Sharrott, Manager, US. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, re Bonding Assistance for ~inority business .n~erprises (MeE's). XCI Ma. Williamson. 'iled. 31. Copy of Hotion for an Extonsion of Time to File Responsive Pleadings received 4/24/85, re ease No. 85-07a7-C¡V-NE~21TT. (E. Naples Water System) XCI Mr. Saunders. Filed. 32. Letter dated 4/22/85, from Mrs. Lauretz Henningsen re weed abatement on her property. XCI Mr. Woodcock. Filed. 33. Copy of letter dated 4/22/85, from George B. Martin to Kilburn's Tractor Service re Golden Gnte, Unit 3, Block 86, Lots 9 and 10 re cutting weftds and cleaning the lots. XCI Mr. Woodcock. Filed. * * * There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Timel 4:30 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX- OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL FRF.DOi~oss, CHAI RMAN ATTEST I WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK Thes. minutes approved by the BCC on Tuesday, June 4, 1985 as presented x or as corrected Page 62 Œ1 t:ZJ ~ -- .-_..,~-_. -- _... "